Drone Industry Barometer 2022

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The Drone Industry Barometer 2022

Consolidating New Trends and Perspectives of the Commercial

Drone Industry

Drone Industry Insights | Whitepaper | August 2022

Kay Wackwitz
Zahra Lotfi
©2022 Drone Industry Insights,
Ed Alvarado
Hamburg, Germany, all rights reserved

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DRONEII.COM. Nothing contained in this publication shall Given the rapid developments in the drone space, which are
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Figure 1: Most Represented Countries on Drone Industry Barometer Survey 5
Figure 2: Company Size of Respondents 5
Figure 3: Survey Respondents by Market Segment 5
Figure 4: Main Applied Methods 7
Figure 5: Reasons for Adopting Drones 7
Figure 6: Market Development in the Next 12 Months and Their Reflections on the Past 12 Months 9
Figure 7: Market Development in the Last 12 Months by Market Segment 10
Figure 8: Market Development in the Next 12 Months by Market Segment 11
Figure 9: Business Impact of the Coronavirus Crisis 13
Figure 10: Survey Respondents’ Answers to What They Allocate Their Resources To 15
Figure 11: Survey Respondents’ Assessment of the Most Important Market-Driving Actors in the Drone Industry 17


Another year brings another edition of our annual Drone In terms of expectations, last year we saw remarkable optimism
Industry Barometer. Given the way the world economy has from drone companies whose expectations for the coming year
picked up after two years of on-and-off lockdowns and were as high as ever. Unfortunately, these expectations turned
restrictions, this year’s Barometer is able to gauge industry out to be rather unrealistic and companies experienced the
opinions before, during, and after the pandemic. lowest-rated year since 2018. It is likely that these two are
correlated and the unfulfillment of extremely high expectations
Much like in 2021, this year’s barometer had a strong showing
caused an equally large disappointment that caused a large gap
by Asian countries. However, where China was the top Asian
between expectations and reality.
country last year, this year it was Japan that provided a huge
amount of responses, followed closely by the US. Based on Nevertheless, the impact of the pandemic has largely subsided.
data published in our yearly Drone Market Report, the US and More and more companies are reporting "no impact on my
Japan are among the strongest commercial markets in the business" or other negative effects such as layoffs and drop in
world, and other countries in the top ten markets (e.g. Germany, demand (p.13). Though it cannot be said that everything is back
South Korea, and the UK) were also in the top 10 of to "business as usual", business operations are still more
respondents for the Barometer. So once again, the data and normal than they were the previous two years.
opinions correspond well with the overall global market.
Since the start of our Barometer, we have seen less and less
This year’s question about drone operation methods was quite focus on product development and an increased focus in
different in comparison with last year. Participants in this marketing & sales as well as staff development. Meanwhile, the
Barometer chose their main applied method per industry. Based focus [and pressure] as most important market-driving actor
on the responses, Photography & Filming is the most applied continues to rest on rule-making authorities. (despite plenty of
method among all companies in different industries, followed by progress in drone regulation).
Mapping & Surveying and then Inspection.
In conclusion, the 2022 Barometer provides the latest and most
When it comes to the reasons to adopt drones, this year’s comprehensive view of the global post-pandemic drone market.
question also has a slightly more nuanced [and interesting] Despite the challenges that this unforeseen event presented for
approach. The 4 top options remained the same, but instead of companies all around the globe, the industry as a whole has
only asking participants to choose between “not important”, proven its adaptability, resilience and bright future ahead.
“important” and “very important”, we added two intermediary
options, which made for a much more interesting angle on
which of these may be most or least important (p. 7).

Though it cannot be said that everything is

back to "business as usual", business
operations are still more normal than they
were the previous two years.

Image credits and copyright: Maël- Balland from Pexels


Our 5th annual drone industry survey took place in June 2022 to We received responses from 81 countries, with Japan leading
measure changes in the opinions and perceptions of drone by having provided 351 responses alone. Overall, the drone
companies towards the commercial drone market. Over the industry still seems to be more driven by start-ups and SMEs.
course of five weeks, we collected 891 survey responses which Most of the companies that responded are small-sized
represents a 31% increase compared to 2021 (which had 678 companies with less than 10 employees (48%), followed by
responses). The survey was distributed via the Drone Industry companies with a size between 11 and 50 employees (24%).
Insights newsletter and social media accounts, as well as other The top 10 most-represented countries (see table below)
supporting partners. account for 71% of all answers.

Top 10 Most Represented Survey Respondents by

Countries in the Survey Company Size

United States


South Korea

United Kingdom


Australia 96
Switzerland 30
24 24 16 9
1-10 11-50 51-200 201-500 501-1000 1001-2500 2501 -5000 5001-10000 >10000

Fig 1: Most Represented Countries in Fig 2: Company Size of Respondents (n=891)

Drone Industry Barometer Survey 2022

Survey Respondents By Market Segments The share of responses in the service segment increased a
substantial amount in comparison to last year (2021: 69%).
Within the service segment, drone service providers show an
Services 83% overall share of 33% (vs internal services, training, etc).

The portion of hardware manufacturers decreased to 10% from

24% in 2021. This increase in services and decrease in
Hardware 10%
hardware may be due in part to Japan’s service-intensive
market and the large number of respondents from that country.
Additionally, last year’s survey included China which may have
Software 7%
added to the number of hardware companies that participated.

Finally, the share of software remains unchanged in

Fig 3: Survey Respondents by Market Segment (n=891)
comparison to last year (7%).

Segment Sub-Segment Examples
Hardware: Platform and components, counter-drone system and eVTOL/passenger drone manufacturers, etc.
Software: Manufacturers of software for UTM, flight-, fleet- & operation management, data analysis, etc.
Services: Drone service providers (DSP), drone operators for business-internal services (BIS), training, education,
insurance, research, engineering, reseller, maintenance, etc.

When it comes to application methods,
the share of inspections is 21% for
DSPs while is only 8% for BIS.

Image credits and copyright: Shutterstock


This year we asked companies in which industries they operate company. Furthermore, the share of this method is roughly
drones and what method they use most during their drone the same for both DSPs and BIS at around 30% .
applications. These companies are all either drone service
▪ Inspection is the method that DSPs applied more than BIS in
providers (DSP) or business-internal services (BIS). DSPs are
different industries. As can be seen in the graph, the share
third-party service companies whose business is to offer drone
of Inspections is 21% for DSPs while is only 8% for BIS.
services to clients from all kinds of industries like energy,
construction or agriculture. BIS are mainly companies operating ▪ The shares of the remaining methods: Localization &
drones in-house and do not offer services to third parties. Tracking, Delivery and Spraying & Dispensing are between
3% - 5% for both, DSPs and BIS.
The most relevant findings are:
▪ It should be mentioned that this year’s question about drone
▪ Photography & Filming is the most applied method among
operation methods is different from last year, thus the results
the companies in different industries. The share of this
are not comparable to the last year.
method is 48% for BIS companies and 33% for DSPs.

▪ Mapping & Surveying ranked second for both types of

Main Applied Methods

Drone Service Provider
Business Internal Services


31% 33% 33%


8% 5%
3% 3% 4% 4% 2% 3%

Inspection Mapping & Photography & Localization & Delivery Spraying & Other
Surveying Filming Tracking Dispensing

Fig 4: Main Applied methods (multiple answers possible, n=259)

Ever since we started the Barometer series, it has been clear
that all of the top 4 reasons to adopt drones are quite important
Reason for Adopting Drones
(Multiple selections possible) for the industry. So this year we decided to add more nuance by
making this question a scale from 1-5 rather than a 3-way
Not Important
Slightly Important
choice between not important, important, and very important.
Important BIS operators are the group who responded this question. The
Quite Important
results are quite enlightening and thought-provoking.
45% Very Important
41% If we focus on what the industry considers “very important”, the
top reasons to adopt drones are [in order]: improving work
33% safety (41%), saving time (35%), and improve quality (33%).
28% When looking at “quite important” (not measured last year), the
ranking is: saving time (21%), improve quality (20%), and
21% 20% improve safety (16%). This could mean that saving time is
16% generally considered to be the most important factor, however
11% 10%
“saving time” also received the highest amount of responses for
9% 9%
6% 6%
“not important” (10%). So which is the top reason overall?
2% 2% When looking at the general shape of the graphs, one could
argue that “improve quality” is the top reason while “saving
Saving costs Saving time Improve quality Improve work cost” is the least (after all, drones can be expensive despite
being worth the money). Yet we prefer to simply present the
Fig 5: Reasons for Adopting Drones (n=50)
data and leave the interpretation to our readers’ discretion.

From 2018 to 2020, the trend of
expectations and reality converged.
However, in 2021, the gap between
expectation and experience increased
again by a substantial amount.

Image credits and copyright: Swissdrones


Another aspect that the Barometer seeks to measure is except in 2021, where the expectations increased significantly.
companies’ expectations of the drone market. Therefore, the
When it came to expectations for the 12 months ahead,
graph below shows the comparison of how the respondents’
respondents from 2018 were much more optimistic (7.3) than
expectations match with the reality from different perspectives
respondents in 2019 (6.6), who were in turn more optimistic
(ex ante vs. ex post of the respective year). The market
than in 2020 (6.3). In 2021, the optimism came back (7.2) and
development is defined based on the companies’ sales growth.
respondents expected more growth for their next 12 months.
The past four years of surveying show that each year, drone
However, the optimism declined again in 2022 and the
industry expectations (blue bubbles) somewhat decrease
respondents' expectations for upcoming 12 months is 6.3.

Comparison of Retrospective Analyses of the Drone Market with

Prospective Ones
(0: dramatically falling - 10: strong sales growth)

2018 5.9 7.3

2019 5.8 6.6

2020 6.0 6.3

2021 5.6 7.2

2022 6.3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How respondents How respondents

experienced the year expect(ed) the year

Fig. 6: Market Development in the Next 12 Months and Their Reflections on the Past 12 Months (n=599)

In the chart above, the grey bubbles show how respondents experience increased again by a substantial amount. Though it
rated their previous 12 months. The decrease from 6.0 in 2020 is common for expectations to be higher than reality, the very
to 5.6 in 2021 suggests that last year was tough for the industry high level of expectations in 2021 may have led to the even
when compared to the expectations that companies had. lower perception of how the year went in retrospect.

From 2018 to 2020, the trend of expectations and reality

converged. However, in 2021, the gap between expectation and


Companies in most market segments saw a lower level of than the ones before (with score changing from 5.9 in 2021 to
market development during the last 12 months and their scores 7.0 in 2022).
decreased in comparison with the last year.
Overall, most sub-segments experienced a lower growth if we
Passenger drone manufacturers seem to be not happy with how compare their development to the last year (with the exception
the last year turned out. The score decreased from 6.3 in 2021 of counter drone manufacturers and drone training &
to 5.0 this year. education).

DSPs and BIS experienced the market development lower than

the previous year(s).

Counter-drone manufacturers seemed to have a better year

How has the market developed in the last 12 months?

- Sorted from strongest to lowest expected growth per segment -
Market Segment Sub-Segment Development (0: dramatically falling - 10: strong sales growth) 2022

Counter-Drone System
5.65.9 7.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Drone Components & 6.3

Systems Manufacturer
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Drone Manufacturer 6.0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Passenger Drone
5.0 6.3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Software Software Manufacturer 6.26.3 6.6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Drone Integration/Engineering

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Drone Training and Education 5.7 5.9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Drone Service Provider 5.4
5.6 6.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Other (Insurance, 5.2 5.75.9

Maintenance, etc.)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Drone Operator for

Business-internal Services
(BIS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 7: Market Development in the Last 12 Months by Market Segment (n=599)


How do you expect the market to develop in the next 12 months?

- Sorted from strongest to lowest expected growth per segment -
Development (0: dramatically falling - 10: strong sales growth) 2022
Market Segment Sub-Segment

Drone Manufacturer 6.4 7.27.4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Drone Components & Systems

6.7 7.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Passenger Drone
5.0 6.6 7.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Counter-Drone System
6.0 6.5 7.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Software Software Manufacturer 7.3

7.3 7.7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Drone Integration/Engineering 6.7

6.8 7.4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Drone Service Provider 6.06.3 7.3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Services Drone Training and Education 6.1

6.2 7.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Other (Insurance, Maintenance,

5.8 6.2 6.9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Drone Operator for Business-

5.4 5.8 6.9
internal Services (BIS)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 8: Market Development in the Next 12 Months by Market Segment (n=599)

As we saw before, the overall drone market’s expectation for especially for BIS whose expectations declined substantially
the coming year decreased from an average of 7.2 in 2021 to from 6.9 in 2021 to 5.4 in 2022, which was the highest decrease
an average of 6.3 in 2022. This trend is also observable in from one year to the next (alongside counter-drone in the
individual market segments. hardware sector).

The figure shows that most market segments are more Software manufacturers are in a more stable position, as their
pessimistic than last year. However, drone manufacturers and expectations have not changed substantially in three years.
drone components manufacturers are the most positive about
the market development and they are the only one whose
expectations rose in comparison to last year.

For drone services, all the sub-segments’ expectations

decreased in comparison with 2021. This can be seen

Overall, it can be said that the negative
effects of the pandemic have mostly

Image credits and copyright: Shutterstock


After more than two years since the start of the pandemic, fewer More companies also stated that the pandemic had no impact
companies experienced a drop in demand (33% in 2022 vs. on their business (31% vs 19% in 2020). All of this could be a
35% in 2021 and 43% in 2020). Production/operation shutdown sign that companies found a way to adjust so that there would
also went down to 15% this year (2021: 21%; 2020: 33%) and be less impact by the virus and its consequences. Some
staff layoffs declined to 9% in 2022 (2020: 16%). So overall it companies used the lockdowns to further develop and sharpen
can be said that the negative effects of the pandemic have their products and services.
mostly subsided.

How has your business been impacted by the

coronavirus pandemic?
(Multiple selection possible)

No impact on my business 29%

Reorienting of business model 27%

Increase in demand 23%

New use case: our company has 17%

directly been involved in COVID- 11%
19 mitigation efforts 7%

9% Staff layoffs/downsizing

shutdown or decrease staff

35% Drop in demand 2021
33% 2022

Negative effect Positive effect

Fig 9 : Business Impact of the Coronavirus Crisis (n=593)

As the figure shows, less companies in 2022 stated that

coronavirus pandemic brought new use cases to help mitigate
the pandemic (7% vs 17%). Furthermore, less companies
(22%) had to reorient their business model because of the
pandemic in 2022 when compared to the first year of the

Over the past years, we have seen a
steady pattern on how companies
choose to prioritize the allocation of
their resources.

Image credits and copyright: Sergio Souza from Pexels


In order to achieve the most efficient and economically- we asked them what they prioritize when it comes to resource-
optimized use of resources, these resources must be distributed allocation. Their resource distribution priorities are shown in
meaningfully, especially in a time of crisis. Therefore, to see Figure 10 below.
what drone companies are investing their time and energy in,

What will you prioritise in your resource spending in the next 12 months?
(Multiple selection possible)

33% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022



20% 20%
19% 19%
16%16% 16% 16%
15% 15% 15% 15%
12%12% 12%
11% 11%

8% 9%
6% 6%

Marketing & Sales Staff Development Product Development Finances & Funding Product Development Other
(software) (hardware)

Fig. 10: Survey Respondents’ Answers to What They Allocate Their Resources To (multiple answers possible, n=599)

Over the past years, we have seen a steady pattern on how need the right personnel, and it is now more important than ever
companies choose to prioritize the allocation of their resources. to prioritize staff development given the increased level of
The drone industry has continued to mature through a point competition to find the right people with the right qualifications.
where the focus is on advertising and selling refined products
Given the increased importance of marketing, it is also no
and services rather than developing them.
surprising to see that the importance of product development
Marketing & sales remains the leading priority for the next 12 (both hardware and software) has been cut in half since 2018.
months, as it has been in the previous four years. Most Four years ago, hardware development took priority for 26% of
importantly, the level of importance in marketing has tripled respondents and software development was at 32% (which
since 2018, and this may be caused by two key reasons. One is were both higher than marketing at 11%), yet now they are at
the fact that the drone industry is highly innovative and 12% and 16% respectively while marketing & sales has boomed
exploratory, so it relies on events and shows that could not or to 33%.
did not take place over the past couple of years. Therefore,
Companies’ prioritization of resources focuses on finances &
companies had to invest a lot more on marketing in order to
funding has increased slowly over the past years, but it would
showcase their products. Another key reason is the amount of
also be accurate to say that it’s remained more or less steady.
sophisticated hardware and software that already exists, which
means that companies must focus more on their USP (Unique Lastly, the ‘Other’ category includes developing partnerships,
Selling Point) and therefore need to prioritize their international cooperation, facility expansion, business
communications and marketing. development, etc. Yet these remain of less consequence and
priority for drone companies all around the globe.
The second-highest priority after marketing & sales is staff
development. This result is in line with our recent study about
drone jobs which showed growing number of drone jobs over
the past years. In order for drone companies to succeed, they

Once again, the top market-driving factor
according to participants is rule-making

Image credits and copyright: AVSS


How does the global drone industry move forward? Once again, operate drones. As has been mentioned in other sections of this
the top market-driving factor according to participants is rule- Barometer, the drone industry has matured to a point where
making authorities. Although the percentage share is lower than drone operators have become increasingly more important. So
in previous years, it is worth mentioning that this year we have we can expect this pattern to continue in the coming years.
added a new actor, which affects the distribution and lowers the
This year we also added drone associations to the list of most
percentages for responses from the previous years. Here are
important market-driving actors. As can be seen in the results,
some of the key insights about all of these actors.
they are perceived as the fifth most important market driving
Clear roadmaps and regulatory frameworks have become the actor, ahead of JARUS, ASTM and other organizations for
key focus for everyone who makes, sells, uses, or is in any way safety concepts. Drone associations have become an
involved with drones. Companies need regulations in place to increasingly important actor to understand a country’s unique
scale their business within the commercial drone space, while drone market and they can also help companies come together
operators need to know what is or isn’t allowed and how to go for lobbying or motivating rule-making authorities to establish
about carrying out all sorts of activities. Whether it’s inspecting necessary regulations sooner. This can also explain why safety-
infrastructures, delivering goods, or even flying people, concept organizations are less influential, since they are mostly
regulatory bodies will remain in the spotlight for the relevant for advanced operations and the majority of operators
development of the industry. find the current system as sufficient.

Slightly behind regulators, we find both hardware (44%) and Market driving actors in “other” category include customers/end-
operators/DSPs (43%), which are those who directly make or user, adoption of BVLOS, technology applicator, etc.

Market-driving factors
(Multiple selection possible)

2018 Rule-making authorities 49%
2019 45%
2021 47%
2022 34%
Drone manufacturers 35%

Operator/Drone-as-a-Service provider 37%

Software manufacturers 28%

Drone Association 0%

Organizations of safety concepts for drone design and operation 28%

Other 6%

Fig. 11: Survey Respondents’ Assessment of the Most Important Market-Driving Actors in the Drone Industry (multiple answers possible; n=599)
1Drone Association was not included as an option in industry barometer survey in previous years.


The study was conducted from the end of May 2022 until the end of June 2022 and distributed by industry partners, drone coalitions,
alliances and initiatives around the world.

DRONEII.com is the leading market research and analytics company for commercial drones. Their core business is to create new
knowledge in the field of unmanned systems. Their comprehensive understanding of the commercial drone market combined with a
global view enables them to create industry reports and bespoke market studies. Combined they have more than 40 years of
experience in manned and unmanned aviation and other relevant industries.

Supporting Partners for Survey Distribution

Special thanks to:

• JUIDA, for the unique and unparalleled support in translation revision, survey distribution, response collection, and the opportunity
to present preliminary results at Japan Drone 2022
• Amsterdam Drone Week, for establishing a partnership and offering the incentive of free event tickets to the 2023 event as well as
strong support in survey distribution and response collection
• INTERGEO, for our ongoing and steady partnership regarding survey distribution and presentation of results

All images used in this report are license free or acquired and used for illustration purposes only. Cover Photo by: Quang Nguyen Vinh from Pexels

COPYRIGHT: © 2022 Drone Industry Insights. All rights reserved.

This document is intended for general informational purposes only, does not take into account the reader’s specific circumstances, and may not reflect the most current developments. Drone Industry
Insights disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information in this document and for any acts or omissions made based
on such information. Drone Industry Insights does not provide legal, regulatory, audit, or tax advice. Readers are responsible for obtaining such advice from their own legal counsel or other licensed

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Drone Application Report 2022

▪ 174-page drone application report

with case studies for all industry
▪ 237 application examples including
methods, typical results, and typical
technology stack
▪ 55 real-life case studies with
technology, application, concrete
problem and solution description as
well as value-added metrics

Learn more

Drone Market Report 2021-2026

▪ 232-page drone report with in-depth

analysis, industry definitions, & five-
year forecast
▪ Market size by region, country,
industry and method

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Astra Tower, 6th floor, Zirkusweg 2, 20359 Hamburg, Germany | www.droneii.com | LinkedIn | Twitter


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