Ed Danielle N Prieto Bscoe, 1 Year, GE 2 1571

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Ed Danielle N Prieto

BSCOE, 1st year, GE 2 1571.

Let’s Check! Activity 1. Clear the cobwebs. There are 28 letters in the
Filipino Alphabet. Each letter has a corresponding number from 1 to 28. I
want you to decode each word below by identifying the letter that
corresponds to the numbers in each item.
1. Committed
2. Quality
3. Responsiveness
4. Transparency
5. Bonus

Activity 2. Word Network. After you decode the words in the first activity.
Create a sentence utilizing those words that will reflect how important
vision, mission and values as a student in this institution. You may add
articles, adjectives, etc. for as long as you use all the words in the first
The important vision, mission and values as a student in this institution.
Committed to academic, spiritual, social, personal, and corporate
responsibility. Quality of a good student is discipline, means a student who
aspires to be Responsiveness to his/her study timetable Transparency and
obey the instructions of coaches, teachers, and parents.

LET’S ANALYZE! Activity 1. Explain the relevance of vision, mission and

values of the university to your life as a student. Your answer must be
composed of 2 paragraphs.
Life as a student students' personal growth and educational experience.
These vision, mission and values of the university inform our individual
roles and departmental functions and unify us as a division. Providing
opportunities to those seeking meaning and purpose in ones' life and value.
The value of community service, volunteerism, and the importance of
connection, and participation. the various activities and practices
associated with a religious and traditions.
Ed Danielle N Prieto
BSCOE, 1st year, GE 2 1571.
Activity 2. Visualize your life 5 years from now. Draw the visualization of
yourself inside the box. Your illustration must show the characterization of
the core values of UM.

In a NUTSHELL! In this section you will provide the very gist of the unit that
you have learned. List down 5 words that you have liked most in our first
ULO, afterwards explain how these words affect your motivation to learn.
These words 5 words affect my motivation to learn, because it increases an
energy level, determines the persistence in reaching a specific goal,  affects
the types of learning techniques used and thinking processes.
Ed Danielle N Prieto
BSCOE, 1st year, GE 2 1571.
Let’s Check! Activity 1. 1. Drawing from what you have learned from the
elements of communication. 2. Then recall a very interesting conversation
experience you had with a friend. 3. Recall how the conversation started;
how it progressed and how it ended. 4. Then, prepare a flow chart or
framework to illustrate the flow of communication from you as the sender,
to your friend as the receiver, and back to you as feedback.

Activity 2. Identify the following. Write the answer on the blank provided.
Feedback 1. This refers to the response of the message given by the
The Sender 2. This is the first aspect of communication, also considered as
the root of communication.
Openness to Other Views 3. The ability to be open and acknowledge other
viewpoints that vary or even go against your ideas.
Be Enthusiastic 4. Defined as divine inspiration or frenzy to intensify the
feelings and emotions of the audience.
Build Consensus 5. A pledge or agreement to do something.
Ed Danielle N Prieto
BSCOE, 1st year, GE 2 1571.

LET’S ANALYZE! Activity 1. Quote Analysis. Explain the message of the

quote below about how communication aids the knowledge between
confusion and clarity in 2 paragraphs.
Good communication is underpinned by a Clear, Concise, Concise,
Compassionate, Calm communicating processing toward speaking.
Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information.
It’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information.
As well as being able to clearly convey a message, you need to also listen
in a way that gains the full meaning of what’s being said and makes the
other person feel heard and understood.
In a NUTSHELL! In this section you will provide the very gist of the unit that
you have learned. Democratic Points: You are going to jot down the things
that you have learned in bullet form. You may express it in sentence or in
 Enthusiasm is a very important quality of a speaker or writer.
 Consensus is a general agreement among the members of a given
group or community.
 It is must that a speaker or writer knows the audience or reader.

Let’s Check! Activity 1. Statement Analysis. Analyze the statement of

Herbie Hancock, discuss the implication of globalization to communication
including ideas and culture in two paragraphs.
Globalization has led to an improvement in standard of living through
improved roads and transportation, improved health care, and improved
education due to the global expansion of corporations.
Globalization is about the interconnectedness of people and businesses
across the world that eventually leads to global cultural, political and
economic integration. It is the ability to move and communicate easily with
others all over the world in order to conduct business internationally.
Ed Danielle N Prieto
BSCOE, 1st year, GE 2 1571.
LET’S ANALYZE! Activity 1.
Choose a favorite Asian country. Make a simple research and prepare a
grid based on the following:
1. Country 2. Common features of people 3. Common beliefs 4. Common
In the last column of the grid, compare the feature of your country of choice
with that of the Philippines. So your matrix would look like this.

Attributes Thailand Philippines

1. Common features Brown skin, round Brown skin, round

of people eyes eyes

2. Common beliefs Superstitious beliefs Superstitious beliefs

3. Common values Family comes first Family comes first

Activity 2. Think of the favorite social media you use, then recall the ethics
and principles of communication. What ethics and principles do you think
you should consider or not consider? Explain why you should consider or
not consider the ethics and principles in utilizing these social media.
Types of Social Media Ethics to Apply Principles to Apply
1. e-mail Include a clear, direct Make the Value Very
subject line Clear

2. facebook Do not post an

offensive comment  Reduce the noise

3. twitter Respect post Angle that is unique

4. skype Privacy LIMITATION
5. instagram Be nice Strong Hashtags
6. viber Do not harm Time
Ed Danielle N Prieto
BSCOE, 1st year, GE 2 1571.

Activity 3. Write true is the statement is true and false it is false.

True 1. Cultural development is a process of taking one component of a
practice belonging to another culture and using it for a purpose.
True 2. Cultural relativism implies that person’s beliefs and practices
should be perceived by others, in the context of his culture.
True 3. Bias connotes unfavourable impression towards a culture or belief.
True 4. Ethnocentrism is a belief that one’s own practice is the proper way
of life.
True 5. Prejudice is the unfair treatment of a person or group as a
consequence of an adverse judgment or opinion of a culture.

In a NUTSHELL! In this section you will provide the very gist of the unit that
you have learned. Create an acrostic about the word globalization that will
help you to remember this specific lesson. GLOBALIZATION
I- G- Good listener
II- L- Loyalty
III- O- Openness and positive attitude toward others
IV- B- Be a good listener
V- A- Honesty
VI- L- lecture
VII- I- institution
VIII- Z- zoom
IX- A- Sender
X- T- the receiver
XI- I- committed
XII- O- outsource
XIII- N- positive

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