Agreement of Project Management
Agreement of Project Management
Agreement of Project Management
5.2 The date of start of the work shall be reckoned from the 15 th day after the
date of approval of Building plans by the local authorities and granting
permission for commencement of the work.
Out of the total gross project realizations/sale proceeds of the constructed
premises, the Project Managers shall be entitled to receive the following:-
(a) Fees of ______% (________ percent only) of total gross realizations to arise
from the sale of “free sale areas” of the Project as their charges/fees for
project management, consultancy, supervision and for services rendered.
(b) The gross sale proceeds shall not include the amounts collected/received from
the purchasers of constructed premises towards share-money; society
formation charges, taxes and maintenance charges; legal fees; deposits;
stamp duty and registration charges; club membership charges; charges in
respect of general amenities of the complex or cost of additional and extra
work to be carried out for the Purchasers of premises.
7. In consideration of their appointment as Project Managers and receiving
charges/fees as aforestated, the Project Managers on execution hereof shall
deposit a sum of Rs. ______________/- (Rupees ____________________ only)
as a refundable security deposit with the Owners for due performance of the
obligations of the Project Managers under the present contract. The said security
deposit shall be refunded by the Owners to the Project Managers without any
interest once the complete development of the said project including total sales is
8. 8.1 The Agreements for Sale of the constructed premises in the buildings shall be
made and executed in the name of the Owners. All net sale proceeds
realized/received from time to time under such agreements (pending the final
accounts) shall be applied and appropriated as follows:—
(a) _______% thereof shall be transferred to development account
for utilization towards cost of development of the Project
and repayment of funds raised and interest thereon.
(b) _______% thereof shall be transferred to the “Owners Bank
account” for use by the Owners.
(c) _______% thereof shall be transferred to the Project Managers to
be applied towards payment of part of their agreed fees.
100% TOTAL
8.2 All the sale proceeds shall be first received and deposited in Owners main bank
account. The funds from the main account shall be disbursed in the
proportions mentioned in Clause 8-1 above. A separate bank account under
the name of “Development Account” shall be opened in the name of the
Owners and shall be operated by the Owners. From the “Development
Account” amounts shall be disbursed as per Clause 8-1 above.
8.3 The final accounts shall be arrived at within____months from the date of
completion of the project.
9. Timely completion of the entire development is essence of agreement. In the
event, for any reason whatsoever, if the Project Managers fail or neglect to
complete the construction work as provided in clause ______ hereinabove, in that
event the Owners themselves, after expiry of the stipulated period and after giving
60 days notice to the Project Managers, would be entitled to takeover the project
and to complete the remaining construction on their own or by appointing any
other agency.
10. It is the intention of the parties hereto that by executing this presents, the Owners
are not transferring or intending to transfer to the Project Managers the ownership
or possession of the property or any part thereof to the Project Managers. This
Agreement is also not a lease nor an agreement to sell the said property nor it is
intended to give possession of the said property to the Project Managers u/s 53-A,
of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. It is agreed and expressly clarified that bare
permission and licence will be given to the Project Managers to enter upon the said
property for the construction of the building and development of the said property
and for sale of flats, shops and parking spaces and other areas by marketing for on
behalf of the owners as provided herein above.
11. The provisions herein do not constitute any Partnership and/or joint venture
between the parties hereto. The appointment of Project Managers is strictly as
“Project Managers and Consultants” only by the Owners for the development of the
said property and does not in manner create any right, title or interest in favour of
the Project Managers in the said property nor does it make them Co-owners in the
said property. Each of the parties shall remain liable to pay and discharge their
respective tax liabilities arising on their share of profits/remuneration/income from
the project. Each of the parties shall bear and pay the professional charges of their
respective legal advisors.
12. The Project Managers shall not assign the benefit of this Agreement to any one
without the previous written consent of the Owners.
13. Any disputes, differences or non performance or non-payment between the Owners
and the Project Managers arising under this agreement, shall be referred to
arbitration under the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. Such
Arbitration shall be held at_______.