7S92-06011-CO-TP-542 MST For EPDM Repair For MOV-041 & 052 r0

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Method Statement Statement Doc. No.: 7S92-06011-CO-TP-542

Rev. :0
for EPDM repair for Date : 28 Dec. 2012
MOV-041 / 052 Page : 2 of 4


The purpose of this procedure is to Re-calibration of the PSV-039. Related work will be on the
PTTLNG Jetty Development and LNG Receiving Terminal Project to be built at Map Ta Phut
Indutrial Estate, Rayong, Thailand.


2.1 COMPANY” means PTTLNG Company Limited, its successors and assignees.
2.2 CONTRACTOR” means the GS Consortium that GS Engineering & Construction Corp. leads
under Process and Utility piping, for the PTTLNG Jetty Development and LNG
Receiving Terminal Project.
2.3 “SUBCONTRACTOR” means any company, firms or person with whom CONTRACTOR
enters into a subcontract.
2.4 “SITE” means the areas where the WORK shall be performed as indicated in the PROJECT
SPECIFICATION situated at Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, Rayong Province, Thailand.


3.1 Drawings

3.1.1 Piping & Instrument Diagram: 7S92-A1-06011-0500-PC-001 Rev.8.

3.1.2 Piping & Instrument Diagram: 7S92-A1-06011-0500-PC-002 Rev.8.
3.1.3 Piping & Instrument Diagram: 7S92-A1-06011-0500-PC-003 Rev.8.
3.1.4 Piping & Instrument Diagram: 7S92-A1-06011-0100-PC-018 Rev.8.


4.1 Construction Manager is responsible for implementing the construction activities to

achieve the quality and his personnel are also responsible for activities in accordance with
the requirements of specifications, drawings and contract etc.

4.2 Field QA/QC Manager (FQM) is responsible for assuring the construction activities
and his personnel are responsible for inspection and reviewing the witness/holding points
Method Statement Statement Doc. No.: 7S92-06011-CO-TP-542
Rev. :0
for EPDM repair for Date : 28 Dec. 2012
MOV-041 / 052 Page : 3 of 4

and the activities to be monitored as surveillance. Quality control personnel give the
organizational freedom to identify and prevent quality problems.

4.3 Mechanical Superintendent is responsible for all orders and directions issued by the
Construction Manager. He is responsible for supervising his designated work, controlling
activities for Supervisors and Foremen, assignment of major equipment, ensuring works
executed safely, subcontractors execute works in safe manner and monitoring the work of

4.4 Safety Manager is responsible for monitoring and observing the safe execution of the work,
the safety work plan, compliance with project SHE requirements and procedures, works
conducted as mentioned in approved WMS / JSA and work permit.


5.1 Isolation and Repair

5.1.1 Preparation blind isolation, tools, support standing and etc.
5.1.2 Sea water pump "0500-P-001A/B/C" De-Energize power supply confirm with PTT
5.1.3 MOV-041/052 Valve check close position and confirm with PTT operation.
5.1.4 MOV-041/052 Confirm De-Energize power supply.
5.1.5 Disconnect power cable and electric cable.
5.1.6 Water drain in the line to empty.
5.1.7 Loosen bolt flange joint connecting remove out MOV-041/052
5.1.8 Check damage of the valve cleaning rust and keep for dry.
5.1.9 Mixing prepare materials and apply.(follow work procedure)
5.1.10 Keep for curing holding time minimum 24 hrs.

5.2 Assembly and Reinstatement

5.2.1 Preparation pipe spool, tools, transfer to site, condition check and etc.
5.2.2 Inspection and clearing.
5.2.3 Reinstall MOV-041/052 and connection power cable and instrument cable.
5.2.4 Check and clearing preparation for service test.
5.2.5 Clearing and curing holding time minimum 24 hrs.
Method Statement Statement Doc. No.: 7S92-06011-CO-TP-542
Rev. :0
for EPDM repair for Date : 28 Dec. 2012
MOV-041 / 052 Page : 4 of 4

5.2.6 MOV-061 Reinstall and bolt tightening.

5.2.7 Connect power cable and electric cable.
5.2.8 Check and clearing preparation for service test.


6.1 All safety precautions shall be taken care as required as per JSA.

6.2 Testing area will be barricaded and warning signs for pressure testing shall be displayed.

6.3 All testing equipments and instruments shall be inspected prior to testing commencing.

6.4 During high pressure testing, if required, nearby area work will be suspended till test is

6.5 GSC supervisors and safety shall ensure all required work permits approved and JSA .

6.6 All testing personnel shall be provided with and use required PPE i.e. safety helmet,
safety glasses (clear & dark), safety shoes/boots, hearing protection, gloves, safety harness
for working at height etc. additional PPE shall be supplied as required.

6.7 Disciplinary action will be taken against personnel committing safety violations, action
taken will depend on the severity of the violation.


7.1 Attachment #1 : Marked P&ID

7.2 Attachment #2 : EPDM chemical Mixing procedure
7.3 Attachment #3 : JSA
Attachment # 1
Attachment #2 - EPDM chemical mixing procedure
Attachment # 3

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