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I G N O U Bachelor’s Degree Programme in

Library and Information Science

July 2021 and January 2022 Sessions

Faculty of Library and Information Science

School of Social Sciences
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068

Dates for Submission of Assignments

For July 2021 Session 31st March 2022

For January 2022 Session 30th September 2022

Where to Submit the Assignments

Kindly submit your assignments at the concerned Study Centre
within the due date as mentioned above


Page No.

Instructions for Assignments...…………………………………………………….. . 4

BLI-221 : Library, Information and Society …………..……………………... 6

BLI-222 : Information Sources and Services ………………………………….. 7

BLI-223 : Organising and Managing Information …………………………….. 8

BLI-224 : ICT Fundamentals ………………………………...……………........ 9

BLI-225 : Communication Skills ……..………………………………………... 11

BLIE-226 : Management of Library and Information Centre…………………… 13

BLIE-227 : Document Processing Practice...…………………………………….. 14

BLIE-228 : Information Products and Services…………………………………... 18

BLIE-229: ICT in Libraries...…………………………………………………….. 21


1) Assignments and Practicals carry 30% weightage in the continuous evaluation of a

course. The Term End Examination carries 70% weightage. Hence, the marks/grade you
get in your assignments and practicals will be counted in your final result. You are,
therefore, advised to take assignments and practicals seriously, complete and submit
them in time.

2) You must remember that assignments and practicals are compulsory. You will not be
allowed to appear for the Term End Examination for a course if you do not submit the
specified number of assignments and complete the practicals in time for that course.

Instructions for Tutor Marked Assignments:

1) The validity of the assignment is ONE YEAR only. If you fail to submit your
assignments before the due date of the particular session, then you have to attempt the
fresh set of assignments of subsequent sessions (e.g. if a student of July 2021 session
fails to submit her/his assignments till 30th March 2022, then s/he will have to attempt
the fresh assignments of July 2021 session). Similarly, those who take admission in
January session have to attempt the assignments of January session only. If they fail to
submit their assignments before the due date of the particular session, they are supposed
to attempt the fresh set of assignments of subsequent January session (e.g. if a student of
January 2022 session fails to submit her/his assignments till 30th September 2022, s/he
will have to attempt the fresh assignments of January 2022 session).

2) Write your Enrolment Number, Name, Full Address and Date of Dispatch at the top right
end corner of the first page of your answer sheet.

3) Write the Programme Title/ Code, Course Title/Code, Assignment Number and Name and
Code of the Study Centre on the left-hand corner of the first page of your answer sheet.

The top of the first page of your answer sheet for each assignment should be as follows:
Programme Title/Code……………………….. Enrolment No……………………………...
Course Title/Code …………………………….Name ………………………………………
Assignment Number ………………………… Address……………………………………..
Study Centre (Code)………………………………………………………………………….
Study Centre (Name) …………………………Date………………………………………...

(Note: Candidates are required to follow this format strictly otherwise the assignments may not
be evaluated.)

4) Your answer sheet should be complete in all respects. Make sure that you have answered
all the questions in an assignment before you submit them. Incomplete answer sheets will
bring you poor grades/marks.

5) Do not just reproduce your answers from the units. If you reproduce from units, you will
get a Zero.

6) Do not copy from the response sheets of other students. If copying is noticed, the
assignments of such students will be rejected.
7) Typed and computer print assignments are not permissible.

8) Use only foolscap size paper for you answer, ordinary writing paper, neither too thick nor
too thin will do.

9) Leave 3 inch margin on the left and at least 4 lines in between each answer in an
assignment. This will enable your Counsellor to write useful comments at appropriate
places. Write question number with each answer.

10) The evaluated assignments will be returned to you by the Coordinator of your Study
Centre. This will also include copies of assignment sheets containing global comments of
the evaluator on your performance in the assignments. This will enable you to improve in
your future assignments as well as the Term End Examinations.

11) The Tutor Marked Assignments should be sent to the Coordinator of the Study Centre
allotted to you.


Coverage: Course Code: BLI-221

Course: Library, Information and Society Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2021/Jan.2022
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70

Note: Answer all questions.

I). Answer the following questions in not more than 500 words each. (4X10=40 Marks)

1. State the characteristics of a profession. Discuss the contradicting views of authors justifying
LIS as a profession and not as a profession. (10)

2. Describe the activities and services of DELNET. (10)

3. Describe the role of UGC in the development of libraries and information services. (10)

4. Discuss the role of UNESCO in promoting library and information activities in India. (10)

II). Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each. (6X5=30 Marks)

1. Discuss in brief the role of RRRLF in modernisation of libraries. (5)

2. What is resource sharing? Discuss its need. (5)
3. Explain the role of libraries in facilitating and supporting learning. (5)
4. Discuss the issues and problems in designing a code of ethics for librarians. (5)
5. Explain the functions and activities of an information broker. (5)
6. Discuss in brief the objectives and services of CALIBNET. (5)


Coverage: Course Code: BLI-222

Course: Information Sources and Services Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2021/Jan.2022
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70

Note: Answer all questions.

1) Answer the following questions in 700 words each. (4X10=40 Marks)

1) Discuss in detail non-documentary sources of information with suitable examples. (10)

2) Discuss the Categorisation of information sources as given by Subramanyam. (10)

3) Explain the importance of institutions as sources of information. Describe different

types of institutions. (10)

4) While analysing marketing opportunities, discuss the various factors that affect external
environment of an organisation? (10)

2) Answer the questions in 250 words each. (6X5=30 Marks)

1) Explain why there is a lack of unanimity in the categorisation of text books. (5)
2) What criteria will you adopt to evaluate a dictionary? (5)
3) Describe the importance of virtual reference service in present society. (5)
4) Explain how information generators and information compilers act as sources of information.(5)
5) What are the negative influences of the information generated by mass media? (5)
6) List the basic information literacy skills necessary for undergraduate and graduate students. (5)



Coverage: Course Code: BLI-223

Course: Organising and Managing Information Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2021/Jan.2022
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70

Note: Answer all questions.

I) Answer the following questions in not more than 500 words each. ( 4X10= 40 Marks)
1. Explain enumerative and faceted systems of classification. Discuss with examples
their historical development, main classes, notation and extent of use. (10)
2. What is MARC? Explain the structural design of a MARC record giving an example. (10)
3. Define an indexing language. State its different types. Discuss how different types
of relations are represented in a thesaurus. (10)
4. Explain the concept of interoperability. How is it achieved? Discuss the protocols
for interoperability. (10)

II) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each. ( 6X5=30 Marks)
1. Discuss the need for ISBD. Describe the structure of an ISBD record. (5)
2. Explain the problems of cataloguing non book material. Show by an example how is a
video catalogued according to AACR2R. (5)
3. What is keyword indexing? Explain its various versions. (5)
4. What is an online catalogue? Discuss its characteristics and advantages. (5)
5. What is postulational approach? Discuss the canons for arrays giving examples. (5)
6. What is ontology? Discuss its different types. (5)


Coverage: Course Code: BLI - 224

Course: ICT Fundamentals Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2021/Jan.2022
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 16 Total Marks: 35

I) Answer all the questions in not more than 500 words each.

1) Discuss the three levels of abstraction in DBMS. (5)

2) Explain the file system of UNIX operating system. (5)
3) Describe three applications of Web 2.0 in libraries. (5)

II) Write short notes on the following in not more 200 words each.

1) Mail merge in Libre Office (2)

2) HTML (2)
3) Circuit switching (2)
4) Web widgets (2)
5) Simplex data transmission (2)
6) Image compression (2)
7) Web searching tools (2)
8) ATM protocol stack (2)
9) Digital signature (2)
10) Router in data communication (2)


Coverage: Course Code: BLI- 224

Course: ICT Fundamentals Assignment Code: AST/PRAC/Jul.2021/ Jan.2022
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1to 16 Total Marks: 35

General Instructions:
i) You are required to do the practical assignment in the Study Centre. Evaluation of the
assignment will be done by the Counsellor/ Practical Supervisor.

ii) Make Screen Captures for all the answers and save them in one file. The
Counsellor/Practical Supervisor will evaluate these screen captures and give marks

iii) All questions are compulsory

1) Prepare a one page of your resume using LibreOffice Writer with a table for qualifications
and experience. Table must be embedded in the document. Table must centre aligned in the
text with the content left justified. Top row text must be in a bold face and use colours and
shading in the row to distinguish it from other rows. (15)

2) Prepare a presentation on a topic of your interest using LibreOffice Impress. The presentation
must have atleast 4 slides with a title slide. In the second slide a bulleted list is to be provided.
In the third slide insert an image with text description. In the final slide insert a table. Use
animation schemes for header and the text and transition effects in each slide. (10)

3) Create a file in LibreOffice Calc showing marks of students obtained in a semester with
separate columns for assignments and semester end exam. Sort the file alphabetically and
ascending order of marks. Add a bar chart representing the data. (10)

Coverage: CourseCode:BLI225
Course: Communication Skills Assignment Code: AST-1/TMA/ Jul.21- Jan.22
Blocks: 1 to 5
Units: 1to18 Total Marks: 70

Note: Answer all questions.

1.Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below. (2X10= 20 Marks)

Language, as we have seen, seems to be a highly developed form of animal signaling. But there is a
missing link in the chain. How, and when, did we start to talk? This is a problem of interest mainly to
ethologists (students of animal behavior), and one which has not yet been solved. Most linguists regard
this fascinating topic as being outside the realm of linguistics proper. They are more interested in
studying actual language than in speculating about its origins. But although how language began is a
puzzle, why language began seems rather clearer. Possibly it began because humans needed a greater
degree of cooperation with each other in order to survive, and this cooperation required efficient

Consequently the primary function of language is to impart factual information and to convey essential
commands. But language can also be used to communicate feelings and emotions. This aspect of
language is not as well developed as ‘information talking’, because humans, like other primates, can
convey emotions by screams, grunts, sobs, gestures and so on. So they need language only to confirm
and elaborate these more primitive signals.

In addition, there is the language of social chitchat, the meaningless small talk of everyday life. “Hallo,
how nice to see you. How are you? Isn’t the weather terrible?” This social patter has been called phatic
communion and is primarily a device to maintain social contact on a friendly level. Some ethnologists
call it ‘grooming talking’ and suggest that it is substitute for the friendly grooming indulged in by the
monkeys. There are other biologically less important functions of language. Humans may use language
for purely aesthetic reasons. In writing poetry, for example, people manipulate words in the same way as
they might model clay or paint a picture. Or they may talk in order to release nervous tension, a function
seen when people mutter to themselves in anger and frustration.

1.1.a). Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the passage. Correct the
false statements. (10)
i). Language is a highly sophisticated form of human sign communication.
ii). Ethnologists are interested in the study of animal behavior.
iii). How language began is obscure.
iv). The main function of language is to convey emotions and feelings.
v). Phatic communication is similar to ‘groom talking’ of monkeys.

1.2. b). Answer the following questions: (10)

i). List four reasons why human need to ‘talk’?
ii). Besides ‘talk’ how else do humans convey emotions?
iii). What is phatic communication? Give your own example of phatic communication.

iv). What is the primary function of writing?
v). Give an appropriate title to the passage.

2. Explain the different types of communication. (10)

3. Describe the different barriers to listening. (10)

4. Prepare a presentation with at least 10 slides on any one of the following topics. (10)
a). Telephonic skills
b). Social skills
c). Preparing your profile

5. Write on any two of the given topics in about 100 words. (10)
a). Correspondence at the workplace
b). Writing skills
c). Preparing your Portfolio

6.Write a letter to the prime minister of India requesting him for free COVID-19 vaccination
for all the citizens of India. (10)

BLIE-226: Management of Library and Information Centre
Coverage: Course Code: BLIE-226
Course: Management of Library and Information Centre Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.21-Jan.22
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 15 Total Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions
I) Answer the following questions in not more than 500 words each.

1) What are the changes which have occurred in libraries in the recent past? Explain how these changes
can be managed. (10)

2) Discuss the various preliminary considerations while planning building of a new library.
3) Discuss the different types of tools used for selection of print and non-print materials in a library.
Support the answer with suitable examples of selection tools. (10)

4) Stock verification in libraries is 'a necessary evil' discuss the statement highlighting advantages and
disadvantages of library stock verification. (10)

II) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each.
1) Discuss the problems involved in implementing TQM in libraries. (5)
2) What are acquisition problems specific of Indian libraries. (5)
3) Explain the need for induction and deployment in libraries. (5)
4) Describe the concept of change management. Explain the process of implementing change in libraries.
5) Describe the changing role of library professionals. Mention the types of skills required by LIS
professionals in the changing scenario. (5)

6) Describe the External and Internal forces of change. (5)



Coverage: Course Code: BLIE-227

Course: Document Processing Practice Assignment Code: AST/TMA/ Jul.21 - Jan.22
Blocks: 1 to 3
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70

Part 1: Classification Practice: DDC 19th Edition


I. Furnish your answers in the space provided against each title in the tabular format
suggested below.

II. Classify all the titles given below. Each question carries 7 marks (3 marks for the class number and 4 marks
for the analysis).

III. The Class Numbers assigned should be as specific as possible and also provide the detail analysis of the
construction of the class number.

IV. Copies of 19th edition of Dewey Decimal Classification are available for your use in the Study Centre. They
are to be returned after use.

Sl. Title to be Classified Class Number Digit by digit analysis of the

No. Assigned Class Number

1. Diagnosis of Blood
2. English Readers for
Hindi Speaking People
3. Reference Service in
University Libraries
4. International Relations
between India and China
5. Research in

Part 2: Cataloguing Practice

I. Catalogue the titles as per AACR-2R and MARC 21. In the case of AACR- 2R all added entries are to be
II. The answers are to be worked out on paper only, marking out 5" X 3" cards in the case of AACR- 2R and
in the tabular format for MARC 21 as suggested below.
III. Each question carries 7 marks (4 marks for the AACR- 2R and 3 marks for the MARC entry).
IV. Copies of Sears List of Subject Headings are available to for your use in the Study Centre. They are to be
returned after use.

Format for AACR-2R Cards:

Format for MARC 21:

Tag Indicator Description Subfield Data

Title 1:

CALL NO. 539.7072079467 HEI
ACC. NO. 435522
PAGES 106 p.
SIZE 28 cm.
ISBN 091810209X

Title 2:

The Native Races Of Asia And Europe : A Copious

Selection Of Passages For The Study Of Social
Anthropology From The Manuscript Notebooks Of
Sir James George Frazer
Arranged and Edited from the MSS
Robert Angus Downie.
New York
AMS Press

CALL NO. 572.95 NAT
ACC. NO. 7685493
PAGES vi, 399 p.
SIZE 26 cm
ISBN 0404114245

Title 3:
Sponsored by Optical Society of America, IEEE
Lasers and Electro-optics Society in cooperation with Quantum Electronics Division of the European Physical
Society, Japanese Quantum Electronics Joint Group.
Washington, DC
Optical Society of America


CALL NO. 621.366 CON

ACC. NO. 365231
PAGES xvi, 523 p.
SIZE 28 cm.
ISBN 155752341X
Title 4:

Fundamental University Physics

Marcelo Alonso
Edward J. Firm
Vol 1 : Mechanics and Thermodynamics Vol 2 : Fields and Waves ✓Vol 3 : Quantum and Statistical Physics
Addison Wesley Publishing Company

ACC. NO. 43216-8
SIZE 25 cm.

Title 5:
Journal of the New York Academy of Medicine
Vol. 12 No. 1 January 1920
New York
S. S. & W Wood

CLASS NO. 610.1105
FREQUENCY 4 per year
HOLDING Library has all the volumes
ISSN 0009-2258

Coverage: Course Code: BLIE-228
Course: Information Products and Services
Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.21-Jan.22
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 13 Total Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions.

1) Answer the following questions in 250 words each. (3X5=15 Marks)

1) Discuss the functions and uses of reviews. (5)

2) Discuss Web marketing mix. (5)

3) Define the process of information analysis and synthesis. Explain the need for information analysis and
synthesis. (5)

2) Answer the following questions in 150 words each. (5X4=20 Marks)

1) What is Lib 2.0 ? Give some examples of Lib 2.0 services. (4)

2) What is a trend report? Discuss its need and process of preparation. (4)

3) What are the best practices used for development 5 of collaborative content ?. (4)

4) What is a technical digest? Discuss its layout 5 and categories. (4)

5) What is meant by title announcement service ? 10 Explain how will you provide
such a service in a library? (4)

1) Arrange the following given bibliographical information using the 7th edition of MLA standard.
(5X3=15 Marks)

1.1) Book

First Editor Prem Lal Sharma

Second Editor Banwari Lal Gupta
Title Understanding the Sociology of Health
Sub Title Issues and Concerns
Publisher R &R Publishers
Year of Publication 2018
Place of Publication Delhi
Type of Publication Print

1.2 Periodical Article

Author Mike Thelwel

Name of the Periodical Journal of Information Science
Title of the Article Bibliometrics to Webometrics
Volume Number 34
Issue Number 4
Year of Publication 2008
Pages 605-621
Type of Publication Print

1.3 Online Newspaper Article

Name of the Newspaper The Indian Express
Date of the Publication 04/11/2018
Date of Retrieving/Accessing 05/11/2018
Author Meghnad Desai
Title of the Newspaper Clipping Out of My Mind: The Leadership Principle
Web Address
Type of Publication Web

1.4 Chapter in a Book

Editor Deepak K Mishra
Title of the Book Internal Migration in Contemporary India
Publisher Sage Publishing
Year of Publication 2016
Place of Publication New Delhi
Title of the Chapter Migration and Punjab
Sub Title of the Chapter Some Perceptions
Author of the Chapter Surjit Singh
Pages of the Chapter 540-558
Type of Publication Print
1.5 Government Publication
Author Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture
Title Handbook on Horticulture Statistics-2014
Publisher Government of India
Place of Publication New Delhi
Year of Publication 2015
Type of Publication Print

2) Prepare an indicative abstract of the below mentioned text in not more than 50 words. (5)

Information Analysis and Consolidation Centres

Information analysis and consolidation activities are not of recent origin. Its history can be traced back to the 19th
century and according to Kertesz (1983) “are embedded in the tradition of 19th century scientists such as Beilstein
and Gmelin, who accepted the challenge to bring some kind of order in the ever increasing flood of data, to make
experimental findings conveniently available to other scientists” by means of handbooks and data compilations.
According to Kertesz, Beilstein and Gmelin were one-man analysis centres in the truest meaning of the concept
and their data compilations are precursors of data books and handbooks of 20th century. However, the term
‘Information Analysis and Consolidation’ is of recent origin. General Information Programme (PGI) of UNESCO,
while seeking solutions to the barriers to the use of information in developing countries, suggested ‘information
consolidation’ as possible solution. PGI, UNESCO sponsored three meetings in the years 1975, 1978 and 1983
respectively on the above topic. In its second meeting, ‘UNESCO Symposium on Information Analysis and
Consolidation (1978)’ the definitions and distinctions, particularly of the terms ‘Analysis’ and ‘Information
Consolidation Unit’ in relation to their particular function, were discussed at great length. It was observed that
‘Analysis’ comprised a wide range of functions, such as abstracting, indexing, translation, reviewing,
consolidation etc. However, a number of analysis centres do not always perform the consolidation function. It
was also pointed out that ‘information consolidation activities’ can be performed within institutions or systems
other than information analysis centres, even by individuals or groups of individuals. It was therefore decided that
the term ‘information consolidation activities’ should be used. Individuals or groups of individuals performing
information consolidation activities would each constitute an ‘Information Consolidation Unit (ICU). It was
pointed out that the most important consolidation function was evaluation, i.e. the retaining of reliable
information only. Therefore, the resultant products of information consolidation activities are reliable and concise
carrying usually an added value.
While origin of Information Analysis Centres (IACs) was due to untiring efforts of a few dedicated and devoted
specialists, the present day Information Consolidation Units (ICUs) have been due to the interest and efforts of
numerous sponsoring agencies belonging to both the private and public sectors. It is observed that most of these
ICUs are located in the parent institutions and their activities are in conformity with the objectives of the parent
institutions, though they may be sponsored or supported by other organizations. (Seetharama, 1997).

3) Prepare newspaper clipping service. Select any one newspaper and browse the newspaper for the last
seven days or any 7 consecutive days. (3X5=15 Marks)
Select the news items covering the themes such as:
1. Education
2. Indian Economy
3. India’s Foreign Policy
Cut the news items on the above mentioned themes and paste each of them on a separate sheet of paper (A4 Size
paper). Give broad class numbers to all the clippings using DDC 19th edition. Arrange the clippings according to
date wise and class number wise and put them in a file cover.


Coverage: Course Code: BLIE- 229

Course: ICT in Libraries Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2021/Jan.2022
Blocks: 1 to 2
Units: 1 to 8 Total Marks: 35

I) Answer all the questions in not more than 500 words each.

1) Discuss the features of an integrated library system. (5)

2) Explain metadata management in D Space. (5)
3) State technical features of GSDL and explain any two of them. (5)

II) Write short notes on the following in not more than 200 words each. Each question
carries 2 marks.

1) Circulation subsystem (2)

2) Evergreen ILS (2)
3) Doc plug-ins in GSDL (2)
4) Audio/video compression (2)
5) OPAC 2.0 (2)
6) Automated versus digital library system (2)
7) e Granthalaya ILS (2)
8) Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (2)
9) Web 2.0 features in KOHA. (2)
10) Librarians interface in GSDL. (2)


Coverage: Course Code: BLIE- 229

Course: ICT in Libraries Assignment Code: AST/PRAC/Jul.2021/Jan.2022
Blocks: 1 to 2
Units:-1 to 8 Total Marks: 35

General Instructions:
i. You are required to do the practical assignment in the Study Centre. Evaluation ofthe
assignment will be done by the Counsellor/ Practical Supervisor.
ii. Make Screen Captures for all the answers and save them in one file. The
Counsellor/Practical Supervisor will evaluate these screen captures and givemarks
iii. All questions are compulsory.

I) In Koha do the following activities: (20)

a. Create 2 vendors with full details.
b. Place order for around 4 titles.
c. Enter the data of these 4 titles in the cataloguing module.
d. Create 4 patrons with required details.
e. Check out 2 books to one of the patrons.
II) Install GSDL software, upload around ten documents comprising pdf, doc, ppt files.
Enter the detail metadata for each document and publish the collection for a CD. (15)


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