Dastrader User Manual

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FOUR ESSENTIAL WINDOWS……………………………………... 3

OPENING OTHER WINDOWS……………………………………… 15

CONFIGURING WINDOWS………………………………………… 21

MAIL…………………………………………………………………… 22

CHART………………………………………………………………… 22

HOT KEYS…………………………………………………………….. 26

ALERT AND TRIGGER …………………………………………….. 26


STOP ORDERS………………………………………………………... 29

REDISTRIBUTE POSITIONS……………………………………….. 30



SCREEN RECORDER………………………………………………... 33

TRADE SIGNAL…….………………………………………………... 34

ECNS ORDER MATCHING ………………………………………… 36


ENTERING AN ORDER……………………………………………… 44

OPTION TRADING…………………………………………………… 48



Click on the Start button and go to Programs. Select the program, or, double click on
the program icon on your desktop. If the logon screen does not appear automatically,
select “FILE” then “Logon” from the menu bar. In the “User ID” textbox, type in the
User ID that was supplied to you by your broker. Next, type your password in the
“Password” textbox. Check the checkbox for “Remember ID/PWD” and click on the
OK button. Checking the “Open Order Only” box allows you to only view open orders.

Figure 1
Upon successfully logging into the application, your software opens to a default desktop
screen. If you wish to open a desired desktop screen after you have logged on, go to
“FILE” in the menu bar and perform a left mouse click on “Open Desktop” from the
dropdown menu, then double click on the desktop screen file you want to open.
Desktop screen files have the extension .”dsk.”


To create your own desktop, first close all windows by going to the top menu bar and
selecting “FILE” then “Clear Desktop.” Then, begin opening the windows you need
for trading. You can personalize your own screen using any windows you choose.
When you are satisfied with your desktop, go to “FILE” on the menu bar and select
“Save Desktop.” Enter a file name and click “Save.” You can save as many different
screens as you like. To retrieve your screen, go to the menu bar and select “FILE” then
“Open Desktop” and double click on your desktop screen file name. Saving your
desktop screen as “default” will set it to open automatically whenever logging in.



You can check your network status by double clicking on the “Network Icon” on the
bottom right of your platform. If you are experiencing lagging/connection issues, you
could try switching to a different Quote Server IP and Order Server IP. Go to “FILE” on
the menu bar, select “Switch Quote Server,” then select the available Quote Server and
click the “Connect” button to switch to the selected quote server. For the Order Server
IP, go to “SETUP” menu and select “Network,” then on the top right section select the
new Order Server and click the “Select & Quit” button to save your new configuration.
You can also modify some other network settings through this window by clicking
“Commit” to implement the changes.


Go to “SETUP” on the menu bar, and select “Order Templates.” Select the exchanges
you trade on from the drop down menu following “Exchange.” There you select your
account from the “Account” drop down menu. You may also set your default number
of shares, as well as preferred Route, AON/ANY and Time in Force settings in the
other boxes or drop down menus. Be sure to set your default for each exchange you
trade on. Click “OK” when you are satisfied with the new changes.


Go to “SETUP” and select “Trading Settings.” There you can enable various settings
to make your trading experience smarter or with greater risk management. See section
on Preparing to Enter an Order in this manual for more information on Trade Settings.


There are four essential windows for trading: Trade Montage, Accounts, Position and
This is your order entry and Level II quote window. Type the stock symbol in the
“Stock box” as shown on figure 2 and hit Enter. The Title Bar of the Trade
Montage window displays the stock symbol and the current inside market (the
best bid and ask). Previous close (PCL), day's high-low (H/L), last trade (Last),
Volume (Vol), and Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) are displayed
below the Title Bar. Net change compared to the previous day's close is displayed
in red/blue. A maximum of ten Trade Montage windows may be opened. See
figure below:

Title Bar

Stock Box
Link Icon

Study Field


Share Box Books

Lock Box

Preference Reserve Price Box Account

Figure 2


The following describes the functions of the boxes and icons on the top portion of
the Montage window.

Title Bar
Displays the NASDAQ Inside Market. (Best bid / best ask).

Stock Box
Type a security symbol here and press Enter.

VWAP Field
Right mouse clicking on this field allows you to change this field to display other
study data such as Today’s Total Trades, Today’s Dollar Volume, Imbalance Data,
LULD (Limit Up Limit Down), etc.

Link or Blue Anchor

This icon is used to link the Trade Montage window to other windows such as charts,
time and sales. Place your cursor on the Anchor icon of the Trade Montage window,
hold the left mouse button, and drag the cursor to the target window (such as a chart).
Then, release the mouse button (point, click, drag and drop) to complete the link.


Security Symbol Status

The area/icon under the Anchor icon displays the security symbol status such as S,
SS, SSR, etc. Clicking on the icon will generate a pop-up window explaining the
meaning of that security symbol status, such as Symbol is Not Shortable, Short Sale
Restriction, etc.

Market Designator
Market designation code is located above the blue Anchor icon and represents the
Exchange that particular security is traded on. The various letter codes are as
·N – NYSE. New York Stock Exchange
·A – AMEX. American Stock Exchange. Uses order template for N
·u – Pink Sheet
·O – Options
·F – Futures
·T – TSX or VSE
·$ – Currency
·X – Complex Order


This is the Level II montage. It contains Market Maker (MM) and Electronic
Communication Network (ECN) identification (ID) symbols (designated by #). To
the right of each MM or ECN ID is the Bid or Ask along with its corresponding size.
Size is abbreviated and you can multiply it by 100 to get the actual number of shares.
Left mouse click on any MM or ECN ID to load the Trade Montage window with an
order to that specific MM or ECN at the quoted price. The MM or ECN ID appears
in the Preference Box, and the quoted price appears in the Price Box. Click on the
displayed share size to load the shares box if desired. When directing an order to a
MM or ECN, you must send buy orders at the MM or ECN Ask, and send sell orders
at the MM or ECN Bid.


The Green Message Bar
The Green Message Bar displays the status of your order in real time.

NOTE: Some actions will generate multiple messages. Only the last message will
remain in the Green Message Bar. To see the rest of the messages, press and hold
the left mouse button on the Green Message Bar. If you want to release the mouse
click while reading it, continue to hold your mouse click and slide the cursor over to
the message box region and release. To close the message box, click on the Green
Message Bar. You can also review your trades by clicking on “Trade Log” under
“TRADE” in the menu bar.
Shares Box
The preset default is 1000. There are four ways to adjust the number of shares.


1. Use the up /down arrows to the right of the Shares Box. Left mouse click on the
appropriate arrow, hold down the left mouse button or use the mouse wheel.
2. Use the forward / back arrow keys on the keyboard. (This is a hotkey function)
3. Move the mouse cursor to the Shares Box and left mouse click to make the field
"live" and type in the number of shares.
4. Left mouse click on the quote size on the Level II montage.

To delete the Shares, do a Right mouse click on the down arrows to the right of the
Shares Box

Preference Box
This field is located to the right of the Route drop-down box. Type in the MM or
ECN you prefer. For more information on preferred Market Makers and ECNs see
section Order Matching.

Reserve Box
This field is located to the right of the Position button. This feature is useful if you
are sending a large amount of stock to the market but you do not want to display the
entire amount of shares. You can put the amount you want to display in the Reserve
Box and the true amount in Shares Box. This feature is not supported by all
exchanges, MMs, and ECNs.

Price Box
This field is located to the right of the Reserve Box. There are four ways to set a
1. Left click on any Bid or Ask on the Level 2 montage.
2. Use the arrows to the right of the Price Box in the Trade Montage window. The
up arrow increases the price by $.01, the down arrow decreases the price by $.01.
Left mouse click on the appropriate arrow, hold down the left mouse button or
use the mouse wheel. When the Price Box is blank, the price always starts at the
ASK price.
3. Use the up / down arrow keys on the keyboard to change the price in $.001
increments. Up adds $.001 to the best Level II Bid. Down removes $.001 from
the best Level II Ask. (this is a hotkey function)
4. Type the price directly in the Price Box.

To delete a price, right mouse click on the arrows to the right of the Price Box.

Route Drop-down Box

Click on the arrow to open the dropdown menu. Select the exchange, ECN, or MM
you wish to send your order to. Routes ending in M are for market orders, L is for
limit, S is for stop and those ending in P are for pegged orders.

Account Box


The account number you are trading for is shown in the Account Box. If you trade
from more than one account, click on the arrow to select the account to be traded.
Any account that begins “TR” denotes a training account.

Always select the account after entering the security symbol.

NOTE: Every time you enter a stock on a Trade Montage window, your Order Box
resets to its default order setting.

Time In Force (TIF)

TIF box is located to the right of Preference Box. The preset default is DAY. All
unexecuted Day orders on all ECN routes are cancelled at 4:00 pm ET.
 Day: Orders are only good for the regular trading session (9:30am-4:00pm ET).
 Day+: Orders good for regular plus extended-hours sessions, which is before
9:30am ET and after 4:00pm ET.
 IOC: IOC stands for Immediate-Or-Cancel, where any part of the order that can
be filled immediately will be filled, while the remaining shares will be
 GTC: GTC stands for Good-Till-Cancelled, where the order will stay active
until you’ve decided to cancel it. Like DAY orders, GTC orders remain active
only during the regular 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET trading session.
 At Open: This configures the order to be filled at market open. Any unfilled
order is otherwise cancelled.
 At Close: This requires the order to be filled at market close. Any unfilled
order is otherwise cancelled.
 FOK: FOK stands for Fill-or-kill, which requires that the order be filled
immediately in its entirety, or cancelled.
 1Min, 2Min, 3Min, 5Min, and 10Min: This stands for the maximum amount of
time that the order remains open for execution before being automatically

AON/ANY/N Hold box

AON/ANY/N Hold Box is located to the right of TIF Box. ANY (any available
shares) is the preset default. (AON stands for All-or-None, and N Hold stands for
Not Hold). Please select ANY if you are unsure if your desired route supports AON
and N Hold orders.

Click here to send a buy order to go long, or to cover a short position.

SELL/ Short (shown as “SHRT”)

Click here to send a sell order to liquidate a long position or to enter an order for a
short position. Shorting rules must be observed. The system will reject any illegal
short sell orders.
Shorting Rules:
 UPTICK - May short at the bid or higher.


 DOWNTICK - Must short at least $.01 above the bid, if the price increment is
in one cent. However, the specialist on the trading floor won't actually place the
order until the stock has an uptick.
 IPO - Initial Public Offerings are not shortable.

The software automatically checks availability when a short sale order is entered.
The message "Send Rej Shrt Sec isn't Shortable" will be shown if the security is
not available to short. Furthermore, traders can check short availability by
entering the symbol in the Shortlist window under the TRADE tab options.

Click here to cancel the order that is loaded on the Trade Montage window. Another
way to cancel your open order is by clicking on the “X” in the X column of the
Order window. You can also use the Hotkey to help you to cancel your order,
especiallyif you have more than one open order and wish to cancel them
simultaneously. In Hokey, there are several options, such as canceling all orders, or
just canceling all open orders for the same security as the order you selected, or just
canceling all buy/sell open orders…etc.
(Hint, go to Setup menu and select Hot Key to open the Hotkey window, then in the
Hot Key Script Builder window select “Trade” in Command Categories and select
“CANCEL” in Sub Categories to view all available cancel commands we have.)

This button, otherwise known as the Order Template, restores your default settings
to the Montage window.

P (Position) Button
Left mouse click here to automatically load the Shares Box with the number of
shares you currently hold for the security you are trading. Use it immediately after
any execution, or anytime you call up a stock to which you hold a position. It is also
possible to set your default order to automatically display the number of shares you
hold whenever you call up a security (go to SETUP on the menu bar and select
Trading Settings).

Lock Button
The Lock Button is identified as a green checkmark located to the right of the “?”
icon. You may lock your Trade Montage windows to prevent sending a buy or sell
order inadvertently. Doing a left mouse click on this button will turn it into a red “X,”
indicating a locked Trade Montage window that prohibits any orders from being sent.
Doing a left mouse click once more will remove the lock on the montage.

Route Configure
This function allows you to select your most often used routes, for example ARCAL.
To configure your routes, do a right mouse click on the route drop down box or
anywhere between the SELL, CXL or BUY buttons. Type in the new route in the
order you wish for them to appear in the list. Click Apply to save any changes.


Please note that you must set your route list for each exchange you trade on, see
Figure 3 for exchange select in the Route Box Setting window. To see all available
routes, go to TRADE and select Route Status. Available routes are in blue fonts,
while unavailable routes are in gray.


Figure 3


Right mouse click over the Level II montage and select “Level2 Config” to bring up the
“Level 2 Configure” dialog window. The following parameters can be configured:
 Tier Color – Each price level on the Level II montage is color-coded. These colors
can be configured to your preference by doing a left mouse click over the color band.

 Font – Left mouse click on the Font field to open the “Font” window.

 Tier Color Grouping – You may opt to group price ranges by certain colors instead
of assigning them to every change in price level. For example, if .0625 is entered,
color grouping would include all quotes within $.0625, or what was formerly a 16th.

 Price Format – Use the dropdown menu to select the amount of decimal places
prices are displayed in the Level II section.

 Show Grid – Left mouse click on this checkbox to view the Level II in grid form.


 Show ECN # – Selected by default. ECNs are designated with # following the
market participant ID (known as MPID). Uncheck this to hide the #.

 Only Show ECN – Left click the check box to show only ECN quotes in the Level
II section of the montage.

 Hide Column Header – Left mouse click the checkbox to hide the column’s header
on the Level II section of the montage.

 No Scroll Bar – Left mouse click the checkbox to remove the scroll bar on the Level
II section of the montage.

 Show Order – Left mouse click the checkbox to incorporate open orders on the
Level II section of the montage.

 Ladder View – Left mouse click the checkbox to change the Level II section to a
ladder view style.

 Show Lv2 Dynamic Scale Bars – Left mouse click the checkbox to add dynamic
scale bars to the Level II section of the montage window.

 Optimized Paint (for slow computer) – Left mouse click the checkbox to improve
hanging data due to the data feed. (Hint, only if you are using a slow computer.)

 Less Flicker – Left mouse click the checkbox to reduce flicker in quotes.

 Fast Paint – Left mouse click the checkbox to increase the paint speed.

 Don’t change order size when click on level 2 – Left mouse click the checkbox to
disable loading the order volume when clicking on order size in the Level II.

 Don’t change route when click on level 2 – Left mouse click the checkbox to
prohibit the selected route from changing when clicking on the Level II quotes.

 Level 2 Type – Left mouse click on the down arrow to open the drop down menu
which allows you to change the level 2 type/book.

 Show Lv2 Selector – Left mouse click the checkbox to add tabs to the Montage
window which allows you to view/change the data book.

 Show quote size in number of shares – Left click the checkbox to display the
actual share size in the Level II section. Default setting is shown in share lots of 100.

 Tiers section – Sets the depth (or price levels) of INET, ARCA and other Books that
are displayed on the Level II section of the Montage window.


 Set As Default – Sets the current Level II configuration as the default setting for all
Montage windows.

 Load Default – Left mouse click to load your default Level II montage
configuration on any Trade Montage window.

 Monitor Group (1 and 2) – Two Market Participant IDs may be monitored by

entering the MPID in the monitor field. Use the left mouse click over the appropriate
field to select text and background colors to make them stand out.

NOTE: Be sure to hit Commit prior to exiting to save your Level II settings.


Figure 4
The following steps will add new hotkey buttons into your montage window.
1) Right mouse click on the Montage window and select “Layout Config”
2) Add Hotkey into the box on the right-side and click OK button. (All four items
recommended: Level 1, Level 2, Trade, Hotkey)
3) Montage window will display a new row with the message “Right mouse click here
to add a button.” Perform a right mouse click on it and select “Add Row” to add
hotkey buttons.
 Button Number - Indicates the number of buttons in this new row.
 Add Button - Adds one more button into this row.
 Delete Button - Removes the selected button.
 Edit - Allows you to modify the selected button.
 Add Row - Adds another row.
 Delete Row - Deletes the selected row.



Displays all open positions. Right mouse click on a symbol to load a Trade Montage
window with that security, the number of shares, and the account the position is held in.

Figure 5
Columns on the Position window are as follows:
 Symb: The security symbol. Right mouse click on the symbol to load a Trading
Montage window with that security, the number of shares, and the account number.
 Account: Your account number.
 Shares: Number of shares.
 Avgcost: Average cost.
 Realized: If you have sold part of your position, the realized P&L on the sale is
displayed here.
 Unrealized: This is your P&L if you were to close the entire position at the current
market price.
 Bid and Ask: The current inside market on that security.
 Type: Cash, Margin or Short.
 Withhold BP: The amount of buying power used in this position.
 InitShare: Initial number of shares to start the day.
 MktVal: Current market value of the position.
 Diff: The difference between the average cost and the current market Bid/Ask.
 Day Unreal: Shows the P&L between the previous day’s closing price and current
Bid/Ask price.
 PClose: Previous day’s closing price.
 Last: Last price traded.
 Company Name: Company name.
 Account Notes: Notes that your administrator/broker added to your account.
 Create Time: Date and time the position was created.
 %Change: Displays the difference between the average cost and the current market
Bid/Ask in percentage terms.
 VWAP: Volume Weighted Average Price. Includes the premarket and aftermarket

Right mouse click window and select Config to add additional columns. (Hint: Go to
“TRADE” menu and select “Closed Positions PL” to create an additional Position
Window using the same configurations.)


Displays account information. You can also modify your training account’s buying power
and equity by doing a left mouse click on your training account, then doing a right mouse
click over it and selecting “Reset BP/Equity.”

Figure 6
Columns in the Account window are as follows:
 Account: Your account number(s). Note: Any account that begins with “TR” is a
training account.
 Type: Account type: 1 = cash 2 = margin
 Realized: P&L for the current day on exited positions.
 Unrealized: Total change in value of all current positions combined.
 Init BP: Daytrading Buying Power, loaded daily for your account(s).
 BP: Current Buying Power. Balance will fluctuate as you send orders and open/close
 OverNight BP: Overnight Buying Power. It is displayed as a guide. If any position
that was opened during the current trading day exceeds your overnight buying power,
this field turns red, alerting you of that fact. Exceeding Overnight BP (ONBP) may
result in a margin call.
NOTE: Software does not prohibit you from exceeding your ONBP.
 Tickets: The number of trades for the day.
 Shares: The number of shares traded for the day.
 +LiqShr: Amount of shares added to liquidity of market.
 Status: Account status
 EcnFee: Electronic Communication Network fee
 Equity: Account Equity
 MarginEq: Margin Equity
 OrderHoldBp: Order Hold Buying Power
 SecFee: Securities and Exchange Commission fees
 NasdFee: National Association of Securities Dealers fees
 Commission: Commission
 NetPL: Net Profit & Loss
 ONBP: Leftover OverNight Buying Power. A minus sign and red field color
indicates if you have exceeded your overnight buying power.
 PL Daily: P&L for the current day.
 Unreal Daily: Total change in market value for current positions on the day.


 EQ%: EQ% displays the relationship between the equity and total positions value.
The equation is “Current Equity/Market Value*100.” (Hint, it is one of the risk
parameters and lower value means higher risk.)
 CurrEquity: Current Equity
 Account Notes: Notes that your administrator/broker added to your account.
 Max Total Loss: Displays the max total loss value that had set to your account.
(Hint: when max total loss reached, no new orders are allowed.)
 TotalLoss%: Display total loss in percentage.
 MktVal: Display total market value of all current positions.
 Curr Equity Lmt: Displays the current equity limit set on your account. (Hint:
When account’s current equity limit reached, no new orders are allowed.)
Right mouse click in the Account window and select Config to add additional columns.

Displays all open orders. Orders may be modified if the routes and your broker allows it.
Double click the open order to load it onto the Montage window, make your changes, and
then use the “RPL” button to replace the order. Right mouse click on the order and select
“Edit Trigger Order” to add or edit a Trigger Order in this primary order.

Figure 7
Right mouse click on the row containing the order to open the Config window. Columns
on the Order window are as follows:
 X: Left mouse click to cancel an order.
 Status: Sending means the order has not reached the market yet; Accepted means the
order has reached the market and Canceling means order has not been canceled yet.
 Symb: Security symbol.
 Side: B = Buy S = Sell
 Qty: Number of shares on the original order.
 Open: Number of shares currently open.
 Price: Price of order.
 Route: Route selected for the order.
 Type: L = Limit, M = Market, S = Stop.
 Time: Time the order was entered.
 TIF: Time period that the order is active (i.e. DAY, 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 min.)

 Broker: Preference Broker.

 Account: Your trader ID.
 Cloid: Order Close ID (Hint, for system use only)
 NoRR: No order rerouting.
 Triggers: Displays the Trigger Order that is attached to the order.
 OrderID: Order ID.
 Notes: Notes about the order.
 Company Name: Company name.
 Sec Type: Security type.
 Expire Time: Expire time of the order.
 Minimum: Minimum number to be executed.
 Tags: Fix Tags (Hint: it is for admin/broker use).
 Display: Displays the shares indicated for Reserve Order.

Right mouse click in this window, select “Config” to add additional columns. You may
also go to “TRADE” menu and select “Trigger Order” to open the Triggers window,
which displays all your open Trigger Orders.


As mentioned previously, the essential windows for trading are: Trade Montage, Account,
Position and Orders. The following is a description of additional windows you may wish
to utilize:

Trades Window
Displays current day’s trades. The columns on the Trades window are basically the
same as those on the Orders window. Doing a right mouse click and selecting
Configure will allow you to add more columns. You may also use the filter tool to
display just the data you wish to see.

Figure 8

Trade Log Window

Displays all the messages generated in the Green Message Bar on the Trade Montage
windows. This log is stored locally on your computer's hard drive and records every
action you performed on the trading platform for the day. Switching computers during
the day will create a separate log on the other computer.


Figure 9

Event Log Window

Records all the events that happened in the platform during the day, including your
trading activity. Tabs are located on the bottom to help you select/filter the events.

Figure 10

Route Status Window

Displays all routes. The blue color means the route is connected with server while the
grey color means it is not. (Hint: Admin users have the authority to block or add new
routes during the day, which may not sync to this window immediately.)

Figure 11

Short List Window

This feature will check to see whether a particular stock is shortable through your broker.
Enter the stock symbol in the Symb column and hit Enter. If the stock is shortable, the
number of shares available will be displayed. In some cases, additional shares as well as
additional securities may be located by calling your broker.
Market: Market Designator. See section on Market Designator.
HiRisk: Y = Yes N = No. Stocks designated as HiRisk have a 50% margin maintenance
requirement. It is recommended that you check with your broker for margin requirements.
ShortSize: Number of shares available to sell short.


Figure 12
Short Locate Window
This feature allows you to instantly request locations of hard-to-borrow securities. In the
Price Inquiry section, enter the security symbol, desired shares, the route, then click the
“Inquire” button to view the available/remaining share size along with its cost to borrow.
To finalize the request, go to the Locate Order section, select your account, enter the
desired shares and click the “Locate Order” button to submit your request. The status of
your request will appear in the lower section. The “Cancel Order” button allows you to
cancel the selected order/request.

All short locate requests are valid for same-day trading, and new locate requests are
required for each trading day. Any approved requests for shares that are not used by the
end of the current trading day will expire. Short locate requests can be placed at any time
during standard trading hours between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. EST.
(Hint: Not all brokers are compatible with this feature. Please contact your broker to
confirm whether or not they support this feature.)


Figure 13
Time & Sale Window
Reports trades as they occur. The first column shows the price of the trade. The second
column indicates the number of shares (multiply by 100 for the actual number of shares).
The third column shows the time of the trade. The fourth column shows the exchange that
the shares traded on. The fifth column contains a Flag code. Right mouse click on the
window and select “Config” to add more columns.

Figure 14

ECN Time/Sale Window

Go to “QUOTES” on the menu bar, select “ECN Time/Sale.” The ECN Time/Sale
window displays only ECN trades. (Hint: the B means buy side order, S means sell side
order, Bh means the buy side’s hidden order, and Sh means the sell side’s hidden order.)


Figure 15

Standalone feature - The Time & Sale window can function alone and does not need to be
linked to a Trade Montage window to function. Click on the title bar, type in a symbol
and press enter. The full number of shares may be displayed instead of being displayed in
lots of 100 by doing a right mouse click to open the “Time and Sale Config” dialog
window and unchecking “Share / 100.”

Linking Time & Sale to a Trade Montage window

Put your mouse cursor on the Anchor icon on the Trade Montage window and hold down
the left mouse button. While holding down the left click, drag the cursor to the Time &
Sale window and release the mouse button (point, click, drag and drop).

Color Code on Time & Sale

The meanings designated to different color settings are described below:
Green means a trade at the Ask price.
Red means a trade at the Bid price.
White means a trade between the Bid and Ask
Pink means a trade below the Bid
Darker Green means a trade above the Ask.

Configuring the Time & Sale Window

Right mouse click on the Time & Sale window to open the “Time & Sale Config”
window. Default colors can be customized. Vertical and/or horizontal grid lines can be
added. Full number of shares can be displayed, and the font can be adjusted.

To save your Time & Sale settings as a default, click Save as Default. To load your
default settings in any Time & Sale window, click Load Default.

TopList Window
This is a live market statistics window. It lists NASDAQ (NASD) and New York
Stock/American Exchange (LIST) securities in order by most active, and percentage
gainers/losers. Double-click on a symbol to load a Trade Montage window.


Figure 16

Market View Window

Go to “QUOTES” on the menu bar, then “Market Viewer,” then select “Market View.”
This window allows you to view data on stocks you wish to track. Enter the symbol in the
Symbol column and hit enter or arrow up/down on the keyboard. To automatically load
your Trade Montage window, right mouse click on the security symbol.

Figure 17
You can open up to twenty Market View windows at a time. The columns on
Market View are explained below:
 Symbol: Security symbol.
 Tick: Shows whether the stock is up or down compared to previous/last price.
 Change: Net dollar amount change from previous day’s 4:00PM close.
 Last: Last trade.
 Bid/Ask: Level I.
 Size: Size of the Inside Bid and Ask price.
 High/Low: Today's high and low.
 Open: Today's opening trade.


 PrevClose: Previous day’s 4:00PM closing price.

 Volume: Today's total volume.
 TodayClose: Today’s 4:00PM closing price.
 Change: Percent change from previous day’s 4:00PM close.
 Range: Difference between the stock’s highest and lowest price for the day.
 Imbalance: Imbalance data.
 Company Name: Company name.
 ChgFromOpen: Dollar amount change from today’s opening price.
 %ChgFromOpen: Percentage change from today’s opening price.
 Exchange: Exchange.
 ChgFromHigh: Dollar amount change from today’s high.
 %ChgFromHigh: Percentage change from today’s high.
 ChgFromLow: Dollar amount change from today’s low.
 %ChgFromLow: Percentage change from today’s low.
 UserNotes: User notes. Double click on the cell to add notes to it.
 H/L: Field will display H or L, if last trade price reaches/breaks today's high or low.
 VWAP: Volume Weighted Average Price.
 VWAPMkt: Volume Weighted Average Price at Market Hours (9:30am ET – 4pm
 $Val: Today's total value in dollar amount.
 ImbDirection: Imbalance Direction. (Hint: B=Buy, S=Sell, N=No Imbalance,
O=Insufficient orders to calculate.)

Tool Bar

Figure 18

As shown in the figure above, from left to right, the tool buttons are: Trade Montage,
Account, Position, Orders Windows, Trade log, Time & Sale, Option, Market Viewer,
Top List, Level 1 Ticker, Chart, News, Predefined order, Alert& Triggers, Internal Mail,
Network Configure, Hot Key Configure, Market Clock, Home Page, Das YouTube
Channel and Das Twitter.

L1 Ticker
The Level I ticker is for the symbols you enter into the window. Whenever the Level I
quote changes on your selected securities, the new Level 1 quotes are displayed.
To load your ticker list, right mouse click on the Ticker window and type a name for the
ticker in the upper field. In the field below, type the security symbols in a vertical column
followed by clicking “Save” then “Commit.” There is no limit to the number of ticker
lists that may be configured however only one may be opened at a time. To configure
multiple tickers, delete both fields (upper and lower) and enter a new ticker name and
new symbols, then click on “Save” then “Commit.” Additionally, colors, fonts and grid
lines may be configured.


Figure 19
For all windows, a right mouse click opens a configuration option. Fonts and Colors are
configurable on all windows. For the Market View, Account, and Position windows, right
mouse click anywhere except on a security symbol.

Internal messaging is accessible by going to “TOOLS” from the menu bar then selecting
the “Internal Message” option. When mail has been sent to you, an alert will be displayed
on the title bar of the screen. To clear the alert, click anywhere on the new message to
open the Internal Message window. To reply to a message, click anywhere on the
message, and then click the Reply button. Type in your reply, and click the Send key.
Messages must be sent to a specific User ID. This feature is frequently used by our
system administrators and your broker to send updates on route status intra-day. For
specific issues on your account, please contact your broker directly using a regular e-mail

Linking Charts to a Trade Montage window


Figure 20

Put your cursor on the Anchor icon on the Trade Montage window, and hold down a left
mouse click. While holding down the click, drag the cursor to the Chart window and
release the mouse button (drag and drop).

The default chart window opens with two "areas" or rectangles. Each area can display up
to 15 different studies. Areas can be moved up or down, minimized, maximized and
closed by doing a right mouse click on the chart window and choosing “Chart Area.” The
solid horizontal line between areas is used to change its relative size. Put the cursor over
the line until a vertical arrow appears with the message “Move.” Hold down a left mouse
click and drag the horizontal line up and down to change the relative size of the areas.
HISTORICAL DATA Move the mouse cursor to the left of the Chart window until you
see an arrow like ▪▪▪. Left click to recall up to five previous days of minute chart data,
or day chart data back to 1970 or whenever the symbol started trading.
Right mouse click anywhere on the chart to bring up a dialog box with the following


Figure 21

 Configure is the dialog setting to add grid lines to the chart and change
background and label line color. Line Style - Change line style, color and width.
Set Screen Colors - Allows adjustment of background, grid, and label colors. Load
Screen Setting - Load a previously saved .cst file (see below). Save Screen Setting -
Save a chart configuration as a .cst file. Clear Screen Setting - Clears the chart
window of all data.

 Data Config is the Data Config Dialog that offers the following settings: Type -
Choose Minutes or Day Chart Point, choose the desired Minute or Day Interval
from the dropdown menu, or type in the number of minutes or days. Check
Pre/Post Market to include extended market activity. Use “From” and “To” to
select the specific start and end date/time of the data you wish to view. Left mouse
click anywhere on the chart to display data for that particular point in time. The
field in the upper left allows you to change the symbol for the Chart window.

NOTE: The amount of data that can be retrieved with one request is limited.
Overlays further limit the date or time range available with one request. Once chart
data is retrieved however, it is stored in your computer's memory. Subsequent
requests will allow more historical data to be retrieved. For example, two or three
days of minute chart data can be retrieved with one request. Four or five days will
exceed the limit for one request. Start by requesting two or three days first, then
requesting four or five days of minute chart data. The same applies for day chart

 Study Config allows you to select various studies to be displayed on the chart. For
example: Price, Volume, Moving Average, Stochastics, Momentum and other more


advanced studies. Right mouse click on a specific area to open the “Study Config”
dialog window. Click on a study on the left, in the “Studies” field then click the
right arrow or double click on the study to move the study to the “Studies in chart”
box on the right. Studies UP/DOWN determines the order of overlaid studies in the
chart area. The study on the bottom of the list is drawn first. Studies higher on the
list will be overlaid on studies lower on the list. The scale displayed will be that of
the study on the top of the list.

 Montage allows you to load the chart’s current symbol into the Montage window
with the price set to your cursor point. In other words, the price you see in the price
field on your montage window is equivalent to the curser point you selected in
chart area.

 Chart Area allows you to add, overlay, remove, move or configure the chart area.
Configurations allows the following:
 Show Label - The time reading.
 Show Ruler - The horizontal scale.
 Show Study Latest Value - Add more study info in the upper left corner.
 Show Last Sale Price - Displays the last trade price.
 Show Last Sale Price Line - Add a line to the last sale price.
 Show Study Info - Displays a color coded list of the chart area’s studies, in the
upper left corner. (May be obstructed by the chart study).
 Show Prev Close Line
 Change to Log Scale

 Tool Bar All options described in this section are easily accessible from here. The
Tool Bar can be removed from the chart by unchecking the Tool Bar option.

 Zoom allows you resize the data range by selecting “In” or “Out.” The Up/Down
keyboard Arrow Keys allow you to do the same thing. “Best Fit” allows you to
restore a zoomed-in chart to full view.

 Chart History is a list of the last twenty charts displayed in a chart window. It
allows you to edit the screen setting, manage data and edit symbol history. Double
click on a symbol to display the chart. Use Move Up / Move Down to change the
chart order. Use Insert to insert a new chart in the list.

 Data Manage If, for some reason, such as a bad connection, the chart data
stored in your computer's memory is corrupt, click “Remove” to delete it.

 Print: Print the chart.

 Trend Line allows you to either draw or remove a trend line on your chart. Ray Line,
Horizontal and Vertical Lines are also available.

 Fibonacci Lines, Project and Arch are configurable and removable on your chart if
your user is enabled for Advanced Charting.



Up/Down arrow keys allow you to zoom in and zoom out. Once in Zoom Mode,
Left/Right arrow keys allow you to move horizontally along the time line.
Once in Zoom Mode, a scroll bar appears on the bottom of the chart window. Holding
down a left mouse click on the scroll bar will display a pop up window with the date and
time. Moving the scroll bar left or right will change the date and time. Release the mouse
button to have the first bar on the chart start from the date and time that was displayed.


This feature scrolls through the last twenty charts that were displayed on that Chart

Go to “SETUP” and select Hot Key. Please note that the Hotkey commands are case
sensitive. More information about hotkeys are available on a separate document by going
to “SETUP” on the menu bar, selecting “Hot Key” then clicking on the “Help” button on
the “Hot Key Configure” dialog window that pops up.


Alerts allow you to define parameters, that when met, will trigger a visual and/or audible
alert. Additionally, the alert can be set to trigger a predefined order.

Figure 22
Select “Alert &Trigger” from "TOOLS" on the menu bar. The “Alert” dialog window
will appear.


To add a new Alert and Trigger, perform a right mouse click on the dialog window and
select “Add” from the popped-out menu. Assign a name in the Alert Name field. Set the
symbol in SecSym field, unless the alert is based on time of day. Then click the Add
button to set the parameters. Multiple conditions can be added to the same alert. Audio
and/or visual notifications may be configured here.

To edit or delete an existing alert, left mouse click on the alert to highlight it, then do a
right mouse click to bring up a pop up menu which will allow you to edit, delete, or even
add to another alert. Double click on an existing alert to bring up the “Alert & Trigger
Setting” dialog window which will allow you to edit the alert or add additional alert
parameters. The Fit button on the right allows you resize columns to fit the data. The
“Turn Off Sound” allows you to silence a triggered audible alert.

More functions are described below:

 Enable: When checked, the alert is enabled.
 Auto Delete: When checked, the alert will be automatically deleted once it has been
 Repeat/Auto Reset: When checked, the triggered alert will reset allowing it to
trigger again whenever the condition is met.
 Triggered: When checked, the alert is marked as having been triggered.
 Show Alert Window: When checked, a window will pop up when the alert is
 Sound: When checked, a triggered alert will set off an audible alert generated from
the speakers connected to the sound card of your computer.
 Beep: When checked, an audible alert will be generated from your computer's
internal speaker when the alert is triggered.
 Loop: When checked, the audible alert will repeat continuously. To silence it,
uncheck the “Sound” checkbox at the left bottom corner of the alert window that
pops up, or double click on the alert item on the “Alert” window and click on the
“Turn Off Sound” button on the “Alert and Trigger Setting” dialog window.
 Browse: Allows you to select a WAV file of your choice to replace the default
 Preview: Allows you to preview the selected audible alerts.
 Enable Auto Send: When checked, a triggered alert will send a specific predefined
 Browse: Opens the “Select Order or Basket” window. Baskets Groups or predefined
orders may be selected for triggering when alert parameters are met.
 Turn Off Sound: Click to silence an audible alert that is currently triggered.
 Reset: Allows you to reset a triggered alert. (Equivalent to unchecking the
“Triggered” checkbox).
 OK: Click to save your settings.
 Cancel: Click to cancel your changes.



Predefined orders can be used independently or in conjunction with alerts. Go to

“TOOLS” on the menu bar and select “Basket.” Resizing and positioning your window
will be automatically stored in memory. To add a “Basket” or “Predefined” order, do a
right mouse click and select “Add Order” from the pop up menu. (Or double left click
anywhere in the window).

Figure 23

The “Order Prepare” dialog window opens.

 Order Name: Give a name to the order (optional).
 Baskets Name: Designated by default (see below), orders are assigned to a Group
 Account: Select the appropriate account from the drop down menu.
 Action: Indicate whether the order is to BUY, SELL or SHORT.
 Symb: Enter the security symbol.
 Share: Enter the share size or select “Position” to sell the entire position.
 Price: Enter the price directly (for instance 23.95) or select from the drop-down
menu and define the price as a certain increment or decrement relative to the Bid or
Ask when the order is triggered.
 Route: Select the appropriate route for the predefined order.
 Enable: When checked, the order is ready to be triggered.
 Auto Delete: When checked, the order will be deleted automatically after it has been
 Triggered: When checked, indicates the order has already been triggered.
 OK: Click to save your settings.

Additional Functions
Select “Basket” from the menu bar and right mouse click anywhere on the window. The
following options are displayed:

 Trigger: Right mouse click on a specific Basket order and select “Trigger” to trigger
that order.
 Trigger All: Right mouse click anywhere on the window and select “Trigger All” to
trigger all displayed orders.
 Add Order: Select Add to add a new Basket Order.
 Edit Order: Right mouse click on a Basket Order to edit that order.
 Delete Order: Right mouse click on a Basket Order to delete that order.
 Filter: Right mouse click anywhere on the window and select Filter. The “Basket
Order Filter” dialog window will be opened. Enter the parameters you wish to filter
by. Multiple predefined or basket order windows can be opened with each window
filtered by a different group, for example, “TECH Group” in one window; “RETAIL
Group” in another.
 Basket Define: Right mouse click anywhere in the “Basket Order” window and
select “Basket Define.” In the “Name” field enter a name for the group you wish to
add. Click “Add” to add that group to the list.
 Modify Name: To change the name of a Group, right mouse click on the Group
name and then change. Click Modify Name to save the change.
 Delete: To delete a group, left mouse click on the Group name and click “Delete.”

Select the route STOP from the Route drop-down menu. Bring up a security in which a
position is held on a Trade Montage window. Select the appropriate route designated for
stop orders. If you are “Long” for the position, click the “Sell” button. If you are “Short”
in the position, click the Buy button, the “Stop Order” dialog window will show up. See

Figure 24
Order Type: Select Limit, Market, Trailing or Range stops.
Price: For a Stop Limit order, two prices must be entered.
Trigger Price: This is the price that triggers the stop order.
Limit Price: This is the price beyond which your order will not be executed.
For a Sell order, set the Limit Price below the Trigger Price.
For a Buy order, set the Limit Price above the Trigger Price.
Market: For a Market Stop, only the trigger price is entered.
Click OK to enter the Stop Order.


If you have more than one account, you can redistribute the positions and shares between
the accounts. Go to “TRADE” menu and select “Allocation” to open the Allocations
window, which allows you to reallocate positions and shares in your accounts.

Figure 25
The following steps will show you how to use the Allocation window to redistribute your
positions and shares between your accounts.
 Use the drop down menu in the top left to select the primary account (the account
that owns the position and shares you want to be allocated). Then click the Load
button to load the account's positions into this window.
 All positions will appear in the left field. Now select the position that you want to be
 Then in the middle window, click the Add button and type in the Account numbers
and the Share numbers that you want to allocate for each account. Ensure that the
total number of shares you give for each account equals exactly to the quantity
showing on the left field.
 Checking off Allocate by Percent in the middle top area will allow you to allocate
the shares sizes in percentages. Similarly, make sure they add up to 100%.
(Hint: You cannot have any blank boxes in this field; you have to use the Del button
to delete any extra rows.)
 Now click the Allocate button to see the allocation breakdown in the right field,
review it, and make sure that’s the allocation you want.
 Click the Commit Allocation button to commit it. Then, go to the Position window
to confirm that your positions were allocated properly.
 Even though you committed your allocation, you can still go back and cancel it
during the same trading day. Go to the drop down menu, select the originating
account, and highlight the allocated position that you want to cancel. Hit the


Allocation Chain button to display the selected position’s allocation history in the
right field and review it. Now you can hit the Cancel Allocation to revert position
back to the primary account.

OverNight Buying Power Check
Go to “TOOLS” on the menu bar and select Overnight BP Check.
If any new position(s) you have opened during a day exceeds your ONBP, a pop up
message will alert you. (There is also an alert on your Account window. The OverNight
BP field turns red.)

Account Statistics
Go to “TRADE” menu and select Statistic, you can then view your account statistics
from this window. Currently, there are only two of them, P/L by position, and execution
by route. You can also right mouse click the window and select “Export” to export it into
your devices or select “Print” to print it out.

Account Report
Go to “TRADE” menu and select Account Report. Use the dropdown menu on the top
right to select the account first, which will then display the account summary of your
selected account, such as the account’s current Buying Power, current Trade P&L,
current Net P&L, etc. In the lower section, double clicking the row/symbol will pop up a
Trades Window which has relevant day trading information of the selected symbol. For
PDT users, clicking on the “Roundtrip Query” button will show you your account’s
remaining round trips. (Hint: Shows how many round trips (one buy and one sell) you
have remaining.)

Figure 26

Exporting Trades to Access database or a text file

In the “TRADE” option in the menu bar, select Report to generate trades for Orders,
Execution and Tickets. Select a Format to be imported into a spreadsheet application. If

you select Access database, it will export into Microsoft Access. Click Export to start the
process. Once completed the report is opened in MS Access or CSV (text) file.

Imbalance Data
Under “QUOTES” option on the menu bar select “Imbalance” to view the current
market/order imbalance data, such as the imbalance share size, reference price, time, etc.
Imbalance mostly occurs before the market opens and before the market closes. Much of
the day, the Imbalance Window will appear blank, except if a symbol is reopening after
trading halt, or as mentioned 10 minutes before market open and market close.

Figure 27

Fundamental Data
Under the “QUOTES” option in the menu bar, select “Fundamental” to open the
Fundamental window, then enter a security symbol to view the associate fundamental
data, such as its Average Volume, Highest/Lowest Price, Float data, Beta value, etc.

Figure 28

Fields on Fundamental window are explained below:


 4wk Avg Vol: 4 Week Average Volume. This field displays the average daily
volume in the last 4 weeks.
 4wk High: 4 Week High. This field displays the highest price in the last 4 weeks.
 4wk Low: 4 Weeks Low. This field displays the lowest price in the last 4 weeks.
 52wk Avg Vol: 52 Weeks Average Volume. This field displays the average daily
volume in the last 52 weeks.
 52wk High: 52 Weeks High. This field displays the highest price in the last 52
 52wk Low: 52 Weeks Low. This field displays the lowest price in the last 52
 Beta: This field measures volatility by comparing the covariance of a stock with
the rest of the market.
 Market Cap: This field displays the market capitalization.
 PE: Price to Earnings ratio.
 EPS: Earnings Per Share, this field displays the portion of a company's profit
allocated to each outstanding share.
 Shr Outstd: Shares Outstanding. This field displays the amount of common
shares outstanding.
 Float: This field displays the number of shares that are available for trading in the
 Assets: This field displays the amount of total current assets.
 Liabilities: This field displays the amount of total current liabilities.
 Debt: This field displays the amount of long term debt.
 Div Rate: Dividend Rate. This field displays the annualized amount at which a
dividend is paid.
 Div Yield: Dividend Yield. This field displays the he annual dividends per share
divided by the market price as a percentage.
 Ex Div Date: Ex-Dividend Date. This field displays the date in which a stock
goes ex-dividend.
(Hint: Previous closing price is used in fields that require “price” in the

Screen Recorder
Under “TOOLS” option on the menu bar select “Screen Recorder” to open the Screen
Recorder window, which you can use it to capture any area of the device’s screen as a
screenshot or to record a video.
(Hint: It will take few minutes to download the relevant files when launching it for the
first time.)

Figure 29


Fields on Screen Recorder window are explained below:

 Six Screen Recorder buttons (from left to right):
1. Click this button to do the full screen record.
2. Click this button to select the region to record.
3. Click this button to use the last selected region to record.
4. Click this button to pause.
5. Click this button to stop recording.
6. Click this button to add a bookmark to it.
 Four Screenshot buttons (from left to right):
1. Click this button to capture full screen and save it to a file.
2. Click this button to capture full screen and save to a clipboard.
3. Click this button to select the region to capture, then either save it as a
clipboard or to a file.
4. Click this button to take a screenshot using the last selected region and save it
as a file.
(Hint: All files can be found under your platform folder.)
 Click on the Playback button to open the playback window, and use the drop
down menu on the top left to select the video to play.
 Click the Settings button to open the configuration window which allows you to
edit the recorder and the playback settings.

Trade Signal
Under the “Tools” option in the menu bar select “Trade Signal” to open the Trade Signal
List window, which you can use it as a scanner tool to receive and filter the trade data
from market. Right click the window and select “New” add a new scanner, then select the
“Signal” to open the associated Signal Window to view the result/data of the selected
scanner. Select “Modify” will allow you to edit the selected scanner, and select “Delete”
will allow you to delete the selected scanner.

Figure 30


To add a new Trade Signal, perform a right mouse click on the dialog window and select
“New” from the popped-out menu. Select a scanner type from the “Type” drop down
menu, then in the “Description” section will have a brief description about the scanner
you had selected. In the upper left section, you can choose to enable or disable this
scanner, and choose to have the event/result to popup automatically or not. In the middle
section, it allows you to modify the relevant parameters; the brief description about the
selected parameter will be display on the lower section. Also, in the middle section under
the “Value” column if you leave the field blank, the default value will then be used. The
associated default value is displayed on right-hand side under the “Default Value”
column. After you finish it, you have to click on the “OK” button in order to add it to
your Trade Signal List window.

To view a Signal, perform a right click on the selected scanner and select “Signal” from
the popped-out menu. There are some other features too, which if you right click the
symbol and select “Montage” it will load that symbol into Montage window, select
“TimeSale” will load it into Time&Sale window, and select “Chart” will load it into
Chart window. Select “Enable/Disable” allow you to start or stop this scanner. Select
“Modify” will open the associate Trade Signal Configure window, which allows you to
modify this scanner.
(Hint, you can minimize the Signal window, if you don’t want to disable it and don’t
want it to keep popping up.)

News Windows
Real time news is available in the software. Go to “TOOLS” in the menu bar and select
News. Right mouse click and select Get Next 20. This will load twenty headlines. A left
mouse click on the headline loads the story in the window below. Doing a right mouse
click from the pop up menu will allow you to filter the headlines by symbol or by a
category. See figure below:


Figure 31

ECNs (Electronic Communication Networks)

ARCA ICE NYSE Archipelago Book

NSDQ Nasdaq Book

ECNs are designated (if configured) in the Trade Montage window with a pound sign
following the symbol, for example, ARCA#. To trade with an ECN, left mouse click on
the ECN symbol, an order to that ECN will load in the Trade Montage window. Click the
BUY button to buy at the Ask. Click the SELL button to sell at the Bid. If the shares are
available, your order will match with an immediate execution.
Since our connection to the ECNs are direct, any portion that is not executed immediately
will be posted to that ECN's Book.



While our connection to an ECN is direct, you have the option to post your order on any
ECN book in addition to matching orders that you see. Furthermore, if there is no
immediate match for your market order and marketable limit orders on the ARCA,
ARCA will actively route out your orders to other ECNs and market makers. Checking
the “NR” (no route out) box will instruct the ECN not to route to other ECN or market
Useful direct connection ECNs include INET and ARCA
Any number of shares.
8:00 AM ET to 6:30 PM ET. Limit only.
All open INET orders are cancelled at 8 PM ET.

Any Number of shares.
8:00 AM ET to 6:30 PM ET. Limit orders.
9:30 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Market orders.

Limit orders entered between 8:00 a.m. and 4:01 p.m. are canceled at 4:02 p.m. ET.
Limit Orders entered after 4:02 p.m. are canceled at 6:30 p.m. ET.
Market Orders are canceled at 4:00 p.m. ET.

ARCA Book order matching and SmartBook order routing.

ARCAL Limit order
ARCAM Market order

ARCA matches buyers and sellers on the ARCA book. When an ARCA order is matched,
it is executed instantaneously. The program utilizes a direct connection to ARCA
providing order entry and execution as fast as today's technology allows.

ARCA book is not displayed on the Level II montage, however, NASDAQ displays the
best Bid and the best Ask from the ARCA book on the Level II montage. If your order
represents the best Bid or the best Ask on the ARCA book, you will see it on the Level II

The main advantage to using ARCA is its SmartBook order routing. ARCA utilizes a
sophisticated execution algorithm to effectively route your order to the marketplace. Any
marketable order that does not get matched on the ARCA book is sent into the
marketplace in search of best price execution. ARCA is often an excellent choice,
especially if the trader is inexperienced with direct access order selection. Give it a try.


NASDAQ provides a number of test symbols. You may use these symbols to practice
order entry, and to test your system. These are not real securities.

All NASDAQ orders may be entered on these test symbols. Real executions are possible,


however, Market Makers seldom bother to fill SelectNets on test symbols. Please use this
NASDAQ service responsibly.

The following is a list of NASDAQ test symbols:



ARCA 8:00 AM ET to 6:30 PM.

NOTE: Although regional quotes are shown, all orders are sent to NYSE and AMEX.
Odd lots (orders for a number of shares that is not a multiple of 100) must go as ANY
(not AON).

Limit or Market

ARCA is one of the best ways to execute orders on Listed securities. First, the order
checks the ARCA order book providing the possibility of an immediate match. If there is
no immediate match, the order goes to DOT. ARCA costs less than a regular DOT order
and increases your chances for an execution!

What is a Ticket? In most cases, a Ticket represents any and all executions that result
from one order being entered. Only one ticket is generated, regardless of how many
partial executions result from one order being sent.

One Ticket = one commission. If your order is partially executed, and is cancelled by you
because of market conditions or any other reasons, the partial execution(s) represents one
ticket and one commission. If additional orders are entered and executed in part, or in
whole, additional tickets and commissions will be generated.

Most ECNs charge a per share fee for routing through them. These fees are added to the
commission on that ticket. Please review your broker’s Fees and Commission
information for exact charges per ticket or execution.


As previously explained, there are four essential windows you must open if you want to
trade. They are the Trade Montage, Account, Positions and Orders windows.

Keep the Position and Order windows open so that you can always see your open orders
and open positions. Check your open orders and open positions frequently!


Limit Order
A price limit is specified for this type of order. If your order is executed, the price will
not be higher on a buy or lower on a sell than the limit you specified. Limit orders are the
safest way to enter an order, since they "limit" the possible price of the execution.

Market Order
A market order is an order that is entered without a specified price. It is an order to buy or
sell at the current market price whatever that may be. In a rapidly moving market, it is
common to get an execution significantly higher on a buy or lower on a sell than the price
at the time the order was entered.

Trailing Stop
To place a trailing stop, choose STOP as your route and click the SELL or BUY button to
bring up the “Stop Order” dialog pop up window. Click the down arrow button in the
“Order Type” box, then click on “Trailing,” then place in the “Trailing Price” box the
decrement that you would like the trailing stop to be activated (e.g. enter 1 for $1 trailing
stop), then click the OK button. The “Trailing Price” box can only take decimal numbers
such as 1.5, 0.1, 1.01, etc.

A trailing stop order will be activated once the decrement that is set below the current
market price is reached. Trailing stops will move up along with the current market price.
(For example, if you place a $1 trailing stop when the current market price is $100, the
stop would be activated if the price falls to 99. If the stock price moves up to 103, your
trailing stop will move up with it and will now be activated if the price drops to 102).

Stop Range
To set a stop range, choose STOP and click the SELL or BUY button, a “Stop Order”
dialog window will pop up. Click the down arrow button in the “Order Type” box, then
select “Range.” This will allow you to place a stop order and limit order at the same time.
You would enter a price below where the stock is currently trading at in the “LowPrice”
field and enter a price above the trading price in the “High(Stop)Price” field. When it
reaches one of the prices of the range, the software will send the appropriate buy or sell
order. Note that a market order will be sent when the Stop price is reached (LowPrice for
sell orders, HighPrice for buy orders), and a limit order for the target price (HighPrice for
sell orders, LowPrice for buy orders).

Order Template
Your software should have been installed with a default order for your Trade Montage
windows already set.

To adjust your "Global" default order, go to “SETUP” on the menu bar. Select “Order
Templates” from the dropdown menu, “Global Default Order Configure” window will be
opened. Do a left mouse click on the Exchange drop-down box to configure your order
template for each exchange: Q(Nasdaq), U(Nasdaq TOCBB), N(NYSE), u(Pink Sheet),
O(Option), F(Futures), T(TSX), or R(SPBX).


Figure 32
The following parameters can be set:
 Share Number of shares. Select from the dropdown menu or enter a number.
 Route Any route can be set as the default.
 AON/ANY ANY is the preset default. AON (All or None) was formally used for
SelectNet (SNET) only.
 Time In Force (TIF) The default is DAY+.
 Account Your account number(s) are available on the dropdown menu. Select your
main account for your default order.

When done configuring your order template, click OK.

NOTE: Every time you type a symbol in the stock box on a Trade Montage window, and
hit enter, you reset that window to the global default.

Local Default Order

If you use more than one Trade Montage window, it allows you to set individual defaults
for each. This is useful if you regularly trade more than one account because each Trade
Montage window can be set to default to a different account. To configure “Local Default
Order,” right click on the “TMP” button to bring up the “Local Default Order Configure”
dialog window. This window allows you to set a default order for a particular Trade
Montage window. Set the default orders and click the “Apply” button to save. If you
want to override the individual default with the global default, check the “Use Global
Default” on the left bottom corner, otherwise, leave it unchecked.

Trading Setting control


Go to “SETUP” in the menu bar. Select Trading Setting. This window allows you to set
controls and options for the Trade Montage window. Left click the checkboxes to
enable/disable the corresponding functions.

Figure 33
Fields on Trading Setting are explained below:
 Enable Send Order Confirm: When you click Buy, Sell or Short, a pop up
message will appear, asking for confirmation to send the order.

 Check Duplicated New Order (Same Order in 10 seconds): If the same order is
sent within 10 seconds, this will bring up a warning window. This is designed to
avoid accidentally sending a duplicate order. Orders may still be placed within in
the 10 second period by clicking the “ok” button in that warning window.

 Price Check: Set a percentage and/or dollar amount. Orders priced beyond those
parameters, compared to Level I (the inside market) will cause a message window to
pop up, warning that the price is outside the market.


 Price Does Not Change When Route Changes: This will keep the price field
unchanged when you change the route in the montage window. (Hint: This is not for
market orders, since the market order uses the market price in default.)

 Add $.01 to Short Price on Down Arrow: If an order is sent to sell short at the Bid,
and there is a down (red) arrow, instead of rejecting the order, one cent will be added
to the price.

 Clear Price after Execution: After an order is sent/executed, Price Box resets to

 Reject Order if price box is empty: Reject the order if the Price Box is empty.
(Hint: This does not work for market orders, since the market order uses the market
price by default.)

 Default Buy Bid, Sell Ask, if price box is empty: When the price field is empty, it
will automatically use the Bid price for Buy order and Ask price for Sell order.

 Reset Default Route after Execution: Route resets to its default once the order is

 Enable Tooltips: Brief tips/notes about the tools/fields in your montage window are
given when the cursor is placed over it. For example, if you put your cursor on TMP
button it will have a tip shown as “Default Order.”

 Force all NoRR: Force all orders no rerouting.

 Post Only: Orders are sent as post only, add liquidity only.

 Use last price to calculate unrealized: This will use the last traded price to
calculate the unrealized value.

 Disable montage window hint: Disables the tips/hints in the montage window.
Currently you can see in montage window the word “Share” in Share Box and the
word “Price” in Price Box, etc. Checking off this box will disable those words/hints.

 Disable Stop Order Confirmation: Disables the warning/confirm window for the
Stop Order. By default, there will be a warning pop up window if the stop price you
set is too low or too high.

 Overnight BP mode – Special permission from broker required: This will turn
ON the overnight BP mode. Special permission is required from the broker.

 Enable Fast Stop Limit Order: This will set up a fast stop limit order in the
Montage Window. In other words, when you are placing the Stop Order, the system


will automatically convert it into a Stop Limit Order. The price in the Price Box is
automatically used as the stop price, and the limit price is the price that plus or
minus (depending if it is a buy or sell) the aggressive value you set.
(Hint: Enabling this prohibits the use of Stop Ranges, Stop Market, and Trailing
Stops. Furthermore the aggressive value can be set as a negative number as well).

 Do not load default order settings when switching symbol: Does not reset your
order settings to default when switching the security symbol in your montage

 Display accounts in the format Account Name: Trader Name: This will change
the account format in your montage window’s Account box/field.

 Default to position after a symbol is entered: Automatically sets the share size to
the position you hold once you’ve entered your open position’s security symbol in
the montage window.

 Reset to default shares after execution: The Shares Box on the Trade Montage
window will automatically reset to your default number of shares whenever your
order is completely filled. In other words, if, during execution of your order, the
number of open shares declines to zero, the Shares Box instantly resets.

 Number of shares do not decline with execution: The number of shares in the
Shares Box will not decline after an order gets executed.

 Set number of shares to position after execution: Number of shares in Share Box
on Trade Montage will reflect position size after order is executed.

 Set default order after order sent: Number of shares in Share Box on Trade
Montage will automatically reset to the remaining default share size after order sent,
if the order size is less than default number. For example, if your default shares is set
to 1000 and you sent an order with 400 shares, then the share number in the Share
Box will become 600(1000-400).

 Trading Button Colors Section: This section allows you to modify colors for each
trading button in montage window.

 Route section: Under this section, you can click the “Refresh Route List” button to
refresh your route list/box. Click the “Refresh Preference box” button to refresh
your preference field/box in the montage window.

 Account Settings: Checking the “Add account color” box allows you to modify
your account column/field’s color. Checking the “Show Alias” box displays your
live account number as the alias, which is used to hide your live account number.

Account Security

Under the “SETUP” option on the menu, bar select “Security Setting” to open the
Security Settings window. Click on the “Update Security Questions and Answers” button
to modify your account’s security questions and answers. These security questions allow
you to reset your password once you’ve entered your password incorrectly. Checking the
options under Notification Settings will enable an Email or SMS alert if someone is
trying to login into your account with a wrong password.

Enter the Security Symbol
On the Trade Montage window, type the security symbol in the Stock Box and hit enter.
You should see the security symbol on the title bar of the Trade Montage window as well
as the inside market (Level one, the inside market, and the best Bid / best Ask all mean
the same thing). As an example the title bar for CSCO would look like this: “CSCO
20.29 20.30 ,” the bid on CSCO is 20.29 and the ask is 20.30.

NOTE: Make sure the symbol you enter appears on the title bar.

NOTE: Every time you type a symbol in the stock box on a Trade Montage window and
hit enter, you’ll reset that window to the global default.

Set the Account Number

If you have set your default order and are managing just one account, your account
number will automatically be set on the Trade Montage window. If you have multiple
accounts, select the desired account from the dropdown menu on the Trade Montage
window. It is always good practice to select the account after entering the security
NOTE: Every time you enter a stock on a Trade Montage window the default order is

Set the Number of Shares

Your default order setting automatically loads the Shares Box on the Trade Montage
window, but you can designate any number you choose. There are three ways to do this:
 Use the forward / back arrows to the right of the Shares Box on the Trading window.
 Use the forward / back arrow keys on the keyboard.
 Type the number directly into the Shares Box.

Set the Route

Use your default route, or select a route from the route dropdown menu.

Set the Price

If Limit route is selected and there are no prices set in your Price Box, then clicking the
BUY or SELL button sends a limit order at the current inside market (the quote on the
title bar of the Trade Montage window).

BUY sends an order to buy at the current ASK price.


SELL sends an order to sell at the current BID price.

To ensure your order is entered at the exact price you desire, enter your limit price in the
Price Box. There are four ways to set a price:

 Left click on any Bid or Ask on the Level 2 montage.

 Use the arrows to the right of the Price Box in the Trade Montage window. The
downward arrow decreases the price by $.01, while the upward arrow increases the
price by $.01 per each click. Holding down the left mouse button or using the mouse
wheel will work as well. When the Price Box is blank, the price always starts at the
Ask price.
 Use the up / down arrow keys on the keyboard to change the price in $.001
increments (this is a function of hot keys, hot keys must be defined and the hot key
file containing this definition must be loaded before using this function. For more
information, please refer to our separate documentation on hot keys by going to
“SETUP” on the menu bar, selecting “Hot Key,” then click “Help” on the window
that pops up).
 Type the price directly into the Price Box.

NOTE: Every time you select a limit type order from the route dropdown menu, the
default for all limit orders are set, leaving the Price Box blank.

Clicking the “Buy” button sends a buy order at the current inside Ask.
Clicking the “Sell” button sends a sell order at the current inside Bid.

NOTE: Selecting a limit order from the route box will remove any price you had set in
your Price Box and replace it with the default blank field.
*You are now ready to enter an order.

Checklist prior to placing an order

The following is a mini checklist prior to executing an order:
 The security symbol is displayed on the title bar of the Trade Montage window.
 The account number is set.
 The number of shares is set.
 The route is set.
 The limit price is set. (Or blank for the limit default).
 For market orders, the price box is empty.
 Your Account Manager is open and set to Position.
 Your Trade Manager is open and set to Order.

Click Buy or Sell

A message should appear on the Green Message Bar on the Trade Montage window. For
example, "Accept Buy 100 DELL 25.25 ARCAL- 10:30:01 .”


Check the Order window and you should see your open order there, unless it was
immediately executed.

Check the “Position” window. If the order was executed, your position will appear in the
Position window. Check the “Trades” window, if the order was executed, the execution
will appear there. Check the number in the Shares Box. If your order was executed, the
number of shares will not reflect any remaining open or unexecuted shares in the Share
Box. If the order was not completely executed, the number of unexecuted shares will be

Check the Trade Log for details about the order you’ve entered. Click on the Green
Message Bar to see the Individual Trade Montage window log.

Partial Executions
Partial executions are part of trading NASDAQ securities. It occurs with listed securities
too, but are most common with NASDAQ. As your order is executed, the number of
shares on the Trade Montage window Shares Box will not reflect outstanding open shares
left on your order. Likewise, the Order window will display the current open shares in the
open column. Messages will continue to be displayed on the Green message bar.

REMEMBER: The Green message bar displays only one message at a time.

Trade Log holds all messages and is very useful for reference. It also displays all your
executions as they occur. Additionally, your executions will be reflected on the Position
window. Due to its importance, there are many sources for confirmation of your trade
executions, orders, and messages.

Canceling orders
It is possible to cancel any order that has not yet been executed. However, some orders
may be executed immediately after entry. If an order is partially executed it may be
possible to cancel the remaining open portion of the order.

There are three ways to cancel an open order.

 Click the CXL button on the Trade Montage window on which you have sent the
order. This will cancel the last order sent on that window.
 On “Orders” window, left mouse click on the "X" in the first column.
 To cancel any or all open orders: in the “Orders” window, right click the row
containing the open order you wish to cancel. The Cancel menu window will appear
showing the following options:
 CancelOne: Click to cancel the selected order only.
 CancelAll: Click to cancel all open orders.
 Cancel Secsym: Click to cancel all open orders for the same symbol as the order
you selected.

Covering a position


Once you have entered an order and it is executed in part or in whole, the number of
shares in the Shares Box on the Trade Montage window will not to reflect any remaining
open or unexecuted shares. If the order was fully executed, 0 (the number zero) will be
displayed in the Shares Box. If the order was not completely executed, the number of
unexecuted shares will be displayed.

At this point, the balance of the order could remain open, or could be cancelled. Check
the Orders window to confirm the status of the order. The Qty (Quantity) column shows
the total number of shares on the order you entered. The Open column shows any shares
still open. If the order is not displayed on Order window, the unexecuted portion of the
order has been cancelled. (Confirm this on your Log).
In this case you would have to enter another order to attempt to complete the transaction.
Simply clicking the BUY or SELL button again will send the same order you originally
sent, but this time for the balance of the unexecuted shares. Make sure the order has been
cancelled before you do this. A price adjustment on the order may be needed in order to
get an execution.


POSITION. Seeing the message, “Check open orders” in the Green Message Bar when
you enter an order to sell a position means you already have a sell order in the system.
That order must be cancelled before another can be placed.
So now you are ready to cover your position. With the security in question called up on
the Trade Montage window, click the "P" button (located above the SELL button) on the
Trade Montage window. This will load the Shares Box with the number of shares you
hold (long or short) in the security displayed on that Trade Montage window. Short
positions are designated with a minus sign following the number of shares.

NOTE : To cover a Short position, use the BUY button.



Figure 34

The Option chain is available in the software for accounts approved to trade options by
their broker. Go to “QUOTES” on menu bar and select “Option Chain” to bring up the
“Options” window. Enter the symbol in the symbol box located in the top left corner of
the window and hit enter. To trade a contract, left click on the contract symbol in the
SYMB column. In the trading section of the window (similar to that of a Montage
Trading window) enter the number of contracts, select ITSM (Market), ITSL (Limit), and
ITSS (Stop) route, enter the price, select your trading account and click on the execution
side button.
(Hint: the routes that ends with “M” indicates a market route, the routes that ends with
“L” indicates a limit route, and the routes that ends with “S” indicates a stop route.)

Configuring the Option Window

Right mouse click anywhere on the Level 1 or 2, and select Config. The Option
Configure window allows you to change the color of the level 1 or 2 font, setup a group
by the Strike Price or Expire Date, add/remove and change the order of the Static in the
level 1 or 2, filter by Volume, Price or Expire Day Filter as well as Show or Hide Level 2
in the Trading Window.

You can change the Style of the Option window by doing a right mouse click in the
trading or execution section of the window and select Style. The screen shown above is
the Option style.


Figure 35


Complex Options Order window allows you to place complex options orders. Complex
options allow traders to buy and sell a number of option orders simultaneously. Same as
“Option Window,” this feature is only available to accounts that are approved to trade
complex options. Go to “TRADE” in the menu bar and select “Complex Options Order,”
In the “Complex Options” window, enter the symbol in the underlying box located in the
top left corner of the window and hit enter.


Figure 36

The steps below will show you how to use this window to place a complex options order,
and explains the fields in this window.
• In the Underlying field enter the security symbol that you wish to trade.
• Enter/select the account number in the Account field.
• Select the Route, TIF, and Spread Type (optional).
• You can also choose to enter the number in the Net box. Net means the net price
per contract for a limit order;
 Debit/positive value – willing to pay
 Credit/negative value – money back
 0 – even order
(Hint: This field does not apply for market orders)
• AON stands for All or None, which means the order fills entirely or not at all.
(Hint: The default is ANY, and not all routes support AON)
• You can use Add Leg button to add more legs/rows. The “X” button on the right
allows you to delete any legs. You also have the option of leaving the Spread
Type field blank, then using the Add Leg button to fully customize the legs on
your own.
• In the Leg/bottom section, each column has a corresponding dropdown menu to
select/enter the parameters that you want. The last four columns refer to the order
quantity/size, bid price, ask price, and delete button.
• There are also two Switch buttons located on the top of the fourth and fifth
columns. Click on the left/fourth button to switch the action between Buy and Sell,
and click on the right/fifth button to switch the status between Open and Close.


• Finally, press Send Order button to send these orders. For existing orders, you
can either use the Cancel Order button to cancel the selected orders, or use the
Replace Order button to modify/replace it.
• After the orders are sent, you will see all your open complex options orders’ legs
in your Order Window.
(Hint: Double clicking on any legs in the Orders window will bring up a new
complex options window, which contains all relevant legs in it. Canceling any leg of
a complex option order will cancel all legs pertaining to that order.)

Futures trading is available in the software for accounts that are approved for futures
trading by their broker. Once you have the relevant permissions for it, go to the Montage
Window to enter your futures symbol in the symbol box located in the top left corner of
the window and hit enter. For futures trading, the contract date is required in your symbol
entry. For example, “Emini S&P 500 March 2019 Future Contract” would be entered as
“#ESH9,” where “#ES” means “Emini S&P 500,” and “H9” means “March 2019.” The
rest of the fields are the same as trading equities where you enter the number of contracts,
select the route, enter the price, etc. Once everything is set, click on the execution side
button to place the order.
(Hint: Different brokers may have different futures data/quotes, so it is advised that you
request a futures list from them prior to trading. All the dates and futures information will
be in the futures list file too.)

Figure 37

Forex trading is available in the software but only available for accounts that are
approved to trade Forex by their broker. Once you have the relevant permissions for it, go
to the Montage Window and enter the desired Forex symbol in the symbol box located in
the top left corner of the window and hit enter. The rest of the fields are the same as
trading equities where you enter the volume, select the route, enter the price, etc. Once
everything is set, click on the execution side button to place the order.


(Hint: Different brokers may have different Forex data/quotes, so it is advised that you
request a Forex list from them prior to trading.)

Figure 38


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