MidTerm Hydraulics

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Glycerin has a total mass of 1120 kg and a volume of 0.952 m³.
1. Compute the Weight.
a. 10.99 Kn b. 8.56 kN
c. 19.75 KN d. 5.92 kN

2. Compute the unit weight of glycerin.

a. 13.65 kN/m³ b. 8.45 kN/m³
A. 11.54 kN/m³ d. 6.05 kN/m²

3. Compute the specific gravity of glycerin.

a. 2.065 c. 2.75
b. 1.18 d. 1.005

The weight of a body is 100 lb. 4. Determine the weight in newtons.
a. 354.4 N b. 444.8 N
c. 554.38 N d. 407.09 N

5. Determine the mass in kilograms.

a. 45.34 kg c. 54.43 kg
b. 35.44 kg d. 43.54 kg

6. Determine the acceleration if a net force of 50 lb is applied to the body.

a. 16.09 ft/s² c. 19.39 ft/s²
b. 15.13 ft/s² d. 17.40 ft/s²

Standard atmospheric pressure is measured by a barometer column of 760 mm of mercury. Compute
the equivalent height of water column if specific gravity of mercury is 13.6.
a. 10.34 m c. 13.40 m
b. 14.30 m d. 9.43 m

A certain liquid has a specific weight of 8000 N/m². Compute its specific volume.
a. 0.0012 m/kg c. 0.0009 m³/kg
b. 0.005 m²/kg d. 0.0023 m³/kg

Determine the weight of a 5 kg mass at a place where acceleration due to gravity is 8.75 m/s2.
a. 63.72 N c. 33.48 N
b. 43.75 N d. 73.16 N
A liquid which is compressed in a cylinder has volume of 1000 cm³ 1 MPa and a volume of 995 cm³ at 2
MPa. What is its bulk modulus?
a. 200 MPa b. 150 MPa
c. 300 MPa d. 250 MPa

If the bulk modulus of water is 2.2 GPa, what is required to reduce its volume by 0.5 percent?
a. 9 MPa b. 13 MPa
c. 11 MPa d. 14.8 MPa

Water in a hydraulic press is under a pressure of 92.580 MPa abs. at 15°C. If the initial pressure is 150
kPa absolute. What will be the decrease in specific volume if its bulk modulus is 2 13 GPa?
a. 3.22% b. -4.34%
c. 5.34% d. 4.82%

A certain gas at 30°C is subjected to a pressure of 200 kPa abs. If it has a volume of 35 liters, compute
the mass of this gas. Use gas constant, R= 210 N-m/kg-ºk.
a. 0.11 kg b. 1.12 kg
c. 0.23 kg d. 3.07 kg

What is the specific weight of air at a temperature of 30°C and absolute pressure of 560 kPa?
a. 45.35 N/m³ b. 63.17 N/m³
c. 67.56 N/m³ d. 51.45 N/m³

An oil sample weight 38 612 16 N and has a volume of 4.8 m3.
15. Calculate the unit weight of oil.
a. 4.0 kN/m² b. 10.04 kN/m²
c. 8.044 kN/m² d. 6.44 kN/m²

16. Calculate the specific gravity of the said sample.

a. 0.97 c. 0.75
b. 0.82 d. 0.68

An 8 m³ of air at 28°C and absolute pressure of 176 kPa is compressed to 4 m³. What is the resulting
pressure assuming isothermal condition?
a. 352 kPa abs. b. 345 kPa abs.
c. 245 kPa abs. d. 423 kPa abs.
A 2 m³ of hydrogen at 30°C and 180 kPa abs. are permitted to expand isothermally to 5 m³. Assuming
isentropic condition and a specific heat ratio k= 1.44 What would be the final temperature?
a. -65 °C b. 75 °C
c. -56 °C d. 80 °C

Estimate the capillary rise in a cylindrical tube with radius of 1 mm for mercury-air-glass interface. Use
=0.514 N/m, =130°
a. -5 mm c. -5 mm
b. -3.5 mm d. 3.5 mm

Find the required diameter of a droplet of water in order to have a pressure of 1 kPa within it, relative to
pressure outside it. Use surface tension, a = 0.514 N/m.
a. 2 mm c. 1.5 mm
b. 3 mm d. 4.5 mm

A glass tube, 6 mm in diameter contains water at 10°C. If water stand at a height of 20 mm, what is the
true static height? Use  = 0.0742 N/m.
a. 15 mm c. 22 mm
b. 10 mm d. 18 mm

A certain liquid has a viscosity of 3.5 mm²/s What is the density of the liquid?
a. 1628.57 kg/m³ b. 1528.9 kg/m³
c. 1428.57 kg/m³ d. 1228.6 kg/m³

The kinematic viscosity and the relative density of a certain liquid are 5.6 x 10 m³/s and 1.5 respectively.
Calculate the viscosity of this liquid.
a. 0.084 Pa-sec b. 0.003 Pa-sec
c. 0.021 Pa-sec d. 0.099 Pa-sec
If the viscosity of a liquid is 0.04 Pa-sec, what is the viscosity in poises?
a. 0.82 Poise b. 0.4 Poise
c. 0.12 Poise d. 1.4 Poise

If the kinematic viscosity of oil is 800 centistokes and its specific gravity is 1.13. What is its viscosity?
a. 0.833 Pa-sec b. 0.904 Pa-sec
c. 0.963 Pa-sec d. 0.781 Pa-sec

A cylindrical vertical tank contains water 3.05 m and deep and 0.41 m of oil having a specific gravity 0.8.
What is the pressure at the bottom of the tank?

a. 28.56 kPa b. 25.34 kPa

c. 33.14 kPa d. 37.45 kPa

A tank contains 1.5 column of mercury (S = 13.6), 1.8 column of water and 1.2 column of oil (5= 0.81).
What is the pressure at the bottom of the tank?

a. 227.32 kPa b. 345.23 kPa

c. 184.22 kPa d. 256.33 kPa

If a mercury reads 720 mm, what will be the corresponding pressure?
a. 87.34 kPa b. 103.24 kPa
c. 96.06 kPa d. 92.34 kPa

On one side of a tank containing a certain liquid, a pressure gage was attached at elevation 9 m and
reads 65 kN/m². Another gage located at location 1.5m reads 106 kN/m². Compute the mass density of
the liquid.
a. 928.8 kg/m³ b. 743.2 kg/m²
c. 623.3 kg/m³ d. 985.3 kg/m²

The atmospheric pressure is 1000 mbar. If a pressure gage which is attached to a tank reads 420 mm of
mercury (vacuum). What is the absolute pressure in the tank?
a. 70.92 kPa b. 50.34 kPa
c. 43.97 kPa d. 29.32 kPa
Oil whose specific gravity is 0.81 flows through a 150 mm diameter pipe at mean velocity of 8 m/s.
Compute the weight flow rate.
a. 1268.45 N/m c. 1333.45 N/m
b. 1002.05 N/m d. 1112.45 N/m

A tank contains 1.5 m column of mercury (S= 13.6), 1.8 m column of water and 1.2 m column of oil
(S=0.81). Compute the pressure at the bottom of the tank
a. 227.32 kPa c. 184.23 kPa
b. 345.23 kPa d. 256.33 kPa

A rectangular tank having an internal width of 5m has a partition as shown below. If the specific gravity
of oil is 0.82, find the depth of oil.
a. 1.22 m
b. 2.21 m
c. 1.41 m
d. 1.62 m

A certain liquid has a viscosity of 0.005 Pa-sec and a kinematic viscosity of 3.5 mm²/s. What is the
density of the liquid?
a. 1628.57kg/m³ b. 1528.8kg/m³
c. 1428.57kg/m³ d. 1228.7kg/m³

The atmospheric pressure is 1000 mbar If a pressure gage which is attached to a tank reads 420 mm of
mercury (vacuum). What is the absolute pressure in the tank?
a. 75.92 kPa b. 56.34 kPa
c. 43.97 kPa d. 81.23 kPa

A vertical gate is an equilateral triangle whose edge is 3.5 m long. If one edge is level with the water
surface, compute the total pressure on the gate and the location of the center of pressure below the
water surface.
a. 92.13 kN; 2.56 m below w.s
b. 52.54 kN; 1.52 m below w.s
c. 63.5 KN: 2.34 m below w.s
d. 67.4 kN: 1.82 m below w.s
From the figure shown, the atmospheric pressure is 101.325 kPa and the
absolute pressure at the bottom of the cylinder 2-m diameter is 559.84
kPa. Compute the specific gravity of the fluid A.
a. 0.82
b. 0.98
c. 1.26
d. 1.36
On one side of a tank containing a certain liquid, a pressure gage was attached at elevation 9 m and
reads 65 kN/m2. Another gage located at elevation 4.5 m reads 106 kN/m². Compute the mass density
of the liquid.
a. 928.8 kg/m b. 743.2 kg/m³
c. 623.3 kg/m³ d. 985.3 kg/m³

If a mercury barometer reads 720 mm, what will ha the corresponding pressure?
a. 87,34 kPa b. 103.24 kPa
c. 96.06 kPa d. 92.34 kPa

Water stands on one side of a vertical parabolic gate shown.
Compute the total pressure and the location of the center
of pressure.
a 234 45 kN; 213 m below w.s
b. 184.34 kN; 1.78 m below w.s
c. 234.34 kN; 3.23 m below w.s
d. 251.14 kN: 2.85 m below w.s

The figure below shows a set of piston composed of plunger and cylinder. What must be the load W is
required to balance the weight of the cylinder if the weight of the
plunger is negligible.
a. 5.46 kN
b. 4.39 kN
c. 5.23 Kn
d. 3.91 kN
A manometer is attached to a tank containing different liquids as shown. What will be the difference in
elevation of the mercury column in the manometer?
a. 0.86 m b. 0.92 m
c. 1.540 m d. 1.31 m

A manometer is attached to a closed concur as shown in figure.
Compute the pressure at point A.

a. 125.78 kPa b. 267.54 kPa

c. 188.55 kPa d: 217.59 kPa

Determine the weight that can be sustained by the force acting on the piston shown in figure below.

a. 45.6 kN
c. 73.5 kN
b. 62.5 kN
d. 65.3 kN

A 2 m³ of hydrogen at 30°C and 180kPa abs. are permitted to expand isothermally to 5 m³. Assuming
isentropic condition and a specific heat ratio, k= 1.41. What would be the final temperature?
a. – 65 °C b. 75 °C
c. – 56 °C d: 80 °C

An 8 m³ of air at 28°C and absolute pressure of 176 kPa is compressed to 4 m². What is the resulting
pressure assuming isothermal condition?
a. 352 kPa abs. b. 345 kPa abs.
c. 245 kPa abs. d. 423 kPa abs.

An oil sample weighs 38 612.15 N and has a volume of 4.8 cu.m. Calculate the specific gravity of the said
a. 0.67 b 0.82
c. 0.75 d. 0.68
If the bulk modulus of water is 2.2 GPB, what pressure is required to reduce its volume by
a. 8. 13 MPa b. 11 MPa
c. 12 MPa d. 14 MPa

Water in a hydraulic press is under a pressure of 92.580 MPa abs. at 15°C. If the initial pressure is 150
kPa abs., what will be the decrease in specific volume if its bulk modulus is 2.13 GPa?

a. 3.22% b. 4.34%
c. 5.34% d. 4.82%

A certain gas at 30°C is subjected to a pressure of 200 kPa abs. If it has a volume of 35 liters, compute
the mass of this gas. Use gas constant, R= 210 N-m/kg-K.

a. 0.11 kg b. 1.12 kg
c. 0.23 kg d. 0.97 kg

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