Base Plate - Mammut

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The document discusses design of different types of column bases including pinned base with I-section, tube section and consideration of various parameters like bearing capacity, tension capacity, shear capacity, weld capacity etc.

The different types of column bases described are pinned base with I-section, pinned base with tube section.

The design parameters considered for column base design include grade of concrete, grade of steel, dimensions of column, base plate, anchor bolts, connection details etc.

Date 30-Apr-07

Pinned Base ( I-Section) Dsn. By ZAS

Chk. By SKK
Design Capacities Rev. No. 1

Concrete Pedestal Wind Factor = 1.00

Grade = M20 Horizontal Shear (V) = 58.00 kN
Compressive Strength (fc') = 2.00 kN/cm2 Connection Capacity
Allowable Pressure (Fp) = 0.70 kN/cm2 Bearing = 140.14 kN
Width (a) = 300 mm Tension = 0.00 kN
Length (b) = 300 mm Shear = 54.69 kN
Area of Pedestal (A2) = 900 cm2 (axb)

Column Section
Grade = A572
Fu = 45.00 kN/cm2
Fy = 34.50 kN/cm2
Width Thk.
Top Flange (bf1) (tf1) = 250 8 mm
Web (dw) (tw) = 250 5 mm
Bottom Flange (bf2) (tf2) = 250 10 mm
Total Depth of Column (d) = 268 mm

Connection Details
Standard Base Plate Code = SBC-101
Bolt Grade = A36
Tensile Strength (Fu) = 40.00 kN/cm2
Allowable Tensile Stress (Ft) = 13.20 kN/cm2
Allowable Shear Stress (Fv) = 6.80 kN/cm2
Width (A) = 175 mm
Length (B) = 270 mm
Thickness (tp) = 12 mm
Number of Holes (n) = 4 mm
Bolt Diamter (db) = 16 mm
Hole Diameter (dh) = 22 mm
Gage (g) = 80 mm
Pitch (p) = 80 mm
Edge Distance (ed1) = 65 mm
Area of Base Plate (A1) = 472.5 cm2 (AxB)
Base Plate Grade = A572
Fu = 45.00 kN/cm2
Fy = 34.50 kN/cm2
Fb = 25.88 kN/cm2

Weld Data
For E70XX Electrode (Fu) = 48.23 kN/cm2
Allowable Stress in weld = 0.3 x Fu kN/cm2
Allowable Stress in weld (Fw) = 14.47 kN/cm2
Size of Weld = 5.00 mm
1) Axial Capacity due to concentric Bearing Pressure, P1

P1 = 456.48 kN 0.35 fc' sqrt ( A2 x A1) <= 0.7 fc' A1

2) Axial Capacity due to Base Plate Bending, P2

L= 4.21 cm tb / ( 3 x Fp / Fb )0.5
Atb = 365.42 cm2 2L x (d + bf - 2L)
P2 = 255.79 kN

3) Axial Capacity due to Base Plate Bending (Cantilever Type), P3

m= 7.70 mm (B - 0.95 d) / 2
n= -12.50 mm (A - 0.8 bf) / 2
n' = 64.71 mm sqrt (d bf ) / 4 <= bf / 2
q= 1.00 4fpdbf / (d+bf)2fp <= 1.00
λ= 1.00 2[1-sqrt(1-q)] / sqrt(q) <=1.00
λ n' = 64.71 mm
Xc = 6.47 cm max (m, n, λ n' )

M = fp Xc2 / 2
fp = P3 / A B
M = P3 Xc2 / 2 A B
M / Zp < = 0.75 Fy
Zp = tb2 / 6
P3 = 140.14 kN tb2 x Fb x A x B / 3 Xc2

8) Tensile Capacity, Pt
w= 250.00 mm Min [ dw or ( 2g + db ),( 4g + 2db ),( 6g + 3db ) ]
Zp = 6.00 cm3 w tb2 / 6
G= 37.50 mm ( g - tw ) / 2
Pt = 165.60 kN n x Zp x 0.6 x Fy / G

9) Anchor Bolt Capacities

Tensile Capacity = 106.16 kN Ft x Ab x n
Shear Capacity = 54.69 kN Fv x Ab x n
Pull Out Capacity = 116.54 kN [ ( p x d b ) x Le ] x u x n
Calculated Shear Stress / Bolt (fv) = 7.21 kN/cm2 V / Ab n
Allowable Tensile Stress with Shear (Ts) = 0.00 kN/cm2 [ ( 0.43 Fu ) - ( 1.8 fv ) ]
Tension Capacity with Shear = 0.00 kN Ts x Ab x n

10) Welds
Length of Weld at Web (Lww) = 460 mm 2 ( dw - 20 )
Length of Weld at Flange (Lwf)= 1000 mm 2 x ( bf1 + bf2 )

Weld Capacity Shear = 235.28 kN 0.707 x S x Fw x Lww

Weld Capacity Tension = 511.48 kN 0.707 x S x Fw x Lwf
Date 18-Jun-06
Pinned Base (Tube-Section) Dsn. By ZAS
Chk. By SKK
Design Capacities Rev. No. 00

Concrete Pedestal Wind Factor = 1.00

Grade = M25 Horizontal Shear (Pv) = 0.00 kN
Compressive Strength (fc') = 2.50 kN/cm2
Length (L) = 350 mm Connection Capacity
Width (W) = 250 mm Bearing = 334.49 kN
Area of Pedestal (A2) = 875 cm2
(LxW) Tension = 165.88 kN
Shear = 85.45 kN
Column Section Weld = 409.18 kN
Grade = A572
Fu = 45.00 kN/cm2
Fy = 34.50 kN/cm2
Section = 200x200x6.0
Depth \ Width = 200 mm
Wall Thickness = 6.0 mm

Connection Details
Standard Base Plate Code = SBC-122
Bolt Grade = A36
Tensile Strength (Fu) = 40.00 kN/cm2
Allowable Tensile Stress (Ft) = 13.20 kN/cm2
Allowable Shear Stress (Fv) = 6.80 kN/cm2
Length (N) = 350 mm
Width (B) = 250 mm
Thickness (tp) = 20 mm
Number of Holes (n) = 4 mm
Bolt Diamter (db) = 20 mm
Hole Diameter (dh) = 22 mm
Pitch (p) = 280 mm
Gage (g) = 100 mm
Edge Distance (ed1) = 35 mm
Area of Base Plate (A1) = 875 cm2
Base Plate Grade = A572
Fu = 45.00 kN/cm2
Fy = 34.50 kN/cm2
Fb = 25.88 kN/cm2

Weld Data
For E70XX Electrode (Fu) = 48.23 kN/cm2
Allowable Stress in weld = 0.3 x Fu kN/cm2
Allowable Stress in weld (Fw) = 14.47 kN/cm2
Size of Weld = 5.00 mm
1) Axial Capacity due to concentric Bearing Pressure, P1

P1 = 765.63 kN 0.35 fc' sqrt ( A2 x A1) <= 0.7 fc' A1

2) Axial Capacity due to Base Plate Bending (Cantilever Type), P2

m= 95.00 mm ( N - 0.80 d ) / 2
n= 45.00 mm ( B - 0.80 d ) / 2
Xc = 9.50 cm max ( m, n )
M = fp X / 2

fp = P2 / N B
M = P2 Xc2 / 2 N B
M / Zp < = 0.75 Fy = Fb
Zp = tb2 / 6
P2 = tb2 x Fb x N x B / 3 Xc2
P2 = 334.49 kN

3) Tensile Capacity, Pt
a= 38.00 mm (p - d + t) / 2 - 0.25 db
b= 232.00 mm (a + d - t)
L= 270 mm (p - db / 2)
M = P ab (b + a) / 2L 2

Zp = bf tb2 / 6
Pt = fb x bf tp2 x 2 x L2 / [ 6 ab ( a + b ) ]
Pt = 211.32 kN

4) Anchor Bolt Capacities

Tensile Capacity = 165.88 kN Ft x Ab x n
Shear Capacity = 85.45 kN Fv x Ab x n
Pull Out Capacity = [ ( p x db ) x Le ] x u x n
Pull Out Capacity = 166.90 kN
Calculated Shear Stress / Bolt (fv) = 0.00 kN/cm2 Pv / Ab n
Allowable Tensile Stress with Shear (Ts) = [ ( 0.43 Fu ) - ( 1.8 fv ) ]
Allowable Tensile Stress with Shear (Ts) = 13.20 kN/cm2
Tension Capacity with Shear = Ts x Ab x n
Tension Capacity with Shear = 165.88 kN

5) Welds
Length of Weld (Lw) = 800 mm 4d
Weld Capacity = 409.18 kN 0.707 x S x Fw x Lw
Date 20-Jun-06
Fixed Base Dsn. By ZAS
Chk. By SKK
Design Capacities Rev. No. 00

Controlling Forces Wind Factor = 1.00

Horizontal Shear (V) = 58 kN
Vertical (P) = 112 kN Tension
Moment (M) = 0 kNm

Column Section
Grade = A572
Tensile Strength (Fu) = 45.00 kN/cm2
Yeild Stress (Fy) = 34.50 kN/cm2
Width Thk.
Top Flange (bf1) (tf1) = 250 8 mm
Web (dw) (tw) = 250 5 mm
Bottom Flange (bf2) (tf2) = 250 10 mm

Connection Details
Connection Code = FC-420
Bolt Grade = A36
Tensile Strength (Fu) = 40.00 kN/cm2
Allowable Tensile Stress (Ft) = 13.20 kN/cm2
Allowable Shear Stress (Fv) = 6.80 kN/cm2
Bolt Diameter (db) = 20 mm
Number of Bolts (n) = 4 mm
Bolt Center to Flange Outside (Cw) = 60 mm
Bolt Center to Plate Edge (ed1) = 45 mm (Along Length)
Bolt Center to Plate Edge (ed2) = 60 mm (Along Width)
Bolt Pitch (p) = 120 mm
Bolt Gauge (g) = 120 mm
Base Plate Length (N) = 478 mm
Base Plate Width (B) = 250 mm
Distance Edge to CG of Bolts (m) = 45 mm
Bolt CG to Center of Column (f) = 194 mm

Weight of Connection Plates = 38.90 kgs.
Weight of Anchor Bolts = 6.75 kgs.
45.65 kgs.
Concrete Data
Mix Grade = M20
Compressive Strength (fc') = 2.00 kN/cm2

Weld Data
For E70XX Electrode (Fu) = 48.23 kN/cm2
Allowable Stress in weld = 0.3 x Fu kN/cm2
Allowable Stress in weld (Fw) = 14.47 kN/cm2

Anchor Bolt
Force in Bolt Group = P / 2 ± M / ( dw + tf1 / 2 + tf2 / 2 )
Compression (C) = 56.00 kN
Tension (T) = 56.00 kN

Force per Bolt

Compression / Bolt (Cb) = 28.00 kN 2C/n
Tension / Bolt (Tb) = 28.00 kN 2T/n
Shear / Bolt = 14.50 kN V/n
Compression Capacity = 41.47 kN F c x Ab
Tensile Capacity = 41.47 kN Ft x Ab
Shear Capacity = 21.36 kN F v x Ab
Pull Out Capacity = 37.32 kN [ ( p x db ) x Le ] x u x n
Calculated Shear Stress / Bolt (fv) = 4.62 kN/cm2 V / Ab n
Allowable Tensile Stress with Shear (Ts) = 8.89 kN/cm2 [ ( 0.43 Fu ) - ( 1.8 fv ) ]
Tension Capacity with Shear = 27.94 kN Ts x Ab x n

Base Plate
Dimension (a) = 60 mm g/2
Dimension (b) = 60 mm Cw
Bolt Force to Flange = a3 / ( a3 + b3 ) x Max (Tb, Cb)
Bolt Force to Flange (Pfb) = 14.00 kN
Effective width along Flange (bfm) = 120 mm 2 Cw
Moment (Mf) = 0.84 kNm Pfb x Cw
Plate Thickness Required (tp) = sqrt ( 6 M / 0.75 Fy bfm )
Plate Thickness Required (tp) = 12.74 mm Use 20 mm thk. Plate
Allowable Tensile Stress in Flange = 20.70 kN/cm2
Total Force in Flange (Pf) = 28.00 kN
Calculated Tensile Stress in Flange = 1.40 kN/cm2 P f / ( b f x tf )
Size of Flange Fillet Weld Required = 0.55 mm Pf / ( 0.707 x Fw x 2 x bf )
Bolt Force to Web / Gusset = b3 / ( a3 + b3 ) x Max (Tb, Cb)
Bolt Force to Web / Gusset (Pwb) = 14.00 kN
Effective width along Web (bwm) = 120 mm
Moment (Mw) = 0.84 kNm
Plate Thickness Required (tp) = sqrt ( 6 M / 0.75 Fy bwm )
Plate Thickness Required (tp) = 12.74 mm Use 20 mm thk. Plate
Total Force in Web / Gusset (Pw) = 28.00 kN
Web Tension Stress = Pw / ( tw x bwm )
Web Tension Stress = 4.67 kN/cm2 Pw / ( bwm x tw )
Size of Web Fillet Weld Required = 1.14 mm Pw / ( 0.707 x Fw x 2 x bwm )
Gusset Plate
Tension Side Flange Gusset
Thickness (ts) = 10 mm
Height (hs) = 250 mm
Length (ls) = 105 mm
Angle (ø) = 67.22 Deg
Dimension (D1) = 75 mm
Tension Force in Gusset (Pg) = Pw / Sin ø
Tension Force in Gusset (Pg) = 30.37 kN
Calculated Tensile Stress = Pg / [ ts x D1 x ( Sin ø )2 ]
Calculated Tensile Stress = 4.76 kN/cm2 Pg / [ ts x D1 x ( Sin ø )2 ]

Compression Side Flange Gusset

Effective Length (Ls) = 222.96 mm
Effective width (De) = 69.15 mm
Effective Area (As) = 6.91 cm2
Ixx = 27.55 cm4 D1 x Sin ø
rxx = 2.00 cm De x ts
k= 0.75 ts x De3 / 12
k Ls / r = 8.38 sqrt ( Ixx / As )
Allowable Compressive Stress = 20.28 kN/cm2
Compression Force in Gusset (Pg) = 30.37 kN
Calculated Compressive Stress = Pg / ( ts x D1 x ( Sin ø )2
Calculated Compressive Stress = 4.76 kN/cm2

Welds to Flange Gusset

Effective Length of Weld (Lw) = 2 D1
Effective Length of Weld (Lw) = 150 mm
Size of Gusset Fillet Weld Required = 1.98 mm

Welds to Column Web for Shear

Effective Length of Weld (Lu) = 130 mm
Size of Web Fillet Weld Required = 4.36 mm

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