Chapter 3

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Mechanics of Materials

CIE 212

BS. Civil Engineering

Mechanical Properties of
Chapter 3

Dr. Azhar Saleem

Reference: Mechanics of Materials, 10th Ed. By R.C. Hibbeler
3.1 Tension and Compression Test
 The mechanical properties of materials define the
behavior of materials under the action of external

 The strength of a material depends on its ability to

sustain a load without undue deformation or

 Strength is inherent in the material itself and must

be determined by experiment.

 Tension and Compression test are one of the most

important. 2
Tension Test

Tension Test Specimen

Lo = Gage Length
L = Elongated Length
(measured using a caliper or extensometer)
Ao = Area of cross-section

P 
L  Lo
  
Ao Lo Lo 3
Tension Test Video


Tension Test

 Strain can also be measured directly using an

electrical resistant strain gage.

 Strain gage is attached to a computer Strain Gage

which directly provides strain values at
any instant of load or time.
Tension Test

 Once the stress and strain

data from the test are
known, then the results can
be plotted to produce a
curve called Stress-Strain

 Ductile materials fail with

the formation of neck shape Cup and Cone
in the failure area

3.2 Stress-Strain Diagram – Tension Test

  EWithin

Conventional Stress Strain Diagram for Ductile Material e.g. Steel7

3.2 Stress-Strain Diagram – Tension Test

 In the liner-elastic region, stress is directly proportional to


 
  E
 E is called modulus of elasticity or Young’s Modulus , named
after Thomas Young (1807)
 E represents the slope of straight line portion of the stress-
strain curve.
 E has same units has stress, Pascal, MPa, and Ksi etc.
3.2 Stress-Strain Diagram – Tension Test
A slight increase in stress above the elastic limit will
result in strain (elongation) without further increase
in stress. This phenomenon is called yielding. The
stress that causes yielding is called yield stress.


3.2 Stress-Strain Diagram – Tension Test

 pl
 pl
241106 Pa
0.0012 mm / mm

Blown Up View E  200 GPa

Stress Strain Diagram of Tension Test on Mild Steel10

3.2 Stress-Strain Diagram – Tension Test

Although steel alloys

have different carbon
contents, most grades of
steel have same Modulus
of Elasticity, E.

3.3 Stress-Strain Behavior of Ductile Materials

Based on stress-strain characteristics, materials can be

classified as
 Ductile
 Brittle

 Ductile Materials: Any material that exhibits large

strain before fracture. Mild steel is typical example.
 Engineer often choose ductile materials to build
structures because they give warning before failure
and absorb significant energy.
 One way to specify ductility of a material is to report
its percent elongation or percent reduction in area at
the time of fracture.
3.3 Stress-Strain Behavior of Ductile Materials

L f  Lo
Percent Elongation  (100%)
Lo = Original Gage Length
Lf = Length at fracture
Percent Elongation would be 38% for mild steel.
Percent reduction in area is defined with the region of necking

Ao  A f
Percent Reduction of Area  (100%)
Ao = Original Area of cross-section
Af = Area of cross-section of neck at fracture
Mild steel has typical value of 60%.

Ductility decrease with the increase in carbon content in steel. 13

3.3 Stress-Strain Behavior of Ductile Materials

Yield Strength
 Some metals, e.g.
Aluminum, do not show
yielding on the stress-
strain graph.

 For such metals, yield

strength is determined
using offset method.

 Offset is drawn at 0.2%

strain, parallel to the
initial straight line portion
of the stress strain
3.3 Stress-Strain Behavior of Brittle Materials

Brittle Materials: Materials that exhibit little or no

yielding before failure are referred to as brittle materials.
For example, CAST IRON

Tension Test

Compression Test

3.3 Stress-Strain Behavior of Brittle Materials

Tension and Compression Test Failure of Brittle Material 16

3.3 Stress-Strain Behavior of Brittle Materials

Like Cast Iron, CONCRETE is also a brittle material and it has

low strength in tension. For this reason, concrete is reinforced
with steel bars whenever it is designed to support tensile loads.

Compression Test on Concrete
Reinforcement in Slab and Beams
• Stiffness is a property which tell about how easy or
how difficult is to deform a material.

• The modulus of elasticity (E) is a mechanical

property that indicates the stiffness

• Materials that are very stiff , such as steel, have

large value of E. (Esteel =200,000 MPa)

• Materials such as rubber have low value of E

(Erubber = 0.69 MPa)

3.4 Strain Energy
• If a material is deformed by an external load, the
load will do external work, which in turn will be
stored in the material as internal energy

• This energy is related to the strains in the material

so it is referred to as Strain Energy.

3.4 Strain Energy
Modulus of Resilience (MoR)
Strain energy density (area of
stress-strain diagram) up to
the proportional limit is
called Modulus of Resilience.
ur   pl  pl
Physically the MoR represents
the largest amount of strain
energy per unit volume that a
material can absorb without
having permanent deformation.

This property becomes important when designing bumpers

and shock absorbers 21
3.4 Strain Energy
Modulus of Toughness (MoT)
The maximum amount of
strain energy per unit volume
that a material can absorb
until just before it fractures.

It is equal to the entire area

under the stress-strain curve.

This property becomes

important when designing
members that may be
accidently overloaded.

3.4 Strain Energy
• By changing amount of carbon in steel, resilience
and toughness can be changed

3.5 Poisson’s Ratio, υ
When a deformable body is subjected to a tensile
force, not only does it elongate but it also contracts

 '
 long   lat 
L r
The ratio of lateral strain to
longitudinal strain is called

Poisson’s Ratio is constant with in

the elastic limit.

3.5 Poisson’s Ratio, υ
 lat
 
 long The negative sign indicates that
if longitudinal strain is positive
 lat  Lateral Strain (elongation) the lateral strain
will be negative (contraction)
 long  Longitudinal Strain and vice versa

• Poisson’s Ratio is a dimensionless quantity

• Maximum observed value is 0.5 0    0.5

• For most non-porous solids it has a value that is

generally between 0.25 and 0.355 27
  E

 long 

 lat
 long

3.6 Shear Stress-Strain Diagram

Element of Structure
Subjected to Shear

Shear Stress-Strain Diagram

     G G
  Shear Stress 2(1   )
  Shear Strain
G  Shear Modulus of Elasticity or Modulus of Rigidity
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