PhET Solenoids

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In this activity students will be exploring solenoids using the “Magnets &
Electromagnets” PhET simulation.
Open the simulation by clicking on the link:

Take a look at the explanatory video via YouTube:

Learning Objectives

By the end of these activities it is hoped that students will have an

acquired the following skills:

• Following explicit instructions to gain acquired knowledge.

• Exploring magnetic fields in current carrying wires
• What is the relationship between magnetic field strength and
number of loops?
Activity 1: Exploring magnetic fields in a current carrying wire.

1 Author: Simon Lees 2017

- Set up the scenario as shown in the diagram
opposite with one loop, a compass and the
voltage on the battery switched to 0V.

- Move the voltage to the right to 10V and you

will see the electrons moving.

- Using your arrow move the compass around the solenoid loop in an
anticlockwise direction.

- What do you notice happens to the red end of the needle?


- Now move the voltage switch to the far left. You will notice that the terminals
have changed. Start with the compass on the left and move it anticlockwise
around the loop.

- What do you notice happens to the red end of the needle?


- Now remove the compass and click the show field button. Take a screenshot of
what you see with the voltage at 10V moved left or right and place in the space

- Does the pattern look familiar if so


Screenshot of magnetic
____________________________ field

2 Author: Simon Lees 2017

Activity 2: How is magnetic field strength affected by coil

- Have a single loop chosen and also

choose the magnetic field meter and place
it in the position shown in the diagram

- Turn the voltage to 5V by pushing the

slider in the battery to the right.

- Note the field strength by looking at the top number ONLY in the meter. Place
this number in table 1.

- Repeat this but for 10V and place the value in table 1.
- Now repeat for 5V and 10V but adding two loops and place the results in table

- Repeat same process for 4 loops.

Table 1:
- What pattern do you notice between number of loops and magnetic field


3 Author: Simon Lees 2017

- Now change the terminals by moving the slider to the left at 5V and 10V and do
the same process with the increasing the loops and measuring the field
strength. Place the data in table 2.

Table 2:

- Is the magnetic field strength affected in the same way as the data
collected in table 1.


- Come up with a basic relationship that links number of loops and

magnetic field strength.

As you increase the voltage the current increases.

- What is the relationship using the data collected in table 1 and 2 between
current and magnetic field strength?


A number of loops of wire now constitutes a solenoid.


- Complete table 3 to show what must happen to increase/decrease

magnetic field strength, B.

4 Author: Simon Lees 2017

Increase B Decrease B
Number of loops
- Research from the internet or from class how else you can increase the
magnetic field strength of a solenoid


5 Author: Simon Lees 2017

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