2022-03-31 Calvert County Times

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Leonard gets new Inaugural Maryland Hogan Visits

ambulance Osprey & Nature Festival Calvert County



Public Schools’
New Leader
2 The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022



Transgender student addresses school board.



Dr. Andrae Townsel has been selected to be the There’s “No Place Like Home.”
new superintendent of schools.


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St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
For staff listing and emails, see page 23
Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 3

General Assembly Debates New Congressional

District Map
By Guy Leonard “It pays to fight back,” said Del. Matt [email protected]
Staff Writer Morgan, (R-Dist.29A)
Maryland law makers are working to Gov. Larry Hogan praised the
meet a deadline set by an Anne Arun- decision.
del County judge that requires a new “This ruling is a monumental victory
map of congressional districts after she for every Marylander who cares about
threw out the one Democrats enacted protecting our democracy, bringing
last year as unconstitutional. fairness to our elections, and putting
The General Assembly started delib- the people back in charge,” said Gov.
erations on a map offered by the Senate Larry Hogan in a statement. “It puts
March 28 to meet a March 30 deadline in plain view the partisan, secretive,
set by Senior Judge Lynne Battaglia. and rigged process that led to the leg-
The newly-offered map strengthens islature’s illegal and unconstitutional
District 1, currently held by U.S. Rep. maps. 2021 map ruled unconstituional
Andy Harris, by returning its boundar- “I call on the General Assembly to
ies to roughly the same status before immediately pass the independent Citi-
Democrats voted their map in last year zens Redistricting Commission maps
along a party line vote. that were written with accountability
The new map makes the districts and transparency.”
much more compact and contiguous Battaglia’s ruling also permanently
than the one thrown out by the court; enjoined the state legislature from en-
District 5 was gerrymandered to cut a acting the 2021 redistricting plan and
swath northward from Southern Prince called on lawmakers to redraw the
George’s County up into District 4. maps.
District 5 is held by U.S. Rep. Steny “The 2021 Congressional Plan is un-
Hoyer and includes Calvert, St. Mary’s constitutional, and subverts [the] will
and Charles counties. of those governed,” Battaglia wrote in
The 2021 map brought District 1 her ruling.
much farther west across the Chesa- Democrat leadership in the Mary-
peake Bay into Anne Arundel County, land General Assembly — Sen. Presi-
gathering into it more Democrat vot- dent Bill Ferguson and Speaker of the Newly proposed congressional districts
ers in an apparent aim to unseat Harris House Adrienne Jones — defended the
and make the Maryland Congressional Democrat-promulgated plan.
Delegation entirely Democrat in part
Of the eight congressional members,
“When the General Assembly ap-
proved our new congressional map in
early December, we believed then, as
Bowen's Grocery
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only Harris is a Republican. we do now, that the new districts up-
The new map, or one like it, was held the letter of the law by enacting The Charm and Quality of the Past with the Convenience and Variety of Today
expected to go to Gov. Larry Hogan’s fair boundaries that reflect demograph- USDA Choice Beef
desk on Wednesday to be signed into ic shifts and keep as many Marylanders
In her ruling, Battaglia called the 2021
as possible in their current district in a
Congressional map that was approved
“Our Own” Freshly Ground Chuck
plan an example of an “extreme gerry-
mander that subordinates constitution-
by more than 64 percent of the voters,”
their joint statement read.
Steaks • Pork Chops • Fresh Chicken
al criteria to political considerations.” “The Legislative Redistricting Ad- FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, MEAT, PRODUCE
This was one of the chief claims of Re- visory Commission conducted a trans-
publicans, including Del. Kathy Szeli- parent process as we visited every cor- Berger & Otterbein's Fresh MD Crab Meat
ga who filed a lawsuit, along with other ner of the state, hearing from the pub-
plaintiffs, against the plan. lic. That input and testimony guided us, Specialty Cookies Lump • Jumbo Lump
Local GOP lawmakers were bol-
stered by the ruling.
in addition to prior rulings and estab-
lished precedent on redistricting.”
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4 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022
Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times
Local News 5

First Budget Hearing Draws


Little Public Comment

Future Filled with Economic Question Marks
REESE WATERS REESE WATERS REESE WATERS REESE WATERS REESE Doors open at 7 p.m. Seating is first-come, first-served.
REESE WATERS has forged an unlikely
yet illustrious career in comedy, sports
and broadcasting. This Washington, D.C.
native currently hosts “Open Mic with Reese
Waters” on WUSA 9 and “The Reese Waters
Show” podcast on the Audacy App’s “The
are benefiting Team 980.”
additional federalWATERS
stimulus REESE
The county commissioners’ budget short term.”
process for the fiscal year beginning Strand noted, “The impact of the
July 1 has so far generated little pub- stimulus to the county’s finances has
lic interest. At the first public hearing been positive. We were able to pay for
on March 22 on the county staff rec- some of our operating and capital ex-
ommended budget, only two persons penses with the first round of the stimu-
spoke. The budget represents a $7 mil- lus money. And the county should re-
lion revenue increase over the current ceive the second round of the stimulus
fiscal year, yet more than $20 million money in May of this year. But what 11 T H A N N U A L
in requests are vying for those scarce are the long-term impacts?”
dollars. Then there’s inflation. She said, “Ev-
At the hearing Cassandra Okwum- erything we do is sensitive to inflation
abua, secretary of Calvert Nature So- -- salary costs, commodity costs, et ce-
ciety, spoke for the funding of a park tera. The consumer price index or CPI
ranger position in the Natural Re- increased by 7.9 percent over the past

sources Division of the Department of 12 months. The February acceleration
Parks and Recreation. The position is was the fastest since January of 1982.”
not included in the staff recommended And mix in world events. She won-
budget. dered, “How will the Russian invasion
The new staffer would be responsible of Ukraine impact the U.S. markets?”
for Battle Creek Cypress Swamp Sanc- Predicting income tax revenue is a
tuary, Biscoe-Gray Heritage Farm and slippery slope, as noted by Commis-
Gatewood Preserve. sioner Mike Hart. Strand asked, “How
The other speaker, College of South- will the stimulus money impact future
ern Maryland President Dr. Maureen returns, future interest rates? This is a
Murphy, thanked the commissioners big one for us. Property values are im-
for funding their “modest increase” pacted by mortgages and borrowing
request. costs. The Federal Reserve has already

The bulk of the time in the 45 minute approved a 0.2 percent rate increase.
hearing was taken up with staff presen- This is the first increase since Novem-
tations of the proposed budget along ber 2018 and will have a financial im-
with a briefing from School Superin- pact on the county.”
tendent Dr. Daniel Curry. His budget So, Strand concluded, “These are all
is seeking $9 million more from the the questions that staff will continue to PREVIEW DAY APRIL 8th
county, yet the proposal only contains monitor as we move forward with the 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
a $3.6 million increase. commissioner’s budget.”
Director of Finance and Budget Sha- The commissioners will keep the HAYES AUCTION SERVICES
ron Strand, in her presentation, showed record open on the staff budget until
a graphic with $4.6 trillion and the close of business on April 5.
question – “How do you plan for this?” The commissioners will now go to 38250 NEW MARKET TURNER RD
Strand said, “No one knows how work on fitting that square peg into the
these federal stimulus dollars will im- round hole to reconcile all of the re- MECHANICSVILLE, MD 20659
pact our future. I believe that our in- quests with the available revenue.
come tax revenues have been impacted They will hold a public hearing on CALL (301) 861-7738
by the federal stimulus packages that their budget on May 17. FOR MORE INFO VISIT SOMDAUCTIONS.COM OR CALL (301) 861-7738
we’ve received. We know that busi- [email protected] LOCAL FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED
6 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022

Transgender Student Addresses School Board

‘I Felt Unsafe in the Streets of My Own Hometown’
By Dick Myers years old, I faced street harass-
Editor ment to a degree no one should
The March 24 Calvert County ever have to face. I felt unsafe in
Board of Education meeting in- the streets of my own hometown.”
cluded attendees from the LBGTQ “I’m sure we can all agree,” Al-
student body along with adult len asserted, “There is no place
supporters. Out of sight of those for any of that in our county. I’ll
watching the meeting on live leave you with this. When you see
stream was some alleged taunting me, do you see a threat to you, to
of those students by several adults your children? All because I’m
in the overf low room set aside for transgender.”
the meeting. Three of those adults Also speaking was Derek Di-
were reportedly ejected from the man, a representative of Calvert
meeting for what they were doing. High School Alliance, a parent
During the public comment sec- group. He said he spoke for those
tion of the board meeting, Lexi facing “loud and impassioned Lexi Allen
Allen, a transgender junior from words fueled by misinformation,
fense of the aspects of our school’s placement for traditional educa-
Calvert High School spoke. Al- inf lammatory speech, and hate
cultures and curriculums that tion as so many fear that it is. It’s
len said, “I was born in this coun- with a lack of empathy, kindness,
represent what many misguided supplementary. I love my students
ty right down the road, actually. and celebration for our communi-
stakeholders refer to as a broke and care for them deeply as hu-
Like most of the people in this ty’s unique differences.”
agenda. Our agenda is clear. We mans, which is why it breaks my
room, I love this county. It is and Regarding the controversy over
want to provide all students with a heart to hear so many stories of
will always be my home. Despite Critical Race Theory (CRT), he
safe place to acquire the essential hardship. Students can’t be their
the fact that three generations of said, “The true concept of CRT is
knowledge and skills to develop a truest, most authentic selves at
my family reside in this county, the interaction and intersectional-
healthy identity, cope with stress, home because of homophobia,
many make a point to ensure I feel ity of race, law and society, which
manage emotions, and create posi- transphobia and an intense fear of
unwelcome.” is not taught in the public school
tive relationships with themselves being disowned.”
Allen added, “Isn’t part of why system.”
and the people around them, so “Students feel unsafe in certain
we all love this county because of Diman said, “I am here today
they can be happy, healthy, pro- classrooms because of teachers in
how safe it is, how welcoming it to represent all students of CCPS,
ductive citizens in our society.” our own system that openly and
is? When I was 13 years old, an to celebrate diversity, inclusion
He added, “Our purpose is not gleefully mock them,” he claimed.
adult man threatened to harm me and representation in curriculum
a vessel to push ideological views [email protected]
and my mother. Since I was 12 resources. While speaking a de-
as many claim it is, nor is it a re-


Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 7

Historic District Design consultation
For personal
Changes Considered injury

By Dick Myers
The Calvert County Board of
County Commissioners (BOCC)

personal injury
is considering changes to design
guidelines for properties in his-
toric districts and will schedule a
public hearing to get input.
According to Historic Preserva-

& car crashes

tion Planner Christopher Sperling,
“In Fiscal Year 2020, the Mary-
land Historical Trust awarded the
Department of Planning and Zon-
ing a Certified Local Government
Grant to revise the Calvert Coun-
ty Historic District design guide- been updated to be more user
lines. The document provides the friendly,” Sperling said. “These
historic district owners guidelines are designed to be online and have
with appropriate approaches and hot links.”
materials for restoration and reha- The revisions, he said, are more
bilitation and is used by the his- ADA (Americans with Disabili-
toric district commission when ties Act) compliant. “As a person
considering historic area work who came from a park system, I
permits and historic preservation can tell you that I was very in-

tax credits.” volved with ADA and particularly
Sperling said the current guide- ADA on historic structures. And I
lines have been in effect for more find that this is a really important
than 20 years. He noted, “Since

thing that we still need to work to-
the adoption of the current guide- wards to provide better access to
lines several changes have oc- our disabled.”
lexington park, maryland
curred in the approaches to histor- Commissioner President Buddy
ic preservation. This includes the Hance wanted to know, “So you’re
development of new materials that actually going to allow solar pan-
more closely approximate historic els at historic buildings?”
materials, climate change, sea lev- Sperling responded, “Solar pan-
el rise, the emergence of telecom- els, probably not. There are also
munications and the increasing ways, however. Recently we had
use of alternative energy, such as a case where they were looking at
solar and geothermal.” solar panels and one of the things
He said the Calvert County that we really consider is not just
Historic District Commission ap- the impact to the structure, but the
proved the revised guidelines at a public view. So, if you can achieve
regular meeting on Sept. 8, 2021. the placement that you need for
Sperling said the first historic your solar panels in a way that
district, Patuxent Manor, was es- is not visible from public right
tablished in 1974. The most recent of way, then that would be some-
was Preston on Patuxent in 2019. thing the historic district commis-
In all there are 95 historic dis- sion would consider.”
tricts in the county. [email protected]
“The revised guidelines have


8 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022

Sheriff Responds to Trial

of Deputy
GROW YOUR OWN SPRING LAWN Sheriff Mike Evans has issued
the following statemenr regard-
Fruit and Nut Trees & Berries
& GARDEN CARE ing the jury trial Verdict of Joseph
GreenView Lawn Food Migliaccio:
“First and foremost, my contin-
5,000 sq. ft. ued prayers and condolences go
Only $2488
out to the family of Leah Clark,
who was struck and killed on Oct.
APPLE 15,000 sq. ft. 29, 2019. This case involved an
TREES BLUEBERRIES off-duty deputy sheriff who was
PLANT A PRIVACY SCREEN Only $4988 allegedly drinking and driving.
Camouflage Where Needed “A trial concluded on March 18,
GreenView Green Smart 2022 and in my opinion, justice
Weed & Feed was NOT served.
I believe if the alcohol tests had
5,000 sq. ft. bag
not been suppressed by the judge,
EMERALD Only $2788 the results of this trial may have
been different.
GREEN PRUNUS 15,000 sq. ft. bag “At the scene, I requested the cident, we will request Maryland
ARBORVITAE SKIP LAUREL State Police to conduct the entire
Only $7788
Maryland State Police to handle
the possible criminal investiga- investigation.
PLANT A FULL SUN COLOR GARDEN “Again, my sincere condolences
Color Your Existing Landscape tion (DUI) and they agreed to do
Preen Weed Killer so. go out to Leah’s son Lyric, fiancé
“The Calvert County Sheriff’s Terry ‘Tbo’ Butler and parents
5.6 lb size Office conducted the crash recon- Fran and Justin.
250 sq. ft. struction investigation on scene. “In closing, there is no further

$ 88 In the future, in this type of in- information I can provide due to
HYDRANGEA Only pending litigation.”

Regional Ag Facility
AZALEA QUICK FIRE 3 cu. ft. Shredded
Hardwood Mulch

Plant Trees for Shade and Color Pallet
(45 Bags)
as low as 4
$ 59
By Guy Leonard of the region’s only USDA-certified
Peat Moss Staff Writer slaughterhouse run by a family in the
Natural all organic soil The St. Mary’s County Planning Amish community.
PINK KWANZAN conditioner. Commission gave its blessing to the The RAC site is designed to provide
DOGWOOD CHERRY construction of the Regional Agricul- a convenient location for the region’s
3.8 cu. ft bales tural Facility in Mechanicsville, find- farmers, who will have a short drive
with In-fill Color Shrubs Only
18 88 ing that it met the requirements of the
county’s comprehensive plan.
from the slaughterhouse to the meat
processing site at the RAC, according
Bayer Season Long The planning commission vote at to county planning documents.
Grub Control their Mar. 28 meeting was unanimous The facility is slated for completion
in favor of the facility, which is de- by December of 2023.
5,000 sq. ft. signed to support farmers throughout One local resident speaking at the
HYDRANGEA reg. $39.99 the Southern Maryland region to Anne public hearing Monday evening said
3788 Arundel and Prince George’s counties.
The Southern Maryland Agricultural
he was concerned about additional
traffic the facility would bring, espe-
Development Commission (SMADC) cially since the county had a policy of
PLANT TREES FOR SHADE & COLOR put out a request to the five counties for
a RAC in 2018, stating that SMADC
expanding facilities when it deemed

$25 Off
would provide $1 million for the win- Economic development director
ning proposal. St. Mary’s County won Chris Kaselemis said there were no
THE PURCHASE OF ONE TREE* that competition the following year. plans to expand the use already intend-
The county concluded an agreement ed on the property and expected only
*Visit www.trees.maryland.gov to download a with SMADC last year for the con- one to two truck deliveries per day
coupon valid for $25 Off the purchase of any struction of the RAC. once the site was operational.
Native Tree priced at $75 or more. There is a list The RAC will be located on county Kaselemis did say, though, that there
of all qualifying trees on the website. property between Lettie Marshall Dent would be some retail sales of meats
NOW SCHEDULING Elementary School and the recycling at the RAC along with the cuts being
• Yearly Lawn Care • Spring Pruning • Cleanup convenience center on New Market processed and wrapped there, but they
Turner Road. The RAC will be also be would be custom in nature.
• Mulching • Hardscape •Landscape Projects close to the soon-to-be opened North “The North County Farmers Market
CALL TODAY for an ESTIMATE: 800-451-1427 County Farmers Market, previously is about one mile away and that’s where
or visit WentworthNursery.com/landscape-consultation/ sited at the Charlotte Hall Library. most of the sales would take place,”
The proximity of the RAC and the Kaselemis said.
new farmers market – less than one Gary Whipple, project engineer from
mile away - allows for frequent meat the county’s public works department,
Prince Frederick
Hours: Oakville deliveries and simple coordination be- said the site is projected to create no
1700 Solomon’s Island Road, Prince Frederick 41170 Oakville Road, Mechanicsville tween the two sites. Additionally, the more than 50 trips a day at peak hours.
410-535-3664 • 866-535-3664 Mon.-Fri. 9-6, 301-373-9245 • 800-451-1427
Sat& Sun. 9-5 5 minutes North of Hollywood RAC site is within about three miles [email protected]
Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 9

Democratic Commissioner Governor, First Lady

Candidate Withdraws
By Dick Myers
Visit Calvert Governor Larry Hogan and First Lady Yumi Hogan made several stops at local
Editor businesses throughout Calvert and St. Mary’s County on March 25 as part of a two-
Antoine White has withdrawn day swing through Southern Maryland in celebration of Maryland Day.
his candidacy for the 2 nd District  
County Commissioner race.
White, who was elected to the
Calvert County Board of Educa-
tion in the last election, issued the
following statement at the request
of The County Times: “After care-
ful consideration, speaking to my
family and my campaign team, I
have decided that it is best for me
to stay on the board of education
and continue to serve the commu-
nity as a board member.” Calvert County Public Library. Governor Hogan and the First Lady toured the Calvert County Public
White has been active on the Library in Prince Frederick. In Fall 2021, the library began a Bookmobile service in order to bring
equitable library services to community members who are unable to visit branches across the county. 
board since his election, particu-
larly as an advocate for sports and
extracurricular activities. He has
also personally visited a number
of schools since the election.
White filed as a Democrat for
the commissioner race (school Calvert County Board of Education member
Antoine White
board elections are non-partisan).
His withdrawal leaves only two on page 3) the deadline for candi-
Democratic commissioner candi- dacy filing has been extended to
dates – Chelsea Anne Montague in April 15, with April 18 the dead-
the at-large race and Tricia Powell line to withdraw.
in the 1st Commissioner District. The primary election has also
Because of the legal challenge to been moved – to July 19. Mully’s Brewing Company. Since 2012, Mully’s Brewing in Prince Frederick has brewed locally made
legislative redistricting (see story [email protected] craft beer, and recently released a new brew called ‘The Ark and The Dove’ to commemorate Maryland
Day. Mully’s Brewing is a recipient of funding from Project Restore, the state’s $25 million economic
initiative to revitalize vacant retail and commercial space.

Taylor Gas Company offers full service installation and repair for a
breadth of propane related systems.
The customer is our top priority here at Taylor Gas. We provide 24 hour
emergency service and deliveries to the Sourthern Maryland area.
Combining extensive training with 68 years of on-the-job experience,
you can be sure that you’ll be getting the best service available.
Local News
The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022

THE 20 St. Leonard Replacement
DATE! 22
Ambulance Approved


JUNE 3-5, 22 20
For more
3-5, 2022
information and to
submit a survey to help us
JUNE 3-5, 2022
plan the future of the summer
workshops, JUNE
submit a survey3-5,
For more QR code.
to help us 2022
and to

the future
submit a survey
use QR us 2022
of the and to
to help
Ambulance 78 will be replaced.

By Dick Myers Association and the Fire & Rescue

plan the future of the summer Editor Commission.”
For more information and to The Calvert County Board of Jeffrey said, “The company
workshops, use QR code.
submit a survey to help us
planmore information
the future of the and to
County Commissioners (BOCC)
has approved a replacement am-
has agreed to a promissory note
through which the grant funding
submit www.somdfolklife.org
a survey to help
workshops, use QR code. us bulance for the St. Leonard Volun- would be repaid through service

33rd annual coming out

plan the future of the summer
workshops, use QR code.
teer Fire Department and Rescue
Squad (SLVFD&RS).
over eight years. The county will
receive a Security Deed of Trust

car & Bike Show

According to Deputy Fire and that will complement the promis-
Rescue Director Alfred Jeffery, sory note. The $373,000 requested
www.somdfolklife.org at the March 29 BOCC meeting, is included in the FY 2022 Capi-
DATE: APRIL 3, 2022 “St. Leonard Volunteer Fire and
Rescue Company 7 is requesting
tal Budget for the purchase of an
RAIN DATE: APRIL 10, 2022 a $373,000 Fire and Rescue Appa- Ambulance 78 would be re-
ratus Grant for the purchase of an placed with the new ambulance.
8:30am to 3:00pm Registration 8:30am-12:00pm ambulance.” The agenda item prompted a
Jeffrey reported, “In order to discussion of escalating costs.
apply for this grant, St. Leonard Jeffrey said the two self-loading
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Com- gurneys would cost $80,000. But
pany 7 adopted by resolution, he said they were far superior to
formal procurement procedures, the former manual ones, including
procurement committee standards preventing tipping to prevent fur-
and contract administration poli- ther injuries.
cies. Apparatus specifications re- The decision to proceed with the
ceived the approval of the Chief’s purchase was unanimous.
Council, the Fire-Rescue-EMS [email protected]

all proceeds go to charity

Door Prizes & 50/50 Raffle • Swap Meet and Flea Market • T-Shirts for
the First 100 Registered • DJ • Food Vendor: Bowles Farm
The Southern Knights is a family type, automobile club, primarily oriented towards the
preservation and the enjoyment of automotive vehicles 20 years old and older and their
related materials, and to promote fellowship among its members and all those who
share a common interest.
The Southern Knights supports local charities and other non-profit organizations, where
possible, with donations and/or assistance with their programs.
No animals (pets) on show grounds•No Burnouts•No Alcohol
County Times St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 11

Governor, Lawmakers
Reach Bipartisan Tax
Relief Agreement

House Speaker Senate President Bill Ferguson Gov. Larry Hogan

Adrienne A. Jones

Governor Larry Hogan, Senate Presi- come, and married couples making up to
dent Bill Ferguson, and House Speaker $150,000 in retirement income. As a result,
Adrienne A. Jones on March 28 an- 80% of Maryland’s retirees will receive
nounced that they reached a historic bi- substantial relief or pay no state income
partisan agreement to provide $1.86 billion taxes at all. ($1.55 billion)
in tax relief over five years for Maryland • The Work Opportunity Tax Credit to
retirees, small businesses, and low-income incentivize employers and businesses to
families. hire and retain workers from underserved
Combined with the recently-enacted gas communities that have faced significant
tax suspension, this legislative session will barriers to employment. ($195 million)
deliver nearly $2 billion in tax relief. • Family Budget Boosters: sales tax ex-
“Today, we are announcing the largest emptions for child care products such as
tax cut package in state history with ma- diapers, car seats, and baby bottles, and
jor and long-overdue relief for Maryland’s critical health products such as dental hy-

o n
retirees,” said Governor Hogan. “Cutting giene products, diabetic care products, and

g t
our state’s retirement taxes is something medical devices. ($115.6 million)

i n v e
we have been trying to accomplish for The bipartisan agreement also makes a

x t i
seven years, and I want to thank the lead- one-time record $800 million investment

L ark ulA c
ers of the General Assembly for working in the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future
with us to get this done for Maryland’s se- while maintaining a record level in the
niors. This agreement will deliver on our Rainy Day Fund. Further, this agreement

P Ad
promise to provide real, long-term relief uses the surplus to make strategic and his-
for hard-working Marylanders dealing toric investments that:
om m
with inflation and higher prices, and help
create more jobs and more opportunity to
• Support public safety and victims of
crime; t C
continue our strong recovery.” • Ensure Maryland’s world-class health
“The last two years of the pandemic system by supporting hospitals, nursing
have shown the cracks in our state’s civic homes, and assisted living facilities;
infrastructure,” said President Ferguson. • Expand Medicaid dental coverage for
“As I’ve said since the beginning of the adults, in-home medical care, and autism
2022 legislative session, everything we do services;
Movedeposit &EE
must prioritize our state’s economy and the • Help families by expanding access to
health of our residents. This historic agree- child care, providing bonuses for public
ment demonstrates that regardless of politi- school staff, and increasing student aid at $99 onth FR
1st M
cal party, leaders come together to deliver higher education institutions;
vital services and economic relief for fami- • Spur local economies and job opportu-
lies, seniors, and small businesses.” nities through capital funds for school con-
“The House started this session with a struction, affordable rental housing, state
clear goal of helping Marylanders left be- facility maintenance, and local transporta-
hind in the post-pandemic recovery,” said tion infrastructure; and
Speaker Jones. “This bipartisan agreement • Protect against the growing threat of
helps hundreds of thousands of seniors on cyber attacks.
fixed incomes who are struggling with in- This agreement follows bipartisan dis-
flation and puts families on a stronger foot- cussions that included Department of
ing as they buy necessities and pay for child Budget and Management Secretary Da-
care or college. The significant increase in vid Brinkley, Senate Budget and Taxation All Ut
capital spending, coupled with the Work Committee Chair Guy J. Guzzone, and
Opportunity Tax Credit, will help Mary- House Appropriations Committee Chair
land businesses put more chronically un-
employed Marylanders back to work.”
Maggie McIntosh.
Later this week, Governor Hogan, Presi-
This bipartisan tax relief agreement dent Ferguson, and Speaker Jones will hold
includes the following provisions for a bill signing ceremony for these measures.
FY23-FY27: Press Release from Offive of Gov. Larry 21895 Pegg Road • Lexington Park, MD 20653 • (240)725-0111
• Tax Relief For Retirees 65 and older Hogan.
making up to $100,000 in retirement in-
Cops & Courts The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022


During the week of March 14, 2022 – March 20, 2022, deputies of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1,634 calls for service throughout the community.

Damaged Property: 22-13935 Theft: 22-13937 rest for Trespassing. Upon arrival ger Gina Renee Gear, 29 of Hun-
On March 14, 2022, Deputy On March 14, 2022, Deputy at the Calvert County Detention tingtown, MD,
Wilder responded to Solomons Shoemaker received report of Center, a search of Brown’s person had an open
Town Center Park located at 13300 a theft. The complainant ad- revealed a spring loaded switch- warrant for her
Dowell Road in Lusby, MD for vised unknown suspect (s) stole blade knife. Brown was charged arrest. Gear
the report of property destruction. the front and rear registration with Trespassing: Private Prop- was placed into
The complainant advised some- plates of a vehicle parked in the erty, Possession of Contraband custody and
time between 10 p.m. on March 13 1900 block of W. Mount Har- in a Place of Confinement and transported
and 8 a.m. on March 14, unknown mony Road in Owings. The val- Concealing a Dangerous Weapon. to the Calvert
suspect (s) destroyed three hand ue of stolen property is $100.00. County De-
soap dispensers in the bathroom On March 17, 2022, Deputy tention Cen- Gina Renee Gear
and attempted to clog the toilets. Theft: 22-14403 Plant conducted a traffic stop in ter. A search
The estimated value of damaged On March 16, 2022, Deputy T. the area of Southern Maryland of Gear’s person yielded a bag
property is $90.00. Bowen received report of a theft. Blvd. and Chaneyville Rd in Ow- containing a white powdery sub-
The complainant advised un- ings, MD. Upon making contact stance of suspected heroin. Gear
Damaged Property: 22-14194 known suspect (s) stole a bouquet with the occupants, a strong odor was charged with CDS: Posses-
On March 15, 2022, Deputy of red and white artificial f lowers of marijuana was emitting from sion-Not Marijuana and Posses-
Newton received a report of prop- off of a family member’s tomb- the vehicle and marijuana was sion of Contraband in a Place of
erty destruction. The complainant stone from Southern Maryland observed in plain view. A vehicle Confinement.
advised sometime between March Gardens located at 10255 Ward search revealed a total of 237.3
11 and March 13, 2022, unknown Road in Dunkirk, MD. The esti- grams of marijuana, a marijuana On March 15 2022, Deputy
suspect (s) caused damaged to his mated value of stolen property is filled joint and a Dabwoods THC Wilder responded to the Bark and
vehicle while parked at the Hilton $200.00. cartridge. Tyler Davell Graves, Bath Pet Salon located at 240 Town
Garden Inn located at 13100 Dow- 25 of Prince Square Drive in Lusby, MD for the
ell Road in Solomons, MD. Sev- ARRESTS Frederick, MD, report of counterfeit currency. In-
eral scratch marks were observed On March 17, 2022, Deputy was arrested vestigation revealed, Tommie Lee
on the hood as well as the driver Strong responded to the Rod ‘N’ and transport- Bolts, Jr., 31 of Great Mills, MD
and passenger side windows of Reel located at 4160 Mears Ave ed to the Cal- attempted to
the vehicle. The estimated value in Chesapeake Beach, MD for the vert County make change
of damaged property is $1,500.00. report of a 911 hang up. Upon ar- Detention Cen- for a $100 bill
rival, Deputy Strong made contact ter where he at four local
Damaged Property: 22-15360 with Je Von Marie Brown, 34 of was charged businesses us-
Tyler Davell Graves
On March 20, 2022, Deputy Hampstead, with CDS: Pos- ing fake U.S.
Wilder responded to the 12300 MD, who was session of Mar- currency. Bolts
block of Catalina Drive in Lusby, visibly intoxi- ijuana 10 GM+. was arrested
MD for the report of a possible cated. Man- and charged Tommie Lee Bolts Jr
burglary that had already oc- agement of On March 17, 2022, Deputy Hen- with Possess-
curred. The complainant advised the establish- drickson conducted a traffic stop ing/Issuing
unknown suspect (s) attempted to ment advised on a vehicle stopped in the middle Forged Currency.
break in and damaged the rear of the deputy that of the southbound Rt. 4 in the area Editor’s Note: The above arrests
the house. Investigation revealed Brown was of Industry Lane in Prince Freder- are not an indication of guilt or
a broken window screen, several acting bellig- Je Von Marie Brown ick, MD. Contact was made with innocence as the cases have not
pieces of chipped vinyl siding and erent, arguing the occupants of the vehicle and it been adjudicated.
a broken out window. Numerous with the staff and requested she was determined the rear passen-
large rocks were discovered lying be trespassed from the property.

Lusby Man Sentenced

on the ground behind the house. Brown was instructed by man-
The estimated value of damaged agement to vacate the property
property is $1400.00. numerous times, but refused to
leave. Brown was placed under ar-

for Sex Offenses

James Eric Baugher, 56, of Lus- fender registry.
by, was sentenced on March 25 State’s At-
to 30 years imprisonment for sex torney Rob-
offenses that he committed over ert Harvey
a seven-year period with a minor would like to
child. The sentence was imposed commend Se-
by the Honorable Mark S. Chan- nior Assistant
dlee of the Calvert County Circuit State’s Attor-
LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Court. ney Rebecca
James Eric Baugher
LOCAL ADVERTISERS Baugher will not be eligible for N. Cordero for
parole until he has served at least her outstand-
CHILD CARE 15 years of his sentence, at which ing work on behalf of the victim,
GENERAL MERCHANDISE point he will be 71 years old. He the victim’s family, and the citi-
will also be subject to lifetime su- zens of Calvert County.
WWW.SOMD.COM • CLASS.SOMD.COM pervision as a sex offender and Press Release from Office of Cal-
YOUR ONLINE COMMUNITY FOR CHARLES, CALVERT, & ST. MARY’S COUNTIES lifetime registration on the sex of- vert County State’s Attorney.
Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times Feature 13

School Board Selects New Superintendent

By Dick Myers comments, as read to the board,
Editor by saying, “I will leave the board
Dr. Andrae Townsel has been with one follow-up question. Have
selected as the new Calvert Coun- you ever looked for any white
ty Superintendent of Schools. Dr candidates for this position? We
Townsel will replace Dr. Daniel wouldn’t know because there’s
Curry when he retires on June 30. never been transparency in the
According to information pro- process. “
vided by the school system, “Dr. Willie Flowers, president of the
Andrae Townsel earned a football NAACP Maryland State Confer-
scholarship to Howard Univer- ence, attended both the March 10
sity in Washington, DC. During and 24 school board meetings. He
his time at Howard, he earned his said he had a f lat tire in the park-
bachelors, masters, and doctor- ing lot after the March 10 meet-
ate all from Howard University ing and was graciously assisted in
and began his educational career getting it fixed.
in the District of Columbia. He Flowers said during the March
had the privilege to work in every 24 public comments, “I just want
level of the educational system to say that the unity in hospitality
and excelled. He served as a stu- that you expressed to me, I took
dent teacher, teacher, head coach it all the way home and that’s the
(football and basketball), athletic type of reality that any school dis-
director, dean of students, central trict requires to be successful long
office specialist, assistant princi- term.”
pal, high school principal, assis- Flowers said of local NAACP
tant superintendent, and a current chapter president Michael Kent
highly effective superintendent. and their many members who were
“As the superintendent of Ben- in attendance that night, “They’re
ton Harbor Area Schools, he suc- committed to that. And not only
cessfully eliminated the budget that, our national organization is
deficit after 14 years of being in watching communities like Cal-
the red, increased the salary of all vert County. And what I’ve seen
teachers after having their sala- is a good report on what can hap-
ries frozen for over 10 years, and pen when people come together
successfully developed a five-year Dr. Andrae Townsel on something as important as a
district Strategic Plan. The United quel Jones, a community super- Townsel was announced. superintendent.”
Way of Southwest Michigan has intendent for Baltimore County The County Times, in the March Flowers added, “I encourage
highlighted him and his district Public Schools. 10 story about the controversy, everyone to treat your superin-
as the Education Innovator of the The selection is subject to writ- said, “Both of the candidates tendent the same way (as Flowers
Year in 2021. He was nominated ten confirmation by the state su- are African Americans. Support was treated). It’s not hard to do.
as the 2021 Superintendent of the perintendent of schools. for the candidates and the selec- It’s part of your culture to wel-
Year in Michigan. He successfully Board President Pamela Cous- tion process has come from both come everybody. And I think that
navigated the pandemic, whereas ins said that after Curry’s retire- white and black speakers, several with that as a part of what Calvert
the board of education gave a vote ment announcement, “We started of whom referenced race in their County does, it’ll make his ten-
of confidence. what is considered one of the most comments. Opposition has come ure here just as successful as Dr.
His district was awarded $3 mil- important tasks that the board of from white speakers only, none of Curry’s.”
lion over the next five years to fo- education has to hire a superin- whom specifically mentioned race Curry, later in the meeting,
cus on and improve literacy. They tendent. So, we’ve proceeded with in their comments.” noted he’s been a superintendent
were one out of five districts to that work to hire a search firm, Opponents of the finalists con- for 34 years. He said, “The only
receive this award through a com- conducted the necessary work to tinue to assert that their opposi- time I was ever to earn the job of
petitive grant application process.  make that happen, to bring forth tion was not based on race but on superintendent as an insider was
“As an assistant superintendent candidates. And with the stake- the candidates’ experience and my first job where I had been
in the Wayne-Westland Commu- holder input, we have come to a the school districts they are cur- working in the district office. I
nity School District, Dr. Townsel decision.” rently at, which the critics say are got to be superintendent by a vote
pioneered the work of climate, Board member Pat Nutter ab- underperforming. of three to two. And these were
culture, and social emotional stained. He said, “You know, A statement from Sarah Lively people who had known me for 10
learning. In a district of nearly there’s no really good time to in- of Calvert County Concerned Par- years. So, then I made a career of
11,000 students and 20 school jure yourself, but I injured myself ents, read at the meeting by an- being the outsider going in. Four
buildings, he hired and developed at a really bad time and I was sup- other speaker, was critical of The other school districts hired me up
climate and culture coaches for posed to meet with the recommen- County Times coverage. against all inside candidates and
each building and provided year- dations, and I did not have that Lively wrote, “He (this writer) other outside candidates, includ-
long professional development to chance and the world doesn’t stop was trying to infer that the reason ing this one. And I can say, I know
effectively address the dispropor- because I have an injury. I’m not for protesting these two candi- what it means, what it looks like
tionality in discipline data as well opposing anything, but I’m going dates is because they were black. when people say, ‘You’re not from
as improve the overall behavior of to abstain from this vote because Let me make something clear. The around here, are you? And they
student’s district-wide to ensure I feel better if I could have met in people protesting these candidates doubt that you can adapt.”
an increase in academic achieve- person this candidate. don’t care what color our next su- He added, “I hope that I brought
ment. He has a strong knowledge Nutter said because of that he perintendent is. They care about to each school district where I
of school finance and showed also would not sign the contract to the qualification, their morals, worked as an outsider, the skills
great fiscal responsibility at all hire Townsel. their values, and their political necessary to bring that school dis-
levels. He generated nearly $250k The selection of the two finalists agendas.” trict to the next level from wher-
in grant funding to support the was controversial and the contro- Lively said her first choice for ever it was. And it takes team
work of restorative practices and versy continued during the public president in 2016 was Ben Carson, building and community support.”
social emotional learning (SEL).” comment session of the March an African American. [email protected]
The other finalist was Dr. Rac- 24 meeting after the selection of Lively concluded her written
14 In Our Community The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022

LSM Executive Director Keep Maryland Beautiful

Announces Resignation Grants Total $320,000
Grants Supports Communities, Projects, and
Leadership Southern Maryland
(LSM) Executive Director Denise
Foster has announced her resigna-
tion. In a letter she write: “When Forever Maryland is proud to
I joined the Leadership Southern announce that 85 grants total-
Maryland team four years ago, I ing $320,000 have been awarded to-
was excited for the opportunity to ward environmental education, com-
lead an organization with such an munity cleanup and beautification
outstanding reputation for creat- projects through the Keep Maryland
ing positive change in our com- Beautiful program.
munities. During my time here, These annual grants are funded
I’ve been privileged to interact by the Maryland Environmental
“Trees Not Trash” a community initiative funded
with five Executive Program Trust, Forever Maryland, Mary- by the 2021 Keep Maryland Beautiful Clean Up
classes who are eager to learn land Department of Housing and Green Up Grant, focuses on beautifying
and Community Development city neighborhoods by planting street trees and
from area experts and one anoth- removing litter within Sustainable Community
er as they strive to better South- (DHCD) and Maryland Department Development areas, while engaging the residents
ern Maryland. I have supported us to Virginia Beach for the next of Transportation (MDOT). on the benefits of urban trees. Photo courtesy
“Keep Maryland Beautiful grants Forever Maryland.
the creation and execution of the several years. During the coming
new Emerging Leaders Program months, as the LSM Search Com- help improve, sustain, and enhance for outstanding leadership, partner-
and have watched many passion- mittee works to identify the next communities all across our state,” ship and innovation in a conservation
ate individuals dedicate their time executive director, rest assured Maryland Natural Resources Secre- project. The grant is awarded to the
and talent into establishing this that I will still be supporting the tary Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio said. Maryland land trust in recognition
exciting new curriculum. Work- organization to the fullest, finish- “These local initiatives also help of the individual’s efforts and good
ing alongside and interacting with ing out the 2022 programs, facili- Maryland meet our goals of cleaner work. The grant is given annually to
LSM’s board members, leader- tating the selection of next year’s water and access to green space for honor the late Aileen Hughes, a true
ship council, committee mem- Executive Program participants, all our citizens.” leader in the conservation movement.
bers, graduates, and long-time and making preparations for a “DHCD is pleased to provide 12 Citizen Stewardship awards
supporters has been nothing short successful Class of 2023 – the $250,000 to nonprofits, local gov- totaling $17,500, given in
of amazing. I owe each and every next “Best Class Ever!” ernments and community groups,” honor of Bill James, who drafted the
one of you my thanks. “LSM is not, and has never said DHCD Secretary Kenneth C. legislation that founded Maryland
“Looking back over all of my been, just a job for me. It truly is Holt. “These grants provide support Environmental Trust, and Margaret
experiences with LSM makes it a family and I will miss it dearly. for local projects and activities that Rosch Jones, former executive direc-
all the more difficult to share with I know that, thanks to the diligent directly impact litter removal, green- tor of the Keep Maryland Beautiful
you that my time as executive di- efforts of the search committee ing and beautification, and improv- program. These grants are awarded
rector is drawing to a close. It’s and the continued support of all of ing citizen stewardship in communi- to schools, nonprofits and other com-
often said that the “needs of the you, I leave this amazing organi- ties statewide.” munity organizations whose missions
Navy” come first; and my hus- zation in good hands. “It’s important to MDOT’s mission are centered upon directly engaging
band and I are preparing for our Press Release from Leadership that we contribute to environmental community members in environmen-
next adventure which will take Southern Maryland stewardship across Maryland,” said tal education and stewardship. These
MDOT Secretary James F. Ports Jr. grants also support organizations

Arts Council Announces

“This year’s package of 16 MDOT that demonstrate active engagement
grants – which include funds for pur- as defenders of the environment by
chasing native shrubs, getting rid of developing innovative solutions to

New Executive Director

invasive species, educating students local environmental problems. 
and maintaining a pollinator garden 61 Clean Up & Green Up Mary-
– build on the department’s commit- land awards totaling $250,000.
ment to preserve our ecosystem. I This grant was established in 2017
The Arts Council of Calvert set,” according to Bob Carpenter, look forward to seeing these projects to help community groups and
County (ACCC) is pleased to an- the council’s president. bloom.” nonprofit organizations statewide
nounce that Joe Davis has been The council has also selected Keep Maryland Beautiful recipi- with neighborhood beautification
chosen to be its new Executive Doris J. Cammack-Spencer to ents included schools, nonprofit activities that include litter removal,
Director (ED), effective March 1. the ACCC’s Board of Directors. groups, municipalities and land greening activities, community
Davis had most recently been the She is the co-founder and charter trusts in 20 counties and Baltimore education, and citizen stewardship
Administrative Director of the president of the Concerned Black City. Many of these grants focus on statewide.
Charles County Arts Alliance. He Women of Calvert County and developing and supporting commu- 11 Janice Hollmann Grant awards
will be responsible for keeping the President of the Board of Direc- nities, families, youth and students totaling $47,500, given to Maryland
board informed of the daily oper- tors and Chief Executive Officer who take personal responsibility for land trusts to increase capacity,
ations and fiscal management of of Southern Maryland Minority the health of their communities, pro- support community programing and
the Council and maintaining over- Chamber of Commerce, Inc. and tecting nature in their backyards and innovation and foster stronger, better
sight of the Arts Gallery Admin- Education Director of Southern seeking ways to help reduce or re- connected land trusts. All grants
istrator, as well identifying grant Maryland Minority Chamber of solve environmental challenges.  require a 100 percent match from
and scholarship opportunities and Commerce Foundation, Inc. “Ms. “We’re thrilled with the success the land trust of in-kind services and
developing a fundraising action Cammack-Spenser’s vast experi- we’ve seen from the grant program,” privately raised funds. The grant is
plan. ence, expertise and knowledge said Forever Maryland Chair Nick given in memory of Janice Hollmann,
“The council is very pleased to will bring a very valuable voice to Dilks. “This program will continue who exemplified citizen leadership
welcome Mr. Davis to the Execu- our Board. We are pleased Doris to make a significant environmental, of local land trusts in Maryland.
tive Director position. His knowl- has agreed to join our Board and economic, health, and recreational 2022 recipients of Keep Maryland
edge and support of the arts, as we look forward to working to- impact across Maryland through Beautiful Grants include: All Saints
well as his community engage- gether,” Carpenter stated. these new grant projects.“ Episcopal Church in Sunderland,
ment, will complement the direc- Press Release from The Arts Awards given this year were: American Chestnut Land Trust Inc.,
tion of the Council. His dedication Council of Calvert County. One Aileen Hughes award totaling and Southern MD RC&D Board Inc.
and knowledge will be a real as- $5,000, awarded to an individual Press Release from MD DNR.
representing a Maryland land trust
Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times In Our Community 15

Ag Commission Director
to Serve as Envoy for
Land Solutions
By Ronald N. Guy Jr. than darn near anyone not named
Contributing Writer Michael Jordan - and decided to
The athletic hourglass gets load- feed his unquenchable hunger at
ed with only a few modest scoops least one more time.
of sand. Peak performance is fleet- Barty’s decision was both con-
ing. An athlete’s “best buy” date founding and fascinating. She ad-
lurks ominously in the not-too- mitted to being scared in her fare-
distant future. One’s twenties are well speech, but also excited to
the golden time – the human body pursue other personal goals. There
never runs faster, jumps higher or was a tinge of relief in her address
endures longer. In some sports, – hinting that she had mustered the
age 30 is a cautionary marker. By courage to flip the script on ten-
35, nearly all athletes are in pre- nis and to dictate to it how her life
cipitous decline. Few last into their would unfurl, external expecta-
forties. By the mid-forties, it is tions and perceived obligations be
time for church leagues, weekend damned.
beer clubs and a lot of embellished What then to make of these two
Shelby Watson-Hampton talk about the old times, before athletes? They stood together at
personal odometers and aches and a fork along sports’ road – one
Shelby Watson-Hampton, of vision for a 21st Century “Agricul- pains claimed one-time physical leading to retirement, the other to
Brandywine, a farmer and direc- tural Renaissance” that enables all superpowers. career continuation. Everything
tor of the Southern Maryland Ag- forms and scales of agriculture to This reality creates an athlete’s pointed to the football-ancient
ricultural Development Commis- innovate, sustain productivity, en- mentality: get all you can while Brady staying on retirement road
sion, is among eight prominent hance resilience to climate change you feel good and your prowess and to Barty, in the prime of her
voices in the U.S. food and agri- and other shocks, and move the allows, prepare for the inevitable career, continuing to dominate
culture sectors to come on board world towards achieving global end and bow out gracefully before women’s tennis. One can imagine
as Farmer Envoys for Solutions sustainable development goals the wheels fall off, the game passes them winking to one another just
from the Land. (SDGs). you by and the door of opportunity before switching lanes and shock-
She joins Sf L’s broad mission These envoys will proactively slams shut. ing the world.
to advance land-based solutions engage United Nations agencies Conventional wisdom found its Brady and Barty both found
to the interconnected challeng- and conventions, introducing and antidote – times two. themselves in a “Now what?”
es the world now faces, ranging engaging conversations on new A 44-year-old, seven-time Super moment, one having seemingly
from food and nutrition security, approaches, which include cir- Bowl champion quarterback re- already answered that question
energy security, sustainable live- cular-systems agriculture, a way tired in February after 22 unprec- (Brady) and the other prepared to
lihoods and climate change, all of going forward that focuses on edented, age-defying NFL seasons provide an unconventional answer
while overcoming the devastat- reducing external inputs, closing to spend more time at home with (Barty). Ultimately each athlete
ing impacts of the COVID-19 nutrient loops, regenerating soils his children and supermodel wife. followed their heart: Brady re-
pandemic. and minimizing ag’s impact on It seemed a well-earned respite turned to the game he can’t yet live
An active member of the ag- the environment. Envoys also will and graceful conclusion to a career without and Barty bid adieu to an
ricultural community, Watson- promote Climate Smart Agricul- that had already thumbed its nose old friend because her passions
Hampton currently farms with her ture, and whole-system technolo- at Father Time – until it wasn’t and were leading her elsewhere.
family on their 4th -generation op- gies that enable the sector to pro- he returned six weeks later! Ten John Lennon, as the story goes,
eration, Robin Hill Farm & Vine- vide the pathways toward meeting days thereafter, a 25-year-old ten- claimed he was once asked by a
yards, in Brandywine, where they SDGs. nis star, ranked number one in the teacher what he wanted to be when
grow wine grapes, run the farm “We are thrilled to welcome world, at the apex of her game and he grew up. He answered “happy.”
winery, and host private events in Shelby and these other outstand- fresh off an Australian Open win, The teacher said he didn’t under-
their barn venue. ing farmer leaders to our envoy hung up her racket to pursue other stand the assignment. Lennon said
Watson-Hampton also freelanc- team” says Sf L President Ernie goals. the teacher “didn’t understand
es for several regional and national Shea. “We look forward to helping Introductions are in order. Tom life.” The game of life, unlike foot-
agricultural publications, includ- her share her insight and experi- Brady, this is Ash Barty. Ash Bar- ball and tennis, often dictates the
ing the Lancaster Farming news- ences producing food, feed, fiber, ty, this is Tom Brady. Ash, Tom, responsible or the necessary be
paper, Pink Tractor and American clean energy and a wide range of this is everyone else – all of us chosen over the path to personal
Agriculturist. Shelby recently fin- high value ecosystem services equally confused and inspired. joy. But not always, and not entire-
ished serving a two-year term on with decision makers and agri- As a fellow father, I want to ly. Assuming we only get to tour
the American Farm Bureau Fed- cultural stakeholders across the believe that Brady just couldn’t this little blue dot in the galaxy
eration’s National Young Farmers world.” handle the domestic heat. He went once, Brady and Barty, and Len-
& Ranchers Committee. Press Release from Solutions from home, tasted the daily grind of non before them, remind that being
She joins other nationally re- the Land tending to a family, irritated his the best version of ourselves isn’t
nowned farmers in sharing Sf L’s wife in some way, ruined dinner, only about meeting expectations
forgot his chores, sheepishly waved and obligations, it also involves
the white flag in the face of real re- making some decisions, if not in
% sponsibility and scurried back to
the tranquility of the football field.
whole then it least in part, just be-
cause it makes us happy.
LOCAL COMMUNITY NEWS In reality, he probably just couldn’t Send comments to Ronald-
extinguish his competitive flame - [email protected]


County Times
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
one that has proven to burn hotter
16 Entertainment The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022

Maryland Osprey and No Place Like Home

Nature Festival Exhibit Set
The Maryland Osprey and Na-
ture festival takes place Saturday,
April 2 at the Drum Point Club in
Lusby from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Join us at the drum point club,
where the trees and the shoreline
meet. See live raptors up close, at-
tend lectures with wildlife experts
from all over the state, participate
in bird watching, and enjoy nature
is this idilic venue. It will be an
event for the entire family and
people of all ages. Please no pets,
as there will be live raptors; only
service animals.
Feel free to bring beach blan-
kets or towels.
If you love birds and nature, or served. Overf low parking will be Linda Owens’ “flowerpots” Maria Birnkammer’s “Quilt on a White picket
just want to learn more about wild- at patuxent high school with cour-
life, come out and join us. Deanna tesy shuttle provided.
dove with island girl records will Drum point residents are urged
perform live and keep us enter- to walk, ride your bike, etc. To
tained throughout the day. Griz- and from the festival.
zly mountain grill will be serving Drum Point Club – gps ad-
up some of southern maryla`nd dress 435 overlook drive, lusby,
favorite dishes including raptor maryland
talon pulled pork and oscar the For more information please
osprey braised beef. Bonus, free email Sal Icaza at marylando-
rita’s italian ice to children. [email protected]
Parking will be limited at the
drum point club. First come, first

Spring Craft Show

Returns to Hollywood
The Ladies Auxiliary of the to 3:00 P.M.
Hollywood Volunteer Fire De- The members of the Ladies Donna Carley-Tizol’s Swann Farm’s budding peach blossoms.
partment is excited to once again Auxiliary will be preparing and
sponsor the Annual Spring Craft selling food and beverage items in Worldwide, the romantic image the gallery on Saturday April 2
Show at the Hollywood Firehouse. the kitchen. Our famous Stuffed of home is that place where you from 1 to 4 p.m.  Meet the artists
There are over 100 Craft Vendors Ham sandwiches will be avail- close out the world behind you and and experience the variety of art
registered to participate. There able for purchase at this Show and embrace the coziness and warmth represented by these wonderfully
are many returning Vendors reg- there will be a small dining area of safety among family and talented people. Light refresh-
istered to participate in the Show, where attendees can sit to eat. friends, familiar smells, and four ments will be served. If you can’t
as well as several new Vendors. The Ladies Auxiliary will also legged creatures. Home provides make it to the Open House, please
There will be a wide variety of sponsor a bake sale consisting more than a structure, but rather be sure to stop by anytime March
merchandise for your browsing of homemade treats and a 50/50 a place to exhale and close one’s 31 – May 1.
and shopping pleasure. We are money raff le for a fee. eyes. We sink into security and re- Money spent locally stays in the
confident you will find something If you would like to donate charge our bodies, our minds, and local economy and continues to
you have been looking for. something for the Bake Sale we our hearts. strengthen the economic base of
The Spring Craft Show will be welcome your contribution. And who doesn’t picture Judy the entire community. Small lo-
held on Sunday, April 10, 2022. If you have any questions, please Garland in her ruby slippers chant- cal businesses make indispensable
The doors will be open for brows- contact the Craft Show Chairman ing “There’s no place like home”! contributions to communities and
ing and shopping from 10:00 A.M. at: [email protected] For April ArtWorks@7th artists neighborhoods. Supporting local
will express art based on the theme artists allows them the opportunity
“No Place Like Home.” We invite to continue to serve their commu-
you to visit the gallery to enjoy nities. You will often see members
their perspective on this very rela- of Artworks@7th supporting local
tive theme. You’ll see Linda Ow- charities and organizations by par-
Stop by & see what Southern Maryland ens’ f lower pots that are sure to ticipating in art shows, teaching
Online has to offer! Stay abreast of make any home a little bit brighter. workshops, and donating items for
community happenings, speak your Donna Carley-Tizol showcases fundraisers.
mind, & make new friends in the forums, Calvert County’s, Swann Farm’s ArtWorks@7th is located at 8905
or buy & sell in the most popular
classified market in the area.
budding peach blossoms and Ma- Chesapeake Avenue (near 2 nd
ria Birnkammer shares her “Quilt street) in North Beach. Our winter
on a White picket fence”. hours are Thursday through Sun-
Your Online Community for Charles,
Calvert, and St. Mary’s Counties www.somd.com We hope you will come in and
enjoy a semi-intimate viewing at
day, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Press Release from ArtWorks@7 th
Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times Letters to the Editor 17

Police Reform Rating Court of Appeals Case

Committee Questioned
To the Editor:
Calvert Citizens United, Inc. is beyond ecstatic. After three grueling
years (2019-2022) neighbors, citizens and voters have the most significant
win with the Supreme Court of Maryland (COA) by a Writ of Certiorari.
To the Editor:
Incredibly, the Appeals Court hears a small amount of cases appealed from
As Calvert residents and voters, we have questions about the Coun-
the lower Court of Special Appeals. Our attorney, G. Macy Nelson, will ar-
ty’s process for establishing the local Police Accountability Board and
gue Calvert Citizens United, Inc. v BOCC (the 20-Year Comprehensive Plan
an Administrative Charging Committee required by last year’s legisla-
as well as challenging Commissioner Kelly McConkey’s breach of ethics).
tion.  The BOCC’s creation of a rating committee with representatives
Simultaneously, the Calvert Ethics Commission is pursuing its independent
from four community organizations (NAACP, FOP, and Republican
suit in the Matter of (Commissioner) Kelly McConkey in the Court of Spe-
and Democratic Central Committees) seems to be a departure from
cial Appeals (one step below the Court of Appeals).
how such committees are typically appointed in the County.  Since we
This is the FIRST time in Calvert’s history that an elected commissioner
have a Human Resources Department with personnel who are trained
has two cases before the Supreme Court of Maryland. Clearly, the court
in the handling of job applications, we wonder why they are being sup-
believes that both matters involving Kelly McConkey are egregious enough
plemented by community organizations. 
to impact not only Calvert citizens but all citizens throughout our state.
It is also unclear why $74,000 has been put into the present budget for
Calvert Citizens United is continuing to fight the good fight against the
a Human Resources manager and $28,000 for an office assistant since
Master Plan(s) massive, unrestricted buildout set forth by Mark Willis and
the PAB is required to meet only quarterly, while the ACC will meet as
four local builder/developers in attempting to turn Calvert from a quaint,
needed to review cases involving charges of police misconduct.  At the
small town county into a disarray of commercial, high rise multi-family
same time, no monies appear to have been earmarked for stipends for
and apartment buildings bereft of adequate roadways, toxic environmental
the volunteers who will be members of the PAB and ACC.  This lack of
planning as well as the Willis proposal moving sewer above/below ground
transparency regarding the rationale for the budget items leaves many
25 miles from Prince Frederick dumping it in Solomons. One thing is cer-
tain, the sewer will move faster than the flow of traffic. Also, local builder/
The most egregious concern with the committee’s creation is how it
developers can begin construction!
has been unnecessarily made into a partisan process through the inclu-
Welcome cranes and dozers.
sion of the Republican and Democratic Central Committees in rating
With CCU’s commitment to lobbying, steadfast attention to researching
applications.  It would be far more appropriate-and preferable-to keep
all significant issues relative to Mark Willis’ sway over the Planning Com-
partisan politics out of the Police Accountability Board and Charging
mission, at last on March 22 the BOCC voted in favor (Commissioner Mc-
Conkey whimpered and voted NO). This vote started the process of a pos-
Public trust is the essential ingredient that will make or break the
sible 12-month MORATORIUM on all forward motion of the Prince
effectiveness of the Police Accountability Board and Administrative
Frederick Master Plan. Clearly in the past, public pleadings by citizen/
Changing Committee in Calvert County.  We ask the Commissioners
taxpayers during the Comp Plan two-year process (2017-2019) were com-
to reconsider the screening process they have adopted, or at the very
pletely ignored by the BOCC majority. Hence, the citizens’ costly lawsuit
least, explain to the citizens how and why they came to their decisions.
to reclaim Calvert! Remember, we have one Main Street. It’s called Route
4 and it’s 38 miles long. The proposed public hearing (and our lawsuit) are
LWVCC (League of Women Voters of Calvert County)
citizen/taxpayers opportunity to make a dramatic difference, effect change
and protect our homeplace.
If you are able and so inclined we are in need of donations (no amount is
too small)
If you would like to submit a Letter to the Editor to help with this last round of legal fees. Calvert Citizens United, Inc.,
include your name & town of residence. Post Office Box 1018,
Email: [email protected] Huntingtown, MD 20639. Plaintiffs work Pro Bono. It’s our honor to
serve our neighbors.
Myra Gowans, Founder
Calvert Citizens United, Inc.
18 Calendars The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022

Community Calendar
To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email [email protected] with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior
to our Thursday publication.

Egg hunt for ages walking—2 years old, on the night of their Senior Prom: to be in phone call and a mysterious series of events
Thursday, March 31 ages 3-4, ages 5-7, and 8-12 all held simul- each other’s weddings…no matter what. forty years later. Would they put an end to
Sea Squirts taneously at 9 a.m. Please be punctual—the More than thirty years later, these South- the crime dubbed by a major Washington
Calvert Marine Museum, hunt will most likely be finished by 9:15 ern friends-for-life are still making “the newspaper, “The Murder That Would Not
10:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. a.m. Bring your camera/phone for pictures long walk” for each other, determined to Die”? Wait and see! 
Children 18 months to 3 years, with an with the Easter Bunny! honor that vow. “Always a Bridesmaid” is
adult, are invited to discover the museum the lively tale of four loyal and determined Thursday, April 7
together through music, stories, and special Open House women who definitively answer the ques-
Sea Squirts
activities. Join us for story time and a car- 7940 N. Flint Hill Rd., Owings tion, “Just how far are you willing to go to
Calvert Marine Museum
ryout craft, available while supplies last. 3-4 p.m. keep a promise to a friend?” If you’ve ever
10:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Sessions are 25-40 minutes. Sign up at the Come visit our horses during our 2022 elbowed a stranger out of the way to catch
Children 18 months to 3 years, with an
Admissions Desk when you arrive. This Open House series! Our Open Houses are a bride’s bouquet, seriously questioned the
adult, are invited to discover the museum
month’s theme is Who Eats What? free to the public and include barn tours, mental stability of the duo saying “I do”
together through music, stories, and special
meeting our horses, and $5 horseback or been forced to wear the world’s ugliest
activities. Join us for story time and a car-
Transfer Thursdays rides. All proceeds go directly to the care bridesmaid dress, this deliriously funny
ryout craft, available while supplies last.
College of Southern Maryland and keeping of the horses at FHHR! comedy is definitely for you…and your
Sessions are 25-40 minutes. Sign up at the
1 a.m., Zoom. Freedom Hill Horse Rescue is a 501(c)(3) dearly beloved! For tickets ($12-15), vis-
Admissions Desk when you arrive. This
CSM hosts transfer institutions virtually non-profit. it www.ndctheater.org.
month’s theme is C is for Crabs!
each Thursday from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Rep- w w w.f a c e b o o k .c o m /e ve n
resentatives from two different institutions ts/355221333094874/355221346428206/ Tuesday, April 5 Transfer Thursdays
will be available. Old Dominion Member Ticket Sale College of Southern Maryland
“Always a Bridesmaid” Performance
Calvert Marine Museum 1 a.m., Zoom.
Friday, April 1 Long Beach Community Center,
10 a.m. CSM hosts transfer institutions virtually
5845 Calvert Blvd., St. Leonard,
FREE Rooftop Car Show by the Bay Tickets for museum members go on each Thursday from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Rep-
7 p.m.
4165 Mears Ave., Chesapeake Beach sale for Old Dominion. This concert will resentatives from two different institutions
In this hilarious comedy, four friends
4-9 p.m. take place on June 10 at the PNC Water- will be available.
have sworn to keep the promise they made
FREE Rooftop Car Show—By the Bay side Pavilion, located at the Calvert Ma-
on the rooftop of the new parking garage
on the night of their Senior Prom: to be in
each other’s weddings…no matter what.
rine Museum. To purchase tickets, visit UPCOMING
at the Rod & Reel. April 1, 4 PM to 9 PM, bit.ly/CMM-OD or call 1-800-787-9454. 
More than thirty years later, these South- Calvert Arts Festival
Cool cars and trucks, much chrome, nice Museum members have the opportunity
ern friends-for-life are still making “the  Sample the best wines and craft beers
paint. to purchase tickets ahead of the general
long walk” for each other, determined to from Southern Maryland makers at 16th
FREE to all; 866 312 5596 public. To become a member, visit bit.ly/
honor that vow. “Always a Bridesmaid” is Calvert Arts Festival Saturday, May 14,
the lively tale of four loyal and determined 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. at All Saints’ Episcopal
“Always a Bridesmaid” Performance
Long Beach Community Center
women who definitively answer the ques-
tion, “Just how far are you willing to go to Wednesday, April 6 Church. A $15 fee to taste wines/beers
gives you a souvenir tasting glass and
5845 Calvert Blvd., St. Leonard keep a promise to a friend?” If you’ve ever Lecture Series wristband. No fee to shop from outstand-
7 p.m. elbowed a stranger out of the way to catch Calvert Library, Prince Frederick, ing local juried artisans. Enjoy delicious
In this hilarious comedy, four friends a bride’s bouquet, seriously questioned the 6:30-7:30 p.m. food and beverages, live entertainment,
have sworn to keep the promise they made mental stability of the duo saying “I do” Speaker: Donald G. Shomette. Briar children’s crafts, raffles & more. Tour our
on the night of their Senior Prom: to be in or been forced to wear the world’s ugliest Patch: The Murder That Would Not Die! 1692 church & labyrinth. Event is rain or
each other’s weddings…no matter what. bridesmaid dress, this deliriously funny This lecture series is sponsored by the shine.  Save money: reserve your wine/beer
More than thirty years later, these South- comedy is definitely for you…and your Bayside History Museum, Calvert Library gla$$ at https://www.EventBrite.com/e/
ern friends-for-life are still making “the dearly beloved! For tickets ($12-15), vis- Prince Frederick and the John Hanson Calvert-Arts-Festival-2022-tickets.  Age
long walk” for each other, determined to it www.ndctheater.org. Chapter NSDAR. verified for alcohol tasting by picture ID
honor that vow. “Always a Bridesmaid” is Don Shomette promises a surprise end- at festival. Proceeds benefit local charities
the lively tale of four loyal and determined
women who definitively answer the ques-
Sunday, April 3 ing to this decades old unsolved murder. that aid County children. Free parking at
Inspired by the famed but brutal North- All Saints’ Church, Rts 2 & 4, Sunderland,
tion, “Just how far are you willing to go to Houseplant Cutting Swap
west Branch Park murder in a peaceful MD, and nearby Sunderland Park & Ride.
keep a promise to a friend?” If you’ve ever Hills Bayside Plant Shop,
Maryland suburb of Washington, D.C., a
elbowed a stranger out of the way to catch 5015 St Leonard Road, St. Leonard,
case that electrified the nation, historian Easter Egg Hunt
a bride’s bouquet, seriously questioned the 2-3 p.m.
and author Donald Grady Shomette will St. Paul United Methodist Church, 11000
mental stability of the duo saying “I do” Free Event located outside on the porch
relate the masterfully intricate and epic HG Trueman Rd., Lusby; April 16, 11 a.m.-
or been forced to wear the world’s ugliest in front of the store. Bring your houseplant
story of crime and intrigue, love and cour- 1 p.m.
bridesmaid dress, this deliriously funny cuttings then trade your cutting with an-
age, tragedy and vengeance, corruption and All Children and their families are wel-
comedy is definitely for you…and your other plant in the same category at the main
truth that spans more than half a century. come to join us for an Easter Egg Hunt,
dearly beloved! For tickets ($12-15), vis- table. The main swap table at the store has
It is the tale of two young women – one a games, face painting and more!
it www.ndctheater.org. a limit of 1 cutting per variety. If you have
victim of a beastly killer, and the other her
alot of cuttings I can set up a small space
sister bent on ultimate revenge despite in- Count on the Chesapeake
Saturday, April 2 for you to trade them with others attend-
surmountable obstacles. Follow the events Calvert Marine Museum, Thursday,
ing. Wide variety to choose from including
Easter Egg Hunt leading up to the June 15, 1955 murder of April 14, Spring Break Programming:
hoyas, philodendrons and monsteras.
600 Dares Beach Road, two teenage girls, Nancy Marie Shomette, Count on the Chesapeake 10 a.m. - noon
Prince Frederick , 9 a.m. Donald’s own cousin, and Michael “Mikie” Count on the Chesapeake author William
“Always a Bridesmaid” Performance
Calvert High School Junior Optimist Ann Ryan, the daughter of a dedicated met- Sells will be at the Calvert Marine Museum
Long Beach Community Center,
Club is hosting its annual Easter Egg Hunt ropolitan police officer, and the ensuing for a book signing. Afterwards, complete a
5845 Calvert Blvd., St. Leonard,
on the stadium field of Calvert High School. dramatic nationwide manhunt for the killer. scavenger hunt to practice counting skills
2 p.m.
Park in the rear student parking lot and fol- Despite one false lead after another, there in the museum.  For ages 3 – 6.  Program-
In this hilarious comedy, four friends
low the signs to the field. was no resolution  . . . until a surprising ming is included with museum admission.
have sworn to keep the promise they made
Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times Calendars
Obituaries 19

In Remembrance
The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to
[email protected] after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Karleen J. Talbott 1933, in Germany. At the age of

21 moved to Canada where she
Methodist Church in Huntingtown.
Pauline is survived by her son Mi-
family wishes to express its grati-
tude to his manager, Clare “Niki”
met her soon to be husband, Hans chael Dodson and his wife Paula Baker and caregivers Mary Harris,
Freimayer. They married in 1955, of Waldorf, MD, grandchildren Woodrow Wallace, Janis Foote,
Hans passed away in 1996. Gregory Dodson and wife Crystal Angel Gray, Dee Johnson, Tasha
Survived by two sons, Peter, of Chesapeake Beach and Timo- Titus and Rose Gray.  Markey was
and Robert, two daughters-in-law, thy Dodson and wife Rachel of preceded in death by his parents,
Karen, and Nancy, four grandchil- Elkridge. She is also survived Joseph and Frances Jordan and
dren, Michelle, Sharon, Daniel, by great-grandchildren Cama- his brother, Michael Jordan.  He
and Andy, and one great-grand- ron, Courtney, Kiersten, Ashton, is survived by his brothers, Joseph
son, Matthew. and Ryder, and by a great-great- “Pat” Jordan and Brian (Kim) Jor-
Maria and Hans immigrated to grandson Isaac. In addition to her dan, and his sister, Angela (Brian)
the United States in the mid 60’s husband Pauline was preceded in McCarthy and their families.
and eventually became US citi- death by her brothers Rayner Cox, In lieu of f lowers, donations
zens in 1976. Shortly thereafter Edward Cox, Jr., and Stanley Cox, may be made in his name to the
they built a home in Calvert Coun- and by her sisters Verda Turner Asbury Foundation, 11100 Asbury
try. Maria retired at the age of 63 and Pearl Garner. Circle, Solomons, MD  20688 or
and enjoyed retirement spending Contributions may be made to Calvert Hospice, P.O. Box 838,
Karleen J. Talbott, 72, of Lo- winters in FL. Calvert Hospice, P.O. Box 838, Prince Frederick, MD  20678.
thian, MD passed away March 25, Maria passed on March 23, 2022 Prince Frederick, MD 20678; 410- Condolences to the family may
2022 in Annapolis, MD. Karleen at the age of 88. 535-0892; Link: https://calvertho- be made at www.rauschfuneral-
was born December 29, 1949 in In lieu of f lowers, donations spice.org/ homes.com.
Cheverly, MD to Jeane E. (Mey- in Maria’s name may be made Funeral arrangements were
er) and Melvin W. Stearlings. She to the ASPCA, P.O. Box 96929,
Washington, DC 20090-6929;
made by Rausch Funeral Home. Michael F. Rice, Jr.
was raised in Deale and attended
Deale Elementary and Southern Link: https://secure.aspca.org
Funeral arrangements were
Dennis Markey
Jr. and Sr. High Schools in Lo-
thian, where she graduated with made by Rausch Funeral Home. Jordan
the Class of 1967. She attended
Maryland Medical Secretarial Pauline Cox Dodson
School in Hagerstown, and also
received a Nursing Certificate
from the Anne Arundel General
Hospital School of Nursing. She
was employed as a pediatric nurse
in pediatric physician practices
until her retirement in 2010.
Karleen married Shearman J.
Talbott November 19, 1971, and
they lived and raised their family
in Lothian. Karleen’s interests in-
cluded playing softball, waterski- Michael F. Rice, Jr., 46, peace-
ing, gardening, reading and quilt- fully passed away at his home on
ing, and she loved spending time Monday, March 21, 2022 after a
with her family, especially her 30 year battle with Multiple Scle-
grandchildren. Dennis Markey Jordan, 72 of rosis. Mike is survived by his im-
Karleen was preceded in death Solomons, MD, passed away mediate family and MS warriors,
by her son Kyle B. Talbott and by peacefully at his residence at
Pauline Cox Dodson, 102, mother, Dawn Catena, sister, Jen-
her parents Melvin and Jeane. She Asbury Solomons on March 21,
passed away March 22, 2022 at nifer Rice, and nephew, Elijah Ka-
is survived by her husband Shear- 2022.  A graduate of Woodrow
her residence. Pauline was born reem. He is also survived by his
man, daughters Karli Talbott Wilson High School and Mount
February 6, 1920 in the Willows, extended family, father, Michael
Sutherland and husband Chris, St. Mary’s College, Markey was
MD to Bessie (Cranford) and Ed- F. Rice, Sr. and stepmother Mary
and Kori B. Fielding and hus- employed by the Horace Mann
ward Cox. She was raised in Hun- Rice, brothers Nicholas Rice,
band Ross. She is also survived by Insurance Company in Southern
tingtown and graduated from Cal- James Rice and his wife Gretchen
grandchildren Colby, Colton, Cal- Maryland for over 30 years.  The
vert High School in 1937, and also
len, Kinsley, Kyleigh and Reagan, attended Strayer Business College
and her sisters Janice Nutwell, in Washington, D.C. She mar-
Candice Faber, Kim Cullember, ried John K. Dodson October 3, Where Life and Heritage are Celebrated
and Gina Kerfoot. 1941 and they lived in the Wash-
Visitation will be Thursday, ington, D.C. and later in District
March 31, 202. 10-11 a.m. at Heights, MD. During WWII she During a difficult
Rausch Funeral Home-Owings, was employed with the War De-
8325 Mt. Harmony Lane, Owings, partment and also worked at the time… still your best choice.
MD 20736. A Memorial Service Pentagon. In 1951 she began a
will follow at 11 a.m. at the funer- career as a secretary working for
al home. Interment will be private. Eugene Chaney in his road con- Affordable Funerals, Caskets, Vaults,
Contributions may be made to struction business, and retired Cremation Services and Pre-Need Planning
Alzheimer’s Association, Na- from Chaney Enterprises after Family Owned and Operated by
tional Capital Area Chapter, 39 years of service in 1990. She Barbara Rausch and Bill Gross
8180 Greensboro Drive, Suite
400, McLean, VA 22102; Link:
and John moved back to Calvert
County in 1988 and they resided
ht t ps://act.al z.org /site/
Don at ion 2?d f _ id=39209&m fc _
in Huntingtown. Mr. Dodson pre-
ceded Pauline in death in 1995.
Owings Port Republic Lusby
pref=T&39209.donation=form1 Pauline loved antiquing, reading, 8325 Mt. Harmony Lane 4405 Broomes Island Rd. 20 American Lane
Maria Freimayer and watching game shows. She was 410-257-6181 410-586-0520 410-326-9400
Maria Freimayer, Born July 8, a devoted member of Emmanuel
20 Calendars
Obituaries The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022

In Remembrance
The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to
[email protected] after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

and their daughters Nora and Isla. keep life as normal as possible.
Michael was preceded in death by Many were high school friend-
one of his greatest advocates, his ships, who were there to visit, hang
stepfather, Donald J. Catena. out or take him to concerts, bars,
Michael was born in Cheverly, picnics…He was always grateful
Maryland and grew up in Prince for their dedication to him.
George’s County. He was diag- Michael will be best remem-
nosed with MS on April 1st of bered for his “off color” sense of
his senior year in high school. He humor, jokes, crazy T-shirts and
was a graduate of Laurel High and his love for the ladies. He will
went on to receive his certifica- truly be missed by his enormous
tion in Computer Aided Design at group of family and friends.
Maryland Drafting Institute. Upon In lieu of f lowers, contri-
graduation Michael worked con- butions may be made in his
tract jobs through Aerotek, Inc. honor to the National Mul-
until moving to Prince Frederick. tiple Sclerosis Society; Link:
Michael then acquired a position h t t p s : // s e c u r e . n a t i o n a l m s s o - School in 1972. She joined the US and many beloved nieces and
with Patuxent Architects, per- c i e t y. o r g /s i t e / D o n a t i o n 2 ?d f _ Navy in 1973 and served as a Den- nephews.  He is preceded in death
forming drafting with a specialty id=55995&55995.donation=form1 tal Technician, reaching the rank by his parents Alford Wynkoop
in Fire and Safety. Mike’s MS pro- Funeral arrangements were of E4 before separating in 1976. and Alice Kephart, brothers Doug-
gressed leaving him dependent on made by Rausch Funeral Home. She worked full time while com- las Wynkoop, Johnny Ott, Ronald
a walker by age 21 and in a wheel- pleting her Associate’s Degree Wynkoop, Michael Wynkoop, and
from Anne Arundel Community
chair at age 25. He continued in
his drafting position until becom-
Karen Burns College in 1983. Most recently she
his dear sister Roma Bullock.
Donald retired from The George
ing permanently disabled. worked as a Program Manager for Washington University after over
Karen Burns, 67, passed away a non-profit in Alexandria, VA.
While life became more diffi- March 20, 2022 surrounded by 25 years of service.  He was an
cult, Michael never complained. She was diagnosed with ovarian avid outdoorsman who loved the
her three daughters at her resi- cancer in 2015 and completed her
He took on whatever MS threw dence. Karen was born Decem- Chesapeake Bay, hunting, fishing,
at him and never lost his sense Bachelor’s Degree from UMUC and just being on the water.  He
ber 1, 1954 in Cheverly, MD to in 2016, while undergoing cancer
of humor. Family support was al- Willie and Robert Hooker. She was also a champion archer and
ways important however, Michael treatments. She battled cancer held many accolades in the sport
was raised in Upper Marlboro and the effects of chemotherapy
always had a group of friends to and graduated from Largo High and was once recruited by Team
for seven years, all while work- USA for the Olympics.
ing full time and being a sup- He could often be found in his
portive mother and grandmother. garden cultivating seeds or gath-
Karen loved card-making, bak- ering vegetables to share with
ing, British mystery shows, and friends and neighbors, or metal
travelling. She was a member detecting alongside his cherished
of the Bethel United Method- wife.  Donald was a dedicated fa-
ist Church in Upper Marlboro. ther and grandfather.  His daugh-
Karen is survived by her chil- ter remembers him teaching her
dren, Rachel Rice of Chesapeake how to dance, fish, ice a cake,
Beach, MD, Kathryn Burns of and change a tire.  He always sup-
North Beach, MD, Krystal Burns ported her in anything she wanted
of Herndon, VA, and her grand- to do throughout life.  He taught
daughter Kamryn Burns. She his granddaughter all about his
is also survived by her siblings,

To Place A Memorial,
love of nature and would bring her
Joseph Hooker of Owings, MD, seaside treasures of shark teeth,
Keith Hooker of Aiken, SC, and shells, and beautiful stones.
Kelley Hooker of Hampstead, Donald will be laid to rest in a

Please Call
MD. private ceremony.
A Memorial Service will be Fond memories and expres-
Saturday, April 2, 2022, 1 p.m. at sions of sympathy may be shared

Bethel United Methodist Church, at www.rauschfuneralhomes.
16101 Swanson Road, Upper com for the Wynkoop family.
Marlboro, MD 20774. Interment In lieu of f lowers, if you would
will be Private.

or send an email to
like to donate in memoriam, please
Funeral arrangements are by consider Chesapeake Bay Founda-
Rausch Funeral Home. tion, 6 Herndon Avenue, Annapo-

[email protected]
lis, MD 21403; Link: https://www.
Donald Wayne cbf.org/ or Jefferson Patterson
Wynkoop Park and Museum, 10115 Mackall
Road, St. Leonard, MD 20685 or
Donald Wayne Wynkoop, 80, of Annmarie Sculpture Garden and
Lusby, Maryland, passed away at Art Center.
his home on Sunday, March 20,
2022. Charles Richard
Donald is survived by his loving
wife of 32 years, Gearldean Land Rohde
Wynkoop, his daughter Donna Charles Richard Rohde, bet-
Wynkoop-Langley of Dundalk, ter known as “Charlie,” passed
and his granddaughter, Savan- peacefully from this life into eter-
nah Langley of Baltimore.  He is nity on March 19, 2022. He had
also survived by his sister Shirley been under the loving care of his
Simpson, and his brothers Ken- daughter and her husband in CA,
neth Wynkoop and Thomas Ott, as well as hospice, for his last
Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times Calendars
Obituaries 21

grandchildren. Charles’ passions
included working with numbers,
puzzles, and gardening. He also
enjoyed creating new inven- Contributing Writer:
tions with the hopes of patent- Lynda J. Striegel
ing. Though none ever got to that
point, many of his creations can In recent columns, I have talked about ey. OK, that’s fine as a motivator. But
still be found in use in his chil- why women need to get a financial educa- why? What’s going on in Jane’s life that
dren’s homes. After retirement, tion and how many professional financial causes such worry? What Jane needs to
advisors aren’t offering women what they do is delve deeper into her list. Like the
Charles found a second career, want—a lifetime financial plan. If you are following:
though part-time. He taught math reading this, you’re concerned about your • I worry about money all the time.
and algebra courses at Prince financial education. You know somehow About having enough to pay off my bills.
Georges Community College, such an education is important to you. They seem to come at me from nowhere
Montgomery College and Howard Why? Are you looking for financial pro- and pile up. I lose sleep at night worrying
Community College. tection, or is your goal to buy a house, about where I will find the money to pay
Charles is survived by his chil- a boat, or finance your child’s college all the bills.
four months and his son and his dren Irene Niemeyer and hus- education? • I cannot seem to control myself or this
wife in Port Republic, MD, for six band Sydney, Shirley Flowers and Your answer matters. Focus on a short situation. I feel I am a burden on my loved
years prior. Charles was born to husband Whit, Laura Hunter and term goal, such as making a major pur- ones, my family since they often loan me
chase, probably won’t be enough to give money—I know they can’t afford it. Why
Hyman B (immigrated from Rus- husband Tim, Jackie Koutsoukos you the will or the stamina to engage in can’t I learn to control this thing with
sia at the age of 16) and Lenora and husband Tony, Tim Rohde, Sr. basic financial planning. While there is money?
(Stitch) Rohde on December 27, and wife Sheila; 19 grandchildren nothing magic about financial planning, it Whoa! Jane’s deeper list contains some-
1923, and raised in Greenfield, and spouses, Gina Drusda, Mat- takes time to implement a strategy. If your thing important. Control. Jane’s relation-
Massachusetts. He was the third thew “Budge” Barclay and wife motivation is to satisfy a short-term goal of ship with money is out of control. She
of six children. He attended and Katie, Chris Dero and wife Yo- making a major purchase, how patient will feels she cannot control the relationship
graduated from Greenfield High shi, Paul Long and wife Renee, you be? If your motivation is to improve she has with money. Now we get to a real
School, spent a short stint work- Melanie Englehardt and husband your financial health, then you’ll have and motivator for Jane.
ing on military weapons in a local Tim, Bonnie Newton and husband get the stamina necessary to make a plan Suppose she got control? Suppose she
armory, and was soon after draft- Merle, Tommy Niemeyer, Julie work for you. So, forget about the short- learned enough to manage her relationship
term goals. with money? Feeling that control, exercis-
ed to serve in our Second World Niemeyer, Brooke Souders and Let’s assume that what you want is self- ing a newfound power over money and its
War with the US Army. husband Shaun, Kristin Welsh and sufficiency. What does self-sufficiency relationship to her, now that’s a true moti-
He served in the Company #111 husband Josh, Sarah Badley and mean to you? Does it mean owning your vator for a lifetime of financial planning.
Medium Maintenance Ordnance husband Luke, Rachel Robinson own home, being able to retire and live at Jane can do it and so can you.
from Greenfield, MA as support and husband Zach, Hannah Hunt- about the same level as if you were still See what I mean about the motivations
for the front-line troops, main- er, Rebekah Zimmerman and hus- working? What would make you most list? Start with a list, then read and re-read
taining and repairing the military band McGuire, Leah Hunter, Ste- satisfied with your financial life? Where it and try to get to a deeper list. Be cruelly
vehicles. Following behind the in- fanos Koutsoukos, Kelsey Kout- is your comfort level? Are you realistic honest with your feelings. Identify why
fantry by about four or so miles, soukos, Tim Rohde, Jr. and Meg- enough to understand it is unlikely you you want a lifetime financial plan. Getting
his company landed on the coast of gie Pollins, Jen Crupi and husband will have as much money with the best and to the why is half the battle. Learning how
most perfectly executed financial plan as to plan and executing the plan are easy
Normandy, France just one week Brian; 24 great-grandchildren; Bill Gates? compared to identifying why you want the
post D-Day, June 13, 1944, where two brothers, Jimmy Rohde and You need some ingredients here—the plan.
they continued to press forward, Harry Rohde and many nieces and motivation list. Make a list of your mo- Remember Scarlet in Gone With The
surviving the greatest American nephews. tivators—what you really want to achieve Wind and her comment: “As God is my
battle of the war, the infamous In addition to his parents and from your lifetime of financial planning. witness, I’ll never go hungry again!” Free-
Battle of the Bulge, in West Eu- beloved wife Lois, Charles was Get pretty specific about what you want. dom from hunger is a true motivator. No
rope. Dad had told us that he truly preceded in death by two broth- Identify your comfort level. Of course, one who has felt real hunger ever wants to
had no idea how close he was to ers, Elliot Rohde and Gerry Ro- this will likely change over the years, but be hungry again. But, is it fear of hunger
being annihilated by the Germans hde, one sister, Edie (Rohde) Les- to start, figure out what your list is today pangs that is the motivator, or is it really
during this major battle of victo- ter and one daughter, Rosemarie and we’ll use that list as something to work the powerlessness of being unable to feed
towards. yourself? Lack of power over your cir-
ry. He returned home in late 1945 Niemeyer. Here is an example of a motivations list cumstances—that control thing again, that
having earned four battle stars. In lieu of f lowers, the family prepared by Jane, aged 33: appears to be the true motivator. Maybe
Upon his return to home, he wishes any donations made to be I WANT A LIFETIME FINANCIAL that’s why the generation of the 1930’s, the
was able to attend college on the given to the American Cancer So- PLAN BECAUSE: Great Depression, were better savers than
GI Bill, majoring in mechanical ciety in honor of Charles. There • I don’t want to have to worry about later generations. Because many of them
Honor the memory of your cherished
engineering while studying at the are three ways in which to do this: money all the time. I want to know I’ve went hungry, lost control over their life
A Tribute to the Loved One
City College of New York. Short-
one by sharing the story of their life
Online atwithcancer.org,
friends, neighborsby mail at
and associates done the best that can be done to minimize situations, they tended to set aside a por-
ly after graduation, he landed a PO Box 42040, Oklahoma City, money worries so that I am not and do not tion of their income in savings to provide a
Whose Memory Lives
job with the Navy Department
here in the community.
OK 73123, or byForcalling 1-800-
details and to place
become a burden to my family or loved cushion against similar experiences.
in Washington, DC, so began his 227-2345. Please ones. I want to know enough of the basics If you think, as a woman, you’ll never be
your mention Charles’
On Forever in Your Heart
35-year career in the field of en- name, and call
notice of remembrance,
if 301-373-4125
you wish, for assistance.
to be able to create a money strategy and able to achieve your financial plan because
to execute it. of a lack of education about finance, think
gineering. It was here that he met your address so that a word of • When I retire, I want to be indepen- again. Did you realize that women have
the woman who would eventually gratitude can be acknowledged. dent. I don’t want my husband/ children/ been statistically proven to be better long-
become his wife of over 62 years, Interment will be Monday, April family to have to care for me. I want to pay term investors than men? Why? Because
the late Lois Richards Rohde. 25, 2022, 10:30 a.m. at MD Veter- my own way. women use motivation, not short-term
Charles and Lois made their ans Cemetery-Cheltenham, 11301 • I want to be able to help my loved ones goals as driving factors in financial plan-
home in Silver Spring, MD for Crain Highway, Cheltenham, MD financially—like paying for a college edu- ning. Women come to motivation more
over 55 years, raised 6 children, 20623. cation for my children. I want my plan to easily than men. Once into the planning
and enjoyed times spent with their Funeral arrangements by Rausch help me do that. process, women continue to focus on mo-
many grandchildren and great Funeral Home. • I want my plan to help me pay off my tivating factors, enabling them to ride out
house so that when I am older, I won’t have the storms of ups and downs in the markets
mortgage payments to worry about and without abandoning their goals or plans.
I won’t have to place any burden for my You can do this. Get started today to cre-
mortgage payments on someone else. ate your lifetime financial plan.
What do you see in Jane’s list? Clearly, Join me for a no charge seminar on the
she’s concerned about having and keep- third Wednesday of every month at 11am
REMEMBRANCES ing money. It seems to Jane that money at 8906 Bay Avenue in North Beach, MD
IN PRINT & ONLINE worries upset her—she fears lack of mon- 20714. Call 301-855-2246 to reserve a seat.
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Thursday, March 31, 2022 The Calvert County Times Fun & Games 23

CLUES ACROSS 46. Says something about 11. Pure

1. Hillsides you (abbr.) 12. LSU football coach
6. A way to ingest 48. Doctor of Education 14. Unbroken views
9. Large number 49. One quintillion bytes 17. Fathers
13. Southeastern (abbr.) 20. Part of a race
Minnesota city 51. Overcharge 21. Hairstyle
14. Cronies 52. Sailboats 23. Fifth note of a major
15. Having sufficient 54. Indian musical patterns scale
skill, knowledge 56. Predisposition to a 25. Body art
16. Supplements with condition 26. Amounts of time
difficulty 60. Share a common 27. Designed chairs
17. Former VP nominee boundary with 29. Sensational dramatic
Palin 61. Wide piece
18. Cambodian 62. Skin disease 30. Arrangement of steps
monetary unit 63. Monetary unit of Samoa 32. Classifies
19. Where coaches work 64. Source of the Blue Nile 34. Young child
21. Secret political 65. Instrument 35. Oh, no!
clique 66. Red deer 37. Astronomical period of
22. A type of lute 67. Unidentified flying about 18 years
23. Tan object 40. Not or
24. Empire State 68. Bar or preclude 42. Poke fun at
25. Where golfers begin 43. Consisting of roots
28. For each CLUES DOWN 47. “__ Humbug!”
29. Muslim inhabitants 1. Flying insects 49. A way to remove
of the Philippines 2. Strong alcoholic spirit 50. A confusion of voices
31. Bird genus 3. Old and other sounds
33. Popular Dave 4. Moves in slowly 52. Keyed instrument
Matthews Band song 5. Symbol for tin 53. Varnishes
36. Domesticates 6. Having certain 55. Unpleasantly sticky
38. “Boardwalk Empire” appendages substance
actress Gretchen 7. Expression of sorrow or 56. Unable to hear
39. Asian antelope pity 57. A short erect tail
41. One who takes 8. Type of hormone (abbr.) 58. Indicates interest
apart 9. One with an unjustified 59. Flow or leak through
44. Kin mistrust 61. British thermal unit
45. Dresses 10. Hebrew calendar month 65. Iron


Publisher Thomas McKay The Calvert County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the
residents of Calvert County. The Calvert County Times will be available on newsstands
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Editor ered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement
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Calvert County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be
County Times
Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler published, due to time or space constraints.
24 The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 31, 2022

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