MIP6-CM-1300-011_Method Statement for Pressure Vessel Internal
MIP6-CM-1300-011_Method Statement for Pressure Vessel Internal
MIP6-CM-1300-011_Method Statement for Pressure Vessel Internal
Table of Contents
Method Statement for MIP6-CM-1300-011
Pressure Vessel PAGE 3 OF 11
1.1 This procedure provides the instruction for safe working practice inside pressure vessels.
2.1 Company Standards
2.1.1 32-SAMMS-004 - Manufacture of Pressure Vessels
2.1.2 32-SAMMS-020 - Manufacture of Trays and Packing
2.1.3 SAES-D-001 - Design Criteria for Pressure Vessel
2.1.4 SAES-A-005 – Safety Instruction Sheet
2.1.5 SAES-C-001 – Process Design of Distillation Trays and Packing
2.1.6 Safety, Health and environmental requirement of schedule “D”
2.2 International
2.2.1 ASME Sec VIII D1 & D2 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
2.2.2 API RP 686 - Recommended Practice for Machinery Installation and Installation
2.3 Others
2.3.1 MIP6-PM-1332-001 - Storage, Handling and Preservation
2.3.2 Manufacturer’s Drawing / Installation Operation Manuals
2.3.3 MIP6-MS-1300-001 Installation Procedure for Static Equipment
3.1 Construction Manager
3.1.1 Coordinates with his team for the safe and proper execution of the work.
3.1.2 Specific attention to all safety measure in coordination with HSE Manager / Officer
as per SAUDI ARAMCO Procedure and Policy.
3.1.3 Shall implement all HSE requirements for the job, shall study, analyze and schedule
all construction activities with his department to include manpower and equipment
line up as well as other possible resources required for the successful
implementation of the construction work activities. He shall study all aspects of work
procedure as per HDENC/DAENC Technical Scope of Work.
Method Statement for MIP6-CM-1300-011
Pressure Vessel PAGE 4 OF 11
4.1 All personnel supervising the equipment’s installation shall have documentary evidence of
suitable experiences.
4.2 The Mechanical Supervisor shall control the overall activity on erection of Water Treatment
Package. The basic manpower under him shall consist but not limited to the followings:
4.2.1 Supervisor (Mechanical, Scaffolding)
4.2.2 Foreman (Mechanical, Scaffolding)
4.2.3 Millwright
4.2.4 Mechanical Fitter
4.2.5 Truck Driver
4.2.6 Surveyor
4.2.7 Common Laborer (including Flagman, Firewatcher, etc.)
4.2.8 Structural Fitter
4.2.9 Scaffolder
4.2.10 Safety Supervisor / Officer
4.2.11 QC Supervisor / Inspectors
6.1 Preparatory of Work
6.1.1 Manhole Opening All manhole opening shall be done as per construction and safety procedure. Approved safety permit shall be produced prior to nitrogen gas removal. Manhole flange serration shall be check as necessary incase as there are
damage, it should be reported immediately to authorized person involve on
the activity. Manhole flange specially the serration shall be protected against incoming
materials to be installed inside vessels. Put rubber cover for protection on
serration area. Bolts, nuts and washers shall be kept accordingly for final re-instatement /
final box-up. Safety shall be ensured prior its installation. Working load shall be considered
before its installation. Davit arm and rope pulley shall be installed in such a way that it will not
obstruct the manhole access. Rope size shall be of enough size to carry the possible load weight of the
vessel internal component. All workers that will work inside vessel must wear proper mandatory PPE. If necessary, wearing of full body harness without lanyard and shoe cover will
be provided for worker safety.
6.3.3 Lightning Method An explosion proof with 12 volts illumination capacity light shall be made
inside the vessel during working and inspection time. Light shall be place at the area most necessary for workers and inspectors.
6.3.4 Ventilation System Ventilation shall be done using fans/blowers with sufficient capacity. Vacuum mode operation shall be preferred for ventilation, where required
force ventilation to vessel top and allow fresh air from bottom. Distance of the ventilation is critical as it will obstruct access to the manhole,
careful planning shall be done prior to positioning of the fans / blowers in
order to address the circulation inside the vessel.
6.4.10 Place a sheet of non-combustible material on the completed first level to ensure its
cleanliness from dust and other foreign particles.
6.4.11 Start bolting the components to ensure stability and continue doing the same process
until completion of internal installation.
6.4.12 Remember to always check the internal identification and orientation to ensure
continuity of work.
6.4.13 Ensure that gaps and spacing of individual internals are correct based on the latest
AFC drawings.
6.4.14 Once the assembly and installation of individual internals are completed, bolts shall
be tighten using a calibrated torque wrench.
6.4.15 Apply torque value which will be given from latest AFC drawing. Ensure that no force
fit on bolts shall be happen that it will damage the bolt tread once being torque by
wrench on the final stage of bolt tightening.
6.5 Internal Piping Installation
6.5.1 In some cases, installation of internal piping shall be done together with installation
of vessel internals.
6.5.2 All internal piping shall be check and inspect as per required SATIP
6.5.3 Equipment and piping nozzle shall be inspected for flange face serration.
6.5.4 If there should be any unacceptable damage to serration, it shall be corrected by re-
facing with approved procedures.
6.5.5 Check all materials like gaskets, bolts, nuts and washer as per AFC drawings.
6.5.6 Bolt tightening of Internal Piping shall be done as per SAEP-351
6.5.7 Equipment nozzle shall never be use as support by piping connection.
6.5.8 Install internal piping as per latest AFC Drawing.
6.6.5 Purge again the equipment with nitrogen until required pressure. Vessel will be place
again under preservation until start-up.
7.1 QC personnel shall be assigned to ensure quality control and assurance requirement of the project.
7.2 QC personnel well coordinate with Hyundai inspector to conduct inspection as required.
7.3 QC inspector shall be responsible to conduct all required inspection / documentations and to ensure that
all applicable requirements, code and standards are complied with SAIC/SATIP.
7.4 Calibration shall be done as required for all machines and tools going to use in the work in accordance
with Schedule “Q”.
7.5 Contractor has to utilize the applicable SAIC every activity.
7.6 On completion of all erection activities, equipment shall be check for mechanical completion in accordance
with “Inspection and Test Plan”.
7.7 In General, following points shall be check prior to the final acceptance;
7.7.1 Alignment check has been carried out and result are recorded.
7.7.2 Accessories installed and ready for service.
7.7.3 Bolting is check by using calibrated torque wrench (Tightening).
7.7.4 Cleanliness checked.
7.7.5 Tag and name plate to be checked.
8.9 All locations of erection activity, regardless of elevations should be provided with substantial barriers and
signboards. The required lighting facilities shall be provided during night time works if required.
8.10 List of emergency contact telephone numbers shall be provided to all key personnel.
8.11 Ensure the Communication Device to be used.
8.12 All personnel involved in works shall be aware of safety requirements of the project and the site shall be
kept clean and in tidy conditions.
8.13 Safety sign boards shall be placed all along the temporary access road and erection sites.
8.14 Maintain good housekeeping at all times.
8.15 Full supervision by assigned Area Supervisor/Foreman and Safety Personnel to monitor the site
personnel during all erection activities.
8.16 Personnel working in equipment erection sites should be provided with the Necessary protective
equipment (PPE).
8.17 Provide drinking water, potable water shelters for the employees
8.18 Fire extinguishers shall be provided at the site wherever required
8.19 Make sure that the erection work does not undermine the scaffolds or the nearby areas.
8.20 Ensure all steel erector and scaffolding crew undergo in Working @ Heights Training and familiar in Full-
Body Harness for 100 % Tie-Off.
8.21 All Power Tools and Hand Tools are inspected by competent person prior to use.
8.22 While erection pay attention to possible surrounding areas.
8.23 Flagmen are to be always accompanied with the equipment while standby as well as working.
8.24 Flagmen shall also be deployed for signaling during the lifting actives across the road.
8.25 Inspection and Testing Requirements shall be per ASME A92.3, A92.5, & A92.6 Elevating work platforms
shall receive a periodic inspection every six (6) months or as determined by the Inspection Department.