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Hydraulics and

690 May 2018 Geotechnical Engineering

Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 4 691
HYDRAULICS & GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Situation 2 - A wooden buoy having a specific gravity 010,75 floats in.q, liquid having a
specific gravity of 0.85. .
MAY 2018 9. (.1.) Determine the percentage of the buoy exposed in the liquid.
A. :13.33% .C. 14.44%
If air had a constant unit weight of 12 N/m3, what is the decrease in pressure • B. 15.33% D. 11.76%
(kPa) of an aircraft climbing at an altitude of 3 km? 10. C-* What is the weight of the wooden buoy if the volume exposed above the
A. 32 C. 36 liquid is 0.045 m3?
B. 48 D. 24 A. 11345N C. 2811N
B. 2365 N D. 3015 N
2. At the foot of a mountain, a mercury (sg = 13.63) barometer reads 800 mmHg 11. 0,) What downward force is required to completely submerge the buoy?
and at the same instant at the top of the mountain a barometer reads 500 mmHg. A. 0.425 kN C. 0.625 kN
Assuming air had constant unit weight of 12.01 N/m3, what is the approximate B. 0.375 kN D. 0.325 kN
height Of the mountain?
• A. 3320 iii C. 3330m •
12. A bucket in an elevator contains O. m of water. Obtain the pressure at the
B. 3310m D. 3340 m bottom of the bucket when the elevator accelerates downward at 2 m/s2.
A. 5.9 kPa C. 6.3 kPa -
3. Lacking of mercury, an improvised barometer uses a liquid, that weighs 0.735 B. 3.9 kPa D. 10.2 kPa
times that of mercury. Assuming that the unit weight of air is constant at 12
N/m3, evaluate the approximate height of the mountain if the barometer Situation 3 - An open cylindrical tank is 0.4 m in diameter and 1.5 m tall. The tank is
readings are 600 mm at the base and 850 mm at the top of the mountain. SG of rotated about its own vertical axis at constant angular speed.
mercury= 13.6. 13. O.) What is the maximum depth of water in the tank if there is no water spilled
A. 2040 C. 2010 at 240 rpm?
B. 2080 D. 2020 A. 0.86 m C. 0.93 in
B. 0.78 m D. 0.65 m
Situation 1 - A vertical triangular gate 0.9 m high have its 2 in base flushed with the 14. 2 With the depth of water in the first question, what speed of rotation in rpm
water surface. will spill.1.4 liters of water?
4. ® Determine the total force acting on one side of the gate. A. 242 C. 268
A. 2.65 kN C. 1.25 kN B. 236 D. 274
B. 5.3 kN D. 4.3 kN 15. ® With the depth of water in the first question, what minimum angular speed
S. (2) Determine,the location of the center of pressure from the top. will zero the pressure at the center bottom of the tank?
A. 0.3m C. 0.45m A. 264 • C 23
o., 3 25
B. 0.25m D. 0.2m B. 259 ,
6. ( .-3_) Determine the eccentricity.
A. 0.63m C. 0.15m 16. A cylindrical tank 4 in in diameter and 3 in tall is full of water. Obtain the time
B. 0.10m D. 0.20m (in minutes) to drain the tank through a 50-mm-diaineter orifice at the tank
7. A piece of wood of s.g. 0:63 is 70 mm square .and 150 cm long. How many bottom. Assume C = 1.0
Newtons of lead weighing :110 kN/m3 must be fastened at one end of the stick A. 83.4 C. 82.4
so that it will float upright with 0.30 in out of water? B. 85.6 D. 76.9
A. 13.46 N C. 20.12 N
B. 16.52 N . D. 19.23 N Situation 4 - Water flows through an orifice at the vertical side of a large tank under a
constant head. The jet strikes 12 in vertically and 20 m horizontally. Assume Cv
8. A rectangular wooden block (y = 3 kN/m3) is 0.6 in square and 3 in long. Obtain = 0.98.
the vertical force required to keep the block in upright . position., and fully 17. () Evaluate the velocity at the vena contracta.
submerge in water. A. 13.74 m/s C. 12,79 m s
A. 4.36 kN C. 7.35 kN B. 14.75 m/s D. 16.42 m/s
B. 5.25 kN D. 6.32 RN
Hydraulics and
Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 4
o • ay 2018 Geotechnical Engineering

18. (?). Evaluate the constant head of the orifice. 23. Storm water flows at the rate of 2 m3/s in a triangular canal with vertex angle of
A. 9.88 m C. 6.77 m 60°. Obtain the critical depth of flow in meters.
B. 8.68 in D. 10.22 m A. 0.925 C. 1.245
19. ® Obtain the tirne of water to strike at the ground. B. 1.021. D. 1.196
A. 1,56s C. 1.85s
B. 1.72 s 0. 1.96 s 24. Using the most efficient section, what depth of triangular flume is required for a
flow of 2'm3/s. use n = 0.018 and S = 0.21%,
Situation S - Given the following data for the three reservoirs shown in the figure: A. 1.286m C. i.325 •m
B. 1.185 m D. 0.952 m
Length Diameter
Pipe f 25. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a cohesioriless soil,
km) mm
1500 900 0.0208 A. easy to compact
0.0169 B. high shear. strength
450 . 600
C. prone to settletrient due to vibrating load
1200 450 0.0135
D. practically impermeable
Reservoir A supplies water to reservoirs B and C. The flow towards reservoir B
26. In standard penetration test, medium dense sand have number of blows of:
• is 0.60 m3/s. A. 4 to 10 C. 30 to 50
20, C1. ) Determine the flow from reservoir A in m3/s.
,Q 3 o 5
A. 1.99 C. 0.63
B. 1.23 D. 0.41
Ituation 6 - Refer -to the igure s ovvn.
21 ® Determine the flow to reservoir C in m3/s.
A. 0.85. • -• C. 0.74 Gravel Sand
B. 0.49' - 0. 0.96 Coarse Medum
22. ® Determine the elevation of reservoir B.
A. 302m C. 284m
B. 275m D. 292m 100

EL 300 m
80 -



30 -
EL 277 m
20 -

10 4.75 1, 0.420 0 1 0.075 0.01 0 002 0.001
• Particle Diameter (mm)

27, (i) Determine the percentage of sand of Soil A.

A. 98% C. 95%
B. 92% a 85%
Hydraulics and
694 May 2018 (eotechnical Engineering Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 4

28. ® Determine the percentage of silt of Soil B. Situation 9- - A confined

A. 45% C. 62% Recharge
aquifenis.shown in the
B. 33% D. 75% figure. This aquifer
29. ® Determine the percentage of gravel of Soil C. has a Source of
A. 0% C. 2% recharge located as
B. 5% 0. 10% shown. The hydraulic
conductivity of the
Situation 7 - The bulk unit weight of the soil is 18 kN/m3, the Specific gravity of solids aquifer is 50 m/day
is 2.5 and the moisture content is 35%. Evaluate the following: with • a porosity of
30. 0) The void ratio. 25%. The piezometric 30 m
A. 0.71 C. 0.84 (head) surface ' in the -
B. 0.96 D. 0.25 two observation wells .
31. © The dry unit weight in kN/m3. 1000 m
1000 rn apart are at
A. 13.33 C. 14.22 elevation 75 in and 65 in, respectively from the common datum. The aquifer has
B. 15.42 D. 12.07 an average thickness of 30 m and an average width of 4 km
32. ("7,3) The saturated unit weight in kN/m3. 37. (j) Determine the nearestvalue to the rate of flow of water through the aquifer,
A. 20.98 C. 18.63 in cubic meters per day.
B. 16.45 D. 17.81 A. 600,000 C. 60,000
B. 50,000 0. 500,000
Situation 8 An 8.2-m-thick clay layer is overlain by a 15.2-m-thick sand layer. The 38. Determine the nearest value to the seepage velocity in in/day.
top of the sand layer is at the ground surface. The sand layer has dry unit weight A. 4 C. 20
of :18.2 kN/m3, Saturated unit weight of 21.2 kN/m3, and degree of saturation of B. 40 • 0. 2
30%. The clay layer have saturated Unit weight of 18.78 kN/m3. 39. (j) Determine the nearestvalue to the time of travel from the head of aquifer to
a point 4 km downstream, in days.
33. () Determine the effective pressure at the mid-height of the clay if the ground A. 200 C. 1000
water table is located at the ground surface. B. 2000 D. 100
A. 210 kPa C. 262 kPa
B. 313 kPa . . D. 1.96 kPa. . 40. In a triaxial test on a cohesionless soil, the soil fails when the chamber pressure
34. ® Determine the effective pressure at the mid-height of the clay if the ground. is 50 kPa and the maximum axial stress reached 120, kPa. Obtain the angle of
water table is located 7.6 m below the surface of the sand, with. degree of friction.
saturation of 30% for sand above Water table. A. 243° C. 20.7°
A. 31.3 kPa C. 196 kPa B.. 26.7° D. 28.4'
B. 210 kPa D. 269 kPa
35. ® Determine the effective pressure at the mid-height of the clay is there is no Situation 10 - A tri-axial test is perio co niess.soi T e.-soll folis un
water table at the sand stratum with degree of saturation Of 30% for sand above the following conditions:
water table. Confining pressure = 250 kPa
A,. 196 kPa C. 327 kPa Deviator stress = 450 kPa
B. 262 kPa D. 2.10 kPa 41. CO Evaluate the angle of shearing resistance of the sot
A. 32.52° C. 63.04°,
36. Given the following data of a clay layer: B. 28.27' D. 33.41°
H= 8m = 200 kPa 42. Obtain the shearing stress at thefailure plane.
Cc = 0.318 AP = 300 kPa A. 1.98 kPa C. 221 kPa'
e = 1.138 B. 136 kPa • • 0. 172 kPa
Obtain the settlement of the normally consolidated clay. 43. ® Obtain the normal stress at the failure plane.
A. 360 min C. 425 Mm A. 482 kPa C. 368 kPa
B., 474 mm D. 389 min 4101Pa 400 kPa
Hydraulics and
696 May201/3 Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 4 697
Situation 11 - Given the following date of a circular footing: Table 01: Terzaghi's Bearing Capacity Factors
Footing diameter = m (General shear failure)
Depth of footing = 2 m
(1) N, Ng
Unit weight of soil = 16 kN/m3 (deg) 1(
Ne Ny N„
, Soil cohesion = 0 • 0 . 5.70 1.00 0.00 26 2709
27.09 14,21 9,84 ,
Angle of friction of Soil = 20° i 6.00 1.10 0.01. 27 29.24 15.90 11.60
2 6.30 1.22 0,04 28 31,61 17,01 13,70
Use the Terzaghi's bearing capacity factors in Table 01. 3 6.62 1.35 0,06 29 34.24 . 1998
, 16.18
„ 4 :7.:9 ,..73 1.49 0.10 30 3716
. ' 22.46 .19.13
bearing capi.lcity. 5 1 1.64 0,14 31. 40.41 25,28 22,65
44. (j) Obtain the contribution of footing embedment to ultimate bear 6
, 1.81 0.20 32 44.04 .28,52 26.87
A. 172.3 kPa . • C. 210.4 kPa 7 8,1.5 2.00 027 33 48,09 . 32,23 3194
B. 238.1 kPa - D, 150,3 kPa 8 8.60 2,21 0,35 34 52,64 36.50 38,04
45. (2) Obtain the contribution of footing dimension to ultimate bearing capacity: [ . 9 9.09 2.44 0.44. 35 57.75 41.44 45.41.
A. 232.9 kPa . C. 174.7 kPa i
N , 10 9.61. 2.69 0.56 36 63.53 47,16 54,36
1.1 10.16 2.98 0.69 37 70.01 53.80 65.27
B. 303.2 kPa - D.. 152.4 kPa 12 10.76 3.29 0.85 38 77.50 61.55 78.61
•46. 0') Obtain the gross allowable pressure if the factor of safety is 3.0. r 13 11.41 3.63 1.04 39 85.97 70,61. 95.03
A, 72.54 kPa . ' C. 84.71 kPa 14 12.11 4.02 1.26 40 95,66 81.27 115.30
B. 111,4 kPa T1 137.6 kPa U
1.1'.; 12.86 , 4.45 1,52 41 106.80 93.85 140.50
16 13,68 4.92 1.82 42 119.70 .108.80 1.72,00
17 14.60 5.45 118 43 134,60 126.50 211..60
Situation 12 - Given the following data of a square footing: 1.8 15.12 6.04 2.59 44 151.95 147.70 261.60
Footing dimension = 12111 , 19 16..56 6.70 3.07 45 17230 173.30 325.30
1.). . 20 17,69 7.44 3,64 46 196.20 204.20 407.10
Depth of footing = 1 in 21 18.92 8.26 4.31- 47 224.60 241.80 512.80
Unit weight of sell = 18 kN/m3 22 20.27 9.19 5.09 48 258.:30 287.90 650.70 %
Soil cohesion.= 10 kPa 23 . 21.75 10.23 6.00 49 298.70 :344.60 831.99
A ngle of friction = 30° 23.36 11.40 7.08 50 347.50 1072.80
.25 25.1.3 12.72 8.34
Use the Terzaghi's bearing capacity factors in Table 01.

47, (i Obtain the contribution of footing embedment to ultimate bearing capacity. " EN D "*
A. 103.3 kPa. • C. 163.52 kPa
B. 520.24 kPa D. 404.28 kPa
48. (2) Obtain the contribution or the footing dimension to ultimate bearing
A. 12:3.93 kPa C. 165.28 kPa Answers:
B. 220.24 kPa D. 404.28 kPa 1. C 11. 13 21 13 31 A 41 13
49. ® Obtain the contribution cohesion to ultimate bearing capacity. 21) 1213 221) 320 42A
A. 303.3 kPa C. 263.52 kPa 3A 13A 23D 33A . 430
B. 483.1 kPa D. 404.28 kPa 4A 14 A 24 8 34. 0 44 B
50 :1513 251) 35C 450

50. A prestressed concrete pile 400 mm x 400 mm in cross-section and 20 in long is 60 16A 261:1 3613 460
driven in clayey soil with unconfined. compression strength qu= 180 kPa. 7A 170 27A 37C 470 '
Compute the skin friction resistance using an adhesion factor a = 1. BC 1814 28 13 38D 48C
A. 2880 kN C. 960 kN-. 49D 19A 29A 3913 '49B
100 20A 300 40A SOD
B. 860 kN D. 21.60 kN
Hydraulics and
698 May 2018 Geoteclinical Engineering Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 4 699
Solutions to May 2018 Examination F=y h A F = 9.81(0.3)(0.9)
F = 2.65 kN --> Part 1

= h +e Yp = 0.3 + 0.15 = 0.45 m ▪ Part 2

'Unit weight of air, yair = 12 N/m3
Change in altitude, Ah = 3 km = 3,000 m CU 7
yw = 9.81 kN/m3 SGwd = 0.63 0.07m
Change in pressure, Ap = -fair Ah y. = 110 kN/m3 A 0.07m
Change in pressure, Ap = -12(3,000) = 36,000 Pa
Change in pressure, Ap = -36 kPa Volume of wood, Vwd = 0.072 x 1.5 = 0.00735 M3 Wwd
Weight of wood, Wwd = (9.81 X 0.63)0.00735
W2 Weight of wood, Wwd = 0.045425 RN
Barometer reading at the foot of the mountain, hfoot = 0.8 m Hg
Barometer reading at the top of the mountain, htop = 0.5 m Hg EFv = 0 ,
Specific gravity of mercury, SGm = 13.63 Wwd + WL = BFwd + BF.
Unit weight of air, yA = 12.01 N/m3 YWd VW(I yt Vi. = Yw VDW + Yw VL
0.045425 + 110 VI, = 9.81(0.072 x 1.2) -J

Ymerculy + 9.811h,
Height of mountain, H = (hfoot. - htop)
= 0.00012234 m3
Height of mountain, H = (0.8 - 0.5) = 3,340 m Weight of lead, WL = VI,
12.01 Weight of lead, WL = 110(0.00012234)
Weight of lead, WL = 0.01346 RN = 13.46 N
Barometer reading at the foot of the mountain, hoot = 0.85 m Formula:
Barometer reading at the top of the mountain, htop = 0.6 m , A(h - L SGw„)
Specific gravity of gage liquid, SGm = 13.6 x 0.735 = 9.926 Wt, = yi, 7"
Unit weight of air, yA = 12 N/m3 Yt. 7w

±12J- . 8
Height of mountain, H = (hfoot - htop) Unit weight of wood, ywd = 3 kN/m3
'Yaw Volume of wood, Vwd = 0.62 x 3 = 1.08 rn3
9, 810(9.996) Unit weight of water, yw = 9.81 kN/m3
Height of mountain, H = (0.85 - 0.6) = 2,043 m
Weight of wood, Wwd = ywd Vwd = 3.24 kN
LEI Situation 1
b=2M Buoyant force on wood, BFwd = w Vwd = 10.595 kN
Y = h = h/3 = 0.3 m
A = 12/ (2)(0.9) = 0.9 m2
[EFv = 01 F + Wwd = BFwci
2(0.9)' Yp F =.BFwd - Wwd
g = 36 .F = 10.595 - 3.24
AY 0.9(0.3) F = 7.355 kN
0.6m x 0.6m
e = 0.15 m -) Part 3
Formula: F = (yw - Ywd) Vwd
Hydraulics and
May 2 Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 4 701
DA Situation 2 01-.), Situation 3
Specific gravity of liquid, SGL = 0.85 H = 1.5 m
Specific gravity of buoy, SGe = 0.75 r = D/2 = 0.4/2 = 0.2 m
VE (,,
Parts 1 & 2: in Part 1:
Volume exposed: w = 240 rpm = an rad/sec
( 2 2
co r
VE = Vb 1 fl =
SG L VI 2g
0.75 \ - (87)2 (0.2)2
VE Vb 1 - /11
0.85 j 2(9.81)
= 0.11765 Vb y1 = 1.288 m
= 11.765% Vb
11$ h = H -3/1/2
Part 2: Ve = 0.045 rn3 UI h = 1.5 - 1.288/2
0.045 = 0.11765 Vb h = 0.856 m
Vb = 0.382 m3
DI Part 2:
WI) = yb Vb = (9.81 x 0.75)(0.382) 5 Vspiiied = Irr2L1h = 0.0014 m 3
Wb = 2.811 RN = 2,811 N Ah = 0.01114 m
nj Y212
Part 3: m h2 = h Ah = 0.856 - 0.01114
h2 = 0.845 m Ah in1t14I level
F = (yi, - ye) Vb
F = 9.81(0.85 - 0.75)(0.382) = 0.375 kN ,pH,Frifigrey Y2
finai level
I/2 Y2 = H - h2
W 12 y2 = 2(1.5 - 0.845)
Depth of water, h = 0.5 m y2 = 1.31 m < H (OK) h2 I
Vertical acceleration, a = +2 m/s2
Unit weight of water, yw = 9.81 RN/m3 CO r
y2 =
p= h 1 --a- w2(0 2)2
1.31 =
2 \ co = 25.349 rad/s = 242.1 rpm
p = 9.81(0.5) 1-
p = 3.905 kPa Part 3:
y H = 1.5m
(02 r2 CO 2(02)2
'Y = 1.5 =
2g 2(9.81)
= 27.125 rad/s = 259 rpm
Hydraulics and
Geotechnical Engineering' Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 4 7.3
rf 16 Li-j. Situation 5
D=4 m Do = 0.05 m Q2 = 0.6 m3/s
H = 3m C = 1.0 El. 300 m
0.0826f L I '
2A hf = Q2
t= s, -
CA. v2g 0.0826f L
Let K =
A, = (4)2 = 12.566 m2 Ds
Ao= (0.05)2 = l.9635>< 10-3 mm2
0.0826(0.0208)(1500) 9
= H =3 m K1 = •
H2 = 0
= 4.364
t= = 5005 sec 0.0826(0.0169)(450)
1(1.9635x 10-3)V2(9.81) K2 =
t = 83.42 minutes
K2 = 8.078
Situation 4
= 0.0826(0.0135)(1200)
K3 = 72.516'

x = 20 m • hfi + hf3 = 300 - 277; hf3 = 23 -

y = 12 m
= 0.98 hfi = 4.364 Q12 Qi = 0.4787 Vhf,
8=00 •
hf2 = 8.078(0.6)2 = 2.908 m

hf3 = 72.516 Q32 Q3 = 0.1174 hf3 = 0.1174 V23 -

Q1'= Q2 +Q3 0.4787 Vhf, = 0.6 + 0.1174 V23- hf„

hfi = 5.231 m
g X2 9.81(20)2
y=xtan 0 - -12 - 20 tan 00
2y.2 cos2 0 2v02 cos' 00 Qi = 0.4787 V5.231
\To = 12.787 m/s --> Part 1 Q1 = 1.095 m3/s Part 1

Q3 = 0.1174J23-5.231 = 0.495 m3/s Part 2

\Jo = Cv V2gH 12.787 = 0.98 V2gH
H = 8.68 m Part 2 El B = 300 - hfi - hf2
El s = 300 - 5.231 - 2.908 = 291.861 m --> Part 3
X = Vox t 20 = 12.787 t
t = 1.56 sec --> Part 3
Hydraulics and
704 y2 1 Geotechnica! Engineering
Civil Engineering Reference VoL 4

23 Situation 6
Q = 2 m3/s ê=60°
Gravel Sand Slit Clay
T = 2[d tan (0/2111 Coarse Medium Fine

T = 1.155 d 111

A = 1/2 d T = 0.577 d2

(0.577d2 )3 flt 90
Q2 =. A3 22
g T 9.81 1.155d 80

Percent Finer by Weight

d = 1.196 m 70

The most efficient triangular canal rn
section is the 90 0 V-notch. 2d 40

Q= 2 m3is S = 0.0021
n = 0.018

A = 1/2(2d)(d) = d2
P=2d 10 4.75 2 1 0.420 01 0.075 0.01 0 002 0.001
Particle Diameter (mm)
d2 d
R = A/P = = Soil A: Soil C:
2d,/2 2,/2 Gravel : 100 - 98 =2% Gravel : 0
Sand: 98 - 0 = 98% Sand: 100 68 = 32%
1 1 ( d \2/3 Silt: 0 Silt: 68 - . 12% = 56%
Q = Av = A- R2/3 si./2 2 = d2 (0.0021)1/2
11 0.018
Soil B:
d = 1.185 m
Gravel: 100 - 99 = 1%
Sand: 99 - 40 = 59%
L-C! 26
Silt: 40% - 7% = 33%
Relative Density of Sands According to
Results of Standard Penetration Test:
Ii Situation 7
ym = 18 kl\l/m3 MC = 0.35
NO. of Blows, N60 Relative Density G = 2.5 yw = 9.81 RN/m3
0-4 Very loose
4-10 Loose G+GMC 2.5+2.5(0.35)
Yw 18 = x 9.81
10-30 Medium 1+e 1+e
30-50 Dense e = 0.8394 --> Part 1
Over 50 Very dense
G 2.5
yd — Yw Yd = x9.81
1+e 1+0.8394
yd = 13.33 kN/m3 -4 Part 2
Hydraulics and
May 20 Geotechnical EngineeriuH MI Engin

Ym pA eff = ymi (7.6) + ybi (7.6) + yb2(4.1)

or yd =
1 + MC pA eff = 19.1(7.6) + (21.2 - 9.81)(7.6) + (18.78 - 9.81)(4.1)
pAeff = 268.5 kPa
G+e 2.5+0.8394
Ysat — Yw Ysat = X 9.81 Part 3
1+ e 1+0.8394 Ground Surface
Ysat = 17.81 kN/m3 -÷ Part 3 PA elf = Ym1(15,2) + yb2(4.1)
PA eff = 19.1(15.2)
IQ Situation 8 + (18.78 - 9.81)(4.1)
Sand layer: Ground Surface ,WT pA eff = 327.1 kPa
yd = 18.2 kN/m3
Ysat = 21.2 kN/m3
S = 30%

Clay layer: Ysatl

Ysat = 18.78 kN/m3 7b1

y = Ysat Yw Ysat2 4.1 m
< 7b2
Part 1: WT @ ground surface
Neff = ybi x 15.2 + yb2 X 4.1
7sat2 4.1 m
pA eff = (21.2 - 9.81)(15.2) c`! 7b2 ---
+ (18.78 - 9.81)(4.1) H = 8m Po = 200 kPa
Cc = 0.318 AP = 300 kPa
pA eff = 209.9 kPa
e = 1.138

Part 2: GWT at 7.6 m below ground surface Pt

C log — where pf = po + Ap = 500 kPa
AH = H
1+e0 ,p0
Solve for unit weight of sand
Ground Surface
above water table. 0.318
AH = 8,000 x
1+1.138 200)
MODE 3-2:
AH = 473.51 mm
x = unit weight
y = degree of saturation

aLIX.- >- Ysat2 , 4.1 rr
c`! <
Y. b2 / A,
19.1 co —1

ymi = 19.1 kN/m3

Hydraulics and
May 201 Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 4 709
W Situation 9 CD Situation 10
Confining pressure:

ing Center
Hea'd, h = 75 - 65 = 10 m 0.3 = 250 kPa
Length, L = 1000 m
Area = 4,000 x 30 = 120,000 m2 Deviator stress:
Coefficient of permeability, od = 450 kPa
k= 50 m/day 11.•

R= 12/ crd = 22.5 kPa

sin 4) =
4,000 m 225 cYd
sin 4) =
4) = 28.27° -› Part 1
Energy gradient, i = h/L = 10/1000 = 0.01

Flow,Q=kiA Q = 50(0.01)(120,000) Parts 2 & 3: Normal and shearing stresses at failure plane:
Q = 60,000 m3/day Part 1
of = + R - R sin cl) o-f= 250 + 225 - 225 sin 28.27°
of = 368.43 kPa
Seepage velocity:
ki - 50(0.01)
Vs = — vs If = R cos (1) Tr.= 225 cos 28.27°
n 0.25 Tf = 168.16 k.P.
Vs = 2 m/day --> Part 2
ED Situation 11
Given: Footing diameter', B = 10 m
Part 3: Time to travel a distance of 4 km: Depth of footing, Df = 2 m
Ifnit weight of soil, y = 16 kN/m3
t= 4000
t- = 2000 days Part 3 Angle of friction, = 20°
vs 2 Cohesion, c = 0

EI2140 From the table, Nc = 17.69, Ng = 7.44, Ny = 3.64

cr3 =50 kPa
cri = 120 kPa Part Capacity based on footing depth and overburden:

R= Y2 (120 - 50) qg = y Df Ng qg = 16(2)(7.44)

R = 35 kPa qg =238.08 kPa

Part 2: Capacity based on footing dimension:

sin q) = o-
a3 +R qy = 0.3 y B N. qy = 0.3(16)(10)(3.64)
qy = 174.72 kPa
sin 4) -
. 50+35 cr, Part 3: Gross allowable pressure wittl factor of safety of 3.0:•
(I) = 24.32°
qu = 1.3 c Nc + y Df Nq -1- 0.3 y B Ny
qu = 0 + 238.08 + 174.72 = 412.8
ay 2 18 Hydraulics and
Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 4
gin = qu 412.8
FS qau =
qaii = 137.6 kPa MAY 2018
E2! Situation 12
Given: Footing dimension, B =1:2 m Situation 1 - The force P prevents
Depth of footing, Df = 1 M the 375-N pole from falling.
Unit weight of soil, y = 18 The pole is supported by a
kN/m3 ball-and-socket joint at A and
Angle of friction, ciD 30°
Cohesion, c = 10 kPa leans against a frictionless
wall at B.
From the table, Nc =
37.16, Nq = 22.46, Ny =
19.13 Given:
Part 1: Capacity based = 3.15 m = 3.15 m
on footing depth and overburden: Yi =4 m 0=450
qq y DfNq qg = 18(1)(22.46)
qg = 404.28 kPa 1. Find the required force (N) P.
Part 2: Capacity based
on footing dimension: B. 124.6
ciy= 0.4 yI3Ny C. 136.2
qy =
0.4(18)(1.2)(19.13) D. 102.7
qy = 165.28 kPa
Find the reaction at B in N.
Part 3: Capacity based A. 75.4
on cohesion:
qc = 1.3 c Nc
• (lc = 1.3(10)(37.16) C. 89.2
qy = 483.08 kPa I). 95.4
Ell 50 3. Find the vertical reaction at A in N.
A. 310.1 C., 325.4
Pile dimension = 300 mm
x 300 mm B. 336.8 292.4
Pile length, L = 20 m
Unconfined compression Situation 2 - A cylindrical tank 3 m in diameter and 6 in tall has wall thickness of 1.2
strength, qu = 180 kPa
Adhesion factor, a i= 1 mm. The tank is filled with water.
4. Determine the maximum Circumferential stress (MPa) in the tank.
Skin friction resistance:
le. 7.4 C. 6.2
Qf=acupL B. 8.6. D. 5.7
Pile perimeter, p = 0.3 X 5.. Determine the maximum longitudinal stress (MPa) in the tank if it is supported
4 = 1.2 m at th/e .top.
Unconfined shear strength, cu = 1/2
qu = 90 kPa 4fe.r 3.7 C. 0
Q' = B. 3.1 • D. 4.3
Q'= 2,160 kN 6. Compute the maximum depth of water (m) if the circumferential stress must not..
exceed 5 MPa.
A. 3.5 4
13. 5 D. 4.5

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