Savage Pathfinder - Hollow's Last Hope (SWADE) (v1) (2021)
Savage Pathfinder - Hollow's Last Hope (SWADE) (v1) (2021)
Savage Pathfinder - Hollow's Last Hope (SWADE) (v1) (2021)
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DESIGN: Jason Bulmahn, F. Wesley Schneider
DEVELOPMENT AND EDITING: Jason Bulmahn, Mike McArtor, Jeremy Walker
COVER ARTIST: UDON with Joe Ng and Espen Grundetjern
INTERIOR ARTIST: UDON with Joe Ng and Espen Grundetjern, Vincent Dutrait
CARTOGRAPHER: Christopher West, Robert Lazzaretti
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Adventure Summary Perched at the edge of civilized lands, the small
town of Falcon’s Hollow has always had to rely
Charged by Laurel the herbalist to cure the on itself to solve its problems. Meanwhile, the
afflicted town, the characters venture into uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common
Darkmoon Vale to secure the ingredients folk for every last copper, deaf to their pleas.
required to cure Falcon’s Hollow of the Now the hacking coughs of the sick are heard
blackscour taint. Along their path, the heroes throughout town. The plague has come to
encounter numerous forest denizens, hints of Falcon’s Hollow and the town’s leaders don’t
growing dangers within the woodlands, and know how to stop it.
the ruins of a dilapidated dwarven holding—
now the wild domain of a cunning and
ferocious beast. The Town of Falcon’s Hollow
A rough community wholly owned by the
local Lumber Consortium, Falcon’s Hollow
Starting the Adventure rests on the edge of Darkmoon Vale. The
Any number of events might draw the heroes town is a blunt, sawdust-choked stop on a
to the small trade town of Falcon’s Hollow. winding trade route.
Merchant caravans regularly travel here from Home to fewer than 1,500 humans and
points abroad, trading for the rare darkwood a smattering of other races, most of the
that grows so abundantly in Darkmoon Vale. townsfolk care only for the paltry coins
With the caravans come exotic individuals as paid for their backbreaking work — and
guards or paying travelers. what simple comforts they can buy. A few
For a quick start, the GM can decide the understand that what’s bad for one is bad
heroes are new members of the Pathfinder for all, and so the community thrives on a
Society, either on their first mission after tenacious mix of greed, debauchery, and
completing training or performing their stubborn self-reliance.
Confirmation (their final test). In both cases, TOWN TYPE: Lumber Consortium
the adventurers know something about each
NATION: Andoran
other and begin with a common goal.
Characters might also be long-time
residents of Falcon’s Hollow—adventurous TYPE: Isolated town (human 94%, halfling
souls seeking excitement and opportunity 3%, half-elf 1%, elf 1%, other 1%)
beyond the town’s lumber mills and petty AUTHORITIES:
intrigues. Local residents probably know one
• Gavel Thuldrin Kreed: The leader
another as friends or relations, or they might
(Gavel) of the Lumber Consortium.
encounter each other as they’re individually
Kreed is an evil human who cares more
drawn to seek a cure for the town’s affliction
about profit than people.
(likely either in line at Laurel’s Roots and
• Magistrate Vamros Harg: A neutral
Remedies herbalism store).
halfling, Harg is the local Magistrate-Elect.
If the party needs encouragement to • Sheriff Deldrin Baleson: A half-elf
get involved in the plot of the adventure, who usually remains neutral in political
a friend, relative, or possibly one of the affairs; Baleson serves as the Sheriff of
heroes themselves might come down with Darkmoon Vale.
blackscour taint. Both herbalist Laurel and • Boss Payden “Pay Day” Teedum: The
Sheriff Baleson put out calls for assistance, Overboss of the consortium, Teedum puts
which can lead the heroes to learn of Laurel’s profit first but usually treats employees in
more unusual cure. an equal manner.
When you’re ready to begin the adventure, • Lady Cirthana: The local cleric, a Novice
read or paraphrase the following to priestess of Iomedae who hopes to find a
the players. cure for the town’s illness, though she has
no ability to do so on her own.
The affliction two days thereafter, the character makes
Falcon’s Hollow has few clerics, and only Common Knowledge roll or merely inquiring
Lady Cirthana (a Good cleric of Iomedae) with any of the families of the afflicted reveals
shows any competence in stopping the illness. that Laurel is aiding the families of the sick
All of her attempts to cure the sick have failed. as best she can—although her prescriptions
As a result, most of the populace has turned are little more than bed rest and a pungent
to the local herbalist, a tough woman named black urdroot tea. Nearly anyone in town
Laurel (a Good-aligned human), whose can direct the characters to Laurel’s shop, the
income stems as much from her sale of snake unmistakably named Roots and Remedies.
oils and aphrodisiacs as from questionable The line stemming from Laurel’s shop
cure-alls and bitter teas. As quick to suggest makes a useful first-time meeting place for
expensive remedies as she is to remind angry unacquainted heroes.
buyers that she isn’t, in fact, a physician,
Laurel does her best to help those who
come to her in need. Her tight income, need
Roots and Remedies
to survive, and her pride prevent her from Creeping ivy and full window boxes cover the
admitting failure. façade of the rugged-looking, two-story shop
In treating the blackscour taint, as in most bearing the faded sign “Roots and Remedies.”
cases, Laurel has turned for aid to her dead A line of twenty-some somber townsfolk—
grandmother’s tome of recipes, cures, and some with pale, wheezing children, others
knowledge. Although the book contains no precipitously near tears—stretches from the
actual spells, it holds the rooted wisdom of open door.
generations of Laurel’s family, including the Laurel’s shop has been besieged since the
teachings of the Witch of Darkmoon Vale, outbreak of blackscour taint, by the afflicted
Ulizmila, from whom Laurel’s grandmother and their families and hypochondriacs of all
learned in exchange for her sight. stripes. While the herbalist tries to help those
There’s one last treatment from the cultic with legitimate concerns as best she can, she
appendices of the tome— scribed by a hand has no qualms in selling the deluded her most
Laurel doesn’t recognize. The herbalist has expensive balms — she believes providing
yet to try it as she lacks three of the most hope might help in cases where there is none
important ingredients. For now, she would otherwise.
rather do what she can for the sick with what Unless the heroes attempt to bypass the
she knows than chase a fanciful salvation. line — an act that might touch off a small,
How the heroes come to entreat Laurel riot — it takes nearly an hour to reach the
for aid is largely up to the GM. A successful
door of Roots and Remedies. Once inside, every cut and scabbed knee the daft people of
the clutter and disrepair of the shop shows Falcon’s Hollow come crying to her about.
the recent traffic. Laurel visibly overworks Initially dismissive if the characters don’t
herself at the store’s rear, brewing remedies present themselves as customers or capable
for the ill while dealing with customers at the assistants, she eventually comes around. She
same time. tells the newcomers what she knows about
The smell of burnt earth and spicy incense the taint. Even if the heroes seem honestly
chokes the air of the cramped, mud-tracked shop. willing to help, she might not think to mention
Bunches of dried herbs hang from the ceiling, the untried medicine until the characters are
along with dangling pots, presses, alchemical about to walk out the door, calling them back
apparatuses, and glassware of more arcane at the last moment.
purposes. Pouches of rare plants, jars of colored • Laurel: The town herbalist (use the
glass, and all manner of dried, preserved, and Townsfolk profile in Savage Pathfinder).
jellied animal parts fill high shelves and tables
doing double duty as displays and workspaces. Here’s what Laurel knows and the
In the shop’s rear, a rail-thin woman with questions she’s likely to be asked:
severe-looking spectacles and hair pulled back
tightly busies herself between an overpacked What is blackscour?
rack of herbs, a table covered in stray powders “Just a fungus that’s not good for anything.
and measuring equipment, and a pot loudly Hard, bitter, and sharp, it likes the water and
bubbling over with thick gray froth. Over the gets you sick if you drink it. Never heard of it
din of her work and without looking up, the growing around these parts, though, until now.”
woman impatiently shouts, “And what’s
your problem?”
What is blackscour taint?
The heroes are free to converse with Laurel as
they please. She can tell them anything they “It’s a sickness, almost like any other, but you
need to know about the blackscour outbreak. get the mold growing in you. It takes root in
For example, how many people are afflicted, your chest and belly and is damned determined
and—especially—how it’s not her job to treat to stay there. Your body near turns itself inside
out trying to hack the stuff up, but all that does
is cuts your guts up… bad.”
Elderwood moss, which I’ve never heard of, but Mapping the Vale
granny said grows on the oldest tree in a forest.
A specially pickled root called rat’s tail, again, At some point, the adventurers need to
sounds like hoojoo to me. And seven ironbloom determine where in Darkmoon Vale to
mushrooms, stunty little things that only grow search for the ingredients to create Laurel’s
in dark places thick with metal, a favorite among cure. Ulizmila’s hut, the oldest tree in the
dwarves, or so I hear.” vale, and the dwarven ruins are the hero’s
An Elusive Antidote
greatest leads.
Characters familiar with the area can make
Do you know where we could Academics or Occult rolls to know where
find these ingredients? these sites lie.
“Well, for the elderwood moss, there’s gotta be an
oldest tree in the vale. Damned if I know where
it is, though. LOCATION SKILL ROLL
The rat’s tail and mushrooms are even longer Academics: With success, the
shots. Way north, toward the mountains, people hero knows the monastery is
say there used to be a bunch of dwarves. They’re located roughly 15 miles from the
river’s fork, between the Crags
not there anymore, but I’d bet their forges are. If Monastery
and the north side of the vale.
you can find ironbloom anywhere around here, With a raise, she knows the exact
that’d be your best bet. location.
As for the rat’s tail, who knows? Well, actually, Academics or Occult: Success
Ulizmila, the witch that lives deep in the woods reveals the eldest tree is thought
might. She’s a crafty, mean thing that knows all to be roughly 10 miles northwest
Eldest Tree
sorts of strangeness. She might even have some, of the Lumber Consortium,
across the lake. With a raise, he
but I doubt it’d come cheap. My grandmother knows the exact location.
traded her sight to the old crone for a few pages
Occult: The hero knows the
of what she knew and that was years and years crone’s hut is located roughly 20
back. I don’t know a soul who got any nicer as Ulizmila’s
miles north of Falcon’s Hollow.
they got older, do you? Hut
With a raise, she knows the exact
I can’t tell you how to get to those places, but location.
Milon Rhoddam at the Lumber Consortium
Camp might be able to. They know every inch
of those woods” Concluding Part One
Laurel has never set foot beyond the fringes
How much time do we have to of Darkmoon Vale and honestly has no idea
how to get to the locations she mentions.
get the ingredients?
The characters can follow their own
“None! Folks are dying every day! All we can information learned with skill rolls in
do now is treat who we can and hope to save the Mapping the Vale, or they can go to the
gravedigger some work.” Lumber Consortium Camp (page 12) and
ask for help from Milon Roddham as Laurel
Can you pay us for finding these ingredients? suggested. He is the most experienced
woodsman in the camp.
“Pay you!? I’ll pay you in…!
“Well, I suppose I’m not doing all this for free
either. How about this, you come back with
everything I need to brew the medicine and I’ll
cut you thirty gold each. Fair?”
Laurel can be bargained up to 40 gp each
with a successful Persuasion roll (50 gp with
a raise).
The heroes must plot their journey to and Introduce one or more before or between
through Darkmoon Vale, choosing their the lettered encounters in Part Two. Tips for
path as they see fit. Unless a character rolls a when and how to use them are included in
success on one of the skill rolls from Mapping each description. See the GM Notes sidebar
the Vale (page 9), they must make a stop on page 31 for more helpful hints.
at the Lumber Consortium’s main camp to
learn about the vale. Bloodsuckers
The entire journey, from Falcon’s Hollow to Use this encounter during the first day of
the lumber camp to various forest locations travel in or near Darkmoon Vale. Ideally, this
and on to the old dwarven ruins, is just over is the first combat encounter in the Vale.
35 miles in total distance. A group of giant mosquitoes spies the
Assuming the group moves at normal Pace, party and race toward a likely meal. The
the trek likely takes three days, plus any heroes must check for Surprise (see Savage
time spent exploring or days spent resting Pathfinder).
(see Travel in Savage Pathfinder). This time The mosquitoes attempt to sting and drain
increases by another day or so if anyone in blood from the least armored character,
the group has reduced Pace (less than 6). buzzing about him to get their maximum
Crossing the water can shorten travel time, Gang Up bonus. The insects can use
but requires a treacherous long swim or the Desperate Attack (see Savage Pathfinder) to
construction of a raft. increase their chances of hitting a target so
they drain blood and inflict a level of Fatigue.
Darkmoon Vale Encounters The mosquitos fight until defeated or
While the characters explore the vale, the GM they’ve fed at least once. The bloodsuckers
can use a few encounters to set the mood. It’s a aren’t out to Incapacitate the party; they just
potentially dangerous forest, where it’s either want a drink.
Dark or Pitch Dark at night, and always Dim • Giant Mosquito (two per hero): See
during the day (see Illumination in Savage profile below.
Pathfinder). You might also want to call for an
Interlude along the way to give the players a Giant Mosquito
chance to get into character (see Interludes in
Savage Pathfinder). Type: Animal (Neutral)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
These encounters help the GM establish
Strength d4, Vigor d6
how things work in Savage Pathfinder.
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, these woodsmen into play. They can point
Stealth d8 the explorers back to the path with slurred
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4 speech and somewhat questionable expertise.
Edges: — In their current state, the hunters might
Special Abilities: offend the heroes in any conversation, or take
Bloodsucker: Anyone hit by a giant offense themselves.
mosquito takes a level of Fatigue unless
• Woodsmen (3): Use the profile for Soldier
completely covered in armor with a natural
in Savage Pathfinder.
bonus of +3 or more.
Darkvision: The mosquito ignores penalties
for Illumination up to 10” (20 yards). Glowmold
Flight: Pace 12. Use this incident the first time any character
Mindless: Immune to puppet, Intimidation, asks to make a Notice or Survival roll while
and Taunt. traveling in the Vale. Success means they
Darkmoon Vale
Size –1: Size of a human child. catch a glimpse of something glowing, while
a raise means they clearly see glowmold. The
Bad Night’s Sleep GM can also request a Notice roll if finding
Use this encounter on the first night’s camp. the mold helps the characters in their quest.
A moorsnake slips into camp and tries to A rare, glowing mold covers the undersides
constrict a sleeping character. If the group of several large rocks deep in the forest. If
sets a night watch, give the guard a Notice found, a character who succeeds on a Survival
roll. Success means they spy the moorsnake roll can harvest enough of the mold—without
before it can constrict. The creature is looking destroying it — to serve as a light source for
for easy prey, so it slithers off unless the two days, or four days with a raise.
heroes decide to attack.
If the party doesn’t set a watch — or the Kobold Shaman Zombie
guard fails the Notice roll — the snake Introduce this encounter at some point after
grapples the weakest-looking prey (a grapple the mosquitoes. This works best if the heroes
attempt with The Drop). Successful or not, cross paths with Kolmokmurk before the
the sleeper awakes and must make a Fear test. encounter with Grung Knifetongue (see Bait
• Giant Moorsnake: See below. on page 12).
Kolmokmurk is the former shaman of the
Giant Moorsnake kobolds who once laired near the dwarven
monastery. He was exiled after he drank a
Type: Animal (Neutral) deadly potion that animated him as a zombie.
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, He now wanders the forest, thoughtless
Strength d8, Vigor d6 and aimless, attended by Creeper, his rat
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d10, companion (who now lives in the kobold’s
Stealth d8 skull). Kolmokmurk wears a crude wooden
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 sign bearing the word “shaman” in Draconic.
Edges: —
Some giant mosquitoes are attacking
Special Abilities:
the kobold when the party finds him. The
Bite: Str.
bloodless shaman ignores them. The
Constrict: +2 to Athletics and Strength rolls
mosquitoes head toward living prey if the
made to grapple.
group gets near Kolmokmurk.
Woodsmen P Kolmokmurk: See profile on page 12.
Three inexpert and slightly drunk human • Giant Mosquito (one per hero): See page
hunters travel the forest, trapping rabbits and 10.
tracking larger game. • Creeper: Normal rat, doesn’t fight.
If the heroes get lost or need help to find
their next destination, the GM can bring
P Kolmokmurk A. Lumber Consortium Camp
Not far from the edge of the forest-shrouded lake,
Type: Animal (Neutral)
a fox with large ears and bright orange fur lies Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A),
bleeding, its hindquarters caught fully in the Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d10
jaws of a crude iron trap. Skills: Notice d6
Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
Although the fox has obviously been snared
Special Abilities:
by a hunter’s cruel trap, the beast’s cries are
Bite/Claws: This swarm inflicts dozens
part of a ploy meant to lure greater prey. The
of bites or claws every round, hitting
hobgoblin poacher Grung Knifetongue lies in
automatically (unless Shaken) and causing
wait, bow ready, in the nearby tree line. He
2d6 damage to everyone in template at
hopes the fox’s cries attract a Darkmoon wolf,
the end of its turn. Damage is applied to
one of the giant moorsnakes from the lake, or
the least armored location (victims in
other curious and weak passersby.
completely sealed suits, such as full plate
The fox lies on the grassy shore of the lake mail with an enclosed helmet, are immune).
Darkmoon Vale
or river, some four yards from the water and Buffet: The fury of the razorcrow swarm
roughly 20 yards from the forest. Knifetongue makes anyone in the template Distracted.
has set up his hiding spot 10” (20 yards) to Split: The swarm splits into two Small Blast
the northeast of his trap, just within the trees. Template swarms when Wounded. One
Wound destroys a Small swarm.
P Grung Knifetongue: See profile below.
Swarm: +2 to recover from being Shaken,
• Razorcrow Swarm: See profile below.
Parry +2. Swarms are composed of many
small creatures, so cutting and piercing
P Grung Knifetongue weapons do no real damage. Area effect
This hobgoblin poacher is somewhat of a weapons work normally, and a character
loner, although he has raised a horde of can stomp to inflict his damage in Strength
fiercely loyal razorcrows. each round. The swarm may be foiled by
total immersion in water.
Type: Humanoid (Evil)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Tactics
Strength d6, Vigor d8 Grung hides in a tree about 10 feet up, and
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, roughly 20 yards away from the tree line. If
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, he perceives a weak group, he shoots anyone
Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 who looks like a healer then commands his
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (2) razorcrow swarm to attack.
Hindrances: Ruthless (Minor)
If Grung decides the party is a threat, he
Edges: Dead Shot, Marksman, Trademark
stays out of sight unless they show any
Weapon (Bow)
intent to spoil his trap — or if they spot him.
Gear: Hand axe (Str+d6), bow (Range 12/24/48,
In either case, the poacher calls out to start a
Damage 2d6), 18 arrows, hide armor (+2),
conversation, asking the strangers to leave his
small pouch (2 gp, 7sp) tucked away under
bait alone. If they agree —and ask for help —
his armor.
he can direct them to the Forest Elder.
Special Abilities:
Darkvision: Hobgoblins ignore penalties Grung uses a bow instead of javelins. He
for Illumination up to 10”. fires every round from his covered position
(–2 Cover penalty) while the swarm attacks.
Languages: Common, Goblin.
If Grung is Wounded, or if the heroes move
towards him aggressively, he leaps from his
Razorcrow Swarm perch and attempts to flee.
These black feathered birds of prey are
common to the Vale. Grung’s swarm takes
up a Medium Blast Template. The razorcrows Aftermath
aren’t intelligent enough to do anything but Adventurers can free the fox from the trap
move and bite or claw and shouldn’t take with a success on a Strength roll. The pitiful
Multi-Actions, make Tests, etc. animal puts up no resistance.
The fox is a Darkmoon firefoot, a species the Eagle of the First Way, himself. The
of fennec unique to this region (see Forest druids who once guarded the forest claimed
Fauna sidebar on page 6). The firefoot is this darkwood was the root from which all
badly injured, its hindquarters slashed by the Darkmoon grew.
hobgoblin’s trap. If left alone, it dies. The clearing is roughly ovular, 30” (60
The party can nurse the fennec back to yards) from north to south and 20” across (40
health with a successful Healing roll and a yards) from west to east. The elder darkwood
week of care (or three days with a raise). The has a trunk 5” (10 yards) in diameter, with
healing power cures the creature immediately. low, easy to climb branches extending from
If the character desires, the fox remains with the trunk in every direction.
him after it recovers. Despite its serene nature, the glade is not
without danger. A stealthy tatzylwrym lurks
C. The Forest Elder in the elder tree, waiting to ambush anyone
who approaches.
The dense trees and thick brush of the forest give Whether during combat with the wyrm, or
way, seemingly parting in respect for the titanic afterwards, a character who succeeds at an
darkwood tree that dominates the clearing. Athletics roll can climb to the lower branches.
Several times taller than a temple minaret, in Anyone who climbs to the lower branches of
one direction the obviously ancient tree reaches the tree may make a Notice roll to spy three
into the sky with branches like a giant’s arms, bodies hanging in the limbs (see Aftermath
while in the other it plumbs the earth with roots on page 15).
thicker than a man’s waist. Its limbs are broad
A persistent climber could eventually scale
and strong, its bark thick and so richly colored
the tree’s nearly 100-yard height, gaining
as to almost be black, and its leaves the size of
a commanding view of the entire forest.
bucklers, the giant thing is less a tree and more
One additional Athletics roll is required to
a cathedral of boughs and branches.
reach the top.
This elder darkwood tree is the most ancient
of its kind in Darkmoon Vale. Some say the P Tatzlwyrm: See profile on page 15.
sapling was carried from the Hissing Jungle
and planted here in the distant past by Deirzir,
P Tatzlwyrm Tactics
When the heroes enter the glade, the
Type: Dragon (Neutral)
tatzlwyrm hides amid the tree’s leaves and
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
branches near its trunk. It gets Surprise.
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Intimida- When the Pathfinders get near the tree
tion d6, Notice d6, Stealth d10, Survival d6 trunk, the wyrm attacks with its Pounce
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (2) ability, trying to Entangle a victim and
Edges: Alertness, Dodge, Extraction (Imp) use its poisonous breath. It tries to carry
Special Abilities: an Incapacitated victim up into the tree
Armor +2: Scaly skin. afterwards, using Extraction to withdraw
Bite/Claw: Str+d8, AP 2. without being attacked.
Grappling: When a tatzylwyrm hits a
medium size or smaller opponent with a Aftermath
Darkmoon Vale
raise, it automatically Entangles its victim.
Immunity: Paralysis, slumber. A successful Notice roll focusing on the elder
Poisonous Breath: Instead of making a bite darkwood’s trunk reveals a small patch of
or crushing attack against grappled prey, it the elderwood moss Laurel described. Even
breathes a small blast of paralyzing poison the most unskilled hand can collect the
instead. The victim must make a Vigor roll growth easily.
at –2 or be paralyzed for d4+1 rounds. The Those who climb the tree and succeed at a
wyrm then drags the prey into the upper Notice roll find the corpses of three hunters
boughs to be devoured, if left undisturbed! who went missing from Falcon’s Hollow
Pounce: The wyrm pounces on its prey to months ago. The bodies are stripped of
best bring its mass and claws to bear. If a nearly all their flesh, but some of the hunter’s
tatzlwyrm makes a Wild Attack, it adds +4 equipment dangles from their skeletons.
to its damage instead of +2.
Night Vision: The creature ignores all
penalties for Illumination.
The Tatzlwyrm
Kin of dragonkind, tatzylwyrms lurk amid the deepest wilds of the natural world.
Although they lack the qualities of true dragons—most notably wings and destructive
breath weapons — their instinctual cunning and innate ferocity remain. Feral yet
patient hunters, tatzlwyrms spend most of their time lying in wait for prey.
Tatzywyrms possess the same hoarding compulsion as their draconic cousins. They
sometimes accumulate morbid troves of bones, debris, and treasure.
In many regions, these creatures are considered little more than local legends.
Residents of isolated communities often attribute the disappearance of hunters or
travelers to “The tatzlwyrms got ’em.”
They typically live in ancient forests, although more elusive wyrms purportedly
dwell within mountain crags, treacherous shoals, and deep underground. Tatzlwyrms
are oddly attracted to natural places of great age and primeval strength. What
connection these strange dragons might have to these locations remains a mystery.
Historical note: Real world Alpine legends describe the tatzlwyrm (“clawed worm”
in German) as a giant salamander lacking rear legs and sometimes exhibiting a feline
head. Throughout the Middle Ages, people believed in these creatures because of a
proliferation of corroborating descriptions and, later, artistic depictions. Even Marco
Polo described the beast in the account of his travels, Il Milione. Although far less
common than centuries ago, sightings of tatzlwyrms are still reported today.
Searching the bodies reveals these useful Haphazardly hung shelves line the walls,
items: two light crossbows (Range 10/20/40, covered in all manner of clay jugs, clouded
Damage 2d6, AP 2), a quiver of 10 bolts, two bottles, strangely cut rocks, rotted bunches of
short swords (Str+d6), a tunic of hide armor herbs, and a museum of other crude curios
(+2), a masterwork short bow (Range 12/24/48, and remnants of a bone grinder’s artifice.
Damage 2d6, AP 1), a quiver of 7 arrows, and Across from the door, against the far wall,
a signet ring with the image of a flaming stands a high-backed chair made of wicker,
hawk (worth 5 gp). the gigantic curved tusks of some monstrous
beast, and thousands of human teeth. In the
D. The Hag-Haunted Hollow chair sits what looks like a corpse wrapped
in filthy burial linens, its form padded with
The sounds of the forest become suddenly distant pungent herbs and sprouting patches of
as the trees part, opening into a small, almost thick white mold. This ominous shape is
perfectly circular glade. The nearest stands of only a bundle of branches, mud, and linen,
pine, elm, and darkwood—all typically sturdy left by Ulizmila to distract trespassers from
woods—twist away from the clearing as if bent her home’s actual guardian, her pet cauldron.
by some impossibly strong wind, or perhaps in Anyone inspecting the “corpse” up-close can
an attempt to flee despite their paralyzed roots. easily detect the ruse.
At the glade’s center squats an ugly cottage, A rusted iron cauldron, with a mouth nearly
little more than a pile of twigs, shoots, and ivy six feet wide and a depth of at least three feet,
stacked upon mud walls. From the thatched dominates the hut’s single room. It sits near
roof dangle bundles of gnarled roots, old dried the curved wall, alongside the wicker chair
beast carcasses, and knucklebone bangles, all and fake corpse. Its ash-covered surface bears
clattering together like gruesome wind chimes. a relief of capering fiends and leering devils.
A dozen small thatched fetishes—each shaped
like a tiny man, imp, or rearing serpent—stand P Ulizmila’s Cauldron: See below.
propped in the yard, keeping guard before a
rickety plank door.
P Ulizmila’s Cauldron
Years ago this cottage was home to the witch
Type: Construct (Neutral)
Ulizmila, a wise woman, practitioner of the
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8,
old ways, and local boogieman. Some said
Strength d10, Vigor d10
she was a monstrous hag and great, great
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Notice d6
granddaughter of Baba Yaga herself — the
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11 (4)
deathless Witch Queen of the North. Others
Edges: Counterattack, Frenzy
knew her as a harsh but wise sage willing
Special Abilities:
to share her wisdom for strange and often
Armor +4: Magically hardened stone.
morbid prices. Although her works still spoil
Bite: Str+d4.
in this glen, Ulizmila is long since gone.
Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
This clearing spans roughly 40 yards in ignores 1 point of Wound penalties; does
diameter, with a dilapidated, circular, 20’ not breathe or suffer from disease or poison.
wide diameter cottage at its center. Fourteen Darkvision: The cauldron ignores penalties
unnerving but harmless three-foot-tall for Illumination up to 10”.
scarecrow-like effigies are propped-up Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
throughout the glade. Anyone who Swallow Whole: Anyone hit by the
approaches the cottage sees the moldering cauldron’s bite attack must make an
door has rotted off its hinges but still blocks Evasion roll or be Swallowed Whole. At
the way within. Anyone who makes a the end of the creature’s subsequent turns,
Strength roll can easily heft aside the barrier. anyone inside must make a Vigor roll at
There is enough room for one more character -2 or take a Wound. This continues until
to Support whoever makes the Strength roll. they’re freed or perish. If the creature
Inside, the dank cottage reeks of foul odors, is Shaken or Wounded from the inside
while shadows make it difficult to see details. (ignoring its Armor!), everyone inside gets
an immediate Athletics roll to escape. If the
monster is Shaken or Wounded from the Concluding Part Two
outside, the consumed get an Athletics roll The heroes must find the rat’s
at –2 to escape. The cauldron’s contents can tail root and the elderwood
only use small one-handed melee weapons moss to complete Part Two.
(such as daggers). The order in which they do so
The cauldron can hold one creature of doesn’t matter.
Size 1 or 0, two Size –1 creatures, 4 Small, 8
If the party acquired a map
Very Small, or 32 Tiny opponents.
from Milon Rhoddam they
TACTICS might proceed directly to
The Ruined Monastery
Ulizmila’s cauldron appears to be a perfectly
on page 18.
normal vessel until any object within the
cottage is disturbed, at which point it attacks. It’s possible the
Darkmoon Vale
When it does, two major enchantments occur adventurers never
automatically: fear and sloth (Strong) affect visit the lumber camp,
everyone in a Large Blast Template centered especially if they
in the middle of the room. succeeded in rolls for
Mapping the Vale on
The cauldron makes bite attacks, using its
page 9. Likewise,
Edges to get in extra attacks where possible.
they might never
It pursues would-be thieves to the edge of the
encounter Grung
clearing (it can squeeze through the cottage
door). If its opponents flee beyond the glade,
the cauldron returns to the cottage and As long as the party procures both of the
remains inactive until it’s disturbed again. ingredients found in Darkmoon Vale, the
GM can conclude this part of the adventure.
Move on to Part Three or to Concluding the
Aftermath Adventure on page 30, if the heroes already
Due to the volume and disorganization of collected the ironbloom mushrooms from the
the cottage’s contents, it takes 10 minutes dwarven ruins.
and a successful Survival roll to locate
the ingredient needed for Laurel’s cure —
the rat’s tail root. Those who attempt to
search without touching any of the shelves’ Soulspeaker
contents — thus avoiding activating the
crone’s enchantments — can do so, but the According to legend, this grotesque,
search then takes 20 minutes to perform. amulet-like shrunken head contains
the enslaved soul of its former owner.
Besides the rat’s tail, there are several other
Forced to obey whomever carries it,
items of hidden value in the hut.
the soulspeaker repeats a message
A Common Knowledge roll uncovers spoken by its owner (once per day).
statuettes and rare stones worth 30 gp.
The owner must hold the six inch
An Occult roll uncovers a pouch containing diameter head, speak a brief message,
essential salts useful to heroes with Arcane and state the conditions under which
Backgrounds. If the salts are burnt in a the soulspeaker should repeat it. While
campfire, spellcasters who breathe them in it carries a readied message, the eyes
add +2 to their next arcane skill roll (the effect of the stitched head stretch open. Its
fades if not used in the next 24 hours). eyes close as soon as it delivers the
Detect Magic reveals traces of recent message.
magical auras, but the only magic item that Cost: 2,400 gp
remains here is a disgusting shrunken head
known as a soulspeaker (see the Soulspeaker
sidebar below).
Exploring Darkmoon Vale leads to the to depravity and evil long ago. During the
discovery of two of Laurel’s ingredients. fall of their people, these recluses began to
The ruined monastery holds the third worship Droskar, a vile dwarven god of toil.
ingredient: ironbloom mushrooms. These Renaming their enclave Droskar’s Crucible,
small toadstools are a dwarven delicacy. the dwarves toiled until their end, leaving
While no dwarves live in the area today,their behind a ruined monastery. Today, little on
crumbling monastery sits at the foot of the surface shows any evidence of this vile
Droskar’s Crag. Within in are the rescuers’ worship, as the inhabitants kept their true
only hope of retrieving the mushrooms in devotion a secret.
time to save the people of Falcon’s Hollow. This part of the adventure occurs entirely
Unfortunately, predators and worse have on the surface level of the ruined building. In
taken up residence in the ruins. One such Graypelt’s lair (area 16) a rough-hewn set of
beast, a rather old and powerful worg named stairs descends to a basement. The dwarves
Graypelt, rules over a large portion of the had started to excavate a dungeon before
surface ruins. To the worg, the mushrooms their demise, but they never fulfilled their toil
are a delicious treat and an occasional lure for Droskar. The GM can extend the use of the
for other prey. To save the people of Falcon’s monastery for a follow-up adventure beneath
Hollow, the characters must deal with the ruins if she likes. (See Continuing the
Graypelt and his minions. Adventure on page 6).
Unless otherwise noted, none of the
chambers inside the monastery are lit. All 1. Approaching the Ruins
of the rooms have 12-foot-tall ceilings at
a minimum, but since most open up to the Sitting squat at the foot of an imposing
sloped roof above, many reach a height of mountain, a ruined monastery comes into
up to 24 feet. The walls are all stone, with view between ancient gnarled trees. Made
the interior walls being one foot thick and of simple stone blocks, worn smooth with the
the exterior walls measuring at least three passage of time, the stout building is falling
feet thick. Many of the monastery’s strong apart. Sections of the slanted shale roof have
wooden doors are swollen stuck, but few collapsed and portions of the outer wall have
are locked. crumbled. Weeds and wild thorn plants run
rampant across the field leading up to the place,
Monastery History leaving only the slightest indication of a path
that ends at the ruined front doors. Beyond, an
Most of the people of Falcon’s Hollow don’t
overgrown yard sits in shadow.
know the dwarves of this monastery turned
The old path leading up to the ruins ends Wolf
about 60 feet from the monastery. Before
entering the yard, the path passes between Type: Animal (Neutral)
a pair of old stone statues. While one statue Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6,
is little more than rubble, the other remains Strength d6, Vigor d6
relatively intact. The 5-foot tall figure is Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d10,
incredibly worn but anyone giving it more Stealth d8
than a curious glance can discern a dwarf Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
holding aloft a great stone hammer. Moss and Edges: Alertness
creeper vines cover most of its surface. Special Abilities:
Bite: Str+d4.
Removing the vines around the base
Low Light Vision: Wolves ignore penalties
uncovers an old dwarven inscription that
reads “All praise, [this part is defaced].” for Dim and Dark Illumination.
Size −1: The heads of these canines come to
Unfortunately, someone scratched off the
missing name a long time ago so it is no an average human’s waist, and they weigh
longer legible. A successful Academics roll about 60 pounds.
Speed: d10 running die.
places this statue from the time of the last
2. The yard 3. Watchtower
Tall grass and chunks of stone debris have all The door leading into this tower is stuck. It
but overtaken this small yard. Off to one side, requires a successful Strength roll to open (or
a wooden stable has collapsed into a mound of close) it. Atop the 30-foot-tall tower is an open
rotting timbers and moldy straw. The outer trapdoor that leads into the interior.
wall on the east side has also collapsed, leaving Thick webs cover much of the ancient crates
a ragged hole. Three doors exit into the yard— a and barrels stored inside the base of the tower.
pair of double doors to the east, a single door to A rickety wooden staircase ascends along one
the north, and a lone door leading into the squat wall to reach an open trapdoor above.
tower in the southeast corner.
The wooden staircase leading to the roof of
Once used by the dwarves for physical the tower isn’t safe. Any Normal or larger
training, this yard now lies in ruin. Searching creature attempting to climb the stairs must
the tall grass provides a few interesting clues. make an Athletics roll. Failure means the
A well resides in the northwest corner of the character cannot ascend. A Critical Failure
yard, with 10 feet of rope dangling into it. The results in a fall, dealing Bumps & Bruises to
water is about 10 yards down and brackish the unfortunate character.
but potable.
• Giant Spider: See profile below.
Lying next to the well is the skeletal body of
an explorer who came here just one year ago.
An investigator making a successful Healing Giant Spider
or Survival roll concludes that a rather large Type: Vermin (Neutral)
animal killed and devoured the unfortunate Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A),
adventurer. In fact, he fell prey to Graypelt’s Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
hunger while trying to retrieve some water. Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Notice d8,
The ruined stable hides a few ancient Shooting d10, Stealth d10
bones but little else of value. A successful Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 4
Science (nature) or Common Knowledge roll Edges: —
indicates these are the bones of a pony. Special Abilities:
Although the tall grass obscures most trails, Bite: Str+d4.
a character can make a Survival (tracking) Darkvision:
roll to reveal faint signs of creatures entering Mindless: Immune to puppet, Intimidation,
and leaving the main building through the and Taunt.
double doors. With a raise, the character can Poison (−4): Mild.
determine some of these tracks look reptilian Size −1: The spider is the size of a medium
while others are clearly made by four-legged dog.
mammals. The reptilian trail always leads to Wall Walker: The spider moves at full Pace
the main entrance and then out into the wild, on walls and ceilings.
while the mammal tracks leave by either the Webbing: The spider can cast webs from
main entrance or through the hole in the its thorax the size of Small Blast Templates.
eastern wall. This is a Shooting roll with a Range of 6″. A
hit means the victim is Entangled, or Bound
Treasure with a raise (see Bound & Entangled in
Inside a rotting backpack at the base of the Savage Pathfinder).
well, the heroes find the remains of a week’s TACTICS
worth of trail rations, a set of thieves’ tools,
10 yards of silk rope, a small coin purse with The spider hides in its mass of webs, taking
42 gp in assorted coins, and a small blue advantage of Dark Illumination. It tries to get
vial containing a potion of minor healing. the Drop on the first one through the door,
Looters took all of this adventurer’s other taking a Multi-Action to web its foe then bite
gear long ago. with its poison attack.
If in its lair, the spider fights to the death. Academics or Occult roll, the symbol can be
When in the yard, it flees back into the tower identified as one representing Droskar, the
if it becomes Shaken. dwarven god of toil and suffering. (The GM
can give any dwarven hero an automatic
Treasure success to identify the symbol.) The hammer
While the supplies in most of the crates and is worth 21 gp, but to a collector it might be
barrels in this room have long since rotted worth as much as 200 gp.
away, one small crate contains a masterwork
short sword (Str+d6, AP 1) wrapped
in oilcloth.
6. Cloak Room
The door into this small chamber is stuck.
Originally, the dwarves stored the traveling
4. Entry Hall cloaks, coats, and hats of visitors within. Now
Beyond the broken double doors is a small dark only a few moth-eaten rags hang on the pegs
hall. Littered with mounds of debris and a year’s and a single soiled hat rests on the table.
worth of dead leaves, it’s clear that a narrow
path winds inside.
A single ironbloom mushroom hides in the
Trigger: Each character entering the room Tactics
must make a Notice roll. Failure triggers Gurtlekep is a coward. If aware of the heroes,
the trap. The debris from the net above falls he hides under the bed, and if forced to
on anyone inside for 2d6 damage. This can attack, tries to do with Surprise. If clearly
be Evaded. The noise also warns Gurtlekep outmatched, he climbs a rope he has running
(area 8) of the intruders’ presence. through a small hole in the wall and pulls
the rope up after him. The hole leads into the
8. Gurtlekep’s Room hallway, and is five feet above the bed.
Maybe the heroes see him squirming
This small cramped chamber holds two beds through the hole when they enter. Once
(one of which is covered in bird bones), a small he gets through, Gurtlekep runs to
sack, and an array of old tools. The other bed warn Graypelt.
looks recently slept in.
Gurtlekep uses the cramped space to his
This is the home of Gurtlekep, a renegade advantage whenever possible during combat,
kobold scout who has made a home in the preventing others from entering the room
ruins in a shaky alliance with Graypelt. or positioning himself to avoid Gang Up
Gurtlekep sleeps here during the day, while attempts by the heroes. He focuses all of his
the books that still remain on the shelves lining hymns to Torag, the god venerated here
Darkmantles Aftermath
Their names describe them well —
darkmantles look like cloaks with dark With a successful Academics roll, the heroes
granite coloring that blends in with most can identify the anvil as an object devoted to
natural surroundings. Torag. Of particular note is a space atop the
altar containing five small depressions. These
Type: Magical Beast (Neutral) depressions once held five rubies. One of the
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, depressions has signs of recent tool marks,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 as if something has been removed. While
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, most of these stones are long gone, one still
Stealth d10 remains among the other relics in Gurtlekep’s
Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4 (1) room (see area 8 on page 23).
Edges: Quick If the heroes find the ruby and place it in one
Special Abilities: of the depressions, a wave of positive energy
Armor +1: Thick hide.
washes out from the altar. The energy affects
Bite: Str+d6.
everyone in the room; all hear the song of an
Blindsense: Darkmantles ignore invisibility,
unearthly dwarven choir rising up from the
illusion, and all Illumination penalties.
Difficult Ground because of the large chunks
13. Armory
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Intimida-
tion d6, Notice d4, Shooting d6 15. Wolf Den
Pace: 5 (d4); Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 (2)
This small study looks like it has been lived
Edges: —
in recently. Gnawed bones litter the floor and
Gear: Leather aprons (+2).
tufts of gray fur can be seen here and there. An
Special Abilities:
Claws: Str+d4.
old stone desk sits in the center of the chamber,
Fearless: Skeletons are immune to Fear and
scratched and cracked in many places. The
stench of wet fur hangs heavy in the air.
Reduced Pace: Dwarf skeletons reduce This chamber once served as the study of
pace by −1 and decrease running die by one the high priest of Torag, where he wrote his
die type. upcoming sermons and met with foreign
Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from visitors. Today, it is the den of female
being Shaken; no additional damage from wolves, the consorts of Graypelt (see area 16
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound on page 28).
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
disease and poison; ignore penalties for
Illumination up to 10”.
Only one skeleton here doesn’t animate— the
one in the cell farthest from the secret door.
These bones are from a dwarf who remained
pious to Torag during his imprisonment. His
skeleton lies in a peaceful posture on the Ring of Torag
simple straw cot.
This simple golden ring has a large
On one of the dwarf’s fingers rests the Ring red gemstone set into it that sparkles
of Torag, an ancient and unique magic item with an inner fire. The wearer of the
passed down through generations (see the ring gains Environmental Resistance
Ring of Torag sidebar). Somehow, this pious +4 once per day, upon suffering the
dwarf hid the ring on his person before the first fire attack (or other fire effect)
followers of Droskar imprisoned him. that day.
Even more importantly, a pair of This protection renews itself every
ironbloom mushrooms grows inside the morning at dawn. The ring must be
skeleton’s ribcage. worn for 24 consecutive hours to have
any effect. If removed, the required
24 hours restarts when worn again.
Cost: 1,200 gp
Two wolf consorts usually sleep behind the Droskar can deliver us from the failings of
desk during the day, while they and others King Garbold.” The book is worth 50 gp to a
roam the ruins at night. Loud noises awaken scholar interested in dwarven history.
them, so even during the day the wolves
might be alert. If Graypelt has been warned
of intruders, he dispatches these two to find
16. Graypelt’s Chamber
and kill anyone trespassing on his turf. The Gaping holes in the roof allow faint light to enter
pair attack the moment they spot intruders. this ruined chamber. One of the stone columns
• Wolf Consorts (2): See below. that once supported the ceiling is toppled, its
broken pieces littering the floor. A thick patch
of black mushrooms hides in a nearby corner,
Wolf consorts giving the room an earthy scent that is barely
Loyal to Graypelt, these large wolves are noticeable above the stench of wet fur.
elite hunters.
This chamber is the home of Graypelt, the
Type: Animal (Neutral) sinister worg who sees himself as the ruler of
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, the surface ruins. Long before Graypelt came
Strength d6, Vigor d8 to this place, the dwarves used the room for
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d10, storage, along with the basement below.
Stealth d8 When the dwarves turned to Droskar, they
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 were expanding the basement into a dungeon
Edges: Alertness, Formation Fighter where their congregation could worship
Special Abilities: in secret. Since the ironbloom mushrooms
Bite: Str+d4.
are the sole reason the heroes are here, the
Low Light Vision: These wolves ignore
basement below is just a small, ruined
penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination. chamber where the wolves and consorts sleep.
Resilient: Graypelt’s consorts can take one
The GM can extend the storyline further into
Wound before being Incapacitated. the dungeon if she wishes, however (see
Size −1: The heads of these canines come to
Continuing the Adventure on page 6).
an average human’s waist, and they weigh
Graypelt is a cunning foe. He recognizes the
about 60 pounds.
heroes for a serious threat the moment they
Speed: d10 running die.
enter. With his consorts Shaken, Wounded
Tactics or dead, he’s cautious in dealing with the
If the wolves spot the heroes before combat, intruders. Initially, he springs up from
they howl loudly as they charge so as to alert hiding behind the toppled column, landing
Graypelt of the intruders. on the stub and baring his teeth. He makes
an Intimidation roll to demoralize and scare
The wolves single out one opponent and
off the intruders.
attempt to Gang Up on the victim. Both of
the wolves try to retreat to Graypelt’s side if If this fails, Graypelt speaks, demanding
either is Wounded. to know why they have disturbed his rest.
If they decide to parley and they tell him of
Treasure their need, the worg lies to them. He says he’s
The desk is completely empty save for a few willing to let them take the mushrooms if they
scraps of ancient parchment and an old quill. assist him in ridding the monastery of other
One of the drawers has a secret compartment. monsters that threaten his pack. Graypelt
An adventurer can find the compartment with knows of all the creatures in the monastery
a successful Thievery roll. Inside is a hand axe except for the skeletons in area 14. He first
(Str+d6, Accurate), a small pouch containing asks them to slay the darkmantles in the
100 pp, and a prayer book. shrine room. If the adventurers have already
done so, the worg praises them and chooses
The book is written in dwarven and another threat.
describes the worship of Droskar. A small
note on the inside cover reads “Torag is When the heroes return from a task,
no longer worthy of our devotion. Only Greypelt asks them to slay the bat swarm
and then the spider in the tower (or other At the start of combat, the worg howls
creatures that remain). The worg hopes that loudly, summoning more wolves to his
by getting the heroes to fight these other aid. The number and time of arrival is the
monsters he can weaken and defeat them GM’s call — whatever makes this a fun and
when they finally return. challenging encounter.
Regardless of whether the adventurers The GM can have some of Graypelt’s
accept Graypelt’s quest, he has no intention of minions come up the stairs the next round,
allowing them to take his prized mushrooms. or even immediately — because they sleep
He howls to alert nearby wolves and attacks in the room below. Meanwhile others enter
whenever the moment is in his favor. from the hallway (area 11), which probably
means from behind the party. Now the boss
P Graypelt: See below. and his wolves have the heroes surrounded!
• Wolf Consorts (one per hero): See page
Graypelt singles out the weak in combat,
targeting spellcasters first. Graypelt and
• Wolves (one or two per hero): See page
his allies fight to the death to protect their
adopted home.
P Graypelt Treasure
GM Notes
Here are some tips, reminders, and helpful hints for GMs running their first Pathfinder
for Savage Worlds game, especially for those who are new to Savage Worlds.
Ganging Up
Just because the encounter might say “one per hero” doesn’t mean multiple enemies
need to line up and attack one character each. In the Bloodsuckers encounter, for
example, several of the giant mosquitoes can attack one character to start the battle,
possibly getting the Gang Up bonus. Anytime multiple wolves are fighting, make
them focus on attacking one character if possible. Ganging Up enhances the feeling
of danger, emphasizes pack tactics, and makes the heroes work a little harder to
win the day.
Remember to account for Illumination penalties during exploration and combat. Most
of the inhabitants of Darkmoon Vale and the ruined monastery can ignore some or all
penalties for Illumination, while this might not be true for all of the heroes. Humans
need a torch or lantern or powers such as light to mitigate darkness.
Any enemy can take more than one action, with the usual penalties. This is a tactic to
consider in some circumstances, especially when the enemies draw a Joker.
A plague has come to the town
of Falcon’s Hollow, and not even
the town’s priest can abate its
wretched course.
With the coughs of the sick and the
wails of the dying echoing through town,
the local herbalist uncovers a cure, but
she needs some brave heroes to retrieve
the ingredients.
Finding the cure
means risking
the dangerous
Darkmoon Vale,
infiltrating a
witch’s haunted
hut, and delving
the ruins of an
abandoned dwarven
Hollow’s Last Hope is a wilderness
exploration and dungeon adventure for
Novice Rank characters, designed for
play with Pathfinder™ for Savage Worlds.
This adventure includes details on
the haunted forest and deadly ruins
that hide the key ingredients to the
town’s salvation.
Do your heroes have the skill and
courage to find the cure in time?