Science 3rd Term Workbook (Class 4)

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Class: Four
Table of contents

Topic Name Page

Constructing Circuits 3-5

Break in the circuit 6-10

Making and measuring sound 11-12

How does sound travel to our ears? 13-15

Some materials stop sound travelling 16

Investigating pitch and sound 17

Making music 18

Components of food 19-27

Activities from components of food 28-32

Day: Date:
Constructing Circuits

1. Fill in the blanks by reading pg-97, 98 and 99:

a. Batteries make ______________________ when chemicals inside them


b. We can use the ______________ to find out which component is broken.

c. _____________________ knew about electricity over 2000 years ago.

d. _____________ flows through the components in a circuit.

e. ______________ is a source of electricity.

2. Fill in the missing spaces with the words from the light bulb

An electricity supply comes from either the mains or ________________.

For an electric ircuit to flow you must have a

___________ circuit. Electricity can only

_____________ in one direction. To make a simple
complete bulb
electrical ______________ we need a power source,
batteries motor
wire and other compnents such as bulbs, switches and
understand mains
_____________. Electrical devices such as remote
torches circuit
controllers and _________ use batteries. When we

draw circuits we use ___________ to draw them. motors

This makes it easy to draw and


Day: Date:

3. Look at the following pictures and write a safety precaution

for each:

Day: Date:

4. Answer the following questions:

a. How can we find out which component of the circuit is broken?





b. How does a battery works?




c. Why are rechargeable batteries useful?





d. Make a list of three things that use rechargeable batteries.



e. Why do all sockets have plastic covering?




Day: Date:
Break in the circuit

1. Identify whether the following statements are true or false:

a. We use batteries in circuits to control the flow of electricity.

b. Switches allow us to use appliances when we want them on.

c. If there is a break in the circuit the electrical current will flow.

d. When the switch is closed, the circuit is complete and electricity can flow.

e. Electricity can pass through a broken wire.

2. Identify what’s wrong with each of these circuits and answer
the questions:
Explain why light bulbs won’t light the circuit pictured in the right.




Explain why light bulbs won’t light the circuit pictured in

the right.




Explain why light bulbs won’t light the circuit pictured in

the right.



Day: Date:

3. Tell whether the light bulb will light or will not light based on
the circuit:

Day: Date:

4. Complete the following activities:

a. Name two power sources of electricity:

___________________ _____________________

b. Look at the batteries below and put a tick or a cross in the box for each set
of batteries to say whether they are connected correctly or not:

c. Look at the two circuits below and write ‘will work’ or ‘won’t work’. Explain your







Day: Date:

5. Complete the sentences about circuits by drawing a circle

around the correct words:

a. When the switch is closed the electricty can / cannot flow.

b. When there’s a break in the circuit the component will work / won’t work

c. If more lamps are added to a circuit, the lamps will get brighter /
will get dimmer.

d. If the wire is broken the electricty will flow / won’t flow.

e. Mains electricty are more dangerous / less dangerous than batteries.

6. Draw a line to match each description to the correct word:

This completes the circuit and

electricity can flow.

This slows down the flow of

electricity but does not stop it.

This makes a break in the circuit

Closed switch
so electricity cannot flow.

These flow around the circuit

and create electricity.

Open switch

7. Read the sentences about a model for electrical current.

Write the correct words in the gaps:
We can pass _____________ around a circle to model
electrical ______________ flowing around a balls

_______________. The balls are like the tiny current

____________ that create __________________. electricity

Day: Date:

8. Answer the following questions:

a. What is the function of switch?





b. How do we use a switch to control circuit?






c. How can we model how electricity passes in a circuit?





d. Name two safety precautions when using mains electricity.





Day: Date:
Making and measuring sound

1. Fill in the blanks by taking help from pg-112-116:

a. The African cicada can make sound measured as ___________________.

b. The _____________ of a sound is how loud or quiet it is.

c. Sounds above _____________________ permanently damage our ears.

d. ______________ hear through their jaws.

e. Sound can happen if something only _________________.

f. The sound of a __________________ dropping is less than a 0 decibels.

g. Musicians and singer use __________________.

h. __________________ cannot hear sounds that are below 0 dB.

2. Complete the table:

Sound Sound level (dB)


Vacuum cleaner

Music through headphones

Rustling leaves

Busy traffic

Permanent damage to the ear

A child screaming


Causes human pain

Jet taking off

Day: Date:

3. Identify whether the following statements are true or false:

a. The less energy you put into vibration, the louder the sound will be.

b. Sound can be measure using sound level meter.

c. Musicians use tuning forks to measure sound.

d. We can see the vibration in the air when a sound is made.

e. Sounds above 160 dB can damage our ears.

f. A vacuum cleaner has a sound level of80 dB.

4. Answer the following questions:

a. How are sounds made?



b. How can we hear sounds from guitar?


c. How can we hear sound from tuning fork?




d. How are sounds measured?




Day: Date:
How does sound travel to our ears?

1. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks taking help from
word bank:

In a ______________ there is no materials or ___________ for vibrations to

travel through. The photograph shows a _______________. A __________

sucks all the air out of the jar. The bell is _____________ but we cannothear

it. This is because there is nothing to _______________ the vibrations from

the electric bell to our ears.

air bell jar ringing vacuum transmit pump

2. Write step by step how a paper telephone works:

a. _________________________________________________


b. _________________________________________________


c. _________________________________________________


d. _________________________________________________


e. _________________________________________________


Day: Date:

3. Answer the following questions:

a. How does sound travel to our ears?




b. How does talking through a tube make our voice louder?




c. Why can we hear better in water than in air?


d. Name three things that sound can travel through.



4. Fill in the blanks by taking help from pg-118-121:

a. Sound needs a _________________ to travel through.

b. Sound travels up to ________________ faster under water than in air.

c. When more water is added to the bottle, the volume of the sound gets


d. Space is a _______________.

e. The tube stops the vibrations escaping into the surrounding ___________.

Day: Date:

Day: Date:
Some materials stop sound travelling

1. Answer the following questions:

a. Why do some airport workers wear ear defenders?





b. How are sounds prevented from going outside in a studio?





c. List two materials that insulate sound.



2. Fill in the blanks:

An aeroplane taking off has a sound meter reading of ________________.

Sounds of 130 dB hurt our _____________ and sounds of _____________

cause permanent damage.

Some materials are better at transmitting ____________ than others. To

prevent damage to our ears we use ___________ that are not good at

transmitting _______________.

Day: Date:
Investigating pitch and sound

1. Identify whether the following statements are true or false:

a. The pitch of a sound is how high or low it is.

b. An oscilloscope measures the volume of sound.

c. The numbers of a wave in an oscilloscope tells us about the pitch of a sound.

d. Air is not a good transmitter of sound.

e. The more energy there is in the vibration the quieter the sound.

f. If we push air particles together sound travels much better.

2. Answer the following questions:

a. What is an oscilloscope and how do we interpret data from it?






b. Explain how an amplifier works.






Day: Date:
Making music

1. Fill in the blanks by taking help from pg- 130:

In all ________________, if we can change the _______ of the object

vibrating, we can change the ____________. When _______________ play an

instrument, they press on the string to change the _____________. This

changed the ____________ and makes a ______________.

2. Identify whether the following statements are true or false:

a. Very loud noises can damage our ears.

b. Tube is a bad transmitter of sound.

c. If you blow over a bottle of water and then tap it with a pencil, it will have

the same pitch.

d. If you change the length of the object that vibrates, the pitch changes.

e We measure sound in a unit called meters.

f. Bubble wraps are good insulators of sound.

g. If the vibrating object is longer the pitch will be lower.

h. Sound is made when something vibrates.

i. The more water there is in the bottle, the lower the pitch.

j. Tuning forks measure the pitch of a sound.

Day: Date:
Components of food

The chemicals substances present in food that provide the nourishment
essential for the growth and maintenance of your body are called nutrients.

Your diet consists of different nutrients that can be classified as

carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and water. The study
of food and diet is known as nutrition.

Food Groups:
Food can be classified into three groups, namely, energy-giving foods,
body-building foods and protective foods. Our daily diet should consist of
food items from all the three groups to keep us healthy.
Energy rich
Total daily nutrition requirements of the body= foods (fats, oils
Protective carbohydrates)

foods (proteins)

Day: Date:

Energy-giving foods:

Every life process needs energy. You need energy to move, to grow, to fight
against diseases and for the body to repair itself. This energy is obtained from
Carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates provide 60-80% of our total energy

Source of carbohydrates:
Fruits, sugarcane and beetroot contain sugars.

Cereal like wheat, rice and maize and vegetables

like potato and tapioca contain carbohydrates.

Fats are the best energy giving foods. The amount of energy raised by gram of
fat is more than twice the energy released by the same quantity of
carbohydrates or proteins.

Fats are important for two main reasons:

 Fats are stored mainly under the skin in the body. They provide energy
particularly when the body runs short of carbohydrates. They,
therefore, work like the body’s energy banks.
 The fat under the skin acts as an insulator, cutting down heat loss in
cold weather. It thus helps to keep the body warm.

Source of fats:
Fats are present in bot animal and plant foods.
Butter, ghee and lard are animal fats are solid
at room temperature. Fats are obtained from plants,
on the other hand, are liquids at room temperature.
Corn oil, olive oil and groundnut oil are some
examples of fats obtained from plants.

Day: Date:

Proteins are of two kinds- animal protein and plant proteins. You need
proteins for two main reasons.

 Proteins form the main structure of your body- your muscles, bones and
cells. They help in growth and body building and also for repairing
worn out or damaged tissues.
 Certain proteins regulate all the chemical reactions that go on inside the
body. These proteins are called enzymes.

Proteins also give us energy, but not as much as carbohydrates and fats. They
provide energy when carbohydrates and fats are in short supply.

Source of proteins:

Lean meat, fish, egg white and cheese are animal

sources of proteins. All the beans and pulses,
groundnuts, dry fruits and barley are some
examples of plant sources of proteins.


Vitamins are compounds which are only required in traces in our diet.
Although they have no energy value, they are very important for the body.
They are known by the letters A, B, C, D, E and K. Lack of any vitamin in the
body leads to deficiency diseases.

Source of vitamins:

Butter, margarine, eggs, cod liver, fresh fruits,

raw vegetables, fish, green vegetables,
unpolished cereals, liver, lean meat and
milk are some sources of vitamins.

Day: Date:


Minerals are substances found in soil and water. These minerals are taken up
by the plants which in turn are eaten by the animals. Each mineral has a
specific function to perform in the body. Minerals are needed in very small
quantities for optimal health.

Minerals are very important for the following reasons:

 Some minerals are important for growth and repair of the body.
 Some minerals control chemical reactions that occur in the body.
 Some of them give the blood its correct composition.
 Some are essential for the proper formation of bones and teeth.


Water is extremely important for all living things. In fact, the human body
contains about 70% water. It is taken in either directly by drinking or
indirectly as a part of food.

There are many reasons why water is important.

 Many substances which occur in the body are dissolved in water.

 Water is essential for several chemical reactions that take place in the
 It is used for transporting substances such as food, wastes, chemicals
and gases through the body. Being a liquid, it moves around the body
easily and quickly, carrying substances in it.
 It keeps our body cool.
 One can go on without water for several weeks without being
permanently harmed but a person can die in a few days from lack of

Day: Date:

Looking Back:
i. Chemical substances needed by our body are called

ii. The study of food and diet is known as ___________.

iii. ___________ are known as body-building food.

iv. Vitamins and minerals are known as ______________ foods.

v. Milk gives us ________________ proteins and beans give us

______________ proteins.

Balanced Diet:

The food you eat each day makes up your diet. Each individual’s dietary
requirement is different. For example, an energetic person needs more
carbohydrate and a growing child needs more protein.

A diet which contains all the important nutrients in the right amounts is called
a complete or a balanced diet.

If a diet consists of a single or very few food items, then the diet will be
unbalanced no matter what the food is, because no single food contains all the
nutrients you need in the right proportions to be healthy.

Day: Date:

So a balanced diet must contain food from each of the following food group:

 Protein group: meat, eggs, fish, beans, nuts and peas (rich in proteins
and fats)
 Milk group: Milk, cheese curd and ice-cream (rich in proteins, fats,
minerals and carbohydrates)
 Vegetable and fruit group: Fresh vegetables and fruits (rich in
carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals)
 Cereal group: Rice, bread, chapattis and noodles (rich in carbohydrates)

In addition, there should be sufficient intake of water. The diet should be

planned so that the body gets sufficient amount of each nutrient as well as
sufficient calories and water.

Diseases Due To Improper Diet:

Energy requirements vary from person to person. Deficiency of one or more

nutrients affects our health by causing deficiency diseases like goitre, night
blindness, malnutrition and anaemia. Let us now study how lack of certain
types of food in our diet can harm our body.


The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet should roughly be
1:1:4. People who do not get enough to eat suffer from malnutrition due to
insufficient nourishment.

Day: Date:

Carbohydrate deficiency:

A diet deficient in carbohydrates as well as proteins causes a deficiency disease

called marasmus. A child suffering from this disease is very thin and weak,

and is unable to move. Growth is stunted and body tissues slowly waste away.

A child suffering from Marasmus

Protein deficiency:

A diet deficient in proteins affects young children,

particularly when they are put on a starchy diet

with less or no proteins. It results in a disease called


The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

A child suffering from
 The stomach becomes swollen with water. Kwashiorkor

 The muscles waste away.

 The skin gets discoloured.

 The hair becomes reddish and frizzy.

 Physical and mental growth of the child is slowed down.

Day: Date:


What will happen if a person eats more food than is needed? What will
happen to the excess food? Excess nutrition is converted into fat and store
under the skin. The total mass of the body increase and the person is said to
suffer from obesity. Obesity is also caused by eating too much of high energy
foods like butter, cakes, cream, chocolates, fried food and sweets.

This excess weight puts extra pressure on the heart and increases the chances
of the person developing heart problem.

Vitamin deficiency:

Apart from the need of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, mineral salts and water
humans needs vitamins. Vitamins are required for maintaining a good health.
The table below shows the sources and importance of vitamins and the
deficiency caused by lack of vitamins.

Vitamins Some sources Importance in body Deficiency diseases

A Liver, milk, dairy Gives resistance to Infection. Poor vision in
produce, green diseases. Protects dim light (night-blindness)
vegetables and eyes. Helps to see in
carrots the dark.
D Fish-liver oil, Made by the body in Rickets in children (bones
milk, butter and sunlight. Helps in becomes softened and out
eggs forming strong of shape)
bones and teeth. Brittles bones in adults.
K Green vegetables Helps to repair body Spontaneous bleeding.
and egg yolk. injury and minor
C Oranges, lemons Needed for healthy Scurvy (bleeding in gums
and other citrus growth. Helps in and internal organs)
fruits, green maintaining bones
vegetables, potatoes and teeth.
and tomatoes

Day: Date:

Vitamin C deficiency-Scurvy:

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is essential for healthy blood vessels,

bones and teeth. Deficiency of this vitamin results in the
development of scurvy. The mouth and gums of a person
suffering from scurvy becomes swollen and sore. The gums
bleed and the teeth become loose. The patient has no appetite
and joints may become sore. Wounds take a long time to heal.

The body stored very little vitamin C, so it should be supplied daily in the diet.
Citrus fruits, raw cabbage, strawberries, green vegetables, onions, carrots,
potatoes and tomatoes are good source of vitamin C.

Vitamin D deficiency-Rickets:

Rickets is a disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin D in children. Vitamin

D enables the body to absorb important minerals from food. These minerals
are needed to have strong bones and teeth. Deficiency of vitamin D leads to
poor absorption of these minerals resulting in weak and soft bones. The weight
of the child bends the bones and minerals resulting in weak and soft bones.
The weight of the child bends the bones and causes deformities such as
bowlegs and knock-knees. Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin as it is
synthesized in the skin when the body is exposed to sunlight. It is only found
in foods of animal origin such as fish, liver oil, liver, butter, cheese, milk and
egg yolk.

Day: Date:
Activities from components of food

1. Study the following word meanings:

a. Malnutrition: Lack of healthy foods in the diet that leads to diseases.

b. Obese: Overweight.

c. Balanced diet: A diet which contains all nutrients in the right proportions.

d. Deficiency disease: A disease caused by lack of nutrients in the diet.

2. Choose the correct answer:

a. Proteins can provide energy when there is short supply of:

(i) vitamins (ii) water (iii) mineral salts (iv) carbohydrates and fats

b. For strong bones and teeth you need:

(i) Vitamin A (ii) Vitamin D (iii) Vitamin E (iv) Vitamin K

c. Milk is a complete food for:

(i) adults (ii) babies (iii) boys only (iv) girls only

d. Scurvy is caused due to lack of:

(i) vitamin A (ii) vitamin C (iii) vitamin B (iv) vitamin D

e. Malnutrition occurs due to:

(i) overeating (ii) eating a proper diet

(iii) eating a poor diet (iv) exercising regularly

f. Kwashiorkor is a disease caused due to the lack of:

(i) proteins (ii) calcium (iii) iodine (iv) iron

g. vitamin C is present in:

(i) potatoes (ii) tomatoes (iii) eggs (iv) butter

1. (i) and (ii) 2. (ii) and (iii)

3. (iii) and (iv) 4. (i) and (iv)

Day: Date:

3. Fill in the blanks:

a. The study of food and diet is known as _______________.

b. The fat under the skin acts as an _________________.

c. Vitamin ___________ helps to repair body injury and minor cuts.

d. Kwashiorkor is a _____________ deficiency disease.

e. Meat, eggs and fish belongs to the ________________ group.

f. There are _____________ main food groups.

g. Every life process needs ______________.

h. Minerals are substances found in ______________ and ______________.

4. State whether the following statements are true or false:

a. Out of all nutrients, carbohydrates have the maximum energy value.

b. Vitamins provide you with energy.

c. Absence of a particular vitamin can cause a deficiency disease.

d. The human body contains 40% water.

e. Lack of vitamin D causes rickets in children.

f. Being obese decreases the chance of developing heart problem.

5. Write the deficiency diseases for each nutrients:

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin K

Vitamin A



Day: Date:

5. Answer the following questions:

a. What are the main food groups?





b. What is a balanced diet?





c. What is the function of carbohydrates? Name the two kinds of

carbohydrates that provide us with energy.






d. What happens when there is shortage of proteins in a child’s diet?





Day: Date:
e. How is obesity caused? What type of food results in obesity?






f. Write what you know about rickets.







6. Write the meaning of the following words:

a. Balanced diet: _______________________________________________


b. Malnutrition: ________________________________________________


c. Deficiency disease: ___________________________________________


d. Obese: ____________________________________________________


Day: Date:

7. Complete the table. Write 2 sources for each nutrient:

Nutrients Some sources Importance in body Deficiency diseases

Vitamin D


Vitamin K


Vitamin A

Vitamin C


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