The Severity of Bus Rollover Accidents

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Mátyás Matolcsy
Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper Number: 07 0989

ABSTRACT the UN-ECE regulatory work. The existing ECE

regulation R.66 – which describes a required
The most dangerous bus accident is the rollover. An strength of the superstructure in a specified rollover
accident statistics - collected by the author contain- test – relates only to large, single deck buses, e.g.
ing more then 300 accidents - shows that the aver- the small buses, double deck coaches are excluded
age casualty rate is 25 casualties/accident. There are from its scope. To define the required protection
four major injury mechanisms in a rollover which level for all bus categories, to specify the same
may endanger the occupants: intrusion, projection, (similar, equivalent) safety for all kind of bus occu-
total and partial ejection. Different ways of protec- pants, at least the following questions should be
tion may be used to avoid these kinds of injuries, analysed and answered:
which are shown in the paper. The severity of a a) In which kind of rollover accidents (group of
rollover accident may be specified on two different accidents) shall be the bus occupants pro-
ways: one is based on the number of casualties (this tected? The protection generally means to pro-
is mainly used by the public opinion) and the other vide high level probability of survival and to
one evaluates the circumstances of the rollover reduce the casualty risk.
(turn on side is less severe than roll down into a b) What are the general requirements to protect
precipice) The severity is a basic parameter when bus occupants, to provide the required safety
specifying the protectable rollover accidents (PRA) level?
in which the occupants may be and shall be pro- c) How to specify the requirements of the ap-
tected. This severity limit may be defined on the proval (approval test) for all bus categories?
basis of the accident statistics mentioned above and Every bus rollover accident is unique, different
on the basis of in depth analysis of real world roll- from the others. But there are certain regularities
over accidents and different rollover tests. These which can help to answer on the questions above.
methods are used and discussed in this paper. All Theoretically there are two essentially different
bus passengers using different bus categories (tradi- rollover processes for buses:
tional buses, high decker tourist coaches, double • The bus is rotating around an axis being per-
deckers, and small buses) shall have the same pendicular to the vertical longitudinal central
safety level which shall be guarantied by interna- plane of the bus. This can happen, if the road
tional regulation. This paper is a contribution to the has a sharp curve close to a precipice. One ac-
international effort specifying a general regulation cident is known belonging to this type of roll-
about the safety of buses in rollover accidents. over, happened in Rome, 2005. Only 1-2% of
the rollover accidents belong to this type of
• The bus is rotating around a longitudinal axis
In case of buses the rollover is a rather rare accident being parallel with the main longitudinal axis
type. In Hungary, during a 5 years period (1978- of the bus. This is the general way of rollover,
1982) among 1803 bus accidents (as a total) 22 the so called lateral rollover, at least 98% of
rollovers have been reported [1] this means 1,2%. the rollover accidents belong to this group. The
In this statistics the small buses were not consid- safety requirements and the approval tests of
ered. Some other statistics are compared to this fig- ECE Reg.66 are based on this type of rollover
ure [2] and the rate of rollover in bus accidents was as it is shown on Fig.1.
found in the range of 1-8%. The casualty rate (num- This paper – similarly to the international regula-
ber of casualties per accident) in rollover accident is tory work – deals only with the second type of roll-
around 25 and in frontal collision – which is the over. To reduce the number and severity of casual-
second most dangerous bus accident type – this fig- ties, the following main injury mechanisms shall be
ure is around 17. The difference is even stronger, considered:
when comparing the fatality and serious injury rate • Intrusion. Due to large scale structural defor-
together: this figure is at least 15 or more, (see Ta- mations and the loss of the residual space,
ble 5) for rollover and 9 in case of frontal collision. structural elements intrude the body of the oc-
Since the mid of ’70-s the protection of the passen- cupants or crash them.
gers in bus rollover accidents is a strong effort in

Matolcsy 1.
• Projection. Due to the uncontrolled movement d) Serious rollover. More than 2 rotations. The
of the occupants inside the bus, their body im- level difference between the road and the
pacts the structural parts of the passenger com- ground, where the bus finally stops is more
partment. than 10 m.
• Complete ejection. During the rollover proc- e) Combined rollover. The rollover is followed
ess the occupants could be ejected through the by a fire, or before the rollover a severe frontal
broken or fallen windows and crushed by the collision occurred, or after the rollover the bus
rolling bus. falls into a river or lake, etc.
• Partial ejection. During the rollover process Sometimes category “b” (turn into a ditch) is listed
parts of the passenger’s body come contact either in category “a”, or category “c”.
with outside surface and can be strongly Categories “a”, “b” and “c” may belong to the pro-
scratched or parts of the body (head, arms, tectable rollover accidents (PRA) and it is a realistic
chest) get under window column or waist rail public demand to assure high level survival prob-
and are pressed by it. ability for the bus occupants in these kinds of roll-
over. One of the most important requirements is
that in PRA-s the bus superstructure shall have cer-
tain strength to avoid its collapse or large scale de-
formation, to avoid the intrusion type casualties. It
has to be mentioned that the 2 rotations and the 10
m level difference in category “c” are not theoreti-
cal, but practical figures. There were more real ac-
cidents (as well as full scale rollover tests) validat-
ing these figures. It is important to emphasize that
the approval test specified in R.66 can assure an
appropriate strength for the superstructure to sur-
vive this type of rollover.


Based on the Hungarian media reports (TV and ra-

dio new, newspapers, journals, internet, etc.) the
collection of information started in 2000 and the
results of this work were published many times.

Table 1.
Summary of rollover statistics

Number of accidents 338

Number of countries involved(1) 65
Total number of
- fatalities 4054
- serious injuries 1029
- light injuries 977
Figure 1. Lateral rollover test - injuries without classification 2594
- reported “many injuries” 21 times
CATEGORIZATION OF ROLLOVER ACCI- Type of rollover (severity)
- turned on side 64
DENTS - rollover from the road 127
- serious rollover 74
To specify those rollovers (rollover groups) in - combined accident 73
which the passengers shall be protected, the first Category of the bus rolled over
- C I. (city, suburban) 7
step is to define characteristics groups of rollovers. - C II (intercity, local, 34
The following categories may be used: - C III (tourist long-distance) 130
a) Turn on side ¼ rotation. The bus generally - Double decker 16
slips a certain distance on its side and finally - Small bus (2) 67
- School bus(3) 9
stops. Level difference is practically 0 - Other (worker, pilgrim, etc.) 8
b) Turn into a ditch. The rotation is between ¼ - unknown 67
and ½ .The depth of the ditch is not more than Deformation of superstructure
1,5 m, but it can stop the further rotation - serious deformation(4) 61
- slight deformation(5) 82
c) Rollover from the road. More than ½ rota- - no information 195
tion, but not more than 2. The level difference
between the road and the ground, where the
bus finally stops is not more than 10 m.

Matolcsy 2.
Footnotes to Table I. Remarks to Table 3.
(1) countries may be involved as manufacturer, ap- • This statistics is projected by the Hungarian
proval authority, operator or the scene of the acci- media. It means that the Hungarian figures are
dent. almost complete (90-95%), so it may be said
(2) in the media reports this category is called: minibus, mi- that it is a representative sample from Hungary.
crobus, small bus, midi bus, club bus, ambulance bus,
• Assuming a proportional figure in Europe,
etc. without exact specification
(3) in many cases children, students were transported by based on the fleet sizes of buses (18.000 in
normal coaches, these accidents are counted as coach Hungary and 500-550 thousand in Europe) the
accidents. estimated number of the rollover accidents in
(4) serious deformation means the damage of the survival
Europe could be in the range of 380-480 roll-
space, (the collapse of the superstructure obviously be-
longs to this category). overs/year. If so, the European figures in this
(5) slight deformation means that the survival space very statistics cover only 2-4% of the total, which is
likely is not damaged in the rollover accident. not representative sample. It may be said that it
is a useful, usable signal from Europe.
The last presentation shown and analysed on the • The rollovers outside Europe may be used as
last EAEC Congress in Belgrade (2005) was based individual information, but they can be in-
on 222 rollover accident happened worldwide re- volved into the statistical evaluation of certain
ported by the Hungarian media [3]. Meantime this questions, special aspects.
statistics has been increased, the new version con- Table 4. summarizes the number and the rate of
tains already 338 accidents. Table 1. gives a sum- PRA-s in this statistics.
mary of this statistics analysing the 338 accidents
from different point of views. Table 4.
The rate of PRA-s in the regions.
Table 2.
Rollovers in three major regions. Regions All rollover PRA
Regions Before 2001- 2004- Total accidents number %
2001 2003 2006(3) Hungary 94 88 94%
Europe(1) 91 58 64%
Hungary 10 39 45 94 World(2)
Europe(1) 30 29 32 91 153 45 29%
World(2) 18 59 76 153 Total 338 191 57%
(1) without Hungary
Total 58 127 153 338 (2) without Europe
(1) without Hungary
(2) without Europe Remarks to Table 4:
(3) only the first 9 months in this year
• In Hungary the 94% of the rollover accidents
Table 2 shows the distribution of these accidents belong to PRA (No big mountains, precipices,
among three interesting regions. all rollover accidents are reported even if there
It is interesting to mention that the rates of the acci- was no fatality, no serious injury, etc.) As it
dent types (their severity) in this statistics strongly was said before, this statistics is representative,
depend on the region of the accident. An example: a related to Hungary
“turn on side” of a minibus without fatalities is re- • Related to Europe, this rate is 64% but it is ob-
ported by the Hungarian media only if it happened vious that the Hungarian media do not report
in Hungary, but it is not news if it happened in Bra- the less severe rollover accidents from Europe.
silia or China. This is proved by Table 3. The con- • Considering countries having more and bigger
clusion of this effect is that the more severe rollover mountains, too, the estimated rate of PRA-s is
accidents are over-represented in this accident sta- between these two values, probable closer to
tistics considering the whole world. the Hungarian one. It seems to be a reasonable
estimation that 80-85% - as an European aver-
Table 3. age – of the rollover accidents belong to PRA.
The rates of accident types in the regions • In other words, if we can provide high level
probability of survival and reduce the casualty
Regions Turn Rollover Serious Comb. risk in PRA-s, the passenger protection will be
ed on from the roll- roll- total
side road over over significantly increased in rollover accidents of
Hungary 45 43 0 6 94 buses.
48% 46% 0% 6% 100%
Europe(1) 18 40 13 20 91 THE ROLLOVER PROCESS
20% 44% 14% 22% 100%
World(2) 2 43 59 49 153
1% 28% 39% 32% 100% It is important to see clearly the rollover process,
Total 65 126 72 75 338 the factors influencing this process and to under-
19% 37% 21% 23% 100% stand the problem of severity in case of rollover.
(1) without Hungary (2) without Europe

Matolcsy 3.
friction coefficient bigger turning moment. The
Start of the rollover friction coefficient, more exactly the reaction force
(FR) could be increased by certain circumstances
The start of the rollover process mechanically is (see Figure 3.)
simply and more or less similar in all accidents. A
turning moment (M) starts the process (see Fig.2.)
which may be generated on two ways:

Metalled wayside kerb stone on wayside soft soil wayside

Figure 3. Increasing of the reaction (friction)


The simplest rollover is the “turn on side”, with ¼

rotation. This is the end of the first part of the roll-
over process. This happens on a horizontal (or
closely horizontal) ground, see Fig.4. The bus slips
on its side, the reaction (friction) force (FR) is act-
ing on the sidewall. The possible axis of the further
rotation Ar is at the cantrail. No further rotation, if
the kinetic energy of the bus can not elevate the CG
into the unstable position (∆h). The sliding will be
Figure 2. Turning moment and other parame- stopped by the friction (energy consumption), fi-
ters. nally the bus will be laying on its side.

a) If the one side wheels of the bus run into the

air, no vertical supporting forces on these
wheels, the turning moment M is:
M = mg (1)
b) If lateral mass force (FL) – due to a sharp curve
or lateral slipping on icy road – is acting in the
CG of the bus, lateral friction forces as reacting
forces (FR) are acting on the wheels. The rota-
tions starts around the axis running trough the
wheel foot points, if the turning moment is big Figure 4. Turn on side.
The further motion in rollover
w w
M =mg µ 〉 mg − hFL (2) Studying the further motion of the bus – after turn
2 2 on side – two essentially different processes may be
and the kinetic energy of the bus is enough to • Energy consuming process, when the kinetic
elevate the CG into the unstable position: energy of the bus is decreasing by the energy
absorption of the friction work, by the defor-
mation work (structural and/or local) and by
E kin 〉 mg∆h (3) the elevation of the CG, etc. This process leads
to stopping the further rotation of the bus.
In these equations • Energy generating process, when the kinetic
m is the total mass of the bus energy of the bus is increasing by the drop of
µ is the friction coefficient the CG (e.g. sliding or rolling down on a
g is the gravitational constant slope) If the energy generated by the drop of
w is the extended track (see Figure 2.) the CG (∆Eg) is bigger than the energy ab-
sorbed by the friction and deformations (∆Ea):
If there is no friction (µ = 0) there is no turning
moment, no rollover, only slipping away. Bigger ∆E g 〉 ∆E a (4)

Matolcsy 4.
the motion of the bus (sliding or rotation) will When studying the further motion of the bus in a
continue. rollover accident, it has to be recognized that the
The further motion of the bus depends on the sur- surroundings and structural stiffness have common
roundings ( general geometry of the scene of the effects, too. [3]
accident, soil properties, locality of the ground,
etc.) and on the properties of the bus (shape, CG
position, stiffness of the superstructure, etc.) Let us
consider the two essential influences.

General geometry of the scene

To understand the effect of the general feature of
the scene of the rollover, let us presume the same
starting position: the bus already turned on its side
and is sliding on its side crosswise. Figure 5. shows
examples about the possible general geometry of Figure 6. Stiffness of the superstructure
the surroundings. Different surroundings, different
further motion of the bus, different severity in the SEVERITY OF ROLLOVER ACCIDENTS
rollover process.
It is interesting and important to specify the severity
of bus rollover accidents, at least to specify a “di-
viding line” between the severe and not severe ac-
cidents. It is obvious that the regulatory work
should concentrate on the not severe accidents, in
which the passengers should be protected, the
safety level should be enhanced. There are two dif-
ferent approaches in the common practice when
talking about the severity of bus rollovers:
a) Based on the number and severity of casualties.
More casualties, more severe accident. The
material losses are also considered. The real
rollover process does not play role in this ap-
proach. A turned into a ditch accident – if the
roof collapses and there are many fatalities – is
called a severe one in this case.
b) Based on the rollover process. In chapter 3, the
list of the different rollover accidents repre-
sents an order of the severity, the PRA-s are
Figure 5. Examples for the general geometry of not severe accidents, but the combined and se-
the surroundings. rious rollovers are severe. This approach does
not count the casualties, if an empty bus rolls
Explanation to Figure 5. down on a slope having 20 m level difference
4.1. horizontal ground with different surface and no casualty (because it was empty), the ac-
4.2. ditch with different shape cident is a severe one.
4.4. wall like object wayside These two approaches sometimes are mixed, and
4.5 slight slope with different length sometimes both approaches specifies an accident as
4.7. step like level difference a severe one, or both of them as a non severe one.
4.8. level difference with water, down From the view point of the regulatory work the sec-
4.9. precipice with different depth ond approach is more useful, because well defined
technical requirements may be derived on the basis
Stiffness of the superstructure. of this approach. As it was said earlier, the PRA-s
There are two major aspects. The first is the general specify those group of the rollovers in which the
stiffness (or strength) of the superstructure having bus occupants shall be protected, so the dividing
two alternatives: the superstructure is strong live is between PRA-s and the severe rollover acci-
enough, no considerable deformation in the stan- dents (serious and combined rollovers)
dard rollover described in the regulation ECE-R.66, It is difficult to check, whether the recently used
or the superstructure is weak, large scale structural approval test is adequate to separate the strong su-
deformation or collapse occurs (see Fig.6/a) The perstructure from the weak one, to meet the demand
other one is the local stiffness of the cantrail (out- of the public, to assure the required safety for the
side corner between the roof and sidewall) which passengers at least in the PRA-s. A slow feedback
may influence the further rotation (see Fig.6/b.) can be found from this accident statistics, even if

Matolcsy 5.
this statistics does not give direct information about • On the basis of these statistical data it may be
the efficiency of the approval of buses regarding said that the casualty risk of intrusions can be
ECE-Rg.66. Very few information are available, drastically reduced by the requirement of the
whether the bus having a rollover accident was ap- intact SS, by the required strength of the super-
proved on the basis of R.66 or not. But indirectly an structure.
interesting comparison may be done. As it was de- • It is interesting to mention - on the basis of Ta-
fined above, PRA-s cover those accidents in which ble 5. - that the slight injury rates are not
the passengers should be protected, the survival closely related to the kind of rollover groups. It
space (SS) shall be maintained. It has to be under- may be assumed that this type of injuries are
line that the required strength of the superstructure caused mainly by projection (the inside colli-
helps to avoid the intrusion type injuries, to reduce sion of the passengers) when they are leaving
drastically this type of fatalities, but it is less effec- their seats, seating position during the rollover
tive in the projection and ejection type injuries. process. The main tool to reduce this kind of
Among the 388 rollover accidents there are 191 injuries could be the use of seat belts. (It has to
PRA-s and among these accidents there are 142 in be emphasized that the seat belt can reduce the
which we have information about the behaviour of number of fatalities and serious injuries, too,
the superstructure: 82 accidents did not cause dam- and also the ejection of the passengers.)
age in the SS and in 60 accidents the SS was When starting to work with R.66 (in the mid of
harmed, including the total collapse, too. An inter- ‘70s) one of the most important and long discussed
esting comparison is shown in Table 5., in which question was to find on appropriate standard ap-
the casualty rates (casualty per accident, CR) are proval rollover test. At that time there was no clear
given for four kinds of rollover accident groups: idea about the PRA-s, but there was a demand for a
– All the 388 accidents giving a very general aver- “good” approval test which separates the strong su-
age perstructures from the weak ones. Figure 7. shows
– PRA-s in which the passengers should be pro- three kind of rollover tests used in Hungary.
– PRA-s in which the SS remained intact (studying
the pictures, photos, videos available)
– PRA-s in which the SS damaged, the superstruc-
ture collapsed.

Table 5.
Casualty rates in rollover accidents

Considered Number Casualty rates (CRi)

rollovers of events CRFa CRSi CRLi CRNs CRAC
All rollovers 338 12,0 3,0 2,9 7,7 25,6
PRA-s 191 5,5 2,6 3,7 6,3 18,1
SS intact 82 0,9 1,9 4,3 3,6 10,7
SS damaged 60 13,4 6,7 4,2 10,2 34,5 Figure 7. Different rollover tests, used and pro-
posed by Hungary
In Table 5.
CRFa = fatality rate This test series gave a good possibility to compare
CRSi = serious injury rate their results because the same bus types were used,
CRLi = slight injury rate
altogether 8 full scale real rollover tests were car-
CRNc = rate of not specified injuries
CRAc = all casualty rate ried out [4] The most severe test is – producing the
most severe dynamic impact load on the cantrail –
Remarks to Table 5: the version “c”, which, at first glance seems to be
• Dealing with the casualty data in this statistics the less severe one. Test “b” separated also the
we have to be careful. The fatalities are accept- weak superstructure (see Figure 8.) from the strong
able statistically (as reported from the scene) one. Figure 9 shows the same test with the same
and also the total number of the injuries, but bus type in which two reinforcing safety rings were
their real severity is questionable. The number installed and the survival space remained intact dur-
of the serious injury is strongly underestimated. ing the test, the superstructure did not collapse. But
• The fatality rates clearly show the essential im- the comparison with the test “c” – using the same
portance of the SS. If the survival space is weak and reinforced buses – showed that the rein-
damaged, the fatality rate is higher with one forced bus needed some further reinforcement at
order (15 times) compared to the unharmed SS. the rear part of the superstructure ( see Figure 10.)
The rates of the serious injuries show also a
significant difference (3,5 times higher)

Matolcsy 6.
week superstructure

Figure 8. Rollover test with weak super-


reinforced superstructure
Figure 10. Comparison with test “c”

Many real rollover accidents proved the effective-

ness of the recent approval rollover test described in
R.66. which is the same as the version “c” on Fig-
ure 7. Some examples are shown on the next figures
Figure 11. shows the result of a rollover accident,
which happened on a slope very similar to the ver-
sion “b” on Figure 7. after 1,5 rotation. The level
difference was around 6 m, the superstructure was
“original”, that means without reinforcement. After
Figure 9. Rollover test with reinforced su- two steps reinforcement (and approval according to
perstructure R.66) this reinforced bus had a rollover accident on

Matolcsy 7.
a slope given in Figure 12. The level difference was shown on Figure 15. After 3 ¼ rotations – the level
around 9-10 m, the number of rotation 2 ¼ and after difference was 17-18 m – the survival space re-
this accident no significant deformation could be mained intact, the intrusions were avoided. Nine
observed on the superstructure. [5] (see Figure 13.) dummies were used in this test, 7 of them had 3pts
safety belt, 2 of them were without belt. The belted
dummies remained in their seats, (no projection
type injury) but the two unbelted dummies flew in
the passenger compartment and had untraceable
motion. According to our definition, this rollover
accident is out of the PRA group (more than 2 rota-
tions, more than 10 m level difference) it belongs to
the severe rollovers. But having the required
strength of superstructure and wearing seat belt, the
survival probability of the occupants is strongly in-
creased even in severe rollover accidents, too.

Figure 11. Result of real rollover accident (Su-

perstructure not reinforced)


Figure 14. Rollover accident of an approved bus


Figure 12. The scene of the rollover accident

Figure 13. After rollover no significant deforma-


Another bus type – also approved according to R.66

– may be seen on Figure 14. after a rollover acci-
dent slope, number of rotation ¾, the level differ-
ence is around 5-6 m. An interesting test was pub-
lished by Volvo [6] With an approved bus, having
the required strength of superstructure a rather se-
vere rollover test was carried out on the slope Figure 15. VOLVO’s rollover test

Matolcsy 8.
TWO EXAMPLES driver did not recognize the situation, it was gloom,
night.) After uncontrolled manoeuvre the bus
Thinking about the severity of rollover accidents, it turned on its side, slipped away on the double-way
could be interesting to study in details the following roundabout 20-25 m and hit the other side of a ditch
two accidents. next to the roundabout. (see Figure18.) The roof
structure completely collapsed as it may be seen on
Figure19. The result: 20 fatalities, 17 serious inju-
ries and 14 slight injuries. [7] The tip over (turned
on side) is the less severe rollover based on the 2nd
approach. But the first approach says, it is a very
severe accident. But if the superstructure should
have had the required strength, both approaches
could say that this is not a severe accident. The
public opinion says: it is unacceptable that in a
similar accident (tip over) the casualty rates are so
high. And that is the goal of the international regu-
latory work: to increase the safety, to avoid this
Figure 16. The path of the rollover kind of results in PRA-s.
Switzerland, Grand St.Bernard Pass, 17.04.2005

HD tourist coach, 27 occupants on board rolled

down from a mountain road The result: 12 fatali-
ties, 15 serious injuries, 4 of them were in life dan-
ger. The path of the rollover process is shown on
Figure16. Next to the road there was a 60-70 m
long slight slope on which the bus had 6-7 rota-
tions. After that a steeper section came, finally a 20
m deep rocky precipice completed the path of the
bus. The final position and the completely collapsed
roof can be seen on Figure17. Asking the question:
was it a severe accident? – both approaches give
positive answer, yes it was. But a detailed study
Figure 18. The ditch, in which the bus landed
proved [3] that if the bus should have had a strong
superstructure which did not collapse at the first
impact, the bus could slip away on the slight slope
and stop before the steeper section. Of course cer-
tain injuries could happen in this case, too, but per-
haps both approaches could say: no, it was not a
severe accident.

Figure 19. The collapsed roof structure


• The protectable rollover accidents (PRA) in

which the bus occupants shall be protected may
be and shall be defined.
Figure 17. Final position of the collapsed bus • Every individual rollover accident is strongly
influenced by the surroundings, the general ge-
Hungary, Balatonszentgyörgy, 10.07.2002 ometry of the scene, but the process is similar
for all bus categories.
The HD tourist coach, 51 occupants on board, run
into a roundabout with relatively high speed (The

Matolcsy 9.
• The severity of the rollover should be defined
on the rollover process itself and not on the
measure (number) of the casualty figures.
• The survival space concept and the belonging
existing requirements are very effective. Statis-
tical data prove that the all casualty rate is 3 - 4
times lower, the fatality rate is lower with one
order (10 times) when the survival space re-
mains intact in a PRA.
• There are four important injury mechanisms
which should be considered enhancing the pas-
senger safety in rollover. The most dangerous
one is the intrusion, when due to the large scale
structural deformation structural parts intrude
into the passenger, or compress them (lack of
the strength of superstructure)


[1] Matolcsy, M. Crashworthiness of bus structures

and rollover protection. Crashworthiness of Trans-
portation Systems (1997) Kluwer Academic Pub-
lisher. Edited by J.A. Ambrósió at al. p. 321-360

[2] Matolcsy, M. Lessons learned from the frontal

collision tests of buses. FISITA Congress, Barce-
lona, 2004 Paper No. 2004 V 286

[3] Matolcsy, M. In depth analysis of a severe roll-

over accident. (Was it really a severe one?) 11.
EAEC Congress, Budapest, 2007 Proc. on CD p.11.

[4] Matolcsy, M. Standard accident as the basis of

vehicle approval test. Proc. of 8th EAEC Congress,
2001, Bratislava, Section B01 (Safety) p.9.

[5] Matolcsy, M. Rollover accident with ejection

of occupants. Informal working document of
GRSG, No. GRSG-91-7. Website:

[6] Presson, H.- Forslund, B. Rollover protection

of buses and coaches – Volvo’s experience. Proc. of
XXX. Meeting of Bus and Coach Experts. Győr
(Hungary) 1999. GTE
[7] Matolcsy, M. A grave bus rollover accident
and its lessons. Proc. of IAT’03 Conference on In-
novative automotive Technology (2003) Koper,
Slovenia, p. 525-533

Matolcsy 10.

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