Final Exam in Field Study 1

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Jinky Rose F. Silva

BSED 4-1

A. Episode 4-Learner Diversity-Community and Home Linkages

1. Give and explain the 5 stages of Ecological Model of Learners Environment (10 pts.)

✔ There are five stages of Ecological model of learners environment: microsystem,

mesosystem, exosystem,macrosystem and chronosystem. Microsystem is the smallest unit,
basically family which means that the relationship or interaction in this stage is within the
family or people with direct contact with the child or learner. In mesosystem, the child can
already identify whom are his or her family, which one is schoo,l which one is a healthcare and
so on. This only means that it is not just the direct environment of the child but also the
interaction of the people inside the microsystem. Outside the mesosystem is the
exosystem,which is the community engaging the child to the city and engaging them on
neighbors. In this stage, the child can tell or identify whom are family and whom are friends.
Next,the macrosystem,it focuses on the broader environment where a child is involved in. It
highlights culture elements,race,economic background and etc. In this stage the learner is able
to determine a universal law and is now thinking like a global citizen. Lastly,chronosystem is the
entire lifespan of the child starting from a child in engaging to family and friends, to the
community and to the world. In this stage or system, all of the changes due to the learners
environment are included here.

2. Enumerate the types of parenting and briefly discuss each. (10 pts.)

✔ Types of parenting:

◾ Authoritarian -this parenting style is very strict. Parents implement rules which
requires strong obedience from the child. They set high expectations on their children,and if
children disobey or misbehave parents give a punishment to them. They are like the
'perfectionist' parents, they want their child to be' perfect', they don't want to see mistakes
from them. Moreover, this style of parenting most likely to have an unhappy child, aggressive
child and maybe a child who is afraid to make mistakes for they know they will be punished.

◾ Permissive - unlike authoritarian,permissive parenting style do not control the child,

they do imposed rules but only a few and are non-directive. They don't expect too much and
are very light to their children. Some children who have permissive parents tend to feel that
their parents don't care for them, they tend to be impulsive and have low level of
independence and responsibilities.

◾ Rejecting- this style of parenting is neither demanding nor responsive to their

children. They seem to be uninterested to their children's needs. Parents are like physically
there but their children can't feel their presence at all. Rejecting parents tend to have children
who are least competent on their overall functions and adjustments.

◾ Authoritative - this style is the ideal style of parenting. It shows high responsiveness as
well as demandingness. They set clear and reasonable expectations to their children.
Authoritative parents for me is what any child would want to have ,where love, care, attention,
guidance, and discipline that every child needs are experienced. Children with authoritative
parents tend to have self-reliance, social competence,high self-esteem, and self control.

3. Explain how is a child’s development influenced by community and home? (5 pts.)

✔ A child's development is influenced by community and home through the experiences

they get from it. Every person is mold by their experiences. Moreover, home is the first school
and parents are the first teachers of every child. Child's home plays a vital role in their
development, parents nurture them with values and discipline, guide and provide them what
they need and what they have to learn. Furthermore, community influence child development
by building knowledge, new experiences, giving positive social relationships with others. The
positive and negative experiences from home and community affects the development of every
child. Positive relationships with the community and home will give positive impact to the child.
It is indeed crucial to have a healthy and positive home and community environment because it
influences child's development.

B. Episode 5-Creating Appropriate Learning Environment

4. Describe an ideal classroom atmosphere. (5 pts.)

✔ Every learner has their ideal classroom atmosphere ,an atmosphere where they would
feel' comfort' and a classroom atmosphere where they would feel that they will be mold and
they will grow in staying in the classroom. Moreover, an ideal classroom is a classroom that has
a foundation of clear and reasonable rules and these rules should be discussed as early as the
school year and should involve students in designing it. Also, another important classroom
atmosphere is an atmosphere of democracy. It is important that students may feel involved and
may feel equal treatment from the teachers as well as from classmates.

5. Describe and expound on what a good classroom is.(10 pts.)

✔ Every student needs a good classroom. But how can we say that we have a good
classroom? Well, a good classroom should not let the student feel excluded, a good classroom
makes sure that every student feels included and involved inside the classroom. Also, a good
classroom is a classroom that promotes respect to students diversity, there must be a cultural
awareness in the classroom so students may feel equally treated. Moreover, a good classroom
is a classroom that makes the student feel that they would excel academically when they're
inside it and will also promote moral integrity. They should also understand the lessons further
to create a meaningful learning. A classroom must provide experiences to the students
because as they always say' experience is the best teacher', we do learn more if we are the one
performing the learnings. Furthermore, a good classroom provides flexible learning. Teachers
must equipped differentiated teaching to meet students needs and interests. And lastly, a good
classroom would make every student motivated, motivated to learn and getting excited for
more learnings and experiences inside the classroom.

C. Episode 6- Classroom Management and Routine

6. State the essence of establishing routines in the classroom.(5 pts.)

✔ iItis important to stablish routines in the classroom especially earlier of the school year for
the students to be aware about the pattern of activities. It will surely help to generate
smoother flow of activities. It will also keep order in a classroom because students already
know what they need to do and what to do next. Moreover, establishing routines will maximize
the time for teaching because student are already aware of the instructions or procedures in
the classroom and they already know what the teacher expect of them.

7. Briefly discuss the events of instruction.(10 pts.)

✔ Events of instructions:

◾ Gain Attention - teachers have their own way of getting the attention of the students. It can
be through greetings, through their way of speaking,through posing questions that might catch
their interest and so on.

◾ Inform learner of the objectives- this is a very important event of instruction because the
objectives will tell what they are expected to learn on that day and it will help them to focus
more on the topic.
◾ Recall prior knowledge- it is important to recall prior knowledge to know if the students
learn or understand the last topic they've discussed and of course to have a smoother flow of
lessons everyday. In addition, it can also comes first before informing the students the objective
,some teachers recall past lessons first before stating the objectives and some state the
objective first before recalling past lesson.

◾ Present material- teachers are encouraged to have learning materials or visual aids like
powerpoint presentation to engage students in learning because it is important to present
materials that would effectively used for instruction.

◾ Provide Guided learning - teachers facilitate learning ,they are focus on how the students
would learn. They provide guidance yet the students are the center of learning. Teachers do it
by posing questions to the students and letting them think of the answer and letting them
experience learning.

◾ Elicit Performance -teachers allow students to practice what they've have learn by giving
activities. Again, it is important for the students to experience learning on their own but of
course with the guidance of the teachers.

◾ Provide Feedback- teachers present knowledge in a way that student would easily
understand it. Yes they are the center of learning but it is always the teachers role to give or
manage knowledge for the students to understand it better.

◾ Assess Performance- teachers use activities or outcome-based activities to know if students

learned or they achieve objectives of the day which is very important.

◾ Enhance retention & transfer- teachers enhance student's retention and transfer of learning
by letting them discover meaningful learning and relate learning to other field or disciplines.

D. Episode 7- Physical and Personal Aspect of Classroom Management

8. Cite the importance of effective classroom management ( 5pts.)

✔ Importance of effective classroom management:

◾ increase chance of student success

◾ paves the way for the teacher to engage students to learning

◾ helps create an organized classroom environment

◾ increase instructional time

◾ create consistency in the employment of rules and regulations

◾ aligns management strategies with school-wide standards

◾ decrease misbehavior in the classroom

◾ give student boundaries and consequences

9. Give the aspects of classroom management (5 pts.)

✔ There are two major aspects of classroom management: personal classroom

management and physical classroom management. Personal classroom management deals with
the voice of the teacher( needs to be modulated), teachers personal grooming (needs to look
good), teachers attendance, punctuality, and personal philosophy. On the otherhand, physical
classroom management deals with the lighting( appropriate lighting), ventilation (appropriate
ventilation ,25 degrees celcius to 27 degrees celcius), sitting arrangement,structure /design of
classroom, and physical space/ learning station.

E. Episode 8-The School With the Curriculum

10. Discuss the 5 stages of curriculum development. (10 pts.)

✔ Five (5)stages of curriculum development:

◾ Curriculum Planning- it is the process of determining and developing goals. There are
determinants in planning a goal: learner( consumers of education), society and knowledge. In
order to plan the curriculum, there is a need to assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing
curriculum to know what they need to improve on and for the goals to be formulated.

◾ Curriculum Designing- this is concerned with the nature and arrangement of the four
basic particular parts. Sources of designs are from science (provides meaning for the curriculum
design),society (analysis of social situations), eternal and divine sources, knowledge, and
learners. Also, in designing a curriculum there are dimensions that we need to consider:
balance, articulation, integration, continuity and sequence (BASICS).

◾ Curriculum Implementation- it is the interaction between those who have created

the program and those who are charged to deliver it. Teachers are the implementor of the
curriculum as well as part of the development of the curriculum. Implementing curriculum
requires supportive atmosphere and communication with the administrators and other
◾ Curriculum Evaluation- it is the process of providing useful information for judging
decision alternatives. There is a need to evaluate curriculum to provide directions security and
feedback for all concerned

◾ Curriculum Improvement/ change curriculum- respond to the needs of the society

and vice versa. In curriculum improvement, several parts are change but not the objectives and
missions, while in curriculum change, there will be making difference by shifting to new goals
and means.

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