PART TEST-4 (JM-2022) 25-03-2022 (F22 MDP-Seniors) QP

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REVISION–2 |JEE MAIN–2022 Date: 25-03-2022
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 300

Instructions to the Candidates

I. This Test Booklet consists of 90 questions.
Use Blue/Black ball Point Pen only for writing particulars and bubbling of OMR.
II. Each subject (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics) have 30 Questions. Total 90 Questions
20 multiple Choice Questions, 10 Numerical value Questions.
III. Each subject have 20 Questions in Section–I and 10 Questions in Section–II like below table:

Multiple Choice Questions Numerical Value Questions

Mathematics 01 – 20 Mathematics 21 – 30
Physics 31 – 50 Physics 51 – 60
Chemistry 61 – 80 Chemistry 81 – 90

IV. Use of calculator/logarithmic table is not permitted.

Don’t write / mark your answers in this question booklet.

If you mark the answers in question booklet, you will not be allowed to continue the exam.

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Multiple Choice Questions (01–20) :

 a 4 
1. If Lim  1   2   e3 , then ‘a’ is equal to
x 
 x x 
2 3 1
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D)
3 2 2

  x, x 1 a
2. If the function f  x    1
is differentiable at x = 1, then is equal to
a  cos  x  b , 1 x  2 b
  2 2 2
(A) (B) 1  cos1  2  (C) (D)
2 2 2

dx A B
3. If  cos 3
  tan x   C  tan x   k, where k is a constant of integration, then A + B + C equals
x 2 sin2x
16 21 7 27
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 5 10 10

4. If the tangent at a point P, with parameter t, on the curve x  4t 2  3, y  8t 3  1, t  R , meets the curve
again at a point Q, then the coordinates of Q are
(A)  t 2  3,  t 3  1 (B)  t 2  3, t 3  1

(C) 16t 2  3,  64t 3  1 (D)  4t 2  3,  8t 3  1

5. The area (in sq. units) of the region described by A   x, y  | y  x 2  5x  4, x  y  1, y  0 is

7 13 17 19
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 6 6 6

6. Let f  x   210  x  1 and g  x   310.x  1. If  fog  x   x, then x is equal to

310  1 210  1 1  310 1  210
(A) (B) (C) (D)
310  210 210  310 210  310 310  210

7. The tangent at the point (2, –2) to the curve, x 2 y 2  2x  4 1  y  does not pass through the point
 1
(A)  2,  7  (B)  4,  9  (C)  4,  (D)  8, 5 
 3

 
8. The integral  1  2cot x  cos ecx  cot x  dx  0  x   is equal to (where C is a constant of integration)
 2 
 x  x  x  x
(A) 2ln  sin   C (B) 2ln  cos   C (C) 4ln  cos   C (D) 4ln  sin   C
 2   2   2   2 

9. The curve satisfying the differential equation, ydx   x  3y 2  dy  0 and passing through the point (1, 1)
also passes through the point
 1 1  1 1   1 1   1 1 
(A)  ,  (B)  ,  (C)  ,  (D)  , 
 4 2 4 2  3 3   3 3

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FIITJEE-CM | F22 MDP-SENIORS REVISION–2 | PART TEST–4 (JEE MAIN–2022)| Date: 25-03-2022 | Page-3

3x  3
10. lim is equal to
x 3
2x  4  2
3 1 1
(A) 3 (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 2

1 1 1
11. If 2 tan1 x dx   cot 1 1  x  x 2  dx, then  tan 1  x  x  dx is equal to
1 2

0 0 0

 
(A) ln2 (B)  ln 2 (C) ln 4 (D)  ln 4
2 2

sec x 1  tan x  dx  
12.  e  f  x   C, where f  0   ln2, then f   is
 sec x  4

  4 
  e
(A) ln  1  e 4 2  (B) ln  2 (C) ln 2 2  (D) ln   1

   2 
 

f  3  h  f 3  h
13. If f  x   5 dt, then lim is equal to
9 x2
h 0 h
(A) 0 (B) 108  59  (C) 55 (D) 54  58 

1  1
14. Let 2f  x   f  x   sin  x   , then value of  f  x  dx is
x  x 1/ e

(A) 0 (B)  e    (C) e  (D) 2e

15. The solution of differential equation


sin y  ex
 
dx  ln y  x cos y 
(A) y  ln y   1  e x  x sin y  C (B) ln y  x sin y  C

(C) y  ln y   1  e x  x sin y  C (D) x ln y  ex  x sin y  C

cos 
16.  f  x tan   dx
sin 
is (where  
, n I)

tan  cos 
(A)  cos   f  x sin   dx
(B)  tan   f  x  dx
sin 
tan  sin  tan 
(C) sin   f  x cos   dx (D) cot   f  x  dx
0 sin 

17. Let f  x  be a polynomial of degree three. If f 1  f  1  f  0  and a, b, c are in A.P., then
f   a  , f   b  and f   c  are in
(A) A.P. (B) G.P. (C) H.P. (D) A.G.P.

dy x  3
18. If the solution of  represents a circle passing through P(1, 1), then radius of circle is equal to
dx 2y  5
5 3 2 5 2 3 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 2

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ax 2  bx  sin  x    , x  0
19. If the derivative of the function f  x    is continuous at x = 0, then
 bx 2  a, x0
(A) a = 0, b = 2 (B) a = 1, b = 1 (C) a2  b 2  1 (D) a  cos 

20. If f  x   x 3  4x 2  x  1 is a monotonically decreasing function of x in the largest possible interval

 2 
 2, 3  . Then
 
(A)   4 (B)   2 (C)   1 (D)  has no real value

Numerical Type (nearest Integer) Questions (21–30) :

21. Area bounded between the curves given by x  y  7 and 4y  4  x 2 , is (in sq. units)

/ 2
22. The value of

   sin x  sin 2x  sin3x  sin 4x  dx
is equal to

1  x2 
23. If    2
ln   dx, then 2 equals
1 x  x  1

ax 2  sinbx  tancx  abc

24. Let lim  1. If the number of points where f  x    x  a  x  b  x  c  is non–
x 0 2x 2  3x3  4x 4
differentiable is  , then  equals

25. Let f  x   4  10  x , then area bounded by f(x) with x–axis is

26. Let f (x) = ax2 + bx + c with degree less than or equal to 2, f(0) = 0, f(2) = 2. The minimum value of
 f (x) dx is

x   cos  2008t  dt
27. lim equals to
x 0 x2008  2008x

0 3x   x  m
28. If  dx  , (where [.] denotes greatest integer function and m, n are mutually coprime numbers),
2x n
3x   x 
m n
then will be
a a a

29. Let ‘a’ be a positive real number and lim

n  1   n  2   ...   n  n 
 15, then the value of ‘a’ is
n  1a  2a  ....  na

30. If P  x   x 4  ax 3  bx 2  cx  d, (where a,b,c,d  R ) and P(1) = 10, P(2) = 20, P(3) = 30, then the value of
 P 12  P  8   40 
  equals
 100 

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Multiple Choice Questions (31–50) :

31. A metal wire of length L1 and area of cross section A is attached to a rigid support. Another metal wire of
length L2 and of the same cross sectional area is attached to the free end of the first wire. A body of mass
M is then suspended from the free end of the second wire. If Y1 and Y2 are the Young’s moduli of the wires
respectively, the effective force constant of the system of two wires is
1/ 2
 Y1Y2  A   Y1Y2  A   Y1Y2  A  Y Y  A
(A) (B)  1/ 2
(C)  (D) 1 2 1/ 2
2  Y1L2  Y2L1   L1  L2   Y1L2  Y2L1  L1  L 2 

32. A circular loop of radius R carries a current I. Another circular loop of radius r (<<R) carries a current i and
is placed at the centre of the larger loop. The planes of the two circles are at right angle to each other. Find
the torque acting on the smaller loop.
20 iIr 2  iIr 2  iIr 2  iIr
(A) (B) 0 (C) 0 (D) 0
R 2R 2R 2R

33. A student peddles a stationary bicycle. The pedals of the bicycle are attached to a 100 turn coil of area
0.10 m . The coil rotates at half a revolution per second and it is placed in a uniform magnetic field of
0.01 T perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the coil. What is the maximum voltage generated in the coil ?
(A) 1.314 V (B) 1.214 V (C) 2.314 V (D) 0.314 V

34. The mean and rms value of an alternating voltage for half cycle as
shown in figure are respectively
(A) V0 , V0 (B) 0 ,V0
3V0 V0 V0 V0
(C) , (D) ,
2 2 4 2

35. When a metallic surface is illuminated with monochromatic light of wavelength  , the stopping potential is
5 V0 . When the same surface is illuminated with light of wavelength 3 , the stopping potential is V0. Then
the work function of the metallic surface is
hc hc hc 2hc
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 5 4 4

36. A sample of hydrogen atom is in excited state (all the atoms). The photons emitted from this sample are
made to pass through a filter through which light having wavelength greater than 800 nm can only pass.
Only one type of photons are found to pass the filter. The sample’s excited state initially is :
[Take hc = 1240 eV–nm, ground state energy of hydrogen atom = –13.6 eV]
(A) 5th excited state (B) 4th excited state (C) 3rd excited state (D) 2nd excited state

37. A plane sound waves passes from medium 1 into medium 2. The speed of sound in medium 1 is 200 m/s
and in medium 2 is 100 m/s. The ratio of amplitude of the transmitted wave to that of incident wave is
3 4 5 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 5 6 3

38. The energy released by the fission of a single uranium nucleus is 200 MeV. The number of fissions of
uranium nucleus per second required to product 16 MW of power is
(Assume efficiency of the reactor is 50%)
(A) 2  106 (B) 2.5  10 6 (C) 5  106 (D) 1 1018

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FIITJEE-CM | F22 MDP-SENIORS REVISION–2 | PART TEST–4 (JEE MAIN–2022)| Date: 25-03-2022 | Page-6

39. A photoelectric cell is connected to a source of variable potential

difference connected across it and the photoelectric current is
plotted against the applied potential difference. The graph in the
broken line represents one for a given frequency and intensity of
the incident radiation. If the frequency is increased and the intensity
is reduced, the curve which now represents the situation is
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

40. If p represents radiation pressure, c represents the speed of light and q represents radiation energy
x y z
incident per unit area per second, then for what values of x, y and z, the quantity p q c will be
dimensionless ?
(A) x = y = z = 1 (B) x = –y = z (C) x = y = –z = 1 (D) x = –y = –z = 1

41. As shown in the figure, region BCDEF and ABFG are of refractive index 2.0 and 1.5 respectively. A particle
O is kept at the mid of region BCEF. Final image of the object as seen by the eye is at a distance

(A) 30 cm from point D (B) 22.5 cm from point D

(C) 40 cm from point D (D) 20 cm from point D

42. Sinusoidal carrier voltage of frequency 1.5 MHz and amplitude 50 V is amplitude modulated by sinusoidal
voltage of frequency 10 kHz producing 50% modulation. The lower and upper side–band frequencies in
kHz are
1 1 1 1
(A) 1490, 1510 (B) 1510, 1490 (C) , (D) ,
1490 1510 1510 1490

43. A right circular cylinder has a mass m, radius r, and a height h. The
cylinder is completely submerged in a fluid of density  , as shown in the
diagram. What is the magnitude of the net force on the cylinder ?
(A) rgh  mg
(B) rgh  mg
(C) r 2 gh  mg
(D) r 2 gh  mg

44. Three equal mass satellites A, B and C are in coplanar orbits around a
planet as shown in the figure. The magnitudes of the angular momenta of
the satellites as measured about the planet are LA, LB and LC. Which of the
following statements is correct ?
(A) L A  LB  L C (B) L C  LB  L A
(C) LB  L C  L A (D) LB  L A  L C

45. The distribution of relative intensity I    of blackbody radiation from a solid

object versus the wavelength  is shown in the figure. If the Wien
displacement law constant is 2.9  103 mK, what is the approximate
temperature of the object ?
(A) 10 K (B) 50 K
(C) 250 K (D) 1500 K
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46. A coaxial cable having radii a, b and c carries equal and opposite currents of
magnitude i in the inner and outer conductors. What is the magnitude of the
magnetic induction at point P outside of the cable at a distance r from the axis ?
 ir
(A) 0 (B) 0 2
0 i 0 i c 2  r 2
(C) (D)
2r 2r c 2  b2

47. A glass prism whose cross–section is an isosceles triangle stands

with its (horizontal) base in water ; the angles that its two equals
sides make with the base are each  . An incident ray of light, above
and parallel to the water surface is totally internally reflected at the
glass–water interface and subsequently re–emerges into the air.
3 4
Take the refractive indices of glass and water to be and ,
2 3
respectively. Maximum value of cos is
20 17 7 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
21 21 10 9

48. Two pulses on a string approach each other at speeds of 1 m/s. What is the shape of the string at t = 3 s

49. A free particle with initial kinetic energy E and de–Broglie wavelength  enters a region in which it has
potential energy V. What is the particle’s new de Broglie wavelength?
 1/ 2 1  1/ 2
(A)  1  E / V  (B)  1  E / V  (C)  1  E / V  (D)  1  V / E 

50. An electron collides with an atom in its ground state. The atom then emits a photon of energy Ephoton. In this
process the change Eelec in the electron’s energy is
(A) Greater than Ephoton
(B) Greater than or equal to Ephoton
(C) Equal to Ephoton
(D) Less than or equal to Ephoton

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Numerical Type (nearest Integer) Questions (51–60) :

51. A large cylindrical tank of cross–sectional area 1m2 is filled with

water. It has a small hole at a height of 1 m from the bottom. A
movable piston of mass 5 kg is fitted on the top of the tank such
that it can slide in the tank freely without friction. A load of 45 kg is
applied on the top of water by piston, as shown in figure. The value
of v when piston is 7 m above the bottom is (g = 10 m/s2)
(in m/s)

52. If y1  5 mm  sin t is equation of oscillation of source S1 and y 2  5  mm  sin  t   / 6  be that of S2 and
it takes 1 sec ½ sec for the transverse waves to reach point A from sources S1 and S2 respectively, then
the resulting amplitude at point A, is (in mm)

53. The fundamental frequency of a sonometer wire increasing by 6 Hz if its tension is increased by 44%
keeping the length constant. The change in the fundamental frequency of the sonometer wire in Hz when
the length of the wire is increased by 20%, keeping the original tension in the wire will be

54. A tuning fork of frequency 340 Hz is sounded above an organ pipe of length 120 cm. Water is now slowly
poured in it. The minimum height of water column required for resonance is (in cm)
(speed of sound in air = 340 m/s)

55. The shortest wavelength of Lyman series of hydrogen atom is equal to the shortest wavelength of Balmer
series of an hydrogen like atom of atomic number Z. The value of Z is equal to

56. If the slit width of YDSE are in the ratio 1/4, then ratio of maximum to minimum intensity on the screen is

57. 9 kg of mercury is poured into a glass U–tube with inner diameter of

1.2 cm. The mercury can flow without friction within the tube. Find
the oscillation period. Density of mercury = 13.6 × 103 kg/m3. (in s)

58. A river gradually deepens, from a depth of 4 m to a depth of 8 m as shown. The width, W, of the river does
not change. At the depth of 4 m, the river’s speed is 12 m/sec. Its velocity at the 8 m, depth is (in m/sec)

59. What is the approximate power output of 92 U235 reactor if it takes 30 days to use up to 2 kg of fuel and if
each fission gives 185 MeV of usable energy ? Avogardro’s number = 6.02 × 1026 per kilomole
(in mega watt)

60. Two polaroid sheets are placed one over the other with their axes inclined to each other at 30°. The ratio of
the intensity of the unpolarised incident light and the polarized emergent light is

FIITJEE(Hyderabad Classes) Limited. (Madhapur Centre):H.No. 1-60/8/A, Plot No. 1/A, Survey No. 71/1, Madhapur, Hyderabad–500 081
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Multiple Choice Questions (61–80) :

61. Correct statements about enzyme drug interaction ?

(A) enzyme inhibitors can inhibit the catalytic activity of the enzyme
(B) competitive inhibitor drugs compete with the natural substrate for their attachment on the active site of
(C) Allosteric site of enzyme is the active site of enzyme, where drug can bind
(D) (A) and (B) only

62. Which of the following are antacids

(A) cimetidine (B) ranitidine (C) zantac (D) all of these

63. Anti histamine drug is/are

(A) Brompheniramine (B) ferfenadine (C) Both A and B (D) None of these

64. Which of the following is not antiseptic ?

(A) SO2 (B) CHI3 (C) H3BO3 (D) 0.2% phenol

65. The basic component of smog is

(A) PAN (B) PBN (C) NO2 (D) all of these

66. In Antarctica, ozone depletion is due to the formation of the following compounds
(A) acrolein (B) peroxyacetyl nitrate (C) SO2 and SO3 (D) chlorine nitrate

67. The gas emitted by supersonic jet planes that slowly depletes the concentration of ozone layer is
(A) CO (B) NO (C) SO2 (D) O2

68. In the compound given below :

the correct order of acidity of the positions  X ,  Y  and  Z  is

(A)  Z    X    Y  (B)  X    Y    Z 
(C)  X    Z    Y  (D)  Y    X    Z 

69. Among these structures, which are anomers ?



(I) (II) (III)
(A) I and II (B) I and III (C) II and III (D) I, II and III

FIITJEE(Hyderabad Classes) Limited. (Madhapur Centre):H.No. 1-60/8/A, Plot No. 1/A, Survey No. 71/1, Madhapur, Hyderabad–500 081
FIITJEE-CM | F22 MDP-SENIORS REVISION–2 | PART TEST–4 (JEE MAIN–2022)| Date: 25-03-2022 | Page-10

70. The Eo in the given diagram is

(A) 0.52 V (B) 0.61 V (C) 0.74 V (D) 0.83 V

71. Which of the following is most reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reaction ?
(A) H2 C  CH  Cl (B) C6H5 Cl
(C) CH3 CH  CHCl (D) ClCH2  CH  CH2

72. Highest molar conductivity is exhibited by

(A) Co NH3 6  Cl3 (B) Co NH3 4 Cl2  Cl

(C) Co  NH3 5 Cl Cl2 (D) Co  NH3 3 Cl3 

73. The EAN of cobalt in the complex ion Co  en2 Cl2  is
(A) 27 (B) 36 (C) 33 (D) 35

74. For the complex Cr  C2O4 2 H2O  2  , the oxidation state of Cr is … and the coordinates number of Cr is
(A) +3, 4 (B) +2, 6 (C) +3, 6 (D) +2, 4

75. A complex with molecular formula, Cr  6H2 O  Cl3 is such that 1/3 rd of the total chloride is precipitated by
adding excess of AgNO3 solution to the complex. Which of the following is the best representation of the
complex ?
(A) CrCl3  6H2 O (B) Cr H2O 3 Cl3  H2 O 3

(C) Cr H2O  4 Cl2  Cl  2H2 O (D) Cr H2 O 5 Cl Cl2  H2 O

76. Which of the following will exhibit maximum ionic conductivity ?

(A) K 4Fe  CN6 (B) Co NH3 6  Cl3 (C) Pt NH3 4  Cl2 (D) Ni  CO  4 

77. Given: EoCr 3 / Cr  0.74 V ; EMnO


/ Mn2
 1.51 V

o o
E Cr2 O72 / Cr 3
 1.33 V ; E Cl / Cl
 1.36 V
Based on the data given above, stronger oxidizing agent will be :
(A) Cr 3  (B) Mn2  (C) MnO 4 (D) Cl

78. The standard reduction potentials for Zn2  / Zn, Ni2 / Ni and Fe2  / Fe are –0.76, –0.23 and –0.44 V
respectively. The reaction X  Y 2  
 x 2   Y will be spontaneous when
(A) X  Ni, Y  Zn (B) X  Fe, Y  Zn
(C) X  Zn, Y  Ni (D) X  Ni, Y  Fe

79. Four successive members of the first row transition elements are listed below with atomic numbers. Which
one of them is expected to have the highest EMo 3  /M2 value ?
(A) Mn  Z  25  (B) Fe  Z  26  (C) Co  Z  27  (D) Cr  Z  24 

FIITJEE(Hyderabad Classes) Limited. (Madhapur Centre):H.No. 1-60/8/A, Plot No. 1/A, Survey No. 71/1, Madhapur, Hyderabad–500 081
FIITJEE-CM | F22 MDP-SENIORS REVISION–2 | PART TEST–4 (JEE MAIN–2022)| Date: 25-03-2022 | Page-11

80. In a Cu voltameter, mass deposited in 30 seconds is 100 grams. Carefully analyse the current–time graph
shown below and identify the incorrect statement

(A) electrochemical equivalent for Cu is 50

(B) a constant current of 66.66 mA would also discharge the same amount in the same time
(C) 33.33 grams got discharged in 10 seconds
(D) 50 grams got discharged in 15 seconds

Numerical Type (nearest Integer) Questions: (81–90) :

81. Terpineol is one component in Dettol, which can be prepared by the treatment of CH3MgCl . Then H2 O to

O CH3 Then number of chiral carbons present in terpineol is

82. Number of –COOH groups present in pencilline is

83. Number of chlorine atoms present in one molecule of chloram phenicol is

84. A current of 2.0 A passed for 5 hr. through a molten metal salt deposits 22.2 g of metal (at. Mass 177). The
valency of the metal in the metal salt is

85. The electricity in term of faraday is required to produce 20 g of Ca from molten CaCl2 is

86. 10800 C of electricity on passing through the electrolyte solution deposited 2.977 g of metal
(at. Mass 106.4), the charge on metal cation is

87. Consider H2 g , Pt / Haq ; E  0.1 V ; pH of the solution is

88. How many number of unpaired electrons are present in d6, low spin octahedral complex ?

89. On treatment of 100 mL of 0.1 M solution of the complex CoCl3  6NH3 with excess of
AgNO3 , 4.305 g of AgCl was obtained. What is the positive charge present on the complex ion ?

90. The possible number of geometrical isomers for the complex Pt NH3 NH2OH NO 2  py   NO 2 are

Wish you all the best

FIITJEE(Hyderabad Classes) Limited. (Madhapur Centre):H.No. 1-60/8/A, Plot No. 1/A, Survey No. 71/1, Madhapur, Hyderabad–500 081

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