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JPPIPA 8(2) (2022)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

Journal of Research in Science Education


Profile of Students' Physics Critical Thinking Skills and

Application of Problem Based Learning Models Assisted by
Digital Books in Physics Learning in High School
Shalsa Billa Ardhana Neswary1, Binar Kurnia Prahani2*

1 Physics Education Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia.

DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v8i2.1444

Article Info Abstract: This research aims to analyze the profile of students' critical thinking skills and the
Received: February 27, 2022 application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) models based on digital books on physics
Revised: April 19, 2022 learning in high school. This research method is a preliminary study with data collection
Accepted: April 22, 2022 techniques in the form of written tests whose data results will be analyzed descriptively
Published: April 30, 2022 qualitatively. The study was conducted on 176 students consisting of 77 male students and
99 female students. in 5 classes X MIPA at one of the State High Schools in Sidoarjo Regency.
It was concluded that: 1) The lowest criteria for critical thinking skills of students were found
in the analysis indicator with an average score of 0.989 in female students and 0.636 in male
students. 2) Students' critical thinking skills belong to the low category, the score range of 0-
45 as many as 99 female students and 77 male students and no students who belong to the
medium and high categories. In this study, the application of digital book-assisted PBL is
expected to improve students' critical thinking skills. So, it was concluded that if the critical
thinking skills that students have are low, then it is necessary to improve students' critical
thinking skills, namely with the implementation of digital book-assisted PBL models.

Keywords: PBL; Critical thinking skills; Digital books

Citation: Neswary, S.B.A., & Prahani, B.K. (2022). Profile of Students’ Physics Critical Thinking Skills and Application of
Problem Based Learning Models Assisted by Digital Books in Physics Learning in High School. Jurnal Penelitian
Pendidikan IPA, 8(2), 781–789. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v8i2.1444

Introduction Physics is an important basis for the development

of science and technology (Dewi et al., 2021). In the
According to Jannah, (2020) education is a learning process of physics learners there is usually a root cause
process that is done consciously to develop students' in the form of students less interested in the material
potential, not only in cognitive abilities but also in the delivered by the teacher (Lutfiana et al., 2021). Students
ability to self-control demonstrated through attitudes. feel that physics is too difficult. This is because at the
Many factors are supportive in the education process, time of learning, the learning model used by teachers in
one of which is school. The learning process and the teaching tends to be the same so it seems boring.
components contained in it such as teachers, students, Students assume that physics contains only
learning objectives, lesson models can determine a mathematical calculations identical to formulas
success of the Education process (Fitri, 2020). The main (Elizabeth & Sigahitong, 2018). According to Badriyah et
goal in the implementation of a learning process in al, (2021), the process of learning physics emphasizes
school, which can be one of the references for learners understanding more than remembering. Therefore,
can achieve basic competencies in accordance with the students' critical thinking skills are required as the key
plan that has been made before (Sari et al., 2021). to successful understanding of physical concepts.
* Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Copyright © 2022, Author et al.
This open access article is distributed under a (CC-BY License)
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2022, Volume 8, Issue 2, 781-789

Thinking is intended that learners can use the so that the learning process is more fun in the classroom.
knowledge as well as the skills they develop as they E-books can help to effectively and streamline learning
learn in new contexts, which means it has not been time (Shobrina et al., 2020).
thought of by learners before but has been taught by Based on the above problems, researchers
teachers (Irwan et al., 2021). Critical thinking enables a conducted research aimed at analyzing the profile of
person to determine the purpose, relationship, or students' critical thinking skills and the application of
relationship between things, and consider the decisions PBL models based on digital books on physics learning
to be taken to determine truth and education in high school.
(Nurussaniah & Ramandha, 2017; Rosmasari & Supardi,
2021). Critical thinking skills have 6 indicators, namely: Method
Analysis, interpretation, inference, explanation,
evaluation and self-regulation. However, on indicators The study uses preliminary studies with
of self-planation and self-regulation it is difficult to descriptive research designs and does not test
measure using tests, so this study only uses 4 indicators hypotheses, but used a descriptive research design. The
(Facione, 2011; Hasannah & Suprapto, 2021). Learning results of this study will be used as a consideration for
models that can teach and develop critical thinking, one the improvement of learning models and learning media
of which is PBL (Safitri et al., 2021). that improve students' critical thinking skills in high
PBL is a learning model that technically provides school.
problems directly or in real life that are used as The study was conducted on 176 students in 5 X
analyzing materials to find solutions to these problems classes at one of the high schools in Sidoarjo Regency
(Ardeniyansah & Rosnawati, 2018). Problems used in consisting of 77 male students and 99 female students.
PBL models are problems that are authentic or that arise The research instruments used in this study are written
in the environment (Hidaayatullaah & Dwikoranto, tests, student response questionnaires, and physics
2019). According to Mangngella, (2021) the PBL model is teacher interviews. Written tests are used to find out the
a learning model that is central to students and which is results of students' learning in the cognitive realm (Amir
currently being widely developed. According to Fatma, et al., 2020). Students' essay test questions amount to 8
(2018), the PBL model can be varied by teachers and questions to estimate critical thinking skills (Dita et al.,
clarify the flow that will make learners become more 2021) about straight motion material equipped with
understanding and teaching and learning activities in indicators of critical thinking skills. Student
the classroom will be more fun so that learners do not questionnaire sheets are used for data collection
get bored. The application of the PBL model can make (Syamsu, 2020) shared through google form with 10
students more non-passive and can improve student statements. The teacher interview contains 7 questions
learning outcomes (Ningrum et al., 2021). Research that can explain the conditions related to the physics
results (Rahmadani, 2019), The use of PBL can evoke the learning process in school. Interview conducted to
activeness, motivation, and creativity of students in explore information about the situation of physics
learning. learning (Napaswati, 2020). The information sought is
Physics learning needs to be packaged using media whether it has been applied PBL models to improve
and must use learning models that can attract students' students' critical thinking skills and teachers opinions
attention so that the learning runs more fun so that regarding PBL models based on digital books.
students will not feel bored. (Sulthon et al., 2020). At this The data analysis technique used in this study is a
time, the development of information and qualitative descriptive technique (Tiswarni, 2019) to
communication (ICT) has had an effect on the world of describe how the situation is compatible with the facts
Education including in the learning process. Digital that exist. Figure 1. demonstrate the method flow
books are publications in the form of text and images procedures used regarding the profile of students'
packaged in digital form, in English digital books called critical thinking skills and the application of digital
e-books (Andina, 2011; Alwan, 2018). E-book as a book-assisted PBL models in physics learning in high
medium of learning is also very easy to carry school.
everywhere without having to bother when carrying it
(Angriani et al., 2020). With this e-book can be a solution

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2022, Volume 8, Issue 2, 781-789

Identify PBL Assisted Digital Books to

Start Literature Studies
Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Straight
Motion Materials

Revised Instrument Validation Determining Critical Thinking Skills

Results Assessment Instruments

Interpretation of
Implementation of Critical Thinking Data Analysis
Skills Assessment Instrument

Figure 1. Research Methods.

Result and Discussion

This research was conducted to find out how the 3.5

Average Student Score

level of critical thinking skills of students is done by 3

testing using a written test tool consisting of 8 essay test
questions that correspond to 4 indicators of critical
thinking ability, among others: Interpretation, analysis,
inference, and evaluation. That way students are 1.5
expected to be able to interpret, analyze questions, make 1
conclusions, and evaluate according to the question 0.5
instrument. Based on the research that has been carried 0
out, it is obtained the results of students' thinking skills Interpr Analysi Inferen Evaluat
etation s ce ion
in straight motion material by using the PBL model
Female 3.252 0.989 1.494 1.191
using Facione indicators such as in Figure 2.
Male 2.363 0.636 1.064 1

Figure 3. Students' average results based on

critical thinking indicators

Figure 3, average critical thinking skills by gender

showed a significant difference. It can also be known, if
the highest average indicator of critical thinking is an
interpretation indicator that shows students can
understand, explain, and give reasons in the problem.
The second highest average is inference and then
followed by evaluation. While the average of the lowest
critical thinking indicators is an analysis so that it can be
known if students have not been able to analyze the
Figure 1. Critical Thinking Skills Category steps of using the formula correctly to answer questions.
The examples of questions and answers of students
Figure 2, it was obtained from 176 students with to the critical thinking skills essay test of each indicator,
low categories, 99 of whom were women and the namely achievement, inference, analysis and evaluation
remaining 77 were men. No student scores in medium are as follows:
and high categories.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2022, Volume 8, Issue 2, 781-789

Interpretation Km = 360 Km. So, the time it takes Jeno to get to his
hometown is:

So, the time it takes Jeno to get to his hometown is 2

Figure 4. Questions about interpretation indicators

Figure 5. Student answers on interpretation indicators

Figure 5, students are asked to understand, explain, Figure 8. Questions about the inference indicator
and give reasons about motion. However, the student's
answer has not been correct in understanding about
motion. The correct answer should be that the sedan car
will be said to move if the reference point is the traffic
light, while the sedan car will be silent if the reference
point is a truck. This is because when the car is towed by
Figure 9. Student answers on inference indicators
the truck, the sedan will change position to the traffic
lights and not change positions against the truck.
Figure 9, students are asked to understand and
conclude related GLB and GLBB. From the answer,
students assume if the red car will arrive first compared
to the black car, the student also does not conclude the
answer. The correct answer is a black car, because the
red car moves GLB so it has a fixed speed while the black
car moves in GLBB so that the speed will change. If the
speed of the black car changes even greater, then the
black car will run ahead of the red car and will arrive
first. The conclusion is that the GLB will have a constant
speed, while the GLBB speed will vary.
Figure 6. Questions about analytical indicators

Figure 7. Student answers on analytical indicators

Figure 7, students are asked to analyze Jeno's time Figure 10. Questions about evaluation indicators
to arrive at his hometown. From the student's answer, it
can be seen that the answer only meets one element,
namely the distance of Jaemin's hometown, while for the
travel time Jeno is wrong. The correct answer is that after
knowing the distance of Jaemin's hometown, it needs to
be summed up with the remaining distance of Jeno's Figure 11. Student answers on evaluation indicators
hometown. Jeno's hometown mileage is 240 Km + 120
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2022, Volume 8, Issue 2, 781-789

Figure 11, students were asked to evaluate the fall in the puddle. Because this event is a slowing event
distance between Haechan and the puddle if braking in straight motion changes in order.
with a maximum deceleration of 5 m/s2. However,
students' answers do not count them, using only logic so Student Response Questionnaire
that the answer is wrong. The correct answer is that To find out the response to the critical thinking
students must count first, as follows: skills test, a questionnaire containing 10 statements
about the student's physics learning experience and
teacher delivery during the physics learning process.
Students are given the choice of Strongly Disagree (SD),
Disagree (D), Agree (A), and Strongly Agree (SA). Here
are the results of the student response from the
questionnaire that has been shown in Table 1.

Because Haechan's motorcycle has stopped at a distance

of 22.5 m, it means that Haechan's motorcycle will not

Table 1. Student questionnaires related to critical thinking skills

Percentage (%)
Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree (D) (A) Agree
(SD) (SA)
Boring physics subjects 12% (21) 51% (89) 31% (55) 6% (11)
Straight motion material is important to learn 1% (1) 13% (22) 52% (92) 35% (61)
Straight motion material is difficult to learn 3% (5) 38% (66) 51% (89) 9% (16)
Straight motion material is easy to understand 5% (9) 45% (79) 44% (78) 6% (10)
I often ask if I don't understand the material delivered by the teacher. 10% (18) 37% (65) 39% (69) 14% (24)
Critical thinking skills are important in physics learning 0% (0) 11% (19) 39% (69) 50% (88)
I've done learning activities to improve critical thinking skills. 3% (6) 26% (45) 48% (84) 23% (41)
I've been trained with critical thinking skills tests. 5% (9) 28% (49) 48% (85) 19% (33)
Critical thinking skills tests are difficult to do. 3% (5) 27% (47) 51% (89) 20% (35)
I am interested in using digital books in physics learning. 8% (14) 27% (48) 41% (73) 23% (41)

Table 1, students disagree if physics subjects are thinking skills are important to improve because physics
boring. The student's next statement agrees that straight learning is closely related to everyday life and teachers
motion material is important to learn. However, say that all lessons require critical thinking. The methods
students find that straight motion material is difficult to that teachers use in physics learning in school are
learn. Students often ask if they lack understanding of different from matter. There is material that must be
the material delivered by the teacher. practiced and some that are not. Teachers also
Students strongly agree that critical thinking skills incorporate lecture methods and also provide a medium
on physics are important. Students have undertaken for students' understanding. The teacher also provides a
activities to improve critical thinking skills and have video explanation of the material for the physics
been trained on critical thinking skills tests. That way, learning process in school. The school has implemented
students are interested in using digital books in physics Merdeka Belajar, the obstacle obtained is a reference book
learning. The use of media for a learning model is as a medium of learning students are still of quite low
considered important (Laskaryani et al., 2020). At the quality. Must adapt to new time management in the
student's questionnaire, students feel interested in doing learning process that makes the teacher must manage his
learning by using digital books to improve students' time well so that learning remains well implemented.
critical thinking skills. Digital books contain straight Teachers say they prefer face-to-face learning to
motion related materials and there are questions that online. This is because students will be more active if
will improve students' thinking skills. learning is done face-to-face, if online students become
passive. However, the teacher also said that some
Teacher Interview students are also still passive at the time of physics
Analysis with physics subject teachers consists of 10 learning. Teachers say that students' grades are better if
questions related to the condition of physics learning in learning is done online rather than face-to-face.
school. Teachers say that critical thinking skills activities Research by Putri, (2021) mentions that students are still
are once trained to students by providing basic passive in responding to learning that at the time
questions related to current events or phenomena, and responds to learning provided by teachers. At the time
students will analyze. Teachers also say that critical of the interview, the teacher also said that never used the
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2022, Volume 8, Issue 2, 781-789

PBL model with the help of digital books to improve by time. Therefore, teachers must replace the lecture
students' critical thinking skills. This is because teachers learning model with the PBL model with digital book
never make digital books because they are constrained assisted.

Table 2. Relevant research in

Author Research Purposes Research Result
(Rosmasari & Supardi, 2021) Improve learners' critical thinking PBL learning model on Business and Energy
skills by applying PBL learning material physics lessons is able to improve learners'
models to business and energy critical thinking skills.
(Windari & Yanti, 2021) Improve the ability to think critically This study uses this type of classroom action
in physics learning using PBL research. By incorporating aspects of critical
models. thinking skills, it can improve the critical thinking
skills of static fluid principal learners.
(Latifah et al., 2020) Knowing the feasibility of e-modules, This research uses e-modules with kvisoft flipbook
responses, learning outcomes of maker applications to improve learners' critical
learners to e-modules results in thinking skills. Development produces products in
improving students' critical thinking the form of e-module teaching materials with kvisoft
skills. flipbook applications good enough so that they are
worth using in learning.
(Lawut et al., 2019) Know the feasibility of the PBL-based PBL-based Physics IPA module on straight motion
Physics IPA module on the straight subjects developed is worth using from expert
motion subject developed and the research. PBL-based Physics IPA module developed
effectiveness of the modules effectively enhances students' critical thinking skills.
developed in improving students'
critical thinking skills.
(Syafitri et al., 2019) Producing teaching materials in the HOTS-oriented e-modules on heat matter and
form of HOTS-oriented e-modules kinetic gas theory in class XI SMA/MA were
and knowing the validity level of e- declared valid after validity tests by experts. So, e-
modules. modules are worth using in the learning process.
(Aripin et al., 2021) Know the effectiveness of PBL Physics learning tools based on PBL models
teaching materials to improve effectively fan efficient to improve problem-solving
effective and efficient problem skills and critical thinking skills learners.
solving and students' critical thinking
(Sitanggang & Nasution, Knowing the ratio of improved The achievement of the results of knowledge of
2018) students' critical thinking skills in static fluid material students are influenced by how
static fluids between classes using the teacher in carrying out the model PBL.
PBL and conventional models in
(Yulianti & Gunawan, 2019) Knowing the effectiveness of PBL The PBL model can improve students' concept
models on understanding concepts understanding and critical thinking.
and critical thinking of high school
learners on temperature and
temperature materials heat.
(Nurhayati et al., 2019) Know the effect of applying the PBL The application of the PBL model can improve
model, its critical thinking skills and understanding and improve critical thinking skills.
its interactions on high-level thinking
skills on optics.
(Karmila et al., 2019) Knowing the influence of multiple- PBL implementation can improve critical thinking
representation shorting PBL on skills shown in the results of the gain test analysis by
students' critical thinking skills and 56%.
process science skills on business
materials and energy.
(Cahyono & Dwikoranto, Describe the application of the PBL Implementation of the PBL model was able to
2021) model as well as the implications for improve students' critical thinking skills according
improving critical thinking skills. to the experimental class n-gain score of 0.58 and
control class by 0.31.
(Tanti et al., 2020) Construct, validate, and analyze the The use of PBL-based teaching materials can
effectiveness of PBL-based physics improve students' generic skills especially on critical
teaching materials to improve thinking and problem-solving skills.
students' generic skills.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2022, Volume 8, Issue 2, 781-789

Author Research Purposes Research Result

(Santuthi et al., 2020) Describe and explain the role of PBL Students experience an increase in critical thinking
on students' problem-solving and using the PBL model.
critical thinking skills.
(Herdianto et al., 2021) Develop mobile learning-based The use of PBL-based e-books knows validity, is
digital books with the practical, and effective.
implementation of PBL models to
improve problem-solving
(Santyasa et al., 2019) Analyzing PBL through DI's critical The use of the PBL model is superior to the DI model
thinking skills is reviewed from in achieving students' critical thinking skills in
social attitudes. physics learning.

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Regency, and all those who have provided guidance, Dan IPA IKIP Mataram, 9(1), 38.
support, and direction during the process of making this https://doi.org/10.33394/j-ps.v9i1.3911
scientific article. Especially thanks for IA Education was Cahyono, B. D. T., & Dwikoranto. (2021). Implementasi
founded this research. Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning
untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berfikir Kritis
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