Development of Student Books Characterized by Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education To Support Mathematics Problem Solving Ability

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JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika)
p-ISSN 2597-7512 | e-ISSN 2614-1175
Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2022, pp. 36-50

Development of Student Books Characterized by Indonesian

Realistic Mathematics Education to Support Mathematics
Problem Solving Ability

Intan Dwi Hastuti1, Ahyansyah2, Sukma Mawaddah3, Sutarto4*

School Teacher Education, University of Muhammadiyah Mataram, Indonesia
4Mathematics Education, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected]*

Article History: This study aims to produce a student's book characterized by the Indonesian
Received : 26-10-2021 Realistic Mathematics Education Approach on fractional arithmetic operations
Revised : 12-12-2021 material for grade V Elementary School that is valid, practical, and effective. This
Accepted : 20-12-2021 Research and Development uses the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design,
Online : 22-01-2022 Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The analysis phase consists of an
analysis of student needs and curriculum analysis. At the design stage, namely the
Keywords: preparation of a map of student book needs, determining the structure of student
Student Book;
books and making research instruments. At the development stage, namely
Realistic Mathematics; preparing student books and validating student books to experts. The
Education; implementation phase includes teaching experiments to 3 students (one on one),
Problem Solving; small groups (small groups) and field tests. Then, at the evaluation stage includes
the assessment of student books with teachers and students. This study uses the
Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Approachin the matter of fractional arithmetic
operations. The results showed that the average percentage of student book
validity according to experts was 79.4% with the assessment criteria being valid
or could be used with revisions. Meanwhile, the average percentage of practicality
of student books according to students is 75.7% with the assessment criteria
being practical or can be used with revisions. Meanwhile, the average percentage
of the effectiveness of student books according to students is 77.5% with the
assessment criteria being effective in supporting students' mathematical problem
solving abilities. This is an open access article under the CC–BY-SA license

——————————— ———————————

The use of teaching materials in the form of student books is very important in the
learning process because it can make students more interested in class, become more active
in discussions, do more exercises according to the quality of individual learning, experience
real learning, get opportunities to collaborate, think critically, and improve problem solving
(Koparan, 2017). Mathematics student books are concrete materials used to help students
form a clear understanding of mathematical concepts and not only facilitate students in
learning the material but also assist teachers in teaching mathematics (Asih et al., 2017;

Intan Dwi Hastuti, Development of Student Books ...37

Ulandari et al., 2019). Student books are used to organize mathematical concepts that will be
studied by students and those that have been studied by students so that each student has a
systematic set of knowledge (Asriani et al., 2017; Waluyo et al., 2016). Therefore, student's
Mathematics book is learning source that has an influence in the learning process.
Mathematics books as a support for learning prosses, requires students to be active in
learning so that all activities can be carried out optimally and actively involved (Manopo et al.,
2018). Teaching materials in the form of mathematics student books are needed to improve
students' mathematical reasoning skills through several learning activities and can deepen
students' understanding of the material presented (Maulana et al., 2018). Based on some of
these opinions, it can be concluded that the use of student books in mathematics is very
important to do because it is able to make students more interested in class, become more
active in discussions, experience real learning, get opportunities to collaborate, think critically,
and improve problem solving problem effectively.
Based on several international mathematics tests, it shows that the problem-solving ability
of Indonesian students is still in the low category. In the 2015 international for student
assessment program (PISA) test, information was obtained that Indonesian students ranked
in the low category below the 450 PISA standard with a value of 395.3 (PISA, 2015).
Meanwhile, in the Trends International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) test,
information was obtained that students got the lowest position with a math score of 397 (Frey,
2018). Illustrates that students who take PISA and come from various regions in Indonesia
have low problem-solving abilities after being tested with mathematical literacy questions
and differences in categories and learning facilities in each school are factors that influence it
(Masjaya & Wardono, 2018; Rahmawati & Mahdiansyah, 2014). Data from the 2019 Ministry
of Education and Culture Puspendik in shows that the mathematical ability of Indonesian
students is still in the less category of 77.13%. Meanwhile, the data of students' mathematical
ability in East Java is less than 71.35%. The results above provide information that the
mathematical ability of Indonesian students internationally and nationally is still low.
The results of a preliminary study conducted in 3 (three) schools through direct
observation of the learning process and unstructured interviews with fifth grade teachers and
school principals obtained information that in general, the three schools have the same
characteristics. Other characteristics possessed by the three schools are: First, the results of
direct observations of the learning process in the classroom that in general the series of
mathematics learning processes are still carried out using conventional methods, meaning
that the entire series of learning consists of opening, explanation of concepts and procedures
for subject matter on the blackboard, practice questions and assignment. Second, the results of
the interview obtained information that the mathematics learning process rarely uses
learning media in the form of teaching aids or the like due to the limited ability of teachers in
making teaching aids and the use of teaching aids requires quite a lot of time. Third, the
results of the interview obtained information that the teacher had never developed student
books and applied learning models in the 2013 curriculum for the following reasons (1) the
teacher directly used student books in the form of mathematics textbooks from the Ministry
of Education and Culture and mathematics modules compiled by the working group of
elementary school teachers in the city of Malang , and (2) the use of the learning model
requires a lot of time so that the complete learning is not completed.
Based on the results of the preliminary study above, it is necessary to develop a student
book in the form of a student book to carry out the learning activities. Student books are
developed based on the results of a study of the weaknesses or shortcomings of the student
books used in schools. This means that student book products are developed or created to
complement the shortage of student books that are already used by schools. This
development step is called the third level development step, namely developing a product or
38 |JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika ) |Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2022, pp. 36-50

adaptation of an existing product. Student books in the form of student books equipped with
books were developed based on a mathematics learning approach with the aim of supporting
students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. So, one of the student books that supports
students' mathematical problem-solving abilities is a student book based on the Indonesian
Realistic Mathematics Education Learning Approach (called PMRI).
Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education Learning Approach (PMRI) or more known
realistic mathematics education is a learning approach that have influence on student's
mathematics ability. Realistic mathematics education can give a positive response to
mathematics teachers because it provides opportunities for exploration of learning resources
from the environment of everyday life (Palupi, 2018; Paterson & Sneddon, 2011).
Mathematical processes in realistic mathematics education provide basic concepts for
students to master mathematics learning materials for the next school level (Denız, 2017).
Implementation of realistic mathematics education needs to be applied in mathematics
classrooms because it provides a change in the learning culture in the classroom (Arsoetar,
2019; Revina, 2019; Sembiring, 2010).
Realistic mathematics education teaching materials can make students find their own
mathematical concepts and contain contextual problems that are close to students and
facilitate students' learning flow in finding theoretical concepts (Yarman, 2021). When
applying realistic mathematics education approach, and the result showed significant
differences between the realistic mathematics education approach and the traditional
approach in terms of achievement (Dawkins, 2015; Irawan, 2018).
Student books containing realistic mathematics education are adapted to the applicable
curriculum. Students' books based on mathematical reality must be adapted to the curriculum
and characteristics of students (Khikmiyah, 2016; Sembiring, 2010; Winarti et al., 2012) .
Other than that, also emphasized that student books with the PMRI approach need to meet the
following standards: (1) student books are adapted to the curriculum; (2) realistic problems
to support mathematical problem solving abilities; (3) contains interrelated mathematical
concepts so that learning becomes meaningful; (4) the material arranged in students' books
can accommodate differences in ways and abilities of thinking; and (5) able to motivate
students to think critically, creatively, innovatively, and interact in learning so that students
have mathematical problem solving abilities (Sembiring, 2010). Based on the problems,
Development of student books characterized by Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education
(RME) using the ADDIE development model that are valid, practical, and effective.

The type of research used is research and development of the ADDIE Model (Analysis,
Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). According to Soesilo & Munthe (2020) the
advantages of the ADDIE teaching material development model are that it is simpler, more
organized, and widely used in making programs and learning products effectively and
validated by experts. In the analysis phase, the researcher collects previous information to
analyze the need to solve learning problems in schools. At the design stage, the researcher
compiled a student book characterized by RME. At the media development stage, what the
researchers did was to validate the material, RME, and media in 3 mathematics education
lecturers. From the results of the validation of material experts, RME, and media, researchers
will get comments so that later they can be used as revision material for the developed
student book. At the implementation stage, the researcher observed the learning steps using
the RME contained in the learning implementation plan (RPP). At the implementation stage,
the researcher made a questionnaire on student learning outcomes on the learning process
assisted by student books with RME characteristics. Furthermore, at the evaluation stage, the
researcher made improvements and refinements from the initial trial conducted after the
Intan Dwi Hastuti, Development of Student Books ...39

student's book was said to be valid. The product produced in this study is a student book in
the form of a student book characterized by the Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education
Approach (PMRI).
Data collection techniques in this study consisted of walkthrough, documentation, and
tests. Walkthrough is carried out on experts and is used to validate student books which
include content, constructs, and language. Suggestions and comments during the Walkthrough
at the expert review stage are used to revise prototype 1 and are combined with suggestions
and comments at the one-to-one stage to produce prototype 2. This documentation is carried
out by collecting data obtained in the form of written documents and pictures that support the
research. Documentation in the form of images and videos is carried out at the one to one,
small group, and field test stages. The test is used to collect data on student learning outcomes
based on the field tests carried out and used to measure the effectiveness of the developed
student book.
The data analysis technique used consisted of walkthrough data analysis, document data
analysis, and test data analysis. The walkthrough data analysis aims to analyze expert
validation data. Expert validation data analysis used descriptive analysis by revising student
books based on suggestions and comments from experts. Suggestions and comments from
experts are used to revise student books combined with student suggestions and comments at
the one-to-one stage. Document analysis was used to analyze data on the validity and
practicality of student books. Descriptive analysis was used. Data analysis is based on written
documents and pictures obtained by researchers during the study. Then, test data analysis
was used to analyze the effectiveness data from the developed student book.


This development research resulted in a student book in the form of a student book based
on the PMRI approach (Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Approach). This study uses the
ADDIE development model, and the procedures carried out in this study include 5 stages,
namely analysis, development, design, implementation, and evaluation. Each stage of this
research is described as follows:
1. Analysis Stage
At this stage the activities carried out include analysis of research subjects, curriculum
analysis, analysis of student books that are being used, and making instruments. The
following is a discussion of each stage in the analysis:
a. Research Subject Analysis
At this stage the researcher conducted an analysis of the students who would be
the subject of the research and was also a test class for the use of student books which
were developed based on the PMRI approach. The students who were used as the
subjects of this research were the fifth-grade students. The analysis of the subject of
this study aims to determine the number of students and information that class V has
never received or used student books based on the PMRI approach and from the
teacher obtained information that the level of student ability in class V is
heterogeneous. In the analysis of the research subject, the criteria for students who
will be selected to be carried out in the one-to-one stage are also determined, namely 1
low-ability student, 1 medium-ability student and 1 high-ability student.
b. Curriculum Analysis
Curriculum analysis aims to determine Competency Standards (SK), Basic
Competencies (KD), and indicators used in developing student books based on the
PMRI approach. The curriculum used in the development of this student book is the
2013 curriculum. From the analysis of the curriculum, the aspects developed in the
student book based on the PMRI approach are fractional arithmetic operations
40 |JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika ) |Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2022, pp. 36-50

material. The Basic Competencies (KD) and Indicators for class V fractional arithmetic
operations can be seen in Table 1 below:

Table 1. KD & Operation Material Indicators Counting Fractions

Basic Competence (KD) Indicator
3.1 Explain and perfor 3.1.1 Explain the concept of adding two fractions with
addition and subtraction different denominators
of two fractions with 3.1.2 Explain the concept of subtracting two fractions
different denominators with different denominators
3.1.3 Adding two fractions with different denominators
3.1.4 Subtracting two fractions with different
3.2 Solve problems involving 3.2.1 Solve problems involving the addition of two fractions
addition and subtraction with different denominators
of two fractions with 3.2.2 Solve problems involving the subtraction of two
different denominators fractions with different denominators
4.1 Explain and perform 4.1.1 Understand the concept of multiplication of fractions
multiplication and 4.1.2 Understand the concept of decimal multiplication
division of fractions and 4.1.3 Understand the concept of division of fractions
decimals 4.1.4 Understand the concept of decimal division
4.1.5 Doing fraction multiplication
4.1.6 Doing decimal multiplication
4.1.7 Doing fraction division
4.1.8 Doing decimal division
4.2 Solve problems related 4.2.1 Solve problems related to multiplication of fractions
to multiplication and 4.2.2 Solving problems related to decimals
division of fractions and 4.2.3 Solve problems related to division of fractions
decimals 4.2.4 Solve problems related to decimal division
Source: Prepared by the author based on Candy 37 of 2018

c. Analysis of Student Books in Use

The results of the analysis of student books obtained information that the student
book used was a student book entitled Mathematics Learning for SD/MI Grade 5 by
Moch Amiruddin Ichda, S. Pd, Rudita Anes Candra Negara, S. Pd and Mohammad Laila
Ussyarif, S. Pd. The results of the analysis show that the student's book has several
shortcomings. The disadvantages of student books are as follows:
First, it is seen from the material aspect that the student's book has several
shortcomings, such as (1) the material that is compiled is still not in accordance with
the specified competency standards, such as in chapter I material, the application of
addition and subtraction of fractions, which discusses adding and subtracting
arithmetic operations. Fractions with the same denominator are compared with the
addition of fractions with different denominators; (2) the material that is arranged is
still not in depth, such as adding and subtracting fractions, only discussing operations
on ordinary fractions with ordinary fractions, while ordinary fractions with mixed
fractions and mixed fractions with mixed fractions have not been discussed in detail;
(3) there is a discrepancy between the material, tasks, exercises, and questions such as
the addition and subtraction of fractions that discuss the subject of addition and
subtraction of ordinary fractions with ordinary fractions, while in assignments,
exercises and questions there are operations of adding common fractions with mixed
fractions and mixed fractions with mixed fractions; (4) there is still a lack of student
activity in groups, communicating activities and concluding material activities together
in accordance with the demands of the scientific approach in the 2013 curriculum; (5)
Intan Dwi Hastuti, Development of Student Books ...41

it still does not include problems that are close to students' lives and there are
materials that do not use real problems to start learning so that learning is still less
meaningful for students such as multiplication and fraction division operations;
Second, it is seen from the linguistic aspect that students' books have several
shortcomings, such as (1) the use of sentences in paragraphs is not in accordance with
the level of development and understanding of students, causing students' difficulties
in understanding the concepts of learning materials; and (2) there are still some long
illustrations and unclear pictures. Third, it is seen from the aspect of material
presentation that student books have several shortcomings, such as: (1) the material
presented is not coherent and difficult for students to understand, causing the meaning
of the material to have not been conveyed; (2) the presentation of the material has not
been able to support the ability to solve problems and think creatively according to the
level of student development; and (3) it still lacks contextual insight in accordance
with the variety of Indonesian culture and characteristics and encourages students to
find their own meaning of the material to be applied in everyday life. Fourth, it can be
seen from the graphic aspect that the student books (1) the size of the letters and the
type of letters used are not in accordance with the age, characteristics, and
development of students; (2) not using illustrations that clarify the message conveyed;
and (3) the color display in the image used is still not clear.

2. Design Stage
The results of the analysis stage are used as the basis for designing student books.
Things that are done at the design stage are compiling a map of student book needs and
validating to experts. The processes carried out at this stage are:
a. Prepare a map of student book needs
The preparation of the student book needs map is carried out by considering the
Competency Standards and Basic Competencies as well as indicators of competency
achievement. This map of student book needs was compiled to facilitate researchers in
sorting the material to be presented in student books.
b. Validation of experts
At this stage, the researcher re-evaluated the student books that had been made
both in terms of material, media, and language used. After being read and evaluated, it
produces the first prototype that is focused on content, constructs, and language.
1) Expert Review
After the first prototype is finished, the next stage is an expert review. This
stage aims to obtain a valid student book. Prototype 1 given was then validated in
terms of material, media, and language. The comments from the experts as
validators are as follows:
a) Validator 1. Lecturer of Mathematics Education, State University of Malang.
b) Validator 2. Lecturer of Learning Technology, State University of Malang.
c) Validator 3. PGSD Lecturer at Muhammadiyah University of Mataram
The comments and suggestions from experts as validators of researchers are
summarized in Table 2 as follows:
42 |JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika ) |Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2022, pp. 36-50

Table 2. Validator's Suggestions and Feedback

No Validator Suggestions and feedback
1. Validator 1 1. Contextual problems are still lacking and not clearly visible in
student books.
2. contextual problems are not in accordance with the editorial
questions entered, such as the image of a ribbon with a length
of 2+1/3 meters is the same as an image of a ribbon with a
length of 2/5 meters and an image of an onion 3+1/4 kg is the
same as an image of an onion 2+2/5.
3. still does not involve the natural and cultural characteristics of
Indonesia and it is advisable to use problems involving arts
and culture in East Java or the area where the research is
4. use the same sample questions to find the concept of fractions
(page 17) so that the material is structured.
5. added learning video barcodes for learning at home to match
the novelty of the research.
2. Validator 3 1. Corrected the use of punctuation, and conjunctions
2. There are several sentences that must be replaced to clarify
the meaning of the question
3. The use of words and sentences adapted to the characteristics
of elementary school students
4. The words and sentences used need to be adapted to the KBBI
and in accordance with standard language standards.
3. Validator 3 1. redesign using a design application such as corel draw or the
2. change the color of the fractional count operation writing
realistically on the cover page so that it looks clear and not the
same as the background color.
3. zoomed out photo realistic sequence on the cover page or
placed on the back cover.
4. The author's name is stored in the lower left corner.
5. remove the frame on each sub or make it more interesting,
reduce the frame on the header and footer, and the page
number is not italicized so that it can be read clearly

2) One to One
This stage was carried out on March 11, 2019. In this one to one stage,
prototype 1 was tested on three fifth grade students at SDN Sukoharjo 2 Malang
City with student criteria: 1 high-ability student, 1 medium-ability student and 1
low-ability student. . This trial was conducted to see student difficulties that might
occur during the process of using student books based on the PMRI approach in
learning. After studying using a student book based on the PMRI approach, the
three students were asked to provide their comments. Comments and suggestions
at the one-to-one stage can be seen in Table 3 below.
Intan Dwi Hastuti, Development of Student Books ...43

Table 3. Student Comments

No Student Comment
1. Student 1 1. Interesting student books, so you know the use of fractions in
everyday life.
2. Too many colors, so, a little dizzy in learning.
3. The picture is too small
4. The material accompanied by pictures made us understand the
material for counting fraction operations in everyday life.
2. Student 2 1. The student books are colorful, making them easier to study.
2. Practice questions are also related to everyday life, so I realized
that math lessons can be used in everyday life.
3. Student 3 1. An exciting book full of pictures and colors, so excited to learn the
2. The material is related to everyday life.

Based on comments and suggestions from experts as validators and three

students one to one, the first prototype student book was revised again so as to
produce second prototype. The revision decisions can be seen in table 4 below.

Table 4. Revision Decision

No Validators and Comments, Suggestions and Feedback Revision Decision
Students (prototype 1)
1. Validator 1 1. Contextual problems are still 1. Given contextual and
lacking and not clearly visible in realistic problems for
student books. each sub-chapter of
2. Contextual problems are not in fractional arithmetic
accordance with the editorial operations material
questions entered, such as the 2. Contextual problems
image of a ribbon with a length of have been adapted to
2+1/3 meters is the same as an the editor of each sub-
image of a ribbon with a length of chapter.
2/5 meters and an image of an 3. Entering appropriate
onion 3+1/4 kg is the same as an contextual issuesnatural
image of an onion 2+2/5. and cultural
3. Still does not involve the natural characteristics of
and cultural characteristics of Indonesia, especially in
Indonesia and it is advisable to use the area of Malang, East
problems involving arts and Java or the research
culture in East Java or the area area.
where the research is conducted. 4. Arrange for structured
4. Use the same sample questions to materials.
find the concept of fractions (page
17) so that the material is
2. Validator 3 1. Corrected the use of punctuation, 1. Improve the use of
and conjunctions punctuation, and
2. There are several sentences that conjunctions
must be replaced to clarify the 2. Change the sentence to
meaning of the question clarify the meaning of
3. The use of words and sentences the question.
adapted to the characteristics of 3. Using words according
elementary school students. to the characteristics of
4. The words and sentences used need elementary school
to be adapted to the KBBI and in students
accordance with standard language 4. Using words according
standards. to KBBI
3. Validator 2 1. Redesign using a design application 1. Cover design using the
44 |JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika ) |Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2022, pp. 36-50

No Validators and Comments, Suggestions and Feedback Revision Decision

Students (prototype 1)
such as corel draw or the like. Corel Draw application
2. Change the color of the fractional 2. Clarify the color of the
count operation writing realistically cover and the writing.
on the cover page so that it looks 3. Reducing the image
clear and not the same as the according to the context
background color. of problems in everyday
3. Zoomed out photo realistic life.
sequence on the cover page or 4. Put the author's name in
placed on the back cover. save in the bottom left
4. The author's name is stored in the corner.
lower left corner. 5. Makes the appearance of
5. Remove the frame on each sub or the sub chapters more
make it more interesting, reduce the attractive.
frame on the header and footer, and
the page number is not italicized so
that it can be read clearly

4. Student 1 1. Interesting student books, so you 1. Reducing too

know the use of fractions in much color.
everyday life. 2. Enlarge image
2. Too many colors, so, a little dizzy in size
3. The picture is too small
4. The material accompanied by
pictures made us understand the
material for counting fraction
operations in everyday life.
5. Student 3 1. The student books are colorful, Revise according to input
making them easier to study.
2. Practice questions are also related
to everyday life, so I realized that
math lessons can be used in
everyday life.
6. Student 2 1. An exciting book full of pictures and Revise according to input
colors, so excited to learn the
2. The material is related to everyday

3. Development Stage
After the student's book was revised through the stages of expert review and one-to-
one evaluation, it can be concluded that the first prototype developed was classified as
valid. The results of this first prototype improvement obtained a second prototype. This
student book discusses 4 subject matters, namely: (1) fractional addition operations in
everyday life, (2) fraction subtraction operations in everyday life counting, (3) fractional
multiplication operations in daily life arithmetic, and (4) fraction division operations in
daily life. The developed student book consists of: (1) the beginning; (2) the content
section; (3) the final part. The following will explain in more detail the parts of the student
book that have been developed.
a. Description of the Beginning of the Student Book.
The initial part of the student book consists of: (1) cover page (cover), (2)
introduction, (3) table of contents, (4) exposure to learning activities, (5) presentation
of basic competencies & indicators, (6) learning objectives, (7) concept maps, (8) a
glimpse of math figures, and (9) crossword puzzles.
Intan Dwi Hastuti, Development of Student Books ...45

b. Description of the Student Book Contents

The contents of the student book consist of 4 (four) sections consisting of lesson 1,
lesson 2, lesson 3, and lesson 4. The material in lesson 1 is the operation of adding
fractions in everyday life. The material in lesson 2 is fraction subtraction operations in
everyday life. The material in lesson 3 is fraction multiplication operations in everyday
life. The material in lesson 4 is fraction division operations in everyday life. Each lesson
contains learning steps, namely (1) introductory activities; (2) let's observe; (3) let's
ask; (4) let's try; (5) let's reason; (6) let's communicate; (7) let's conclude; (8) practice
questions; (9) study with parents at home; (10) summary of the material; and (11)
parental records containing messages and suggestions from parents.
c. Description of the End of the Student Book
The final part of the student book consists of: (1) Daily Test Questions, (2) Glossary,
(3) notes, (4) bibliography, and (5) author's biodata.

4. Implementation Stage
At this stage, the revised student books were based on suggestions and comments from
experts, so the student books were then tested at one of the public school in the city of
Malang. The stages of implementation are as follows:
a. Small Group
At this stage, the second prototype produced from the previous two stages was
tested on six fifth grade students at one of the public school in the city of Malang who
were not research subjects in a group with heterogeneous abilities. Students are asked
to work on student books that have been made from the results of their work they can
use the student books. The use of student books at the small group stage shows that
this student book can be said to be practical. After studying using this student book,
students were asked to provide their comments on the student book using the PMRI
approach. The results of student comments can be seen in table 6 below:

Table 6. Small Group Student Comments on Prototype II and Revision Decisions

Comment Revision Decision
I'm still confused with the mixed fraction arithmetic Student books are made in the
operations using the context of everyday problems. context of daily life problems related
to collecting data
The material for division operations and practice Reduced contextual issues as per
questions is too much so it doesn't focus on working comments
on the problem
The second problem in the question instructions is Revise according to input
not clear

After the small group stage is implemented, then the second prototype is evaluated
and improved according to comments and suggestions during the small group. The
results of this second prototype improvement obtained a third prototype.
b. Field Test
After conducting a small group trial, the next step is the field test stage in the real
class. The field test was carried out in class V. Totaling 20 students, who were divided
into 5 groups with different abilities. The data collection process in this study was
carried out in 4 meetings starting on April 25, 2019. In each lesson, each group was
given a student book which students would complete through group discussion and the
results were presented alternately by group representatives.
46 |JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika ) |Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2022, pp. 36-50

5. Evaluation Stage
At this stage, an evaluation of the results of expert assessments, student book users,
and student learning outcomes from the developed book is carried out. The following are
the results of the validation, practicality, and effectiveness assessment results.

Table 7. Validity, Practicality, and Effectiveness of Student Books

No Rated aspect Average Percentage Validity Criteria
1 Validity 79.4% Valid
2 Practicality 75.7% Practical
3 Effectiveness 77, 5% Effectiveness
Source: Processed by the Author

Based on the description of the three aspects above, it can be obtained that the average
percentage of student book validity according to experts is 79.4% with the assessment
criteria being valid or can be used with revisions. Meanwhile, the average percentage of
practicality of student books according to students is 75.7% with the assessment criteria
being practical or can be used with revisions. Meanwhile, the average percentage of the
effectiveness of student books according to students is 77.5% with the assessment criteria
being effective in supporting students' mathematical problem-solving abilities.
Based on the process of developing teaching materials that has gone through several
stages starting from the preliminary stage to the prototyping stage with a formative
evaluation flow which includes self evaluation, expert review, one-to-one, small group, and
field test, a student book set has been produced. which is characterized by a realistic
Indonesian mathematics education approach that has been declared valid, practical, and
effective to support the mathematical problem-solving abilities of fifth grade elementary
school students. The developed student book adopts the ADDIE development procedure
which consists of the analysis stage, the design stage, the development stage, the
implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. To determine the effectiveness of students'
books using the Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Approach (PMRI), then the student's
book is implemented in learning mathematics in elementary schools. Before being
implemented (tested), the student's book is first validated by experts. After being validated
by the experts, the student book was revised according to the advice of the experts, then
the revised teaching materials were tested at the one-to-one stage and produced prototype
2. The results from prototype 2 were then tested again at the small group stage and
produce prototype 3. The revised results of prototype 3 are tested in the real class or what
is called the field test stage.
Based on the description of the three aspects above, it can be obtained that the average
percentage of student book validity according to experts is 79.4% with the assessment
criteria being valid or can be used with revisions. The results of this study are in
accordance with the results of several previous studies. Research by(Harahap, 2017)shows:
1) The validity of RME-based geometry teaching materials is very valid. This can be seen
from the results of the mathematical problem-solving ability test usingThis teaching
material is complete because 80% of the test subjects meet learning mastery on average-
average score more than KKM 75. The development of teaching materials in the form of the
development of teaching materials in the form of thematic comics based on Android with
the RME approach is declared valid by meeting a score of 3.67 (Latif et al., 2019). Then
research on the development of teaching materials shows that the development of teaching
materials based on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) for prism and pyramid material
Intan Dwi Hastuti, Development of Student Books ...47

is declared valid with a score of 3.36. Indonesian realistic mathematics education-based

student book (Fuadiyah, 2015).
Meanwhile, the average percentage of practicality of student books according to
students is 75.7% with the assessment criteria being practical or can be used with
revisions. This is in accordance with the results of research that development of realistic
mathematics education (rme) based teaching materials by meeting criteria 3.38 with
practical criteria (Yunita, 2017). Development of realistic mathematics education (RME)-
based teaching materials to support students' mathematical literacy skills, shows that these
teaching materials meet the practical criteria with a score of 91.3% (Mardiana, 2019).
Teaching materials for Android-based mathematics teaching materials with a realistic
mathematics education (rme) approach to Cartesian coordinates were carried out through
a small group trial of 5 students at SMP Negeri 1 Kotagajah, the average percentage was
83.50% in the very practical category (Sari et al., 2021).
Then, the average percentage of the effectiveness of students' books according to
students is 77.5% with the assessment criteria being effective in supporting students'
mathematical problem-solving abilities. The results of this study are that a small group trial
(10 students per school) was conducted in three schools. The results of the evaluation the
teaching materials produced are declared valid, practical, and effective by the validators
and research respondents (Yerizon, 2014). The results of the trial by all validators who got
an average score of 3.44 and the results of the user responses (users) conducted to 10
students of class VIII got an average score of 3.8. So that interactive teaching materials
based on Realistic Mathematics Education which contain Strengthening Character
Education and 21st Century Competencies in class VIII statistics material can be declared
valid and suitable for use (Murniati, 2020).
In developing these teaching materials, it is necessary to pay attention to conceptual
aspects, to be understood by students according to their level of development, and to
motivate students. Developed that teaching in the form of books students need to pay
attention to the following things: 1) material with RME can be implemented with
conceptual questions to generate metacognitive activities, critical thinking, creative, and
higher order thinking with teacher guidance; 2) RME materials can be implemented in
teaching texts as media that are easy to understand, provide useful problems related to the
real world, so that they can help students solve learning problems, and provide useful
information to solve real-world problems; 3) the teacher's role in the learning process with
RME material as a facilitator and motivator for students (Sunismi, 2015).


The development of teaching materials characterized by realistic mathematics education
approach to support students' mathematical problem-solving abilities can be declared valid,
practical, and effective. The average percentage of student book validity according to experts
is 79.4% with the assessment criteria being valid or can be used with revisions. Meanwhile,
the average percentage of practicality of student books according to students is 75.7% with
the assessment criteria being practical or can be used with revisions. Meanwhile, the average
percentage of the effectiveness of student books according to students is 77.5% with the
assessment criteria being effective in supporting students' mathematical problem-solving
Suggestions from researchers for future researchers must pay attention to several things:
1) the results of developing teaching materials are expected to be able to serve as alternative
teaching materials on fractional arithmetic operations material for grade V elementary school
so that it is hoped that there will be the development of similar teaching materials for other
materials. Teaching materials are expected to be considered in developing similar teaching
48 |JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika ) |Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2022, pp. 36-50

materials; 2) for further researchers and developers to be able to consider large-scale trials to
determine the level of effectiveness of the teaching materials developed using either
experimental research or CAR; and 3) pay attention to the presentation of material and
questions that need to be adjusted to the characteristics of students.

We would like to thank the students, teachers and principals of SDN Sukoharjo 2 Malang City
and mathematics education experts who have provided time for the smooth running of this

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