2022+Projectile+Motion+2022+Edited Converted Converted Compressed

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Projectile Motion

At the end of the lesson, I can be able

❖ describe the Uniformly Accelerated Motion
(UAM) qualitatively and quantitatively.
❖ identify the horizontal and vertical motions of a
❖ solve problems with projectiles launched
horizontally and released at an angle.
❖ Describe the movement of the ball.
Vectors can also be used to represent a ball rolling
horizontally on a table at a constant velocity.

Newton’s 1st Law tells us the ball will continue rolling

in a straight line at constant velocity unless acted on by
an outside force.

Each vector arrow is drawn the same length to represent

the constant velocity. The velocity would remain
constant but in the real world, friction makes it slow
down and eventually stop.
❖ Uniformly Accelerated Motion: Horizontal
If a body maintains a constant change in its velocity
in a given time interval along a straight line, then the
body is said to have a uniform acceleration.

Consider an airplane on a runway preparing for

takeoff. Positions taken at equal time intervals are
indicated in the figure.
What is the movement of an airplane
before and after take off?
❖ The change in an airplane’s position for each time
interval is increasing as shown in Figure 1, thus, it
is moving faster and faster. This means that the
plane is accelerating. Try the next activity to
further understand acceleration.
Example No. 1 Suppose the plane in the picture starts
from rest (when vi = 0) ti = 0. The plane accelerates
down the runway and at t = 29s attains a velocity of
v = +260km/h, where the plus sign indicates the
velocity points to the right.
Example No. 1 Suppose the plane in the picture starts from
rest (when vi = 0) ti = 0. The plane accelerates down the
runway and at t = 29s attains a velocity of v = +260km/h,
where the plus sign indicates the velocity points to the right.
Determine the average acceleration of the plane.

Solution: a = vf – vi / t
a = 260km/h – 0km/h / 29s
a = +9.0km/h/s
The average acceleration of the plane is nine kilometers per
hour per second.
This means that the velocity of the plane changes by 9km/h
every second.
Example No. 2:A train accelerates to a speed of 20
m/s over a distance of 150 m. Determine the
acceleration (assume uniform) for the train.
Example No. 2:A train accelerates to a speed of 20 m/s over
a distance of 150 m. Determine the acceleration (assume
uniform) for the train.
All objects, when ignoring air
resistance, fall with the same
acceleration, g = 9.8 m/s2 downward.

The distance the ball falls each second

increases because the ball is accelerating

The velocity also increases in the

downward direction as the ball drops.

This is shown by drawing a longer

vector arrow for each time interval.
❖ Example No. 3: Zed is playing with a ball on top
of a building but the ball fell and hit the ground
after 2.6 seconds, what is the final velocity of the
ball just before it hits the ground and how high is
the building?
❖ Example No. 3: Zed is playing with a ball on top
of a building but the ball fell and hit the ground
after 2.6 seconds, what is the final velocity of the
ball just before it hits the ground and how high is
the building?
❖ Given:
❖ ag = -9.8 m/s2
❖ assume vi = 0 m/s
❖ t = 2.6 s
❖ Find: vf = ? h= ?
vf =vi +agt
vf = 0 + (-9.8 m/s2)(2.6 s)
vf = -26 m/s
d = vit + 1⁄2 agt2
h = -d = -[ (0 m/s)(2.6 s)+ 1⁄2 (-9.8 m/s2)(2.6 s)2]
h = 33 m
What is projectile?
Projectile -Any object which projected by some
means and continues to move due to its own
inertia (mass).
❖ Projectile
Motion through the air without a propulsion.
❖ Examples:
Projectile motion refers to the motion of an
object that is thrown, or projected into the
air at an angle.

The motion of a projectile is determined only

by the object’s initial velocity and gravity.
For questions 1-5, consider the given situation.
Maria throws a ball straight up with an initial velocity of 10

1. What is its velocity at the highest point?

2.What is its velocity when it returned to the
elevation from where it was thrown?
3. What is its acceleration at the highest point?
4.What is its acceleration just before it hits the
5.After 1 second what is the acceleration of the
a.0 m/s
b. 0 m/s2
c. 9.8m/s2
d. -9.8m/s2
e. 10m/s2
f. -10 m/s
g. cannot be determined
The horizontal motion of a projectile is constant because no
gravitational force acts horizontally
Horizontal “Velocity” Component
NEVER changes, covers equal displacements in equal time
periods. This means the initial horizontal velocity equals the
final horizontal velocity

In other words, the horizontal

velocity is CONSTANT. BUT

Gravity DOES NOT work

horizontally to increase or
decrease the velocity.
The vertical motion of a projectile
is nothing more than free fall with
a constant downward acceleration
due to gravity.
Vertical “Velocity” Component

Changes (due to gravity), does

NOT cover equal displacements
in equal time periods.
change. As the projectile moves up the
direction is UPWARD. As it moves down
direction is DOWNWARD.
Combining the Components
Together, these components
produce what is called a
trajectory or path. This
path is parabolic in

Component Magnitude Direction

Horizontal Constant Constant
Vertical Changes Changes
The vertical motion of a projected object is
independent of its horizontal motion.
A projectile moves horizontally
with constant velocity
whilebeing accelerated
vertically.The result is a motion
in a curved path.
A projectile, once projected, continues in
motion by its own inertia and is influenced
only by the downward force of gravity.
The path of a projectile is called its

The trajectory of a projectile in free fall

is a parabola.
1. A projectile is a free-falling object.
2. A projectile must be moving in the downward
1. A projectile is a free-falling object.
TRUE - Free-falling objects, like projectiles, are
objects upon which the only significant force is
2.A projectile must be moving in the downward
FALSE - Projectiles can be moving either upward or
downward or at an angle to the vertical. They must
however be accelerating downward, consistent with
gravity's effect on an object.
Part 1.
Motion of Objects Projected
y v0






•Motion is accelerated
•Acceleration is constant,
and downward
• a = g = -9.81m/s2
•The horizontal (x)
component of velocity is
g = -9.81m/s2 constant
•The horizontal and vertical
motions are independent of
each other, but they have a
common time x
An object projected
horizontally will
reach the ground in
the same time as
an object dropped

No matter how
large the horizontal
velocity is, the
downward pull of
gravity is always
the same.
The cannonball falls the same amount of distance as it did when it was merely
dropped from rest
• x-direction (horizontal): uniform motion

• y-direction (vertical): accelerated motion

• no air resistance
• What is the trajectory?
• What is the total time of the motion?
• What is the horizontal range?
• What is the final velocity?
Frame of reference: Equations of motion:
Uniform m. Accel. m.
ACCL. ax = 0 ay = g = -9.81
h g m/s2
VELC. vx = v0 vy = g t

x DSPL. x = v0 t y = h + ½ g t2
x = v0 t y
y = h + ½ g t2 Parabola, open down
Eliminate time, t
t = x/v0
y = h + ½ g (x/v0)2 v01 v02 > v01

y = h + ½ (g/v02) x2
y = ½ (g/v02) x2 + h
Total Time, Δt Δt = tf - ti
y = h + ½ g t2
final y = 0 y

0 = h + ½ g (Δt)2 ti =0
Solve for Δt:

Δt = √ 2h/(-g)

Δt = √ 2h/(9.81ms-2)
tf =Δt
Total time of motion depends
only on the initial height, h x
Horizontal Range, Δx
x = v0 t
final y = 0, time is y
the total time Δt

Δ x = v0 Δ t h

Δt = √ 2h/(-g)

Δx = v0 √ 2h/(-g)
Horizontal range depends on the
initial height, h, and the initial
velocity, v0 x

vx = v0

vy = g t
v = √vx2 + vy2

= √v02+g2t2

tg Θ = v / v = g t / v
y x 0

vx = v0

Δt = √ 2h/(-g) Θ tg Θ = g Δt / v0
vy = g t
v = -(-g)√2h/(-g) / v0
v = √vx2 + vy2
= -√2h(-g) / v0
v = √v02+g2(2h /(-g))
Θ is negative
v = √ v0 2+ 2h(-g) (below the
horizontal line)
h – initial height, v0 – initial horizontal velocity, g = -9.81m/s2

Trajectory Half -parabola, open

Total time Δt = √ 2h/(-g)

Horizontal Range Δx = v0 √ 2h/(-g)

Final Velocity v = √ v02+ 2h(-g)

tg Θ = -√2h(-g) / v0
1.The horizontal velocity of a projectile changes by
9.8 m/s each second.
2.A projectile with a horizontal component of motion
will have a constant horizontal velocity.
1.The horizontal velocity of a projectile changes by 9.8 m/s
each second.
FALSE - A projectile has a constant horizontal velocity.The
vertical velocity will change by 9.8 m/s each second.
2.A projectile with a horizontal component of motion will
have a constant horizontal velocity.
TRUE - Absolutely true! Projectiles are objects being acted
upon by gravity alone. As such, there is a vertical
acceleration but no horizontal acceleration. The horizontal
velocity of a projectile is either zero or a constant nonzero
Part 2.
Motion of objects projected at an
Sports Trivia

Maximum range is achieved if the projectile

is fired at an angle of 45 degrees with
respect to the horizontal.

vi Initial position: x = 0, y = 0

Initial velocity: vi = vi [Θ]

Velocity components:
x- direction : vix = vi cos Θ
y- direction : viy = vi sin Θ

a =g=
- 9.81m/s2
• Motion is accelerated
• Acceleration is constant, and
• a = g = -9.81m/s2
• The horizontal (x) component of
velocity is constant
• The horizontal and vertical
motions are independent of each
other, but they have a common

• x-direction (horizontal): uniform motion

• y-direction (vertical): accelerated motion

• no air resistance
• What is the trajectory?
• What is the total time of the motion?
• What is the horizontal range?
• What is the maximum height?
• What is the final velocity?
Equations of motion:

Uniform motion Accelerated motion
ACCELERATION ax = 0 ay = g = -9.81 m/s2

VELOCITY vx = vix= vi cos Θ vy = viy+ g t

vx = vi cos Θ vy = vi sin Θ + g t
DISPLACEMENT x = vix t = vi t cos Θ y = h + viy t + ½ g t2
x = vi t cos Θ y = vi t sin Θ + ½ g t2
Equations of motion:

Uniform motion Accelerated motion
ACCELERATION ax = 0 ay = g = -9.81 m/s2

VELOCITY vx = vi cos Θ vy = vi sin Θ + g t

DISPLACEMENT x = vi t cos Θ y = vi t sin Θ + ½ g t2

x = vi t cos Θ
Parabola, open down
y = vi t sin Θ + ½ g t2 y
Eliminate time, t
t = x/(vi cos Θ)
vi x sin  gx2
y= +
vi cos 2vi2 cos2 
y = x tan  + 2 x 2

2vi cos2 

y = bx + ax2
Total Time, Δt
y = vi t sin Θ + ½ g t2
final height y = 0, after time interval Δt
0 = vi Δt sin Θ + ½ g (Δt)2
Solve for Δt:

0 = vi sin Θ + ½ gΔt x

2 vi sin Θ
Δt = t=0 Δt
Horizontal Range, Δx
x = vi t cos Θ y
final y = 0, time is
the total time Δt

Δx = vi Δt cos Θ
2 vi sin Θ
Δt = x
(-g) 0
sin (2 Θ) = 2 sin Θ cos Θ
2vi 2 sin Θ cos Θ vi 2 sin (2 Θ)
Δx = Δx =
(-g) (-g)
Horizontal Range, Δx
vi 2 sin (2 Θ)
Δx =

Θ (deg) sin (2 Θ)
0 0.00
•Horizontal range is greatest for the
15 0.50 throw angle of 450
30 0.87
45 1.00 •Horizontal ranges are the same for
60 0.87 angles Θ and (900 – Θ)
75 0.50

90 0
Projectiles Launched at an Angle

Maximum range is achieved with a projection angle of

45° .

For projection angles above and below 45°, the range

is shorter, and it is equal for angles equally different
from 45° (for example, 30° and 60°).
Trajectory and horizontal range
y = x tan  + 2 x 2

2vi cos2 


vi = 25 m/s
15 deg
25 30 deg
45 deg
60 deg
75 deg

0 20 40 60 80

•Final speed = initial speed (conservation of energy)

•Impact angle = - launch angle (symmetry of parabola)
Maximum Height
vy = vi sin Θ + g t
y = vi t sin Θ + ½ g t2
At maximum height vy = 0
hmax = vi t upsin Θ + ½ g tup2
0 = vi sin Θ + g tup
hmax = vi2 sin2 Θ/(-g) + ½ g(vi2 sin2 Θ)/g2
vi sin Θ
tup = vi2 sin2 Θ
(-g) hmax =
tup = Δt/2
Projectile Motion – Final Equations
(0,0) – initial position, vi = vi [Θ]– initial velocity, g = -9.81m/s2
Trajectory Parabola, open down

2 vi sin Θ
Total time Δt =

vi 2 sin (2Θ)
Δx =
Horizontal range

vi2 sin2 Θ
Max height hmax =
A plastic ball that is released with a velocity of 15 m/s stays in the air
for 2.0 s.
a. At what angle with respect to the horizontal was it released?

vo = 15 m/s time to maximum height = 1 s

t=2s at the top vy = 0
vy = voy + gt

vo sin
sin =
tg  = sin −1
= 40.8º
vo 15
b. What was the maximum height achieved by the ball?

y = voy t +½gt2
= (15)(sin 40.8º)(1) + ½(-9.8)(1)2
= 4.9 m
1. As a projectile rises towards the peak of its
trajectory, the vertical acceleration will decrease;
as it falls from the peak of its trajectory, its
vertical acceleration will decrease.
2. As a projectile rises towards the peak of its
trajectory, the vertical acceleration is directed
upward; as it falls from the peak of its trajectory,
its vertical acceleration is directed downward.
FALSE - This would be a true description of the vertical
velocity. But the vertical acceleration is a constant value
of 9.8 m/s/s throughout the entire trajectory.
FALSE - Not only is the magnitude of the vertical
acceleration a constant value throughout a projectile's
trajectory, the direction is constant as well. Projectile's at
all times regardless of any other variable will accelerate
downwards at 9.8 m/s/s. This is perhaps the most
important truth to digest about projectiles.
❖ Projectile motion is motion with a constant
horizontal velocity combined with a constant
vertical acceleration
❖ The projectile moves along a parabola
Quality Education
❖ Understanding how projectile motion works is
very beneficial in determining how to best propel
an object. For example in javelin throw, being
able to calculate the different variables helps the
athlete to develop a better technique for them
personally in order to throw the longest distance.

❖ What is Projectile Motion?
❖ When a particle is thrown obliquely near the
earth’s surface, it moves along a curved path under
constant acceleration that is directed towards the
centre of the earth (we assume that the particle
remains close to the surface of the earth). The path
of such a particle is called a projectile and the
motion is called projectile motion.
❖ In a Projectile Motion, there are two
simultaneous independent rectilinear motions:
❖ Along the x-axis: uniform velocity, responsible for
the horizontal (forward) motion of the particle.
❖ Along y-axis: uniform acceleration, responsible
for the vertical(downwards) motion of the
At the end of the lesson, I have able
❖ describe the Uniformly Accelerated Motion
(UAM) qualitatively and quantitatively.
❖ identify the horizontal and vertical motions of a
❖ solve problems with projectiles launched
horizontally and released at an angle.

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