Momentum and Impulse: Pretest

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Momentum and
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct otherwise write False.

False1. A projectile follows a vertical path.

True 2. The vertical acceleration of a projectile is equivalent to 9.8m/s 2.
True 3. Projectile motion has two components, horizontal (x) and vertical (y).
False4. In Golf, to reach the longest horizontal range the player needs to
launch the golf ball at 10°.
True 5. In projectile motion, the velocity and acceleration of the projectile is perpendicular to
each other at any point in the trajectory.

Activity 1: Crossword Puzzle
Directions: Solve the crossword using the clues.
Activity 2: True or False

Objective: Analyze the factors that affect momentum.

Directions: The items in this test consist of two (2) statements labelled X and Y. In the space
provided at the end of each item, write

A. If X is true and Y is false C- if X and Y are true

B. If X is false and Y is true D- if X and Y are false

B 1. Momentum ___________________.
X. is affected by mass and volume.
Y. The team that has the momentum is hard to stop.
A 2. To increase the momentum, we need to ________________.
X. increase the velocity of the object.
Y. decrease the mass of the object.
A body will gain greater momentum when _________________.
B 3.
X. it will move slower.
Y. it will have a greater mass.
To decrease the momentum, the object should____________________.
C 4. X. gain more mass.
Y. move with a higher speed.

C 5. Impulse _____________________.
X. To stop an object moving you need to exert force.
Y. Impacts can be decreased by increasing the time of contact.

Activity 3: Road Signs

Direction: Name the road sign and write an arrow UP ↑ if the vehicle
needs to INCREASE speed in following the road signs otherwise write arrow
DOWN ↓ if the vehicles need to REDUCE speed to follow the road sign.

Men at Work

Signals Ahead
Directions: Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate words given inside the box to complete
the paragraph.

force velocity momentum

mass times

change directly metric

Momentum depends upon the variables mass and velocity . In terms of an equation, the
momentum of an object is equal to the mass of the object times the velocity of the object.

The equation illustrates that momentum is directly proportional to an object's mass

and directly proportional to the object's velocity. The units for momentum would be
mass unit times velocity units. The standard metric unit of momentum is the kg•m/s.

Impulse is the change in momentum. The impulse experienced by the object equals the
force exerted in a period of time on the object. In equation form, F•t=m•Δv. Impacts can be
decreased by increasing the time of contact.

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. D

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