Optics and Modern Physics DC Pandey

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Understanding Physics
JEE Main & Advanced

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Understanding Physics
JEE Main & Advanced


[B.Tech, M.Tech, Pantnagar, ID 15722]


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Understanding Physics
JEE Main & Advanced


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Understanding Physics
JEE Main & Advanced

The overwhelming response to the previous editions of this book
gives me an immense feeling of satisfaction and I take this an
opportunity to thank all the teachers and the whole student
community who have found this book really beneficial.

In the present scenario of ever-changing syllabus and the test pattern

of JEE Main & Advanced, the NEW EDITION of this book is an
effort to cater all the difficulties being faced by the students during
their preparation of JEE Main & Advanced. The exercises in this
book have been divided into two sections viz., JEE Main &
Advanced. Almost all types and levels of questions are included in
this book. My aim is to present the students a fully comprehensive
textbook which will help and guide them for all types of
examinations. An attempt has been made to remove all the printing
errors that had crept in the previous editions.

I am extremely thankful to (Dr.) Mrs. Sarita Pandey, Mr. Anoop

Dhyani and Nisar Ahmad for their endless efforts during the project.

Comments and criticism from readers will be highly appreciated and

incorporated in the subsequent editions.

DC Pandey
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Understanding Physics
JEE Main & Advanced

29.1 Introduction 29.3 Electromagnetic Waves
29.2 Displacement Current 29.4 Electromagnetic Spectrum


30.1 Introduction 30.3 Reflection of Light
30.2 General Concepts used in 30.4 Reflection from a Spherical Surface
Geometrical Optics


31.1 Refraction of Light and Refractive 31.5 Refraction from Spherical Surface
Index of a Medium 31.6 Lens Theory
31.2 Law of Refraction (Snell’s Law) 31.7 Total Internal Reflection (TIR)
31.3 Single Refraction from Plane 31.8 Refraction Through Prism
Surface 31.9 Deviation
31.4 Shift due to a Glass Slab 31.10 Optical Instruments


32.1 Principle of Superposition 32.4 Young's Double Slit
32.2 Resultant Amplitude and Intensity Experiment (YDSE)
due to Coherent Sources 32.5 Introduction to Diffraction
32.3 Interference 32.6 Diffraction from a Narrow Slit

33. MODERN PHYSICS-I 253-323

33.1 Dual Nature of Electromagnetic 33.3 Momentum and Radiation Pressure
Waves 33.4 de-Broglie Wavelength of Matter
33.2 Electromagnetic Spectrum Wave
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Understanding Physics
JEE Main & Advanced

33.5 Early Atomic Structure 33.8 X-Rays

33.6 The Bohr Hydrogen Atom 33.9 Emission of Electrons
33.7 Hydrogen Like Atoms 33.10 Photoelectric Effect


34.1 Nuclear Stability and 34.5 Binding Energy and Nuclear Stability
Radioactivity 34.6 Nuclear Fission (Divide and Conquer)
34.2 The Radioactive Decay Law 34.7 Nuclear Fusion
34.3 Successive Disintegration
34.4 Equivalence of Mass and Energy


35.1 Introduction 35.5 Junction Diode as a Rectifier
35.2 Energy Bands in Solids 35.6 Applications of p-n Junction Diodes
35.3 Intrinsic and Extrinsic 35.7 Junction Transistors
Semiconductors 35.8 Transistor as an Amplifier
35.4 p-n Junction Diode 35.9 Digital Electronics and Logic Gates


36.1 Introduction 36.6 Modulation
36.2 Different Terms Used in 36.7 Amplitude Modulation
Communication System 36.8 Production of Amplitude
36.3 Bandwidth of Signals Modulated Wave
36.4 Bandwidth of Transmission Medium 36.9 Detection of Amplitude
36.5 Propagation of Electromagnetic Modulated Wave
Waves or Communication Channels

Hints & Solutions 433-518

JEE Main & Advanced
Previous Years' Questions (2018-13) 1-28
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Understanding Physics
JEE Main & Advanced


JEE Main
Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics. Transverse nature of
electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet,

X-rays, g- rays). Applications of e.m. waves.

Reflection and refraction of light at plane and spherical surfaces, Mirror formula,
Total internal reflection and its applications, Deviation and Dispersion of light by a
prism, Lens formula, Magnification, Power of a lens, Combination of thin lenses in
contact, Microscope and astronomical telescope (reflecting and refracting) and
their magnifying powers.

Wave front and Huygens’ principle, Laws of reflection and refraction using
Huygen’s principle. Interference, Young’s double slit experiment and expression for
fringe width. Diffraction due to a single slit, width of central maximum. Resolving
power of microscopes and astronomical telescopes, Polarisation, Plane polarized
light; Brewster’s law, uses of plane polarized light and polaroids.


Dual nature of radiation. Photoelectric effect, Hertz and Lenard’s observations;
Einstein’s photoelectric equation; Particle nature of light. Matter waves-wave nature
of particle, de-Broglie relation. Davisson-Germer experiment.
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Understanding Physics
JEE Main & Advanced


a-particle scattering experiment; Rutherford’s model of atom; Bohr model,
Energy levels, Hydrogen spectrum. Composition and size of nucleus, Atomic
masses, Isotopes, Isobars; Isotones. Radioactivity - a, b and g particles/rays
and their properties; radioactive decay law. Mass-energy relation, Mass defect;
Binding energy per nucleon and its variation with mass number, Nuclear
fission and fusion.

Semiconductors; semiconductor diode: I-V characteristics in forward and
reverse bias; Diode as a rectifier; I-V characteristics of LED, photodiode, solar
cell and Zener diode; Zener diode as a voltage regulator. Junction Transistor,
transistor action, Characteristics of a transistor; transistor as an amplifier
(common emitter configuration) and oscillator. Logic gates (OR, AND, NOT,
NAND and NOR). Transistor as a switch.

Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere; Sky and space wave
propagation, Need for modulation, Amplitude and frequency modulation,
Bandwidth of signals, Bandwidth of transmission medium, Basic elements of
a communication system (block diagram only).
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Understanding Physics
JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced
Focal length of a concave mirror and a convex lens using U V method.

Rectilinear propagation of light, Reflection and refraction at plane and
spherical surfaces, Total internal reflection, Deviation and dispersion of light
by a prism, Thin lenses, Combinations of mirrors and thin lenses,


Huygens principle, Interference limited to Young’s double-slit experiment.

Atomic nucleus, a, b and g radiations, Law of radioactive decay, Decay
constant, Half-life and mean life, Binding energy and its calculation, Fission
and fusion processes, Energy calculation in these processes.

Photoelectric effect, Bohr’s theory of hydrogen-like atoms, Characteristic and

continuous X-rays, Moseley’s law, de-Broglie wavelength of matter waves.
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Understanding Physics
JEE Main & Advanced

This book is dedicated to my honourable grandfather

(Late) Sh. Pitamber Pandey

a Kumaoni poet and a resident of Village
Dhaura (Almora), Uttarakhand
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29.1 Introduction
29.2 Displacement Current
29.3 Electromagnetic Waves
29.4 Electromagnetic Spectrum
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2 — Optics and Modern Physics

29.1 Introduction
Earlier we have learned that a time varying magnetic field produces an electric field. Is the converse
also true? Does a time varying electric field can produce a magnetic field? James Clerk Maxwell
argued that not only an electric current but also a time varying electric field generates magnetic field.
Maxwell formulated a set of equations (known as Maxwell’s equations) involving electric and
magnetic fields. Maxwell’s equations and Lorentz force formula make all the basic laws of
The most important outcome of Maxwell’s equations is the existence of electromagnetic waves.
The changing electric and magnetic fields form the basis of electromagnetic waves. A combination of
time varying electric and magnetic fields (referred as electromagnetic wave) propagate in space very
close to the speed of light (= 3 ´ 10 8 m/s) obtained from optical measurements. We shall take a brief
discussion of electromagnetic waves mainly developed by Maxwell around 1864.

29.2 Displacement Current

An electric current produces magnetic field. Value of magnetic field (due to an electric current) at
some point can be obtained by Biot-Savart law or Ampere’s circuital law.
We have stated Ampere’s law as

ò B× d l = m 0 i ...(i)

where left hand side of this equation is the line integral of magnetic field over a closed path and i is the
electric current crossing the surface bounded by that closed path.
Ampere’s law in this form is not valid if the electric field at the surface varies with time. For an
example if we place a magnetic needle in between the plates of a capacitor during its charging or
discharging then it deflects. Although, there is no current between the plates, so magnetic field should
be zero. Hence, the needle should not show any deflection. But deflection of needle shows that there
is a magnetic field in the region between plates of capacitor during charging or discharging. So, there
must be some other source (other than current) of magnetic field. This other source is nothing but the
changing electric field. Because at the time of charging or discharging of capacitor electric field
between the plates changes.
The relation between the changing electric field and the magnetic field resulting from it is given by
df E
ò B × d l = m 0e 0 dt ...(ii)

Here, f E is the flux of the electric field through the area bounded by the closed path along which line
integral of B is calculated.
Combining Eqs. (i) and (ii), we can make a general expression of Ampere’s circuital law and that is
df E æ df E ö
ò B × d l = m 0 i + m 0e 0 dt
=m0 ç i +e0
è dt ø

or ò B × d l = m 0 (i + id ) ...(iii)
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Chapter 29 Electromagnetic Waves — 3

df E
Here, id = e 0 ...(iv)
is called the displacement current and which is produced by the change in electric field. The current
due to the flow of charge is often called conduction current and is denoted by ic . Thus, Eq. (iii) can
also be written as

ò B × d l = m 0 (ic + id ) ...(v)

In the figure, a capacitor is charged by a battery through a resistance R. Charging of capacitor will be
exponential. A time varying charging current i flows in the circuit (due to flow of charge) till charging
continues. A time varying electric field is also produced between the plates. This causes a
displacement current id between the plates. There is no current between the plates due to flow of
charge, as a medium between the plates is insulator.
Consider two closed paths a and b as shown in figure. Ampere’s circuital law in these two paths is
Along path a

ò B × dl = m 0i or ò B × d l = m 0 ic
Along path b

ò B × d l = m 0 id
E -
i id
a b i = id

Fig. 29.1
df E
Here, id = e 0 is in the direction shown in figure. In sample example 29.1, we have shown that
ic = id

Extra Points to Remember

Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction says that changing magnetic field gives rise to an electric field
and its line integral (= emf ) is given by the equation
ò E × d l = - dtB
A changing electric field gives rise to a magnetic field is the symmetrical counterpart of Faraday’s law. This
is a consequence of the displacement current and given by
ò B × d l = m 0 e0 dtE = m 0 id
Thus, time dependent electric and magnetic fields give rise to each other.
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4 — Optics and Modern Physics

Maxwell’s Equations
ò E × d s = qin e0 (Gauss’s law for electricity)

ò B × ds = 0 (Gauss’s law for magnetism)

ò E × dl = -
(Faraday’s law)

ò B × d l = m 0 ( i c + i d ) = m 0 i c + m 0 e0
(Ampere-Maxwell’s law)

V Example 29.1 During charging of a capacitor show that the displacement

current between the plates is equal to the conduction current in the
connecting wire.
Solution Let A is the area of plates, q is the charge on capacitor at + -
some instant and d the separation between the plates. ic
Conduction current, i c = ...(i)
Electric field between the plates,
s q A q
E= = =
e0 e0 Ae 0 Fig. 29.2

The flux of the electric field through the given area is

æ q ö q
fE = EA = çç ÷A=
è A e0 ø e0
dfE 1 æ dq ö
\ = ç ÷
dt e 0 è dt ø
Displacement current,
id = e 0
é 1 dq ù
= e0 ê × ú
ë e 0 dt û
or id = ...(ii)
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we can see that
ic = id Hence Proved.


1. A parallel-plate capacitor with plate area A and separation between the plates d , is charged by a
constant current i . Consider a plane surface of area A/2 parallel to the plates and drawn
symmetrically between the plates. Find the displacement current through this area.
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Chapter 29 Electromagnetic Waves — 5

29.3 Electromagnetic Waves

Stationary charges produce only electric field. Charges in uniform motion (or steady currents)
produce both electric and magnetic fields. Accelerated charges radiate electromagnetic waves. It
is an important result of Maxwell’s theory. Thus, an accelerated charge produces all three electric
field, magnetic field and electromagnetic waves.
Consider an oscillating charged particle. Let f is the frequency of its oscillations. This oscillating
charged particle produces an oscillating electric field (of same frequency f ). Now, this oscillating
electric field becomes a source of oscillating magnetic field (Ampere-Maxwell’s law). This
oscillating magnetic field again becomes a source of oscillating electric field (Faraday’s law) and
so on.
The oscillating electric and magnetic fields regenerate each other and electromagnetic wave propagates
through the space. The frequency of the electromagnetic wave is equal to the frequency of oscillation of
the charge.
Frequency of visible light is of the order of 1014 Hz, while the maximum frequency that we can get
with modern electronic circuits is of the order of 1011 Hz. Therefore, it is difficult to experimentally
demonstrate the production of visible light. Hertz’s experiment (in 1887) demonstrated the
production of electromagnetic waves of low frequency (in radio wave region). Jagdish Chandra
Bose succeeded in producing the electromagnetic waves of much higher frequency in the laboratory.

Extra Points to Remember

˜ When electromagnetic waves propagate in space then electric and magnetic fields oscillate in mutually
perpendicular directions. Further, they are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of
electromagnetic wave also.
˜ Consider a plane electromagnetic wave propagating along the z-direction. The electric field E x is along the
x-axis and varies sinusoidally. The magnetic field By is along the y-axis and again varies sinusoidally. We
can write E x and By as
E x = E0 sin (wt - kz) and By = B0 sin (wt - kz)

Wavelength Electric field

field Direction of wave

Fig. 29.3
Thus, electromagnetic wave travels in the direction of E ´ B.
˜ From Maxwell’s equations and the knowledge of waves we can write the following expressions,
k = 2p l and w = 2 pf Speed of light (in vacuum)
w E 1
c = = fl= 0 =
k B0 e0m 0

where, f is the frequency of electromagnetic wave and l its wavelength.

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6 — Optics and Modern Physics

˜ Unlike a mechanical wave (like sound wave) an electromagnetic wave does not require any material medium
for the oscillations of electric and magnetic fields. They can travel in vacuum also. Oscillations of electric and
magnetic fields are self sustaining in free space or vacuum.
˜ In a material medium (like glass, water etc.), electric and magnetic fields are different from the external
fields. They are described in terms of permittivity e and magnetic permeabilitym. In Maxwell’s equations, e0
and m 0 are thus replaced by e and m and the velocity of light becomes,
Thus, the velocity of light depends on electric and magnetic properties of the medium.
˜ Like other waves, electromagnetic waves also carry energy and momentum.In previous chapters, we have
1 B2
studied that, energy density in electric field = e0 E 2 and energy density in magnetic field = ×
2 2 m0
An electromagnetic wave contains both electric and magnetic field. Therefore, energy density is
associated with both the fields.
˜ Consider a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave. If the total
energy transferred to a surface in time t is E, then total momentum delivered to this surface for complete
absorption is
Dp= (complete absorption)
If the wave is totally reflected, the momentum delivered is
Dp= (completely reflected)
˜ The energy transferred per unit area per unit time perpendicular to the direction of propagation of
electromagnetic wave is called the intensity of wave. It is given by
I = e0 E 2c
Here, E is the rms value of electric field or Erms .

V Example 29.2 A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency 25 MHz travels in

free space along the x-direction. At a particular point in space and time,
. $j) V/m. What is B at this point?
E = ( 63
E0 E
Solution c= or =
B0 B
\ B=
Substituting the values in SI units,
3 ´ 108
= 2.1´ 10-8 T
From the relation c = E´ B
We can see that B is along positive z- direction. Because, E is along $j direction and c along $i
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Chapter 29 Electromagnetic Waves — 7

\ B = ( 2.1´ 10-8 T ) k$ Ans.

V Example 29.3 The magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given by

B y = 2 ´ 10 -7 T sin ( 05
. ´ 103 x + 15
. ´ 1011 t) T
(a) What is the wavelength and frequency of the wave?
(b) Write an expression for the electric field.
Solution (a) Wavelength
From the given equation, we can see that
k = 0.5 ´ 103 m -1
But, k=
2p 2p
\ l= =
k 0.5 ´ 103
. ´ 10-2 m
= 125 Ans.
Angular frequency,
. ´ 1011 rad/s
w = 15
But, w = 2pf
w 15 . ´ 1011
\ f= = \
2p 2p
= 2.39 ´ 1010 Hz Ans.
(b) c =
\ E 0 = cB 0
= ( 3.0 ´ 108 ) ( 2 ´ 10-7 ) = 60 V/m
From the relation,
c = E´ B
We can see that E is along z-direction.
\ E z = ( 60 V/ m ) sin ( 0.5 ´ 103 x + 15
. ´ 1011 t ) V/m Ans.

V Example 29.4 Light with an energy flux of 18 W/cm 2 falls on a

non-reflecting surface at normal incidence. If the surface has an area of
20 cm2 , find the average force exerted on the surface during a 30 minute time
Solution Total energy incident on the given surface in the given time interval is
E = ( 18 ´ 104 W / m 2 ) ( 20 ´ 10-4 m 2 ) ( 30 ´ 60 s )
= 6.48 ´ 105 J
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8 — Optics and Modern Physics

Therefore, the total momentum transferred to the given surface for complete absorption is
E 6.48 ´ 105
Dp = =
c 3.0 ´ 108
= 2.16 ´ 10-3 kg - m/s
Dp 2.16 ´ 10-3
\ Fav = =
Dt 30 ´ 60
= 1.2 ´ 10-6 N Ans.

V Example 29.5 In the above example what is the average force if surface is
perfectly reflecting?
Solution (a) If the surface is perfectly reflecting, then
Dp =
Therefore, average force is doubled or
Fav = 2.4 ´ 10-6 N Ans.

V Example 29.6 Calculate the electric and magnetic fields produced by the
radiation coming from a 100 W bulb at a distance of 3 m. Assume that the
efficiency of the bulb is 25
. % and it is a point source.
Solution Intensity at a distance r from a point source of power P is given by
4pr 2
So, intensity at a distance of 3 m from the bulb with 2.5% efficiency will be
100 2. 5
I= 2
4p ( 3) 100
= 0.022 W/ m 2
Half of the intensity is provided by electric field and half by magnetic field.
\ I E = = 0.011 W/ m 2
But, I E is given by e 0 E 2 c
1 2 IE
\ IE = e 0 E 2 c or E =
2 e0 c
Substituting the values, we have
2 ´ 0.011
( 8.85 ´ 10-12 ) ( 3 ´ 108 )
= 2. 9 V m Ans.
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Chapter 29 Electromagnetic Waves — 9

Note that this is actually the rms value of electric field.

From the equation, c = E/ B
E 2.9
B= =
c 3.0 ´ 108
= 9.6 ´ 10-9 T Ans.
This is again the rms value of magnetic field.


1. Show that the unit of is m/s.
e0 m 0

2. A capacitor is connected to an alternating current source. Is there a magnetic field between the
3. The sunlight reaching the earth has maximum electric field of 810 Vm -1. What is the maximum
magnetic field in this light?
4. The electric field in an electromagnetic wave is given by
E = (50 NC-1) sin w (t - x /c ) .
Find the energy contained in a cylinder of cross-section 10 cm 2 and length 50 cm along the

29.4 Electromagnetic Spectrum

The basic source of electromagnetic wave is an accelerated charge. This produces the changing
electric and magnetic fields which constitute an electromagnetic wave. An electromagnetic wave
may have its wavelength varying from zero to infinity. Not all of them are known till date. Today, we
are familiar with electromagnetic waves having wavelengths as small as 30 fm (1 fm = 10 -15 m ) to as
large as 30 km. The boundaries separating different regions of spectrum are not sharply defined, with
visible light ranging from 4000 Å to 7000 Å. An approximate range of wavelengths associated with
each colour are violet ( 4000 Å - 4500 Å), blue ( 4500 Å - 5200 Å), green (5200 Å - 5600 Å), yellow
(5600 Å - 6000 Å), orange (6000 Å - 6250 Å) and red (6250 Å - 7000 Å).
The classification of electromagnetic waves according to frequency or wavelength is called
electromagnetic spectrum. Table below gives range of wavelengths and frequencies for different
Table 29.1
S.No. Type Wavelength range Frequency range

1. Radio waves > 01

. m < 3 ´ 109 Hz

2. Micro waves 0.1 m to 1 mm 3 ´ 109 Hz to 3 ´ 1011 Hz

3. Infrared 1 mm to 7000 Å 3 ´ 1011 Hz to 4.3 ´ 1014 Hz

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10 — Optics and Modern Physics

S.No. Type Wavelength range Frequency range

4. Visible light 7000 Å to 4000 Å 4.3 ´ 1014 Hz to 7.5 ´ 1014 Hz

5. Ultraviolet 4000 Å to 10 Å 7.5 ´ 1014 Hz to 3 ´ 1017 Hz

6. X-rays 10 Å to 0.01 Å 3 ´ 1017 Hz to 3 ´ 1020 Hz

7. Gamma rays < 0.01 Å > 3 ´ 1020 Hz

Note In the above table, wavelength is decreasing from top to bottom. But, frequency is increasing. Now, let
us discuss them in brief in the order of increasing wavelength.
1. Gamma Rays These high frequency radiations are usually produced in nuclear reactions and
also emitted by radioactive nuclei. They are used in medicines to destroy cancer cells.
2. X-Rays X-rays were discovered in 1895 by W.Roentgen. These are produced by the rapid
deceleration of electrons that bombard a heavy metal target. These are also produced by electronic
transitions between the energy levels in an atom. X-rays are used as a diagnostic tool in medicine
and as a treatment for certain forms of cancer.
3. Ultraviolet Rays Ultraviolet radiation is produced by special lamps and very hot bodies. The
sun is an important source of ultraviolet light. It plays an important role in the production of
vitamin-D. But prolonged doses of UV radiation can induce skin cancers in human beings. Ozone
layer in atmosphere at an altitude of about 40-50 km plays a protective role in this regarding.
Depletion of this layer by chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gas (such as Freon) is a matter of
international concern now a days.
4. Visible Light It is most familiar form of electromagnetic waves.Our eye is sensitive to visible
light. Visible light emitted or reflected from objects around us provides information about world.
Process of photosynthesis in plants needs visible light. Visible light is produced by the transition
of electrons in an atom from one energy level to other.
5. Infrared Radiation Infrared rays also sometimes referred as heat waves are produced by hot
bodies. They are perceived by us as heat. In most of the materials, water molecules are present.
These molecules readily absorb infrared rays. After absorption, their thermal motion increases,
i.e. they heat up and heat their surroundings. Infrared rays are used for early detection of tumors.
Infrared detectors are also used to observe growth of crops and for military purposes.
6. Microwaves Microwaves may be generated by the oscillations of electrons in a device called
klystron. Microwave ovens are used in kitchens. In microwave ovens frequency of the
microwaves is selected to match the resonant frequency of water molecules so that energy from
the waves is transferred to the kinetic energy of the molecules. This raises the temperature of any
food containing water.
7. Radio Waves Radio waves are generated when charges are accelerating through conducting
wires. They are generated in L - C oscillators and are used in radio and television communication
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Chapter 29 Electromagnetic Waves — 11

Extra Points to Remember

˜ Our eyes are sensitive to visible light (lbetween 4000 Å to7000 Å). Similarly, different animals are sensitive
to different ranges of wavelengths. For example, snakes can detect infrared waves.
˜ The basic difference between different types of electromagnetic waves lies in their frequencies and
wavelengths. All of them travel with same speed in vacuum. Further they differ in their mode of interaction
with matter.
For example infrared waves vibrate the electrons, atoms and molecules of a substance. These vibrations
increase the internal energy and temperature of the substance. This is why infrared waves are also called
heat waves.
˜ Electromagnetic waves interact with matter via their electric and magnetic fields, which set in oscillation
with the charges present in all matter. This interaction depends on the wavelength of the electromagnetic
wave and the nature of atoms or molecules in the medium.
˜ Microwave Oven In electromagnetic spectrum frequency and energy of microwaves is smaller than
the visible light. Water content is required for cooking food in microwave oven. Almost all food items
contain some water content. Microwaves interact with water molecules and atoms via their electric and
magnetic fields. Temperature of water molecules increases by this. These water molecules share this
energy with neighboring food molecules, heating up the food.
Porcelain vessels are used for cooking food in microwave oven. Because its large molecules vibrate and
rotate with much smaller frequencies and do not get heated up. We cannot use metal vessels. Metal
vessels interact with microwaves. These vessels may melt due to heating.
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Solved Examples
V Example 1 Long distance radio broadcasts use short wave bands. Explain why?
Solution Short radio waves are reflected by ionosphere.

V Example 2 It is necessary to use satellites for long distance TV transmission.

Explain why?
Solution TV waves (part of radio waves) range from 54 MHz to 890 MHz. Unlike short wave
bands (used in radio broadcasts) which are reflected by ionosphere, TV waves are not properly
reflected by ionosphere. This is why, satellites are used for long distance TV transmission.

V Example 3 The ozone layer on the top of the stratosphere is crucial for human
survival. Explain why?
Solution Ozone layer protects ourselves from ultraviolet radiations. Over exposure to UV
radiation can cause skin cancer in human beings. Ozone layer absorbs UV radiations. But
unfortunately over use of Chlorofluoro Carbon Gases (CFCs) is depleting this ozone layer and it
is a matter of international concern now a days.

V Example 4 Optical and radio telescopes are built on ground but X-ray
astronomy is possible only from satellites orbiting the earth. Explain why?
Solution Visible and radio waves can penetrate the atmosphere, while X-rays are absorbed by
the atmosphere. This is why X-ray telescopes are installed in satellites orbiting the earth.

V Example 5 If the earth did not have an atmosphere, would its average surface
temperature be higher or lower than what it is now?
Solution Due to presence of atmosphere green house effect takes place. Heat radiated by
earth is trapped due to green house effect. In the absence of atmosphere, temperature of the
earth would be lower because the green house effect of the atmosphere would be absent.

V Example 6 Some scientists have predicted the global nuclear war on the earth
would be followed by a severe nuclear winter with a devastating effect on life on
earth. What might be the basis of this prediction?
Solution After nuclear war, clouds would perhaps cover the atmosphere of earth preventing
solar light from reaching many parts of earth. This would cause a winter.

V Example 7 Why is the orientation of the portable radio with respect to

broadcasting station important?
Solution Electromagnetic waves are plane polarised, so the receiving antenna should be
parallel to electric and magnetic part of wave.
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Chapter 29 Electromagnetic Waves — 13

V Example 8 A plane electromagnetic wave propagating in the x-direction has a

wavelength of 5.0 mm. The electric field is in the y-direction and its maximum
magnitude is 30 Vm -1 . Write suitable equations for the electric and magnetic
fields as a function of x and t.
Solution Given, l = 5 mm = 5 ´ 10-3 m
2p 2p
k= = m -1
l 5 ´ 10-3
= 1257 m-1
From the equation, c=
w = c k = (3 ´ 108 ) (1257)
= 3.77 ´ 1011 rad/s
E 0 = 30 V/m
c= 0
E0 30
\ B0 = =
c 3 ´ 108
= 10-7 T
Now, E y = E 0 sin (wt - kx)
= (30 V /m) sin [(3.77 ´ 1011 s -1 ) t - (1257 m-1 ) x]
and Bz = (10-7 T) sin [(3.77 ´ 1011 s -1 ) t - (1257 m-1 ) x] Ans.

V Example 9 A light beam travelling in the x-direction is described by the electric

field E y = ( 300 Vm -1 ) sin w ( t - x c). An electron is constrained to move along the
. ´ 10 7 ms -1 . Find the maximum electric force and
y-direction with a speed of 20
the maximum magnetic force on the electron.
Solution Maximum Electric Force
Maximum electric field, E 0 = 300 V /m
\ Maximum electric force F = qE 0
= (1.6 ´ 10-19 ) (300)
= 4.8 ´ 10-17 N Ans.
Maximum Magnetic Force
From the equation, c=
Maximum magnetic field, B0 =
or B0 = = 10-6 T
3.0 ´ 108
\ Maximum magnetic force = B0qv sin 90o = B0qv
Substituting the values, we have
Maximum magnetic force = (10-6 )(1.6 ´ 10-19 )(2 . 0 ´ 107 )
= 3.2 ´ 10-18 N Ans.
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14 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 10 A parallel plate capacitor having plate area A and plate

separation d is joined to a battery of emf V and internal resistance R at t = 0.
Consider a plane surface of area A 2, parallel to the plates and situated
symmetrically between them. Find the displacement current through this surface
as a function of time. [The charge on the capacitor at time t is given by
q = CV ( 1 - e - t t ), where t = CR]
Solution Given, q = CV (1 - e- t t )
q CV
\ Surface charge density, s= = (1 - e- t t )
Electric field between the plates of capacitor,
s CV
E= = (1 - e- t t )
e0 e0 A
Electric flux from the given area,
fE = = (1 - e- t t )
2 2e0
Displacement current, i d = e0
d é CV ù CV - t
or i d = e0 ê (1 - e- t t
)ú = e t
dt ë 2e0 û 2t
Substituting, t = CR
V - t CR
We have, id = e
e A
Again substituting, C= 0
V e 0AR
id = e Ans.

V Example 11 About 5% of the power of a 100 W light bulb is converted to visible

radiation. What is the average intensity of visible radiation
(a) at a distance of 1 m from the bulb?
(b) at a distance of 10 m?
Assume that the radiation is emitted isotropically and neglect reflection.
Solution Effective power (energy radiated per second)
= 5% of 100 W

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Chapter 29 Electromagnetic Waves — 15

This energy will distribute on a sphere. At a distance r from the point source, area on which
light is incident is
S = 4 pr 2
\ Intensity at distance r from the point source,
P 5
I= = = Energy incident per unit area per unit time
S 4pr 2
(a) At r = 1m,
4p (1)2
= 0.4 W/m2 Ans.
(b) At r = 10 m,
4p (10)2
= 0.004 W/m2 Ans.

V Example 12 Suppose that the electric field of an electromagnetic wave in

vacuum is E = {( 3.0 N /C ) cos [( 1.8 rad / m) y + ( 5.4 ´ 10 6 rad / s) t]} $i.
(a) What is the direction of propagation of wave?
(b) What is the wavelength l?
(c) What is the frequency f?
(d) What is the amplitude of the magnetic field of the wave?
(e) Write an expression for the magnetic field of the wave.
Solution (a) From the knowledge of wave we can see that electromagnetic wave is travelling
along negative y -direction, as wt and ky both are positive.
(b) k = 1.8 rad /m
2p 2p
\ l= = = 3.5 m Ans.
k 1.8
(c) w = 5.4 ´ 106 rad /s
w = 2pf
w 5.4 ´ 106
\ f = =
2p 2p
= 8.6 ´ 105 Hz Ans.
(d) E 0 = 3.0 N/C
From the relation, c= 0
E0 3.0
We have, B0 = =
c 3.0 ´ 108
= 10-8 T Ans.
(e) E is along i direction, wave is travelling along negative y-direction. Therefore, oscillations of B
are along z-direction or
B = (10-8 T) cos [(1.8 rad /m) y + (5.4 ´ 106 rad /s ) t ] k
$ Ans.
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16 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 13 A parallel plate capacitor made of circular plates each of radius

R = 6.0 cm has a capacitance C = 100 pF . The capacitor is connected to a 230 V
AC supply with a (angular) frequency of 300 rad / s.

(a) What is the rms value of the conduction current?

(b) Is the conduction current equal to the displacement current?
(c) Determine the amplitude of B at a point 3.0 cm from the axis between the plates.
Solution (a) Capacitive reactance,
XC =
300 ´ 100 ´ 10-12
= W
There is only capacitance in the circuit.
V rms
\ i rms =
(108 / 3)
= 6.9 ´ 10-6 A Ans.
(b) Yes, the derivation in example 29.1 is true even if current is alternating.
(c) Here, i d is displacement current and i the conduction current. Magnetic field at a distance r
from the axis,
m i
B = 0 d2 r
2p R
m 0 i rms
\ Brms = r (i d = i = i rms )
2 p R2
Substituting the values, we have
(2 ´ 10-7 ) (6.9 ´ 10-6 ) -2
Brms = (3 ´ 10 )
(6 ´ 10-2)2
= 1.15 ´ 10-11 T
\ B0 = 2 Brms
= ( 2 ) (1.15 ´ 10-11 ) T
= 1.63 ´ 10-11 T Ans.
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Single Correct Option
1. One requires 11eV of energy to dissociate a carbon monoxide molecule into carbon and oxygen
atoms. The minimum frequency of the appropriate electromagnetic radiation to achieve the
dissociation lies in
(a) visible region (b) infrared region
(c) ultraviolet region (d) microwave region
2. If E and B represent electric and magnetic field vectors of the electromagnetic wave, the
direction of propagation of electromagnetic wave is along
(a) E (b) B
(c) B ´ E (d) E ´ B
3. The ratio of contributions made by the electric field and magnetic field components to the
intensity of an EM wave is
(a) c : 1 (b) c2 : 1
(c) 1 : 1 (d) c : 1
4. Light with an energy flux of 20 W/cm 2 falls on a non-reflecting surface at normal incidence. If
the surface has an area of 30 cm 2. The total momentum delivered (for complete absorption)
during 30 minutes is
(a) 36 ´ 10-5 kg -m/s (b) 36 ´ 10-4 kg -m/s
(c) 1.08 ´ 104 kg -m/s (d) 1.08 ´ 107 kg -m/s

More than One Correct Options

5. A plane electromagnetic wave propagating along x-direction can have the following pairs
of E and B
(a) E x , By (b) E y , Bz
(c) Bx , E y (d) E z , By
6. The source of electromagnetic waves can be a charge
(a) moving with a constant velocity (b) moving in a circular orbit
(c) at rest (d) falling in an electric field
7. An electromagnetic wave of intensity I falls on a surface kept in vacuum and exerts radiation
pressure p on it. Which of the following are true?
(a) Radiation pressure is I /c if the wave is totally absorbed
(b) Radiation pressure is I /c if the wave is totally reflected
(c) Radiation pressure is 2 I /c if the wave is totally reflected
(d) Radiation pressure is in the range I /c < p < 2 I /c for real surfaces
8. A charged particle oscillates about its mean equilibrium position with a frequency of 109 Hz.
The electromagnetic waves produced
(a) will have frequency of 109 Hz (b) will have frequency of 2 ´ 109 Hz
(c) will have a wavelength of 0.3 m (d) fall in the region of radio waves
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18 — Optics and Modern Physics

Subjective Questions
9. Can an electromagnetic wave be deflected by an electric field? By a magnetic field?
10. What physical quantity is the same for X-rays of wavelength 10-10m, red light of wavelength
6800 Å and radio waves of wavelength 500 m?
11. A plane electromagnetic wave travels in vacuum along z-direction. What can you say about the
directions of its electric and magnetic field vectors. If the frequency of the wave is 30 MHz,
what is its wavelength?
12. A radio can tune into any station in the 7.5 MHz to 12 MHz band. What is the corresponding
wavelength of band?
13. The amplitude of the magnetic field part of a harmonic electromagnetic wave in vacuum is
B0 = 510 nT. What is the amplitude of the electric field part of the wave?
14. Figure shows a capacitor made of two circular plates each of radius 12 cm, and separated by
5.0 cm. The capacitor is being charged by an external source (not shown in the figure). The
charging current is constant and equal to 0.15 A.

(a) Calculate the capacitance and the rate of change of potential difference between the plates.
(b) Obtain the displacement current across the plates.
(c) Is Kirchhoff’s first rule (junction rule) valid at each plate of the capacitor? Explain.
15. Suppose that the electric field amplitude of an electromagnetic wave is E0 = 120 N C and that
its frequency is 50.0 MHz. (a) Determine B0 , w, k and l, (b) Find expressions for E and B.
16. A variable frequency AC source is connected to a capacitor. How will the displacement current
change with decrease in frequency?
17. A laser beam has intensity 2.5 ´ 1014 Wm -2. Find the amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields
in the beam.
18. In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric field oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of
2 . 0 ´ 1010 Hz and amplitude 48 Vm -1.
(a) What is the wavelength of the wave?
(b) What is the amplitude of the oscillating magnetic field?
(c) Show that the average energy density of the field E equals the average energy density of the
field B. [c = 3 ´ 108 ms -1 ].
19. The charge on a parallel plate capacitor varies as q = q0 cos 2pft. The plates are very large and
close together (area = A, separation = d ). Neglecting the edge effects, find the displacement
current through the capacitor.
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Introductory Exercise 29.1
1. i/2

Introductory Exercise 29.2

2. Yes . mT
3. 27 4. 5.55 ´ 10 -12 J

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b,d)
6. (b,d ) 7. (a,c,d) 8. (a,c,d) 9. No, No
10. The speed in vacuum is the same for all
11. E and B lie in x-y plane and are mutually perpendicular, 10 m
12. Wavelength band from 40 m to 25 m
13. 153 N/C
14. (a) 8.0 pF, 1.87 ´ 1010 Vs -1 (b) 0.15 A
(c) Yes, provided by current we mean the sum of conduction and displacement currents.
15. (a) 400 nT, 3.14 ´ 10 8 rad/s , 105
. rad/m, 6.00 m
(b) E = (120 N/C) sin [(1.05 rad/m)] x - (3.14 ´ 10 8 rad/s)t]
B = ( 400 nT) sin [(1.05 rad/m)] x - (3.14 ´ 10 8 rad/s) t]
16. Displacement current will decrease
17. 4.3 ´ 10 8 N/C , 1.44 T
. ´ 10 -2 m
18. (a) 15 . ´ 10 -7 T
(b) 16
19. -2pq 0 f sin 2p ft
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30.1 Introduction
30.2 General concepts used in
Geometrical Optics

30.3 Reflection of light

30.4 Reflection from a spherical surface
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22 — Optics and Modern Physics

30.1 Introduction
The branch of physics called optics deals with the behaviour of light and other electromagnetic
waves. Light is the principal means by which we gain knowledge of the world. Consequently, the
nature of light has been the source of one of the longest debates in the history of science.
Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the range of about 4000 Å to 7000 Å, to which eye is
sensitive is called light.
In the present and next two chapters we investigate the behaviour of a beam of light when it
encounters simple optical devices like mirrors, lenses and apertures. Under many circumstances, the
wavelength of light is negligible compared with the dimensions of the device as in the case of
ordinary mirrors and lenses. A light beam can then be treated as a ray whose propagation is governed
by simple geometric rules. The part of optics that deals with such phenomena is known as geometric
optics. However, if the wavelength is not negligible compared with the dimensions of the device (for
example a very narrow slit), the ray approximation becomes invalid and we have to examine the
behaviour of light in terms of its wave properties. This study is known as physical optics.

30.2 General Concepts used in Geometrical Optics

Some general concepts which are used in whole geometrical optics are given below.
1. Normal incidence means angle of incidence (with normal) is 0°. If angle of incidence is 90°, it is
called grazing incidence.


Normal incidence Grazing incidence

Ð i = 0° Ð i = 90°
Fig. 30.1

2. An image is formed either by reflection or refraction. Minimum two (reflected or refracted) rays
are required for image formation. More the number of rays, more will be the intensity of image.
3. A light is reflected only from a silvered surface. Without any reflecting surface on the path of ray
of light it keeps on moving ahead.

(i) (ii)
Fig. 30.2

In figure (i) For image formation, if reflected ray-p is required to the left of concave lens, then
we will take it as dotted line.
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 23

In figure (ii) For image formation, if reflected ray-q is required to the right of concave mirror,
then we will take it as dotted line.
4. Real object, virtual object, real image, virtual image The point where the rays meet
(or appear to meet) before refraction or reflection is called object and the point where the rays
meet (or appear to meet) after refraction or reflection is called image. Further, object (or image) is
real if dark lines meet and virtual if dotted lines meet.
In figure (a), object is real, while image is virtual. In figure (b), object is virtual while its image is


(a) (b)

O I2 I1

Fig. 30.3

In figure (c), the object O is real. Its image formed by the lens (i.e. I 1 ) is real. But, it acts as a
virtual object for mirror which forms its real image I 2 .
5. The virtual images cannot be taken on screen. But, they can be seen by our eye. Because our eye
lens forms their real image on our retina. Thus, if we put a screen at I in the above figure (a) no
image will be formed on it. At the same time if we put the screen at I in figure (b), image will be
6. Normally, the object is kept on the left hand side of the optical instrument (mirror, lens etc.), i.e.
the ray of light travels from left to right. Sometimes, it may happen that the light is travelling in
opposite direction. See the figure.


(a) O ® Object I ® Image (b) (c)

Fig. 30.4
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24 — Optics and Modern Physics

In figures (a) and (b), light is travelling from left to right and in figure (c) it is travelling from right
to left.
7. Sign convention The distances measured along the incident light are taken as positive while the
distances against incident light are taken as negative. For example, in figures (a) and (b) the
incident light travels from left to right. So, the distances measured in this direction are positive.
While in figure (c) the incident light travels from right to left. So, in this case right to left direction
will be positive. Distances are measured from pole of the mirror [point P in figure (b)], optical
centre of the lens [point C in figure (a)] and the centre of the refracting surface [point M in
figure (c)].
It may happen in some problem that sign convention does not remain same for the whole problem.
For example, in the Fig. 30.5 shown, the ray of light starting A
from O first undergoes refraction at A, then reflection at B B
and then finally refraction at C. For refraction and reflection M
at A and B the incident light is travelling from left to right, so O
distances measured along this direction are positive. For C
final refraction at C the incident light travels from right to
Fig. 30.5
left, so now the sign convention will change or right to left is
8. Object distance (from P , C or M along the optic axis) in Fig. 30.4 is shown by u and image
distance by v.
9. In front of mirror, object (or image) is always real, lines are always dark and u (or v ) are always
Behind the mirror object (or image) is always virtual, lines are always dotted and u (or v ) are
always positive.
This is because light always falls from front side of the mirror.

Real Virtual

Fig. 30.6

10. In most of the cases, objects are real (whether refraction or reflection) and u for them is negative.


u = –ve
u = –ve
Fig. 30.7
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 25

11. In case of mirror light always falls from front of the mirror. But in a lens (or some other refracting
surface like slab) light can fall from both sides.


Fig. 30.8
12. Total steps and reduced steps 1 2
In Fig. 30.9 total steps are five. Four of them are refraction. Only
third is reflection. But we have made a lens formula for steps 1 D B
and 2 or 4 and 5. So, the reduced steps are three, 5
lens ® mirror ® lens.
13. Image real or virtual In Fig.30.9, if we wish to find the nature Fig. 30.9
of I 2 (after 2nd refraction), then it is real if it is formed to the
right of ABC because ray of light has moved to this side and it is virtual to the left of ABC.
Similarly, I 5 is real to the left of ADC and virtual to the right of ADC.
14. Final image coincides with the object In most of these cases there will be one mirror, plane or
spherical (convex or concave) and light will be falling normal ( Ði = 0° ) to this mirror. In case of
spherical mirror it is normal if ray of light passes through centre of curvature. In case of normal
incidence, ray of light retraces its path and final image coincides with the object.


Fig. 30.10
In all above figures, Ð i = 0° (normal incidence). Ray of light retraces its path.
15. Image at infinity means rays after refraction or reflection have become parallel to the optic axis. If
a screen is placed directly in between these parallel rays no image will be formed on the screen.
But if a lens (or a mirror) is placed on the path of these parallel rays, then image is formed at focus.
Sometimes, our eye plays the role of this lens and the image is formed on our retina.

Parallel rays

F Retina

Parallel rays
Eye lens
Fig. 30.11
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26 — Optics and Modern Physics

16. Visual angle q Angle subtended by an object on our eye is called the visual angle. The apparent
size depends on the visual angle. As the object moves away from the eye, actual size remains the
same but visual angle decreases. Therefore, apparent size decreases.

h h
q1 q2
q2 < q1
Fig. 30.12

30.3 Reflection of Light

When waves of any type strike the interface between two different materials, new waves are
generated which move away from the interface. Experimentally, it is found that the rays
corresponding to the incident and reflected waves make equal angles with the normal to the interface
and that the reflected ray lies in the plane of incidence formed by the incident ray and the normal.
Thus, the two laws of reflection can be summarised as under:
(i) Ð i = Ð r
(ii) Incident ray, reflected ray and normal lie on the same plane.
Incident Reflected
ray ray

i r

Fig. 30.13

Two Important Points in Reflection Laws

1. The first law Ð i = Ð r can be applied for any type of surface. The main point is, normal at point of
incidence. In spherical surface (convex mirror or concave mirror) normal at any point passes
through centre of curvature.

i i

Concave mirror Convex mirror

Fig. 30.14

2. Incident ray, reflected ray and normal are sometimes represented in the form of three vectors.
Then, these three vectors should be coplanar.
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 27

Reflection from a Plane Surface (or Plane Mirror)

Almost everybody is familiar with the image formed by a plane mirror. If the object is real, the image
formed by a plane mirror is virtual, erect, of same size and at the same distance from the mirror. The
ray diagram of the image of a point object and of an extended object is as shown below.

B B¢

A A¢

Fig. 30.15

Important Points in Reflection from Plane Mirror

1. Relation between object distance ( u) and the image distance ( v ) in case of plane mirror is
Here, v and u are measured from the plane surface. Two conclusions can be drawn from this
(i) Negative sign implies that object and image are on opposite sides of the mirror. So, if object
is real then image is virtual and vice-versa.
(ii) | v | = | u |
And this implies that perpendicular distance of the object from the mirror is equal to the
perpendicular distance of image from the mirror.


Correct Wrong
Fig. 30.16
2. Ray Diagram Let us draw the ray diagram of a point object and an extended object.

r b

d a

I a¢
(i) (ii)
O ® Real ab ® Real
I ® Virtual a¢b¢ ® Virtual
Fig. 30.17
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28 — Optics and Modern Physics

Just as we have drawn the ray diagram of point object O in figure (i), we can also draw the ray
diagrams of points a and b in figure (ii).
3. Field of view of an object for a given mirror Suppose a point object O is placed in front of a
small mirror as shown in Fig. 30.18 (a), then a question arises in mind whether this mirror will
make the image of this object or not. Or suppose an elephant is standing in front of a small mirror,
will the mirror form the image of the elephant or not. The answer is yes, it will form. A mirror
whatever may be the size of it forms the images of all objects lying in front of it. But every object
has its own field of view for the given mirror. The field of view is the region between the extreme
reflected rays and depends on the location of the object in front of the mirror. If our eye lies in the
field of view then only we can see the image of the object otherwise not. The field of view of an
object placed at different locations in front of a plane mirror are shown in Fig. 30.18 (b) and (c).
The region between extreme reflected rays (reflected from the end points of the mirror) is called
the field of view. To see the image of object eye should lie in this region, as all reflected rays lie in
this region.


(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 30.18
4. Suppose a mirror is rotated by an angle q (say anti-clockwise), keeping the incident ray fixed then
the reflected ray rotates by 2q along the same direction, i.e. anti-clockwise.

N N¢ R¢

I R i – 2q

i i

(a) (b)
Fig. 30.19
In figure (a), I is the incident ray, N the normal and R the reflected ray.
In figure (b), I remains as it is N and R shift to N ¢ and R ¢.
From the two figures, we can see that earlier the reflected ray makes an angle i with y-axis while
after rotating the mirror it makes an angle i – 2q. Thus, we may conclude that the reflected ray has
been rotated by an angle 2q.
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 29

5. The minimum length of a plane mirror to see one’s full height is , where H is the height of
person. But, the mirror should be placed in a fixed position which is shown in Fig. 30.20.
x F
( x + y)
Fig. 30.20
A ray starting from head (A) after reflecting from upper end of the mirror (F) reaches the eye at C.
Similarly, the ray starting from the foot (E) after reflecting from the lower end (G) also reaches the
eye at C. In two similar triangles ABF and BFC, AB = BC = x (say), Similarly in triangles CDG
and DGE,
CD = DE = y (say)
Now, we can see that height of the person is 2 ( x + y) and that of mirror is (x + y), i.e. height of the
mirror is half the height of the person.
Note The mirror can be placed anywhere between the centre lines BF (of AC) and DG (of CE ). As the mirror is
moved away on this line, image also moves away from the person. So, apparent size keeps on decreasing.
6. A person is standing exactly at midway between a wall and a mirror and he wants to see the full
height of the wall (behind him) in a plane mirror (in front of him). The minimum length of mirror
in this case should be , where H is the height of wall. The ray diagram in this case is shown in
Fig. 30.21
F x B
I x
(x + y) C (x + y)
G y E
Wall Person Mirror
d d
Fig. 30.21
In triangles HBI and IBC, HI = IC = x (say). Now, in triangles HBI and ABF,
= or = or AF = 2x
HI BI x d
Similarly, we can prove that DG = 2 y if, CK = KJ = y
Now, we can see that height of the wall is 3 ( x + y) while that of the mirror is ( x + y).
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30 — Optics and Modern Physics

7. Object and image velocity There are four important points related to object and image
(i) Image speed is equal to the object speed.
(ii) Image velocity and object velocity make same angles from the plane mirror on two opposite
sides of the mirror.
(iii) Components of velocities which are along the mirror are equal.
(iv) Components of velocities which are perpendicular to the mirror are equal and opposite.
The following four figures demonstrate the above four points.

v v v O I
q q v v
O v v I O I O I
q q
Fig. 30.22

Three Types of Problems in Reflection from Plane Mirror

Type 1. Based on law of reflection Ð i = Ð r

These problems are purely based on geometry. Proper normal at point of incidence is very important.

V Example 30.1 Two plane mirrors M 1 and M 2 are inclined at angle q as

shown. A ray of light 1, which is parallel to M 1 strikes M 2 and after two
reflections, the ray 2 becomes parallel to M 2 . Find the angle q.
M2 2

Fig. 30.23

Solution Different angles are as shown in Fig. 30.24. In triangle ABC,

B a
q a
aa a =90°– q
q q q
Fig. 30.24

q + q + q = 180°
\ q = 60° Ans.
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 31

V Example 30.2 Prove that for any value of angle i, rays 1 and 2 are parallel.



Fig. 30.25
Solution PQ and MN are mutually parallel. Rays 1 and 2 are making equal angles ( = Ði ) from
PQ and MN. So, they are mutually parallel.

i Q 2
i 90° – i 90° – i

Fig. 30.26
Important Result Two plane mirrors kept at 90° deviate each ray of light by 180° from its
original path.

Type 2. Based on field of view

The region between extreme reflected rays is called field of view. To see the image of object our eye
should lie in the field of view.

V Example 30.3 A point source of light S, placed at a

distance L in front of the centre of a mirror of width d, S
hangs vertically on a wall. A man walks in front of the d
mirror along a line parallel to the mirror at a distance
2L from it as shown. The greatest distance over which
he can see the image of the light source in the mirror is 2L
(a) d/2 (b) d Fig. 30.27
(c) 2 d (d) 3 d (JEE 2000)
Solution (d) The ray diagram will be as shown in Fig. 30.28.
HI = AB = d
A f
d H
DS = CD = f D
2 S
Since, AH = 2AD E
d B
\ GH = 2 CD = 2 = d
2 F
Similarly, IJ = d J
\ GJ = GH + HI + IJ = d + d + d = 3d Fig. 30.28
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32 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 30.4 A pole of height 4 m is kept in front of a vertical plane mirror

of length 2 m. The lower end of the mirror is at a height of 6 m from the ground.
The horizontal distance between the mirror and the pole is 2 m. Upto what
minimum and maximum heights a man can see the image of top of the pole at a
horizontal distance of 4 m (from the mirror) standing on the same horizontal
line which is passing through the pole and the horizontal point below the
Solution PQ = Pole, MN = Image of pole E

( HG ) ( BN ) ( 2) ( 6)
\ BD = = D
GN 2
=6m 2m
Minimum height required = AD = BD + AB = 10 m C
Q 2m
Further, = B
( IG ) ( BN ) ( 4 ) ( 6)
\ BE = = = 12 m A P F M
GN 2
2m 2m 2m
\ Maximum height required = AE
= BE + AB = 16 m Fig. 30.29

Type 3. Based on object and image velocity

We have already discussed four points on this topic.

V Example 30.5 A plane mirror is lying in x-y plane. Object velocity is

v 0 = ( 2$i - 3$j + 4 k
$ ) m/ s. Find the image velocity.

Solution Components of object velocity parallel to plane mirror (or lying in x - y plane) remain
unchanged. But, component perpendicular to plane mirror changes its direction but magnitude
remains the same. Hence, the image velocity is
v = ( 2$i - 3$j - 4k$ ) m/s
I Ans.

V Example 30.6 An object is falling vertically downwards with velocity 10 m/s.

In terms of $i and $j , find the image velocity.
10 m/s


^ 30°
Fig. 30.30
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 33

Solution Image speed will also be 10 m/s. Further, image vI =10 m/s
velocity will make same angle ( = 60° ) from the mirror on opposite
^j 30°
side of it. 60°
In terms of i$ and $j , ^i
vI = 10 cos 30° $i + 10 sin 30° $j
v0 =10 m/s
or vI = ( 5 3 $i + 5 $j ) m/s Ans. Fig. 30.31

V Example 30.7 A point object is moving with a speed v M1

before an arrangement of two mirrors as shown in v
figure. Find the magnitude of velocity of image in q
mirror M 1 with respect to image in mirror M 2 .
Fig. 30.32
Solution Using the same concept used in above problem, we have
vI1 = v
to find magnitude of relative velocity between
vI 1 and vI 2 . The angle between these two vectors is
2 q.
Hence, vr = vI 1 - vI 2 q 2q v0 = vI 2 = v
\ | vr | = | vI 1 - vI 2 | M2 q
This is nothing but magnitude of subtraction of two Fig. 30.33
velocity vectors of equal magnitudes v each and
angle between them equal to 2 q.
Hence, | vr | = v 2 + v 2 - 2( v ) ( v ) cos 2 q
Solving these two equations, we get
| v2 | = 2 v sin q Ans.


1. A man approaches a vertical plane mirror at speed of 2 m/s. At what rate does he approach his
2. An object M is placed at a distance of 3 m from a mirror with its lower
end at 2 m from ground as shown in Fig. 30.34. There is a person at a 2m
distance of 4 m from object. Find minimum and maximum height of
person to see the image of object. 2m

Person 4 m M 3 m
3. In terms of q find the value of i , so that ray of light retraces its path after Fig. 30.34
third reflection.

Fig. 30.35
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34 — Optics and Modern Physics

30.4 Reflection from a Spherical Surface

We shall mainly consider the spherical mirrors, i.e. those which are part of a spherical surface.

Terms and Definitions

There are two types of spherical mirrors, concave and convex.

Incident light Incident light

P +ve

(a) Concave mirror (b) Convex mirror
Fig. 30.36

Centre C of the sphere of which the mirror is a part is called the centre of curvature of the mirror and
P the centre of the mirror surface, is called the pole. The line CP produced is the principal axis and
AB is the aperture of the mirror. The distance CP is called the radius of curvature (R). All distances
are measured from point P. We can see from the two figures that R is positive for convex mirror and
negative for concave mirror.
Principal Focus
Observation shows that a narrow beam of rays, parallel and near to the principal axis, is reflected from
a concave mirror so that all rays converge to a point F on the principal axis. F is called the principal
focus of the mirror and it is a real focus, since, light actually passes through it. Concave mirrors are
also known as converging mirrors because of their action on a parallel beam of light. They are used in
car head-lights, search-lights and telescopes.

P +ve

A converging mirror A diverging mirror

Fig. 30.37

A narrow beam of rays, parallel and near to the principal axis, falling on a convex mirror is reflected
to form a divergent beam which appears to come from a point F behind the mirror. A convex mirror
thus has a virtual principal focus. It is also called a diverging mirror. The distance FP is called the
focal length (f) of the mirror. Further, we can see that f is negative for a concave mirror and positive
for convex mirror. Later, we will see that f = R /2 .
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 35

Paraxial rays Rays which are close to the principal axis and make small angles with it, i.e. they are
nearly parallel to the axis, are called paraxial rays. Our treatment of spherical mirrors will be
restricted to such rays which means we shall consider only mirrors of small aperture. In diagrams,
however, they will be made larger for clarity.

Images formed by Spherical Mirrors

In general position of image and its nature (i.e. whether it is real or virtual, erect or inverted,
magnified or diminished) depend on the distance of object from the mirror.
Case 1 Concave mirror

–µ +µ

Fig. 30.38

Table 30.1
Object speed and
Object position Image position Image nature
image speed

P P - -

F ± µ - -

C C Real, inverted and same size v I = vO

Between P and F Between P and + µ Virtual, erect and magnified v I > vO

Between F and C Between - µ and C Real, inverted and magnified v I > vO

Between C and - µ Between C and F Real, inverted and diminished vO > v I

Note (i) The above table is only for real objects lying in front of the mirror for which u is negative.
(ii) v I and vO are image and object speeds.
(iii) From the above table we can see that image and object always travel in opposite directions as long as
they move along the principal axis.
Case 2 Convex mirror For real objects there is only one case

–µ +µ

Fig. 30.39
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Object lies between P and - µ, then image lies between P and F . Image is virtual, erect and
diminished. Object speed is greater than the image speed and they travel in opposite directions (along
the principal axis).
Ray diagrams We shall consider the small objects and mirrors of small aperture so that all rays are
paraxial. To construct the image of a point object two of the following four rays are drawn passing
through the object. To construct the image of an extended object, the image of two end points is only
drawn. The image of a point object lying on principal axis is formed on the principal axis itself. The
four rays are as under:

1 3
C F 4 P F C

Fig. 30.40

Ray 1. A ray through the centre of curvature which strikes the mirror normally and is reflected
back along the same path.
Ray 2. A ray parallel to principal axis after reflection either actually passes through the principal focus F or
appears to diverge from it.
Ray 3. A ray passing through the principal focus F or a ray which appears to converge at F is
reflected parallel to the principal axis.
Ray 4. A ray striking at pole P is reflected symmetrically back in the opposite side.
Convex Mirror
Image formed by convex mirror is always virtual, erect and diminished, no matter where the object is.


Fig. 30.41

Figure shows that convex mirror gives a wider field of view than a plane mirror, convex mirrors are
therefore, used as rear view mirrors in cars or scooters. Although, they make the estimation of
distances more difficult but still they are preferred because there is only a small movement of the
image for a large movement of the object.
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 37

Concave Mirror
In case of a concave mirror the image is erect and virtual when the object is placed between F and P.
In all other positions of object the image is real.
Object Object


(a) Object beyond C (b) Object at C

Image between C and F, real, Image at C, real, inverted,
inverted, diminished same size

Object Object


(c) Object between C and F (d) Object between F and P

Image beyond C, real Image behind mirror, virtual
inverted, magnified upright, magnified

Fig. 30.42

List of Formulae
(i) f =
1 1 1 2
(ii) + = =
v u f R
(iii) Lateral, transverse or linear magnification,
Image height I -v
m= = =
Object height O u
(iv) Power of a mirror (in dioptre) =
Focal length (in metre)
(v) Image velocity
Case 1 Along the principal axis, v I = - m 2 v O
Here, negative sign implies that object and image always travel in opposite directions.
Case 2 Perpendicular to principal axis,
v I = m vO
Here, m has to be substituted with sign. If m is positive, then v I and vO travel in same direction.
If m is negative, then they travel in opposite directions.
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Important Points in Formulae

(i) For plane mirror, R =¥
R 1 1 2 2
\ f = or f = ¥ and + = = = 0 or v = - u
2 v u R ¥
(ii) From the value of m, we can know nature of image, type of mirror and an approximate location of
object. But, always remind that real (and inverted) image is formed only by a concave mirror (for
real objects) but virtual image is formed by all three mirrors. The only difference is, in their sizes.
Magnified image is obtained from concave mirror, same size from plane mirror and diminished
size from convex mirror. Let us make a table :
Table 30.2
Value of m Nature of image Type of mirror Object position
-4 Inverted, real and magnified Concave Between F and C
-1 Inverted, real and same size Concave At C
- Inverted, real and diminished Concave Between C and - ¥
+3 Erect, virtual and magnified Concave Between P and F
+1 Erect, virtual and same size Plane For all positions
+ Erect, virtual and diminished Convex Between P and - ¥

(iii) Power Optical power means power of bending of light. By convention, converging nature is
taken as the positive power and diverging nature as negative power.
Power of a lens (in dioptre) = +
f ( in metre )
Power of a mirror (in dioptre) = -
f ( in metre )
Now, let us make a table :
Table 30.3
Lens/Mirror f P Converging/Diverging Diagram
Convex lens + ve + ve Converging

Concave lens - ve - ve Diverging

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Lens/Mirror f P Converging/Diverging Diagram

Convex mirror + ve - ve Diverging

Concave mirror - ve + ve Converging

(iv) Image velocity

Case 1 Along the principal axis

vI I O vO

v u

Fig. 30.43

By the motion of object and image v and u will change but focal length will remain unchanged.
If we differentiate the mirror formula
1 1 1
+ =
v u f
with respect to time, we get
dv du
– v –2 . – u –2 =0 (as f = constant)
dt dt
dv æ v2 ö du
or =–ç ÷
dt ç u2 ÷ dt
è ø
Here, is the rate by which u is changing. Or it is the object speed if mirror is stationary.
Similarly, is the rate by which v (distance between image and mirror) is changing. Or it is
image speed if mirror is stationary.
= m2
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So, the above relation becomes :

image speed = m 2 ´ object speed
As, object and image travel in opposite directions. So, in terms of velocity, the correct relation is
v I = - m 2 vO
Case 2 Perpendicular to axis

Fig. 30.44
This time v and u are constants. Therefore, m = - is also constant.
But, x and y are variables
I y
m= =
O x
Þ y = mx
If we differentiate with respect to time,
we get,
dy dx
dt dt
Þ v I = m vO
Proofs of Different Formulae Discussed in Theory
(i) Relation between f and R A ray AM parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror of small
aperture is reflected through the principal focus F. If C is the centre of curvature, CM is the
normal to the mirror at M because the radius of a spherical surface is perpendicular to the surface.
From first law of reflection,


Fig. 30.45
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 41

Ði = Ðr
or Ð AMC = Ð CMF = q (say)
But, Ð AMC = Ð MCF (alternate angles)
Therefore, DFCM is thus isosceles with FC = FM .
The rays are paraxial and so M is very close to P. Therefore,
\ FC = FP
or FP = CP
or f =
EXERCISE Prove the above relation for convex mirror.
(ii) The mirror formula In Fig. 30.46 (a) and (b), a ray OM from a point object O on the principal
axis is reflected at M so that the angle q, made by the incident and reflected rays with the normal
CM are equal. A ray OP strikes the mirror normally and is reflected back along PO. The
intersection I of the reflected rays MI and PO in figure (a) gives a real point image of O and in
figure (b) gives a virtual point image of O. Let a , b and g be the angles as shown. As the rays are
paraxial, these angles are small, we can take

q q

a b g a g b
v R

(a) (b)
Fig. 30.46

a » tan a = ,
and g=
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Now, let us take the two figures simultaneously

Table 30.4
Concave Convex
In triangle CMO, b = a + q (the exterior angle) In triangle CMO,
or q=b – a …(i) q = a + b …(iv) (the exterior angle)
In D CMI, g =b + q In DCMI g = q + b
\ q=g –b …(ii) or q=g –b …(v)
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get From Eqs. (iv) and (v), we get
2b = g + a …(iii) 2b = g – a …(vi)
Substituting the values of a, b and g, we get Substituting the values of a,b and g, we get
2 1 1 2 1 1
= + …(A) = – …(B)
If we now substitute the values with sign, i.e. If we now substitute the values with sign, i.e.
CP = – R, IP = – v and OP = – u CP = + R, IP = + v and OP = – u, we get
2 1 1 2 1 1
we get, = + = +
R v u R v u
1 1 1 æ Rö 1 1 1 æ Rö
or + = ç as f = ÷ or + = ç as f = ÷
v u f è 2ø v u f è 2ø

(iii) Magnification The lateral, transverse or linear magnification m is defined as

Height of image I ¢ I IP
m= = = …(i)
Height of object O¢ O OP
(From similar triangles)

I q
q P

Fig. 30.47

Here, IP = – v and OP = – u, further object is erect and image is inverted so we can take I ¢ I as
negative and O¢ O as positive and Eq. (i) will then become
I ¢I v
O¢O u
or m=–
1 1 1 v
Note We have derived + = and m = – for special cases of the position of object but the same result
v u f u
can be derived for other cases also.
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 43

Types of Problems in Spherical Mirror

Type 1. To find image distance and its magnification corresponding to given object distance and
focal length of mirror

How to Solve?
l In the mirror formula substitute signs of only u and f. Sign of v automatically comes after calculations. For
real objects sign of u is always negative, sign of f is positive for convex mirror and negative for concave

V Example 1 An object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from a concave mirror of

focal length 20 cm. Find image distance and its magnification. Also, draw the ray
1 1 1
Solution Substituting u = - 30 cm and f = - 20 cm in the mirror formula + = , we have
v u f
1 1 1
+ =
v -30 -20
Solving, we get v = - 60 cm Ans.
-v (-60)
Magnification, m= =-
u (-30)
or m = -2 Ans.
Magnification is -2, which implies that image is inverted, real and two times magnified.
Ray diagram is as shown below.


20 cm
30 cm
60 cm

V Example 2 An object is placed at a distance of 40 cm from a convex mirror of

focal length 40 cm. Find image position and its magnification. Also, draw its ray
Solution Substituting, u = - 40 cm and f = + 40 cm in the mirror formula
1 1 1
+ = , we have
v u f
1 1 1
+ =
v - 40 + 40
We get, v = + 20 cm Ans.
v (+20) 1
Magnification, m = - = - =+
u (-40) 2
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Magnification is + , which implies that image is erect, virtual and half in size.
Ray diagram is as shown below.

h F

PO = PF = 40 cm
PI = 20 cm
Note Here, PO = PF = 40 cm or object is placed at a distance of its focal length, but object is not actually kept at
F. Otherwise, image would be formed at infinity.

Type 2. To find object/image distance corresponding to given magnification of image if focal length
of mirror is also given

How to Solve?
l In this type, substitute all three signs of u , v and f.
l Signs of u and f have been discussed in Type 1. Sign of v will be positive for virtual image and negative for
real image.
l m=- Þ | v| = | mu |

V Example 3 Find the distance of object from a concave mirror of focal length
10 cm so that image size is four times the size of the object.
Solution Concave mirror can form real as well as virtual image. Here, nature of image is not
given in the question. So, we will consider two possible cases.
Case 1 (When image is real) Real image is formed on the same side of the object, i.e. u , v
and f all are negative. So let,
then v = – 4x as | | = |m| = 4
and f = – 10 cm
1 1 1
Substituting in + =
v u f
1 1 1 5 1
We have – = or =
– 4x x –10 4x 10
\ x = 12.5 cm Ans.

Note | f | < | x | < | 2 f | and we know that in case of a concave mirror, image is real and erect when object lies
between F and C.
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 45

Case 2 (When image is virtual) In case of a mirror, image is virtual, when it is formed
behind the mirror, i.e. u and f are negative, while v is positive. So let,
then v = + 4y and f = – 10 cm
1 1 1
Substituting in + =
v u f
1 1 1
We have – =
4y y –10
3 1
or =
4 y 10
or y = 7.5 cm Ans.

Note Here, | y | < | f | , as we know that image is virtual and erect when the object lies between F and P.

Type 3. Based on making some condition

How to Solve?
l Initially, substitute sign of f only.
l Make an equation of v.
l Now, for real image v should be negative and for virtual object v should be positive. With these concepts we
can make the necessary condition.

V Example 4 Find the condition under which a convex mirror can make a real
Solution Substituting the sign of f only in the mirror formula, we have
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ = Þ = -
v u +f v f u
For real image v should be negative and for this u should be positive and less than f. Object
distance u is positive means object should be virtual and lying between P and F.
The ray diagram is as shown below.


Here, O = virtual between P and F

I = real
Note Under normal conditions a concave mirror makes a real image. But, it makes a virtual image if a real object
is kept between P and F. On the other hand a convex mirror makes a virtual image. But it makes a real
image if a virtual object is kept between P and F.
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Type 4. To find nature of image and type of mirror corresponding to given optic axis of mirror a
point object and a point image. With the help of ray diagram we have to find focus and
pole of the mirror also.
V Example 5 An image I is formed of a point object O by a mirror whose principal
axis is AB as shown in figure.


(a) State whether it is a convex mirror or a concave mirror.

(b) Draw a ray diagram to locate the mirror and its focus. Write down the steps of
construction of the ray diagram. Consider the possible two cases:
(1) When distance of I from AB is more than the distance of O from AB and
(2) When distance of O from AB is more than the distance of I from AB


Case (1) Case (2)

(a) As the image is on the opposite side of the principal axis, the mirror is concave. Because convex
mirror always forms an erect image.
(b) Two different cases are shown in figure. Steps are as under :
(i) From I or O drop a perpendicular on principal axis, such that CI = CD or OC = CD.
(ii) Draw a line joining D and O or D and I so that it meets the principal axis at P. The point P
will be the pole of the mirror as a ray reflected from the pole is always symmetrical about
principal axis.
(iii) From O draw a line parallel to principal axis towards the mirror so that it meets the mirror
at M. Join M to I, so that it intersects the principal axis at F. F is the focus of the mirror as
any ray parallel to principal axis after reflection from the mirror intersects the principal
axis at the focus.

Note In both figures, mirror should face towards the object.

Exercise In the above problem, find centre of curvature of the mirror with the help of only
ray diagram.
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 47

Type 5. Based on velocity of image

How to Solve?
l Using the steps discussed in Type 1, find v and then m
l Along the axis v I = - m2 vO
l Perpendicular to axis v I = m vO
Here, m has to be substituted with sign.

V Example 6 Focal length of the mirror shown in figure is 20 cm. Find the image
position and its velocity.

5 mm/s

37° P

30 cm

Solution Substituting the values,

u = - 30 cm and f = - 20 cm
in the mirror formula, we have
1 1 1
+ =
v - 30 - 20
Solving this equation, we get
v = - 60 cm
v (- 60)
Further, m=- =- = -2
u (- 30)
and m2 = 4
Object velocity along the axis is 5 cos 37° = 4 mm/s (towards OP). Therefore, image velocity
along the axis should be m2 times or 16 mm/s in the opposite direction of object velocity. Object
velocity perpendicular to axis is 5 sin 37° = 3 mm/s (upwards). Therefore, image velocity will be
m times or - 6 mm/s downwards. The position and velocity of image is shown below.

16 mm/s I
6 mm/s
60 cm

vI = (16)2 + (6)2 = 292 mm/s

6 3 æ3ö
tan q = = or q = tan -1 ç ÷
16 8 è8ø
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48 — Optics and Modern Physics

Type 6. To find a rough image of a square or rectangular type of object kept along the axis

(i) If object is towards P or C, then its image is also towards P or C.
(ii) If object is towards F, then its image is towards infinity and it is more magnified.

V Example 7 A square mnqp is kept between F and C on

the principal axis of a concave mirror as shown in figure. n q
Find a rough image of this object. P
Solution Object is placed between F and C, therefore, image is real, C m p F
inverted magnified and beyond C. Further pq is towards F.
Therefore, its image p¢ q¢ is towards infinity and it is more magnified.
A rough image is as shown alongside.

n q

p¢ m¢
C m p F

From the ray shown in figure, we can see that n ¢ q¢ will be a straight line.
Exercise In the given problem, focal length of mirror is 30 cm and side of square is 10 cm
with pP = 40 cm. Find perimeter of the image
Ans (90 + 15 10 ) cm

Type 7. Two mirror problems

If an object is placed between two mirrors, then infinite reflections will take place.
Therefore, infinite images are formed. But normally position of second image is asked. So,
we have to apply mirror formula two times. Image from first mirror acts as an object for the
second mirror. Sign convention for second reflection will change but sign of focal length will
not change.

V Example 8 Focal length of convex mirror M 1 is 20 cm and that of concave

mirror M 2 is 30 cm. Find position of second image I2 . Take first reflection
from M 1 .
M1 M2

20 cm 10 cm
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 49

Solution M1 M2
+ve +ve
P1 20 cm 10 cm
I2 80 cm I1 10 cm O

For M1 u1 = - 20 cm
f1 = + 20 cm
Using the mirror formula,
1 1 1
+ = , we have
v u f
1 1 1
+ =
v1 - 20 + 20
Solving, we get v1 = + 10 cm
For M 2 u2 = - 40 cm (PI1 = 40 cm)
f2 = - 30 cm
Using the mirror formula,
1 1 1
+ =
v u f
1 1 1
We have, + =
v2 - 40 - 30
\ v2 = P2I 2 = - 120 cm
Note I1 is virtual from M1 point of view (behind M1 ). But it behaves like a real object for M2 (in front of M2 ).

Type 8. An extended object is kept perpendicular to principal axis and we have to make its image

How to Solve?
With the help of type 1 first find v and then m. Now, suppose m = - 2 and object is 2 mm
above the principal axis, then its image will be formed 4 mm below its principal axis.

V Example 9

30 cm

Focal length of the concave mirror shown in figure is 20 cm.

ab = 1 mm
and bc = 2 mm
For the given situation, make its image
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Solution u = - 30 cm and f = - 20 cm
1 1 1,
Using the mirror formula, + = we have
v u f
1 1 1
+ =
v -30 -20
Solving this equation, we get
v = - 60 cm
v (-60)
Now, m=- =- = -2
u (-30)
Now c point is 2 mm above the principal axis and magnification is -2. Hence, image c¢will be
formed 4 mm below the principal axis. Similarly a point is 1 mm below the principal axis and
value of m is -2. Hence, image a¢ is formed 2 mm above the principal axis. Image with ray
diagram of c is as shown below.

a¢ c a¢b¢ = 2 mm
b¢ b F
a b¢c¢ = 4 mm

Type 9. An extended object is kept along the principal axis. Now, in this type further two cases are
Case 1 When object size is very small.
In this case image length,
LI = m 2 ( Lo )
Here, Lo is the object length. So, using type 1, we have to find v and then m.
Proof We have already proved that image speed.
v I = m 2 vO (Along the axis)
dv 2 æ du ö
or =m ç ÷
dt è dt ø
For small change in the values of v and u, we can write
|Dv| =|m 2 ´ Du|
Dv is nothing but difference in two values of v or image length LI . Similarly, Du is object
length Lo .
Case 2 When object size is large.
If an extended object is lying along the principal axis, then we will get two values of u
corresponding to its two ends. Now, apply mirror formula two times and find two values of
v. The image length now becomes,
LI =|v1 ~ v 2|
Note If one end of the object is placed either at C or P, then its image will also be formed at C or P. So, we will have
to apply the mirror formula only for the other end.
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 51

V Example 10
a b

A small object ab of size 1 mm is kept at a distance of 40 cm from a concave

mirror of focal length 30 cm. Make image of this object.
Solution Here, object size is very small. So, this is case 1.
u = - 40 cm
and f = - 30 cm
Applying the mirror formula
1 1 1
+ = , we have
v u f
1 1 1
+ =
v - 40 - 30
Solving this equation, we get
v = - 120 cm
v (-120)
Further, m=- =- = -3
u (-40)
m2 = 9
Now, LI = m L o = (9) (1 mm) = 9 mm
Image diagram is as shown below.

b¢ a¢ C a b
–µ 9 mm F +µ

120 cm

Note Point b is towards F, therefore its image b¢ should be towards - µ.

V Example 11 A thin rod of length is lying along the principal axis of a concave
mirror of focal length f. Image is real, magnified and inverted and one of the end
of rod coincides with its image itself. Find length of the image.
Solution Image is real, magnified and inverted. So, the given rod lies between F and C.
Further, one end of the rod is coinciding with its image itself. Therefore, it is lying at C. So, the
thin rod CR is kept as shown below.

C R CR =
F PR = 2f - f
f 5f
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52 — Optics and Modern Physics

We have to apply mirror formula only for point R.

u = - , focal length = - f
1 1 1
Using the mirror formula + = ,
v u f
1 1 1
We have, + =
v - 5 f -f
Solving this equation, we get
-5 f
v= or -2.5 f
So, the image of rod CR is C ¢ R¢ as shown below.

R¢ C¢

0.5f 2f
2.5 f
So, image length = C ¢ R¢ = 0.5 f or .

Note In this problem if magnification of rod is asked then we can write

LI f /2 3
m=- =- =-
LO f /3 2
Negative sign has been used for inverted image.

Type 10. Based on u versus v graph or1/u versus1/v graph (only for real objects)
1 1
V Example 12 Draw u versus v graph or versus graph for a concave mirror of
u v
focal length f.
Solution The mirror formula is
1 1 1
+ =
v u f
1 1
If we take along y-axis and along x-axis, then the above equation becomes
v u
æ 1 ö
y+ x=c ças = constant÷
è f ø
1 1
Therefore, versus graph will be a straight line. Let us take origin at pole.
v u

–µ +µ
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 53

Table 30.5
1 1
S.No. u v
u v

1. 0 to - f - 0 to + µ 1 + µ to 0
- µ to -

2. - f to - 2 f - µ to - 2f 1 1 1
- to - 0 to -
f 2f 2f

3. -2f to - µ -2f to - f 1 1 1
- to 0 - to -
2f 2f f

1 1
u versus v and versus graphs are as shown below.
u v

–2f –f O u
45° –f

3 Q

P 2

Note OP line cuts the u - v graph at Q ( -2 f , - 2 f )


2f O 1
–1 2
f –1
– 1

Exercise Draw above two graphs for convex mirror.

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Miscellaneous Examples
V Example 13 An object is 30.0 cm from a spherical mirror, along the central axis.
The absolute value of lateral magnification is . The image produced is inverted.
What is the focal length of the mirror?
Solution Image is inverted, so it is real. u and v both are negative. Magnification is ,
therefore, v = .
Given, u = – 30 cm, v = – 15 cm
Using the mirror formula,
1 1 1
+ =
v u f
1 1 1 1
We have, = – =–
f –15 30 10
\ f = – 10 cm Ans.

V Example 14 A concave mirror has a radius of curvature of 24 cm. How far is

an object from the mirror if an image is formed that is :
(a) virtual and 3.0 times the size of the object,
(b) real and 3.0 times the size of the object and
(c) real and 1/ 3 the size of the object?
Solution Given, R = – 24 cm (concave mirror)
Hence, f = = – 12 cm
(a) Image is virtual and 3 times larger. Hence, u is negative and v is positive.
Simultaneously, | v| = 3| u |. So let,
then v = + 3x
Substituting in the mirror formula,
1 1 1
+ =
v u f
We have,
1 1 1
– =
3x x –12
\ x = 8 cm
Therefore, object distance is 8 cm. Ans.
(b) Image is real and three times larger. Hence, u and v both are negative and| v| = 3| u |.
So let,
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 55

then v = – 3x
Substituting in mirror formula, we have
1 1 1
– =–
–3 x x 12
or x = 16 cm
\ Object distance should be 16 cm. Ans.
1 |u|
(c) Image is real and rd the size of object. Hence, both u and v are negative and| v| = .
3 3
So let, u=–x
then v=–
Substituting in the mirror formula, we have
3 1 1
– – =–
x x 12
\ x = 48 cm
\ Object distance should be 48 cm. Ans.

V Example 15 A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror along a vector $i + $j – k$ .

The normal on incidence point is along $i + $j . Find a unit vector along the
reflected ray.
Solution Reflection of a ray of light is just like an elastic collision of a ball with a horizontal
ground. Component of incident ray along the inside normal gets reversed while the component
perpendicular to it remains unchanged. Thus, the component of incident ray vector A = $i + $j – k$
parallel to normal, i.e. $i + $j gets reversed while perpendicular to it, i.e. – k$ remains unchanged.
Thus, the reflected ray can be written as
R = – $i – $j – k$
\ A unit vector along the reflected ray will be
R – i$ – $j – k$
r$ = =
R 3
1 $ $ $
or r$ = – (i + j + k ) Ans.

Note In this problem, given normal is inside the mirror surface. Think why?

V Example 16 A gun of mass m1 fires a bullet of mass m2 with a horizontal speed

v0 . The gun is fitted with a concave mirror of focal length f facing towards a
receding bullet. Find the speed of separations of the bullet and the image just
after the gun was fired.
Solution Let v1 be the speed of gun (or mirror) just after the firing of bullet. From
conservation of linear momentum,
m2v0 = m1v1
or v1 = 2 0 …(i)
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56 — Optics and Modern Physics

Now, is the rate at which distance between mirror and bullet is increasing = v1 + v0 …(ii)
We have already read in extra points that :
dv æ v2 ö du
\ =ç ÷
dt çè u 2 ÷ø dt
Here, = m2 = 1 (as at the time of firing, bullet is at pole).
dv du
\ = = v1 + v0 …(iii)
dt dt

v0 v1

Here, is the rate at which distance between image (of bullet) and mirror is increasing. So, if
v2 is the absolute velocity of image (towards right), then
v2 – v1 =
= v1 + v0
or v2 = 2v1 + v0 …(iv)
Therefore, speed of separation of bullet and image will be
vr = v2 + v0
= 2v1 + v0 + v0
or vr = 2 (v1 + v0 )
Substituting value of v1 from Eq. (i), we have
æ m ö
vr = 2 çç1 + 2 ÷÷ v0 Ans.
è m1 ø
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Assertion and Reason
Directions : Choose the correct option.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
(d) If Assertion is false but the Reason is true.
1. Assertion : A convex mirror can never make a real image.
Reason : For all real objects image formed by a convex mirror is virtual.
2. Assertion : Focal length of a convex mirror is 20 cm. If a real object is placed at distance
20 cm from the mirror, its virtual erect and diminished image will be formed.
Reason : If a virtual object is placed at 20 cm distance, its image is formed at infinity.
3. Assertion : In case of a concave mirror if a point object is moving towards the mirror along
its principal axis, then its image will move away from the mirror.
Reason : In case of reflection (along the principal axis of mirror) object and image always
travel in opposite directions.
4. Assertion : Real view mirror of vehicles is a convex mirror.
Reason : It never makes real image of real objects.
5. Assertion : If magnification of a real object is – 2. Then, it is definitely a concave mirror.
Reason : Only concave mirror can make real images of real objects.
6. Assertion : Any ray of light suffers a deviation of (180°–2i) after one reflection.
Reason : For normal incidence of light deviation is zero.
7. Assertion : Two plane mirrors kept at right angles deviate any ray of light by 180° after two
Reason : The above condition is satisfied only for angle of incidence i = 45°.
8. Assertion : In reflection from a denser medium, any ray of light suffers a phase difference
of p.
Reason : Denser medium is that medium in which speed of wave is less.
9. Assertion : For real objects, image formed by a convex mirror always lies between pole and
Reason : When object moves from pole to infinity, its image will move from pole to focus.
10. Assertion : Light converges on a virtual object.
Reason : Virtual object is always behind a mirror.
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58 — Optics and Modern Physics

Objective Questions
1. A plane mirror reflects a beam of light to form a real image. The incident beam should be
(a) parallel (b) convergent
(c) divergent (d) not possible
2. When an object lies at the focus of a concave mirror, then the position of the image formed and
its magnification are
(a) pole and unity (b) infinity and unity
(c) infinity and infinity (d) centre of curvature and unity
3. Two plane mirrors are inclined to each other at 90°. A ray of light is incident on one mirror. The
ray will undergo a total deviation of
(a) 180° (b) 90°
(c) 45° (d) Data insufficient

4. A concave mirror cannot form

(a) virtual image of virtual object
(b) virtual image of real object
(c) real image of real object
(d) real image of virtual object
5. Which of the following is correct graph between u and v for a concave mirror for normal sign
v v

(a) (b)
u u

v v

(c) (d)
u u

6. Two plane mirrors are inclined at 70°. A ray incident on one mirror at incidence angle q, after
reflection falls on the second mirror and is reflected from there parallel to the first mirror. The
value of q is
(a) 50° (b) 45°
(c) 30° (d) 25°
7. The radius of curvature of a convex mirror is 60 cm. When an object is placed at A, its image is
formed at B. If the size of image is half that of the object, then the distance between A and B is
(a) 30 cm (b) 60 cm
(c) 45 cm (d) 90 cm
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 59

8. A boy of height 1.5 m with his eye level at 1.4 m stands before a plane mirror of length 0.75 m
fixed on the wall. The height of the lower edge of the mirror above the floor is 0.8 m. Then,
(a) the boy will see his full image (b) the boy cannot see his hair
(c) the boy cannot see his feet (d) the boy can see neither his hair nor his feet
9. A spherical mirror forms an erect image three times the size of the object. If the distance
between the object and the image is 80 cm, the nature and the focal length of the mirror are
(a) concave, 30 cm (b) convex, 30 cm
(c) concave, 15 cm (d) convex, 15 cm
10. A convex mirror of focal length f produces an image (1/n) th of the size of the object. The distance
of the object from the mirror is
(a) nf (b) f/n
(c) (n + 1) f (d) (n - 1) f
11. An object is moving towards a concave mirror of focal length 24 cm. When it is at a distance of
60 cm from the mirror, its speed is 9 cm/s. The speed of its image at that instant, is
(a) 4 cm/s towards the mirror (b) 6 cm/s towards the mirror
(c) 4 cm/s away from the mirror (d) 6 cm/s away from the mirror
12. All the following statements are correct except (for real objects)
(a) the magnification produced by a convex mirror is always less than one
(b) a virtual, erect and same sized image can be obtained using a plane mirror
(c) a virtual, erect, magnified image can be formed using a concave mirror
(d) a real, inverted same sized image can be formed using a convex mirror
13. A particle moves perpendicularly towards a plane mirror with a constant speed of 4 cm/s. What
is the speed of the image observed by an observer moving with 2 cm/s along the same direction?
Mirror is also moving with a speed of 10 cm/s in the opposite direction.
(All speeds are with respect to ground frame of reference)
(a) 4 cm/s (b) 12 cm/s (c) 14 cm/s (d) 26 cm/s

Subjective Questions
Note You can take approximations in the answers.
1. Figure shows two rays P and Q being reflected by a mirror and going as P¢ and Q¢. State which
type of mirror is this?

Q Q¢

2. A candle 4.85 cm tall is 39.2 cm to the left of a plane mirror. Where does the mirror form the
image, and what is the height of this image?
3. A plane mirror lies face up, making an angle of 15° with the horizontal. A ray of light shines
down vertically on the mirror. What is the angle of incidence? What will be the angle between
the reflected ray and the horizontal?
4. Two plane mirrors are placed parallel to each other and 40 cm apart. An object is placed 10 cm
from one mirror. What is the distance from the object to the image for each of the five images
that are closest to the object?
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60 — Optics and Modern Physics

5. If an object is placed between two parallel mirrors, an infinite number of images result.
Suppose that the mirrors are a distance 2b apart and the object is put at the mid-point between
the mirrors. Find the distances of the images from the object.
6. Show that a ray of light reflected from a plane mirror rotates through an angle 2 q when the
mirror is rotated through an angle q about its axis perpendicular to both the incident ray and
the normal to the surface.
7. Two plane mirrors each 1.6 m long, are facing each other. The distance between the mirrors is
20 cm. A light incident on one end of one of the mirrors at an angle of incidence of 30°. How
many times is the ray reflected before it reaches the other end?
8. Two plane mirrors are inclined to each other at an angle q. A ray of light is reflected first at one
mirror and then at the other. Find the total deviation of the ray.
9. Assume that a certain spherical mirror has a focal length of – 10.0 cm. Locate and describe the
image for object distances of (a) 25.0 cm (b) 10.0 cm (c) 5.0 cm.
10. A ball is dropped from rest 3.0 m directly above the vertex of a concave mirror that has a radius
of 1.0 m and lies in a horizontal plane.
(a) Describe the motion of ball’s image in the mirror.
(b) At what time do the ball and its image coincide?
11. An object 6.0 mm is placed 16.5 cm to the left of the vertex of a concave spherical mirror having
a radius of curvature of 22.0 cm.
(a) Draw principal ray diagram showing formation of the image.
(b) Determine the position, size, orientation, and nature (real or virtual) of the image.
12. An object 9.0 mm tall is placed 12.0 cm to the left of the vertex of a convex spherical mirror
whose radius of curvature has a magnitude of 20.0 cm.
(a) Draw a principal ray diagram showing formation of the image.
(b) Determine the position, size, orientation, and nature (real or virtual) of the image.
13. How far should an object be from a concave spherical mirror of radius 36 cm to form a real
image one-ninth its size?
14. As the position of an object in front of a concave spherical mirror of 0.25 m focal length is
varied, the position of the image varies. Plot the image distance as a function of the object
distance letting the later change from 0 to + ¥. Where is the image real? Where virtual?
15. An object is placed 42 cm, in front of a concave mirror of focal length 21 cm. Light from the
concave mirror is reflected onto a small plane mirror 21 cm in front of the concave mirror.
Where is the final image?
16. Prove that for spherical mirrors the product of the distance of the object and the image to the
principal focus is always equal to the square of the principal focal length.
17. Convex and concave mirrors have the same radii of curvature R. The distance between the
mirrors is 2R. At what point on the common optical axis of the mirrors should a point source of
light A be placed for the rays to coverage at the point A after being reflected first on the convex
and then on the concave mirror?
18. A spherical mirror is to be used to form on a screen 5.0 m from the object an image five times the
size of the object.
(a) Describe the type of mirror required.
(b) Where should the mirror be positioned relative to the object?
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Single Correct Option
1. An insect of negligible mass is sitting on a block of mass M, tied with a spring of force constant
k. The block performs simple harmonic motion with amplitude A in front of a plane mirror as
shown. The maximum speed of insect relative to its image will be

q = 60°

k A 3 k k M
(a) A (b) (c) A 3 (d) 2 A
M 2 M M k
2. A plane mirror is falling vertically as shown in the figure. If S is a point source of light, the rate
of increase of the length AB is

Acceleration = g m/s2
Height = x m

(a) directly proportional to x (b) constant but not zero
(c) inversely proportional to x (d) zero
3. A point object is placed at a distance of 10 cm and its real image is formed at a distance of 20 cm
from a concave mirror. If the object is moved by 0.1 cm towards the mirror. The image will shift
by about
(a) 0.4 cm away from the mirror
(b) 0.4 cm towards the mirror
(c) 0.8 cm away from the mirror
(d) 0.8 cm towards the mirror
4. Two plane mirrors L1 and L2 are parallel to each other and 3 m apart. A person standing x m
from the right mirror L2 looks into this mirror and sees a series of images. The distance
between the first and second image is 4 m. Then, the value of x is
L1 L2


(a) 2 m (b) 1.5 m (c) 1 m (d) 2.5 m

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62 — Optics and Modern Physics

5. A piece of wire bent into an L shape with upright and horizontal portion of equal lengths 10 cm
each is placed with the horizontal portion along the axis of the concave mirror towards pole of
mirror whose radius of curvature is 10 cm. If the bend is 20 cm from the pole of the mirror, then
the ratio of the lengths of the images of the upright and horizontal portion of the wire is
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 3 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 2 : 1
6. A point object at 15 cm from a concave mirror of radius of curvature 20 cm is made to oscillate
along the principal axis with amplitude 2 mm. The amplitude of its image will be
(a) 2 mm (b) 4 mm
(c) 8 mm (d) None of these
7. A ray of light falls on a plane mirror. When the mirror is turned, about an axis at right angles to
the plane of mirror by 20° the angle between the incident ray and new reflected ray is 45°. The
angle between the incident ray and original reflected ray was therefore
(a) 35° or 50° (b) 25° or 65°
(c) 45° or 5° (d) None of these
8. A person AB of height 170 cm is standing in front of a plane mirror. His eyes are at A
height 164 cm. At what distance from P should a hole be made in mirror so that he
cannot see his hair?
(a) 167 cm (b) 161 cm
(c) 163 cm (d) 165 cm
9. Two blocks each of masses m lie on a smooth table. They are attached to two other masses as
shown in figure. The pulleys and strings are light. An object O is kept at rest on the table. The
sides AB and CD of the two blocks are made reflecting. The acceleration of two images formed
in those two reflecting surfaces with respect to each other is
m AOC m


3m 2m

5g 5g 17 g 17 g
(a) (b) (c) (d)
6 3 12 6
10. Two plane mirrors A and B are aligned parallel to each other as shown 2 Ö3 m
in the figure. A light ray is incident at an angle of 30° at a point just B

inside one end of A. The number of times the ray undergoes reflections
(including the first one) before it emerges out is
(a) 29 (b) 30
(c) 31 (d) 32
11. An object O is just about to strike a perfectly reflecting inclined plane of inclination 37°. Its
velocity is 5 m/s. Find the velocity of its image.
5 m/s y

37° x

(a) 3$i + 4$j (b) 4$i + 3$j (c) 4.8 $i + 1.4$j (d) 1.4 $i + 4.8$j
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 63

12. An elevator at rest which is at 10th floor of a building is having a plane mirror
fixed to its floor. A particle is projected with a speed 2 m/s and at 45° with the u = Ö 2 m/s
horizontal as shown in the figure. At the very instant of projection, the cable of
the elevator breaks and the elevator starts falling freely. What will be the 45°
separation between the particles and is image 0.5 s after the instant of Mirror
(a) 0.5 m (b) 1 m
(c) 2 m (d) 1.5 m
13. A plane mirror is moving with velocity 4$i + 4$j + 8k$ . A point object in front of the mirror moves
with a velocity 3$i + 4$j + 5k$ . Here, k$ is along the normal to the plane mirror and facing towards
the object. The velocity of the image is
(a) - 3$i - 4$j + 5k$ (b) 3$i + 4$j + 11 k
(c) -4$i + 5$j + 11k$ $ $
(d) 7i + 9 j + 3k$

14. Point A (0, 1 cm) and B (12 cm, 5 cm) are the coordinates of object and image. x-axis is the
principal axis of the mirror. Then, this object image pair is
(a) due to a convex mirror of focal length 2.5 cm
(b) due to a concave mirror having its pole at (2 cm, 0)
(c) due to a concave mirror having its pole at (- 2 cm, 0)
(d) Data is insufficient
15. Two plane mirrors AB and AC are inclined at an angle q = 20°. A ray of light starting from point
P is incident at point Q on the mirror AB, then at R on mirror AC and again on S on AB. Finally,
the ray ST goes parallel to mirror AC. The angle which the ray makes with the normal at point
Q on mirror AB is

q i

(a) 20° (b) 30° (c) 40° (d) 60°

16. A convex mirror of radius of curvature 20 cm is shown in figure. An object O is placed in front of
this mirror. Its ray diagram is shown. How many mistakes are there in the ray diagram (AB is
principal axis)

10 cm 20 cm

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 0

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64 — Optics and Modern Physics

More than One Correct Options

1. The image formed by a concave mirror is twice the size of the object. The focal length of the
mirror is 20 cm. The distance of the object from the mirror is/are
(a) 10 cm (b) 30 cm
(c) 25 cm (d) 15 cm
2. Magnitude of focal length of a spherical mirror is f and magnitude of linear magnification is .
(a) If image is inverted, it is a concave mirror
(b) If image is erect, it is a convex mirror
(c) Object distance from the mirror may be 3 f
(d) Object distance from the mirror may be f
3. A point object is moving towards a plane mirror as shown in figure.
Choose the correct options.
(a) Speed of image is also v v
(b) Image velocity will also make an angle q with mirror q
(c) Relative velocity between object and image is 2v
(d) Relative velocity between object and image is 2v sin q

4. AB is the principal axis of a spherical mirror. I is the point image corresponding to a point
object O. Choose the correct options.

(a) Mirror is lying to the right hand side of O

(b) Focus of mirror is lying to the right hand side of O
(c) Centre of curvature of mirror is lying to the right hand side of O
(d) Centre of curvature of mirror is lying between I and O
5. A point object is placed on the principal axis of a concave mirror of focal
length 20 cm. At this instant object is given a velocity v towards the axis
(event-1) or perpendicular to axis (event-2). Then, speed of image
(a) In event-1 is 2v
(b) In event-1 is 4v
(c) In event-2 is 2v 30 cm

(d) In event-2 is 4v
6. A point object is placed at equal distance 3f in front of a concave mirror, a convex mirror and a
plane mirror separately (event-1). Now, the distance is decreased to 1.5 f from all the three
mirrors (event-2). Magnitude of focal length of convex mirror and concave mirror is f. Then,
choose the correct options.
(a) Maximum distance of object in event-1 from the mirror is from plane mirror
(b) Minimum distance of object in event-1 from the mirror is from convex mirror
(c) Maximum distance of object in event-2 from the mirror is from concave mirror
(d) Minimum distance of object in event-2 from the mirror is from plane mirror
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 65

Comprehension Based Questions

Passage : (Q. No. 1 to 4)
A plane mirror ( M1 ) and a concave mirror ( M 2 ) of focal length 10 cm are arranged as shown in
figure. An object is kept at origin. Answer the following questions. (consider image formed by
single reflection in all cases)
20 cm
10 cm



1. The coordinates of image formed by plane mirror are

(a) (- 20 cm, 0) (b) (10 cm, - 60 cm) (c) (10 cm, - 10 cm) (d) (10 cm, 10 cm)
2. The coordinates of image formed by concave mirror are
(a) (10 cm, – 40 cm) (b) (10 cm, – 60 cm) (c) (10 cm, 8 cm) (d) None of these
3. If concave mirror is replaced by convex mirror of same focal length, then coordinates of image
formed by M 2 will be
(a) (10 cm, 12 cm) (b) (10 cm, 22 cm) (c) (10 cm, 8 cm) (d) None of these
4. If concave mirror is replaced by another plane mirror parallel to x-axis, then coordinates of
image formed by M 2 are
(a) (40 cm, 20 cm) (b) (20 cm, 40 cm) (c) (– 20 cm, 20 cm) (d) None of these

Match the Columns

1. For real objects, match the following two columns corresponding to linear magnification m
given in Column I.
Column I Column II
(a) m = -2 (p) convex mirror
(b) 1 (q) concave mirror
(c) m=+2 (r) real image
(d) 1 (s) virtual image

2. For virtual objects, match the following two columns.

Column I Column II

(a) Plane mirror (p) only real image

(b) Convex mirror (q) only virtual image
(c) Concave mirror (r) may be real or virtual image
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66 — Optics and Modern Physics

3. Principal axis of a mirror ( AB), a point object O and its image I are shown in Column I, match it
with Column II.

Column I Column II
(a) O (p) plane mirror

(b) O (q) convex mirror


(c) O I (r) concave mirror


O (s) Not possible

4. Focal length of a concave mirror M1 is – 20 cm and focal length of a convex mirror M 2 is + 20 cm.
A point object is placed at a distance X in front of M1 or M 2. Match the following two columns.

Column I Column II

(a) X = 20, mirror is M1 (p) image is at infinity

(b) X = 20, mirror is M 2 (q) image is real
(c) X = 30, mirror is M1 (r) image is virtual
(d) X = 30, mirror is M 2 (s) image is magnified

5. Focal length of a concave mirror is –20 cm. Match the object distance given in Column II
corresponding to magnification (only magnitude) given is Column I.

Column I Column II

(a) 2 (p) 10 cm
(b) 1/2 (q) 30 cm
(c) 1 (r) 20 cm
(d) 1/4 (s) None of these

Subjective Questions
1. A point source of light S is placed at a distance 10 cm in front of the
centre of a mirror of width 20 cm suspended vertically on a wall. An 20 cm S
insect walks with a speed 10 cm/ s in front of the mirror along a line
parallel to the mirror at a distance 20 cm from it as shown in figure. Find 10 cm
the maximum time during which the insect can see the image of the
source S in the mirror. 20 cm
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 67

2. A concave mirror forms the real image of a point source lying on the
optical axis at a distance of 50 cm from the mirror. The focal length of
the mirror is 25 cm. The mirror is cut into and its halves are drawn a
1 cm
distance of 1 cm apart in a direction perpendicular to the optical axis.
How will the image formed by the halves of the mirror be arranged?

3. A point source of light S is placed on the major optical axis of the concave mirror at a distance of
60 cm. At what distance from the concave mirror should a flat mirror be placed for the rays to
converge again at the point S having been reflected from the concave mirror and then from the
flat one? Will the position of the point where the rays meet change if they are first reflected
from the flat mirror? The radius of the concave mirror is 80 cm.
4. A balloon is moving upwards with a speed of 20 m/ s. When it is at a height of 14 m from ground
in front of a plane mirror in situation as shown in figure, a boy drops himself from the balloon.
Find the time duration for which he will see the image of source S placed symmetrically before
plane mirror during free fall.
20 m/s


2m S
50 cm

12 m


5. A plane mirror and a concave mirror are arranged as shown in figure and O is a point object.
Find the position of image formed by two reflections, first one taking place at concave mirror.
R = 200 cm

A 45° O B

890 cm 110 cm

6. Figure shows a torch producing a straight light beam falling on a plane mirror at an angle 60°.
The reflected beam makes a spot P on the screen along y-axis. If at t = 0, mirror starts rotating
about the hinge A with an angular velocity w = 1° per second clockwise. Find the speed of the
spot on screen after time t = 15 s.


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68 — Optics and Modern Physics

7. A thief is running away in a car with velocity of 20 m/ s. A police jeep is following him, which is
sighted by thief in his rear view mirror, which is a convex mirror of focal length 10 m. He
observes that the image of jeep is moving towards him with a velocity of 1 cm / s. If the
magnification of mirror for the jeep at that time is . Find
(a) the actual speed of jeep,
(b) rate at which magnification is changing.
Assume the police’s jeep is on the axis of the mirror.
8. A ball swings back and forth in front of a concave mirror. The motion of the ball is described
approximately by the equation x = f cos wt, where f is the focal length of the mirror and x is
measured along the axis of mirror. The origin is taken at the centre of curvature of the mirror.


(a) Derive an expression for the distance from the mirror of the image of the swinging ball.
(b) At what point does the ball appear to coincide with its image?
(c) What will be the lateral magnification of the image of the ball at time t = , where T is time
period of oscillation?
9. Show that a parallel bundle of light rays parallel to the x-axis and incident on a parabolic
reflecting surface given by x = 2 by 2, will pass through a single point called focus of the
reflecting surface. Also, find the focal length.

O x
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Introductory Exercise 30.1
20 40
1. 4 m/s 2. m, m 3. 2 q
3 3

Assertion and Reason
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a or b) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (a,b) 10. (b)

Objective Questions
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (d)

Subjective Questions
1. Plane mirror
2. 39.2 cm to the right of mirror, 4.85 cm
3. 15°, 60°
4. 20 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm, 100 cm, 140 cm
5. The images are at 2nb from the object with n as integer.
7. 14
8. 360° - 2 q
9. (a) – 16.7 cm, real (b) ¥ (c) + 10.0 cm, virtual
10. (a) A real image moves from – 0.6 m to – ¥, then a virtual image moves from + ¥ to 0.
(b) 0.639 s and 0.782 s.
11. (b) 33.0 cm to the left of vertex 1.20 cm tall, inverted, real
12. (b) 5.46 cm to the right of vertex, 4.09 mm tall, erect, virtual
13. 180 cm
V (m)

14. 0.25
u (m)
0.25 0.5

Image is virtual when object distance is from 0 to 0.25 m

15. 21 cm in front of plane mirror
æ 3 + 1ö
17. At a distance ç ÷ R from convex mirror
ç 2 ÷ø
18. (a) A concave mirror with radius of curvature 2.08 m (b) 1.25 m from the object
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70 — Optics and Modern Physics

Single Correct Option
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (b)

More than One Correct Options

1. (a,b) 2. (a,b,c,d) 3. (a,b,d) 4. (a,b,d) 5. (b,c) 6. (a,b,c)

Comprehension Based Questions

1.(c) 2.(d) 3.(d) 4.(d)

Match the Columns

1. (a) ® q,r (b) ® q,r (c) ® q,s (d) ® p,s
2. (a) ® p (b) ® r (c) ® p
3. (a) ® r (b) ® r (c) ® p (d) ® r
4. (a) ® p,s (b) ® r (c) ® q,s (d) ® r
5. (a) ® p,q (b) ® s (c) ® s (d) ® s

Subjective Questions
1. 6 s 2. At a distance of 50 cm from mirror and 2 cm from each other
3. 90 cm, Yes 4. 1.7 s 5. 100 cm vertically below A 6. m /s
æ 2 + cos wt ö
7. (a) 21 m /s (b) 10 –3 /s 8. (a) Distance = çç ÷ f (b) At x = 0 (c) m = ¥
è 1 + cos wt ø
9. f =
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31.1 Refraction of light and Refractive

Index of a medium
31.2 Law of refraction (Snell's law)
31.3 Single refraction from plane surface
31.4 Shift due to a glass slab
31.5 Refraction from spherical surface
31.6 Lens Theory
31.7 Total Internal Reflection (TIR)
31.8 Refraction through prism
31.9 Deviation
31.10 Optical Instruments
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72 — Optics and Modern Physics

31.1 Refraction of Light and Refractive Index of a Medium

When a ray of light travels from one medium to other medium with or without bending, the
phenomenon is called refraction of light. Under following two conditions the ray of light does not
bend in refraction.
(i) For normal incidence ( Ð i = 0)

Fig. 31.1

(ii) If refractive index of both media is same, angle of incidence does not matter in this case.

m1 = m2
Fig. 31.2

Here, m = refractive index of medium

Refractive Index
(i) In general speed of light in any medium is less than its speed in vacuum. It is convenient to define
refractive index m of a medium as,
Speed of light in vacuum c
m= =
Speed of light in medium v
(ii) As a ray of light travels from medium 1 to medium 2, its wavelength changes but its frequency
remains unchanged.
m 2 > m 1 , v1 > v 2 , l 1 > l 2

1 2

l1 l2

Fig. 31.3
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 73

(iii) 1 m 2 = = Refractive index of 2 w.r.t. 1
and 2m1 = = Refractive index of 1 w.r.t. 2
\ 1m 2 =
m2 m3 m1
(iv) 1 m 2 = , 2m 3 = and 3m1 =
m1 m2 m3
\ 1 m2 ´ 2 m 3 ´ 3 m1 = 1
c l0
(v) v = and l =
m m
Here, l is the wavelength in a medium and l 0 the wavelength in vacuum. Thus, in travelling
from vacuum to a medium speed and wavelength decrease m times but frequency remains
m c/ v 2 v1 f l1 l1
(vi) 1 m 2 = 2 = = = =
m 1 c/ v1 v 2 f l 2 l 2
Here, f = frequency of light which remains same in both media.
m 2 v1 l 1
Thus, 1m 2 = = =
m1 v2 l 2

V Example 31.1 (a) Find the speed of light of wavelength l = 780 nm (in air) in
a medium of refractive index m = 1.55.
(b) What is the wavelength of this light in the given medium?
c 3.0 ´ 108
Solution (a) v = = = 1.94 ´ 108 m/s Ans.
m 1.55
l air 780
(b) l medium = = = 503 nm Ans.
m 1.55

V Example 31.2 Refractive index of glass with respect to water is (9 /8) .

Refractive index of glass with respect to air is ( 3 /2) . Find the refractive index of
water with respect to air.
Solution Given, wmg = 9/ 8 and amg = 3/ 2
As, amg ´ g m w ´ wm a = 1
1 amg
\ = am w = am g ´ gm w =
wma wmg

3/ 2 4
\ amw = = Ans.
9/ 8 3
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74 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 31.3 A ray of light passes through two slabs of same thickness. In
the first slab n 1 waves are formed and in the second slab n 2 . Find refractive
index of second medium with respect to first.
Solution One wave means one wavelength. So, if t is the thickness of slab, l the wavelength
and n the number of waves, then
nl = t Þ l =
1 l1 n 2
or lµ (as t is same) or =
n l 2 n1
Now, refractive index of second medium w.r.t. first medium is
l1 n 2
1m 2 = = Ans.
l 2 n1


1. Given that 1 m 2 = 4 /3, 2 m 3 = 3 /2. Find 1 m 3.
2. What happens to the frequency, wavelengths and speed of light that crosses from a medium
with index of refraction m 1 to one with index of refraction m 2?
3. A monochromatic light beam of frequency 6.0 ´ 1014 Hz crosses from air into a transparent
material where its wavelength is measured to be 300 nm. What is the index of refraction of the

31.2 Law of Refraction (Snell’s Law)

1 m1


Fig. 31.4

If a ray of light passes through one medium to other medium, then according to Snell’s law,
m sin i = constant …(i)
For two media, m 1 sin i1 = m 2 sin i2
m 2 sin i1
or = = 1m 2 …(ii)
m 1 sin i2

From Eq. (i) we can see that i1 > i2 if m 2 > m 1 , i.e. if a ray of light passes from a rarer to a denser
medium, it bends towards normal.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 75

Eq. (ii) can be written as,

sin i1 v1 l 1 m 2
1m 2 = = = = …(iii)
sin i2 v 2 l 2 m 1
Here, v1 is the speed of light in medium 1 and v 2 in medium 2. Similarly, l 1 and l 2 are the
corresponding wavelengths.

m1 Rarer
m2 Denser

Fig. 31.5

If m 2 > m 1 then v1 > v 2 and l 1 > l 2 , i.e. in a rarer medium speed and hence, wavelength of light is

i1 i1
1 Rarer 1 Denser
2 Denser 2 Rarer

i1 > i 2 i1 < i 2
v2 < v1 v2 > v1
m2 > m1 m2 < m1
l2 < l1 l2 > l1

Fig. 31.6

Experiments show that if the boundaries of the media are D

parallel, the emergent ray CD although laterally
displaced, is parallel to the incident ray AB if m 1 = m 5 .
We can also directly apply the Snell’s law
(m sin i = constant) in medium 1 and 5, i.e.
m 1 sin i1 = m 5 sin i5
So, i1 = i5 if m 1 = m 5 i1

If any of the boundary is not parallel we cannot use this

law directly by jumping the intervening media.
1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 31.7
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Extra Points to Remember

sin i
˜ m= is a special case of Snell’s law when one medium is air.
sin r
In Fig. 31.8, if we apply the Snell’s law in original form then it is Air i

m air sin iair = m medium sin imedium

Medium r
or (1) sin i = (m ) sin r
sin i
\ m=
sin r Fig. 31.8
sin i
˜ In m = , angle i is not always the angle of incidence but it is the angle of
sin r
ray of light in air (with normal).

Air i


Fig. 31.9
In the above figure, ray of light is travelling from medium to air. So, angle of incidence is actually r. But we
sin i
have to take i angle in air and now we can apply m = .
sin r
sin i sin i
˜ In m = , if i is changed, then r angle also changes. But remains constant and this constant is
sin r sin r
called refractive index of that medium.
sin i
˜ m= can be applied for any pair of angles i and r except the normal incidence for which Ð i = Ð r = 0°
sin r
sin i
and m = is an indeterminant form.
sin r

V Example 31.4 A light beam passes from medium 1 to medium 2. Show that
the emerging beam is parallel to the incident beam.
Solution Applying Snell’s law at A,
m 1 sin i1 = m 2 sin i 2 i3
i2 B
m 1 sin i 2
or = …(i) A i2
m 2 sin i1 i1
Similarly at B, m 2 sin i 2 = m 1 sin i 3
m 1 sin i 2 m1 m2 m1
\ = …(ii)
m 2 sin i 3 Fig. 31.10

From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have i 3 = i1

i.e. the emergent ray is parallel to incident ray. Proved.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 77

sin i
Problems Based on m =
sin r
V Example 31.5 A ray of light falls on a glass plate of refractive index m = 1.5.
What is the angle of incidence of the ray if the angle between the reflected and
refracted rays is 90°?
Solution In the figure, r = 90° – i
Incident Reflected

i i
90° - i

Fig. 31.11

sin i sin i
From Snell’s law, 1.5 = = = tan i
sin r sin ( 90° – i )
\ i = tan –1 (1.5) = 56.3° Ans.

V Example 31.6 A pile 4 m high driven into the bottom of a lake is 1 m above the
water. Determine the length of the shadow of the pile on the bottom of the lake if
the sun rays make an angle of 45° with the water surface. The refractive index of
water is 4 /3.
4 sin 45°
Solution From Snell’s law, =
3 sin r




B 1m

Fig. 31.12

Solving this equation, we get r = 32°

Further, EF = ( DE ) tan r = ( 3) tan 32° = 1.88 m
\ Total length of shadow, L = CF or L = (1 + 1.88) m
= 2.88 m Ans.
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78 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 31.7 An observer can see through a pin-hole the top end of a thin
rod of height h, placed as shown in the figure. The beaker height is 3h and its
radius h. When the beaker is filled with a liquid up to a height 2h, he can see
the lower end of the rod. Then, the refractive index of the liquid is (JEE 2002)


Fig. 31.13

5 5 3 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 2 2 2
Solution PQ = QR = 2h P

\ Ði = 45° h i i
\ ST = RT = h = KM = MN 2h
2 2
So, KS = h + ( 2h ) = h 5 r
2h R i
h 1 T
\ sin r = =
h 5 5 M
sin i sin 45° 5 2h
\ m= = = Fig. 31.14
sin r 1/ 5 2
\ The correct answer is (b).


1. In the figure shown, find 1m 2.


Fig. 31.15
2. If 1m 2 is 1.5, then find the value of 1 .
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 79

31.3 Single Refraction from Plane Surface

(i) If ray of light travels from first medium (refractive index m 1 ) to second medium (refractive
index m 2 ), then image distance (or v ) from the plane surface is given by
v= 2 u

(ii) From this equation, we can see that v and u are of same sign. This implies that object and image
lie on same side of the plane surface. If one is real, then the other is virtual.
(iii) If ray of light travels from denser medium to rarer medium (or m 1 > m 2 ), then we can see that
v < u) or the image distance is less than the object distance. If the light travels from rarer to denser
medium (m 1 < m 2 ), then v > u or the image distance is greater than the object distance.
Further, if rarer medium is air (or vacuum), then this decrease or increase in image distance will
be m times.
(iv) In all the four figures, single refraction is taking place through a plane surface. Refractive index
of medium (may be glass, water etc.) is m. In figures (a) and (d), the ray of light is travelling from
denser to rarer medium and hence, it bends away from the normal. In figures (b) and (c), the ray
of light is travelling from a rarer to a denser medium and hence, it bends towards the normal.
Now, let us take the four figures individually.
D 1 2
Air Air A
Medium A B Medium
x i r
m x
x O mx


(a) (b)

x I
Air m Air
A Medium A Medium

1 2

(c) (d)
Fig. 31.16

Refer figure (a) Object O is placed at a distance x from A. Ray OA, which falls normally on the
plane surface, passes undeviated as AD. Ray OB, which falls at angle r (with the normal) on the
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80 — Optics and Modern Physics

plane surface, bends away from the normal and passes as BC in air. Rays AD and BC meet at I
after extending these two rays backwards. Let BC makes an angle i (> r) with normal.
In the figure, Ð AOB will be r and Ð AIB is i. For normal incidence (i.e. small angles of i and r)
sin i » tan i = …(i)
and sin r » tan r = …(ii)
Dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we have
sin i AO AO æ sin i ö
= or m = ç as =m ÷
sin r AI AI è sin r ø
AO x
\ AI = =
m m
If point O is at a depth of d from a water surface, then the above result is also sometimes written
d apparent = actual
or the apparent depth is m times less than the actual depth.
Refer figure (b) In the absence of the plane refracting surface, the two rays 1 and 2 would have
met at O. Proceeding in the similar manner we can prove that after refraction from the plane
surface, they will now meet at a point I, where
AI = mx (if AO = x)
Refer figure (c) In this case object is at O, a distance AO = x from the plane surface. When
seen from inside the medium, it will appear at I, where
AI = mx
If point O is at a height of h from the water surface, then the above relation is also written as
happ = mh
Refer figure (d) The two rays 1 and 2 meeting at O will now meet at I after refraction from the
AO x
plane surface, where AI = = .
m m
Note In all the four cases, the change in the value of x is m times whether it is increasing or decreasing. All the
relations can be derived for small angles of incidence as done in part (a).
EXERCISE Three immiscible liquids of refractive indices m 1 , m 2
and m 3 (with m 3 > m 2 > m 1 ) are filled in a vessel. Their depths are m1 d1
d1 , d 2 and d 3 respectively. Prove that the apparent depth (for
m2 d2
almost normal incidence) when seen from top of the first liquid
will be m3 d3

d1 d 2 d 3 Fig. 31.17
d app = + +
m1 m 2 m 3
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 81

V Example 31.8 In Fig. 31.16, find position of second image I2 formed after
two times refraction from two plane surfaces AB and CD.
m1 =1 m2 =1.5 m3 =2

10 cm 10 cm

Fig. 31.18
Solution We will apply v = u, two times with using the fact that object and image are on
same side of the surface.
Refraction from AB
m1 =1
m 2 = 1.5
u = EO = 10cm (towards left of AB)
æm ö 1.5
\ v = çç 2 ÷÷ u = (10)
è m1 ø 1
or v = EI 1 = 15 cm (towards left of AB)
Refraction from CD I 1 will act as an object for refraction from CD
m 1 = 1.5 and m 2 = 2
u = FI 1 = FE + EI 1 = (10 + 15) cm
= 25 cm (towards left of CD)
æm ö æ 2 ö
\ v = çç 2 ÷÷ ( u ) = ç ÷ ( 25)
è 1ø è 1.5 ø
= cm (towards left of CD)
= FI 2
The correct figure is as shown below
10 cm

I2 I1 O E F
15 cm
—— cm B D
Fig. 31.19

Note I1 and I2 both are virtual as the light has moved towards right of AB and CD (because it is a refraction)
but I1 and I2 are towards left of AB or CD.
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82 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 31.9 Refractive index of the glass slab is 1.5. There is a point object
O inside the slab as shown. To eye E1 object appears at a distance of 6 cm (from
the top surface) and to eye E2 it appears at a distance of 8 cm (from the bottom
surface). Find thickness of the glass slab.


Fig. 31.20
Solution Applying d app =
d = (m ) d app
\ d1 = (1.5)( 6) = 9 cm
d 2 = (1.5)( 8) = 12 cm
Therefore, actual thickness of the glass slab is d1 + d 2 = 21cm. Ans.


1. In the figure shown, at what distance
10 cm
10 cm
m = 1.5

Fig. 31.21
(a) E2 will appear to E1
(b) E1 will appear to E2

31.4 Shift due to a Glass Slab

(i) It is a case of double refraction from two plane surfaces. So, we are talking about the second (or
final) image and let us call it I.
(ii) If O is real then second image I is virtual and vice-versa.
æ 1ö
(iii) I is shifted (w.r.t.) O by a distance OI = shift = çç 1 - ÷÷ t in the direction of ray of light.
è m ø
(iv) If E1 observes E 2 , then E 2 is object. So, light travels from E 2 towards E1 . So, shift is also in the
same direction or E1 will observe second image of E 2 at a distance
d1 = d - shift
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 83

Same is the case when E 2 observes E1 .

E1 E2

Fig. 31.22

(v) If two or more than two slabs are kept jointly or separately, then total shift is added.
æ 1 ö æ 1 ö
\ S Total = S 1 + S 2 = çç 1 - ÷÷ t1 + çç 1 - ÷÷ t 2
è m1 ø è m2 ø
(vi) C E M C E


I1 O I A B A B O I

m m

t t
(a) (b)
Fig. 31.23
Refer figure (a) An object is placed at O. Plane surface CD forms its image (virtual) at I 1 . This
image acts as an object for EF which finally forms the image (virtual) at I. Distance OI is called
the normal shift and its value is
æ 1ö
OI = çç 1 – ÷÷ t
è mø
This can be proved as under
Let OA = x
then AI 1 = mx (Refraction from CD)
BI 1 = mx + t
BI t
BI = 1 = x + (Refraction from EF)
m m
\ OI = ( AB + OA ) – BI
æ t ö æ 1ö
= ( t + x ) – çç x + ÷÷ = çç 1 – ÷÷ t Hence Proved.
è m ø è m ø
Note For two refractions (at CD and EF) we have used,
æm ö
v = çç 2 ÷÷ m
èm1 ø
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84 — Optics and Modern Physics

Refer figure (b) The ray of light which would have met line AB at O will now meet this line at I
after two times refraction from the slab. Here,
æ 1ö
OI = çç 1 – ÷÷ t
è mø

V Example 31.10 Refractive index of glass slab shown in 9 cm

figure is 1.5. Focal length of mirror is 20 cm. Find x 10 cm
(a) total number of refractions and reflections before final O
image is formed.
(b) reduced steps.
Fig. 31.24
(c) value of x, so that final image coincides with the object.
Solution (a) There are total four refractions and one reflection.
(b) Reduced steps are three, first slab, then mirror and then again slab.
(c) Shift due to the slab,
æ 1 ö æ 2ö
s = çç 1 - ÷÷ t = ç 1 - ÷ ( 9) = 3 cm
è m ø è 3ø
Actual distance from mirror to object is (19 + x ) cm. Slab will reduce this distance by 3 cm.
So, apparent distance will be (16 + x ) cm.
Now, if 16 + x = R = 2 f = 40 cm or x = 24 cm
then ray of light will fall normal to the concave mirror. It will retrace its path and final image
will coincide with the object
\ x = 24 cm Ans.

Note If ray of light falls normal to a mirror, then there is no need of applying the slab formula in return
journey of ray of light. Path is retracing means, slab formula is automatically applied in return journey.
But if it is not normal, then we will have to apply the slab formula in return journey too.

V Example 31.11 A point object O is placed in front of a concave mirror of focal

length 10 cm. A glass slab of refractive index m = 3 /2 and thickness 6 cm is
inserted between object and mirror. Find the position of final image when the
distance x shown in figure is
6 cm

32 cm
Fig. 31.25

(a) 5 cm (b) 20 cm
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 85

Solution As we have read in the above article, the normal shift produced by a glass slab is
æ 1ö æ 2ö
Dx = çç 1 – ÷÷ t = ç 1 – ÷ ( 6) = 2 cm
è mø è 3ø
i.e. for the mirror the object is placed at a distance ( 32 – Dx ) = 30 cm from it. Applying
mirror formula
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ = or – =– or v = – 15 cm
v u f v 30 10
(a) When x = 5 cm The light falls on the slab on
its return journey as shown. But the slab will
again shift it by a distance Dx = 2 cm. Hence, the
final real image is formed at a distance Dx
(15 + 2) = 17 cm from the mirror.

15 cm
Fig. 31.26

(b) When x = 20 cm This time also the final image is at a distance 17 cm from the mirror but
it is virtual as shown.
15 cm


Fig. 31.27


1. At what distance eye E will observe the fourth image (after four refractions from plane surfaces)
of object O from itself.
10 cm

10 cm m1 =1.5

10 cm

10 cm m2 = 2

10 cm
Fig. 31.28
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86 — Optics and Modern Physics

31.5 Refraction from Spherical Surface

(i) There are two types of spherical surfaces, concave and convex.
(ii) +ve

1 2 O 1 2

R = +ve
R = – ve
u = – ve u = –ve
Fig. 31.29
If the ray of light is travelling from first medium to second medium, then for image distance v, we
have the formula
m 2 m1 m 2 - m1
- =
v u R
(iii) For plane surface R = µ. Putting this value in the above formula, we get
æm ö
v = çç 2 ÷÷ u
è m1 ø
and this formula, we have already discussed in article 31.3.
(iv) Ray of light has moved in medium-2, so image formed in medium-2 will be real and v in this
medium will be positive.
Consider two transparent media having indices of
refraction m 1 and m 2 , where the boundary between the q1 P
two media is a spherical surface of radius R. We d q2
assume that m 1 < m 2 . Let us consider a single ray a b g
leaving point O and focusing at point I. Snell’s law O M C I
applied to this refracted ray gives, m1 m2
m 1 sin q 1 = m 2 sin q 2 u R
Because q 1 and q 2 are assumed to be small, we can use v
the small angle approximation Fig. 31.30
sin q » q (angles in radians)
and say that m 1q 1 = m 2 q 2 …(i)
From the geometry shown in the figure,
q1 = a + b …(ii)
and b = q2 + g …(iii)
The above three equations can be rearranged as,
b = 1 (a + b) + g
So, m 1a + m 2 g = (m 2 – m 1 ) b …(iv)
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 87

Since, the arc PM (of length s) subtends an angle b at the centre of curvature,
s s
Also in the paraxial approximation, a = and g =
u v
Using these expressions in Eq. (iv) with proper signs, we are left with,
m1 m 2 m 2 – m1 m 2 m1 m 2 – m1
+ = or – = …(v)
–u v R v u R
Although the formula (v) is derived for a particular situation, it is valid for all other situations of
refraction at a single spherical surface.

V Example 31.12 A glass sphere of radius

R = 10 cm is kept inside water. A point
object O is placed at 20 cm from A as
shown in figure. Find the position and 10 cm
nature of the image when seen from other 20 cm
side of the sphere. Also draw the ray Fig. 31.31
diagram. Given, m g = 3 /2 and m w = 4 /3.
Solution A ray of light starting from O gets refracted twice. The ray of light is travelling in a
direction from left to right. Hence, the distances measured in this direction are taken positive.
m m m – m1
Applying 2 – 1 = 2 , twice with proper signs. We have,
v u R
3/ 2 4 / 3 3/ 2 – 4 / 3
– = or AI 1 = – 30 cm
AI 1 –20 10
Now, the first image I 1 acts as an object for the second surface, where
BI 1 = u = – ( 30 + 20) = – 50 cm
4 / 3 3/ 2 4 / 3 – 3/ 2
\ – =
BI 2 –50 – 10


I2 I1 O A C B

20 cm
30 cm
100 cm
Fig. 31.32

\ BI 2 = – 100 cm,
i.e. the final image I 2 is virtual and is formed at a distance 100 cm (towards left) from B.
The ray diagram is as shown in Fig. 31.32
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Following points should be noted while drawing the ray diagram.

(i) At P the ray travels from rarer to a denser medium. Hence, it will bend towards normal PC.
At M, it travels from a denser to a rarer medium, hence, it moves away from the normal MC.
(ii) PM ray when extended backwards meets at I 1 and MN ray when extended meets at I 2 .


1. If an object is placed at the centre of a glass sphere and it is seen from outside, then prove that
its virtual image is also formed at centre.
2. A glass sphere (m = 1.5) with a radius of 15.0 cm has a tiny air bubble 5 cm above its centre. The
sphere is viewed looking down along the extended radius containing the bubble. What is the
apparent depth of the bubble below the surface of the sphere?
3. One end of a long glass rod (m = 1.5) is formed into a convex surface of radius 6.0 cm. An object
is positioned in air along the axis of the rod. Find the image positions corresponding to object
distances of (a) 20.0 cm, (b) 10.0 cm, (c) 3.0 cm from the end of the rod.
4. A dust particle is inside a sphere of refractive index . If the dust particle is 10.0 cm from the wall
of the 15.0 cm radius bowl, where does it appear to an observer outside the bowl.
5. A parallel beam of light enters a clear plastic bead 2.50 cm in diameter and index 1.44. At what
point beyond the bead are these rays brought to a focus?

31.6 Lens Theory

(i) A lens is one of the most familiar optical devices for a human being. A lens is an optical system
with two refracting surfaces. The simplest lens has two spherical surfaces close enough together
that we can neglect the distance between them (the thickness of the lens). We call this a thin lens.

Biconvex Plano-convex Convex meniscus

Biconcave Plano-concave Concave meniscus

Fig. 31.33 Types of lens.

Lenses are of two basic types convex (converging) which are thicker in the middle than at the
edges and concave (diverging) for which the reverse holds.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 89

Figure shows examples of both types bounded by spherical or plane surfaces.

As there are two spherical surfaces, there are two centres of curvature C1 and C 2
correspondingly two radii of curvature R1 and R 2 .
The line joining C1 and C 2 is called the principal axis of the lens. The centre P of the thin lens
which lies on the principal axis, is called the optical centre.
Incident light R1 > 0
R2 < 0
C2 R2 C1


Incident light R1 < 0

R2 > 0
C1 R1 P C2

Fig. 31.34 (a) A converging thin lens and
(b) a diverging thin lens

(ii) All lens formulae (which we will use in this chapter) can be applied directly under following two
Condition 1 Lens should be thin or its thickness should be negligible.
Condition 2 On both sides of the lens, medium should be same (not necessarily air)
(iii) If either of the above two conditions are not satisfied, then apply refraction formulae
æ m 2 m1 m 2 - m1 m
ç - = for spherical surface or v = 2 u for plane surface) two times.
è v u R m1
(iv) In a biconvex (or equiconvex) or biconcave (or equiconcave) lens,
| R1 | = | R 2 |
(v) Use of thin lens If the lens is thin, then the first image distance v1 is exactly equal to the second
object distance u2 .

O I1
Fig. 31.35

In the figure, we can see that u2 = v1 - t

But, u2 = v1 if t =0
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(vi) Unlike a mirror, a lens has two foci :

First focus ( F1 ) It is defined as a point at which if an object (real in case of a convex lens and
virtual for concave) is placed, the image of this object is formed at infinity. Or we can say that
rays passing through F1 become parallel to the principal axis after refraction from the lens. The
distance PF1 is the first focal length f 1 .
Incident light

F1 P P F1

f1 f1
First focus
Fig. 31.36
Second focus or principal focus ( F2 ) A narrow beam of light travelling parallel to the
principal axis either converge (in case of a convex lens) or diverge (in case of a concave lens) at a
point F2 after refraction from the lens. This point F2 is called the second or principal focus. If the
rays converge at F2 , the lens is said a converging lens and if they diverge, they are called
diverging lens. Distance PF2 is the second focal length f 2 .


Second focus


Principal focus
Fig. 31.37

From the figure, we can see that f 1 is negative for a convex lens and positive for a concave lens.
But, f 2 is positive for convex lens and negative for concave lens.
(vii) We are mainly concerned with the second focus f 2 . Thus, wherever we write the focal length f ,
it means the second or principal focal length. Thus, f = f 2 and hence, f is positive for a convex
lens and negative for a concave lens.
(viii) If the two conditions mentioned in point number (ii) are satisfied, then
| f1 | = | f 2 |
although their signs are different.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 91

(ix) If those two conditions are satisfied, then object can be placed on either side of the lens or light
can fall from both sides of the lens. Following figures will help you to clear this concept.

30 cm 60 cm I


I 60 cm 30 cm


F1 F2



Fig. 31.38

Image Position, its Nature and Speed

Case 1 Convex lens

–¥ +¥
2F1 F1 O F2 2F2

Fig. 31.39

Table 31.1
Object Image Nature of image Speed
At F1 ± ¥ - -
At 2 F1 At 2 F2 Real, Inverted and same size v I = vO
At - ¥ At F2 - -
Between O and F1 Between O and - µ Virtual, Erect and magnified vO > v I
Between F1 and 2 F1 Between + ¥ and 2 F2 Real, Inverted and magnified v I > vO
Between 2 F1 and - ¥ Between 2 F2 and F2 Real, Inverted and diminished vO > v I
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Note (i) The above table has been made only for real objects (lying between O and - ¥ ), object distance u for
them is negative.
(ii) Since | f1 | = | f2 | (when two conditions discussed earlier are satisfied). Therefore, F1 and F2 are sometimes
denoted by F and 2 F1 (and 2 F2 ) by 2F.
(iii) If object is travelling along the principal axis, then image also travels along the principal axis in the same
Case 2 Concave lens In case of concave lens there is only
one case for real objects. –¥ +¥
2F2 F2 O F1 2F1
Object lies between O and - ¥, then image lies between O and
F2 . Nature of image is virtual, erect and diminished. Object
Fig. 31.40
speed is always greater than image speed ( vO > v I ). Both
travel in the same direction.
Three Standard Rays for making Ray Diagrams
1. A ray parallel to the principal axis after refraction passes through the principal focus or appears to
diverge from it.

F2 F2

Fig. 31.41

2. A ray through the optical centre P passes undeviated because the middle of the lens acts like a thin
parallel-sided slab.

Fig. 31.42

3. A ray passing through the first focus F1 becomes parallel to the principal axis after refraction.

F1 F1

Fig. 31.43
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 93

Ray Diagrams Nature of image

(a) Inverted
2F F F 2F Diminished

2F Real
(b) Inverted
2F F F Same size

(c) Inverted
2F F F 2F Magnified

(d) Inverted
2F F F 2F Magnified
a ge
in i

(e) Erect
2F F F 2F Magnified

(f) Erect
2F F F 2F Diminished

Fig. 31.44 Ray diagrams for a convex lens (a–e) and a concave lens (f).
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List of Formulae
1 1 1
(i) - =
v u f
Image height I v
(ii) Linear magnification, m= = =
Object height O u
(iii) Lens maker’s formula
m1 m1

R1 R2
Fig. 31.45

1 æ m2 öæ 1 1 ö
= çç - 1 ÷÷ çç - ÷÷
f è m1 ø è R1 R 2 ø
1 æ 1 1 ö
In air, m 1 = 1 and m 2 = m. Therefore, = (m - 1) çç - ÷÷
f R
è 1 R 2 ø
(iv) Power of a lens (in dioptre) =
Focal length (in metre)
(v) Two or more than two thin lenses in contact.

Fig. 31.46
1 1 1
= + or P = P1 + P2
F f1 f 2
(vi) Two or more than two thin lenses at some distance

Fig. 31.47
1 1 1 d
= + -
F f1 f 2 f1 f 2
or P = P1 + P2 - dP1 P2
Note In the above two equations if d = 0, then
1 1 1
= + and P = P1 + P2
F f1 f2
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 95

(vii) Image velocity

(a) Along the principal axis,
v I = m2 v 0
v I and v 0 are in the same direction.
(b) Perpendicular to principal axis,
v I = mv 0
If m is positive then v I and v 0 are in the same direction and if m is negative, then v I and v 0
are in opposite directions.
Note The above two formulae have been derived in the previous chapter of reflection. So, same method can
be applied here.

Important points in formulae

(i) On linear magnification m From the value of m, we can determine nature of image, type of
lens and an approximate position of object. Following table illustrates this point.
Table 31.2
Value of m Nature of image Type of lens Object position

-3 Inverted, real and magnified convex Between F1 and 2 F1

-1 Inverted, real and same size convex at 2 F1

1 Inverted, real and diminished convex Between 2 F1 and - ¥

+2 Erect, virtual and magnified convex Between O and F1

1 Erect, virtual and diminished concave Between O and - ¥

Note For real objects, real image is formed only by convex lens. But virtual image is formed by both types of
lenses. Their sizes are different. Magnified virtual image is formed by convex lens. Diminished virtual
image is formed by concave lens.
(ii) On lens maker’s formula
1 æ m2 öæ 1 1 ö
= çç - 1 ÷÷ çç - ÷÷ K (i)
f è m1 ø è R1 R 2 ø
æ 1 1 ö
= (m - 1) çç - ÷÷ in air K (ii)
è 1 R 2 ø

æ 1 1 ö
For a converging lens, R1 is positive and R 2 is negative. Therefore, çç – ÷÷ in Eq. (ii) comes
è R1 R 2 ø
out a positive quantity and if the lens is placed in air, ( m – 1) is also a positive quantity. Hence, the
focal length f of a converging lens turns out to be positive. For a diverging lens however, R1 is
negative and R 2 is positive and the focal length f becomes negative.
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Incident light R1 > 0

R2 < 0
C2 R2 C1

Incident light

C1 R1 C2

Fig. 31.48

æ Rö
Focal length of a mirror ç f M = ÷ depends only upon the radius of curvature R while that of a
è 2ø
lens [Eq. (i)] depends on m 1 , m 2 , R1 and R 2 . Thus, if a lens and a mirror are immersed in some
liquid, the focal length of lens would change while that of the mirror will remain unchanged.

Fig. 31.49 Air bubble in water diverges the parallel beam of light incident on it.

Suppose m 2 < m 1 in Eq. (i), i.e. refractive index of the medium (in which lens is placed) is more
æm ö
than the refractive index of the material of the lens, then çç 2 – 1 ÷÷ becomes a negative quantity,
è m1 ø
i.e. the lens changes its behaviour. A converging lens behaves as a diverging lens and vice-versa.
An air bubble in water seems as a convex lens but behaves as a concave (diverging) lens.
(iii) Power of lens By optical power of an instrument (whether it is a lens, mirror or a refractive
surface) we mean the ability of the instrument to deviate the path of rays passing through it. If the
instrument converges the rays parallel to the principal axis its power is said to be positive and if it
diverges the rays it is said a negative power.

f1 f2

Fig. 31.50
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 97

The shorter the focal length of a lens (or a mirror) the more it converges or diverges the light. As
shown in the figure,
f1 < f 2
and hence the power P1 > P2 , as bending of light in case 1 is more than that of case 2. For a lens,
P (in dioptre) =
f (in metre)
and for a mirror, P (in dioptre) =
f (in metre)
Following table gives the sign of P and f for different types of lens and mirror.
Table 31.3

Focal length Power

Nature of 1 1 Converging/
PL = , PM = – Ray diagram
lens/mirror (f ) diverging
f f

Convex lens + ve + ve converging

Concave mirror – ve + ve converging

Concave lens – ve – ve diverging

Convex mirror + ve – ve diverging

Thus, convex lens and concave mirror have positive power or they are converging in nature.
Concave lens and convex mirror have negative power or they are diverging in nature.
(iv) Based on two or more than two thin lenses in contact (or at some distance)
If the lenses are kept in contact, then after finding the equivalent focal length F from the equation
1 1 1
= +
F f1 f 2
We can directly apply the formula
1 1 1
- =
v u F
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1 1 1
for finding the image distance v, but we will have to apply lens formula, - = two times if
v u f
the lenses are kept at some distance.
Proofs of Different Formulae
(i) Consider an object O placed at a distance u from a convex lens as shown in figure. Let its image I
after two refractions from spherical surfaces of radii R1 (positive) and R 2 (negative) be formed at
a distance v from the lens. Let v1 be the distance of image formed by refraction from the
refracting surface of radius R1 . This image acts as an object for the second surface.
Incident light

R2 R1

O C2 C1 I
m1 m2 m1
u v
Fig. 31.51

m 2 m1 m 2 – m1
Using, – =
v u R
m 2 m1 m 2 – m1
We have, – = …(i)
v1 u R1
m1 m 2 m1 – m 2
and – = …(ii)
v v1 – R2
Adding Eqs. (i) and (ii) and then simplifying, we get
1 1 æ m2 öæ 1 1 ö
– = çç – 1 ÷÷ çç – ÷÷ …(iii)
v u è m1 ø è R1 R 2 ø
This expression relates the image distance v of the image formed by a thin lens to the object
distance u and to the thin lens properties (index of refraction and radii of curvature). It is valid
only for paraxial rays and only when the lens thickness is much less than R1 and R 2 . The focal
length f of a thin lens is the image distance that corresponds to an object at infinity. So, putting
u = ¥ and v = f in the above equation, we have
1 æ m2 öæ 1 1 ö
= çç – 1 ÷÷ çç – ÷÷ …(iv)
f è m1 ø è R1 R 2 ø
If the refractive index of the material of the lens is m and it is placed in air, m 2 = m and m 1 = 1 so
that Eq. (iv) becomes
1 æ 1 1 ö
= (m – 1) çç – ÷÷ …(v)
f è R1 R 2 ø
This is called the lens maker’s formula because it can be used to determine the values of R1 and
R 2 that are needed for a given refractive index and a desired focal length f.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 99

Combining Eqs. (iii) and (v), we get

1 1 1
– = …(vi)
v u f
Which is known as the lens formula.
(ii) Magnification The lateral, transverse or linear magnification m produced by a lens is
defined by
Height of image I
m= =
Height of object O


u v
Fig. 31.52

A real image II ¢ of an object OO¢ formed by a convex lens is shown in figure.

Height of image II ¢ v
= =
Height of object OO¢ u
Substituting v and u with proper sign,
II ¢ – I v
= =
OO¢ O – u
I v
or =m=
O u
Thus, m=
(iii) Focal length of two or more than two thin lenses in contact
Combinations of lenses in contact are used in many optical instruments to improve their
f1 f2


u v
Fig. 31.53
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Suppose two lenses of focal lengths f 1 and f 2 are kept in contact and a point object O is placed at
a distance u from the combination. The first image (say I 1 ) after refraction from the first lens is
formed at a distance v1 (whatever may be the sign of v1 ) from the combination. This image I 1 acts
as an object for the second lens and let v be the distance of the final image from the combination.
Applying the lens formula,
1 1 1
– =
v u f
1 1 1
For the two lenses, we have – = …(i)
v1 u f 1
1 1 1
and – = …(ii)
v v1 f 2
1 1 1 1 1
Adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have – = + = (say)
v u f1 f 2 F
Here, F is the equivalent focal length of the combination. Thus,
1 1 1
= +
F f1 f 2

Similarly for more than two lenses in contact, the equivalent focal length is given by the
1 1

F i =1 f i
Note Here, f1 , f2 etc., are to be substituted with sign.

Types of Problems in Lens

Type 1. Based on two or more than two thin lenses in contact

1 1 1
How to Solve Apply, = +
F f1 f 2
and P = P1 + P2

V Example 31.13 A convex lens of power 2 D and a concave lens of focal length
40 cm are kept in contact, find
(a) Power of combination (b) Equivalent focal length
Solution (a) Applying
P = P1 + P2 = Pconvex + Pconcave
1 é 1 ù
=2+ êP ( in D ) =
( -0.4 ) ë f ( in m ) úû
= 2 - 2.5 = - 0.5 D Ans.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 101

(b) F=
= = -2 m
- 0.5
= - 200 cm Ans.

Note F and P are negative so, the system behaves like a concave lens.

V Example 31.14 A converging lens of focal length 5.0 cm is placed in contact

with a diverging lens of focal length 10.0 cm. Find the combined focal length of
the system.
Solution Here, f1 = + 5.0 cm and f 2 = – 10.0 cm
Therefore, the combined focal length F is given by
1 1 1 1 1 1
= + = – =+
F f1 f 2 5.0 10.0 10.0
\ F = + 10.0cm Ans.
i.e. the combination behaves as a converging lens of focal length 10.0 cm.

Type 2. Based on lens maker’s formula

How to Solve
1 æ m2 öæ 1 1 ö 1 æ 1 1 ö
Apply, = çç - 1 ÷÷ çç - ÷÷ or = (m - 1) çç - ÷÷
f è m1 ø è R1 R 2 ø f è R1 R 2 ø
Note If initial two conditions are satisfied (thin lens and same medium on both sides,) then we can find focal
length of the lens (f or f2 ) from either side of the lens. Result comes out to be same.

V Example 31.15 m1 = 2 m1 = 2

m2 = 1.5

R = 40 cm
Fig. 31.54

Find focal length of the system shown in figure from left hand side.
Solution m 1 = 2, m 2 = 1.5, R1 = + 40 and R 2 = ¥
Using the equation
1 æm2 öæ 1 1 ö
= çç - 1÷÷ çç - ÷÷ , we have
f è m1 ø è R1 R 2 ø
R1 R2

Fig. 31.55
1 æ 1.5 ö æ 1 1ö
=ç - 1÷ çç - ÷÷ Þ f = - 160 cm
f è 2 øè + 40 ¥ ø
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Therefore, from left hand side it behaves like a concave lens of focal length 160 cm.


160 cm
Fig. 31.56

Exercise Find focal length of the above system from right hand side and prove that it is also
-160 cm.

V Example 31.16 Focal length of a convex lens in air is 10 cm. Find its focal
length in water. Given that m g = 3 /2 and m w = 4 /3.
1 æ 1 1 ö
Solution = (m g – 1) çç – ÷÷ …(i)
f air è R1 R 2 ø
1 æmg öæ 1 1 ö
and = çç – 1÷÷ çç – ÷÷ …(ii)
f water m
è w øè 1 R R 2 ø

Dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get

f water (m g – 1)
f air (m g / m w – 1)
Substituting the values, we have
( 3/ 2 – 1)
f water = f air
æ 3/ 2 ö
çç – 1÷÷
è 4/ 3 ø
= 4 f air = 4 ´ 10 = 40 cm Ans.
Note (i) Students can remember the result fwater = 4 fair , if m g = 3 / 2 and m w = 4 / 3.
(ii) In water focal length has become four times and power (power of bending of light) remains th. This is
because, difference in refractive index between glass and water has been decreased (compared to glass
and air). So, there will be less bending of light.

V Example 31.17 A biconvex lens (m = 1.5) has radius of curvature 20 cm ( both ).

Find its focal length.

R1 R2
Fig. 31.57
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 103

Solution R1 = + 20 cm, R 2 = - 20 cm, m = 1.5

Substituting the values in the equation
1 æ 1 1 ö
= (m - 1) çç - ÷÷, we have
f è R1 R 2 ø
1 æ 1 1 ö
= (1.5 - 1) ç - ÷
f è 20 -20 ø
or f = + 20 cm Ans.

Note If a biconvex or biconcave lens has refractive index m = 1.5, then

| R1 | = | R2 | = | f |

Type 3. To find image distance and its magnification corresponding to given object distance

How to Solve?
l Substitute signs of u and f. Sign of v automatically comes after applying the lens formula. Sign of u is
negative for real objects. Sign of f is positive for convex lens and negative for concave lens.

V Example 31.18 Find distance of image from a convex lens of focal length
20 cm if object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from the lens. Also find its
Solution u = - 30 cm, f = + 20 cm
Applying the lens formula
1 1 1
- =
v u f
We have,
1 1 1
- =
v - 30 + 20
Solving, we get
v = + 60 cm Ans.
v + 60
m= = = -2 Ans.
u - 30
m is - 2, it implies that image is real, inverted and two times magnified. The ray diagram is as
shown below.

O F1 F2

30 cm 60 cm
Fig. 31.58
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Type 4. To find object/image distance corresponding to given magnification of image and focal
length of lens

How to Solve?
l Substitute all three signs of u , v and f. Signs of u and f have been discussed in the above type. Sign of v is
positive for real image (see the above example) and it is negative for virtual image.
l m= Þ | v| = | m ´ u |

V Example 31.19 Find the distance of an object from a convex lens if image is
two times magnified. Focal length of the lens is 10 cm.
Solution Convex lens forms both types of images real as well as virtual. Since, nature of the
image is not mentioned in the question, we will have to consider both the cases.
When image is real Means v is positive and u is negative with | v | = 2 | u |. Thus, if
u = – x, then v = 2x and f = 10 cm
1 1 1
Substituting in – =
v u f
1 1 1 3 1
We have + = or =
2x x 10 2x 10
\ x = 15cm Ans.
x = 15 cm, means object lies between F and 2 F.
When image is virtual Means v and u both are negative. So let,
u = – y, then v = – 2 y and f = 10 cm
1 1 1
Substituting in, – =
v u f
1 1 1 1 1
We have, + = or =
–2 y y 10 2 y 10
\ y = 5 cm Ans.
y = 5cm, means object lies between F and O.

Type 5. To make some conditions

How to Solve?
l Initially, substitute sign of only f, then make equation of v. From this equation of v, find the asked condition.

V Example 31.20 Under what condition, a concave lens can make a real image.
Solution Substituting sign of f in the lens formula, we have
1 1 1 1 1 1
- = or = - K (i)
v u -f v u f
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 105

For real image v should be positive. Therefore, from Eq. (i) we can see that u should be positive
and less than f. Further, u is positive and less than f means a virtual object should lie between O
and F1 .
+ ve

O F1

Fig. 31.59

Important Result
Under normal conditions, a convex lens makes a real image. But the image is virtual (and magnified)
if a real object is placed between O and F1 . Opposite is the case with concave lens. Under normal
conditions it makes a virtual image (for all real objects). But the image is real if a virtual object is
placed between O and F1 .

Type 6. To find image nature, type of lens, its optical centre and focus for given principal axis, point
object and its point image.
V Example 31.21 An image I is formed of point object O by a lens whose optic
axis is AB as shown in figure.

Fig. 31.60
(a) State whether it is a convex lens or concave?
(b) Draw a ray diagram to locate the lens and its focus.
Solution (a) (i) Concave lens always forms an erect image. The given image I is on the other
side of the optic axis. Hence, the lens is convex.
(ii) Join O with I. Line OI cuts the optic axis AB at optical centre (P) of the lens. The dotted line
shows the position of lens.



Fig. 31.61

From point O, draw a line parallel to AB. Let it cuts the dotted line at M. Join M with I. Line
MI cuts the optic axis at focus (F) of the lens.
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Type 7. Two lens problems

How to Solve?
l We have to apply lens formula two times. The first image behaves like an object for the second lens.

V Example 31.22 Focal length of convex lens is 20 cm and of concave lens 40 cm.
Find the position of final image.

30 cm 40 cm

Fig. 31.62

Solution Using the lens formula for convex lens,

u = -30 cm, f = + 20 cm
1 1 1
\ - =
v - 30 + 20
Solving this equation, we get v = + 60cm. Therefore, the first image is 60 cm to the right of
convex lens or 20cm to the right of concave lens. Again applying lens formula for concave lens,
u = + 20 cm, f = - 40 cm, we have
1 1 1
- =
v + 20 - 40
v = + 40 cm
So, the final image I 2 is formed at 40 cm to the right of concave lens as shown below.

O 20 cm 20 cm
30 cm 40 cm I1 I2

Fig. 31.63

Type 8. Based on image velocity

How to Solve?
l Using the methods discussed in Type 3, first find v and then m. Now,
(i) Along the axis, v I = m 2 v 0
(ii) Perpendicular to axis, v I = mv 0
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 107

V Example 31.23 Focal length of the convex lens shown in figure is 20 cm. Find
the image position and image velocity.
5 mm/s


30 cm

Fig. 31.64

Solution For the given condition,

u = - 30 cm, f = + 20 cm
Using the lens formula, we have
1 1 1
- =
v - 30 + 20
Solving this equation, we get
v = + 60 cm and
v + 60
m= = = -2
u - 30
m2 = 4
Component of velocity of object along the axis = 5 cos 37° = 4 mm/s (towards the lens)
component of velocity of image along the axis = m2 ( 4 mm/s ) = 4 ´ 4 = 16 mm/s. This component
is away from the lens (in the same direction of object velocity component)
Component of velocity of object perpendicular to the axis = 5 sin 37° = 3 mm/s (upwards).
\ Component of velocity of image perpendicular to axis = m ( 3 mm/s ) or ( -2)( 3 mm/s)
= - 6 mm/s or this component is 6 mm/s downwards. These all points are shown in the figure
given below.
3 mm/s

16 mm/s
O 4 mm/s q
6 mm/s
30 cm 60 cm
Fig. 31.65

v I = (16) 2 + ( 6) 2
= 292 mm/s
6 3
tan q = =
16 8
or q = tan -1 ( 3/ 8)
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Type 9. An extended object kept perpendicular to principal axis

How to Solve?
l Using the methods discussed in Type 3, first find v and then m. Now, suppose m is -2 and object is 1 mm
above the principal axis, then image will be 2 mm below the principal axis.

V Example 31.24 Focal length of concave lens shown in figure is 60 cm. Find
image position and its magnification.

2 mm
1 mm

30 cm
Fig. 31.66

Solution For the given situation,

u = - 30 cm, f = - 60 cm
Using the lens formula, we have
1 1 1
- =
v - 30 - 60
Solving this equation, we get
v = - 20 cm
v - 20 2
Further, m = = = + . Point b is 2 mm above the principal axis. Therefore, its image b¢ will
u - 30 3
æ 2ö 4
be ( 2) ç ÷ or mm, above the principal axis.
è 3ø 3
æ 2ö
Similarly, point a is 1 mm below the principal axis. Therefore, its image a¢ will be (1) ç ÷ or
è 3ø
mm below the principal axis. The final image is as shown in Fig. 31.67

b b¢
c¢b¢ = mm
c¢ 3
a a¢ a¢c¢ = mm

20 cm
30 cm
Fig. 31.67
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 109

Type 10. To plot u versus v or 1 versus 1 graph

u v

1 1
In the previous chapter, we have seen that versus graph will be a straight line. Further for real
v u
objects, u is always negative. So, u varies from 0 to - ¥. Therefore, will vary from - ¥ to 0.
1 1
V Example 31.25 Plot u versus v and versus graph for convex lens (only for
u v
real objects)

–¥ +¥
2F F 0 F 2F

Fig. 31.68

Table 31.4
1 1
S.No. u v
u v
1. 0 to - f 0 to - ¥ 1 - ¥ to 0
- ¥ to -
2. - f to - 2 f + ¥ to + 2 f 1 1 1
- to - 0 to +
f 2f 2f
3. -2 f to - ¥ + 2 f to + f 1 1 1
- to 0 + to +
2f 2f f

u versus graph
v P = (- 2f, - 2f )
+ 2f


45° u
– 2f –f O

Fig. 31.69
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1 1
versus graph
u v




–1 –1 u
— —
1 f 2f

Fig. 31.70

Type 11. Problems of inclined lenses

V Example 31.26
P + ve


Fig. 31.71

O1 P is the principal axis and O is the point object. Given,

O1 P = 30 cm, f = 20 cm and OP = 2 mm. Find the image distance and its
Solution For the given situation,

O1Q = 60 cm
QI = 4 mm
Fig. 31.72

u = -30 cm
and f = + 20 cm
Using the lens formula, we have
1 1 1
- =
v - 30 + 20
Solving this equation, we get
v = + 60cm
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 111

v + 60
Further, m= = = -2
u - 30
Therefore, image is at a distance of + 60cm from the lens at a distance of (2 mm) (-2) or 4 mm
from the principal axis on other side of the object. The image is as shown above in Fig. 31.72.

Note Image will always lie on the line joining O and O1 . This is because the ray OO1 passes undeviated.

Type 12. To find focal length of an optical system for which either of the two conditions (thin lens
and same medium on both sides) is not satisfied

If focal length is asked then we have to find the second focal length f 2 . The definition of F2 is, if
object is at infinity ( u1 = ¥ ) then final image after two refractions will be at F2 ( v 2 = f 2 or f ). The use
of thin lens is v1 is exactly equal to u2 .

V Example 31.27 In the figure, light is incident on a thin lens as shown. The
radius of curvature for both the surfaces is R. Determine the focal length of this
system. (JEE 2003)

m1 m m3

Fig. 31.73
Solution For refraction at first surface,
m 2 m1 m 2 -m1
- = …(i)
v1 -¥ +R
For refraction at second surface,
m 3 m 2 m 3 -m 2
- = … (ii)
v2 v1 +R
m 3 m 3 -m1 m 3R
Adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get = or v2 =
v2 R m 3 -m1
m1 m2

Fig. 31.74
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Therefore, focal length of the given lens system is

m 3R
m 3 -m1

Note If we find the focal length of the above system from right hand side, then it will be different because
medium on both sides is not same.

Important Points in Lens Theory



Biconvex lens 2f 2f
f:P P/2 P/2
First Second
Fig. 31.75

In the first figure,

1 æ1 1 ö æ2ö
= (m - 1) ç - ÷ = (m - 1) ç ÷
f è R -R ø èRø
\ f =
2 (m - 1)
In the second figure,
1 æ1 1 ö
= (m - 1) ç - ÷
f¢ èR ¥ø
\ f¢=
m -1
or f ¢ =2f

f, P f, P

f, P f/2
Fig. 31.76

3. The system shown in Fig. 31.77 has single value of u but two different parts will have two focal
lengths. Therefore, we get two images I 1 and I 2 , horizontally separated from each other. The two
focal lengths are
1 æ 1 1 ö
= (m 1 - 1) çç - ÷÷
f1 è R1 R 2 ø
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 113

1 æ 1 1 ö
and = (m 2 - 1) çç - ÷÷
f2 R
è 1 R 2 ø
R1 R2 I1 I2

u v2
Fig. 31.77

4. This system shown in Fig. 31.78 has single values of u and f .

Therefore, we will get single value of v. Still, we will get two 1 f
images, vertically separated from each other. Let us take an O Q
example in support of this. M 2 f
If u = 30 cm, f is 20 cm, principal axis PQ of upper part 1 is 1 mm
above the object and principal axis MN of lower part 2 is 1 mm u
below the object O. Then, after applying lens formula, we get Fig. 31.78

v = + 60 cm and m = - 2
Now, O is 1 mm below PQ and m = - 2. Therefore, upper part will make I 1 , 2 mm above PQ.
Similarly, O is 1 mm above MN , therefore lower part will make I 2 , 2 mm below MN . Ray
diagram from the two parts is as shown in Fig. 31.79 below
d = 1 mm
F1 I1
2 mm
d O
F1 2 2 mm

20 cm
30 cm 60 cm
Fig. 31.79

5. If a liquid is filled between two thin convex glass lenses, then it is a group of three lenses as shown
in figure.
R2 R3

R1 R2 + + R3 R4

1 2 3
Fig. 31.80

1 1 1 1
\ = + +
F f1 f 2 f 3
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1 æ 1 1 ö
where, = (m g - 1) çç - ÷÷
f1 R
è 1 R 2 ø

1 æ 1 1 ö
= (m l - 1) çç - ÷÷ and
f2 è R2 R3 ø
1 ö
æ 1 1
= (m g - 1) çç÷÷ -
f3 è R3 R4
6. The system shown in figure behaves like a lens of zero power (or f = ¥). This is because

1 2 Glass
A 3 4

Fig. 31.81

R1 » R 2 and R 3 » R 4
Now if we find focal length or power of part A, then
1 æ 1 1 ö
or P = (m g - 1) çç - ÷÷ = 0
f è R1 R 2 ø
as R1 » R 2
Similarly, we can prove that power of other part is also zero.
7. Minimum distance between real object and its real image from a convex lens is 4 f .
Exercise Prove the above result.
8. Silvered lens A point object O is placed in front of a silvered lens as shown in figure.
R1 R2

m1 m2

Fig. 31.82

Ray of light is first refracted, then reflected and then again refracted. In first two steps, light is
travelling from left to right and in the last one direction of light is reversed. But we will take one
sign convention, i.e. left to right as positive and in the last step will take v, u and R as negative.
m 2 m1 m 2 – m1
– = …(i)
v1 u R1
1 1 1 2
+ = = …(ii)
v 2 v1 f mirror R 2
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 115

m1 m 2 m1 – m 2
– = …(iii)
– v – v2 – R1
Solving Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
1 1 2 (m 2 /m 1 ) 2 (m 2 / m 1 – 1)
+ = – …(iv)
v u R2 R1
This is the desired formula for finding position of image for the given situation.
Note The given system behaves as a mirror because the ray of light finally reflects in the same medium. Whose
focal length can be found by comparing Eq. (iv) with mirror formula 1/v + 1/u = 1/ f .
1 2 (m 2 /m 1 ) 2 (m 2 /m 1 – 1)
= – …(v)
f R2 R1
Let us take one example in support of this.

V Example 31.28 m = 1.5

20 cm R = 40 cm

Fig. 31.83
(a) Find focal length of the system as shown in figure.
(b) Find image position.
Solution (a) m 1 = 1, m 2 = 1.5, R1 = R = + 40 cm and R 2 = ¥
Using the formula,
1 2 (m 2 / m 1 ) 2 (m 2 / m 1 - 1)
= -
f R2 R1
2 (1.5) 2 (1.5 - 1)
= -
¥ 40
or f = - 40cm
Thus, the given system behaves like a concave mirror of focal length 40 cm.
(b) Using the mirror formula, we have
1 1 1
+ =
v u f
1 1 1
\ + =
v - 20 - 40
\ v = + 40 cm
Therefore, image will be formed at a distance of 40 cm to the right hand side of the given
9. Displacement method of finding focal length of a convex lens If the distance d between an
object and screen is greater than 4 times the focal length of a convex lens, then there are two
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positions of the lens between the object and the screen at which a sharp image of the object is
formed on the screen. This method is called displacement method and is used in laboratory to
determine the focal length of convex lens.
x Screen


u d–u
Fig. 31.84

To prove this, let us take an object placed at a distance u from a convex lens of focal length f. The
distance of image from the lens v = ( d – u). From the lens formula,
1 1 1
– =
v u f
1 1 1
We have, – =
d – u –u f
or u 2 – du + df = 0
d ± d (d – 4 f )
\ u=
Now, there are following possibilities:
(i) If d < 4 f , then u is imaginary.
So, physically no position of the lens is possible.
(ii) If d = 4 f , then u = = 2 f . So, only one position is possible. From here we can see that the
minimum distance between an object and its real image in case of a convex lens is 4 f.
(iii) If d > 4 f , there are two positions of lens at distances
d + d (d – 4 f ) d – d (d – 4 f )
2 2
for which real image is formed on the screen.
(iv) Suppose I 1 is the image length in one position of the object and I 2 the image length in second
position, then object length O is given by
O = I1 I 2
This can be proved as under
d + d (d – 4 f )
| u1 | =
d – d (d – 4 f )
\ | v1 | = d – | u1 | =
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 117

d – d (d – 4 f )
| u2 | =
d + d (d – 4 f )
\ | v 2 | = d – | u2 | =
I I |v | |v |
Now, | m1 m2 | = 1 ´ 2 = 1 ´ 2
O O | u1 | | u2 |
I1 I 2
Substituting the values, we get =1
or O = I1 I 2 Hence Proved.
(v) Focal length of the lens is given by
d2 - x2
f =
Proof In the figure, we can see that difference of two values of u is x. Thus,
| u1 | - | u2 | = x
é d + d (d - 4 f ) ù é d - d (d - 4 f ) ù
or ê ú-ê ú=x
êë 2 úû êë 2 úû
Solving this equation, we can find that
d2 - x2
f =

V Example 31.29 A thin plano-convex lens of focal length f is split into two
halves. One of the halves is shifted along the optical axis as shown in figure.
The separation between object and image planes is 1.8 m. The magnification of
the image formed by one of the half lens is 2. Find the focal length of the lens
and separation between the two halves. Draw the ray diagram for image
formation. (JEE 1996)

1.8 m
Fig. 31.85

Solution For both the halves, position of object and image is same. Only difference is of
magnification. Magnification for one of the halves is given as 2 ( > 1). This can be for the first
one, because for this, | v | > | u |. Therefore, magnification, | m | = | v / u | > 1.
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So, for the first half

| v/ u | = 2
or | v | = 2| u |
Let u =– x,
then v = + 2x
and | u | + | v| = 1.8 m
i.e. 3x = 1.8 m
or x = 0.6 m
Hence, u = – 0.6 m
and v = + 1.2 m
1 1 1 1 1 1
Using = – = – =
f v u 1.2 –0.6 0.4
\ f = 0.4 m Ans.
1 1 1
For the second half, = –
f 1.2 – d – ( 0.6 + d )
1 1 1
or = +
0.4 1.2 – d ( 0.6 + d )
Solving this, we get d = 0.6 m Ans.
Magnification for the second half will be
v 0.6 1
m2 = = =–
u – (1.2) 2
and magnification for the first half is
v 1.2
m1 = = =– 2
u – ( 0.6)
The ray diagram is as follows:


f = 0.4 m f = 0.4 m
1 B2
(A 1 , A 2 )

0.6 m 0.6 m 0.6 m

Fig. 31.86
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 119


1. When an object is placed 60 cm in front of a diverging lens, a virtual image is formed 20 cm from
the lens. The lens is made of a material of refractive index m = 165
. and its two spherical surfaces
have the same radius of curvature. What is the value of this radius?
2. A converging lens has a focal length of 30 cm. Rays from a 2.0 cm high filament that pass
through the lens form a virtual image at a distance of 50 cm from the lens. Where is the filament
located? What is the height of the image?
3. Show that the focal length of a thin lens is not changed when the lens is rotated so that the left
and the right surfaces are interchanged.
4. As an object is moved from the surface of a thin converging lens to a focal point, over what
range does the image distance vary?
5. A diverging lens is made of material with refractive index 1.3 and has identical concave surfaces
of radius 20 cm. The lens is immersed in a transparent medium with refractive index 1.8.
(a) What is now the focal length of the lens?
(b) What is the minimum distance that an immersed object must be from the lens so that a real
image is formed?
6. An object is located 20 cm to the left of a converging lens with f = 10 cm. A second identical lens
is placed to the right of the first lens and then moved until the image it produces is identical in
size and orientation to the object. What is the separation between the lenses?
7. Suppose an object has thickness du so that it extends from object distance u to u + du. Prove
æ v2ö
that the thickness dv of its image is given by çç – 2 ÷÷ du, so the longitudinal magnification
è u ø
dv 2
= – m , where m is the lateral magnification.
8. Two thin similar convex glass pieces are joined together front to front, with its rear portion
silvered such that a sharp image is formed 0.2 m for an object at infinity. When the air between
æ 4ö
the glass pieces is replaced by water çm = ÷ , find the position of image.
è 3ø
9. When a pin is moved along the principal axis of a small concave mirror, the
image position coincides with the object at a point 0.5 m from the mirror. If
the mirror is placed at a depth of 0.2 m in a transparent liquid, the same
phenomenon occurs when the pin is placed 0.4 m from the mirror. Find the 0.2m
refractive index of the liquid shown in Fig. 31.87.
10. When a lens is inserted between an object and a screen which are a fixed 0.2m
distance apart the size of the image is either 6 cm or cm. Find size of the
Fig. 31.87
11. A lens of focal length 12 cm forms an upright image three times the size of a real object. Find the
distance in cm between the object and image.
12. The distance between an object and its upright image is 20 cm. If the magnification is 0.5, what
is the focal length of the lens that is being used to form the image?
13. A thin lens of focal length + 10.0 cm lies on a horizontal plane mirror. How far above the lens
should an object be held if its image is to coincide with the object?
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31.7 Total Internal Reflection (TIR)

(i) When a ray of light strikes the boundary separating two different media, then part of it is
refracted and part is reflected.
(ii) If a ray of light is travelling from a denser to a rarer medium with angle of incidence greater than
a critical angle ( i > q C ), then no refraction takes place but ray of light is 100% reflected in the
same medium. This phenomenon is called TIR.
(iii) sin q C = R
Here, R stands for rarer medium and D for denser medium. If rarer medium is air, then
sin q C =
æm ö æ1ö
\ q C = sin -1 çç R ÷÷ or sin -1 çç ÷÷
è mD ø èm ø
(iv) If value of m increases, then critical angle q C decreases. Therefore, chances of TIR increase in
travelling from denser to rarer medium.
Rarer 90°
Denser i i i i
i i

i < qC i = qC i > qC
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 31.88

Applying Snell’s law of refraction in Fig. (b), we have

m R sin 90° = m D sin q C
or sin q C = R
æm ö
or q C = sin -1 çç R ÷÷
è mD ø
(vi) In critical case (Fig. b), angle in denser medium is q C and angle in rarer medium is 90°.
TIR has following applications
(i) Totally reflecting prisms Refractive index of crown glass is 3/2. Hence,
æ1ö æ2ö
q C = sin –1 çç ÷÷ = sin –1 ç ÷ » 42°
è ø è3ø
A ray OA incident normally on face PQ of a crown glass prism suffers TIR at face PR since, the
angle of incidence in the optically denser medium is 45°. A bright ray AB emerges at right angles
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 121

from face QR. The prism thus, reflects the ray through 90°. Light can be reflected through 180°
and an erect image can be obtained of an inverted one if the prism is arranged as shown in
figure (b).

(a) (b)
Fig. 31.89 Prism reflectors

(ii) Optical fibres Light can be confined within a bent glass rod by TIR and so ‘piped’ along a
twisted path as in figure. The beam is reflected from side to side practically without loss (except
for that due to absorption in the glass) and emerges only at the end of the rod where it strikes the
surface almost normally, i.e. at an angle less than the critical angle. A single, very thin, solid
glass fibre behaves in the same way and if several thousands are taped together a flexible light
pipe is obtained that can be used, for example in medicine and engineering to illuminate an
inaccessible spot. Optical fibres are now a days used to carry telephone, television and computer
signals from one place to the other.

Glass rod

Fig. 31.90 Principle of an optical fibre

æm ö
Note As we have seen qC = sin –1 çç R ÷÷
èm D ø

Suppose we have two sets of media 1 and 2 and

æmR ö æm ö
çç ÷÷ < çç R ÷÷
èm D ø1 èm D ø2
then ( qC ) 1 < ( qC ) 2
So, a ray of light has more chances to have TIR in case 1.

Examples of TIR

V Example 31.30 An isotropic point source is placed at a depth h below the

water surface. A floating opaque disc is placed on the surface of water so that
the source is not visible from the surface. What is the minimum radius of the
disc? Take refractive index of water = m .
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i > qC

Fig. 31.91

As shown in figure light from the source will not emerge out of water if
i > qC .
Therefore, minimum radius R corresponds to i = qC m 1
sin qC = m
R qC
= tan qC Öm2 – 1
Fig. 31.92
\ R = h tan qC
or R= Ans.
m –1

Note Only that portion of light refracts in air which falls on the circle (on the surface of water) with A as centre
and AB as radius.

V Example 31.31 A point source of light is placed at a distance h below the

surface of a large and deep lake. Show that the fraction f of light that escapes
directly from water surface is independent of h and is given by
[ 1 – 1 – 1/m 2 ]
f =
Solution Due to TIR, light will be reflected back into the C
water if i > qC . So, only that portion of incident light will A D B
escape which passes through the cone of angle q = 2 qC . h qC qC q
So, the fraction of light escaping
area ACB 2pR 2 (1 – cos qC ) 1 – cos qC
f= = =
Total area of sphere 4pR 2 2
Now, as f depends on qC and which depends only on m, it is Fig. 31.93
independent of h. Proved.
m2 – 1 1 – 1 – 1/m 2
Further cos qC = = 1 – 1/ m 2 Þ f= Ans.
m 2

Note Area of ACB = 2 pR 2 ( 1 - cos qC ) can be obtained by integration. In the above example, we have seen that
light falling on the circle with centre at D and radius DB will only refract in air and in the absence of
water surface only that light would fall on surface ACB of sphere.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 123

V Example 31.32 In the figure shown, m 1 > m 2 . Find minimum value of i so that
TIR never takes place at P.
Q a

Fig. 31.94

Solution Let us take b = qC . Then, a = 90° - b or a = 90° - qC

m m
Here, sin qC = R = 2
m D m1
æm ö
\ qC = sin -1 çç 2 ÷
è m1 ø
Applying Snell’s law at point Q,
m 2 sin i = m 1 sin a = m 1 sin ( 90° - qC )
æm ö
= m 1 cos qC = m 1 cos sin -1 çç 2 ÷÷
è m1 ø
ém æm öù
\ i = sin -1 ê 1 cos sin -1 çç 2 ÷ú
÷ Ans.
ëm 2 è m1 øû
Now, we can see that starting from this value of i, we get b = qC .
If i is increased from this value, then a will also increase (becomes > 90° - qC ) and b decreases
from qC ( becomes < qC ) and no TIR takes place at P.
So far no TIR condition i has to be increased from the above value. Or this is the minimum value
of i.

V Example 31.33 Monochromatic light is Medium I

( m1 )
incident on a plane interface AB between two
D Medium III E
media of refractive indices m 1 and m 2 (m 2 > m 1 )
at an angle of incidence q as shown in the G F
figure. Medium II
q (m2)
The angle q is infinitesimally greater than the
critical angle for the two media so that total
internal reflection takes place. Now if a
transparent slab DEFG of uniform thickness
and of refractive index m 3 is introduced on the Fig. 31.95
interface (as shown in the figure), show that for
any value of m 3 all light will ultimately be reflected back again into medium II.
Consider separately the cases. (1986, 6M)
(a) m 3 < m 1 (b) m 3 > m 1
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æm ö
Solution Given, q is slightly greater than sin -1 çç 1 ÷.
èm2 ø
(a) When m 3 < m 1
i.e. m 3 <m1 <m 2
m 3 m1 æm ö æm ö
or < or sin -1 çç 3 ÷÷ < sin -1 çç 1 ÷
m2 m2 èm2 ø èm2 ø
Hence, critical angle for III and II will be less than the critical angle for II and I. So, if TIR
is taking place between I and II, then TIR will definitely take place between I and III.
(b) When m 3 > m 1 Two cases may arise :
Case 1 m1 <m 3 <m 2
In this case, there will be no TIR between II and III
but TIR will take place between III and I. I
This is because III
i i
Ray of light first enters from II to III. i.e. from
denser to rarer. q i>q
\ i>q
Applying Snell’s law at P,
Fig. 31.96
æm ö
m 2 sin q = m 3 sin i or sin i = çç 2 ÷ sin q
èm3 ø
Since, sin q is slightly greater than 1 .
m 2 m1 m1
\ sin i is slightly greater than ´ or
m3 m2 m3
but is nothing but sin ( qC ) I , III
\ sin (i) is slightly greater than sin ( qC ) I, III
or TIR will now take place on I and III and the ray of light will be reflected back.
Case 2 m 1 < m 2 < m 3
This time while moving from II to III, ray of light will
bend towards normal. Again applying Snell's law at P,
m 2 sin q = m 3 sin i III i

m A II P i< B
sin i = 2 sin q
Since, sin q is slightly greater than .
m2 Fig. 31.97
m 2 m1 m
Therefore, sin i will be slightly greater than ´ or 1
m3 m2 m3
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 125

But, is sin ( qC ) I, III
i.e. sin i > sin ( qC ) I, III
or i > ( qC ) I, III
Therefore, TIR will again take place between I and III and the ray of light will be reflected back.
Note Two cases of m 3 > m 1 can be explained by one single equation. But two cases are deliberately taken for
better understanding of refraction, Snell’s law and total internal reflection (TIR).

V Example 31.34 A right angled prism is to be made by selecting a proper

material and the angles A and B (B £ A), as shown in figure. It is desired that a
ray of light incident on the face AB emerges parallel to the incident direction
after two internal reflections.


Fig. 31.98
(a) What should be the minimum refractive index n for this to be possible? (JEE 1987)
(b) For n = 5 / 3 is it possible to achieve this with the angle B equal to 30 degrees?
Solution (a) At P, angle of incidence i A = A and at Q, angle of incidence i B = B

Fig. 31.99

If TIR satisfies for the smaller angle of incidence than for larger angle of incidence is
automatically satisfied.
\ iB £ i A
Maximum value of B can be 45°. Therefore, if condition of TIR is satisfied for 45°, then
condition of TIR will be satisfied for all value of i A and i B .
Thus, 45° ³ qC or sin 45° ³ sin qC
1 1
or ³ or m ³ 2
2 m
\ Minimum value of m is 2.
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5 1 æ 3ö
(b) For m = , sin qC = = sin -1 ç ÷ » 37°
3 m è 5ø
If B = 30° , then i B = 30° and A = 60° or i A = 60°, i A > qC but i B < qC
i.e. TIR will take place at A but not at B.


1. Light is incident normally on the short face of a 30°
30° – 60° – 90° prism. A liquid is poured on the hypotenuse
of the prism. If the refractive index of the prism is 3, find
the maximum refractive index of the liquid so that light is
totally reflected.
Fig. 31.100
2. If the speed of light in ice is 2.3 ´ 108 m /s, what is its index
of refraction? What is the critical angle of incidence for light going from ice to air?
3. In figure, light refracts from material 1 into a thin layer of material
2, crosses that layer, and then is incident at the critical angle on m3 =1.30
the interface between materials 2 and 3.
(a) What is the angle q? m2 =1.80
(b) If q is decreased, is there refraction of light into material 3? m1 =1.60

Fig. 31.101

31.8 Refraction Through Prism

A prism has two plane surfaces AB and AC inclined to each other as shown in figure. Ð A is called the
angle of prism or refracting angle of prism.

M i2
i1 r1 r2 N

Fig. 31.102

General Formulae
(i) In quadrilateral AMPN, Ð AMP + Ð ANP = 180°
\ A + Ð MPN = 180° …(i)
In triangle MNP, r1 + r2 + Ð MPN = 180° …(ii)
From Eqs. (ii) and (iii), we have r1 + r2 = A …(iii)
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 127

(ii) Deviation Deviation d means angle between incident ray and emergent ray.

i r i

r d
ray Refracted ray
(a) (b) ray
Fig. 31.103

In reflection,
d = 180° – 2i = 180° – 2r
In refraction,
d = | i – r|
In prism, a ray of light gets refracted twice one at M and other at N. At M its deviation is i1 – r1 and
at N it is i2 – r2 . These two deviations are added as both are clockwise. So, the net deviation is
d = ( i1 – r1 ) + ( i2 – r2 ) = ( i1 + i2 ) – ( r1 + r2 ) = ( i1 + i2 ) – A
Thus, d = ( i1 + i2 ) – A …(iv)
(iii) If A and i 1 are small The expression for the deviation in this case is basically used for
developing the lens theory. Consider a ray falling almost normally in air on a prism of small
sin i1
angle A (less than about 6° or 0.1 radian) so that angle i1 is small. Now, m = or
sin r1
sin i1 = m sin r1 , therefore, r1 will also be small. Since, sine of a small angle is nearly equal to the
angle in radians, we have
i1 » mr1
sin i2
Also, A = r1 + r2 and so if A and r1 are small then r2 and i2 will also be small. From m = , we
sin r2
can say i2 » mr2
Substituting these values in Eq. (iv), we have
d = (mr1 + mr2 ) – A
= m ( r1 + r2 ) – A = m A – A
or d = (m – 1) A …(v)
This expression shows that all rays entering a small angle prism at small angles of incidence
suffer the same deviation.
(iv) Minimum deviation It is found that the angle of deviation d varies with the angle of incidence
i1 of the ray incident on the first refracting face of the prism. The variation is shown in figure and
for one angle of incidence it has a minimum value d min . At this value, the ray passes
symmetrically through the prism (a fact that can be proved theoretically as well as be shown
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experimentally), i.e. the angle of emergence of the ray from the second face equals the angle of
incidence of the ray on the first face.


i1 = i2 i1
r1 = r2
Fig. 31.104

i2 = i1 = i …(vi)
It therefore, follows that
r1 = r2 = r …(vii)
From Eqs. (iii) and (vii), we get r=
Further at d = d m = ( i + i) – A
A +dm
or i= …(viii)
sin i
\ m=
sin r
æ A +dm ö
sin ç ÷
è 2 ø
or m= …(ix)
(v) Condition of no emergence In this section, we want to find the condition such that a ray of
light entering the face AB does not come out of the face AC for any value of angle i1 , i.e. TIR
takes place on AC
r1 + r2 = A
\ r2 = A – r1
or ( r2 ) min = A – ( r1 ) max …(x)
Now, r1 will be maximum when i1 is maximum and maximum value of i1 can be 90°.
sin( i1 ) max sin 90°
Hence, m= =
sin(r1 ) max sin (r1 ) max
\ sin ( r1 ) max = = sin q C
\ ( r1 ) max = q C
\ From Eq. (x), ( r2 ) min = A – q C …(xi)
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 129

Now, if minimum value of r2 is greater than q C then obviously all values of r2 will be greater than
q C and TIR will take place under all conditions. Thus, the condition of no emergence is
( r2 ) min > q C or A – q C > q C
or A > 2q C …(xii)
(vi) Dispersion and deviation of light by a prism White light is a superposition of waves with
wavelengths extending throughout the visible spectrum. The speed of light in vacuum is the
same for all wavelengths, but the speed in a material substance is different for different
wavelengths. Therefore, the index of refraction of a material depends on wavelength. In most
materials, the value of refractive index m decreases with increasing wavelength.

Red (660 nm)

White Violet (410 nm)
Fig. 31.105

If a beam of white light, which contains all colours, is sent through the prism, it is separated into a
spectrum of colours. The spreading of light into its colour components is called dispersion.

Dispersive Power
When a beam of white light is passed through a prism of transparent material, light of different
wavelengths are deviated by different amounts. If d r , d y and d v are the deviations for red, yellow and
violet components then average deviation is measured by d y as yellow light falls in between red and
violet. d v – d r is called angular dispersion. The dispersive power of a material is defined as the
ratio of angular dispersion to the average deviation when a white beam of light is passed through it. It
is denoted by w. As we know
d = (m – 1) A

dr dy dv

Fig. 31.106

This equation is valid when A and i are small. Suppose, a beam of white light is passed through such a
prism, the deviation of red, yellow and violet light are
d r = (m r – 1) A, d y = (m y – 1) A
and d v = (m v – 1) A
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The angular dispersion is d v – d r = (m v – m r ) A and the average deviation is d y = (m y – 1) A. Thus,

the dispersive power of the medium is
m – mr
w= v …(i)
m y –1

Dispersion without Average Deviation and Average Deviation without Dispersion

Figure shows two prisms of refracting angles A and A¢ and
A w¢
dispersive powers wand w¢ respectively. They are placed in contact d1
in such a way that the two refracting angles are reversed with
respect to each other. A ray of light passes through the w d2

combination as shown. The deviations produced by the two prisms
are Fig. 31.107
d 1 = (m – 1) A and d 2 = (m¢ – 1) A¢
As the two deviations are opposite to each other, the net deviation is
d = d 1 – d 2 = (m – 1) A – (m¢ – 1) A¢ …(ii)
Using this equation, the average deviation produced by the combination if white light is passed is
d y = (m y – 1) A – (m ¢y – 1) A¢ …(iii)
and the net angular dispersion is
d v – d r = (m v – m r ) A – (m¢v – m¢ r ) A¢
But, as m v – m r = w(m y – 1) from Eq. (i), we have
d v – d r = (m y – 1) wA – (m¢ y – 1) w¢ A¢ …(iv)
Dispersion without average deviation From Eq. (iii),
d y = 0 if
A m¢ y – 1
= …(v)
A¢ m y – 1
This is the required condition of dispersion without average deviation. Using this in Eq. (iv), the net
angular dispersion produced is
d v – d r = (m y – 1) A (w – w¢ )
Average deviation without dispersion
From Eq. (iv),
d v – d r = 0 if
A (m¢ y – 1) w¢ m¢ v – m¢ r
= = …(vi)
A¢ (m y – 1) w m v – m r
This is the required condition of average deviation without dispersion. Using the above condition in
Eq. (iii), the net average deviation is
æ wö
d y = (m y – 1) A ç 1 – ÷
è w¢ ø
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 131

Important Points in Prism

1. Equation r1 + r2 = A can be applied at any of the three vertices. For example in the figure shown,
r1 + r2 = B .



Fig. 31.108
2. Sometimes a part of a prism is given as shown in Fig. 31.109 (a). To solve such problems, first
complete the prism then solve as the problems of prism are solved.

60° 70° 60° 70°

(a) (b)
Fig. 31.109

3. For isosceles or equilateral triangle ( ÐB = ÐC ), ray of light is parallel A

to base of the prism at minimum deviation condition. N
Under minimum deviation condition, we know that r1 = r2 Þ a = b. r1 r2
a b
Because, a = 90° + r1 and b = 90° + r2 .
Further, it is given that ÐB = ÐC. Therefore, MN is parallel to BC. Fig. 31.110
4. In some cases, when deviation at M is clockwise and deviation at N is
anti-clockwise, then
r1 - r2 = A

r1r2 N

Fig. 31.111
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This condition is normally obtained with thin angle prisms as shown above:
At M, deviation is clockwise and at N deviation is anti-clockwise. In triangle AMN ,
A + (90° - r1 ) + (90° + r2 ) = 180°
\ r1 - r2 = A
5. In the ray diagram shown in Fig. 31.112, we can treat it like a prism ABC of ÐA = 90°

Fig. 31.112
6. Different identical equilateral triangles are arranged as shown in Fig. 31.113. Deviation by
prism(s) in each case will be same, if angle of incidence is same.

Fig. 31.113

Examples of Prism
V Example 31.35 One face of a prism with a refractive angle of 30° is coated
with silver. A ray of light incident on another face at an angle of 45° is refracted
and reflected from the silver coated face and retraces its path. What is the
refractive index of the prism?

Fig. 31.114

Given, A = 30°, i1 = 45° and r2 = 0

Since, r1 + r2 = A
\ r1 = A = 30°
Now, refractive index of the prism,
sin i1 sin 45°
m= = = 2 = 2 Ans.
sin r1 sin 30° 1
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 133

V Example 31.36 In the shown figure, mirror is rotated by an angle q. Find q if


Fig. 31.115
(a) ray of light retraces its path after reflection from M
(b) ray of light MP turns in the direction of MN.
Solution In this case, A and i1 are small. Therefore,
deviation by prism can be obtained by
d = (m - 1) A = (1.5 - 1) ( 2°) = 1° 1°
Hence, the prism will deviate the ray of light by 1° from its
original path as shown in Fig. 31.116.
(a) In the absence of prism, ray of light was falling normal

to the mirror. So, ray of light was already retracing its N 1° M
path. Prism has rotated the ray by 1° in clockwise
direction. So if we rotate the mirror also by 1° in P
clockwise direction, then ray of light will further fall Fig. 31.116
normal to the mirror and it again retraces its path. Therefore, the correct answer is
q = 1° , clockwise Ans.
(b) If we rotate a plane mirror by q in clockwise direction, then reflected ray also rotates in
clockwise direction by an angle 2 q.
Here, we have to rotate reflected ray MP by 1° in clockwise direction to make it in the
direction of MN. Therefore, we will have to rotate the mirror by 0.5° in clockwise direction.
Therefore, the correct answer is
q = 0.5° , clockwise Ans.

V Example 31.37 General method of finding deviation by prism.

A = 75°

45° r2
m= 2
Fig. 31.117
In the ray diagram shown in figure, find total deviation by prism.
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Solution Deviation by a prism is given by

d = ( i1 + i 2 ) - A K(i)
Here, i1 = 45° and A = 75°
Therefore, the main objective is to find i 2 and this angle i 2 can be obtained under following three
(i) Applying Snell’s law at point M, we have
sin i1 sin 45°
m= or 2=
sin r1 sin r1
Solving this equation, we get r1 = 30°
(ii) r1 + r2 = A
\ 30° + r2 = 75°
\ r2 = 45°
(iii) Further applying Snell’s law at N,
sin i 2 sin i 2
m= Þ 2=
sin r2 sin 45°
Solving this equation, we get i 2 = 90°
Now, substituting the values in Eq. (i), we have
d = 45° + 90° - 75°
= 60° Ans.

V Example 31.38 Based on the condition of no A

emergence from face AC
In the shown figure,
A = 110° , B = 20° , C = 50° , i1 = 45° and m = 2
Find the total deviation by prism.
æ 1ö æ 1 ö
Solution qC = sin -1 çç ÷÷ = sin -1 ç ÷ = 45° Fig. 31.118
è ø è 2ø
Here, A > 2 qC A
Therefore, TIR will take place at AC and the ray of light 45°
M 10° N 10°
30° 30°
emerges from the prism as shown in figure. 20°
80° 50°
sin i B C
Applying, m = at M and Q, we can find the respective 45°
sin r
Fig. 31.119
angles as shown in figure.
Now, deviation at M is clockwise, deviation at N is clockwise but deviation at Q is
\ d Total = d M + d N - d Q
= ( 45°- 30° ) + (180°- 2 ´ 80° ) - ( 45°- 30°)
= 20° Ans.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 135


1. The prism shown in figure has a refractive index of 1.60 and the angles A are 30°. Two light rays
P and Q are parallel as they enter the prism. What is the angle between them after they
emerge? [sin–1 (0.8) = 53° ]



Fig. 31.120
2. A glass vessel in the shape of a triangular prism is filled with x
water, and light is incident normally on the face xy. If the refractive
indices for water and glass are 4/3 and 3/2 respectively, total q
internal reflection will occur at the glass-air surface xz only for sin Glass
q greater than
A 1/2 B 2/3
C 3/4 D 8/9 Water
y z
E 16/27.
3. A light ray going through a prism with the angle of prism 60°, is Fig. 31.121
found to deviate at least by 30°. What is the range of the refractive
index of the prism?
4. A ray of light falls normally on a refracting face of a prism. Find the angle of prism if the ray just
fails to emerge from the prism (m = 3/2).
5. A ray of light is incident at an angle of 60° on one face of a prism which has an angle of 30°. The
ray emerging out of the prism makes an angle of 30° with the incident ray. Show that the
emergent ray is perpendicular to the face through which it emerges and calculate the refractive
index of the material of prism.
6. A ray of light passing through a prism having refractive index 2 suffers minimum deviation. It is
found that the angle of incidence is double the angle of refraction within the prism. What is the
angle of prism?
7. A ray of light undergoes deviation of 30° when incident on an equilateral prism of refractive
index 2. What is the angle subtended by the ray inside the prism with the base of the prism?
8. Light is incident at an angle i on one planar end of a
transparent cylindrical rod of refractive index m. Find the
least value of m so that the light entering the rod does not i
emerge from the curved surface of the rod irrespective of the
value of i. Fig. 31.122

9. The refractive index of the material of a prism of refracting angle 45° is 1.6 for a certain
monochromatic ray. What will be the minimum angle of incidence of this ray on the prism so that
no TIR takes place as the ray comes out of the prism.
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31.9 Deviation
1. In reflection In reflection, the deviation is given by

i i

Fig. 31.123

d = 180° - 2 i
Therefore, d versus i graph is a straight line. The range of i is from 0° to 90°.
i = 0°
At i = 0°, d = 180°
At i = 90°, d = 0°
d versus i graph is as shown below: 90°
i = 90°
d Fig. 31.124


O° 90°
Fig. 31.125

2. Two plane mirrors at 90°, deviate all rays by 180° from their original path.

Fig. 31.126

3. In refraction Deviation in refraction is given by

d =i-r (where, i > r )


Fig. 31.127

Note (i) To plot d versus i graph, first we will have to convert r into i with the help of Snell’s law, otherwise there
are three variables in the equation,
d=i - r
(ii) In general, deviation in reflection is more than the deviation in refraction.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 137

4. Deviation by a sphere after two refractions is

d = 2 (i - r )
This can be proved as under :
i r r i

Fig. 31.128

Therefore, both angles inside the sphere are same ( = r ). Hence, angles outside the sphere will also
be same ( = i). Deviation at M as well as N is clockwise.
\ d = d M + d N = ( i - r ) + ( i - r ) or d = 2 ( i - r )
5. Deviation by a prism
d = ( i1 + i2 ) - A
If A and i1 are small, then
d » (m - 1) A

V Example 31.39 Theory r

m= 2
i i

Fig. 31.129
In the figure, i is increased from 0° to 90°. But ray of light is travelling from denser
to rarer medium. Therefore, TIR will take place when i > q C , where
æ1ö æ 1 ö
q C = sin -1 çç ÷÷ = sin -1 çç ÷÷ = 45°
èm ø è 2ø
From 0° - 45°, refraction and reflection both will take place. After 45°, only
reflection will take place.
Question Plot d versus i graph between incident ray and refracted ray, for i £ 45°
and with reflected ray for i ³ 45°.
Solution For i £ 45°
d = d Refraction = r - i (as r > i )
Applying Snell’s law, we have
sin r sin r
m= or 2=
sin i sin i
\ r = sin -1 ( 2 sin i )
Substituting this value of r in the equation, we have
d = sin -1 ( 2 sin i ) - i K (i)
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Now, variables are only two d and i but this is not a known equation. So,
we can find some of the coordinates from where graph must pass. i = 0°
d = 0°
At i = 0° , d = 0°
At i = 45° = qC , d = 45°
d = 45°
For i ³ 45° 45°
d = d Reflection
Fig. 31.130
\ d = 180° - 2 i
Now, d versus i graph is a straight line. d

At i = 45° , d = 90° 90°

At i = 90° , d = 0°
Now, d versus i graph is as shown in Fig. 31.131: 45°

Note At i = 45 ° = qC ef ra
dRefraction = 45 ° 0° 45° 90°
but dReflection = 90 ° Fig. 31.131
This is because deviation in reflection is more than deviation in refraction.

31.10 Optical Instruments

Optical instruments are used to assist the eye in viewing an object. Our eye lens has a power to adjust
its focal length to see the nearer objects. This process of adjusting focal length is called
accommodation. However, if the object is brought too close to the eye, the focal length cannot be
adjusted to form the image on the retina. Thus, there is a minimum distance for the clear vision of an
object. This distance is called least distance of distinct vision (+D). For normal eye this distance is
generally taken to be 25 cm.


Fig. 31.132

Visual angle The size of an object as sensed by us is related to the size of the image formed on
the retina.
The size of the image on the retina is roughly proportional to the angle subtended by the object on the
eye. This angle is known as the visual angle. Optical instruments are used to increase this angle
artificially in order to improve the clarity.
Magnifying power ( M ) Magnifying power is the factor by which the image on the retina can be
enlarged by using the microscope or telescope. For a microscope and for a telescope the definition of
M is slightly different.
Visual angle formed by final image
For a microscope, M=
Visual angle formed by the object when kept at distance D
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 139

Visual angle formed by final image

For a telescope, M=
Visual angle subtended by the object directly when seen from naked eye
æ vö
Note that M is different from linear magnification m ç = ± ÷ which is the ratio of height of image to
è uø
that of object while M is the ratio of apparent increase in size of image seen by the eye. Unit of M is X,
thus we write an angular magnification of 10 as 10X .
Simple microscope To view an object with naked eyes, the object must be placed between D and
infinity. The maximum angle is subtended when it is placed at D.

Fig. 31.133
Say this angle is q o . Then, q o =

h q

Fig. 31.134

This angle can be further increased if a converging lens of short focal length is placed just in front of
the eye. The lens used for this purpose is called simple microscope or a magnifier.
The object is placed at a distance uo from the lens (between pole and focus of lens). The virtual
magnified image is formed as shown. This image subtends a visual angle say q on the eye. Then,

From the definition of magnifying power for a microscope,

q h/ uo
M= =
qo h/ D
\ M=
For relaxed eye The final image should be at infinity. Thus, uo = f
\ M¥ =
This is also called magnifying power for normal adjustment.
We can see that M ¥ >1 if f < D.
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Magnifying power when final image is at D In the above case, we saw that M is equal . The
magnification can be made large by choosing the focal length f small.
The magnifying power can be increased in an another way by moving the object still closer to the
1 1 1
lens. Suppose, the final virtual image is formed at a distance D. Then, from the equation – = ,
v u f
we have
1 1 1
+ =
–D uo f
1 1 1
or = +
uo D f
Substituting this value in the equation, M = , we have
MD = 1+
Note (i) That MD > M¥ , i.e. when final image is formed at 25 cm, angular magnification is increased but eye is
most strained. On the other hand when final image is at infinity, angular magnification is slightly less
but eye is relaxed. So, the choice is yours whether you want to see bigger size with strained eye or smaller
size with relaxed eye.
(ii) That M can be increased by decreasing f, but due to several other aberrations the image becomes too
defective at large magnification with a simple microscope. Roughly speaking a magnification upto 4 is
trouble free.
Compound Microscope Figure shows a simplified version of a compound microscope. It consists
of two converging lenses arranged coaxially. The one facing the object is called objective and the one
close to eye is called eyepiece. The objective has a smaller aperture and smaller focal length than
those of the eyepiece.
The separation between the objective and the eyepiece (called the length of the microscope L) can be
varied by appropriate screws fixed on the panel of microscope.
vo ue Eyepiece
uo fo

h F
h' q


Fig. 31.135

The object is placed beyond first focus of objective, so that an inverted and real image (intermediate
image) is formed by the objective. This intermediate image acts as an object for the eyepiece and lies
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 141

between first focus and pole of eye piece. The final magnified virtual image is formed by the
eyepiece. Let q be the angle subtended by the final image on the eye, then,

Here, h¢ is the height of the first image and ue is its distance from the eyepiece.
Further qo =
\ Magnifying power of the compound microscope will be
q h¢ D æ h¢ ö æ D ö
M= = ´ = ç ÷ç ÷
q o ue h è h ø çè ue ÷ø

Here, is the linear magnification by the objective. Thus,
h¢ v
= | m0 | = 0
h u0
v0 æD ö
\ M= çç ÷÷
u0 è ue ø
Length of the microscope will be
L = v 0 + ue
For relaxed eye For relaxed eye final image should be at infinity. Or,
v D
ue = f e \ M ¥ = 0
u0 f e
and L¥ = v 0 + f e
Final image at D When the final image (by eyepiece) is formed at D. Then, by the formula
1 1 1
– = we have
v u f
1 1 1
+ =
–D ue f e
1 1 1
\ = +
ue D f e
Df e
or ue =
D + fe

v0 æ D ö
Thus, MD = çç 1 + ÷
u0 è f e ÷ø
Df e
and LD = v 0 +
D + fe
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142 — Optics and Modern Physics

Telescopes A microscope is used to view the objects placed closed to it. To look at distant objects
such as a star, a planet or a distant tree etc., we use telescopes. There are three types of telescopes
in use.
(i) Astronomical telescope,
(ii) Terrestrial telescope and
(iii) Galilean telescope.
(i) Astronomical telescope Figure shows the construction and working of an astronomical
fo ue

P' E
P P" a Oa b


Fig. 31.136

It consists of two converging lenses placed coaxially. The one facing the distant object is called the
objective and has a large aperture and large focal length. The other is called the eyepiece, as the eye is
placed closed to it. The eyepiece tube can slide within the objective tube, so that the separation
between the objective and the eyepiece may be varied.
Magnifying power Although a telescope can also be used to view the objects of few kilometers
away but the magnifying power calculated below is for the case when object is at infinity. Rays
coming from the object in that case will be almost parallel.
The image formed by objective will be at its second focus. This image called the intermediate image
will act as the object for eyepiece. This usually lies between pole and first focus of eyepiece. So that
eyepiece forms a virtual and magnified image of it.
| a | = angle subtended by object on objective (or you can say at eye)
P ¢ Q¢
| b| = angle subtended by final image at eyepiece (or at eye)
P ¢ Q¢
From the definition of magnifying power (for telescope),
|b| fo f
M= = or M= o
| a | ue ue

and length of telescope,

L = f o + ue
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 143

For relaxed eye For relaxed eye, intermediate image should lie at first focus of eyepiece or
ue = f e
\ M¥ = and L¥ = f o + f e
1 1 1
Final image at D When the final image is at D, then using the formula – = for eyepiece we
v u f
1 1 1
+ =
–D ue f e
1 1 1
\ = +
ue D f e
Df e
or ue =
D + fe
fo æ f ö
Therefore, MD = ç1 + e ÷
fe è D ø
Df e
and LD = f o +
D + fe

(ii) Terrestrial telescope In an astronomical telescope, the final image is inverted with respect to the
object. To remove this difficulty, a convex lens of focal length f is included between the objective and the
eyepiece in such a way that the focal plane of the objective is a distance 2f away from this lens.
The role of the intermediate lens L is only to invert the image. The magnification produced by it is – 1.
The formula of M does not change at all. They remain as it is, as were derived for astronomical
telescope. The length of telescope will however increase by 4f. Here, you should note that we are
talking only about magnitude of M. Thus,
fo 2f 2f
P' b
P a P" P"

L0 L
Fig. 31.137

fo fo æ f ö
M¥ = and MD = ç1 + e ÷
fe fe è D ø
Df e
L¥ = f o + 4 f + f e and LD = f o + 4 f +
D + fe
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144 — Optics and Modern Physics

(iii) Galilean telescope Figure shows a simple model of Galilean telescope. A convergent lens is
used as the objective and a divergent lens as the eyepiece. The objective lens forms a real and inverted
image P ¢ Q¢ but the divergent lens comes in between. This intermediate image acts as virtual object
for eyepiece. Final image P ¢¢Q ¢¢ is erect and magnified as shown in figure. The intermediate image is
formed at second focus of objective.

a P" b E P'
P O a b


Fig. 31.138

Magnifying power From the figure, we can see that

P ¢ Q¢ P ¢ Q¢
|a | = and | b | =
fO ue
From the definition of magnifying power for telescope,
| b | fO
M= =
| a | ue

and length of the telescope, L = f O – ue

For relaxed eye For relaxed eye intermediate image should lie at first focus of eyepiece. Or,
ue = f e
Hence, M¥ = and L¥ = f o – f e

Final image at D For the final image to be at a distance D from the eyepiece, we have from the
1 1 1
formula – =
v u f
1 1 1 1 1 1
– = Þ = –
– D ue – f e ue f e D
Df e
or ue =
D – fe
fo æ f ö
Thus, MD = ç1 – e ÷
fe è D ø
and LD = f o –
D – fe
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 145

Note (i) In all above formulae of M, we are considering only the magnitude of M.
(ii) For telescopes, formulae have been derived when the object is at infinity. For the object at some finite
distance different formulae will have to be derived.
(iii) Given below are formulae derived above of M and L in tabular form.
Table 31.5
Name of optical
M L µ µ

Simple microscope D — D
D — —
uo f f

Compound microscope vo D vo + ue vo D vo æ Dö vo + fe vo +
çç 1 + ÷÷
uo ue uo fe uo f D + fe
è e ø

Astronomical telescope fo fo + ue fo fo æ fe ö fo + fe fo +
ç1 + ÷
ue fe fe è Dø D + fe

Terrestrial telescope — do — fo + 4f + ue — do — — do — fo + 4f + fe fo + 4f +
D + fe

Galilean telescope fo fo – ue fo fo æ fe ö fo – fe fo –
fe D
ç1 – ÷
ue fe fe è Dø D – fe

Resolving Power of a Microscope and a Telescope

Microscope The resolving power of a microscope is defined as the reciprocal of the distance between
two objects which can be just resolved when seen through the microscope. It depends on the wavelengthl
of the light, the refractive index m of the medium between the object and the objective and the angle q
subtended by a radius of the objective on one of the objects.
1 2 m sin q
R= =
Dd l
To increase R, objective and object are immersed in oil.
Telescope The resolving power of a telescope is defined as the reciprocal of the angular separation
between two distant objects which are just resolved by a telescope.
It is given by
1 a
R= =
Dq 1.22 l
Here, a is the diameter of the objective. That is why, telescopes with larger objective aperture are

V Example 31.40 An astronomical telescope has an angular magnification of

magnitude 5 for distant objects. The separation between the objective and
eyepiece is 36 cm and the final image is formed at infinity. Determine the focal
length of objective and eyepiece.
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146 — Optics and Modern Physics

Solution For final image at infinity,

M¥ = and L¥ = f o + f e
\ 5= …(i)
and 36 = f o + f e …(ii)
Solving these two equations, we have
f o = 30 cm and f e = 6 cm Ans.

V Example 31.41 A telescope has an objective of focal length 50 cm and an

eyepiece of focal length 5 cm. The least distance of distinct vision is 25 cm. The
telescope is focused for distinct vision on a scale 2 m away from the objective.
Calculate (a) magnification produced and (b) separation between objective and
Solution Given, f o = 50 cm and f e = 5 cm
Note Here, object is placed at finite distance from the objective. Hence, formulae derived for angular
magnification M cannot be applied directly as they have been derived for the object to be at infinity.
Here, it will be difficult to find angular magnification. So, only linear magnification can be obtained.
1 1 1
For objective – =
v o –200 50
\ vo = cm
v o ( 200/ 3) 1
mo = = =–
uo – 200 3
1 1 1
For eyepiece – =
–25 u e 5
\ ue = – cm
ve –25
and me = = =6
u e – ( 25/ 6)
(a) Magnification, m = mo ´ me = – 2 Ans.
(b) Separation between objective and eyepiece,
200 25 425
L = vo + | u e | = + =
3 6 6
= 70.83 cm Ans.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 147

Final Touch Points

Fermat’s principle :
1. A ray of light follows that path in reaching from one point to another point along which it takes the
shortest time. Let us take an example.
In figure, P is a point in air and Q a point in a medium of refractive index m.

Air M S
Medium r

In air, speed of light is c and in the medium speed of light is v = c m. Suppose that, the ray of light
follows a path PSQ where S is at a distance x from M. Then, time taken by the ray of light in reaching
from P to Q is
t= + = + or t = +
c v c (c m ) c c
To make the time minimum one has to differentiate it with respect to x and find the point S when t is a
minimum. From differentiation (we are skipping here) we find that t is minimum when,
sin i
sin r
This is nothing but the Snell’s law.
2. Lateral shift We have already discussed that ray MA is parallel to ray BN. But the emergent ray is
displaced laterally by a distance d, which depends on m, t and i and its value is given by the relation,
æ cos i ö
d = t ç1 – ÷ sin i
ç m – sin i ÷ø
2 2

m N

r B
A r i–

AC t
Proof AB = = (as AC = t )
cos r cos r
Now, d = AB sin (i – r )
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148 — Optics and Modern Physics

= [sin i cos r – cos i sin r ]
cos r
or d = t [sin i – cos i tan r ] …(i)
sin i sin i
Further, m = or sin r =
sin r m
sin i
\ tan r =
m 2 - sin2 i
é cos i ù
Substituting in Eq. (i), we get d = ê1 – ú t sin i Hence Proved.
2 2
êë m – sin i úû
æ m – 1ö
EXERCISE Show that for small angles of incidence, d = ti ç ÷.
è m ø
3. In case of spherical mirrors if object distance x1 and image distance x 2 are measured from focus
instead of pole, u = (f + x1) and v = (f + x 2 ) the mirror formula,
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ = reduces to, + =
v u f f + x 2 f + x1 f
which on simplification gives, x1x 2 = f 2
This formula is called Newton’s formula.
This formula applies to a lens also, but in that case x1 is the object distance from first focus and x 2 the
image distance from second focus.
4. Eye is most sensitive to yellow-green light ( l = 5550 Å ).
5. Frequency of visible light is of the order of1015 Hz.
6. Colour of light is determined by its frequency and not the wavelength. During refraction of light
frequency and colour of light do not change.
7. Twinkling of stars Due to fluctuations in refractive index of atmosphere the refraction of light
(reaching to our eye from the star) becomes irregular and the light sometimes reaches the eye and
sometimes it does not. This gives rise to twinkling of stars.
8. Oval shape of sun in the morning and evening In the morning or evening, the sun is at the horizon.
The refractive index decreases with height. Light reaching earth’s atmosphere from different parts of
vertical diameter of the sun enters at different heights in earth’s atmosphere and so travels in media of
different refractive indices at the same instant and hence, bends unequally. Due to this unequal
bending of light from vertical diameter, the image of the sun gets distorted and it appears oval and
larger. However, at noon when the sun is overhead, then due to normal incidence there will be no
bending and the sun will appear circular.
9. The sparkling of diamond is due to total internal reflection inside it.
10. Mirage Mirage in deserts is caused by total internal reflection.

i > qC O


(A) Mirage
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 149

Due to heating of the earth, the refractive index of air near the surface of earth becomes lesser than
above it. Light from distant objects reaches the surface of earth with i > qC . So that total internal
reflection will take place and we see the image of an object along with the object as seen in figure,
creating an illusion of water near the object.
11. Duration of sun’s visibility In the absence of atmosphere, the sun will be visible for its positions from
M to E as shown in figure. However, in presence of atmosphere, due to total internal reflection, the
sun will become visible even when it is below the horizon.
E Horizon M
(Evening) O (Morning)

12. Looming It is also due to total internal reflection. This phenomenon is observed in cold deserts and
is opposite to that of mirage.

Sky I

i > qC

13. Scattering of light If the molecules of a medium after absorbing incoming radiations (light) emit
them in all possible directions, the process is called scattering. In scattering if the wavelength of
radiation remains unchanged the scattering is called elastic otherwise inelastic.
Rayleigh has shown, theoretically that in case of elastic scattering of light by molecules, the intensity
of scattered light depends on both nature of molecules and wavelength of light. According to him,
Intensity of scattered light µ 4
Raman effect was based on inelastic scattering. For this C.V. Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize in
Scattering helps us in understanding the following:
Why sky is Blue When white light from the sun enters the earth’s atmosphere, scattering takes
place. As scattering is proportional to , blue is scattered most. When we look at the sky we receive
scattered light which is rich in blue and hence, the sky appears blue.
Why sun appears red during sunset and sunrise In the morning and evening when sun is at the
horizon, due to oblique incidence, light reaches earth after traversing maximum path in the
atmosphere and so suffers maximum scattering. Now, as scattering µ 4 , shorter wavelengths are
scattered most leaving the longer one. As red light has longest wavelength in the visible region, it is
scattered least. This is why sun appears red in the morning and evening. The same reason is why red
light is used for danger signals.
14. Defects of images Actual image formed by an optical system is usually imperfect. The defects of
images are called aberrations. The defect may be due to light or optical system. If the defect is due to
light, it is called chromatic aberration, and if due to optical system, monochromatic aberration.
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150 — Optics and Modern Physics

(a) Chromatic aberration The image of an object formed by a lens is usually coloured and blurred.
This defect of image is called chromatic aberration. This defect arises due to the fact that focal
length of a lens is different for different colours. For a lens,


fV fR

1 æ1 1 ö
= (m – 1) çç – ÷÷
f R
è 1 R 2ø

As m is maximum for violet while minimum for red, violet is focused nearest to the lens while red
farthest from it.
The difference between fR and fV is a measure of longitudinal chromatic aberration. Thus,
LCA = fR – fV
Condition of achromatism To get achromatism, we use a pair of two lenses in contact. For two
thin lenses in contact we have,
w1 w2
\ + =0
f1 f2

This is the condition of achromatism. From the condition of achromatism, following conclusions
can be drawn:
(i) As w1 and w2 are positive quantities, f1 and f2 should have opposite signs, i.e. if one lens is
convex, the other must be concave.
(ii) If w1 = w2, means both the lenses are of same material. Then,
1 1 1
+ = 0 or = 0 or F = ¥
f1 f2 F
Thus, the combination behaves as a plane glass plate. So, we can conclude that both the
lenses should be of different materials or w1 ¹ w2
(iii) Dispersive power of crown glass ( wC ) is less than that of flint glass ( wF ).
(iv) If we want the combination to behave as a convergent lens, then convex lens should have
lesser focal length or its dispersive power should be more. Thus, convex lens should be made
of flint glass and concave lens of crown. Thus, combination is converging if convex is made of
flint glass and concave of crown. Similarly, for the combination to behave as diverging lens,
convex is made of crown glass and concave of flint glass.
(b) Monochromatic aberration This is the defect in image due to optical system. Monochromatic
aberration is of many types such as, spherical, coma, distortion, curvature and astigmatism.
Here, we shall limit ourselves to spherical aberration only.
Spherical aberration Spherical aberration arises due to spherical nature of lens (or mirror).

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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 151

The paraxial rays (close to optic axis) get focused at IP and marginal rays (away from the optic
axis) are focused at IM . Thus, image of a point object O is not a point.
The inability of the lens to form a point image of an axial point object is called spherical aberration.
Spherical aberration can never be eliminated but can be minimised by the following methods:
(i) By using stops By using stops either paraxial or marginal rays are cut-off.


(A) (B)

(ii) Using two thin lenses separated by a distance Two thin lenses separated by a distance
d = f2 – f1 has the minimum spherical aberration.
(iii) Using parabolic mirrors If spherical mirror is replaced by parabolic mirror, spherical
aberration is minimised.


(A) Spherical mirror (B) Parabolic mirror


(iv) Using lens of large focal length It has been found that spherical aberration varies inversely
as the cube of the focal length. So, if f is large, spherical aberration will be reduced.
(v) Using plano-convex lens In case of plano-convex lens, spherical aberration is minimised, if
its curved surface faces the incident or emergent ray whichever is more parallel.


(A) Telescope (B) Microscope

This is why in telescope, the curved surface faces the object while in microscope curved surface
is towards the image.
(vi) Using crossed lens For a single lens with object at infinity, spherical aberration is found to be
minimum when R1 and R 2 have the following ratio,
R1 2 m 2 – m – 4
R2 m ( 2 m + 1)
A lens which satisfies this condition is called a crossed lens.
Defects of vision Regarding eye, the following points are worthnoting:
(a) The human eye is most sensitive to yellow-green light ( l = 5550 Å ).
(b) The persistance of vision is sec, i.e. if time interval between two consecutive light pulses is
less than 0.1 sec, eye cannot distinguish them separately.
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152 — Optics and Modern Physics

(c) By the eyelens, real, inverted and diminished image is formed on retina.
(d) While testing your eye through reading chart if doctor finds it to 6/12, it implies that you can
read a letter from 6 m which the normal eye can read from 12 m. Thus, 6/6 means normal eye
The common defects of vision are as follows:
(i) Myopia or short-sightedness Distant objects are not clearly visible in this defect. The image of
distant object is formed before the retina.

(A) Defected eye (B) Corrected eye

The defect can be remedied by using a concave lens.

(ii) Hyperopia or far-sightedness The near objects are not clearly visible. Image of near object is
formed behind the retina.


(A) Defected eye (B) Corrected eye

This defect is remedied by using a convex lens.

(iii) Presbyopia In it both near and far objects are not clearly visible. This is remedied either by
using two separate lenses or by using single spectacle having bifocal lenses.
(iv) Astigmatism In this defect, eye cannot see objects in two orthogonal (perpendicular) directions
clearly simultaneously. This defect is remedied by using cylindrical lens.
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Solved Examples
V Example 1 A spherical convex surface separates object and image space of
refractive index 1.0 and . If radius of curvature of the surface is 10 cm, find its
Solution Let us see where does the parallel rays converge (or diverge) on the principal axis.
m 2 m1 m 2 – m1
Let us call it the focus and the corresponding length the focal length f. Using – =
v u R
with proper values and signs, we have
4 /3 1.0 4 /3 – 1.0
– = or f = 40 cm = 0.4 m
f ¥ + 10
40 cm

m1 m2

Since, the rays are converging, its power should be positive. Hence,
+1 1
P (in dioptre) = =
f (metre) 0.4
or P = 2.5 dioptre Ans.

V Example 2 A ray of light is incident at an angle of 60° on the face of a prism

having refracting angle 30°. The ray emerging out of the prism makes an angle
30° with the incident ray. Show that the emergent ray is perpendicular to the face
through which it emerges.
Solution Given, i1 = 60°, A = 30° and d = 30°.
From the relation, d = (i1 + i 2) – A
we have, i2 = 0
This means that the emergent ray is perpendicular to the face through which it emerges. Ans.

V Example 3 The angle of minimum deviation for a glass prism with m = 3

equals the refracting angle of the prism. What is the angle of the prism?
Solution Given, A = dm
æ A + dm ö
sin ç ÷
Using, m = è 2 ø
æ Aö
sin ç ÷
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154 — Optics and Modern Physics

æ A + Aö
sin ç ÷
We have, 3= è 2 ø
æ Aö
sin ç ÷
2 sin × cos
sin A 2 2
or 3= =
æ Aö æ Aö
sin ç ÷ sin ç ÷
è2ø è2ø
A 3
\ cos =
2 2
\ = 30°
or A = 60° Ans.

V Example 4 The distance between two point sources of light is 24 cm. Find out
where would you place a converging lens of focal length 9 cm, so that the images
of both the sources are formed at the same point.
1 1 1
Solution For S1 : – =
v1 – x 9

f = 9 cm

S1 S2

x 24 - x

1 1 1
\ = – …(i)
v1 9 x
1 1 1
For S2 : – =
v2 – (24 – x) 9
1 1 1
\ = – …(ii)
v2 9 24 – x
Since, sign convention for S1 and S 2 are just opposite. Hence,
v1 = – v2
1 1
or =–
v1 v2
1 1 1 1
\ – = –
9 x 24 – x 9
Solving this equation we get, x = 6 cm. Therefore, the lens should be kept at a distance of 6 cm
from either of the object. Ans.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 155

V Example 5 A source of light is located at double focal length from a convergent

lens. The focal length of the lens is f = 30 cm. At what distance from the lens
should a flat mirror be placed, so that the rays reflected from the mirror are
parallel after passing through the lens for the second time?
Solution Object is at a distance of 2 f = 60 cm from the lens. Image I1 formed by lens,
should be at a distance 60 cm from the lens. Now I 2, the image formed by plane mirror should
lie at focus or at a distance of 30 cm from the lens. Hence, the mirror should be placed at
distance 45 cm from the lens as shown in figure.
f = 30 cm

O I2

15 cm 15 cm
60 cm 30 cm

V Example 6 Two equi-convex lenses of focal lengths 30 cm and 70 cm, made of

material of refractive index = 1.5, are held in contact coaxially by a rubber band
round their edges. A liquid of refractive index 1.3 is introduced in the space
between the lenses filling it completely. Find the position of the image of a
luminous point object placed on the axis of the combination lens at a distance of
90 cm from it.
Solution | R1 | = | R2| = f1 = 30 cm (As m = 1.5)
Similarly, | R3 | = | R4 | = f2 = 70 cm
The focal length of the liquid lens (in air).
1 2 3 4
1 æ 1 1 ö
= (m – 1) çç – ÷
f3 R
è 2 R 3ø

æ 1 1 ö
= (1.3 – 1) çç – ÷
è – 30 + 70 ø
Further, equivalent focal length of the combination,
1 1 1 1
= + +
F f1 f2 f3
1 1 1 1
= + – =
30 70 70 30
1 1 1
Using the lens formula – = , we have
v u F
1 1 1
– =
v –90 30
\ v = + 45 cm
Thus, image will be formed at a distance of 45 cm from the combination.
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156 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 7 Two thin converging lenses are placed on a common axis, so that the
centre of one of them coincides with the focus of the other. An object is placed at a
distance twice the focal length from the left hand lens. Where will its image be?
What is the lateral magnification? The focal of each lens is f.
Solution f f


2f f f

The image formed by first lens will be at a distance 2 f with lateral magnification m1 = – 1. For
1 1 1
the second lens this image will behave as a virtual object. Using the lens formula, – = we
v u f
1 1 1 f
– = Þ v=
v f f 2
v ( f /2) 1
m2 = 2 = =
u2 f 2
Therefore, final image is formed at a distance from the second lens with total lateral
æ1ö 1
m = m1 ´ m2 = (– 1) ´ ç ÷ = – Ans.
è2ø 2

V Example 8 The refracting angle of a glass prism is 30°. A ray is incident onto
one of the faces perpendicular to it. Find the angle d between the incident ray and
the ray that leaves the prism. The refractive index of glass is m = 1.5.
Solution Given, A = 30°, m = 1.5 and i1 = 0°
Since, i1 = 0°, therefore, r1 is also equal to 0°.
Further, since, r1 + r2 = A
\ r2 = A = 30°
sin i 2
Using, m =
sin r2
sin i 2
We have, 1.5 =
sin 30°
or sin i 2 = 1.5 sin 30°
= 1.5 ´ = 0.75
\ i 2 = sin –1 (0.75) = 48.6°
Now, the deviation, d = (i1 + i 2) – A
= (0 + 48.6) – 30
or d = 18.6° Ans.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 157

V Example 9 A biconvex thin lens is prepared from glass of refractive index 3 /2.
The two bounding surfaces have equal radii of 25 cm each. One of the surfaces is
silvered from outside to make it reflecting. Where should an object be placed
before this lens so that the image coincides with the object.
Solution Equivalent focal length of this system which behaves like a mirror is given +ve
1 2 ( m 2 / m 1 ) 2 ( m 2 / m 1 - 1)
= -
f R2 R1
Here, R1 = + 25 cm, R2 = – 25 cm, m 1 = 1
and m 2 = 3 /2
Image coincides with object, hence, u = v = – x (say)
Substituting in mirror formula, we have
1 1 2(3 /2) 2(3 /2 – 1)
– = –
–x x –25 25
2 3 1 4
or = + =
x 25 25 25
\ x = 12.5 cm Ans.
Hence, the object should be placed at a distance 12.5 cm in front of the silvered lens.

V Example 10 An object is 5.0 m to the left of a flat screen. A converging lens for
which the focal length is f = 0.8 m is placed between object and screen.
(a) Show that two lens positions exist that form images on the screen and determine how
far these positions are from the object?
(b) How do the two images differ from each other?
Solution (a) Using the lens formula,
f = 0.8 m


u 5.0 – u

1 1 1
– =
v u f
1 1 1 1 1
We have, – = or + = 1.25
5.0 - u – u 0.8 5–u u
\ u + 5 – u = 1.25 u (5 – u ) or 1.25 u 2 – 6.25 u + 5 = 0
6.25 ± 39.0625 – 25
\ u=
or u = 4 m and 1 m Ans.
Both the values are real, which means there exist two positions of lens that form images of
object on the screen.
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158 — Optics and Modern Physics

(b) m =
(5.0 – 4.0)
\ m1 = = – 0.25
(– 4.0)
(5.0 – 1.0)
and m2 = = – 4.00
Hence, both the images are real and inverted, the first has magnification – 0.25 and the
second – 4.00. Ans.

V Example 11 An object is midway between the lens and the mirror as shown.
The mirror’s radius of curvature is 20.0 cm and the lens has a focal length of
– 16.7 cm. Considering only the rays that leaves the object and travels first toward
the mirror, locate the final image formed by this system. Is this image real or
virtual? Is it upright or inverted? What is the overall magnification?

25.0 cm

Solution Image formed by mirror Using mirror formula

1 1 1 2 æ Rö
+ = = ç as f = ÷
v u f R è 2ø
1 1 2
We have, + =
v1 –12.5 –20
\ v1 = – 50 cm
v (–50)
m1 = – =– =–4
u (–12.5)
i.e. image formed by the mirror is at a distance of 50 cm from the mirror to the left of it. It is
inverted and four times larger.
Image formed by lens Image formed by mirror acts as an object for lens. It is at a distance
of 25.0 cm to the left of lens. Using the lens formula,
1 1 1
– =
v u f
1 1 1
We have, – =
v2 25 –16.7
\ v2 = – 50.3 cm
v –50.3
and m2 = = = – 2.012
u 25
overall magnification is
m = m1 ´ m2 = 8.048
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 159

Thus, the final image is at a distance 25.3 cm to the right of the mirror, virtual, upright
enlarged and 8.048 times. Positions of the two images are shown in figure.
25.0 cm

A A¢¢

B¢ 12.5 cm 12.5 cm 25.3 cm

V Example 12 An object is placed 12 cm to the left of a diverging lens of focal

length – 6.0 cm. A converging lens with a focal length of 12.0 cm is placed at a
distance d to the right of the diverging lens. Find the distance d that corresponds
to a final image at infinity.
Solution f = – 6.0 cm f = 12 cm

12.0 cm d

1 1 1
Applying lens formula – = twice we have,
v u f
1 1 1
– = …(i)
v1 –12 –6
1 1 1
– = …(ii)
¥ v1 – d 12
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have
v1 = – 4 cm and d = 8 cm Ans.

V Example 13 A solid glass sphere with radius R and an index of refraction 1.5 is
silvered over one hemisphere. A small object is located on the axis of the sphere at
a distance 2R to the left of the vertex of the unsilvered hemisphere. Find the
position of final image after all refractions and reflections have taken place.
Solution The ray of light first gets refracted then
reflected and then again refracted. For first refraction and
then reflection the ray of light travels from left to right
while for the last refraction it travels from right to left.
Hence, the sign convention will change accordingly. O
m 2 m1 m 2 – m1 R
First refraction Using – = with proper
v u R
sign conventions, we have 2R
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160 — Optics and Modern Physics

1.5 1.0 1.5 – 1.0

– =
v1 –2 R +R
\ v1 = ¥
1 1 1 2
Second reflection Using + = = with proper sign conventions, we have
v u f R
1 1 2
+ =–
v2 ¥ R
\ v2 = –
m 2 m1 m 2 – m1
Third refraction Again using – = with reversed sign convention, we have
v u R


1.5 R R/2

1.0 1.5 1.0 – 1.5

– = or v3 = – 2R
v3 –1.5R –R
i.e. final image is formed on the vertex of the silvered face.

V Example 14 A converging lens forms a five fold magnified image of an object.

The screen is moved towards the object by a distance d = 0.5 m, and the lens is
shifted so that the image has the same size as the object. Find the power of lens
and the initial distance between the object and the screen.
Solution In the first case image is five times magnified. Hence,|v| = 5|u|. In the second case,
image and object are of equal size. Hence,|v| = |u|. From the two figures,

x 5x

d = 0.5 m

y y
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 161

6x = 2 y + d or 6x – 2 y = 0.5 …(i)
Using the lens formula for both the cases,
1 1 1 6 1
– = or = …(ii)
5x – x f 5x f
1 1 1 2 1
– = or = …(iii)
y –y f y f
Solving these three equations, we get
x = 0.1875 m and f = 0.15625 m
Therefore, initial distance between the object and the screen = 6x = 1.125 m Ans.
Power of the lens, P=
= = 6.4 D Ans.

V Example 15 Surfaces of a thin equi-convex glass lens have radius of curvature

R. Paraxial rays are incident on it. If the final image is formed after n internal
reflections, calculate distance of this image from pole of the lens. Refractive index
of glass is m.
Solution The rays will first get refracted, then n-times reflected and finally again refracted.
m 2 m1 m 2 – m1
So, using – = for first refraction, we have
v u R

m 1 m –1 æ m ö
– = Þ vi = çç ÷R
vi ¥ R èm – 1ø
1 1 1 2
For first reflection, let us use + = =
v u f R
1 æ m – 1 ö –2 1 æ 3m – 1 ö
\ +ç ÷= or =–ç ÷
v1 è mR ø R v1 è mR ø
1 3m – 1 –2 1 æ 5m – 1 ö
For second reflection, + = or =–ç ÷
v2 mR R v2 è mR ø
1 é (2n + 1) m – 1 ù
Similarly, after n th reflection, =–ê ú
vn ë mR û
m 2 m1 m 2 – m1
Finally, using – = , we have
v u R
1 ì (2n + 1) m – 1 ü 1 – m
–í ý=
vf î R þ –R
or vf = Ans.
2 (mn + m – 1)
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Note In different books refractive index has been represented by the symbol n and m. So, in our book we have
used both symbols at different places.

Assertion and Reason

Directions : Choose the correct option.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
(d) If Assertion is false but the Reason is true.
1. Assertion : There is a glass slab between Ram and Anoop. Then, Ram appears nearer to
Anoop as compared to the actual distance between them.
Reason : Ray of light starting from Ram will undergo two times refraction before reaching
2. Assertion : Minimum distance between object and its real image by a convex lens is 4f.
Reason : If object distance from a convex lens is 2f, then its image distance is also 2f.
3. Assertion : In case of single refraction by a plane surface image and object are on same side.
Reason : If object is real, image will be virtual and vice-versa.
4. Assertion : Ray of light passing through optical centre of a lens goes undeviated.
Reason : Ray falls normal at optical centre and in normal incidence, there is no deviation of
5. Assertion : In displacement method of finding focal length of a convex lens its magnification
in one position of lens is +2, then magnification in another position of lens should be - .
Reason : This method can't be applied for a concave lens.
6. Assertion : If object is placed at infinity, then a virtual image will be formed at first focus of a
concave lens.
Reason : First focal length of a concave lens is positive.
7. Assertion : Minimum deviation by an equilateral prism of refractive index 2 is 30°.
æ A + dm ö
sin ç ÷
Reason : It is from the relation, m = è 2 ø
æ Aö
sin ç ÷
è 2ø
8. Assertion : A convex lens and a concave lens are kept in contact. They will behave as a
diverging lens if focal length of convex lens is more.
Reason : Power of a concave lens is always less than the power of a convex lens, as power of
concave lens is negative whereas power of convex lens is positive.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 163

9. Assertion : Image of an object is of same size by a convex lens . If a glass slab is placed
between object and lens, image will become magnified.
Reason : By inserting the slab, image may be real or virtual.
10. Assertion : In the figure shown|R1|>|R2|. Two point objects O1 and O2 are kept at same
distance from the lens. Image distance of O1 from the lens will be more compared to the image
distance of O2.

O1 O2

R1 R2

Reason : If medium on two sides of the lens is different, we cannot apply lens formulae
11. Assertion : White light is incident on face AB of an isosceles right angled prism as shown.
Colours, for which refractive index of material of prism is more than 1.414, will be able to
emerge from the face AC.


Reason : Total internal reflection cannot take place for the light travelling from a rarer
medium to a denser medium.
12. Assertion : Image formed by concave lens is not always virtual.
Reason : Image formed by a lens is real if the image is formed in the direction of ray of light
with respect to the lens.
13. Assertion : Although the surfaces of goggle lens are curved, it does not have any power.
Reason : In case of goggles, both the curved surfaces have equal radii of curvature and have
centre of curvature on the same side.

Objective Questions
1. An endoscope is employed by a physician to view the internal parts of body organ. It is based on
the principle of
(a) refraction (b) reflection
(c) total internal reflection (d) dispersion
2. Refractive index m is given as m = A + , where A and B are constants and l is wavelength, then
dimensions of B are same as that of
(a) wavelength (b) volume
(c) pressure (d) area
3. A plane glass slab is placed over various coloured letters. The letter which appears to be raised
the least is
(a) violet (b) yellow (c) red (d) green
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164 — Optics and Modern Physics

4. Critical angle of light passing from glass to air is least for

(a) red (b) green
(c) yellow (d) violet
5. The power in dioptre of an equi-convex lens with radii of curvature of 10 cm and refractive
index 1.6 is
(a) +12 (b) +18
(c) +1.2 (d) +1.8
6. The refractive index of water is 4/3. The speed of light in water is
(a) 1.50 ´108 m/s (b) 1.78 ´108 m/s
(c) 2.25 ´108 m/s (d) 2.67 ´108 m/s
7. White light is incident from under water on the water-air interface. If the angle of incidence is
slowly increased from zero, the emergent beam coming out into the air will turn from
(a) white to violet (b) white to red
(c) white to black (d) None of these
8. When light enters from air to water, then its
(a) frequency increases and speed decreases
(b) frequency is same, but the wavelength is smaller in water than in air
(c) frequency is same but the wavelength in water is greater than in air
(d) frequency decreases and wavelength is smaller in water than in air
sin i
9. In the figure shown is equal to
sin r
m1 m2 m3


m 22 m3 m3 m1 m1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
m3 m1 m1 m 22 m3

10. In figure, the reflected ray B makes an angle 90° with the ray C. If i , r1 and r2 are the angles of
incidence, reflection and refraction, respectively. Then, the critical angle of the medium is
i r1
r2 medium

(a) sin (tan i ) (b) sin -1 (cot i )
(c) r1 (d) r2
11. A prism of apex angle A = 60° has the refractive index m = 2. The angle of incidence for
minimum deviation is
(a) 30° (b) 45°
(c) 60° (d) None of these
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 165

12. A thin equi-convex lens is made of glass of refractive index 1.5 and its focal length is 0.2 m. If it
acts as a concave lens of 0.5 m focal length when dipped in a liquid, the refractive index of the
liquid is
17 15 13 9
(a) (b) (c) (d)
8 8 8 8
13. A ray of light, travelling in a medium of refractive index m , is incident at an angle i on a
composite transparent plate consisting of three plates of refractive indices m 1 , m 2 and m 3 . The
ray emerges from the composite plate into a medium of refractive index m 4, at angle x. Then,
(a) sin x = sin i (b) sin x = sin i
m4 m1 m3 m
(c) sin x = sin i (d) sin x = sin i
m m 2 m 2m 4

14. The given equi-convex lens is broken into four parts and rearranged as shown. If the initial
focal length is f, then after rearrangement the equivalent focal length is

1 2

3 4

(a) f (b) f /2 (c) f /4 (d) 4f

15. A thin convergent glass lens ( m g =1.5) has a power of + 5.0 D. When this lens is immersed in a
liquid of refractive index m l ,it acts as a divergent lens of focal length 100 cm. The value of m l is
(a) 4/3 (b) 5/3
(c) 5/4 (d) 6/5
16. Two convex lenses of focal length 10 cm and 20 cm respectively placed coaxially and are
separated by some distance d. The whole system behaves like a concave lens . One of the
possible value of d is
(a) 15 cm (b) 20 cm
(c) 25 cm (d) 40 cm
17. A prism can have a maximum refracting angle of (qC = critical angle for the material of prism)
(a) 60° (b) qC
(c) 2 qC (d) slightly less than 180°
18. A ray of light is incident at small angle I on the surface of prism of small angle A and emerges
normally from the opposite surface. If the refractive index of the material of the prism is m , the
angle of incidence is nearly equal to
(a) (b)
m 2m
(c) m A (d) m A/2
19. The refractive angle of a prism is A, and the refractive index of the material of the prism is
cot ( A / 2). The angle of minimum deviation is
(a) 180° – 3 A (b) 180° + 2 A
(c) 90° – A (d) 180° – 2 A
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166 — Optics and Modern Physics

20. A prism of refractive index 2 has refractive angle 60°. In order that a ray suffers minimum
deviation it should be incident at an angle of
(a) 45° (b) 90°
(c) 30° (d) None
21. The focal length of a combination of two lenses is doubled if the separation between them is
doubled. If the separation is increased to 4 times, the magnitude of focal length is
(a) doubled (b) quadrupled
(c) halved (d) same
22. A convexo-concave convergent lens is made of glass of refractive index 1.5 and focal length
24 cm. Radius of curvature for one surface is double than that of the other. Then, radii of
curvature for the two surfaces are (in cm)
(a) 6, 12 (b) 12, 24
(c) 3, 6 (d) 18, 36
23. An optical system consists of a thin convex lens of focal length 30 cm and a plane mirror placed
15 cm behind the lens. An object is placed 15 cm in front of the lens. The distance of the final
image from the object is
(a) 60 cm (b) 30 cm
(c) 75 cm (d) 45 cm

24. In the figure shown, the angle made by the light ray with the normal in the medium of
refractive index 2 is
m1 = 1

m2 = Ö 3

m3 = Ö 2

m4 = 2

m5 = 1.6

(a) 30° (b) 60°

(c) 90° (d) None of these
25. For refraction through a small angled prism, the angle of minimum deviation
(a) increases with increase in refractive index of a prism
(b) will be 2d for a ray of refractive index 2.4 if it is d for a ray of refractive index 1.2
(c) is directly proportional to the angle of the prism
(d) will decrease with increase in refractive index of the prism
26. A ray of light passes from vacuum into a medium of refractive index n. If the angle of incidence
is twice the angle of refraction, then the angle of incidence is
(a) cos -1 (n / 2) (b) sin -1 (n / 2)
(c) 2 cos -1 (n / 2) (d) 2 sin -1 (n / 2)
27. A thin convex lens of focal length 30 cm is placed in front of a plane mirror. An object is placed
at a distance x from the lens (not in between lens and mirror) so that its final image coincides
with itself . Then, the value of x is
(a) 15 cm (b) 30 cm
(c) 60 cm (d) Insufficient data
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 167

28. One side of a glass slab is silvered as shown in the figure. A ray of light is incident on the other
side at angle of incidence 45°. Refractive index of glass is given as 2.The deflection suffered by
the ray when it comes out of the slab is

(a) 90° (b) 180° (c) 120° (d) 45°

29. A prism has refractive index and refractive angle 90°. Find the minimum deviation
produced by prism
(a) 60° (b) 45° (c) 30° (d) 15°
30. In figure, an air lens of radius of curvature of each surface equal to 10 cm is cut
into a cylinder of glass of refractive index 1.5. The focal length and the nature of
lens are Air
(a) 15 cm diverging (b) 15 cm converging
(c) 10 cm diverging (d) 10 cm converging
31. A point object is placed at a distance of 12 cm from a convex lens of focal length 10 cm. On the
other side of the lens, a convex mirror is placed at a distance of 10 cm from the lens such that
the image formed by the combination coincides with the object itself. The focal length of the
convex mirror is
(a) 20 cm (b) 25 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 30 cm
32. An object, a convex lens of focal length 20 cm and a plane mirror are arranged as shown in the
figure. How far behind the mirror is the second image formed?

12 cm 10 cm
(a) 30 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 40 cm (d) 50 cm
33. Two parallel light rays pass through an isosceles prism of refractive index 3 / 2 as shown in
figure. The angle between the two emergent rays is



(a) 15° (b) 30°

(c) 45° (d) 60°
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168 — Optics and Modern Physics

34. A prism having refractive index 2 and refractive angle 30° has one of the refractive surfaces
polished. A beam of light incident on the other surface will trace its path if the angle of
incidence is
(a) 0° (b) 30° (c) 45° (d) 60°
35. In Fig. (i), a lens of focal length 10 cm is shown. It is cut into two parts and placed as shown in
Fig. (ii). An object AB of height 1 cm is placed at a distance of 7.5 cm. The height of the image
will be

(i) (ii)

(a) 2 cm (b) 1 cm (c) 1.5 cm (d) 3 cm

36. The image for the converging beam after refraction through the curved surface is formed at

m = 3/2 m=1

O P x

30 cm
R = 20 cm

(a) x = 40 cm (b) x = 40/3 cm

(c) x = – 40/3 cm (d) x = 20 cm

37. A concavo-convex lens is made of glass of refractive index 1.5. The radii of curvature of its two
surfaces are 30 cm and 50 cm. Its focal length when placed in a liquid of refractive index 1.4 is
(a) 200 cm (b) 500 cm (c) 800 cm (d) 1050 cm
38. From the figure shown, establish a relation between m 1 , m 2 and m 3

m1 m3 m2

(a) m 1 < m 2 < m 3 (b) m 3 < m 2 ; m 3 = m 1

(c) m 3 > m 2 ; m 3 = m 1 (d) None of these
39. When light of wavelength l is incident on an equilateral prism, kept on its minimum deviation
position, it is found that the angle of deviation equals the angle of the prism itself. The
refractive index of the material of the prism for the wavelength l is
(a) 3 (b) 3 /2

(c) 2 (d) 2
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 169

Subjective Questions
1. The laws of reflection or refraction are the same for sound as for light. The index of refraction of
a medium (for sound) is defined as the ratio of the speed of sound in air 343 m/ s to the speed of
sound in the medium.
(a) What is the index of refraction (for sound) of water (v = 1498 m/s )?
(b) What is the critical angle q, for total reflection of sound from water?
2. Light from a sodium lamp ( l0 = 589 nm ) passes through a tank of glycerin (refractive index
= 1.47) 20 m long in a time t1. If it takes a time t2 to transverse the same tank when filled with
carbon disulfide (index = 1.63), determine the difference t2 - t1.
3. A light beam of wavelength 600 nm in air passes through film 1 ( n1 = 1.2) of thickness
1.0 mm , then through film 2 (air) of thickness 1.5 mm , and finally through film 3 ( n3 = 1.8) of
thickness 1.0 mm
(a) Which film does the light cross in the least time, and what is that least time?
(b) What are the total number of wavelengths (at any instant) across all three films together?
4. A plate with plane parallel faces having refractive index 1.8 rests on 60°
a plane mirror. A light ray is incident on the upper face of the plate at M N
60°. How far from the entry point will the ray emerge after reflection
by the mirror. The plate is 6 cm thick?
5. An object is at a distance of d = 2.5 cm from the surface of a glass
sphere with a radius R = 10 cm. Find the position of the final image
produced by the sphere. The refractive index of glass is m = 1.5.
6. An air bubble is seen inside a solid sphere of glass ( n = 1.5) of 4.0 cm diameter at a distance of
1.0 cm from the surface of the sphere (on seeing along the diameter). Determine the real
position of the bubble inside the sphere.
7. Find the position of final image of an object O as shown in figure.
Air 10 cm

3 cm RI = 3/2


8. One face of a rectangular glass plate 6 cm thick is silvered. An object held 8 cm in front of the
unsilvered face forms an image 10 cm behind the silvered face. Find the refractive index of
glass. Consider all the three steps.
9. A shallow glass dish is 4.00 cm wide at the bottom as shown in figure. When an observer’s eye
is positioned as shown, the observer sees the edge of the bottom of the empty dish. When this
dish is filled with water, the observer sees the centre of the bottom of the dish. Find the height
of the dish m w = 4/ 3.

4.00 cm
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170 — Optics and Modern Physics

10. A glass prism in the shape of a quarter cylinder lies on a horizontal table. A uniform, horizontal
light beam falls on its vertical plane surface as shown in the figure. If the radius of the cylinder
is R = 5 cm and the refractive index of the glass is n = 1.5, where on the table beyond the
cylinder, will a path of light be found?

11. A glass sphere with 10 cm radius has a 5 cm radius spherical hole at its centre. A narrow beam
of parallel light is directed into the sphere. Where, if anywhere, will the sphere produce an
image? The index of refraction of the glass is 1.50.
12. A glass sphere has a radius of 5.0 cm and a refractive index of Observer
1.6. A paperweight is constructed by slicing through the sphere
on a plate that is 2.0 cm from the centre of the sphere and
8.0 cm
perpendicular to a radius of the sphere that passes through the
centre of the circle formed by the intersection of the plane and 3.0 cm
the sphere. The paperweight is placed on a table and viewed
from directly above an observer who is 8.0 cm from the table top, 5.0 cm
as shown in figure. When viewed through the paperweight, how
far away does the table top appear to the observer?
13. A fish is rising up vertically inside a pond with velocity 4 cm/ s, and notices a bird, which is
diving downward and its velocity appears to be 16 cm/ s (to the fish). What is the real velocity of
the diving bird, if refractive index of water is 4/ 3?
14. A lens with a focal length of 16 cm produces a sharp image of an object in two positions, which
are 60 cm apart. Find the distance from the object to the screen.
15. Two glasses with refractive indices of 1.5 and 1.7 are used to make two identical double convex
(a) Find the ratio between their focal lengths.
(b) How will each of these lenses act on a ray parallel to its optical axis if the lenses are submerged
into a transparent liquid with a refractive index of 1.6?
16. A converging beam of rays is incident on a diverging lens. Having passed through the lens the
rays intersect at a point 15 cm from the lens. If the lens is removed, the point where the rays
meet, move 5 cm closer to the mounting that holds the lens. Find the focal length of the lens.
17. A parallel beam of rays is incident on a convergent lens with a focal length of 40 cm. Where a
divergent lens with a focal length of 15 cm be placed for the beam of rays to remain parallel
after passing through the two lenses.
18. An optical system consists of two convergent lenses with focal lengths f1 = 20 cm andf2 = 10 cm.
The distance between the lenses is d = 30 cm. An object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from the
first lens. At what distance from the second lens will the image be obtained?
19. Determine the position of the image produced by an optical system consisting of a concave
mirror with a focal length of 10 cm and a convergent lens with a focal length of 20 cm. The
distance from the mirror to the lens is 30 cm and from the lens to the object is 40 cm. Consider
only two steps. Plot the image.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 171

20. A parallel beam of light is incident on a system consisting of three thin lenses with a common
optical axis. The focal lengths of the lenses are equal to f1 = + 10 cm and f2 = - 20 cm , and
f3 = + 9 cm respectively. The distance between the first and the second lens is 15 cm and
between the second and the third is 5 cm. Find the position of the point at which the beam
converges when it leaves the system of lenses.
21. A point source of light S is placed at the bottom of a vessel containing a liquid of refractive
index 5/ 3. A person is viewing the source from above the surface. There is an opaque disc of
radius 1 cm floating on the surface. The centre of the disc lies vertically above the source S. The
liquid from the vessel is gradually drained out through a tap. What is the maximum height of
the liquid for which the source cannot at all be seen from above?
22. A ray of light travelling in glass (m g = 3/ 2) is incident on a horizontal glass-air surface at the
critical angle qC . If a thin layer of water (m w = 4/ 3) is now poured on the glass-air surface. At
what angle will the ray of light emerges into water at glass-water surface?
23. A ray of light is incident on the left vertical face of glass cube of refractive index n 2 ,as shown in
figure. The plane of incidence is the plane of the page, and the cube is surrounded by liquid
(refractive index = n1). What is the largest angle of incidence q1 for which total internal
reflection occurs at the top surface?

n1 n2


æ 3ö æ 4ö
24. Light is incident from glass ç m g = ÷ to water ç m w = ÷. Find the range of the angle of deviation
è 2ø è 3ø
for refracted light.
25. The angle of minimum deviation for a glass prism with m = 3 equals the refracting angle of
the prism. What is the angle of the prism?
26. A ray incident on the face of a prism is refracted and escapes through an adjacent face. What is
the maximum permissible angle of the prism, if it is made of glass with a refractive index of
m = 1.5?
27. In an equilateral prism of m = 1.5, the condition for minimum deviation A
is fulfilled. If face AC is polished
(a) Find the net deviation.
(b) If the system is placed in water what will be the net deviation for same
4 m = 1.5
angle of incidence? Refractive index of water = .
28. In a certain spectrum produced by a glass prism of dispersive power 0.0305, it is found that the
refractive index for the red ray is 1.645 and that for the violet ray is 1.665. What is the
refractive index for the yellow ray?
29. An achromatic lens-doublet is formed by placing in contact a convex lens of focal length 20 cm
and a concave lens of focal length 30 cm. The dispersive power of the material of the convex lens
is 0.18.
(a) Determine the dispersive power of the material of the concave lens.
(b) Calculate the focal length of the lens-doublet.
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172 — Optics and Modern Physics

30. An achromatic convergent lens of focal length 150 cm is made by combining flint and crown
glass lenses. Calculate the focal lengths of both the lenses and point out which one is divergent
if the ratio of the dispersive power of flint and crown glasses is 3 : 2.
31. The index of refraction of heavy flint glass is 1.68 at 434 nm and 1.65 at 671 nm. Calculate the
difference in the angle of deviation of blue (434 nm) and red (671 nm) light incident at 65° on
one side of a heavy flint glass prism with apex angle 60°.

Single Correct Option
1. A bird is flying over a swimming pool at a height of 2 m from the water surface. If the bottom is
perfectly plane reflecting surface and depth of swimming pool is 1 m, then the distance of final
image of bird from the bird itself is m w = 4/ 3
11 23 11 11
(a) m (b) m (c) m (d) m
3 3 4 2

2. A parallel narrow beam of light is incident on the surface of a

transparent hemisphere of radius R and refractive index m =1.5 as
shown. The position of the image formed by refraction at the spherical
surface only is
(a) (b) 3R
(c) (d) 2 R
3. Consider the situation as shown in figure. The point O is the centre . The
light ray forms an angle of 60° with the normal. The normal makes an Light ray
angle 60° with the horizontal and each mirror makes an angle 60° with the
normal. The value of refractive index of that spherical portion so that light 60°
ray retraces its path is O
2 3
(a) 2 (b) (c) (d) 3
3 2
4. The figure shows an equi-convex lens. What should be the condition of
the refractive indices so that the lens becomes diverging? m1 m2 m3
(a) 2 m 3 > m 1 - m 2 (b) 2 m 2 < m 1 + m 3
(c) 2 m 2 > 2m 1 - m 3 (d) None of these

5. An object is kept at a distance of 16 cm from a thin lens and the image formed is real. If the
object is kept at a distance of 6 cm from the same lens, the image formed is virtual. If the sizes
of the image formed are equal, the focal length of the lens will be
(a) 19 cm (b) 17 cm
(c) 21 cm (d) 11 cm
6. The apparent depth of water in cylindrical water tank of diameter 2R cm is reducing at the rate
of x cm/min when water is being drained out at a constant rate. The amount of water drained in
cc/min is (n1 = refractive index of air, n 2 = refractive index of water)
xpR2n1 xpR2n2 2pRn1
(a) (b) (c) (d) pR2x
n2 n1 n2
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 173

7. A ray of light makes normal incidence on the diagonal face of a right angled A
prism as shown in figure. If q = 37°, then the angle of deviation after second Air
step (from AB) is (sin 37° = 3/ 5)
Air 90°
(a) 53°
m = 5/3
(b) 74°
B 90° q C
(c) 106°
(d) 90°
8. A bird in air looks at a fish directly below it inside in a transparent liquid in a tank. If the
distance of the fish as estimated by the bird is h1 and that of the bird as estimated by the fish is
h2, then the refractive index of the liquid is
h2 h1
(a) (b)
h1 h2
h1 + h2 h - h2
(c) (d) 1
h1 - h2 h1 + h2
9. Diameter of the flat surface of a circular plano-convex lens is 6 cm and thickness at the centre is
3 mm. The radius of curvature of the curved part is
(a) 15 cm (b) 20 cm
(c) 30 cm (d) 10 cm
10. When the object is at distances u1 and u 2 from the optical centre of a convex lens, a real and a
virtual image of the same magnification are obtained . The focal length of the lens is
u1 - u2 u1 + u2
(a) (b) u1 + u2 (c) u1 u2 (d)
2 2
11. Two convex lenses placed in contact form the image of a distant object at A B
P. If the lens B is moved to the right, the image will
(a) move to the left
(b) move to the right P
(c) remain at P
(d) move either to the left or right, depending upon focal lengths of the
12. Two light rays 1 and 2 are incident on two faces AB and AC on an isosceles prism as shown in
the figure. The rays emerge from the side BC. Then,


30° 75°
(a) minimum deviation of ray 1 > minimum deviation of ray 2
(b) minimum deviation of ray 1 < minimum deviation of ray 2
(c) minimum deviation of ray 1 = minimum deviation of ray 2
(d) Cannot be determined
13. Refractive index of a prism is and the angle of prism is 60°. The limiting angle of incidence
of a ray that will be transmitted through the prism is approximately
(a) 30° (b) 45° (c) 15° (d) None of these
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174 — Optics and Modern Physics

14. A plano-convex thin lens of focal length 10 cm is silvered at its plane

surface. The distance d at which an object must be kept in order to get its
image on itself is O
(a) 5 cm (b) 20 cm d
(c) 10 cm (d) 2.5 cm
15. There is a small black dot at the centre C of a solid glass sphere of refractive index m. When seen
from outside, the dot will appear to be located
(a) Away from the C for all values of m
(b) At C for all values of m.
(c) At C for m = 1.5, but away from C for m not equal to 1.5
(d) At C for 2 < m < 1.5
16. In the figure ABC is the cross-section of a right angled prism and BCDE is the cross-section of a
glass slab. The value of q so that light incident normally on the face AB does not cross the face
BC is (Given sin-1 3/ 5 = 37° )
m = 3/2
m = 6/5

(a) q < 37° (b) q < 53° (c) q ³ 37° (d) q ³ 53°
17. An object O is kept in air in front of a thin plano-convex lens of radius of curvature 10 cm. Its
refractive index is 3/2 and the medium towards right of the plane surface is water of refractive
index 4/3. What should be distance x of the object so that the rays become parallel finally?

mw = 4/3

mg = 3/2

(a) 5 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 15 cm

18. If a symmetrical bi-concave thin lens is cut into two identical halves, and they are placed in
different ways as shown, then


(i) (ii) (iii)

(a) three images will be formed in case (i)

(b) two images will be formed in case (ii)
(c) the ratio of focal lengths in (ii) and (iii) is 1
(d) the ratio of focal lengths in (ii) and (iii) is 2
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 175

19. If an object is placed at A (OA > f ); where f is the focal length of the lens, the image is formed at
B. A perpendicular is erected at O and C is chosen on it such that the angle ÐBCA is a right
angle. Then, the value of f will be


AB ( AC ) (BC )
(a) (b)
OC 2 (OC ) ( AB)
(c) (d)

20. An object is seen through a glass slab of thickness 36 cm and refractive index 3/2. The observer,
and the slab are dipped in water (m = 4/3). The shift produced in the position of the object is
(a) 12 cm (b) 4 cm
(c) 6 cm (d) 8 cm
21. How much water should be filled in a container of height 21 cm, so that it appears half filled to
the observer when viewed from the top of the container (m = 4/3).
(a) 8 cm (b) 10.5 cm
(c) 12 cm (d) 14 cm
22. Optic axis of a thin equi-convex lens is the x-axis. The co-ordinates of a point object and its
image are (– 40 cm, 1 cm) and (50 cm, – 2 cm), respectively. Lens is located at
(a) x = 20 cm (b) x = - 30 cm
(c) x = - 10 cm (d) origin
23. A thin plano-convex lens acts like a concave mirror of radius of curvature 20 cm when its plane
surface is silvered. The radius of curvature of the curved surface if index of refraction of its
material is 1.5 will be
(a) 40 cm (b) 30 cm
(c) 10 cm (d) 20 cm
24. A thin lens, made of glass of refractive index 3/2, produces a real and magnified image of an
object in air. If the whole system, maintaining the same distance between the object and the
lens, is immersed in water (RI = 4/3), then the image formed will be
(a) real, magnified (b) real, diminished
(c) virtual, magnified (d) virtual, diminished
25. The maximum value of refractive index of a prism which permits the transmission of light
through it when the refracting angle of the prism is 90°, is given by
(a) 1.500 (b) 1.414
(c) 2.000 (d) 1.732
26. A glass slab of thickness 4 cm contains the same number of waves as 5 cm of water, when both
are traversed by the same monochromatic light. If the refractive index of water is 4/3, then
refractive index of glass is
(a) 5/3 (b) 5/4
(c) 16/15 (d) 1.5
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176 — Optics and Modern Physics

27. If the optic axis of convex and concave lenses are separated by a distance 5 mm as shown in the
figure. Find the coordinate of the final image formed by the combination if parallel beam of
light is incident on lens. Origin is at the optical centre of convex lens
f = 20 cm
f = – 10 cm
Principal axis of concave lens
5 mm
Principal axis of convex lens

30 cm

(a) (25 cm, 0.5 cm) (b) (25 cm, 0.25 cm)
(c) (25 cm, – 0.5 cm) (d) (25 cm, – 2.5 cm)
28. A light source S is placed at the centre of a glass sphere of radius R and refractive index m. The
maximum angle q with the x-axis (as shown in the figure) an incident light ray can make
without suffering total internal reflection is

q x

æ1ö æ1ö
(a) cos -1 ç ÷ (b) sin -1 ç ÷
èm ø èm ø
-1 æ 1 ö
(c) tan ç ÷ (d) there will never be total internal reflection
èm ø
æ 4ö
29. A sphere ç m = ÷ of radius 1 m has a small cavity of diameter 1 cm at its centre. An observer
è 3ø
who is looking at it from right, sees the magnification of diameter of the cavity as
4 3
(a) (b)
3 4
(c) 1 (d) 0.5
30. An equi-convex lens of m = 1.5 and R = 20 cm is cut into two equal parts along its axis. Two parts
are then separated by a distance of 120 cm (as shown in figure). An object of height 3 mm is
placed at a distance of 30 cm to the left of first half lens. The final image will form at

120 cm

(a) 120 cm to the right of first half lens, 3 mm in size and inverted
(b) 150 cm to the right of first half lens, 3 mm in size and erect
(c) 120 cm to the right of first half lens, 4 mm in size and inverted
(d) 150 cm to the right of first half lens, 4 mm in size and erect
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 177

31. As shown in the figure, region BCDEF and ABFG are of refractive index 2.0 and 1.5
respectively. A particle O is kept at the mid of DH. Image of the object as seen by the eye is at a

R = 10 cm m = 1.5
Eye D H
20 cm F 50 cm

(a) 10 cm from point D (b) 22.5 cm from point D

(c) 30 cm from point D (d) 20 cm from point D
32. A point object O is placed at a distance of 20 cm from a
convex lens of focal length 10 cm as shown in the figure. At
what distance x from the lens should a convex mirror of
focal length 60 cm, be placed so that final image coincide
with the object?
(a) 10 cm 20 cm x
(b) 40 cm
(c) 20 cm
(d) Final image can never coincide with the object in the given conditions
33. A point object is placed at a distance of 20 cm from a thin plano-convex lens of focal length
15 cm (m = 1.5). The curved surface is silvered. The image will form at


20 cm

(a) 60 cm left of AB (b) 30 cm left of AB

(c) cm left of AB (d) 60 cm right of AB
Note Neglect thickness of lens.
34. A flat glass slab of thickness 6 cm and index 1.5 is placed in front of a plane mirror. An observer
is standing behind the glass slab and looking at the mirror. The actual distance of the observer
from the mirror is 50 cm. The distance of his image from himself, as seen by the observer is
(a) 94 cm (b) 96 cm
(c) 98 cm (d) 100 cm
35. Distance of an object from the first focus of an equi-convex lens is 10 cm and the distance of its
real image from second focus is 40 cm. The focal length of the lens is
(a) 25 cm (b) 10 cm
(c) 20 cm (d) 40 cm
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178 — Optics and Modern Physics

36. A cubical block of glass of refractive index n1 is in contact with the surface of water of refractive
index n 2. A beam of light is incident on vertical face of the block. After refraction a total
internal reflection at the base and refraction at the opposite face take place. The ray emerges at
angle q as shown. The value of q is given by



(a) sin q < n12 - n22 (b) cos q < n12 - n22
1 1
(c) sin q < (d) cos q <
n1 - n22
n1 - n22

37. A concave mirror of focal length 2 cm is placed on a glass slab

as shown in the figure. The image of point object O formed
1 cm
due to reflection at mirror and then refraction by the slab
n=1 O
(a) is virtual and at 2 cm from pole of the concave mirror
n = 3/2
(b) is virtual and on the pole of mirror
9 cm
(c) is real and on the object itself
(d) None of the above
38. Two refracting media are separated by a spherical interface as m2 m1
shown in the figure. AB is the principal axis, m 1 and m 2 are the
refractive indices of medium of incidence and medium of A B
refraction respectively. Then,
(a) if m 2 > m 1, then there cannot be a real image of real object
(b) if m 2 > m 1, then there cannot be a real image of virtual object
(c) if m 1 > m 2, then there cannot be a real image of virtual object
(d) if m 1 > m 2, then there cannot be a virtual image of virtual object
39. A concavo-convex lens has refractive index 1.5 and the radii of curvature of its surfaces are
10 cm and 20 cm. The concave surface is upwards and is filled with oil of refractive index 1.6.
The focal length of the combination will be
(a) 18.18 cm (b) 15 cm
(c) 22 cm (d) 28.57 cm
40. A convex spherical refracting surface separates two media glass and air (m g = 1.5). If the image
is to be real, at what minimum distance u should the object be placed in air if R is the radius of
(a) u > 3R (b) u > 2R
(c) u < 4R (d) u < R
41. An object is moving towards a converging lens on its axis. The image is also found to be moving
towards the lens. Then, the object distance u must satisfy
(a) 2 f < u < 4 f (b) f < u < 2 f
(c) u > 4 f (d) u < f
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 179

42. Two diverging lenses are kept as shown in figure. The final image formed will be

d1 d2

(a) virtual for any value of d1 and d2

(b) real for any value of d1 and d2
(c) virtual or real depends on d1 and d2 only
(d) virtual or real depends on d1 and d2 and also on the focal lengths of the lens
43. In the figure shown, a point object O is placed in air on the principal axis. The radius of
curvature of the spherical surface is 60 cm. I is the final image formed after all reflections and

ng = 3/2

(a) If x = 120 cm, then I is formed on O for any value of y

(b) If x = 240 cm, then I is formed on O only if y = 360 cm
(c) If x = 240 cm, then I is formed on O for any value of y
(d) None of the above
44. In the figure, a point object O is placed in air. A spherical boundary
separates two media of radius of curvature 1.0 m. AB is principal axis. 1.6
The separation between the images formed due to refraction at A B
spherical surface is 2m 2.0
(a) 12 m (b) 20 m
(c) 14 m (d) 10 m

More than One Correct Option

1. n number of identical equilateral prisms are kept in contact as shown in figure. If deviation
through a single prism is d. Then, ( n , m are integers)

2 4

1 3 5 n

(a) if n = 2m, deviation through n prisms is zero

(b) if n = 2m + 1, deviation through system of n prisms is d
(c) if n = 2m, deviation through system of n prisms is d
(d) if n = 2m + 1, deviation through system of n prisms is zero
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180 — Optics and Modern Physics

2. A ray of monochromatic light is incident on the plane surface of separation between two media
x and y with angle of incidence i in the medium x and angle of refraction r in the medium y. The
graph shows the relation between sin i and sin r.
sin r

sin i
(a) The speed of light in the medium y is 3 times than in medium x
(b) The speed of light in the medium y is times than in medium x
(c) The total internal reflection can take place when the incidence is in x
(d) The total internal reflection can take place when the incidence is in y
3. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?
(a) In vacuum the speed of red colour is more than that of violet colour
(b) An object in front of a mirror is moved towards the pole of a spherical mirror from infinity, it
is found that image also moves towards the pole. The mirror must be convex
(c) There exist two angles of incidence in a prism for which angles of deviation are same except
minimum deviation
(d) A ray travels from a rarer medium to denser medium. There exist three angles of incidence
for which the deviation is same
4. A lens of focal length f is placed in between an object and screen at a distance D. The lens forms
two real images of object on the screen for two of its different positions, a distance x apart. The
two real images have magnifications m1 and m2 respectively ( m1 > m2 ). Choose the correct
(a) m1m2 = - 1 (b) m1m2 = 1
D 2 - x2
(c) f = (d) D ³ 4 f
5. A small angled prism of apex angle A = 4° and refractive index m = 1.5 is placed in front of a
vertical plane mirror as shown in figure. If the mirror is rotated through an angle q, then the
light ray becomes horizontal either after the mirror or after second time passing from the prism
in opposite direction. The value of q is

(a) 1° (b) 2°
(c) 4° (d) Not possible
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 181

Comprehension Based Questions

Passage : (Q. No. 1 to 3)
A plano-convex lens P and a concavo-convex lens Q are in contact as shown in figure. The
refractive index of the material of the lens P and Q is 1.8 and 1.2 respectively. The radius of
curvature of the concave surface of the lens Q is double the radius of curvature of the convex
surface. The convex surface of Q is silvered.

1. An object is placed on the principal axis at a distance 10 cm from the plane surface. The image
is formed at a distance 40 cm from the plane surface on the same side. The focal length of the
system is
40 40
(a) – 8 cm (b) 8 cm (c) - cm (d) cm
3 3
2. The radius of curvature of common surface is
(a) 48 cm (b) 24 cm
(c) 12 cm (d) 8 cm
3. If the plane surface of P is silvered as shown in figure, the system acts as
(a) convex mirror of focal length 24 cm
(b) concave mirror of focal length 8 cm P
(c) concave mirror of focal length 24 cm
(d) convex mirror of focal length 8 cm

Match the Columns

1. Match the following two columns for a convex lens corresponding to object position shown in
Column I.
Column I Column II
(a) Between O and F1 (p) Real
(b) Between F1 and 2F1 (q) Virtual
(c) Between O and F2 (r) Erect
(d) Between F2 and 2F2 (s) Inverted

Note O ® optical centre, F1 ® first focus and F2 ® second focus.

2. Match the following two columns for a concave lens corresponding to object position shown in
Column II.
Column I Column II
(a) Between O and F1 (p) Real
(b) Between F1 and 2F1 (q) Virtual
(c) Between O and F2 (r) Erect
(d) Between F2 and 2F2 (s) Inverted
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182 — Optics and Modern Physics

3. Match the following two columns corresponding to single refraction from plane surface. In all
cases shown in Column I, m 1 > m 2.

Column I Column II
(a) O (p) Image distance greater than x from plane
(b) (q) Image distance less than x from plane surface

1 (r)
(c) Real image

(d) O (s) Virtual image

4. Match the following two columns.

Column I Column II

Air O
(a) (p) Real image

(b) Air O (q) Virtual image

(c) (r) May be real or

Air O virtual image

(d) (s) Image is at infinity

Air O
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 183

5. A convex lens L1 and a concave lens L2 have refractive index 1.5. Match the following two
Column I Column II
(a) L1 is immersed in a liquid of refractive (p) Lens will behave as convex lens
index 1.4
(b) L1 is immersed in a liquid of refractive (q) Lens will behave as concave
index 1.6 lens
(c) L 2 is immersed in a liquid of refractive (r) Magnitude of power of lens will
index 1.4 increase
(d) L 2 is immersed in a liquid of refractive (s) Magnitude of power of lens will
index 1.6 decrease

6. Consider a linear extended object that could be real or virtual with its length at right angles to
the optic axis of a lens. With regard to image formation by lenses.
Column I Column II
(a) Image of the same size as the object (p) Concave lens in case of real
(b) Virtual image of a size greater than the (q) Convex lens in case of real object
(c) Real image of a size smaller than the (r) Concave lens in case of virtual
object object
(d) Real and magnified image (s) Convex lens in case of virtual

Subjective Questions
1. Figure shows the optical axis of a lens, the point source of light A and its A¢
virtual image A¢. Trace the rays to find the position of the lens and of its A
principal focus. What type of lens is it?

2. Solve the problem similar to the previous one if A and A¢ are interchanged.
3. In figure, a fish watcher watches a fish through a 3.0 cm thick glass wall of a fish tank. The
watcher is in level with the fish; the index of refraction of the glass is 8/ 5 and that of the water
is 4/ 3.
6.8 cm
8.0 cm

Wall Water

(a) To the fish, how far away does the watcher appear to be?
(b) To the watcher, how far away does the fish appear to be?
4. A concave spherical mirror with a radius of curvature of 0.2 m is filled with water. What is the
focal length of this system? Refractive index of water is 4/ 3.
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184 — Optics and Modern Physics

5. A convexo-convex lens has a focal length of f1 = 10 cm. One of the lens surfaces having a radius
of curvature of R = 10 cm is coated with silver. Construct the image of the object produced by
the given optical system and determine the position of the image if the object is at a distance of
a = 15 cm from the lens. Refractive index of lens = 1.5.
6. A lens with a focal length of f = 30 cm produces on a screen a sharp image of an object that is at
a distance of a = 40 cm from the lens. A plane parallel plate with thickness of d = 9 cm is placed
between the lens and the object perpendicular to the optical axis of the lens. Through what
distance should the screen be shifted for the image of the object to remain distinct? The
refractive index of the glass of the plate is m = 1.8.
7. One side of radius of curvature R2 = 120 cm of a convexo-convex lens of material of refractive
index m = 1.5 and focal length f1 = 40 cm is slivered. It is placed on a horizontal surface with
silvered surface in contact with it. Another convex lens of focal length f2 = 20 cm is fixed
coaxially d = 10 cm above the first lens. A luminous point object O on the axis gives rise to an
image coincident with it. Find its height above the upper lens.
8. A small object is placed on the principal axis of concave spherical mirror of radius 20 cm at a
distance of 30 cm. By how much will the position of the image alter only after mirror, when a
parallel-sided slab of glass of thickness 6 cm and refractive index 1.5 is introduced between the
centre of curvature and the object? The parallel sides are perpendicular to the principal axis.
9. A thin glass lens of refractive index m 2 = 1.5 behaves as an interface between two media of
refractive indices m 1 = 1.4 and m 3 = 1.6 respectively. Determine the focal length of the lens for
the shown arrangement of radius of curvature of both the surfaces 20 cm.

m1 m3


10. A glass hemisphere of radius 10 cm and m = 1.5 is silvered over its curved surface. There is an
air bubble in the glass 5 cms from the plane surface along the axis. Find the position of the
images of this bubble seen by observer looking along the axis into the flat surface of the
11. A equilateral prism of flint glass (m g = 3/ 2) is placed inside water (m w = 4/ 3).
(a) At what angle should a ray of light fall on the face of the prism so that inside the prism the ray is
perpendicular to the bisector of the angle of the prism.
(b) Through what angle will the ray turn after passing through both faces of the prism?
12. Rays of light fall on the plane surface of a half cylinder at an angle 45° in the plane
perpendicular to the axis (see figure). Refractive index of glass is 2. Discuss the condition that
the rays do not suffer total internal reflection.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 185

13. The figure shows an arrangement of an equi-convex lens and a concave mirror. A point object O
is placed on the principal axis at a distance 40 cm from the lens such that the final image is also
formed at the position of the object. If the radius of curvature of the concave mirror is 80 cm,
find the distance d. Also draw the ray diagram. The focal length of the lens in air is 20 cm.
m2 = 1.5
m1 = 1.2 m3 = 2.0

40 cm d

14. A convex lens is held 45 cm above the bottom of an empty tank. The image of a point at the
bottom of a tank is formed 36 cm above the lens. Now, a liquid is poured into the tank to a depth
of 40 cm. It is found that the distance of the image of the same point on the bottom of the tank is
48 cm above the lens. Find the refractive index of the liquid.
15. A parallel beam of light falls normally on the first face of a prism of a small angle. At the second
face it is partly transmitted and partly reflected. The reflected beam striking at the first face
again emerges from it in a direction making an angle of 6°30¢ with the reversed direction of the
incident beam. The refracted beam is found to have undergone a deviation of 1°15 from the
original direction. Calculate the refractive index of the glass and the angle of the prism.
16. Two converging lenses of the same focal length f are separated by a distance 2f. The axis of the
second lens is inclined at angle q = 60° with respect to the axis of the first lens. A parallel
paraxial beam of light is incident from left side of the lens. Find the coordinates of the final
image with respect to the origin of the first lens.



17. A cubical vessel with non-transparent walls is so located that the eye of an observer does not
see its bottom but sees all of the wall CD.
To what height should water be poured into the vessel for the observer to see an object F
arranged at a distance of b = 10 cm from corner D? The face of the vessel is a = 40 cm.
Refractive index of water is .


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186 — Optics and Modern Physics

18. A spherical ball of transparent material has index of refraction m. A narrow beam of light AB is
aimed as shown. What must the index of refraction be in order that the light is focused at the
point C on the opposite end of the diameter from where the light entered? Given that x << R.


19. A ray incident on a droplet of water at an angle of incidence i undergoes two reflections (not
total) and emerges. If the deviation suffered by the ray within the drop is minimum and the
m2 – 1
refractive index of the droplet be m, then show that cos i = .
20. A convex lens of focal length 15 cm is split into two halves and the two halves are placed at a
separation of 120 cm. Between the two halves of convex lens a plane mirror is placed
horizontally and at a distance of 4 mm below the principal axis of the lens halves. An object of
length 2 mm is placed at a distance of 20 cm from one half lens as shown in figure.
f = 15 cm f = 15 cm

2 mm

20 cm 4 mm

120 cm

(a) Find the position and size of the final image.

(b) Trace the path of rays forming the image.
21. A cylindrical glass rod of radius 0.1 m and refractive index 3 lies on a horizontal plane mirror.
A horizontal ray of light moving perpendicular to the axis of the rod is incident on it. At what
height from the mirror should the ray be incident so that it leaves the rod at a height of 0.1 m
above the plane mirror? At what centre to centre distance a second similar rod, parallel to the
first, be placed on the mirror, such that the emergent ray from the second rod is in line with the
incident ray on the first rod?
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 187

22. A transparent solid sphere of radius 2 cm and density r floats in a O

transparent liquid of density 2r kept in a beaker. The bottom of the beaker
is spherical in shape with radius of curvature 8 cm and is silvered to make C
it concave mirror as shown in the figure. When an object is placed at a
distance of 10 cm directly above the centre of the sphere C, its final image
coincides with it. Find h (as shown in the figure), the height of the liquid
surface in the beaker from the apex of the bottom. Consider the paraxial
rays only. The refractive index of the sphere is 3/2 and that of the liquid
is 4/3.
23. A hollow sphere of glass of refractive index m has a small mark on its interior surface which is
observed from a point outside the sphere on the side opposite the centre. The inner cavity is
concentric with external surface and the thickness of the glass is everywhere equal to the
radius of the inner surface. Prove that the mark will appear nearer than it really is, by a
(m – 1) R
distance , where R is the radius of the inner surface.
( 3 m – 1)
24. A ray of light is refracted through a sphere whose material has a refractive index m in such a
way that it passes through the extremities of two radii which make an angle b with each other.
Prove that if a is the deviation of the ray caused by its passage through the sphere, then
æb – a ö æbö
cos ç ÷ = m cos ç ÷
è 2 ø è 2ø
25. A man of height 2.0 m is standing on a level road where because of temperature variation the
refractive index of air is varying as m = 1 + ay , where y is height from road. If
a = 2.0 ´ 10–6 m -1. Then, find distant point that he can see on the road.
26. A glass rod has ends as shown in figure. The refractive index of glass is m. The object O is at a
distance 2R from the surface of larger radius of curvature. The distance between apexes of
ends is 3R. Find the distance of image formed of the point object from right hand vertex. What
is the condition to be satisfied if the image is to be real?
R Glass rod
2R 3R

27. A thin converging lens of focal length f = 1.5 m is placed along y-axis such that its optical centre
coincides with the origin. A small light source S is placed at (–2.0 m, 0.1 m). Where should a
plane mirror inclined at an angle q , tan q = 0.3 be placed such that y-coordinate of final image is
0.3 m, i.e. find d. Also find x-coordinate of final image.


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Introductory Exercise 31.1
1. 2
2. The frequency does not change, while the wavelength and speed change by the factor m 1/ m 2 .
3. 1.67

Introductory Exercise 31.2

1. 3 2.

Introductory Exercise 31.3

1. (a) cm (b) 25 cm

Introductory Exercise 31.4

1. cm

Introductory Exercise 31.5

2. 8.57 cm 3. (a) 45.0 cm (b) –90.0 cm (c) –6.0 cm
4. Inside the bowl at – 9.0 cm 5. 4.0 cm

Introductory Exercise 31.6

1. 39 cm 2. 18.75 cm from the lens, 5.3 cm 4. From the surface to infinity on object side
5. (a) 36 cm (b) 36 cm 6. 40 cm
8. 12 cm 9. 1.5
10. 2 cm 11. 16 cm
12. – 40.0 cm 13. 10.0 cm.

Introductory Exercise 31.7

æ 13 ö
1. 1.5 . , qC = sin-1(077
2. m = 13 . ) 3. (a) q = sin-1 ç ÷ (b) Yes
è 16 ø

Introductory Exercise 31.8

1. 46° 2. C 3. m £ 2
4. sin–1 (2 /3) = 42° 5. m = 3 6. 90°
7. 0° 8. 2 9. 9°

Assertion and Reason
1. (b) 2. (a,b) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (a)
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 189

Objective Questions
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (b) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (b) 39. (a)

Subjective Questions
1. (a) 0.229 (b) 13.2° 2. 1.07 ´ 10 –8 s 3. (a) First film, tmin = 4 ´ 10 -15 s (b) 7.5
4. 6.6 cm 5. Final image is formed at 65 cm from first face on the same side of the object.
6. At a distance of 1.2 cm from the surface 7. 11 cm behind mirror 8. 1.5
9. 2.4 cm 10. 1.71 cm 11. 15 cm from the left edge 12. 7.42 cm 13. 9 cm /s
14. 100 cm 15. (a) 1.4 (b) The first lens will be a diverging and the second a converging one
16. f = - 30 cm 17. 25 cm 18. 7.5 cm 19. 5 cm from mirror towards the lens
20. Ray will become parallel to the optic axis. 21. cm 22. sin-1(3 /4)
æn ö
23. sin-1 çç 2 ÷÷ - 1 24. 0 to cos -1 (8 /9) 25. 60° 26. Amax = 84°
è n1 ø
27. (a) 157.2° (b) 157.2° 28. m y = 1.656 29. (a) 0.27 (b) 60 cm
30. 50 cm, –75 cm, divergent lens is of flint glass 31. 2.8°

Single Correct Option
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (d) 39. (d) 40. (b)
41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (a)

More than One Correct Options

1. (a,b) 2. (b,d) 3. (b,c) 4. (b,c,d) 5. (a,b)

Comprehension Based Questions

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (c)

Match the Columns

1. (a) ® q,r (b) ® p,s (c) ® p,r (d) ® p,r
2. (a) ® p,r (b) ® q,s (c) ® q,r (d) ® q,r
3. (a) ® q,s (b) ® q,r (c) ® p,s (d) ® p,r
4. (a) ® q (b) ® r (c) ® r (d) ® p
5. (a) ® p,s (b) ® q,s (c) ® q,s (d) ® p,s
6. (a) ® q,r (b) ® q,r (c) ® q,r (d) ® q,r
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190 — Optics and Modern Physics

Subjective Questions
1. Lens is convex 2. Lens is concave 3. (a) 20.0 cm (b) 14.975 cm
4. F = - 7.5 cm (concave mirror) 5. At a distance of 2.14 cm from the system
6. 60 cm away from the lens 7. 10 cm 8. Dv = 0.55 cm, 9. f = ¥
10. First image at a distance of 3.33 cm from flat surface and the second at infinity
11. (a) 34.2° (b) 8.4°
12. Maximum distance of the incident rays from the centre should be R , where R is the radius of hemisphere
13. 30 cm 14. 1.37 15. A = 2° , m = 1.62
16. (0, 0) 17. 26.65 cm 18. m = 2
20. (a) Final image is at a distance of 20 cm behind the second half lens and at a distance of 2/3 mm above
the principal axis. The size of image is 2 mm and is inverted as compared to the given object
21. 0.186 m, 0.315 m 22. h = 15 cm 25. xmax = 2000 m = 2 km
R (9 - 4m )
26. Distance = , for final image to be real m should lie between 2 and 2.25
(10m - 9)(m - 2)
27. d = 5.0 m, x co-ordinate of final image = 4.0m
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32.1 Principle of Superposition

32.2 Resultant amplitude and intensity due
to coherent sources
32.3 Interference
32.4 Young's double slit experiment
32.5 Introduction to Diffraction
32.6 Diffraction from narrow slits
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192 — Optics and Modern Physics

32.1 Principle of Superposition

Suppose there are two sources of waves S 1 and S 2 .

Fig. 32.1

Now, the two waves from S 1 and S 2 meet at some point (say P). Then, according to principle of
superposition net displacement at P (from its mean position) at any time is given by
y = y1 + y2
Here, y1 and y2 are the displacements of P due to two waves individually.
For example, suppose at 9 AM, displacement of P above its mean position should be 6 mm
accordingly to wave-1 and at the same time its displacement should be 2 mm below its mean position
accordingly to wave-2, then at 9 AM net displacement of P will be 4 mm above its mean position.
Now, based upon the principle of superposition we have two phenomena in physics, interference and
beats. Stationary waves (or standing waves) and Young's double slit experiment (or YDSE) are two
examples of interference.
Based on principle of superposition means two or more than two waves meet at one point or several
points and at every point net displacement is y = y1 + y2 or y = y1 + y2 + y3 etc.

32.2 Resultant Amplitude and Intensity due to Coherent Sources

In article 32.1, we have seen that the two waves from two sources S 1 and S 2 were meeting at point P.
Suppose they meet at P in a phase difference Df (or f). If this phase difference remains constant with
time, then sources are called coherent, otherwise incoherent.
For sources to be coherent, the frequencies ( f , w or T) of the two sources must be same. This can be
understood by the following example.
Suppose the phase difference is 0°. It means they are in same phase. Both reaches their extremes (+ A
or - A) simultaneously. They cross their mean positions (in the same direction) simultaneously. Now,
if we want their phase difference to remain constant or we want that the above situation is maintained
all the time, then obviously their time periods (or frequencies) must be same.
Resultant Amplitude
1. Consider the superposition of two sinusoidal waves of same frequency (means sources are
coherent) at some point. Let us assume that the two waves are travelling in the same direction with
same velocity. The equation of the two waves reaching at a point can be written as
y1 = A1 sin ( kx – wt )
and y2 = A2 sin ( kx – wt + f )
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 193

The resultant displacement of the point where the waves meet, is

y = y1 + y2
= A1 sin ( kx – wt ) + A2 sin (kx – wt + f )
= A1 sin ( kx – wt ) + A2 sin ( kx – wt ) cos f + A2 cos (kx – wt ) sin f
= ( A1 + A2 cos f ) sin ( kx – wt ) + A2 sin f cos ( kx – wt )
= A cos q sin ( kx – wt ) + A sin q cos ( kx – wt )
or y = A sin ( kx – wt + q )
Here, A1 + A2 cos f = A cos q
and A2 sin f = A sin q
or A 2 = ( A1 + A2 cos f ) 2 + ( A2 sin f ) 2
or A = A12 + A22 + 2 A1 A2 cos f ¼(i)
A sin q A2 sin f
and tan q = =
A cos q A1 + A2 cos f
2. The above result can be obtained by graphical method also. Assume a vector A 1 of length A1 to
represent the amplitude of first wave.
A2 A

f A1

Fig. 32.2

Another vector A 2 of length A2 , making an angle f with A 1 represent the amplitude of second
wave. The resultant of A 1 and A 2 represents the amplitude of resulting function y. The angle q
represents the phase difference between the resulting function and the first wave.
Resultant Intensity
In the previous chapter, we have read that intensity of a wave is given by
I = rw2 A 2 v or I µ A 2
So, if r, w and v are same for the both interfering waves then Eq. (i) can also be written as
I = I 1 + I 2 + 2 I 1 I 2 cos f …(ii)

Here, proportionality constant ( I µ A 2 ) cancels out on right hand side and left hand side.

Note (i) Eqs. (i) and (ii) are two equations for finding resultant amplitude and resultant intensity at some point
due to two coherent sources.
(ii) In the above equations f is the constant phase difference at that point as the sources are coherent. Value
of this constant phase difference will be different at different points.
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194 — Optics and Modern Physics

(iii) The special case of above two equations is, when the individual amplitudes (or intensities) are equal.
or A1 = A2 = A0 (say)
\ I1 = I2 = I0 (say)
In this case, Eqs. (i) and (ii) become
A = 2 A0 cos …(iii)
and I = 4 I0 cos 2 …(iv)
(iv) From Eqs. (i) to (iv), we can see that, for given values of A1 , A2 , I1 and I2 the resultant amplitude and the
resultant intensity are the functions of only f.
(v) If three or more than three waves (due to coherent sources) meet at some point then there is no direct
formula for finding resultant amplitude or resultant intensity. In this case, first of all we will find resultant
amplitude by vector method (either by using polygon law of vector addition or component method) and
then by the relation I µ A 2 , we can also determine the resultant intensity.
For example, if resultant amplitude comes out to be 2 times then resultant intensity will become two

32.3 Interference
For interference phenomena to take place, sources must be coherent. So, phase difference at some
point should remain constant. Value of this constant phase difference will be different at different
points. And since the sources are coherent, therefore following four equations can be applied for
finding resultant amplitude and intensity (in case of two sources)
A = A12 + A22 + 2 A1 A2 cos f …(i)

I = I 1 + I 2 + 2 I 1 I 2 cos f …(ii)
A = 2 A0 cos (if A1 = A2 = A0 ) …(iii)
I = 4I 0 cos 2 (if I 1 = I 2 = I 0 ) …(iv)
For given values of A1 , A2 , I 1 and I 2 the resultant amplitude and resultant intensity are the functions
of only f.
Now, suppose S 1 and S 2 are two coherent sources, then we can see
that the two waves are meeting at several points (P1 , P2 , P3 … etc). P2
At different points path difference Dx will be different and therefore S1
phase difference Df or f will also be different. Because the phase P1
difference depends on the path difference (Df or f = × Dx).
And since phase difference at different points is different, therefore S2
from the above four equations we can see that resultants amplitude
and intensity will also be different. But whatever is the intensity at Fig. 32.3
some point, it will remain constant at that point because the sources
are coherent and the phase difference is constant at that point.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 195

Constructive Interference
These are the points where resultant amplitude or intensity is maximum or
A max = A1 + A2 [from Eq. (i)]
or A max = ±2 A0 [from Eq. (iii)]
and I max = ( I 1 + I 2 ) 2 [from Eq. (ii)]
or I max = 4I 0 [from Eq. (iv)]
at those points where, cos f = +1 [from Eqs. (i) or (ii)]
or f = 0, 2p, 4p, …, 2np (where n =0, 1, 2)
é æ l öù
\ Dx = 0, l, 2l, …, nl êas Dx = f ç 2p ÷ú
ë è øû

Destructive Interference
These are the points where resultant amplitude or intensity is minimum or
A min = A1 ~ A2 [from Eq. (i)]
or A min = 0 [from Eq. (iii)]
and I min = ( I 1 - I 2 ) 2 [from Eq. (ii)]
or I min = 0 [from Eq. (iv)]
at those points where, cos f = -1 [from Eqs. (i) or (ii)]
or f = p, 3p… (2n -1) p (where n =1, 2…)
l 3l l é æ l öù
\ Dx = , ¼ (2n -1) êas Dx = f ç 2p ÷ú
2 2 2 ë è øû

Extra Points to Remember

˜ In amplitude, it hardly matters whether it is + 2 A0 or -2 A0 . This is the reason we have taken, A max = ± 2 A0
˜ In interference, two or more than two waves from coherent sources meet at several points. At different
points Dx, Df or f, resultant amplitude and therefore resultant intensity will be different (varying from Imax to
Imin ). But, whatever is the resultant intensity at some point, it remains constant at that point.
˜ In interference,
2 2 2 2
Imax æç I1 + I2 ö÷ æ I / I + 1ö æ ö æ
÷ = ç A1 / A2 + 1 ÷ = ç A1 + A2
= = çç 1 2 ç A / A -1 ÷ ç A -A
Imin çè I1 - I2 ÷ø I /
è 1 2 I - 1 ÷
ø è 1 2 ø è 1 2 ø
˜ Coherent sources In order to produce a stable interference pattern the individual waves must maintain
a constant phase relationship with one another, i.e. the two interfering sources must emit waves having a
constant phase difference between them.
If the phase difference between two sources does not remain constant, then the places of maxima and
minima shift. In case of mechanical waves it is possible to keep a constant phase relationship between two
different sources. But in case of light two different light sources can’t be coherent This is because of the
way light is emitted. In ordinary light sources, atoms gain excess energy by thermal agitation or by impact
with accelerated electrons. An atom that is ‘excited’ in such a way begins to radiate energy and continues
until it has lost all the energy it can, typically in a time of the order of 10–8 s.
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196 — Optics and Modern Physics

The many atoms in a source ordinarily radiate in an unsynchronized and random phase relationship, and
the light that is emitted from two such sources has no definite phase relationship. Hence, to obtain a stable
interference in light a single source is split into two coherent sources.
Following are shown some of the methods by which we can split a single light source into two.
S1 m1

S S m2 S1 S2
S S2
S2 S2
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Fig. 32.4

V Example 32.1 In interference, two individual amplitudes are A0 each and the
intensity is I 0 each. Find resultant amplitude and intensity at a point, where:
(a) phase difference between two waves is 60°
(b) path difference between two waves is .
Solution (a) Substituting f= 60° in the equations,
f f
A = 2A 0 cos and I = 4I 0 cos 2
2 2
We get, A = 3A 0 and I = 3I 0 Ans.
(b) Given, Dx =
æ 2p ö
\ f or Df = ç ÷ × Dx
è lø
æ 2p ö æ l ö 2p
= ç ÷ ç ÷ = or 120°
è l øè 3 ø 3
Now, substituting f= 120° in the above two equations, we get
A = A 0 and I = I 0 Ans.

V Example 32.2 Three waves from three coherent sources meet at some point.
Resultant amplitude of each is A0 . Intensity corresponding to A0 is I 0 . Phase
difference between first wave and the second wave is 60°. Path difference
between first wave and the third wave is . The first wave lags behind in phase
angle from second and the third wave. Find resultant intensity at this point.
Solution Here, the sources are three. So, we don't have any direct formula for finding the
resultant intensity. First we will find the resultant amplitude by vector method and then, by the
relation I µ A 2 , we can also find the resulting intensity.
l 2p
Further, a path difference of is equivalent to a phase difference of 120° (Df or f = × Dx).
3 l
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 197

Hence, the phase difference first and second is 60° and between first and third is 120°. So, vector
diagram for amplitude is as shown below.
A0 A0 A0 A

60° 60°
A0 A0

Fig. 32.5

Now, resultant of first and third acting at 120° is also A 0 (as A = 2A 0 cos and f= 120°) and since
the first and third are equal, so this resultant A 0 passes through the bisector line of these two or
in the direction of second amplitude vector. Therefore, the resultant amplitude is
A = A 0 + A 0 = 2A 0
and the resultant intensity is
I =4 I0 (as I µ A 2 ) Ans.

V Example 32.3 Two waves of equal frequencies have their amplitudes in the
ratio of 3 : 5. They are superimposed on each other. Calculate the ratio of
maximum and minimum intensities of the resultant wave.
A1 3
Solution Given, =
A2 5
I1 3
\ = (as I µ A 2 )
I2 5
Maximum intensity is obtained, where
cos f = 1
and I max = ( I 1 + I 2 ) 2
Minimum intensity is found, where
cos f = – 1
and I min = ( I 1 – I 2 )2
æ I1 ö
2 ç + 1÷
I max æç I 1 + I 2 ö÷ ç I ÷
Hence, = =ç 2 ÷
I min çè I 1 – I 2 ÷ø ç I 1 – 1÷
ç I ÷
è 2 ø
æ 3/ 5 + 1 ö 64 16
= çç ÷÷ = = Ans.
è 3/ 5 – 1 ø 4 1
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198 — Optics and Modern Physics

I max
V Example 32.4 In interference, = a, find
I min
Amax A1 I
(a (b) (c) 1
Amin A2 I2
A max I
Solution (a) = max = a Ans.
A min I min
A max A + A 2 A1 / A 2 + 1
(b) = a= 1 =
A min A1 - A 2 A1 / A 2 - 1
A1 a +1
Solving this equation, we get = Ans.
A2 a -1
2 2
I 1 æ A1 ö æ a + 1ö
(c) =ç ÷÷ = ç ÷ Ans.
I 2 çè A 2 ç ÷
ø è a -1 ø


1. The ratio of intensities of two waves is 9:16. If these two waves interfere, then determine the
ratio of the maximum and minimum possible intensities.
2. In interference, two individual amplitudes are 5 units and 3 units. Find
Amax I max
(a) (b)
Amin I min
3. Three waves due to three coherent sources meet at one point. Their amplitudes are 2A0, 3A0
and 2A0. Intensity corresponding to A0 is I 0. Phase difference between first and second is 45°.
Path difference between first and third is . In phase angle, first wave lags behind from the
other two waves. Find resultant intensity at this point.

32.4 Young’s Double Slit Experiment (YDSE)

(i) YDSE is an experiment (or an example) of interference in light.
(ii) For interference, two coherent sources are required and in light two different light sources are
never coherent. Therefore, a single source S is split into two sources as shown below.

d q

Fig. 32.6
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 199

(iii) Z is a two-dimensional screen and OP the centre line of this screen. On different points of this
screen, two rays of light (from two coherent sources S 1 and S 2 ) will interfere. At different points
of the screen path difference (and therefore) phase difference will be different. Therefore,
resultant intensity will be different. But whatever is the resultant intensity at any point, it remains
constant at that point.

q O

Fig. 32.7

(iv) Mathematically, we will find the resultant intensity at any point on the centre line OP of the
screen, as it will have only one variable y (or q).
(v) The order of l, d and D is normally
l << d << D
(vi) Since d << D, we can assume that intensities at P due to independent sources S 1 and S 2 are
almost equal, or
I1 » I 2 = I 0 (say )
Therefore, for resultant intensity we can apply
I = 4I 0 cos 2 K (i)
(vii) In YDSE, our main objective is to find resultant intensity at a general point P on the centre line of
the screen. Point P can be generalised in the following four ways.
(a) Directly phase difference f (between two rays interfering at P) can be given. This is the
simplest one. As, we can directly apply
I = 4I 0 cos 2
for the resultant intensity.
(b) Path difference D x (between two interfering rays) can be given at P. In this case, first we will
convert D x into phase difference f by the relation,
f= Dx
and then, we will apply
I = 4I 0 cos 2
(c) Distance OP or y-coordinate of point P can be given.
(d) Angular position q of point P will be given.
Note In last two cases, first we will find the path difference Dx in terms of y and q and then we will find the
resultant intensity.
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200 — Optics and Modern Physics

Path Difference in Terms of y and q

Screen to P

y q
S1 r2 to P
d O d
r2 – r1 = d sin q

(a) (b)

Fig. 32.8 (a) To reach P, the light waves from S1 and S 2 must
travel different distances. (b) The path difference between the two
rays is d sin q.

Figure shows the light waves from S 1 and S 2 meeting at an arbitrary point P on the screen. Since,
D >> d, the two light rays are approximately parallel, with a path difference,
D x = S 2 P – S1 P
D x » d sin q …(ii)
This is basically the expression of D x in terms of q.
If q is small, then sin q » tan q =
Substituting in Eq. (ii), we get
Dx = …(iii)
This is the expression of path difference D x in terms of y.
Maximum and Minimum Intensity
Maximum Intensity
In Eq. (i), we know that maximum intensity is 4I 0 at points where
Dx = nl ( n = 0, ± 1, ± 2K )
or d sin q = nl
or = nl
or y= = Yn K(iv)
Here, Y n may be called as y-coordinate (with respect to point O) of n th order maxima, where
n = 0, ± 1, ± 2K
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 201

For example,
Y 0 = 0 ® y -coordinate of zero order maxima (for n = 0)
Y1 or Y1¢ = ± ® y -coordinate of first order maxima (for n = ±1)
Y 2 or Y 2¢ = ± ® y -coordinate of second order maxima (for n = ± 2)
and so on.
Minimum Intensity
In Eq. (i), we know that minimum intensity is zero at points where
Dx = (2n - 1) ( n = ± 1, ± 2K )
or d sin q = (2n - 1)
yd l
or = (2n - 1)
D 2
(2n - 1) lD
or y= = yn K(v)
Here, yn may be called as y -coordinate (with respect to point O) of n th order minima, where
n = ± 1, ± 2K
For example,
y1 or y1 ¢ = ± ® y -coordinate of first order minima (for n = ±1)
3 lD
y2 or y2 ¢ = ± ® y -coordinate of second order minima (for n = ± 2)
Fringe Width (w)
Distance between two adjacent maxima or minima (or bright/dark fringes) is called the fringe width.
w = Y n - Y n - 1 = distance between two adjacent maxima
nlD ( n - 1)lD
= -
d d
or w= K (vi)
We can see that distance between two successive minima is also .
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202 — Optics and Modern Physics

Intensity Distribution
In the shown figure, let us discuss one maxima (say Y 2 ) on 4 I0
upper side of centre line MO and one minima (say y2¢ ) on
lower side.
Y2 This may be called second order maxima on upper side of
line MO. Here, the intensity is 4I 0 . Path difference is S1 y1
Dx = S 2 P - S 1 P = 2l Y0
and the phase difference is 4p. Further, y-coordinate of this S2 y1¢
point is Y1¢
2lD y2¢
y= = 2w
d Y2¢
y 2¢ This may be called the second order minima on lower
side of line MO. Here, the intensity is zero. Path difference is Fig. 32.9
Dx = S 1 P - S 2 P =
and the phase difference is 3 p. Further, y-coordinate of this point is
3lD 3
y=- =- w
2d 2

Intensity Variation within One Fringe

Let us first make the following table corresponding to this point.
Table 32.1
y -coordinate Dx =
Amplitude Phase difference ( f) Path difference D
Intensity f l
Aµ I where A = 2 A0 cos Dx = f æ ö
2 2p Þ y = Dxç ÷

4 I0 2 A0 2 p or 360° l l D /d = w

3 I0 3 A0 p l/6 lD /6 d = w / 6
or 60°

2 I0 2 A0 p l/4 lD /4 d = w / 4
or 90°

I0 A0 2p l/3 lD /3 d = w / 3
or 120°

0 0 p or 180° l/2 lD /2 d = w / 2
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 203

Now, according to above table we can make the following figure.

w/6 w/4 w/3

Fig. 32.10

V Example 32.5 In YDSE, the two slits are separated by 0.1 mm and they are
0.5 m from the screen. The wavelength of light used is 5000 Å. Find the distance
between 7th maxima and 11th minima on the upper side of screen.
Solution Given, d = 0.1mm = 10–4 m, D = 0.5 m and l = 5000 Å = 5.0 ´ 10–7 m
( 2 ´ 11 – 1) lD 7 lD
Dy = y11 – Y 7 = –
2d d
7lD 7 ´ 5.0 ´ 10–7 ´ 0.5
or Dy = =
2d 2 ´ 10–4
= 8.75 ´ 10–3 m
= 8.75 mm Ans.

V Example 32.6 Maximum intensity in YDSE is I 0 . Find the intensity at a

point on the screen where
(a) the phase difference between the two interfering beams is .
(b) the path difference between them is .
Solution (a) We know that
æ fö
I = I max cos 2 ç ÷
è 2ø
Here, I max is I 0 (i.e. intensity due to independent sources is I 0 / 4). Therefore, at
f p
or =
2 6
æ pö 3
I = I 0 cos 2 ç ÷ = I 0 Ans.
è 6ø 4
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(b) Phase difference corresponding to the given path difference Dx = is
æ 2p ö æ l ö p f p
f=ç ÷ç ÷ = or =
è l øè 4ø 2 2 4
æ pö I
\ I = I 0 cos 2 ç ÷ = 0 Ans.
è4ø 2

Dependence of Fringe Width on l

Fringe width (w) is given by
w= or w µ l
Two conclusions can be drawn from this relation.
(i) If YDSE apparatus is immersed in a liquid of refractive index m, then wavelength of light and
hence, fringe width decreases m times.
(ii) If white light is used in place of a monochromatic light then coloured fringes are obtained on the
screen with red fringes of larger size than that of violet, because l red > l violet .
But note that centre is still white because path difference there is zero for all colours. Hence, all the
wavelengths interfere constructively. At other points light will interfere destructively for those
wavelengths for whom path difference is l / 2, 3l / 2,… etc. and they will interfere constructively for
the wavelengths for whom path difference is l, 2l, ¼ etc.
This point can be explained as under,



Fig. 32.11

In YDSE let us take a bichromatic light (having two wavelengths). Suppose one wavelength is l 1 = l
and the other wavelength is l 2 = 2l. At point O,
S 1O = S 2O Þ D x = O for both wavelengths. Therefore, both wavelengths interfere constructively.
At any other point (say at P ) S 1 P ¹ S 2 P Þ D x ¹ O and suppose D x = l. Then, this D x is
D x = l 1 and D x = 2
Therefore at P, wavelength l 1 interferes constructively and l 2 destructively. Same is the case with
white light. At point O, all wavelengths interfere constructively. Therefore, white is produced. At any
other point some of the wavelengths interfere constructively, (produce 4 I 0 ) some destructively
(produce zero intensity) and rest intermediately (between zero to 4 I 0 intensity).
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 205

V Example 32.7 White light is used to illuminate the two slits in a Young’s
double slit experiment. The separation between the slits is b and the screen is at
a distance d ( >> b) from the slits. At a point on the screen directly in front of
one of the slits, certain wavelengths are missing. Some of these missing
wavelengths are (JEE 1984)
(a) l = b 2 /d (b) l = 2b 2 /d (c) l = b 2 /3d (d) l = 2b 2 /3d
Solution At P (directly in front of S 1 ) y = b / 2
ç ÷ (b )
y × (b ) è 2 ø b2
\ Path difference, Dx = S 2 P - S 1 P = = =
d d 2d
Those wavelengths will be missing for which
l 3l 5 l 3
Dx = 1 , 2 , …
2 2 2
\ l1 = 2Dx =
2Dx b 2
l2 = =
3 3d
2Dx b 2
l3 = =
5 5d
Therefore, the correct options are (a) and (c).

V Example 32.8 Bichromatic light is used in YDSE having wavelengths

l 1 = 400 nm and l 2 = 700 nm. Find minimum order of bright fringe of l 1 which
overlaps with bright fringe of l 2 .
Solution Let n1 bright fringe of l1 overlaps with n 2 bright fringe of l 2 . Then,
n1 l1 D n 2 l 2 D n1 l 2 700 7
= or = = =
d d n 2 l1 400 4
4 7
6 l1 < l2
3 5 w1 < w 2

1 2
y=0 y=0
l2 l1
Fig. 32.12
n1 7
The ratio = implies that 7th bright fringe of l1 will overlap with 4th bright fringe of l 2 .
n2 4
Similarly, 14th of l1 will overlap with 8th of l 2 and so on.
So, the minimum order of l1 which overlaps with l 2 is 7.
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Note In the above example,

n1 7 14 21
= , , etc.
n2 4 8 12
7 14 21
So, to overlap maximas, we can take either of the ratios or or etc.
4 8 12
But in the next example, we will see that if we wish to overlap minimas we cannot take each successive
ratio. The reason behind this is that order of fringe n (whether it is order of maxima or minima) should
always be an integer.

V Example 32.9 In YDSE, bichromatic light of wavelengths 400 nm and 560 nm

are used. The distance between the slits is 0.1 mm and the distance between the
plane of the slits and the screen is 1 m. The minimum distance between two
successive regions of complete darkness is (JEE 2004)
(a) 4 mm (b) 5.6 mm (c) 14 mm (d) 28 mm
Solution Let nth minima of 400 nm coincides with mth minima of 560 nm, then
( 2n - 1) l1 D ( 2n - 1) l 2 D
2d 2d
æ 400 ö æ 560 ö
or ( 2n - 1) ç ÷ = ( 2m - 1) ç ÷
è 2 ø è 2 ø
2n - 1 7 14 21
= = =
2m - 1 5 10 15
If we take the first ratio, then n = 4 and m = 3.
If we take the second ratio, then n = 7.5 and m = 5.5.
This is not acceptable. If we take the third ratio, then n = 11 and m = 8
i.e. 4th minima of 400 nm coincides with 3rd minima of 560 nm.
Location of this minima is
( 2 ´ 4 - 1)(1000)( 400 ´ 10-6 )
y1 = = 14 mm
2 ´ 0.1
Next 11th minima of 400 nm will coincide with 8th minima of 560 nm.
Location of this minima is
( 2 ´ 11 - 1)(1000)( 400 ´ 10-6 )
y2 = = 42 mm
2 ´ 0.1
\ Required distance = y 2 - y1 = 28 mm Ans.
\ The correct option is (d).

Path Difference Produced by a Slab

Consider two light rays 1 and 2 moving in air parallel to each other. If a slab of refractive index m and
thickness t is inserted between the path of one of the rays, then a path difference
Dx = (m – 1) t …(i)
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 207

is produced between them. This can be shown as under, m, t

Speed of light in air = c 1

Speed of light in medium =
m Dx

t mt 2
Time taken by ray 1 to cross the slab, t1 = =
c/m c Fig. 32.13

and time taken by ray 2 to cross the same thickness t in air will be,
t2 = as t1 > t 2
Difference in time Dt = t1 – t 2 = (m – 1)
During this time ray 2 will travel an extra distance, Dx = ( Dt ) c = (m – 1) t, which is same as Eq. (i).
EXERCISE 1 A slab of thickness t and refractive index m 2 is kept in a medium of refractive index
m 1 (< m 2 ). Prove that, if two rays parallel to each other passes through such a system, with one ray
passing through the slab, then the path difference produced between them due to the slab will be:
æm ö
Dx = çç 2 – 1 ÷÷ t
è m1 ø
a d

m c t

Fig. 32.14

In the figure shown, a is the incident ray, e is reflected from top surface of the slab but d comes after
reflecting from bottom surface. Then, prove that path difference between e and d is
D x = 2 mt
Shifting of Fringes
Suppose a glass slab of thickness t and refractive index m is inserted P
onto the path of the ray emanating from source S 1 , then the whole fringe
(m – 1) tD
pattern shifts upwards by a distance . This can be shown as y
d S1
Geometric path difference between S 2 P and S 1 P is S2
Dx1 = S 2 P – S 1 P =
D Fig. 32.15
Path difference produced by the glass slab,
Dx 2 = (m – 1) t
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Note Due to the glass slab path of ray 1 gets increased by Dx2 .
Therefore, net path difference between the two rays is,
Dx = Dx1 – Dx 2 or Dx = – (m – 1) t
For n th order maxima on upper side, Dx = nl
or – (m – 1) t = n l
nlD (m – 1) tD
\ y= + = Yn
d d
nl D
Earlier without slab it was
(m – 1) t D
\ Shift = …(ii)
Following three points are important with regard to Eq. (ii).
(a) Shift is independent of n, (the order of the fringe), i.e.
shift of zero order maximum = shift of 7th order maximum
or shift of 5th order maximum = shift of 9th order minimum and so on
(b) Shift is independent of l, i.e. if white light is used then,
shift of red colour fringe = shift of violet colour fringe
(c) Number of fringes shifted =
fringe width
(m – 1) t D / d (m – 1) t
= =
lD / d l
These numbers are inversely proportional to l. This is because shift is same for all colours but fringe
width of the colour having smaller value of l is small, so more number of fringes will shift for this

V Example 32.10 In YDSE, find the thickness of a glass slab (m = 1.5) which
should be placed in front of the upper slit S1 so that the central maximum now
lies at a point where 5th bright fringe was lying earlier (before inserting the
slab). Wavelength of light used is 5000 Å.
Solution According to the question,
Shift = 5 (fringe width)
(m – 1) tD 5lD
\ =
d d
5l 25000
\ t= =
m – 1 1.5 – 1
= 50000 Å Ans.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 209

V Example 32.11 Interference fringes are produced by a double slit arrangement

and a piece of plane parallel glass of refractive index 1.5 is interposed in one of
the interfering beam. If the fringes are displaced through 30 fringe widths for
light of wavelength 6 ´ 10 –5 cm, find the thickness of the plate.
Solution Path difference due to the glass slab,
Dx = (m – 1)t
Thirty fringes are displaced due to the slab. Hence,
Dx = 30l Þ (m – 1)t = 30l
30l 30 ´ 6 ´ 10–5
\ t= =
m–1 1.5 – 1
= 3.6 ´ 10–3 cm Ans.


1. Explain why two flashlights held close together do not produce an interference pattern on a
distant screen?
2. Why it is so much easier to perform interference experiments with a laser than with an ordinary
light source?
3. In YDSE, D = 1.2 m and d = 0.25 cm, the slits are illuminated with coherent 600 nm light.
Calculate the distance y above the central maximum for which the average intensity on the
screen is 75% of the maximum.
4. Slit 1 of a double slit is wider than slit 2, so that the light from slit 1 has an amplitude three times
that of the light from slit 2. Show that equation I = I max cos 2 is replaced by the equation,
æI ö æ 2 fö
I = ç max ÷ ç1 + 3 cos ÷
è 4 ø è 2ø
5. In a two-slit interference pattern, the maximum intensity is I 0.
(a) At a point in the pattern where the phase difference between the waves from the two slits is
60°, what is the intensity?
(b) What is the path difference for 480 nm light from the two slits at a point where the phase
angle is 60°?
6. Two waves of the same frequency and same amplitude ‘a’ are reaching a point simultaneously.
What should be the phase difference between the waves so that the amplitude of the resultant
wave be :
(i) 2a (ii) 2 a (iii) a (iv) zero

32.5 Introduction to Diffraction

When light waves pass through two slits in YDSE, an interference pattern is observed rather than a
sharp spot of light. This behaviour indicates that light, once it has passed through the aperture,
spreads beyond the narrow path defined by the aperture into regions that would be in shadow if light
travelled in straight lines. Other waves, such as sound waves and water waves, also have this property
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210 — Optics and Modern Physics

of spreading when passing through apertures or by sharp edges. This phenomenon, known as
diffraction, can be described only with a wave model for light.

(a) (b)
Fig. 32.16 (a) If light waves did not spread out after passing through the slits, no interference would occur
(b) The light waves from the two slits overlap as they spread out, filling what we expect to be shadowed
regions with light and producing interference fringes.

In general, diffraction occurs when waves pass through small openings, around obstacles, or past
sharp edges. As shown in figure, when an opaque object is placed between a point source of light and
a screen, no sharp boundary exists on the screen between a shadowed region and an illuminated
region. The illuminated region above the shadow of the object contains alternating light and dark
fringes. Such a display is called a diffraction pattern.


Opaque object

Fig. 32.17 Light from a small source passes by the edge of an opaque object.
We might expect no light to appear on the screen below the position of the edge
of the object. In reality, light bends around the top edge of the object and enter
this region. Because of these effects, a diffraction pattern consisting of bright
and dark fringes appears in the region above the edge of the object.

In this chapter, we restrict our attention to Fraunhofer diffraction, which occurs, for example, when
all the rays passing through a narrow slit are approximately parallel to one another. This can be
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 211

achieved experimentally either by placing the screen far from the opening used to create the
diffraction or by using a converging lens to focus the rays once they pass through the opening, as
shown in Fig. 32.18.



Viewing screen

Fig. 32.18 Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a single slit.

32.6 Diffraction from a Narrow Slit

Until now, we have assumed that slits are point sources of light. In this section, we abandon that
assumption and see how the finite width of slits is the basis for understanding Fraunhofer diffraction.

a/2 2

sin q

Fig. 32.19 Diffraction of light by a narrow slit of width a. Each portion of the slit acts as a
point source of light waves. The path difference between rays 1 and 3 or between rays 2
and 4 is (a /2) sin q (drawing not to scale).

We can deduce some important features of this phenomenon by examining waves coming from
various portions of the slit, as shown in Fig. 32.19 According to Huygens’s principle, each portion of
the slit acts as a source of light waves. Hence, light from one portion of the slit can interfere with
light from another portion, and the resultant light intensity on a viewing screen depends on the
direction q.
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To analyze the diffraction pattern, it is convenient to divide the slit into two halves, as shown in
Fig. 32.19. Keeping in mind that all the waves are in phase as they leave the slit, consider rays 1 and 3.
As these two rays travel toward a viewing screen far to the right of the Fig. 32.19, ray 1 travels farther
than ray 3 by an amount equal to the path difference ( a / 2) sin q, where a is the width of the slit.
Similarly, the path difference between rays 2 and 4 is also ( a / 2) sin q. If this path difference is exactly
half a wavelength (corresponding to a phase difference of 180°), then the two waves cancel each other
and destructive interference results. This is true for any two rays that originate at points separated by
half the slit width because the phase difference between two such points is 180°. Therefore, waves from
the upper half of the slit interfere destructively with waves from the lower half when
a l l
sin q = or when sin q =
2 2 a
If we divide the slit into four equal parts and use similar reasoning, we find that the viewing screen is
also dark when
sin q =
Likewise, we can divide the slit into six equal parts and show that darkness occurs on the screen when
sin q =
Therefore, the general condition for destructive interference is
sin q = m m = ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, ¼ …(i)
This equation gives the values of q for which the diffraction pattern has zero light intensity—that is,
when a dark fringe is formed. However, it tells us nothing about the variation in light intensity along
the screen. The general features of the intensity distribution are shown in Fig. 32.20. A broad central
bright fringe is observed; this fringe is flanked by much weaker bright fringes alternating with dark
fringes. The various dark fringes occur at the values of q that satisfy Eq. (i). Each bright fringe peak
lies approximately halfway between its bordering dark fringe minima. Note that the central bright
maximum is twice as wide as the secondary maxima.

y2 sin q = 2l/a

y1 sin q = l/a

a 0 sin q = 0

–y1 sin q = –l/a

L –y2 sin q = –2l/a

Viewing screen

Fig. 32.20 Intensity distribution for a Fraunhofer diffraction pattern from a single slit of width a
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 213

Intensity of Single Slit Diffraction Patterns

We can use phasor to determine the light intensity distribution for a single slit diffraction pattern. The
proof is beyond our syllabus, we are just writing here the intensity at angle q.
ésin b / 2 ù
I = I0 ê ú
ë b/ 2 û
b p a sin q
Here, =
2 l
ésin ( p a sin q/l ) ù
or I = I0 ê ú (at angle q)
ë ( p a sin q )/ l û
Here, I 0 is the intensity at q = 0° (the central maximum).
From this result, we see that minima occurs when
p a sin q
= mp
or sin q = m m = ± 1, ± 2, ¼
This is in agreement with Eq. (i).
p a sin q
Note That sin q = 0, corresponds to central maxima while = p, corresponds to first minima.


–2p –p p 2p 2
Fig. 32.21

V Example 32.12 A beam of light of wavelength 600 nm from a distant source

falls on a single slit 1.0 mm wide and the resulting diffraction pattern is
observed on a screen 2 m away. What is the distance between the first dark
fringe on either side of the central bright fringe?
Solution For the diffraction at a single slit, the position of minima is given by
d sin q = nl
For small value of q,
sin q » q =
y D
\ d = l or y = l
D d
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Substituting the values, we have

2 ´ 6 ´ 10–7
1´ 10–3
= 1.2 ´ 10–3 m
= 1.2 mm
\ Distance between first minima on either side of central maxima = 2 y = 2.4 mm Ans.

V Example 32.13 A parallel beam of monochromatic light of wavelength 450 nm

passes through a slit of width 0.2 mm. Find the angular divergence in which
most of the light is diffracted.
Solution Most of the light is diffracted between the two first order minima. These minimas
occur at angle given by
d sin q = ± nl
\ sin q = ±
450 ´ 10–9

0.2 ´ 10–3
= ± 2.25 ´ 10–3 rad
\ The angular divergence = 4.5 ´ 10–3 rad. Ans.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 215

Final Touch Points

1. In YDSE, if one slit is closed then we will not get interference on screen and intensity at every point is
almost uniform ( = I 0 ) and this is due to only one slit.
2. In YDSE, if both sources are incoherent, then again we will not get interference and intensity at every
point is again uniform ( = I1 + I 2 or 2 I 0 ).
3. In YDSE, if width of one slit is slightly increased then Imax and Imin both will increase. This is because
intensity due to the slit of increased width will increase or
I1 = I 0 but I 2 = nI 0 (where n > 1)
\ Imin = ( I1 - I 2 )2 > 0
and Imax = ( I1 + I 2 )2 > 4 I 0
4. Shape of fringes on complete screen Until now, we have discussed the fringe pattern on the centre
line of the screen. On this centre line maximas (likeY0, Y1, Y2 etc. ) or minimas (like y1, y 2 etc. ) are just
points. But on the whole screen fringes make a curve and this curve is a locus of points where path
difference from two slits is a constant. Or
Dx = S1P - S 2P = C K (i)
C = 0, gives Y0 fringe. Similarly, C = ± l gives Y1 or Y1¢ fringe etc.
æ yd ö
Now on the centre line, Dx was a function of only one variable coordinate y ç Dx = ÷ . But on the
è D ø
whole screen it will become a function of two variable coordinates (say y and z). Therefore, Eq. (i)
Dx = f ( y , z ) = C K (ii)
After proper calculations, we can show that this comes out to be a family of M
curves of hyperbolas. Thus, on the complete screen, fringes are of the shape of
For C = 0 , this hyperbola converts into a straight line. Hence, only Y0 fringe is a y1
straight line. The fringe pattern is as shown in figure. O Y0
MN is the centre line of screen,
onY0 fringe, Dx = S1 P - S 2 P = 0
N Y1¢
on Y1 fringe, Dx = S 2 P - S1 P = l
on Y1¢ fringe, Dx = S1 P - S 2 P = l and so on
5. Types of diffraction The diffraction phenomenon is divided into two types. Fresnel diffraction and
Fraunhofer diffraction. In the first type either source or screen or both are at finite distance from the
diffracting device (obstacle or aperture). In the second type both source and screen are effectively at
infinite distance from the diffracting device. Fraunhofer diffraction is a particular limiting case of
Fresnel diffraction.
6. Difference between interference and diffraction Both interference and diffraction are the results of
superposition of waves, so they are often present simultaneously as in Young’s double slit
experiment. However, interference is the result of superposition of waves from two different
wavefronts while diffraction results due to superposition of wavelets from different points of the same
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Solved Examples
Based on YDSE
Note Unless mentioned in the question consider two sources S1 and S2 as coherent.

Type 1. Based on interference by thin films

Interference effects are commonly observed in thin films, such 180° phase
as thin layers of oil on water or the thin surface of a soap change No phase
bubble. change
The varied colours observed when white light is incident on 2
such films result from the interference of waves reflected from Air mair > mfilm
the two surfaces of the film.
Consider a film of uniform thickness t and index of refraction Film
m, as shown in figure. Let us assume that the light rays t
travelling in air are nearly normal to the two surfaces of the
film. To determine whether the reflected rays interfere
constructively or destructively, we first note the following Air
(i) The wavelength of light in a medium whose refractive
index is m, is
lm =
where, l is the wavelength of light in vacuum (or air).
(ii) If a wave is reflected from a denser medium, it undergoes a phase change of 180°. Let
us apply these rules to the film shown in figure. The path difference between the two
rays 1 and 2 is 2t while the phase difference between them is 180°. Hence, condition of
constructive interference will be
2 t = ( 2n – 1) ( n = 1, 2, 3,¼)
æ 1ö æ lö
or 2 mt = ç n – ÷ l çç as lm = ÷÷
è 2ø è mø
Similarly, condition of destructive interference will be
2 mt = nl ( n = 0, 1, 2,¼)
Note Where there is a phase difference of p between two interfering rays, conditions of maximas and minimas
are interchanged.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 217

V Example 1 Calculate the minimum thickness of a soap bubble film (m = 1.33)

that results in constructive interference in the reflected light if the film is
illuminated with light whose wavelength in free space is l = 600 nm.
Solution For constructive interference in case of soap film,
æ 1ö
2 mt = ç n – ÷ l (n = 1, 2, 3, ¼ )
è 2ø
For minimum thickness t, n = 1
l l 600
or 2 mt = or t= =
2 4 m 4 ´ 1.33
= 112.78 nm Ans.

V Example 2 In solar cells, a silicon solar cell ( m = 3.5) is coated with a thin film
of silicon monoxide SiO ( m = 1.45) to minimize reflective losses from the surface.
Determine the minimum thickness of SiO that produces the least reflection at a
wavelength of 550 nm, near the centre of the visible spectrum. Assume
approximately normal incidence.
Solution The reflected light is a minimum when rays 1 and 2 (shown in figure) meet the
condition of destructive interference.
180° phase
180° phase
m = 1.45
m = 3.5

Note Both rays undergo a 180° phase change upon reflection. The net change in phase due to reflection is
therefore zero, and the condition for a reflection minimum requires a path difference of l m / 2. Hence,
l l 550
2t = or t = =
2m 4 m 4 (1.45)
= 94.8 nm Ans.

Type 2. Based on conditions of maxima or minima

(i) In the problems of YDSE, our first task is to find the path difference. Let us take a
typical case. In the figure shown, path of ray 1 is more than path of ray 2 by a distance,
Dx1 = d sin a
and Dx 2 = (m 1 – 1) t1
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and path of ray 2 is greater than path of ray 1 by a distance,

Dx3 = and Dx 4 = (m 2 – 1) t 2
Therefore, net path difference is
Dx = ( Dx1 + Dx 2 ) ~ ( Dx3 + Dx 4 )

m1, t1
Dx3, Dx4
1 a
d O
m2, t2
2 d <<D

(ii) Once the path difference is known, put

Dx = nl (for maximum intensity)
and Dx = ( 2n – 1) (for minimum intensity)
Note If medium is not air or medium is different on two sides of the slits, then for conditions of maxima/minima
phase difference between two interfering beams is more important rather than the path difference. For
phase difference, we will use
Df or f = ( Dx )
Here, l is the wavelength in that particular medium.

V Example 3 Distance between two slits is d. Wavelength of light is l. There is a

source of light S behind S2 at a distance D1 . A glass slab of thickness t and
refractive index m is kept in front of S1 . Find
mt P
S1 Dx2
Dx1 l << d £ D1 or D2

D1 D2

(a) Net path difference at point P at an angular position q.

(b) Write the equation for finding two angular positions corresponding to second order
minima ( y2 and y2¢ ).
(c) If q in part (b) does not come out to be small, then find two y-coordinates corresponding
to them.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 219

(d /2)(d ) æ yd ö
Solution (a) Dx1 = SS1 - SS 2 = ç Using Dx = ÷
D1 è Dø
Dx2 = d sin q
Dx3 = (m - 1) t
\ Dxnet = (Dx1 + Dx3 ) ~ Dx2
ì d2 ü
=í + (m - 1) t ý ~ d sin q
î 1D þ
(b) Corresponding to second order minima, net path difference should be .So, let q1 and q2 be the
two angular positions, then
ì d2 ü 3l
í + (m - 1) t ý - d sin q1 =
î2D1 þ 2
ì d2 ü 3l
and d sin q2 - í + (m - 1) t ý =
î 1D þ 2
From these two equations, we can find q1 and q2.
(c) Even if q is not small, we can write
tan q =
\ y = D2 tan q
Therefore, two y-coordinates are
y1 = D2 tan q1
and y2 = D2 tan q2

V Example 4 In the figure shown, a parallel beam of light (of wavelength l 1 in

medium m 1 ) is incident at an angle q. Distance S1O = S2 O. Distance between the
slits is d.
a O


Using d = 1 mm, D = 1 m, q = 30° , l1 = 0.3 mm, m 1 = 4 / 3 and m 2 = 10 / 9 , find

(a) the y-coordinate of the point where the total phase difference between the interfering
waves is zero.
(b) If the intensity due to each light wave at point O is I 0 , then find the resultant intensity
at O.
(c) Find y-coordinate of the nearest maxima above O.
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Solution (a) Wavelength of light in air,

l 0 = m 1l1 = 0.4 mm
Wavelength of light in medium-2,
l0 0.4
l2 = = = 0.36 mm
m 2 (10 / 9)
Let net path difference at some angle a is zero, then
Df1 + Df2 = 0
2p 2p
or (Dx1 ) + (Dx2) = 0
l1 l2
Dx1 Dx2
or + =0
l1 l2
d sin q d sin a
or + =0
l1 l2
\ sin a = - sin q
0.36 1
=- ´ = - 0.45
0.4 2
\ a » - 26.74°
y = D tan a
= (1 m) tan (-26.74° )
»- m Ans.
(b) At O, net phase difference,
æ 2p ö
Df or f = çç ÷÷ Dx1
è l1 ø
= (d sin q)
= (1) sin 30°
10 p
= = 600°
Using the equation I = 4 I 0 cos 2 , we have
I = 4 I 0 cos 2 (300° )
= I0 Ans.
10 p
(c) At O, phase difference Df1 is which is greater than 2 p but less than 4p.So, to make it 4 p, we
must have
Df1 + Df2 = 4p
10p 2p
Df2 = 4p - =
3 3
2p 2p 2p
Df2 = = (Dx2) = (d sin a )
3 l2 l2
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 221

l 2 0.36
or sin a = = = 0.12
3d 3 ´ 1
\ a » 6.89°
Now, y = D tan a
= (1 m) tan (6.89° )
= 0.12 m Ans.

Type 3. Based on the concept of Dx = d cos q and number of maxima or minima on the screen

(i) If the slits are vertical [as in figure (a)], path difference is
Dx = d sin q


S1 q
q q
S1 S2

Screen Screen
(a) (b)

This path difference increases as q increases. Hence, order of fringe (d sin q = nl or

d sin q
n= ) increases as we move away from point O on the screen.
Opposite is the case when the slits are horizontal [ as in figure (b)]. Here, path
difference is
Dx = d cos q
æ d cos q ö
This path difference decreases as q increases. Hence, order of fringe ç n = ÷
è l ø
decreases as we move away from point O.
See the figure below,
n=2 d = 10 l (given) n=8

S1 n=1 n=9

d n=0 n = 10
S1 S2

d sin q d cos q
n= n=
l l
n = 0 at q = 0° n = 10 at q = 0°
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222 — Optics and Modern Physics

(ii) Sometimes maximum number of maximas or minimas are asked in the question which
can be obtained on the screen. For this, we use the fact that value of sin q (or cos q) can’t
be greater than 1. For example, in the first case when the slits are vertical,
d sin q = nl or sin q = (for maximum intensity)
sin q |>1
nl d
\ |> 1 or n | >
d l
Suppose in some question is 4.6, then total number of maximas on the screen will
be 9. Corresponding to n = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3 and ± 4.
(iii) Number of maximas or minimas are normally asked when l is of the order of d. In this
case, fringe size will be large and limited number of maximas and minimas will be
æ lD ö
obtained on the screen. If l << d, then fringe size ç w = ÷ is very small (of the order of
è d ø
mm). So, millions of fringes can be obtained on the screen. So, number of maximas or
minimas are normally not asked.
(iv) If d << D, then we can apply
Dx = d sin q or d cos q
If q is large, then we cannot use the approximation
y yd
sin q » tan q = or Dx =
But we can use tan q = or y = D tan q

V Example 5 In the YDSE apparatus shown in figure, d << D and d = 6l. Find

d q


D Screen

(a) total number of maximas and minimas on the screen

(b) two y-coordinates corresponding to third order maxima
Solution (a) In the given set up, d << D
Therefore, we can apply
Dx = d sin q
(Dx)min = 0 at q = 0° and
(Dx)max = 6 l at q = 90°
Therefore, total number of maximas are eleven corresponding to,
Dx = 0, ± l , ± 2l , ± 3l , ± 4l and ± 5 l
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 223

Note D x = 6 l will also produce maxima but it is corresponding to q = 90 ° and in the figure, we can see that
q = 90 ° point lies outside the screen. So, we will have to ignore this maxima. Similarly, total number of
minimas are twelve corresponding to :
Dx = ± 0.5 l , ± 1.5 l , ± 2.5 l , ± 3.5 l , ± 4.5 l and ± 5.5 l
(b) Third order minima lies at
Dx = ± 3 l
\ d sin q = ± 3 l or 6 l sin q = ± 3 l
or sin q = ± or q = ± 30°
Now, = tan q and y = D tan q
\ y = ± D tan 30° or y = ± Ans.

V Example 6 In the set up shown in figure d << D and d = 4l, find


S1 S2
D Screen

(a) total number of maximas and minimas on the screen

(b) y-coordinates corresponding to minima nearest to O.
Solution (a) In the given set up, d << D, therefore we can use
Dx = d cos q
(Dx)min = 0 at q = 90°
(Dx)max = d = 4 l at q = 0°
Therefore, total number of maximas are eight corresponding to
Dx = ± 4 l , ± 3 l , ± 2 l and ± l
Note Dx = 0 also produce maxima. But this is corresponding to q = 90 °, which does not lie on screen.
Similarly, total number of minimas are eight corresponding to
Dx = ± 3.5 l , ± 2.5 l , ± 1.5 l and ± 0.5 l
(b) Minima nearest to O are corresponding to
Dx = ± 3.5 l
\ d cos q = ± 3.5 l or 4 l cos q = ± 3.5 l
æ 3.5 l ö
÷÷ or q = ± cos -1 æç ö÷
or q = ± cos -1 çç
è 4 l ø è ø
Now, = tan q Þ y = D tan q
ì æ 7öü
\ y = ± D tan ícos -1 ç ÷ ý Ans.
î è 8øþ
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224 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 7 There is a large circle (not a screen this time) around two coherent
sources S1 and S2 kept at a distance d = 3.4l.

S1 S2

(a) Find total number of maximas on this circle.

(b) Four angular positions corresponding to third order maxima on this circle.
Solution (a) Since, radius of circle << d, therefore we can apply
Dx = d cos q
Corresponding to given figure
(Dx)min = 0 at q = 90°
and (Dx)max = d = 3.4 l at q = 0°
Note This time, q = 90 ° lies on the circle. Therefore, Dx = 0 corresponding to zero order maxima lie on circle (two
in numbers). Hence, the total number of maximas are fourteen as shown below.
P3 Dx=0 P3
P2 P4 P2
P1 P1
q q
Dx = 3.4 l Dx = 3.4 l
q q
P1 P1
P2 P4 P2
P3 Dx = 0 P3

At P1, Dx = 3 l
At P2, Dx = 2 l
At P3 , Dx = l
At P4, Dx = 0
(b) Corresponding to third order maxima, (At P1)
Dx = 3 l
or d cos q = 3 l
or 3.4 cos q = 3 l
æ 3 ö
\ q = cos -1 ç ÷ Ans.
è 3.4 ø
Four angular positions are as shown in figure.

Note At q = 0 ° , Dx = d = 3.4 l. So, this is neither a maxima nor a minima.

Exercise Find number of minimas on the circle in the above problem.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 225

Type 4. When one of the interfering rays is reflected from a denser medium

In the shown figure, a virtual image S 2 is formed of the real source S1 .Further, l << d << D.
At any point P on the screen two rays interfere. One is direct from S1 and other is reflected
(or we can assume that it comes from S 2 ) from a denser medium. So, they will have a phase
difference of p or 180° between them.

R y
d O
S2 Screen
Whenever there exists a phase difference of p between the two interfering beams of light,
conditions of maxima and minima are interchanged, i.e.
Dx = nl (for minimum intensity)
and Dx = ( 2n – 1) l/ 2 (for maximum intensity)
Further, PQRM is the field of view corresponding to S 2 and the plane mirror. Or all
reflected rays fall on this region. So, interference will be obtained only between M and R on
the screen. Fringe width is still,
Total number of fringes obtained on the screen will be
N =
Suppose OP is y= (where, n is an integer)
= nw
and P lies between M and R, then it will become a dark fringe because conditions of
maxima and minima have been interchanged.

V Example 8 A source of light of wavelength 5000 Å is placed as shown in figure.

Considering interference of direct and reflected rays, determine the position of the
region where the fringes will be visible and calculate the number of fringes.
1 mm
5 cm 5 cm 190 cm
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226 — Optics and Modern Physics

Solution Interference will be obtained between

direct rays from S and reflected rays from S¢ (image
of S on mirror). P
Since, the reflected rays will lie between region P and
Q on the screen. So, interference is obtained in this d = 2 mm O
region only. From geometry will can show that,
OP = 1.9 cm and OQ = 3.9 cm SN D = 200 cm
\ PQ = 2 cm Ans.
lD (5000 ´ 10-8 )(200)
Fringe width , w = = cm = 0.05 cm
d (2 ´ 10-1 )
Total number of fringes in the region PQ,
PQ 2
N = = = 40 Ans.
w 0.05

Type 5. Based on conditions of double interference

On screen-1 interference takes place first time and intensity varies between 0 and 4 I 0 .
There are further two slits on screen-1 at S3 and S 4 . Therefore, second time interference
takes place on screen-2 due to two rays of light from S3 and S 4 .




V Example 9 Consider the situation shown in figure. The two slits S1 and S2
placed symmetrically around the centre line are illuminated by a monochromatic
light of wavelength l. The separation between the slits is d. The light transmitted
by the slits falls on a screen M 1 placed at a distance D from the slits. The slit S3 is
at the centre line and the slit S4 is at a distance y from S3 . Another screen M 2 is
placed at a further distance D away from M 1 . Find the ratio of the maximum to
minimum intensity observed on M 2 if y is equal to ( d << D)

S1 y
M1 M2

lD lD lD
(a) (b) (c)
2d d 4d
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 227

Solution S1S3 = S 2S3

\ Dx at S3 is zero. Therefore, intensity at S3 will be 4I 0. Let us call it I1. Thus,
IS3 = I1 = 4I 0
Now, IS4 (or I 2) depends on the value of y.
(a) When y =
yd l
Dx = =
D 2
\ IS4 = I 2 = 0
I max æç I1 + I 2 ö÷
or = =1 Ans.
I min çè I1 - I 2 ÷ø
(b) When y =
Dx = =l
\ IS4 = I 2 = 4I 0
I max æç I1 + I 2 ö÷
or = =¥
I min çè I1 - I 2 ÷ø
(c) When y =
yd l
Dx = =
D 4
Þ Df = f = 90°
\ IS4 = I 2 = 4I 0 cos 2 = 2I 0
I max æç I1 + I 2 ö÷
or = = 34 Ans.
I min çè I1 - I 2 ÷ø

V Example 10 Consider the arrangement shown in figure. By some mechanism,

the separation between the slits S3 and S4 can be changed. The intensity is
measured at the point P which is at the common perpendicular bisector of S1 S2
and S3 S4 . When z = , the intensity measured at P is I. Find the intensity when
z is equal to

S1 S3
d P
S2 S4

Dl 3Dl 2Dl
(a) (b) (c)
d 2d d
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228 — Optics and Modern Physics

Solution | yS3| = | yS4| = = y (say)
Dl z Dl
When z=
, = y=
2d 2 4d
yd l
\ Dx = =
D 4
and we have seen in the above example that, at Dx = , intensity is 2I 0.
\ IS3 = IS4 = 2I 0
Now, P is at the perpendicular bisector of S3S 4. Therefore, intensity at P will be four times of
2I 0 or 8I 0.
\ 8I 0 = I (Given)
Hence, I0 =
(a) When z =
z Dl
y= =
2 2d
yd l
\ Dx = =
D 2
or IS3 = IS4 = 0
Hence, IP = 0 Ans.
3 Dl
(b) When z=
z 3 Dl
y= =
2 4d
yd 3l
Dx = =
D 4
2p 3p
\ Df or f = (Dx) =
l 2
2 f
Using I = 4I 0 cos
We have, IS3 = IS4 = 2I 0
\ IP = 4(2I 0 ) = 8I 0 = I Ans.
2 Dl
(c) When z =
z Dl
y= =
2 d
\ Dx = =l
\ IS3 = IS4 = 4I 0
IP = 4(4I 0 ) = 16 I 0 = 2I Ans.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 229

Type 6. When no approximation can be taken in finding the path difference

If D is not very very greater than d, then we cannot apply Dx = d sin q or d cos q or . In
this case, we will have to find the path difference by using geometry.

V Example 11 Two coherent point sources S1 and S2 emit light of wavelength l.

The separation between sources is 2l. Consider a line passing through S2 and
perpendicular to the line S1 S2 . What is the smallest distance on this line from S2
where a minimum of intensity occurs?
Solution At S 2, Dx = 2l P
Therefore, the minima closest to S 2 will be corresponding to the path
difference Dx = . Suppose this point is P at a distance y from S 2. Then,
2 y
S1 P - S 2 P =
2 2 3l S1 2l S2
y + (S1S 2) - y =
2 2 æ 3l ö
or y + (2l ) = ç y + ÷
è 2ø
Squaring and then solving this equation, we get
y= Ans.

Type 7. Based on single slit diffraction

V Example 12 A screen is placed 50 cm from a single slit, which is illuminated
with 6000 Å light. If distance between the first and third minima in the
diffraction pattern is 3.0 mm, what is the width of the slit?
Solution Position of first minima on a single slit diffraction pattern is given by
d sin q = nl
For small value of q, sin q » q =
yd nlD
\ = nl or y=
D d
\ Distance between third order minima and first order minima will be
(3 – 1) (lD ) 2lD
Dy = y3 – y1 = =
d d
Substituting the values, we have
(2) (6 ´ 10–7 ) (0.5)
Dy =
3 ´ 10–3
= 2 ´ 10–4 m
= 0.2 mm Ans.
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230 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 13 In a single slit diffraction experiment first minima for l 1 = 660 nm

coincides with first maxima for wavelength l 2 . Calculate the value of l 2 .
Solution Position of minima in diffraction pattern is given by
d sin q = nl
For first minima of l1, we have
d sin q1 = (1) l1
or sin q1 = 1 …(i)
The first maxima approximately lies between first and second minima. For wavelength l 2 , its
position will be
d sin q2 = l 2
3l 2
\ sin q2 = …(ii)
The two will coincide if
q1 = q2
or sin q1 = sin q2
l1 3l 2
\ =
d 2d
or l 2 = l1
= ´ 660 nm
= 440 nm Ans.

Miscellaneous Examples
V Example 14 Figure shows three equidistant slits illuminated by a
monochromatic parallel beam of light. Let BP0 - AP0 = l /3 and D >> l

(a) Show that d = 2lD / 3

(b) Show that the intensity at P0 is three times the intensity due to any of the three slits
Solution (a) Given, BP0 - AP0 = l/ 3
\ D2 + d2 - D =
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 231

æ lö
or D2 + d2 = ç D + ÷
è 3ø
Squaring both sides, we get
l2 2Dl
D2 + d2 = D2 + +
9 3
Since l << D, we can ignore the term . By ignoring this term, we get the desired result.
2 lD
(b) Given, BP0 - AP0 = Dx12 =
\ Df12 or f12 = 120° C
2 2 d
Now, CP0 - AP0 = Dx13 = (2d ) + D - D 3
é æ 2d ö ù
2 2 d
= D ê1 + ç ÷ ú - D 1
êë è D ø úû A P0
é 1 4d 2 ù
» D ê1 + ´ 2 ú - D
ë 2 D û
2d 2
2 lD 2 lD
Substituting, d = or d2 =
3 3
We get, Dx13 = l
\ Df13 or f13 = (360° ) = 480°
= 480° - 360° = 120°
Now, we know that in case of coherent sources amplitudes are first added by vector method.
So, let individual amplitude is A0.

A0 2A0

120° Þ 120°
A0 A0

The resultant amplitude will be given by

A= A02 + (2 A0 )2 + 2 ( A0 )(2 A0 ) cos 120°
= 3 A0
I µ A2
and amplitude has become 3 times, therefore resultant intensity will become 3 times.
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232 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 15 Young’s double slit experiment is carried out using microwaves of

wavelength l = 3 cm. Distance between the slits is d = 5 cm and the distance
between the plane of slits and the screen is D = 100 cm.
(a) Find total number of maximas and
(b) their positions on the screen.
Solution (a) The maximum path difference that can be produced = distance between the
sources or 5 cm.



Thus, in this case we can have only three maximas, one central maxima and two on its either
side for a path difference of l or 3 cm.
(b) For maximum intensity at P,
S 2P – S1P = l
or ( y + d /2) + D 2 –
( y – d /2)2 + D 2 = l
Substituting d = 5 cm , D = 100 cm and l = 3 cm we get,
y = ± 75 cm
Thus, the three maximas will be at
and y = ± 75 cm Ans.

V Example 16 Two coherent sources are 0.3 mm apart. They are 0.9 m away from
the screen. The second dark fringe is at a distance of 0.3 cm from the centre. Find
the distance of fourth bright fringe from the centre. Also, find the wavelength of
light used.
Solution Given, d = 0.3 ´ 10–3 m, D = 0.9 m
= 0.3 ´ 10–2 cm (the distance of second dark fringe)
lD æ2ö
\ = (0.3 ´ 10–2) ç ÷
d è3ø
= 0.2 ´ 10–2 m = 0.2 cm
(i) Distance of fourth bright fringe from centre = = 0.8 cm Ans.
ædö æ 0.3 ´ 10–3 ö
(ii) l = ç ÷ (0.2 ´ 10–2) m = çç ÷ (0.2 ´ 10–2)
è Dø è 0.9 ø
= 6.67 ´ 10–7 m Ans.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 233

V Example 17 In a Young’s double slit set up, the wavelength of light used is
546 nm. The distance of screen from slits is 1 m. The slit separation is 0.3 mm.
(a) Compare the intensity at a point P distant 10 mm from the central fringe where the
intensity is I 0.
(b) Find the number of bright fringes between P and the central fringe.
Solution Given, l = 546 nm = 5.46 ´ 10–7 m, D = 1.0 m and d = 0.3 mm = 0.3 ´ 10–3 m
(a) At a distance y = 10 mm = 10 ´ 10–3 m, from central fringe, the path difference will be
yd (10 ´ 10–3 ) (0.3 ´ 10–3 )
Dx = = = 3.0 ´ 10–6 m
D 1.0
The corresponding phase difference between the two interfering beams will be
f= × Dx
æ 2p ö
= çç ÷ (3.0 ´ 10–6 ) radian
–7 ÷
è 5.46 ´ 10 ø
= 1978°
\ = 989°
\ I = I 0 cos 2
= I 0 cos 2 (989)
= 3.0 ´ 10–4 I 0 Ans.
lD (5.46 ´ 10 ) (1.0)
(b) Fringe width, w = = m
d 0.3 ´ 10–3
= 1.82 mm
y 10
Since, = = 5.49
w 1.82
Therefore, number of bright fringes between P and central fringe will be 5 (excluding the
central fringe). Ans.

V Example 18 In a double slit pattern (l = 6000 Å), the first order and tenth order
maxima fall at 12.50 mm and 14.75 mm from a particular reference point. If l is
changed to 5500 Å, find the position of zero order and tenth order fringes, other
arrangements remaining the same.
Solution Distance between 10 fringes is
9 w = (14.75 – 12.50) mm = 2.25 mm
\ Fringe width, w = 0.25 mm
When the wavelength is changed from 6000 Å to 5500 Å, the new fringe width will become,
æ 5500 ö æ 5500 ö
w¢ = ç ÷ w=ç ÷ (0.25)
è 6000 ø è 6000 ø
as fringe width µ l
\ w¢ = 0.23 mm
The position of central (or zero order) maxima will remain unchanged. Earlier it was at a
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234 — Optics and Modern Physics

Y 0 = Y1 – w = (12.50 – 0.25) = 12.25 mm Ans.

The new position of tenth order maxima will be
Y10 = Y 0 + 10 w¢ = (12.25) + (10) (0.23) = 14.55 mm Ans.

V Example 19 Two coherent narrow slits emitting light of wavelength l in the

same phase are placed parallel to each other at a small separation of 2 l. The
light is collected on a screen S which is placed at a distance D( >> l ) from the slit
S1 as shown in figure. Find the finite distance x such that the intensity at P is
equal to intensity at O.

S1 S2

Solution Path difference at O,

S1O – S 2 O = 2l
i.e. maximum intensity is obtained at O. Next maxima will be obtained at point P where,

sq x
d co
q O
S1 S2

S1P – S 2P = l
or d cos q = l
or 2l cos q = l
or cos q =
\ q = 60°
PO x
Now in DS1PO , = tan q or = tan 60° = 3
\ x = 3D Ans.

Note At point O, path difference is 2l, i.e. we get second order maxima. At point P, where path difference is l
(i.e x = 3D ) we get first order maxima. The next, i.e. zero order maxima will be obtained where path
difference, i.e. d cos q = 0 or q = 90 °. At q = 90 °, x = ¥. So, our answer, i.e. finite distance of x should be
x = 3D, corresponding to first order maxima.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 235

V Example 20 An interference is observed due to two coherent sources S1 placed at

origin and S2 placed at ( 0, 3l , 0). Here, l is the wavelength of the sources. A
detector D is moved along the positive x-axis. Find x-coordinates on the x-axis
(excluding x = 0 and x = ¥) where maximum intensity is observed.
Solution At x = 0, path difference is 3 l. Hence, third order maxima will be obtained. At x = ¥,
path difference is zero. Hence, zero order maxima is obtained. In between, first and second
order maxima will be obtained.



S1 X

First order maxima

S 2P – S1P = l or x2 + 9 l2 – x = l or x2 + 9l2 = x + l
Squaring on both sides, we get
x2 + 9l2 = x2 + l2 + 2xl
Solving this, we get x = 4l
Second order maxima
S 2P – S1P = 2l or x2 + 9l2 – x = 2l or x2 + 9 l2 = (x + 2l )
Squaring on both sides, we get
x2 + 9l2 = x2 + 4l2 + 4xl
Solving, we get x = l = 1.25 l
Hence, the desired x-coordinates are
x = 1.25 l and x =4l Ans.
Note (i) As we move along positive x-axis (from origin) order of maxima decreases from n = 3 to n = 0.
(ii) Here, we cannot take the path difference d cos q or d sin q. Think why?

V Example 21 In a Young’s double slit

experiment, the light sources is at distance P
l1 = 20 mm and l2 = 40 mm from the main slit. S l1
The light of wavelength l = 500 nm is incident S1
on slits separated at a distance 10 mm. A screen l2 q
is placed at a distance D = 2 m away from the d
slits as shown in figure. Find S2
(a) the values of q relative to the central line where D
maxima appear on the screen?
(b) how many maxima will appear on the screen?
(c) what should be the minimum thickness of a slab of refractive index 1.5 placed on the
path of one of the ray so that minima occurs at C?
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236 — Optics and Modern Physics

Solution (a) The optical path difference between the beams arriving at P,
D x = (l2 – l1 ) + d sin q
The condition for maximum intensity is
Dx = nl [n = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ¼ ]
1 1
Thus, sin q = [Dx – (l2 – l1 )] = [nl – (l2 – l1) ]
d d
= [n ´ 500 ´ 10–9 – 20 ´ 10–6 ]
10 ´ 10–6
én ù
=2 –1
êë 40 úû
é æn öù
Hence, q = sin –1 ê2 ç – 1÷ ú Ans.
ë è 40 øû
(b) |sin q| £ 1
én ù
\ –1 £ 2 – 1ú £ 1
êë 40 û
or –20 £ (n – 40) £ 20
or 20 £ n £ 60
Hence, number of maximas = 60 – 20 = 40 Ans.
æ 2p ö æ 2p ö
(c) At C, phase difference f = ç ÷ (l2 – l1 ) = çç ÷ (20 ´ 10–6 )
–9 ÷
è lø è 500 ´ 10 ø
= 80 p
Hence, maximum intensity will appear at C. For minimum intensity at C,
(m – 1) t =
l 500 ´ 10–9
or t= = = 500 nm Ans.
2 (m – 1) 2 ´ 0.5
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Assertion and Reason
Directions : Choose the correct option.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
(d) If Assertion is false but the Reason is true.
1. Assertion : Two identical waves due to two coherent sources interfere at a point with a phase
difference of , then the resultant intensity at this point is equal to the individual intensity of
the sources .
2p l
Reason : A phase difference of is equivalent to a path difference of .
3 3
2. Assertion : In the figure shown, zero order maxima will lie above point O.

Reason : Zero order maxima normally means a point where path difference is zero.
3. Assertion : A monochromatic source of light is placed above a plane mirror as shown in
figure. Fringes will be obtained at all points above O but not below it on the screen.


Reason : All reflected rays will suffer a phase difference of p.

4. Assertion : If width of one slit in Young’s double slit experiment is slightly increased, then
maximum and minimum both intensities will increase.
Reason : Intensity reaching from that slit on screen will slightly increase.
5. Assertion : If white light is used in place of monochromatic light in YDSE, then central point
is white, although at other places coloured fringes will be obtained.
Reason : At centre, path difference is zero for all wavelengths . Hence, all wavelengths will
interfere constructively.
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238 — Optics and Modern Physics

6. Assertion : A glass hemisphere is placed on a flat plate as shown. The observed interference
fringes from this combination shall be circular.

Reason : In all cases fringes are circular .

7. Assertion : Two coherent sources S1 and S 2 are placed in front of a screen as shown in figure.
At point P, 10th order maxima is obtained . Then, 11th order maxima will be obtained above P.

S1 S2

Reason : For 11th order maxima path difference should be more.

8. Assertion : Distance between two coherent sources S1 and S 2 is 4l. A large circle is drawn
around these sources with centre of circle lying at centre of S1 and S 2. There are total 16
maximas on this circle.
Reason : Total number of minimas on this circle are less, compared to total number of
9. Assertion : In the YDSE apparatus shown in figure d << D and = 4, then second order
maxima will be obtained at q = 30°.

d q

Reason : Total seven maximas will be obtained on screen.

10. Assertion : White light is used in YDSE. Now, a glass slab is inserted in front of the slit S1.
Then, red fringe will shift less (in upward direction) compared to violet.



Reason : Refractive index for violet colour will be more.

Objective Questions
1. Three coherent waves having amplitudes 12 mm, 6 mm and 4 mm arrive at a given point with
successive phase difference of p/ 2 . Then, the amplitude of the resultant wave is
(a) 7 mm (b) 10 mm (c) 5 mm (d) 4.8 mm
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 239

2. Two coherent sources of intensity ratio b2 interfere. Then, the value of ( I max - I min )/( I max + I min )
1+b 1+b
(a) (b)
b b
(c) (d) None of these
3. In Young’s double slit experiment, distance between two sources is 0.1 mm. The distance of
screen from the sources is 20 cm. Wavelength of light used is 5460 Å. Then, angular position of
first dark fringe is approximately
(a) 0.08° (b) 0.16°
(c) 0.20° (d) 0.32°
4. Young’s double slit experiment is made in a liquid. The tenth bright fringe in liquid lies in
screen where 6th dark fringe lies in vacuum. The refractive index of the liquid is approximately
(a) 1.8 (b) 1.54
(c) 1.67 (d) 1.2
5. A plane monochromatic light wave falls normally on a diaphragm with two narrow slits
separated by 2.5 mm. The fringe pattern is formed on a screen 100 cm behind the diaphragm.
By what distance will these fringes be displaced, when one of the slits is covered by a glass
plate ( m = 1.5) of thickness 10 mm?
(a) 2 mm (b) 1 mm
(c) 3 mm (d) 4 mm
6. The distance of nth bright fringe to the nth dark fringe in Young’s experiment is equal to
3lD 2lD
(a) (b)
2d d
lD lD
(c) (d)
2d d
7. When YDSE is conducted with white light, a white fringe is observed at the centre of the
screen. When the screen is moved towards the slits by 5 mm, then this white fringe
(a) does not move (b) becomes red
(c) disappears (d) Nothing can be said
8. In Young’s double slit experiment, 60 fringes are observed in the central view zone with light of
wavelength 4000 Å . The number of fringes that will be observed in the same view zone with the
light of wavelength 6000 Å, is
(a) 40 (b) 90
(c) 60 (d) None of these
9. In a two slit experiment with monochromatic light, fringes are obtained on a screen placed at
some distance from the slits . If the screen is moved by 5 ´ 10-2 m, towards the slits, the change
in fringe width is 3 ´ 10-5 m. If separation between the slits is 10-3 m, the wavelength of light
used is
(a) 6000 Å (b) 5000 Å (c) 3000 Å (d) 4500 Å
10. The ratio of maximum to minimum intensity due to superposition of two waves is .Then, the
ratio of the intensity of component waves is
25 5 25 7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 4 6 5
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240 — Optics and Modern Physics

11. With two slits spaced 0.2 mm apart and a screen at a distance of 1 m, the third bright fringe is
found to be at 7.5 mm from the central fringe. The wavelength of light used is
(a) 400 nm (b) 500 nm
(c) 550 nm (d) 600 nm
12. A beam of light consisting of two wavelengths 6500 Å and 5200Å is used to obtain interference
fringes in YDSE. The distance between slits is 2 mm and the distance of the screen from slits is
120 cm. What is the least distance from central maximum where the bright due to both
wavelengths coincide?
(a) 0.156 cm (b) 0.312 cm
(c) 0.078 cm (d) 0.468 cm
13. A beam of light parallel to central line AB is incident on the plane of Screen
slits . The number of minima obtained on the large screen is n1. Now if
the beam is tilted by some angle ( ¹ 90° ) as shown in figure, then the B
number of minima obtained is n 2. Then,
(a) n1 = n2 (b) n1 > n2
(c) n2 > n1 (d) n2 will be zero

Subjective Questions
Note You can take approximations in the answers.
1. Two waves of equal frequencies have their amplitude in the ratio of 5 : 3. They are
superimposed on each other. Calculate the ratio of the maximum to minimum intensities of the
resultant wave.
2. Two coherent sources A and B of radio waves are 5.00 m apart. Each source emits waves with
wavelength 6.00 m. Consider points along the line between the two sources. At what distances,
if any, from A is the interference (a) constructive (b) destructive?
3. A radio transmitting station operating at a frequency of 120 MHz has two identical antennas
that radiate in phase. Antenna B is 9.00 m to the right of antenna A. Consider point P between
the antennas and along the line connecting them, a horizontal distance x to the right of
antenna A. For what values of x will constructive interference occur at point P ?
4. Coherent light from a sodium-vapour lamp is passed through a filter that blocks everything
except for light of a single wavelength. It then falls on two slits separated by 0.460 mm. In the
resulting interference pattern on a screen 2.20 m away, adjacent bright fringes are separated
by 2.82 mm. What is the wavelength?
5. Find the angular separation between the consecutive bright fringes in a Young’s double slit
experiment with blue-green light of wavelength 500 nm. The separation between the slits is
2.0 ´ 10-3 m.
6. A Young’s double slit apparatus has slits separated by 0.25 mm and a screen 48 cm away from
the slits. The whole apparatus is immersed in water and the slits are illuminated by the red
light (l = 700 nm in vacuum). Find the fringe width of the pattern formed on the screen.
(m w = 4 / 3)
7. In a double slit experiment, the distance between the slits is 5.0 mm and the slits are 1.0 m
from the screen. Two interference patterns can be seen on the screen one due to light with
wavelength 480 nm, and the other due to light with wavelength 600 nm. What is the
separation on the screen between the third order bright fringes of the two interference
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 241

8. Two slits spaced 0.450 mm apart are placed 75.0 cm from a screen. What is the distance
between the second and third dark lines of the interference pattern on the screen when the slits
are illuminated with coherent light with a wavelength of 500 nm?
9. Coherent light with wavelength 600 nm passes through two very narrow slits and the
interference pattern is observed on a screen 3.00 m from the slits. The first order bright fringe
is at 4.94 mm from the centre of the central bright fringe. For what wavelength of light will the
first order dark fringe be observed at this same point on the screen?
10. Two very narrow slits are spaced 1.80 mm apart and are placed 35.0 cm from a screen. What is
the distance between the first and second dark lines of the interference pattern when the slits
are illuminated with coherent light of l = 550 nm? (Hint : The angle q is not small).
11. A narrow beam of 100 eV electrons is fired at two parallel slits very close to each other. The
distance between the slits is 10 Å. The electron waves after passing through the slits interfere
on a screen 3 m away from slits and form interference fringes. Find the width of the fringe.
12. In a Young’s double slit set up, the wavelength of light used is 546 nm. The distance of screen
from slits is 1 m. The slit separation is 0.3 mm.
(a) Compare the intensity at a point P distant 10 mm from the central fringe where the intensity
is I 0.
(b) Find the number of bright fringes between P and the central fringe.
13. Interference pattern with Young’s double slits 1.5 mm apart are formed on a screen at a
distance 1.5 m from the plane of slits. In the path of the beam of one of the slits, a transparent
film of 10 micron thickness and of refractive index 1.6 is interposed while in the path of the
beam from the other slit a transparent film of 15 micron thickness and of refractive index 1.2 is
interposed. Find the displacement of the fringe pattern.
14. In a Young’s double slit experiment using monochromatic light, the fringe pattern shifts by a
certain distance on the screen when a mica sheet of refractive index 1.6 and thickness 1.964
microns is introduced in the path of one of the interfering waves. The mica sheet is then
removed and the distance between the slits and screen is doubled. It is found that the distance
between successive maxima (or minima) now is the same as observed fringe shift upon the
introduction of the mica sheet. Calculate the wavelength of the monochromatic light used in
the experiment.
15. Interference effects are produced at point P on a screen as a result of direct rays from a 500 nm
source and reflected rays from a mirror, as shown in figure. If the source is 100 m to the left of
the screen and 1.00 cm above the mirror, find the distance y (in milimetres) to the first dark
band above the mirror.
Viewing screen


O Mirror

16. What is the thinnest film of coating with n = 1.42 on glass ( n = 1.52 ) for which destructive
interference of the red component (650 nm) of an incident white light beam in air can take
place by reflection?
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242 — Optics and Modern Physics

17. A glass plate ( n = 1.53 ) that is 0.485 mm thick and surrounded by air is illuminated by a beam of
white light normal to the plate.
(a) What wavelengths (in air) within the limits of the visible spectrum (l = 400 to 700 nm) are
intensified in the reflected beam?
(b) What wavelengths within the visible spectrum are intensified in the transmitted light?
18. A thick glass slab (m = 1.5 ) is to be viewed in reflected white light. It is proposed to coat the slab
with a thin layer of a material having refractive index 1.3 so that the wavelength 6000 Å is
suppressed. Find the minimum thickness of the coating required.
19. An oil film covers the surface of a small pond. The refractive index of the oil is greater than that
of water. At one point on the film, the film has the smallest non-zero thickness for which there
will be destructive interference in the reflected light when infrared radiation with wavelength
800 nm is incident normal to the film. When this film is viewed at normal incidence at this
same point, for what visible wavelengths, if any, will there be constructive interference?
(Visible light has wavelengths between 400 nm and 700 nm)
20. A possible means for making an airplane invisible to radar is to coat the plane with an anti
reflective polymer. If radar waves have a wavelength of 3.00 cm and the index of refraction of
the polymer is m = 1.5. How thick is the oil film? Refractive index of the material of airplane
wings is greater than the refractive index of polymer.
21. Determine what happens to the double slit interference pattern if one of the slits is covered
with a thin, transparent film whose thickness is , where l is the wavelength of the
2 (m – 1)
incident light and m is the index of refraction of the film.
22. Two slits 4.0 ´ 10-6 m apart are illuminated by light of wavelength 600 nm. What is the highest
order fringe in the interference pattern?
23. Consider an interference experiment using eight equally spaced slits. Determine the smallest
phase difference in the waves from adjacent slits such that the resultant wave has zero

Single Correct Option
1. The intensity of each of the two slits in Young’s double slit experiment is I 0. Calculate the
minimum separation between the two points on the screen where intensities are 2 I 0 and I 0.
Given, the fringe width equal to b.
b b b
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
4 3 12
2. In Young’s double slit experiment, the intensity of light at a point on the screen where path
difference is l is I. If intensity at another point is I/4, then possible path differences at this
point are
(a) l /2, l /3 (b) l /3, 2l /3 (c) l /3, l /4 (d) 2l /3, l /4
3. White light is incident normally on a glass plate (in air) of thickness 500 nm and refractive
index of 1.5. The wavelength (in nm ) in the visible region (400 nm-700 nm) that is strongly
reflected by the plate is
(a) 450 (b) 600 (c) 400 (d) 500
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 243

4. A double slit of separation 0.1 mm is illuminated by white light. A coloured interference

pattern is formed on a screen 100 cm away. If a pin hole is located in this screen at a distance of
2 mm from the central fringe, the wavelengths in the visible spectrum (4000 Å to 7000 Å) which
will be absent in the light transmitted through the pin hole is (are)
(a) 4000 Å (b) 5000 Å
(c) 6000 Å (d) 7000 Å
5. In a YDSE experiment, d = 1mm, l = 6000 Å and D = 1 m. The minimum distance between two
points on screen having 75% intensity of the maximum intensity will be
(a) 0.50 mm (b) 0.40 mm
(c) 0.30 mm (d) 0.20 mm
6. The central fringe of the interference pattern produced by the light of wavelength 6000Å is
found to shift to the position of 4th dark fringe after a glass sheet of refractive index 1.5 is
introduced. The thickness of glass sheet would be
(a) 4.8 mm (b) 4.2 mm
(c) 5.4 mm (d) 3.0 mm
7. Let S1 and S 2 be the two slits in Young’s double slit experiment . If central maxima is observed
at P and angle S1 P S 2 = q ,( q is small) find the y-coordinates of the 3rd minima assuming the
origin at the central maxima . (l = wavelength of monochromatic light used).
2l 5l
(a) ± (b) ±
q 2q
(c) ± lq (d) ± 2lq
8. Two monochromatic (wavelength =a /5) and coherent sources of electromagnetic waves are
placed on the x-axis at the points (2a, 0) and (– a, 0). A detector moves in a circle of radius
R ( >> 2a ) whose centre is at the origin. The number of maxima detected during one circular
revolution by the detector are
(a) 60 (b) 15
(c) 64 (d) None of these
9. The ratio of the intensity at the centre of a bright fringe to the intensity at a point one quarter
of the fringe width from the centre is
(a) 1 (b)
3 1
(c) (d)
4 4
10. In YDSE if a slab whose refractive index can be varied is placed in front of one of the slits .
Then, the variation of resultant intensity at mid-point of screen with m will be best represented
by (m is greater than or equal to 1)

l0 l0 l0 l0

(a) (b) (c) (d)

m m m m
m=1 m=1 m=1 m=1
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244 — Optics and Modern Physics

11. In YDSE, both slits produce equal intensities on the screen. A 100% transparent thin film is
placed in front of one of the slits. Now, the intensity on the centre becomes 75% of the previous
intensity. The wavelength of light is 6000 Å and refractive index of glass is 1.5. The minimum
thickness of the glass slab is
(a) 0.2 mm (b) 0.3 mm
(c) 0.4 mm (d) 0.5 mm
12. YDSE is carried with two thin sheets of thickness 10.4 mm each and refractive index m 1 = 1.52
and m 2 =1.40 covering the slits S1 and S 2, respectively. If white light of range 400 nm to 780 nm
is used, then which wavelength will form maxima exactly at point O, the centre of the screen



(a) 416 nm only (b) 624 nm only
(c) 416 nm and 624 nm only (d) None of these

More than One Correct Options

1. A Young’s double slit experiment is performed with white light, then
(a) the fringe next to the central will be red
(b) the central fringe will be white
(c) the fringe next to the central will be violet
(d) there will not be a completely dark fringe
2. If one of the slit of a standard Young’s double slit experiment is covered by a thin parallel sided
glass slab so that it transmits only one-half the light intensity of the other, then
(a) the fringe pattern will get shifted towards the covered slit
(b) the fringe pattern will get shifted away from the covered slit
(c) the bright fringes will be less bright and the dark ones will be more bright
(d) the fringe width will remain unchanged
3. A parallel beam of light ( l = 5000 Å ) is incident at an angle
q = 30° with the normal to the slit plane in a Young’s double S1
slit experiment. The intensity due to each slit is I 0 . Point O
is equidistant from S1 and S 2. The distance between slits is O
1 mm.
(a) The intensity at O is 4 I 0
(b) The intensity at O is zero 2m
(c) The intensity at a point on the screen 4 mm above O is 4I 0
(d) The intensity at a point on the screen 4 mm above O is zero
4. In the phenomenon of interference,
(a) sources must be coherent
(b) amplitudes must be same
(c) wavelengths must be same
(d) intensities may be different
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 245

5. In YDSE set up shown in figure,

(a) zero order maxima will lie above point P
(b) first order maxima may lie above point P P
(c) first order maxima may lie below point P
(d) zero order maxima may lie at point P
6. Bichromatic light of wavelengths l1 = 5000 Å and l2 = 7000 Å are used in YDSE. Then,
(a) 14th order maxima of l1 will coincide with 10th order maxima of l 2
(b) 21st order maxima of l 2 will coincide with 15th order maxima of l1
(c) 11th order minima of l1 will coincide with 8th order minima of l 2
(d) 3rd order minima of l1 will coincide with 4th order minima of l 2

Comprehension Based Questions

Passage : (Q. No. 1 to 4)
A Young’s double slit apparatus is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.33. It has slit
separation of 1 mm and interference pattern is observed on the screen at a distance 1.33 m from
plane of slits. The wavelength in air is 6300 Å.
1. Calculate the fringe width.
(a) 0.63 mm (b) 1.26 mm
(c) 1.67 mm (d) 2.2 mm
2. Find the distance of seventh bright fringe from third bright fringe lying on the same side of
central bright fringe .
(a) 2.52 mm (b) 4.41 mm
(c) 1.89 mm (d) 1.26 mm
3. One of the slits of the apparatus is covered by a thin glass sheet of refractive index 1.53. Find
the smallest thickness of the sheet to interchange the position of minima and maxima.
(a) 2.57 mm (b) 1.57 mm
(c) 3.27 mm (d) 4.18 mm
4. One of the slits of the apparatus is covered by a thin glass sheet of refractive index 1.53. Find
the fringe width
(a) 0.63 mm (b) 1.26 mm
(c) 1.67 mm (d) 2.2 mm

Match the Columns

1. Two waves from coherent sources meet at a point in a phase difference of f. Both the waves
have same intensities. Match the following two columns.

Column I Column II
(a) If f = 60° (p) Resultant intensity will become four times
(b) If f = 90° (q) Resultant intensity will become two times
(c) If f = 0° (r) Resultant intensity will remain
(d) If f = 120° (s) Resultant intensity will become three
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246 — Optics and Modern Physics

2. Two waves from coherent sources meet at a point in a path difference of Dx. Both the waves
have same intensities. Match the following two columns.
Column I Column II
(a) If Dx = l/3 (p) Resultant intensity will become
three times
(b) If Dx = l/6 (q) Resultant intensity will remain
(c) If Dx = l/4 (r) Resultant intensity will become
two times
(d) If Dx = l/2 (s) Resultant intensity will become

3. In terms of fringe width w, match the following two columns.

Column I Column II
(a) Distance between central maxima (p) 2.5 w
and third order maxima
(b) Distance between central maxima (q) 3.0 w
and third order minima
(c) Distance between first minima (r) 3.5 w
and fourth order maxima
(d) Distance between second order (s) None of these
maxima and fifth order minima

4. Match the following two columns.

Column I Column II
(a) (p) The zero order maxima
will lie above point O

(b) (q) The zero order maxima

will lie below point O

(c) (r) The zero order maxima

O may lie above or below
point O

(d) (s) The zero order maxima

O may lie at point O
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 247

5. In the figure shown, Z1 and Z 2 are two screens. Line PO is the bisector line of S1S 2 and S3S 4.
When Z1 is removed, resultant intensity at O due to slits S1 and S 2 is I. Now, Z1 is placed. For
different values of y given in Column I, match the resultant intensity at O given in Column II.
Z1 Z2



Column I Column II

(a) y = lD (p) 3I
(b) y = lD (q) zero
(c) y = D (r) I
(d) y = lD (s) None of these

6. Figure shows a set up to perform Young’s double slit experiment. A monochromatic source of
light is placed at S ,S1 and S 2 and act as coherent sources and interference pattern is obtained
on the screen.


Column I Column II
(a) A thin transparent plate is placed (p) Interference fringes disappear
in front of S1.
(b) S1 is closed. (q) There is a uniform illumination
on a large part of the screen
(c) A thin transparent plate is placed (r) The zero order fringe will not
in front of S 2. form at O
(d) S is removed and two different (s) Central maxima is formed
sources emitting light of same below O
wavelength are placed at S1 and S 2.
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248 — Optics and Modern Physics

Subjective Questions
1. A ray of light is incident on the left vertical face of the glass slab. If the incident light has an
intensity I and on each reflection the intensity decreases by 90% and on each refraction the
intensity decreases by 10%, find the ratio of the intensities of maximum to minimum in
reflected pattern.

2. A parallel beam of white light falls on a thin film whose refractive index is equal to 4/ 3. The
angle of incidence i = 53°. What must be the minimum film thickness if the reflected light is to
be coloured yellow (l of yellow = 0.6 mm) most intensively? (tan 53° = 4/ 3)
3. A convergent lens with a focal length of f = 10 cm is cut into two halves that are then moved
apart to a distance of d = 0.5 mm (a double lens). Find the fringe width on screen at a distance
of 60 cm behind the lens if a point source of monochromatic light (l = 5000 Å) is placed in front
of the lens at a distance of a = 15 cm from it.
4. Two coherent radio point sources that are separated by 2.0 m are radiating in phase with a
wavelength of 0.25 m. If a detector moves in a large circle around their mid-point. At how many
points will the detector show a maximum signal?
5. In the figure shown, a screen is placed normal to the line joining the two point coherent sources
S1 and S 2. The interference pattern consists of concentric circles.


S1 S2

(a) Find the radius of the nth bright ring.

(b) If d = 0.5 mm, l = 5000 Å and D = 100 cm, find the radius of the closest second bright ring.
(c) Also, find the value of n for this ring.
6. In the Young’s double slit experiment, a point source of l = 5000 Å is placed slightly above the
central axis as shown in the figure.

S S1 P
10 mm 5 mm
1 mm
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 249

(a) Find the nature and order of the interference at the point P.
(b) Find the nature and order of the interference at O.
(c) Where should we place a film of refractive index m = 1.5 and what should be its thickness so that
maxima of zero order is obtained at O.
7. Light of wavelength l = 500 nm falls on two narrow slits placed a distance d = 50 ´ 10–4 cm
apart, at an angle f = 30° relative to the slits as shown in figure. On the lower slit a transparent
slab of thickness 0.1 mm and refractive index is placed. The interference pattern is observed
at a distance D = 2 m from the slits. Then, calculate



(a) position of the central maxima.

(b) the order of maxima at point C of screen.
(c) how many fringes will pass C, if we remove the transparent slab from the lower slit?
8. In the YDSE, the monochromatic source of wavelength l is placed at a distance from the
central axis (as shown in the figure), where d is the separation between the two slits S1 and S 2.

S1 y

S S2

D1 = 1.5 m D2 = 2 m

(a) Find the position of the central maxima.

(b) Find the order of interference formed at O.
(c) Now, S is placed on centre dotted line. Find the minimum thickness of the film of refractive index
m = 1.5 to be placed in front of S 2 so that intensity at O becomes th of the maximum intensity.
(Take l = 6000 Å ; d = 6 mm.)

9. YDSE is carried out in a liquid of refractive index m = 1.3 and a thin film of air is formed in front
of the lower slit as shown in the figure. If a maxima of third order is formed at the origin O, find
the thickness of the air film. Find the positions of the fourth maxima.
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250 — Optics and Modern Physics

The wavelength of light in air is l0 = 0.78 mm and D / d = 1000.

m = 1.3


d O

Air film

Introductory Exercise 32.1
1. 49 : 1 2. (a) 4 : 1 (b) 16 : 1 3. 25 I0

Introductory Exercise 32.2

1. Because they are incoherent 2. Because they are highly coherent 3. 48.0 mm
5. (a) 0.75 I0 (b) 80 nm 6. (i) 0° (ii) 90° (iii) 120° (iv) 180°

Assertion and Reason
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (d)

Objective Questions
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (a)

Subjective Questions
1. 16 : 1 2. (a) 2.50 m (b) 1.0 m, 4.0 m
3. 0.75 m, 2.0 m, 3.25 m, 4.50 m, 5.75 m, 7.0 m, 8.25 m 4. 590 nm 5. 0.014°
6. 1.0 mm 7. 0.072 mm 8. 0.83 mm 9. 1200 nm 10. 12.6 cm 11. 36.6 cm
12. (a) Ip = 3.0 ´ 10 -4 I0 (b) Five 13. 3 mm 14. 589 nm 15. 2.5 mm 16. 114 nm
17. (a) 424 nm, 594 nm (b) 495 nm 18. 1154 Å 19. 533 nm 20. 0.5 cm
21. Bright and dark fringes interchange positions 22. 6 23. 45°
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 251

Single Correct Option
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (c)

More than One Correct Options

1.(b,c,d) 2.(a,c,d) 3.(a,c) 4.(a,c,d) 5.(a,b,c) 6.(a,c)

Comprehension Based Questions

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a)

Match the Columns

1. (a) ® s (b) ® q (c) ® p (d) ® r
2. (a) ® q (b) ® p (c) ® r (d) ® s
3. (a) ® q (b) ® p (c) ® r (d) ® p
4. (a) ® p (b) ® r,s (c) ® p (d) ® p
5. (a) ® q (b) ® p (c) ® s (d) ® r
6. (a) ® r (b) ® p,q (c) ® r,s (d) ® p,q

Subjective Questions
1. 361 2. 0.14 mm 3. 0.1 mm
4. 32
æ nl ö
5. (a) D 2 ç 1 - ÷ (b) 6.32 cm (c) 998
è d ø
6. (a) 70th order maxima (b) 20th order maxima (c) t = 20 mm, in front of S1
7. (a) At q = 30° below C (b) 50 (c) 100
8. (a) 4 mm above O (b) 20 (c) 2000 Å
9. (a) 7.8 mm (b) 4.2 mm, – 0.6 mm
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33.1 Dual nature of electromagnetic waves

33.2 Electromagnetic spectrum
33.3 Momentum and radiation pressure
33.4 de-Broglie wavelength of matter wave
33.5 Early atomic structure
33.6 The bohr hydrogen atom
33.7 Hydrogen like atoms
33.8 X-rays
33.9 Emission of Electrons
33.10 Photoelectric effect
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33.1 Dual Nature of Electromagnetic Waves

Classical physics treats particles and waves as separate components. The mechanics of particles and
the optics of waves are traditionally independent disciplines, each with its own chain of principles
based on their results. We regard electrons as particles because they possess charge and mass and
behave according to the laws of particle mechanics in such familiar devices as television picture
tubes. We shall see, however, that it is just as correct to interpret a moving electron as a wave
manifestation as it is to interpret it as a particle manifestation. We regard electromagnetic waves as
waves because under suitable circumstances they exhibit diffraction, interference and polarization.
Similarly, we shall see that under other circumstances they behave as a stream of particles. Rather we
can say that they have the dual nature.
The wave nature of light (a part of electromagnetic waves) was first demonstrated by Thomas Young,
who observed the interference pattern of two coherent sources. The particle nature of light was first
proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 in his explanation of the photoelectric effect. A particle of light
called a photon has energy E that is related to the frequency f and wavelength l of light wave by the
Einstein equation,
E = hf = …(i)
where, c is the speed of light (in vacuum) and h is Planck's constant.
h = 6626
. ´ 10 -34 J-s
. ´ 10 -15 eV-s
= 4136
Since, energies are often given in electron volt (1 eV = 16 . ´ 10 -19 J) and wavelengths are in Å, it is
convenient to the combination hc in eV-Å. We have,
hc =12375 eV-Å
Hence, Eq. (i) in simpler form can be written as
E ( in eV) = …(ii)
l ( in Å)
The propagation of light is governed by its wave properties, whereas the exchange of energy between
light with matter is governed by its particle properties. The wave particle duality is a general property
of nature. For example, electrons (and other so called particles) also propagate as waves and
exchange energy as particles.

33.2 Electromagnetic Spectrum

The basic source of electromagnetic wave is an accelerated charge. This produces the changing
electric and magnetic fields which constitute an electromagnetic wave. An electromagnetic wave
may have its wavelength varying from zero to infinity. Not all of them are known till date. Today we
are familiar with electromagnetic waves having wavelengths as small as 30 fm (1 fm = 10 -15 m) to as
large as 30 km. The boundaries separating different regions of spectrum are not sharply defined, with
the exception of the visible part of the spectrum. The visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum
covers from 4000 Å to 7000 Å. An approximate range of wavelengths is associated with each colour :
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 255

violet (4000 Å– 4500 Å), blue (4500 Å–5200 Å), green (5200 Å–5600 Å), yellow (5600 Å–6000 Å),
orange (6000 Å– 6250 Å) and red (6250 Å–7000 Å).
Figure shows the spectrum of electromagnetic waves. The classification is based roughly on how the
waves are produced and or detected.
28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 f(10n Hz)

AM Long


g-rays X-rays UV IR Microwaves Short radio
wave waves

–20 –19 –16 –14 –12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 l(10n m)

Fig. 33.1. The electromagnetic spectrum

g-Rays These were identified by P. Villiard in 1900. These are usually produced within the nucleus
of an atom and extremely energetic by atomic standards. They cover the range from 0.1 Å down or
equivalently from 10 20 Hz up.
X-Rays X-rays, discovered in 1895 by W. Roentgen extend from 100 Å to 0.1 Å. These are
produced by the rapid deceleration of electrons that bombard a heavy metal target. These are also
produced by electronic transitions between the energy levels in an atom. X-rays are used to study the
atomic structure of crystals or molecules such as DNA. Besides their diagnostic and therapeutic use in
medicine they have become an important tool in studying the universe.
Ultraviolet radiation Ultraviolet (UV) rays were first discovered by J.W. Ritter in 1801. The
ultraviolet region extends from 4000 Å to 100 Å. It plays a role in the production of vitamin D in our
skins. But prolonged doses of UV radiation can induce cancers in humans. Glass absorbs UV
radiation and hence, can provide some protection against the sun's rays. If the ozone in our
atmosphere did not absorb the UV below 3000 Å, there would be a large number of cell mutations,
especially cancerous ones, in humans. For this reason, the depletion of the ozone in our atmosphere
by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is now a matter of international concern.
Visible light A lot of discussion has already been done on visible light in previous chapters. As
electrons undergo transitions between energy levels in an atom, light is produced at well defined
wavelengths. Light covering a continuous range of wavelengths is produced by the random
acceleration of electrons in hot bodies. Our sense of vision and the process of photosynthesis in plants
have evolved within the range of those wavelengths of sunlight that our atmosphere does not absorb.
Infrared radiation The infrared region (IR) starts at 7000 Å and extends to about 1 mm. It was
discovered in 1800 by M. Herchel. It is associated with the vibration and rotation of molecules and is
perceived by us as heat. IR is used in the early detection of tumours.
Microwaves Microwaves cover wavelengths from 1 mm to about 15 cm. Microwaves upto about
30 GHz (1 cm) may be generated by the oscillations of electrons in a device called klystron.
Microwave ovens are used in kitchens. Modern intercity communications such as phone
conversations and TV programs are often carried via a cross country network of microwave antennas.
Radio and TV signals Radio waves are generated when charges are accelerating through
conducting wires. Their wavelengths lie in the range 1014 m to 10 cm. They are generated by LC
oscillators and are used in radio and television communication systems.
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33.3 Momentum and Radiation Pressure

An electromagnetic wave transports linear momentum. We state, without proof that the linear
momentum carried by an electromagnetic wave is related to the energy it transports according to
p= …(i)
If the wave is incident in the direction perpendicular to a surface and is completely absorbed, then
Eq. (i) tells us the linear momentum imparted to the surface. If surface is perfectly reflecting, the
momentum change of the wave is doubled. Consequently, the momentum imparted to the surface is
also doubled.
According to Newton's second law, the force exerted by an electromagnetic wave on a surface may
be related by the equation
Dp 1 æ DE ö
From Eq. (i), = ç ÷
Dt c è Dt ø
1 æ DE ö
\ F= ç ÷ …(ii)
c è Dt ø
Intensity (I ) of a wave is the energy transported per unit area per unit time.
æ 1 ö DE
or I =ç ÷
è S ø Dt
\ = IS
Substituting in Eq. (ii), F=
or = pressure =
S c
or p rad =
is also equal to the energy density (energy per unit volume) u.
Hence, p rad = u …(iii)
2 3
The radiation pressure is thus equal to the energy density (N/ m = J/ m ). At a perfectly reflecting
surface, the pressure on the surface is doubled. Thus, we can write
p rad = = u (wave totally absorbed)
and p rad = = 2u (wave totally reflected)
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V Example 33.1 The intensity of direct sunlight before it passes through the
earth's atmosphere is 1.4 kW / m2 . If it is completely absorbed, find the
corresponding radiation pressure.
Solution For completely absorbing surface,
. ´ 103
I 14
p rad = =
c 3.0 ´ 108
= 4.7 ´ 10–6 Nm –2 Ans.

33.4 de-Broglie Wavelength of Matter Wave

The wave particle nature of electromagnetic waves discussed in article 33.1, led de-Broglie
(pronounced de Broy) to suggest that matter might also exhibit this duality and have wave properties.
His ideas can be expressed quantitatively by first considering electromagnetic radiation. A photon of
frequency f and wavelength l has energy.
E = hf =
By Einstein's energy mass relation, E = mc 2 the equivalent mass m of the photon is given by
E hf h
m= = = …(i)
c 2
c 2 lc
h h
or l= or …(ii)
mc p
Here, p is the momentum of photon. By analogy de-Broglie suggested that a particle of mass m
moving with speed v behaves in some ways like waves of wavelength l given by
h h
l= = …(iii)
mv p
where, p is the momentum of the particle. Momentum is related to the kinetic energy by the equation,
p = 2Km
and a charge q when accelerated by a potential difference V gains a kinetic energy K = qV .
Combining all these relations Eq. (iii) can be written as
h h h h
l= = = = (de-Broglie wavelength) …(iv)
mv p 2Km 2qVm

de-Broglie Wavelength for an Electron

If an electron (charge = e) is accelerated by a potential difference of V volts, it acquires a kinetic
K = eV
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Substituting the values of h, m and q in Eq. (iv), we get a simple formula for calculating de-Broglie
wavelength of an electron. This is
l ( in Å) = …(v)
V ( in volts)

Note If an electron is accelerated by 1 volt, then its kinetic energy becomes 1 eV. Therefore, the above formula
can also be written as
o 150
l (in A ) =
KE(in eV )

V Example 33.2 An electron is accelerated by a potential difference of 25 volt.

Find the de-Broglie wavelength associated with it.
Solution For an electron, de-Broglie wavelength is given by
150 150
l= =
V 25
= 6 » 2.5 Å Ans.

V Example 33.3 A particle of mass M at rest decays into two particles of masses
m1 and m2 having non-zero velocities. The ratio of the de-Broglie wavelengths of
the particles l 1 /l 2 is (JEE 1999)
(a) m1/ m 2 (b) m 2/ m1 (c) 1 (d) m 2 / m1
Solution From the law of conservation of momentum,
p1 = p 2 ( in opposite directions)
Now, de-Broglie wavelength is given by
l = , where h = Planck constant
Since magnitude of momentum (p) of both the particles is equal, therefore l1 = l 2
or l1 / l 2 = 1
Therefore, the correct option is (c).

V Example 33.4 The energy of a photon is equal to the kinetic energy of a

proton. The energy of the photon is E. Let l 1 be the de-Broglie wavelength of the
proton and l 2 be the wavelength of the photon. The ratio 1 is proportional to
(a) E 0 (b) E1/ 2 (c) E -1 (d) E -2 (JEE 2004)
l1 2mE l1
Solution = or µ E 1/ 2
l2 hc l2
Therefore, the correct option is (b).
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V Example 33.5 An a-particle and a proton are accelerated from rest by a

potential difference of 100 V. After this, their de-Broglie wavelengths are l a and
l p respectively. The ratio , to the nearest integer, is (JEE 2010)
h h
Solution Q l = =
p 2 qVm
or lµ
lp q a ma
= ×
la q p mp

( 2) ( 4 )
= = 2.828
(1) (1)
The nearest integer is 3.
\ Answer is 3.

V Example 33.6 The potential energy of a particle varies as

U ( x ) = E 0 for 0 £ x £ 1
=0 for x > 1
For 0 £ x £ 1, de-Broglie wavelength is l 1 and for x > 1 the de-Broglie wavelength
is l 2 . Total energy of the particle is 2E 0 . Find 1 . (JEE 2005)
Solution For 0 £ x £ 1, PE = E 0
\ Kinetic energy K 1 = Total energy – PE
= 2E 0 - E 0 = E 0
\ l1 = …(i)
2mE 0
For x > 1, PE = 0
\ Kinetic energy K 2 = Total energy = 2E 0
\ l2 = …(ii)
4mE 0

From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have

= 2
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1. Find the energy and momentum of a photon of ultraviolet radiation of 280 nm wavelength.
2. A small plate of a metal is placed at a distance of 2 m from a monochromatic light source of
wavelength 4.8 ´ 10-7 m and power 1.0 Watt. The light falls normally on the plate. Find the
number of photons striking the metal plate per square metre per second.
3. A proton and a deuteron are accelerated by same potential difference. Find the ratio of their
de-Broglie wavelengths.
4. A deuteron and an a - particle have same kinetic energy. Find the ratio of their de-Broglie
5. Two protons are having same kinetic energy. One proton enters a uniform magnetic field at right
angles to it. Second proton enters a uniform electric field in the direction of field. After some time
their de-Broglie wavelengths are l1 and l 2, then
(a) l1 = l 2 (b) l1 < l 2 (c) l1 > l 2
(d) some more information is required
6. Find the de-Broglie wavelengths of
(a) a 46 g golf ball with a velocity of 30 m/s (b) an electron with a velocity of 107 m /s.

33.5 Early Atomic Structures

Every atom consists of a small nucleus of protons and neutrons with a number of electrons some
distance away.
In the present article and in the next, our chief concern will be
the structure of the atom, since it is this structure that is
responsible for nearly all the properties of matter.In
nineteenth century many models were present by different
scientists, but ultimately the first theory of the atom to meet Electron
with any success was put forward in 1913 by Neils Bohr. But
before studying Bohr's model of atom let us have a look on
other two models of the period one presented by J.J. Thomson
in 1898 and the other by Ernest Rutherford in 1911. Positively charged matter

J.J. Thomson suggested that atoms are just positively charged Fig. 33.2 The Thomson model of the
lumps of matter with electrons embedded in them like raisins in atom. The Rutherford scattering
experiment showed it to be incorrect.
a fruit cake. Thomson's model called the ‘plum pudding’ model
is illustrated in Fig. 33.2.
Thomson had played an important role in discovering the electron, his idea was taken seriously. But,
the real atom turned out to be quite different.

Rutherford's Nuclear Atom

The nuclear atom is the basis of the modern theory of atomic structure and was proposed by
Rutherford in 1911. He, with his two assistants Geiger and Marsden did an experiment in which they
directed a narrow beam of a-particles onto gold foil about1mm thick and found that while most of the
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 261

particles passed straight through, some were scattered appreciably and a very few about 1 in 8000
suffered deflection of more than 90°.
To account for this very surprising result Rutherford suggested that : “All the positive charge and
nearly all the mass were concentrated in a very small volume or nucleus at the centre of the atom. The
electrons were supposed to move in circular orbits round the nucleus (like planets round the sun). The
electrostatic attraction between the two opposite charges being the required centripetal force for such
The large angle scattering of a-particles would then be explained by
the strong electrostatic repulsion from the nucleus. +
Rutherford's model of the atom, although strongly supported by
evidence for the nucleus, is inconsistent with classical physics. An
electron moving in a circular orbit round a nucleus is accelerating and
according to electromagnetic theory it should therefore, emit radiation Electron
continuously and thereby lose energy. If this happened the radius of the e–
orbit would decrease and the electron would spiral into the nucleus in a Fig. 33.3 An atomic electron
should, classically, spiral
fraction of second. But atoms do not collapse. In 1913, an effort was rapidly into the nucleus as it
made by Neils Bohr to overcome this paradox. radiates energy due to its

33.6 The Bohr Hydrogen Atom

After Neils Bohr obtained his doctorate in 1911, he worked under Rutherford
for a while. In 1913, he presented a model of the hydrogen atom, which has one
electron and one proton. He postulated that an electron moves only in certain
circular orbits, called stationary orbits. In stationary orbits, electron does not F e–
M + – m
emit radiation, contrary to the predictions of classical electromagnetic theory.
According to Bohr, there is a definite energy associated with each stable orbit vn
and an atom radiates energy only when it makes a transition from one of these
orbits to another. The energy is radiated in the form of a photon with energy and
frequency given by Fig. 33.4
DE = hf = E i - E f …(i)
Bohr found that the magnitude of the electron's angular momentum is quantised, and this magnitude
for the electron must be integral multiple of . The magnitude of the angular momentum is L = mvr
for a particle with mass m moving with speed v in a circle of radius r. So, according to Bohr's
mvr = (n =1, 2, 3 . . . .)
Each value of n corresponds to a permitted value of the orbit radius, which we will denote by rn and
the corresponding speed v n . The value of n for each orbit is called principal quantum number for
the orbit. Thus,
mv n rn = …(ii)
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mv 2
According to Newton's second law, a radially inward centripetal force of magnitude F = is
needed to the electron which is being provided by the electrical attraction between the positive proton
and the negative electron.
mv n 1 e2
Thus, = …(iii)
rn 4pe 0 rn 2

Solving Eqs. (ii) and (iii), we get

e 0n2h2 æ nth orbit radius ö
rn = çç ÷÷ …(iv)
pme è in Bohr model ø
e2 æ nth orbit speed ö
and vn = çç ÷÷ …(v)
2e 0 nh è in Bohr model ø

The smallest orbit radius corresponds to n =1. We'll denote this minimum radius, called the Bohr
radius as a 0 . Thus,
e 0h2
a0 =
pme 2
Substituting values of e 0 , h, p, m and e, we get
a 0 = 0.529 ´ 10 -10 m = 0.529 Å …(vi)

Eq. (iv), in terms of a 0 can be written as

rn = n 2 a 0 or rn µ n 2 …(vii)

Similarly, substituting values of e, e 0 and h with n =1 in Eq. (v), we get

. ´ 10 6 m/s »
v1 = 219 …(viii)
This is the greatest possible speed of the electron in the hydrogen atom. Which is approximately equal
to c/137, where c is the speed of light in vacuum.
Eq. (v), in terms of v1 can be written as
v 1
vn = 1 or vn µ …(ix)
n n
Energy levels Kinetic and potential energies K n and U n in nth orbit are
1 2 me 4
Kn = mv n =
2 2
8 e 0 n2h2
1 ( e)( e) me 4
and Un = - =-
4pe 0 rn 2
4 e 0 n2h2
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The total energy E n is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies.
me 4
En = Kn + U n = -
8 e 0 n2h2
Substituting values of m, e, e 0 and h with n =1, we get the least energy of the atom in first orbit, which
is -136
. eV. Hence,
E1 = - 136. eV …(x)
E 136.
and En = 1 = - eV …(xi)
2 2
n n
Substituting n = 2, 3, 4 . . ., etc., we get energies of atom in different orbits.
E 2 = - 3.40 eV, E 3 = - 1.51eV, . . . E ¥ = 0
Ionization energy of the hydrogen atom is the energy required to remove the electron completely. In
ground state (n =1), energy of atom is –13.6 eV and energy corresponding to n = ¥ is zero. Hence,
energy required to remove the electron from ground state is 13.6 eV.
Emission spectrum of hydrogen atom
Under normal conditions the single electron in hydrogen atom stays in ground state (n =1). It is
excited to some higher energy state when it acquires some energy from external source. But, it hardly
stays there for more than 10 -8 second.
A photon corresponding to a particular spectrum line is emitted when an atom makes a transition from
a state in an excited level to a state in a lower excited level or the ground level.
Let ni be the initial and n f the final energy state, then depending on the final energy state following
series are observed in the emission spectrum of hydrogen atom.
Balmer series Lyman Paschen Pfund
(visible light) n=7 series series series –0.28 eV
n=6 –0.38 eV
Paschen series n=5 –0.54 eV
(infrared) n=4 –0.85 eV
n=3 –1.51 eV
Brackett series Brackett
(infrared) series
Lyman series n=2 –3.40 eV
(ultraviolet) Pfund series Balmer
(infrared) series


n=1 –13.6 eV
Fig. 33.5

For the Lyman series n f =1, for Balmer series n f = 2 and so on. The relation of the various spectral
series to the energy levels and to electron orbits is shown in figure.
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Wavelength of Photon Emitted in De-excitation

According to Bohr when an atom makes a transition from higher energy level to a lower energy level
it emits a photon with energy equal to the energy difference between the initial and final levels. If E i
is the initial energy of the atom before such a transition, E f is its final energy after the transition, and
the photon's energy is hf = , then conservation of energy gives
hf = = Ei - E f (energy of emitted photon) …(xii)
By 1913, the spectrum of hydrogen had been studied intensively. The visible line with longest
wavelength, or lowest frequency is in the red and is called H a , the next line, in the blue-green is called
Hb and so on. In 1885, Johann Balmer, a swiss teacher found a formula that gives the wave lengths of
these lines. This is now called the Balmer series. The Balmer's formula is
1 æ 1 1 ö
=Rç - ÷ …(xiii)
l è2 2
n2 ø
Here, n = 3, 4, 5 . . ., etc.
R = Rydberg constant = 1.097 ´ 10 7 m -1
and l is the wavelength of light/photon emitted during transition.
For n = 3, we obtain the wavelength of H a line. Similarly, for n = 4, we obtain the wavelength of Hb
line. For n = ¥, the smallest wavelength (= 3646 Å) of this series is obtained. Using the relation
E = , we can find the photon energies corresponding to the wavelength of the Balmer series.
Multiplying Eq. (xiii) by hc, we find
hc æ 1 1 ö Rhc Rhc
E= = hcR ç - ÷ = 2 - 2 = En - E2
l è2 2
n2 ø 2 n
This formula suggests that
En = - , n = 1, 2, 3 . . . …(xiv)
Comparing this with Eq. (xi) of the same article, we have
Rhc =1360
. eV …(xv)
The wavelengths corresponding to other spectral series (Lyman, Paschen , etc.) can be represented by
formula similar to Balmer formula.
1 æ 1 1 ö
Lyman series =Rç - ÷, n = 2, 3, 4 . . .
l è1 2
n2 ø
1 æ 1 1 ö
Paschen series =Rç - ÷ , n = 4, 5, 6 . . .
l è3 2
n2 ø
1 æ 1 1 ö
Brackett series =Rç - ÷ , n = 5, 6, 7 . . .
l è4 2
n2 ø
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1 æ 1 1 ö
Pfund series =Rç - ÷ , n = 6, 7, 8 . . .
l è5 2
n2 ø
The Lyman series is in the ultraviolet, and the Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series are in the infrared

33.7 Hydrogen Like Atoms

The Bohr model of hydrogen can be extended to hydrogen like atoms, i.e. one electron atoms such as
singly ionized helium ( He + ), doubly ionized lithium ( Li +2 ) and so on. In such atoms, the nuclear
charge is +Ze, where Z is the atomic number, equal to the number of protons in the nucleus.
The effect in the previous analysis is to replace e 2 everywhere by Ze 2 . Thus, the equations for, rn , v n
and E n are altered as under
e 0n2h2 n2 n2
rn = = a0 or rn µ …(i)
pmZe 2 Z Z
where, a 0 = 0.529 Å (radius of first orbit of H)
Ze Z Z
vn = = v1 or vn µ …(ii)
2e 0 nh n n
where, v1 = 2.19 ´ 10 6 m /s (speed of electron in first orbit of H)
mZ 2 e 4 Z2 Z2
En = – = E1 or En µ …(iii)
8 e 20 n 2 h 2 n2 n2
where, E1 = – 13.60 eV (energy of atom in first orbit of H)
Fig. 33.6 compares the energy levels of H and He which has Z = 2. H and He + have many spectrum

lines that have almost the same wavelengths

n=3 E3 = –1.5 eV n=6 E6 = –1.5 eV
n=5 E5 = –2.2 eV
n=2 E2 = –3.4 eV n=4 E4 = –3.4 eV

n=3 E3 = –6.0 eV

n=1 E1 = –13.6 eV n=2 E2 = –13.6 eV


n=1 E1 = –54.4 eV
Fig. 33.6 Energy levels of H and He . Because of the additional factor Z 2 in the energy expression, the energy
of the He+ ion with a given n is almost exactly four times that of the H-atom with the same n. There are
small differences (of the order of 0.05%) because of the different masses.
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Extra Points to Remember

˜ Bohr’s theory is applicable for hydrogen and hydrogen like atoms/ions. For such types of atoms/ions
number of electron is one. Although, atomic numbers may be different.
e.g, For 1H1, atomic number Z = 1, For He + , atomic number Z = 2 and
For Li +2 , atomic number Z = 3
But for all three number of electron is one.
˜ In nth orbit
mv 2 1 (e ) (Ze ) nh
= × and Ln = mvr =
r 4p e0 r2 2p
After solving these two equations, we will get following results.
n2 1 Z
(a) r µ and r µ (b) v µ and v µ m0
Z m n
(c) E µ 2 and E µ m (d) r1H = 0.529 Å
(e) v1H = 2.19 ´ 106 m/s = (f) E1H = - 13.6 eV
(g) K =|E| and U = 2 E

Note With the help of above results, we can find any value in any orbit of hydrogen like atoms. In the above
expressions, m is the mass of electron
˜ Total number of emission lines from some higher energy state n1 to lower energy state n2 (< n1 ) is given by
(n1 – n2 ) (n1 – n2 + 1)
n (n – 1)
For example, total number of lines from n1 = n to n2 = 1 are .
˜ As the principal quantum number n is increased in hydrogen and hydrogen like atoms, some quantities
are decreased and some are increased. The table given below shows which quantities are increased and
which are decreased.

Table 33.1
Increased Decreased
Radius Speed
Potential energy Kinetic energy
Total energy Angular speed
Time period Frequency
Angular momentum

æ 1ö
˜ Whenever the force obeys inverse square law ç F µ 2 ÷ and potential energy is inversely proportional to
è r ø
æ 1ö
r ç U µ ÷ , kinetic energy (K ), potential energy (U ) and total energy (E ) have the following relationships.
è rø
|U| U
K= and E = – K =
2 2
1 1
If force is not proportional to 2 or potential energy is not proportional to , the above relations do not
r r
hold good.
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 267

˜ Total energy of a closed system is always negative and the modulus of this is the binding energy of the
system. For instance, suppose a system has a total energy of –100 J. It means that this system will
separate if 100 J of energy is supplied to this. Hence, binding energy of this system is 100 J. Thus, total
energy of an open system is either zero or greater than zero.
˜ Kinetic energy of a particle can’t be negative, while the potential energy can be zero, positive or negative. It
basically depends on the reference point where we have taken it zero. It is customary to take zero potential
energy when the electron is at infinite distance from the nucleus. In some problem, suppose we take zero
potential energy in first orbit (U1 = 0), then the modulus of actual potential energy in first orbit (when
reference point was at infinity) is added in U and E in all energy states, while K remains unchanged. See
sample example number 33.11.
˜ In the transition from n2 to n1( < n1 ). The wavelength of emitted photon can be given by the following shortcut
l (in Å ) =
En 2 - En1

where, En1 and En 2 are in eV. In general, En in eV is given by

En = - (13.6)
˜ In hydrogen emission spectrum, Balmer series was first discovered as it lies in visible light.

V Example 33.7 Using the known values for hydrogen atom, calculate
(a) radius of third orbit for Li +2
(b) speed of electron in fourth orbit for He +
(c) angular momentum of electron in 3rd orbit of He +
Solution (a) Z = 3 for Li +2 . Further we know that rn = a0
Substituting, n = 3, Z = 3 and a 0 = 0.529 Å
( 3)
We have r3 for Li +2 = ( 0.529) Å = 1.587 Å Ans.
( 3)
(b) Z = 2 for He + . Also we know that
vn = v1
Substituting, n = 4, Z = 2 and v1 = 2.19 ´ 106 m / s
æ 2ö
We get, v 4 for He + = ç ÷ ( 2.19 ´ 106 ) m/s
= 1.095 ´ 106 m/s Ans.
æ h ö
(c) Ln = n ç ÷
è 2p ø
æ h ö
For n = 3, L3 = 3ç ÷ Ans.
è 2p ø
Note This result is independent of value of Z.
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268 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 33.8 A doubly ionized lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic
number 3. Find the wavelength of the radiation required to excite the electron in
Li ++ from the first to the third Bohr orbit. The ionization energy of the hydrogen
atom is 13.6 eV .
Solution Q E n = – (13.6 eV)
By putting Z = 3, we have En = – eV
E1 = – = – 122.4 eV
(1) 2
and E3 = – = – 13.6 eV
( 3) 2
\ DE = E 3 – E1 = 108.8 eV
The corresponding wavelength is
12375 12375
l= Å= Å
DE ( in eV) 108.8
= 113.74 Å Ans.

V Example 33.9 Find variation of angular speed and time period of single
electron of hydrogen like atoms with n and Z.
Solution Angular speed, w=
Z n2
Now, vµ and rµ
n Z
(Z / n ) Z2
\ wµ or wµ Ans.
(n 2 / Z ) n3
2p 1
Time period, T= or T µ
w w
\ Tµ Ans.

V Example 33.10 Find kinetic energy, electrostatic potential energy and total
energy of single electron in 2nd excited state of Li +2 atom.
Solution Q E IH = -13.6 eV
Further, E µ , For Li +2 , Z = 3
and for 2 nd excited state n = 3
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 269

æ 3ö
\ E = - 13.6ç ÷ = -13.6 eV Ans.
è 3ø
K = | E | = 13.6 eV Ans.
U = 2E = - 27.2 eV Ans.

Note In the above expressions E is the total energy, K is the kinetic energy and U is the potential energy.

V Example 33.11 Find the kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy in
first and second orbit of hydrogen atom if potential energy in first orbit is taken
to be zero.
Solution E1 = – 13.60 eV, K 1 = – E1 = 13.60eV, U1 = 2 E1 = – 27.20 eV
E 2 = 12 = – 3.40eV, K 2 = 3.40 eV and U 2 = – 6.80 eV
( 2)
Now, U1 = 0, i.e. potential energy has been increased by 27.20 eV. So, we will increase U and E
in all energy states by 27.20 eV, while kinetic energy will remain unchanged. Changed values in
tabular form are as under.
Table 33.2
Orbit K (eV) U (eV) E (eV)

First 13.60 0 13.60

Second 3.40 20.40 23.80

V Example 33.12 A small particle of mass m moves in such a way that the
potential energy U = ar 2 , where a is constant and r is the distance of the
particle from the origin. Assuming Bohr model of quantization of angular
momentum and circular orbits, find the radius of nth allowed orbit.
Solution The force at a distance r is
F =– = – 2ar
Suppose r be the radius of nth orbit. Then, the necessary centripetal force is provided by the
above force. Thus,
mv 2
= 2ar …(i)
Further, the quantization of angular momentum gives
mvr = …(ii)
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii) for r, we get
1/ 4
æ n2h2 ö
r =ç ÷ Ans.
ç 8 am p 2 ÷
è ø
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270 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 33.13 Calculate (a) the wavelength and (b) the frequency of the H b
line of the Balmer series for hydrogen.
Solution (a) Hb line of Balmer series corresponds to the transition from n = 4 to n = 2 level.
Using Eq. (xiii), the corresponding wavelength for Hb line is
1 æ 1 1 ö
= (1097
. ´ 107 ) ç 2 - 2 ÷ = 0.2056 ´ 107
l è2 4 ø
\ l = 4.9 ´ 10-7 m Ans.
c 3.0 ´ 10
(b) f= = . ´ 1014 Hz
= 612 Ans.
l 4.9 ´ 10-7

V Example 33.14 Find the largest and shortest wavelengths in the Lyman
series for hydrogen. In what region of the electromagnetic spectrum does each
series lie?
Solution The transition equation for Lyman series is given by
1 æ 1 1 ö
= R ç 2 - 2 ÷ , n = 2, 3, ...
l è1 n ø
The largest wavelength is corresponding to n = 2
1 æ1 1ö
\ = 1.097 ´ 107 ç - ÷ = 0.823 ´ 107
l max è1 4ø
\ l max = 1.2154 ´ 10-7 m = 1215 Å Ans.
The shortest wavelength corresponds to n = ¥
1 æ1 1 ö
\ = 1.097 ´ 107 ç - ÷
l min è1 ¥ ø
or l min = 0.911´ 10–7 m = 911 Å Ans.
Both of these wavelengths lie in ultraviolet (UV) region of electromagnetic spectrum.

V Example 33.15 In a hypothetical atom, mass of electron is doubled, value of

atomic number is Z = 4. Find wavelength of photon when this electron jumps
from 3rd excited state to 2 nd orbit.
Solution E µ µm
Mass is doubled, Z = 4 and 3rd excited state means n = 4, second orbit means n = 2. For these
values, we have
2 2
æ4ö æ4ö
E 4 = - 13.6 ´ 2ç ÷ = - 27.2 eV and E 2 = - 13.6 ´ 2ç ÷ = - 108.8 eV
è4ø è 2ø
12375 12375 12375
l ( in Å ) = = =
DE ( in eV) E 4 - E 2 -27.2 + 108.8
\ l = 151.65 Å Ans.
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 271


1. Find the ionisation energy of a doubly ionized lithium atom.
2. A hydrogen atom is in a state with energy –1.51 eV. In the Bohr model, what is the angular
momentum of the electron in the atom with respect to an axis at the nucleus?
3. As an electron makes a transition from an excited state to the ground state of a hydrogen like
atom/ion (JEE 2015)
(a) kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy decrease
(b) kinetic energy decreases, potential energy increases but total energy remains same
(c) kinetic energy and total energy decrease but potential energy increases
(d) its kinetic energy increases but potential energy and total energy decrease
4. The wavelength of the first spectral line in the Balmer series of hydrogen atom is 6561 Å. The
wavelength of the second spectral line in the Balmer series of singly ionized helium atom is
(a) 1215 Å (b) 1640 Å (c) 2430 Å (d) 4687 Å (JEE 2011)
5. The largest wavelength in the ultraviolet region of the hydrogen spectrum is 122 nm. The
smallest wavelength in the infrared region of the hydrogen spectrum (to the nearest integer) is
(a) 802 nm (b) 823 nm
(c) 1882 nm (d) 1648 nm (JEE 2007)
6. A photon collides with a stationary hydrogen atom in ground state inelastically. Energy of the
colliding photon is 10.2 eV. After a time interval of the order of micro second another photon
collides with same hydrogen atom inelastically with an energy of 15 eV. What will be observed
by the detector? (JEE 2005)
(a) 2 photons of energy 10.2 eV
(b) 2 photons of energy 1.4 eV
(c) One photon of energy 10.2 eV and an electron of energy 1.4 eV
(d) One photon of energy 10.2 eV and another photon of energy 1.4 eV
7. A hydrogen atom and a Li 2+ ion are both in the second excited state. If lH and lLi are their
respective electronic angular momenta, and EH and ELi their respective energies, then
(a) lH > lLi and | EH | > | ELi | (b) lH = lLi and | EH | < | ELi | (JEE 2002)
(c) lH = lLi and | EH | > | ELi | (d) lH < lLi and | EH | < | ELi |
8. The transition from the state n = 4 to n = 3 in a hydrogen like atom results in ultraviolet radiation.
Infrared radiation will be obtained in the transition (JEE 2001)
(a) 2 ® 1 (b) 3 ® 2 (c) 4 ® 2 (d) 5 ® 4
9. As per Bohr model, the minimum energy (in eV) required to remove an electron from the ground
state of doubly ionized Li atom (Z = 3) is (JEE 1997)
(a) 1.51 (b) 13.6 (c) 40.8 (d) 122.4
10. Consider the spectral line resulting from the transition n = 2 ® n = 1in the atoms and ions given
below. The shortest wavelength is produced by (JEE 1983)
(a) hydrogen atom (b) deuterium atom
(c) singly ionized helium (d) doubly ionized lithium
11. The energy levels of a certain atom are shown in figure. If a photon of 5E
frequency f is emitted when there is an electron transition from 5E to E, 4E
what frequencies of photons could be produced by other energy level
transitions? E
12. Find the longest wavelength present in the Balmer series of hydrogen.
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272 — Optics and Modern Physics

33.8 X-Rays
Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths from 0.1 Å to 100 Å falls into the category of X-rays.
The boundaries of this category are not sharp. The shorter wavelength end overlaps gamma rays and
the longer wavelength end overlaps ultraviolet rays. Photoelectric effect (will be discussed later)
provides convincing evidence that photons of light can transfer energy to electrons. Is the inverse
process also possible? That is, can part or all of the kinetic energy of a moving electron be converted
into a photon? Yes, it is possible. In 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen found that a highly penetrating
radiation of unknown nature is produced when fast moving electrons strike a target of high atomic
number and high melting point. These radiations were given a name X-rays as their nature was
unknown (in mathematics an unknown quantity is normally designated by X). Later, it was
discovered that these are high energy photons (or electromagnetic waves).
Production of X-Rays Figure shows a diagram of a X-ray tube, called the coolidge tube. A cathode
(a plate connected to negative terminal of a battery), heated by a filament through which an electric
current is passed, supplies electrons by thermionic emission. The high potential difference V
maintained between the cathode and a metallic target accelerate the electrons toward the later. The
face of the target is at an angle relative to the electron beam, and the X-rays that leave the target pass
through the side of the tube. The tube is evacuated to permit the electrons to get to the target
tube X-rays
+ –

Target Cathode

Fig. 33.7 An X-ray tube. The higher the accelerating voltage V, the
faster the electrons and the shorter the wavelengths of the X-rays

Continuous and characteristic X-rays X-rays so produced by the coolidge tube are of two types,
continuous and characteristic. While the former depends only on the accelerating voltage V, the later
depends on the target used.
Continuous X-rays Electromagnetic theory predicts that an accelerated electric charge will radiate
electromagnetic waves, and a rapidly moving electrons when suddenly brought to rest is certainly
accelerated (of course negative). X-rays produced under these circumstances is given the German
name bremsstrahlung (braking radiation). Energy loss due to bremsstrahlung is more important for
electrons than for heavier particles because electrons are more violently accelerated when passing
near nuclei in their paths. The continuous X-rays (or bremsstrahlung X-rays) produced at a given
accelerating potential V vary in wavelength, but none has a wavelength shorter than a certain value
l min . This minimum wavelength corresponds to the maximum energy of the X-rays which in turn is
equal to the maximum kinetic energy qV or eV of the striking electrons. Thus,
hc hc
= eV or l min =
l min eV
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 273

After substituting values of h, c and e we obtain the following simple formula for l min .
l min ( in Å) = …(i)
V ( in volts )
Increasing V decreases l min . This wavelength is also known as the cut off wavelength or the
threshold wavelength.
Characteristic X-rays The X-ray spectrum typically consists of a broad continuous band
containing a series of sharp lines as shown in Fig. 33.8.


L g Lb

Fig. 33.8 X-ray spectrum

As discussed above the continuous spectrum is the result of collisions between incoming electrons
and atoms in the target. The kinetic energy lost by the electrons during the collisions emerges as the
energy of the X-ray photons radiated from the target.
The sharp lines superimposed on the continuous spectrum are known as characteristic X-rays
because they are characteristic of the target material. They were discovered in 1908, but their origin
remained unexplained until the details of atomic structure, particularly the shell structure of the atom,
were discovered.
Characteristic X-ray emission occurs when a bombarding electron that collides with a target atom has
sufficient energy to remove an inner shell electron from the atom. The vacancy created in the shell is
filled when an electron from a higher level drops down into it. This transition is accompanied by the
emission of a photon whose energy equals the difference in energy between the two levels.
Let us assume that the incoming electron has dislodged an atomic N
Kg Lb
electron from the innermost shell-the K shell. If the vacancy is filled M
Kb La M-series
by an electron dropping from the next higher shell the L shell, the L
photon emitted has an energy corresponding to the K a
characteristic X-ray line. If the vacancy is filled by an electron
dropping from the M shell, the Kb line is produced. An La line is a
produced as an electron drops from the M shell to the L-shell, and
an Lb line is produced by a transition from the N-shell to the L-shell.
Moseley’s Law for Characteristic Spectrum Fig. 33.9

Although multi-electron atoms cannot be analyzed with the Bohr model, Henery G.J. Moseley in
1914 made an effort towards this. Moseley measured the frequencies of characteristic X-rays from a
large number of elements and plotted the square root of the frequency f against the atomic number
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274 — Optics and Modern Physics

Z of the element. He discovered that the plot is very close to a straight line. He plotted the square root
of the frequency of the K a line versus the atomic number Z.
As figure shows, Moseley’s plot did not pass through the origin. Let us see why. It can be understood
from Gauss’s law. Consider an atom of atomic number Z in which one of the two electrons in the
K-shell has been ejected. Imagine that we draw a Gaussian sphere just inside the most probable radius
of the L-electrons. The effective charge inside the Gaussian surface is the positive nuclear charge and
one negative charge due to the single K-electron. If we ignore the interactions between L-electrons, a
single L electron behaves as if it experiences an electric field due to a charge ( Z – 1) enclosed by the
Gaussian surface.


Ö f (× 109Hz1/2)




5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Atomic number, Z

Fig. 33.10 A plot of the square root of the frequency of the

K a lines versus atomic number using Moseley's data

Thus, Moseley’s law of the frequency of K a line is

f K a = a ( Z – 1) …(ii)

where, a is a constant that can be related to Bohr theory. The above law in general can be stated as
f = a ( Z – b) or f µ ( Z - b) …(iii)
æ 1 1 ö
For K a line, DE = hf = Rhc ( Z – 1) 2 ç – ÷
è1 22 ø
or f = ( Z – 1)
or a= and b =1
After substituting values of R and c, we get a = 4.98 ´ 10 7 ( Hz )1/ 2
Eq. (iii) can also be written as f = a 2 ( Z – b) 2 …(iv)
For K a line, a2 = = (2.48 ´ 1015 Hz ) and b =1
Hence, f K a = (2.48 ´ 1015 Hz ) ( Z – 1) 2
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 275

Extra Points to Remember

˜ In continuous X-ray spectrum, all wavelengths greater than lmin are obtained. Characteristic X-ray
spectrum is discrete. Certain fixed wavelengths like lK a , lK b etc. are obtained and these wavelengths are
different for different target elements. The mixed spectrum of continuous and characteristic X-rays is as
shown in figure 33.8.
˜ In general, if we compare between different series, then
EK > EL > EM or fK > fL > fM or lK < lL < lM
And if we compare between a, b and g, then
Ea < Eb < Eg or fa < fb < fg or la > lb > lg
˜ In Moseley’s law,
f µ (Z - b)
b = 1 for K a line
and b = 7.4 for La line
Thus, f = 0 at Z = b = 1for K a line
and f = 0 at Z = b = 7.4 for K b line


1 7.4 Z0
Fig. 33.11
For lower atomic numbers lines are shown dotted. This is because X-rays are obtained only at high atomic
numbers. Further, we can see that for a given atomic number (say Z 0 ).
fK > fL
˜ Screening effect The energy levels, in general, depend on the principal quantum number (n) and orbital
quantum number (l). Let us take sodium (Z = 11) as an example. According to Gauss’s law, for any
spherically symmetric charge distribution the electric field magnitude at a distance r from the centre is
1 qencl
, where qencl is the total charge enclosed within a sphere with radius r. Mentally, remove the
4pe0 r 2
outer (valence) electron from a sodium atom. What you have left is a spherically symmetric collection of 10
electrons (filling the K and L shells) and 11 protons. So,
qencl = – 10e + 11 e = + e
If the eleventh is completely outside this collection of charges, it is attracted by an effective charge of +e,
not + 11e.
This effect is called screening, the 10 electrons screen 10 of the 11 protons leaving an effective net charge
of +e. In general, an electron that spends all its time completely outside a positive charge Z eff e has energy
levels given by the hydrogen expression with e 2 replaced by Z eff e 2 . i.e.
En = – (13.6 eV ) (energy levels with screening)
If the eleventh electron in the sodium atom is completely outside the remaining charge distribution, then
Z eff = 1.
We can estimate the frequency of K a X-ray photons using the concept of screening. A K a X-ray photon is
emitted when an electron in the L-shell (n = 2 ) drops down to fill a hole in the K-shell (n = 1.) As the electron
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drops down, it is attracted by the Z protons in the nucleus screened by one remaining electron in the
K-shell. Thus,
Zeff = (Z – 1), ni = 2 and nf = 1
The energy before transition is
(Z – 1)2
Ei = – (13.6 eV ) = – (Z – 1)2 (3.4 eV )
and energy after transition is
(Z – 1)2
Ef = – (13..6 eV ) = – (Z – 1)2 (13.6 eV )
The energy of the K a X-ray photon is
EK a = Ei – Ef = (Z – 1)2 (10.2 eV )
The frequency of K a X-ray photon is therefore,
EK (Z – 1)2 (10.2 eV )
fK a = a =
h (4.136 ´ 10–15 eV - s)
= (2.47 ´ 1015 Hz )(Z - 1)2
This relation agrees almost exactly with Moseley’s experimental law.
˜ The target (or anode) used in the Coolidge tube should be of high melting point. This is because less than
0.5% of the kinetic energy of the electrons is converted into X-rays. The rest of the kinetic energy converts
into internal energy of the target which simultaneously has to be kept cool by circulating oil or water.
˜ Atomic number of the target material should be high. This is because X-rays are high energy photons and
as we have seen above energy of the X-rays increases as Z increases.
˜ X-rays are basically electromagnetic waves. So, they possess all the properties of electromagnetic waves.

V Example 33.16 Find the cut off wavelength for the continuous X-rays coming
from an X-ray tube operating at 40 kV .
Solution Cut off wavelength l min is given by
12375 12375
l min ( in Å ) = =
V ( in volts ) 40 ´ 103
= 0.31 Å Ans.

V Example 33.17 Use Moseley’s law with b = 1 to find the frequency of the K a
X-rays of La ( Z = 57) if the frequency of the K a X-rays of Cu ( Z = 29) is known to
be 1.88 ´ 1018 Hz.
Solution Using the equation, f = a (Z – b ) (b = 1)
2 2
f La æ Z La – 1 ö æ Z – 1ö
=ç ÷ or f La = fCu çç La ÷÷
fCu çè ZCu – 1 ÷ø è ZCu – 1 ø
æ 57 – 1 ö
= 1.88 ´ 1018 çç ÷÷
è 29 – 1 ø
= 7.52 ´ 1018 Hz Ans.
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 277

V Example 33.18 Electrons with de-Broglie wavelength l fall on the target in an

X-ray tube. The cut off wavelength of the emitted X-rays is (JEE 2007)
2mcl 2h
(a) l 0 = (b) l 0 =
h mc
2m 2 c 2 l3
(c) l 0 = (d) l 0 = l
Solution Momentum of bombarding electrons,
\ Kinetic energy of bombarding electrons,
p2 h2
K= =
2 m 2ml2
This is also maximum energy of X-ray photons.
hc h2
Therefore, =
l 0 2ml2
2ml2 c
or l0 =
\ Correct option is (a).

V Example 33.19 Electrons with energy 80 keV are incident on the tungsten
target of an X-ray tube. K-shell electrons of tungsten have 72.5 keV energy.
X-rays emitted by the tube contain only (JEE 2000)
(a) a continuous X-ray spectrum (Bremsstrahlung) with a minimum wavelength of
» 0.155 Å
(b) a continuous X-ray spectrum (Bremsstrahlung) with all wavelengths
(c) the characteristic X-ray spectrum of tungsten
(d) a continuous X-ray spectrum (Bremsstrahlung) with a minimum wavelength of
» 0155
. Å and the characteristic X-ray spectrum of tungsten
Solution Minimum wavelength of continuous X-ray spectrum is given by l min (in Å)
E ( in eV)
Here, E = energy of incident electrons (in eV)
= energy corresponding to minimum wavelength l min of X-ray
E = 80 keV = 80 ´ 103 eV
\ l min (in Å) = » 0.155
80 ´ 103
Also the energy of the incident electrons (80 keV) is more than the ionization energy of the
K-shell electrons (i.e. 72.5 keV). Therefore, characteristic X-ray spectrum will also be obtained
because energy of incident electron is high enough to knock out the electron from K or L-shells.
\ The correct option is (d).
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278 — Optics and Modern Physics


1. If l Cu is the wavelength of Ka , X-ray line of copper (atomic number 29) and lMo is the
wavelength of the Ka X-ray line of molybdenum (atomic number 42), then the ratio l Cu / lMo is
close to (JEE 2014)
(a) 1.99 (b) 2.14
(c) 0.50 (d) 0.48
2. Which one of the following statements is wrong in the context of X-rays generated from an X-ray
tube? (JEE 2008)
(a) Wavelength of characteristic X-rays decreases when the atomic number of the target
(b) Cut off wavelength of the continuous X-rays depends on the atomic number of the target
(c) Intensity of the characteristic X-rays depends on the electrical power given to the X-ray tube
(d) Cut off wavelength of the continuous X-rays depends on the energy of the electrons in the
X-ray tube
3. Ka wavelength emitted by an atom of atomic number Z = 11 is l. Find the atomic number for an
atom that emits Ka radiation with wavelength 4l (JEE 2005)
(a) Z = 6 (b) Z = 4
(c) Z = 11 (d) Z = 44
4. The intensity of X-rays from a coolidge tube is plotted against wavelength l as shown in the
figure. The minimum wavelength found is l c and the wavelength of the Ka line is l k . As the
accelerating voltage is increased (JEE 2001)

lc lk
Fig. 33.12

(a) l k - l c increases (b) l k - l c decreases

(c) l k increases (d) l k decreases
5. X-rays are produced in an X-ray tube operating at a given accelerating voltage. The wavelength
of the continuous X-rays has values from (JEE 1998)
(a) 0 to ¥
(b) l min to ¥ , where l min > 0
(c) 0 to l max, where l max < ¥
(d) l min to l max, where 0 < l min < l max < ¥
6. Characteristic X-rays of frequency 4.2 ´ 1018 Hz are produced when transitions from L-shell to
K-shell take place in a certain target material. Use Mosley’s law to determine the atomic number
of the target material. Given Rydberg constant R = 1.1 ´ 107 m -1. (JEE 2003)
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 279

33.9 Emission of Electrons

At room temperature the free electrons move randomly within the conductor, but they don’t leave the
surface of the conductor due to attraction of positive charges. Some external energy is required to
emit electrons from a metal surface. Minimum energy is required to emit the electrons which are just
on the surface of the conductor. This minimum energy is called the work-function (denoted by W) of
the conductor. Work-function is the property of the metallic surface.
The energy required to liberate an electron from metal surface may arise from various sources such as
heat, light, electric field etc. Depending on the nature of source of energy, the following methods are
possible :
(i) Thermionic emission The energy to the free electrons can be given by heating the metal. The
electrons so emitted are known as thermions.
(ii) Field emission When a conductor is put under strong electric field, the free electrons on it
experience an electric force in the opposite direction of field. Beyond a certain limit, electrons
start coming out of the metal surface. Emission of electrons from a metal surface by this method
is called the field emission.
(iii) Secondary emission Emission of electrons from a metal surface by the bombardment of high
speed electrons or other particles is known as secondary emission.
(iv) Photoelectric emission Emission of free electrons from a metal surface by falling light (or any
other electromagnetic wave which has an energy greater than the work-function of the metal) is
called photoelectric emission. The electrons so emitted are called photoelectrons.

33.10 Photoelectric Effect

When light of an appropriate frequency (or correspondingly of an appropriate wavelength) is incident
on a metallic surface, electrons are liberated from the surface. This observation is known as
photoelectric effect. Photoelectric effect was first observed in 1887 by Hertz. For photoemission to
take place, energy of incident light photons should be greater than or equal to the work-function of the
or E ³W …(i)
\ hf ³ W
or f ³
Here, is the minimum frequency required for the emission of electrons. This is known as threshold
frequency f 0 .
Thus, f0 = (threshold frequency) …(ii)
Further, Eq. (i) can be written as
hc hc
³W or l £
l W
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280 — Optics and Modern Physics

Here, is the largest wavelength beyond which photoemission does not take place. This is called
the threshold wavelength l 0 .
Thus, l0 = (threshold wavelength) …(iii)
Hence, for the photoemission to take place either of the following conditions must be satisfied.
E ³W or f ³ f0 or l £ l 0 …(iv)

Stopping Potential and Maximum Kinetic Energy of Photoelectrons

When the frequency f of the incident light is greater than the threshold frequency, some electrons are
emitted from the metal with substantial initial speeds. Suppose E is the energy of light incident on a
metal surface and W (< E ) the work-function of metal. As minimum energy is required to extract
electrons from the surface, they will have the maximum kinetic energy which is E – W.
Thus, K max = E – W …(v)
This value K max can experimentally be found by keeping the metal plate P (from which electrons are
emitting) at higher potential relative to an another plate Q placed in front of P. Some electrons after
emitting from plate P, reach the plate Q despite the fact that Q is at lower potential and it is repelling
the electrons from reaching in itself. This is because the electrons emitted from plate P possess some
kinetic energy and due to this energy they reach the plate Q and current i flows in the circuit in the
direction shown in figure.


Fig. 33.13

As the potential V is increased, the force of repulsion to the electrons gets increased and less number
of electrons reach the plate Q and current in the circuit gets decreased. At a certain valueV0 electrons
having maximum kinetic energy (K max ) also get stopped and current in the circuit becomes zero. This
is called the stopping potential.
As an electron moves from P to Q, the potential decreases byV0 and negative work – eV0 is done on
the (negatively charged) electron, the most energetic electron leaves plate P with kinetic energy
1 2
K max = mv max and has zero kinetic energy at Q. Using the work energy theorem, we have

Wext = – eV0 = DK = 0 – K max

1 2
or K max = mv max = eV0 …(vi)
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 281

Photoelectric Current
Figure shows an apparatus used to study the variation of photocurrent i with the intensity and
frequency of light falling on metal plate P. Photoelectrons are emitted from plate P which are being
attracted by the positive plate Q and a photoelectric current i flows in the circuit, which can be
measured by the galvanometer G.

i P Q

Fig. 33.14

Figure 33.15 (a) shows graphs of photocurrent as a function of potential difference VQP for light of
constant frequency and two different intensities. When VQP is sufficiently large and positive the
current becomes constant, showing that all the emitted electrons are being collected by the anode
plate Q. The stopping potential difference –V0 needed to reduce the current to zero is shown. If the
intensity of light is increased, (or we can say the number of photons incident per unit area per unit
time is increased) while its frequency is kept the same, the current becomes constant at a higher value,
showing that more electrons are being emitted per unit time. But the stopping potential is found to be
the same.
f is
constant 2I
f2 > f1 I is constant
–V0 0 –V02 – V01 0
(a) (b)
Photocurrent i as a function of the potential VQP
Photocurrent i as a function of the potential VQP of the anode with respect to a cathode for two
of the anode with respect to the cathode for a different light frequencies f1 and f2 with the same
constant light frequency f, the stopping potential intensity. The stopping potential V0 (and therefore
V0 is independent of the light intensity I. the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons)
increases linearly with frequency.
Fig. 33.15
Figure 33.15 (b) shows current as a function of potential difference for two different frequencies with
the same intensity in each case. We see that when the frequency of the incident monochromatic light
is increased, the stopping potentialV0 gets increased. Of course,V0 turn out to be a linear function of
the frequency f.

Graph between K max and f

Let us plot a graph between maximum kinetic energy K max of photoelectrons and frequency f of
incident light. The equation between K max and f is
K max = hf – W
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282 — Optics and Modern Physics

Comparing it with y = mx + c, the graph between K max and f is a straight line with positive slope and
negative intercept.
Kmax 1 2

(f0)1 (f0)2


Fig. 33.16

From the graph, we can note the following points

(i) K max = 0 at f = f 0
(ii) Slope of the straight line is h, a universal constant, i.e. if graph is plotted for two different metals
1 and 2, slope of both the lines is same.
(iii) The negative intercept of the line is W, the work-function which is characteristic of a metal, i.e.
intercepts for two different metals will be different. Further,
W2 > W1
\ ( f 0 )2 > ( f 0 ) 1 [ as W = hf 0 ]
Here, f 0 = threshold frequency
Graph between V 0 and f
Let us now plot a graph between the stopping potential 1 2
V0 and the incident frequency f. The equation between
them is (Slope)1 = (Slope)2 =
eV0 = hf – W (f0)1
æhö æW ö W1
or V0 = ç ÷ f – ç ÷ e
èeø è e ø W2
Again comparing with y = mx + c, the graph between
V0 and f is a straight line with positive slope
(a universal constant) and negative intercept (which
e Fig. 33.17
depends on the metal). The corresponding graph is
shown in figure.
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 283

Extra Points to Remember

˜ The major features of the photoelectric effect could not be explained by the wave theory of light which were
later explained by Einstein’s photon theory.
(i) Wave theory suggests that the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons should increase with the increase in
intensity of light. However equation, Kmax = eV0 suggests that it is independent of the intensity of light.
(ii) According to wave theory, the photoelectric effect should occur for any frequency of the light, provided
that the light is intense enough. However, the above equation suggests that photoemission is possible
only when frequency of incident light is either greater than or equal to the threshold frequency f0 .
(iii) If the energy to the photoelectrons is obtained by soaking up from the incident wave, it is not likely that
the effective target area for an electron in the metal is much more than a few atomic diameters. (see
example 33.20) between the impinging of the light on the surface and the ejection of the photoelectrons.
During this interval the electron should be “soaking up” energy from the beam until it had accumulated
enough energy to escape. However, no detectable time lag has ever been measured.
˜ Einstein’s photon theory Einstein succeeded in explaining the photoelectric effect by making a
remarkable assumption, that the energy in a light beam travels through space in concentrated bundles,
called photons. The energy E of a single photon is given by
E = hf
Applying the photon concept to the photoelectric effect, Einstein wrote
hf = W + Kmax (already discussed)
Consider how Einstein’s photon hypothesis meets the three objections raised against the wave theory
interpretation of the photoelectric effect.
As for objection 1 (the lack of dependence of Kmax on the intensity of illumination), doubling the light
intensity merely doubles the number of photons and thus doubles the photoelectric current, it does not
change the energy of the individual photons
Objection 2 (the existence of a cutoff frequency) follows from equation hf = W + Kmax . If Kmax equals zero,
We have hf0 = W which asserts that the photon has just enough energy to eject the photoelectrons and
none extra to appear as kinetic energy. The quantity W is called the work-function of the substance. If f is
reduced below f0 , the individual photons, no matter how many of them there are (that is, no matter how
intense the illumination), will not have enough energy to eject photo electrons.
Objection 3 (the absence of a time lag) follows from the photon theory because the required energy is
supplied in a concentrated bundle. It is not spread uniformly over a large area, as in the wave theory.
Although, the photon hypothesis certainly fits the facts of photoelectricity, it seems to be in direct conflict
with the wave theory of light. Out modern view of the nature of light is that it has a dual character, behaving
like a wave under some circumstances and like a particle or photon under others.

V Example 33.20 A metal plate is placed 5 m from a monochromatic light

source whose power output is 10 –3 W . Consider that a given ejected
photoelectron may collect its energy from a circular area of the plate as large as
ten atomic diameters ( 10 –9 m) in radius. The energy required to remove an
electron through the metal surface is about 5.0 eV . Assuming light to be a
wave, how long would it take for such a ‘target’ to soak up this much energy
from such a light source.
Solution The target area is S 1 = p (10–9 ) 2 = p ´ 10–18 m 2 . The area of a 5 m sphere centered
on the light source is, S 2 = 4p ( 5) 2 = 100 p m 2 . Thus, if the light source radiates uniformly in all
directions the rate P at which energy falls on the target is given by
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284 — Optics and Modern Physics

æS ö æ p ´ 10–18 ö
P = (10–3 watt ) çç 1 ÷÷ = (10–3 ) ç ÷ = 10–23 J/s
ç 100 ´ p ÷
è 2ø
S è ø
Assuming that all power is absorbed, the required time is
æ 5 eV ö æ 1.6 ´ 10–19 J ö
t = ç –23 ÷ç ÷ » 20 h Ans.
ç 10 J/s ÷ ç 1 eV ÷
è øè ø

V Example 33.21 The photoelectric work-function of potassium is 2.3 eV . If light

having a wavelength of 2800 Å falls on potassium, find
(a) the kinetic energy in electron volts of the most energetic electrons ejected.
(b) the stopping potential in volts
Solution Given, W = 2.3eV, l = 2800 Å
12375 12375
\ E ( in eV) = = = 4.4 eV
l ( in Å) 2800
(a) K max = E – W
= ( 4.4 – 2.3) eV= 2.1 eV Ans.
(b) K max = eV0
\ 2.1eV = eV0 or V0 = 2.1volt Ans.

V Example 33.22 When a beam of 10.6 eV photons of intensity 2.0 W / m2 falls

on a platinum surface of area 1.0 ´ 10 –4 m2 and work-function 5.6 eV , 0.53 % of
the incident photons eject photoelectrons. Find the number of photoelectrons
emitted per second and their minimum and maximum energies ( in eV ). Take
1 eV = 1.6 ´ 10 –19 J .
Solution Number of photoelectrons emitted per second
(Intensity ) (Area) 0.53
= ´
(Energy of each photon ) 100
( 2.0) (1.0 ´ 10–4 ) 0.53
= –19
(10.6 ´ 1.6 ´ 10 ) 100
= 6.25 ´ 10 Ans.
Minimum kinetic energy of photoelectrons,
K min = 0
and maximum kinetic energy is, K max = E – W = (10.6 – 5.6) eV
= 5.0 eV Ans.

V Example 33.23 Maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons from a metal

surface is K 0 when wavelength of incident light is l. If wavelength is decreased
to l /2, the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons becomes
(a) = 2K 0 (b) > 2K 0 (c) < 2K 0
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 285

Solution Using the equation,

K max = E - W , we have
K0 = -W K (i)
with wavelength , suppose the maximum kinetic energy is K 0¢ , then
hc hc
K 0¢ = -W = 2 -W
l/ 2 l
æ hc ö
= 2ç - W ÷ + W
è l ø
but - W is K 0 . Therefore,
K 0¢ = 2K 0 + W
or K 0¢ > 2K 0
\ The correct option is (b). Ans.

V Example 33.24 Intensity and frequency of incident light both are doubled.
Then, what is the effect on stopping potential and saturation current.
Solution By increasing the frequency of incident light energy of incident light will increase.
So, maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons will also increase. Hence, stopping potential will
Further, by doubling the frequency of incident light energy of each photon will be doubled. So,
intensity itself becomes two times without increasing number of photons incident per unit area
per unit time. Therefore, saturation current will remain unchanged.

V Example 33.25 When a monochromatic point source of light is at a distance

of 0.2 m from a photoelectric cell, the cut off voltage and the saturation current
are respectively 0.6 V and 18.0 mA. If the same source is placed 0.6 m away
from the photoelectric cell, then (JEE 1992)
(a) the stopping potential will be 0.2 V
(b) the stopping potential will be 0.6 V
(c) the saturation current will be 6.0 mA
(d) the saturation current will be 2.0 mA
Solution (b) Stopping potential depends on two factors – one the energy of incident light and
the other the work-function of the metal. By increasing the distance of source from the cell,
neither of the two change. Therefore, stopping potential remains the same.
(d) Saturation current is directly proportional to the intensity of light incident on cell and for a
point source, intensity I µ 1/ r 2
When distance is increased from 0.2 m to 0.6 m (three times), the intensity and hence the
saturation current will decrease 9 times, i.e. the saturation current will be reduced to 2.0 mA.
\ The correct options are (b) and (d).
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V Example 33.26 The threshold wavelength for photoelectric emission from a

material is 5200 Å. Photoelectrons will be emitted when this material is
illuminated with monochromatic radiation from a (1982, 3M)
(a) 50 W infrared lamp (b) 1 W infrared lamp
(c) 50 W ultraviolet lamp (d) 1 W ultraviolet lamp
Solution For photoemission to take place, wavelength of incident light should be less than the
threshold wavelength. Wavelength of ultraviolet light < 5200 Å while that of infrared radiation >
5200 Å.
\ The correct options are (c) and (d).


1. Light of wavelength 2000 Å is incident on a metal surface of work-function 3.0 eV. Find the
minimum and maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons.
2. Is it correct to say that Kmax is proportional to f ? If not, what would a correct statement of the
relationship between Kmax and f ?
3. When a metal is illuminated with light of frequency f, the maximum kinetic energy of the
photoelectrons is 1.2 eV. When the frequency is increased by 50%, the maximum kinetic energy
increases to 4.2 eV. What is the threshold frequency for this metal?
4. A metal surface is illuminated by light of two different wavelengths 248 nm and 310 nm. The
maximum speeds of the photoelectrons corresponding to these wavelengths are u1 and u 2,
respectively. If the ratio u1 : u 2 = 2 : 1 and hc = 1240 eV nm, the work-function of the metal is
nearly (JEE 2014)
(a) 3.7 eV (b) 3.2 eV (c) 2.8 eV (d) 2.5 eV
5. The figure shows the variation of photocurrent with I
anode potential for a photosensitive surface for
three different radiations. Let I a, I b and I c be the
intensities and fa, fb and fc be the frequencies for the
curves a, b and c, respectively (JEE 2004) c b
(a) fa = fb and I a ¹ I b (b) fa = fc and I a = I c
(c) fa = fb and I a = I b (d) fb = fc and I b = I c
6. The work-function of a substance is 4.0 eV. The
longest wavelength of light that can cause V
photoelectron emission from this substance is
approximately (JEE 1998)
(a) 540 nm (b) 400 nm (c) 310 nm (d) 220 nm
7. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted from a surface when photons of energy
6 eV fall on it is 4 eV. The stopping potential in volt is (JEE 1997)
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 10
8. Photoelectric effect supports quantum nature of light because (JEE 1987)
(a) there is a minimum frequency of light below which no photoelectrons are emitted
(b) the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons depends only on the frequency of light and
not on its intensity
(c) even when the metal surface is faintly illuminated, the photoelectrons leave the surface
(d) electric charge of the photoelectrons is quantised
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 287

Final Touch Points

1. In hydrogen and hydrogen like atoms :
Circumference of n th orbit = n (wavelength of single electron in that orbit)
According to Bohr’s assumption,
æh ö
Ln = n ç ÷
è 2p ø
æh ö
or mvr = n ç ÷
è 2p ø
æ h ö
\ ( 2pr ) = n ç ÷
è mv ø
or circumference = n (de-Broglie wavelength of electron)
2. Rhc = 13.6 eV
Therefore, Rhc has the dimensions of energy or
[Rhc ] = [ML2T -2 ]
3. 1 Rhc is also called 1 Rydberg. It is not Rydberg constant R.
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Solved Examples

Type 1. Based on de-Broglie wavelength

V Example 1 A proton is fired from very far away towards a nucleus with charge
Q = 120 e, where e is the electronic charge. It makes a closest approach of 10 fm to
the nucleus. The de-Broglie wavelength (in units of fm) of the proton at its start is
[Take the proton mass, m p = ( 5 /3) ´ 10 -27 kg, h /e = 4.2 ´ 10 -15 J-s/C,
= 9 ´ 10 9 m/F, 1 fm = 10 -15 m]
4pe 0 (JEE 2013)

Solution r = closest distance = 10 fm Ze

K e
From energy conservation, we have + Å
Ki + Ui = K f + U f
1 qq
or K + 0 =0 + . 1 2 r
4pe0 r
1 (120 e) (e)
or K = . …(i)
4pe0 r
de-Broglie wavelength,
l= …(ii)
Substituting the given values in above two equations, we get
l = 7 ´ 10-15 m = 7 fm

V Example 2 Find de-Broglie wavelength of single electron in 2 nd orbit of

hydrogen atom by two methods.
Solution Method 1 Kinetic energy of single electron in 2nd orbit is 3.4 eV using the
150 150
l= = = 6.64 Å Ans.
KE (in eV ) 3.4
Method 2 Circumference of nth orbit = nl
\ 2 pr = 2 l
or l = pr
Now, r µ n2
r1 = 0.529 Å
\ l = p (0.529)(2)2Å
= 6.64 Å Ans.
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 289

Type 2. Based on Bohr’s atomic models

V Example 3 The electric potential between a proton and an electron is given by
V = V 0 ln , where r0 is a constant. Assuming Bohr model to be applicable,
write variation of rn with n, being the principal quantum number. (JEE 2003)
1 1
(a) rn µ n (b) rn µ (c) rn µ n 2 (d) rn µ
n n2
Solution Q U = eV = eV 0 ln çç ÷÷
è r0 ø
dU eV 0
|F |= - =
dr r
mv2 eV 0
This force will provide the necessary centripetal force. Hence, =
r r
eV 0
or v= …(i)
Moreover, mvr = …(ii)
Dividing Eq. (ii) by Eq. (i), we have
æ nh ö m
mr = ç ÷ or rn µ n
è 2p ø eV 0

V Example 4 Imagine an atom made up of proton and a hypothetical particle of

double the mass of the electron but having the same charge as the electron. Apply
the Bohr atom model and consider all possible transitions of this hypothetical
particle to the first excited level. The longest wavelength photon that will be
emitted has wavelength l (given in terms of the Rydberg constant R for the
hydrogen atom) equal to (JEE 2000)
(a) 9/5R (b) 36/5R (c) 18/5R (d) 4/R
Solution In hydrogen atom, E n = - 2
Also, En µ m
where, m is the mass of the electron.
Here, the electron has been replaced by a particle whose mass is double of an electron.
Therefore, for this hypothetical atom energy in nth orbit will be given by
En = -
The longest wavelength l max (or minimum energy) photon will correspond to the transition of
particle from n = 3 to n = 2 .
hc æ1 1ö
\ = E3 - E 2 = 2Rhc ç 2 - 2 ÷
l max è2 3 ø
This gives, l max = 18 / 5R
\ The correct option is (c).
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290 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 5 The recoil speed of a hydrogen atom after it emits a photon is going
from n = 5 state to n = 1 state is ........ m/s. (JEE 1997)
Solution From conservation of linear momentum,
|Momentum of recoil hydrogen atom| = |Momentum of emitted photon|
or mv =
é 1 1ù
Here, DE = E5 - E1 = – 13.6 ê 2 - 2 ú eV
ë5 1 û
= (13.6) (24 / 25) eV = 13.056 eV
= 13.056 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19 J = 2.09 ´ 10-18 J
and m = mass of hydrogen atom = 1.67 ´ 10-27 kg
DE 2.09 ´ 10-18
\ v= =
mc (1.67 ´ 10-27 ) (3 ´ 108 )
v » 4.17 m/s

V Example 6 A hydrogen like atom (described by the Bohr model) is observed to

emit six wavelengths, originating from all possible transitions between a group of
levels. These levels have energies between – 0.85 eV and –0.544 eV (including both
these values). (JEE 2002)
(a) Find the atomic number of the atom.
(b) Calculate the smallest wavelength emitted in these transitions.
(Take, hc = 1240 eV-nm, ground state energy of hydrogen atom = -13.6 eV)
Solution (a) Total 6 lines are emitted. Therefore,
n (n - 1)
=6 or n =4
So, transition is taking place between mth energy state and (m + 3) th energy state.
æ Z 2ö
Em = - 0.85 eV or -13.6 çç 2 ÷÷ = - 0.85
èm ø
or = 0.25 …(i)
Similarly, Em + 3 = - 0.544 eV
or -13.6 = - 0.544
(m + 3)2
or = 0.2 …(ii)
(m + 3)
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii) for Z and m, we get
m = 12 and Z = 3 Ans.
(b) Smallest wavelength corresponds to maximum difference of energies which is obviously
Em + 3 - Em
\ D E max = - 0.544 - (- 0.85) = 0.306 eV
hc 1240
\ l min = = = 4052.3 nm Ans.
DE max 0.306
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 291

V Example 7 A hydrogen like atom of atomic number Z is in an excited state of

quantum number 2n. It can emit a maximum energy photon of 204 eV. If it makes
a transition to quantum state n, a photon of energy 40.8 eV is emitted. Find n, Z
and the ground state energy (in eV) of this atom. Also calculate the minimum
energy (in eV) that can be emitted by this atom during de-excitation. Ground state
energy of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV. (JEE 2000)
Solution Let ground state energy (in eV) be E1.
Then, from the given condition
E 2n - E1 = 204 eV
or - E1 = 204 eV
4n 2
æ 1 ö
or E1 ç 2 - 1÷ = 204 eV …(i)
è 4n ø
and E 2n - E n = 40.8 eV
E1 E
or - 1 = 40.8 eV
4n 2 n 2
æ -3 ö
or E1 ç 2 ÷ = 40.8 eV …(ii)
è 4n ø
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
4n 2 = 5 or 1 = 1 + 15
3 4n 2 4n 2
or = 1 or n = 2
From Eq. (ii),
4 2
E1 = - n (40.8) eV
= - (2)2 (40.8) eV
or E1 = - 217.6 eV
E1 = - (13.6) Z 2
E1 -217.6
\ Z2 = = = 16
-13.6 -13.6
\ Z =4
E1 E1
E min = E 2n - E 2n - 1 = 2
4n (2n - 1)2
E1 E1 7
= - =- E1
16 9 144
æ 7 ö
=-ç ÷ (- 217.6) eV
è 144 ø
\ E min = 10.58 eV
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V Example 8 A hydrogen like atom (atomic number Z) is in a higher excited state

of quantum number n. The excited atom can make a transition to the first excited
state by successively emitting two photons of energy 10.2 eV and 17.0 eV,
respectively. Alternatively, the atom from the same excited state can make a
transition to the second excited state by successively emitting two photons of
energies 4.25 eV and 5.95 eV, respectively. (JEE 1994)
Determine the values of n and Z.
(Ionization energy of H-atom = 13.6 eV)
Solution From the given conditions,
E n - E 2 = (10.2 + 17) eV = 27.2 eV …(i)
and E n - E3 = (4.25 + 5.95) eV = 10.2 eV …(ii)
Eq. (i) - Eq. (ii) gives
æ1 1ö
E3 - E 2 = 17.0 eV or Z 2 (13.6) ç - ÷ = 17.0
è4 9ø
Þ Z 2 (13.6) (5 / 36) = 17.0
Þ Z 2 = 9 or Z = 3
From Eq. (i),
æ1 1 ö æ1 1 ö
Z 2 (13.6) ç - 2 ÷ = 27.2 or (3)2 (13.6) ç - 2 ÷ = 27.2
è 4 n ø è4 n ø
1 1
or - = 0.222 or 1 / n 2 = 0.0278
4 n2
or n 2 = 36 Þ n =6

Type 3. Based on X-rays

V Example 9 Determine the energy of the characteristic X-ray ( K b ) emitted from a
tungsten ( Z = 74) target when an electron drops from the M-shell ( n = 3) to a
vacancy in the K-shell ( n = 1).
Solution Energy associated with the electron in the K-shell is approximately
EK = – (74 – 1)2 (13.6 eV ) = – 72474 eV
An electron in the M-shell is subjected to an effective nuclear charge that depends on the
number of electrons in the n = 1 and n = 2 states because these electrons shield the M electrons
from the nucleus. Because there are eight electrons in the n = 2 state and one remaining in the
n = 1 state, roughly nine electrons shield M electrons from the nucleus.
So, Z eff = z – 9
Hence, the energy associated with an electron in the M-shell is
–13.6 Z eff –13.6 (Z – 9)2
EM = 2
eV = eV
3 32
(13.6) (74 – 9)2
=– eV = – 6384 eV
Therefore, emitted X-ray has an energy equal to
EM – EK = {–6384 – (–72474)} eV = 66090 eV Ans.
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 293

V Example 10 The potential difference applied to an X-ray tube is 5 kV and the

current through it is 3.2 mA. Then, the number of electrons striking the target per
second is (JEE 2002)
(a) 2 ´ 1016 (b) 5 ´ 106
(c) 1 ´ 1017 (d) 4 ´ 1015
q ne
Solution Q i = =
t t
\ n=
Substituting i = 3.2 ´ 10-3 A,
e = 1.6 ´ 10-19 C and t = 1 s
We get, n = 2 ´ 1016
\ The correct answer is (a).

V Example 11 X-rays are incident on a target metal atom having 30 neutrons.

The ratio of atomic radius of the target atom and 42 He is ( 14)1/3 . (JEE 2005)
(a) Find the mass number of target atom.
(b) Find the frequency of K a line emitted by this metal.
Hint : Radius of a nucleus (r) has the following relation with mass number (A).
r µ A1/ 3
(R = 1.1 ´ 107 m -1 , c = 3 ´ 108 m/s)
Solution (a) From the relation r µ A1/3 ,
r2 æ A2 ö
We have, =ç ÷
r1 çè A1 ÷ø
æ A2 ö
or ç ÷ = (14)1/3
è 4 ø
\ A2 = 56
(b) Z 2 = A2 - number of neutrons
= 56 - 30 = 26
æ1 1 ö 3Rc
\ f = Rc (Z - 1)2 ç 2 - 2 ÷ = (Z - 1)2
è 1 2 ø 4
Substituting the given values of R, c and Z, we get
f = 1.55 ´ 1018 Hz

V Example 12 Stopping potential of 24, 100, 110 and 115 kV are measured for
photoelectrons emitted from a certain element when it is radiated with
monochromatic X-ray. If this element is used as a target in an X-ray tube, what
will be the wavelength of K a -line?
Solution Stopping potentials are 24, 100, 110 and 115 kV, i.e. if the electrons are emitted
from conduction band, maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons would be 115 ´ 103 eV. If they
are emitted from next inner shell, maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons would be
110 ´ 103 eV and so on.
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For photoelectrons of L- shell it would be 100 ´ 103 eV and for K-shell it is 24 ´ 103 eV.
Therefore, difference between energy of L-shell and K-shell is
DE = EL – EK
= (100 – 24) ´ 103 eV
= 76 ´ 103 eV
\ Wavelength of K a -line (transition of electron from L-shell to K-shell) is,
12375 12375
lK a (in Å ) = =
DE (in eV ) 76 ´ 103
= 0.163 Å Ans.

V Example 13 In Moseley’s equation f = a ( Z – b), a and b are constants. Find

their values with the help of the following data.
Element Z Wavelength of Ka X-rays

Mo 42 0.71 Å
Co 27 1.785 Å

Solution f = a (Z – b)
or = a (Z 1 – b) …(i)
and = a (Z 2 – b) …(ii)
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have
é 1 1 ù
cê – ú = a (Z 1 – Z 2) …(iii)
ë l1 l2 û
Solving above three equations with c = 3.0 ´ 108 m/s, l1 = 0.71 ´ 10–10 m
l 2 = 1.785 ´ 10 m, Z 1 = 42 and Z 2 = 27, we get
a = 5 ´ 107 (Hz )1/ 2 and b = 1.37 Ans.

Type 4. Based on photoelectric effect

V Example 14 A monochromatic light source of frequency f illuminates a metallic
surface and ejects photoelectrons. The photoelectrons having maximum energy are
just able to ionize the hydrogen atoms in ground state. When the whole
experiment is repeated with an incident radiation of frequency f, the
photoelectrons so emitted are able to excite the hydrogen atom beam which then
emits a radiation of wavelength 1215 Å.
(a) What is the frequency of radiation?
(b) Find the work-function of the metal.
Solution (a) Using Einstein’s equation of photoelectric effect,
K max = hf – W
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 295

Here, K max = 13.6 eV

\ hf – W = 13.6 eV …(i)
æ 5 ö 12375
Further, h ç f÷ – W = = 10.2 eV …(ii)
è6 ø 1215
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have
hf (6) (3.4) (1.6 ´ 10–19 )
= 3.4 eV or f =
6 (6.63 ´ 10–34 )
= 4.92 ´ 1015 Hz Ans.
(b) W = hf – 13.6 [from Eq. (i)]
= 6 (3.4) – 13.6 = 6.8 eV Ans.

V Example 15 The graph between 1/l and stopping potential (V ) of three metals
having work-functions f 1 , f 2 and f 3 in an experiment of photoelectric effect is
plotted as shown in the figure. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
(Here, l is the wavelength of the incident ray). (JEE 2006)

Metal 1 Metal 2 Metal 3

0.001 0.002 0.004 1/l nm–1
(a) Ratio of work-functions f1 : f2 : f3 = 1 : 2 : 4
(b) Ratio of work-functions f1 : f2 : f3 = 4 : 2 : 1
(c) tan q is directly proportional to hc / e, where h is Planck constant and c is the speed of light
(d) The violet colour light can eject photoelectrons from metals 2 and 3
Solution From the relation,
hc æ hc ö æ 1 ö f
eV = - f or V = ç ÷ ç ÷ -
l è e ø è lø e
This is equation of straight line. Slope is tan q = .
Further V = 0 at f =
hc hc hc 1 1 1
\ f1 : f2 : f3 = : : = : : =1:2:4
l 01 l 02 l 03 l 01 l 02 l 03
= 0.001 nm-1 or l 01 = 10000 Å
l 01
= 0.002 nm-1 or l 02 = 5000 Å
l 02
= 0.004 nm-1 or l 03 = 2500 Å
l 03
Violet colour has wavelength 4000 Å.
So, violet colour can eject photoelectrons from metal 1 and metal 2.
\ The correct options are (a) and (c).
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296 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 16 A beam of light has three wavelengths 4144 Å, 4972 Å and 6216 Å
with a total intensity of 3.6 ´ 10 -3 Wm -2 equally distributed amongst the three
wavelengths. The beam falls normally on an area 1.0 cm2 of a clean metallic
surface of work-function 2.3 eV. Assume that there is no loss of light by reflection
and that each energetically capable photon ejects one electron. Calculate the
number of photoelectrons liberated in two seconds. (JEE 1989)
Solution Energy of photon having wavelength 4144 Å,
E1 = eV
= 2.99 eV
Similarly, E2 = eV
= 2.49 eV and
E3 = eV
= 1.99 eV
Since, only E1 and E 2 are greater than the work-function W = 2.3 eV , only first two
wavelengths are capable for ejecting photoelectrons. Given intensity is equally distributed in all
wavelengths. Therefore, intensity corresponding to each wavelength is
3.6 ´ 10-3
= 1.2 ´ 10-3 W/m2
Or energy incident per second in the given area ( A = 1.0 cm2 = 10-4 m2) is
P = 1.2 ´ 10-3 ´ 10-4
= 1.2 ´ 10-7 J/s
Let n1 be the number of photons incident per unit time in the given area corresponding to first
wavelength. Then,
n1 =
1.2 ´ 10-7
2.99 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19
= 2.5 ´ 1011
Similarly, n2 =
1.2 ´ 10-7
2.49 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19
= 3.0 ´ 1011
Since, each energetically capable photon ejects one electron, total number of photoelectrons
liberated in 2 s.
= 2(n1 + n2)
= 2 (2.5 + 3.0) ´ 1011
= 1.1 ´ 1012 Ans.
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Miscellaneous Examples
V Example 17 Two metallic plates A and B each of area 5 ´ 10 -4 m2 , are placed
parallel to each other at a separation of 1 cm. Plate B carries a positive charge of
33.7 ´ 10 -12 C. A monochromatic beam of light, with photons of energy 5 eV each,
starts falling on plate A at t = 0 so that 1016 photons fall on it per square metre
per second. Assume that one photoelectron is emitted for every 10 6 incident
photons. Also assume that all the emitted photoelectrons are collected by plate B
and the work-function of plate A remains constant at the value 2 eV.
Determine (JEE 2002)
(a) the number of photoelectrons emitted upto t = 10 s,
(b) the magnitude of the electric field between the plates A and B at t = 10 s and
(c) the kinetic energy of the most energetic photoelectrons emitted at t = 10s when it reaches
plate B.
Neglect the time taken by the photoelectron to reach plate B.
(Take, e 0 = 8.85 ´ 10-12C 2 / N -m 2).
Solution Area of plates, = 5 ´ 10-4 m2
Distance between the plates, d = 1 cm = 10-2 m
(a) Number of photoelectrons emitted upto t = 10 s are
(number of photons falling on unit area in unit time) ´ (area ´ time)
= 6 [(10)16 ´ (5 ´ 10-4 ) ´ (10)]
= 5.0 ´ 107 Ans.
(b) At time t = 10 s,
Charge on plate A, qA = + ne = (5.0 ´ 107 ) (1.6 ´ 10-19 )
= 8.0 ´ 10-12 C
and charge on plate B,
qB = (33.7 ´ 10-12 - 8.0 ´ 10-12)
= 25.7 ´ 10-12 C
(q - qA )
\ Electric field between the plates, E = B
2 Ae0
(25.7 - 8.0) ´ 10-12
or E=
2 ´ (5 ´ 10-4 ) (8.85 ´ 10-12)
= 2 ´ 103 N/C
(c) Energy of most energetic photoelectrons at plate A,
= E - W = (5 - 2) eV = 3 eV
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298 — Optics and Modern Physics

Increase in energy of photoelectrons

= (eEd ) joule = (Ed ) eV
= (2 ´ 103 ) (10-2) eV = 20 eV
Energy of photoelectrons at plate B
= (20 + 3) eV = 23 eV Ans.

V Example 18 Photoelectrons are emitted when 400 nm radiation is incident on a

surface of work-function 1.9 eV. These photoelectrons pass through a region
containing a-particles. A maximum energy electron combines with an a-particle to
form a He + ion, emitting a single photon in this process. He + ions thus formed are
in their fourth excited state. Find the energies in eV of the photons lying in the
2 to 4 eV range, that are likely to be emitted during and after the combination.
[Take, h = 4.14 ´ 10 -15 eV-s] (JEE 1999)
Solution Given work-function W = 1.9 eV
Wavelength of incident light, l = 400 nm
\ Energy of incident light, E = = 3.1 eV
(Substituting the values of h, c and l)
Therefore, maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons
K max = E - W = (3.1 - 1.9) = 1.2 eV
Now, the situation is as shown in figure.
K max = 1.2eV n=5
E 5 = – 2.2 eV

a-particles He+ in fourth

excited state or
n=5 He+
(Z = 2)

Energy of electron in 4th excited state of He+ (n = 5) will be

E5 = - 13.6 eV
Þ E5 = - (13.6) 2 = - 2.2 eV
Therefore, energy released during the combination
= 1.2 - (-2.2) = 3.4 eV
Similarly, energies in other energy states of He+ will be
E 4 = - 13.6 = - 3.4 eV
E3 = - 13.6 = - 6.04 eV
E 2 = - 13.6 = - 13.6 eV
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 299

The possible transitions are

DE5 ® 4 = E5 - E 4 = 1.2 eV < 2 eV
DE5 ® 3 = E5 - E3 = 3.84 eV
DE5 ® 2 = E5 - E 2 = 11.4 eV > 4 eV
DE 4 ® 3 = E 4 - E3 = 2.64 eV
DE 4 ® 2 = E 4 - E 2 = 10.2 eV > 4 eV
Hence, the energy of emitted photons in the range of 2 eV and 4 eV are 3.4 eV during
combination and 3.84 eV and 2.64 after combination.

V Example 19 Light from a discharge tube containing hydrogen atoms falls on

the surface of a piece of sodium. The kinetic energy of the fastest photoelectrons
emitted from sodium is 0.73 eV. The work-function for sodium is 1.82 eV. (JEE 1992)
(a) the energy of the photons causing the photoelectrons emission.
(b) the quantum numbers of the two levels involved in the emission of these photons.
(c) the change in the angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom, in the above
transition, and
(d) the recoil speed of the emitting atom assuming it to be at rest before the transition.
(Ionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6 eV.)
Solution (a) From Einstein’s equation of photoelectric effect,
Energy of photons causing the photoelectric emission
= Maximum kinetic energy of emitted photons + work-function
or E = K max + W = (0.73 + 1.82) eV
or E = 2.55 eV Ans.
(b) In case of a hydrogen atom,
E1 = - 13.6 eV , E 2 = - 3.4 eV , E3 = - 1.5 eV
E 4 = - 0.85 eV
Since, E 4 - E 2 = 2.55 eV
Therefore, quantum numbers of the two levels involved in the emission of these photons are 4
and 2(4 ® 2).
(c) Change in angular momentum in transition from 4 to 2 will be
æhö æhö h
DL = L 2 - L 4 = 2 ç ÷ - 4 ç ÷ or DL = -
è 2p ø è 2p ø p
(d) From conservation of linear momentum
|Momentum of hydrogen atom|=|Momentum of emitted photon|
or mv = (m = mass of hydrogen atom)
E (2.55 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19 J)
or v= =
mc (1.67 ´ 10-27 kg ) (3.0 ´ 108 m/s )

v = 0.814 m/s Ans.

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300 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 20 If an X-ray tube operates at the voltage of 10 kV , find the ratio of

the de-Broglie wavelength of the incident electrons to the shortest wavelength of
X-rays produced. The specific charge of electron is 1.8 ´ 1011 C / kg .
Solution de-Broglie wavelength when a charge q is accelerated by a potential difference of V
volts is
lb = …(i)
For cut off wavelength of X-rays, we have qV =
or lm = …(ii)
lb 2m
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get =
lm c
For electron = 1.8 ´ 1011 C/kg (given). Substituting the values the desired ratio is
1.8 ´ 1011 ´ 10 ´ 103
lb 2
= = 0.1 Ans.
lm 3 ´ 108

V Example 21 The wavelength of the first line of Lyman series for hydrogen is
identical to that of the second line of Balmer series for some hydrogen like ion x.
Calculate energies of the first four levels of x.
Solution Wavelength of the first line of Lyman series for hydrogen atom will be given by the
1 æ1 1 ö 3R
= R ç 2 – 2÷ = …(i)
l1 è1 2 ø 4
The wavelength of second Balmer line for hydrogen like ion x is
1 æ1 1 ö 3RZ 2
= RZ 2ç 2 – 2 ÷ = …(ii)
l2 è2 4 ø 16
1 1
Given that l1 = l 2 or =
l1 l 2
3R 3RZ 2
i.e. =
4 16
\ Z =2
i.e. x ion is He+ . The energies of first four levels of x are
E1 = – (13.6) Z 2 = – 54.4 eV
E 2 = 12 = – 13.6 eV
E3 = 12 = – 6.04 eV
and E 4 = 12 = – 3.4 eV Ans.
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 301

V Example 22 A moving hydrogen atom makes a head on collision with a

stationary hydrogen atom. Before collision both atoms are in ground state and
after collision they move together. What is the minimum value of the kinetic
energy of the moving hydrogen atom, such that one of the atoms reaches one of the
excited state?
Solution Let K be the kinetic energy of the moving hydrogen atom and K ¢, the kinetic energy
of combined mass after collision.


DE = 10.2 eV
m m 2m


From conservation of linear momentum,

p = p¢ or 2Km = 2K ¢ (2m)
or K = 2K ¢ …(i)
From conservation of energy, K = K ¢ + DE …(ii)
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get DE =
Now, minimum value of DE for hydrogen atom is 10.2 eV.
or DE ³ 10.2 eV
\ ³ 10.2
\ K ³ 20.4 eV
Therefore, the minimum kinetic energy of moving hydrogen is 20.4 eV. Ans.

V Example 23 An imaginary particle has a charge equal to that of an electron

and mass 100 times the mass of the electron. It moves in a circular orbit around a
nucleus of charge + 4e. Take the mass of the nucleus to be infinite. Assuming that
the Bohr model is applicable to this system.
(a) Derive an expression for the radius of nth Bohr orbit.
(b) Find the wavelength of the radiation emitted when the particle jumps from fourth orbit
to the second orbit.
m pv2 1 Ze2
Solution (a) We have = …(i)
rn 4pe0 rn2
The quantization of angular momentum gives
m pvrn = …(ii)
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
n 2h 2e0
Zpm pe2
Substituting m p = 100 m
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302 — Optics and Modern Physics

where, m = mass of electron and Z = 4

n 2h 2e0
We get, rn = Ans.
400 p me2
(b) As we know, E1H = – 13.60 eV
æ Z 2ö
and E n µ çç 2 ÷÷ m
èn ø
(–13.60) (4)2
For the given particle, E4 = ´ 100
= – 1360 eV
(–13.60) (4)2
and E2 = ´ 100
= – 5440 eV
DE = E 4 – E 2
= 4080 eV
\ l (in Å ) =
DE (in eV )
= 3.0 Å Ans.

V Example 24 The energy levels of a hypothetical one electron atom are given by
En = - eV
where n = 1, 2, 3, ¼
(a) Compute the four lowest energy levels and construct the energy level diagram.
(b) What is the first excitation potential
(c) What wavelengths (Å) can be emitted when these atoms in the ground state are
bombarded by electrons that have been accelerated through a potential difference of
16.2 V?
(d) If these atoms are in the ground state, can they absorb radiation having a wavelength
of 2000 Å?
(e) What is the photoelectric threshold wavelength of this atom?
Solution (a) E1 = = – 18.0 eV
E2 = = – 4.5 eV
E3 = = – 2.0 eV
and E4 = = – 1.125 eV
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 303

The energy level diagram is shown in figure.

E4 = –1.125 eV
E3 = –2.0 eV

E2 = – 4.5 eV

E1 = –18.0 eV

(b) E 2 - E1 = 13.5 eV
\ First excitation potential is 13.5 V.
(c) Energy of the electron accelerated by a potential difference of 16.2 V is 16.2 eV. With this
energy the electron can excite the atom from n = 1 to n = 3 as
E 4 – E1 = – 1.125 – (–18.0) = 16.875 eV > 16.2 eV
and E3 – E1 = – 2.0 – (–18.0) = 16.0 eV < 16.2 eV
12375 12375
Now, l32 = =
E3 – E 2 – 2.0 – (– 4.5)
= 4950 Å Ans.
12375 12375
l31 = = = 773 Å Ans.
E3 – E1 16
12375 12375
and l 21 = =
E 2 – E1 – 4.5 – (–18.0)
= 917 Å Ans.
(d) No, the energy corresponding to l = 2000 Å is
E= = 6.1875 eV Ans.
The minimum excitation energy is 13.5 eV (n = 1 to n = 2).
(e) Threshold wavelength for photoemission to take place from such an atom is
l min =
= 687.5 Å Ans.

V Example 25 In a photocell the plates P and Q have a separation of 5 cm, which

are connected through a galvanometer without any cell. Bichromatic light of
wavelengths 4000 Å and 6000 Å are incident on plate Q whose work-function is
2.39 eV . If a uniform magnetic field B exists parallel to the plates, find the
minimum value of B for which the galvanometer shows zero deflection.
Solution Energy of photons corresponding to light of wavelength l1 = 4000 Å is
E1 = = 3.1 eV
and that corresponding to l 2 = 6000 Å is
E2 = = 2.06 eV
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304 — Optics and Modern Physics

As, E 2 < W and E1 > W (W = work-function)

Photoelectric emission is possible with l1 only.

G u r d

Photoelectrons experience magnetic force and move along a circular path. The galvanometer
will indicate zero deflection if the photoelectrons just complete semicircular path before
reaching the plate P.
Thus, d = r = 5 cm
\ r = 5 cm = 0.05 m
mv 2Km
Further, r= =
Bq Bq
\ Bmin =
Here, K = E1 – W = (3.1 – 2.39)
= 0.71 eV
Substituting the values, we have
2 ´ 0.71 ´ 1.6 ´ 10–19 ´ 9.109 ´ 10–31
Bmin =
(0.05) (1.6 ´ 10–19 )
= 5.68 ´ 10–5 T Ans.
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Assertion and Reason
Directions : Choose the correct option.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
(d) If Assertion is false but the Reason is true.
1. Assertion : X-rays cannot be deflected by electric or magnetic fields.
Reason : These are electromagnetic waves.
2. Assertion : If wavelength of light is doubled, energy and momentum of photons are reduced
to half.
Reason : By increasing the wavelength, speed of photons will decrease.
3. Assertion : We can increase the saturation current in photoelectric experiment without
increasing the intensity of light.
Reason : Intensity can be increased by increasing the frequency of incident photons.
4. Assertion : Photoelectric effect proves the particle nature of light.
Reason : Photoemission starts as soon as light is incident on the metal surface, provided
frequency of incident light is greater than or equal to the threshold frequency.
5. Assertion : During de-excitation from n = 6 to n = 3, total six emission lines may be obtained.
n ( n - 1)
Reason : From n = n to n = 1, total emission lines are obtained.
6. Assertion : If frequency of incident light is doubled, the stopping potential will also become
two times.
Reason : Stopping potential is given by
V0 =
(n - n 0 )
7. Assertion : X-rays cannot be obtained in the emission spectrum of hydrogen atom.
Reason : Maximum energy of photons emitted from hydrogen spectrum is 13.6 eV.
8. Assertion : If applied potential difference in coolidge tube is increased, then difference
between K a wavelength and cut off wavelength will increase.
Reason : Cut off wavelength is inversely proportional to the applied potential difference in
coolidge tube.
9. Assertion : In n = 2, energy of electron in hydrogen like atoms is more compared to n = 1.
Reason : Electrostatic potential energy in n = 2 is more.
10. Assertion : In continuous X-ray spectrum, all wavelengths can be obtained.
Reason : Accelerated (or retarded) charged particles radiate energy. This is the cause of
production of continuous X-rays.
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306 — Optics and Modern Physics

Objective Questions
1. According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation, the plot of the maximum kinetic energy of the
emitted photoelectrons from a metal versus frequency of the incident radiation gives a straight
line whose slope
(a) depends on the nature of metal used
(b) depends on the intensity of radiation
(c) depends on both intensity of radiation and the nature of metal used
(d) is the same for all metals and independent of the intensity of radiation
2. The velocity of the electron in the first Bohr orbit as compared to that of light is about
(a) 1/300 (b) 1/500
(c) 1/137 (d) 1/187
3. 86 A ® 84B210. In this reaction, how many a and b particles are emitted?
(a) 6 a , 3 b (b) 3 a , 4 b
(c) 4 a , 3 b (d) 3 a , 6 b
4. An X-ray tube is operated at 20 kV. The cut off wavelength is
(a) 0.89 Å (b) 0.75 Å
(c) 0.62 Å (d) None of these
5. An X-ray tube is operated at 18 kV. The maximum velocity of electron striking the target is
(a) 8 ´107 m/s (b) 6 ´107 m/s
(c) 5 ´107 m/s (d) None of these
6. What is the ratio of de-Broglie wavelength of electron in the second and third Bohr orbits in the
hydrogen atoms?
(a) 2/3 (b) 3/2
(c) 4/3 (d) 3/4
7. The energy of a hydrogen like atom (or ion) in its ground state is – 122.4 eV. It may be
(a) hydrogen atom (b) He +
(c) Li 2+ (d) Be3 +
8. The operating potential in an X-ray tube is increased by 2%. The percentage change in the cut
off wavelength is
(a) 1% increase (b) 2% increase
(c) 2% decrease (d) 1% decrease
9. The energy of an atom or ion in the first excited state is –13.6 eV. It may be
(a) He + (b) Li + +
(c) hydrogen (d) deuterium
10. In order that the short wavelength limit of the continuous X-ray spectrum be 1 Å, the potential
difference through which an electron must be accelerated is
(a) 124 kV (b) 1.24 kV
(c) 12.4 kV (d) 1240 kV
11. The momentum of an X-ray photon with l = 0.5 Å is
(a) 13.26 ´ 10-26 kg-m/s
(b) 1.326 ´ 10-26 kg-m/s
(c) 13.26 ´ 10-24 kg-m/s
(d) 13.26 ´ 10-22 kg-m/s
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 307

12. The work-function of a substance is 1.6 eV. The longest wavelength of light that can produce
photoemission from the substance is
(a) 7750 Å (b) 3875 Å
(c) 5800 Å (d) 2900 Å
13. Find the binding energy of an electron in the ground state of a hydrogen like atom in whose
spectrum the third Balmer line is equal to 108.5 nm.
(a) 54.4 eV (b) 13.6 eV
(c) 112.4 eV (d) None of these
14. Let the potential energy of hydrogen atom in the ground state be zero. Then, its energy in the
first excited state will be
(a) 10.2 eV (b) 13.6 eV
(c) 23.8 eV (d) 27.2 eV
15. Light of wavelength 330 nm falling on a piece of metal ejects electrons with sufficient energy
with required voltage V 0 to prevent them from reaching a collector. In the same set up, light of
wavelength 220 nm ejects electrons which require twice the voltage V 0 to stop them in reaching
a collector. The numerical value of voltage V 0 is
16 15
(a) V (b) V
15 16
15 8
(c) V (d) V
8 15
16. Maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron is E when the wavelength of incident light is l. If
energy becomes four times when wavelength is reduced to one-third, then work-function of the
metal is
3 hc hc
(a) (b)
l 3l
hc hc
(c) (d)
l 2l
17. If the frequency of K a X-ray emitted from the element with atomic number 31 is f, then the
frequency of K a X-ray emitted from the element with atomic number 51 would be
5f 51 f
(a) (b)
3 31
9f 25 f
(c) (d)
25 9
18. According to Moseley’s law, the ratio of the slope of graph between f and Z for K b and K a is
32 27
(a) (b)
27 32
5 36
(c) (d)
36 5
19. If the electron in hydrogen orbit jumps from third orbit to second orbit, the wavelength of the
emitted radiation is given by
R 5
(a) l = (b) l =
6 R
36 5R
(c) l = (d) l =
5R 36
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308 — Optics and Modern Physics

20. A potential of 10000 V is applied across an X-ray tube. Find the ratio of de-Broglie wavelength
associated with incident electrons to the minimum wavelength associated with X-rays.
(Given, e/m =1.8 ´ 1011 C/kg for electrons)
(a) 10 (b) 20
(c) 1/10 (d) 1/20
21. When a metallic surface is illuminated with monochromatic light of wavelength l, the stopping
potential is 5 V 0. When the same surface is illuminated with the light of wavelength 3l, the
stopping potential is V 0. Then, the work-function of the metallic surface is
(a) hc/6l (b) hc/5l
(c) hc/4l (d) 2hc/4l
22. The threshold frequency for a certain photosensitive metal is n 0. When it is illuminated by light
of frequency n = 2 n 0 , the stopping potential for photoelectric current is V 0. What will be the
stopping potential when the same metal is illuminated by light of frequency n = 3n 0?
(a) 1.5 V 0 (b) 2 V 0
(c) 2.5 V 0 (d) 3 V 0
23. The frequency of the first line in Lyman series in the hydrogen spectrum is n. What is the
frequency of the corresponding line in the spectrum of doubly ionized Lithium?
(a) n (b) 3 n
(c) 9 n (d) 2 n
24. Which energy state of doubly ionized lithium (Li + + ) has the same energy as that of the ground
state of hydrogen?
(a) n = 1 (b) n = 2
(c) n = 3 (d) n = 4
25. Two identical photo-cathodes receive light of frequencies n1 and n 2. If the velocities of the
photoelectrons (of mass m) coming out are v1 and v2 respectively, then
1/ 2
é 2h ù 2h
(a) v1 - v2 = ê (n1 - n 2)ú (b) v12 - v22 = (n1 - n 2)
ë m û m
1/ 2
é 2h ù 2h
(c) v1 + v2 = ê (n1 - n 2)ú (d) v12 + v22 = (n1 - n 2)
ë m û m
26. The longest wavelength of the Lyman series for hydrogen atom is the same as the wavelength
of a certain line in the spectrum of He+ when the electron makes a transition from n ® 2. The
value of n is
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
27. The wavelength of the K a - line for the uranium is (Z = 92) (R = 1.0973 ´107 m-1 )
(a) 1.5 Å (b) 0.5 Å (c) 0.15 Å (d) 2.0 Å
28. The frequencies of K a , K b and La X-rays of a material are g1 , g 2 and g3 respectively. Which of
the following relation holds good?
(a) g 2 = g1 g3 (b) g 2 = g1 + g3
g + g3
(c) g 2 = 1 (d) g3 = g1 g 2
29. A proton and an a-particle are accelerated through same potential difference. Then, the ratio of
de-Broglie wavelength of proton and a-particle is
(a) 2 (b) (c) 2 2 (d) None of these
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 309

30. If E1 , E2 and E3 represent respectively the kinetic energies of an electron , an a-particle and a
proton each having same de-Broglie wavelength, then
(a) E1 > E3 > E 2 (b) E 2 > E3 > E1
(c) E1 > E 2 > E3 (d) E1 = E 2 = E3
31. If the potential energy of a hydrogen atom in the ground state is assumed to be zero, then total
energy of n = ¥ is equal to
(a) 13.6 eV (b) 27.2 eV
(c) zero (d) None of these
32. A 1000 W transmitter works at a frequency of 880 kHz. The number of photons emitted per
second is
(a) 1.7 ´1028 (b) 1.7 ´1030
(c) 1.7 ´1023 (d) 1.7 ´1025
33. Electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 3000 Å is incident on an isolated platinum surface of
work-function 6.30 eV. Due to the radiation, the
(a) sphere becomes positively charged
(b) sphere becomes negatively charged
(c) sphere remains neutral
(d) maximum kinetic energy of the ejected photoelectrons would be 2.03 eV
34. The energy of a hydrogen atom in its ground state is – 13.6 eV. The energy of the level
corresponding to the quantum number n = 5 is
(a) – 0.54 eV (b) – 5.40 eV
(c) – 0.85 eV (d) – 2.72 eV
35. Ultraviolet radiation of 6.2 eV falls on an aluminium surface (work-function = 4.2 eV). The
kinetic energy in joule of the fastest electrons emitted is
(a) 3.2 ´ 10-21 (b) 3.2 ´ 10-19
(c) 3.2 ´ 10-17 (d) 3.2 ´ 10-15
36. What should be the velocity of an electron so that its momentum becomes equal to that of a
photon of wavelength 5200 Å?
(a) 700 m/s (b) 1000 m/s
(c) 1400 m/s (d) 2800 m/s
37. Photoelectric work-function of a metal is 1 eV. Light of wavelength l = 3000 Å falls on it. The
photoelectrons come out with maximum velocity
(a) 10 m/s (b) 103 m/s
(c) 104 m/s (d) 106 m/s

Subjective Questions
Note You can take approximations in the answers.
h = 6.62 ´ 10 -34 J- s, c = 3.0 ´ 10 8 m/ s, me = 9.1 ´ 10 -31 kg and 1 eV = 1.6 ´ 10 -19 J
1. For a given element the wavelength of the K a -line is 0.71 nm and of the K b-line it is 0.63 nm.
Use this information to find wavelength of the La -line.
2. The energy of the n = 2 state in a given element is E2 = – 2870 eV. Given that the wavelengths
of the K a and K b-lines are 0.71 nm and 0.63 nm respectively, determine the energies E1 and E3 .
3. 1.5 mW of 400 nm light is directed at a photoelectric cell. If 0.1% of the incident photons
produce photoelectrons, find the current in the cell.
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310 — Optics and Modern Physics

4. A photon has momentum of magnitude 8.24 ´ 10-28 kg-m/ s.

(a) What is the energy of this photon? Give your answer in joules and in electron volts.
(b) What is the wavelength of this photon? In what region of the electromagnetic spectrum does it
5. A 75 W light source emits light of wavelength 600 nm.
(a) Calculate the frequency of the emitted light.
(b) How many photons per second does the source emit?
6. An excited nucleus emits a gamma-ray photon with energy of 2.45 MeV.
(a) What is the photon frequency? (b) What is the photon wavelength?
7. (a) A proton is moving at a speed much less than the speed of light. It has kinetic energy K 1
and momentum p1. If the momentum of the proton is doubled, so p2 = 2 p1 , how is its new
kinetic energy K 2 related to K 1?
(b) A photon with energy E1 has momentum p1. If another photon has momentum p2 that is twice p1 ,
how is the energy E 2 of the second photon related to E1?
8. A parallel beam of monochromatic light of wavelength 500 nm is incident normally on a
perfectly absorbing surface. The power through any cross-section of the beam is 10 W. Find
(a) the number of photons absorbed per second by the surface and
(b) the force exerted by the light beam on the surface.
9. A beam of white light is incident normally on a plane surface absorbing 70% of the light and
reflecting the rest. If the incident beam carries 10 W of power, find the force exerted by it on the
10. A parallel beam of monochromatic light of wavelength 663 nm is incident on a totally reflecting
plane mirror. The angle of incidence is 60° and the number of photons striking the mirror per
second is 1.0 ´ 1019. Calculate the force exerted by the light beam on the mirror.
11. Wavelength of Bullet. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of a 5.00 g bullet that is moving
at 340 m/ s. Will it exhibit wave like properties?
12. (a) An electron moves with a speed of 4.70 ´ 106 m/ s. What is its de-Broglie wavelength?
(b) A proton moves with the same speed. Determine its de-Broglie wavelength.
13. An electron has a de-Broglie wavelength of 2.80 ´ 10-10 m. Determine
(a) the magnitude of its momentum,
(b) its kinetic energy (in joule and in electron volt).
14. Find de-Broglie wavelength corresponding to the root-mean square velocity of hydrogen
molecules at room temperature (20°C).
15. An electron, in a hydrogen like atom, is in excited state. It has a total energy of –3.4 eV, find the
de-Broglie wavelength of the electron.
16. In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, what is the de-Broglie wavelength for the electron
when it is in
(a) the n = 1 level?
(b) the n = 4 level? In each case, compare the de-Broglie wavelength to the circumference 2prn of the
17. The binding energy of an electron in the ground state of He atom is equal to E0 = 24.6 eV. Find
the energy required to remove both electrons from the atom.
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 311

18. Hydrogen atom in its ground state is excited by means of monochromatic radiation of
wavelength 1023 Å. How many different lines are possible in the resulting spectrum?
Calculate the longest wavelength among them. You may assume the ionization energy of
hydrogen atom as 13.6 eV.
19. A doubly ionized lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number 3. Find the wavelength of
the radiation required to excite the electron in Li+ + from the first to the third Bohr orbit
(ionization energy of the hydrogen atom equals 13.6 eV).
20. Find the quantum number n corresponding to nth excited state of He+ ion if on transition to the
ground state the ion emits two photons in succession with wavelengths 108.5 nm and 30.4 nm.
The ionization energy of the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV.
21. A hydrogen like atom (described by the Bohr model) is observed to emit ten wavelengths,
originating from all possible transitions between a group of levels. These levels have energies
between –0.85 eV and –0.544 eV (including both these values).
(a) Find the atomic number of the atom.
(b) Calculate the smallest wavelength emitted in these transitions.
(Take ground state energy of hydrogen atom = - 13.6 eV)
22. The energy levels of a hypothetical one electron atom are µ 0 eV
shown in the figure. n=5 –0.80 eV
n=4 –1.45 eV
(a) Find the ionization potential of this atom.
(b) Find the short wavelength limit of the series terminating at n = 3 –3.08 eV
n = 2. n=2 –5.30 eV
(c) Find the excitation potential for the state n = 3. n=1 –15.6 eV
(d) Find wave number of the photon emitted for the transition
n = 3 to n = 1.
23. (a) An atom initially in an energy level with E = – 6.52 eV absorbs a photon that has
wavelength 860 nm. What is the internal energy of the atom after it absorbs the photon?
(b) An atom initially in an energy level with E = - 2.68 eV emits a photon that has wavelength
420 nm. What is the internal energy of the atom after it emits the photon?
24. A silver ball is suspended by a string in a vacuum chamber and ultraviolet light of wavelength
2000 Å is directed at it. What electrical potential will the ball acquire as a result? Work
function of silver is 4.3 eV.
25. A small particle of mass m moves in such a way that the potential energy U = m 2w2r 2,
where wis a constant and r is the distance of the particle from the origin. Assuming Bohr model
of quantization of angular momentum and circular orbits, show that radius of the nth allowed
orbit is proportional to n.
26. Wavelength of K a -line of an element is l0. Find wavelength of K b-line for the same element.
27. X-rays are produced in an X-ray tube by electrons accelerated through an electric potential
difference of 50.0 kV. An electron makes three collisions in the target coming to rest and loses
half its remaining kinetic energy in each of the first two collisions. Determine the wavelength
of the resulting photons. (Neglecting the recoil of the heavy target atoms).
28. From what material is the anode of an X-ray tube made, if the K a - line wavelength of the
characteristic spectrum is 0.76 Å?
29. A voltage applied to an X-ray tube being increased h = 1.5 times, the short wave limit of an
X-ray continuous spectrum shifts by Dl = 26 pm. Find the initial voltage applied to the tube.
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312 — Optics and Modern Physics

30. The K a X-rays of aluminium ( Z = 13) and zinc ( Z = 30) have wavelengths 887 pm and 146 pm,
respectively. Use Moseley’s equation n = a( Z - b) to find the wavelength of the K a X-ray of
iron ( Z = 26).
31. Characteristic X-rays of frequency 4.2 ´ 1018 Hz are produced when transitions from L shell
take place in a certain target material. Use Moseley’s law and determine the atomic number of
the target material. Given, Rydberg constant is R = 1.1 ´ 107 m -1.
32. The electric current in an X-ray tube operating at 40 kV is 10 mA. Assume that on an average
1% of the total kinetic energy of the electrons hitting the target are converted into X-rays.
(a) What is the total power emitted as X-rays and
(b) How much heat is produced in the target every second?
33. The stopping potential for the photoelectrons emitted from a metal surface of work-function
1.7 eV is 10.4 V. Find the wavelength of the radiation used. Also, identify the energy levels in
hydrogen atom, which will emit this wavelength.
34. What will be the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons ejected from magnesium (for
which the work-function W = 3.7 eV) when irradiated by ultraviolet light of frequency
1.5 ´ 1015 s-1.
35. A metallic surface is irradiated with monochromatic light of variable wavelength. Above a
wavelength of 5000 Å, no photoelectrons are emitted from the surface. With an unknown
wavelength, stopping potential of 3 V is necessary to eliminate the photocurrent. Find the
unknown wavelength.
36. A graph regarding photoelectric effect is shown between the maximum kinetic energy of
electrons and the frequency of the incident light . On the basis of data as shown in the graph,
Kmax (eV)

–2 10 20 30
f (´ 1014 Hz)
–4 C
(a) threshold frequency, (b) work-function, (c) planck constant
37. A metallic surface is illuminated alternatively with light of wavelengths 3000 Å and 6000 Å. It
is observed that the maximum speeds of the photoelectrons under these illuminations are in
the ratio 3 : 1. Calculate the work-function of the metal and the maximum speed of the
photoelectrons in two cases.
38. Light of wavelength 180 nm ejects photoelectrons from a plate of metal whose work-function is
2 eV. If a uniform magnetic field of 5 ´ 10–5 T be applied parallel to the plate, what would be
the radius of the path followed by electrons ejected normally from the plate with maximum
39. Light described at a place by the equation E = (100 V/ m ) [sin( 5 ´ 1015 s –1 )t + sin( 8 ´ 1015 s –1 )t ]
falls on a metal surface having work-function 2.0 eV. Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of
the photoelectrons.
40. The electric field associated with a light wave is given by E = E0 sin [(1.57 ´ 107 m -1 ) ( x - ct )].
Find the stopping potential when this light is used in an experiment on photoelectric effect
with a metal having work-function 1.9 eV.
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Single Correct Option
1. If we assume only gravitational attraction between proton and electron in hydrogen atom and
the Bohr quantization rule to be followed, then the expression for the ground state energy of
the atom will be (the mass of proton is M and that of electron is m.)
G 2M 2m2 2p 2G 2M 2m3
(a) (b) -
h2 h2
2p 2GM 2m3
(c) - (d) None of these
2. An electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from first excited state to ground state. The
magnetic moment due to circulating electron
(a) increases two times (b) decreases two times
(c) increases four times (d) remains same
3. The excitation energy of a hydrogen like ion to its first excited state is 40.8 eV. The energy
needed to remove the electron from the ion in the ground state is
(a) 54.4 eV (b) 62.6 eV
(c) 72.6 eV (d) 58.6 eV
4. An electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from first excited state to ground state. The
equivalent current due to circulating electron
(a) increases 4 times (b) decreases 4 times
(c) increases 8 times (d) decreases 8 times
5. In a sample of hydrogen like atoms all of which are in ground state, a photon beam containing
photons of various energies is passed. In absorption spectrum, five dark lines are observed. The
number of bright lines in the emission spectrum will be
(assume that all transitions take place)
(a) 21 (b) 10
(c) 15 (d) None of these
6. Let An be the area enclosed by the nth orbit in a hydrogen atom. The graph of ln ( An / A1 )
against ln ( n )
(a) will not pass through origin (b) will be a straight line with slope 4
(c) will be a rectangular hyperbola (d) will be a parabola
7. In the hydrogen atom, an electron makes a transition from n = 2 to n = 1. The magnetic field
produced by the circulating electron at the nucleus
(a) decreases 16 times (b) increases 4 times
(c) decreases 4 times (d) increases 32 times
8. A stationary hydrogen atom emits photon corresponding to the first line of Lyman series. If R is
the Rydberg constant and M is the mass of the atom, then the velocity acquired by the atom is
3Rh 4M
(a) (b)
4M 3Rh
Rh 4M
(c) (d)
4M Rh
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314 — Optics and Modern Physics

9. Light wave described by the equation 200 V/m sin (1.5 ´ 1015 s-1 ) t cos ( 0.5 ´ 1015 s-1 ) t falls on
metal surface having work-function 2.0 eV. Then, the maximum kinetic energy of
photoelectrons is
(a) 3.27 eV (b) 2.2 eV
(c) 2.85 eV (d) None of these
10. A hydrogen like atom is excited using a radiation. Consequently, six spectral lines are observed
in the spectrum. The wavelength of emission radiation is found to be equal or smaller than the
radiation used for excitation. This concludes that the gas was initially at
(a) ground state (b) first excited state
(c) second excited state (d) third excited state
11. The time period of the electron in the ground state of hydrogen atom is two times the time
period of the electron in the first excited state of a certain hydrogen like atom (Atomic number
Z). The value of Z is
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) None of these
12. The wavelengths of K a X-rays from lead isotopes Pb 204 , Pb 206 and Pb 208 are l1 , l2 and l3
respectively. Choose the correct alternative.
(a) l1 < l 2 < l3 (b) l1 > l 2 > l3
(c) l1 = l 2 = l3 (d) None of these
13. In case of hydrogen atom, whenever a photon is emitted in the Balmer series,
(a) there is a probability of emitting another photon in the Lyman series
(b) there is a probability of emitting another photon of wavelength 1213 Å
(c) the wavelength of radiation emitted in Lyman series is always shorter than the wavelength
emitted in the Balmer series
(d) All of the above
14. An electron of kinetic energy K collides elastically with a stationary hydrogen atom in the
ground state. Then,
(a) K > 13.6 eV (b) K > 10.2 eV
(c) K < 10.2 eV (d) data insufficient
15. In a stationary hydrogen atom, an electron jumps from n = 3 to n = 1. The recoil speed of the
hydrogen atom is about
(a) 4 m/s (b) 4 cm/s
(c) 4 mm/s (d) 4 ´ 10-4 m/s
16. An X-ray tube is operating at 150 kV and 10 mA. If only 1% of the electric power supplied is
converted into X-rays, the rate at which the target is heated in calorie per second is
(a) 3.55 (b) 35.5
(c) 355 (d) 3550
17. An electron revolves round a nucleus of atomic number Z. If 32.4 eV of energy is required to
excite an electron from the n = 3 state to n = 4 state, then the value of Z is
(a) 5 (b) 6
(c) 4 (d) 7
18. If the de-Broglie wavelength of a proton is 10-13 m, the electric potential through which it must
have been accelerated is
(a) 4.07 ´ 104 V (b) 8.15 ´ 104 V (c) 8.15 ´ 103 V (d) 4.07 ´ 105 V
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 315

19. If En and Ln denote the total energy and the angular momentum of an electron in the nth orbit
of Bohr atom, then
(a) E n µ L n (b) E n µ
(c) E n µ L2n (d) E n µ 2

20. An orbital electron in the ground state of hydrogen has the magnetic moment m 1. This orbital
electron is excited to 3rd excited state by some energy transfer to the hydrogen atom. The new
magnetic moment of the electron is m 2, then
(a) m 1 = 4m 2 (b) 2 m 1 = m 2
(c) 16 m 1 = m 2 (d) 4 m 1 = m 2
21. A moving hydrogen atom makes a head-on collision with a stationary hydrogen atom. Before
collision, both atoms are in ground state and after collision they move together. The minimum
value of the kinetic energy of the moving hydrogen atom, such that one of the atoms reaches
one of the excitation state is
(a) 20.4 eV (b) 10.2 eV
(c) 54.4 eV (d) 13.6 eV
22. In an excited state of hydrogen like atom an electron has total energy of – 3.4 eV. If the kinetic
energy of the electron is E and its de-Broglie wavelength is l, then
(a) l = 6.6 Å (b) E = 3.4 eV
(c) Both are correct (d) Both are wrong

More than One Correct Options

1. If the potential difference of coolidge tube producing X-ray is increased, then choose the correct
option (s).
(a) the interval between lKa and lKb increases
(b) the interval between lKa and l 0 increases
(c) the interval between lKb and l 0 increases
(d) l 0 does not change
Here, l0 is cut off wavelength and lK a and lK b are wavelengths of K a and K b characteristic
2. In Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, let R , v and E represent the radius of the orbit, speed of
the electron and the total energy of the electron respectively. Which of the following quantities
are directly proportional to the quantum number n?
(a) vR (b) RE
v R
(c) (d)

3. The magnitude of angular momentum, orbital radius and time period of revolution of an
electron in a hydrogen atom corresponding to the quantum number n are L, r and T
respectively. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
rL L 1
(a) is independent of n (b) µ
T T n2
T 1
(c) µn (d) Lr µ 3
r n
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316 — Optics and Modern Physics

4. In which of the following cases the heavier of the two particles has a smaller de-Broglie
wavelength? The two particles
(a) move with the same speed
(b) move with the same linear momentum
(c) move with the same kinetic energy
(d) have the same change of potential energy in a conservative field
5. Hydrogen atom absorbs radiations of wavelength l0 and consequently emit radiations of
6 different wavelengths, of which two wavelengths are longer than l0. Choose the correct
(a) The final excited state of the atoms is n = 4
(b) The initial state of the atoms is n = 2
(c) The initial state of the atoms is n = 3
(d) There are three transitions belonging to Lyman series
6. In coolidge tube, if f and l represent the frequency and wavelength of K a -line for a metal of
atomic number Z, then identify the statement which represents a straight line
(a) f versus Z (b) versus Z
(c) f versus Z (d) l versus Z

Comprehension Based Questions

Passage I (Q. No. 1 to 3)
When a surface is irradiated with light of wavelength 4950 Å, a photocurrent appears which
vanishes if a retarding potential greater than 0.6 volt is applied across the phototube. When a
second source of light is used, it is found that the critical retarding potential is changed to
1.1 volt.
1. The work-function of the emitting surface is
(a) 2.2 eV (b) 1.5 eV
(c) 1.9 eV (d) 1.1 eV
2. The wavelength of the second source is
(a) 6150 Å (b) 5150 Å
(c) 4125 Å (d) 4500 Å
3. If the photoelectrons (after emission from the source) are subjected to a magnetic field of
10 tesla, the two retarding potentials would
(a) uniformly increase (b) uniformly decrease
(c) remain the same (d) None of these
Passage II (Q. No. 4 to 6)
In an experimental set up to study the photoelectric effect a point source of light of power
3.2 ´ 10-3 W was taken. The source can emit monoenergetic photons of energy 5 eV and is located
at a distance of 0.8 m from the centre of a stationary metallic sphere of work-function 3.0 eV .
The radius of the sphere is r = 8 ´ 10-3 m. The efficiency of photoelectric emission is one for every
106 incident photons.
Based on the information given above answer the questions given below.
(Assume that the sphere is isolated and photoelectrons are instantly swept away after the
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 317

4. de-Broglie wavelength of the fastest moving photoelectron is

(a) 6.63 Å (b) 8.69 Å
(c) 2 Å (d) 5.26 Å
5. It was observed that after some time emission of photoelectrons from the sphere stopped.
Charge on the sphere when the photon emission stops is
(a) 16pe0r coulomb (b) 8pe0r coulomb
(c) 15pe0r coulomb (d) 20pe0r coulomb
6. Time after which photoelectric emission stops is
(a) 100 s (b) 121 s
(c) 111 s (d) 141 s

Match the Columns

1. Match the following two columns for hydrogen spectrum.

Column I Column II

(a) Lyman series (p) infrared region

(b) Balmer series (q) visible region
(c) Paschen series (r) ultraviolet region
(d) Brackett series (s) X-rays

2. Ionization energy from first excited state of hydrogen atom is E. Match the following two
columns for He+ atom.

Column I Column II

(a) Ionization energy from (p) 4 E

ground state
(b) Electrostatic potential (q) – 16 E
energy in first excited state.
(c) Kinetic energy of electron in (r) – 8 E
ground state.
(d) Ionization energy from first (s) 16 E
excited state.

3. Kmax v0

1 2

f f

–Y1 –Y2

Maximum kinetic energy versus frequency of incident light and stopping potential versus
frequency of incident light graphs are shown in figure. Match the following two columns.
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318 — Optics and Modern Physics

Column I Column II
(a) Slope of line-1 (p) h/e
(b) Slope of line-2 (q) h
(c) Y1 (r) W
(d) Y2 (s) W/e

Here, h = Planck constant, e = 1.6 ´ 10-19 C and W = work-function.

4. For hydrogen and hydrogen type atoms, match the following two columns.

Column I Column II
(a) Time period (p) Proportional to n/Z
(b) Angular momentum (q) Proportional to n 2/Z
(c) Speed (r) Proportional to n3 /Z 2
(d) Radius (s) None of these

5. In hydrogen atom wavelength of second line of Balmer series is l. Match the following two
columns corresponding to the wavelength.
Column I Column II
(a) First line of Balmer series (p) (27/20) l
(b) Third line of Balmer series (q) (l/4)
(c) First line of Lyman series (r) (25/12) l
(d) Second line of Lyman series (s) None of these

6. Match the following (Give most appropriate one matching)

Column I Column II
(a) Characteristic X-ray (p) Inverse process of
photoelectric effect
(b) X-ray production (q) Potential difference
(c) Cut off wavelength (r) Moseley’s law
(d) Continuous X-ray (s) None of these

7. In a photoelectric effect experiment. If f is the frequency of radiations incident on the metal

surface and I is the intensity of the incident radiations, then match the following columns.

Column I Column II
(a) If f is increased keeping I and (p) Stopping potential increases
work-function constant
(b) If distance between cathode (q) Saturation current increases
and anode is increased
(c) If I is increased keeping f and (r) Maximum kinetic energy of
work-function constant photoelectron increases
(d) Work-function is decreased (s) Stopping potential remains same
keeping f and I constant
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 319

Subjective Questions
1. The wavelength for n = 3 to n = 2 transition of the hydrogen atom is 656.3 nm. What are the
wavelengths for this same transition in (a) positronium, which consists of an electron and a
positron (b) singly ionized helium (Note: A positron is a positively charged electron).
2. (a) Find the frequencies of revolution of electrons in n = 1 and n = 2 Bohr orbits.
(b) What is the frequency of the photon emitted when an electron in an n = 2 orbit drops to an n = 1
hydrogen orbit?
(c) An electron typically spends about 10–8s in an excited state before it drops to a lower state by
emitting a photon. How many revolutions does an electron in an n = 2 Bohr hydrogen orbit make
in 1.00 ´ 10-8 s?
3. A muon is an unstable elementary particle whose mass is 207 me and whose charge is either + e
or – e. A negative muon (m – ) can be captured by a nucleus to form a muonic atom.
(a) A proton captures a m – . Find the radius of the first Bohr orbit of this atom.
(b) Find the ionization energy of the atom.
4. (a) A gas of hydrogen atoms in their ground state is bombarded by electrons with kinetic
energy 12.5 eV. What emitted wavelengths would you expect to see?
(b) What if the electrons were replaced by photons of same energy?
5. A source emits monochromatic light of frequency 5.5 ´ 1014 Hz at a rate of 0.1 W. Of the photons
given out, 0.15% fall on the cathode of a photocell which gives a current of 6 mA in an external
(a) Find the energy of a photon.
(b) Find the number of photons leaving the source per second.
(c) Find the percentage of the photons falling on the cathode which produce photoelectrons.
6. The hydrogen atom in its ground state is excited by means of monochromatic radiation. Its
resulting spectrum has six different lines. These radiations are incident on a metal plate. It is
observed that only two of them are responsible for photoelectric effect. If the ratio of maximum
kinetic energy of photoelectrons in the two cases is 5 then find the work-function of the metal.
7. Electrons in hydrogen like atoms ( Z = 3) make transitions from the fifth to the fourth orbit and
from the fourth to the third orbit. The resulting radiations are incident normally on a metal
plate and eject photoelectrons. The stopping potential for the photoelectrons ejected by the
shorter wavelength is 3.95 volts. Calculate the work-function of the metal and the stopping
potential for the photoelectrons ejected by the longer wavelength.
8. Find an expression for the magnetic dipole moment and magnetic field induction at the centre
of Bohr’s hypothetical hydrogen atom in the n th orbit of the electron in terms of universal
9. An electron and a proton are separated by a large distance and the electron approaches the
proton with a kinetic energy of 2 eV. If the electron is captured by the proton to form a
hydrogen atom in the ground state, what wavelength photon would be given off?
10. Hydrogen gas in the atomic state is excited to an energy level such that the electrostatic
potential energy of H-atom becomes –1.7 eV. Now, a photoelectric plate having work-function
W = 2.3 eV is exposed to the emission spectra of this gas. Assuming all the transitions to be
possible, find the minimum de-Broglie wavelength of the ejected photoelectrons.
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320 — Optics and Modern Physics

11. A gas of hydrogen like atoms can absorb radiation of 68 eV. Consequently, the atom emits
radiations of only three different wavelengths. All the wavelengths are equal or smaller than
that of the absorbed photon.
(a) Determine the initial state of the gas atoms.
(b) Identify the gas atoms.
(c) Find the minimum wavelength of the emitted radiations.
(d) Find the ionization energy and the respective wavelength for the gas atoms.
12. A photon with energy of 4.9 eV ejects photoelectrons from tungsten. When the ejected
electron enters a constant magnetic field of strength B = 2.5 mT at an angle of 60° with the
field direction, the maximum pitch of the helix described by the electron is found to be
2.7 mm. Find the work-function of the metal in electron-volt. Given that specific charge of
electron is 1.76 ´ 1011 C/ kg.
13. For a certain hypothetical one-electron atom, the wavelength (in Å) for the spectral lines for
transitions originating at n = p and terminating at n = 1 are given by
1500 p2
l= , where p = 2, 3, 4
p2 - 1
(a) Find the wavelength of the least energetic and the most energetic photons in this series.
(b) Construct an energy level diagram for this element showing the energies of the lowest three
(c) What is the ionization potential of this element?
14. A photocell is operating in saturation mode with a photocurrent 4.8 mA when a monochromatic
radiation of wavelength 3000 Å and power of 1 mW is incident. When another monochromatic
radiation of wavelength 1650 Å and power 5 mW is incident, it is observed that maximum
velocity of photoelectron increases to two times. Assuming efficiency of photoelectron
generation per incident photon to be same for both the cases, calculate
(a) the threshold wavelength for the cell
(b) the saturation current in second case
(c) the efficiency of photoelectron generation per incident photon
15. Wavelengths belonging to Balmer series for hydrogen atom lying in the range of 450 nm to
750 nm were used to eject photoelectrons from a metal surface whose work-function is 2.0 eV.
Find (in eV) the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons.
16. Assume that the de-Broglie wave associated with an electron can form a standing wave
between the atoms arranged in a one-dimensional array with nodes at each of the atomic sites.
It is found that one such standing wave is formed if the distance d between the atoms of the
array is 2 Å. A similar standing wave is again formed if d is increased to 2.5 Å but not for any
intermediate value of d. Find the energy of the electron in eV and the least value of d for which
the standing wave of the type described above can form.
17. The negative muon has a charge equal to that of an electron but a mass that is 207 times as
great. Consider hydrogen like atom consisting of a proton and a muon.
(a) What is the reduced mass of the atom?
(b) What is the ground-level energy (in eV)?
(c) What is the wavelength of the radiation emitted in the transition from the n = 2 level to the n = 1
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 321

18. Assume a hypothetical hydrogen atom in which the potential energy between electron and
proton at separation r is given by U = [k ln r – ( k/ 2)], where k is a constant. For such a
hypothetical hydrogen atom, calculate the radius of nth Bohr orbit and energy levels.
19. An electron is orbiting in a circular orbit of radius r under the influence of a constant magnetic
field of strength B. Assuming that Bohr postulate regarding the quantisation of angular
momentum holds good for this electron, find
(a) the allowed values of the radius r of the orbit.
(b) the kinetic energy of the electron in orbit
(c) the potential energy of interaction between the magnetic moment of the orbital current due to
the electron moving in its orbit and the magnetic field B.
(d) the total energy of the allowed energy levels.
(e) the total magnetic flux due to the magnetic field B passing through the nth orbit.
(Assume that the charge on the electron is – e and the mass of the electron is m).
20. A mixture of hydrogen atoms (in their ground state) and hydrogen like ions (in their first
excited state) are being excited by electrons which have been accelerated by same potential
difference V volts. After excitation when they come directly into ground state, the wavelengths
of emitted light are found in the ratio 5 : 1. Then, find
(a) the minimum value of V for which both the atoms get excited after collision with electrons.
(b) atomic number of other ion.
(c) the energy of emitted light.
21. When a surface is irradiated with light of l = 4950 Å a photocurrent appears which vanishes if
a retarding potential 0.6 V is applied. When a different source of light is used, it is found that
critical retarding potential is changed to 1.1 volt. Find the work-function of emitting surface
and wavelength of second source. If photoelectrons after emission from surface are subjected to
a magnetic field of 10 tesla, what changes will be observed in the above two retarding
22. In an experiment on photoelectric effect light of wavelength 400 nm is incident on a metal plate
at the rate of 5 W. The potential of the collector plate is made sufficiently positive with respect
to emitter so that the current reaches the saturation value. Assuming that on the average one
out of every 106 photons is able to eject a photoelectron, find the photocurrent in the circuit.
23. A light beam of wavelength 400 nm is incident on a metal of work-function 2.2 eV. A particular
electron absorbs a photon and makes 2 collisions before coming out of the metal
(a) Assuming that 10% of existing energy is lost to the metal in each collision find the final kinetic
energy of this electron as it comes out of the metal.
(b) Under the same assumptions find the maximum number of collisions, the electron should suffer
before it becomes unable to come out of the metal.
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Introductory Exercise 33.1
1. 4.6 eV, 2.45 ´ 10 -27 2. 4.82 ´ 1016 per m2 -s 3. 2
4. 2 5. (c) 6. (a) 4.81 ´ 10 -34 m (b) 7.12 ´ 10 -11m

Introductory Exercise 33.2

1. 122.4 eV 2. 3.16 ´ 10 –34 kg- m2 /s 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b)
3f f
6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (d) 11. ,
4 4
12. 651 nm

Introductory Exercise 33.3

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. 42

Introductory Exercise 33.4

1. Zero, 3.19 eV 2. Kmax µ (f - f0 ) 3. 1.16 ´ 1015 Hz 4. (a)
5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a)

Assertion and Reason
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (a or b) 4. (a) 5. (a or b) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (d)

Objective Questions
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (d)

Subjective Questions
1. 5.59 nm 2. E1 = - 4613 eV, E3 = - 2650 eV 3. 0.48 mA
4. (a) 2.47 ´ 10 –19 J = 1.54 eV (b) 804 nm, infrared
5. (a) 5.0 ´ 1014 Hz (b) 2.3 ´ 10 20 photons /s 6. (a) 5.92 ´ 10 20 Hz (b) 5.06 ´ 10 –13 m
7. (a) K 2 = 4K1 (b) E 2 = 2E1 8. (a) 2.52 ´ 1019 (b) 3.33 ´ 10 –8 N 9. 4.3 ´ 10 –8 N
10. 10 –8 N 11. 3.90 ´ 10 –34 m, No 12. (a) 1.55 ´ 10 –10 m (b) 8.44 ´ 10 –14 m
13. (a) 2.37 ´ 10 –24 (b) 3.07 ´ 10 –18 J = 19.2 eV 14. 1.04 Å 15. 6.663 Å
16. (a) 3.32 ´ 10 –10 m (b) 1.33 ´ 10 –9 m 17. 79 eV 18. 3, 6513 Å 19. 113.74 Å
20. n = 5 21. (a) Z = 4 (b) lmin = 40441 Å
22. (a) 15.6 volt (b) 2335 Å (c) 12.52 V (d) 1.01 ´ 107 m–1 23. (a) –5.08 eV (b) –5.63 eV
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics - I — 323

24. 1.9 V 26. l0 27. 49.5 pm, 99.0 pm 28. Z » 41 29. 15865 V
30. 198 pm 31. Z = 42 32. (a) 4 W (b) 396 J/s 33. 1022 Å, n = 3 to n = 1
34. 2.51 eV 35. 2260 Å 36. (a) 10 Hz (b) 4 eV (c) 6.4 ´ 10 –34 J- s
37. 1.81 eV, 9.0 ´ 10 5 m /s, 3.0 ´ 10 5 m /s 38. 0.148 m 39. 3.27 eV 40. 1.2 V

Single Correct Option
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (d)
21. (a) 22. (c)

More than One Correct Options

1.(b,c) 2.(a,c) 3.(a,b,c) 4.(a,c) 5.(a,b,d) 6.(a,b)

Comprehension Based Questions

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (c)

Match the Columns

1. (a) ® r (b) ® q (c) ® p (d) ® p
2. (a) ® s (b) ® r (c) ® s (d) ® p
3. (a) ® q (b) ® p (c) ® r (d) ® s
4. (a) ® r (b) ® s (c) ® s (d) ® q
5. (a) ® p (b) ® s (c) ® q (d) ® s
6. (a) ® r (b) ® p (c) ® q (d) ® q
7. (a) ® p,r (b) ® s (c) ® q,s (d) ® p,r

Subjective Questions
1. (a) 1.31 mm (b) 164 nm
2. (a) 6.58 ´ 1015 Hz, 0.823 ´ 1015 Hz (b) 2.46 ´ 1015 Hz (c) 8.23 ´ 10 6 revolutions
3. (a) 2.55 ´ 10 -13 m (b) 2.81 keV 4. (a) 102 nm, 122 nm, 651 nm (b) No lines
5. (a) 2.27 eV (b) 2.75 ´ 1017 (c) 9% 6. W = 11.925 eV 7. 2 eV, 0.754 V
neh m 0 pm2e7
8. , 9. 793.3 Å 10. 3.8 Å
4pm 8e0 h5 n5
11. (a) ni = 2 (b) Z = 6 (c) 28.43 Å (d) 489.6 eV, 25.3 Å 12. 4.5 eV
13. (a) 2000 Å, 1500 Å (b) E1 = - 8.25 eV, E 2 = - 2.05 eV and E3 = - 0.95 eV (c) 8.25 V
14. (a) 4125 Å (b) 34 mA (c) 5.1% 15. 0.55 eV 16. 150 eV, 0.5 Å
nh ì nh ü
17. (a) 1.69 ´ 10 –28 kg (b) –2.53 keV (c) 0.653 nm 18. rn = , E n = k ln í ý
2p mk î 2p mk þ
nh nhBe nheB nheB nh
19. (a) rn = (b) K = (c) U = (d) E = (e)
2pBe 4pm 4pm 2pm 2e
20. (a) 10.2 volt (b) Z = 2 (c) 10.2 eV and 51 eV 21. 1.9 eV, 4125 Å, No change is observed
22. 1.6 mA 23. (a) 0.31 eV (b) 4
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34.1 Nuclear Stability and Radioactivity

34.2 The radioactive decay law
34.3 Successive disintegration
34.4 Equivalence of mass and energy
34.5 Binding energy and nuclear stability
34.6 Nuclear fission (Divide and conquer)
34.7 Nuclear fusion
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326 — Optics and Modern Physics

34.1 Nuclear Stability and Radioactivity

Among about 1500 known nuclides, less than 260 are stable. The others are unstable that decay to
form other nuclides by emitting a and b-particles and g-electromagnetic waves. This process is called
radioactivity. It was discovered in 1896 by Henry Becquerel.
Whilst the chemical properties of an atom are governed N

entirely by the number of protons in the nucleus (i.e. the 130

proton number Z), the stability of an atom appears to 120
depend on both the number of protons and the number of 110
100 Line of
neutrons. For light nuclei, the greatest stability is achieved

Number of neutrons
90 stability
when the numbers of protons and neutrons are 80
approximately equal ( N » Z ). 70
For heavier nuclei, instability caused by electrostatic 60
repulsion between the protons is minimized when there are 50
more neutrons than protons.
Figure shows a plot of N versus Z for the stable nuclei. For 20
mass numbers upto about A = 40, we see that N » Z. 40 Ca is 10
the heaviest stable nucleus for which N = Z. For larger Z
values of Z, the (short range) nuclear force is unable to hold 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
the nucleus together against the (long range) electrical Number of protons
repulsion of the protons unless the number of neutrons Fig. 34.1 The stable nuclides plotted on
exceeds the number of protons. At Bi ( Z = 83, A = 209), the a graph of neutron number, N, versus
neutron excess is N – Z = 43. There are no stable nuclides proton number, Z. Note that for heavier
nuclides, N is larger relative to Z. The
with Z > 83. stable nuclides group along a curve
209 called the line of stability.
The nuclide 83
Bi is the heaviest stable nucleus.
Atoms are radioactive if their nuclei are unstable and spontaneously (and randomly) emit various
particles, the a , b and or g radiations. When naturally occurring nuclei are unstable, we call the
phenomena natural radioactivity. Other nuclei can be transformed into radioactive nuclei by
various means, typically involving irradiation by neutrons, this is called artificial radioactivity.
A radioactive nucleus is called a parent nucleus, the nucleus resulting from its decay by particle
emission is called daughter nucleus. Daughter nuclei also might be granddaughter nuclei, and so on.
There are no son or grandson nuclei. For unstable nuclides and radioactivity, the following points can
be made.
(i) Disintegrations tend to produce new nuclides near the stability line and continue until a stable
nuclide is formed.
(ii) Radioactivity is a nuclear property, i.e. a , b and g emission take place from the nucleus.
(iii) Nuclear processes involve huge amount of energy so the particle emission rate is independent of
temperature and pressure. The rate depends solely on the concentration of the number of atoms
of the radioactive substance.
(iv) A radioactive substance is either an a-emitter or a b-emitter, g-rays emit with both.
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 327

Alpha Decay
An alpha particle is a helium nucleus. Thus, a nucleus emitting an alpha particle loses two protons and
two neutrons. Therefore, the atomic number Z decreases by 2, the mass number A decreases by 4 and
the neutron number N decreases by 2. The decay can be written as
Z X = Z -2
Y + 42 He

where, X is the parent nucleus and Y the daughter nucleus. As examples U 238 and Ra 226 are both
alpha emitters and decay according to
238 234 4
92 U ¾® 90Th + 2 He
226 222
88 Ra ¾® 86 Rn + 42 He
As a general rule, in any decay sum of mass numbers A 238
and atomic numbers Z must be the same on both sides. 234
Th 234
Note that a nuclide below the stability line in Fig. 34.2 234
disintegrates in such a way that its proton number
140 230
decreases and its neutron to proton ratio increases. In Th
heavy nuclides, this can occur by alpha emission. 226
If the original nucleus has a mass number A that is 4 222

times an integer, the daughter nucleus and all those in 218

the chain will also have mass numbers equal to 4 times 214
Pb 214
an integer. (Because in a-decay A decreases by 4 and in 130 210 214
b-decay it remains the same). Similarly, if the mass 210
number of the original nucleus is 4n + 1, where n is an Pb 210
integer, all the nuclei in the decay chain will have mass 210
numbers given by 4n + 1 with n decreasing by 1 in each 206
Pb a-decay
a-decay. We can see therefore, that there are four b-decay
possible a-decay chains, depending on whether A
80 84 88 92
equals 4n, 4n + 1, 4n + 2 or 4n + 3, where n is an integer. Z
Series 4n + 1 is now not found. Because its longest lived Fig. 34.2 The uranium decay series
member (other than the stable end product Bi 209 ) is (A = 4n + 2). The decay of 214 83Bi may proceed
Np 237 which has a half-life of only 2 ´ 10 6 years. either by alpha emission and then beta
emission or in the reverse order.
Because this is much less than the age of the earth, this
series has disappeared. Figure shows the uranium ( 4n + 2) series. The series branches at Bi 214, which
decays either by a-decay to Ti 210 or b-decay to Po 214 . The branches meet at the lead isotope Pb 210 .
Table 34.1 lists the four radioactive series.
Table 34.1 Four Radioactive Series
Mass numbers Series Parent Half-life, Years Stable product
4n Thorium 90 Th 1.39 ´ 1010 208
82 Pb
4n + 1 Neptunium 93 Np 2.25 ´ 106 209
83 Bi
4n + 2 Uranium 92 U 4.47 ´ 109 206
82 Pb
4n + 3 Actinium 92 U 7.07 ´ 108 207
82 Pb
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328 — Optics and Modern Physics

Beta Decay
Beta decay can involve the emission of either electrons or positrons. A positron is a form of antimatter
which has a charge equal to + e and mass equal to that of an electron. The electrons or positrons
emitted in b-decay do not exist inside the nucleus. They are only created at the time of emission, just
as photons are created when an atom makes a transition from a higher to a lower energy state.
In b – decay a neutron in the nucleus is transformed into a proton, an electron and an antineutrino.
n ¾® p + e – + n
To conserve energy and momentum in the process, the emission of an antineutrino ( n ) (alongwith
proton and electron) was first suggested by W. Pauli in 1930, but it was first observed experimentally
in 1957.
Thus, a parent nucleus with atomic number Z and mass number A decays by b – emission into a
daughter with atomic number Z +1 and the same mass number A.
A b– A
Z X ¾¾® Z +1

b – decay occurs in nuclei that have too many neutrons. An example of b – decay is the decay of
carbon-14 into nitrogen,
14 14 –
6 C ¾® 7 N + e + n

In b + decay, a proton changes into a neutron with the emission of a positron (and a neutrino)
p ¾® n + e + + n
Positron ( e + ) emission from a nucleus decreases the atomic number Z by 1 while keeping the same
mass number A.
A b+ A
ZX ¾¾® Z -1

B + decay occurs in nuclei that have too few neutrons. A typical b + decay is
7 N ¾® 13
6 C+ e+ + n
Electron capture Electron capture is competitive with positron emission since both processes lead
to the same nuclear transformation. This occurs when a parent nucleus captures one of its own orbital
electrons and emits a neutrino.
Z X + e –1 ¾® A
Z -1
Y +n

In most cases, it is a K-shell electron that is captured, and for this reason the process is referred to as
K-capture. One example is the capture of an electron by 4 Be 7
4 Be + e – ¾® 7
3 Li +n

Gamma Decay
Very often a nucleus that undergoes radioactive decay (a or b-decay) is left in an excited energy state
(analogous to the excited states of the orbiting electrons, except that the energy levels associated with
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 329

the nucleus have much larger energy differences than those involved with the atomic electrons). The
typical half-life of an excited nuclear state is 10 -10 s. The excited nucleus ( X * ) then undergoes to a
lower energy state by emitting a high energy photon, called the g-ray photon. The following sequence
of events represents a typical situation in which g-decay occurs.
12 12 *
5 B ¾® 6 C + e– + n
12 * 12
6C ¾® 6C + g

13.4 MeV

6 C*

g 4.4 MeV

Gamma decay
Fig. 34.3

Figure shows decay of B nucleus, which undergoes b-decay to either of two levels of C12 . It can

either decay directly to the ground state of C12 by emitting a 13.4 MeV electron or undergo b-decay to
an excited state of 126 C* followed by g-decay to the ground state. The later process results in the
emission of a 9.0 MeV electron and a 4.4 MeV photon. The various pathways by which a radioactive
nucleus can undergo decay are summarized in Table 34.2.
Note In both a and b-decay, the Z value of a nucleus changes and the nucleus of one element becomes the
nucleus of a different element. In g-decay, the element does not change, the nucleus merely goes from
an excited state to a less excited state.
Table 34.2 Various Decay Pathways
A -4
Alpha decay A
ZX ¾® Z - 2Y + 42 He

Beta decay ( b – ) A
ZX ¾® A
Z + 1Y + e– + n

Beta decay ( b + ) A
ZX ¾® A
Z -1 Y + e+ + n

Electron capture A
ZX + e – ¾® A
Z - 1Y + n
A *
Gamma decay ZX ¾® A
ZX + g

Extra Points to Remember

˜ After emission of one alpha particle and two beta particles isotopes are produced. This is because after
the emission of one alpha particle, atomic number decreases by 2. Further, after the emission of two beta
particles atomic number increases by 2. So, finally atomic number remains unchanged.
˜ From beta emission mass number does not change. Therefore, isobars will be produced.
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330 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 34.1 Mass number of a nucleus X is A and atomic number is Z.

Find mass number and atomic number of the new nucleus (say Y) after the
emission of m- alpha particles and n - beta particles.
Solution By the emission of one alpha particle, atomic number decreases by 2 and by the
emission of one beta particle atomic number increases by 1. Therefore, the atomic number of
nucleus Y is Z = Z - 2m + n
Further, by the emission of one alpha particle mass number decreases by 4 and by the emission
of beta particle, mass number does not change. Therefore, the mass number of Y is
A¢ = A - 4m

34.2 Radioactive Decay Law

Radioactive decay is a random process. Each decay is an independent event and one cannot tell when
a particular nucleus will decay. When a particular nucleus decays, it is transformed into another
nuclide, which may or may not be radioactive. When there is a very large number of nuclei in a
sample, the rate of decay is proportional to the number of nuclei, N , that are present
æ dN ö
ç– ÷µ N
è dt ø
æ dN ö
or ç– ÷ = lN
è dt ø
where, l is called the decay constant. This equation may be expressed in the form = – ldt and
N dN t
òN 0 N
= – l ò dt

æ N ö
or ln çç ÷ = – lt
è N 0 ÷ø
where, N 0 is the initial number of parent nuclei at t = 0.The number that survives at time t is therefore,
N = N 0 e – lt …(i)

This function is plotted in Fig. 34.4.



0.5 N0

0.37 N0
t1/2 tav
Fig. 34.4
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 331

Half-life The time required for the number of parent nuclei to fall to 50% is called half-life t1/ 2 and
may be related to l as follows.
0.5 N 0 = N 0 e – lt 1/ 2
We have lt1/ 2 = ln (2) = 0.693
ln (2) 0.693
\ t1/ 2 = = …(ii)
l l
Mean life The average or mean life t av is the reciprocal of the decay constant.
t av = …(iii)
The mean life is analogous to the time constant in the exponential decrease in the charge on a
capacitor in an RC circuit. After a time equal to the mean life time, the number of radioactive nuclei
decreases to times or approximately 37% of their original values.
Activity of a Radioactive Substance
The decay rate R of a radioactive substance is the number of decays per second. And as we have seen
dN dN
– µN or – = lN
dt dt
Thus, R =– or RµN
or R = lN or R = l N 0 e – lt
or R = R 0 e – lt …(iv)
where, R 0 = lN 0 is the activity of the radioactive substance at time t = 0. The activity versus time
graph is shown in Fig. 34.5.


0.5 R0

0.37 R0
t1/2 tav
Fig. 34.5

Thus, the number of nuclei and hence the activity of the radioactive substance also decreases
exponentially with time.
Units of activity The SI unit for the decay rate is the Becquerel (Bq), but the curie (Ci) and
rutherford (rd) are often used in practice.
1 Bq = 1 decays/s, 1 Ci = 3.7 ´ 1010 Bq and 1 rd = 10 6 Bq
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332 — Optics and Modern Physics

Extra Points to Remember

˜ After n half-lives,
æ 1ö
(a) number of nuclei left = N0 ç ÷
è2 ø
æ 1ö
(b) fraction of nuclei left = ç ÷ and
è2 ø
æ 1ö
(c) percentage of nuclei left = 100 ç ÷
è2 ø
˜ Number of nuclei decayed after time t, Number of nuclei decayed
= N0 – N
= N0 – N0e – lt = N0 (1 – e – lt )
The corresponding graph is as shown in Fig. 34.6.
˜ Probability of a nucleus for survival upto time t,
N N e – lt Time
P (survival ) = = 0 = e – lt
N0 N0 Fig. 34.6
The corresponding graph is shown in Fig. 34.7.


Fig. 34.7
˜ Probability of a nucleus to disintegrate in time t is, P (disintegration)
– lt
P (disintegration) = 1 – P (survival ) = 1 – e
The corresponding graph is as shown in Fig. 34.8.
˜ Half-life and mean life are related to each other by the relation,
t 1/ 2 = 0.693 t av or t av = 1.44 t 1/ 2
˜ As we discussed above number of nuclei decayed in time t are
N0 (1 – e – lt ). This expression involves power of e. Fig. 34.8

So, to avoid it we can use

DN = lNDt
where, DN are the number of nuclei decayed in time Dt at the instant when total number of nuclei are N. But,
this can be applied only when Dt << t 1/ 2 .
Proof - = lN Þ -d N = lNdt
or DN = lNDt
˜ In same interval of time, equal percentage (or fraction) of nuclei are decayed (or left undecayed).
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 333

V Example 34.2 At time t = 0, number of nuclei of a radioactive substance are

100. At t = 1 s these numbers become 90. Find the number of nuclei at t = 2 s.
Solution In 1 second, 90% of the nuclei have remained undecayed, so in another 1 second
90% of 90, i.e. 81 nuclei will remain undecayed.

V Example 34.3 At time t = 0, activity of a radioactive substance is 1600 Bq, at

t = 8 s activity remains 100 Bq. Find the activity at t = 2 s.
æ 1ö
Solution R = R0 ç ÷
è 2ø
Here, n is the number of half-lives.
Given, R=
R0 æ 1ö
\ = R0 ç ÷ or n = 4
16 è 2ø
Four half-lives are equivalent to 8 s. Hence, 2 s is equal to one half-life. So, in one half-life
activity will remain half of 1600 Bq, i.e. 800 Bq.

V Example 34.4 From a radioactive substance n 1 nuclei decay per second at an

instant when total number of nuclei are n 2 . Find half-life of the radioactive
Solution Using the equation,
- - = lN
We have, n1 = ln 2
\ l= 1
Now, half-life is given by
ln 2 ln 2
t1/ 2 = =
l ( n1 / n 2 )
æn ö
= çç 2 ÷÷ ln 2 Ans.
è n1 ø

V Example 34.5 Half-life of a radioactive substance is T. At time t1 activity of a

radioactive substance is R1 and at time t2 it is R2 . Find the number of nuclei
decayed in this interval of time.
Solution Half-life is given by
ln 2
t1/ 2 =
ln 2 ln 2
\ l= =
t1/ 2 T
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334 — Optics and Modern Physics

Activity R = lN
\ = N=
l ln 2
When activity is R1 , numbers of nuclei are N 1 = 1
ln 2
Similarly, N2 = 2
ln 2
\ Numbers decayed
( R - R 2 )T
= N1 - N 2 = 1 Ans.
ln 2

V Example 34.6 Two radioactive materials X 1 and X 2 have decay constants

10 l and l, respectively. If initially they have the same number of nuclei, then the
ratio of the number of nuclei of X 1 to that of X 2 will be 1/e after a time (JEE 2000)
(a) 1 / 10 l (b) 1 / 11 l (c) 11 / 10 l (d) 1 / 9 l
N x1 ( t ) 1
Solution =
N x2 ( t ) e
N 0 e -10l t 1
or -lt
= (Initially, both have same number of nuclei say N 0 )
N0 e e
or e -9 l t = e -1 or e = e 9lt
or 9l t = 1 or t=
\ The correct option is (d).

V Example 34.7 The half-life period of a radioactive element x is same as the

mean life time of another radioactive element y. Initially, both of them have the
same number of atoms. Then, (JEE 1999)
(a) x and y have the same decay rate initially
(b) x and y decay at the same rate always
(c) y will decay at a faster rate than x
(d) x will decay at a faster rate than y
Solution ( t 1/ 2 ) x = ( t mean ) y
0.693 1
or =
lx ly
\ l x = 0.693 l y
lx < l y
or Rate of decay = lN
Initially, number of atoms (N) of both are equal but since l y > l x , therefore, y will decay at a
faster rate than x.
\ The correct option is (c).
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 335

V Example 34.8 A radioactive sample consists of two distinct species having

equal number of atoms initially. The mean life of one species is t and that of
the other is 5 t . The decay products in both cases are stable. A plot is made of
the total number of radioactive nuclei as a function of time. Which of the
following figure best represents the form of this plot? (JEE 2001)

(a) (b)

t t t t


(c) (d)

t t
t t
Fig. 34.9

Solution The total number of atoms can neither remain constant (as in option a) nor can ever
increase (as in options b and c). They will continuously decrease with time. Therefore, (d) is the
appropriate option.


1. The decay constant of a radioactive sample is l. The half-life and mean life of the sample are
respectively given by (JEE 1989)
(a) 1/ l and (ln 2) / l (b) (ln 2) / l and 1/ l
(c) l (ln 2) and 1/ l (d) l / (ln 2) and 1/ l
2. Consider a-particles, b-particles and g-rays each having an energy of 0.5 MeV. In increasing
order of penetrating powers, the radiations are (JEE 1994)
(a) a , b, g (b) a, g, b
(c) b, g, a (d) g, b, a
3. Which of the following is a correct statement? (JEE 1999)
(a) Beta rays are same as cathode rays
(b) Gamma rays are high energy neutrons
(c) Alpha particles are singly ionized helium atoms
(d) Protons and neutrons have exactly the same mass
4. The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from (JEE 2001)
(a) inner orbits of atom
(b) free electrons existing in nuclei
(c) decay of a neutron in a nucleus
(d) photon escaping from the nucleus
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5. During a negative beta decay, (JEE 1987)

(a) an atomic electron is ejected
(b) an electron which is already present within the nucleus is ejected
(c) a neutron in the nucleus decays emitting an electron
(d) a part of the binding energy of the nucleus is converted into an electron
6. A freshly prepared radioactive source of half-life 2 h emits radiation of intensity which is 64 times
the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with
this source is (JEE 1988)
(a) 6 h (b) 12 h (c) 24 h (d) 128 h
7. A radioactive sample S1 having an activity of 5 mCi has twice the number of nuclei as another
sample S2 which has an activity of 10 mCi. The half-lives of S1 and S2 can be (JEE 2008)
(a) 20 yr and 5 yr, respectively (b) 20 yr and 10 yr, respectively
(c) 10 yr each (d) 5 yr each
8. Half-life of a radioactive substance A is 4 days. The probability that a nucleus will decay in two
half-lives is (JEE 2006)
1 3 1
(a) (b) (c) (d) 1
4 4 2
9. After 280 days, the activity of a radioactive sample is 6000 dps. The activity reduces to 3000 dps
after another 140 days. The initial activity of the sample in dps is (JEE 2004)
(a) 6000 (b) 9000 (c) 3000 (d) 24000
215 215
10. The half-life of At is 100 ms. The time taken for the activity of a sample of At to decay to
th of its initial value is
16 (JEE 2002)
(a) 400 ms (b) 63 ms
(c) 40 ms (d) 300 ms
11. The half-life of the radioactive radon is 3.8 days. The time, at the end of which 1/20 th of the
radon sample will remain undecayed, is (given log10 e = 0.4343) (JEE 1981)
(a) 3.8 days (b) 16.5 days
(c) 33 days (d) 76 days
12. Activity of a radioactive substance decreases from 8000 Bq to 1000 Bq in 9 days. What is the
half-life and average life of the radioactive substance?
13. A radioactive substance has a half-life of 64.8 h. A sample containing this isotope has an initial
activity (t = 0) of 40 mCi. Calculate the number of nuclei that decay in the time interval between
t1 = 10.0 h and t 2 = 12.0 h.
14. A freshly prepared sample of a certain radioactive isotope has an activity of 10 mCi. After 4.0 h
its activity is 8.00 mCi.
(a) Find the decay constant and half-life
(b) How many atoms of the isotope were contained in the freshly prepared sample?
(c) What is the sample's activity 30.0 h after it is prepared?
15. A radioactive substance contains 1015 atoms and has an activity of 6.0 ´ 1011 Bq. What is its
16. Two radioactive elements X and Y have half-life periods of 50 minutes and 100 minutes,
respectively. Initially, both of them contain equal number of atoms. Find the ratio of atoms left
NX /NY after 200 minutes.
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 337

34.3 Successive Disintegration

Suppose a parent radioactive nucleus A (decay constant = l a ) has number of atoms N 0 at time t = 0.
After disintegration it converts into a nucleus B (decay constant = l b ) which is further radioactive.
Initially ( t = 0), number of atoms of B are zero. We are interested in finding N b , the number of atoms
of B at time t.
l aN a lb N b


Fig. 34.10

At t = 0 N0 0
At t = t N a = N 0 e– la t Nb = ?
At time t, net rate of formation of B = rate of disintegration of A – rate of disintegration of B
dN b
\ =la Na – lb Nb
dN b
or = l a N 0 e– la t – l b N b (as N a = N 0 e – l a t )
or dN b + l b N b dt = l a N 0 e – l a t
Multiplying this equation by e l b t , we have
e l b t dN b + e l b t l b N b dt = l a N 0 e ( l b - l a ) t
\ d {N b e l b t } = l a N 0 e ( l b - l a ) t dt
Integrating both sides, we get
æ la ö
N b e l b t = çç ÷÷ N 0 e ( l b – l a ) t + C …(i)
èlb –la ø
where, C is the constant of integration, which can be found as under.
At time, t = 0, Nb =0
æ la ö
\ C = – çç ÷÷ N 0
èlb –la ø
Substituting this value in Eq. (i), we have
N 0l a
Nb = (e – l a t – e – l b t ) …(ii)
lb –la

Now, the following conclusions may be drawn from the above discussion.
1. From Eq. (ii) we can see that N b = 0 at time t = 0 (it was given) and at t = ¥ (because B is also
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338 — Optics and Modern Physics

2. N a will continuously decrease with time while N b will first increase (until l a N a > l b N b ),
reaches to a maximum value (when l a N a = l b N b ) and then decreases (when l b N b > l a N a ).
The two graphs for N a and N b with time are shown below.
Na Nb

laNa = lbNb

t t
laNa>lbNb lbNb>laNa
Fig. 34.11

V Example 34.9 A radio nuclide X is produced at constant rate a. At time t = 0,

number of nuclei of X are zero. Find
(a) the maximum number of nuclei of X.
(b) the number of nuclei at time t.
Decay constant of X is l.
Solution (a) Let N be the number of nuclei of X at time t.
Rate = a Rate = lN

Fig. 34.12

Rate of formation of X = a (given)

Rate of disintegration = lN
Number of nuclei of X will increase until both the rates will become equal. Therefore,
a = lN max
\ N max = Ans.
(b) Net rate of formation of X at time t is


Fig. 34.13
= a – lN
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 339

\ = dt
a – lN
Integrating with proper limits, we have
N dN t
ò0 a – lN
= ò dt

or N = (1 – e – lt ) Ans.
This expression shows that number of nuclei of X are increasing exponentially from 0 to .

V Example 34.10 In the above problem if each decay produces E 0 energy, then
(a) power produced at time t
(b) total energy produced upto time t
Solution (a) Q N = (1 - e - lt )
At time t, number of decays per second = lN = a (1- e - lt ).
Each decay produces E 0 energy. Therefore, energy produced per second or power.
= (number of decays per second) (energy produced in each decay)
= ( lN ) E 0
= aE 0 (1 - e - lt )
or P = aE 0 (1 - e - lt ) Ans.
(b) Power is a function of time. Therefore, total energy produced upto time t can be obtained by
integrating this power or
E Total = ò Pdt

Alternate Method
Energy is produced only in decay. Upto time t total at nuclei are produced and N nuclei are
left. So, total number of nuclei decayed.
N d = at - N = at - (1 - e - lt )
é 1 ù
= a êt - (1 - e - lt )ú
ë l û
Each decay produces E 0 energy. Therefore, total energy produced upto time t,
E Total = N d E 0
é 1 ù
= aE 0 êt - (1 - e - lt )ú Ans.
ë l û
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340 — Optics and Modern Physics

34.4 Equivalence of Mass and Energy

In 1905, while developing his special theory of relativity, Einstein made the suggestion that energy
and mass are equivalent. He predicted that if the energy of a body changes by an amount E, its mass
changes by an amount m given by the equation,
E = mc 2
where, c is the speed of light. Everyday examples of energy gain are much too small to produce
detectable changes of mass. But in nuclear physics this plays an important role. Mass appears as
energy and the two can be regarded as equivalent. In nuclear physics, mass is measured in unified
atomic mass units (u), 1 u being one-twelfth of the mass of carbon-12 atom and equals
1.66 ´10 –27 kg. It can readily be shown using E = mc 2 that, 1 u mass has energy 931.5 MeV.
Thus, 1 u º 931.5 MeV/c 2 or c 2 = 931.5 MeV/ u
A unit of energy may therefore be considered to be a unit of mass. For example, the electron has a rest
mass of about 0.5 MeV.
If the principle of conservation of energy is to hold for nuclear reactions it is clear that mass and
energy must be regarded as equivalent. The implication of E = mc 2 is that any reaction producing an
appreciable mass decrease is a possible source of energy.

V Example 34.11 Find the increase in mass of water when 1.0 kg of water
absorbs 4.2 ´ 103 J of energy to produce a temperature rise of 1 K.
E 4.2 ´ 103
Solution m= = kg
c2 ( 3.0 ´ 108 ) 2
= 4.7 ´ 10-14 kg Ans.

34.5 Binding Energy and Nuclear Stability

The existence of a stable nucleus means that the nucleons (protons and neutrons) are in a bound state.
Since, the protons in a nucleus experience strong electrical repulsion, there must exist a stronger
attractive force that holds the nucleus together. The nuclear force is a short range interaction that
extends only to about 2 fm. (In contrast, the electromagnetic interaction is a long-range interaction).
An important feature of the nuclear force is that it is essentially the same for all nucleons, independent
of charge.
The binding energy ( E b ) of a nucleus is the energy required to completely separate the nucleons.
The origin of the binding energy may be understood with the help of mass-energy relation,
DE = Dmc 2 , where Dm is the difference between the total mass of the separated nucleons and the mass
of the stable nucleus. The mass of the stable nucleus is less than the sum of the mass of its nucleons.
The binding energy of a nuclide Z X A is thus,
E b = [ ZmP + ( A – Z ) m N – m X ] c 2 …(i)

where, mP = mass of proton, m N = mass of neutron and m X = mass of nucleus

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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 341

Note (i) Dm = [ ZmP + ( A – Z ) mN – mX ] is called the mass defect. This much mass is lost during the formation of
a nucleus. Energy DE = ( Dm) c 2 is liberated during the making of the nucleus. This is the energy due to
which nucleons are bound together. So, to break the nucleus in its constituent nucleons this much
energy has to be given to the nucleus.
(ii) Stability : Although nuclides with Z values upto Z = 92 (uranium) occur naturally, not all of these are
stable. The nuclide 209
83 Bi is the heaviest stable nucleus. Even though uranium is not stable, however, its
long lived isotope 238 U, has a half-life of some 4 billion year.
Binding energy per nucleon If the binding energy of a nucleus is divided by its mass number, the
binding energy per nucleon is obtained. A plot of binding energy per nucleon E b / A as a function of
mass number A for various stable nuclei is shown in figure.
Eb /A
Binding energy per nucleon (MeV)

12 56
C Fe

0 40 80 120 160 200
Mass number
Fig. 34.14 The binding energy per nucleon,
E b /A, as a function of the mass number A

Note That it is the binding energy per nucleon which is more important for stability of a nucleus rather than
the total binding energy.
Following conclusions can be drawn from the above graph.
1. The greater the binding energy per nucleon the more stable is the nucleus. The curve reaches a
maximum of about 8.75 MeV in the vicinity of 56 238
26 Fe and then gradually falls to 7.6 MeV for 92 U.
2. In a nuclear reaction energy is released if total binding energy is increasing. Let us take an
Suppose a nucleus X, which has total binding energy of 100 MeV converts into some another
nucleus Y which has total binding energy 120 MeV. Then, in this process 20 MeV energy will be
released. This is because 100 MeV energy has already been released during the formation of X
while in case of Y it is 120 MeV. So, the remaining 20 MeV will be released now.
Energy is released if SE b is increasing.
3. SE b in a nuclear process is increased if binding energy per nucleon of the daughter products gets
increased. Let us take an example. Consider a nucleus X (A X =100) breaks into lighter nuclei
Y ( AY = 60) and Z ( AZ = 40).
X ®Y + Z
Binding energy per nucleon of these three are say, 7 MeV, 7.5 MeV and 8.0 MeV. Then, total
binding energy of X is 100 ´ 7 = 700 MeV and that of Y + Z is (60 ´ 7.5) + ( 40 ´ 8.0) = 770 MeV.
So, in this process 70 MeV energy will be released.
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342 — Optics and Modern Physics

4. Binding energy per nucleon is increased if two or more lighter nuclei combine to form a heavier
nucleus. This process is called nuclear fusion.
+ + E + + E

Fusion Fission
Fig. 34.15

In nuclear fission a heavy nucleus splits into two or more lighter nuclei of almost equal mass.


Fig. 34.16

In both the processes E b / A is increasing. Thus, energy will be released.

34.6 Nuclear Fission (Divide and Conquer)

As we saw in the above article nuclear fission occurs when a heavy nucleus such as 235 U , splits into
two lighter nuclei. In nuclear fission, the combined mass of the daughter nuclei is less than the mass
of the parent nucleus. The difference is called the mass defect. Fission is initiated when a heavy
nucleus captures a thermal neutron (slow neutrons). Multiplying the mass defect by c 2 gives the
numerical value of the released energy. Energy is released because the binding energy per nucleon of
the daughter nuclei is about 1 MeV greater than that of the parent nucleus.
The fission of 235 U by thermal neutrons can be represented by the equation,
1 235 236
0n + 92 U ¾® 92 U * ¾® X + Y + neutrons
where, 236 U * is an intermediate excited state that lasts only for10 –12 s before breaking into nuclei X
and Y, which are called fission fragments. In any fission equation there are many combinations of X
and Y that satisfy the requirements of conservation of energy and charge with uranium, for example,
there are about 90 daughter nuclei that can be formed. Fission also results in the production of several
neutrons, typically two or three. On the average, about 2.5 neutrons are released per event.
A typical fission reaction for uranium is
1 235 141 92
0n + 92 U ¾® 56 Ba + 36 Kr + 310 n
About 200 MeV is released in the fission of a heavy nucleus. The fission energy appears mostly as
kinetic energy of the fission fragments (e.g. barium and krypton nuclei) which fly apart at great speed.
The kinetic energy of the fission neutrons also makes a slight contribution. In addition one or both of
the large fragments are highly radioactive and small amount of energy takes the form of beta and
gamma radiation.
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 343

Chain Reaction Shortly after nuclear fission was discovered, it was realized that, the fission neutrons
can cause further fission of 235 U and a chain reaction can be maintained.


Fission Fission
fragment fragment

U235 U235

U235 U235 U235 U235

Fig. 34.17 A chain reaction

In practice only a proportion of the fission neutrons is available for new fissions since, some are lost
by escaping from the surface of the uranium before colliding with another nucleus. The ratio of
neutrons escaping to those causing fission decreases as the size of the piece of uranium-235 increases
and there is a critical size (about the size of a cricket ball) which must be attained before a chain
reaction can start.
In the ‘atomic bomb’ an increasing uncontrolled chain reaction occurs in a very short time when two
pieces of uranium-235 are rapidly brought together to form a mass greater than the critical size.
Nuclear Reactors In a nuclear reactor the chain reaction is steady and controlled so that on average
only one neutron from each fission produces another fission. The reaction rate is adjusted by inserting
neutron absorbing rods of boron steel into the uranium 235.
Graphite Steel

Concrete shield

Boron steel control rods

Fig. 34.18 Nuclear reactor

Graphite core is used as a moderator to slow down the neutrons. Natural uranium contains over 99%
of 238 U and less than 1% of 235 U. The former captures the medium speed fission neutrons without
fissioning. It fissions with very fast neutrons. On the other hand 235 U (and plutonium-239) fissions
with slow neutrons and the job of moderator is to slow down the fission neutrons very quickly so that
most escape capture by 238 U and then cause the fission of 235 U.
A bombarding particle gives up most energy when it has an elastic collision with a particle of similar
mass. For neutrons, hydrogen atoms would be most effective but they absorb the neutrons. But
deuterium (in heavy water) and carbon (as graphite) are both suitable as moderator.
To control the power level control rods are used. These rods are made of materials such as cadmium,
that are very efficient in absorbing neutrons. The first nuclear reactor was built by Enrico Fermi and
his team at the University of Chicago in 1942.
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344 — Optics and Modern Physics

34.7 Nuclear Fusion

Binding energy for light nuclei (A < 20) is much smaller than the binding energy for heavier nuclei.
This suggests a process that is the reverse of fission. When two light nuclei combine to form a heavier
nucleus, the process is called nuclear fusion. The union of light nuclei into heavier nuclei also lead to
a transfer of mass and a consequent liberation of energy. Such a reaction has been achieved in
‘hydrogen bomb’ and it is believed to be the principal source of the sun’s energy.
A reaction with heavy hydrogen or deuterium which yields 3.3 MeV per fusion is
2 2 3
1 H + 1H ® 2 He + 10 n
By comparison with the 200 MeV per fission of 235 U this seems small, but per unit mass of material it
is not. Fusion of two deuterium nuclei, i.e. deuterons, will only occur if they overcome their mutual
electrostatic repulsion. This may happen, if they collide at very high speed when, for example, they
are raised to a very high temperature (10 8 - 10 9 K). So much high temperature is obtained by using an
atomic (fission) bomb to trigger off fusion. If a controlled fusion reaction can be achieved, an almost
unlimited supply of energy will become available from deuterium in the water of the oceans.

Extra Points to Remember

˜ Q-value of a nuclear reaction (optional) Consider a nuclear reaction in which a target nucleus X is
bombarded by a particle ‘a’ resulting in a daughter nucleus Y and a particle b.
a+ X ®Y + b
Sometimes this reaction is written as X (a, b )Y
The reaction energy Q associated with a nuclear reaction is defined as the total energy released as a result
of the reaction. Thus,
Q = (M a + M X – M Y – M b ) c 2

A reaction for which Q is positive is called exothermic. A reaction for which Q is negative is called
In an exothermic reaction, the total mass of incoming particles is greater than that of the outgoing particles
and the Q-value is positive. If the total mass of the incoming particles is less than that of the outgoing
particles, energy is required for reaction to take place and the reaction is said to be endothermic. Thus, an
endothermic reaction does not occur unless the bombarding particle has a kinetic energy greater than|Q|.
The minimum energy necessary for such a reaction to occur is called threshold energy Kth . The threshold
energy is somewhat greater than|Q | because the outgoing particles must have some kinetic energy to
conserve momentum.
Thus, K th >|Q | (in endothermic reaction)
Fig. 34.19
Consider a bombarding particle X of mass m1 and a target Y of mass m2 (at rest). The threshold energy of X
for endothermic reaction (negative value of Q) to take place is
æm ö
K th = |Q |çç 1 + 1÷÷
è 2 ø
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 345

V Example 34.12 In the fusion reaction 21 H + 21 H ¾® 32 He + 10 n, the masses of

deuteron, helium and neutron expressed in amu are 2.015, 3.017 and 1.009
respectively. If 1 kg of deuterium undergoes complete fusion, find the amount of
total energy released. 1 amu º 931.5 MeV /c2 .
Solution Dm = 2 ( 2.015) – ( 3.017 + 1.009) = 0.004 amu
\ Energy released = ( 0.004 ´ 931.5) MeV = 3.726 MeV
Energy released per deuteron = = 1.863 MeV
6.02 ´ 1026
Number of deuterons in 1 kg = = 3.01´ 1026
\ Energy released per kg of deuterium fusion = ( 3.01´ 1026 ´ 1.863) = 5.6 ´ 1026 MeV
» 9.0 ´ 1013 J Ans.

V Example 34.13 A nucleus with mass number 220 initially at rest emits an
a-particle. If the Q-value of the reaction is 5.5 MeV, calculate the kinetic energy of
the a-particle. (JEE 2003)
(a) 4.4 MeV (b) 5.4 MeV (c) 5.6 MeV (d) 6.5 MeV
Solution Given that K 1 + K 2 = 5.5 MeV …(i)
From conservation of linear momentum,
p1 = p 2 or 2K 1 ( 216 m ) = 2K 2 ( 4 m ) as p = 2Km
\ K 2 = 54 K 1 …(ii)
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get K 2 = KE of a-particle = 5.4 MeV
\ The correct option is (b).
Binding energy/nucleon

V Example 34.14 Binding energy per nucleon

versus mass number curve for nuclei is shown 8.5
in figure. W, X, Y and Z are four nuclei 8.0
in MeV

indicated on the curve. The process that would 7.5 W

release energy is (JEE 1999) 5.0 Z
(a) Y ® 2Z
(b) W ® X + Z
0 30 60 90 120
(c) W ® 2Y Mass number of nuclei
(d) X ® Y + Z Fig. 34.20
Solution Energy is released in a process when total binding energy of the nucleus (= binding
energy per nucleon ´ number of nucleons) is increased or we can say, when total binding energy
of products is more than the reactants. By calculation we can see that only in option (c), this
happens. Given, W ® 2Y
Binding energy of reactants = 120 ´ 7.5 = 900 MeV
and binding energy of products = 2 ( 60 ´ 8.5) = 1020 MeV > 900 MeV
\ The correct option is (b).
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V Example 34.15 A star initially has 1040 deuterons. It produces energy via the
processes 1 H 2 + 1 H 2 ® 1 H 3 + p and 1 H 2 + 1 H 3 ® 2 He4 + n. If the average
power radiated by the star is 1016 W, the deuteron supply of the star is
exhausted in a time of the order of (JEE 1993)
(a) 10 6 s (b) 10 8 s (c) 1012 s (d) 1016 s
The masses of the nuclei are as follows
M ( H 2 ) = 2.014 amu; M ( n ) = 1.008 amu,
M( p) = 1.007 amu; M ( He4 ) = 4.001 amu
Solution The given reactions are
1H + 1 H2 ¾® 1 H3 + p
1H + 1 H3 ¾® 2 He 4 + n
Þ 3 1 H2 ¾® 2 He 4 + n + p
Mass defect, Dm = ( 3 ´ 2.014 - 4.001 - 1.007 - 1.008) amu
= 0.026 amu
Energy released = 0.026 ´ 931 MeV
= 0.026 ´ 931´ 1.6 ´ 10-13 J
= 3.87 ´ 10-12 J
This is the energy produced by the consumption of three deuteron atoms.
\ Total energy released by 1040 deuterons
= ´ 3.87 ´ 10-12 J = 1.29 ´ 1028 J
The average power radiated is P = 1016 W or 1016 J/s.
Therefore, total time to exhaust all deuterons of the star will be
1.29 ´ 1028
t= = 1.29 ´ 1012 s » 1012 s
\ The correct option is (c).

V Example 34.16 Assume that the nuclear binding B/A

energy per nucleon ( B / A) versus mass number (A) is as 8
shown in the figure. Use this plot to choose the correct 6
choice(s) given below. (JEE 2008) 4
(a) Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying in the 2
range of 1 < A < 50 will release energy.
0 A
(b) Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying in the 100 200
range of 51 < A < 100 will release energy. Fig. 34.21
(c) Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass range of
100 < A < 200 will release energy when broken into two equal fragments.
(d) Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass range of 200 < A < 260 will release energy
when broken into two equal fragments.
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 347

Solution In fusion, two or more lighter nuclei combine to make a comparatively heavier
nucleus. In fission, a heavy nucleus breaks into two or more comparatively lighter nuclei.
Further, energy will be released in a nuclear process if total binding energy increases.
\ The correct options are (b) and (d).


1. If a star can convert all the He nuclei completely into oxygen nuclei. The energy released per
oxygen nuclei is (Mass of the helium nucleus is 4.0026 amu and mass of oxygen nucleus is
15.9994 amu) (JEE 2005)
(a) 7.6 MeV (b) 56.12 MeV
(c) 10.24 MeV (d) 23.4 MeV
2. Fast neutrons can easily be slowed down by (JEE 1994)
(a) the use of lead shielding
(b) passing them through heavy water
(c) elastic collisions with heavy nuclei
(d) applying a strong electric field
3. During a nuclear fusion reaction, (JEE 1987)
(a) a heavy nucleus breaks into two fragments by itself
(b) a light nucleus bombarded by thermal neutrons breaks up
(c) a heavy nucleus bombarded by thermal neutrons breaks up
(d) two light nuclei combine to give a heavier nucleus and possibly other products
4. The equation 4 11 H ¾® 4
2 He + 2e– + 26 MeV represents (JEE 1983)
(a) b-decay (b) g-decay
(c) fusion (d) fission
5. (a) How much mass is lost per day by a nuclear reactor operated at a 109 watt power level?
(b) If each fission releases 200 MeV, how many fissions occur per second to yield this power level?
6. Find energy released in the alpha decay,
92 U ¾® 234 4
90 Th + 2 He

Given, M ( 238
92 U ) = 238.050784 u

M ( 234
90 Th ) = 234.043593 u

M (42He) = 4.002602 u
7. Complete the nuclear reactions.
6 7 1 35 32 4
(a) 3 Li + ? ¾® 4 Be + 0 n (b) 17 Cl + ? ¾® 16 S + 2 He
9 4 4 79 2 1
(c) 4 Be + 2 He ¾® 3 ( 2 He ) + ? (d) 35 Br + 1 H ¾® ? + 2 ( 0 n )
2 2 4
8. Consider the reaction H+ H = He + Q . Mass of the deuterium atom = 2.0141u. Mass of
1 1 2
helium atom = 4.0024 u. This is a nuclear ........ reaction in which the energy Q released is ........
MeV. (JEE 1996)
9. The binding energies per nucleon for deuteron (1H2 ) and helium ( 2He4 ) are 1.1 MeV and
7.0 MeV respectively. The energy released when two deuterons fuse to form a helium nucleus
( 2He4 ) is ......... . (JEE 1988)
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Final Touch Points

1. Classification of nuclei The nuclei have been divided in isotopes, isobars and isotones on the
basis of number of protons (atomic number) or the total number of nucleons (mass number).
Isotopes The elements having the same number of protons but different number of neutrons are
called isotopes. In other words, isotopes have same value of atomic number ( Z ) but different values
of mass number ( A ). Almost every element has isotopes. Because of the same atomic number
isotopes of an element have the same place in the periodic table. The isotopes of some elements are
given below.
Element Its isotopes Number of protons Number of neutrons
1H 1 0
Hydrogen 1H 1 1
1H 1 2
8O 8 8
Oxygen 8O 8 9
8O 8 10
17Cl 17 18
Chlorine 37
17Cl 17 20
92 U 92 143
Uranium 238
92 U 92 146

In nature, the isotopes of chlorine (17 Cl35 and 17 Cl37) are found in the ratio 75.4% and 24.6%. When
chlorine is prepared in laboratory, its atomic mass is found to be
M = ( 35 ´ 0.754) + ( 37 ´ 0.246) = 35.5
Note Since, the isotopes have the same atomic number, they have the same chemical properties. Their
physical properties are different as they have different mass numbers. Two isotopes, thus cannot be
separated by chemical method, but they can be separated from the physical methods.
Isobars The elements having the same mass number ( A ) but different atomic number ( Z ) are called
isobars. They have different places in periodic table. Their chemical (as well as physical) properties
are different.
1H and 2He3, 8O17 and 9F17are examples of isobars.
Isotones Elements having the equal number of neutrons ( A – Z ) are called isotones.
3 Li and 4Be8, 1H3 and 2He4 are examples of isotones.
2. Nuclear forces In nucleus the positively charged protons and the uncharged neutrons are held
together in an extremely small space ( » 10-15 m ) in spite of the strong electrostatic repulsion between
the protons. Obviously, there are some strong attractive forces operating within the nucleus between
the nucleons. The nuclear forces are non-electric and non gravitational forces. These forces are
extremely short-range forces. They become operative only when the distance between two nucleons
is a small multiple of 10-15 m. They do not exist when the distance is appreciably larger than10-15 m
and become repulsive when the distance is appreciably smaller than 10-15 m. Nuclear forces
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between protons and protons between neutrons and neutrons and between protons and neutrons are
all essentially the same in magnitude. Thus, we can say that nuclear forces are charge independent.
Yukawa’s meson theory of nuclear forces A Japanese scientist Yukawa in 1935 suggested that the
nuclear forces are ‘exchange forces. Which are produced by the exchange of new particles called
p-mesons between nucleons. These particles were later on actually discovered in cosmic radiation.
There are three types of p-mesons, p + , p - and p 0. There is a continuous exchange of p-mesons
between protons and neutrons due to which they continue to be converted into one another. When a
p + - meson jumps from a proton to a neutron, the proton is converted into a neutron and the neutron is
converted into a proton.
p - p + ¾® n
and n + p + ¾® p
Conversely, when a p - meson jumps from a neutron to a proton, then neutron is converted into a
proton and the proton is converted into a neutron. Thus,
n - p - ¾® p
and p + p - ¾® n
+ -
The exchange of p and p - mesons between protons and neutrons is responsible for the origin of
nuclear forces between them. Similarly, nuclear forces between two protons and between two
neutrons are generated by a continuous exchange of p 0-mesons between them. Thus, the basis of
nuclear forces is the exchange of mesons and hence these are called ‘exchange forces’.
3. Size and shape of the nucleus The Rutherford scattering experiment established that mass of an
atom is concentrated within a small positively charged region at the centre which is called the nucleus
of the atom. The nuclear radius is given by
R = R 0 A1 / 3
Here, A is the mass number of the particular nucleus and R 0 = 1.3 fm (fermi) = 1.3 ´ 10-15 m. This
means that the nucleus radius is of the order of10-15 m.
Here, R 0 = 1.3 fm is the distance of closest approach to the nucleus and is also known as nuclear unit
4. Nuclear density Let us consider the nucleus of an atom having the mass number A.
Mass of nucleus » A ´ 1.67 ´ 10-27 kg
Volume of the nucleus = pR 3
4 4
= p (R 0A1 / 3 )3 = pR 03A
3 3
\ Density of the nucleus, r =
A ´ 1.67 ´ 10-27
or r=
´ p ´ (1.3 ´ 10-15 )3 ´ A
= 1.8 ´ 1017 kg/m 3
Thus, density of a nucleus is independent of the mass number A and of the order of 1017 kg/ m 3.
5. Magic numbers We know that the electrons in an atom are grouped in ‘shells’ and ‘sub-shells’.
Atoms with 2, 10, 18, 36, 54 and 86 electrons have all of their shells completely filled. Such atoms are
unusually stable and chemically inert. A similar situation exists with nuclei also. Nuclei having 2, 8, 20,
28, 50, 82 and 126 nucleons of the same kind (either protons or neutrons) are more stable than nuclei
of neighbouring mass numbers. These numbers are called as ‘magic numbers’.
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6. Fundamental particles The particles which are not constituted by any other particles are called
fundamental particles. A brief discussion of important fundamental particles is as follows.
(i) Electron It was discovered in 1897 by Thomson. Its charge is - e and mass is 9.1 ´ 10-31 kg. Its
symbol is e - (or -1b 0).
(ii) Proton It was discovered in 1919 by Rutherford in artificial nuclear disintegration. It has a
positive charge + e and its mass is 1836 times (1.673 ´ 10-27 kg) the mass of electron. In free
state, the proton is a stable particle. Its symbol is p + . It is also written as 1H1.
(iii) Neutron It was discovered in 1932 by Chadwick. Electrically, it is a neutral particle. Its mass is
1839 times (1.675 ´ 10-27 kg) the mass of electron. In free state the neutron is unstable (mean life »
17 minutes) but it constitutes a stable nucleus with the proton. Its symbol is n or 0n1.
(iv) Positron It was discovered by Anderson in 1932. It is the antiparticle of electron, i.e. its charge
is +e and its mass is equal to that of the mass of electron. Its symbol is e + (or +1b 0).
(v) Antiproton It is the antiparticle of proton. It was discovered in 1955. Its charge is -e and its
mass is equal to that of the mass of proton. Its symbol is p - .
(vi) Antineutron It was discovered in 1956. It has no charge and its mass is equal to the mass of
neutron. The only difference between neutron and antineutron is that if they spin in the same
direction, their magnetic momenta will be in opposite directions. The symbol for antineutron is n .
(vii) Neutrino and antineutrino The existence of these particles was predicted in 1930 by Pauli while
explaining the emission of b-particles from radioactive nuclei, but these particles were actually
observed experimentally in 1956. Their rest mass and charge are both zero but they have energy
and momentum. These are mutually antiparticles of each other. They have the symbol n and n.
(viii) Pi-mesons The existence of pi-mesons was predicted by Yukawa in 1935, but they were
actually discovered in 1947 in cosmic rays. Nuclear forces are explained by the exchange of
pi-mesons between the nucleons. pi-mesons are of three types, positive p-mesons ( p + ), negative
pi-mesons ( p - ) and neutral p-mesons ( p 0 ). Charge on p ± is ± e. Whereas mass of p ± is 274 times
the mass of electron. p 0 has mass nearly 264 times the electronic mass.
(ix) Mu-Mesons These were discovered in 1936 by Anderson and Neddermeyer. These are found
in abundance in the cosmic rays at the ground level. There are two types of mu-mesons. Positive
mu-meson (m + ) and negative mu-meson (m - ). There is no neutral mu-meson. Both the
mu-mesons have the same rest mass 207 times the rest mass of the electron.
(x) Photon These are bundles of electromagnetic energy and travel with the speed of light. Energy
and momentum of a photon of frequency n are hn and , respectively.
Antiparticles For every fundamental particle there exists an identical fundamental particle just
opposite in some property. For example electron and positron are identical in all respects, except that
charges on them are opposite.
The following table shows various particles and their antiparticles. Some particles are their own
antiparticles. For example p 0 and g.

Name of Mass in comparison to Average life (in seconds) for

Symbol Antiparticle
particle mass of electron the unstable particles

Electron e- e +1 1 stable
Proton p+ p- 1836 stable
Neutron n n 1839 1010
Neutrino n n 0 stable
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Name of Mass in comparison to Average life (in seconds) for

Symbol Antiparticle
particle mass of electron the unstable particles

p+ p- 274 2.6 ´ 10 -8
p0 p0 264 0.9 ´ 10 -16

Mu-Mesons m- m+ 207 2.2 ´ 10 -6

Photon g g 0 stable

7. If an unstable nucleus decays by two different processes and decay constants in two processes are
l1 and l 2, then effective value of l is
l = l1 + l 2
Now, the above equation can also be written as
ln 2 ln 2 ln 2
= + (T = half-life)
T T1 T2
1 1 1
or = +
T T1 T2
TT1 2
Þ T =
T1 + T2
Proof Suppose at some instant, the unstable nucleus has N number of nuclei, then
net rate of decay = decay in process 1 + decay in process 2
dN æ dN ö æ dN ö
or - = ç- ÷ + ç- ÷
dt è dt ø 1 è dt ø 2
\ lN = l1 N + l 2 N
or l = l1 + l 2 Hence Proved.
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Solved Examples

Type 1. Based on radioactivity

V Example 1 At a given instant there are 25% undecayed radioactive nuclei in a
sample. After 10 s the number of undecayed nuclei reduces to 12.5%. Calculate
(a) mean life of the nuclei, (JEE 1996)
(b) the time in which the number of undecayed nuclei will further reduce to 6.25% of the
reduced number.
Solution (a) In 10 s, number of nuclei has been reduced to half (25% to 12.5%).
Therefore, its half-life is
t1/ 2 = 10 s
Relation between half-life and mean life is
t 10
tmean = 1/ 2 = s
ln 2 0.693
tmean = 14.43 s Ans.
(b) From initial 100% to reduction till 6.25%, it takes four half-lives.
t1/ 2 t1/ 2 t1/ 2 t1/ 2
100% ¾® 50% ¾® 25% ¾® 12.5% ¾® 6.25%
\ t = 4 t1/ 2 = 4 (10)s = 40 s
t = 40 s Ans.

V Example 2 A radioactive element decays by b-emission. A detector records n

beta particles in 2 s and in next 2 s it records 0.75 n beta particles. Find mean life
correct to nearest whole number. Given ln |2| = 06931. , ln |3| = 1.0986. (JEE 2003)
Solution Let n0 be the number of radioactive nuclei at time t = 0. Number of nuclei decayed in
time t are given by n0 (1 - e-lt ), which is also equal to the number of beta particles emitted
during the same interval of time. For the given condition,
n = n0 (1 - e-2l ) …(i)
(n + 0.75n ) = n0 (1 - e ) …(ii)
Dividing Eq. (ii) by Eq. (i), we get
1 - e-4l
1.75 =
1 - e-2l
or 1.75 - 1.75 e-2l = 1 - e-4l
\ 1.75 e-2l - e -4l = …(iii)
Let us take e-2l = x
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Then, the above equation is

x2 - 1.75 x + 0.75 = 0
1.75 ± (1.75)2 - (4) (0.75)
or x=
or x = 1 and
\ From Eq. (iii) either
e-2l = 1
or e-2l =
but e-2l = 1 is not acceptable because which means l = 0.
Hence, e-2l =
or -2l ln (e) = ln (3) - ln (4) = ln (3) - 2 ln (2)
\ l = ln (2) - ln (3)
Substituting the given values,
l = 0.6931 - ´ (1.0986) = 0.14395 s-1
\ Mean life, tmean = = 6.947 s
\ The correct answer is 7. Ans.

V Example 3 A small quantity of solution containing Na 24 radio nuclide

( half - life = 15 h ) of activity 1.0 microcurie is injected into the blood of a person. A
sample of the blood of volume 1 cm3 taken after 5h shows an activity of
296 disintegrations per minute. Determine the total volume of the blood in the
body of the person. Assume that the radioactive solution mixes uniformly in the
blood of the person. (JEE 1994)
(1 curie = 3.7 ´ 1010 disintegrations per second)
Solution Q l = Disintegration constant
0.693 0.693 -1
= h = 0.0462 h -1
t1/ 2 15
Let R0 = initial activity = 1 microcurie = 3.7 ´ 104 disintegrations per second
r = Activity in 1 cm3 of blood at t = 5 h
= disintegration per second
= 4.93 disintegration per second, and
R = Activity of whole blood at time t = 5 h
Total volume of blood should be
R R e- lt
V = = 0
r r
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Substituting the values, we have

æ 3.7 ´ 104 ö - ( 0. 0462) (5 )
V = çç ÷e
÷ cm3
è 4.93 ø
V = 5.95 ´ 103 cm3 or V = 5.95 L Ans.

V Example 4 A radioactive nucleus X decays to a nucleus Y with a decay constant

l X = 0.1 s -1 , Y further decays to a stable nucleus Z with a decay constant
l Y = 1 / 30 s -1 . Initially, there are only X nuclei and their number is N 0 = 1020 . Set
up the rate equations for the populations of X, Y and Z . The population of Y nucleus as a
function of time is given by N Y ( t) = { N 0 l X /( l X - l Y )} [exp ( -l Y t) - exp ( -l X t) ].
Find the time at which N Y is maximum and determine the populations X and Z
at that instant. (JEE 2001)
Solution (a) Let at time t = t, number of nuclei of Y and Z are N Y and N Z . Then,
Rate equations of the populations of X, Y and Z are
æ dN X ö
ç ÷ = - lX N X …(i)
è dt ø
æ dN Y ö
ç ÷ = l X N X - lY N Y …(ii)
è dt ø
æ dN Z ö
and ç ÷ = lY N Y …(iii)
è dt ø
N 0 lX
(b) Given, N Y (t) = [e- lY t - e- l X t ]
l X - lY
For N Y to be maximum
dN Y (t )
i.e l X N X = lY N Y …(iv) [from Eq. (ii)]
N l
or l X (N 0 e- l X t ) = lY 0 X
[e- lY t - e- l X t ]
l X - lY
l X - lY e - lY t
or = -l t - 1
lY e X
= e( l X - lY )t
æl ö
or (l X - lY ) t ln (e) = ln çç X ÷÷
è lY ø
1 æl ö
or t= ln çç X ÷÷
l X - lY è lY ø
Substituting the values of l X and lY , we have
1 æ 0.1 ö
t= ln ç ÷ = 15 ln (3)
(0.1 - 1 / 30) è 1 / 30 ø
or t = 16.48 s Ans.
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(c) The population of X at this moment,

N X = N 0 e- l X t = (1020 ) e- ( 0.1) (16. 48)
N X = 1.92 ´ 1019
N l
NY = X X [From Eq. (iv) ]
= (1.92 ´ 1019 )
(1 / 30)
= 5.76 ´ 1019
N Z = N 0 - N X - NY
= 1020 - 1.92 ´ 1019 - 5.76 ´ 1019
or N Z = 2.32 ´ 1019

Type 2. Based on nuclear physics

V Example 5 In a nuclear reactor 235 U undergoes fission liberating 200 MeV of
energy. The reactor has a 10% efficiency and produces 1000 MW power. If the
reactor is to function for 10 yr, find the total mass of uranium required. (JEE 2001)
Solution The reactor produces 1000 MW power or 109J/s. The reactor is to function for 10 yr.
Therefore, total energy which the reactor will supply in 10 yr is
E = (power) (time)
= (109 J/s ) (10 ´ 365 ´ 24 ´ 3600 s )
= 3.1536 ´ 1017 J
But since the efficiency of the reactor is only 10%, therefore actual energy needed is 10 times of
it or 3.1536 ´ 1018J. One uranium atom liberates 200 MeV of energy or 200 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-13 J or
3.2 ´ 10-11 J of energy. So, number of uranium atoms needed are
3.1536 ´ 1018
= 0.9855 ´ 1029
3.2 ´ 10-11
or number of kg-moles of uranium needed are
0.9855 ´ 1029
n= = 163.7
6.02 ´ 1026
Hence, total mass of uranium required is
m = (n )M = (163.7) (235) kg
or m » 38470 kg
or m = 3.847 ´ 104 kg

V Example 6 The element curium 248 13

96 Cm has a mean life of 10 s. Its primary
decay modes are spontaneous fission and a-decay, the former with a probability of
8% and the later with a probability of 92%, each fission releases 200 MeV of
energy. The masses involved in decay are as follows (JEE 1997)
96 Cm = 248.072220 u , 244 4
94 Pu = 244.064100 u and 2 He = 4.002603 u. Calculate the
power output from a sample of 10 Cm atoms. ( 1 u = 931 MeV / c 2 )
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Solution The reaction involved in a-decay is

248 244 4
96 Cm ® 94 Pu + 2 He
248 244
Mass defect, Dm = mass of 96 Cm - mass of 94 Pu - mass of 42 He
= (248.072220 - 244.064100 - 4.002603) u
= 0.005517 u
Therefore, energy released in a-decay will be
E a = (0.005517 ´ 931) MeV = 5.136 MeV
Similarly, E fission = 200 MeV (given)
Mean life is given as tmean = 1013 s = 1 / l
\ Disintegration constant l = 10-13 s-1
Rate of decay at the moment when number of nuclei are 1020
= lN = (10-13 ) (1020 )
= 107 disintegration per second
Of these, 8% are in fission and 92% are in a-decay.
Therefore, energy released per second
= (0.08 ´ 107 ´ 200 + 0.92 ´ 107 ´ 5.136) MeV
= 2.074 ´ 108 MeV
\ Power output (in watt) = energy released per second (J/s)
= (2.074 ´ 108 ) (1.6 ´ 10-13 )
= 3.32 ´ 10-5 Js -1
\ Power output = 3.32 ´ 10-5 W

V Example 7 A nucleus X, initially at rest, undergoes alpha-decay according to

the equation. (JEE 1991)
A 228
92 X ® ZY +a
(a) Find the values of A and Z in the above process.
(b) The alpha particle produced in the above process is found to move in a circular track of
radius 0.11m in a uniform magnetic field of 3 T. Find the energy (in MeV) released
during the process and the binding energy of the parent nucleus X.
Given that m (Y) = 228.03 u , m (10 n ) = 1.009 u
m ( 42 He) = 4.003 u , m( 11 H ) = 1.008 u
Solution (a) A - 4 = 228
\ A = 232
92 - 2 = Z
or Z = 90
(b) From the relation,
2Km r 2B2q2
r= Þ Ka =
Bq 2m
(0.11)2(3)2 (2 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19 )2
= MeV
2 ´ 4.003 ´ 1.67 ´ 10-27 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-13
= 5.21 MeV
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From the conservation of momentum,

pY = pa or 2K YmY = 2K ama
æm ö 4.003
\ K Y = çç a ÷÷ K a = ´ 5.21
è mY ø 228.03
= 0.09 MeV
\ Total energy released = K a + K Y = 5.3 MeV
Total binding energy of daughter products
= [92 ´ (mass of proton ) + (232 - 92) (mass of neutron ) - (mY ) - (ma )] ´ 931.48 MeV
= [(92 ´ 1.008) + (140) (1.009) - 228.03 - 4.003] 931.48 MeV
= 1828.5 MeV
\ Binding energy of parent nucleus
= binding energy of daughter products – energy released
= (1828.5 - 5.3) MeV = 1823.2 MeV

V Example 8 It is proposed to use the nuclear fusion reaction,

1H + 12 H ® 42 He
in a nuclear reactor 200 MW rating. If the energy from the above reaction is used
with a 25 per cent efficiency in the reactor, how many grams of deuterium fuel will
be needed per day? (The masses of 12 H and 42 He are 2.0141 atomic mass units and
4.0026 atomic mass units respectively.) (JEE 1990)
Solution Mass defect in the given nuclear reaction,
Dm = 2 ( mass of deuterium) - ( mass of helium)
= 2 (2.0141) - (4.0026) = 0.0256
Therefore, energy released
DE = (Dm) (931.48) MeV = 23.85 MeV
= 23.85 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-13 J = 3.82 ´ 10-12 J
Efficiency is only 25%, therefore,
æ 25 ö -12
25% of DE = ç ÷ (3.82 ´ 10 ) J
è 100 ø
= 9.55 ´ 10-13 J
i.e. by the fusion of two deuterium nuclei, 9.55 ´ 10-13 J energy is available to the nuclear
Total energy required in one day to run the reactor with a given power of 200 MW,
E Total = 200 ´ 106 ´ 24 ´ 3600 = 1.728 ´ 1013 J
\ Total number of deuterium nuclei required for this purpose,
E 2 ´ 1.728 ´ 1013
n = Total =
DE /2 9.55 ´ 10-13
= 0.362 ´ 1026
\ Mass of deuterium required = (Number of g-moles of deuterium required) × 2 g
æ 0.362 ´ 1026 ö
= çç 23 ÷
÷ ´ 2 = 120.26 g
è 6.02 ´ 10 ø
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Miscellaneous Examples
V Example 9 Find the minimum kinetic energy of an a-particle to cause the
reaction 14 N ( a , p)17 O. The masses of 14 N , 4 He, 1 H and 17 O are respectively
14.00307 u, 4.00260 u, 1.00783 u and 16.99913 u.
Solution Since, the masses are given in atomic mass units, it is easiest to proceed by finding
the mass difference between reactants and products in the same units and then multiplying by
931.5 MeV/u. Thus, we have
æ MeV ö
Q = (14.00307 u + 4.00260 u – 1.00783 u – 16.99913 u ) ç931.5 ÷
è u ø
= – 1.20 MeV
Q-value is negative. It means reaction is endothermic.
So, the minimum kinetic energy of a-particle to initiate this reaction would be
æm ö æ 4.00260 ö
K min = |Q | çç a + 1÷÷ = (1.20) ç + 1÷
è N ø è 14.00307 ø
= 1.54 MeV Ans.

V Example 10 Neon-23 decays in the following way,

23 23 0
10 Ne ¾® 11 Na + –1
e +n
Find the minimum and maximum kinetic energy that the beta particle ( –10 e) can
23 23
have. The atomic masses of Ne and Na are 22.9945 u and 22.9898 u,
Solution Here, atomic masses are given (not the nuclear masses), but still we can use them
for calculating the mass defect because mass of electrons get cancelled both sides. Thus,
Mass defect Dm = (22.9945 – 22.9898) = 0.0047 u
\ Q = (0.0047 u ) (931.5 MeV /u )
= 4.4 MeV
Hence, the energy of beta particles can range from 0 to 4.4 MeV. Ans.

V Example 11 The mean lives of an unstable nucleus in two different decay

processes are 1620 yr and 405 yr, respectively. Find out the time during which
three-fourth of a sample will decay.
Solution Let at some instant of time t, number of nuclei are N. Then,
æ – dN ö æ – dN ö æ – dN ö
ç ÷ =ç ÷ +ç ÷
è dt ø net è dt ø 1 è dt ø 2
If the effective decay constant is l, then
lN = l1N + l 2 N
1 1 1
or l = l1 + l 2 = + = year -1
1620 405 324
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Now, = N 0 e– lt
\ – lt = ln ç ÷ = – 1.386
æ 1 ö
or ç ÷ t = 1.386
è 324 ø
\ t = 449 yr Ans.

V Example 12 In the chemical analysis of a rock the mass ratio of two radioactive
isotopes is found to be 100 : 1. The mean lives of the two isotopes are 4 ´ 10 9 years
and 2 ´ 10 9 years, respectively. If it is assumed that at the time of formation the
atoms of both the isotopes were in equal proportional, calculate the age of the
rock. Ratio of the atomic weights of the two isotopes is 1.02 : 1 .
Solution At the time of observation (t = t ),
m1 100
= (given)
m2 1
A1 1.02
Further it is given that =
A2 1
Number of atoms, N =
N 1 m1 A2 100
\ = ´ = …(i)
N 2 m2 A1 1.02
Let N 0 be the number of atoms of both the isotopes at the time of formation, then
N 1 N 0 e– l1 t
= = e( l 2 – l1 ) t …(ii)
N 2 N 0 e– l 2 t
Eq. (i) and Eq. (ii), we have
e( l 2 – l1 ) t =
or (l 2 - l1 )t = ln 100 - ln 1.02
ln 100 – ln 1.02
\ t=
æ 1 1 ö÷
ç 2 ´ 109 – 4 ´ 109 ÷
è ø
Substituting the values, we have
t = 1.834 ´ 1010 yr Ans.

V Example 13 A proton is bombarded on a stationary lithium nucleus. As a result

of the collision, two a-particles are produced. If the direction of motion of the
a-particles with the initial direction of motion makes an angle cos –1 ( 1/4), find the
kinetic energy of the striking proton. Given, binding energies per nucleon of Li 7
and He4 are 5.60 and 7.06 MeV , respectively.
(Assume mass of proton » mass of neutron).
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Solution Q-value of the reaction is

Q = (2 ´ 4 ´ 7.06 – 7 ´ 5.6) MeV = 17.28 MeV
Applying conservation of energy for collision,
K p + Q = 2 Ka …(i)
(Here, K p and K a are the kinetic energies of proton and a-particle respectively)

Li7 a
Þ q

From conservation of linear momentum,

2 m pK p = 2 2 ma K a cos q …(ii)
\ K p = 16K a cos 2 q = (16 K a ) ç ÷ (as ma = 4 m p)
\ Ka = K p …(iii)
Solving Eqs. (i) and (iii) with Q = 17.28 MeV
We get K p = 17.28 MeV Ans.

V Example 14 A 7 Li target is bombarded with a proton beam current of 10 –4 A

for 1 hour to produce 7 Be of activity 1.8 ´ 10 8 disintegrations per second.
Assuming that one 7 Be radioactive nucleus is produced by bombarding 1000
protons, determine its half-life.
Solution At time t, let say there are N atoms of 7 Be (radioactive). Then, net rate of formation
of 7 Be nuclei at this instant is
dN 10–4
= – lN
dt 1.6 ´ 10–19 ´ 1000
or = 6.25 ´ 1011 – lN
N0 dN 3600
or ò0 11
6.25 ´ 10 – lN


where, N 0 are the number of nuclei at t = 1 h or 3600 s.

1 æ 6.25 ´ 1011 – l N 0 ö
\ – ln çç ÷ = 3600
l è 6.25 ´ 1011 ø
l N 0 = activity of 7 Be at t = 1 h = 1.8 ´ 108 disintegrations/s
1 æ 6.25 ´ 1011 – 1.8 ´ 108 ö÷
\ – ln çç ÷ = 3600
l è 6.25 ´ 1011 ø
\ l = 8.0 ´ 10–8 sec-1
Therefore, half-life t1/ 2 = = 8.66 ´ 106 s
8.0 ´ 10–8
= 100.26 days Ans.
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V Example 15 A Cd radio nuclide goes through the transformation chain.
118 118 118
Cd ¾¾®
30 min
ln ¾¾®
45 min
Sn ( stable )

The half-lives are written below the respective arrows. At time t = 0 only Cd was
present. Find the fraction of nuclei transformed into stable over 60 minutes.
N 0l1
Solution At time t = t, N 1 = N 0 e– l1 t and N 2 = (e– l1 t – e– l 2t ) (see Article 34.3)
l 2 – l1
\ N3 = N 0 – N1 – N 2
é l1 ù
= N 0 ê1 – e– l1 t – (e– l1 t – e– l 2t )ú
ë l 2 – l1 û
N3 l
\ = 1 – e– l1 t – 1
(e– l1 t – e– l 2t )
N0 l 2 – l1
l1 = = 0.0231 min -1
l2 = = 0.0154 min -1
and t = 60 min
N3 0.0231
\ = 1 – e– 0.0231 ´ 60 – (e– 0.0231 ´ 60 – e–0.0154 ´60 )
N0 0.0154 – 0.0231
= 1 – 0.25 + 3 (0.25 – 0.4)
= 0.31 Ans.

234 235
V Example 16 Natural uranium is a mixture of three isotopes 92 U , 92 U and
92 U with mass percentage 0.01%, 0.71% and 99.28 % respectively. The half-life of
three isotopes are 2.5 ´ 105 yr, 7.1 ´ 10 8 yr and 4.5 ´ 10 9 yr respectively.
Determine the share of radioactivity of each isotope into the total activity of the
natural uranium.
Solution Let R1 , R2 and R3 be the activities of U234 , U235 and U238 respectively.
Total activity, R = R1 + R2 + R3
234 R1 l1N 1
Share of U , =
R l1N 1 + l 2N 2 + l3 N 3
Let m be the total mass of natural uranium.
0.01 0.71 99.28
Then, m1 = m , m2 = m and m3 = m
100 100 100
m m m
Now, N1 = 1 , N2 = 2 and N3 = 3
M1 M2 M3
where M1, M 2 and M3 are atomic weights.
æ m1 ö 1
ç ÷
R1 çM ÷ T
\ = è 1ø 1
R m1 1 m 1 m 1
+ 2. + 3 .
M1 T1 M 2 T2 M3 T3
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362 — Optics and Modern Physics

(0.01 /100) 1
234 2.5 ´ 105 years
æ 0.01 / 100 ö æ 1 ö æ 0.71 /100 ö æç 1 ö æ 99.28/100 ö æ 1 ö
ç ÷ ç ÷ +ç ÷ç ÷+ç ÷ ç ÷
è 234 ø ç 2.5 ´ 105 ÷ è 235 8÷
ø è 7.1 ´ 10 ø è 238 ø ç 4.5 ´ 109 ÷
è ø è ø
= 0.648 » 64.8 %
Similarly, share of U235 = 0.016 %
and of U238 = 35.184 % Ans.

V Example 17 Uranium ores on the earth at the present time typically have a
composition consisting of 99.3% of the isotope 92 U 238 and 0.7% of the isotope
92 U . The half-lives of these isotopes are 4.47 ´ 10 9 yr and 7.04 ´ 10 8 yr,
respectively. If these isotopes were equally abundant when the earth was formed,
estimate the age of the earth.
Solution Let N 0 be number of atoms of each isotope at the time of formation of the earth
(t = 0) and N 1 and N 2 the number of atoms at present (t = t ). Then,
N 1 = N 0e– l1 t …(i)
and N 2 = N 0e– l 2t …(ii)
\ = e( l 2 – l1 ) t …(iii)
Further it is given that
N 1 99.3
= …(iv)
N 2 0.7
Equating Eqs. (iii) and (iv) and taking log on both sides, we have
æ 99.3 ö
(l 2 – l1 ) t = ln ç ÷
è 0.7 ø
æ 1 ö
÷ ln æç
99.3 ö
\ t = çç ÷ ÷
è 2 – l1ø è 0.7 ø
Substituting the values, we have
1 æ 99.3 ö
t= ln ç ÷
0.693 0.693 è 0.7 ø

7.04 ´ 108 4.47 ´ 109
or t = 5.97 ´ 109 yr Ans.
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Assertion and Reason
Directions : Choose the correct option.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
(d) If Assertion is false but the Reason is true.
1. Assertion : Rate of radioactivity cannot be increased or decreased by increasing or
decreasing pressure or temperature.
Reason : Rate depends on the number of nuclei present in the radioactive sample.
2. Assertion : Only those nuclei which are heavier than lead are radioactive.
Reason : Nuclei of elements heavier than lead are unstable.
3. Assertion : After emission of one a-particle and two b-particles, atomic number remains
Reason : Mass number changes by four.
4. Assertion : g-rays are produced by the transition of a nucleus from some higher energy state
to some lower energy state.
Reason : Electromagnetic waves are always produced by the transition process.
5. Assertion : During b-decay a proton converts into a neutron and an electron. No other
particle is emitted.
Reason : During b-decay linear momentum of system should remain constant.
6. Assertion : If we compare the stability of two nuclei, then that nucleus is more stable whose
total binding energy is more.
Reason : More the mass defect during formation of a nucleus more will be the binding
7. Assertion : In a nuclear process energy is released if total binding energy of daughter nuclei
is more than the total binding energy of parent nuclei.
Reason : If energy is released then total mass of daughter nuclei is less than the total mass
of parent nuclei.
8. Assertion : Binding energy per nucleon is of the order of MeV.
Reason : 1 MeV = 1.6 ´ 10-13 J.
9. Assertion : 1 amu is equal to 931.48 MeV.
Reason : 1 amu is equal to th the mass of C12 atom.
10. Assertion : Between a , b and g radiations, penetrating power of g-rays is maximum.
Reason : Ionising power of g-rays is least.
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364 — Optics and Modern Physics

11. Assertion : The nuclear energy can be obtained by the nuclear fission of heavier nuclei as
well as by fusion of lighter nuclei.
Reason : As the mass number increases, the binding energy per nucleon, first increases and
then decreases.

Objective Questions
1. For uranium nucleus how does its mass vary with volume? (JEE 2003)
(a) m µ V (b) m µ 1 / V
(c) m µ V (d) m µ V 2
2. Order of magnitude of density of uranium nucleus is (m p = 1.67 ´ 10-27 kg) (JEE 1999)
(a) 1020 kg/m3 (b) 1017 kg/m3
(c) 1014 kg/m3 (d) 1011 kg/m3
3. During a beta decay,
(a) an atomic electron is ejected
(b) an electron present inside the nucleus is ejected
(c) a neutron in the nucleus decays emitting an electron
(d) a part of the binding energy is converted into electron
4. In the nucleus of helium if F1 is the net force between two protons, F2 is the net force between
two neutrons and F3 is the net force between a proton and a neutron. Then,
(a) F1 = F2 = F3 (b) F1 > F2 > F3
(c) F2 > F3 > F1 (d) F2 = F3 > F1
5. What are the respective number of a and b-particles emitted in the following radioactive decay?
90 X ® 168
80 Y
(a) 6 and 8 (b) 6 and 6
(c) 8 and 8 (d) 8 and 6
6. If an atom of 92 U, after absorbing a slow neutron, undergoes fission to form an atom of 138
54 Xe
and an atom of 38 Sr, the other particles produced are
(a) one proton and two neutrons (b) three neutrons
(c) two neutrons (d) one proton and one neutron
7. Nucleus A is converted into C through the following reactions,
A®B+ a
B ® C + 2b
(a) A and B are isotopes (b) A and C are isobars
(c) A and B are isobars (d) A and C are isotopes
8. The binding energy of a-particle is
(if m p = 1.00785 u, mn = 1.00866 u and ma = 4.00274 u)
(a) 56.42 MeV (b) 2.821 MeV (c) 28.21 MeV (d) 32.4 MeV
9. th of the active nuclei present in a radioactive sample has decayed in 8 s. The half-life of the
sample is
(a) 2 s (b) 1 s (c) 7 s (d) s
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 365

10. A radioactive element disintegrates for a time interval equal to its mean life. The fraction that
has disintegrated is
1 1
(a) (b) 1 -
e e
0.693 æ 1ö
(c) (d) 0.693 ç1 - ÷
e è eø
66 3
11. Starting with a sample of pure Cu, of it decays into Zn in 15 minutes. The corresponding
half-life is
(a) 5 minutes (b) 7.5 minutes
(c) 10 minutes (d) 3.5 minutes
12. A sample of radioactive substance loses half of its activity in 4 days. The time in which its
activity is reduced to 5% is
(a) 12 days (b) 8.3 days
(c) 17.3 days (d) None of these
13. On bombardment of U 235 by slow neutrons, 200 MeV energy is released. If the power output of
atomic reactor is 1.6 MW, then the rate of fission will be
(a) 5 ´ 1016 per second (b) 10 ´ 1016 per second
(c) 15 ´ 1016 per second (d) 20 ´ 1016 per second
14. Atomic masses of two heavy atoms are A1 and A2. Ratio of their respective nuclear densities will
be approximately
1/3 1/3
A1 æA ö æA ö
(a) (b) çç 1 ÷÷ (c) çç 2 ÷÷ (d) 1
A2 è A2 ø è A1 ø
15. A radioactive element is disintegrating having half-life 6.93 s. The fractional change in number
of nuclei of the radioactive element during 10 s is
(a) 0.37 (b) 0.63
(c) 0.25 (d) 0.50
16. The activity of a radioactive sample goes down to about 6% in a time of 2 hour. The half-life of
the sample in minute is about
(a) 30 (b) 15 (c) 60 (d) 120
17. What is the probability of a radioactive nucleus to survive one mean life?
1 1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) 1 - (d) -1
e e+1 e e

Subjective Questions
Note You can take approximations in the answers.
1. The disintegration rate of a certain radioactive sample at any instant is 4750 disintegrations
per minute. Five minutes later the rate becomes 2700 per minute. Calculate
(a) decay constant and (b) half-life of the sample
2. A radioactive sample contains 1.00 ´ 10 atoms and has an activity of 6.00 ´ 1011 Bq. What is
its half-life?
3. Obtain the amount of Co necessary to provide a radioactive source of 8.0 Ci strength. The
half-life of Co is 5.3 years?
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366 — Optics and Modern Physics

4. The half-life of 238 9

92 U against alpha decay is 4.5 ´ 10 year. How much disintegration per second
occurs in 1 g of 92 U ?
5. What is the probability that a radioactive atom having a mean life of 10 days decays during the
fifth day?
6. In an ore containing uranium, the ratio of 238U to 206Pb nuclei is 3. Calculate the age of the ore,
assuming that all the lead present in the ore is the final stable product of U. Take the
238 9
half-life of U to be 4.5 ´ 10 years..

7. The half-lives of radioisotopes P 32 and P 33 are 14 days and 25 days respectively. These
radioisotopes are mixed in the ratio of 4 : 1 of their atoms. If the initial activity of the mixed
sample is 3.0 mCi, find the activity of the mixed isotopes after 60 years.
8. Complete the following reactions.
226 19 19 25 25
(a) 88 Ra ®a+ (b) 8 O® 9 F+ (c) 13 AI ® 12 Mg +
9. Consider two decay reactions.
(a) 236 206
92 U ® 82 Pb + 10 protons + 20 neutrons (b) 238 206
92 U ® 82 Pb + 8 42He + 6 electrons
Are both the reactions possible?
10. Obtain the binding energy of a nitrogen nucleus from the following data :
mH = 1.00783 u, mN = 1.00867 u, m (14
7 N ) = 14.00307 u
Give your answer in units of MeV. [ Remember 1 u = 931.5 MeV/ c2 ]
11. 8 protons and 8 neutrons are separately at rest. How much energy will be released if we form
8 O nucleus?
Given :
Mass of 16
8 O atom = 15.994915 u
Mass of neutron = 1.008665 u
Mass of hydrogen atom = 1.007825 u
12. Assuming the splitting of U 235 nucleus liberates 200 MeV energy, find
(a) the energy liberated in the fission of 1 kg of U235 and
(b) the mass of the coal with calorific value of 30 kJ/g which is equivalent to 1 kg of U235 .
13. 83 Bi decays as per following equation.
212 208
83 Bi ® 82 Ti + 42 He
The kinetic energy of a-particle emitted is 6.802 MeV. Calculate the kinetic energy of Ti recoil
14. In a neutron induced fission of nucleus, usable energy of 185 MeV is released. If 92U 235
reactor is continuously operating it at a power level of 100 MW power, how long will it take for
1 kg of uranium to be consumed in this reactor?
15. Calculate the Q-values of the following fusion reactions :
(a) 1H + 12H ® 31 H + 11H (b) 2
1H + 12H ® 32He + n (c) 2
1H + 31 H ® 42He + n
Atomic masses are m (12H ) = 2.014102 u, m (31 H ) = 3.016049 u,
m (32He ) = 3.016029 u, m( 42He) = 4.002603 u,
m (11H ) = 1.007825 u
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 367

16. Calculate the Q-value of the fusion reaction,

He + 4He ® 8 Be
Is such a fusion energetically favourable? Atomic mass of 8 Be is 8.0053 u and that of 4He is
4.0026 u.
17. When fission occurs, several neutrons are released and the fission fragments are beta
radioactive, why?

Single Correct Option
1. The count rate observed from a radioactive source at t second was N 0 and at 4t second it was
N0 æ 11 ö
. The count rate observed at ç ÷ t second will be
16 è 2ø
N0 N0
(a) (b)
128 64
(c) (d) None of these
2. The half-lives of a radioactive sample are 30 years and 60 years for two decay processes. If the
sample decays by both the processes simultaneously. The time after which, only one-fourth of
the sample will remain is
(a) 10 years (b) 20 years
(c) 40 years (d) 60 years
3. Consider the nuclear fission reaction W ® X + Y . What is the Q-value (energy released) of the

Binding energy per



Mass number
N3 N 2 N1

(a) E1N 1 - (E 2N 2 + E3 N 3 ) (b) (E 2N 2 + E3 N 3 - E1N 1 )

(c) E 2N 2 + E1N 1 - E3 N 3 (d) E1N 1 + E3 N 3 - E 2N 2
4. Consider the following nuclear reaction,
X 200 ® A110 + B90 + Energy

If the binding energy per nucleon for X, A and B are 7.4 MeV, 8.2 MeV and 8.2 MeV
respectively, the energy released will be
(a) 90 MeV (b) 110 MeV
(c) 200 MeV (d) 160 MeV
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368 — Optics and Modern Physics

5. The energy released by the fission of a single uranium nucleus is 200 MeV. The number of
fissions of uranium nucleus per second required to produce 16 MW of power is
(Assume efficiency of the reactor is 50%)
(a) 2 ´ 106 (b) 2.5 ´ 106
(c) 5 ´ 106 (d) None of these
6. A radioactive isotope is being produced at a constant rate A. The isotope has a half-life T.
Initially, there are no nuclei, after a time t > > T , the number of nuclei becomes constant. The
value of this constant is
(a) AT (b) ln 2
(c) AT ln 2 (d)
ln 2

7. A bone containing 200 g carbon-14 has a b-decay rate of 375 decay/min. Calculate the time that
has elapsed since the death of the living one. Given the rate of decay for the living organism is
equal to 15 decay per min per gram of carbon and half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years.
(a) 27190 years (b) 1190 years
(c) 17190 years (d) None of these
8. Two identical samples (same material and same amount) P and Q of a radioactive substance
having mean life T are observed to have activities AP and AQ respectively at the time of
observation. If P is older than Q, then the difference in their age is
æA ö æ AQ ö
(a) T ln ç P ÷ (b) T ln çç ÷÷
ç AQ ÷ è AP ø
è ø
æ AP ö æ AQ ö
(c) T ç ÷ (d) T çç ÷÷
ç AQ ÷ è AP ø
è ø

9. A star initially has 1040 deuterons. It produces energy via the processes 12H + 12H ® 31H + p and
1H + 31H ® 42He + n. Where the masses of the nuclei are
m ( 2H ) = 2.014 amu, m( p) = 1.007 amu, m( n ) = 1.008 amu and m( 4He ) = 4.001 amu. If the
average power radiated by the star is 1016 W, the deuteron supply of the star is exhausted in a
time of the order of
(a) 106 s (b) 108 s (c) 1012 s (d) 1016 s
10. Two radioactive samples of different elements (half-lives t1 and t2 respectively) have same
number of nuclei at t = 0. The time after which their activities are same is
t1t2 t t1t2 t
(a) ln 2 (b) ln 2
0.693 (t2 - t1 ) t1 0.693 t1
t1t2 t
(c) ln 2 (d) None of these
0.693 (t1 + t2) t1

11. A nucleus X initially at rest, undergoes alpha decay according to the equation
232 A
Z X ® 90Y +a
What fraction of the total energy released in the decay will be the kinetic energy of the alpha
90 228 228 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
92 232 232 2
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 369

12. A stationary nucleus of mass 24 amu emits a gamma photon. The energy of the emitted photon
is 7 MeV. The recoil energy of the nucleus is
(a) 2.2 keV (b) 1.1 keV
(c) 3.1 keV (d) 22 keV
13. A radioactive material of half-life T was kept in a nuclear reactor at two different instants. The
quantity kept second time was twice of that kept first time. If now their present activities are
A1 and A2 respectively, then their age difference equals
T 2 A1 A1
(a) ln (b) T ln
ln 2 A2 A2
T A2 A
(c) ln (d) T ln 2
ln 2 2 A1 2 A1

More than One Correct Options

1. At t = 0, number of radioactive nuclei of a radioactive substance are x and its radioactivity is y.
Half-life of radioactive substance is T. Then,
(a) is constant throughout
(b) >T
(c) value of xy remains half after one half-life
(d) value of xy remains one fourth after one half-life
2. Choose the correct options.
(a) Isotopes have same number of atomic number
(b) Isobars have same atomic weight
(c) Isotones have same number of neutrons
(d) In neutral isotope atoms number of electrons are same
3. Choose the correct options.
(a) By gamma radiations atomic number is not changed
(b) By gamma radiations mass number is not changed
(c) By the emission of one a and two b particles isotopes are produced
(d) By the emission of one a and four b particles isobars are produced
4. Two radioactive substances have half-lives T and 2T . Initially, they have equal number of
nuclei. After time t = 4T , the ratio of their number of nuclei is x and the ratio of their activity is
y. Then,
(a) x = 1/8 (b) x = 1/4
(c) y = 1/2 (d) y = 1/4
5. Regarding the nuclear forces, choose the correct options.
(a) They are short range forces (b) They are charge independent forces
(c) They are not electromagnetic forces (d) They are exchange forces
6. Regarding a nucleus choose the correct options.
(a) Density of a nucleus is directly proportional to mass number A
(b) Density of all the nuclei is almost constant of the order of 1017 kg/m3
(c) Nucleus radius is of the order of 10-15 m
(d) Nucleus radius µ A
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370 — Optics and Modern Physics

Comprehension Based Questions

Passage : (Q. No. 1 to 3)
The atomic masses of the hydrogen isotopes are
Hydrogen m1H1 = 1.007825 amu
Deuterium m1H 2 = 2.014102 amu
Tritium m1H3 = 3.016049 amu
1. The energy released in the reaction,
1H + 1H 2 ® 1H3 + 1H1 is nearly
(a) 1 MeV (b) 2 MeV
(c) 4 MeV (d) 8 MeV
2. The number of fusion reactions required to generate 1 kWh is nearly
(a) 108 (b) 1018
(c) 1028 (d) 1038
3. The mass of deuterium, 1H 2 that would be needed to generate 1 kWh
(a) 3.7 kg (b) 3.7 g
(c) 3.7 ´ 10-5 kg (d) 3.7 ´ 10-8 kg

Match the Columns

1. At t = 0, x nuclei of a radioactive substance emit y nuclei per second. Match the following two

Column I Column II

(a) Decay constant l (p) (ln 2) (x/y)

(b) Half-life (q) x/y
(c) Activity after time t = (r) y/e
(d) Number of nuclei after (s) None of these
time t =

2. Corresponding to the graph shown in figure, match the following two columns.
Binding energy

per nucleon

Mass number
50 100 150
Mass number
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 371

Column I Column II

(a) P + P = Q (p) energy is released

(b) P + P + P = R (q) energy is absorbed
(c) P + R = 2Q (r) No energy transfer will take
(d) P + Q = R (s) data insufficient

3. In the following chain,

A® B®C
A and B are radioactive, while C is stable. Initially, we have only A and B nuclei. There is no
nucleus of C. As the time passes, match the two columns.

Column I Column II

(a) Nuclei of ( A + B) (p) will increase continuously

(b) Nuclei of B (q) will decrease continuously
(c) Nuclei of (C + B) (r) will first increase then
(d) Nuclei of ( A + C ) (s) data insufficient

4. Match the following two columns.

Column I Column II

(a) After emission of one a (p) atomic number will

and one b particles decrease by 3.
(b) After emission of two a (q) atomic number will
and one b particle decrease by 2
(c) After emission of one a (r) mass number will
and two b particles decrease by 8
(d) After emission of two a (s) mass number will
and two b-particles. decrease by 4

5. Match the following two columns.

Column I Column II

(a) The energy of air molecules at (p) 0.02 eV

room temperature
(b) Binding energy of heavy nuclei (q) 2 eV
per nucleon
(c) X-ray photon energy (r) 10 keV
(d) Photon energy of visible light (s) 7 MeV
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372 — Optics and Modern Physics

Subjective Questions
1. A F32 radio nuclide with half-life T = 14.3 days is produced in a reactor at a constant rate
q = 2 ´ 109 nuclei per second. How soon after the beginning of production of that radio nuclide
will its activity be equal to R = 109 disintegration per second?
2. Consider a radioactive disintegration according to the equation A ® B ® C. Decay constant of
A and B is same and equal to l. Number of nuclei of A, B and C are N 0 , 0, 0 respectively at t = 0.
(a) number of nuclei of B as function of time t.
(b) time t at which the activity of B is maximum and the value of maximum activity of B.
3. Nuclei of a radioactive element A are being produced at a constant rate a. The element has a
decay constant l. At time t = 0, there are N 0 nuclei of the element.
(a) Calculate the number N of nuclei of A at time t.
(b) If a = 2N 0l, calculate the number of nuclei of A after one half-life of A, and also the limiting value
of N as t ® ¥.
4. A solution contains a mixture of two isotopes A (half-life = 10 days) and B (half-life = 5 days).
Total activity of the mixture is 1010 disintegration per second at time t = 0. The activity reduces
to 20% in 20 days. Find (a) the initial activities of A and B, (b) the ratio of initial number
of their nuclei.
5. A radio nuclide with disintegration constant l is produced in a reactor at a constant rate a
nuclei per second. During each decay energy E0 is released. 20% of this energy is utilized in
increasing the temperature of water. Find the increase in temperature of m mass of water in
time t. Specific heat of water is s. Assume that there is no loss of energy through water surface.
6. A stable nuclei C is formed from two radioactive nuclei A and B with decay constant of l1 and l2
respectively. Initially, the number of nuclei of A is N 0 and that of B is zero. Nuclei B are
produced at a constant rate of P. Find the number of the nuclei of C after time t.
7. Polonium ( 210 4 206
84 Po) emits 2He particles and is converted into lead ( 82 Pb). This reaction is used for
producing electric power in a space mission. Po has half-life of 138.6 days. Assuming an
efficiency of 10% for the thermoelectric machine, how much 210Po is required to produce
1.2 ´ 107 J of electric energy per day at the end of 693 days. Also find the initial activity of the
Given : Masses of nuclei
Po = 209.98264 amu, 206Pb = 205.97440 amu, 42He = 4.00260 amu,
1 amu = 931 MeV/ c2 and Avogadro’s number = 6 ´ 1023 / mol
8. A radio nuclide consists of two isotopes. One of the isotopes decays by a-emission and other by
b-emission with half-lives T1 = 405 s and T2 = 1620 s, respectively. At t = 0, probabilities of
getting a and b-particles from the radio nuclide are equal. Calculate their respective
probabilities at t = 1620 s. If at t = 0, total number of nuclei in the radio nuclide are N 0.
Calculate the time t when total number of nuclei remained undecayed becomes equal to N 0 / 2.
log10 2 = 0.3010, log10 5.94 = 0.7742 and x 4 + 4x – 2.5 = 0, x = 0.594
9. Find the amount of heat generated by 1 mg of Po210 preparation during the mean life period of
these nuclei if the emitted alpha particles are known to possess kinetic energy 5.3 MeV and
practically all daughter nuclei are formed directly in the ground state.
10. In an agricultural experiment, a solution containing 1 mole of a radioactive material
(T1/ 2 = 14.3 days) was injected into the roots of a plant. The plant was allowed 70 h to settle
down and then activity was measured in its fruit. If the activity measured was 1 mCi, what
percentage of activity is transmitted from the root to the fruit in steady state?
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Introductory Exercise 34.1
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (c)
6.(b) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. 3 days, 4.32 days 13. 9.47 ´ 10 9 nuclei
14. (a) 1.55 ´ 10 –5 / s, 12.4 h (b) 2.39 ´ 1013 atoms (c) 1.87 mCi 15. 1.16 ´ 103 s

Introductory Exercise 34.2

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c)
–4 19
5. (a) 9.6 ´ 10 kg (b) 3.125 ´ 10 6. 4.27 MeV
7. (a) 1H (b) 11 H (c) 1
0 n (d) 79
36 Kr 8. Fusion, 24 9. 23.6 MeV

Assertion and Reason
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (a or b) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (a or b)

Objective Questions
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (a)

Subjective Questions
1. (a) 0.113 min–1 (b) 6.132 min 2. 19.25 min 3. 7.11 ´ 10 –3 g
4. 1.23 ´ 10 dps 5. 0.39 6. 1.88 ´ 10 9 yr
7. 0.205 mCi 8. (a) 86Rn
(b) e + n (c) e + + n
9. Reaction (a) is possible (b) is not possible 10. 104.72 MeV 11. 127.6 MeV
12. (a) 8.19 ´ 1013 J (b) 2.7 ´ 10 6 kg 13. 0.1308 MeV 14. 8.78 day
15. (a) 4.05 MeV (b) 3.25 MeV (c) 17.57 MeV 16. – 93.1 keV, No
17. N/P ratio required for stability decreases with decreasing A, hence there is an excess of neutrons when
fission occurs. Some of the excess neutrons are released directly, and others change to protons by beta
decay in the fission products.

Single Correct Option
1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(d) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(a)
11.(b) 12.(b) 13.(c)
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374 — Optics and Modern Physics

More than One Correct Options

1.(a,b,d) 2.(a,b,c,d) 3.(a,b,c) 4.(b,c) 5.(a,b,c,d) 6.(b,c)

Comprehension Based Questions

1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(d)

Match the Columns

1. (a) ® s (b) ® p (c) ® r (d) ® s
2. (a) ® p (b) ® p (c) ® p (d) ® s
3. (a) ® q (b) ® s (c) ® p (d) ® s
4. (a) ® s (b) ® p,r (c) ® s (d) ® q, r
5. (a) ® p (b) ® s (c) ® r (d) ® q

Subjective Questions
1 l N0
1. 14.3 h 2. (a) NB = lN0 (te – lt ) (b) t = , Rmax =
l e
1 3
3. (a) [ a - (a - lN0 ) e – lt ] (b) N0 , 2N0
l 2
0.2 E 0 é at - (1 - e – lt )ù
10 10 êë l úû
4. (a) 0.73 ´ 10 dps, 0.27 ´ 10 dps (b) 5.4 5.
– l2t
æ e - 1ö
6. Nc = N0 (1 - e - l1t ) + P ç t + ÷ 7. 10 g, 4.57 ´ 10 21 disintegrations/day
ç l ÷
è 2 ø
1 8
8. , , 1215 s 9. 1.55 ´ 10 6 J
9 9
10. 1.26 ´ 10 –11%
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35.1 Introduction
35.2 Energy Bands in Solids
35.3 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
35.4 p-n Junction Diode
35.5 Junction Diode as a Rectifier
35.6 Applications of p-n Junction Diodes
35.7 Junction Transistors
35.8 Transistor as an Amplifier
35.9 Digital Electronics and Logic Gates
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376 — Optics and Modern Physics

35.1 Introduction
Solids can be classified in three types as per their electrical conductivity. (i) conductors,
(ii) insulators and (iii) semiconductors. In a conductor, large number of free electrons are present.
They are always in zig-zag motion inside the conductor. In an insulator, all the electrons are tightly
bound to the nucleus. If an electric field is applied inside a conductor, the free electrons experience
force due to the field and acquire a drift speed. This results in an electric current. The conductivity of a
conductor such as copper decreases as the temperature is increased. This is because as the
temperature is increased, the random collisions of the free electrons with the particles in the
conductor become more frequent. This results in a decrease in the drift speed and hence the
conductivity decreases.
In insulators, almost zero current is obtained unless a very high electric field is applied.
Semiconductors conduct electricity when an electric field is applied, but the conductivity is very
small as compared to the usual metallic conductors. Silicon, germanium, carbon etc., are few
examples of semiconductors.
Conductivity of silicon is about 1011 times smaller than that of copper and is about 1013 times larger
than that of fused quartz. Conductivity of a semiconductor increases as the temperature is increased.

Extra Points to Remember

˜ Before the discovery of transistors (in 1948) mostly vacuum tubes (also called valves) were used in all
electrical circuits.
æ 1ö
˜ The order of electrical conductivity (s) and resistivity ç r = ÷ of metals, semiconductors and insulators are
è sø
given below in tabular form.

Table 35.1
S.No Types of solid r (W - ) s (W -1 - -1

1. Metals 10-2 - 10-8 102 - 108

2. Semiconductors 10-5 - 106 105 - 10-6

3. Insulators 1011 - 1019 10-11 - 10-19

35.2 Energy Bands In Solids

To understand the energy bands in solids, let us consider the electronic configuration of sodium atom
which has 11 electrons. The configuration is (1s) 2 , (2s) 2 , (2 p) 6 and (3s)1 . The levels 1s, 2s and 2p
are completely filled. The level 3s is half filled and the levels above 3s are empty. Consider a group
of N sodium atoms all in ground state separated from each other by large distances such as in
sodium vapour. There are total 11N electrons. Each atom has two energy states in 1s energy level.
So, there are 2N identical energy states lebelled 1s and all them are filled from 2N electrons.
Similarly, energy level 2p has 6N identical energy states which are also completely filled. In 3s
energy levels N of the 2N states are filled by the electrons and the remaining N states are empty.
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 377

These ideas are shown in the table given below.

Table 35.2
Energy level Total available energy states Total occupied states
1s 2N 2N
2s 2N 2N
2p 6N 6N
3s 2N N
3p 6N 0

In the above discussion, we have assumed that N sodium Total states = 2N

3s Occupied = N
atoms are widely spread and hence the electrons of one Empty = N
atom do not interact with others. As a result energy states
of different states (e.g. 1s) are identical. When atoms are Total states = 6N
drawn closer to one another, electron of one atom starts 2p Occupied = 6N
interacting with the electrons of the neighbouring atoms of
the same energy states. For example 1s electrons of one 2s Total states = 2N
atom interact with 1s electrons of the other. Due to Occupied = 2N
interaction of electrons, the energy states are not identical,
Total states = 2N
but a sort of energy band is formed. These bands are shown 1s Occupied = 2N
in figure.
The difference between the highest energy in a band and Fig. 35.1
the lowest energy in the next higher band is called the
band gap between the two energy bands.
Thus, we can conclude that energy levels of an electron in a solid consists of bands of allowed states.
There are regions of energy, called gaps, where no states are possible. In each allowed band, the energy
levels are very closely spaced. Electrons occupy states which minimize the total energy. Depending on
the number of electrons and on the arrangement of the bands, a band may be fully occupied or partially
Now, electrical conductivity of conductors, insulators and semiconductors can be explained by these
energy bands.

} Conduction

} Conduction

Eg ~ 6 eV band
Conduction Eg ~ 1 eV

} Valence
band } Valence
band } Valence

(a) (b) (c)

Fig 35.2 Energy band diagram for a (a) metal, (b) insulator and (c) semiconductor.
Note that one can have a metal either when the conduction band is partially filled or when the conduction
and valence bands overlap in energy.
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378 — Optics and Modern Physics

Conductors The energy band structure of a conductor is shown in figure (a). The last occupied band
of energy level (called conduction band) is only partially filled. In conductors, this band overlaps
with completely filled valence band.
Insulators The energy band structure of an insulator is shown in figure (b). The conduction band is
separated from the valence band by a wide energy gap (e.g. 6 eV for diamond). But at any non-zero
temperature, some electrons can be excited to the conduction band.
Semiconductors The energy band structure of a semiconductor is shown in figure (c). It is similar to
that of an insulator but with a comparatively small energy gap. At absolute zero temperature, the
conduction band of semiconductors is totally empty, and all the energy states in the valence band are
filled. The absence of electrons in the conduction band at absolute zero does not allow current to flow
under the influence of an electric field. Therefore, they are insulators at low temperatures. However at
room temperatures some valence electrons acquire thermal energy greater than the energy gap E g
and move to the conduction band where they are free to move under the influence of even a small
electric field. Thus, a semiconductor originally an insulator at low temperatures becomes slightly
conducting at room temperature. Unlike conductors the resistance of semiconductors decreases with
increasing temperature. We are generally concerned with only the highest valence band and the
lowest conduction band. So, when we say valence band, it means the highest valence band. Similarly,
when we say conduction band, it means the lowest conduction band.

V Example 35.1 What is the energy band gap of : (i) silicon and (ii)
Solution The energy band gap of silicon is 1.1 eV and of germanium is about 0.7 eV.

V Example 35.2 In a good conductor, what is the energy gap between the
conduction band and the valence band.
Solution In a good conductor, conduction band overlaps with the valence band. Therefore, the
energy gap between them is zero.

35.3 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors

As discussed above, in semiconductors the conduction band and the
valence band are separated by a relatively small energy gap. For silicon,
this gap is 1.1 eV and for germanium it is 0.7 eV. Si Si
Silicon has an atomic number 14 and electronic configuration
1s 2 , 1s 2 , 2 p 6 , 3s 2 , 3 p 2.
Fig. 35.3
The chemistry of silicon tells us that it has a valency 4. Each silicon
atom makes covalent bonds with the four neighbouring silicon atoms. Free electron
On the basis of bonds the atoms make with their neighbouring atoms,
semiconductors are divided in two groups.
Intrinsic Semiconductors A pure (free from impurity) Si Si
semiconductor which has a valency 4 is called an intrinsic
semiconductor. Pure germanium, silicon or carbon in their natural
state are intrinsic semiconductors. As discussed above, each atom Hole
makes four covalent bonds with their neighbouring atoms. At Fig. 35.4
temperature close to zero, all valence electrons are tightly bound and
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 379

so no free electrons are available to conduct electricity through the crystal. At room temperature,
however a few of the covalent bonds are broken due to thermal agitation and thus some of the valence
electrons become free. Thus, we can say that a valence electrons is shifted to conduction band leaving
a hole (vacancy of electron) in valence band. In intrinsic semiconductors,
Number of holes = Number of free electrons or nh = ne
Extrinsic Semiconductors The conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor is very poor (unless the
temperature is very high). At ordinary temperature, only one covalent bond breaks in 10 9 atoms of Ge.
Conductivity of an intrinsic (pure) semiconductor is significantly increased, if some pentavalent or
trivalent impurity is mixed with it. Such impure semiconductors are called extrinsic or doped
semiconductors. Extrinsic semiconductors are again of two types (i) p-type and (ii) n-type.
(i) p-type semiconductors When a trivalent (e.g. boron, aluminium,
gallium or indium) is added to a germanium or silicon crystal it
replaces one of the germanium or silicon atom. Its three valence Al Si
electrons form covalent bonds with neighbouring three Ge (or Si)
atoms while the fourth valence electron of Ge (or Si) is not able to
form the bond. Thus, there remains a hole (an empty space) on one
side of the impurity atom. Fig. 35.5

The trivalent impurity atoms are called acceptor atoms because they
create holes which accept electrons. Following points are worthnoting regarding p-type
(a) Holes are the majority charge carriers and electrons are minority charge carriers in case of
p-type semiconductors or number of holes are much greater than the number of electrons.
nh >> ne
(b) p-type semiconductor is electrically neutral.
(c) p-type semiconductor can be shown as
– – Hole

– – –

Fig. 35.6

(ii) n-type semiconductors When a pentavalent impurity atom

(antimony, phosphorus or arsenic is added to a Ge (or Si) crystal it
replaces a Ge (or Si) atom. Four of the five valence electrons of the P Si
impurity atom form covalent bonds with four neighbouring Ge (or Si)
atoms and the fifth valence electron becomes free to move inside the
crystal lattice. Thus, by doping pentavalent impurity number of free Fig. 35.7
electrons increases.
The impurity (pentavalent) atoms are called donor atoms because they donate conduction
electrons inside the crystal. Following points are worthnoting regarding n-type semiconductors,
(a) Electrons are the majority charge carriers and holes are minority or number of electrons are
much greater than the number of holes
ne >> nh
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(b) n-type semiconductor is also electrically neutral.

(c) n-type semiconductor can be shown as

+ +
+ +

Fig. 35.8
Electrical Conduction through Semiconductors
When a battery is connected across a semiconductor
(whether intrinsic or extrinsic) a potential difference
is developed across its ends. Due to the potential Si Si Al
difference an electric field is produced inside the
semiconductor. A current (although very small) starts
flowing through the semiconductor. This current may
be due to the motion of (i) free electrons and (ii)
holes. Electrons move in opposite direction of
electric field while holes move in the same direction.
The motion of holes towards right (in the figure) take
place because electrons from right hand side come to
fill this hole, creating a new hole in their own
position. Thus, we can say that holes are moving from
left to right. Thus, current in a semiconductor can be
written as,
i = ie + ih
Fig. 35.9
But it should be noted that mobility of holes is less
than the mobility of electrons.

V Example 35.3 C, Si and Ge have same lattice structure. Why is C insulator

while Si and Ge intrinsic semiconductors?
Solution The energy gap between conduction band and valence band is least for Ge, followed
by Si and highest for C. Hence, number of free electrons are negligible for C. This is why carbon
is insulator.

V Example 35.4 In an n-type silicon, which of the following statements is true?

(a) Electrons are majority carriers and trivalent atoms are the dopants.
(b) Electrons are minority carriers and pentavalent atoms are the dopants.
(c) Holes are minority carriers and pentavalent atoms are the dopants.
(d) Holes are majority carriers and trivalent atoms are the dopants.
Solution (c) Holes are minority charge carriers and pentavalent atoms are the dopants in an
n - type silicon.
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 381

V Example 35.5 Which of the statements given in above example is true for
p-type semiconductors?
Solution (d) Holes are majority carriers and trivalent atoms are the dopants in an p -type


1. Carbon, silicon and germanium have four valence electrons each. These are characterised by
valence and conduction bands separated by energy band-gap respectively equal to (Eg )C, (Eg )Si
and (Eg )Ge. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) (Eg )Si < (Eg )Ge < (Eg )C (b) (Eg )C < (Eg )Ge > (Eg ) Si
(c) (Eg )C > (Eg )Si > (Eg )Ge (d) (Eg )C = (Eg )Si = (Eg )Ge

35.4 p-n Junction Diode

Acceptor ion Junction Donor ion
A p-type or n-type silicon crystal can be made by
adding appropriate impurity as discussed above. Electron
These crystals are cut into thin slices called the Hole – – – – + + + +
wafer. Semiconductor devices are usually made of – – – – + + + +
– +
these wafers. – – –
– +
+ + +
If on a wafer of n-type silicon, an aluminium film is – – – – + + + +
placed and heated to a high temperature, aluminium p-type n-type
diffuses into silicon. Depletion
In this way, a p-type semiconductor is formed on an (a) Formation of p-n junction
n-type semiconductor. Such a formation of p-region
on n-region is called the p-n-junction. Another way to make a p-n V
junction is by diffusion of phosphorus into a p-type semiconductor.
Such p-n junctions are used in a host of semiconductor devices of p n
practical applications. The simplest of the semiconductor devices is
a p-n junction diode.
Biasing of a diode In a p-n junction diode, holes are majority
carriers on p-side and electrons on n-side. Holes, thus diffuse to
n-side and electrons to p-side. (b) Forward biased p-n junction
This diffusion causes an excess positive charge in the n region and V
an excess negative charge in the p region near the junction. This
double layer of charge creates an electric field which exerts a p n
force on the electrons and holes, against their diffusion. In the
equilibrium position, there is a barrier, for charge motion with the
n-side at a higher potential than the p-side.
The junction region has a very low density of either p or n-type
carriers, because of inter diffusion. It is called depletion region. (c) Reverse biased p-n junction

There is a barrierVB associated with it, as described above. This is Fig. 35.10
called potential barrier.
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Now suppose a DC voltage source is connected across the p-n junction. The polarity of this voltage
can lead to an electric field across the p-n junction that is opposite to the already present electric field.
The potential drop across the junction decreases and the diffusion of electrons and holes is thereby
increased, resulting in a current in the circuit. This is called forward biasing.
The depletion layer effectively becomes smaller. In the opposite case, called reverse biasing the barrier
increases, the depletion region becomes larger, current of electrons and holes is greatly reduced.
Thus, the p-n junction allows a much larger current flow in forward biasing than in reverse biasing.
This is crudely, the basis of the action of a p-n junction as a rectifier. The symbol of p-n junction diode
is ( p n)

Diffusion Current and Drift Current

Because of concentration difference, holes try to diffuse from the p-side to the n-side at the p-n
junction. This diffusion give rise to a current from p-side to n-side called diffusion current.
Because of thermal collisions, electron-hole pair are created at every part of a diode.
However, if an electron-hole pair is created in the depletion region, the electron is pushed by the
electric field towards the n-side and the hole towards the p-side. This gives rise to a current from
n-side to p-side called the drift current.
Thus, I df ¾® from p-side to n-side
I dr ¾® from n-side to p-side
When diode is unbiased I df = I dr or I net = 0.
When diode is forward biased I df > I dr or I net is from p-side to n-side.
When diode is reverse biased I dr > I df or I net is from n-side to p-side.
Characteristic Curve of a p-n Junction Diode
(a) Circuit for obtaining the characteristics of a forward biased diode and (b) Circuit for obtaining
the characteristics of a reverse bias diode.

p n p n

mA mA


+ – – +
Fig. 35.11

When the diode is forward biased i.e. p-side is kept at higher potential, the current in the diode
changes with the voltage applied across the diode. The current increases very slowly till the
voltage across the diode crosses a certain value.
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 383

After this voltage, the diode current increases I (mA)

rapidly, even for very small increase in the diode
voltage. This voltage is called the threshold
voltage or cut-off voltage. The value of the cut-off
voltage is about 0.2 V for a germanium diode and 80
0.7 V for a silicon diode. 60

When the diode is reverse biased, a very small 40

current (about a few micro amperes) produces in 20
100 80 60 40 20
the circuit which remains nearly constant till a V (Volt)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.6
characteristic voltage called the breakdown Vbr
voltage, is reached. Then the reverse current
suddenly increases to a large value. This
phenomenon is called avalanche breakdown. The
reverse voltage beyond which current suddenly I (mA)

increases is called the breakdown voltage. Fig. 35.12

V Example 35.6 Can we take one slab of p-type semiconductor and physically
join it to another n-type semiconductor to get p-n junction?
Solution No. Any slab will have some roughness. Hence continuous contact at the atomic
level will not be possible. For the charge carriers, the junction will behave as a discontinuity.

V Example 35.7 Find current passing through 2 W and D1 2W

4 W resistance in the circuit shown in figure.
D2 4W
Solution In the given circuit diode D1 is forward biased and D2
reverse biased. Hence, D1 will conduct but D2 not. Therefore, current
through 4 W resistance will be zero while through 2 W resistance will be,
10 10V
= 5 A.
2 Fig. 35.13


1. In an unbiased p-n junction, holes diffuse from the p-region to n-region because
(a) free electrons in the n-region attract them
(b) they move across the junction by the potential difference
(c) hole concentration in p-region is more as compared to n-region
(d) All of the above
2. When a forward bias is applied to a p - n junction. It
(a) raises the potential barrier
(b) reduces the majority carrier current to zero
(c) lowers the potential barrier
(d) All of the above
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384 — Optics and Modern Physics

35.5 Junction Diode as a Rectifier

A rectifier is a device which converts an alternating current (or voltage) into a direct (or unidirectional)
current (or voltage). A p-n junction diode can work as an excellent rectifier. It offers a low resistance for
the current to flow when it is forward biased, but a very high resistance when reverse biased. Thus, it
allows current through it only in one direction and acts as a rectifier. The junction diode can be used
either as an half-wave rectifier or as a full-wave rectifier.
(i) p-n junction diode as half-wave rectifier A simple rectifier circuit called the half-wave
rectifier, using only one diode is shown in figure.
Input AC waveform

AC voltage

at point A
Secondary A p n
O t

RL Output DC waveform

Voltage across
O t

Fig. 35.14 Fig. 35.15

When the voltage at A is positive, the diode is forward biased and it conducts and when the
voltage at A is negative, the diode is reverse biased and does not conduct. Since, the diode
conducts only in the positive half cycles, the voltage between X and Y or across R L will be DC
but in pulses. When this is given to a circuit called filter (normally a capacitor), it will smoothen
the pulses and will produce a rather steady DC voltage.
(ii) p-n junction diode as full-wave rectifier Figure shows a circuit which is used in full-wave
rectification. Two diodes are used for this purpose.
The secondary coil of the transformer is wound in two parts and the junction is called a Centre-Tap
(CT ). During one-half cycle D1 is forward biased and D2 is reverse biased. Therefore, D1 conducts
but D2 does not, current flows from X to Y through load resistance R L . During another half cycle D2
is forward biased and D1 reverse biased. Therefore, D2 conducts and D1 does not. In this half cycle
also current through R L flows from X to Y. Thus, current through R L in both the half cycles is in one
direction, i.e. from X to Y.
AC waveform at A
D1 t


B D2 Output AC waveform t
AC waveform at B
(a) Ful-wave rectifier (b) AC voltage waveforms (c) Output DC waveforms of a
at points A and B full-wave rectifier.
Fig. 35.16
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 385

Bridge rectifier Another full-wave rectifier called the bridge rectifier which uses four diodes is
shown in figure.
For one-half cycle diodes D1 and D3 are forward biased and D2 and D4 are reverse biased. So, D1 and
D3 conduct but D2 and D4 don't. Current through R L flows from X to Y. In another half cycle D2 and
D4 are forward biased and D1 and D3 are reverse biased. So, in this half cycle D2 and D4 conduct but
D1 and D3 do not. Current again flows from X to Y through R L . Thus, we see that current through R L
always flows in one direction from X to Y.
D1 D2
D2 and D4 conducting

X D1 and D3 conducting
O t
(a) (b)
Fig. 35.17 (a) Bridge rectifier and (b) output waveforms for a bridge rectifier

Note Even after rectification ripples are present in the output which can be removed upto great extent by a
filter circuit. A filter circuit consists of a capacitor.

V Example 35.8 In half-wave rectification, what is the output frequency, if the

input frequency is 50 Hz? What is the output frequency of a full-wave rectifier
for the same input frequency?
Solution A half-wave rectifier conducts once during a cycle. Therefore frequency of AC
output is also the frequency of AC input i.e. 50 Hz. A full-wave rectifier rectifies both the half
cycles of the AC output i.e. it conducts twice during a cycle.
So, Frequency of AC output = 2 ´ frequency of AC input
= 2 ´ 50 = 100 Hz Ans.

V Example 35.9 In the figure, the input is across the terminals B

A and C and the output is across B and D. Then the output is
(a) zero
(b) same as the input
(c) full-wave rectified
(d) half-wave rectified D
Solution (c) During the half cycle when V M > V N , D1 and D3 are forward Fig. 35.18

biased. Hence, the path of current is MABPQDCNM. B P

In the second half cycle, when V N > V M , D2 and D4 are forward D2 RL
biased while D1 and D3 are reverse biased. Hence, the path of
current is NCBPQDAMN. A Q
M ~ N C
Therefore, in both half cycles current flows from P to Q from load
resistance R L . Or, it is a full-wave rectifier. D4 D3
Fig. 35.19
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35.6 Applications of p-n Junction Diodes

Zener Diode
A diode meant to operate under reverse bias in the breakdown region is called an avalanche diode or
a zener diode. Such diode is used as a voltage regulator. The symbol of zener diode is shown in

Fig. 35.20
Once the breakdown occurs, the potential difference across the diode does not increase even if, there
is large change in the current. Figure shows a zener diode in reverse biasing.
I (mA)

Reverse bias
Vz Forward bias
V (V)

I (mA)
Fig. 35.21

An input voltage Vi is connected to the zener diode through a series resistance R such that the zener
diode is reverse biased.
If the input voltage increases, the current through R and zener diode also increases. This increases the
voltage drop across R without any change in the voltage across the zener diode. Similarly, if the input
voltage decreases the current through R and zener diode also decreases. The voltage drop across R
decreases without any change in the voltage across the zener diode.
Thus any increase/decrease in the input voltage results in increase/decrease of the voltage drop across
R without any change in voltage across the zener diode (and hence across load resistance R L ). Thus,
the zener diode acts as a voltage regulator.
We have to select the zener diode according to the required output voltage and accordingly the series
resistance R.
Vi Zener diode Vo

Fig. 35.22

Optoelectronic Devices
Semiconductor diodes in which carriers are generated by photons (photo excitation) are called
optoelectronic devices. Examples of optoelectronic devices are, photodiodes, Light Emitting Diodes
(LED) and photovoltaic devices, etc.
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 387

(a) Photodiodes Photodiodes are used as photodetector to detect optical signals. They are operated
in reverse biased connections.

p-side n-side

Fig. 35.23

When light of energy greater than the energy gap falls on the depletion region of the diode,
electron-hole pairs are generated. Due to the electric field of junction, electrons and holes are
separated before they recombine. Electrons reach n-side and holes reach p-side giving rise to an
emf. When an external load is connected, current flows. The magnitude of the photocurrent
depends on the intensity of incident light.
(b) Light Emitting Diode (LED) It is heavily doped p-n junction diode which under forward bias
emits spontaneous radiation. LEDs that can emit red, yellow, orange, green and blue light are
commercially available. These LEDs find extensive use in remote controls, burglar alarm
systems, optical communications, etc.
Extensive research is being done for developing white LEDs which can replace incandescent
LED have the following advantages over conventional incandescent power lamps.
(i) Long life
(ii) Low operational voltage and less power
(iii) No warm up time is required. So fast on-off switching capability.
(c) Solar Cell It works on the same principle as the photodiode. It is basically a p - n junction which
generates emf when solar radiation falls on the p-n junction. The difference between a
photodiode and a solar cell is that no external bias is applied and the junction area is kept much
larger for solar radiation to be incident because we require more power.

Top Metallised
surface finger electrode

Back contact

Fig. 35.24 Typical p-n junction Solar cell

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388 — Optics and Modern Physics

The generation of emf by a solar cell (when light falls on it) is due to the following three
(i) Generation Generation of electron-hole pairs due to light ( hf > E g ) falling on it.
(ii) Separation Separation of electrons and holes due to electric field of the depletion region.
(iii) Collection Electrons are swept to n - side and holes to p-side. Thus, p-side becomes positive
and n-side becomes negative giving rise to photovoltage.
Solar cells are used to power electronic devices in satellites and space vehicles and also as
power supply to some calculators.

V Example 35.10 In a zener regulated power supply a zener diode with

V Z = 6.0 V is used for regulation. The load current is to be 4.0 mA and the
unregulated input is 10.0 V. What should be the value of series resistor R?
Solution Zener current I Z should be sufficiently larger than load current I L .
R 4.0 mA

24.0 mA 20.0 mA


Fig. 35.25

Given, I L = 4.0 mA
So, let us take I Z to be five times I L or I Z = 20 mA
Total current I = I Z + I L = 24.0 mA
Input voltage Vin = 10 V
Zener diode voltage VZ = 6 V
\ Voltage drop across resistance, VR = Vin - VZ
or VR = (10 - 6) V = 4 V
V 4
Now, R= R = = 167 W
I R 24 ´ 10-3
The nearest value of carbon resistor is 150 W. So, a series resistor of 150 W is appropriate.

V Example 35.11 The current in the forward bias is known to be more ( in mA)
than the current in the reverse bias ( in mA). What is the reason then to operate
the photodiodes in reverse bias ?
Solution Let us take an example of p-type semiconductor.
Without illumination
number of holes ( n h ) >> number of electrons ( n e ) ...(i)
This is because holes are the majority charge carriers in p-type semiconductor.
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 389

On illumination, let Dn e and Dn h are the excess electrons and holes generated.
Dn e = Dn h ...(ii)
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we can see that
Dn e Dn
>> h
ne nh
From here, we can say that the fractional change due to illumination on the minority carrier
dominated reverse bias current is more easily measurable than the fractional change in the
forward bias current.

35.7 Junction Transistors

A junction transistor is formed by sandwiching a thin wafer of one type of semiconductor between
two layers of another type. The n-p-n transistor has a p-type wafer between two n-type layers.
Similarly, the p-n-p transistor has a n-type wafer between two p-type layers.
p-n-p Transistor
Figure shows a p-n-p transistor, in which a thin layer of n-type semiconductor is sandwiched between
two p-type semiconductors. The middle layer (called the base) is very thin (of the order of 1mm) as
compared to the widths of the two layers at the sides. Base is very lightly doped. One of the side layer
(called emitter) is heavily doped and the other side layer (called collector) is moderately doped.
Figure (c) shows the symbol of p-n-p transistor.
Emitter Base Collector Emitter Base Collector
p n p

(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 35.26

n-p-n Transistor
In n-p-n transistor, p-type semiconductor is sandwiched between two n-type semiconductors.
Symbol of n - p -n transistor is shown in figure (f).
Emitter Base Collector Emitter Base Collector
n p n

(e) Emitter
(d) (f)
Fig. 35.27

More points about a transistor A transistor is basically a three-terminal device. Terminals come out
from the emitter, base and the collector for external connections. In normal operation of a transistor, the
emitter-base junction is always forward biased and collector-base junction is reverse biased.
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390 — Optics and Modern Physics

The arrow on the emitter-base line shows the direction of current between emitter and base. In an
n-p-n transistor for example, there are a large number of conduction electrons in the emitter and a
large number of holes in the base. If the junction is forward biased the electrons will diffuse from
emitter to the base and holes will diffuse from the base to the emitter. The direction of electric
current at this junction is therefore from the base to the emitter. A transistor can be operated in three
different modes.
(i) Common emitter (or grounded-emitter)
(ii) Common collector (or grounded-collector) and
(iii) Common base (or grounded-base)
In common emitter mode, emitter is kept at zero potential. Similarly in common collector mode
collector is at zero potential and so on.

Working of a p-n-p Transistor

Let us consider the working of a p-n-p transistor in common base mode. In emitter (p-type) holes are
in majority. Since, emitter-base is forward biased, holes move toward base. Few of them combine
with electrons in the base and rest go to the collector. Since, base-collector is reverse biased, holes
coming from base move toward the terminal of collector. They combine with equal number of
electrons entering from collector terminal.
p n p

Higher Lower Higher Lower

ie ib ie


Fig. 35.28

Let us take an example with some numerical values.

Suppose 5 holes enter from emitter to base. This deficiency of 5 holes in emitter is compensated when
5 electrons emit from emitter and give rise to ie . One out of five holes which reach the base combine with
one electron entering from base (the equivalent current is ib ). Rest four holes enter the collector and move
towards its terminal. On the other hand, 5 electrons which leave the emitter (as ie ) come to the base,
emitter and collector junctions. One electron of it goes to base and rest four to collector. These four
electrons give rise to ic (the collector current) and combine with the four holes coming from the base, and
thus circuit is complete. From the figure, we can see that,
ie = ic + ib
Note that ib is only about 2% of ie , or roughly around 2% of holes coming from emitter to base combine with
the electrons. Rest 98% move to collector.
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 391

Working of n-p-n Transistor

A common base circuit of an n-p-n transistor is shown in figure. Majority charge carriers in the
emitter (n-type) are electrons. Since, emitter-base circuit is forward biased. The electrons rush from
emitter to base. Few of them leave the base terminal (comprising ib ) and rest move to collector. These
electrons finally leave the collector terminal (give rise to ic ). Electrons coming from base and from
collector meet at junction O and they jointly move to emitter, which gives rise to ie .
Thus, here also we can see that ie = ib + ic
n p n

Lower Higher Lower Higher


ie O ic

Fig. 35.29

Note that although the working principle of p-n-p and n-p-n transistors are similar but the current carriers in
p-n-p transistor are mainly holes whereas in n-p-n transistors the current carriers are mainly electrons.
Mobility of electrons are however more than the mobility of holes, therefore n-p-n transistors are used in
high frequency and computer circuits where the carriers are required to respond very quickly to signals.
a and b-parameters: a and b-parameters of a transistor are defined as,
a = ic / ie and b = ic / ib
As ib is about 1 to 5% of ie , a is about 0.95 to 0.99 and b is about 20 to 100. By simple mathematics we
can prove that,

35.8 Transistor As An Amplifier

A transistor can be used for amplifying a weak signal.
When a transistor is to be operated as amplifier, three different basic circuit connections are possible.
These are
(i) common base, (ii) common emitter and (iii) common collector circuits.
Whichever circuit configuration, the emitter-base junction is always forward biased, while the
collector-base junction is always reverse biased.
(a) Common base amplifier using a p-n-p transistor In common base amplifier, the input signal
is applied across the emitter and the base, while the amplified output signal is taken across the
collector and the base. This circuit provides a very low input resistance, a very high output
resistance and a current gain of just less than 1. Still it provides a good voltage and power
amplification. There is no phase difference between input and output signals.
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392 — Optics and Modern Physics

The common base amplifier circuit using a p-n-p transistor is shown in figure. The emitter base input
circuit is forward biased by a low voltage battery VEB . The collector base output circuit is reversed
biased by means of a high voltage batteryVCC . Since, the input circuit is forward biased, resistance of
input circuit is small. Similarly, output circuit is reverse biased, hence resistance of output circuit is
ie E C ic


– ic
Input AC VCC
signal Output AC
+ signal
+ – ic
Fig. 35.30
The weak input AC voltage signal is superimposed onVEB and the amplified output signal is obtained
across collector-base circuit. In the figure we can see that,
VCB = VCC - ic R L
The input AC voltage signal changes net value ofVEB . Due to fluctuations inVEB , the emitter current
ie also fluctuates which in turn fluctuates ic . In accordance with the above equation there are
fluctuations in VCB , when the input signal is applied and an amplified output is obtained.
Current gain, Voltage gain and Power gain
(i) Current gain Also called AC current gain (a ac ), is defined as the ratio of the change in the
collector current to the change in the emitter current at constant collector-base voltage.
Thus, a ac or simply a= c ( VCB = constant)
As stated earlier also, a is slightly less than 1.
(ii) Voltage gain It is defined as the ratio of change in the output voltage to the change in the input
voltage. It is denoted by AV . Thus,
Di ´ R out
AV = c
Die ´ R in
but c = a, the current gain.
a R out
\ AV =
R in
Since, R out >> R in , AV is quite high, although a is slightly less than 1.
(iii) Power gain It is defined as the change in the output power to the change in the input power.
Since P = Vi
Therefore, power gain = current gain ´ voltage gain
or Power gain = a 2 × out
R in
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 393

Extra Points to Remember

˜ The output voltage signal is in phase with the input voltage signal.
˜ The common base amplifier is used to amplify high (radio)-frequency signals and to match a very low
source impedance (~20 W) to a high load impedance (~100 k W).

(b) Common emitter amplifier using a p-n-p transistor Figure shows a p-n-p transistor as an
amplifier in common emitter mode. The emitter is common to both input and output circuits. The
input (base-emitter) circuit is forward biased by a low voltage battery VBE . The output
(collector-emitter) circuit is reverse biased by means of a high voltage battery VCC .
Since, the base-emitter circuit is forward biased, input resistance is low. Similarly,
collector-emitter circuit is reverse biased, therefore output resistance is high. The weak input AC
signal is superimposed on VBE and the amplified output signal is obtained across the
collector-emitter circuit.
ib B
Input AC ie VCC
signal Output AC
+ signal
– + iC
VBE ib

Fig. 35.31
In the figure we can see that, VCE = VCC - ic R L
When the input AC voltage signal is applied across the base-emitter circuit, it fluctuatesVBE and hence
the emitter current ie . This in turn changes the collector current ic consequently VCE varies in
accordance with the above equation. This variation in VCE appears as an amplified output.
Current Gain, Voltage Gain and Power Gain
(i) Current gain Also called ac current gain (b ac ), is defined as the ratio of the collector current to
the base current at constant collector to emitter voltage.
æ Di ö
b ac or simply b = çç c ÷÷ (VCE = constant)
è Dib ø
(ii) Voltage gain It is defined as the ratio of the change in the output voltage to the change in the
input voltage. It is denoted by AV . Thus,
Dic ´ R out æR ö
AV = or AV = b çç out ÷÷
Dib ´ R in è R in ø
(iii) Power gain It is defined as the ratio of change in output power to the change in the input
power. Since,
P = Vi
æR ö
Therefore, power gain = current gain ´ voltage gain or Power gain = b 2 çç out ÷÷
è Rin ø
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394 — Optics and Modern Physics

Extra Points to Remember

˜ The value of current gain b is from 15 to 50 which is much greater than a.
˜ The voltage gain in common-emitter amplifier is larger compared to that in common base amplifier.
˜ The power gain in common-emitter amplifier is extremely large compared to that in common base
˜ The output voltage signal is 180° out of phase with the input voltage signal in the common-emitter

Transconductance (g m ) There is one more term called transconductance ( g m ) in common-emitter

mode. It is defined as the ratio of the change in the collector current to the change in the base to
emitter voltage at constant collector to emitter voltage. Thus,
æ Dic ö
g m = çç ÷÷ (VCE = constant)
è DVBE ø
The unit of g m is W -1 or siemen (S). By simple calculation we can prove that,
gm =
R in
Advantages of a transistor over a triode valve A transistor is similar to a triode valve in the
sense that both have three elements. While the elements of a triode are, cathode, plate and grid. The
three elements of a transistor are emitter, collector and base. Emitter of a transistor can be compared
with the cathode of the triode, the collector with the plate and the base with the grid.
Transistor has following advantages over a triode valve
(i) A transistor is small and cheap as compared to a triode valve. They can bear mechanical shocks.
(ii) A transistor has much longer life as compared to a triode valve.
(iii) Loss of power in a transistor is less as it operates at a much lower voltage.
(iv) In a transistor no heating current is required. So, unlike a triode valve, a transistor starts
functioning immediately as soon as the switch is opened. In case of valves, they come in
operation after some time of opening the switch (till cathode gets heated).
Drawbacks of a transistor over a triode valve Transistor have following drawbacks as compared
to valves.
(i) Since, the transistors are made of semiconductors they are temperature sensitive. We cannot
work on transistors at high temperatures.
(ii) In transistors noise level is high. Keeping all the factors into consideration, transistors have
replaced the valve from most of the modern electronic devices.

V Example 35.12 The current gain of a transistor in a common base

arrangement in 0.98. Find the change in collector current corresponding to a
change of 5.0 mA in emitter current. What would be the change in base current?
Solution Given, a = 0.98 and Di e = 5.0 mA
From the definition of, a= c
Di e
Change in collector current, Di c = ( a ) ( Di e ) = ( 0.98) ( 5.0) mA = 4.9 mA
Further, change in base current, Di b = Di e - Di c = 0.1 mA Ans.
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 395

V Example 35.13 A transistor is connected in common emitter configuration.

The collector supply is 8 V and the voltage drop across a resistor of 800 W in the
collector circuit is 0.5 V. If the current gain factor ( a ) is 0.96, find the base
a 0.96
Solution b= = = 24
1 - a 1 - 0.96
The collector current is,
voltage drop across collector resistor 0.5
ic = = A = 0.625 ´ 10-3 A
resistance 800
From the definition of b= c
i c 0.625 ´ 10-3
the base current ib = = A
b 24
= 26 mA Ans.

V Example 35.14 In a common emitter amplifier, the load resistance of the

output circuit is 500 times the resistance of the input circuit. If a = 0.98, then
find the voltage gain and power gain.
R a 0.98
Solution Given a = 0.98 and out = 500 Þ b = = = 49
R in 1 - a 1 - 0.98
R out
(i) Voltage gain = (b ) = ( 49) ( 500) = 24500
R in
R out
(ii) Power gain = (b 2 ) = ( 49) 2 ( 500) = 1200500
R in


1. For transistor action, which of the following statements are correct?
(a) Base, emitter and collector regions should have similar size and doping concentrations
(b) The base region must be very thin and lightly doped
(c) The emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction is reverse biased
(d) Both the emitter junction as well as the collector junction are forward biased
2. For a transistor amplifier, the voltage gain
(a) remains constant for all frequencies
(b) is high at high and low frequencies and constant in the middle frequency range
(c) is low at high and low frequencies and constant at mid frequencies
(d) None of the above
3. For a CE-transistor amplifier, the audio signal voltage across the collector resistance of 2 kW is
2 V. Suppose the current amplification factor of the transistor is 100. Find the input signal
voltage and base current, if the base resistance is 1 kW.
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396 — Optics and Modern Physics

35.9 Digital Electronics and Logic Gates

(i) Binary system There are a number of questions which have only Bulb
two answers Yes or No. A statement can be either True or False. A
switch can be either ON or OFF. These values may be represented
by two symbols 0 and 1. In a number system, in which we have only S1 S2
two digits is called a binary system. (decimal system for example
has ten digits).
In binary system usually we write 1 for positive response (e.g. when Source
a switch is ON) and 0 for negative (when switch is OFF). Fig. 35.32

(ii) Truth table To understand the concept of truth table let us take an example. A bulb is connected
to an AC source via two switches S 1 and S 2 .
In binary system, we will write 0, if the switch (or bulb) is off and write 1 if it is on. Further let us
A for state of switch S 1
B for state of switch S 2
and C for state of the bulb.
Now, let us make a table (called truth table) which is self explanatory.
Table 35.3
Switch S 1 Switch S 2 Bulb A B C
Off On Off 0 1 0
On Off Off 1 0 0
Off Off Off 0 0 0
On On On 1 1 1

Exercise Make a truth table corresponding to the circuit shown in figure.


Source S2


Fig. 35.33

Table 35.4
Switch S 1 Switch S 2 Bulb A B C
On Off On 1 0 1
Off On On 0 1 1
Off Off Off 0 0 0
On On On 1 1 1
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 397

(iii) Logical function A variable (e.g. state of a switch or state of a bulb) which can assume only
two values (0 and 1) is called a logical variable. A function of logical variables is called a logical
function. AND, OR and NOT represent three basic operations on logical variables.
‘AND’ function Suppose C is a function of A and B, then it will be said an ‘AND’ function when
C has value 1 when both A and B have value 1. Truth table corresponding to Table 35.3 is an
example of ‘AND’ function. The function is written as,
C = A and B
AND function is also denoted as C = A×B
‘OR’ function C, a function of A and B will be said an ‘OR’ function when C has value 1 when
either of A or B has value 1. Truth table corresponding to Table 35.4 is an example of ‘OR’
function. The function is written as,
C = A OR B
OR function is also denoted as,
C = A+B
‘NOT’ function ‘NOT’ function is a function of a single
variable. Source Switch
A bulb is short circuited by a switch. If the switch is open, Bulb
the current goes through the bulb and it is on. If the switch is
closed the current goes through the switch and the bulb is
Fig. 35.34
off. The truth table corresponding to the above situation (or
NOT function) is as under.
Table 35.5
Switch Bulb A B
Open On 0 1
Closed Off 1 0

‘NOT’ function is denoted as,

B = NOT A or B = A

V Example 35.15 Write the truth table for the logical function
D = ( A OR B ) AND B.
Solution A OR B is a logical function, say it is equal to X, i.e.,
X = A OR B
Now, D = X AND B
The corresponding truth table is as under.
Table 35.6
A B X = A OR B D = ( A OR B ) AND B
1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
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398 — Optics and Modern Physics

Note that the given function can also be written as,

D = (A + B ) × B
(iv) Logic gates Logic gates are important building blocks in digital electronics. These are circuits
with one or more inputs and one output. The basic gates are OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR and
XOR. As we know, in digital electronics only two voltage levels are present. Conventionally,
these are 5V and 0V, referred to as 1 and 0 respectively or vice-versa. They are also referred as
high and low.Figure given are the symbols of six basic gates.

OR gate AND gate NOT gate

NAND gate NOR gate XOR gate

Fig. 35.35

OR gate The truth table of ‘OR’ gate is given below.

Table 35.7
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

The output X will be 1 (i.e., 5V) when the A input is 1, OR when the B input A
X = A+B
is 1, OR when both are 1. This is written as, B
X = A+B Fig. 35.36

Figure shows construction of an OR gate using two diodes


D2 R

Fig. 35.37 .

When either of point A or point B (or both) has potential +5V, diodes D1 or D2 (or both) are forward
biased and the potential at X is the same as the common potential at A and B which is 5V.
AND gate The truth table of ‘AND’ gate is given below.
Table 35.8
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 399

The output X will be 1 (i.e. 5V ) when both the inputs A and B is 1. This is A X = A .B
written as, B

X = A×B Fig. 35.38

Figure shows construction for an AND gate using two A

diodes D1 and D2 .
When potentials at A and B both are zero, then both the B D2 R
diodes are forward biased and offer no resistance. The
potential at X in this position is equal to the potential at A or
B i.e. 0. Thus X = 0, when both A and B are zero. Now
suppose potential at A is zero but at B is 5V, then D1 is Fig. 35.39
forward biased. In this situation potential at X is also zero.
Thus, X = 0 when A = 0. Similarly, we can see that X = 0 when B = 0. Lastly when potentials at both A
and B are 5V, so that both the diodes are unbiased and there will be no current through R and the
potential at X will be equal to 5V. Thus, X =1 when A and B both are 1.
NOT gate This has one input and one output. The output is the inverse of the input. When the input A
is 1, the output X will be 0 and vice-versa. The truth table for ‘NOT’ gate is given below.
Table 35.9
A X= A
0 1
1 0 Fig. 35.40

Note A NOT gate cannot be constructed with diodes. Transistor is used for realisation of a NOT gate, but at
this stage students do not require it. A NOT gate is written as X = A .
NAND gate The function, X = NOT (A and B) of two logical variables A A
X = A. B
and B is called NAND function. It is written as X = A NAND B. It is also B
written as, Fig. 35.41

X = A×B
or X = AB
The truth table of a ‘NAND’ gate is given below.
Table 35.10
A B A× B X = A× B
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0

NOR gate The function X = NOT (A OR B) is called a NOR function and A

X = A+ B
is written as X = A NOR B. It is also written as, X = A + B . The truth table
Fig. 35.42
for a NOR gate is given below.
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Table 35.11
A B A+ B X = A+ B

0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0

XOR gate It is also called the exclusive OR function. It is a function of two logical variables A and B
which evaluates to 1 if one of two variables is 0 and the other is 1. The function is zero, if both the
variables are 0 or 1.
X= A.B + B .A

Fig. 35.43

A XOR B = A × B + A × B
The truth table for XOR is given below.
Table 35.12
A B A B A× B A×B A = A× B + A × B
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0

V Example 35.16 Construct the truth table for the function X of A and B
represented by figure shown here.

Fig. 35.44

Solution The output X in terms of the input A and B can be written as, X = A × ( A + B )
Let us make the truth table corresponding to this function.
Table 35.13
A B A+ B X = A × ( A + B)
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 401

V Example 35.17 Make the output waveform (Y ) of the OR gate for the
following inputs A and B.
Table 35.14
Time A B
For t < t 1 0 0
From t 1 to t 2 1 0
From t 2 to t 3 1 1
From t 3 to t 4 0 1
From t 4 to t 5 0 0
From t 5 to t 6 1 0
For t > t 6 0 1

Solution Output value Y corresponding to OR gate is given in the following table.

Table 35.15
Time A B Y=A+B t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6

For t < t 1 0 0 0
From t 1 to t 2 1 0 1 (Input)
From t 2 to t 3 1 1 1 B
From t 3 to t 4 0 1 1
From t 4 to t 5 0 0 0 Y
From t 5 to t 6 1 0 1
Fig. 35.45
For t > t 6 0 1 1

Therefore, the waveform Y will be as shown in the figure.

V Example 35.18 Take A and B inputs similar to that in above example. Sketch
the output waveform obtained from AND gate.
Solution Output value, Y corresponding to AND gate is given in the following table.
Table 35.16
Time A B Y = A ×B
For t < t 1 0 0 0
From t 1 to t 2 1 0 0
From t 2 to t 3 1 1 1
From t 3 to t 4 0 1 0
From t 4 to t 5 0 0 0
From t 5 to t 6 1 0 0
For t > t 6 0 1 0
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402 — Optics and Modern Physics

t2 t3

t1 t4 t5 t6

Fig. 35.46

Based on the above table, the output waveform Y for AND gate can be drawn as in figure 35.46.


1. Make the output waveform Y of the NAND gate for the following inputs A and B.
Table 35.17
Time A B
For t < t 1 1 1
From t 1 to t 2 0 0
From t 2 to t 3 0 1
From t 3 to t 4 1 0
From t 4 to t 5 1 1
From t 5 to t 6 0 0
For t > t 6 0 1

2. You are given two circuits. Identify the logic operation carried out by the two circuits.

(a) (b)

Fig. 35.47
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 403

Final Touch Points

1. Integrated Circuits The short form of integrated circuit is IC. It is revolutionised the electronics
technology. The entire electronic circuit (consisting of many passive components like R and C and
active devices like diode and transistor) is fabricated on a small single block (called chip) of a
semiconductor. Such circuits are more reliable and less shock proof compared to conventional
circuits used before. The chip dimensions are as small as 1 mm ´ 1 mm or it could be even smaller
than this.
Depending on the nature of input signals, ICs are of two types.
(i) Linear or analogue IC
(ii) Digital IC
Linear ICs process analogue signals which change over a range of values between a maximum and a
minimum. The digital ICs process signals that have only two values. They contain circuits such as
logic gates.
IC is the heart of all computer systems. It is used in almost all electronic devices like, cell phones,
televisions, cars etc.
It was first invented in 1958 by Jack Kilky and he was awarded Nobel prize for this in the year 2000.
Growth of semiconductor industry is very fast. From current trends it is expected that by 2020
computers will operate at 40 GHz and would be much smaller, more efficient and less expensive than
present day computers.
2. Feedback amplifier and transistor oscillator In an amplifier, a sinusoidal input is given which gets
amplified as an output. Hence, an external input is necessary to sustain AC signal in the output.
In an oscillator, we get AC output without any external input signal. A portion of the output power is
returned back (feedback) to the input (in phase) with the starting power. In other words, the output in
an oscillator is self sustained.
Amplifier Output


Principle of a transistor amplifier with positive feedback

working as an oscillator

3. In transistors, the base region is narrow and lightly doped, otherwise the electrons or holes coming
from the input side (say emitter in CE-configuration) will not be able to reach the collector.
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Solved Examples
V Example 1 Sn, C, Si and Ge are all group XIV elements. Yet, Sn is a conductor,
C is an insulator while Si and Ge are semiconductors. Why ?
Solution It all depends on energy gap between valence band and conduction band. The
energy gap for Sn is 0 eV, for C is 5.4 eV, for Si is 1.1 eV and for Ge is 0.7 eV.

V Example 2 Three photodiodes D1 , D2 and D3 are made of semiconductors having

band gaps of 2.5 eV, 2 eV and 3 eV, respectively. Which one will be able to detect
light of wavelength 6000 A ?
Solution Energy of incident light
E (in eV) =
l (in A )
E= eV
or E = 2.06 eV
For the incident radiation to be detected by the photodiode energy of incident radiation should
be greater than the band gap. This is true only for D2. Therefore only D2 will detect this

V Example 3 What is the range of energy gap ( E g ) in insulators, semiconductors

and conductors?
Solution For insulators E g > 3 eV, for semiconductors, E g = 0 . 2 eV to 3eV while for conductors
(or metals) E g = 0.

V Example 4 n-type extrinsic semiconductor is negatively charged, while p-type

extrinsic semiconductor is positively charged. Is this statement true or false?
Solution False. Intrinsic as well as extrinsic semiconductors are electrically neutral.
V Example 5 What is resistance of an intrinsic semiconductor at 0K ?
Solution At 0K number of holes (or number of free electrons) in an intrinsic semiconductor
become zero. Therefore, resistance of an intrinsic semiconductor becomes infinite at 0 K.

V Example 6 Consider an amplifier circuit using a transistor. The output power

is several times greater than the input power. Where does the extra power come
Solution The extra power required for amplified output is obtained from the DC source.

V Example 7 A piece of copper and the other of germanium are cooled from the
room temperature to 80 K. What will happen to their resistance?
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 405

Solution Copper is conductor and germanium is semiconductor. With decrease in

temperature resistance of a conductor decreases and that of semiconductor increases. Therefore
resistance of copper will decrease and that of semiconductor will increase.

V Example 8 A transistor has three impurity regions, emitter, base and collector.
Arrange them in order of increasing doping levels.
Solution The order of increasing doping levels is
base > collector > emitter.

V Example 9 Name two gates which can be used repeatedly to produce all the
basic or complicated gates.
Solution NAND and NOR gates can be used repeatedly to produce all the basic or
complicated gates. This is why these gates are called digital building blocks.

V Example 10 A change of 8.0 mA in the emitter current brings a change of 7.9

mA in the collector current. How much change in the base current is required to
have the same change 7.9 mA in the collector current ? Find the values of a and
Solution We know that,
i e = ib + i c
\ Di e = Dib + Di c
or Dib = Di e - Di c
Substituting the given values of the question,
We have Dib = (8.0 - 7.9) mA = 0.1 mA
Hence, a change of 0.1 mA in the base current is required to have a change of 7.9 mA in the
collector current.
i Di 7.9
Further, a = c or c =
ie Di e 8.0
= 0.99 Ans.
ic Di c 7.9
b = or =
ib Dib 0.1
= 79 Ans.

V Example 11 A transistor is used in common-emitter mode in an amplifier

circuit. When a signal of 20 mV is added to the base-emitter voltage, the base
current changes by 20 mA and the collector current changes by 2 mA. The load
resistance is 5 kW. Calculate (a) the factor b (b) the input resistance R in (c) the
transconductance and (d) the voltage gain.
Solution (a) Factor b
Di c
Substituting the given values, we have
2 ´ 10-3
b= = 100 Ans.
20 ´ 10-6
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406 — Optics and Modern Physics

(b) Input Resistance Rin

DV BE 20 ´ 10-3
Rin = =
Dib 20 ´ 10-6
= 103 W
= 1 kW Ans.
(c) Transconductance gm
Di c 2 ´ 10-3
gm = =
DV BE 20 ´ 10-3
= 0.1 mho Ans.
(d) Voltage Gain AV
æR ö
A V = b çç out ÷÷
è Rin ø
Substituting the values we have,
æ 5 ´ 103 ö
A V = (100) çç 3÷
è 1 ´ 10 ø
= 500 Ans.

V Example 12 An n-p-n transistor is connected in common-emitter configuration

in which collector supply is 8V and the voltage drop across the load resistance of
800 W connected in the collector circuit is 0.8 V . If current amplification factor is
25, determine collector-emitter voltage and base current. If the internal resistance
of the transistor is 200 W, calculate the voltage gain and the power gain.
Solution The corresponding circuit is shown in figure.

RL 0.8 V


Voltage across RL = i c RL = 0.8 V (given)

0.8 0.8
\ ic = = A = 1 mA
RL 800
Further it is given that,
b = 25 =
\ ib = = 40 mA Ans.
Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCE )
Applying Kirchhoff’s second law in emitter-collector circuit, we have
VCE = (8 - 0.8) V = 7.2 V Ans.
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 407

Voltage gain (AV )

æR ö
Voltage gain, A V = b çç out ÷÷
è Rin ø
æ 800 ö
or A V = 25 ç ÷ = 100 Ans.
è 200 ø
Power gain
æR ö æ 800 ö
Power gain = b 2 çç out ÷÷ = ( 25)2 ç ÷ = 2500 Ans.
è Rin ø è 200 ø

Note Kirchhoff’s laws can be applied in a transistor circuit in the similar manner as is done in normal circuits.

V Example 13 An n-p-n transistor in a common-emitter mode is used as a simple

voltage amplifier with a collector current of 4 mA. The positive terminal of a 8 V
battery is connected to the collector through a load resistance R L and to the base
through a resistance R B . The collector-emitter voltage VCE = 4 V , the base-emitter
voltage V BE = 0.6 V and the current amplification factor b = 100. Calculate the
values of R L and R B .
Solution Given, ic = 4 mA

RB 1
2 C



Applying Kirchhoff’s second law in loop 1, we have

VCE = 8 - i c RL
8 - VCE 8 -4
\ RL = =
ic 4 ´ 10-3
= 1000 W
= 1 kW Ans.
Further, b= c
i c 4 ´ 10-3
\ ib = = A = 40 mA
b 100
Now, V BE = 8 - ib RB
8 - V BE
\ RB =
8 - 0.6
40 ´ 10-6
= 1.85 ´ 105 W Ans.
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408 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 14 Let X = A × BC. Evaluate X for

(a) A = 1, B = 0, C = 1, (b) A = B = C = 1 and (c) A = B = C = 0.
Solution (a) When, A = 1, B = 0 and C = 1
BC = 0
\ BC = 1
or A × BC = 1 Ans.
(b) When, A = B =C =1
Then, BC = 1
or BC = 0
\ A × BC = 0 Ans.
(c) When, A = B =C =0
Then, BC = 0
\ BC = 1
or A × BC = 0 Ans.

V Example 15 Show that given circuit (a) acts as OR gate while the given circuit
(b) acts as AND gate.
(a) (b)

Solution (a) The first gate is NOR gate then NOT gate

Thus, X = A + B and Y = X
The truth table can be made as under.7
Table 35.18
A B A+B X = A+ B Y= X

1 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 0

The last column of Y is similar to third column of A + B which is the C

truth table corresponding to OR gate. A

(b) First two gates are NOT gates and the last gate is NOR gate. X
Thus, C = A and D = B B
X =C + D
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 409

The truth table corresponding to this can be made as under.

Table 35.19
A B A× B C= A D= B C+ D X =C+ D

1 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 0

The last column of X is similar to third column of A × B, which is the truth table corresponding
to AND gate.

V Example 16 Write the truth table for the circuit given in figure consisting of
NOR gates. Identify the logic operations (OR, AND, NOT) performed by the the

Solution The truth table corresponding to given circuit of logic gates is



Table 35.20
A B A+ B E = A+ B C D C+D F =C+ D E+F X=E+F

1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0

Corresponding to input columns of A, B, C and D we can see that output column of X is of AND
X = A+ B+C+ D
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Single Correct Option
1. The conductivity of a semiconductor increases with increase in temperature because
(a) number density of free current carriers increases
(b) relaxation time increases
(c) both number density of carriers and relaxation time decreases but effect of decrease in relaxation
time is much less than increase in number density.
(d) number density of current carriers increases, relaxation time decreases but effect of decrease in
relaxation time is much less than increase in number density
2. In figure, assuming the diodes to be ideal,


(a) D1 is forward biased and D2 is reverse biased and hence current flows from A to B.
(b) D2 is forward biased and D1 is reverse biased and hence no current flows from B to A and
(c) D1 and D2 are both forward biased and hence current flows from A to B.
(d) D1 and D2 are both reverse biased and hence no current flows from A to B and vice-versa.
3. Hole is
(a) an anti-particle of electron
(b) a vacancy created when an electron leaves a covalent bond
(c) absence of free electrons
(d) an artificially created particle
4. A 220 V AC supply is connected between points A and B. What will be the potential difference V
across the capacitor?

(a) 220 V (b) 110 V

(c) 0V (d) 220 2 V
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 411

More than One Correct Options

5. When an electric field is applied across a semiconductor,
(a) electrons move from lower energy level to higher energy level in the conduction band.
(b) electrons move from higher energy level to lower energy level in the conduction band.
(c) holes in the valence band move from higher energy level to lower energy level.
(d) holes in the valence band move from lower energy level to higher energy level.
6. Consider an n-p-n transistor with its base-emitter junction forward biased and collector base
junction reverse biased. Which of the following statements are true?
(a) Electrons crossover from emitter to collector.
(b) Holes move from base to collector.
(c) Electrons move from emitter to base.
(d) Electrons from emitter move out of base without going to the collector.
7. In an n-p-n transistor circuit, the collector current is 10 mA. If 95 per cent of the electrons
emitted reach the collector, which of the following statements are true?
(a) The emitter current will be 8 mA. (b) The emitter current will be 10.53 mA.
(c) The base current will be 0.53 mA. (d) The base current will be 2 mA.
8. In the depletion region of a diode,
(a) there are no mobile charges
(b) equal number of holes and electrons exist, making the region neutral
(c) recombination of holes and electrons has taken place
(d) immobile charged ions exist.
9. What happens during regulation action of a Zener diode?
(a) The current and voltage across the Zener remains fixed.
(b) The current through the series resistance (R) changes.
(c) The Zener resistance is constant.
(d) The resistance offered by the Zener changes.
10. The breakdown in a reverse biased p-n junction diode is more likely to occur due to
(a) large velocity of the minority charge carriers if the doping concentration is small
(b) large velocity of the minority charge carriers if the doping concentration is large
(c) strong electric field in a depletion region if the doping concentration is small
(d) strong electric field in the depletion region if the doping concentration is large.

Subjective Questions
11. Can the potential barrier across a p-n junction be measured by simply connecting a voltmeter
across the junction?
12. Two car garages have a common gate which needs to open automatically when a car enters
either of the garages or cars enter both. Devise a circuit that resembles this situation using
diodes for this situation.
13. Two amplifiers are connected one after the other in series (cascaded). The first amplifier has a
voltage gain of 10 and the second has a voltage gain of 20. If the input signal is 0.01 V, calculate
the output AC signal.
14. A p -n photodiode is fabricated from a semiconductor with band-gap of 2.8 eV. Can it detect a
wavelength of 6000 nm?
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412 — Optics and Modern Physics

15. (i) Name the type of a diode whose characteristics are shown in figure.
(ii) What does the point P in figure represent?



16. If the resistance R1 is increased, how will the readings of the ammeter and voltmeter change?

R2 V


17. How would you set up a circuit to obtain NOT gate using a transistor?
18. Write the truth table for the circuit shown in figure. Name the gate that the circuit resembles.
+ 5V


A V0


19. A Zener of power rating 1 W is to be used as a voltage R

regulator. If Zener has a breakdown of 5V and it has to

regulate voltage which fluctuated between 3V and 7V, Unregulated Regulated
what should be the value of R for safe operation. voltage voltage

20. If each diode in figure has a forward bias resistance of 25W and infinite resistance in reverse
bias, what will be the values of the current I1 , I 2 , I3 and I 4?
I4 125 W
I3 125 W
I2 125 W
I1 25 W
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 413

21. In the circuit shown in figure when the input voltage of the base resistance is 10 V. Find the
values of I b , I c and b.
10 V

Rc 3 kW

10 V
400 kW

22. For the transistor circuit shown in figure, evaluate V E , RB and RE . Given IC = 1 mA,
VCE = 3 V , V BE = 0.5 V, VCC = 12 V and b = 100.
VCC = 12 V

RC = 7.8 kW

20 kW RE

23. In the circuit shown in figure, find the value of RC .

12 V
100 kW

b = 100
E VBE = 0.5 V
VCE = 3V

20 kW RE =1 kW
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Introductory Exercise 35.1
1. (c)

Introductory Exercise 35.2

1. (c) 2. (c)

Introductory Exercise 35.3

1. (b,c) 2. (c) 3. Vi = 0.01 V , ib = 10 mA

Introductory Exercise 35.4

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6

2. (a) AND (b) OR

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a,c) 6. (a,c)
7. (b,c) 8. (a,b,c) 9. (b,d) 10. (a,d) 11. No 12. OR gate
13. 2 V 14. No
15. (i) Zener junction diode and solar cell (ii) Zener breakdown voltage
16. Both readings will decrease
18. AND gate
19. 10 W

20. I1 = 0.05 A, I2 = 0.025 A, I3 = 0, I4 = 0.025 A

21. IB = 25 mA, IC = 3.33 mA, b = 133

22. VE = 1. 2 V , RB = 108 kW , RE = 1. 2 kW

23. 0.56 kW
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36.1 Introduction
36.2 Different Terms Used in Communication System
36.3 Bandwidth of Signals
36.4 Bandwidth of Transmission Medium
36.5 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves
or Communication Channels
36.6 Modulation
36.7 Amplitude Modulation
36.8 Production of Amplitude Modulated Wave
36.9 Detection of Amplitude Modulated Wave
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416 — Optics and Modern Physics

36.1 Introduction
Communication refers to the transfer of information or message from one point to another point. In
modern communication systems, the information is first converted into electrical signals and then
sent electronically. This has the advantage of speed, reliability and possibility of communicating over
long distances. We are using these every day such as telephones, TV and radio transmission, satellite
communication etc. Historically, long distance communication started with the advent of telegraphy
in early nineteenth century. The milestone in trans-atlantic radio transmission in 1901 is credited to
Marconi. However, the concept of radio transmission was first demonstrated by Indian physicist JC
Bose. Satellite communication started in 1962 with the launching of Telstar satellite. The first
geostationary satellite Early Bird was launched in 1965. Around 1970, optical fibre communication
entered in USA, Europe and Japan. The basic units of any communication systems are shown in
Fig. 36.1
The transmitter is located at one place. The receiver is located at Information source
some other place. Transmission channel connects the transmitter
and the receiver. A channel may be in the form of wires or cables
or it may be wireless. Transmitter converts message signals Transmitter
produced by the source of information into a form suitable for
transmission through the channel. Transmission Noise
In any communication system, a non-electrical signal (like voice
signal) is first converted into an electrical signal by a device called Receiver
transducer. Most of the speech or information signal cannot be
directly transmitted to long distances. For this an intermediate step of Fig. 36.1 Block diagram of
communication system
modulation is necessary in which the information signal is loaded or
superimposed on a high frequency wave which acts as a carrier wave.

Extra Points to Remember

˜ There are basically two communication modes : point to point and broadcast.
˜ Point to point In this mode, communication takes place between a single receiver and transmitter.
For example : telephonic call between two persons is a point to point communication.
˜ Broadcast In this mode, there are a large number of receivers corresponding to a single transmitter.
Radio and television are examples of this type of communication.

36.2 Different Terms Used in Communication System

Following basic terminology is used in any communication system. Now let us discuss them in detail.
Electrical Transducer As discussed earlier also a transducer converts a non-electrical signal (like
a voice signal) into an electrical signal.
Signal Any information in electrical form suitable for transmission is called a signal. Signals can be
either analog or digital. Analog signals are continuous variations of voltage or current. Sine functions
of time are fundamental analog signal. Digital signals are those which can take only discrete values.
Binary system is extensively used in digital electronics. In binary system 0 corresponds to low level
and 1 corresponds to high level of voltage or current.
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Chapter 36 Communication System — 417

Noise Unwanted signals which are mixed with the main signals are referred as noise.
Transmitter A transmitter makes the incoming message signal suitable for transmission through a
Receiver The signal sent by transmitter through channels is received by the receiver.
Attenuation When the signal propagates from transmitter to receiver it loses some strength and it
becomes weaker. This is known as attenuation.
Amplification The signal received by receiver is weaker than the signal sent by transmitter (due to
attenuation). The amplitude of this signal is increased by an amplifier. The energy needed for
additional signal is obtained from a DC power source.
Range This is the largest distance from the transmitter up to which signal can be received with
sufficient strength.
Bandwidth This is the width of the range of frequencies that an electronic signal uses on a given
transmission medium. It is expressed in terms of the difference between the highest frequency signal
component and the lowest frequency signal component.
Modulation The low frequency message signals cannot be transmitted to long distances by their
own. They are superimposed on a high frequency wave (also called a carrier wave). This process is
called modulation.
Demodulation This is reverse process of modulation. At the receiver end information is retrieved
from the carrier wave. This process is known as demodulation.
Repeater Repeaters are used to extend the range of a communication system. It is a combination of
a receiver and a transmitter. Receiver (or a repeater) first receives the original signals, then amplifies
it and retransmits it to other places (sometimes with a different carrier frequency).

36.3 Bandwidth of Signals

Message signals (such as voice, picture or computer data) have different range of frequencies. The
type of communication system depends on the bandwidth (discussed in the above article). Some
frequency range and their corresponding bandwidth are given below.
(i) For telephonic communication A bandwidth of 2800 Hz is required. As, the signals range
from 300 Hz to 3100 Hz and their difference is 2800 Hz.
(ii) For music channels A bandwidth of approximately 20 kHz is required. Because, the audible
range of frequencies extends from 20 Hz to 20 kHz and their difference is approximately 20 kHz.
(iii) For TV signals A TV signal consists both audio and video. A bandwidth of approximately
6 MHz is required for its transmission.

36.4 Bandwidth of Transmission Medium

Like bandwidths of message signals different types of transmission media offer different bandwidths.
Commonly used transmission media are optical fibres, free space and wire. The International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) administers the present system of frequency allocations.
(i) Coaxial cables offers a bandwidth of approximately 750 MHz.
(ii) Optical fibres offers a frequency range of 1 THz to 1000 THz.
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418 — Optics and Modern Physics

(iii) Communication through free space (using radio waves) offers a bandwidth varying from few
hundreds of kHz to a few GHz. These frequencies are further subdivided for various services as
given in following table.
Table 36.1
S.No. Service Frequency Bands
1. AM radio broadcast 540 - 1600 kHz
2. FM radio broadcast 88 - 108 MHz
3. Television 54 - 890 MHz
4. Cellular Phones 840 - 935 MHz
5. Satellite communication . - 6.425 GHz

36.5 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves or

Communication Channels
Physical medium through which signals propagate between transmitting and receiving station is
called the communication channel. There are basically two types of communications.
(i) Space communication
(ii) Line communication
As per syllabus, we are here discussing only space communication.
Space Communication
Consider two friends playing with a ball in a closed room. One friend throws the ball (transmitter) and
the other receives the ball (receiver). There are three ways in which the ball can be sent to the receiver.
(a) By rolling it along the ground
(b) Throwing directly and
(c) Throwing towards roof and then reflected towards the receiver. Similarly, there are three ways of
transmitting an information from one place to the other using physical space around the earth.
Line Communication
(a) Along the ground (ground waves).
(b) Directly in a straight line through intervening topographic space (space wave, or tropospheric
wave or surface wave) and
(c) Upwards in sky followed by reflection from the ionosphere (sky wave).
These three modes are discussed below.
(i) Ground Wave or Surface Wave Propagation Information can be transmitted through this mode
when the transmitting and receiving antenna are close to the surface of the earth.
The radio waves which progress along the surface of the earth are called ground waves or surface
waves. These waves are vertically polarised in order to prevent short-circuiting of the electric
component. The electrical field due to the wave induce charges in the earth's surface as shown in
figure. As the wave travels, the induced charges in the earth also travel along it. This constitutes a
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Chapter 36 Communication System — 419

current in the earth's surface. As the ground wave passes over the surface of the earth, it is
weakened as a result of energy absorbed by the earth. Due to these losses, the ground waves are
not suited for very long range communication. Further these losses are higher for high frequency.
Hence, ground wave propagation can be sustained only at low frequencies (500 kHz to
1500 kHz).
+ ++
+ ++
+ ++
+ + + ++
+ + + + + ++ +
E + + + +
+ + ++ +
+ Þ
+ + + + + ++ + Direction
+ + + ++ of
+ ++ travel
+ ++
- - - - + + ++ + + - --
Fig. 36.2. Vertically polarised wave travelling over
the surface of the earth. The solid lines represent
the electric field (E) of the electromagnetic wave.

Space Wave Propagation or Tropospheric Wave Propagation Television signal (80 MHz to
200 MHz) waves neither follow the curvature of the earth nor get reflected by ionosphere. Surface
wave or sky wave cannot be employed in television communication. Television signals can be
reflected from geostationary satellite or tall receiver antennas.

d d



Fig. 36.3

Height of Transmitting Antenna The transmitted waves, travelling in a straight line, directly reach
the receiver end and are then picked up by the receiving antenna as shown in figure. Due to finite
curvature of the earth, such waves cannot be seen beyond the tangent points S and T.
Suppose h is the height of antenna PQ. Let R be the radius of earth.
Further, let QT = QS = d, PQ = h, OQ = R + h
From the right angled triangle OQT,
OQ 2 = OT 2 + QT 2
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420 — Optics and Modern Physics

\ ( R + h) 2 = R 2 + d 2
\ d 2 = h 2 + 2Rh
Since, R >> h, h 2 + 2Rh » 2Rh
\ d » 2Rh
This distance is of the order of 40 km. Area covered for TV transmission
A = pd 2 = 2 pRh
If height of receiving antenna is also given in the question, then the maximum line of sight distance
d M is given by
d M = 2RhT + 2RhR
where, hT = height of transmitting antenna
and hR = height of receiving antenna
Further population covered = population density ´ area covered.

hT hR

Fig. 36.4 Line of sight communication by space waves

V Example 36.1 A TV tower has a height of 60 m. What is the maximum

distance and area up to which TV transmission can be received? (Take radius of
earth as 6.4 ´ 10 6 m.)
Solution (i) Distance d = 2Rh = 2 ´ 6.4 ´ 106 ´ 60 m
= 27.7 km Ans.
2 6 2
(ii) Area covered = pd = 2pRh = ( 2 ´ 3.14 ´ 6.4 ´ 10 ´ 60) m
= 2411 km 2 Ans.
Sky Wave Propagation or Ionospheric Propagation If Ionosphere
one wishes to send signals at far away stations, then either
repeater transmitting stations are necessary or height of the
antenna is to be increased. However much before the advent of
satellites, radio broadcast covered long distances by the
reflection of signals from the ionosphere. This mode of T
transmission is called ionospheric propagation or sky wave R3

propagation. Earth
T ® Transmitter, R ® Receiver
The ionosphere extends from a height of 80 km to 300 km. The
refractive index of ionosphere is less than its free space value. Fig. 36.5
That is, it behaves as a rare medium. As, we go deep into the
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Chapter 36 Communication System — 421

ionosphere, the refractive index keeps on decreasing. The bending of beam (away from the normal)
will continue till it reaches critical angle after which it will be reflected back. The different points on
earth receive signals reflected from different depths of the ionosphere. There is a critical frequency
f c (5 to 100 MHz ) beyond which the waves cross the ionosphere and do not return back to earth.



Transmitter Receiver
Fig. 36.6 Principle of satellite communication

Satellite Communication Long distance communication Satellite-1

beyond 10 to 20 MHz was not possible before 1960 because orbit
all the three modes of communication discussed above failed
(ground waves due to conduction losses, space wave due to
limited line of sight and sky wave due to the penetration of Earth
the ionosphere by the high frequencies beyond f c ). Satellite
communication made this possible.
The basic principle of satellite communication is shown in Satellite-3 Satellite-2
figure. A communication satellite is a spacecraft placed in an
orbit around the earth. The frequencies used in satellite
Fig. 36.7
communication lie in UHF/microwave regions. These waves
can cross the ionosphere and reach the satellite.
For steady, reliable transmission and reception it is Polar orbit
(circular) Highly elliptical
preferred that satellite should be geostationary. A (inclined) orbit
geostationary satellite is one that appears to be
stationary relative to the earth. It has a circular orbit
lying in the equatorial plane of the earth at an
approximate height of 36,000 km. Its time period is 24
If we use three geostationary satellites placed at the Geostationary
vertices of an equilateral triangle as shown in figure. orbit(circular)
The entire earth can be covered by the communication Fig. 36.8 A schematic diagram of various
network. satellite orbits used in satellite communication

In addition to geostationary equatorial orbits, there are two more orbits which are being used for
communication. These are
(a) Polar circular orbit This orbit passes over or very close to the poles. It is approximately at a
height of 1000 km from earth.
(b) Highly elliptical (inclined) orbits
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422 — Optics and Modern Physics

Remote Sensing
Remote sensing is an application of satellite communication. It is the art of obtaining information
about an object or area acquired by a sensor that is not in direct contact with the target of
investigation. Any photography is a kind of remote sensing. If we want to cover large areas for which
information is required, we have to take photographs from larger distances. This is called aerial
photography. Town and country planning can also be done by remote sensing.
A satellite equipped with appropriate sensors is used for remote sensing. Taking photograph of any
object relies on the reflected wave from the object. We use visible light in normal photography. In
principle, waves of any wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum can be used for this purpose by
using suitable sensors.
Some applications of remote sensing include meteorology (development of weather systems and
weather forecasting), climatology (monitoring climate changes), and oceanography etc.

36.6 Modulation
In this section, we will discuss in detail about modulation. What is it ? What is the need of modulation
or how the modulation is done etc.
No signal in general is a single frequency signal but it spreads over a range of frequencies called the
signal bandwidth. Suppose we wish to transmit an electronic signal in the Audio Frequency
(20 Hz-20 kHz) range over a long distance. Can we do it ? No it cannot because of the following
(i) Size of antenna For transmitting a signal we need an antenna. This antenna should have a size
comparable to the wavelength of the signal. For an electromagnetic wave of frequency 20 kHz,
the wavelength is 15 km. Obviously such a long antenna is not possible and hence direct
transmission of such signal is not practical.
(ii) Effective power radiated by antenna Power radiated by an antenna µ ×
(l ) 2
Therefore, power radiated by large wavelength would be small. For good transmission, we
require high power and hence need of high frequency transmission is required.
(iii) Mixing up of signal from different transmitters Time period T
w = 2p
Another problem in transmitting baseband signals Amplitude T
directly is of intermixing of different signals. Time
Suppose many people are talking at the same time or (a) Sinusoidal
many transmitters are transmitting baseband Pulse
information signals simultaneously. All these signals
will get mixed and there is no simple way to Pulse Pulse
distinguish between them. A possible solution to all rise fall Pulse
above problems is using communication at high
frequencies and allotting a band of frequencies to (b) Pulse shaped signals
each message signal for its transmission. Fig. 36.9
Thus in the process of modulation the original low
frequency information signal is attached with the high frequency carrier wave. The carrier wave
may be continuous (sinusoidal) or in the form of pulses as shown in figure.
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Chapter 36 Communication System — 423

Modulation Types
Different types of modulation depend upon the specific characteristic of the carrier wave which is
being varied in accordance with the message signal.
We know that a sinusoidal carrier wave can be expressed as
E = E 0 sin (wt + f )
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
(a) A sinusoidal carrier wave
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
(b) A modulating signal
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
(c) Amplitude modulation
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
(d) Frequency modulation, and
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 time 3
(e) Phase modulation
Fig. 36.10 Modulation of a carrier wave

The three distinct characteristics are Amplitude ( E 0 ), angular frequency (w) and phase angle (f ).
Either of these three characteristics can be varied in accordance with the signal. The three types of
modulation are, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation and phase modulation.
Similarly, the characteristics of a pulse are, Pulse amplitude, pulse duration or pulse width and pulse
position (time of rise or fall of the pulse amplitude).
Hence, different types of pulse modulation are, Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Pulse Duration
Modulation (PDM) or Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Pulse Position Modulation (PPM).
In this chapter, we shall confine to amplitude modulation (of continuous wave or sinusoidal wave) only.

36.7 Amplitude Modulation

In this type of modulation, the amplitude of the carrier signal varies in accordance with the
information signal. The high frequency carrier wave (Fig.a) is superimposed on low frequency
information signal (Fig. b). As a result, in the amplitude modulated carrier wave, amplitude no longer
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424 — Optics and Modern Physics

remains constant, but its envelope has similar sinusoidal

variation as that of the low frequency or modulating signal.
The carrier wave frequency ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 MHz.
AM signals are noisy because electrical noise signals
significantly affect this.
Let C = Ac sin wc t represents a carrier wave
and S = A s sin ws t represents the signal wave
Then after making calculations we see that the modulated
signal wave equation can be written as
mA (b)
m = Ac sin wc t + c cos (wc - ws ) t
m Ac
- cos (wc + ws ) t ...(i)
where, m = s is called the modulation index. In practice,
Ac (c)
m is kept £ 1 to avoid distortion. Fig. 36.11
In Eq. (i), wc - ws and wc + ws are respectively called the
lower side and upper side frequencies.
The modulated signal therefore consists of the carrier wave of frequency wc plus two sinusoidal
waves each with a frequency slightly different from wc , known as side bands.

Amplitude mA

(wc – ws ) wc (wc + ws ) w in radians

Fig. 36.12 A plot of amplitude versus w for an amplitude modulated signal

V Example 36.2 A message signal of frequency 10 kHz and peak voltage of 10 V

is used to modulate a carrier wave of frequency 1 MHz and peak voltage of 20 V .
(a) modulation index, (b) the side bands produced.
A s 10
Solution (a) Modulation Index m= = = 0.5 Ans.
A c 20
(b) Side Bands 1 MHz = 1000 kHz
The side bands are, ( wc - ws ) and ( wc + ws )
or we can write ( f c - f s ) and ( f c + f s )
\ ( f c - f s ) = (1000 - 10) = 990 kHz and
( f c + f s ) = (1000 + 10) = 1010 kHz Ans.
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Chapter 36 Communication System — 425

36.8 Production of Amplitude Modulated Wave

Amplitude modulation can be produced by a variety of methods. A simple method is shown in the
block diagram of Fig.36.13.
Modulating Signal Carrier Wave
As sin wst Ac sin wct

Square law device
AM wave means amplitude
Bandpass filter modulated wave
AM wave
Power Amplifier

To Transmitting

Fig. 36.13

In the y function shown in block diagram there is a DC term ( Ac2 + As2 ) and sinusoids of
frequencies ws , 2ws , 2wc , wc - ws and wc + ws . As shown in block diagram, this signal y is passed
through a band pass filter which rejects DC and the sinusoids of frequencies ws , 2ws and 2wc . After
bandpass filter, the frequencies remaining are wc , wc - ws and wc + ws . The output (AM wave) of the
band pass filter therefore is of the same form as Eq. (i) of previous article.
It is further to be noticed that this modulated signal cannot be transmitted as such. This signal is
passed through a power amplifier and then the signal is fed to transmitter antenna.

36.9 Detection of Amplitude Modulated Wave

Signal received from the receiving antenna is first passed through an amplifier because the signal
becomes weak in travelling from transmitting antenna to receiving antenna. For further processing,
the signal is passed through intermediate frequency (IF) stage preceding the detection.
At this stage, the carrier frequency is usually changed to a lower frequency. The output signal from
detector may not be strong enough. So, it is further passed through an amplifier for final use. The
block diagram of all steps is shown in Fig. 36.14.

Amplifier IF Stage Detector Amplifier Output for

Received signal final use

Fig. 36.14 Block diagram of a receiver

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426 — Optics and Modern Physics

Inside the Detector

Detection is the process of recovering the signal from the carrier wave. In the previous two articles,
we have seen that the modulated carrier wave contains the frequencies wc, wc + ws and wc - ws . In
order to obtain the original message signal S ( = As sin ws t ) of angular frequency ws a simple method
is shown in the form of a block diagram as shown below.
From IF
stage S(t)
Rectifier To amplifier

Time Time Time

AM input wave Rectified wave Output

Fig. 36.15 Block diagram of a detector for AM signal

Note that the quantity on y-axis can be current or voltage.

Extra Points to Remember

˜ The Internet Everyone is well aware with internet. It has billions of users worldwide. It was started in 1960's
and opened for public use in 1990's. Its applications include, E-mail, file transfer, website, E-commerce
and chatting etc.
˜ Facsimile (FAX) It first scans the image of contents of a document. Then those are converted into
electronic signals. These electronic signals are sent to another FAX machine using telephone lines. At the
destination, signals are reconverted into a replica of the original document.
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Solved Examples
V Example 1 Name the device fitted in the satellite which receives signals from
Earth station and transmits them in different directions after amplification.
Solution Transponder.

V Example 2 An electromagnetic wave of frequency 28 MHz passes through the

lower atmosphere of Earth and gets incident on the ionosphere. Shall the
ionosphere reflects these waves?
Solution Yes. The ionosphere reflects back electromagnetic waves of frequency less than
30 MHz.

V Example 3 Which waves constitute amplitude-modulated band?

Solution Electromagnetic waves of frequency less than 30 MHz constitute amplitude-modulated

V Example 4 Give the frequency ranges of the following (i) High frequency band
(HF) (ii) Very high frequency band (VHF) (iii) Ultra high frequency band (UHF)
(iv) Super high frequency band (SHF).
Solution (i) 3 MHz to 30 MHz (ii) 30 MHz to 300 MHz (iii) 300 MHz to 3000 MHz
(iv) 3000 MHz to 30,000 MHz.

V Example 5 State the two functions performed by a modem.

Solution (i) Modulation (ii) Demodulation.

V Example 6 Why is the transmission of signals using ground waves restricted up

to a frequency of 1500 kHz?
Solution This is because at frequencies higher than 1500 kHz, there is an increase in the
absorption of signal by the ground.

V Example 7 How does the effective power radiated by an antenna vary with
Solution Power radiated by an antenna µ ç ÷ .
è lø

V Example 8 Why is it necessary to use satellites for long distance TV

Solution Television signals are not properly reflected by the ionosphere. So, reflection is
affected by satellites.

V Example 9 Why long distance radio broadcasts use shortwave bands?

Solution This is because ionosphere reflects waves in these bands.

V Example 10 What is a channel bandwidth?

Solution Channel bandwidth is the range of frequencies that a system can transmit with
efficient fidelity.
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428 — Optics and Modern Physics

V Example 11 Give any one difference between FAX and e-mail systems of
Solution Electronic reproduction of a document at a distant place is known as FAX. In e-mail
system, message can be created, processed and stored. Such facilities are not there in Fax

V Example 12 Why ground wave propagation is not suitable for high frequency?
Solution At high frequency, the absorption of the signal by the ground is appreciable. So,
ground wave propagation is not suitable for high frequency.

V Example 13 What is the purpose of modulating a signal in transmission?

Solution A low frequency signal cannot be transmitted to long distances because of many
practical difficulties. On the other hand, effective transmission is possible at high frequencies.
So, modulation is always done in communication systems.

V Example 14 What is a transducer?

Solution A device which converts energy in one form to another is called a transducer.

V Example 15 Why do we need a higher bandwidth for transmission of music

compared to that for commercial telephone communication?
Solution As compared to speech signals in telephone communication, the music signals are
more complex and correspond to higher frequency range.

V Example 16 From which layer of the atmosphere, radio waves are reflected
Solution The electromagnetic waves of radio frequencies are reflected by ionosphere.

V Example 17 Why sky waves are not used in the transmission of television
Solution The television signals have frequencies in 100-200 MHz range. As the ionosphere
cannot reflect radio waves of frequency greater than 40 MHz back to the earth, the sky waves
cannot be used in the transmission of TV signals.

V Example 18 Why are short waves used in long distance broadcasts?

Solution The short waves (wavelength less than 200 m or frequencies greater than 1,00 kHz)
are absorbed by the earth due to their high frequency but are effectively reflected by Flayer in
ionosphere. After reflection from the ionosphere, the short waves reach the surface of earth
back only at a large distance from the transmitter. For this reason, short waves are used in
long distance transmission.

V Example 19 Define the term critical frequency in relation to sky wave

propagation of electromagnetic waves.
Solution The highest value of the frequency of radio waves, which on being radiated towards
the ionosphere at some angle are reflected back to the earth is called critical frequency.
V Example 20 What mode of communication is employed for transmission of TV
Solution Space wave communication.
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Single Correct Option
1. Three waves A, B and C of frequencies 1600 kHz, 5 MHz and 60 MHz, respectively are to be
transmitted from one place to another. Which of the following is the most appropriate mode of
(a) A is transmitted via space wave while B and C transmitted via sky wave.
(b) A is transmitted via ground wave, B via sky wave and C via space wave.
(c) B and C are transmitted via ground wave while A is transmitted via sky wave.
(d) B is transmitted via ground wave while A and C are transmitted via space wave.
2. A 100 m long antenna is mounted on a 500 m tall building. The complex can become a
transmission tower for waves with l
(a) ~ 400 m (b) ~ 25 m
(c) ~ 150 m (d) ~ 2400 m
3. A speech signal of 3 kHz is used to modulate a carrier signal of frequency 1 MHz, using
amplitude modulation. The frequencies of the side bands will be
(a) 1.003 MHz and 2.997 MHz (b) 3001 kHz and 2997 kHz
(c) 1003 kHz and 1000 kHz (d) 1 MHz and 0.997 MHz
4. A message signal of frequency wm is superposed on a carrier wave of frequency wc to get an
amplitude modulated wave (AM). The frequency of the AM wave will be
(a) wm (b) wc
w + wm w - wm
(c) c (d) c
2 2
5. A basic communication system consists of
(A) transmitter (B) information source (C) user of information (D) channel (E) receiver
Choose the correct sequence in which these are arranged in a basic communication system.
6. Which of the following frequencies will be suitable for beyond the horizon communication using
sky waves?
(a) 10 kHz (b) 10 MHz
(c) 1 GHz (d) 1000 GHz
7. Frequencies in the UHF range normally propagate by means of
(a) ground waves (b) sky waves
(c) surface waves (d) space waves
8. Digital signals
(i) do not provide a continuous set of values
(ii) represent values as discrete steps
(iii) can utilize binary system and
(iv) can utilize decimal as well as binary systems
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430 — Optics and Modern Physics

Which of the above statements are true?

(a) (i) and (ii) only (b) (ii) and (iii) only
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) but not (iv) (d) All of (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

More than One Correct Options

9. A TV transmission tower has a height of 240 m. Signals broadcast from this tower will be
received by LOS communication at a distance of (assume the radius of earth to be 6.4 ´ 106m)
(a) 100 km (b) 24 km
(c) 55 km (d) 50 km
10. An audio signal of 15 kHz frequency cannot be transmitted over long distances without
modulation because
(a) the size of the required antenna would be at least 5 km which is not convenient
(b) the audio signal cannot be transmitted through sky waves
(c) the size of the required antenna would be at least 20 km, which is not convenient
(d) effective power transmitted would be very low, if the size of the antenna is less than 5 km
11. Audio sine waves of 3 kHz frequency are used to amplitude modulate a carrier signal of
1.5 MHz. Which of the following statements are true?
(a) The sideband frequencies are 1506 kHz and 1494 kHz
(b) The bandwidth required for amplitude modulation is 6 kHz
(c) The bandwidth required for amplitude modulation is 3 MHz
(d) The sideband frequencies are 1503 kHz and 1497 kHz
12. In amplitude modulation, the modulation index m, is kept less than or equal to 1 because
(a) m > 1 will result in interference between carrier frequency and message frequency, resulting into
(b) m > 1 will result in overlapping of both sidebands resulting into loss of information.
(c) m > 1 will result in change in phase between carrier signal and message signal.
(d) m > 1 indicates amplitude of message signal greater than amplitude of carrier signal resulting
into distortion.

Subjective Questions
13. Compute the LC product of a tuned amplifier circuit required to generate a carrier wave of
1 MHz for amplitude modulation.
14. A carrier wave of peak voltage 12 V is used to transmit a message signal. What should be the
peak voltage of the modulating signal in order to have a modulation index of 75%?
15. Which of the following would produce analog signals and which would produce digital signals?
(i) A vibrating tuning fork (ii) Musical sound due to a vibrating sitar string
(iii) Light pulse (iv) Output of NAND gate
16. Two waves A and B of frequencies 2 MHz and 3 MHz, respectively are beamed in the same
direction for communication via sky wave. Which one of these is likely to travel longer
distance in the ionosphere before suffering total internal reflection?
17. The maximum amplitude of an AM wave is found to be 15 V while its minimum amplitude is
found to be 3V. What is the modulation index?
18. Why is an AM signal likely to be more noisy than a FM signal upon transmission through a
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Chapter 36 Communication System — 431

19. Is it necessary for a transmitting antenna to be at the same height as that of the receiving
antenna for line of sight communication? A TV transmitting antenna is 81 m tall. How much
service area can it cover, if the receiving antenna is at the ground level?
20. A TV transmission tower antenna is at a height of 20 m. How much service area can it cover if
the receiving antenna is (i) at ground level, (ii) at a height of 25 m? Calculate the percentage
increase in area covered in case (ii) relative to case (i).
21. If the whole earth is to be connected by LOS communication using space waves (no restriction
of antenna size or tower height), what is the minimum number of antennas required?
Calculate the tower height of these antennas in terms of earth's radius?
22. The maximum frequency for reflection of sky waves from a certain layer of the ionosphere is
found to be fmax = 9 ( N max )1 2, where N max is the maximum electron density at that layer of the
ionosphere. On a certain day it is observed that signals of frequencies higher than 5 MHz are
not received by reflection from the F1 layer of the ionosphere while signals of frequencies higher
than 8 MHz are not received by reflection from the F2 layer of the ionosphere. Estimate the
maximum electron densities of the F1 and F2 layers on that day.
23. A 50 MHz sky wave takes 4.04 ms to reach a receiver via re-transmission from a satellite
600 km above earth's surface. Assuming re-transmission time by satellite negligible, find the
distance between source and receiver. If communication between the two was to be done by
Line of Sight (LOS) method, what should be the size of transmitting antenna?

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (d)
8. (c) 9. (b,c,d) 10. (a,b,d) 11. (b,d)
12. (b,d) 13. 2.53 ´ 10 -14 s 2 14. 9 V
15. (i) analog (ii) analog (iii) digital (iv) digital
16. 3 MHz 17. 2/3
19. No, 3258 km2 20. (i) 804 km2 (ii) 3608 km2 (iii) 349 %
21. Six, h = radius of earth 22. 3.086 ´ 10 11
m , 7.9 ´ 1011 m-3

23. 170 km, 565 m

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29. Electromagnetic Waves

INTRODUCTORY EXERCISE 29.1 2. There is a change in potential difference between
the plates of capacitor.
df Therefore, change in electric field between its
1. id = e0 E
dt plates. Now, change in electric field produces a
d æ Aö magnetic field.
= e0 çE ÷ E
dt è 2 ø 3. 0 = c
eA d B0
= 0 (E ) E 810
2 dt \ B0 = 0 =
e A d æ sö c 3 ´ 108
= 0 ç ÷
2 dt çè e0 ÷ø = 2.7 ´ 10-6 T
e0 A d æ q ö = 2.7 mT
= ç ÷
2 dt çè Ae0 ÷ø 4.
uE = uB = e0E 2
1 dq 2
= 1 æ E0 ö
2 dt = e0 ç ÷
i æ dq ö 2 è 2ø
= çQ = i÷
2 è dt ø 1
= e0E02
INTRODUCTORY EXERCISE 29.2 = (8.86 ´ 10-12 ) (50)2
1. c = = speed of light in vacuum = 5.54 ´ 10-9 J/m 3
e0m 0
Total energy = (uE + uB ) (Given volume)
\ Unit of should be the unit of c or speed = 2 ´ 5.54 ´ 10-9 ´ (10 ´ 10-4 ) (0.50)
e0 m 0
or m/s. = 5.55 ´ 10-12 J

Single Correct Option 6. Every accelerated charged particle produces
1. 11 eV energy radiation lies in UV range. electromagnetic waves.
4. In case of perfectly non-reflecting surface, c 3 ´ 108
8. l = = = 0.3 m
E f 109
Dp =
c This wavelength lies in radio waves region.
where, E = 20 ´ 30 ´ 30 ´ 60
Subjective Questions
= 1.08 ´ 106 J
c 3 ´ 108
11. l = = = 10 m
1.08 ´ 106 f 30 ´ 106
\ Dp =
3 ´ 108 c
12. l =
= 36 ´ 10-4 kg-m/s f
3 ´ 108
More than One Correct Options l1 = = 40 m
7.5 ´ 106
5. E, B and velocity of electromagnetic waves are 3 ´ 108
mutually perpendicular. l2 = = 25 m
12 ´ 106
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Chapter 29 Electromagnetic Waves — 435

E0 Now,
13. c =
B0 id = ic
E0 = cB0 ic has decreased, so id will also decrease.
I 1
= (3 ´ 108 ) (510 ´ 10-9 ) 17. I E = = e0 E 2c
2 2
= 153 V/m 2
1 æ e0 ö
e0 A e0 (pR 2 ) = e0 ç ÷ c
14. (a) C = = 2 è 2ø
d d
(8.86 ´ 10-12 ) (3.14) (0.12)2 2I
= \ E0 =
5 ´ 10-2 e0c

= 8 ´ 10-12 F = 8 pF 2 ´ 2.5 ´ 1014

q 8.86 ´ 10-12 ´ 3 ´ 108
V =
C = 4.3 ´ 108 N/C
dV 1 æ dq ö i
\ = ç ÷= E
dt C è dt ø C Now, c= 0
= E0
8 ´ 10-12 or B0 =
= 1.875 ´ 1010 V/s c
18. (a) l=
(b) id = ic = 0.15 A f
E E0
15. (a) c = 0 (b) c=
B0 B0
E0 E0
\ B0 = or B0 =
c c
w = 2pf 1 1 æE ö 1
w (c) uE = e0E 2 = e0 ç 0 ÷ = e0E02
c=v = 2 2 è 2ø 4
w Similarly, uB =
\ k= 4m 0
2p After substituting the values
k we get,
1 uE = uB
16. X C = dq
wC 19. id = ic =
With decrease in frequency, X C will increase, so dt
current will decrease. = - 2pq0 f sin (2pft )
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30. Reflection of Light

hmin 2
1. 10 3
2 m/s 2 m/s \ hmin = m
O I hmax 4
10 3
vOI = 4 m/s 40
\ hmax = m
h max

2m q
h min q
4m 3m 2m
i = 2q
Person M 3 m M¢

LEVEL 1 For normal incidence, i = 0°
\ d = 180°
Assertion and Reason
1. Convex mirror can make real images of virtual Objective Questions
objects. 1. Image is real and incident beam is convergent.

20 cm 20 cm

Real object is in front of mirror, not at F. So,

image is not at infinity. 1 1 1
4. + = …(i)
4. Field of view of convex mirror is large. v u f
5. m = - 2, means image is real, inverted an 2-times For virtual object u is positive and for concave
magnified. mirror f is negative.
Substituting these signs in Eq. (i), we can see that
6. v is always negative or image is always real.
i i
5. _¥ C F O +¥

d = 180° - 2 i
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 437

S.No. u v 9. Magnified image is formed only by concave

1. From O to F or from O From O to + ¥ mirror. But this image may be real or virtual.
to - f
2. From F to C from - f From - ¥ to C or
to - 2 f from - ¥ to - 2 f
3. From C to - ¥ or from From C to F or
- 2 f to - ¥ from - 2 f to - f x
In the above example, we have seen that for virtual
object (u = + ve), image is always real (v = - ve) For real image,
corresponding graph is shown in Fig. (b). 2x = 80 cm
6. M \ x = 40 cm
1 1 1
1 + =
- 120 - 40 f
q Solving, we get f = - 30 cm
90° – q

Similarly, we can check for virtual image.


10. Let, u = - x
70° 70° 70° x
Then, v=+
P n
O 1 1 1
+ =
90° - q + 70° + 70° = 180° (+ x / n) - x + f
\ q = 50° Solving, we get x = (n - 1) f
1 1 1
11. + =
7. v - 60 - 24
\ v = - 40 cm
v (40) -2
m=- =- =
u (- 60) 3
2x x
Image speed is m2-times the object speed and
R opposite to the direction of object velocity.
f = = 30 cm
12. For real objects image formed by a convex mirror
1 1 1
+ = is always virtual, erect and diminished.
+ x - 2x + 30
10 m/s
\ x = 15 cm 13.
Hence, AB = 3x = 45 cm
4 cm/s
8. P
M 2 cm/s

1.4 m A O
0.8 m
x x vPM = 14 cm/s towards right
vIM = 14cm/s towards left
= So, actual speed of image = 24 cm/s towards left
\ vIO = 26 cm/s towards left.
MP 0.8
\ =
2x x Subjective Questions
or MP = 1.6 m > 1.4 m 1. Reflected rays are neither converging nor
Hence, the boy cannot see his feet. diverging. Hence, mirror is a plane.
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438 — Optics and Modern Physics

2. Image distance from plane mirror = object 8.

Lateral magnifications = 1
I i
R i

90° – i
1 5°

I q–i
60° q q–i
90 ° + N

where,I = incident ray

dTotal = dM + dN
R = reflected ray
= (180° - 2i ) + [180° - 2 (q - i )] = 360° - 2q
Angle of incidence = 15°
1 1 1
Angle between reflected ray and horizontal = 60° 9. Apply + =
v u f
4. Image from one mirror will behave like object for
other mirror. (a) f = - 10 cm, u = - 25 cm
3b 3b Solving, we get v = - 16.7 cm
5. Since, v is negative, image is in front of
mirror. So, it is real. Similarly, we can solve
O for other parts.
I4 I2 I1 I3
M2 M1 10. (a) From O to F , image is real.
From F to P, image is virtual.
b b b b O

OI 1 = OI 2 = 2b
I 3 is the image of I 2 from mirror M 1 similarly I 4 is
the image of I 1 from mirror M 2.
OI 3 = OI 4 = 4 b C
0.5 m
6. Given in the theory.
7. 0.5 m

0.2 m

1 1 1
At O + =
d v u f
1.6 m 1 1 1
\ + =
v - 3.0 - 0.5
d 1
= tan 30° = v = - 0.6 m
0.2 3
0.2 (b) When object is at C and P, image coincides
\ d= with object.
1.6 Using
N = =8 3 1
d s = gt 2
= 13.85
Therefore, actual number of reflections required 2s
or t=
are 14. g
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 439

2´2 Object Image

At C t= = 0.639 s
9.8 From O to F or from O to From O to - ¥
2´3 + 0.25 m
At P t= = 0.782 s
9.8 From F to C or from From - ¥ to C or
+ 0.25 m to + 0.50 m from + ¥ to + 0.50 m
16.5 cm
11. (a) From C to + ¥ or from From C to F or from
+ 0.50 cm to + ¥ + 0.50 m to + 0.25 m

P C P F 15. O is placed at centre of curvature of concave

mirror (= 42 cm). Therefore, image from this
11 cm mirror I 1 will coincide with object O.
Q' 22 cm
1 1 1 I1 I2
(b) Apply + =
v u f
21 cm 21 cm
and m=- 42 cm
Now, plane mirror will make its image I 2 at the
12. (a) same distance from itself.
Q Q'
P P' F I
10cm y
1 1 1
1 1 1 Using + =
(b) Apply, + = v u f
v u f 1 1 1
v \ + =
and m=- - ( y + f ) - (x + f ) - f
u Solving this equation, we get
13. f = = - 18 cm xy = f 2
2 v
Let u = - x cm 17.
x 1 A
Then, v = - cm for real image of th size.
9 9 I2 I1
1 1 1 x
Using, + =
v u f
1 1 1
We have, + = For convex mirror
(- x / 9) (- x ) - 18
1 1 1
Solving we get, x = 180 cm + =
v - x + R/2
1 2 1 Rx
14. \ = + or v =
v R x R + 2x
+¥ _¥ Now, applying mirror formula for concave mirror
we have
1 1 1
+ =
0.25 m - (2R - x ) - (2R + v ) - R / 2
0.5 m Solving this equation, we can find value of x.
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440 — Optics and Modern Physics

18. (a) Image has to be taken on a screen. So, it should AB = PB - PA = 2(a + L) - 2a

be real. Hence, mirror should be concave. = 2L = constant
x v (- 20)
(b) 3. m=- =- =-2
5m u (- 10)
| Dv | = m 2 | Du |
O = (- 2)2 (0.1 cm)
= 0.4 cm
Image is 5 times magnified. Object and image travel in opposite directions
(along the axis).
Hence, |v |= 5|u|
or (5 + x ) = 5x 4. 3m
Solving we get,
x = 1.25 cm I2 O I1
Now using, x
1 1 1 2
+ = =
v u f R
We have, 3–x 3–x x
1 1 2
- = I 1I 2 = (3 - x ) + (3) + x
- 6.25 1.25 R
Solving we get, Solving we get, x = 1 m
R = - 2.08 m 5. Image of c will coincide with this.
Single Correct Option P

1. vI 10 cm 10 cm
60° For P :
1 1 1
60° + =
v - 20 - 5
\ v=- cm
æ k ö 3
v0 = vI = wA = çç ÷ A
÷ v (- 20/ 3) 1
è Mø m=- =- =-
u (- 20) 3
vr = v02 + vI2 - 2v0 cos 120° Length of image of PM :
1 10
k I 1 = 10 ´ = cm
= 3 A 3 3
M Length of image of PC :
2. L 20 10
I 2 = 10 - = cm
3 3
\ =1
h I2
1 1 1
P A B 6. + =
v - 15 - 10
a a
a+L a+L \ v = - 30 cm
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 441

v (- 30) s2 = displacement of mirror

m=- =- =-2
u (- 15) 1
= - gt 2
| D v | = m2 | Du | = (- 2)2 (2 mm) 2
= 8 mm \ Vertical distance of particle from mirror,
s = s1 - s2 = 0.5 m
7. Let i is the angle between incident ray and original
reflected ray. Then, initial angle between them will Hence, distance between particle and its image
be 180° - 2 i. When mirror is rotated by 20° , then = 25 = 1 m
reflected ray will rotate by 40°. 13. vOM = vO - vM = (- $i - 3 k$ )
\ 180° - 2 i ± 40° = 45°
\ v = (- i$ + 3 k$ ) = v - v
Solving we get,
i = 47.5° or 87.5° or vI = (- i$ + 3 k$ ) + vM

8. B = (3 $i + 4 $j + 11 k$ )
6 cm C M

x=0 x = 2 cm x = 12 cm

2 cm 10 cm
PM = AC = AD + DC
DB 6 m=+ 5
= AD + = 164 + = 167 cm
2 2 \ v should be positive and 5 times | u | .
Net pulling force 3 mg 3 15. 90° - i q + 2r = 180°
9. aLHS = a1 = = = g
Total mass 4m 4 æ 90° + i - q ö
\ r=ç ÷
aRHS = a2 è 2 ø
Net pulling force 2 mg p = 180° - (90° - r) - 2i
= =
Total mass 3m æ 90° + i - q ö
2 = 180° - 90° + ç ÷ - 2i
= g è 2 ø
The relative acceleration is therefore : q q
3 2 17 90° – q
g+ g=
9 0°


4 3 12


10. See the hint of Q.No-7 of subjective questions for

Level 1. m i i r
vI = 5 m /s q p
11. 16°
53° 90° – r

180° - 4 i + 90° + i - q
vO = 5 m /s
æ 270° - 3i - q ö
=ç ÷
vI = (5 cos 16° ) i$ + (5 sin 16° ) $j è 2 ø
= (4.8 $i + 1.4 $j) m/s m = p - q = 180° - (90° - i ) - 2i
12. uy = 2 sin 45° = 1 m/s æ 270° - 3i - q ö
\ ç ÷ - q = 90° - i
In vertical direction, è 2 ø
s1 = displacement of particle Substituting q = 20° , we get
1 1 i = 30°
= (1) (0.5) - gt 2 = 0.5 - gt 2
2 2 16. Ray passing through c is only correct.
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442 — Optics and Modern Physics

More than One Correct Options v (- 60)

m= =- =-2
1. For real image, u ( - 30)
Let u = - x , then v = - 2x Speed of image (in event -1) is m2 times and m
1 1 1 times in event-2.
\ + =
-2x - x - 20 6. In event -1
Solving, we get x = 30 cm. For concave mirror,
1 1 1
For virtual image, + =
v -3 f - f
Let u = - x , then v = + 2x
1 1 1 \ v = - 1.5 f
\ + = For convex mirror,
2x - x - 20
1 1 1
or x = 10 cm + =
v -3f + f
2. Inverted and real image is formed by concave 3
mirror. v = f = 0.75 f
Let u = - x , then v = + x /2 For plane mirror,
1 1 1 v=+ 3f
\ + =
+ x/2 - x + f In event-2
\ x=3f For concave mirror,
Erect and virtual image is formed by convex 1 1 1
+ =
mirror. v - 1.5 f - f
Let u = - x, then v = + \ v=-3f
1 1 1 For convex mirror,
+ = 1 1 1
-x / 2 -x + f + =
v - 1.5 f + f
x=+ f
3. vI = v \ v= = 0.6 f
q For plane mirror,
q v0 = v
v = + 1.5 f

Comprehension Based Questions

10 cm
vr = v 2 + v 2 - 2v × v cos 2 q x
= 2 v sin q
M 10 cm
4. Ray diagram is as shown in figure.
F Coordinates of I are (10 cm, - 10 cm).
C 2. Object is placed at centre at curvature of mirror.
Hence, image is at the same point, real, inverted
O and of same size. Hence, coordinates are
(20 cm, 0).
1 1 1
1 1 1 3. + =
5. + = v - 20 + 10
v - 30 - 20
Solving we get, v = - 60 cm \ v=+ cm
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 443

v (+20/ 3) 1 \ x = 60 cm
m=- =- =+
u (- 20) 3 In the similar manner, other options can be
æ 1 ö 10 solved.
\ I = 10 ç ÷ = cm
è 3ø 3 Subjective Questions
10 20
x = 10 - = cm
3 3 1. Q
20 80
and y = 20 + = cm
3 3 B
4. Plane mirror forms image at equal distance on
opposite sides. 20 cm S
Hence, x = 0, y = 40 cm
Match the Columns
1. (a) m = - 2 means image is real, inverted and P
2-times magnified. So, mirror should be
concave. Same logic can be given for other
Insect can see the image of source S in the mirror,
options also.
so far as it remains in field of view of image
1 1 1
2. + = (as u is positive for virtual objects) overlapping with the road.
v +u f
Shaded portion is the field of view, which overlaps
1 1 1 with the road upto length PQ.
\ = -
v f u By geometry we can see that, PQ = 3 AB = 60 cm
For plane mirror, f = ¥. So, v is always negative. Distance 60
\ t= = =6s Ans.
Hence, image is always real. Speed 10
For concave mirror, f is negative. So, v is again
æ1 1 1ö
negative. Therefore, image is always real. 2. Using mirror formula, çç + = ÷
For convex mirror, f is positive. So, v may be èv u f ÷ø
positive or negative. 1 1 -1
- =
Hence, image may be virtual or real. v 50 25
3. (a) Image is inverted, real and diminished. Hence, \ v = - 50 cm
mirror is concave.
Same logic can be applied for other options v
m=- = -1 Ans.
too. u
1 1 1
4. (a) + = M1
v - 20 - 20 I1
Optic axis of M1 0.5 cm
\ v=µ
S 0.5 cm
m=- =¥ 0.5 cm
u Optic axis of M2 0.5 cm
Same formulae can be applied for other I2
options too.
50 cm
5. (a) See the hint of Q.No-1 of more than one
correct options section.
1 1 1
(b) Half size image is formed only in case of real 3. Using mirror formula + = for concave
image. v u f
x mirror first, we have
Let u = - x, then v = - 1 1 1 æ Rö
2 - = çQ f = ÷
1 1 1 v 60 -40 è 2ø
Now, + =
- x / 2 - x - 20 or v = - 120 cm
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444 — Optics and Modern Physics

First image I 1 at 120 cm from concave mirror will Time taken to move the boy from G to topmost
act as virtual object for plane mirror. Plane mirror point and then from topmost point to G will be
will form real image of I 1 at S. 2v
t2 = = 2.83 s
\ The required time is
t = t1 - t2 = 1.7 s Ans.
5. Applying mirror formula for concave mirror first
æ1 1 1ö
çç + = ÷÷ we have,
60 cm 30 cm 30 cm
èv u f ø
120 cm 1 1 1
- =
v 110 -100
Ray diagram is shown in figure. v = - 1100 cm
Distance between two mirrors is 90 cm. Ans. AI 1 = 100 cm. Therefore, final image will be real
and at distance 100 cm below point A at I 2.
4. G
1100 cm
B 100 cm
E AI2 = 100 cm
S I1 A

6. In 15 seconds, mirror will rotate 15° in clockwise
= = Hence, the reflected ray will rotate 30° in
BF BH BH clockwise direction.
æ HS ö
\ FG = ( BF ) ç ÷ A
è BH ø 3m

æ 1.0 ö 60°
= (5) ç ÷ 30° 30°
è 0.5 ø
= 10 m 3Ö3 m
FC = 2 + 10 = 12 m
At t = 15 s
The boy has dropped himself at point F. So, his P
velocity is 20 m/s in upward direction.
Let us first find the time to move from F to
topmost point and then from topmost point to point
1 3m
C. From s = ut + at 2 , we have
2 q
1 y
- 12 = (20t ) + (- 10) t 2
Solving this equation we get, t1 = 4.53 s.
Velocity of boy at point G ,
At time t
v = (20)2 - 2 ´ 10 ´ 10
= 14.14 m/s (Q v 2 = u2 - 2gh)
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Chapter 30 Reflection of Light — 445

y = 3 tan q 1 u u- f
or = -1=
dy dq m f f
\ = (3 sec2 q). …(i)
dt dt f
dy dq \ m=
Here, = vP , = 2° per second u- f
dt dt
Differentiating we have,
2´p p
= = rad per second æ dm ö f du
180 90 ç ÷=- 2
. …(ii)
At t = 15 s and q = 60° è dt ø (u - f ) dt
Substituting the values in Eq. (i), we have Using mirror formula to find u with magnification
ìpü 1
vP = {3 sec2 60°} í ý m= we get,
î 90 þ 10
p 1 1 1
= 3´4 ´ - =
90 u / 10 u 10
2p or u = 90 m (with sign u = - 90 m)
= m/s Ans.
15 Substituting in Eq. (ii) we have,
7. (a) Differentiating the mirror formula, (with dm (10)
=- (- 1)
respect to time) dt (- 90 - 10)2
= 10-3 per second Ans.

POLICE v Note u is decreasing at a rate of v - 20 or (21 - 20 )

or 1 m/s
\ = - 1 m/s
20 m/s dt
8. (a) At t = t,
1 1 1
+ = u = - (2 f + x )
v u f
= - (2 f + f cos w t )
We get velocity of image, Using the mirror formula,
vI = (m)2 vO …(i) 1 1 1
+ =
Here, vO = relative velocity of object with v u f
respect to mirror We have,
vI = relative velocity of image 1 1 -1
- =
m = linear magnification v 2 f + f cos wt f
Here, vO = (v - 20) m/s æ 2 + cos wt ö
vI = 1 cm/s = 0.01 m/s \ v = - çç ÷÷ f
1 è 1 + cos wt ø
m= i.e. distance of image from mirror at time t is
Substituting in Eq. (i) we have, æ 2 + cos wt ö
çç ÷÷ f Ans.
è 1 + cos wt ø
æ 1ö
0.01 = ç ÷ (v - 20)
è 10 ø (b) Ball coincides with its image at centre of
\ v = 21 m/s curvature, i.e. at x = 0.
1 1 1 (c) At t = T /2
(b) + =
v u f or wt = p, x = - f
Multiplying with u we get, i.e. u = - f or ball is at focus. So, its image is
u u at ¥.
+ 1= m=¥
v f
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446 — Optics and Modern Physics

9. Let the ray is incident at a point P = (x1 , y1 ) on the æ y - y1 ö

çç ÷÷ = - tan b
mirror. Then, slope at P, è x - x1 ø
y -2 tan q
= - tan 2q =
1 - tan 2 q
q 2 cot a
q \ y - y1 = (x1 - x ) …(ii)
1 + cot 2 a
a b q x Further, x1 = 4 by12 …(iii)
At F , x=0 …(iv)
From Eq. (i) to Eq. (iv),
we get x=
æ dy ö 1 8b
tan a = ç ÷ = …(i)
è dx ø (x1 y1) 4 by1 It shows that the coordinates of F are unique
æ 1 ö
a = 90° - q ç , 0÷ .
è 8b ø
and b = 2q
Now, the reflected ray is passing through P (x1 y1 ) Hence, the reflected ray passing through one focus
and has a slope - tan b. Hence, the equation 1
and the focal length is . Hence proved.
will be 8b
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31. Refraction of Light

m 2 m 1 m 2- m 1
, we get

1. 1m 2 ´ 2m 3´ 3m 1 = 1 1 1.5 1 - 1.5
- =
4 3 1 v - 10 - 15
\ ´ = = 1m 3 or 1m 3 =2
3 2 3m 1 Solving, we get v = - 8.57 cm
c c 3 ´ 10 3.
3. m = = = = 1.67
v f l 6 ´ 1014 ´ 300 ´ 10-9


(a) Using - = , we get
v u R
m 2 sin i1 sin 60° 1.5 1.0 1.5 - 1.0
1. 1m 2 = = = = 3 - =
m 1 sin i2 sin 30° v - 20 +6
l Solving, we get v = + 45cm
2. 1m 2 = 1.5 = 1
l2 Similarly other parts can be solved.


10 50 O
1. (a) dapp = 10 + = cm
1.5 3
(b) happ = 10 + (1.5)(10) = 25 cm


m 2 m 1 m 2 -m 1
æ 1ö æ 1ö Using - = , we get
1. Total shift = çç1 - ÷÷ t1 + çç1 - ÷÷ t2 v u R
è m1ø è m2ø 1 4 /3 1 - 4 /3
- =
æ 2ö æ 1ö v - 10 - 15
= ç1 - ÷ 10 + ç1 - ÷ 10
è 3ø è 2ø Solving, we get v = - 9.0 cm
= cm 5.
25 125
\ Image distance = 50 - = cm
3 3

INTRODUCTORY EXERCISE 31.5 Using the equation

m2 m1 m2- m1
1. All rays starting from centre pass undeviated as - = , we get
v u R
they fall normal to the surface. 1.44 1.0 1.44 - 1.0
+ve - =
2. v ¥ + 1.25
\ v = 4.0 cm
10 cm

1 1 1 æ 1 1ö
1. - = = (m - 1) çç - ÷÷
v u f R
è 1 R2ø
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448 — Optics and Modern Physics

1 1 æ 1 1 ö - v -2 × dv + u-2 × du = 0 (as f = constant)

\ - = (1.65 - 1) çç - ÷÷
- 20 - 60 è -R + Rø æ v 2ö
\ dv = çç - 2 ÷÷ × du
Solving we get, R = 39 cm è u ø
1 1 1 8. It is just like a concave mirror.
2. - =
- 50 u + 30 | f | = 0.2 m
Solving, we get u = - 18.75 cm \ | R | = 0.4 m
v (- 50) Focal length of this equivalent mirror is Air
m= = = 2.67
u (- 18.75)
I = m (O ) = 2.67 ´ 2
= 5.33cm
+ ve + ve 1 2 (m 2 /m 1 ) 2 (m 2 /m 1 - 1)
3. = - (extra points)
F R2 R1
2 (4 / 3) 2 (4 / 3 - 1)
R1 R2 R1 R2 = -
- 0.4 + 0.4
f1 f2
or F = - 0.12 m or - 12 cm
1 æ 1 1 ö 9. | R | = 0.5 m (from first case)
= (m - 1) çç - ÷ …(i)
f1 è + R1 - R2 ÷ø In the shown figure, object appears at distance
1 æ 1 1 ö d = m e(0.2) + 0.2
= (m - 1) çç - ÷ …(ii)
f2 è + R2 - R1 ÷ø Now, for image to further coincide with the object,
d = |R |
Solving these two equations, we can see that
f1 = f2. Solving we get, m e =1.5
10. O = I 1I 2 (Displacement method)
–¥ F1 O +¥ = 6´ = 2 cm
When object is moved from O to F1 , its virtual, 11. Virtual, magnified and erect image is formed by
erect and magnified image should vary from O to convex lens.
- ¥. Let u = -x
1 æ 1.3 ö æ 1 1 ö Then, v = - 3x
5. (a) = ç - 1÷ ç - ÷
f è 1.8 ø çè - 20 + 20 ÷ø 1 1 1
Now, - =
\ f = + 36cm - 3x - x + 12
(b) Between O and F1 image is virtual. Hence, for \ x = 8 cm
real image. Distance between object and image
| m | < f or 36 cm = 3x - x = 2x = 16 cm
6. f = 10 cm f = 10 cm 12. Diminished erect image is formed by concave lens.
2F Let u = - x, then v = -
2F 2F
Now, | u | - | v | = 20 cm
\ = 20 cm or x = 40 cm
20 cm 20 cm 20 cm 20 cm 2
1 1 1 \ u = - 40 cm and v = - 20 cm
7. Q - = 1 1 1
v u f = -
f -20 - 40
Differentiating this equation, we get
or f = - 40 cm
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 449

13. If an object is placed at focus of lens (= 10 cm), æ 1ö

= (1.6) ç ÷ = 0.8
rays become parallel and fall normal on plane è 2ø
mirror. So, rays retrace their path.
\ i = 53°
INTRODUCTORY EXERCISE 31.7 P ray deviates from its original path by an angle,
d = i - 30° = 23°
1. 30° P
60° 60° = i


\ Angle between two rays, q = 2d

= 46°

Critical angle = i = 60° = qC 2.

m m
sin qC = R Þ sin 60° =
mD 3 q

Solving we get, m = 1.5

c 3 ´108
2. m = = = 1.3 i
v 2.3 ´ 108 B
q A i
æ 1ö æ 1 ö
qC = sin -1 ç ÷ = sin -1 ç ÷ = sin -1 (0.77)
èm ø è 1.3 ø
3. (a) m 1 sin i1 = m 2 sin i2 = m 2 sin qC
i = qC
æ 1.30 ö 1 2
(1.6)sin q= (1.80) ç ÷ \ sin i = sin qC = =
è 1.80 ø mg 3
æ 13 ö
\ q = sin -1 ç ÷ Applying Snell’s law at point A,
è 16 ø
We have
(b) If q is decreased, then i2 will decrease from the
m w sin q = m g sin i
value qC . Hence, refraction will take place in 4 3 2
medium-3. \ sin q = ´
3 2 3
æ A + dm ö
1. 30° sin ç ÷
60° 3. m = è 2 ø , dm = 30°
i sin ( A / 2)
30° 4. i1 = 0° Þ r1 = 0° or r2 = A
Now, r2 = qC = A
1 2
\ sin A = sin qC = =
m 3
æ 2ö
or A = sin -1 ç ÷
è 3ø
5. d = i1 + i2 - A
sin i
m = 30° = 60° + i2 - 30°
sin 30°
\ sin i = m sin 30° \ i2 = 0 or r2 = 0 Hence proved.
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450 — Optics and Modern Physics

Þ r1 = A = 30° 8. ABC can be treated as a prism with angle of prism

sin i1 sin 60° A = 90°. Condition of no emergence is
Now, m = = = 3
sin r1 sin 30° M
sin i1
6. 2=
sin (i1 / 2)
2 sin (i1 / 2)cos (i1 / 2)
sin (i1 / 2)
Solving this, we get i1 = 90° and r1 = = 45° B
At minimum deviation, A ³ 2qC
r2 = r1 = 45° æ Aö
or sin qC £ sin ç ÷
\ A = r1+ r2 = 90° è 2ø
æ A + dm ö 1
7. From m = sin ç ÷ / sin ( A / 2) or £ sin 45°
è 2 ø m
We can see that given deviation is the minimum 1 1
or £
deviation. m 2
A \ m ³ 2
æ 1ö æ 1 ö
9. qC = sin -1 ç ÷ = sin -1 ç ÷ = 38.7°
M N èm ø è 1.6 ø
r2 = qC = 38.7°
\ r1 = A - r2 = 45° - 38.7° = 6.3°
B sin i1
C Now applying, m =
sin r1
At minimum deviation, MN is parallel to BC is
ÐB = ÐC. we can find i1.

LEVEL 1 5. m1m2 = 1
Assertion and Reason 6. Image is formed at second focus (not the first
æ 1ö
1. Shift due to a slab = ç1 - ÷ t 7. A = 60° and dm = 30°
è mø
is in the direction of ray of R S
Substituting the values, we get
light. Hence, Ram appears m = 2
nearer to Anoop by that much 1 1 1
distance. 8. = +
F f1 f2
4. P can be assumed a slab of negligible thickness.
Deviation is almost negligible. f1 = Focal length of convex lens (+ ve)
f2 = Focal length of concave lens (- ve)
If f1 > | f2 | , then F comes out to be negative. So,
it becomes a diverging lens.
Negative power of a diverging lens is just for its
diverging lens, nothing else.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 451

9. By inserting a slab between the lens and the 8. Frequency does not change during refraction, but
object, effective distance between object and lens wavelength and speed decrease in a denser (here
decreases. So, object now comes between F and water) medium.
2F or between F and O.
9. m 1 sin i1 = m 3 sin i3
sin i m 3
F 2F \ m 1 sin i = m 3 sin r or =
2F F O
sin r m 1
10. r1 = i and r2 = 90° - r1 = 90° - i
d = 2f Now, m R sin iR = m D sin iD
In the first case, image is real and magnified and in mR sin iD sin i
or = sin qC = =
the second case it is virtual and magnified. mD sin iR sin (90° - i )
10. If medium on both sides of the lens is same, then it sin i
doesn’t matter, which side the object is kept. or sin qC = = tan i
cos i
11. i = 45° Þ qC = sin -1 (tan i )
For m > 2 or 1.414 Þ qC < 45° 11. At minimum deviation,
\ They get TIR on face AC. A
r1 = r2 = = 30°
12. For virtual object a concave lens can form a real 2
image. sin i1 sin i1
Now using, m = or 2=
1 æ 1 1ö sin r1 sin 30°
13. = (m - 1) ç - ÷
f è R Rø We get i1 = 45°
f =¥ 1 æ 1 1ö
1 12. = (1.5 - 1) çç - ÷÷ …(i)
\ P= =0 0.2 R
è 1 R 2ø
1 æ 1.5 ö æ 1 1ö
=ç - 1÷ çç - ÷÷ …(ii)
Objective Questions - 0.5 è m ø R
è 1 R 2ø

2. m , A and
are dimensionless. Here, m = refractive index of medium or liquid.
l2 Dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get
Hence, [ B ] = [ l2 ]= [ L2 ] 1 15
-5= or m =
3. dapp. =
d (1.5/m ) - 1 8
13. From Snell’s law,
m of red is least. So, dapp. for red is maximum. So, m sin i = m 4 sin x
they appear to be raised least. m
\ sin x = sin i
æ 1ö m4
4. qC = sin -1 ç ÷
èm ø 14. Focal length of any one part will be 2 f .
m for violet is maximum, so qC for violet is least. 1 1 1 1 1 f
1 æ 1 1ö \ = + + + or F =
5. = P = (m - 1) çç - ÷÷ F 2f 2f 2f 2f 2
f R
è 1 R 2ø
15. In air, focal length is
æ 1 1 ö
= (1.6 - 1) çç - ÷ 100 100
è 0.1 - 0.1÷ø f =
= 20 cm
= + 12 D 1 æ 1 1ö
c 3 ´ 108 = (1.5 - 1) çç - ÷÷ …(i)
6. v = = = 2.25 ´ 108 m/s 20 è R1 R2 ø
m (4 / 3)
1 æ 1.5 ö æ 1 1ö
=ç - 1÷÷ çç - ÷÷ …(ii)
7. After a certain angle all colours get total internally - 100 çè m e øè 1 R R2ø
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452 — Optics and Modern Physics

Dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get Originally,

0.5 f1 f2 f f f f
-5= F= = 1 2 = 1 2
(1.5 / m e ) - 1 ( f1 + f2 ) - d 3d - d 2d
1.5 5 When d is made 4 times.
or me = =
0.9 3 f1 f2 f1 f2 f f
F¢ = = =- 1 2
1 1 1 d ( f1 + f2 ) - 4 d 3d - 4 d d
16. = + -
F f1 f2 f1 f2 = - 2F
To behave like concave lens, F should be negative. 1 æ1 1 ö
22. = (1.5 - 1) ç - ÷
d 1 1 24 è R 2R ø
So, > +
f1 f2 f1 f2 R = 6 cm
d f1 + f2 \ 2R = 12 cm
or >
f1 f2 f1 f2 23. Lens formula:
or d > ( f1 + f2 ) or 30 cm 1 1 1
- =
17. Condition of no emergence from opposite face is v1 -15 30
A > 2qC Þ v1 = - 30 cm
18. r2 = 0, r1 = A Mirror formula:
sin i1 i1 i1 v2 = - u2 = - (-45) = 45 cm
m = » = Þ i1 = mA Lens formula:
sin r1 r1 A
1 1 1
æ A + dm ö - =
sin ç ÷ v3 - 60 30
19. m = è 2 ø
sin ( A / 2) \ v3 = + 60 cm
Hence, distance of final image from object
æ Aö
Given, m = cot ç ÷ = 60 - 15 = 45 cm
è 2ø
60 cm
Solving, we get sin = 180° - 2A
20. At minimum deviation,
A I3 I2
r1 = r2 = = 30° I1 O
sin i1 sin i1
Now, m = or 2 =
sin r1 sin 30° 15 cm 15 cm 45 cm
Solving, we get i1 = 45° 24. n1 sin i1 = n3 sin i3
1 1 1 d
21. = + - \ (1) (sin 45° ) = 2 sin i3
F f1 f2 f1 f2
f + f2 d Þ sin i3 = or i3 = 30°
= 1 - 2
f1 f2 f1 f2
æ A + dm ö
1 ( f1 + f2 ) - d sin ç ÷
= è 2 ø
F f1 f2 25. m =
sin ( A / 2)
f1 f2
\ F= …(i) A A
( f1 + f2 ) - d For small angled prism, sin »
2 2
If d is doubled, focal length is doubled or
æ A + dm ö m A
denominator becomes half. \ sin ç ÷=
1 è 2 ø 2
\ ( f1 + f2 ) - 2d = [( f1 + f2 ) - d ]
2 æ A + dm ö
With increase in m , sin ç ÷ will increase.
or ( f1 + f2 ) = 3d è 2 ø
Substituting in Eq. (i), we have Hence, dm will increase.
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 453

sin i 2 sin (i / 2) cos (i / 2) sin i 3 sin i

26. n = = 33. m = or = or i = 60°
sin (i / 2) sin (i / 2) sin 45° 2 (1/ 2 )
Solving we get, i = 2 cos-1 (n/ 2)
27. If object is placed at focus of convex lens, rays d
become parallel and they are incident normally on
plane mirror. So, ray of light will retrace its path.
sin i sin 45°
28. m = Þ 2= or r = 30°
sin r sin r

45º 45º
A \ d = 60° - 45° = 15°
30º 30º
30º 30º q
q = 2d = 30°
dTotal = dA - dB + dC 34. r2 = 0° and r1 = A = 30°
= (45° - 30° ) - [180° - 2(30° )] + (45° - 30° ) sin i1
Applying, m =
= - 90° or | dTotal | = 90° sin r1
æ A + dm ö sin i1
sin ç ÷ 2=
29. m = è 2 ø sin 30°
æ Aö Solving, we get i1 = 45°
sin ç ÷
è 2ø 1 1 1 1 1
35. = + = +
1 æ 1 öæ 1 1 ö F f1 f2 10 10
30. =ç - 1÷ ç - ÷
f è 1.5 ø çè 10 - 10 ÷ø \ F = 5 cm
Solving, we get f = - 15 cm 1 1 1
- =
31. Image formed by convex lens I 1 should coincide at v - 7.5 + 5
C 1, the centre of curvature C of convex mirror. \ v = + 15 cm
v + 15
m= = =-2
I1 u - 7.5
I = mO = (- 2) (1 cm)
= - 2 cm
m2 m1 m2 -m1
36. Applying, - =
12 cm 10 cm 2f v u R
For convex lens, 1 3/ 2 1 - 3/ 2
\ - =
1 1 1 v + 30 + 20
- =
+ (10 + 2 f ) - 12 + 10 1 1 3
or = -
Solving this equation we get, f = 25 cm v 20 40
32. For convex lens, \ v = 40 cm
1 1 1 æ 1
- = Þ v = - 30 cm 1 æ 1.5 ö 1 ö
v - 12 + 20 37. = ç - 1÷ çç - ÷÷
f è 1.4 ø è - 30 - 50 ø
This image I 1 is therefore, (30 + 10) cm or 40 cm
towards left of plane mirror. Therefore, second \ f = - 1050 cm
image I 2 (by the plane mirror) will be formed 38. Between 1 and 3 there is no deviation. Hence,
40 cm behind the mirror. m1 =m3
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454 — Optics and Modern Physics

Between 3 and 2 MP = PQ tan r

\ MN = 2 (MP ) = 2PQ × tan r
= 2 ´ 6 ´ tan 28.8°
= 6.6cm
sin 45° 4
m = =
sin r 3
Ray to light binds towards normal. Hence,
+ ve
m 2 > m 3. 5. I1 PI1 = 4.3 cm
æ A + dm ö
sin ç ÷ P Q
39. A = dm = 60° Þ m = è 2 ø
sin ( A / 2) m2 m1 m2 -m1
Applying - = two times
v u R
Subjective Questions
1.5 1.0 1.5 - 1.0
343 - =
1. (a) m = = 0.229 v1 - 2.5 + 10
(b) qC = sin -1 (0.229) = 13.2° Solving, we get
l l m l m l v1 » - 4.3 cm
2. t1 = = = 1 Þ t2 = 2 Again applying the same equation, we get
v1 c/m 1 e c
l 1.0 1.5 1.0 - 1.5
\ t2 - t1 = (m 2 - m 1 ) - =
c v2 - 24.3 - 10
(1.63 - 1.47) (20) Solving, we get
3 ´ 108 v2 » - 85 cm
= 1.07 ´10 s or QI 2 = 85 cm (towards left)
l l nl + ve
3. (a) t1 = = = 1 = minimum 6.
v1 c/ n1 c
1.2 ´ 10-6
3 ´ 108
= 4 ´ 10-15 s m2 m1 m2 -m1
Applying - = we get,
l v u R
(b) l = 0
n 1.0 1.5 1.0 - 1.5
- =
Number of wavelengths across any film, - 1.0 - u - 2.0
l ln Solving we get,
N = =
l l0 u = 1.2 cm
sin i 7. For plane surface, happ = mh
4. m =
sin r
M P N = ´ 10 = 15cm
r This first image is at a distance, (15 + 3) cm from
the plane mirror. So, mirror will make its second
r image at a distance 18 cm below the mirror or
21 cm below the plane surface.
Q Now further applying,
d 21
sin 60° dapp = = = 14 cm
1.8 = m 1.5
sin r
below the plane surface.
Solving, we get r = 28.8°
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 455

8. R
CM = R sec qC =
I3 cos qC
O P Q = = 6.7 cm
cos 41.8°
8 cm 10 cm
\ PM = CM - CP = (6.7 - 5.0)
6 cm
= 1.7 cm
Applying happ for first refraction,
PI 1 = 8m (towards left) 11.
QI 1 = PQ + PI 1 = (6 + 8m )
\ QI 2 = QI 1 = (6 + 8m ), towards right.
PI 2 = PQ + QI 2 = (12 + 8m ) Q P
d 5 cm 10
Applying dapp = for third and last refraction we cm
æ 12 + 8m ö
PI 3 = ç ÷ = 16
è m ø m2 m1 m2 -m1
Apply - = four times,
\ m = 1.5 v u R
1.5 1.0 1.5 - 1.0
9. We have - =
i v1 ¥ + 10
\ v1 = + 30 cm
1.0 1.5 1.0 - 1.5
r - =
i v2 + 25 - 5.0
v2 = - 25 cm
1.5 1.0 1.5 - 1.0
- =
v3 - 35 - 5.0
2 cm v3 = - 11.67 cm
4 cm 1.0 1.5 1.0 - 1.5
- =
sin i v4 - 16.67 - 10
Applying, m= we get
sin r Þ v4 = - 25 cm
2 \`Final image is at 25 cm to the left of P.
4 4 / 16 + h
= m2 m1 m2 -m1
3 2 / 4 + h2 12. Applying = = we have,
v u R
Solving this equation we get,
h = 2.4 cm

qC 90° 1.0 1.6 1.0 - 1.6

- =
R v - 3.0 - 5.0
qC Solving we get, v = - 2.42 cm
C P M This is distance from P (downwards).
æ 1ö æ 2ö \ Distance from observer = 5 + 2.42
qC = sin -1 ç ÷ = sin -1 ç ÷ = 41.8°
è nø è 3ø = 7.42 cm
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456 — Optics and Modern Physics

1 1 1
13. or = -
Bird f + 15 + 10
Solving, we get f = - 30 cm
L1 L2

Given, - = 4 cm/s
dt 25 cm 15 cm
Distance of bird as observed by fish 40 cm
Z = y+mx = y+ x
3 I 1 is formed at second focus of L1 and first focus
- dZ - dy 4 æ - dx ö of L2.
\ = + ç ÷ …(i)
dt dt 3 è dt ø 18. L1 L2
- dZ I2 I1
Given, = 16 cm/s O
Substituting in Eq. (i), we get 7.5 cm
- dx
= 9 cm/s
dt 30 cm 30 cm 30 cm
d 2 - x2 For L1,
14. f = (displacement method)
4d 1 1 1
- =
f = 16 cm, x = 60 cm v - 30 + 20
Substituting the values we get, \ v = + 60cm
d = 100 cm For L2 ,
1 æ 1 1ö 1 1 1
15. (a) = (m - 1) çç - ÷÷ - =
f è R1 R2 ø v + 30 + 10
æ 1 ö \ v = 7.5 cm
\ f µ çç ÷÷
è m - 1ø 19. Object is placed at distance 2 f from the lens.
f1 m 2 - 1 1.7 - 1.0 Hence, image is also formed at distance 2 f on
or = = = 1.4 other side. For mirror,
f2 m 1 - 1 1.5 - 1.0
40 cm
(b) If refraction index of the liquid (or the
medium) is greater than the refraction index of 40 cm I2 I1
lens it changes its nature or converging lens O
behaves as diverging. 5 cm
16. f = 20 cm f = 10 cm
30 cm
1 1 1
+ =
v + 10 - 10
15 cm Ray diagram is as shown below.
10 cm
I2 I1
1 1 1
Using = - ,
f v u
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 457

20. For second lens, æmR ö æ 4 /3ö

24. qC = sin -1 çç ÷÷ = sin -1 çç ÷÷ = sin -1 (8/ 9)
1 1 1 èm D ø è 3/ 2 ø
- = Þ v = - 4 cm
v - 5 - 20
10 cm 5 cm 5 cm Water
I1 i = 0° i = qC
f1 = 10 cm f2 = –20 cm f3 = 9 cm \ d1 = 0° \ d2 = 90° - qC
For third lens, cos d2 = cos (90° - qC ) = sin qC =
1 1 1
- = -1 æ 8 ö
v - (4 + 9) + 9 \ d2 = cos ç ÷
è 9ø
\ v=¥
æ A + dm ö
21. See the result of sample example 31.30 sin ç ÷
25. Using m = è 2 ø,
R= æ Aö
2 sin ç ÷
m -1 è 2ø
h = R m2 -1 Given, dm = A
4 2 sin × cos
= (1 cm ) (5/ 3)2 - 1 = cm sin A 2 2
3 \ 3= =
1 2 sin sin
22. sin qC = = 2 2
m1 3
Solving this equation, we get A = 60°.
Now, m 1 sin i1 = m 2 sin i2 26. Condition of no emergence is,
or m 1 sin qC = m 2 sin q A > 2qC
æ 3ö æ 2ö æ 4 ö æ 1 ö
\ ç ÷ ç ÷ = ç ÷ sin q \ Amax = 2qC = 2 sin -1 ç ÷
è 2ø è 3ø è 3 ø è 1.5 ø
æ 3ö = 84 °
or q = sin -1 ç ÷
è4ø 27. (a) At minimum deviation,
n1 M A
23. r1 = r2 = = 30°
sin i1 sin i1
q1 90° – qc Applying m = or 1.5 =
sin r1 sin 30°
We get i1 = 48.6°

n1 should be less than n2 for TIR at M. 60°

sin qC = 1
48.6° Q
At N , n1 sin q1 = n2 sin (90° - qC ) = n2 cos qC 30° 30°
\ sin q1 = 2 cos qC 30°
R 60°
sin q1 = 1 - sin 2 qC 48.6°
n22 - n12
= dTotal = dP + dQ + dR
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458 — Optics and Modern Physics

= (48.6°- 30° ) + (180°- 2 ´ 30° ) + (48.6° - 30° ) 31. For blue light,
= 157.2° sin i1
m =
4 sin r1
(b) sin (48.6° ) = 1.5 sin r1
3 sin 65°
or 1.68 =
Solving we get, r1 = 41.8° sin r1
r2 = 60° - r1 = 18.2° Solving this equation, we get
r3 = 60° - r2 = 41.8° r1 = 32.6°
\ i3 = 48.6° r2 = A - r1 = 27.4 °
Hence, Again applying,
dTotal = (48.6° - 41.8° ) + (180° - 2 ´ 18.2° ) sin i2 sin i2
m= or 1.68 =
+ (48.6° - 41.8° ) sin r2 sin 27.4 °
= 157.2° Solving this equation, we get
28. Dispersion power, i2 = 50.6°
m -mr Now, dB = i1 + i2 - A
w= v or dB = 65° + 50.6° - 60° = 55.6° …(i)
my -1
w1 w2 For red light,
29. (a) + =0 sin 65°
f1 f2 1.65 =
sin r1
æ f ö
\ w2 = çç - 2 ÷÷ w1 or r1 = 33.3°
è f1 ø \ r2 = A - r1 = 26.7°
(- 30) sin i2
=- (0.18) = 0.27 Now, 1.65 =
(+ 20) sin 26.7°
1 1 1 1 1 \ i2 = 47.8°
(b) = + = -
F f1 f2 20 30 \ dR = i1 + i2 - A
or F = + 60 cm or dR = 65° + 47.8° - 60° = 52.8° …(ii)
w1 w2 From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
30. + =0
f1 f2 dB - dR = 2.8°
w1 f1
\ =
w2 f2 LEVEL 2
Let 1-stands for flint glass and 2-stands for crown Single Correct Option
glass. Then, 4 8
f1 3 1. happ = mh = ´2= m
= or | f1 | = 1.5 | f2 | 3 3
f2 2 11
Distance from mirror = 1 + happ = m. So, mirror
Focal length of flint glass is more. So, its power is 3
less. Combined focal length (and hence combined will make image at same distance (= 11/ 3 m from
power) is positive. So, convex lens (converging itself). Now in third refraction, depth of second
lens) should be made up of crown glass (having image,
more positive power). 11 14
d= +1= m
1 1 1 3 3
Now, = +
F f1 f2 d 14 3 7
dapp = = ´ = m
1 1 1 m 3 4 2
\ = +
150 - 1.5 f f The desired distance is therefore,
Solving this equation, we get (dapp + h)
f2 = f = 50 cm and æ7 ö 11
or ç + 2÷ m or m
f1 = - 1.5, f = - 75 cm è2 ø 2
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 459

m 2 m1 m 2 - m 1 7. i1 = r1 = 0°
2. Applying, - = we get,
v u R r2 = 90° - q = 53°
1.5 1 1.5 - 1.0
- = æ 1ö
v ¥ +R qC = sin -1 ç ÷ = 37°
èm ø
\ v = + 3R
Since, r2 > qC , T / R will take place on the face AB
3. d = dAC + dAB
60º = 0 + 180° - 2r2
30º = 180° - 2 ´ 53° = 74 °
8. B

sin 60° x
m = = 3
sin 30°
4. Refraction from first surface, y
m2 m1 m2 -m2
- = F
v1 µ +R y
Refraction from second surface, h1 = x + …(i)
m3 m2 m3 -m2
- = (as v2 = f ) h2 = y + mx …(ii)
f v1 -R
Adding these two equations, we get Eq. (i) can be written as
m3 m2 -m1 m3 -m2 mx + y h h
= - = h1 or 2 = h1 or m = 2
f R R m m h1
Lens becomes diverging if f is negative or 9. MC = QC - QM = (R - 0.3) cm
m3 -m2 >m2 -m1
PC 2 = MC 2 + PM 2
or m3 + m1 > 2m2
Same result is obtained if parallel beam of light is R 2 = (R - 0.3)2 + (3)2
incident from RHS. P
5. In first case, R
u = - 16 cm, then v = (+ 16n) cm
1 1 1 Q C
\ - = …(i) M
16n - 16 f
In second case,
u = - 6 cm, then v = - (6n) cm
1 1 1 Solving this equation, we get
\ - = …(ii) R = 15 cm
- 6n - 6 f
Solving these two equations, we get 10. See the hint of Q.No-5 of the same section. In that
f = 11 cm
16 + 6
d f = = 11 cm
6. dapp = 2
(n1 / n2 )
1 1 1
n 11. = +
\ d = 2 dapp F1 f1 f2
1 1 1 d
= + -
d n æ d ö æn ö F2 f1 f2 f1 f2
- (d ) = 2 ç - dapp ÷ = çç 2 ÷÷ x
dt n1 è dt ø è n1 ø F2 > F1
dv é d ù x pR n2 So, image of distant object will be formed to the
= A ê- (d )ú =
dt ë dt û n1 right of P.
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460 — Optics and Modern Physics

æ A + dm ö 18. (a) Two images are formed in case (i).

sin ç ÷
12. m = è 2 ø (b) One image is formed in case (ii).
sin ( A / 2) 1 æ 1 1ö 2
(c) = (m - 1) çç - ÷÷ = - (m - 1) …(i)
m and A for both rays are same. Hence, value of dm f2 è - R Rø R
is also same for both rays. 1 1 1
æ 1ö = +
-1 f3 F1 F2
13. qC = sin ç ÷
èm ø æ 1 1ö æ 1 1ö
= (m - 1)ç - ÷ + (m - 1)çç - ÷÷ …(ii)
æ 3ö è ¥ R ø è - R ¥ ø
= sin -1 çç ÷ = 40.9°
è 7ø From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we can see that f2 = f3.
r2 = qC = 40.9° 1 1 1 1 1
19. = - = +
r1 = A - r2 = 19.1° f OB - OA OB OA
sin i1 (OA ) (OB )
m = f =
sin r1 AB + OB
7 sin i1 (OA ) (OB )
= \ f = …(i)
3 sin r1 AB
Solving this equation, we get i1 = 30° Now, AB 2 = AC 2 + BC 2

14. If object is placed at focus of plano-convex lens, or (OA + OB )2 = AC 2 + BC 2

then it will make rays parallel. Now, these rays fall or OA 2 + OB 2 + 2 (OA ) (OB ) = AC 2 + BC 2
normal on plane mirror. So, they retrace their path.
\ ( AC 2 - OC 2 ) + ( BC 2 - OC 2 )
15. If object is placed at centre of the sphere, then all
rays starting from C fall normal on spherical + 2 (OA ) (OB ) = AC 2 + BC 2
surface and pass understand. Solving, we get
m 6/ 5 4 (OA ) (OB ) = OC 2
16. sin qC = R = =
m D 3/ 2 5 Substituting in Eq. (i), we get
r1 = 0° Þ r2 = < B = 90° - q OC 2
f =
Now, r2 > qc AB
or sin r2 > sin qC æ m ö
4 20. Shift = çç1 - medium ÷÷ t
\ sin (90° - q) > è m slab ø
4 é 4 /3ù
or cos q > …(i) = ê1 - ú ´ 36 = 4 cm
5 ë 3/ 2 û
4 h 21 h 21
cos 37° = 21. = or =
5 m 2 (4 / 3) 2
From Eq. (i), we see that Solving, we get h = 14 cm.
q < 37° 2 cm
22. m = - =-2
17. From the first refraction, rays should become 1cm
parallel. Or, image should formed at infinity.
Þ |v | = m |u |
Object y
m2 m1 m2 -m1
- =
u u R x = 50 cm
3/ 2 1.0 3/ 2 - 1.0
- = x = – 40 cm O
¥ -x + 10
Solving, we get x = –10 cm
x = 20 cm 30 cm 60 cm
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 461

23. Using the equation, æ 1ö

YI2 = (5 mm) ç ÷ = 2.5 mm
1 2 (m 2 /m 1 ) (m /m - 1) è 2ø
= -2 2 1
F R2 R1 = 0.25 cm
1 2
we get 28. Ð i = 0° for all values of q, as the rays fall normal
1 2 (1.5) 1 (1.5 - 1) æ Rö to sphere at all points.
= - ç as F = ÷
- 10 ¥ R1 è 2ø 29. Cavity of placed at centre. Hence, image of cavity
Solving, we get R1 = 10 cm. is also formed at centre, as all rays fall normal to
surface at all points. (so pass undedicated).
24. In air, object lies between F and 2F.
In liquid, focal length will become 4 times. So,
object will now lie between optical centre and
25. Condition of no emergence,
A > 2qC
\ qC < or 45° æm ö æ vö
2 Now, m = çç 1 ÷÷ ç ÷
1 1 èm 2 ø è uø
\ sin qC or < sin 45° or
m 2 (4 / 3) æ1 mö
= ç ÷
1 ç1 m÷
For no emergence, m > 2 è ø
n l0 æ l ö 4
26. t = nl = ç as l = 0 ÷ =
m è m ø 3
1 æ 1 1 ö
30. = (1.5 - 1) çç - ÷
f è 20 - 20 ø
Þ f = + 20 cm
1 1 1 1
or tµ - =
m v1 - 30 + 20
m 2 t1 \ v1 = + 60 cm
\ = v + 60
m 1 t2 m1 = 1 = =-2
t u1 - 30
or m2 = 1 m1
t2 For second lens,
1 1 1
æ 5ö æ4ö 5 - =
=ç ÷ ç ÷= v2 - 60 + 20
è4ø è 3ø 3
v2 = + 30 cm
27. For concave lens, v (+ 30) 1
y 5 cm m2 = 2 = =-
u2 (- 60) 2
m = m1 m2 = 1
I2 5 mm
Final image is 30 cm to the right of second lens or
O I1 150 cm to the right of first lens.
m =1
Hence, image height = object height
20 cm 10 cm
= 3 mm
1 1 1 m2 m1 m2 -m1
= =- Þ v = - 5 cm 31. Apply - =
v - 10 10 v v R
v (- 5 cm) 1 1 2 1- 2
m= = = We get - =
u (- 10 cm) 2 v - 10 - 10
X I2 = 20 + 5 = 25 cm Solving we get, v = - 10 cm
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462 — Optics and Modern Physics

If angle of q is less than this value, then angle of

32. O I1 incidence at N will be greater than qC . Hence, TIR
will take place at N .
2F 2F
37. Reflection from the concave mirror, I 1
20 cm 20 cm
2 cm
1 æ1 1ö
33. = (1.5 - 1) ç - ÷
15 èR ¥ø 1 cm
\ R = 7.5 cm O
With polished surface,
1 2 (m 2 /m 1 ) 2 (m 2 /m 1 - 1) 1 1 1
= - + = Þ v = + 2 cm
F R2 R1 v -1 - 2
2 (1.5) 2 (1.5 - 1) æ 1ö
= - Shift due to slab = ç1 - ÷ t
- 7.5 ¥ è nø
F = - 2.5 cm = (1 - 2/ 3) (9 cm )
Now, using mirror formula, = 3 cm
1 1 1 Now, slab will make next image at a distance 3 cm
+ =
v - 20 - 2.5 from I 1 in the direction of ray of light, i.e. at O
20 itself but it is virtual, as the ray of light has crossed
Solving, we get v = - cm the slab and we are making image behind the slab.
m2 m1
æ 1ö æ 2ö 38.
34. Shift = ç1 - ÷ t = ç1 - ÷ (6) = 2 cm
è mø è 3ø
For mirror, object distance = 50 - 2 = 48 cm.
So, mirror will make image at a distance 48 cm m2 m1 m2 -m1
behind it. In return journey of ray of light, we will - =
v u -R
have to farther take 2 cm shift in the direction of
ray of light. m2 m1 -m2 m1
\ = +
So, image distance as observed by observer v R u
= (50 + 48) - 2 = 96 cm If m 1 > m 2 and u is positive (i.e. virtual object),
1 1 1 then v is always positive or image is always real.
35. Using - = , we get 1 1 1
v u f 39. = +
F f1 f2
1 1 1
- =
+ ( f + 40) - ( f + 10) + f
Solving this equation, we get
f = + 20 cm
36. Applying Snell’s law at point M, we get
sin q
n1 = or sin q = n1 cos qC
sin (90° - qC ) æ1 1 ö æ 1 1 ö
= (1.6 - 1) çç - ÷ + (1.5 - 1) ç
ç - 10 - - 20 ÷
n22 è ¥ - 10 ø è ø
= n1 1 - sin 2 qC = n1 1 - = n12 - n22
n12 Solving we get, F = 28.57 cm
90°– q q
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 463

1.5 1.0 1.5 - 1.0 For n = 2m + 1, it is just like an identical prism of

- =
v -u +R larger size.
1.5 - 1 1
or = +
v u 2R
For image to real (for negative value of u) v should
1 1
be positive. Hence, < or u > 2R.
u 2R

sin i1 v
2. = 1
41. ¥ sin i2 v2
2F F O
sin r 1 vy
\ = slope = =
sin i 3 vx
When object moves towards F to O virtual erect vx
and magnified image moves from ¥ to O. \ vy =
1 1 1 d2
42. = + - Speed of light in medium- y is less. So, it is denser.
F f1 f2 f1 / f2 TIR takes place when ray of travels from denser to
f1 and f2 both are negative. Hence, F is also rarer medium.
negative. Object is real so combined lens (having 3. (a) If vacuum speed of light of all colours is same.
negative focal length) will always make, its virtual
m m m -m1 (b)
43. Using 2 - 1 = 2 we get ¥ P F
u u R
3/ 2 1.0 3/ 2 - 1
- = If object moves from ¥ to P, then its virtual,
µ -x + 60
erect and diminished image move from F to P.
\ x = 120 cm
Hence for x = 120 cm, rays of light become
parallel to principal axis and fall normal to
polished surface. (c) d
Hence, rays retrace their path.
1.6 1.0 1.6 - 1.0
44. - = i
v1 - 2 + 1.0 I1 I2
Þ v1 = 16 m
4. Displacement method of finding focal length of
2.0 1.0 2.0 - 1.0 convex lens.
- =
v2 -2 + 1.0 5. Deviation, d = (m - 1) A = (1.5 - 1) 4 ° = 2°
\ v2 = 4 m
I 2 I 2 = v1 - v2

= 12 m (a)

More than One Correct Options N

1. For n = 2m, it is just like slab. 2º

To rotate ray MP by 2° (to make it parallel to
MN ) we will have to rotate the mirror only
\ Deviation = 0 by 1°.
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464 — Optics and Modern Physics

(b) Without prism, ray of light was falling normal 1 1 1

\ = +
to plane mirror. So, ray of light was retracing v u f
its path prism has deviated it 2°. So, if we Between O and F2 or between F2 and 2F2, u is
rotate the mirror by 2°, ray of light further falls positive. So, v is also positive.
normal to plan mirror and retraces its path. \ m= is positive
Comprehension Based Questions Therefore, image is real (as v is positive) and erect
1 1 1 1 1 (as m is also positive).
1. Using the mirror formula, = + = -
f v u - 40 10 1 1 1
2. (a) - =
Solving we get, f = - 8 cm v u - f
1 1 1
2. Focal length of lenses is \ = -
u u f
1 æ1 1 ö
= (1.8 - 1) çç - ÷
÷ Between O and F1, u is positive and less than
F è ¥ - 2R ø f . So, v is positive (therefore image is real).
æ 1 1 ö
+ (1.2 - 1) çç - ÷ Further from
è - 2R - R ÷ø v
F = 2R u
We can see that m is allow positive. So, it is
erect also.
R 1 1 1
(b) - =
v u - f
Now combined power of system, 1 1 1
\ = -
P = 2PL + Pm v u f
1 Between F1 and 2F1 , m positive and greater than f .
or - = 2PL + Pm
f So, v negative (therefore image is virtual).
1 æ 1 ö 2 Further from
or =2ç ÷ + v
8 è 2R ø R m=
or R = 24 cm
We can see that m is negative so, image is
\ Radius of curvature of common surface inverted.
= 2R = 48 cm 3. (a) and (b)
3. Combined focal length of lens, m
v= 2u
1 æ 1 1 ö m1
= (1.2 - 1) çç - ÷
f è + 24 + 48 ø Þ |v | < |u |
æ 1 1ö as m1 >m2
+ (1.8 - 1) çç - ÷÷
è + 48 ¥ ø i.e v and u are of same sign.
1 Or they are on same side of plane surface.
48 From plane surface, if object is real, image is
Now, combined power of system virtual and vice-versa.
æ 1ö (c) and (d)
1 æ 1ö
\ - = 2 çç ÷÷ + ¥ = 2 ç ÷ m
F f
è ø è 48 ø v= 1u
\ F = - 24 cm
Þ |v | > |u |
Match the Columns Other explanations are same.
1 1 1 m 1 m -1
1. (c) and (d) - = 4. (a) - =
v u f v -u -R
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 465

m -1 m -1 2. The paths of the rays are shown in figure. Since,

\ = -
v u R the virtual image is diminished, the lens is
Therefore, v is always negative. Or image is concave.
always virtual.
m 1 m -1
(b) - =
v +u -R A B
m 1 m -1 A¢
or = -
v u R
So, v may be positive or negative. Hence,
image may be real or virtual.
Same logic can be applied for two options. For
them R is positive. In option (c), u is negative 3. (a) OA = 8.0 cm
and in option (d) u is positive.
1 æ 1 1ö \ AI 1 = (ng )(OA )
5. or P1 = (1.5 - 1) çç - ÷÷ …(i)
f1 R
è 1 R2ø
æ 8ö
= ç ÷ (8.0) = 12.8 cm
æ 1.5 ö æ 1 è 5ø
1 1ö
or P2 = çç - 1÷÷ çç - ÷÷ …(ii) For refraction at EG (R = ¥ ), using
f2 ème ø è R1 R2 ø
Dividing Eq. (ii) by Eq. (i), we get
æ 3 ö
P2 = çç - 2÷÷ P1 …(iii)
èm e ø
(a) m e = 1.4, then P2 is positive and less than P1. O A B F
Other options can be checked from Eq. (iii).
6. Concave lens can make only virtual, erect and
diminished images of real objects. D G +ve
Convex lens can make real, inverted and n2 n1 n2 - n1
diminished size or real inverted and magnified or - =
virtual, erect and magnified images of real objects. v u R
4 /3 8/ 5
Rest type of cases are possible with virtual, \ - =0
objects. BI 2 - (12.8 + 3)
\ BI 2 = - (15.8)(4 / 3)(5/ 8) = - 13.2 cm
Subjective Questions
\ FI 2 = 13.2 + 6.8 = 20.0 cm Ans.
1. First draw a ray AA¢ until it intersects with the
principal optical axis and find the centre of the lens (b) For face EF
C. Since, the virtual image is magnified, the lens is C E



D G +ve
8/ 5 4 / 3
Draw a ray AB parallel to the principal optical axis. - =0
BI 1 -6.8
It is refracted by the lens so that it passes through its
focus and its continuation passes through the virtual \ BI 1 = - (6.8)(8/ 5)(3/ 4 )
image. The ray A ¢ B intersects the principal optical = - 8.16 cm
axis at point F, the focus of the lens.
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466 — Optics and Modern Physics

For face CD Therefore, we will have to shift the screen a

1.0 8/ 5 distance x = v2 - v1 = 60 cm away from lens. Ans.
- =0
AI 2 -11.16 1 æ 1 1ö
7. = (1.5 - 1) çç + ÷
\ AI 2 = - (11.16)(5/ 8) 40 è 120 R1 ø
= - 6.975 cm Solving we get, R2 = 24 cm
\ FI 2 = 8 + 6.975 Applying lens formula, for L2
= 14.975 cm Ans. O
4. The system behaves like a mirror of x
focal length given by
1 2(n2 / n1 ) 2(n2 / n1 - 1) n1 n2 L2
= -
F R2 R1
Substituting the values with proper
10 cm
1 2 ´ 4 /3 R1
= (Q R1 = ¥ ) L1
F -20
or F = - 7.5 cm Ans. R2

i.e. system behaves as a concave mirror of focal 1 1 1

length 7.5 cm. + = …(i)
v1 x 20
1 æ 1 1ö m2 m1 m2 -m1
5. = (n - 1) çç - ÷÷ Using - = for unsilvered side of
f R
è 1 R2ø v u R
1 æ 1 1 ö L1.
= (1.5 - 1) çç - ÷
R1 n R2 1.5 1.0 1.5 – 1.0
10 è R1 -10 ø - = …(ii)
1 2 -120 v1 - 10 24
\ R1 = + 10 cm
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get x = 10 cm Ans.
Now using,
1 1 1
1 1 2(n2 / n1 ) 2(n2 / n1 - 1) 8. Case I + =
+ = - v u f
v u R2 R1
1 1 1
Substituting the values, \ - =
v1 30 -10
1 1 2(1.5) 2(1.5 - 1)
- = - \ v1 = - 15 cm
v -15 -10 +10
æ 1ö æ 1 ö
\ v = - 2.14 cm Ans. Case II Shift = ç1 - ÷ t = ç1 - ÷ 6 = 2 cm
è mø è 1.5 ø
1 1 1
6. Using lens formula, - = 1 1 1
v u f \ - =
v2 28 -10
1 1 1
- = \ v2 = - 15.55 cm
v1 -40 30
\ Dv = 0.55 cm Ans.
\ v1 = 120 cm
m m m -m1
Shift due to the slab, 9. Using 2 - 1 = 2 , twice with u = ¥,
æ 1ö v u R
æ 1 ö
Dx = ç1 - ÷ d = ç1 - ÷ 9 = 4 cm we have
è mø è 1.8 ø
1.5 1.5 – 1.4
\ u ¢ = - (40 - Dx ) = …(i)
v1 +20
= - 36 cm
1 1 1 1.6 1.5 1.6 – 1.5
\ - = - = …(ii)
v2 -36 30 v2 v1 -20

\ v2 = 180 cm Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get f = v2 = ¥ ,

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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 467

i.e. the system behaves like a glass plate. æ 1ö

qC = sin -1 ç ÷ = 45°
10. First image will be formed by direct rays 1 and 2, èm ø
etc. Applying sine law in DCPM,
PI 1 = = = 3.33 cm Ans. =
m 1.5 sin qC sin (90° + r)
Second image will be formed by reflected rays CP R
3 and 4, etc. \ = [R = radius]
(1/ 2 ) cos r
\ CP = R
As we move away from C, angle PMC will
P 2
increase. Therefore, CP >| R. Same is the case
5cm 2
O on left side of C.
5cm 3
3 1 æ1 1 ö
13. = (1.5 - 1) ç - ÷
20 è R - Rø
Object is placed at the focus of the mirror. Hence, \ R = 20 cm
I 2 is formed at infinity. m m m -m1
Applying 2 - 1 = 2 twice with the
11. (a) Applying Snell's law at D, v u R
4 3 condition that rays must fall normally on the
sin i = sin 30° concave mirror.
3 2
1.5 12 . 1.5 – 1.2
\ i = 34.2° Ans. - = …(i)
A v1 - 40 + 20
2.0 1.5 2.0 – 1.5
- = …(ii)
d - 80 v1 –20
30 °

Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get

i i d = 30 cm Ans.
30° 30°
and v1 = - 100 cm
The ray diagram is as shown in figure.

B C 90°
(b) d = dD + dE = 2dD
I1 I2
= 2(i - 30° )
= 8.4 ° Ans. 100 cm
sin 45° 40 cm 30 cm
12. 2 = 80 cm
sin r
45° 14. Using lens formula,
C P 1 1 1
- =
r 36 -45 f
qC \ f = 20 cm
M In the second case, let m be the refractive index of
the liquid, then
r = 30°
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468 — Optics and Modern Physics

1 1 1 Note A ray passing through O and then O¢ goes

- =
48 æ 40 ö 20 undeviated.
- ç5 + ÷
è m ø Therefore I 1 and I 2 both should be on this line,
which is also the x-axis. That’s why for final
Solving this, we get m = 1.37 Ans. image we have taken projection of O ¢ I 2 ¢ on x-axis.
15. As the angles are small we can take, 17. Since, the vessel is cubical, ÐGDE = 45°
A and GE = ED = h (say )
then EF = ED - FD = (h - 10)
90° 4 sin 45°
Further, =
3 sin r
A + 1°15¢ \ r = 32°

6°30¢ 2A Eye

B C 45°
sin q » q
A + 1°15¢ r
Now, m = h
6°30¢ 45°
= B D
2A E F

Solving this equation, we get EF

Now, = tan r = tan 32°
A = 2° h - 10
and m = 1.62 Ans. \ = 0.62
16. Using lens formula for L2 , Solving this, we get
h = 26.65 cm Ans.
I2N 18. BO = OC
\ ÐOBC = ÐBCO = r (say)
L1 L2
f/2 y
A i B
I2 60°
x r
O I1 ON i r
f f

1 1 1
- =
v - f /2 f Let angle of incidence be i,
or v=- f i = r + r = 2r (external angle)
sin i sin 2r 2r
This f length will be along PP¢ from point O ¢ \ m = = » =2 Ans.
(towards P). sin r sin r r
\ O ¢ I 2¢ = f 19. dTotal = dRefraction + 2dReflection + dRefraction
On x-axis this distance will be f sec 60° = 2 f . or d = (i – r) + 2(180° - 2r) + (i - r)
Since, OO ¢ = 2 f , therefore image will be formed at = 360° + 2i - 6r
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 469

æ sin i ö So, length of final image

= 360° + 2i - 6 sin -1 ç ÷
è m ø 1
A3 B3 = A2 B2 = 2 mm
dd 3
For deviation to be minimum, =0 Point B2 is 2 mm below the optic axis of second half
lens. Hence, its image B3 is formed 2/3 mm above
By putting first derivative of d (w.r.t. i) equal to
the principal axis. Similarly, point A2 is 8 mm
zero, we get the desired result.
below the principal axis. Hence, its image is 8/3 mm
æ1 1 1ö above it. Therefore, image is at a distance of 20 cm
20. (a) For refraction at first half lens çç - = ÷÷
èv u f ø behind the second half lens and at a distance of 2/3
1 1 1 mm above the principal axis. The size of image is 2
- = mm and is inverted as compared to the given object.
v -20 15 Image formed by second half lens is shown in
\ v = 60 cm figure (c).
v 60
Magnification, m = = = -3 A3
u -20
The image formed by first half lens is shown in O¢
figure (a). B2 O ¢¢
AB = 2 mm, A1 B1 = 6 mm, AO1 = 20 cm,
O1F = 15 cm and O1 A1 = 60 cm.
A2 (c)
(b) Ray diagram for final image is shown in
F A1 figure (d).
A O1 4 mm
2 mm A3
B1 A1
(a) B3
A B2
Point B1 is 6 mm below the principal axis of the
lenses. Plane mirror is 4 mm below it. B1
B2 A2
2 mm (d)
21. (i) PO = OQ
4 mm \ ÐOPQ = ÐOQP = r (say)
i P
(b) Radius = 0.1 m
h r
Hence, 4 mm length of A1 B1 (i.e. A1 C 1) acts as i r Q
real object for mirror. Mirror forms its virtual R O i
image A2 C 2. 2 mm length of A1 B1 (i.e. C 1 B1) acts
as virtual object for mirror. Real image C 2 B2 is
formed of this part. Image formed by plane mirror
is shown in figure (b). Also, i = r + r = 2r
1 1 1 In DPOR, h = OP sin i = 0.1 sin i
For the second half lens, - =
v -60 15 = 0.1 sin 2r
\ v = + 20 or h = 0.2 sin r cos r …(i)
v 20 1 sin i 2 sin r cos r
m= = =- Also, 3= =
u -60 3 sin r sin r
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470 — Optics and Modern Physics

= 2 cos r 1 m 1-m
Further, - =
\ r = 30° BI 2 ( AI 1 - R ) -R
Substituting in Eq. (i), we get Solving this equation, we get
1 3 2R (4 m - 1)
h = 0.2 ´ ´ BI 2 = -
2 2 3m - 1
= 0.086 m
Hence, height from the mirror is
0.1 + 0.086 = 0.186 m
(ii) Use the principle of reversibility.

Q S R Eye
O i C 2R

i = 2r = 60° \ Distance between the final image and object is
QS 1 2R (4 m - 1)
Now, = cot i = cot 60° = d = 3R -
MS 3 3m - 1
MS 0.1 (m - 1)R
\ QS = = = Hence proved.
3 3 (3m - 1)
\ The desired distance,
2 ´ 0.1 24. dTotal = dP + dQ
OC = 2 ´ 0.1 +
= 0.315 Ans. a
Vi r r 1 P
22. = S = = i
V rL 2 r 2 r r i
i.e. half the sphere is inside the liquid. For the
image to coincide with the object light should fall
normally on the sphere.
m m m -m1
Using 2 - 1 = 2 twice, we have
v u R
3/ 2 1 3/ 2 - 1 \ a = (i - r) + (i - r)
- =
v1 -8 +2 a
or i-r= …(i)
\ v1 = 12 cm 2
4 /3 3/ 2 4 / 3 - 3/ 2 Further, in DOPQ, r + r + b = 180°
Further, - =
h - 10 8 -2 b
\ r = 90° - …(ii)
Solving this equation, we get 2
h = 15 cm Ans. From Eq. (i),
a æ a - bö
23. We have to see the image of O from the other side. i=r+ = 90° + ç ÷ …(iii)
2 è 2 ø
m2 m1 m2 -m1
Applying, - = twice, we have é æ a - böù
v u R sin ê 90° + ç ÷ú
m 1 m -1 sin i ë è 2 øû
- = m = =
sin r æ bö
AI 1 -2R -R sin ç 90° - ÷
è 2ø
2 mR
\ AI 1 =
1 - 2m
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Chapter 31 Refraction of Light — 471

æb - a ö 1 m 1-m
cos ç ÷ Further, - =
è 2 ø v2 - (3R - v1 ) R/2
æbö R (9 - 4m )
cos ç ÷ \ v2 = Ans.
è 2ø (10 m - 9)(m - 2)
æb - a ö b
Final image is real if, v2 > 0.
or cos ç ÷ = m cos Hence proved.
è 2 ø 2
As 10 m - 9 is always positive (m > 1). Therefore,
25. q = 90° - i for v2 > 0, either (9 - 4m ) and (m - 2) both should
y be greater than zero or both should be less than
zero. For the first condition (when both > 0)
2 < m < 2.25 and for the second condition (when
both < 0), m < 2 and m > 2.25 which is not
P (x, y) possible. Hence, m should lie between 2 and 2.25.
i 27. For the lens, u = - 2.0 m, f = + 1.5 m
1 1 1
\ - =
v -2.0 1.5
tan q = cot i or v = 6.0 m
dy 6.0
or = cot i …(i) m= = - 3.0
dx –2.0
m 0 sin i0 = m P sin iP

90°– q
(i) sin 90° = ( 1 + ay) sin i I2
1 0.3 m q
\ sin i = q M
1 + ay O N P q
dy I1
\ cot i = ay =
dx d
6.0 m
y dy x y
\ ò0 ay
= ò dx or
a Therefore, y-coordinate of image formed by lens is
Substituting y = 2 m, m(0.1) = - 0.3 m.
and a = 2.0 ´ 10-6 m -1 0.3
= tan q = 0.3
We get xmax = 2000 m = 2 km Ans.
\ NP = MP = 1.0 m
m2 m1 m2 -m1
26. Applying, - = twice, we have or d = 6.0 – 1.0
v u R
= 5.0 m Ans.
m 1 m -1
- = and x-coordinate of final image I 2 is
v1 -2R R
x = d - 1.0 = 4.0 m Ans.
2 mR
\ v1 =
2m - 3
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32. Interference and Diffraction of Light

2 So, I 1 = 9I 2
I 9 I æ I / I + 1ö
1. 1 = , max = çç 1 2 ÷ Let A2 = A0 and I2 = I0
I 2 16 I min è I 1 / I 2 - 1 ÷ø
Then, A1 = 3 A0 and I 1 = 9I 0
Amax A1 + A2
2. (a) = Amax = ( A1 + A2 ) = 4 A0
Amin A1 - A2
and I max = 16I 0
I max æ Amax ö Now, I = I 1 + I 2 + 2 I 1I 2 cos f
(b) =ç ÷
I min çè Amin ÷ø
= 9I 0 + I 0 + 2 9I 0 ´ I 0 cos f
3. path difference is equivalent to 90° phase
4 = 10I 0 + 6I 0 cos f
difference I max æI ö
Anet = 5 A0 = 10 ´ + 6 ç max ÷ cos f
16 è 16 ø
Þ I max = 25 I 0 5 3
= I max + I max cos f
Ö2A0 8 8
3A0 5 3 æ f ö
= I max + I max ç 2 cos2 - 1÷
8 8 è 2 ø
1 3 f
= I max + I max × cos2
45° 4 4 2
I max æ 2 f ö
= ç1 + 3 cos ÷
4 è 2ø
5. (a) I = I max cos2
f 2
3. I = I max cos2
2 = I 0 cos2 30° (as f = 60° )
3 f f 3 3
I max = I max cos2 or cos = = I0
4 2 2 2 4
f p l
\ = (b) 60° phase difference is equivalent to path
2 6 6
p æ 2p ö 2p æ yd ö
\ f = = ç ÷ (Dx ) = ç ÷ difference.
3 è lø l èDø f
lD (600 ´ 10-19 ) (1.2) 6. aR = 2a cos
\ y= = 2
6d (6) (0.25 ´ 10-2 ) (i) For aR = 2a, f = 0°
= 48 ´ 10-6 m = 48 mm (ii) For aR = 2a, f = 90° etc

LEVEL 1 Substituting in Eq. (i), we get
æ lö
Assertion and Reason I = I 0 Þ Dx = ç ÷ f
è 2p ø
1. I = 4 I 0 cos2 …(i) 2p l
2 For f = , Dx =
3 3
2p f
f= or 120° Þ = 60° 2. The whole fringe pattern will shift upwards.
3 2
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 473

3. No reflected ray reaches below O. Objective Questions

4. I max = ( I 1 + I 2 )2 and
1. A = (8)2 + (6)2 = 10 mm
I min = ( I 1 - I 2 )
6 mm 6 mm A
When I 1 = I 2 = I 0 , then
I max = 4 I 0 and I min = 0 Þ

When slit of one width is slightly increased, then 4 mm 12 mm 8 mm

intensity due to that slit becomes greater than I 0 .
In that case, we can see that 2. = b2
I max > 4 I 0 and I min > 0 I2
6. Locus of points of equal path difference in the So let, I 2 = 1 unit, then I 1 = b
shown case is circle. I max = ( I 1 + I 2 )2 = (1 + b )2
7. At centre, path difference is maximum and this is
equal to S 1S 2. Then, path difference decreases as I min = ( I 1 - I 2 )2 = (1 - b )2
we move away on the screen. So, order of fringe = I max - I min = 4b
also decreases. Hence, 11th order maxima occurs
before 10th order maxima. I max + I min = 2(1 + b 2 )
8. At points P and R 2b
\ The asked ratio is .
| Dx | = S 1S 2 = 4 l , therefore maxima. 1+ b 2
Q l
3. d sin q =
æ lö æ 5460 ´ 10-10 ö
\ q = sin -1 ç ÷ = sin -1 ç ÷
ç 2 ´ 0.1 ´ 10-3 ÷
S1 S2 è 2d ø è ø
= 0.16°
4. 6th dark fringe distance in vacuum = 10th bright
fringe distance in liquid.
At Q and S
\ 5.5 w = 10 w¢
Dx = 0, therefore again maxima. Then, three
w 10
maxima in each quadrant (between P and Q or or =m = = 1.81
between Q and R etc.) corresponding to w¢ 5.5
| Dx | = l , 2l and 3l. Therefore, there are total (m - 1)tD
5. Shift =
16 maxima. d
In each quadrant there are four minima (1.5 - 1) (10 ´ 10-6 ) (1.0)
corresponding to | Dx | = 0.5 l , 1.5 l , 2.5 l and =
2.5 ´ 10-3
3.5l. Hence, there are total 16 minima.
= 2 ´ 10- 3 m
9. d sin q = 2l (for second order maxima)
= 2 mm
l 1 1
sin q = 2 =2´ = w (lD / d ) lD
d 4 2 6. Distance = = =
2 2 2d
\ q = 30°
7. Path difference at centre is always zero. Hence, all
For maxima, d sin q = nl wavelengths under all conditions always interfere
d constructively.
\ nmax = = 4 (for q = 90°)
l lD
8. w = or w µ l
So, there are total 7 maxima corresponding to d
n = 0, ± 1, ± 2 and ± 3. 6000
w will increase
We cannot take n = 4, as it is for q = 90°, which is 4000
out of screen. or 1.5 times.
(m - 1) tD Hence, number of fringes in same distance will
10. Shift = is independent of l.
d decrease 1.5 times.
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474 — Optics and Modern Physics

lD 1m 4m
9. w =
d A P1 B
l (DD )
Þ Dw = 4m 1m
d A P2 B
(d ) (Dw) (10-3 ) (3 ´ 10-5 )
\ l= = l
DD 5 ´ 10-2 At P1 BP1 - AP1 = 3m =
= 0.6 ´ 10-6 m = 6000 Å l
At P2 AP2 - BP2 = 3m =
I max ( I 1 / I 2 + 1) 49 2
10. = =
I min ( I 1 / I 2 - 1) 2
9 c 3 ´ 108
3. Q l = = = 2.5 m
I 1 25 f 120 ´ 106
Solving, we get =
I2 4 x (9 – x)
3lD A P B
11. y=
Dx = ( BP - AP ) = (9 - 2x ) = nl
yd (7.5 ´ 10-3 ) (0.2 ´ 10-3 ) 9 - nl 9 - 2.5 n
\ l= = \ x= =
3D (3) (1) 2 2
= 500 ´ 10- 9 m = 500 nm Now, substituting n = 1, 2,L etc.
nl D nl D We can find different values of x.
12. 1 1 = 2 2
d d x1 = 3.25 m for n = 1
n1 l 1 5200 4 x2 = 2.0 m for n = 2
or = = =
n2 l 2 6500 5 and x3 = 0.75 m for n = 3
\ 4th maxima of l 1 coincides with 5th maxima Similarly, we will get three points at same distance
of l 2. from other point B.
4 l 1D lD
ymin = 4. Q w=
d d
4 ´ 6500 ´ 10-10 ´ 1.2 wd (2.82 ´ 10-3 ) (0.46 ´ 10-3 )
= \ l= =
D 2.2
2 ´ 10-3
= 0.589 ´ 106 m
= 1.56 ´ 10- 3 m = 0.156 cm
» 0.590 nm
13. Only fringe pattern will shift. Number of fringes l 500 ´ 10-9
on screen will remain unchanged. 5. q = = radian
d 2.0 ´ 10-3
Subjective Questions » 0.014 °
1. Amax = 5 + 3 = 8 units l
6. Wavelength in water, l ¢ =
Amin = 5 - 3 = 2 units m
Amax l ¢D lD
=4 Fringe width, w = =
Amin d md

I max
= (4 )2 = 16 (700 ´ 10- 9 )(0.48)
I min (4 / 3) (0.25 ´ 10-3 )
2. (a) At centre path difference is zero. Therefore, = 10-3 m
construction interference will be obtained. = 1 mm
(b) = 3 m. At a distance, where path difference 3l D 3l D
2 7. Distance = 2 - 1
l d d
is or 3 m destructive interference will be 3(l 2 - l 1 )D
2 =
obtained. d
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 475

3 ´ (600 - 480) ´ 10-9 ´ 1.0 12. (a) Dx =

5.0 ´ 10-3 D
= 7.2 ´ 10-5 m and f= × Dx
= 0.072 mm
(2p ) yd
8. The required distance = one fringe width =
=w= (2 ´ 180) yd
d = degree
(500 ´ 10-9 ) (0.75)
= 360 ´ 0.3 ´ 10-3 ´ 10 ´ 10-3
(0.45 ´ 10-3 ) =
546 ´ 10-9 ´ 1.0
= 8.33 ´ 10-4 m
= 1978°
= 0.83 mm
w2 Now, I = I 0 cos2
9. y = w1 = 2
l 1D l 2D = 2.97 ´ 10- 4 I 0
\ =
d 2d » 3.0 ´ 10- 4 I 0
Þ l 2 = 2l 1 = 1200 nm lD
l (b) w =
10. d sin q1 = d
2 \ Number of fringes between central fringe and P
l 550 ´ 10-9 y yd
sin q1 = = N = =
2d 2 ´ 1.8 ´ 10-6 w lD
\ q1 = 8.78° (10 ´ 10-3 ) (0.3 ´ 10-3 )
y1 =
= tan q1 (546 ´ 10-9 ) (1.0)
= 5.49
\ y1 = D tan q1
So, bright fringes are five.
= 35tan 8.78°
(m - 1) tD
= 5.41 cm 13. Shift =
3l d
d sin q2 =
2 (1.6 - 1) (10 ´ 10- 6 ) (1.5)
S1 =
3l 3 ´ 550 ´ 10-9 1.5 ´ 10-3
\ sin q2 = =
2d 2 ´ 1.8 ´ 10-6 = 0.6 ´ 10-2 m
\ q2 = 27.27° = 0.6 m
\ y2 = D tan q2 (1.2 - 1) (15 ´ 10-6 ) (1.5)
S2 =
= 35tan 27.27° 1.5 ´ 10-3
= 18 cm
= 0.3 ´ 10-2 m
Dy = y2 - y1 = 12.6 cm
= 0.3 cm
11. l(in Å) = = DS = S 1 - S 2 = 0.3 cm
E (in eV)
= 3 mm
(de-Broglie wavelength of electron) l (2D ) (m - 1)tD
14. = (fringe width = shift)
150 d d
= = 1.22 Å
100 (m - 1)t
\ l=
lD (1.22 Å) (3m) 2
w= =
d (10 Å) (1.6 - 1) (1.964 ´ 10-6 )
= m
= 0.366 m 2
= 36.6 cm = 0.5892 ´ 10-6 m = 589 nm
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476 — Optics and Modern Physics

15. Q d = 2 cm For n = 4 , l = 424 nm

lD (500 ´ 10 ) (100) -9 For n = 5, l = 329 nm
w= = Therefore, two wavelengths lying in the given
d 2 ´ 10-2
range are 424 nm and 594 nm.
= 2.5 ´ 10-3 m = 2.5 mm (b) Ray-1 and ray-2 are in same phase.

d P
S¢ n t

In this figure, P is in a dark fringe, as conditions of

maxima and minima are interchanged. 1 2
Hence, next dark fringe will be obtained at a
distance w or 2.5 mm from P. Hence,
16. 1 and 2 both are reflected from denser medium. Dx = 2nt = ml (for maximum intensity)
2nt (2) (1.53) (485 nm)
\ l= =
1 2 m m
æ 1484 ö
=ç ÷ nm
t è m ø
n2 Substituting m = 1, 2, 3 L etc,
l 1 = 1484 nm, l 2 = 742 nm,
Hence, l 3 = 495 nm, l 4 = 371 nm etc.
l Therefore, only wavelength lying in the given
2n1t = for first order minima range is 495 nm.
l 650 18. Ray-1 and ray-2 both are reflected from denser
or tmin = = medium. Hence, they are in phase.
4 n1 4 ´ 1.42
1 2
= 114 nm
17. (a) Ray-1 is reflected from a denser medium and
1.3 t
ray-2 by a rarer medium.
1 2 1.5

\ 2 mt = for minima
t n 2
l 600
or t= =
4m 4 ´ 1.3
Dx = 2nt = (2m - 1) for maximum intensity = 1154 Å
4 nt 19. Ray-1 is reflected from denser medium and ray-2
\ l=
(2m - 1) from denser medium.
(4 ) (1.53) (485 nm) 1 2
2m - 1
æ 2968 ö Oil t
= çç ÷÷ nm
è 2m - 1ø Water
For m = 1, l = 2968 nm
For m = 2, l = 989 nm \ Dx = 2 mt = l = 800 nm for destruction
For m = 3, l = 594 nm interference.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 477

\ mt = 400 nm lD b
\ y1 = =
For constructive interference, 4d 4
l æf ö
Dx = 2 mt = (2n - 1) Further, I 0 = 4 I 0 cos2 ç 2 ÷
2 è 2ø
4mt 1600 2p æ 2p ö æ 2p ö æ y d ö
\ l= = \ f2 = = ç ÷ (D x2 ) = ç ÷ ç 2 ÷
2n - 1 2n - 1 3 è lø è løè D ø
For n = 1, l = 1600 nm lD b
\ y2 = =
For n = 2, l = 533 nm 3d 3
For n = 3, l = 320 nm b
Dy = y2 - y1 =
The only wavelength lying in the given range is 12
533 nm. 2. At path difference l, we get maximum intensity.
20. 2mt = l / 2 \ I max = I
This is the condition for destructive interference. æ fö
l 3.0 I R = I max cos2 ç ÷
\ t= = = 0.5 cm è 2ø
4m 4 ´ 1.5 I æ fö
\ = I cos2 ç ÷
21. Path difference produced by slab, 4 è 2ø
l æ fö 1
Dx = (m - 1)t = or cos ç ÷ = ±
2 è 2ø 2
path difference is equivalent to 180° phase f
2 \ = 60° or 120°
difference. Hence, maxima and minima
2p 4p
interchange their positions. \ f = 120° or 240° or and
3 3
22. Dx = d sin q = nl
æ lö
d sin q From the relation, Dx = ç ÷ × f
n= è 2p ø
We see that,
d 4.0 ´ 10-6
nmax = = l 2l
l 600 ´ 10-9 Dx = and
3 3
= 6.66 3. Ray-1 is reflected from a denser medium (D f = p)
Highest integer is 6. while ray-2 comes after reflecting from a rarer
23. medium (D f = 0° ).
\ Dx = 2mt = (2n - 1) for maximum intensity.
A (each) 4 mt
or l =
(2n - 1)
4 ´1.5 ´ 500 æ 3000 ö
= = çç ÷÷ nm
2n - 1 è 2n - 1ø
Anet = 0
1 2

m t
Single Correct Option
q1 ö
1. 2 I 0 = 4 I 0 cos2 æç÷
è 2ø Substituting n = 1, 2, 3 ××× etc, we get l = 3000 nm,
p æ 2p ö æ 2p ö æ y d ö 1000 nm, 600 nm etc.
\ f1 = = ç ÷ (D x1 ) = ç ÷ ç 1 ÷
2 è lø è løè D ø \ Answer is 600 nm.
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478 — Optics and Modern Physics

yd d
4. D x = 7. Q q=
P S1
d q

For destructive interference at P.
Third minima,
yd l
Dx = = (2n - 1) æ lD ö 2.5l
D 2 y = ± 2.5 w = ± 2.5 ç ÷=±
2 yd è d ø q
\ l=
(2n - 1) D 8. At points P and Q,
Substituting n = 1, 3, 5 ×××etc we get R
2 yd 2 æ yd ö 2 æ yd ö
l= , ç ÷ , ç ÷ etc …(i)
D 3èDø 5èDø
yd (2 ´ 10-3 ) (0.1´ 10-3 )
Here, = Q P
D 1.0 S1 O S2
= 2 ´ 10-7 m 3a = 15l
= 2000 Å
Substituting in Eq. (i), we get l = 4000 Å, 2680 Å, S
1600Å etc.
| Dx | = 15, therefore maxima
So that answer is 4000 Å.
At points R and S
5. I max = I max cos2 æç ö÷
Dx = 0, therefore maxima.
4 è 2ø
f p 5p Between P and R (and similarly in other three
\ = and quadrants), we will get 14 maxima corresponding
2 12 6
p to, Dx = l , 2l ××× 14 l.
\ f= Therefore, total maximas are 60.
5p æ 2p ö yd d læ lD ö
æ 2p ö æ yd ö 9. Dx = = (w/ 4 ) = ç w = ÷
and = ç ÷ (Dx ) = ç ÷ ç ÷ D D 4 è d ø
3 è lø è løèDø
lD (6000 ´ 10-10 ) (1) æ 2p ö p
f = ç ÷ Dx = or 90°
\ y1 = = è lø 2
12d (12) (10-3 )
2 q
= 0.05 ´ 10-3 m = 0.05 mm I = I max cos
æ lD ö I 1
y2 = 5 ç ÷ = 5 ´ 0.05 mm \ 2
= cos 45° =
è 12d ø I max 2
= 0.25 mm (m - 1) tD
10. Shift =
D y = y2 - y1 = 0.2 mm d
(m - 1) tD 3.5 lD At m = 1,shift = 0
6. Shift = = 3.5, w =
d d
t= P
m -1
(3.5) (6000 ´ 10-10 ) Q Zero
1.5 - 1 R I0
= 4.2 ´ 10-6 m
= 4.2 mm Therefore, intensity at centre is maximum or I 0.
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 479

As m increases fringes shift upwards as shown in 5. Fringe pattern shifts in the direction of slab. But,
figure. (m - 1) tD
Shift =
So, intensity at P first decreases to zero (as Q d
reaches at P), then it further increases to I 0 (as So, actual shift will depend on the values of m , t , D
point R reaches to P). and d.
3 f
11. I max = I max cos2 6. For overlapping of maxima
4 2
n1l 1D n2l 2D
f p p æ 2p ö æ 2p ö =
\ = or f = = ç ÷ (Dx ) = ç ÷ (m - 1) t d d
2 6 3 è lø è lø n1 l 2 7 14
or = = , ×××
l 6000 ´ 10-10 n2 l 1 5 10
\ t= =
6 (m - 1) 6 (1.5 - 1) Þ 14th order maxima of l 1 will coincide with
= 0.2 ´ 10-6 m = 0.2 mm 10th order maxima of l 2.
12. Dx1 = (m 1 - 1), Dx2 = (m 2 - 1)t For overlapping of minima
(2n1 - 1) l 1D (2n2 - 1) l 2D
\ Dx = (m 1 - m 2 ) t =
2d 2d
= (1.52 - 1.40) (10400 nm )
2n1 - 1 l 2 7
= 1248 nm \ = =
2n2 - 1 l 1 5
For maximum intensity,
Dx = 1248 = nl (c) Option with n1 = 11
1248 and n2 = 8 gives this ratio.
\ l= (n = 1, 2, 3×××)
n Comprehension Based Questions
For n = 2, l = 624 nm l0 lD l 0D
and for n = 3, l = 416 nm 1. l = , w= =
m d md
More than One Correct Options (6300 ´ 10-10 ) (1.33)
1. lv is least. Therefore wv is minimum (as w µ l). 1.33 ´ 10-3
Hence, the fringe next to centre will be violet. = 0.63 ´ 10-3 m
At centre, Dx = 0 for all wavelengths. Hence, all = 0.63 mm
wavelengths interfere constructively at centre. So,
it is white. 2. Dy = 7w - 3w = 4 w
2. (c) I max = ( I 1 + I 2 )2 = 4 ´ 0.63 mm
= 2.52 mm
I min = ( I 1 - I 2 )2
æm 2 ö l
When I1 = I2 = I0 3. Dx = çç - 1÷÷ t =
è 1 ø 2
I max = 4 I 0 and I min = 0
I l
When I2 = 0 , \ t=
2 æm 2 ö
2 çç - 1÷÷
then I max < 4 I 0 and I min > 0. m
è 1 ø
3. Dx0 = d sin q = (10-3 ) æç ö÷
1 (6300 ´ 10-10 / 133
. )
è 2ø æ 1.53 ö
2ç - 1÷
= 5 ´ 10-4 m = (103 ) l è 1.33 ø
Since, Dx0 is integer multiple of l, it will produce = 1575
. ´ 10-3 m
maximum intensity or 4 I 0 at O. = 1575
. mm
lD (5 ´ 10-7 ) (2) 4. Fringe width remains unchanged by the
w= =
d (10-3 ) introduction of glass sheet.
= 10-3 m = 1 mm
At 4 mm, we will get 4th order maxima.
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480 — Optics and Modern Physics

Match the Columns \ I 0 = 4 I S3

f I S4 = 3I
1. I = 4 I 0 cos2 æç ö÷
è 2ø Same explanations can be given for (c) and (d)
2p options.
2. f = Dx and then apply,
l 6. (a) Fringe pattern will shift in the direction of slab.
æ fö (b) No interference pattern will be obtained due to
I = 4 I 0 cos2 ç ÷ single slit.
è 2ø
\ I = I S2 = I 0 » uniform
3. y6 Y ® maxima (c) Fringe pattern will shift in the direction of
Y5 y ® minima slab.
Y4 (d) No interference pattern will be obtained due to
y4 two real incoherent sources.
y3 I = I S1 + I S2 » uniform
y2 Subjective Questions
y1 w 1. I 1 = 0.1I 0 , I 2 = 0.081I 0
4. (a) Inclined rays and slab both will shift the fringe 0.081I0
pattern upwards. So, zero order maxima will
definitely lie about O. 0.09I0
(b) Inclined rays will shift the fringe pattern 1 0.1I0
upwards, but slab will shift the fringe pattern 0.9I0
downwards. Hence, zero order maxima may
lie above O, below O or at O.
(c) Same explanations can be given for this option. I

(d) I 1 10
S1 \ =
I2 9
P 2
S2 I max æç I 1 / I 2 + 1 ö÷
O \ =
I min çè I 1 / I 2 – 1÷ø
= (19)2
DX p = 0, where S 1 P = S 2 P
= 361 Ans.
5. I = I max = 4 I 0 Þ I 0 = sin i
4 2. Q m =
lD yd l sin r
(a) For y= , Dx =
2d D 2 4 sin 53° 4 / 5
\ = =
\ I S = I S4 = 0 for Dx = l/2 3 sin r sin r
\ I0 = 0
lD yd l 37°
(b) For y = , Dx = = 5
6d D 6 4
æ 2p ö 2p
f = ç ÷ (Dx ) = = 60°
è lø 6 53°
q 3
Now, I S3 = I S4 = I max cos2
2 3
\ sin r =
2 3 5
= I cos 30° = I
4 \ r = 37°
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Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 481

Refer figure (a)

1 2
i i i S1
B 1 0.5 mm
A C 0.25 mm
r 0.25 mm
S 2
t 0.5 mm
r r S2

D 15 cm 30 cm D
60 cm
Dx1 = between 2 and 1 = 2 ( AD ) Distance between two slits,
= 2BD sec r d = 1.5 mm, D = 30 cm
= 2t sec r lD
Fringe width, w =
Their optical path Dx1 = 2mt sec r. d
Refer figure (b) (5.0 ´ 10–7 ) (0.3)
= = 10–4 m
1 (1.5 ´ 10–3 )
2 = 0.1 mm Ans.
i 4. l = 0.25 m, d = 2 m = 8l

(b) S1 S2
D x2 = AC sin i = (2t tan r) sin i
\ (Dx )net = Dx1 – Dx2
= 2 mt sec r – 2t (tan r) (sin i )
At A and C , Dx = d = 8l, i.e. maximum
4 5 3 4 32
= 2´ ´t ´ – 2´t ´ ´ = t intensity is obtained.
3 4 4 5 15
At B and D, Dx = 0, i.e. again maximum intensity
Phase difference between 1 and 2 is p. will be obtained.
\ For constructive interference, Between A and B seven maximas corresponding to
32 l 15l 15 ´ 0.6 Dx = 7l, 6l , 5l , 4 l , 3l , 2l and l will be obtained.
t= or t = = Similarly, between B and C ,C and D , and D and
15 2 64 64
= 0.14 mm Ans.
\ Total number of maximas
1 1 1 = 4 ´7+ 4
3. Applying lens formula, – =
v u f = 32 Ans.
1 1 1
+ = 5. (a) Q Dx = d cos q
v 15 10
cos q = 1 – (When q is small)
\ v = 30 cm 2
v 30 æ q2 ö
m= = =–2 \ Dx = d çç1 – ÷÷
u –15 è 2ø
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482 — Optics and Modern Physics

æ y2 ö 7. (a) d sin f = Dx1

= d çç1 – ÷
è 2D 2 ÷ø = (50 ´ 10-4 ) sin 30°

y q = 30°
q q
S1 S2 Dxnet = 0

= 2.5 ´ 10-3 cm
For nth maxima Dx = nl
Dx2 = (m - 1)t
\ y = radius of nth bright ring
æ3 ö
æ nl ö = ç - 1÷ (0.01)
=D 2 ç1 – ÷ Ans. è2 ø
è d ø
(b) d = 1000l = 5.0 ´ 10-3 cm

At O , D x = d = 1000l Dx2 - Dx1 = 2.5 ´ 10-3 cm = Dx1 (also)

i.e. at O, 1000th order maxima is obtained. \ Central maxima will be obtained at q = 30°
Substituting n = 998 in, below C.
nl ö (b) At C DX net = 2.5 ´ 10-3 cm = nl
y=D 2ç1 – ÷
è d ø 2.5 ´ 10-3
\ n=
We get the radius of second closest ring l
r = 6.32 cm Ans. 2.5 ´ 10-3
500 ´ 10-7
(c) n = 998 Ans.
= 50 Ans.
6. (a) The optical path difference between the two
waves arriving at P is (c) Number of fringes that will pass if we remove
yd yd the slab
Dx = 1 + 2 Path difference due to slab
D1 D2 =
(1) (10) (5) (10) l
= + 5 ´ 10-3
103 2 ´ 103 =
500 ´ 10-7
= 3.5 ´ 10–2 mm = 0.035 mm
As, Dx = 70l = 100 Ans.
\ 70th order maxima is obtained at P. 8. (a) (Dx )net = 0
(b) At O , Dx = 1 = 10–2 mm \
y1d y2d
D1 D1 D2
= 0.01 mm
d /2 y
As Dx = 20l \ =
1.5 2.0
\ 20th order maxima is obtained at O.
(c) (m – 1) t = 0.01 mm d
or y=
0.01 1.5
\ t= = 0.02 mm = 20 mm Ans. 6
1.5 – 1 =
Since, the pattern has to be shifted upwards,
therefore, the film must be placed in front of S 1. = 4 mm Ans.
Telegram @neetquestionpaper

Chapter 32 Interference and Diffraction of Light — 483

(b) At O , net path difference, p æ 2p ö

f= = ç ÷ (m – 1) t
yd 3 è lø
Dx = 1
D1 l
\ t=
(d / 2) (d ) 6 (m – 1)
D1 6000
(6 ´ 10–3 )2 6 (1.5 – 1)
2 ´ 1.5 = 2000 Å Ans.

= 12 ´ 10–6 m æ 1ö 3l
9. (a) ç1 – ÷t=
è mø m
= 120 ´ 10–7 m
\ t=
l = 6000 Å (m – 1)
= 6 ´ 10–7 m 3 ´ 0.78
1.3 – 1
As, Dx = 20l, therefore at O bright fringe of
order 20 will be obtained. = 7.8 mm Ans.
æ fö yd æ 1ö 4l
(c) I = I max cos2 ç ÷ (b) Upwards – ç1 – ÷ t =
è 2ø D è mø m
3 æ fö Solving, we get y = 4.2 mm Ans.
I max = I max cos2 ç ÷
4 è 2ø æ 1ö yd 4 l
Downwards t ç1 – ÷ + =
f p è mø D m
\ =
2 6 Solving, we get y = 0.6 mm Ans.
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33. Modern Physics - I

- 13.6
= - 1.51 Þ n=3
hc h
1. E = ,P= æ hö
l l Now, Ln = n ç ÷
è 2p ø
2. Number of photons emitted per second,
Power of source P Pl 3. The expressions of kinetic energy, potential energy
N1 = = = and total energy are
Energy of one photon (hc/ l ) hc
me4 1
At a distance r, these photons are falling on an area Kn = 2 2 2 Þ Kn µ
8e0n h n2
4 pr2.
\ Number of photons incident per unit area per - me4 1
Un = Þ Un µ - and
unit time, 4e20n2h2 n2
N1 Pl
N2 = 2
= - me4 1
4 pr (4 pr2 ) hc En = Þ En µ -
h 1 8e20n2h2 n2
3. l = Þ lµ In the transition from some excited state to ground
2qVm qm
state, the value of n decreases, therefore kinetic
lP (qm)d 1 ´2 energy increases, but potential and total energy
= = = 2
ld (qm)P 1 ´1 decrease.
h 1 4. n=4 n=4
4. l= Þ lµ n=3 n=3
2Km m
ld ma 4 n=2 n=2
= = = 2
la md 2
5. Kinetic energy in magnetic field remains n=1 n=1
First line of Second line of
unchanged while in electric field it will increase. Balmer series Balmer series
1 For hydrogen or hydrogen type atoms,

1 æ 1 ö
= RZ 2 ç - 1÷
h l ç nf ni ÷
2 2
6. l= è ø
In the transition from ni ¾® nf ,
6.63 ´ 10-34
(a) l = 1
(46 ´ 10-3 ) (30) \ lµ
æ 1 1ö
= 4.8 ´ 10-34 m Z2 ç 2 - 2 ÷
ç nf ni ÷
è ø
6.63 ´ 10-34
(b) l = æ ö
9.31 ´ 10-31 ´ 107 1 1
Z12 ç 2 - 2 ÷
ç nf ni ÷
= 7.12 ´ 1011 m l2 è ø1
\ =
l1 æ 1 1ö
Z22 ç 2 - 2 ÷
è ø2
1. Z = 3 for doubly ionized atom E µ Z 2 æ 1 1ö
l 1Z12 ç 2 - 2 ÷
Ionization energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. ç nf ni ÷
è ø1
\ Ionisation energy of this atom l2 =
æ 1 1 ö
= (3)2 (13.6) Z22 ç 2 - 2 ÷
ç nf ni ÷
= 122.4 eV è ø2
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics-I — 485

Substituting the values, we have (3)2

E1 = (-13.6)
æ 1 1ö (1)2
(6561 Å) (1)2 ç 2 - 2 ÷
= è 2 3 ø
= 1215 Å = - 122.4 eV
æ 1 1ö \ Ionization energy of an electron in ground state
(2)2 ç 2 - 2 ÷
è2 4 ø of doubly ionized lithium atom will be 122.4 eV.
\ Correct option is (a). 10. Shortest wavelength will correspond to maximum
5. The series in U-V region is Lyman series. Largest energy. As value of atomic number (Z) increases,
wavelength corresponds to minimum energy which the magnitude of energy in different energy states
occurs in transition from n = 2 to n = 1. gets increased. Value of Z is maximum for doubly
1 ionised lithium atom (Z = 3) among the given
elements. Hence, wavelength corresponding to this
\ 122 = R …(i) will be least.
æ1 1ö
ç 2 - 2÷ \ Correct option is (d).
è1 2 ø hf
11. 5E - E = hf Þ E= …(i)
The smallest wavelength in the infrared region 4
corresponds to maximum energy of Paschen series. Between 5E and 4E
1 5E - 4 E = hf1
\ l= R …(ii) E f
æ 1 1ö \ f1 = = [from Eq. (i)]
ç 2 - ÷ h 4
è3 ¥ø
Between 4E and E
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get 4 E - E = hf2
l = 823.5 nm 3E æ fö 3
\ Correct option is (b). \` f2 = =3ç ÷ = f
h è4ø 4
6. The first photon will excite the hydrogen atom (in 12. Longest wavelength means minimum energy.
ground state) to first excited state
(as E2 - E1 = 10.2 eV). Hence, during (DE )min = E3 - E2
de-excitation a photon of 10.2 eV will be released. 13.6 13.6
=- + = 1.9 eV
The second photon of energy 15 eV can ionise the 9 4
atom. Hence, the balance energy, i.e. 12375
l (in Å) = = 6513
(15 - 13.6) eV = 1.4 eV is retained by the electron. 1.9
Therefore, by the second photon an electron of or l » 651 nm
energy 1.4 eV will be released.
\ Correct answer is (c).
7. In second excited state n = 3,
æ hö 1. K a transition takes place from n1 = 2 to n2 = 1
So, lH = lLi = 3 ç ÷
è 2p ø 1 é 1 1 ù
\ = R (Z - b)2 ê 2 - ú
while E µ Z 2 and ZH = 1, ZLi = 3 l ë (1) (2)2 û
So, | ELi | = 9 | EH | For K-series, b = 1
or | EH | < | ELi | 1
\ µ (Z - 1)2
8. Energy of infrared radiation is less than the energy l
of ultraviolet radiation. In options (a), (b) and (c), l Cu (ZMo - 1)2 (42 - 1)2
energy released will be more, while in option (d) Þ = =
lMo (ZCu - 1)2 (29 - 1)2
only, energy released will be less.
41 ´ 41 1681
9. For hydrogen and hydrogen like atoms, = = = 2.144
28 ´ 28 784
(Z 2 )
En = - 13.6 eV 2. Cut off wavelength depends on the applied voltage
(n2 )
not on the atomic number of the target.
Therefore, ground state energy of doubly ionized Characteristic wavelengths depend on the atomic
lithium atom (Z = 3, n = 1) will be number of target.
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486 — Optics and Modern Physics

1 2. K max = E - W = hf - hf0
3. µ (Z - 1)2
l = h ( f - f0 )
2 2
l 1 æ Z2 - 1ö 1 æ Z2 - 1ö \ K max µ ( f - f0 )
\ = çç ÷÷ or =ç ÷
l 2 è Z1 - 1ø 4 çè 11 - 1 ÷ø 3. K max = E - W
Solving this, we get Z2 = 6 1.2 = E - W …(i)
\ Correct answer is (a). 4.2 = 1.5 E - W …(ii)
4. Wavelength l k is independent of the accelerating Solving these equations, we get
voltage (V), while the minimum wavelength l c is W = 4.8 eV = hf0
inversely proportional to V. Therefore, as V is 4.8 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19
increased, l k remains unchanged whereas l c \ f0 =
6.63 ´ 10-34
decreases or l k - l c will increase.
5. The continuous X-ray spectrum is shown in figure. = 1.16 ´ 1015 Hz

El 4. Energy corresponding to 248 nm wavelength

= eV = 5 eV
Energy corresponding to 310 nm wavelength
= eV = 4 eV
lmin KE 1 u12 4
= =
KE 2 u22 1
All wavelengths >l min are found, where
5 eV - W
12375 =
l min = Å 4 eV - W
V (in volt )
Þ 16 - 4W = 5 - W
Here, V is the applied voltage.
æ 1 1ö Þ 11 = 3W
6. DE = hn = Rhc (Z - b)2 çç 2 - 2 ÷÷ 11
è n1 n2 ø Þ W = = 3.67 eV
For K-series, b = 1 ~ 3.7 eV
æ 1 1ö
\ n = Rc (Z - 1)2 çç 2 - 2 ÷÷ 5. Saturation current is proportional to intensity while
è 1 n 2ø stopping potential increases with increase in
Substituting the values, frequency.
æ1 1ö Hence, fa = fb while I a < I b
4.2 ´ 1018 = (1.1 ´ 107 ) (3 ´ 108 ) (Z - 1)2 ç - ÷
è1 4 ø Therefore, the correct option is (a).
\ (Z - 1)2 = 1697 6. l (in Å) =
W (eV)
or Z - 1 » 41
or Z = 42 = Å » 3093 Å
or l » 309.3 nm
1. K min = 0 12375 hc
Note l(in Å) = comes from W =
W ( eV) l
and K max = E - W
12375 7. Stopping potential is the negative potential applied
= - 3.0
2000 to stop the electrons having maximum kinetic
» 3.19 eV energy. Therefore, stopping potential will be 4 V.
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LEVEL 1 10. In X-ray spectrum, all wavelengths greater than
l min are obtained.
Assertion and Reason
hc h Objective Questions
2. E = and P=
l l 1. K max = hf - W
\ E and P µ K max versus f graph is a straight line of slope h
Speed of all wavelengths (in vacuum) is c. (a universal constant)
3. Intensity = energy incident per unit area per unit 2. v1H = 2.19 ´ 106 m/s »
time or I = n(hf ) .
Here, n = number of photons incident per unit area 3. Let a-particles are n and b-particles are m. Then,
per unit time. 86 - 2n + m = 84 …(i)
f = frequency of incident photons. Hence, I µ nf . 222 - 4 n = 210 …(ii)
Hence, intensity can be increased either by Solving these two equations, we get n = 3 and
increasing n or f . But saturation current only b=4
depends on n (I s µ m). 12375
By increasing n and decreasing f , we can increase 4. l min = in Å
V (in volts)
the saturation current even without increasing the
intensity. 12375
= = 0.62 Å
5. Let us take n = 3 as N = 1. Then, n = 6 means 20 ´ 103
N = 4. 1 2
5. K max = 18 ´ 103 eV = mvmax
So, total number of emission lines between N = 1 2
and N = 4 are 2 ´ 18 ´ 103 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19
N (N - 1) 4 ´ 3 \ vmax =
= =6 9.1 ´ 10-31
2 2
6. eV0 = hn - hn 0 = 8 ´ 107 m/s
h 6. (2pr2 ) = 2l 2
or V0 = (n - n 0 )
e (2pr3 ) = 3l 3
h hn 0 l 2 3r2
V0¢ = (2n - n 0 ) + \ = …(i)
e e l 3 2r3
hn 0 Now, r µ n2
= 2V0 = > 2V0
e 2
r2 æ 2 ö
7. Energy of X-ray > 13.6 eV \ =ç ÷
r3 è 3 ø
8. Dl = l Ka - l min
Substituting in Eq. (i), we get
12375 l2 2
Here, l min (in Å) = =
V (in volts) l3 3
If V is increased, l min decreases. Therefore, Dl 7. E µ Z 2
E2 = - 3.4 eVü \ (- 13.6) (Z 2 ) = - 122.4
9. ý \ Z=3
U 2 = - 6.8 eV þ
E1 = - 13.6 eVü 8. l min µ µ V -1
ý V
U 1 = - 27.2 eVþ
% change in l min = (- 1) (% change in V ) for small
E2 > E1 , similarly U 2 > U 1 % changes
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488 — Optics and Modern Physics

Z2 16. Q E=
-W …(i)
9. E µ
n2 l
(- 13.2) ´ (Z )2 hc
\ = - 13.6 4E = -W …(ii)
l/ 3
\ Z=2 Solving these equations, we get
12375 hc
10. l min (in Å) = W =
V (in volts) 3l
17. f µ (Z - 1) for K-series
For l min = 1Å
V = 12375 V \ f µ (Z - 1)2
» 12.4 kV f2 (Z2 - 1)2
h f1 (Z1 - 1)2
11. P =
l 2
æ Z - 1ö
12375 \ f2 = çç 2 ÷÷ f1
12. l = = 7734 Å è Z1 - 1ø
12375 æ 51 - 1ö
13. DE = = 11.4 eV = çç ÷÷ f
1085 è 31 - 1ø
Third Balmer line is corresponding to the 25
transition, = f
n = 5 to n = 2.
E5 - E2 = 11.4 æ 1 1ö
18. f µ (Z - b) çç 2 - ÷÷
E1 E n
è 1 n2ø
\ - 1 = 11.4
(5)2 (2)2
1 1
E1 = - 54.28 eV \ Slope µ 2
- 2
n1 n2
\ | E1 | = 54.28 eV
Slope1 1 - 1/ 9 32
14. OtherwiseU 1 = - 27.2 eV. Therefore, we have \ = =
Slope2 1 27
increased it by 27.2 eV. It implies that we have 1-
increased it by 27.2 eV in all states.
For K b , n1 = 1, n2 = 3
U 2 = - 6.8 eV
For K a , n1 = 1, n2 = 2
\ U 2¢ = (- 6.8 + 27.2) eV = + 20.4 eV
æ 1 1ö
19. = R çç 2 - 2 ÷÷ = R æç - ö÷ =
1 1 1 5R
E2¢ = U 2¢ + K 2 = (20.4 + 3.4) eV
l è 1 n n2ø è 4 9 ø 36
= 23.8 eV
hc 36
15. eV0 = -W …(i) \ l=
l1 5R
hc 20. Energy of electrons = 10000 eV
Similarly , e (2V0 ) = -W …(ii)
l2 150
\ l 1 (in Å) = = 0122
Subtracting Eq. (i) from Eq. (ii), we get 10000
hc (l 1 - l 2 ) l 2 (in Å) = » 1.2
eV0 = 10000
l 1l 2
hc (l 1 - l 2 ) \ » 0.1
\ V0 = l2
el 1l 2
(6.63 ´ 10-34 ) (3 ´ 108 ) (110) 21. e (5V0 ) = -W …(i)
= l
1.6 ´ 10-19 ´ 330 ´ 220 ´ 10-9 hc
eV0 = -W …(ii)
» 1.8 volt 3l
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics-I — 489

Solving these equations, we get h

30. l =
hc 2Em
W =
6l where, l = constant
22. eV0 = 2hn 0 - hn 0 \ Em = constant
\ hn 0 - eV0 1
or Eµ
In second condition, m
eV = 3hn 0 - hn 0 = 2hn 0 - 2eV0 31. U 1 = - 27.2 eV
or V = 2V0 U 1 is assumed zero. Therefore, it is increased by
23. Frequency µ energy and energy µ Z 2 27.2 eV at all points.
Eµ = 0 under normal conditions.
24. E µ Hence, in charged conditions it is 27.2 eV.
32. Number of photons emitted per second
\ =1 Energy radiated per second P
n2 = =
Energy of one photon hf
or n=Z =3
1 1000
25. mv12 = hn 1 - W =
2 6.63 ´ 10-34 ´ 880 ´ 103
1 2 = 1.7 ´ 1030
mv2 = hv2 - W
2 12375
33. E = = 4.125 eV
From these two equations, we can see that 3000
2h Since, E < W no photoelectric effect will be
v12 - v22 = (n 1 - n 2 )
m observed.
26. Longest wavelength of Lyman series means, 1
34. E µ 2
minimum energy corresponding n = 2 to n = 1. n
\ (E2 - E1 )H = (En - E2 )He+ - 13.6
\ E5 =
- 13.6 13.6 - 13.6(Z )2 13.6(Z )2 (5)2
\ + = +
(2)2 (1)2 n2 (2)2 = - 0.544 eV
Putting Z = 2, we get n = 4. 35. K max = E - W = 2 eV = 3.2 ´ 10-19 J
1 æ 1 1ö 36. meve =
27. = R (Z - 1)2 çç 2 - 2 ÷÷ l
l n
è 1 n2ø
For K a -line, n1 = 1 and n2 = 2 \ ve =
28. 6.63 ´ 10-34
(5200 ´ 10- 10 ) ´ 9.1 ´ 10-31

Ka Kb » 1400 m/s
1 2
37. K max = mvmax = E-W
EKb = EKa + ELa 2(E - W )
\ U max =
\ hg 2 = hg 1 + hg 3 m
\ g2 = g1 + g3 12375
Here, E= = 4.125 eV
h 1 3000
29. Q l = or l µ
2qVm qm 2 ´ 3.125 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19
l P ( qm )a 2´4 9.1 ´ 10-31
\ = = =2 2
l a ( qm )P 1 ´1 » 1.09 ´ 106 m/s
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490 — Optics and Modern Physics

Subjective Questions E
4. (a) p = Þ E = pc
1. 12375
(b) l =
E (in eV)
Ka Kb = = 8035 Å
» 804 nm
ELa = EKb - EKa So, this wavelength lies in ultraviolet region.
hc 5. (a) f =
l La l Kb l Ka l
(b) Q Number of photons emitted per second
l Ka l Kb Power of source P
or l La = N1 = =
l Ka - l Kb Energy of one photon hc/l
0.71 ´ 0.63 Pl
= = 5.59 nm N1 =
0.71 - 0.63 hc
2. l Ka = 0.71nm = 7.1 Å (75) (600 ´ 10-9 )
127375 (6.63 ´ 10-34 ) (3 ´ 108 )
E2 - E1 = = 1743 eV
7.1 » 2.3 ´ 1020 photons/s
\ E1 = E2 - 1743 E
6. (a) E = hf Þ f =
= - 2870 - 1743 h
= - 4613 eV (b) l=
l Kb = 0.63 nm f
= 6.3 Å p2
7. (a) K = or K µ p2
12375 2m
E3 - E1 =
6.3 If momentum is doubled, kinetic energy
= 1964 eV becomes four times.
\ E3 = E1 + 1964 E
(b) p = or E µ p (for a photon)
= - 4613 + 1964 c
= - 2649 eV If p is doubled, E will also become two times.
3. Number of photons incident per second 8. (a) Number of photons incident per second
Power = number of photons absorbed per second
= Power
Energy of one photon =
P Pl Energy of one photon
= = P Pl
(hc/ l ) hc N = =
hc/l hc
Number of electrons emitted per second
= 0.1% of (b) Force = Rate of change of momentum =
Pl Pl (Number of photons absorbed per second) ´
= (momentum of one photon)
hc 1000 hc
æ Pl ö æ h ö P
\ Current = Charge (on photoelectrons per second) =ç ÷ç ÷= (Q P = power)
è hc ø è l ø c
= 9. See the hint of above example.
1000 hc
(1.5 ´ 10-3 ) (400 ´ 10-9 ) (1.6 ´ 10-19 ) If surface is perfectly absorbing, force is . If
= c
(1000) (6.63 ´ 10-34 ) (3 ´ 108 ) surface is perfectly reflecting, then force will be
= 0.48 ´ 10-6 A = 0.48 mA .
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics-I — 491

In this case, 150

0.7P 0.3 (2P ) 1.3P l4 = as KE = | E4 | = 0.85 eV
F= + = 0.85
c c c
» 13.3 Å
10. Force = Rate of change of momentum
2pr4 = 2p (n)2 r1 (as r µ n2)
é hù
= 2 [ N ] ê ú × cos 60°
ë lû = 53.15 Å » 4 l 4
N = number of photons striking per second 17. Energy required to remove first electron is
h 24.6 eV. After removing first electrons from this
= momentum of one photon.
l atom, it will become He+ .
h h
11. l = = E1 = - (13.6)(2)2 (as E µ Z 2 and Z = 2)
p mv
= - 54.4 eV
Since, wavelength is too short, it does not behave
\ Energy required to remove this second electron
wave like property.
will be 54.4 eV.
12. l = \ Total energy required to remove both electrons
mv = 24.6 + 54.4
h h
13. (a) l = Þ p= = 79 eV
p l 12375
18. En = E1 =
l h2 1023
(b) l = Þ K =
2Km 2ml2 - 13.6
or + 13.6 = 12.1
3RT (n)2
14. vrms = = v (say)
M Solving this equation, we get n = 3
h h M n (n - 1)
and l= = \Total possible emission lines = =3
mv m 3RT 2
Substituting the values, we get Longest wavelength means, minimum energy,
which is corresponding to n = 3 to n = Z
6.63 ´ 10-34 2 ´ 10-3 12375
l= \ l max =
(2/ 6.02 ´ 1023 ) ´ 10-3 3(8.31) (20 + 273) E3 - E2
= 1.04 ´ 10-4 m = 1.04 Å 13.6 13.6
Here, E3 - E2 = - + = 1.9 eV
15. KE = | Total energy | = 3.4 eV (3)2 (4 )2
150 12375
l (in Å) = for an electron \ l max = = 6513 Å
KE (in eV) 1.9
19. In hydrogen atom,
= DE1 = E3 - E1 = 12.1 eV
E µ Z2
= 6.6Å
\ For Z = 3,
16. (a) E1 = - 13.6 eV
DE2 = (3)2 DE1 = (3)2 (12.1)
\ KE = | E1 | = 13.6 eV
150 = 108.9Å
l 1 (in Å) = for an electron 12375
KE (in eV) \ l= » 113 Å
= = 3.32Å 20. En - E1 = DE1 + DE2
2pr1 = 2p (0.529Å) » 3.32 Å é 13.6 ù 12375 12375
\ ê - 2 + 13.6ú (Z )2 = +
E1 - 13.6 ë n û 1085 304
(b) E4 = = = - 0.85 eV Putting Z = 2 for He+ , we get n = 5
(4 )2 (4)2
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492 — Optics and Modern Physics

21. (a) Let these two levels are n1 and n2. Then, dU
25. F = - = - m2w2r
2 dr
13.6 (Z )
- 0.85 = - …(i) mv 2
n12 Now, = | F | = m2w2r
13.6 (Z )2
- 0.544 = - …(ii) or v µr
or v = ar
Total number of lines between n2 and n1are h
given by Now, m vr = n
(n2 - n1 ) (n2 - n1 + 1) 2p
= 10 …(iii) h
2 or m (ar)r = n
Solving these equations, we get 2p
Z = 4 , n1 = 16 and n2 = 20 \ rµ n
(b) Smallest wavelength means maximum energy. 1 æ 1 1ö
26. µç - ÷
DEmax = En2 - En1 = - 0.544 + 0.85 l çè n12 n22 ÷ø
= 0.306 eV
l Kb (1/ n12 - 1/ n22 )Ka
12375 \ =
l min = = 40441Å l Ka (1/ n12 - 1/ n22 )Kb
22. (a) Ionization energy = 15.6 eV (1 - 1/ 4 ) 27
= =
\ Ionization potential = 15.6 V (1 - 1/ 9) 32
(b) Eµ - E2 = 5.3 eV 27 27
\ l Kb =
l Ka = l0
12375 32 32
\ l= = 2335Å
5.3 27. DE1 = 50% of 50 keV = 25 keV
(c) E3 - E1 = 12.52 eV 12375
\ Excitation potential is 12.52 V. \ l1 = = 0.495 Å
25 ´ 103
(d) E3 - E1 = 12.52 eV
= 49.5 pm
\ l= Å DE2 = 50% of 25 keV
= 988.41 Å = 12.5 keV
1 1 12375
\ Wave number = = m -1 \ l2 = = 0.99Å
l 988.41 ´ 10-10 12.5 ´ 103

= 1.01 ´ 107 m -1 = 99 pm
12375 1 æ 1 1ö
23. (a) Energy of photon = eV = 1.44 eV 28. = R (Z - 1)2 çç 2 - 2 ÷÷
8600 l Ka n
è 1 n2ø
\ Internal energy after absorption 1 æ 1ö
or = 1.097 ´ 107 (Z - 1)2 ç1 - ÷
= - 6.52 + 1.44 = - 5.08 eV 0.76 ´ 10 -10
è 4ø
(b) Energy of emitted photon = = 2.946 eV Solving this equation, Z = 41
Internal energy after emission = - 2.68 - 2.946 29. 26 pm = 0.26 Å
= - 5.626 eV 12375 12375
Now, 0.26 = -
24. K max (in eV) = E - W V 1.5 V

12375 30. Similar type of example is given in the theory.

= - 4.3
2000 31. Transition if from L-shell to K-shell.
= 1.9 eV 1 æ 1 1ö
= R (Z - 1)2 ç - ÷
Therefore, stopping potential is 1.9 V. l ç n2 n2 ÷
è 1 2ø
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics-I — 493

f æ 1 1ö 12375
or = R (Z - 1)2 ç - ÷ 38. E = = 6.875 eV
c ç n2 n2 ÷ 1800
è 1 2ø
K max or K = E - W
4.2 ´ 108 æ 1ö = 4.875 eV
or = 1.1 ´ 107 (Z - 1)2 ç1 - ÷
3 ´ 108 è 4ø 2Km
Solving we get, Z » 42 Bq
32. (a) P = Vi = (40 ´ 103 ) (10 ´ 10-3 ) 2 ´ 4.875 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19 ´ 9.1 ´ 10-31
= 400 W =
5 ´ 10-5 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19
1% of 400 W is 4 W.
= 0.148 m
(b) Heat generated = 400 W - 4 W
8 ´ 1015 -1
= 396 W = 396 J/s 39. fhigher = s
33. Stopping potential = 10.4 V
\ K max = 10.4 eV E= eV
1.6 ´ 10-19
E = W + K max = 1.7 + 10.4 = 12.1 eV
12375 (6.63 ´ 10-34 ) (8 ´ 1015 )
l= = 1022 Å =
12.1 1.6 ´ 10-19 ´ 2p
12.1 eV is the energy gap between n = 3 and n = 1 = 5.27 eV
in hydrogen atom. K max = E - W
(6.63 ´ 10-34 ) (1.5 ´ 1015 ) = 3.27 eV
34. E = hf = eV = 6.21 eV
1.6 ´ 10-19 w (1.57 ´ 107 ) c
40. f = =
K max = E - W = 6.21 - 3.7 = 2.51 eV 2p 2p
35. l 0 = 5000 Å hf
E= eV
12375 1.6 ´ 10-19
W = = 2.475 eV
5000 (6.63 ´ 10-34 ) (1.57 ´ 107 ) (3 ´ 108 )
= eV
Stopping potential is 3V. Therefore, K max = 3 eV 1.6 ´ 10-19 ´ 2 ´ p
E = W + K max = 5.475 eV = 3.1 eV
12375 K max = E - W = 1.2 eV
l= = 2260Å
36. (a) f0 = fA = 10 ´ 1014 Hz = 1015 Hz LEVEL 2
(b) W = | K max |c = 4 eV
Single Correct Option
(c) W = hf0 Þ h = mv 2 GMm
f0 1. = 2 …(i)
r r
37. E1 = = 4.125 eV h
3000 mvr = (for n = 1) …(ii)
E2 = = 2.0625 eV Solving these two equations, we can find v and r.
Maximum speed ratio is 3 : 1. Therefore, 1 GMM
maximum kinetic ratio is 9 : 1. E = mv 2 -
2 r
Now, 9 K max = 4.125 - W …(i)
M q
K max = 2.0625 - W …(ii) 2. = = constant
L 2m
Solving these two equations, we get
M µL
W » 1.81eV. and K max = 0.26 eV nh
1 2 and L= or L µ n
Putting K max = mvmax we can find vmax . Here, m 2p
\ M µn
is the mass of electron.
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494 — Optics and Modern Physics

3. E2 - E1 = 40.8 eV Momentum of photon = Momentum of hydrogen

E1 atom
\ - E1 = 40.8 eV 3Rh 3Rh
(2)2 \ = Mv Þ v=
4 4M
or - E1 = 40.8 eV 15
9. wmax = 1.5 ´ 10 rad /s = 2pfmax
or E1 = - 54.4 eV 1.5 ´ 1015
\ fmax = Hz
| E1 | = 54.4 eV 2p
4. i = qf = q æç
v ö E= eV
÷ 1.6 ´ 10-19
è rø
v (1/ n) 1 6.63 ´ 10-34 ´ 1.5 ´ 1015
or iµ µ or i µ 3 = eV
2p ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19
r (n) n
i1 æ n2 ö » 1.0 eV
= ç ÷ = (2)3 = 8
i2 çè n1 ÷ø Since, E < W , no photoemission can take place.
n (n - 1)
5. nf = 6 10. f f = 6 Þ nf = 4
nf (nf - 1)
Total emission lines = = 15 nf = 4
6. A = pr2
A µ r2 or A µ n4 (as r µ n2) ni = 2
\ = (n)4
æA ö
ln çç n ÷÷ = 4 ln (n) From ni = 2, energy of six emission lines is either
è A1 ø greater than less or equal to the energy of
æA ö absorption line.
Therefore, ln çç n ÷÷ versus ln n graph is a straight 2pr r (n2 / Z )
è A1 ø 11. T = or T µ or T µ
line of slope 4. v v (Z / n)
m i n3
7. B = 0 \ T µ
2p Z2
i 3 2
or Bµ æ T1 ö æ n1 ö æZ ö
r çç ÷÷ = çç ÷÷ = çç 2 ÷÷
è T2 ø è n2 ø è Z1 ø
See the hint of Q.No. 4 of same section.
3 2
1 æ 1ö æ Z ö
i µ 3 and r µ n2 2=ç ÷ ç ÷
n è 2ø è 1 ø
1 \ Z=4
\ B= 5
n 12. l Ka will depend on atomic number Z and values Z
B1 æ n2 ö is same of all three isotopes.
\ = ç ÷ = (2)5 = 32
B2 çè n1 ÷ø
8. = R æç1 - ö÷ =
1 1 3R
l è 4 ø 4
h 10.2 eV
\ p=
= = momentum of photon 12375
4 l2 ® 1 = » 1213 Å
From conservation of linear momentum, 10.2
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics-I — 495

14. For K ³ 10.2 eV electrons can excite the hydrogen K

Now, = minimum excitation energy required.
atom (as E2 - E1 = 10.2 eV). So, collision may be 2
inelastic. = 10.2 eV
- 13/ 6 Þ K = 20.4 eV
15. E3 - E1 = + 13.6 = 12.1 eV
(3)3 22. KE = | E | = 3.4 eV
From momentum conservation, 150
Momentum of photon = Momentum of hydrogen l (in Å) =
KE (in eV)
E 150
\ = mv =
c 3.4
E 12.1 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19 = 6.6 Å
or v= =
mc 1.67 ´ 10-27 ´ 3 ´ 108 More than One Correct Options
= 3.86 m/s 1. l Ka and l K b will remain unchanged. But, l 0 will
16. P = Vi = 150 ´ 103 ´ 10 ´ 10-3 = 1500 W
æ 1ö
99 decrease ç as l 0 µ ÷ .
99% of this = 1500 ´ J/s = 1485 J/s è Vø
\ Dl 1 = l Ka - l 0 or Dl 2 = l Kb - l 0
= cal/s will increase.
1 1
» 355cal/s 2. R µ n2 , v µ and E µ 2
n n
17. E4 - E3 = 32.4
3. L µ n, r µ n2
- 13.6 (Z )2 13.6 (Z )2
\ + = 32.4 2pr r n2
(4 )2 (3)2 and T = or T µ µ
v v (1/ n)
Solving, we get
Z=7 or T µ n3
h h h h
18. Q l = 4. l = = =
2qVm p mv 2Km
h2 lµ (if v is same)
V = m
1 lµ (if K is same)
19. En µ and Ln µ n m
If change in potential energy is same, then change
M q in kinetic energy is also same. But, this does not
20. = (always)
L 2m mean that kinetic energy is same.
\ M µL n (n - 1)
nh 5. f f =6
L= Þ L µn 2
2p Þ nf = 4
Hence, M µn nf = 4
Third excited state means n = 4. 1
p2 l0 2
21. K = ni = 2
2m 3 4 6
In collision, momentum p remains constant.
\ K µ
After collision, mass has doubled. So, kinetic l 1 and l 4 are longer than l 0.
energy will remain . Hence, loss is also . l 3 , l 5 and l6 belong to Lyman series.
2 2
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496 — Optics and Modern Physics

6. f µ (Z - b) …(i) Number of photons incident

on sphere per second,
If f versus Z is a straight line.
æ N ö r
c N 2 = ç 1 2 ÷ (pr2 )
f = è 4 pR ø
1 = 12 r2
Hence, versus Z is also a straight line.
l 4R
(4 ´ 1015 ) (8 ´ 10-3 )2
Comprehension Based Questions =
4 (0.8)2
1. E1 = = 2.5 eV = 1011
K 1 = maximum kinetic energy = 0.6 eV Number of photoelectrons emitted per second,
W = E1 - K 2 = 1.9 eV N 3 = 26 = 105
2. K 2 = 1.1eV
Now, N 3t = n
E2 = W + K 2 = 3.0 eV n
12375 \ t= = 111 s
\ l2 = = 4125 Å N3
3. Magnetic field cannot change the kinetic energy of Match the Columns
charged particle. 2. For He+ , Z = 2
4. K max = E - W = 2 eV Z2

150 n2
l= , for an electron
KE (in eV) ————— E2 = - 3.4 eV
150 ————— E1 = - 13.6 eV
= » 8.6 Å H-atom
Ionisation energy from first, excited state of
5. K max is 2 eV. Hence, stopping potential is 2V. H-atom
Photoemission stops when potential of sphere = | E2 | = 3.4 eV = E (given)
becomes 2V.
(a) | E1 | = (13.6 eV) (2)2
\ 2= = 16 (3.4 eV) = 16E
4 pe0r
\ q = 8pe0 r (b) U 2 = 2E2 = 2 (- 13.6) 2
6. Q q = ne = 8pe0r
= - 8 (3.4 eV) = - 8E
8pe0r (c) K 1 = | E1 | = 16E
\ n=
2 ´ 8 ´10-3 (d) | E2 | = (13.6)
= (2)2
9 ´ 109 ´ 1.6 ´ 10- 19
= 4 (3.4 eV) = 4 E
= 1.11 ´ 107 3. K max = hf - W
So, this much number of electrons are required to \ K max versus f graph is a straight line of slope h
be ejected from the sphere. and intercept - W .
Number of photons emitted per second, eV0 = hf = W
Power of source
N1 = æ hö W
Energy of one photon \ V0 = ç ÷ f -
è eø e
3.2 ´ 10-3
= \ V0 versus f graph is again a straight line of slope
5 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19 h W
and intercept .
= 4 ´ 1015 e e
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics-I — 497

2pr r n2 / Z m has become half, so l will become two times

4. T = or T µ µ or 1312 nm or 1.31mm.
v v Z /n
n3 (b) E µ Z 2 \ l µ 2
\ T µ Z
For singly ionized helium atom Z = 2
L= or L µ n 1
2p \ l is th or 164 nm
Z n2 v
vµ and r µ 2. (a) f =
n Z 2pr
1 æ 1 1ö (2.2 ´ 106 )
5. µ çç 2 - 2 ÷÷ f1 =
l è n1 n2 ø (2p ) (0.529 ´ 10-10 )
l 2 (1/ n12 - 1/ n22 )i » 6.6 ´ 1015 Hz
or =
l 1 (1/ n12 - 1/ n22 ) f 1
vµ and r µ n2
(1/ 4 - 1/16)l n
or l2 =
(1/ n12 - 1/ n22 ) f v 1
f µ Þ f µ 3
r n
æ 3 öé 1 ù
= ç l÷ ê f
2 2 ú \ f2 = 1
êë (1/ n1 - 1/ n2 ) f úû
è 16 ø 8
(a) For first line of Balmer series, (b) DE = E2 - E1 = 10.2 eV = hf
æ 27 ö 10.2 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19
n1 = 2, n2 = 3 \ l 2 = ç ÷ l \ f =
è 20 ø 6.6 ´ 10-34
(b) For third line of Balmer series, » 2.46 ´ 1015 Hz
æ 25 ö (c) In option (a), we have found that
n1 = 2, n2 = 5 \ l 2 = ç ÷ l
è 28 ø f2 = 0.823 ´ 1015 Hz
(c) For first line of Lyman series, 1
l T2 =
n1 = 1, n2 = 2 \ l 2 = f2
(d) For second line of Lyman series, N = = tf2 = (10-8 ) (0.823 ´ 1015 )
æ 27 ö T2
n1 = 2, n2 = 3 \ l 2 = ç ÷l = 8.23 ´ 106 revolutions
è 128 ø
7. See the hint of Q.No. 3 of section Assertion and 1
3. (a) r µ
Reason. m
Stopping potential increases with increase in (rH ) 0.529 ´ 10-10
\ r= 1 =
maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons of m 207
frequency of incident light. -13
= 2.55 ´ 10 m
With increase in distance between cathode and
(b) E µ m
anode, f remains unchanged.
K max = hf - W = eV0 \ Ionization energy of given atom
If W is decreased, K max and V0 both will increase. = (m) (ionization energy of hydrogen atom)
= (207) (13.6 eV)
Subjective Questions = 2815.2 eV = 2.81 keV
1. (a) Reduced mass of positronium and electron is , 4. (a) En - E1 = 12.5
where, m = mass of electron 13.6
\ - 2 + 13.6 = 12.5
1 n
E µm \ l µ Solving we get, n = 3.51
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498 — Optics and Modern Physics

Hence, electron jumps to n = 3. So, possible lines DE1 - W

\ =5 …(i)
are between n = 3 to n = 2, n = 3 to n = 1and DE2 - W
between n = 2 to n = 1.
Here, DE1 = E4 - E1 = 12.75 eV
For n = 3 to n = 2,
and DE2 = E3 - E1 = 12.09 eV
13.6 13.6
DE = E3 - E2 = - + Substituting in Eq. (i) and solving, we get
9 4
W = 11.925 eV Ans.
= 1.9 eV
12375 7. For shorter wavelength
\ l= Å = 6513 Å
1.9 (-13.6)(3)2 é (-13.6)(3)2 ù
DE = E4 - E3 = -ê ú
» 651 nm (4 )2 ë (3)2 û
Similarly, other wavelengths can also be
= 5.95 eV
W = E - K max = (5.95 - 3.95) eV = 2 eV
(b) n = 3.51(in option-a)
For longer wavelength
A photon always transfers its energy completely.
So, it cannot excite the ground state electrons to (-13.6)(3)2 é (-13.6)(3)2 ù
DE = E5 - E4 = -ê ú
n = 3 (like and electrons excited it in part-a). (5)2 ë (4 )2 û
5. (a) E = hf = (6.6 ´ 10-34 )(5.5 ´ 1014 ) = 2.754 eV
= 36.3 ´ 10 -20
J \ K max = E - W = 0.754 eV
or stopping potential is 0.754 V. Ans.
= 2.27 eV Ans.
8. Magnetic moment, m = NiA = æç ö÷ (pr2 )
(b) Number of photons leaving the source per
second, èT ø
0.1 æ e ö 2 evr
n= = or m = çç ÷÷ (pr ) = …(i)
E 36.3 ´ 10-20 è 2pr / v ø 2
= 2.75 ´ 1017 Ans. We know that mvr = …(ii)
(c) Number of photons falling on cathode per Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
second, neh
0.15 m = Ans.
n1 = ´ 2.75 ´ 1017 4 pm
100 m i m e
Magnetic induction, B = 0 = 0
= 4.125 ´ 1014 2r 2rT
m 0ev m ev
Number of photoelectrons emitting per second, or B= = 0 2 …(iii)
(2r)(2pr) 4 pr
6 ´ 10-6
n2 = = 3.75 ´ 1013 e2 mv 2
1.6 ´ 10-19 From Newton's second law, 2
4pe0r r
n2 3.75 ´ 1013 e2
\ %= ´ 100 = ´ 100 or v2 = …(iv)
n1 4.125 ´ 1014 4 pe0mr
= 9% Ans. Solving all these equations, we get
K m pm2e7
6. 1 = 5 B= 0 5 5 Ans.
K2 8e0h n
E4 = –0.85 eV 9. Energy of electron in ground state of hydrogen
E3 = –1.51 eV atom is – 13.6 eV. Earlier it had a kinetic energy of
E2 = –3.4 eV 2 eV. Therefore, energy of photon released during
formation of hydrogen atom,
DE = 2 – (– 13.6) = 15.6 eV
12375 12375
\ l= =
DE 15.6
E1 = –13.6 eV = 793.3 Å Ans.
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics-I — 499

10. U = – 1.7 eV 12375

= = 28.43 Å Ans.
U –13.6 æ 1ö
\ E = = – 0.85 eV = (13.6) (6)2 ç1 – ÷
2 n2 è 9ø
\ n=4 (d) Ionization energy = (13.6) (6)2 = 489.6 eV Ans.
Ejected photoelectron will have minimum 12375
de-Broglie wavelength corresponding to transition l= = 25.3 Å Ans.
from n = 4 to n = 1. vT
DE = E4 – E1 = – 0.85 – (– 13.6) 12. Pitch of helical path, p = (v cos q) T = .
= 12.75 eV
(as q = 60°)
K max = DE – W = 10.45 eV
2pm 2p æ qö
150 T = = ça = ÷
\ l= Å (for an electron) Bq Ba è mø
= 3.8 Å Ans. \ p=
n (n – 1) Bap
11. (a) =3 or v= …(i)
2 p
\ n=3 1
KE = mv 2 = E – W
i.e after excitation atom jumps to second 2
excited state. Hence, nf = 3. So, ni can be 1 or 2. 1
If ni = 1, then energy emitted is either equal to \ W = E – mv 2 …(ii)
or less than the energy absorbed. Hence, the
Substituting value of v from Eq. (i) in Eq. (ii),
emitted wavelength is either equal to or greater
we get
than the absorbed wavelength. Hence, ni ¹ 1.
W = 4.9 –
9.1 ´ 10–31 ´ (2.5 ´ 10–3 )2 (1.76 ´ 1011 )2
(2.7 ´ 10–3 )2
´ 2 –19
p ´ 1.6 ´ 10
= (4.9 – 0.4 ) eV = 4.5 eV Ans.
ni = 1
æ 1 ö
13. (a) l = 1500 çç ÷
è 1 – 1/ p2 ÷ø
l max corresponds to least energetic photon
with p = 2.
æ 1 ö
\ l max = 1500 çç ÷÷ = 2000 Å Ans.
è 1 – 1/ 4 ø
ni = 2
l min corresponds to most energetic photon
If ni = 2, then Ee ³ Ea . with p = ¥
Hence, l e £ l b \ l min = 1500 Å Ans.
\ ni = 2 Ans.
(b) l ¥ – 1 = 1500 Å
(b) E3 – E2 = 68 eV
æ 1 1ö E3 = – 0.95 eV
\ (13.6) (Z 2 ) ç – ÷ = 68
è 4 9ø E2 = – 2.05 eV
\ Z=6 Ans.
(c) l min =
E3 – E1 E1 = – 8.25 eV
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500 — Optics and Modern Physics

12375 (c) Energy of photon in first case,

\ E¥ – E1 = eV
1500 12375
= 8.25 eV 3000
\ E1 = – 8.25 eV (as E¥ = 0) = 4.125 eV
l 2 – 1 = 2000 Å or E1 = 6.6 ´ 10–19 J
12375 Rate of incident photons
\ E2 – E1 = eV
2000 P 10–3
= 1 =
= 6.2 eV E1 6.6 ´ 10–19
\ E2 = – 2.05 eV = 1.52 ´ 1015 per second
æ 1 ö Number of electrons ejected
Similarly, l 31 = 1500 çç ÷÷
è 1 – 1/ 9 ø 4.8 ´ 10–3
= per second
= 1687.5 Å 1.6 ´ 10–19
12375 = 3.0 ´ 1016 per second
\ E3 – E1 = eV = 7.3 eV
1687.5 \ Efficiency of photoelectrons generation
\ E3 = – 0.95 eV 1.52 ´ 1015
(c) Ionization potential = 8.25 V Ans. = ´ 100
3.0 ´ 1016
14. (a) K 1 = –W …(i) = 5.1% Ans.
12375 15. Balmer Series
K2 = –W …(ii) 12375 12375
1650 l 32 = =
v2 = 2v1 \ K 2 = 4 K 1 …(iii) E3 - E2 æ1 1ö
(13.6) ç - ÷
Solving these equations, we get è4 9ø
= 6551 Å
W = 3 eV
= 655.1 nm
\ Threshold wavelength,
12375 12375
12375 l 42 = =
l0 = E4 - E2 æ1 1ö
3 (13.6) ç - ÷
è 4 16 ø
= 4125 Å Ans. = 4853 Å
(b) E2 = = 7.5 eV = 12 ´ 10–19 J = 485.3 nm
12375 12375
Therefore, number of photons incident per l 52 = =
E5 - E2 æ1 1ö
second (13.6) ç - ÷
è 4 25 ø
P 5.0 ´ 10–3
n2 = 2 = = 4333 Å
E2 12 ´ 10–19
= 433.3 nm
= 4.17 ´ 1015 per second
First two lie in the given range. Of these l 42
Number of electrons emitted per second corresponds to more energy.
(h = 5.1%) æ1 1ö
5.1 E = E4 - E2 = (13.6) ç - ÷
= ´ 4.17 ´ 1015 è 4 16 ø
100 = 2.55 eV
= 2.13 ´ 1014 per second \ K max = E - W = (2.55 - 2.0) eV
\ Saturation current in second case = 0.55 eV Ans.
i = (2.13 ´ 1014 ) (1.6=´3.4
10–19 ) A–5 A
´ 10
16. From the theory of standing wave, we can say that
= 34 mA Ans. l
= (2.5 - 2.0) = 0.5 Å
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Chapter 33 Modern Physics-I — 501

or l =1Å mv 2 k
\ = …(i)
r r
According to Bohr’s assumption,
2Å mvr = n …(ii)
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
2.5 Å 2p mk
Therefore, least value of d required will k
and v=
correspond to a single loop. m
l 1 k k
\ dmin = = 0.5 Å Ans. \ E =U + mv 2 = k ln r – + = k ln r
2 2 2 2
Further for de-Broglie wavelength of an electron, nh
Thus, rn =
150 2p mk
l= Å
K (in eV) ì nh ü
and En = k ln í ý Ans.
l =1Å î 2p mk þ
\ K = 150 eV Ans. mv
19. (a) r= …(i)
17. (a) Reduced mass
m1m2 (1837me) (207me ) mvr = …(ii)
m = = 2p
m1 + m2 1837me + 207me
Solving these two equations, we get
= 186me
= 186 ´ 9.1 ´ 10-31 r=
= 1.69 ´ 10-28 kg Ans.
(b) En µ m and v=
Here, reduced mass is 186 times mass of 1 nhBe
electron. Hence, ground state energy will also (b) K = mv 2= Ans.
be 186 times that of hydrogen atom. 2 4pm
æ eö
\ E1 = 186 (- 13.6) eV (c) M = iA = ç ÷ (pr2 )
èT ø
= - 2529.6 eV » - 2.53 keV Ans.
e evr
(c) E2 = 186 (- 3.4 ) eV = - 632.4 eV = (pr2 ) =
æ 2pr ö 2
\ DE21 = 1897.2 eV ç ÷
è v ø
\ l 21 = Å e nh nhBe
DE21 =
2 2pBe 2pm2
= Å =
1897.2 4pm
= 6.53 Å » 0.653 nm Ans. U = – MB cos 180°
18. Force of interaction between electron and =
proton is 4pm
dU – k
F =– = Note Angle between M and B will be 180°. Think why?
dr r
Force is negative. It means there is an attraction (d) E = U + K =
between the particles and they are bound to each 2pm
other. This force provides the necessary centripetal 2 nh
(e) | f | = Bpr =
force for the electron. 2e
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502 — Optics and Modern Physics

20. (a) and (b) When hydrogen atom is excited, then Solving above two equations, we get
æ1 1 ö W = 1.9 eV
eV = E0 ç – 2 ÷ …(i)
è1 n ø and l = 4125 Å Ans.
When ion is excited, 12375
22. E = = 3.1 eV
é 1 1ù 4000
eV = E0Z 2 ê 2 – 2 ú …(ii) Number of photoelectrons emitted per second,
ë 2 n1û
æ 1 öæ 5 ö
Wavelength of emitted light, n = ç 6 ÷ çç ÷
–19 ÷
è 10 ø è 3.1 ´ 1.6 ´ 10 ø
hc æ1 1 ö
= E0 ç – 2 ÷ …(iii)
l1 è1 n ø = 1.0 ´ 1013 per second
hc æ1 1 ö \ i = ne
= E0 Z 2 çç – 2 ÷÷ …(iv) = 1.0 ´ 1013 ´ 1.6 ´ 10–19
l2 è 1 n1 ø
Further it is given that = 1.6 ´ 10–6 A
l1 5 = 1.6 mA Ans.
= …(v)
l2 1 12375
23. (a) E = = 3.1 eV
Solving the above equations, we get 4000
Z = 2, n = 2, n1 = 4 Energy of electron after first collision
and V = 10.2 V Ans. E1 = 90% of E = 2.79 eV (as 10% is lost)
(c) Energy of emitted photon by the hydrogen Energy of electron after second collision
atom = E2 – E1 E2 = 90% of E1 = 2.51 eV
= 10.2 eV Ans. KE of this electron after emitting from the
and by the ion = E4 – E1 metal surface
æ 1ö = (2.51 – 2.2) eV = 0.31 eV Ans.
= (13.6) (2)2 ç1 – ÷
è 16 ø (b) Energy after third collision,
= 51 eV Ans. E3 = 90% of E2 = 2.26 eV
12375 Similarly,
21. 0.6 = –W …(i) E4 = 90% of E3 = 2.03 eV
12375 So, after four collisions it becomes unable for
1.1 = –W …(ii) the electrons to come out of the metal.
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34. Modern Physics-II

Hence, the probability that a nucleus decays in two
half-lives is .
2. Penetrating power is maximum for g -rays, then of 4
b-particles and then a -particles because basically 9. Activity reduces from 6000 dps to 3000 dps in
it depends on the velocity. However, ionization 140 days. It implies that half-life of the radioactive
power is in reverse order. sample is 140 days. In 280 days (or two half-lives)
3. Both the beta rays and the cathode rays are made activity will remain th of the initial activity.
up of electrons. So, only option (a) is correct. 4
Hence, the initial activity of the sample is
(b) Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves.
(c) Alpha particles are doubly ionized helium 4 ´ 6000 dps = 24000 dps
atoms and Therefore, the correct option is (d).
10. R = R0 æç ö÷
(d) Protons and neutrons have approximately the 1
same mass. è 2ø
Therefore, (b), (c) and (d) are wrong options. Here, R = activity of radioactive substance after n
4. During b-decay, a neutron is transformed into a R
half-lives = 0 (given)
proton and an electron. This is why atomic number 16
(Z = number of protons) increases by one and Substituting in Eq. (i), we get n = 4
mass number (A = number of protons + neutrons) \ t = (n) t1/ 2 = (4 ) (100 ms) = 400 ms
remains unchanged during b-decay. 11. Using N = N 0e- lt
5. Following nuclear reaction takes place ln 2 ln 2
1 1 0 where, l= =
0 n ¾¾® 1H + -1e + n t1/ 2 3.8
n is antineutrino. ln 2
n N0 - t
\ = N 0e 3.8
6. From R = R0 æç ö÷
è 2ø Solving this equation with the help of given data
æ 1ö we find
we have, 1 = 64 ç ÷
è 2ø t = 16.5 days
or n = 6 = number of half-lives \ Correct option is (b).
\ t = n ´ tt1/ 2 = 6 ´ 2 = 12 h
12. 1000 = æç ö÷ 8000
1 è 2ø
7. Activity of S 1 = (activity of S 2)
2 \ n = 3 = number of half-lives
or l1 N 1 = (l N ) These half-lives are equivalent to 9 days. Hence,
2 2 2
l1 N one half-life is 3 days.
or = 2 tav = 1.44 t1/ 2 = 1.44 ´ 3 = 4.32 days
l 2 2N 1
T1 2N 1 æ ln 2 ö 13. R0 = lN 0 Þ N 0 = 0
or = çT = half - life = ÷ l
T2 N2 è l ø ln 2
where, l=
Given, N 1 = 2N 2 t1/ 2
\ =4 N = N 0 e- lt
\ Correct option is (a). Find N 1 = N 0e- lt1
1 and N 2 = N 0e- lt2
8. After two half-lives th fraction of nuclei will
4 \ Number of nuclei decayed in given
remain un-decayed. Or, th fraction will decay. time = N 1 - N 2
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504 — Optics and Modern Physics

14. (a) R = R0e-lt 2. Heavy water is used as moderators in nuclear

R0 = 20 MCI reactors to slow down the neutrons.
R = 8 MCI 4. During fusion process two or more lighter nuclei
t = 4.0 h combine to form a heavy nucleus.
Find l. Hence, the correct option is (c).
(b) R0 = lN 0. Find N0 =
R0 5. (a) m(c)2 = P ´ t
l P ´t
(c) Find R = R0 e- lt \ m= 2
15. R0 = lN 0 (109 ) (24 ) (3600)
6.0 ´ 1011 = l (1015 ) (3 ´ 108 )2
\ l = 6.0 ´ 10-4 s = 9.6 ´ 10-4 kg
ln 2 0.693 (b) Number of fissions required per second
t1/ 2 = = Energy required per second
l 6.0 ´ 10-4 =
Energy released in one fission
= 1.16 ´ 103 s
16. In 200 minute time, =
200 ´ 10 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19
n1 = number of half-lives of X
200 = 3.125 ´ 1019
= =4
50 6. Mass defect Smi - Sm f = Dm
n2 = number of half-lives of Y = (238.050784) - (234.043593 + 4.002602)
200 = 4.589 ´ 10-3 u
= =2
100 Energy released = Dm ´ 931.48 MeV
N X N 0 (1/ 2)4 1 = 4.27 MeV
= =
N Y N 0 (1/ 2)2 4 8. Q = (Dm in atomic mass unit) ´ 931.4 MeV
= (2 ´ mass of 1H2 - mass of 2He4 ) ´ 9314
. MeV
INTRODUCTORY EXERCISE 34.2 = (2 ´ 2.0141 - 4.0024) ´ 931.4 MeV
Q » 24 MeV
1. 4 (2 He4 ) = 8 O16 9. 2 1H2 ¾® 2He4
Mass defect, Dm = {4 (4.0026) - 15.9994} Binding energy of two deuterons,
= 0.011 amu E1 = 2 [ 2 ´ 1.1] = 4.4 MeV
\ Energy released per oxygen nuclei Binding energy of helium nucleus,
= (0.011) (931.48) MeV E2 = 4 (7.0) = 28.0 MeV
= 10.24 MeV \ Energy released DE = E2 - E1
\ Correct answer is (c). = (28 - 4.4 ) MeV = 23.6 MeV

LEVEL 1 3. By emission of one a -praticle, atomic number
decreases by 2 and mass number by 4. But by the
Assertion and Reason
emission of one b-particle, atomic number
1. Huge amount of energy is involved in any nuclear increases by 1 and mass number remains
process, which cannot be increased or decreased unchanged.
by pressure or temperature.
4. In moving from lower energy state to higher
2. Some lighter nuclei are also radioactive. energy state electromagnetic waves are absorbed.
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 505

5. Neutrino or antineutrino is also produced during 1

9. Number of nuclei left = th
b-decay. 8
6. Total binding energy per nucleon is more 1 æ 1ö
Now, =ç ÷
important for stability. 8 è 2ø
9. (1 amu )(c2 ) = 931.48 MeV \ n = number of half-lives
10. a -particles are heaviest. Hence, its ionizing power =3
is maximum. 3 half-lives = 8 s
11. In binding energy per nucleon versus mass number \ 1 half-life = s
graph binding energy per nucleon of daughter nuclei 3
should increase (for release of energy) or the 10. Number of atoms disintegrated,
daughter nuclei should lie towards the peak of N = N 0 (1 - e- lt )
the graph. N
\ = 1 - e-lt
Objective Questions 1
1. Nuclear density is constant hence, mass µ volume At t = one mean life =
or mµV N 1
= 1 - e-1 = 1 -
2. Radius of a nucleus is given by N0 e
R = R0 A 1/ 3 (where, R0 = 1.25 ´ 10-15 m) 3
11. Decayed fraction is th. Therefore, left fraction is
= 1.25 A 1/ 3 ´ 10-15 m 4
Here, A is the mass number and mass of the 4
n n
uranium nucleus will be æ 1ö N æ 1ö 1
N = N 0 ç ÷ or =ç ÷ =
m » Amp , where mp = mass of proton è 2ø N 0 è 2ø 4
= A (1.67 ´ 10-27 kg) \ n = number of half-lives = 2
mass m Two half-lives are equivalent to 15 min.
\ Density, r = =
volume 4 pR 3 Therefore, one half-life is 7.5 min.
3 ln 2 ln 2
12. l = = day -1
A (1.67 ´ 10-27 kg) t1/ 2 4
A (1.25 ´ 10-15 m )3 Now, apply
R = R0e- lt Þ 5 = 100e- lt
or r » 2.0 ´ 1017 kg/m 3
Substituting value of l, we can find t.
5. Let n - a particles and m - b particles are emitted. 13. Let N nuclei decay per second. Then,
N (200 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-13 ) = 1.6 ´ 106
90 - 2n + m = 80 …(i)
Solving we get N = 5 ´ 1016 per sec
200 - 4 n = 168 …(ii)
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get 14. Nuclear density is independent of A. It is of the
n = 8 and m = 6 order of 107 kg/m 3.
ln 2 0.693 1
7. By emitting one a -particle, atomic number 15. l= = = sec-1
t1/ 2 6.93 10
decreases by 2. By emitting two b-particles,
atomic number increases by 2. Hence, N = N 0 e- lt
æ 1 ö
ZA = ZC N - ç ÷ (10)
\ = e-lt = e è 10 ø
or A and C are isotopes. N0
8. Binding energy = (Dm) ´ 931.5 MeV = e-1 » 0.63
= [2 ´ 1.00785 + 2 ´ 1.00866 - 4.00274] 16. Activity of atoms is 6.25% after four half-lives.
´ 931.5 \ Four half-lives » 2 h = 120 min
= 28.2 MeV \ One half-life is 30 min.
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506 — Optics and Modern Physics

17. Probability of survival, = 1 - e- lt = 1 - e-0.1 ´ 5

- lt
Number of nuclei left N e = 0.39
P= = 0
Initial number of nuclei N0 U238 3
1 6. =
At t = one mean life = Pb206 1
l N0 = 3 + 1= 4
-1 1
P=e = N =3
N = N 0e- lt …(i)
Subjective Questions ln 2
l= …(ii)
1. (a) R = R0e-lt t1/ 2
R = 2700 per minute, R0 = 4750 per minute From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
t = 5 min t = 1.88 ´ 109 yr
Find l. ln 2
ln 2 7. l 1 = (T = half-life)
(b) t1/ 2 = T1
l ln 2
2. R = lN l2 =
6 ´ 1011 = 1.0 ´ 1015 l R01 + R02 = 8 mCi (given)
\ l = 6 ´ 10-4 s \ l 1 (4 N 0 ) + l 2 (N 0 ) = 8 mCi
ln 2 0.693 From here we can find number
t1/ 2 = = s
l 6 ´ 10-4 after t = 60 yr
= 1155 s = 19.25 min R = R1 + R2
3. Q R = lN = (4 l 1N 0 )e- l1t + (l 2N 0 )e- l 2 t
R R Rt 9. (a) 82 + 10 = 92 , 206 + 10 + 20 = 236
\ N = = = 1/ 2
l (ln 2)/ t1/ 2 ln 2
So, this reaction is possible.
(8 ´ 3.7 ´ 1010 ) (5.3) (365) (24 ) (3600) (b) 82 + 16 - 6 = 92 , 206 + 32 = 238
But antineutrino is also emitted with b -1
= 7.14 ´ 1019
(or electron) decay.
7.14 ´ 109
m= ´ 60 g 10. Binding energy = Dm ´ 931.5 MeV
6.02 ´ 1023
= (7 ´ 1.00783 + 7 ´ 1.00867 - 14.00307) 931.5
= 7.11 ´ 10-3 g
= 104.72 MeV
æ ln 2 ö 11. Energy released = binding energy
4. R = lN = çç ÷÷ N
è t1/ 2 ø = Dm ´ 931.5 MeV
0.693 æ 1 ö 23 = (8 ´ 1.007825 + 8 ´ 1.008665 - 15.994915)
= ç ÷ (6.02 ´ 10 )
4.5 ´ 10 ´ 365 ´ 24 ´ 3600 è 238 ø ´ 931.5
= 1.23 ´ 104 dps = 127.62 MeV
1 12. (a) Number of nuclei in 1 kg of U235,
5. = 10 days æ 1 ö
l N =ç 26
÷ (6.02 ´ 10 )
\ l = 0.1 day -1 è 235 ø
Probability of decay \ Total energy released
Number of atoms decayed = (N ´ 200) MeV
Initial number of atoms æ 1 ö 26 -13
=ç ÷ (6.02 ´ 10 ) (200) (1.6 ´ 10 )
N 0 (1 - e- lt ) è 235 ø
N0 = 8.19 ´ 1013 J
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 507

8.19 ´ 1013 2. l = l 1 + l 2
(b) m= g
30 ´ 103 ln 2 ln 2 ln 2
9 \ = + (T = Half-life)
= 2.73 ´ 10 g T T1 T1
= 2.73 ´ 106 kg TT
or T = 1 2 = 20 y
13. From momentum of conservation, T1 + T2
p1 = p2 1
th sample remains after 2 half-lives or 40 y.
\ 2K 1m1 = 2K 2m2 4
K 1m1 (6.802) (4) 3. Q-value = Final binding energy
\ K2 = =
m2 208 Initial binding energy
= 0.1308 MeV = E2N 2 + E3N 3 - E1N 1
14. Number of nuclei in 1 kg of uranium, 4. Energy released = Final binding energy
æ 1 ö 26 - initial binding energy
N =ç ÷ (6.02 ´ 10 )
è 235 ø = 110 ´ 8.2 + 90 ´ 8.2 - 200 ´ 7.4
æ 1 ö 26 -13 = 160 MeV
Now, ç ÷ (6.02 ´ 10 ) (185 ´ 1.6 ´ 10 )
è 235 ø 5. It means we are getting only 100 MeV of energy
= (100 ´ 106 )t by the fission of one uranium nucleus.
\ t = 7.58 ´ 105 s Number of nuclei per second
Energy required per second
7.58 ´ 105 =
= day Energy obtained by one fission
60 ´ 60 ´ 24
16 ´ 106
= 8.78 days = = 1018
100 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-13
15. Q-value = (Dm) (931.5) MeV
(a) Q-value = (2 ´ 2.014102 - 3.016049 6. When the rate production = rate of disintegration,
number of nuclei or maximum.
- 1.007825) ´ 931.5
\ lN = A
= 4.05 MeV
ln 2 AT
Similarly, Q-value of other parts can also be or N = A or N = = maximum
obtained. T ln 2
16. Q-value = (Dm) ´ 931.5 MeV 7. R0 = 15 ´ 200 = 3000 decay/min from 200 g
= (2 ´ 4.0026 - 8.0053) ´ 931.5 carbon.
= - 0.0931 MeV æ 1ö
Using R = R0 ç ÷
= - 93.1 keV è 2ø
æ 1ö
\ 375 = 3000 ç ÷
LEVEL 2 è 2ø
Single Correct Option \ n = number of half-lives = 3
n \ t = 5730 ´ 3 = 17190 y
N0 æ 1ö
1. = N0 ç ÷ \ n=4 8. AP = A0e-lt1
16 è 2ø
So, 3t times is equivalent to four half-lives. Hence, AQ = A0e- lt2
3t l t1 = ln ( A0 / AP )
one half-life is equal to .
4 1
11 9 \ t1 = ln ( A0 / AP ) = T ln ( A0 / AP )
The given time t - t = t is equivalent to 6 l
2 2 Similarly, t2 = T ln ( A0 / AQ )
6 æ AQ ö
æ 1ö N \ t1 - t2 = T ln çç ÷÷
\ N = N0 ç ÷ = 0
è 2ø 64 è AP ø
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508 — Optics and Modern Physics

9. Combining two given equations, 1 æ A0 ö T A

\ t1 = ln ç ÷ = ln 0
we have, 31 H2 = 2He4 + p + n l çè A1 ÷ø ln 2 A1
Dm = 3 ´ 2.014 - 4.001- 1.007 - 1.008 A2 = 2 A 0 e-lt2
= 0.026 u
T æ 2A ö
Energy released by 3 deuterons t2 = ln çç 0 ÷÷
ln 2 è A2 ø
= 0.026 ´ 931.5 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-13 J
T æ A0 A ö
= 3.9 ´ 10-12 J t1 - t2 = çç ´ 2 ÷÷
ln 2 è A1 2 A0 ø
æ 10 40 ö
Now, (1016 ´ t ) = çç ÷ (3.9 ´ 10-12 ) T æ A ö
÷ = ln ç 2 ÷
è 3 ø ln 2 çè 2 A1 ÷ø
Solving we get,
t » 1.3 ´ 1012 s More than One Correct Options
10. R1 = R2 ln 2
1. y = lx = ×x
- l1t - lt T
R01e = R02e
x 1
\ l 1N 0 e - l1t
= l 2N 0 e- l 2 t …(i) = = constant
y l
ln 2 0.693 x T x
l1 = = = or > T (as ln 2 = 0.693)
t1 t1 y ln 2 y
l2 = Further,
xy = x (lx ) = lx 2
Substituting these values in Eq. (i), we can get
After one half-life, x remains half. Hence, x 2
the t. 1
11. A = 232 - 4 = 228 remains th.
From conservation of momentum, 3. By the emission of an a-particle, atomic number
pa = pg = 2K a ma = 2K g mg decreases by 2 and by the emission of two
particles atomic number increases by 2. Hence, net
K a mg 228 atomic number remains unchanged.
or = =
K g ma 4 4. At t = 4T
æ 228 ö Number of half-lives of first n1 = 4 and number of
\ K a = çç ÷÷ KTotal
è 228 + 4 ø half-lives of second n2 = 2
æ 228 ö N1 N (1/ 2)4 1
=ç ÷ KTotal =x= 0 =
è 232 ø N2 N 0 (1/ 2)2 4
12. From momentum of conservation, R1 l 1 N 0 (1/ 2)4
y= =
momentum of photon = photon of nucleus R2 l 2 N 0 (1/ 2)2
= 2Km l T
= 1 = 2
c 4 l 2 4T1
E2 2T 1
\ K = = =
2mc2 4T 2
(7 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-13 )2 6. R = R0 A 1/ 3 or R µ A 1/ 3
= keV
2 ´ 24 ´ 1.67 ´ 10-27 ´ (3 ´ 108 )2
Comprehension Based Questions
´ 1.6 ´ 10-16
1. Energy released = (Dm) (931.48) MeV
= 1.1 keV
13. Activity A µ Number of atoms = [2 ´ 2.01102 - 3.0160 - 1.007825] ´ 931.5
A1 = A0e -lt1 = 4.03 MeV » 4 MeV
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 509

2. Let N number of fusion reactions are required, (c) l to X-rays is of the order of 1Å - 100 Å
then é 12375 ù
E=ê ú in eV
N ´ 4 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-13 = 103 ´ 3600 ë l (in Å) û
N = 5.625 ´ 1018 é 12.375 ù
=ê in keV
3. In one fusion reaction two 2 ë l úû
1 H nuclei are used.
Hence, total number of 21 H nuclei are 2N . where, l is in Å.
or 1.125 ´ 1019 Mass in kg (d) l is of the order of 4000 Å - 7000 Å
æ 1.125 ´ 1019 ö Now, E (in eV) =
= çç ÷ (2) kg
26 ÷ l (in Å)
è 6.02 ´ 10 ø
= 3.7 ´ 10-8 kg Subjective Questions
R 109
Match the Columns 1. N = = = 7.43 ´ 1013
l 0.693
1. æç -
dN ö
÷ = lN 14.3 ´ 3600
è dt ø
dN N dN t
y Now, = q - lN or ò = ò dt
0 q - lN
\ y = lx or l= dt 0
x q
ln 2 \ N = (1 - e- lt )
t1/ 2 = = (ln 2) (x / y) l
Substituting the values,
R = R0e- lt
2 ´ 109
= ye- l (1/ l) = y/ e 7.43 ´ 1013 = [1 - e- (0693
. / 14. 3 ´ 3600) t
R = = lN 14.3 ´ 3600
y y x Solving this equation we get,
\ N = = = t = 14.3 h Ans.
el e ( y/ x ) e
2. Energy is released when daughter nuclei lie 2. (a) A B C
towards peak of this graph, so that binding energy At t = 0 N0 0 0
per nucleon or total binding energy in the nuclear At t N1 N2 N3
process increases. Here, N 1 = N 0e-lt …(i)
3. A will continuously decrease, but C will increase. dN 2
( A + B ) will continuously decrease as C is formed = l (N 1 - N 2 )
only from A and B. dt
(C + B ) = Total - A dN 2
or = lN 0e- lt - lN 2
A is continuously decreasing. Hence, (C + B ) will dt
continuously increase. or dN 2 + lN 2dt = lN 0e- lt
4. (a) Z ¢ = Z - Z + 1 = Z - 1 \ elt dN 2 + lN 2elt dt = lN 0dt
A¢ = A - 4
or d (N 2elt ) = lN 0dt
(b) Z ¢ = Z - 2 ´ 2 + 1 = Z - 3
A¢ = A - 2 ´ 4 = A - 8 \ N 2elt = lN 0t + C
(c) Z ¢ = Z - 2 + 2 ´ 1 = Z At t = 0, N 2 = 0,
A¢ = A - 4 \ C =0
(d) Z ¢ = Z - 2 ´ 2 + 2 ´ 2 = Z - 2 \ N 2 = lN 0 (te- lt )
A¢ = A - 2 ´ 4 = A - 8 (b) Activity of B is
5. (a) E is of the order of kT , where k = Boltzmann R2 = lN 2 = l2N 0 (te- lt )
constant and T » 300 K
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510 — Optics and Modern Physics

For maximum activity,

=0 N A0 æ RA ö (t ) æ 0.73 ö æ 10 ö
\ = ç 0 ÷ 1/ 2 A = ç
dt N B0 ç RB ÷ (t1/ 2 )B è 0.27 ÷ø çè 5 ÷ø
1 è 0ø
\ t= Ans. = 5.4
lN 0 5. Let N be the number of radio nuclei at any time t.
\ Rmax = Ans.
e Then, net rate of formation of nuclei at time t is
3. (a) Let at time t, number of radioactive nuclei = a - lN
are N . dt
N dN t
Net rate of formation of nuclei of A
dN dN
or ò0 a - lN = ò0 dt
= a - lN or = dt
a - lN a
dt or N = (1 - e- lt )
N dN t l
or òN0 a - N
= ò dt
Solving this equation, we get
1 Rate of formation = a Rate of decay = lN
N = [ a - (a - l N 0 )e- lt ] …(i)
l Number of nuclei formed in time t = at
ln 2
(b) (i) Substituting a = 2lN 0 and t = t1/ 2 = and number of nuclei left after time
l a
3 t = (1 - e- lt )
in Eq. (i), we get N = N0 l
Therefore, number of nuclei disintegrated in time
(ii) Substituting a = 2lN 0 and t ® ¥ in Eq. (i), a
we get t = at - (1 - e- lt )
N = = 2N 0 \ Energy released till time,
é a ù
or N = 2N 0 t = E0 ê at - (1 - e- lt )ú
ë l û
4. (a) Let RA0 and RB0 be the initial activities of A and
B. Then, But only 20% of it is used in raising the
temperature of water.
RA0 + RB 0 = 1010 dps …(i) a
é ù
So, 0.2 E0 ê at - (1 - e- lt )ú = Q
Activity of A after time t = 20 days ë l û
(two half-lives of A) is where, Q = msDq
æ 1ö Q
RA = ç ÷ RA0 = 0.25 RA0 \ Dq = increase in temperature of water =
è 2ø ms
Similarly, activity of B after t = 20 days é a ù
0.2 E0 ê at - ( 1 - e-lt )ú
(four half-lives of B) is ë l û
\ Dq =
4 ms
æ 1ö
RB = ç ÷ RB 0 = 0.0625 RB 0 dN B
è 2ø 6. We have for B = P - l 2N B
Now, it is given that RA + RB = 20% of 1010 NB dN t
or 0.25 RA0 + 0.0625 RB 0 = 0.2 ´ 1010 dps …(ii)
Þ ò0 P - l2BN B = ò0 dt
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get æ P - l 2N B ö
Þ ln ç ÷ = - l 2t
RA0 = 0.73 ´ 1010 dps è P ø
and RB 0 = 0.27 ´ 1010 dps P (1 - e- l 2 t )
Þ NB =
RA0 l AN A0 (t1/ 2 )B N A0
(b) = = × The number of nuclei of A after time t is
RB 0 lB N B0 (t1/ 2) A N B 0
N A = N 0e- l1t
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Chapter 34 Modern Physics - II — 511

dN c R1 1
Thus, = l 1N A + l 2N B ==
dt R 9
dN c
= l 1N 0e- l1t + P (1 - e- l 2 t ) and probability of getting b -particles
dt R 8
= 2= Ans.
æ e-l 2 t - 1ö R 9
Þ N c = N 0 (1 - e-l1t ) + P çç t + ÷
è l 2 ÷ø (ii) R01 = R02
N 01 N 02
¾® 206
+ 42He \ =
7. 84 Po 82 Pb T1 T2
Dm = 0.00564 amu N 01 1
Energy liberated per reaction = (Dm)931 MeV \ =
N 02 4
= 8.4 ´ 10-13 J
Let N 0 be the total number of nuclei at t = 0.
Electrical energy produced = 8.4 ´ 10-14 J
N 4N 0
Let m g of 210
Po is required to produce the desired Then, N 01 = 0 and N 02 =
5 5
energy. N0
m Given that N 1 + N 2 =
N = ´ 6 ´ 1023 2
210 t / 405 t / 1620
0.693 N0 æ 1ö 4N 0 æ 1ö N0
l= = 0.005 per day or ç ÷ + ç ÷ =
t1/ 2 5 è 2ø 5 è 2ø 2

æ dN ö (0.005)(6 ´ 1023 m ) t / 1620

ç- ÷ = lN = per day æ 1ö
è dt ø 210 Let ç ÷ =x
è 2ø
\ Electrical energy produced per day
Then, above equation becomes x 4 + 4 x - 2.5 = 0
(0.005)(6 ´ 1023 m )
= ´ 8.4 ´ 10-14 J æ 1ö
t/ 1620
210 \ x = 0.594 or ç ÷ = 0.594
. ´ 107 J
This is equal to 12 (given) è 2ø
\ m = 10 g Ans. Solving, it we get t = 1215 s. Ans.

Activity at the end of 693 days is 10-3

9. N = ´ 6.02 ´ 1023= 2.87 ´ 1018
0.005 ´ 6 ´ 1023 ´ 10 1021
n 210
æ 1ö
R= = per day = R0 ç ÷ During one mean life period 63.8% nuclei are
210 7 è 2ø
decayed. Hence, energy released
Here, n = number of half-lives = =5 E = 0.638 ´ 2.87 ´ 1018 ´ 5.3 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-13 J
1021 = 1.55 ´ 106 J Ans.
\ R0 = R (2)5 = 32 ´ = 4.57 ´ 1021 per day
7 0.693
10. R0 = lN = ´ 6.02 ´ 1023 per sec
Ans. 14.3 ´ 3600 ´ 24
8. (i) At t = 0, probabilities of getting a and b = 3.37 ´ 1017 per sec
particles are same. This implies that initial activity
After 70 hours activity,
of both is equal. Say it is R0.
Activity after t = 1620 s, R = R0e- lt = (3.37 ´ 1017 ) e- (0.693/ 14.3 ´ 24)(70)

æ 1ö
1620/ 405
R0 = 2.92 ´ 1017 per sec
R1 = R0 ç ÷ =
è 2ø 16 In fruits activity was observed 1mCi or
1620/ 1620 3.7 ´ 104 per sec. Therefore, percentage of activity
æ 1ö R
and R2 = R0 ç ÷ = 0 transmitted from root to the fruit.
è 2ø 2
9 3.7 ´ 104
Total activity, R = R1 + R2 = R0 = ´ 100
16 2.92 ´ 1017
Probability of getting a-particles, . ´ 10-11 %
= 126 Ans.
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35. Semiconductors
A B Y1 Y2 Y
1. Eg Carbon = 5.4 eV
0 1 1 0 1
Eg Silicon = 1.1 eV
Eg Germanium = 0.7 eV 1 1 0 0 1
\ (Eg )C > (Eg )Si > (Eg )Ge
Clearly output resembles an ‘OR’ gate.
INTRODUCTORY EXERCISE 35.2 3. For given amplifier,
1. Hole diffusion from p to n side can be viewed as V0 = 2 V, R0 = 2 kW
“electron diffusion” from n to p side. b ac = 100, Ri = 1 kW
Diffusion occurs due to difference in We have, output voltage, V0 = IC R0
concentrations in different regions. Þ IC = collector current
An electron (or hole) diffuses where its V 2
concentration is less. = 0 = = 10-3 A
R0 2 ´ 103
2. Due to forward biasing depletion layer thickness
= 1 mA
decreases, potential barrier is reduced and
diffusion of electrons from n to p side occurs. iC
Also, current amplication b =
Þ iB = = A
1. In a transistor, base must be very thin and lightly b 100
doped so that all of the charge carriers are not = 10-5 A = 10 ´ 10-6 A
combined in base and majority of them passes the
reverse bias layer to collector side. = 10 mA.
and voltage amplification
2. Voltage gain is maximum and constant for mid bR V
frequency range but is less for both low and high AV = 0 = 0
Ri Vi
V0Ri 2 ´ 1 ´ 103
Þ Vi = =
Av bR0 100 ´ 2 ´ 103
gain) = 10-2 volts = 10 mV
(Input frequency) INTRODUCTORY EXERCISE 35.4
(b) We construct truth table to see the logical 1. Input waveforms are as shown
t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6



These are fed to an NAND gate,

A B Y1 Y2 Y A
0 0 1 1 0 B

1 0 0 1 1 Output waveform is as shown

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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 513

A B Y1 Y
t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6
1 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0

2. Truth table for the circuit given is 0 1 1 0

1 1 0 1
NAND NAND Y As the output resembles output of a AND gate so,
B Y1
given circuit behaves like an ‘AND’ gate.

1. With increase in temperature, number of electrons 95 100
As IC = IE Þ IE = ´ IC
reaching conduction band increases but, mean 100 95
relation time decreases. Effect of decrease in 100
relation time is much less than that of increase in = ´ 10 mA = 10.53 mA
number density of charge carriers.
So, I B = 0.53 mA
2. For diode D1,
8. Depletion zone is formed due to diffusion of e-
Vp - Vn = - 10 - 0 = - 10V from n to p side. Due to diffusion positive
So, D1 is in reverse bias. immobile ions exists on n side and negative ions
For diode D2, on p-side.
Vp - Vn = 0 - (-10) = 10 V Recombination of e- and holes takes place on
So, D2 is in forward bias. p-side. This results in (n-side more positive than
p-side) formation of a junction field and potential
3. Hole is a vacancy created by an electron moving barrier across the depletion zone.
from valance band to conduction band.
9. When applied voltage approaches zener potential
4. Capacitor is charged to maximum potential diode breakdown to conduct excess current. This
difference causes a change of current in series resistance.
\ V = Vmax = Vrms ´ 2 10. Reverse breakdown may be “Avlanche break
= 220 2 volts down” (breakdown due to high velocity collision of
minority carrier) or it may be a zener breakdown
5. Electrons take the energy and move up to neat (breakdown of bonds due to strong field).
higher energy level both in conduction and valance
band. So, a hole move downwards due to 11. No, it cannot be measured by using a voltmeter.
movement of electron. Barrier potential is less than 0.2 V for germanium
6. In an n- p-n transistor, diode and is less than 0.7 V for silicon. Also there
are no free charge carriers which provide ‘current’
for working of voltmeter.
12. An “OR” gate may be made to operate motor
relays for garage gates.

IB Pick up
signal to relay
- +
- +
Electrons move from emitter to base and electrons –
which are not combined with holes in base region,
crosses to collector side.
7. In an n- p-n transistor, Sensor output
from gate
I E = I B + IC
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514 — Optics and Modern Physics

13. Such combination is called “Cascade” 19. Supply voltage may be 7 V and zener breakdown
combination. at 5 V.
AV = AV1 ´ AV2 So, voltage drop across resistance R = 7 - 5 = 2V.
(net )
Now power rating of zener = 1W.
= 10 ´ 20 = 200
So, current through zener must not exceed
\ V0 = output voltage
P 1
= AV ´ Vi I = = A
(net ) V 5
= 200 ´ 0.01 Hence, series resistance
= 2V V 2
R = = = 10 W.
hc 1240 eV× nm i 1
14. We use, Eg = Þ Eg =
l 600 nm 5
» 2 eV 20. Current flows only in branches AB and EF as
So, photon energy is less than that required diode of CD branch is in reverse bias. (\ I 3 = 0)
(2.8 eV). So, detector is not able to detect this So, given circuit is equivalent to
I4 25 W 125 W
15. (i) Diode is a rectifier diode. A B
(ii) Point P represents zener breakdown potential.
16. Given is a p - n - p CE configuration, when R1 is 25 W 125 W
increased, base current decreases as a result I2
current also decreases.
Hence, both ammeter and voltmeter readings G H
5V 25 W
17. A NOT gate can be formed by proper biasing of a Current through cell is
transistor as shown. V 5
i1 = = = 0.05 A
RTotal 100
Also by symmetry,
C Y I2 = I4 = = 0.025 A
21. Given circuit is equivalent to
10 V

3 kW
400 W
If input (A) is low (0), then the transistor is in cut
off stage and output (Y) is same as VCC = V (1). If 10 V
input (A) is high, then transistor current is in
saturation and the net voltage at output (Y) is V (0)
or is in state 0. In base emitter loop,
18. Given is an AND gate, its truth table is VB = I B RB
V 10
A B Y Þ IB = B =
RB 400 ´ 103
0 0 0
= 25 ´ 10-6 A
1 0 0
= 25 mA
0 1 0
In emitter-collector loop,
1 1 1 VC = IC RC
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Chapter 35 Semiconductors — 515

10 23. Consider the figure to solve this question,

Þ IC =
3 ´ 103 I E = IC + I B and IC = bI B K(i)
= 3.33 mA IC RC + VCE + I E RE = VCC K(ii)
I 3.33 mA
and b DC = C = RI B + VBE + I E RE = VCC K(iii)
IB 25 mA
I E = IC = b I B
= 133
22. Consider the figure given here to solve this VCC = 12 V
problem IB + I IC A
IC = I E [As base current is very small] RC =100 kW RC
RC = 7.8 kW C
From the figure, IC (RC + RE ) + VCE = 12 H
VCE = 3 V
(RE + RC ) ´ 1 ´ 10-3 + 3 = 12 I IB
RE + RC = 9 ´ 103 = 9 kW VBE = 0.5V
R = 20 kW RE = 1 kW
RE = 9 - 7.8 = 1.2 kW
VE = I E ´ RE J D
= 1 ´ 10-3 ´ 1.2 ´ 103 = 1.2 V
Voltage, VB = VE + VBE = 1.2 + 0.5 = 1.7 V From Eq. (iii),
VB 1.7 (R + bRE ) I B = VCC - VBE
Current, I = =
20 ´ 103 20 ´ 103 V - VBE
Þ I B = CC
= 0.085 mA R + bRE
12 - 1.7 10.3 12 - 0.5
Resistance, RB = = =
+ 0.085 0.01 + 0.085 80 + 1.2 ´ 100
[Given, b = 100] = mA
= 108 kW
From Eq. (ii),
VCC = 12 V VCE - VBE
IC + I IC A (RC + RE ) =
RB RC = 7.8 kW
C = (Q IC = bI B )
bI B
VCE = 3 V
IB 2
I (RC + RE ) = (12 - 3) kW
VBE = 0.5V E IE 11.5
R = 200 kW RE = 1.56 kW
J D RC + RE = 1.56
RC = 1.56 - 1 = 0.56 kW
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36. Communication System

Single Correct Option = 2 ´ 6.4 ´ 106 ´ 240
1. Range of frequencies is as follows : » 55 ´ 103 m
Ground wave : 300 Hz to 300 kHz
= 55 km
(it may go upto 3 MHz)
Sky wave : 300 kHz to 3 MHz
10. Wavelength of signal is
c 3 ´ 108
Space wave : 3 MHz to 300 GHz. l= = = 20 ´ 103 m
l F 15 ´ 103
2. Length of antenna ³
4 So, size of antenna required
l l
Þ l³ = (at least)
4 4
Þ l £ 4 ´l = 5 ´ 103 m = 5 km
or l £ 400 m Also, effective power radiated by antenna is very
3. Sideband frequencies are : less.
Lower sideband 11. LSB = wc = wm
(LSB) = wc - wm = 1.5 ´ 106 - 3 ´ 103
= 1 ´ 106 Hz - 3 ´ 103 Hz
= 1497 kHz
= (1000 - 3) ´ 103 Hz and USB = wc + wm
= 2997 kHz = 1503 kHz
and = 2.997 MHz Bandwidth required
Upper sideband = USB - LSB = 2wm
(USB) = wc + wm = 2 ´ 3 kHz = 6 kHz
= 1 ´ 106 Hz + 3 ´ 103 Hz 12. Due to over modulation m > 1, sidebands overlaps
= 1003 kHz and fading (loss of information) may occur. Also
= 1.003 MHz when m » 1, distortion in carrier waveform occurs.
4. Frequency of amplitude modulated wave is same 13. Frequency of signal obtained = = 1 MHz
as that of carrier wave. 2p LC
5. Basic communication system is 1
Þ LC =
(2p ´ 106 )2
Transmitter Channel Receiver
Þ LC = 0.25 ´ 10-13 s2
From source To user
Þ LC = 2.5 ´ 10-14 s2
6. Beyond horizon, a signal can reach via ionospheric 14. m = modulation index
reflection or sky wave mode. Frequency range Am
suitable is 3 MHz to 30 MHz. =
7. UHF band is in range of 150 to 900 MHz.
Þ Am = m ´ Ac = 0.75 ´ 12
So, suitable mode of communication is “space
= 9 volts
wave mode”.
15. Vibrating tuning fork and string produces all
8. Digital signals employs a discrete values of
possible values of displacement hence, these
amplitudes which are coded using binary system.
signals are analog.
9. In LOS communication maximum distance upto A light pulse and output of NAND gate gives only
which a signals can be received from tower is discrete values of output. So, signals are digital
d = 2Rh these.
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Chapter 36 Communication System — 517

16. Penetrating power of signal a frequency of signal. (iii) Percentage increase in area covered
So, 3 MHz signal travels longer distance in A - A1
ionosphere. = 2 ´ 100
17. Modulation index m, 3608 - 804
A - Amin = ´ 100
= max 804
Amax + Amin » 349 %
(A = amplitude of modulated wave) 21. That can be done by using six antennas,
15 - 3 12 2
\ m = = =
15 + 3 18 3 1

18. Man made noises and atmospheric interferences 6 R 2

affect only amplitude of a signal. R
So, an AM signal is more noisy than a FM signal.
5 3
19. In LOS communication, it is not necessary that
transmitting antenna and receiving antenna are at 4
same height. Only requirement is that there must
not be any obstacle in between. 1
6 R 2

5 3

Given, h = 81 m From above figure, side of triangle = R + h

\ Distance upto which transmission can be made Also, altitude of triangle
= d = 2Rh 3
= ´ side = R
and, area covered in broadcast
= pd 2 Þ (R + h) = R
= 2pRh
Þ 3 (R + h) = 2R
= 2 ´ p ´ 6.4 ´ 106 ´ 81 (m 2 )
= 3258 km 2 Þ R+ h= R
20. (i) When receiver is at ground level, then 2
Þ h= R - R » 0.15 R
service area covered 3
= pd 2 = p ( 2Rh )2 1

= 2pRh
22. From fmax = 9(N max ) 2
= 2 ´ p ´ 6.4 ´ 106 ´ 20 Þ N max =
» 804 km 2 81

(ii) When receiver is at height of 25 m, area (5 ´ 106 )2

Þ N max F =
covered 1 81
= pd12 + pd22 = 0.3086 ´ 1012 m -3
= p ( 2RhT )2 + p ( 2RhR )2 = 3.086 ´ 1011 m -3
= 2pR (hT + hR ) (8 ´ 106 )2
and N max F =
= 2 ´ p ´ 6.4 ´ 106 ´ 45 (m 2 ) 2 81
» 3608 km 2 = 7.9 ´ 1011 m -3
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518 — Optics and Modern Physics

23. Let the receiver is at point A and source is at B. 3 ´ 108 ´ 4.04 ´ 10-3
or x=
= 6.06 ´ 105 = 606 km
x h3 x Using Pythagoras theorem,
d 2 = x 2 - hs2 = (606)2 - (600)2 = 7236

A B or d = 85.06 km
d d So, the distance between source and receiver = 2d
Velocity of waves = 3 ´ 108 m/s = 2 ´ 85.06
= 170 km
Time to reach a receiver = 4.04 ms = 4.04 ´ 10-3 s
The maximum distance covered on ground from
Let the height of satellite is the transmitter by emitted EM waves
hs = 600 km
d = 2RhT
Radius of earth = 6400 km
Size of transmitting antenna = hT d2
or = hT
We know that 2R
Distance travelled by wave 7236
= Velocity of waves or size of antenna hT =
Time 2 ´ 6400
2x = 0.565 km
= 3 ´ 108
4.04 ´ 10-3 = 565m
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JEE Main and Advanced

Previous Years’ Questions (2018-13)

JEE Main
1. An EM wave from air enters a medium. 4. An electron from various excited states of
The electric fields are hydrogen atom emit radiation to come to
é æz öù the ground state. Let ln , l g be the
E1 = E01x$ cosê2pnç - t ÷ú in air and
ë è c øû de-Broglie wavelength of the electron in
E2 = E02x$ cos[k( 2z - ct )] in medium, where the nth state and the ground state,
the wave number k and frequency n refer respectively. Let Ln be the wavelength of
to their values in air. The medium is the emitted photon in the transition from
non-magnetic. the nth state to the ground state. For
large n, (A, B are constants) (2018)
If e r1 and e r2 refer to relative permittivities
of air and medium respectively, which of (a) Ln » A + (b) Ln » A + Bl2n
the following options is correct? (2018)
er1 er1 er1 1 er 1 (c) L2n » A + Bl2n (d) L2n » l
(a) = 4 (b) = 2 (c) = (d) 1 =
er2 er2 er2 4 er2 2 5. If the series limit frequency of the Lyman
series is n L , then the series limit frequency
2. Unpolarised light of intensity I passes of the Pfund series is (2018)
through an ideal polariser A. Another nL nL
identical polariser B is placed behind A. (a) 25 nL (b) 16 nL (c) (d)
16 25
The intensity of light beyond B is found to
I 6. It is found that, if a neutron suffers an
be . Now, another identical polariser C is
2 elastic collinear collision with deuterium at
placed between A and B. The intensity rest, fractional loss of its energy is Pd ; while
1 for its similar collision with carbon nucleus
beyond B is now found to be . The angle
8 at rest, fractional loss of energy is Pc. The
between polariser A and C is (2018) values of Pd and Pc are respectively (2018)
(a) 0° (b) 30° (c) 45° (d) 60° (a) (.89, .28) (b) (.28, .89)
(c) (0, 0) (d) (0, 1)
3. The angular width of the central maximum
in a single slit diffraction pattern is 60°. 7. The reading of the ammeter for a silicon
The width of the slit is 1 mm. The slit is diode in the given circuit is (2018)
illuminated by monochromatic plane 200W
waves. If another slit of same width is
made near it, Young’s fringes can be
observed on a screen placed at a distance
50 cm from the slits. If the observed
fringe width is 1 cm, what is slit
separation distance? (i.e. distance 3V
between the centres of each slit.) (2018) (a) 0 (b) 15 mA
(a) 25 mm (b) 50 mm (c) 75 mm (d) 100 mm (c) 11.5 mA (d) 13.5 mA
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2 Optics & Modern Physics

8. A telephonic communication service is 12. An electron beam is accelerated by a

working at carrier frequency of 10 GHz. potential difference V to hit a metallic
Only 10% of it is utilised for transmission. target to produce X-rays. It produces
How many telephonic channels can be continuous as well as characteristic
transmitted simultaneously, if each X-rays. If lmin is the smallest possible
channel requires a bandwidth of 5 kHz? wavelength of X-rays in the spectrum, the
(2018) variation of log lmin with log V is correctly
(a) 2 ´ 103 (b) 2 ´ 104 represented in (2017)
(c) 2 ´ 105 (d) 2 ´ 106


9. A diverging lens with magnitude of focal (a) (b)
length 25 cm is placed at a distance of 15
cm from a converging lens of magnitude log V log V
of focal length 20 cm. A beam of parallel


light falls on the diverging lens. The final (c) (d)
image formed is (2017)
(a) virtual and at a distance of 40 cm from log V log V
convergent lens
(b) real and at a distance of 40 cm from the 13. A radioactive nucleus A with a half-life T ,
divergent lens decays into a nucleus B. At t = 0, there is
(c) real and at a distance of 6 cm from the no nucleus B. After sometime t, the ratio
convergent lens of the number of B to that of A is 0.3.
(d) real and at a distance of 40 cm from Then, t is given by (2017)
convergent lens log 13
(a) t = T (b) t = T log 13
log 2
10. In a Young’s double slit experiment, slits
T T log 2
are separated by 0.5 mm and the screen is (c) t = (d) t =
placed 150 cm away. A beam of light log 13
. 2 log 13
consisting of two wavelengths, 650 nm 14. A particle A of mass m and initial velocity
and 520 nm, is used to obtain interference v collides with a particle B of mass m/ 2
fringes on the screen. The least distance which is at rest. The collision is held on,
from the common central maximum to the and elastic. The ratio of the de-Broglie
point where the bright fringes due to both wavelengths lA to lB after the collision is
the wavelengths coincide, is (2017) (2017)
(a) 7.8 mm (b) 9.75 mm(c) 15.6 mm(d) 1.56 mm l l 2
(a) A = 2 (b) A =
lB lB 3
11. Some energy levels of a molecule are
l 1 lA 1
shown in the figure. The ratio of the (c) A = (d) =
lB 2 lB 3
wavelengths r = l1 / l2 is given by
15. In a common emitter amplifier circuit
–E using an n-p-n transistor, the phase
l2 difference between the input and the
output voltages will be (2017)
(a) 90° (b) 135° (c) 180° (d) 45°
–2 E
16. A transparent slab of thickness d has a
–3 E refractive index n ( z ) that increases with z.
Here, z is the vertical distance inside the
2 3 1 4
(a) r = (b) r = (c) r = (d) r = slab, measured from the top. The slab is
3 4 3 3 placed between two media with uniform
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Previous Years’ Questions (2018-13) 3

refractive indices n1 and n 2( > n1 ), as shown æ 2 l2 ö

(b) a = lL and bmin = çç ÷
in the figure. A ray of light is incident with è L ø
angle q i from medium 1 and emerges in (c) a = lL and bmin = 4lL
medium 2 with refraction angle q f with a
lateral displacement l. (2016) (d) a = and bmin = 4lL
qi 20. Radiation of wavelength l, is incident on
n1=constant 1
a photocell. The fastest emitted electron
n (z) has speed v. If the wavelength is changed
d 3l
to , the speed of the fastest emitted
n2=constant l 2 electron will be (2016)
qf 1/ 2 1/ 2
æ4ö æ4ö
(a) > v ç ÷ (b) < v ç ÷
è3ø è3ø
Which of the following statement(s) is 1/ 2 1/ 2
æ4ö æ3ö
(are) true? (c) = v ç ÷ (d) = v ç ÷
è3ø è4ø
(a) l is independent on n (z)
(b) n1 sin qi = (n2 - n1) sin qf 21. Half-lives of two radioactive elements A
(c) n1 sin qi = n2 sin qf and B are 20 min and 40 min, respectively.
(d) l is independent of n2 Initially, the samples have equal number
of nuclei. After 80 min, the ratio of decayed
17. In an experiment for determination of numbers of A and B nuclei will be (2016)
refractive index of glass of a prism by i-d
(a) 1 : 16 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 1 : 4 (d) 5 : 4
plot, it was found that a ray incident at
an angle 35° suffers a deviation of 40° and 22. The temperature dependence of resistances
that it emerges at an angle 79°. In that of Cu and undoped Si in the temperature
case, which of the following is closest to range 300-400 K, is best described by (2016)
the maximum possible value of the (a) linear increase for Cu, linear increase for Si
refractive index? (2016) (b) linear increase for Cu, exponential increase
for Si
(a) 1.5 (b) 1.6 (c) 1.7 (d) 1.8
(c) linear increase for Cu, exponential decrease
18. An observer looks at a distant tree of for Si
height 10 m with a telescope of (d) linear decrease for Cu, linear decrease for Si
magnifying power of 20. To observer the 23. Identify the semiconductor devices whose
tree appears (2016)
characteristics are as given below, in the
(a) 10 times taller (b) 10 times nearer order (a),(b),(c),(d). (2016)
(c) 20 times taller (d) 20 times nearer I I

19. The box of a pin hole camera of length L,

has a hole of radius a. It is assumed that
(a) V (b) V
when the hole is illuminated by a parallel
beam of light of wavelength l the spread
of the spot (obtained on the opposite wall
of the camera) is the sum of its I I
geometrical spread and the spread due to Dark Resistance
diffraction. The spot would then have its
(c) V (d) V
minimum size (say bmin ) when (2016)
l2 æ 2 l2 ö of light
(a) a = and bmin = çç ÷ Illuminated
L ÷
è L ø
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4 Optics & Modern Physics

(a) Simple diode, Zener diode, Solar cell, Light (a) 2 MHz only
dependent resistance (b) 2005 kHz 2000 kHz and 1995 kHz
(b) Zener diode, Simple diode, Light dependent (c) 2005 kHz and 1995 kHz
resistance, Solar cell (d) 2000 kHz and 1995 kHz
(c) Solar cell, Light dependent resistance, Zener
diode, Simple diode 28. A red LED emits light at 0.1 W uniformly
(d) Zener diode, Solar cell, Simple diode, Light around it. The amplitude of the electric
dependent resistance field of the light at a distance of 1 m from
the diode is (2015)
24. Monochromatic light is incident on a glass
prism of angle A. If the refractive index of (a) 2.45 V/m (b) 1.73 V/m
the material of the prism is m, a ray (c) 5.48 V/m (d) 7.75 V/m
incident at an angle q, on the face AB 29. As an electron makes a transition from an
would get transmitted through the face excited state to the ground state of a
AC of the prism provided (2015) hydrogen like atom/ion (2015)
é ì æ 1 ö üù (a) kinetic energy, potential energy and total
(a) q < cos- 1 êm sin íA + sin- 1 çç ÷÷ ýú
êë î è m ø þúû energy decrease
é (b) kinetic energy decreases, potential energy
ì æ 1 ö üù
(b) q < sin- 1 êm siníA - sin- 1 çç ÷÷ ýú increases but total energy remains same
êë î è m ø þúû (c) kinetic energy and total energy decrease but
é ì æ 1 ö üù potential energy increases
(c) q > cos- 1 êm siníA + sin- 1 çç ÷÷ ýú
êë î è m ø þúû (d) its kinetic energy increases but potential
energy and total energy decrease
é ì æ 1 ö üù
(d) q > sin- 1 êm siníA - sin- 1 çç ÷÷ ýú 30. Match Column I (fundamental experiment)
êë î è m ø þúû
with Column II (its conclusion) and select
25. Assuming human pupil to have a radius the correct option from the choices given
of 0.25 cm and a comfortable viewing below the list. (2015)
distance of 25 cm, the minimum
Column I Column II
separation between two objects that
human eye can resolve at 500 nm A Franck-Hertz 1. Particle nature of
experiment light
wavelength is (2015)
B Photo-electric 2. Discrete energy
(a) 30 mm (b) 1 mm (c) 100 mm (d) 300 mm
experiment levels of atom
26. On a hot summer night, the refractive C Davisson-Germe 3. Wave nature of
index of air is smallest near the ground r experiment electron
and increases with height from the 4. Structure of atom
ground. When a light beam is directed
horizontally, the Huygens principle leads A B C A B C
us to conclude that as it travels, the light (a) 1 4 3 (b) 2 1 3
beam (2015) (c) 2 4 3 (d) 4 3 2

(a) becomes narrower 31. A green light is incident from the water to
(b) goes horizontally without any deflection the air-water interface at the critical angle (q).
(c) bends upwards Select the correct statement. (2014)
(d) bends downwards (a) The entire spectrum of visible light will come
27. A signal of 5 kHz frequency is amplitude out of the water at an angle of 90° to the
modulated on a carrier wave of frequency normal
2MHz. The frequencies of the resultant (b) The spectrum of visible light whose
signal is/are (2015)
frequency is less than that of green light will
come out of the air medium
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Previous Years’ Questions (2018-13) 5

(c) The spectrum of visible light whose magnetic field of 3 ´ 10-4 T. If the radius
frequency is more than that of green light will
of the largest circular path followed by
come out to the air medium
these electrons is 10.0 mm, the work
(d) The entire spectrum of visible light will come
function of the metal is close to (2014)
out of the water at various angles to the
normal (a) 1.8 eV (b) 1.1 eV (c) 0.8 eV (d) 1.6 eV

32. A thin convex lens made from crown glass 36. The forward biased diode connection is
(m = 3/ 2) has focal length f. When it is (2014)
measured in two different liquids having +2V –2V
refractive indices 4/3 and 5/3. It has the
focal lengths f1 and f2, respectively. The –3V –3V
correct relation between the focal length
is (2014) (c) 2V 4V
(a) f1 = f2 < f
(d) –2V +2V
(b) f1 > f and f2 becomes negative
(c) f2 > f and f1 becomes negative
(d) f1 and f2 both become negative
37. During the propagation of
electromagnetic waves in a medium, (2014)
33. Two beams, A and B, of plane polarised (a) electric energy density is double of the
light with mutually perpendicular planes magnetic energy density
of polarisation are seen through a (b) electric energy density is half of the
polaroid. From the position when the magnetic energy density
beam A has maximum intensity (and (c) electric energy density is equal to the
beam B has zero intensity), a rotation of magnetic energy density
polaroid through 30° makes the two (d) Both electric and magnetic energy densities
beams appear equally bright. If the initial are zero
intensities of the two beams are I A and I B
38. Match List I (Electromagnetic wave type)
respectively, then I A / I B equals (2014)
with List II (Its association/application)
(a) 3 (b) 3/2 (c) 1 (d) 1/3 and select the correct option from the
34. Hydrogen (1H1 ), deuterium (1H 2 ), singly choices given below the lists. (2014)

ionised helium ( 2He4 )+ and doubly ionised List I List II

lithium (3 Li8 )+ + all have one electron A. Infrared waves 1. To treat muscular
around the nucleus. Consider an electron strain
transition from n = 2 to n = 1. If the
B. Radio waves 2. For broadcasting
wavelengths of emitted radiation are
l1 , l2 , l3 and l4, respectively for four C. X-rays 3. To detect fracture of
elements, then approximately which one bones
of the following is correct? (2014) D. Ultraviolet 4. Absorbed by the
(a) 4 l1 = 2 l2 = 2 l3 = l4 ozone layer of the
(b) l1 = 2 l2 = 2 l3 = l4 atmosphere
(c) l1 = l2 = 4 l3 = 9l4
(d) l1 = 2 l2 = 3 l3 = 4 l4 A B C D
35. The radiation corresponding to 3 ® 2 (a) 4 3 2 1
(b) 1 2 4 3
transition of hydrogen atom falls on a (c) 3 2 1 4
metal surface to produce photoelectrons. (d) 1 2 3 4
These electrons are made to enter a
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6 Optics & Modern Physics

39. The graph between angle of deviation ( d) frequency of radiation emitted is

and angle of incidence (i) for a triangular proportional to (2013)
prism is represented by (2013) 1 1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
d d
n n2 n4 n3
44. The I-V characteristic of an LED is
(a) (b)
i i
(a) I (b) Y
d d R

(c) (d) O V O V
- Red
O O (c) I (d) - Yellow
i i R I - Green
Y - Blue
40. Two coherent point sources S1 and S 2 are G
separated by a small distance d as shown.
The fringes obtained on the screen will be 45. The anode voltage of a photocell is kept
(2013) fixed. The wavelength l of the light
falling on the cathode is gradually
changed. The plate current I of photocell
varies as follows (2013)
S1 S2 I I
(a) (b)
(a) points (b) straight lines
(c) semi-circle (d) concentric circles l l
41. A beam of unpolarised light of intensity I 0
is passed through a polaroid A and then
(c) (d)
through another polaroid B which is
oriented so that its principal plane makes
an angle of 45° relative to that of A. The l l
intensity of the emergent light is (2013) 46. A diode detector is used to detect an
(a) I 0 (b) I 0 / 2 amplitude modulated wave of 60%
(c) I 0 / 4 (d) I 0 / 8 modulation by using a condenser of
capacity 250 pico farad in parallel with a
42. Diameter of a plano-convex lens is 6 cm load resistance 100 kW. Find the
and thickness at the centre is 3 mm. If maximum modulated frequency which
speed of light in material of lens is 2 ´ 108 could be detected by it. (2013)
m/s, the focal length of the lens is (2013)
(a) 10.62 MHz (b) 10.62 kHz
(a) 15 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 5.31 MHz (d) 5.31 kHz
(c) 30 cm (d) 10 cm
47. The magnetic field in a travelling
43. In a hydrogen like atom electron makes electromagnetic wave has a peak value of
transition from an energy level with 20 nT. The peak value of electric field
quantum number n to another with strength is (2013)
quantum number ( n - 1). If n >> 1, the (a) 3 V/m (b) 6 V/m (c) 9 V/m (d) 12 V/m
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Answer with Explanations

w For first minima,
1. (c) Speed of progressive wave is given by, v =
k a l
sin q = , [here, a = 10 -6 m, q = 30°]
As electric field in air is, 2 2
æ 2 pnz ö 10 -6
E1 = E 01x cos ç - 2 pnt ÷ Þ l = 10 -6 ´ sin 30° Þ l = m
è c ø 2
2 pn Now, in case of interference caused by bringing
\ Speed in air = =c
æ 2 pn ö second slit,
ç ÷ lD
è c ø \ Fringe width, b=
1 d
Also, c= …(i) 10 -6 1
m 0er1 e0 [here, l= m, b = 1 cm = m,
2 100
In medium, 50
E 2 = E 02xcos (2 kz - kct ) d = ? and D = 50 cm = m]
kc c lD 10 -6 ´ 50
\ Speed in medium = = So, d = = = 25 ´ 10 -6 m
2k 2 b 1
c 1 2 ´ ´ 100
Also, = …(ii) 100
2 m 0er2 e0 or d = 25 mm
As medium is non-magnetic medium, m medium = m air 4. (a) If wavelength of emitted photon in
On dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we have de-excitation is L n;
er2 er 1
2 = Þ 1 = n
er1 er2 4

2. (c) C n

I/2 I
I 8 1
hc hc pn2 pg2 é p2 ù
a b Then, = En - Eg = - , êQ E = ú
Ln Ln 2 m 2 m ë 2 mû
Using Malus law, intensity available after C
As energies are negative, we get
= ´ cos 2 a hc pg2 p2
2 = - n
I Ln 2 m 2 m
and intensity available after B = cos 2 a ´ cos 2 b 2
2 pg2 æç æ pn ö ö÷ h2 æ l2 ö
Þ = 1- ç ÷ ç1 - g ÷
= (given) 2m ç ç p ÷ ÷ = 2 ml2 ç l2n ÷ø
8 è è g ø ø g è
I I 1 h
So, ´ cos 2 a × cos 2 b = Þ cos 2 a × cos 2 b = [Q p µ l-1, p = ]
2 8 4 l
This is satisfied with a = 45° and b = 45° 2 ml2g c æ l2g ö

So, angle between A and C is 45°. Þ Ln = ç1 - ÷

h çè l2n ÷ø
3. (a) Angular width of diffraction pattern = 60°
2 ml2g c æ l2g ö
Þ Ln = ç1 + ÷ [Q (1 - x )- n = 1 + nx ]
h çè l2n ÷ø

Þ Ln ~
- A+
é 2 mcl2g ù é 2 mcl4g ù
where, A = ê ú and B = ê ú are
êë h úû ë h û
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8 Optics & Modern Physics

5. (d) Series limit occurs in the transition n2 = ¥ to n1 = 1 1 1 v2

- mv12 + mv 02 - 0 + v 02
in Lyman series and n2 = ¥ to n1 = 5 in pfund series. = 2 2 = 9
For Lyman series, 1 2 v 02
mv 0
n2=¥ 8
æ 1 ö
= ç - + 1÷ = = 0.88 = 0.89
è 9 ø 9
hnL = Eg= E0 12 1
1 ¥
m 12m m + 12m v2
= 13.6 eV v0 v1
n 1=1
hn L = 13.6 …(i) Similarly, for neutron-carbon atom collision;
In Pfund series Momentum conservation gives;
v 0 = v1 + 12 v 2
n2 = ¥
and e = 1 Þ v 0 = v 2 - v1
13.6 11
hnp = E0 12 1
= 2 So, v1 = v0
5 ¥ 5 13
æ 121 ö
n2 = 5 \Loss of energy = ç - + 1÷ = 0.28
è 169 ø
13.6 So, Pd = 0.89 and Pc = 0.28
hn p = …(ii)
52 7. (c) Potential drop in a silicon diode in forward bias is
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get around 0.7 V.
25hn p = hn L In given circuit, potential drop across 200 W resistor is
n DVnet 3 - 07
\ np = L I= =
25 R 200
6. (a) Neutron-Deuterium collision; Þ I = 0.0115A
Þ I = 115. mA
m 2m m 2m 8. (c) Only 10% of 10 GHz is utilised for transmission.
v0 v=0 v1 v2 \Band available for transmission
Momentum conservation gives; = ´ 10 ´ 10 9 Hz = 10 9 Hz
mv 0 = mv1 + 2 mv 2 Now, if there are n channels each using 5 kHz then,
Þ v 0 = v1 + 2 v 2 …(i) n ´ 5 ´ 10 3 = 10 9 Þ n = 2 ´ 10 5
Collision given is elastic .
So, coefficient of restitution, e = 1 9. (d)
15 cm
Velocity of separation
\ e = 1=
Velocity of approach
v - v1
Þ 1= 2
v0 - 0
Þ v 0 = v 2 - v1 …(ii)
On adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
2 v 0 = 3v 2 Here, f1 = - 25 cm, f2 = 20 cm
2v0 For diverging lens, v = - 25 cm
Þ = v2
3 For converging lens, u = - (15 + 25) = - 40 cm
So, from Eq. (i), we get 1 1 1
v1 = v 0 - 2 v 2 \ - =
v - 40 + 20
4v 0
= v0 - 1 1 1 1
3 Þ = - = Þ v = 40 cm
v v 20 40 40
Þ v1 = - 0
3 10. (a) Let nth bright fringes coincides, then
Fractional loss of energy of neutron yn1 = yn2
æ -Kf + Ki ö
= çç ÷÷ n1l1D n2l2D n1 l 520 4
è Ki ø for neutron Þ = Þ = 1 = =
d d n2 l2 650 5
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Previous Years’ Questions (2018-13) 9

Hence, distance from the central maxima is 15. (c)
n l D 4 ´ 650 ´ 10 -9 ´ 15. vi vo
y= 1 1 = = 7.8 mm
d 0.5 ´ 10 -3
t t
11. (c) We have, l =
DE (Input) (Output)
æ4 ö
ç E - E÷ In a CE n-p-n transistor amplifier, output is 180° out of
l1 hc / DE1 DE 2 è3 ø 1
\ = = = = phase with input.
l2 hc / DE 2 DE1 2E - E 3
hc 16. (a, c, d) From Snell's law,
12. (b) lmin = nsin q = constant
æ hc ö \ n1 sin q i = n2 sin q f
log ( lmin ) = log ç ÷ - log V Þ y = c - x
è e ø Further, l will depend on n1 and n( z). But it will be
13. (a) Decay scheme is , independent of n2.
N atoms of B 17. (a) d = ( i1 + i 2 ) - A
Þ 40° = ( 35° + 79° ) - A Þ A = 74°
A A, B Now, we know that
Let N atoms decays
æ A + dm ö
into B in time t sinç ÷
No No – N è 2 ø
at t=0 atoms of A m =
æ Aö
NB 3 NB 30 sinç ÷
Given, = 0.3 = Þ = è2 ø
NA 10 NA 100
So, N0 = 100 + 30 = 130 atoms It we take the given deviation as the minimum
deviation then,
By using N = N 0 e - lt
æ 74° + 40° ö
We have, 100 = 130 e - lt sin ç ÷
è 2 ø
1 m = = 151
Þ = e - lt Þ log 13
. = lt æ 74° ö
. sin ç ÷
è 2 ø
log 2
Þ log 13
. = ×t The given deviation may or may not be the minimum
T × log (13
. ) deviation. Rather it will be less than this value.
\ t = Therefore, m will be less than 1.51.
log 2
Hence, maximum possible value of refractive index is
14. (a) For elastic collision, 1.51.
pbefore collision = pafter collision .
m 18. (d) Telescope resolves and brings objects closer.
mv = mv A + vB Þ 2v = 2vA + vB K (i) Hence, telescope with magnifying power of 20, the
tree appears 20 times nearer.
Now, coefficient of restitution,
v - vA 19. (c)
e = B
uA - vB
Here, u B = 0 (Particle at rest) and for elastic collision
e =1
v - vA q
\ 1= B Þ v = vB - vA K (ii) q
From Eq. (i) and Eq. (ii)
v 4v
v A = and v B = L
3 3
æ h ö æaö
çç ÷÷ asin q » l Þ a ç ÷ » l
lA è mVA ø V 4/ 3 èLø
Hence, = = B = =2
lB h 2 VA 2 / 3 Þ a = lL
m Spread = 2 a = 4 lL
. VB
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10 Optics & Modern Physics

20. (a) According to the law of conservation of energy, i.e. æ1ö

where, qc = sin-1 ç ÷
Energy of a photon ( hn) = Work function ( f) + Kinetic èm ø
æ1 2 ö æ sin q ö sin q
energy of the photoelectron ç mvmax ÷
è2 ø \ sin-1 ç ÷ > A - qc or > sin( A - qc )
è m ø m
According to Einstein’s photoelectric emission of light
\ q > sin-1[m sin( A - qc )]
i.e. E = (KE)max + f
hc é ì æ 1 ö üù
As, = (KE )max + f or q > sin-1 êm siní A - sin-1 ç ÷ ýú
l ë î è m ø þû
If the wavelength of radiation is changed to , then 25. (a)
4 Retina
4 hc æ 4 fö
Þ = ç (KE )max + ÷ + f q y
3 l è3 3ø
(KE )max. for fastest emitted electron = mv ¢2 + f
2 25 cm
1 4æ1 ö f
Þ mv ¢2 = ç mv 2 ÷ + Resolving angle of naked eye is given by
2 3 è2 ø 3 122
. l
1/ 2 q=
æ4ö D
i.e. v¢ > v ç ÷
è3ø y . ´ 500 ´ 10 -9
\ =
N N N N 25 ´ 10 -2 . ´ 2 ´ 10 -2
21. (d) A : Numbers left : N ® ® ® ®
2 4 8 16 \ y = 30 ´ 10 -6 m = 30 mm
N 15
\ Number decayed, NA = N - = N
16 16 26. (c)
B : Numbers left : N ® ®
2 4
N 3 1
\ Numbers decayed, NB = N - = N m1
4 4
N (15 /16)N 5 2
Ratio : A = =
NB ( 3 / 4)N 4
m 2 > m1
22. (c) As, we know Cu is conductor, so increase in
Dotted line is the normal.
temperature, resistance will increase. Then, Si is
semiconductor, so with increase in temperature, According to Huygen’s principle, each point on
resistance will decrease. wavefront behaves as a point source of light.
23. (a) Theoretical question. Therefore, no solution is required. Ray 2 will travel faster than 1 as m 2 > m 1. So, beam will
bend upwards.
24. (d)
27. (b) fc = 2 MHz = 2000 kHz, fm = 5 kHz
N Resultant frequencies are,
q r2
r1 fc + fm, fc
and fc - fm
or, 2005 kHz, 2000 kHz and 1995 kHz
Applying Snell’s law at M, 28. (a) Intensity at a distance r from a point source of
sin q power P is given by
m =
sin r1 P
I= ...(i)
æ sin q ö sin q 4pr 2
\ r1 = sin-1 ç ÷ or sin r1 = 1
è m ø m Also, I = e0E 02c ...(ii)
æ sin q ö 2
Now, r2 = A - r1 = A - sin-1 ç ÷
è m ø where, E 0 is amplitude of electric field and c the speed
of light. Eqs. (i) and (ii) we get
Ray of light would get transmitted form face AC if
r2 < qc 2P 2 ´ 9 ´ 10 9 ´ 01
E0 = 2
æ sin q ö 4pe0r c (1)2 ´ 3 ´ 10 8
or A - sin-1 ç ÷ < qc
è m ø = 6 = 2.45 V/m
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Previous Years’ Questions (2018-13) 11

29. (d) The expressions of kinetic energy, potential energy Focal length in second liquid
and total energy are 1 æç m s öæ 1 1 ö
me 4 1 = - 1÷ çç - ÷÷
Kn = 2 2 2 Þ Kn µ 2 f2 çè m l2 ÷è R
ø 1 R 2ø
8 e 0n h n
1 æ 3 /2 öæ 1ö
- me 4 1 Þ = çç - 1÷÷ ç ÷
Un = Þ Un µ - and f2 è 5 / 3 øè xø
4e20n2h2 n2
Þ f2 is negative.
- me 4 1
En = Þ En µ - 33. (d) By law of Malus i.e. I = I0 cos 2 q
8e20n2h2 n2
Now, IA ¢ = IA cos 2 30°
In the transition from some excited state to ground
state value of n decreases, therefore kinetic energy IB¢ = IB cos 2 60°
increases, but potential and total energy decreases. As, IA¢ = IB¢
30. (b) No Solution is required IA cos 2 30° = IB cos 2 60°
31. (d) For total internal
reflection of light take Initially Finally
place, following IA IA
conditions must be
Green IB IB
Polaroid Polaroid
(i) The ray must travel
from denser to rarer medium.
(ii) Angle of incidence (q) must be greater than or equal to Transmission axis
Transmission axis
critical angle(C )
3 1 IA 1
é m ù Þ IA = IB Þ =
i.e. C = sin-1 ê rarer ú 4 4 IB 3
ë denser û
1 b 34. (c) For hydrogen atom, we get
Here, sin C = and nwater = a + 2
nwater l 1 æ1 1 ö
= R Z 2ç 2 - 2 ÷
l è1 2 ø
If frequency is less Þ l is greater and hence, RI n( water) is
less and therefore, critical angle increases. So, they do 1 æ3ö 1 æ3ö
Þ = R(1)2 ç ÷ Þ = R(1)2 ç ÷
not suffer reflection and come out at angle less than 90°. l1 è4ø l2 è4ø
32. (b) It is based on lens maker's formula and its
1 æ3ö 1 æ3ö
magnification. Þ = R(2 )2 ç ÷ Þ = R( 3)2 ç ÷
1 æ 1 1 ö l3 è4ø l4 è4ø
i.e. = ( m - 1) çç - ÷÷
1 1 1 1
f è 1 R R 2ø Þ = = =
l1 4l3 9l4 l2
According to lens maker’s formula, when the lens in the
air. 35. (b) Thinking Process The problem is based on
1 æ3 öæ 1 1 ö frequency dependence of photoelectric emission.
= ç - 1÷ çç - ÷÷
f è2 ø è R1 R 2 ø When incident light with certain frequency (greater
1 1 than on the threshold frequency is focus on a metal
= Þ f = 2x surface) then some electrons are emitted from the
f 2x
metal with substantial initial speed.
æ1 1 1 ö
Here, çç = - ÷÷ When an electron moves in a circular path, then
è x R R 2ø
1 mv r 2e 2B2 m2v 2
4 5 r= Þ =
In case of liquid, where refractive index is and , we get eB 2 2
3 3 ( mv )2 2 2 2
re B
Focal length in first liquid KE max = Þ = (KE )max
2m 2m
1 æç m s öæ 1 1 ö 1 æ 3 /2 ö1
Work function of the metal (W), i.e. W = hn - KEmax
= - 1÷ çç - ÷÷ Þ = çç - 1÷÷
f1 çè m l1 ÷è R
ø 1 R ø f è 4 / 3 øx
2 1
r 2e 2B2 1 r 2eB2
. -f= eV = eV
Þ f1 is positive. 2m 2 2m
1 1 1 1 [hv ® 1.89 eV, for the transition on from third to
= = = Þ f1 = 4f
f1 8 x 4(2 x ) 4f second orbit of H-atom]
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12 Optics & Modern Physics

100 ´ 10 -6 ´ 16
. ´ 10 -19 ´ 9 ´ 10 -8 R 2 = ( 3)2 + ( R - 0.3)2 Þ R » 15 cm
. ´ 10 -31
2 ´ 91 c
Refractive index of material of lens m =
. ´9 v
f = 189
. - = 189
. - 0 .79 = 1.1 eV
2 ´ 91
. Here, c = speed of light in vacuum = 3 ´ 10 8 m/s
36. (a) For forward bias, p-side must be a higher potential v = speed of light in material of lens = 2 ´ 10 8 m/s
than n-side. 3 ´ 10 8 3
+2 V –2 V = =
2 ´ 10 8 2
From lens maker’s formula
So, (a) is forward biased. 1 æ 1 1 ö
= (m - 1) çç - ÷÷
37. (c) Both the energy densities are equal i.e. energy is f è R1 R 2 ø
equally divided between electric and magnetic fields. Here, R1 = R and R 2 = ¥ (For plane surface)
38. (d) (a) Infrared rays are used to treat muscular strain. 1 æ3 öæ 1 ö
= ç - 1÷ ç ÷
(b) Radiowaves are used for broadcasting purposes. f è2 ø è 15 ø
(c) X-rays are used to detect fracture of bones. Þ f = 30 cm
(d) Ultraviolet rays are absorbed by ozone. 43. (d) DE = hn
39. (c) We know that, the Y DE é 1 1ù
angle of deviation n= =kê 2
- 2ú
h ë ( n - 1) n û
depends upon the angle d
of incidence. If we d k2 n 2k 1
= 2 » µ
determine experimentally, n ( n - 1)2 n3 n3
the angles of deviation
44. (a) For same value of current higher value of voltage is
corresponding to different
X required for higher frequency.
angles of incidence and i1 i i
i 2
then plot i (on-X-axis) and 45. (d) As l is increased, there will be a value of l above
d (on-Y-axis), we get a curve as shown in figure which photoelectron will cease to come out. So,
Clearly if angle of incidence is gradually increased, photocurrent will be zero.
from a small value, the angle of deviation first 46. (b)
decreases, becomes minimum for a particular angle D
of incidence and then begins to increase.
40. (d) A fringe is a locus of points having constant path Signal C R
difference from the two coherent sources S1 and S 2. It
will be concentric circle.
41. (c) Relation between intensities is
t = RC = 100 ´ 10 3 ´ 250 ´ 10 -12 s
45° = 2.5 ´ 10 -5 s
I0 (I0/2)
(Unpolarised) IR The higher frequency which can be detected with
tolerable distortion is
A f =
2 pmaRC
æI ö I 1 I
IR = ç 0 ÷ cos 2 ( 45° ) = 0 ´ = 0 1
è2 ø 2 2 4 = Hz
2 p ´ 0.6 ´ 2.5 ´ 10 -5
42. (c) By Pythagoras theorem 100 ´ 10 4 4
= Hz = ´ 10 4 Hz
25 ´ 1.2 p 1.2 p
= 10.61 kHz
3 cm 3 mm
47. (b) Peak value of electric field
E 0 = B0c = 20 ´ 10 -9 ´ 3 ´ 10 8
= 6V/m
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JEE Advanced
1. Sunlight of intensity 1.3 kWm -2 is incident threshold frequency, so that the
normally on a thin convex lens of focal photoelectrons are emitted with negligible
length 20 cm. Ignore the energy loss of kinetic energy. Assume that the
light due to the lens and assume that the photoelectron emission efficiency is 100%.
lens aperture size is much smaller than A potential difference of 500 V is applied
its focal length. The average intensity of between the cathode and the anode. All
light, in kW m -2 , at a distance 22 cm from the emitted electrons are incident
the lens on the other side is ............ . normally on the anode and are absorbed.
(Numerical Values, 2018) The anode experiences a force
2. A wire is bent in F = n ´ 10-4N due to the impact of the
the shape of a electrons. The value of n is ........... .
right angled (Take, mass of the electron,
triangle and is me = 9 ´ 10-31kg and eV = 1.6 ´ 10-19 J)
f f
placed in front of — (Numerical Value, 2018)
a concave mirror
of focal length f 5. Consider a hydrogen-like ionised atom
as shown in the with atomic number Z with a single
figure. Which of the figures shown in the electron. In the emission spectrum of this
four options qualitatively represent(s) the atom, the photon emitted in the n = 2 to
shape of the image of the bent wire? n = 1 transition has energy 74.8 eV higher
(These figures are not to scale.) than the photon emitted in the n = 3 to
(Single Correct Option, 2018) n = 2 transition. The ionisation energy of
¥ the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. The value
of Z is ............ . (Numerical Value, 2018)
a 6. For an isosceles prism of angle A and
(a) (b)
refractive index m , it is found that the
(c) (d) ¥ angle of minimum deviation dm = A.
0<a<45° Which of the following option(s) is/are
correct? (More than One Correct Option, 2017)
3. In a radioactive decay chain, 232
90 Th (a) For the angle of incidence i1 = A, the ray
inside the prism is parallel to the base of the
nucleus decays to 212
82 Pb nucleus. Let N a prism
and N b be the number of a and b- (b) At minimum deviation, the incident angle i1
particles respectively, emitted in this and the refracting angle r1 at the first
decay process. Which of the following æi ö
refracting surface are related by r1 = ç i ÷
statements is (are) true? è2ø
(More than One Correct Option, 2018) (c) For this prism, the emergent ray at the
(a) N a = 5 (b) N a = 6 second surface will be tangential to the
surface when the angle of incidence at the
(c) N b = 2 (d) N b = 4
first surface is
4. In a photoelectric experiment, a parallel é A ù
i1 = sin-1 ê sin A 4 cos2 - 1 - cos Aú
beam of monochromatic light with power ë 2 û
of 200 W is incident on a perfectly (d) For this prism, the refractive index m and the
absorbing cathode of work function 6.25 eV. 1 æm ö
angle prism A are related as A = cos-1 ç ÷
The frequency of light is just above the 2 è2ø
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14 Optics & Modern Physics

7. A monochromatic light is travelling in a (b) A dark spot will be formed at the point P2
medium of refractive index n = 1 .6. It (c) The total number of fringes produced
enters a stack of glass layers from the between P1 and P2 in the first quadrant is
bottom side at an angle q = 30°. The close to 3000
interfaces of the glass layers are parallel (d) At P2 the order of the fringe will be maximum
to each other. 9. 131
I is an isotope of Iodine that b decays to
The refractive indices of different glass an isotope of Xenon with a half-life of 8
layers are monotonically decreasing as days. A small amount of a serum labelled
n m = n - m Dn, where n m is the refractive with 131I is injected into the blood of a
index of the mth slab and Dn = 0 . 1 (see person. The activity of the amount of 131I
the figure). The ray is refracted out injected was 2 .4 ´ 105 Becquerel (Bq). It is
parallel to the interface between the
known that the injected serum will get
( m - 1) th and mth slabs from the right distributed uniformly in the blood stream
side of the stack. What is the value in less than half an hour. After 11.5 h, 2.5
of m ? (Single Integer Type, 2017)
ml of blood is drawn from the person’s
m n–mDn body, and gives an activity of 115 Bq. The
m–1 n–(m–1)Dn total volume of blood in the person’s body,
in litres is approximately (you may use
e2 » 1 + x for|x| << 1 and ln 2 » 0.7).
(Single Integer Type, 2017)
3 n–3 Dn
2 n–2 Dn 10. A photoelectric material having
1 n – Dn
work-function f0 is illuminated with light
q æ hc ö
of wavelength l çç l < ÷. The fastest
è f0 ÷ø
8. Two coherent monochromatic point photoelectron has a de-Broglie
sources S1 and S 2 of wavelength l = 600 nm wavelength ld . A change in wavelength of
are placed symmetrically on either side of the incident light by Dl results in a
the centre of the circle as shown. The D ld
sources are separated by a distance change Dld in ld . Then, the ratio is
d = 1.8 mm. This arrangement produces proportional to (Single Correct Option, 2017)
interference fringes visible as alternate
l2d ld l3d l3d
bright and dark spots on the (a) 2
(b) (c) (d)
circumference of the circle. The angular l l l l2
separation between two consecutive P
11. A parallel beam of
bright spots is Dq. Which of the following light is incident q
option(s) is/are correct? from air at an angle
(More than One Correct Option, 2017)
a on the side PQ of a
P1 P1 a right angled
Dq Dq triangular prism of
refractive index Q n=Ö2 R
P2 P2 n = 2. Light
S1 S2 S1 S2
d d undergoes total internal reflection in the
prism at the face PR when a has a
minimum value of 45°. The angle q of the
(a) The angular separation between two prism is (Single Correct Option, 2016)
consecutive bright spots decreases as we (a) 15° (b) 22.5° (c) 30° (d) 45°
move from P1 to P2 along the first quadrant
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Previous Years’ Questions (2018-13) 15

12. A plano-convex lens is made of material of mirror is at an angle q = 30° to the axis of
refractive index n. When a small object is the lens, as shown in the figure.
placed 30 cm away in front of the curved (Single Correct Option, 2016)
surface of the lens, an image of double the f=30 cm
size of the object is produced. Due to
reflection from the convex surface of the
lens, another faint image is observed at a (– 50, 0) (0, 0)
distance of 10 cm away from the lens. R=100 cm
Which of the following statement(s) is (are)
true? (More than One Correct Option, 2016)
50 cm (50 + 50Ö3, –50)
(a) The refractive index of the lens is 2.5
(b) The radius of curvature of the convex surface If the origin of the coordinate system is
is 45 cm taken to be at the centre of the lens, the
(c) The faint image is erect and real coordinates (in cm) of the point ( x , y ) at
(d) The focal length of the lens is 20 cm which the image is formed are
(a) (125 / 3, 25 / 3 ) (b) (50 - 25 3 , 25)
13. A transparent slab of thickness d has a
(c) (0, 0) (d) (25, 25 3 )
refractive index n ( z ) that increases with
z. Here, z is the vertical distance inside 15. While conducting the Young’s double slit
the slab, measured from the top. The slab experiment, a student replaced the two
is placed between two media with uniform slits with a large opaque plate in the x-y
refractive indices n1 and n 2( > n1 ), as plane containing two small holes that act
shown in the figure. A ray of light is as two coherent point sources (S1 , S 2)
incident with angle q i from medium 1 and emitting light of wavelength 600 mm. The
emerges in medium 2 with refraction student mistakenly placed the screen
angle q f with a lateral displacement l. parallel to the XZ plane (for z > 0) at a
distance D = 3 m from the mid-point of
qi S1S 2, as shown schematically in the
n1=constant 1
figure. The distance between the source
n (z) d = 0.6003 mm .
d The origin O is at the intersection of the
screen and the line joining S1 S 2.
(More than One Correct Option, 2016)
n2=constant l 2

Which of the following statement(s) is (are) Z

true? (More than One Correct Option, 2016)
(a) l is independent on n (z) y
S1 S2
(b) n1 sin qi = (n2 - n1) sin qf d x
(c) n1 sin qi = n2 sin qf
(d) l is independent of n2 Which of the following is (are) true of the
intensity pattern on the screen?
14. A small object is placed 50 cm to the left (a) Semi circular bright and dark bands
of a thin convex lens of focal length 30 cm. centered at point O
A convex spherical mirror of radius of (b) The region very close to the point O will be dark
curvature 100 cm is placed to the right of (c) Straight bright and dark bands parallel to the
the lens at a distance of 50 cm. The x-axis
mirror is tilted such that the axis of the (d) Hyperbolic bright and dark bands with foci
symmetrically placed about O in the x-direction
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16 Optics & Modern Physics

16. In a historical experiment to determine the radiation was 64 times more than the
Planck's constant, a metal surface was permissible level required for safe
irradiated with light of different operation of the laboratory. What is the
wavelengths. The emitted photoelectron minimum number of days after which the
energies were measured by applying a laboratory can be considered safe for use?
stopping potential. The relevant data for (Single Correct Option, 2016)
the wavelength (l) of incident light and
(a) 64 (b) 90
the corresponding stopping potential (V 0 )
(c) 108 (d) 120
are given below: (Single Correct Option, 2016)
20. The electrostatic energy of Z protons
l(mm ) V0 (Volt )
uniformly distributed throughout a
0.3 2 spherical nucleus of radius R is given by
0.4 1 3 Z ( Z - 1)e2
E= The measured masses of
Given that 5 4pe 0R
c = 3 ´ 108 ms -1 and e = 1.6 ´ 10-19 C, the neutron, 11H , 157 N and 158 O are
Planck's constant (in units of J-s) found 1.008665 u, 1.007825 u, 15.000109 u and
from such an experiment is)
15.003065 u, respectively. Given that the
(a) 6.0 ´ 10-34 (b) 6.4 ´ 10-34
radii of both the 157 N and 158 O nuclei are
(c) 6.6 ´ 10-34 (d) 6.8 ´ 10-34
same, 1 u = 931.5 MeV/c 2 (c is the speed of
17. Highly excited states for hydrogen-like
atoms (also called Rydberg states) with light) and e2 /( 4pe 0 ) = 1.44 MeV fm.
nuclear charge Ze are defined by their Assuming that the difference between
principle quantum number n, where the binding energies of 157 N and 158 O is
n >>1. Which of the following statement(s)
purely due to the electrostatic energy,
is (are) true?
(More than One Correct Option, 2016) the radius of either of the nuclei is
(a) Relative change in the radii of two
(1fm = 10- 15 m) (Single Correct Option, 2016)
consecutive orbitals does not depend on Z (a) 2.85 fm (b) 3.03 fm
(b) Relative change in the radii of two (c) 3.42 fm (d) 3.80 fm
consecutive orbitals varies as 1/ n
(c) Relative change in the energy of two 21. A Young’s double slit interference
consecutive orbitals varies as 1 / n 3 arrangement with slits S1 and S 2 is
(d) Relative change in the angular momenta of immersed in water (refractive index = 4/ 3)
two consecutive orbitals varies as 1/n as shown in the figure. The positions of
maxima on the surface of water are given
18. A hydrogen atom in its ground state is
by x 2 = p2m 2l2 - d 2, where l is the
irradiated by light of wavelength 970Å.
wavelength of light in air (refractive
Taking hc / e = 1.237 ´ 10-6 eVm and the
index = 1 ), 2d is the separation between
ground state energy of hydrogen atom as the slits and m is an integer. The value of
- 13.6 eV, the number of lines present in p is (Single Integer Type, 2015)
the emission spectrum is
(Single Integer Type, 2016) S1
d Air
19. An accident in a nuclear laboratory x
resulted in deposition of a certain amount d
S2 Water
of radioactive material of half-life 18 days
inside the laboratory. Tests revealed that
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22. Consider a concave mirror and a convex Passage (Q. Nos. 25-26)
lens (refractive index = 1.5) of focal length
Light guidance in an optical fibre can be
10 cm each, separated by a distance of
understood by considering a structure
50 cm in air (refractive index = 1) as shown comprising of thin solid glass cylinder of
in the figure. An object is placed at a refractive index n1 surrounded by a medium of
distance of 15 cm from the mirror. Its lower refractive index n2. The light guidance in
erect image formed by this combination the structure takes place due to successive total
has magnification M1.When the set-up is internal reflections at the interface of the media
7 n1 and n2 as shown in the figure. All rays with
kept in a medium of refractive index , the angle of incidence i less than a particular
value im are confined in the medium of refractive
the magnification becomes M 2. The index n1. The numerical aperture (NA) of the
½M ½ structure is defined as sin im. (Passage Type, 2015)
magnitude½ 2½is
½M1½ (Single Integer Type, 2015)
25. For two structures namely S1 with
45 3 8
n1 = and n 2 = , and S 2 with n1 =
4 2 5
15 cm
and n 2 = and taking the refractive index
50 cm 5
23. Two identical glass rods S1 and S 2 of water to be and that to air to be 1,
(refractive index = 1.5) have one convex 3
end of radius of curvature 10 cm. They the correct option(s) is/are
are placed with the curved surfaces at a Air q Cladding n2
distance d as shown in the figure, with Core
their axes (shown by the dashed line) i n1
aligned. When a point source of light P is
placed inside rod S1 on its axis at a
(a) NA of S1 immersed in water is the same as
distance of 50 cm from the curved face, that of S2 immersed in a liquid of refractive
the light rays emanating from it are found 16
to be parallel to the axis inside S 2. The index
3 15
distance d is (Single Correct Option, 2015)
(b) NA of S1 immersed in liquid of refractive index
S1 P S2 is the same as that of S2 immersed in
50 cm d
(c) NA of S1 placed in air is the same as that S2
(a) 60 cm (b) 70 cm 4
(c) 80 cm (d) 90 cm immersed in liquid of refractive index
24. A monochromatic (d) NA of S1 placed in air is the same as that of S2
beam of light is placed in water
incident at 60° on 60° q 26. If two structures of same cross-sectional
one face of an area, but different numerical apertures
equilateral prism NA1 and NA2( NA2 < NA1 ) are joined
of refractive index longitudinally, the numerical aperture of
n and emerges from the opposite face the combined structure is
making an angle q with the normal (see NA1NA2
figure). For n = 3 the value of q is 60° (a) (b) NA1 + NA2
NA1 + NA2
and = m. The value of m is (c) NA1 (d) NA2
dn (Single Integer Type, 2015)
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18 Optics & Modern Physics

27. A nuclear power plant supplying 31. A fission reaction is given by

electrical power to a village uses a 92 U ® 140
54 Xe +
38 Sr + x + y,
radioactive material of half life T years as where x and y are two particles.
the fuel. The amount of fuel at the Considering 236 92 U to be at rest, the kinetic
beginning is such that the total power
energies of the products are denoted by
requirement of the village is 12.5% of the
K Xe , K Sr , K x (2 MeV) and K y (2 MeV),
electrical power available from the plant
respectively. Let the binding energies per
at that time. If the plant is able to meet
nucleon of 236 140 94
92 U, 54 Xe and 38 Sr be 7.5
the total power needs of the village for a
maximum period of nT years, then the MeV, 8.5 MeV and 8.5 MeV, respectively.
value of n is (Single Integer Type, 2015) Considering different conservation laws,
the correct options is/are
28. Match the nuclear processes given in (Single Correct Option, 2015)
Column I with the appropriate option(s) (a) x = n, y = n, K Sr = 129 MeV, K Xe = 86 MeV
in Column II.
(b) x = p, y = e - , K Sr = 129 MeV, K Xe = 86 MeV
Column I Column II (c) x = p, y = n, K Sr = 129 MeV, K Xe = 86 MeV
(d) x = n, y = n, K Sr = 86 MeV, K Xe = 129 MeV
A. Nuclear fusion P. absorption of thermal
neutrons by 235
92 U 32. A light source, which emits two
B. Fission in a Q. 60
27 Co nucleus wavelengths l1 = 400 nm and l2 = 600 nm,
nuclear reactor is used in a Young’s double-slit
C. b-decay R. Energy production in experiment. If recorded fringe widths for
stars via hydrogen l1 and l2 are b1 and b2 and the number of
conversion to helium fringes for them within a distance y on
D. g-ray emission S. Heavy water one side of the central maximum are m1
T. Neutrino emission
and m2, respectively, then
(More than One Correct Option, 2014)
(Matching Type, 2015) (a) b 2 > b1
(b) m1 > m2
29. For a radioactive material, its activity A
and rate of change of its activity R are (c) from the central maximum, 3rd maximum of
dN dA l2 overlaps with 5th minimum of l1
defined as A = - and R = - , where (d) the angular separation of fringes of l1 is
dt dt
N ( t ) is the number of nuclei at time t. Two
than l2
radioactive source P(mean life t) and Q
(mean life 2t) have the same activity at 33. A transparent thin film of uniform
t = 0. Their rate of change of activities at thickness and refractive index n1 = 1.4 is
t = 2t are RP and RQ , respectively. If coated on the convex spherical surface of
RP n radius R at one end of a long solid glass
= , then the value of n is
RQ e (Single Integer Type, 2015) cylinder of refractive index n 2 = 1.5, as
shown in the figure.
30. An electron in an excited state of Li 2+ ion
3h n1
has angular momentum . The de
Broglie wavelength of the electron in this Air n2
state is ppa0 (where a0 is the Bohr
radius). The value of p is
(Single Integer Type, 2015) Rays of light parallel to the axis of the
cylinder traversing through the film from
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air to glass get focused at distance f1 from 36. If lCu is the wavelength of K a , X-ray line
the film, while rays of light traversing of copper (atomic number 29) and lMO is
from glass to air get focused at distance f2 the wavelength of the K a , X-ray line of
from the film. Then molybdenum (atomic number 42), then
(More than One Correct Option, 2014) the ratio lCu / lMo is close to
(Single Correct Option, 2014)
(a) | f1 | = 3R (b) | f1 | = 2.8R
(c) | f2 | = 2R (d) | f2 | = 1.4R (a) 1.99 (b) 2.14 (c) 0.50 (d) 0.48

34. Four combinations of two thin lenses are 37. The image of an object, formed by a
given in Column I.The radius of curvature plano-convex lens at a distance of 8 m
of all curved surfaces is r and the behind the lens, is real and is one-third
refractive index of all the lenses is 1.5. the size of the object. The wavelength of
Match lens combinations in Column I light inside the lens is times the
with their focal length in Column II and 3
select the correct answer using the code wavelength in free space. The radius of
given below the columns. the curved surface of the lens is
(Single Correct Option, 2013)
Column I Column II (a) 1 m (b) 2 m (c) 3 m (d) 6 m

38. A ray of light travelling in the direction

P. 1. 2r 1
( i + 3 j) is incident on a plane mirror.
After reflection, it travels along the
Q. 2. 1
r/2 direction ( i - 3 j). The angle of
incidence is (Single Correct Option, 2013)
(a) 30°a (b) 45° (c) 60° (d) 75°
R. 3. -r
39. In the Young’s double slit experiment
using a monochromatic light of
wavelength l the path difference (in
S. 4. r terms of an integer n) corresponding to
any point having half the
peak intensity is (Single Correct Option, 2013)
(Matching Type, 2014)
l l
(a) (2n + 1) (b) (2n + 1)
Codes 2 4
P Q R S P Q R S l l
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 4 3 1 (c) (2n + 1) (d) (2n + 1)
8 16
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 1 3 4

35. A metal surface is illuminated by light of 40. A right angled prism of refractive index m 1
two different wavelengths 248 nm and is placed in a rectangular block of
310 nm. The maximum speeds of the refractive index m 2 , which is surrounded
photoelectrons corresponding to these by a medium of refractive index m 3 , as
wavelengths are u1 and u 2, respectively. If shown in the figure, A ray of light ‘e’
the ratio u1 : u 2 = 2 : 1 and hc = 1240 eV enters the rectangular block at normal
nm, the work function of the metal is incidence. Depending upon the
nearly (Single Correct Option, 2014) relationships between m 1 , m 2 and m 3 , it
(a) 3.7 eV (b) 3.2 eV takes one of the four possible paths ‘ef’,
(c) 2.8 eV (d) 2.5 eV ‘eg’, ‘eh’ or ‘ei’.
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20 Optics & Modern Physics

f 43. A freshly prepared sample of a

radioisotope of half-life 1386 s has activity
e g 103 disintegrations per second. Given that
ln 2 = 0.693, the fraction of the initial
h number of nuclei (expressed in nearest
i integer percentage) that will decay in the
m2 m3 first 80 s after preparation of the sample
is (Single Integer Type, 2013)
Match the paths in Column I with
44. The radius of the orbit of an electron in a
conditions of refractive indices in Column Hydrogen-like atom is 4.5 a0 where a0 is
II and select the correct answer using the the Bohr radius. Its orbital angular
codes given below the columns. 3h
(Matching, Type 2013) momentum is . It is given that h is
Column I Column II Planck constant and R is Rydberg
constant. The possible wavelength(s),
P. e ®f 1. m1 > 2 m 2
when the atom de-excites, is (are)
Q. e ®g 2. m 1 > m 1 and m 2 > m 3 (More than One Correct Option, 2013)
R. e ®h 3. m1 = m 2 9 9
(a) (b)
S. e ®i 4. m 2 < m 1 < 2 m 2 and 32R 16R
m 2 >m 3 9 4
(c) (d)
5R 3R
P Q R S P Q R S Passage (Q. Nos. 45-46)
(a) 2 3 1 4 (b) 1 2 4 3
The mass of a nucleus AZ X is less that the sum of
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 4 1
the masses of ( A - Z ) number of neutrons and Z
41. A point source S is placed at the bottom of number of protons in the nucleus. The energy
a transparent block of height 10 mm and equivalent to the corresponding mass difference
refractive index 2.72. It is immersed in a is known as the binding energy of the nucleus. A
lower refractive index liquid as shown in heavy nucleus of mass M can break into two
the figure. It is found that the light light nuclei of masses m1 and m2 only if
(m1 + m2) < M . Also two light nuclei of masses m3
emerging from the
Liquid and m4 can undergo complete fusion and form a
block to the liquid
heavy nucleus of mass M ¢ only if (m3 + m4 ) > M ¢ .
forms a circular The masses of some neutral atoms are given in
bright spot of Block
S the table below : (Passage Type, 2013)
1 2 3
11.54 mm on the top of the block. The 1H 1.007825u 1H 2.014102u 1H 3.016050u
refractive index of the liquid is 6 7 4
3Li 6.01513u 3Li 7.016004u 2 He 4.002603u
(Single Correct Option, 2013)
152 206 70
(a) 1.21 (b) 1.30 (c) 1.36 (d) 1.42 64 Gd 151.919803u 82 Pb 205.974455u 30 Zn 69.925325u
82 209 201
42. A pulse of light of duration 100 ns is 34 Se 81.916709u 83 Bi 208.980388u 84 Po 205.974455u
absorbed completely by a small object
initially at rest. Power of the pulse is 45. The correct statement is
30 mV and the speed of light is (a) The nucleus 63 Li can emit an alpha particle
3 ´ 108 ms-1. The final momentum of the (b) The nucleus 210
84 Po can emit a proton

object is (Single Correct Option, 2013) (c) Deuteron and alpha particle can undergo
complete fusion
(a) 0.3 ´ 10-17 kg-ms-1 (b) 10. ´ 10-17 kg-ms-1 (d) The nuclei 70 82
30 Zn and 34 Se can undergo
(c) 3.0 ´ 10-17 kg -ms-1 (d) 9.0 ´ 10-17 kg-ms-1 complete fusion
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46. The kinetic energy (in keV) of the alpha excited state of the nucleus (126 C* ) at
particle, when the nucleus 84 Po at rest 4.041 MeV above its ground state. If 125 B
undergoes alpha decay, is decays to 125 C *, the maximum kinetic
(a) 5316 (b) 5422 (c) 5707 (d) 5818
energy of the b-particle in units of MeV is
47. The isotopes 125 B having a mass 12.014 u (1 u = 931.5MeV / c2, where c is the speed
of light in vacuum) (Single Integer Type, 2013)
undergoes b-decay to 126 C. 126 C has an

Answer with Explanations

1. (130.0 kW / m ) 2 f æ f ö æ 2 ( AB) x ö
Þ IPQ = PQ = ç ÷ç ÷
x è xø è f ø
I0 é 2( AB) x ù
Q PQ =
I'0 ëê f ûú
A0 IPQ = 2 AB
(Size of image is independent of x. So, final image will
2cm be of same height terminating at infinity)
232 212
20 cm 3. (a, c) 90 Th is converting into 82 Pb.

A 0¢ æ 2 ö
1 A0 Change in mass number ( A ) = 20
=ç ÷ = Þ A 0¢ = 20
A 0 è 20 ø 100 100 \Number of a-particle emitted = =5
P = I0 A 0 = I0 ¢ A 0 ¢ Due to 5 a-particles, Z will change by 10 units.
Þ I0¢ = 0 0 = 100I0 = 130 kW/m 2 Since, given change is 8, therefore number of
b-particles emitted is 2.
4. (24) \ Power = nhf
2. (d) Image of point A
(where, n = number of photons incident per second)
B Since, KE = 0, hf = work-funcition W
Q 200 = nW = n [625 . ´ 10 -19 ]
. ´ 16
f/2 200
x C Þ n=
O A P . ´ 10 -19 ´ 625
16 .
f/2 As photon is just above threshold frequency KEmax is
zero and they are accelerated by potential difference of
PQ AB 2 ( AB) x 500 V.
= Þ PQ =
x f /2 f \ KE f = qDV
For A : = qDV Þ P = 2 mq DV
1 1 1 2m
+ = Þ v =f
v [- ( f /2 )] - f Since, efficiency is 100%, number of electrons emitted
IAB v f per second = number of photons incident per second.
Þ =- =- Þ IAB = 2 AB As, photon is completely absorbed, force exerted
AB u æ fö
ç- ÷ = n( mV ) = nP = n 2 mqDV
è 2ø
For height of PQ, 200
= ´ 2 ( 9 ´ 10 -31 ) ´ 1.6 ´ 10 -19 ´ 500
1 1 1 6.25 ´ 1.6 ´ 10 -19
+ =
v - [( f - x )] - f = 24
1 1 1 f( f - x ) é 1ù é 3ù
Þ = - Þ v = 5. (3) DE 2-1 = 13.6 ´ Z 2 ê1 - ú = 13.6 ´ Z 2 ê ú
v ( f - x) f x ë 4û ë 4û
IPQ v f( f - x ) æfö
Þ =- = =ç ÷ é 1 1ù é 5ù
PQ u x[( f - x )] è x ø DE 3- 2 = 13.6 ´ Z 2 ê - ú = 13.6 ´ Z 2 ê ú
ë 4 9û ë 36 û
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22 Optics & Modern Physics

\ DE 2 = DE 3- 2 + 74.8 at P1 Dx = 0
at P2 Dx = 1. 8 mm = nl
é 3ù é 5ù
13.6 ´ Z 2 ê ú = 13.6 ´ Z 2 ê ú + 74.8 Number of maximas will be
ë 4û ë 36 û Dx 1. 8 mm
n= = = 3000
é3 5ù l 600 nm
13.6 ´ Z 2 ê - = 74.8
ë 4 36 úû at P2 Dx = 3000l
Z2 = 9 Hence, bright fringe will be formed.
\ Z =3 At P2, 3000 th maxima is formed.
For (a) option
6. (a,b,c) The minimum deviation produced by a prism
Dx = d sin q Þ dDx = d cos dq
dm = 2 i - A = A Rl
\ i 1 = i 2 = A and r1 = r2 = A /2 Þ r1 = i 1 /2 Rl = d cos qRdq Þ Rdq =
d cos q
Now, using Snell’s law As we move from P1 to P2 q ­ cos q ¯ Rdq ­
sin A = m sin A /2 Þ m = 2 cos ( A /2 )
9. (5) 1131 ¾T¾ ¾ ¾ ¾® Xe 131 + b
= 8 Days
1/ 2

i2 A 0 = 2.4 ´ 10 5 Bq = lN0
i1 r2
Let the volume is V, t = 0
A 0 = lN0 Þ t = 11. 5 h, A = lN
æN ö l
For this prism when the emergent ray at the second 115 = lç ´ 2 . 5 ÷ 115 = ´ 2 . 5 ´ ( N0e - lt )
èV ø V
surface is tangential to the surface ln2
i 2 = p /2 Þ r2 = qc Þ r1 = A - qc ( N0l) - (11.5 h)
115 = ´ (2 . 5) ´ e 8 day
so, sin i 1 = m sin( A - qc ) V
(2 . 4 ´ 10 5 )
-1 é A ù 115 = ´ (2 . 5) ´ e -1/ 24
so, i 1 = sin êsin A 4 cos 2 - 1 - cos A ú V
ë 2 û 2 . 4 ´ 10 5 é 1ù
For minimum deviation through isosceles prism, the ray V = ´ 2 . 5 ê1 -
115 ë 24 úû
inside the prism is parallel to the base of the prism if
2 . 4 ´ 10 5 é 23 ù
ÐB = ÐC. = ´ 2 . 5ê ú
115 ë 24 û
But it is not necessarily parallel to the base if,
10 5 ´ 23 ´ 25
ÐA = ÐB or ÐA = ÐC = = 5 ´ 10 3 ml = 5 L
115 ´ 10 2
7. (8) But this value of refractive index is not possible.
1. 6 sin q = ( n - mDn)sin 90° 10. (d) According to photoelectric effect equation
1. 6 sin q = n - mDn hc p2 hc
KEmax = - f0 Þ = - f0 [KE = p2 /2 m]
1 l 2m l
1. 6 ´ = 1. 6 - m( 0 .1) Þ 0 . 8 = 1. 6 - m ( 0 .1)
2 ( h / ld )2 hc
= - f0 [ p = h / l]
m ´ 0 .1 = 0 . 8 Þ m = 8 2m l
8. (c,d) Assuming small changes, differentiating both sides,
P1 h2 æç 2dld ö hc dld l3
- 3 ÷÷ = - 2 dl Þ µ d2
Dx= d sinq 2 m çè ld ø l dl l

d sinq q 11. (a) According to question,

S1 S2 P2
d q
a r1
l = 600 nm
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Applying Snell's law at M, Radius of curvature of convex surface is 30 cm.
sin a sin 45° Faint image is erect and virtual. Focal length of lens is
n= Þ 2 =
sin r1 sin r1 20 cm.
sin 45° 1 / 2 1 13. (a,c,d) From Snell's law, n sin q = constant
Þ sin r1 = = = r1 = 30°
2 2 2 \ n1 sin q i = n2 sin q f
1 1 Further, l will depend on n1 and n( z). But it will be
sin qc = = Þ qc = 45°
n 2 independent of n2.
Let us take r2 = qc = 45° for just satisfying the condition 14. (d) l2
of TIR. In DPNM,
q + 90°+ r1 + 90°- r2 = 180° 4–Ö3
or q = r2 - r1 = 45°- 30°= 15° 50
4 – Ö3 r
Note If a > 45° (the given value). Then, r1 >30° (the Ö3
obtained value)
\ r2 > qc (as r2 - r1 = q O 30° 25 I1
or r2 = q + r1 ) 30°
or TIR will take place. So, for taking TIR under all 25/2
conditions a should be greater than 45° or this is the 2
minimum value of a.
12. (a,d) Case 1 1 1 1 uf
For Lens - = Þ v =
v u f u + f
( -50)( 30)
I Þ v = = 75 cm
- 50 + 30
n 1 1 1 uf
For Mirror + = Þ v =
v u f u-f
30 cm 60 cm
æ 25 3 ö
Using lens formula, ç ÷
ç 2 ÷ ( 50) - 50 3
1 1 1 1 1 2 Þ v = è ø = cm
+ = Þ = + Þ f1 = 20 cm
60 30 f1 f1 60 60 25 3 4- 3
- 50
1 æ1 1ö
Further, = ( n - 1) ç - ÷ æ - 50 3 ö
f1 èR ¥ø ç ÷
v h ç 4 - 3 ÷ 25
R m = - = 2 Þ h2 = - ç ÷× 2
Þ f1 = = + 20 cm
ç 25 3 ÷
u h1
ç 2 ÷
Case 2 è ø
+ 50
h2 = cm
4- 3
10 cm
The x-coordinate of the images
n I = 50 - v cos 30° + h2 cos 60° » 25 cm
The y-coordinate of the images
30 cm
= v sin 30° + h2 sin 60° » 25 3 cm
Using mirror formula,
1 1 1 3 1 1 2 15. (a,b)
- = Þ - = =
10 30 f 2 30 30 f2 30
f2 = 15 = Þ R = 30 Þ R = 30 cm
R 30
= +20 cm =
n-1 n-1 S1 S2 O
Þ 2 n - 2 = 3 Þ f1 = + 20 cm
Path difference at point O = d = 0.6003 mm
Refractive index of lens is 2.5.
= 600300 nm.
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24 Optics & Modern Physics

æ lö æ1ö
This path difference is equal to ç 1000 l + ÷. 1 = 64 ç ÷
è 2ø è2 ø
Þ Minima is formed at point O. Solving we get, n = 6
Line S1S 2 and screen are ^ to each other so fringe Now, t = n(t 1/ 2 ) = 6(18 days) = 108 days
pattern is circular (semi-circular because only half of
20. (c) Electrostatic energy = Binding energy of
screen is available)
hc N – Binding energy of O
16. (b) - f = eV0 (f = work function) = {[7MH + 8Mn - MN ] - [8MH + 7Mn - MO ]} ´ C 2
- f = 2e …(i) = [- MH + Mn + MO -MN ] C 2
0.3 ´ 10 -6
= [- 1007825
. + 1008665
. + 15.003065
- f = 1e …(ii) - 15.000109] ´ 9315
0.4 ´ 10 -6
= + 3.5359 MeV
Subtracting Eq. (ii) from Eq. (i)
3 144
. ´ 8 ´ 7 3 1. 44 ´ 7 ´ 6
DE = ´ - ´
æ 1 1 ö 6 æ 0.1 ö 5 5
hc ç - ÷10 = e Þ hc ç ´ 10 6 ÷ = e R R
è 0.3 0.4 ø è 0.12 ø = 3.5359 MeV
h = 0.64 ´10 -33 = 6.4 ´ 10 -34 J-s 3 ´ 144
. ´ 14
R = = 3.42 fm
n2 5 ´ 3.5359
17. (a,b,d) As radius r µ
z 21. (3)
2 2
æ n + 1ö æ nö S1
ç ÷ -ç ÷
Dr è z ø
= è z ø = 2n + 1 » 2 µ 1 d
x P
r æ nö n2 n n O
ç ÷ d
è zø
z2 z2
2 -
z DE n2 ( n + 1)2
Energy E µ Þ =
n2 E z2 m(S 2P ) - S1P = ml
( n + 1)2 Þ m d 2 + x 2 - d 2 + x 2 = ml
( n + 1)2 - n2 DE 2 n + 1 ~ 2 n 1 Þ (m - 1) d 2 + x 2 = ml
= × ( n + 1)2 Þ
= - 2 µ
n2 × ( n + 1)2 E n2 n n
æ4 ö
nh Þ ç - 1÷ d 2 + x 2 = ml or d 2 + x 2 = 3ml
Angular momentum L = è3 ø
Squaring this equation we get,
( n + 1)h nh
- x 2 = 9m2l2 - d 2 Þ p2 = 9 or p= 3
= 2p 2p = 1 µ 1
L nh n n 22. (7) Case I Reflection from mirror
2p 1 1 1 1 1 1
= + Þ = +
18. (6) Energy of incident light (in eV) f v u -10 v -15
12375 Þ v = - 30
E= = 12.7 eV
air air
After excitation, let the electron jumps to nth state, then O I2
- 13.6
= - 13.6 + 12.7
n2 15
Solving this equation, we get n = 4 30 20 20
\Total number of lines in emission spectrum,
n( n - 1) 4 ( 4 - 1)
= = =6 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 For lens = - Þ = - Þ v = 20
n f v u 10 v -20
19. (c) Using the relation, R = R 0 ç ÷ v1 v 2 æ 30 ö æ 20 ö
è2 ø | M1| = =ç ÷ç ÷
Here, R is activity of radioactive substance, R 0 initial u1 u 2 è 15 ø è 20 ø
activity and n is number of half lives. = 2 ´1= 2 (in air)
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Previous Years’ Questions (2018-13) 25

Case II For mirror, there is no change. v = - 30
1.5 medium 60°
medium (7/6) M N
O (7/6)
60° r q
60°– r
30 I1 20 140
Differentiating Eq. (i), n cos r + sin r = 0
1 æ 3/2 ö æ 1 1 ö dn
For lens, =ç - 1÷ çç - ÷÷ dr sin r - tan r
fair è 1 ø è R1 R 2 ø or =- =
dn n cos r n
1 æ 3/2 öæ 1 1 ö
=ç - 1÷ çç - ÷ dq æ - tan r ö
fmedium è 7 / 6 ø è R1 R 2 ÷ø Þ cos q = - n cos ( 60°- r ) ç ÷ + sin ( 60°- r )
dn è n ø
with fair = 10 cm dq 1
1 4 1 1 4 = [cos( 60°- r )tan r + sin ( 60°- r )]
We get = cm-1 Þ - = dn cos q
fmedium 70 v -20 70
Form Eq. (i), r = 30° for n = 3
1 1 æ 2 öæ 2 ö 4 1 4 1 dq 1
+ = ç ÷ç ÷ = Þ = - = (cos 30 ´ tan 30 + sin 30) = 2
v 20 è 7 ø è 10 ø 70 v 70 20 dn cos 60
v = 140,
v1 v 2 æ 30 ö æ 140 ö 4 45 45
|M2| = =ç ÷ ç ÷, 25. (a) sin i = sin( 90 - q c ) = cos qc
u1 u 2 è 15 ø è 20 ø 3 4 4
æ 140 ö ½M ½ 14 n2 æ n2 ö
= (2 ) ç ÷ = 14 Þ ½ 2½ = =7 sin qc = Þ cos qc = 1 - çç ÷÷
è 20 ø ½M1½ 2 n1 è n1 ø
23. (b) R = 10 cm 4 45 3 9
Þ sin i = ; sin i =
3 4 45 16
m 2 m1 m 2 - m1
Applying - = two times n 7
v u R In second case, sin qc = 2 =
n1 8
1 1.5 1 - 1.5
- =
v -50 -10 15 16 8
Þ cos qc = Þ sin i = sin( 90 - qc )
1 1.5 0.5 8 3 15 5
Þ + =
v 50 10 9
Simplifying we get, sin i =
1 0.5 15 . 2.5 - 15
. 16
= - =
v 10 50 50 (a) is correct.
Þ v = 50 26. (d) sin i m = n1 sin ( 90 - qc )
MN = d , MI1 = 50 cm Þ NI1 = (d - 50) cm
+ve Þ sin i m = n1 cos qc Þ NA = n1 1 - sin2 qc
I1 n22
N = n1 1 - = n12 - n22
M n12

. 1 15
. -1 Substituting the values we get,
Again, - =
¥ - (d - 50) 10 3 15 3
NA1 = and NA 2 = = Þ NA 2 < NA1
1 1 4 5 4
= Þ d = 70
d - 50 20 Therefore, the numerical aperture of combined
structure is equal to the lesser of the two numerical
24. (2) Applying Snell’s law at M and N, aperture, which is NA 2.
sin 60° = n sin r ...(i) 27. (3) Let initial power available from the plant is P0. After
sin q = n sin ( 60 - r ) ...(ii) n
Differentiating we get time t = nT or n half lives, this will become ç ÷ P0.
dq dr è2 ø
cos q = - n cos ( 60 - r ) + sin ( 60 - r )
dn dn
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26 Optics & Modern Physics

Now, it is given that, Number of fringes in a given width

n Y 1
ç ÷ P0 = 12.5% of P0 = ( 0125
. ) P0 m= or m µ Þ m2 < m1 as b 2 > b1
è2 ø b b
Solving this equation we get, n = 3 Distance of 3rd maximum of l2 from central maximum
3l2D 1800D
28. A-(p, q), B- (p, r), C-(p, s) D- (p, q, r) = =
d d
29. (2) Let initial numbers are N1 and N2.
Distance of 5th minimum of l1 from central maximum
l1 t 2t T 9l D 1800D
= 2 = =2 = 2 (T = Half life) = 1 =
l2 t1 t T1 2d d
- dN So, 3rd maximum of l2 will overlap with 5th minimum
A= = lN
dt of l1
Initial activity is same l
Angular separation (or angular fringe width) = µ l
\ l1N1 = l2N2 …(i) d
Activity at time t, Þ Angular separation for l1 will be lesser.
A = lN = lN0 e - lt Þ A1 = l1N1 e - l1t 1 æ1 1ö
33. (a,c) = ( n1 - 1) ç - ÷ Þ ffilm = ¥ (infinite)
dA1 ffilm èR Rø
Þ R1 = - = l21 N1 e - l1
dt \ There is no effect of presence of film.
Similarly, R 2 = l22 N2 e - l2t From Air to Glass
n 1 n -1
1 1 Using the equation 2 - = 2
After t = 2 t l1t = (t ) = (2 t ) = 2 v u R
t1 t 1.5 1 1.5 - 1
- = Þ v = 3R Þ f1 = 3R
1 1 v ¥ R
l2t = (t ) = 1 = (2 t ) = 1
t2 2t From Glass to Air Again using the same equation
RP l2 N e -l1t R l æ e -2 ö 2 1 n2 1 - n2 1 1.5 1 - 1.5
= 12 1 -l t Þ P = 1 çç -1 ÷÷ = - = Þ - =
RQ l2 N2 e 2 RQ l1 è e ø e v u -R v ¥ -R
æ h ö æ h ö Þ v = 2R Þ f2 = 2 R
30. (2) Angular momentum = n ç ÷ = 3ç ÷
è 2 p ø è 2p ø 1 æ3 ö æ 1 1ö 1
34. (b) (P) = ç - 1÷ ç + ÷=
\ n=3 f è2 ø èr rø r
n2 ( 3)2 Þ f =r
Now, rn µ Þ r3 = ( a0 ) = 3a0
z 3 1 1 1 2 r
Þ = + = Þ feq =
æ h ö æ h ö feq f f r 2
Now, mv 3r3 = 3 ç ÷ Þ mv 3( 3a0 ) = 3ç ÷
è 2 p ø è 2p ø 1 æ3 ö æ 1ö
h h (Q) = ç - 1÷ ç ÷ Þ f = 2 r
or = 2 pa0 Þ = 2 pa0 ( P = mv ) f è2 ø èrø
mv 3 P3
1 1 2 1
æ hö Þ + = = Þ feq = r
or l3 = 2 pa0 çl = ÷ f f f r
è Pø
\ Answer is 2. (R) 1 æ3 ö æ 1ö 1
= ç - 1÷ ç - ÷ = -
31. (d) From conservation laws of mass number and f è 2 øè r ø 2 r
atomic number, we can say that x = n, y = n
Þ f = - 2r
( x = 10n, y = 10n)
1 1 1 2
\ Only (a) and (d) options may be correct. Þ = + =- Þ feq = - r
From conservation of momentum,| Pxe| = | Psr| feq f f 2r
P2 1
From K = ÞK µ 1 1 1 1
2m m (S) Þ = + = Þfeq = 2 r
feq r -2 r 2 r
Ksr m
= xe Þ K sr = 129 MeV Þ K xe = 86 MeV
K xe msr 35. (a) Energy corresponding to 248 nm wavelength
lD 1240
32. (a, b, c) Fringe width b = or b µ l Þ l2 > l1 = eV = 5 eV
d 248
So b 2 > b1
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Previous Years’ Questions (2018-13) 27

Energy corresponding to 310 nm wavelength 40. (d) For e ® i
1240 45° > qc Þ sin 45° > sin qc
= eV = 4 eV
310 1 m
2 > 2 Þ m 1 > 2 m 2 , (s-1)
KE1 u1 4 5 eV - W 2 m1
= = =
KE 2 u 22 1 4 eV - W For e ® f
Þ 16 - 4W = 5 - W Þ 11 = 3W angle of refraction is lesser than angle of incidence, so
11 m 2 > m 1 and then m 2 > m 3 (P-2)
Þ W = = 3.67 eV ~
= 3.7 eV
3 For e ® g , m 1 = m 2 (Q-3)
36. (b) K a transition takes place from n1 = 2 to n2 = 1 for e ® h, m 2 < m 1 < 2m 2 and m 2 > m 3 (R-4)

1 é 1 1 ù 41. (c) At point Q angle of incidence is critical angle qC ,

\ = R ( Z - b )2 ê 2 - ú where
l ë (1) (2 )2 û
1 Rarer medium
For K-series, b = 1 Þ µ ( Z - 1)2 Q P
l qC
lCu ( zMo - 1)2 ( 42 - 1)2
Þ = = qC h
lMo ( zCu - 1)2 (29 - 1)2
41 ´ 41 1681 Denser medium
= = = 2.14 S QP = r
28 ´ 28 784
lair 1 3 sin qC =
37. (c) m = = = m block
lmedium (2 /3) 2
r ml r
1 v In DPQS,sin qC = Þ =
Further, | m| = = 2
r + h 2 m block r + h2
3 u
|u| r 5.77
\ | v| = Þ u = - 24 m (Real object) Þ ml = ´ 2.72 = ´ 2.72 = 1.36
3 r 2 + h2 11.54
\ v = + 8m (Real image) Power ´ time
1 1 1 æ 1 1ö 42. (b) Final momentum of object =
Now, - = = (m - 1) ç - ÷ Speed of light
v u f è +R ¥ ø
30 ´ 10 -3 ´ 100 ´ 10 -9
1 1 æ3 öæ 1 ö = = 1.0 ´ 10 -17 kg-m/s -1
\ + = ç - 1÷ ç ÷ Þ R = 3 m 3 ´ 10 8
8 24 è 2 øè R ø
1 43. (4) Number of nuclei decayed in time t ,
38. (a) Component along the plane =
2 Nd = N0(1 - e - lt )
and component perpendicular to the plane = æN ö
2 \ % decayed = çç d ÷÷ ´ 100 = (1 - e - lt d ) ´ 100 …(i)
æ1ö è N0 ø
ç ÷ 0.693
2 1 = 5 ´ 10 -4 s -1
\ tan i = è ø = Here, l=
æ 3ö 3
ç ÷ \% decayed » ( lt ) ´ 100 = ( 5 ´ 10 -4 ) ( 80) (100) = 4
ç 2 ÷
è ø
æ h ö
\ i = 30° = angle of incidence 44. (a, c) L = 3 ç ÷
è 2p ø
39. (b) I = I cos 2 f …(i) n=3
2 l1 l2
Imax n=2
Given, I= …(ii) l3
\From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have n=1
p 3p 5p n2
f= , , æ h ö
2 2 2 \ n = 3, as L = n ç ÷ Þ rn µ
è 2p ø z
æ l ö
Or path difference, Dx = ç ÷×f r3 = 4.5a0 \ z = 2
è 2p ø
1 æ 1 1 ö æ1 1ö
l 3l 5l æ 2n + 1ö = Rz2 ç 2 - 2 ÷ = 4R ç - ÷
\ Dx = , , Kç ÷l l1 è2 3 ø è4 9ø
4 4 4 è 4 ø
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28 Optics & Modern Physics

9 210
¾® 2He 4 + 206
84 Po 82Pb
\ l1 = 46. (a)
Mass defect Dm = ( mPo - MHe - mPb ) = 0.005818 u
1 æ1 1 ö æ 1ö
Þ = Rz2 ç 2 - 2 ÷ = 4R ç 1 - ÷ \ Q = ( Dm) ( 931.48) MeV
l2 è1 3 ø è 9ø
= 5.4193 MeV = 5419 keV
Þ l2 = a Pb
32 R
1 æ1 1 ö æ 1ö From conservation of linear momentum, pPb = pa
Þ = Rz2 ç 2 - 2 ÷ = 4R ç 1 - ÷
l3 è1 2 ø è 4ø \ 2 mPb kPb = 2 ma k a
1 ka m 206
Þ l3 = Þ = Pb =
3R k Pb ma 4

45. (a) 3Li 7 ® 2He 4 + 1H 3 æ 206 ö

\ k a = çç ÷ ( k total )
Dm = [MLi - MHe - MH 3 ] è 206 + 4 ø
= [6.01513 - 4.002603 - 3.016050] æ 206 ö
=ç ÷ ( 5419) = 5316 keV
= - 1.003523 u è 210 ø
Dm is negative so reaction is not possible. 47. (9) 125 B ¾® 126 C + -01e + n
(b) 84 Po ® 83Bi 209 + 1P1
Mass of 126 C = 12.000 u (by definition of 1 a.m.u.)
Dm is negative so reaction is not possible.
Q-value of reaction, Q = ( M B - MC ) ´ c 2
(c) 1H 2 ® 2He 4 + 3Li 6
= (12.014 - 12.000) ´ 9315
. = 13.041 MeV
Dm is positive so reaction is possible.
70 82 152 4.041 MeV of energy is taken by 126 C *
(d) 30 Zn + 34 Se ® 64 Gd
Dm is positive so reaction is not possible. Þ Maximum KE of b-particle is
(13.041 - 4.041) = 9 MeV

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