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Four Note String Set #5

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Ch ord Connections 81

Four-Note String Set #5

Four-Note String Set #5 uses the 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd strings. Don't play either the 2nd
or the lst strings. Read across the page to hear how the quality of each chord changes,
and then read down the page to hear the four inversions of each quality.


.I .I


R 3

x x 2

5 R

b3 b7
x x 2


x x 2



x x

2 311 x x 2 411 x x 2 413 x x

b7 3 5 R
ELxv EE±xv
b7 b3 5 R b7 b3 b5 R

14 2 3 x x 14 2 3 x x 1311 x x 2 413 x x

R 5 b7 3 R 5 b7 b3 R b5 bb7b3

2 413 x x 2 413 x x 2 413 x x

b3 b7 R 5
3 b7 R 5
Chord Conn ections 87

9TH§ - EXER[I§E§ #1 - fl
To create 9th chords, we take 7th chords and move the I st scale degree to the 2nd scale
degree. In other words,I is replaced by 2 (or 9). The result is that there is no root! Four-
note 9th chords are comprised of 3, 5, 7 and 9. Study these chord forms and then apply
the four exercises described below. Read across to compare qualities, and down to com-
pare inversions.

Exercise #1 : Maj9 chords descending, alternating Exercise #3: Maj9 chord connections in four in-
2nd inversion and root position in the cycle of versions up and down the fingerboard in the cycle
4ths as per Exercise #1 on pages 82 -83. Then do of 4ths as per Exercise #3 on pages 84 -85. Then
the same with 9, min9, min9b5's and °9 chords. do the same with 9, min9, min9b5 and °9 chords.

Exercise #2: Maj9 chords descending, alternating Exercise #4: Play through this standard chord pro-
lst inversion and 3rd inversion in the cycle of gression in four different positions as per Exer-
4ths as per Exercise #2 on page 82 -73. Then do cise #4 on page 86, starting on a different inver-
the same with 9, min9, min9b5 and °9 chords. sion each time: CMaj9 -Amin9 - Dmin9b5 - G9.
Then, transpose this chord progression to all the
other keys, through the cycle of 4ths.
88 Chordconnections
Four-Note String Set #5

lITH§ - EX[Rcl§[§ #1 - fl
To form I lth chords,we move 3 to 4 (or 11), so there is no 3rd in any I lth chord! These
11 th chords are comprised of I, 5, 7 and 11. Minor I I chords are extremely rare because
in a four-note I lth chord, there is no 3rd.

CMaj I I cll cllb5 Coll

1112 x x Ill I x x 12 3 4 x x I 3 4 2` x x


3 412 x x 2 413 x x

„7 I I b5 R

13 2 4 x x 1314 x x 1214 x x 2 314 x x

R5 7 ll Rb5b7|| Rb5b7|i Rb5bb7ii

3 412 x x 4 312 x x

x] Edixx] EHxx]
11715 l|b7R5 ||b7Rb5 I I bb7 R b5

Exercise #1: Mail I chords descending, alternat- Exercise #3: Majl I chord connections in four
ing 2nd inversion and root position in the cycle of inversions up and down the fingerboard in the
4ths as per Exercise # I on pages 82 -83. Then do cycle of 4ths as per Exercise #3 on pages 84 -85.
the same with 11,I lb5 and °11 chords. Then do the same with 11,I lb5 and °1 I chords.

Exercise #2: Majl I chords descending,alternat- Exercise #4: Play through this standard chord
ing 3rd inversion and I st inversion in the cycle of progression in four different positions as per
4ths as per Exercise # I on pages 82 -83. Then do Exercise #4 on page 86, starting on a different
the same with 11,I lb5 and °11 chords. inversion each time:CMajl I -A| I . D| |b5 . G°| I .
Then,transpose this chord progression to all the
other keys, through the cycle of 4ths.
Chord connections 89

- EXERCI§[§ #1 - fl

To form 13th chords we start with 7th chords and move 5 to 6 (or 13). So, in four-note
13th chords, there is no 5th; there is only I, 3, 7 and 13.




14 2 3 x x I 412 x x 1411 x x

1137 3 R13b73 R|3b7b3

2 314 x x

xl Effixx] ffixx[
3 7 R 13 3b7R|3 b3b7R|3

Exercise #1 : Maj 13 chords descending, alternat- Exercise #3: Majl3 chord connections in four
ing 2nd inversion and root position in the cycle inversions up and down the fingerboard in the
of 4ths as per Exercise # I on pages 82 -83. Then cycle of 4ths as per Exercise #3 on pages 74 -75.
do the same with 13 and min 13 chords. Then do the same with I 3 and min 13 chords.

Exercise #2: Maj 13 chords descending, alternat- Exercise #4: play through this standard chord
ing 3rd inversion and I st inversion in the cycle of progression in four different positions as per
4ths as per Exercise #1 on pages 82 -83.Then do Exercise #4 on page 76, starting on a different
the same with 13 and min 13 chords. inversion each time: CMaj 13 -Amin 13 -Dmin 13
- G 13. Then, transpose this chord. progression
to all the other keys, through the cycle of 4ths.

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