Ballarat Council Priority Projects March 2022

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Version published 23/12/2021

Priority Projects for Advocacy December 2021

In the lead up to the next Federal and Victorian elections and respective state and federal budget cycles, City of
Ballarat has identified a list of Priority Projects that are categorised as follows:

Tier 1 - Transformational projects, projects of regional significance

Tier 2 - Projects of city/municipality-wide significance
Tier 3 - Projects of local significance

Tier 1
Transformational Projects – projects of regional significance. These projects will have a beneficial impact across the
municipality and the broader region. They speak to job creation, investment, transport, connectivity, sustainability
and health.
• Ballarat Link Road Next Stages $199.6 million - Providing a western link through to Glenelg and
Midland Highways.
• Circular Economy Precinct (CEP) anchored by a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Land acquisition
and $16 million (Circular Economy Precinct foundational infrastructure), $10 million private investment
potentially through a joint venture in MRF equipment costs, installation and commissioning – may service
up to seven LGA’s, primarily those in the Grampians region.
• Ballarat Major Events Precinct $53 million (estimate) – Further development of a regionally significant
sports precinct that will be used by residents across the region. Individual projects will be identified in the
master planning phase.

Tier 2
Projects of city/municipality-wide significance - these projects will bring multiple benefits to residents in Ballarat,
many are community hubs or gathering places which will be widely used and enjoyed. They will enhance lifestyle,
liveability and sense of community; some will attract visitation and provide an economic boost for business.
• Regional Animal Shelter $11.5 million - Will service the animal welfare needs of seven LGA’s in the
broader Ballarat region
• Law Courts Central Park
• Sebastopol Community Hub
• Alfredton Community and Early Years Hub (Ballymanus)
• Eastwood Street Community Centre
• City Illumination – Lighting the heart of the city at night
• Art Gallery of Ballarat – Skylight and Humidifier Upgrades
• World Heritage Bid - Central Victorian Goldfields
• Elite Sports Package - Ballarat Regional Soccer Facility
• Mars Stadium Lighting Upgrade
• Mair Street Stage 2
• Delacombe Community Hub - will service established areas and the rapidly growing suburbs to the west
• Ballarat-Carngham Road Upgrade

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

Priority Projects for Advocacy December 2021

Tier 3
Projects of local significance which will enhance the everyday lives of residents through new and improved walking
trails and wetlands, play spaces, sporting facilities and community hubs. They will bring social, health and wellbeing
benefits and improve local community connections.

Eureka Electorate
• Royal Park Community Hub, Buninyong, Stage 2
• Buninyong Skate Park Upgrade
• Llanberris Athletics Track and Facilities Upgrade
• Brown Hill Reserve Redevelopment

Ripon Electorate
• Learmonth Oval Upgrades - netball court, lighting, oval renovation
• Learmonth Skate Facility and 3x3 Basketball Courts
• Miners Rest Aquatic Playspace
• Miners Rest Skate Facility and 3x3 Basketball Court
• Miners Rest Sport and Community Facilities

Wendouree Electorate
• Marty Busch Reserve – oval and lighting upgrade, new community facility/changerooms, criterium track
• Redan Wetlands Revitalisation - loop path and bridges along the Yarrowee Trail
• Wendouree Library and Community Hub
• Ballarat Soccer Club Facilities Upgrade - pitch resurfacing and clubrooms, Stage 2

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Ballarat Link Road next stages

Ballarat Link Road will improve travel times for

Project Description residents and businesses, it will reduce congestion in
Ballarat Link Road next stages is a 12 kilometre arterial the centre of Ballarat, and reduce truck volumes and
link along the western boundary of Ballarat connecting road crashes, both by 20%.
the rapidly growing industrial and residential growth
zones in the City’s west with other parts of the region,
including improved connections between Ballarat and
Investment Ask
Geelong. STAGE 2A
Dyson Drive from Remembrance Drive to Ballarat-
Delivery of this major north-south route will help
Carngham Road. $49.9 million
support and drive further economic and residential
growth in the city’s west. (Note: Land sales to date STAGE 2B
at the Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) are Ballarat-Carngham Road to Glenelg Highway,
expected to result in $300 million in private investment, $68.6 million
while between 2018-2020 the number of people living STAGE 2C
in the area trebled; it is forecast to continue to grow at Glenelg Highway to Midland Highway, $81.1million
a rapid pace in the next few years with a large number
of new housing estates being developed in the Ballarat
West Growth Area. Location
Lucas, Alfredton, Winter Valley, Delacombe, Bonshaw
Community Benefit
More than 903 FTE jobs (268 direct and 635 indirect) Electorate
are estimated to be created by development and Ballarat (Federal), Ripon, Wendouree,
delivery of Ballarat Link Road with further job growth Western Victoria Region (State)
expected as improved transport connections stimulate
industrial investment at BWEZ, and construction and
retail opportunities in growth areas.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Dyson Drive Duplication (Ballarat Link Road Stage 2a)

Delivery of the entire length of the Ballarat Link Road,

Project Description through to the Glenelg Highway, will have municipality-
The next critical stage in the delivery of a western wide and regional benefits.
link road for Ballarat is the duplication of Dyson Drive
between Remembrance Drive and Ballarat-Carngham Investment Ask
$49.9 million
Dyson Drive is located between two of Ballarat’s major
growth suburbs, Lucas and Alfredton; traffic volumes Location
have increased significantly along Dyson Drive as these
suburbs have grown. Lucas and Alfredton

Duplication of Dyson Drive will help ensure suitable Electorate

road infrastructure is developed in conjunction with
Ballarat (Federal), Ripon, Wendouree,
growing residential development.
Western Victoria Region (State)
Community Benefit
Duplication of Dyson Drive will help meet the transport
needs of the 10,000 people who live in the Ballarat
Western Growth Area and the demand created by the
16,000 new residents who will move there in the next
five years.
Duplication of Dyson Drive will reduce traffic congestion
on the road, improving commute times for local
residents. It will also lead to improved safety – data
from Regional Roads Victoria shows 12 Casualty
crashes over five years (2015–2020).

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Circular Economy Precinct (CEP) anchored by a

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

A regional MRF will create a more localised opportunity

Project Description for small commercial operators and residents to divert
A Circular Economy Precinct (CEP) at the Ballarat West recyclables that are currently leaking into the landfill,
Employment Zone (BWEZ) will attract investment, create contributing to the 50,000 tonnes of waste being
jobs and bring innovation. deposited at Ballarat's Landfill at a cost of around
The MRF will be one of two anchor facilities at a $5.8 million per year. The facility will bring significant
proposed Circular Economy Precinct (CEP) in Ballarat environmental benefits to a large part of regional
at the Ballarat West Employment Zone. The other is a Victoria as regional LGA’s send their recyclables to
CIRRC, Community and Industry Resource Recovery Ballarat for re-purposing and reuse.
Centre (all waste transfer station).
The Materials Recovery Facility will receive and sort
Investment Ask
commingled recyclables including paper and cardboard, • Land at Ballarat West Employment Zone
metals, glass and plastics from much of Western
• $16 million for MRF foundational infrastructure
Victoria, providing the opportunity to repurpose and
reuse valuable resources in the local and regional • $10 million private investment potentially through a
community. joint venture in MRF equipment costs, installation
and commissioning
There is potential to deliver the MRF in partnership
with government and a private sector entity as owner
operator (commercial investment estimated $10 million). Location
Ballarat West Employment Zone
Community Benefit
The CEP will create jobs, bring innovation, Electorate
attract investment, reduce waste to Ballarat (Federal), Ripon, Northern Victoria Region
landfill, retain resources locally for (State)
repurposing, increase recycling and reduce costs to
Council and ratepayers.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Ballarat Major Events Precinct

Project Description Investment Ask

Further development of the existing sporting precinct, $53 million (estimate)
potentially via land acquisition, to make it into a Support to fast track planning. Dollar ask will be clearer
regional sporting hub of excellence. The master once the masterplan is finalised and individual facilities
planning phase will identify new sporting facilities which identified.
can be co-located alongside Mars Stadium and the
Ballarat Sports Events Centre. Location
Community Benefit Creswick Road, Ballarat North

The existing facilities in this precinct are used by Electorate

residents from across the region; providing additional
sporting infrastructure at this location will create new Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)
opportunities for regional Victorians.
Increased potential to hold regional, state or national
level competitions which will increase visitation to
Ballarat and overnight stays.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Ballarat Animal Shelter - Regional Animal Facility

The animal shelter is so much more than a pound. It is a

Project Description community hub offering programs and opportunities for
A new purpose-built facility to meet the needs of Ballarat not for profit organisations, schools and volunteers with
and the broader region including the municipalities of hundreds of community members supporting the shelter
Ballarat, Hepburn, Moorabool, Golden Plains, Pyrenees, each year.
and Central Goldfields.
A new, fully compliant regional animal facility will Investment Ask
enhance the quality of life and standard of care delivered $11.5 million
to the thousands of stray, lost, abandoned or abused
animals from around the region that pass through the Location
City of Ballarat’s animal shelter each year.
Mitchell Park - a City of Ballarat owned site has been
The existing animal shelter is in an old, repurposed identified as the preferred location.
abattoir building, it is not compliant, not fit for purpose
and often at capacity. Electorate
A new, fully compliant regional animal facility will relieve Ballarat (Federal) Ripon (State)
chronic overcrowding and poor conditions at the existing
shelter. Funding to construct a new regional animal
facility will represent the single biggest improvement to
animal welfare services in this region in a century.

Community Benefit
The existing animal shelter is used by LGA’s and
individuals from around the region (surrender, reclaim,
adoption, holding animals in instances of domestic
violence, emergency evacuation (flood, fire) and seized
animals where court cases are pending). 

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Law Courts Central Park

Project Description Investment Ask

Creation and expansion of a new parkland in the Full project still being scoped
heart of Ballarat’s CBD at Bakery Hill, building on the
existing green park area outside the Law Courts. The Location
new parkland will reinforce Yarrowee River as a habitat
corridor and provide improved north south linkages Grenville Street North, Ballarat
along the Yarrowee River for walkers and cyclists.
Community Benefit Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)
The existing parkland is well used by people from
Ballarat and region visiting the nearby Law Courts and
by people taking a break from work or shopping. There
are well documented environmental and health benefits
associated with greening urban spaces.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Sebastopol Community Hub

The new facility will support existing and new community

Project Description groups to continue to offer activities and services to the
A new community facility in a prime central location Sebastopol community. It will also address the structural,
located close to a range of other well-loved community accessibility and ‘fitness for purpose’ issues that have
facilities (Men’s Shed, Ballarat Community Health, St been identified at the current facility.
George’s Reserve, playground and splash park).
The new facility will be/is used by multiple community Investment Ask
groups hosting a wide range of programs and activities $8.5 million
across a range of demographics. The facility will
replace the existing Sebastopol Senior Citizens Centre Location
which is no longer fit for purpose.
Corner Vickers and Beverin Streets, Sebastopol.
Recent changes in Victorian policy regarding universal
access to three year old kindergarten means the design Electorate
for the building will incorporate a staged option for
early years facilities to meet the increasing demands for Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)
kindergarten rooms.

Community Benefit
The existing facility is used six days a week by
organisations including Sebastopol Senior Citizens,
Ballarat Community Health, Ballarat Regional Industries,
McCallum and 1st Sebastopol Girl Guides.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Alfredton Community and Early Years Hub (Ballymanus)

Project Description Investment Ask

A new community and early years hub in Ballymanus $7.4 million
in Ballarat’s western growth area. The new community
facility will include a Neighbourhood Activity Centre Location
(NAC) with community meeting rooms, an Early
Donegal Drive, Alfredton.
Years Hub, including a three-room kindergarten and
associated facilities, outdoor areas and parking.
Community Benefit Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)
This new facility will be a gathering point for local
residents; it will meet the increasing demand for
kindergarten places created by rapid growth in the
area, ensuring that local children have access to early
years programs. The new centre will take pressure off
kindergarten facilities in adjoining areas.
Accessible and high-quality early education services
are essential to ensure positive outcomes for children
with research showing that play-based learning is a
powerful way to support children’s development.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Eastwood Leisure and Community Hub

The existing building is currently used by more than 120

Project Description groups; it has more user groups than any other City of
A new community hub in the heart of Ballarat providing Ballarat owned facility in the CBD.
meeting spaces, kitchen, universally accessible toilets,
A new complex will provide female friendly facilities and
foyer, function space, basketball court, multipurpose
allow for both structured and unstructured sports to be
room, office space and a canteen for the 120+
played in a state-of-the-facility.
community and sporting groups which use the existing
Investment ASK
The new community hub will include female-friendly
change facilities and improved pedestrian connections $6 million
making the facility more accessible and appealing. The
existing community pavilions and change rooms do Location
not cater for all user groups and are not coping with Eastwood Street, Bakery Hill.
increasing user numbers. Current change facilities and
amenities are non-compliant and not female friendly. Electorate
There is potential for the Eastwood Community Hub to Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)
become the new home of the Ballarat Senior Citizens

Community Benefit
Improved access will mean more people in a wider
demographic range can use the community hub and
enjoy the benefits of playing sport or meeting at a
purpose-built facility in the heart of the city.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

City Illumination – Lighting the Heart of the City at Night

Project Description Investment Ask

This project is designed to significantly increase $5 million
Ballarat’s night time economy by making Ballarat’s CBD
more welcoming and appealing at night for locals and Location
visitors. An increase in the number of people visiting
Ballarat Central
the city’s retail and hospitality centre at night will
increase confidence for the commercial sector to invest
and develop new products.
Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)
Heritage buildings will be up lit and illuminated, trees
and bandstands will be strung with lights and local
laneways festooned. The lighting installations will add
warmth and appeal, drawing more people into the city
centre, bringing it to life at night.

Community Benefit
More people in the CBD at night will be good for local
cafes, restaurants and hotels, boosting trade and
profitability for many. The night time illumination will
also act as a drawcard for visitors, enticing them to stay
longer and spend more.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Art Gallery of Ballarat Skylight and Humidifier Upgrades

Project Description Community Benefit

Upgrades to the Gallery’s humidification system and Modifying the skylights in line with heritage guidelines
refurbishment and sealing of heritage skylights to and upgrading the HVAC system will mean the Gallery
protect the collection, increase opportunities to host can meet environmental standards for galleries
international touring exhibitions and to meet museum regarding light levels and humidity. The new skylights
standards of environment. will result in significant savings in electricity with less
loss of heat through glass.
The Gallery will play a key role in the recovery of
Skylights with LED panels will improve the visitor Ballarat’s visitor economy post-pandemic. It is
experience, limit damage to artworks and enhance Ballarat’s most significant cultural/arts institution;
capacity to display more of the Gallery’s extensive a key driver of Ballarat’s visitor economy attracting
collection. The heritage skylights require significant over 200,000 visits a year (including over 10,000
modification to reduce the amount of light and schoolchildren), which translates to a significant
UV coming through creating significant issues for injection into Ballarat’s economy. The experience for
artworks - lux levels should be about 60, in some of the these visitors will be enhanced, sustainability improved,
galleries lux levels are nearer 1000, potentially causing and operating costs reduced.
irreparable damage to artworks.
Improved conditions in the Gallery’s exhibition spaces
Humidifiers (HVAC system) to bring them to museum standard will increase
opportunities for the Gallery to host touring and
The humidification system at the Gallery is of varying
‘blockbuster’ exhibitions.
ages having been installed at different times with
extensions at the Gallery over the past 50 years. Investment Ask
Of the 21 humidifiers that are required in the Gallery
only four are currently operational; six spaces do Skylights: $800,000
not have humidifiers; the remaining 11 humidifiers Humidifiers: $1.19 million ($70,000 per unit).
are non-operational. Potential to replace the humidifiers in stages

Lack of humidification impacts the temporary exhibition Location

and permanent collection gallery spaces and the Works Lydiard Street North, Ballarat Central.
on Paper store where approximately 60 per cent of the
collection is stored. Electorate
Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

World Heritage Bid - Central Victorian Goldfields

Project Description Investment Ask

This unprecedented region-wide project is a partnership $500,000 to finalise the bid (including site selection)
between Ballarat and 12 other Victorian LGA’s to and deliver priority investment and infrastructure
secure a World Heritage listing for the Central Victorian masterplans.
The bid aims to deliver a watertight case that proves Location
that the Central Victorian Goldfields are the best gold Ballarat and twelve other Local Government Areas
mining landscapes in the world and worthy of a World
Heritage listing. Electorate
Community Benefit Multiple State and Federal electorates

International experience demonstrates a major increase

in economic stimulus in cases where socio economic
goals, and not just preservation, are a driver for World
Heritage listing.
Australian experience shows that expenditure by
visitors to World Heritage sites provides a major
economic stimulus.
A successful bid and the investment associated with
it will lead to job creation and help address social
disadvantage in many parts of the region, some of
which are among the most socially and economically
disadvantaged in Australia.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Elite Sports Package – Ballarat Regional Soccer Facility

An upgraded facility has increased potential to attract A

Project Description League and W League national games, with real interest
Upgrades to the Ballarat Regional Soccer Facility to from Western United in having its women’s team play at
bring it up to national standard to comfortably host elite the ground, potentially two to six games a year.
competition including A League and W League games.
Upgrades would be timely ahead of Australia and New
The proposed works will enhance the experience
Zealand hosting the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup
for players and spectators attending regional
(July to August). City of Ballarat was part of the World
championships and for local sides playing finals at the
Cup winning bid process and will look to become a
training hub for one of the participating teams.
Project elements include improved spectator amenities
Players and spectators come from around the state
including a roof over the grandstand, media facilities,
for the Ballarat and District Soccer Association
LED signage and lighting upgrades to broadcast
competition, while Ballarat City regularly hosts teams
from Melbourne.
Community Benefit Investment Ask
This is the most well-used rectangular outdoor grassed
$2.5 million to upgrade lights. Full cost of upgrades to
sporting facility in Ballarat. The show pitch is used
be determined once the design brief has been finalised.
every weekend, with two to three games per weekend,
and one day training per week. Local clubs use the
show pitch for their grand finals. Electorate
The venue is used by all ages, juniors, seniors, male Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)
and female, it hosts all abilities and primary and
secondary schools' soccer tournaments Location
Pleasant Street South, Redan

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Mars Stadium Lighting Upgrade

Project Description Investment Ask

Upgrades to Mars Stadium lighting to allow greater $3.5 million
opportunities to fixture AFL and AFLW matches at the
venue. The project will see the replacement of existing Electorate
37 metre light poles and metal haloid globes with four
Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State) Western Victoria
50 metre light poles, fitted with 1500W LED fittings. The
upgrade will meet broadcast requirements for AFL and
AFLW matches of 1000 lux main camera and 800 lux
secondary camera.
Mars Stadium, 725 Creswick Road, Wendouree
Community Benefit
Mars Stadium is the city’s premier AFL venue and the
second home of the Western Bulldogs AFL and AFLW
It will host two Western Bulldogs AFL matches and a
first ever AFLW match in 2022.
Mars Stadium is also home to the Greater Western
Victoria Rebels U/18 boys and U/19 girls’ teams.
Upgraded lighting at the venue to broadcast
standard will enable significant advantages in future
opportunities to fixture high level sport in Ballarat.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Mair Street upgrade – Stage 2

Project Description Community Benefit

The upgrade of Mair Street from Davies Street to Sturt Mair Street Stage Two will deliver improved amenity
Street, via Dawson Street to improve safety, traffic flow and safety in the heart of Ballarat.
and amenity.
Building on Mair Street Stage 1 works, the project will
Works include: improve traffic flow along Mair Street, allowing a more
convenient route for heavy vehicle and other through
• Widening the majority of the street to a divided
traffic that currently travels along Little Bridge, Curtis
four lane roadway
and Sturt Streets.
• Removal of central median car parking
Completion of the upgrade will see fewer cars in local
• Replacement of angle kerbside parking with CBD streets, supporting a more pedestrian-friendly
parallel parking environment, in turn encouraging the use of local
streets for CBD-destination traffic only.
• Installation of a raised central median, with median
breaks for turning opportunities Removal of centre median parking will improve
pedestrian safety while additional tree plantings on the
• Upgrades to all signalised intersections
centre median will enhance amenity and extend the
• Replacement of roundabouts with traffic signals CBD tree canopy.
at the Dawson and Grenville Street intersections
• A slip lane from Mair Street to Dawson Street, Investment Ask
and a continuous flow lane from Mair St onto $25 million
Victoria Street.
Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Delacombe Community Hub

Project Description Investment Ask

This purpose-built community hub adjacent to the $18.5 million
Delacombe Town Centre will incorporate a library,
Maternal and Child Health services and a kindergarten Location
to service the Ballarat's Western Growth Area (BWGA).
Delacombe Town Centre, 26 Valiant Rd,
The BWGA has welcomed almost 10,000 new residents Smythes Creek.
(9,771) over the past decade, with more than 16,000
new residents expected in the next five years. Electorate
The library will also be the base for Regional/Shared Ballarat (Federal) Ripon (State)
Library services for the Central Highlands Group
of Libraries (Ballarat, Hepburn, Moorabool, Central
Goldfields, Pyrenees, Southern Grampians, Northern
Grampians and the Rural City of Ararat).

Community Benefit
This project will bring benefits to people in established
areas abutting the BWGA such as Delacombe and
newer areas such as Lucas, Alfredton, Bonshaw, Winter
Valley, Smythes Creek.
The project will be of benefit also for residents across
the Central Highlands who access libraries in the
Central Highlands library network.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Ballarat-Carngham Road Upgrade

• Funding being sought to complete more detailed

Project Description design work, a cost estimate and full business case
The project seeks to upgrade and duplicate a 2.4 for the project.
kilometre section of Ballarat-Carngham Road between
Wiltshire Lane and Dyson Drive to provide two lanes in Location
each direction, central median, upgraded intersections Ballarat-Carngham Road between Wiltshire Lane
and associated landscaping/shared path facilities. and Dyson Drive, a distance of 2.4km. The two
intersections that this section of road runs between are
Community Benefit being upgraded as part of the Victorian Government’s
The duplication of Ballarat-Carngham Road will result Keeping Ballarat Moving package.
in a transport corridor that will be able to support the
expected growth of the Ballarat West Growth Area. Electorate
Key benefits: Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)

• Improved travel times, improved road safety and Note: Duplication of Dyson Drive as the next stage
reduced risk for residents and road users delivery of Ballarat Link Road is the highest road priority
for City of Ballarat.
• Improving the quality of the freight route for trucks
and heavy vehicles
Investment Ask
The high-level estimate for the duplication is
approximately $40-60 million (TBC)
• Preliminary concept design work and investigation

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Royal Park Community Hub, Buninyong, Stage 2

Project Description Investment Ask

A new sustainably designed community hub will $1.75 million
provide community space for the Friends of Royal
• Community hub - $1 million
Park, Community Garden Group, Buninyong Soccer
Club and future community groups. The community • Community garden and landscaping infrastructure
space will include a main community meeting such car parking - $750,000
room, new kitchen facilities, storage and office
accommodation. It will be available for broader Location
community use throughout the week and support
major local events such as the Australian Road
Cycling Championships and Sustainability Expo.
Community Benefit Ballarat (Federal) Eureka (State)
After a decade of growth and development Buninyong
Soccer Club needs a permanent home. It has
approximately 84 players, most of whom are aged 17
and under. The popularity of soccer and participation
rates for males and females continues to increase.
The community garden will transform the existing
garden space into a demonstration and participation
site with raised ground level vegetable plots, a food
forest, rainwater tanks and composting facilities.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Buninyong Skate Park Upgrade

Project Description Investment Ask

An upgrade to this popular community facility $100,000
to enhance the challenges and enjoyment for
skaters, increasing their opportunities to develop Location
and display their skills. Buninyong Recreation Reserve, Buninyong.

Community Benefit Electorate

Located at the Buninyong Recreation Reserve Ballarat (Federal) Eureka (State)
(adjacent to the community tennis courts)
upgrades will make this skate facility more up
to date, advanced and current for skaters and
enhance local opportunities for unstructured
sporting activity. It will complement other works
planned by City of Ballarat at the Reserve this

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Llanberris Athletics Track and Facilities Upgrade

Project Description Investment Ask

Upgrade of the regional athletics competition track $3.8 million
surface, work to improve dated club facilities including
• Competition track resurfacing, grass replacement
the kitchen, social areas and changerooms to make
and associated long jump, high jump, shot put and
them all-abilities accessible and female-friendly. Other
javelin areas improvements - $2 million
critical athletics infrastructure to be upgraded includes
the competition long jump, high jump, shot put and • Facilities upgrade $1.3 million - changerooms
javelin areas and the judge’s tower. upgrade to make them all abilities accessible and
female friendly, social rooms, kitchen
Community Benefit • Fencing/access and car park - $300,000
Llanberris is used for local and regional athletics events • Judges tower and communications - $200,000
and attracts hundreds of athletes and spectators for
competition and training on a weekly basis. Demand
for the facility is at a peak during October-March when
summer athletics competitions are held. York Street, Ballarat East
During the school athletics carnival season from
February-May approximately 70 regional schools and Electorate
organisations use Llanberris for their carnivals, bringing
Ballarat (Federal) Eureka (State)
in thousands of people a week to the ground.
Outside of peak competition times around 200 people
a week use Llanberris (not counting Friday and
weekend competitions that are run at the centre during
the summer).

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Brown Hill Reserve Redevelopment

Project Description Investment Ask

Redevelopment of the Brown Hill Reserve following TBD subject to master planning finalisation.
community consultation and development of a
masterplan. New facilities could include a splash park, Location
skate infrastructure, improved community and sporting
facilities, public amenities, and path connections. Humffray Street, Brown Hill

Community Benefit Electorate

This popular reserve is well used by the local community Ballarat (Federal) Eureka (State)
and will be increasingly important as a community leisure
and recreation space as residential growth increases in
the Springs Road area of Brown Hill.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Learmonth Oval Upgrades

Project Description Investment Ask

This package of upgrades to facilities at the Learmonth $2 million
Oval will be welcomed by the sporting community
• Lighting upgrade - $400,000
in Learmonth. The Learmonth Oval is a popular
community gathering place for local residents. • Netball court rebuild including lighting - $400,000
• Oval Lighting Upgrade to 200Lux LED - $400,000. • Oval renovation - $1,200,000
The current lights are failing and no longer meet
• Project can be delivered in stages
Lux level standards for AFL
• Netball Court Rebuild including lighting - $400,000. Location
The existing court is nearing end of life and needs
• Learmonth Oval renovation - $1,200,000 Electorate
Ballarat (Federal) Ripon (State)
Community Benefit
This facility is home to the Learmonth Football Netball
Club (LFNC) which has around 280 players across its
sub-junior, junior and senior players in both football and
netball. The LFNC fields six football teams for males
and seven netball teams for females. Players for both
sports come from Learmonth and the surrounding rural
areas. The club is a social hub and numbers swell as
family and friends attend to watch matches.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Learmonth Skate Facility and 3x3 Basketball Courts

3x3 basketball courts have great appeal, particularly

Project Description for the youth cohort, as spaces for unstructured and
Upgrade and reconfigure existing skate park to improve passive recreation activity.
the functionality of the facility and to make it more
challenging and enjoyable for skaters. This local level Investment Ask
skate facility is well-used by local residents (primarily
tween/teen age groups) and is an important informal $200,000
gathering spot for socialising and unstructured sport • Skate facility $100,000
• 3x3 basketball courts $100,000
Co-located 3x3 basketball courts will complement
the upgrade to the skatepark and be an extremely Location
popular addition to the outdoor recreation offering in
Learmonth. The 3x3 will be incorporated into the skate Learmonth
Community Benefit Ballarat (Federal) Ripon (State)
The skate facility is located adjacent to the Learmonth
oval, near the lake foreshore and boat club. It is
well patronised and is a popular meeting place.
The Learmonth community, primarily through the
Learmonth Oval Committee of Management, has
asked for the skate facility to be upgraded over
a number of years during informal engagement
processes with City of Ballarat.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Miners Rest Aquatic Playspace

Anecdotal engagement with members of the Miners

Project Description Rest community indicates this would be a welcome and
The aquatic playspace will be a free, family-friendly, popular addition to recreation facilities in the township.
community gathering place, a safe space for children
The capability to convert the space into an informal
to enjoy creative and unstructured waterplay.
sports court during the cooler months gives the project
Based on other popular aquatic playspaces in the added flexibility and year-round appeal.
municipality the Miners Rest facility would include an
exciting and engaging range of water features which Investment Ask
spout and spray, including tipping buckets, towering
spray features, a soaking run-through water tunnel, or $750,000 (estimate)
a four-way water cannon fight.
The water park will be environmentally friendly and
safe, with all water recirculated and treated to the same Ballarat (Federal) Ripon (State)
level as an outdoor pool.
During the cooler months the space can be converted
Miners Rest, potentially co-located with the existing
into an informal sports court.
playground at Miners Rest Reserve
Community Benefit
Aquatic playspaces appeal across a range of ages
and are particularly popular with families with young

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Miners Rest Skate Facility and 3 x 3 Basketball Courts

Project Description Investment Ask

Delivery of local level skate and BMX infrastructure $250,000
plus a 3x3 basketball court for unstructured recreation
• Skate facility - $150,000
in Miners Rest. The existing BMX track will be
incorporated into a new skate facility providing multiuse • 3 x 3 basketball courts - $100,000
and higher-level access and opportunity.
The BMX track will be sealed with a hardened surface
in line with other BMX facilities in the municipality, while Miners Rest, co-located with the existing playground
the 3x3 basketball court will replace old basketball at Miners Rest Reserve.
court infrastructure.
Community Benefit Ballarat (Federal) Ripon (State)
The Miners Rest Community will warmly welcome
new recreation infrastructure and the health and social
benefits they will bring.
3x3 basketball courts have great appeal, particularly
for the youth cohort, as spaces for unstructured and
passive recreation activity.
This project will be popular with the local community
which has identified the need for an upgrade to the
existing BMX track and expressed a desire for skate

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Miners Rest Sport and Community Facilities

These facilities will also provide the social, physical and

Project Description mental health benefits associated with people being
A new sustainably designed community and sporting involved in passive recreation, sporting clubs
facility to meet the recreation and sporting needs of the and community groups.
rapidly growing Miners Rest community.
Community consultation and town-based planning as
The full scope of the project will be determined part of the development of the Miners Rest Township
following an extensive community consultation process. Plan 2019 has identified the need for more community
However, indications are that it could include traditional facilities and sporting infrastructure; provision of these
sport infrastructure (football, soccer, netball) and services would be warmly welcomed by the township.
other non-traditional infrastructure to enhance active
recreation and community leisure activities. Investment Ask
$7 million for delivery of sporting and community
Community Benefit facilities identified through the community consultation
Currently Miners Rest residents (current population and master planning process.
approximately 4,800) do not have access to stand
alone community sporting infrastructure, the only Location
sporting infrastructure in the town – two tennis courts,
In 2020 City of Ballarat acquired a 8.6-hectare parcel
one basketball court and an oval – is at the Miners Rest
of land on the corner of Howe Street and Cummins
Primary School.
Road in Miners Rest which has been reserved for the
New community and sporting infrastructure will provide potential development of a community sporting facility.
increased opportunities for structured and unstructured
physical activity across all age groups. Electorate
The need for more sporting infrastructure to cater Ballarat (Federal) Ripon (State)
for the growth of sports such as AFL football, soccer
and netball has been identified through sporting
participation trends and membership numbers.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Marty Busch Facilities Upgrade (Sebastopol)

Project Description Community Benefit

This project will deliver several facility and infrastructure These works will have great community appeal.
upgrades at the Marty Busch Recreation Reserve. Sebastopol Cycling Club and all Ballarat Fire
Marty Busch is a popular, well used sporting hub; Brigade groups use the area. The oval is home to the
these works will improve the amenity, functionality, and Sebastopol Football Netball Club (325 players) and the
appeal of the area for players and spectators. Napoleons Sebastopol Cricket Club (100 players), BMX
track users (140+) and netballers (140+), with potential
• Oval No 2 renovation - $1.2 million
to be used by other community-based groups.
• Oval No 2 lighting upgrade to 200Lux LED -
Cycling continues to grow in popularity, it is a year-
$400,000. The current lights do not meet Lux level
round sport which attracts people from across the
standards for AFL
state. The criterium will incorporate a ‘learn to ride’
• New change rooms and community facility $2.4 component, which is in high demand, with potential use
million (estimated) to cater for Oval 2 users, BMX by school groups.
riders and fire brigades. (location to be determined
through masterplan) Investment Ask
• Criterium Track - $2 million (estimated) $8.4 million
• Car parking and egress solutions around the entire
site - $1.5 million (estimate) Location
• Netball court rebuild - $400,000 including LED Sebastopol
• Cricket net upgrade - $500,000
Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Redan Wetlands, Loop Path and Bridges

Project Description Investment Ask

New bridges and a loop path at the Redan Wetland $1.6 million
on the Yarrowee River at Sebastopol, coupled with (scalable and can be deliveredin stages).
works to improve the capacity and effectiveness of the
wetland to clean and filter water.
These works will enhance functionality of this part of
Rubicon Street, Sebastopol.
the Yarrowee River, while also improving access and
amenity of the popular walking/bike path.
The works will help showcase the symbiotic
relationship of the wetlands and river. Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)

Community Benefit
Anecdotal evidence indicates that use of this area
increased significantly during the pandemic, as did use
of the walking/bike path along the entire length of the
Yarrowee River.
This project will bring significant environmental benefits
via improved functionality of the wetland, and improved
health and wellbeing outcomes for residents as access
to the Redan Wetlands and the Yarrowee is improved.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Wendouree Library and Community Hub

There are well acknowledged educational and social

Project Description benefits related to library use. Analysis of the economic
A new Library and Community Hub to replace the benefits from public library services in Victoria indicates
existing library in Wendouree. The new library and the overall economic community benefits equate to
community hub will include a co-located adult and $4.30 to every dollar invested in a public library.
community education element.
The full extent of the project is still to be fully scoped Investment Ask
but a feasibility study is being undertaken in 2021/22. $12–14 million

Community Benefit Location

A new purpose-built library and community facility Several sites are under consideration and will be
will be a popular project. The existing library is well assessed.
patronised, however it is a former shop space that is
extremely small for a municipal library, making it difficult Electorate
to deliver the desired level of services to the local
Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)
A new library and community hub will help service
the northern half of the municipality including the
established older areas such as Wendouree and the
newer northern growth area that is being planned by
City of Ballarat.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Version published 23/12/2021

December 2021

Ballarat Soccer Club Facilities Upgrade (Redan)

Co-location and multi-use of the facility throughout the

Project Description
day and at night through the incorporation of the Senior
Improved clubroom facilities including social and break Citizens.
out rooms, offices, two additional change rooms, a
kitchen, storage and spectator shelter. Investment Ask
This project complements the current change facility $2.7 million
and public toilet infrastructure on Pleasant Street.
• Pitch resurfacing x 2 - $1 million
There is the potential to relocate the nearby local Senior
Citizens group to this upgraded community facility. • Clubrooms stage 2 upgrade - $1.5 million

The project will also include an upgrade to the pitch • Soccer goal safety netting behind goals x 4
irrigation and drainage subsurface infrastructure, pitch - $200,000
fencing and coach's boxes (shelters), and soccer goal
safety netting. Location
There are two senior and one junior pitches. Pleasant Street South, Redan

Community Benefit Electorate

Soccer continues to grow in popularity. Upgraded Ballarat (Federal) Wendouree (State)
facilities will lead to increased participation and
enjoyment for players and spectators and will bring
both pitches and social facilities to required standards.
The project will bring social and wellbeing outcomes for
the club and local community.

For more information contact:

Evan King, 5320 5500
Chief Executive Officer [email protected]

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