The Miedema Model: DH F (C) (-Pe (Dɸ ) + Q (DN

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Name: lousy hamsho

Student number: 2142360701


The Miedema model : is a semi-empirical Model for the calculation of enthalpies of formation and
enthalpies of mixing in solid and liquid binary metal systems. The element specific constants involved in
the calculations have been derived from properties of the elements and subsequently adjusted to give
the best possible fit to known experimental data. In spite of this empirical character, the physical
significance of the parameters is obvious. Therefore, the classification of the model as semi-empirical is
justified. Through the process of adjustment of parameters to experimental data, the model
incorporates the complete knowledge of enthalpy effects in binary alloy systems.

In the mathematical expression of Miedema the formation entalphy was expressed as follows:

DH = f(c) [-Pe(Dɸ*)2 + Q(DnWS)2 - R]

the two intrinsic terms, namely, the electronegativities of the constituent elements (which is shown to
be linearly related to the work function in the original Miedema model) and their contributions to the
free electron density of the mixture, determine the entalphy of formation. The term Dɸ*, created
through charge transfer between the two constituent elements, makes a negative contribution to the
formation entalphy of the mixture, thus reducing the total free energy of the system. The term DnWS,
involves rearrangement of electron density distribution at the atomic cell boundaries (W-S) with the
need to smooth it out.

This phenomenon requires a complimentary change in the W-S atomic cell sizes of both of the elements,
therefore constituting a positive contribution term, i.e. making the atoms of both elements more
energetic as compared to their pure state.


BOHR’s Atomic Model : is a system consisting of a small, dense nucleus surrounded by orbiting
electrons—similar to the structure of the Solar System, but with attraction provided by electrostatic
forces in place of gravity

The stacking-fault energy (SFE) is a materials property on a very small scale. It is noted as γSFE in units of
energy per area. A stacking fault is an interruption of the normal stacking sequence of atomic planes in a
close-packed crystal structure. 

Position space (also real space or coordinate space) is the set of all position vectors r in space, and

has dimensions of length. 
Momentum space is the set of all momentum vectors p a physical system can have. The momentum
vector of a particle corresponds to its motion, with units of [mass][length][time] −1.

BOHR’s Atomic Model does not explain what we observe.

In atomic physics, the Bohr model or Rutherford–Bohr model, presented by Niels Bohr and Ernest

Rutherford in 1913, is a system consisting of a small, dense nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons—
similar to the structure of the Solar System, but with attraction provided by electrostatic forces in
place of gravity. 


The solubility of a solute element in an alloy is an important aspect of alloy design. Through the addition
of soluble elements, one may obtain a solid solution effect that can significantly improve the alloy's
performance. For a substitutional binary alloy.


What is the purpose of alloying aluminum?

Aluminum alloys are widely used in engineering structures and components where light weight or
corrosion resistance is required. 

If we increased the quality and developed the 8xxx aluminum Alloys that will affect 8xxx aluminum
features and properties positively and in that case, we will get much useful and better alloy for aircraft
components and other stuff.

 the aluminum alloys are the major contributors for aircraft components. The aluminium alloys
(2xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx and 8xxx) are found to be the prominent ones. Among these, the 8xxx series is
widely used due to its low density.
aluminium has high strength to weight ratios along with properties such as excellent corrosion
resistance, light weight, creep resistance and high thermal strength are needed. Also cost
parameters need to be considered without compromising with quality

8xxx aluminum alloys are one of the most widely used aluminum conductor alloys, which were
firstly developed to replace AA1350 conductor alloys for the overhead electrical transmission
(Ref 4). For conductor alloys, it is necessary to satisfy the requirements for electrical
conductivity (EC), strength and creep resistance (Ref 5, 6). Fe is added in this alloy as the main
alloying element to improve microstructural stability and mechanical properties (Ref 7, 8).
Because of the low solubility of Fe in Al (Ref 9), most of Fe combines with both aluminum and
silicon to form secondary intermetallic particles during casting, such as Al3Fe, AlmFe, Al6Fe and

- 8xxx series aluminum alloys offer a combination of properties similar to 1xxx series
alloys but with:
1- Higher conductivity, strength, and hardness
2- Better formability
3- Improved stiffness
- Mainly 8xxx series alloys use in electrical, aerospace, packaging, and fins for heat
exchangers applications

- Modern industry expects aluminum products with new, unusual, and well-defined
functional properties.
- 8xxx series alloys registered in Aluminum Association during last 20 years may be used
as an alternative.
- 8xxx series alloys have very good thermal and electrical conductivity and perfect
technological formability.
- Fundamental alloy additives of 8xxx series are Fe, Si, Mn, Li, Mg, Cu and Zn.
- Aluminum alloying with these additives makes it possible to obtain materials with
different mechanical and electrical properties.
- Al‐Fe‐Si and Al‐Fe‐Mn‐Si aluminum alloys (8xxx series) are employed in HVAC&R
(heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating) for use in cooling systems and
air ventilated units.
- These alloys are extensively used for fin stocks in heat exchangers making possible to
reduce thickness of fins. These leads to a decrease of the weight of the heat exchangers
and to an improvement of their performance.
- AA8xxx fin stocks are often exposed to different aggressive environments and might
undergo corrosion.
- AA8xxx aluminum alloys in this sector is the possibility of galvanic coupling between the
aluminum fins and copper tubes. This might lead to severe galvanic corrosion in the
region of the fin collars where there is direct contact between aluminum fin and the
copper tube.

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