Concept Paper

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A concept paper enables in putting thoughts and ideas into paper for consideration for research.


is from the concept paper that one develops the research proposal which can either be business or

academic oriented. Most students, and especially the postgraduate students who have a mandatory

requirement of undertaking research, usually goes direct to the research proposal. Some quotas

also have professed the school of thought that a concept paper and research proposal are the same.

As good as they may seem similar, they are different in the process and presentation. The concept

paper aim is to capture the thoughts and ideas while the research proposal captures the ideas in a

structured manner for approval to research. Therefore, in order to write a simple concept paper,

follow these steps:

1. Concept paper title

Every paper must have a title and concept paper is not left out as one needs to have a title that

summarizes what the paper is about. The title should be as brief as possible and to the point such

that by a glance one would know exactly the paper’s intention. Example:

“Leveraging on Mobile Payment Methods to gain Competitive Advantage by local based


2. Introduction

Introduce the concept by giving a brief on how it will contribute to the organization or company

having more opportunities as a result. Also, state your understanding of the main objective of the

targeted area of implementation clearly introducing the gap intended to be addressed. An

introduction is like the sitting room of the concept paper as it determines a lot on the person

proposing the concept. During presentations, this section also, act as the persona guide to how the

rest of the presentation is preempted. Example:

Mobile payment methods have popularity with big businesses operating in large towns and cities

across the world. These payment methods enable the business customers to access their cash at

the point of sale and do not need to have physical money to complete their transactions. This study
will therefore help in understanding the mobile payment methods preferences for the local based

business and how and why these preferences have failed to prevail. The research will therefore

address that gap that is viewed as the low uptake of mobile payment methods by the local based

businesses which are essentially operating in remote areas. This concept builds upon the various

insights that have been undertaken by various researchers in the business and information

technology field to bridge the gap of strategic implementation of information technology systems

in business to gain competitive advantage.

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3. Need for this Study

One of the senior professors where the author teaches refer to this section as “who dies if the

concept is not implemented” and further advises that it should addresses the pertinent societal

need. The need of the study should have a concrete evidence in the sense that the source of the

need must be documented and verifiable. It is also important to look at what other scholars have

done on the concept previously, and whether this is enough to answer the questions intended for

the study. Example:

It is estimated that more than 5 billion people have access to mobile phone devices and that out of

this figure about a third of the population is based in local areas. Further, the village-based

businesses do not have immediately access to the physical money banking system as they are

located kilometers away. Porter (2011) notes that in order for businesses to achieve and sustain

superior performance, they must be able to implement systems that are competitively superior.

Budree and Williams (2013, September) and Namada (2018) established that the areas with large

number of low-income earners experienced low uptake technological advancements and

businesses in these locations are not keen on leveraging on technology. The concept will therefore

be intended to identify the salient factors that local businesses can apply in leveraging on mobile

payment methods to gain competitive advantage.

4. Background

This section indicates that some research has been carried on the area of interest, however there

still exit a gap that needs to filled. It is important therefore to outline several studies that have been

undertake on the topical area summarizing their conclusive evidence and relevance to the study

area. A more descriptive background will then be structured from the worldview, regional, and

localized perspective. For a shorter-version concept paper this may not count however it is

important to show that some study have been done but little research in the area of interest and

how the concept seeks to solve this gap.

Several studies have concluded that mobile payment methods is one of the major factors put in

place by businesses in gaining competitive advantage, however this has also, not been achieved in

remote areas. As a result, Onyango et al. (2014) in their study on mobile phone technology and

the evident performance of micro and small enterprises, concludes that there is an impact on the

use and implementation of mobile phone technology to achieve the full business performance. In

order, therefore to achieve competitive advantage, Porter (2011) advises that the strategy

implemented should be geared towards achieving full potential competitively.

Many scholars also agree that there is a significant relationship between mobile payment methods

and gaining competitive advantage to sustain an improved performance. Most also argue that the

mobile payment method of use will be dependent on the location and nature of need. The handbook

by Namada (2018) notes that the concept of organizational learning must be down-trotted to the

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local businesses to learn which mobile technology suits their operations and how this technology

can be leveraged to achieve competitive advantage. The literature and conclusions from the

scholars however fail to answer specific questions that related to leveraging on mobile payment

methods to gain competitive advantage for local based businesses. Most of the studies were

focused on businesses and companies in towns and cities with the area of interest majoring on

performance whether competitively or not. This study will therefore be focused on the factors of

consideration for leveraging on mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local

based businesses.

5. Objectives

These are the broad and specific objectives the research seeks to answer. It should be stated starting

with the words “To” and linked to the general and the specific area where the study is to be

undertaken. Both the general and the specific objectives must be regularized to conform with the

topic of the concept. Example:

The research paper seeks to achieve its general objective of leveraging on mobile payment

methods to gain competitive advantage by focusing on the following specific objectives:

1. To determine the influence of perceived risks on the use of mobile payment methods to gain

competitive advantage by local based businesses.

2. To determine the influence of M-Payment characteristics (mobility, reachability, convenience,

and compatibility) on the use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by

local based businesses.

3. To assess the influence of personal innovativeness on use of mobile payment methods to

gain competitive advantage by local based businesses.

6. Research Questions and or Hypothesis

The research can choose to answer either questions emanating from the research literature and

especially from the research objectives, or hypothesis scenarios and test at the end of the research

whether they were accepted or not. Example: Choosing research questions.

1. Does perceived risks influence the use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive

advantage by local based businesses?

2. Does M-Payment characteristics (mobility, reachability, convenience, and compatibility)

influence the use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local based


3. Does personal innovativeness influence the use of mobile payment methods to gain

competitive advantage by local based businesses?

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7. Research Methodology

This is the how of the concept and describes how the concept will be achieved once it reaches the

research level. It should define the intention on the design of research to be conducted, the

population targeted, and the type of data to be collected. Example:

The study intends to use cross sectional survey design in determining the leverage on mobile

payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local based businesses.

The study will sample 478 local based businesses registered in Kenya out of a population of 4

thousand which are mainly registered and operated in village area settings.

The study will collect both primary and secondary data, and the quantitative data generated will

be analyzed using descriptive statistics which will include percentage distribution, mean and the
frequency counts. The qualitative data from the study will undergo transcription and reported in

themes and sub-themes. The relationship between the independent and dependent variables will

be explained through multiple regression.

8. Research Timeline

This is to indicate the allocation of time for undertaking the research and breaking to specific

section and finally indicating the overall schedule of the research. Timelines are importance in

concept paper as they are used to determine the length of the research and the funding needs over

the period. In academic concept papers, this period is usually pre-defined by the various university

standards and one should have a look at their university standards on the research paper duration.

The timeline must also include how the initial and final phases of the academic project is to be

achieved. This is where the difference between a research proposal and concept paper vary, in that

the concept paper lists both the research proposal and research final study timelines while the

research proposal only lists the research study timelines

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