Volocopter Whitepaper Singapore-Roadmap Web-2
Volocopter Whitepaper Singapore-Roadmap Web-2
Volocopter Whitepaper Singapore-Roadmap Web-2
2.5 Operations 25
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 4
Urban air mobility (UAM) is a new form of transportation that uses electric vertical take-off and
landing (eVTOL) aircraft to transport people and goods in urban and suburban areas. This safe and
efficient aviation transportation system has garnered increasing interest due to ever more congested
roads and the air pollution brought on by urbanization. Cities from Paris, Los Angeles, and Tokyo
are actively developing strategies to integrate UAM into their transportation systems. Singapore is
an early adopter of this exciting technology. After conducting multiple successful meetings with
Singaporean authorities since 2017, Volocopter, the pioneer of UAM, highlighted the positive working
relationships and progress in Singapore with a historic first Asia flight in October 2019. In the run-up
to this milestone, Volocopter conducted extensive tests at Seletar Airport and worked closely with
several key stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Transport (MOT), the Civil Aviation Authority of
Singapore (CAAS), and the Economic Development Board (EDB). On 22 October 2019, Volocopter
successfully completed its first crewed eVTOL flight in Asia over Singapore’s iconic Marina Bay.
This offered a unique opportunity to experience what UAM will look and sound like. The test flight
validated and showcased Volocopter’s progress in bringing commercial air taxi services to Singapore.
It also signaled the Lion City’s intention to be a leader in UAM integration, revolutionizing the way
we live, work, and play.
Volocopter plans to launch commercial passenger air taxi services with its VoloCity aircraft in
Singapore within the next two years. This will revolutionize urban transportation and mobility,
enabling spectacular touristic routes within the Marina Bay area or to nearby regional economic
centers from Singapore in just 30 minutes. Our customers can forget about traffic jams and detours
as they sit back, relax, and enjoy the breathtaking views over Singapore. The VoloCity air taxis will be
quiet and emission-free in flight, and take off and land vertically at strategically located VoloPorts,
the gateway infrastructure to this new world of mobility. Volocopter aims to make its services safe,
sustainable, and comfortable.
So, why is Volocopter starting its Asian launch with Singapore? With a sterling track record of
achieving the Certificate of Entitlement (COE)1 and the Electronic Road Pricing (ERP)2 schemes for
ground transportation, Singapore has written the innovation playbook to design and implement
mobility solutions for metropolitan areas. The government is developing regulations that encourage
innovation while integrating various modes of transportation. Home to the world’s best airport and
the aviation hub in the Asia-Pacific region (APAC), the Lion City is paving the way for the next
dimension of transport – UAM. Partnering with Volocopter will accelerate Singapore’s journey to
launching UAM services. Our family of electrically powered aircraft includes air taxis for short and
long urban routes (the VoloCity and VoloConnect) and heavy-lift drones for goods (the VoloDrone).
Together with the physical and digital infrastructure (the VoloPort and VoloIQ, respectively),
Volocopter provides the comprehensive UAM ecosystem to make this happen.
1 A Certificate of Entitlement (COE) represents a right to vehicle ownership and use of the limited Singaporean road
space for ten years
2 On high traffic roads, there are Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) gantries; drivers pay a fee when using these during
operating hours
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 5
With Singapore as its APAC headquarters, Volocopter has made significant progress in paving the
way for UAM in various countries across the region.
In July 2021, Volocopter signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Malaysia Airports and
Skyports to conduct a feasibility study for vertiport deployment in Malaysia. In China, Volocopter has
formed a joint venture with Aerofugia, a subsidiary of China’s innovation-driven Geely Technology
Group to bring UAM to China, the most significant single market opportunity for the UAM industry.
Volocopter also joined the Osaka Roundtable in Japan and committed to flying during the Expo
2025 Osaka Kansai.
In November 2021, Volocopter made history in South Korea, conducting the nation’s first crewed
public air taxi test flights at Gimpo and Incheon airports. We also partnered with South Korea’s
largest mobility platform company, Kakao Mobility, to conduct a feasibility study introducing UAM
in the country.
We will continue to reach out and work with other governments and partners in the region to raise
awareness and establish a UAM ecosystem.
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 6
This roadmap highlights the benefits of UAM for Singapore and provides a roadmap to launch urban
air taxis in the city-state. Thanks to our close collaboration with the Singaporean government, we
are confident that UAM will serve as an engine for economic growth in the near future. Offering an
efficient and sustainable mobility experience will facilitate movement and attract more people into
the city-state. This service will enhance both quality of life and regional connectivity in the urban
environment of Singapore. We look forward to embarking on a journey that will transform how we
move about our cities over the coming decades.
Welcome on board!
Safe and reliable Sustainable flights UAM is expected UAM will uphold
travel in a will serve as enabler to achieve Singapore’s
post-pandemic to achieve Singapore economic benefits innovative
world Green Plan 2030 and increase jobs reputation as the
on the ground aviation hub in
and in the air APAC
With numerous limitations on international travel in place, the biggest trend for 2021 was unsurprisingly
a surge in domestic travel.3 This trend, paired with the fast-moving globalized economy, will heighten
demand for faster mobility services that facilitate travel between business centers. Air taxis that are
well integrated into existing transportation modes can help alleviate some of these pressures and
promote a seamless mobility experience.
3 Travelers Ignite Their Passion for Rediscovering Closer-To-Home Destinations, FTN News, October 13, 2021. ftnnews.
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 9
The ever-changing rules and restrictions during the pandemic have crippled air travel around the
world. As an international long-haul hub connecting the East and West, Singapore has introduced
measures such as the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) to facilitate traveler movement.
However, traveling from countries that are not part of the VTL arrangement is still challenging. This
is especially true for travelers coming from non-VTL countries and crossing the border into Malaysia
or Indonesia via ground transportation or ferries. Volocopter believes UAM can provide an easier
option to counteract this. If Volocopter can be used as a layover option between Singapore Changi
Airport and neighboring economic centers (e.g. Johor Bahru, Riau Islands), passengers will remain
in international airspace. They will only need to clear inbound immigration at their final destination,
without stepping foot in Singapore. An example of how this could work under the prevailing
regulations is shown in Figure 3 below.
Departure Arrival Check Collect Covid Quarantine Taxi Check Arrival Further
Non-VTL* Singapore Immigration Luggage PCR Test 7-14 days** Departure Immigration Johor Testing/
City Quarantine Border Bahru Possible
Hotel Quarantine
8-16 DAYS
Volocopter’s services also stand to improve Singapore’s island-to-island connectivity. The VoloCity
services will unlock new transportation routes to help alleviate time-consuming traffic bottlenecks
at border points like the Johor Bahru Causeway. The VoloConnect, the latest development within the
Volocopter family of aircraft, will allow seating for up to four passengers on routes of 100 km at a speed
of 180 km/h, using a hybrid lift and push design. This increase in flight range will significantly enhance
regional connectivity for Singapore and open up new travel destinations within the hundreds of
islands in Indonesia and Malaysia. To sum up, besides the initial inner-city touristic flights, Volocopter
will provide a new vertical dimension of cross-border transportation to connect the islands, reduce
travel time, promote growth in regional economies, and strengthen social cohesion.
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 10
As outlined in the Singapore Green Plan 2030, the city aims to strengthen its commitments under
the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Paris Agreement to achieve its long-term
net-zero emissions aspiration as soon as viable.4 Besides promoting electric cars and the use of
public transportation, UAM can become an additional enabler to achieve the respective sustainability
targets. For example, studies have shown that traveling 100 km (point-to-point) with one pilot in an
eVTOL aircraft produces greenhouse gas emissions that are 35% lower than a one-occupant internal
combustion engine vehicle (ICEV).5
Specifically, the VoloCity air taxi is a technologically advanced electric aircraft with the ability to
vertically take off and land. The VoloCity’s 18 motors are powered by nine rechargeable batteries,
which can be swapped in between flights with minimum time on the ground. The battery swap design
allows Volocopter to charge batteries under ideal conditions, which is an investment in operational
efficiency and sustainability as it significantly increases the battery packs’ lifespan.
Besides zero carbon emissions in flight, the low noise level of eVTOL aircraft is another crucial
advantage for operating in the city. When passengers experience a VoloCity flight for the first time,
they will be pleasantly surprised by how quiet it is in full flight. All 18 rotors acoustically operate within
a narrow frequency range, thus canceling each other out to a high degree. In fact, VoloCity air taxis
are four to five times quieter than a small helicopter, which will certainly be music to Singaporeans’
UAM provides an additional mode of transportation that is more sustainable and efficient when
it is well-integrated into the existing mobility network. It will offer Singapore a three-dimensional
transportation grid, which will increase convenience, reduce travel time, and provide an escape from
the highly used infrastructure on and below the surface. Given the island state’s constraints like land
scarcity and a growing population, eVTOL aircraft will alleviate land-use pressures by tapping into
underutilized air space above existing roads. By doing this, Singapore can reduce the need for new
roads or road expansions and lower the cost of road maintenance. This is a remarkable opportunity
for all cities, but especially land-scarce ones like Singapore.
Based on the latest estimates from Volocopter internal studies, S$4.18 billion of cumulative economic
benefits and the creation of up to 1,300 local jobs can be achieved in Singapore by 2030.6 These
benefits include revenues from sales of air taxi tickets, contributions to suppliers and government
bodies, R&D investments, jobs created to support the air taxi service, and more. The economic gain
results from the combination of direct, indirect, and induced benefits that UAM implementation can
offer by 2030. Direct benefits include air taxi ticket sales and employee remunerations. Indirect and
induced benefits consist of UAM supply chain revenue flowing through Singapore that is generated
by the growth of air taxi markets in APAC, and the knock-on touristic expenditures and government
taxes. We also considered MRO activities, R&D investments, and staff training activities as we envision
Singapore to become the training hub for UAM in the region.
Volocopter estimates that by operating both domestic and cross-border flights, Singapore can
generate total economic benefits to the tune of S$4.18 billion. The direct, indirect, and induced
economic outputs based on tourism and cross-border routes, and the local and regional contributions
are presented in Figure 4 below.
“ Urban Air Mobility is an emerging area within the broader mobility sector,
which we have identified as a growth industry for Singapore. Singapore is
an important regional testbed for autonomous cars, electric vehicles, and
Urban Air Mobility, including the successful test flight by Volocopter in 2019.
We are glad that Volocopter has chosen Singapore to anchor its commercial
and R&D activities. This will help build new capabilities for our mobility
ecosystem and create many exciting opportunities for Singapore.
Mr. Tan Kong Hwee, Executive Vice President, EDB, 9 December 20207
Volocopter can support the creation of an operational testbed for UAM led by the Singaporean
government as one of the first cities in the world to launch electric air taxis. This collaboration can
chart the R&D direction of the city-state as it leads the world in operating air taxis, focusing on
local needs for high-quality connectivity, Unmanned Traffic Management, and unique infrastructure
developments. Volocopter works closely with local institutes and universities to establish potential
case studies and test the evolving eVTOL technology.
“ We believe that working with an eVTOL pioneer and leader in UAM like
Volocopter has tremendous value in developing and harnessing local R&D
to enable a UAM future. We are excited to collaborate with Volocopter in the
areas of customization of eVTOL deployment in urban city, routes planning,
integration with ATMs, and environmental studies among other interesting
Professor Low Kin Huat, Air Traffic Management Research Institute, Nanyang Technological
University, 2021
7 EDB, Press Release, 2020, Volocopter Commits to Launch Air Taxi Services in Singapore, edb.gov.sg/en/about-edb/
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 13
Shaping the growth of the UAM ecosystem will help Singapore maintain its position as one of
the world’s most innovative cities. While the city is already supporting autonomous and shared
mobility solutions on roads, the introduction of UAM solutions could be the next step to enhance its
reputation. Driverless and on-demand mobility services, including air taxis, are predicted to reduce
car ownership and promote more sustainable and safer journeys.8 Tapping into existing information
and communication technologies, Singapore will have the chance to transform as it implements the
future of urban mobility. This will further improve the brand image of the city-state as an innovation
hub and continue to attract new technology leaders and key businesses to Singapore.
With the launch of UAM in Singapore, the island city would become the torchbearer for the rest of
Asia as it adopts this new form of mobility. As the Singapore government aims to welcome innovative
technologies with efficient regulations, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) could seize
this opportunity to define UAM standards. This strategy could shape international standards and
regulations in the long term and provide opportunities for academia and industry worldwide to work
closely with CAAS.
“ In this new area of Urban Air Mobility, we look forward to continue working
with Volocopter. This gives us the opportunity to co-create regulations and
technologies with the industry, facilitating innovation to enable a future
mode of transportation for Singapore.
Mr. Tan Kah Han, Senior Director (Unmanned Systems Group) of CAAS, 9 December 20209
8 Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy research paper, Singapore - Challenges and Improvements in Urban Mobility ,
9 EDB, Press Release, 2020, edb.gov.sg/en/about-edb/media-releases-publications/volocopter-commits-to-launch-air-
in Singapore
UAM is a new market with little operational
precedence, especially in a densely populated
environment. This section details key
considerations to develop a roadmap for
launching UAM in Singapore. We first identify
the initial target customer and market segment,
emphasizing the four key service enablers that
differentiate Volocopter’s product and service
offerings. Afterwards, we discuss the air taxi
routes using sample user journeys. Finally, in this
section we present high-level considerations for
local operations, followed by an outlook on the
next steps.
A recent international study10 on how consumers view UAM has shown that the main reason for using
urban air taxis is to reduce travel time — especially for highly congested urban areas. The survey
also shows that the number of people willing to commute in a UAM vehicle decreases with age and
increases with household size. The study concludes that an early UAM adopter is between the ages
of 18 and 29 and lives in a large household; gender does not seem to have a significant impact on
consumer preferences. Additionally, the survey reveals that 35% of today’s ride-hailing users and
32% of limousine users are willing to switch to an air taxi to get to the airport. Those consumers using
public transportation or private cars are the least willing to switch, possibly due to their higher price
Individual feedback from Volocopter’s 2019 Singapore flight trial and a subsequent consumer study
conducted in Singapore in 2020 show that there is market potential for local private Volocopter
aerial tours, especially crewed flights. In the survey, 72% of those surveyed expressed high interest
in flying in a VoloCity. Those keen on aerial tours tend to be younger and have higher personal
incomes. In keeping with other studies worldwide, safety was the main barrier expressed among
those apprehensive about UAM services. Notably, piloted flights are preferred over autonomous
flights by a significant margin.11 Beyond aerial tours, Volocopter will be able to add a new dimension
of mobility to the urban environment of Singapore. Using direct aerial paths to bring customers to
their destinations, Volocopter will increase convenience, reduce travel time, and offer an escape from
conventional roads/traffic. Furthermore, Volocopter services support the Singapore government’s
roadmap to reduce car ownership.12
How big is the potential segment size for urban air taxis in Singapore? A feasibility study performed
by Grab and Volocopter has yielded an auspicious outlook. Based on a share of 0.5% of 200 million
rides per year (a combination of privately hired cars, buses, rails, and taxis), the study reveals a
segment size of S$250 million as of the launch date.
“ As a superapp, Grab has gathered traffic patterns and user insights in the
region to help our teams come up with innovative mobility solutions. This
partnership will enable Volocopter to further develop urban air mobility
solutions that are relevant for Southeast Asian commuters so they can decide
on their preferred journey option based on their budgets, time constraints
and other needs, in a seamless way.
Chris Yeo, Head of Grab Ventures, 18 February 202013
10 McKinsey Study “Up in the air: How do consumers view advanced air mobility”, 2021, mckinsey.com/industries/
11 Air Taxi Services Consumer Interest Study conducted by an external agency for Volocopter, 2020
12 Vehicle Ownership Controls, Ministry of Transport Singapore, mot.gov.sg/About-MOT/Land-Transport/Motoring/
13 Volocopter, Press Release, 2020, volocopter.com/newsroom/volocopter-and-grab-conduct-air-taxi-feasibility-study-in-
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 16
Based on the target market and routes of the VoloCity, there are three different customer types for
the urban air taxi service in Singapore as shown in Figure 5 below.
Volocopter expects foreign tourists Volocopter sees business travelers Lastly, once the infrastructure extends
looking for a new/novelty experience attracted by the significant time into a network spanning the entire
to be the first customer group in savings, reliability, and comfort of a region, economies of scale will allow
Singapore. Stopover passengers, regional air taxi ride as the second commuters to afford regional air taxi
as well as interested locals, are group of customers. trips regularly.
considered in this first group.
The VoloCity combines four characteristics that make it the perfect transportation mode in urban
environments. First, the aircraft are very sustainable by offering electrically powered flights and not
adding to the pollution in megacities. Second, they are very quiet compared to conventional aerial
transportation modes like helicopters or airplanes. In fact, they are so subtle that they cannot be
heard flying over the backdrop of regular city noise. The VoloCity will blend into the background noise
of an average city, illustrated in Figure 6.14 Third, urban air taxis will provide extremely high safety
standards, equivalent to conventional jetliners. Fourth, the landing infrastructures, i.e. VoloPorts, will
serve as iconic landmark attractions, especially in the early years of the service. Their unique design
and appearance will attract customers and tourists from countries worldwide and serve as a brand
experience center for Volocopter.
To sum up, Volocopter will create the mobility solution in Singapore to fit the interests and needs of
the customers, the Singaporean public, and the urban environment.
14 At 65 dB, a Volocopter is 4-5 times quieter than a standard helicopter at a 120 m distance
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 17
50-60 65 75 78 85 87
dB (A) dB (A) dB (A) dB (A) dB (A) dB (A)
Volocopter is preparing for the commercial launch of UAM services in Singapore to connect urban
areas with sustainable, aerial solutions. Volocopter’s ecosystem will comprise electric air taxis (the
VoloCity and VoloConnect), electric heavy-lift drones (the VoloDrone), ground infrastructures
essential for the UAM ecosystem (the VoloPort), and a digital connective platform for UAM (the
Volocopter aims to build a strong, strategic partnership network in Singapore. The company is
proactively engaging with city decision-makers and forging alliances with a coalition of industry,
academia, think tanks, and NGOs to fully develop a multi-layered ecosystem of partners and
stakeholders. A holistic approach is essential to make the UAM launch in Singapore successful. With
this ecosystem, the launch of Volocopter services in Singapore will change the future of urban air
mobility globally, and especially in APAC.
To deliver the benefits outlined above, Volocopter envisions four to six VoloPorts in Singapore by
2030. The areas currently in consideration for the VoloPort construction are Marina South, Sentosa,
and the Changi area. The feasibility of air taxi routes as outlined in the roadmap below are based on
these locations.
For the initial VoloCity launch, Volocopter will focus on touristic routes within the heart of Singapore.
These include a scenic circular path within the Marina Bay area offering incredible views of Marina Bay
Sands, the Central Business District, the Formula One racetrack, and the Singapore Flyer. A second
potential route would offer unique views over Sentosa Island and the Singapore skyline. Volocopter
seeks to work closely with the Singaporean Tourism Board to create unforgettable experiences for
locals and international tourists. The potential areas for the touristic routes are illustrated in Figure
9 below.
Figure 9 Marina and Sentosa View as Two Examples of an A-A Touristic Route
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 20
After launching these two touristic routes, Volocopter could then expand its VoloCity network
to cross-border flights by utilizing Singapore’s unique city island landscape and its proximity to
Indonesia and Malaysia. These short, cross-border flights offer unique, time-saving opportunities to
travelers and complement the country’s excellent domestic ground transportation network.
Volocopter also envisions integrating Changi Airport into the VoloPort network for efficient and
convenient transfers from Changi to central business districts in the neighboring countries.
While a typical journey by car between Changi Airport and Ibrahim International Business District
(IIBD) of Johor Bahru, Malaysia can take more than three hours*, a VoloCity flight along this route
would take 30 minutes. By choosing a VoloCity flight, a business traveler transiting from Changi
Airport to IIBD could save up to 150 minutes on their journey.
Using an air taxi enables the passenger landing at Changi Airport and traveling to Johor Bahru to:
Figure 10 Ibrahim International Business District and Tanjung Puteri are in the Central Business District, Johor Bahru and are
examples of popular destinations served by an A-B cross-border route
An air taxi flight from Changi Airport (to Batam, Indonesia) would take less than
20 minutes, saving them up to 160 minutes on their journey.
Similarly, regional connectivity could be improved by offering air taxi services for journeys between
Singapore and Indonesia. With the opening of Nongsa Digital Park, a technology talent magnet at
the Indonesia-Singapore border, air taxi services could provide significant time savings and greater
connectivity. The VoloCity will serve as a bridge between Singapore and Indonesia and attract digital
entrepreneurs from the region.
Connecting journeys via Singapore to Indonesia can become more time-efficient with a VoloPort at
Changi Airport. Today, business travelers have to go from the airport to Harbourfront Ferry Terminal.
Including waiting times for the ferry, it can take up to three hours to travel to Nongsapura Ferry
Terminal in Batam, Indonesia. Comparatively, the duration of the VoloCity flight from Changi Airport
will take less than 20 minutes, reducing current travel times by around 160 minutes.
Using an air taxi enables the passenger landing at Changi Airport and traveling to Batam to:
Figure 11 Nongsa Digital Park is in Batam, Indonesia and is an example of a popular destination served by an A-B cross-
border route
In the long term, air taxi services could also entice tech talents to continue working in Singapore and
Indonesia. Efficient and convenient cross-border travel will attract Singapore-based companies to
leverage their proximity to Indonesia and strengthen both tech industries.
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 23
The customer is at the center of every VoloCity service in the world. Customer loyalty will grow if the
user experience is intuitive, convenient, and reliable. To gain customer loyalty, the VoloCity customer
journey must be perfectly integrated into other transportation methods to reduce waiting times and
create seamless experiences. A sample user journey is illustrated below:
10 • Loyalty 1 • Awareness
9 • Last-Mile / Getting to
Final Destination 2 • Account Setup
8 • Inbound Process / 3 • Booking
1. Awareness: Customers become aware of Volocopter’s services through direct channels such as
the Volocopter website, app, and VoloPort kiosk, or indirect channels like social media, travel
platforms, or tour agencies.
2. Account Setup: A customer decides to fly with Volocopter to save time on a business trip,
choose a quick commute to work, or enjoy a unique view of Singapore. They can download the
Volocopter app and create an account.
3. Booking: The customer enters the desired departure time, departure point, destination and then
chooses a suitable flight. After settling the payment, they will input their weight data to confirm
the booking and receive their virtual ticket.
4. First-Mile / Way to Port: The customer receives a reminder of the upcoming flight with the
relevant information and security briefing on their digital devices ahead of the flight.
5. Outbound Process / Check-In: Upon arrival at a VoloPort, the staff will welcome the customer
and verify their ID and ticket. They will then go through a weight and security check before
entering the waiting area of the VoloPort.
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 24
6. Boarding: When the VoloCity is ready for departure, the customer enters the boarding area and
scans their boarding pass. A VoloPort staff member will guide the customer to the aircraft and
help them get settled in.
7. In Flight: After the necessary clearances, the VoloCity takes off and flies to the destination
VoloPort. During the flight, the customer can enjoy the view from the VoloCity or prepare for
their next meeting.
8. I nbound Process / De-Boarding: Upon arrival at the destination VoloPort, staff will guide the
customer as they leave the VoloCity and enter the destination VoloPort, receiving their luggage.
They are then free to leave the VoloPort.
9. Last-Mile / Getting to Final Destination: The customer can choose to walk or use a variety of
other public transportation options to get to their destination.
10. Loyalty: After leaving the VoloPort, the customer can evaluate the customer experience and
receive recommendations for future flights.
To offer this customer journey, dedicated VoloPorts for VoloCity operations are essential for the long-
term success of urban air mobility in Singapore. To minimize customers’ travel times, VoloPorts ought
to be centrally located and strategically positioned. The second key success factor for Volocopter
services is integrating with providers of other existing transportation modes, like ride-hailing, taxis,
and public transportation networks. Volocopter aims to be a key part of the customers’ multimodal
journey, seamlessly complementing other modes of ground transportation.
Figure 13 Rendered image of VoloPort atop urban building with VoloCity and VoloConnect
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 25
To commercially operate eVTOLs, it is crucial to have a clear roadmap for (1) staff training, (2) air
taxi operations, (3) maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO), (4) infrastructure support, and (5)
digitalization of UAM.
1. Staff Training: Since eVTOL aircraft are a new type of aircraft with new conditions and procedures,
operational staff need specific training. This is true for pilots, maintenance teams, and ground
personnel. On 8 July 2021, Volocopter and CAE, a global leader in aviation training, announced
a strategic partnership to develop, certify, and deploy an innovative pilot training program for
eVTOL operations. All training programs offer a great learning and growth opportunity for both
seasoned and novice staff in Singapore.
2. Air Taxi Operations: We plan to offer air taxi transport services for passengers in urban
environments. Volocopter differs from traditional airline services by flying electric with fewer
seats, shorter ranges, and lower altitudes. Volocopter aims to show travelers at all stages of the
customer journey how fast and convenient air taxi travel is compared to ground transportation.
This experience will require seamless boarding procedures and best-in-class reliability, while
unwaveringly ensuring the highest safety standards.
3. Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO): To ensure that Volocopter services operate at the
highest levels of reliability and safety, the company promises to uphold robust maintenance
processes. These processes will use modified frameworks from conventional aircraft or helicopters
to match the idiosyncracies of the eVTOL aircraft. In Singapore, Volocopter will establish a
strategic MRO concept to serve as a basis for future expansion into APAC. The appropriate
setup of maintenance hangars and training processes for MRO technicians will be coordinated
in Singapore.
4. Infrastructure support: Together with its partner Skyports, Volocopter is developing VoloPort
infrastructure in Singapore to serve all aspects of vertiport operations, including aircraft ground
services and passenger handling. In close consultation and collaboration with local authorities,
we plan to establish a platform that paves the way toward safe, efficient, and viable vertiport
infrastructure for Singapore and the APAC region.
5. Digitalization of UAM: Legacy tools and solutions for data management, such as MRO systems,
flight planning, and monitoring tools that are commonplace in aviation, were not built to cope
with the challenges of the emerging UAM industry. Instead, UAM requires a solid, holistic, more
comprehensive, accessible, and digital foundation. This is where the Volocopter in-house digital
software platform, the VoloIQ, comes into play. More information on Volocopter’s digital business
model and VoloIQ is available in Whitepaper 2.0: The Roadmap to Scalable Urban Air Mobility.
“ Digital platforms and integrated solutions are the key to scale operations
globally. They allow a seamless connection between existing ecosystems
and new services. We look forward to being part of this newest sector of
aviation. With our vast knowledge and experience, we will build a unique
solution for Volocopter, bringing to life the VoloIQ.
Bernd Appel, Managing Director of Lufthansa Industry Solutions, 28 October 202016
Through existing agreements and partnerships with global leaders, such as Daimler, Aéroports de
Paris, Microsoft Azure, and now CAE, Volocopter plans to launch its commercial services in cities
around the world in the next few years. To achieve this, Volocopter is committed to developing
Singapore into an MRO, R&D, and pilot training hub for UAM, alongside existing and new partners in
APAC. This clear ambition, evident in the projected indirect and induced benefits by 2030, would
advance Singapore’s position as the aviation hub for the region.
On July 6, 2021, Volocopter secured Production Organisation Approval (POA) in compliance with
the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA Part 21G). Volocopter has now acquired its
long-standing, trusted partner in innovation and production, DG Flugzeugbau, a global leader in
composite aircraft production. Through this acquisition, Volocopter is now the first and only eVTOL
company holding both the required design and production organization approvals (DOA and
POA) to advance its aircraft toward commercial launch. This gives the company a competitive edge
in the race to bring UAM to life. With the POA comes the ability to manufacture aircraft and ramp
up productions, successfully pivoting Volocopter to deliver air taxi services at scale.17 Volocopter is
currently working to expand the scope of POA to cover eVTOL aircraft production.
Simultaneously, Volocopter will continue to contribute and closely align with the EASA and CAAS
to co-create UAM regulations. Volocopter will further explore R&D projects with local academic
institutions and deepen ongoing conversations with local industries. Closer to the launch, Volocopter
plans to create a public exhibit to increase public awareness and acceptance of this innovative service.
Besides preparing for the commercial launch of air taxis, Volocopter is also exploring possibilities
to introduce the VoloDrone in Singapore. In this context, providing cargo services in and around
Singapore would serve as a value-added element for the whole value chain, supplementing the
existing transport logistics network.
“ The VoloDrone unlocks new possibilities for the logistics industry, and it
represents a key element for DB Schenker’s innovation and sustainability
roadmap for logistics. Volocopter’s leadership in this emerging urban air
mobility industry is most evident in their practical solutions, their customer-
centric approach, and their commitment to bring UAM to life.
Erik Wirsing, Vice President Global Innovation at DB Schenker, 1 July 202118
UAM will trigger a profound transformation in how we move about our cities for decades to come. But
who can really predict how exactly these technological breakthroughs and the emerging ecosystem
will impact our lives 20 years from now? What we can say for sure is that Singapore is positioned
squarely at the forefront of this exciting development.
Volocopter’s aircraft portfolio provides tangible solutions with the potential to benefit Singapore
economically, environmentally, socially, and politically. This requires a deep understanding of
Singapore and demands close collaboration between Volocopter and the regional parties to shape
the future of urban air mobility. Volocopter is focused on hiring local talent to build on employees’
expertise, cultural knowledge, and highly developed skills in order to fully understand local conditions.
Furthermore, Volocopter will create an entire ecosystem of solid partnerships with industry-leading
companies and institutions. For example, we have completed our initial feasibility study with ride-
hailing provider Grab. There are several other ongoing projects with various Singaporean enterprises
and institutions that aim to create new mobility solutions.
Lastly, Volocopter will continue its close alignment with the Singaporean government to achieve its
long-term mutual vision: for Singapore to be the torchbearer for the UAM industry and regulators.
Volocopter will continue to strengthen its working relationship with the forward-thinking people and
government of Singapore, including MOT, CAAS, and EDB, to ensure a successful commercial launch
of the Volocopter services in Singapore.
This success will inspire other markets and lead by example vis-à-vis other countries in APAC to
launch UAM services.
The Launch of Urban Air Mobility in Singapore – A Roadmap 31
[email protected]
Managing Directors:
Florian Reuter
Christian Bauer