Implementation and Evaluation Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Based On Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems For Photovoltaıc PV System
Implementation and Evaluation Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Based On Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems For Photovoltaıc PV System
Implementation and Evaluation Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Based On Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems For Photovoltaıc PV System
Istanbul – 2017
Istanbul – 2017
To my Family ….
I thank Allah for grant me to complete this thesis. I would like to thank my advisor
prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Tacer, head of the Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Department, for his provided guidance and support to wrote and complete this thesis.
And, thanks and appreciation to prof. Dr. Necip Gökhan Kasapoğlu for his help
understand programming some MATLAB codes.
I hereby declare that this thesis entitled "IMPLEMENTATION AND
PHOTOVOLTAIC PV SYSTEM " is entirely the result of my own work; it contains
no material previously published or written by another person nor material which has
been accepted for the award of any other degree except where due acknowledgment
has been made in the text. the research was carried out and the dissertation was
prepared under my direct supervision.
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................III
ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................................V
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................VII
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... IX
ÖZET ........................................................................................................................................... XIII
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................ XV
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 17
1.1 Background ................................................................................................. 17
1.2 Problem Statement ...................................................................................... 19
1.3 Organization of The Thesis ......................................................................... 20
2. PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL .................................................................................................. 21
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 21
2.2 Photovoltaic Cell's Equivalent Circuit ........................................................ 23
2.3 Characteristic of the PV Cell Output........................................................... 24
2.4 Cell Efficiency ............................................................................................. 26
2.5 Temperature and Solar Radiation Affection on PV Output ........................ 26
2.6 Formats of PV system ................................................................................. 27
3. MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING ................................................................. 29
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 29
3.2 Boost DC-DC Convertor ............................................................................. 29
3.3 MPPT Algorithms ....................................................................................... 34
3.3.1 Perturb and Observe Method ............................................................... 34
3.3.2 Fuzzy Logic Control based MPPT ....................................................... 37 Fuzzy Logic Control Cine Steps .................................................... 38 Fuzzy Controller Based MPPT ...................................................... 40
3.3.3 Neural Networks Based MPPT ............................................................ 42 Backpropagation Learning Algorithm ........................................... 44
3.3.4 Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Based MPPT ...................... 48 Stricture of ANFIS ......................................................................... 49 Basic ANFIS Learning Algorithm ................................................. 50
3.4 MPP Tracking efficiency ............................................................................ 52
4.. PV MODEL AND CASE STUDIES SIMULATIONS ............................................... 53
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 53
4.2 PV Model Simulation .................................................................................. 53
4.2.1 Temperature and Solar Irradiation Affection on I-V curve ................. 55
4.2.2 Simulation Testing ............................................................................... 55
4.2.3 Simulation Results of PV model Testing and Conclusion ................... 57
4.3 Boost Convertor Model ............................................................................... 59
4.4 Perturb and Observe MPPT Controller........................................................ 59
4.5 Fuzzy Logic Controller Model .................................................................... 60
4.6 Neural Network Controller Model............................................................... 62
4.7 Neuro-Fuzzy Controller Model ................................................................... 63
4.8 Simulation Circuit of all Proposed PV Systems .......................................... 65
5. SIMOLATION RESULTS AND CONCLUSION....................................................... 69
5.1 Simulation Results ....................................................................................... 69
5.1.1 CASE 1: System without MPPT .......................................................... 69
5.1.2 CASE 2: PV System with P&O MPPT algorithm ............................... 73
5.1.3 CASE 3: PV System with MPPT using the proposed FLC method ..... 76
5.1.4 CASE 4: PV System with MPPT using the proposed ANN method ... 79
5.1.5 CASE 5: System with MPPT using the proposed AFNIS method....... 82
5.2 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 85
5.3 Summary of the study .................................................................................. 86
References ...................................................................................................................................... 89
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................... 93
APPENDIX B................................................................................................................................ 97
APPENDIX C ............................................................................................................................. 104
RESUME ..................................................................................................................................... 111
PV : Photovoltaic Cells
MPP : Maximum Power Point
P-V Curve : Plotting the relation of power (P) with voltage (V)
I-V Curve : Plotting the relation of current (I) with voltage (V)
MPPT : Maximum Power Point Tracking
P&O : Perturb and Observe
𝐕𝐌𝐏𝐏 : Voltage at the MPP (V)
𝑰𝑴𝑷𝑷 : Current at the MPP (A)
𝑷𝑴𝑷𝑷 : Power at the MPP (W)
ANN : Artificial neural networks
PWM : Pulse Width Modulation
FLC : Fuzzy Logic Control
MFs : Membership Functions
ANFIS : Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Interference System
MFs : Membership Functions
η-MPPT : Efficiency of MPPT
DC-DC : Direct current level to other direct current level
Figure 4.14: Inference rule base surface of FLC based MPPT................................................. 61
Figure 4.15: Simulation circuit of FLC controller based MPPT .............................................. 62
Figure 4.16: Neural network stricture based MPPT. ............................................................... 62
Figure 4.17: Simulation circuit of ANN controller based MPPT. ........................................... 63
Figure 4.18: Structure of generated Sugeno FLC system after training by ANFIS. .............. 63
Figure 4.19: Generated membership functions (a)MFs of temperature. (b)MFs of solar
irradiation. (c) Output samples of the Sugeno FLC system. ...................................................... 64
Figure 4.20: Generated rules base from ANFIS training. ......................................................... 64
Figure 4.21: Inference rule surface of FLC generated by ANFIS........................................... 65
Figure 4.22: Purposed FLC controller based MPPT whose parameters generated by ANFIS
training. ............................................................................................................................................ 65
Figure 4.23: Simulation circuit of all PV systems for evaluating the performance of each
MPPT ............................................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 4.24: Variation value of slow and sudden changing on the operation Soler radiation.
.................................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 4.25: Variation value of slow and sudden changing on the operation temperature. .. 67
Figure 5.1: Connection simulation circuit of PV system without MPPT control................... 70
Figure 5.2: Case 1 simulation results with variation in G. (a) Output load power. (b) Output
load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (c) Operation temperature. ..................... 71
Figure 5.3: Case 1 simulation results with variation in T. (a) Output load power (b) Output
load voltage (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power (c) Operation temperature. ....................... 72
Figure 5.4: Connection simulation circuit of PV system with P&O MPPT controller.......... 73
Figure 5.5: Case2 simulation results with variation in G. (a) Output load power (b) Output
load voltage (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power (c) Operation temperature. ....................... 74
Figure 5.6: Case 2 simulation results with variation in T. (a) Output load power (b) Output
load voltage (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power (c) Operation temperature. ....................... 75
Figure 5.7: Connection simulation circuit of PV system with FLC based MPPT control. ... 76
Figure 5.8: Case 3 simulation results with variation in G. (a) Output load power. (b) Output
load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power (c) Operation temperature. ...................... 77
Figure 5.9: Case 3 simulation results with variation in T. (a) Output load power. (b) Output
load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power (c) Operation temperature. ...................... 78
Figure 5.10: Simulation connection circuit of PV system with ANN based MPPT controller.
.................................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 5.11: Case 4 simulation results with variation in G. (a) Output load power. (b) Output
load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power (c) Operation temperature. ...................... 80
Figure 5.12: Case 4 simulation results with variation in T. (a) Output load power. (b) Output
load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power (c) Operation Temperature...................... 81
Figure 5.13: Simulation connection circuit of PV system with FLC based ANFIS training
based MPPT .................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 5.14: Case 5 simulation results with variation in G. (a) Output load power. (b) Output
load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. c) Operation Temperature. ..................... 83
Figure 5.15: Case 5 simulation results with variation in T. (a) Output load power. (b) Output
load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (c) Operation temperature. ..................... 84
Figure 5.16: Output power of all simulations results for variation in G in one plot. .............. 85
Figure A.2.1: Simolation circuit of Photon curren (𝐼𝑝ℎ ) .......................................................... 95
Figure A.2.2: Simolation circuit of saturation current (𝐼𝑜 )........................................................ 95
Figure A.2.3: Simolation circuit of the reverse saturation current (𝐼𝑟𝑠 ) .................................. 96
Figure A.2.4: Simolation circuit of the PV Output current(𝐼𝑝𝑣 ) .............................................. 96
Figure B.1: Simulation circuits for analyzing the effect of varying G and T on the 𝑃𝑚𝑝𝑝 and
𝑉𝑚𝑝𝑝 . ................................................................................................................................................ 97
Figure B3: MATLAB function block based P&O MPPT algorithm.................................... 102
Figure C.3.1: Loading training data using neuro fuzzy designer. .......................................... 108
Figure C.3.2: ANFIS structure with 16 rule bases................................................................... 109
Training process reaches minimum error of 0.0065 in Epoch 68. see figure below:............ 109
Figure C.3.4: Mean square error of the output during the ANFIS training process............. 109
Figure C.3.5: Comparing output of trained ANFIS with training data. ................................ 110
Figure C.4: Simulation circuit for testing ANN and FLC based ANFIS.............................. 110
Convert solar energy to electrical energy is one of its important applications which is
done by devices called Photovoltaic (PV) cell. This study was aimed to compare,
investigate, and evaluate the performance of PV system operating with Maximum
Power Point Tracking (MPPT) that work by Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interference
System (ANFIS) technique. It is appraised with other MPPT algorithms like the most
common Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm, Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC)
algorithm, and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm. These algorithms work
for controlling the duty cycle (D) of the plus signal that goes to switch of the DC-DC
converter for maximizing the power generated by solar panel. Implementation of
MPPT is made by using boost DC-DC converter with constant resistive load. In
addition, it was conducted to introduce for simulating and modeling general PV panel
with some adjustable parameters that modelling any real PV panel using its electrical
data. And testing the simulated model for showing the effects of changing in the solar
irradiation and the operation temperature on the output power of the PV. All systems
were analyzed and simulated by using MATLAB Simulink program.
The simulation results show that the ANFIS and ANN based MPPT method gave faster
response to achieve the MPP and more efficient than fuzzy logic MPPT and the
conventional P&O methods under rapid variations of operating conditions.
Key Words: - Photovoltaic (PV) Cell, P&O Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT),
Boost DC –DC Converter, Fuzzy logic control (FLC), Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS).
The evolution of renewable energy systems such as wind, sea wave and solar energy
systems have been made over the last few years and still running by researchers. One
of these sources is solar energy that is considered nowadays as reliable, daily
accessible for free, and environmentally harmless. It has no harm effect on the natural
environment compared with other traditional energy sources such as Coal, gas, oil and
nuclear. These sources have bad affection in the environment and the weather which
are producing Gases such as CO2 and contribute significantly to increase the
temperature of the atmosphere that leading to increase global warming phenomena and
problems of climate change [10]. With developing of technologies, the using of solar
energy source is considered as a noble mission. Many countries have adopted many
policies to support renewable energy such as solar energy [1,13].
The amount of energy that comes from the sun to the earth during a day can feed the
total energy that earth needs for one year [2].
Transform solar radiation power to electrical power is common application of the solar
energy, which is done by semiconductor device called Photovoltaic (PV) that produces
electricity in a direct electricity generation way through photoelectric phenomenon. A
PV consists of an arrangement of several cells connecting with each other electrically
in one board or in arrays see figure 1.1 [20].
Figure 1.1: A large array of PV modules on a rooftop in Switzerland.
Table 1.1 shows lists some of the advantages and disadvantages of PV system. Note,
that they include both technical and nontechnical issues [13].
Unfortunately, PV source is non-linear source and the conversion efficiency is about
10% to 25% from the total power moreover effected with operation temperature (T)
C° and solar radiation(G) Kw/m² [21]. Therefore, to increase the operation's efficiency,
it is necessary to use Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT|) algorithm to feed the
load with maximum available power from PV at different operating points. MPPT
system is a power electronic device contains DC-DC converter with controller work
with one of MPPT algorithm.
Problem Statement
The output power characteristics PV cell are changing by amount of the solar radiation
(Kw/m²) and the operation temperature (C°). These parameters vary with the time of
the days and season of the year causing changing in Current-Voltage (I-V) and Power-
Current (P-V) curves of photovoltaic cells. Consequently; operation point of the PV
system will not be at its maximum power (see section 2). Many researches have been
done to overcome this problem [5].
performance of the system can be better than the conventional algorithm. The aim of
this study is to cure the shortcoming of the long-time response with these intelligent
systems, to focuses on some intelligent MPPT control algorithms for PV system, to
optimize the performance over the widest range of operating conditions.
Section two makes a literature review on solar PV cell with its equivalent circuits and
electrical characteristics equations.
Section three discusses and makes a literature review on MPPT in details and shows
different MPPT methods and the proposed control schemes are explained. Four MPPT
techniques are discussed (P&O, FLC, ANN and the proposed ANFIS) and show the
basic working mechanism of them also explains the role of DC-DC boost converter.
Section four introduces simulating general PV model for simulating any PV model by
its manufacture data. In addition, studies and analyze affection of changing operation
temperature and solar irradiating power on output power of the PV that by testing
the PV model whose electrical characteristics data is taken from real PV model. testing
simulation model is done by using MATLAB-Simulink. Also in this chapter, full PV
system simulated with MPPT controllers work by these techniques P&O, FLC,
ANN and the proposed algorithm AFNIS method for controlling D of switch of DC-
DC boost converter and run the system under variable operation condition to deliver
maximum power to resistive load. All the simulations are made using MATLAB-
Simulink Computer Program. Results are recorded and listed in chapter 5 and showing
reasons of using MPPT based on these results.
Section five, a total results and conclusions and all the outcomes of the study are state
Electrical energy can be obtained directly from sunlight using PV devices (cells). The
PV cell converts solar power to electrical power under the photovoltaic effect [6]. PV
cell is made using semiconductor materials with at least two-semiconductor layers one
positive and one negative [1].
Energy of the sunlight comes from a little particle called photons (figure 2.1). As a PV
cell is exposed to this sunlight, the photons pass and absorbed by the solar cell. The
free the electrons pass through the closed-circuit constitutes electrical current with
electrical voltage on the load. Usually the amount of the current for one cell in (mA)
and the voltage about 0.6 V [1].
To obtain the desired voltage and power, cells are connected in serias and parallel
[8]. To increse the output voltage ,increse the connected serias cells (figure 2.2 (b)) .
Connection of solar cells make the same current flow through every solar cell. The
total voltage is the sum of the each cell's voltage and the totel output voltage is
calculated as following:
𝑉out = V₁+V₂+V₃+……..Vn
since the cells voltage are equale the equation can rewrite as :
𝑉out = V * 𝑁𝑠 (2.1)
Where : 𝑁𝑠 is the cells number that is connected in serias .
V= cell voltage
To increse the power output, increse the output current by increse the parallconected
cell (figure 2.2 (a) ). The voltage across each cell is equal, so the total current is
sumation of all currents of each cell and the totel output current is calculated as
𝐼out = I₁+I₂+I₃+……..In .
senice the cells current is equal and collected in node the output current is :
𝐼out = I * 𝑁𝑃 (2.2)
Figure 2.2: Solar cell connections. (a) Parball connection. (b) Series connection of
solar cell.
Figure 2.3: Effect of adding cells on I-V PV curve. (a) Series. (b) Parallel [40].
The PV solar cell can be one of the following form
𝑉𝑝𝑣+I𝑝𝑣 ∗R𝑠
( ) Vₚᵥ+Iₚᵥ∗R𝑠 (2.3)
I𝑝𝑣 = Iₚₕ – I₀ ∗ [𝑒 A∗K∗T𝑎𝑘
− 1] – ( )
q∗Eg 1 1
T𝑎𝑘 [( )∗( − ) ] (2.5)
I𝑜 = 𝐼𝑟𝑠 * ( T )³*𝑒 A∗k T𝑎𝑘 T𝑟𝑘
I𝑟𝑠 = q( V𝑜𝑐 +I𝑝𝑣 ∗R𝑠 )
) (2.6)
[𝑒 − 1]
For large arrays model of Ns x Np series and parallel cells the equation become:
q(V𝑝𝑣 +I𝑝𝑣 ᵥ∗R𝑠 )
−1) V𝑝𝑣 s +I𝑝𝑣 ∗R𝑠 (2.7)
I = Iₚₕ* Np - I₀* Np *(𝑒 Ns ∗K∗A∗T𝑎𝑘 ∗
- Rₚ
The relationship between Current and voltage is used to define the characteristics of
PV cell and it is described as curve. If the cell’s terminal relates to a variable resistance
R, the operating point is determined by the Current-Voltage (I-V) characteristic in the
load (Figure 2.6). The load characteristic can be as a straight line with a slope 1/R.
Only the value of the resistance determines the power delivered to the load. Therefore,
when the load R is small, then cell will operate in the region between M and N on the
curve, where the cell acts as constant current almost equal to the cell's 𝐼𝑠𝑐 . Furthermore,
when the load R is large, the cell will operate on the region between P and S on the
curve, where the cell acts as a constant voltage source its value almost equal to 𝑉𝑂𝐶
PV cell's I-V and cell's P-V curves have the form shown in Figure 2.5, power is
obtained for a given radiation level [2].
M 1
N 𝑅𝑜𝑝
Actual PV cell can be described by the following fundamental parameters [40], which
are drawn in previous figure:
Short-circuit current (𝑰𝒔𝒄 ). A short circuit condition generates the 𝑰𝒔𝒄 current.
Open-circuit voltage (𝑽𝐨𝐜 ). The voltage across the diode when there is no load relates
to the cell.
Maximum power (𝑷𝐌𝐏𝐏 ). It is the maximum power extracted by the load when cell
operate at point P (𝑰𝐌𝐏𝐏 , 𝑽𝐌𝐏𝐏 ) at which power dissipated in the load is maximum:
Maximum power operating current (𝑰𝐌𝐏𝐏 ). The current generated by the cell or
module when it is matching the MPP on (I-V) curve.
Maximum power operating voltage (𝑽𝐌𝐏𝐏 ). The voltage generated by the cell
module when it is matching the MPP on (I-V) curve.
Cell Efficiency
FF (fill factor) is the ratio of MPP that can be distributed to the load and the product
of I𝘴𝘤 and 𝑉OC [40]. Its value mostly higher than 0.7. The fill factor can be written as
FF = (2.11)
𝑽𝐨𝐜 ∗𝑰𝐒𝐂
Efficiency of cell is specified under standard test conditions (STC) that when the T is
25C˚ and G is 1000KW/m².
changing in operation G and T cause change in the output power of the PV solar cell
(figure 2.7). When the amount of the radiation increases the 𝐼𝑆𝐶 and 𝑉𝑂𝐶 of the solar
cell increase. from equation (2.2); 𝐼𝑝ℎ is almost in a linear relationship with G. As the
T increases, the 𝑉𝑂𝐶 decreases and 𝐼𝑆𝐶 increases [1]. The influence of the varying G
and T on the cell characteristics is present in figure 2.6.
Figure 2.7: Influences of radiation and temperature on the cell I–V characteristics.
(a) Influence of the irradiation. (b) influence of temperature [1].
In section 4; a PV model is simulated using MATLAB Simulink and will see the
effects of varying on T and G on the I-V and P-V curves.
Formats of PV system
Stand-alone or Off-Grid systems PV system without any contact with grid network
usually used for isolated area and has many applications street lighting, charging
batteries, inverters...act.
• The grid-connected system form connects directly to the power grid and
without batteries that for working in night from the grid network.
• A hybrid system combines the grid system with a battery backup, when grid
power is missing the battery is used as source (Same as grid system but with
shows electrical circuit of a boost converter. It operates by opening and closing an
electronic switch. output voltage of the convertor is larger than the input [22].
The output voltage level is controlled by adjusting the ratio duty cycle (D) on/off time
of the switch using Pulse-width modulation (PWM) that works to control and regulate
of the output voltage.
Mode-1: When the switch is closed, the diode is opened and whole circuit will be as
two loops, one in the output and another on in the input. The DC input voltage applied
across the inductor (figure 3.2(a)) for a period of time (usually from 20 kHz to 5 MHz)
which charges the inductor with the current flowing through the closed loop. This
current will increase while loop is in closed condition. In the same time. The equivalent
circuit that represents mode 1 is shown in figure 3.2 (a) [22]. by Appling Kirchhoff’s
voltage, the voltage across inductor can be calculated:
𝑉𝐿 = 𝑉₀ =𝐿 (3.1)
the current increases linearly while the switch is closed, as shown in Figure 3.4(b). The
change in inductor current is given from:
∆𝑖𝐿 𝜕𝑖𝐿 𝑉ѕ
= =
∆𝑡 𝜕𝑡 𝐿
By solving the previous equation we can get the charging current when the switch
𝑉ѕ 𝐷 𝑇
∆𝑖𝐿 (𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑) = (3.2)
Mode-2: When the switch opened, diode becomes close which makes one closed loop
consisting source, inductor and capacitor that connected to the load. The charged
inductor during closed switch mode discharge its store energy to the RC load through
this mode. The inductor current charging the capacitor at the load side and will
decrease while the switch is in closed state (figure 3.2 (b)), [22]. The voltage across
the inductor is:
𝑉𝐿 = 𝑉𝑠 − 𝑉₀ =𝐿
𝜕𝑖𝐿 𝑉𝑠 − 𝑉₀
𝜕𝑡 𝐿
𝜕𝑖𝐿 ∆𝑖 𝐿 𝑉𝑠 − 𝑉₀
= =
𝜕𝑡 (1 − 𝐷)𝑇 𝐿
Solving for ∆𝑖𝐿 ,
(𝑉𝑠 −𝑉₀)(1−𝐷)𝑇
∆𝑖𝐿 (𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑛) = (3.3)
For steady-state operation the change in inductor current must be zero using eqution.
(2.4) and (2.3):
𝑉𝑠 (D+1-D)- 𝑉₀ (1-D)=0
𝑉₀ = (3.4)
Figure 3.3: The Equivalent circuit of the boost converter. (a) closed switch mode.
(b) open switch mode.
Figure 3.4: waveform of the Boost converter. (a) Inductor voltage. (b) Inductor
current. (c) Diode current. (d) Capacitor current.
𝑉𝑜 2 𝑉₀2 ∗ 𝑅
𝑃𝑂𝑢𝑡 = = (1−𝐷)2 = 𝑉𝑖𝑛𝑝 𝐼𝐿 (3.5)
𝑉𝑜 𝑉𝑜 2 𝑉𝑜 ∗ 𝐼₀
𝐼𝐿 = = =
𝑅 ∗ (1 − 𝐷)2 𝑉𝑠 ∗ 𝑅 𝑉𝑠
The minimum inductance for continuous current mode (CCM) in the boost
convertershould be:
𝐷∗(1−𝐷)2 ∗𝑅
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 = (3.6)
For Designing aboost converter working in CCM mode the inductor value should be
greater than 𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 [22].
𝑉𝑜 ∗ 𝐷 ∗ 𝑇 𝑉0 ∗ 𝐷
∆𝑉₀ = =
𝑅∗𝐶 𝑅∗𝐶∗𝑓
∆𝑉₀ 𝐷
= (3.7)
𝑉₀ 𝑅∗𝐶∗𝑓
Where f is the frequency of open and close switching. The minimm output capastor
𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑅∗∆𝑉%∗𝑓 (3.8)
For designing boos converter C is selected greater than C mine. Efficiency of the boost
convertor can be calculated by this expressing:
𝑃₀ 𝑅
η =𝑃₀+𝑃 = 𝑉₀2 (3.9)
𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 ⁄𝑅+𝑅𝑙 ∗𝐼₀2
R: Resistive load.
𝑃𝑜 : Output power.
The relation between the duty cycle (D) and the efficiency can be seen in figure 3.5.
Actually, efficiency of 71% to 97% are typically obtained.
Figure 3.5: Boost converter efficiency.
MPPT Algorithms
The literatures are rich with many type of MPPT techniques and with variable
complexity [11, 12,24,25]. The most popular MPPT method is P&O algorithm which
is most used for evaluates the performance of MPPT comparing with other MPPT
algorithms. The algorithms that will be presented in this study are:
The perturb and observe MPPT technique is most common used method of MPPT that
for its ease of implementation and simple structures and highly competitive against
other MPPT methods [24,25,23]. The main idea of this method increases the D with
initial value mostly 0.01 and observes the power perturbation of the PV. If it is
positive then it runs in right direction and the operating point will be close to the MPP.
As a result of this, new value added to the current value of D in the same direction. If
the power perturbation of the PV is negative, the operation point goes far from the
MPP. Therefore, D should be decreased [26].
Figure 3.4 show the flow chart of the P&O algorithm. The MPPT control system
increment and decrement the PV voltage periodically. First step is measuring the
𝐼𝑝𝑣 (𝑘) current and voltage 𝑉𝑝𝑣 (𝐾) at current iteration k and calculate P(k) by
As shown in Figure 3.5, if the operating point is in the left of MPP, then the increasing
in the voltage gives positive power drawn from the PV array and the operating point
becomes closer to the MPP. If the current is negative perturb, that causes decreasing
in the power of the PV. This means that the operation point is moving away from the
MPP. Therefore, the perturbation of the operating current should be reversed [32].
One of the disadvantage of this algorithm is that the time response depends on the step
size of the ∆D. So, if ∆D is large value, the time response will become fast to reach
MPP. However, the operation point is not actually at MPP because of large
In contrast, if the step size of ∆D is small value, the time response will become slow
to reach MPP. However, the operation point is very close to actual MPP and
perturbation is small. Assume that the operation point is at point 1 and by increasing
D with positive ∆D, the voltage will increase and power with positive perturbation will
be at point 2 close to actual MPP, but the value is less then MPP (figure 3.6 (a)).
Therefore, the algorithm will increase D with same value of ∆D that will increase
voltage, but the operation will move away from the actual MPP at point 3 (figure 3.6
(b)). In addition, the perturbation will be negative then the next step will be back to
point 4, to point 5, and from point 5 to point 6 and so on. This process makes the
operation point increasing and decreasing around the actual MPP. This cycle reputed
while the system is running (Figure 3.6(c)) [17,18].
Table 3.1: Truth table of the P&O MPPT algorithm
The Fuzzy Logic tool was presented in 1965 by Professor: L. A. Zadeh in his famous
paper fuzzy set. Fuzzy Logic is a form of logic used to express expert systems. It has
been used in many fields, from control theory to artificial intelligence applications. It
deals with uncertainty between sets. In classical logic, the relationship between two
sets could be true or false, 0 or 1 and Belong not belong. but in fuzzy logic sets are
overlapped and the relationship between two sets could be Belonging partially with
value between 0 and 1. Fuzzy logic deals with degrees of membership between sets
and allows for its members to have degrees of membership.
To understand what is the different between classic logic and fuzzy logic. From the
practical concept of the P & O method and from Table 3.1, there are two possibilities
for changing the duty cycle either forward or backward with a fixed step size with two
If the operation point located in the left of MPP, then the method increases the duty
cycle. If the operation point located in the right then the method decreases the duty
cycle (figure 3.8). That means all operation point in the left of the MPP will be
considered as in the left whether its location far or close from MPP. Therefore, the
reaction will be go forward with same fixed initial duty cycle [26].
∆P/∆V =0
∆P/∆V > 0
0∆P/∆V < 0
Consider the location of the operating point is located at B point in I-V (figure 3.8). In
classical set, it belongs to the right set only. But by using fuzzy sets, it can be seen that
point considered as right set with membership degree 0.7. also, it can be considered as
it belongs to the left set with membership degree 0.3. Fuzzy sets allow their members
to have degrees of membership (figure 3.9). The x axis represents the crisp value of
the power and y axis represents the belonging degree.
x x
(a) (b)
Figure 3.9: (a) Classical sets. (b) Fuzzy sets.
Fuzzy logic system has fast, smooth response and less complexity than traditional
systems [13]. Fuzzy logic has a simple rule-based IF X AND Y THEN Z approach to
a solving control problem rather than attempting to model a system mathematically
To implement fuzzy logic technique to a real application requires the following three
Fuzzification – convert input value into fuzzy value by using one of fuzzy sets and
Membership functions (MFs) form mostly triangle sets are used (figure 3.10).
Where X axis represents the crisp input and each set has its linguistic variable. Y axis
represent the membership degree. Linguistic variable of each set describes the range
situation of the crisp input X.
1. Fuzzy Inference Process (Rule) – deriving the membership function from the
control rules to derive the fuzzy output. This process determines one set from group
sets by using operation (And, Or and Not) and determines its membership degree.
It easy to build rule base because it is close to human languages, IF input high
THEN output is low.
2. Defuzzification – after defining the set with its membership degree that between
0 to 1. The process in the output fuzzy sets defines the area under this degree. this
area is fuzzy output as it shown in figure 3.11. by calculating centroid of the area
or center of gravity, the fuzzy output converts to crisp output. There are three
defuzzification techniques are commonly used [14]: Mean of Maximum method,
Center of Gravity method and the Height method. The following section will
explain the design of each step based on P&O algorithm concept [26].
39 Fuzzy Controller Based MPPT
To implement table 3.1 based fuzzy logic, we must find where the operation point is
.is it in the left or in eight or is it at MPP.
• If ∆P/∆V = 0: that means the point at MPP on the curve. So, there is no reaction
comes from the controller.
• If ∆P/∆V < 0: that mean the point in the right MPP on the curve. The reaction
should be decreasing the voltage by decreasing D% duty cycle of the boost
converter until reaching MPP at ∆P /∆V =0 that means controller stop
decreasing the voltage.
• If ∆P /∆V> 0: that means the point on the left MPP the reaction should be
increasing the voltage until reaching MPP at ∆P /∆V =0. At this point the
controller stops increasing the voltage.
By these concepts, fuzzy controller takes samples from the output of the PV current
(𝐼𝑝𝑣 ), voltage (𝑉𝑝𝑣 ) at time or iteration (k), calculate the result power 𝑃𝑝𝑣 (k) with the
previous sample at previous time (k-1), calculate the error E(k) and the change in error
∆E(k) :
E(k) = (3.13)
Figure 3.12: Membership function for inputs and outputs of MPPT based FLC [1]
See figure 3.13 Fuzzy logic controller output diction is ∆D that will be added to current
operation D% increasing and decreasing with variable step size based on
defuzzification process in the output membership functions and rules in Table 3.2.
The rules base of this fuzzy logic controller is written as in this table 3.2. [1].
For example, to understand the rules in Table 1, IF ΔE(K) is PB and ΔE(K) is NS
THEN ΔD is NB. This means that if the operating point is far from MPP towards right
hand side and the change in E(K) is small, then the controller should decrease the duty
ratio largely for reaching MPP [1].
IF ΔE(K) is PS and E(K) is NS THEN ΔD is PS. This means that the operating point
is close to MPP towards left side and the change in voltage is positive, then the
controller should increase the duty ratio by small value for reaching the MPP. When
both the ΔE(K) and E(K) are changing by small value, it means that the system close
to MPP [1].
MPPT based neural network is an intelligent control technique [27,1]. Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) is a network that imitator the biological neural of the human system
which contains a large parallel interconnection of massive number of neurons. that do
many different tasks in very small time even as comparing today to high speed of
computers. networks behavior, widely used in modeling complex relationships
between inputs and outputs in linear and nonlinear systems and to data mapping.
Network stricture of three layers can be as following:
• input layer: it contains the input features represented by nodes. Each node is
connected to every single node in the hidden layer. The connections have their
weightiness that will be adjusted in the training process.
• hidden layer: first it takes summation of the multiplication of each input node
with connected weights than the output of hidden node is calculating by apply
the activation function. function typically ramp, threshold or sigmoid.
• output layer: is repeated the same process that in the hidden layer to get the
output. Figure 3.12 shows these layers.
There are many structures of networks [29]. The structure type of neural network that
is used for build MPPT controller is multi-layer feed forward networks. Inputs of the
MPPT controller in the input layer are generally two-node PV set parameters, such as
radiation (G), temperature (T) and single output nodes in the output layer represents
the output decision. By processing these inputs, controller determines the adapter
operation duty cycle D as output resolution. Sigmoid function usually is used as
activation function for each node. ANN must be trained off line before using it in the
system. Figure 3.14 shows network has three-layer. input layer i contains two nods
represent the two inputs (x₁, x₂), hidden layer j contains three nods and one output
layer y contains one neuron connected to the previous neurons in the hidden layer [29].
From figure above the output of the network can be calculated by:
The node output in the hidden layer is calculating by applying the activation function
(f) sigmoid function is usually used as transfer function.
𝑣₁ = 𝑓( ℎ₁ )
𝑣₂ = 𝑓( ℎ₂ )
𝑣 3 = 𝑓( ℎ₃ )
Calculate the summation of the multiplications of the output of the hidden neurons to
their weights.
𝑠₀ = 𝑣₁ ∗ 𝑊(𝑗₁,𝑦) + 𝑣₂ ∗ 𝑊(𝑗2,𝑦) + 𝑣₃ ∗ 𝑊(𝑗3,𝑦) + 𝑏 (3.15)
Then the output of the network y can be calculated by applying the activation function
on s.
𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑠₀) =
1 − 𝑒 −𝑠₀
Note: all weights are adjustable parameters when the process of training is applied to
the network. During the training process, all weights will be changed until the best fit
is reached for the input and output shapes from training data set based on the minimum
errors that are selected.
Any ANN network must learn the tasks first before putting it in the system [29,30].
The type of learning that is used here is supervised learning algorithm which
incorporates an external teacher and makes network learn from examples from training
data. The teach way is by setting and adjusting weights between nodes during the
training process. Firstly, weights are selected randomly. Supervisor Backpropagation
learning algorithm is used for training the multilayer feed-forward network, it works
to decrease the output error between the desired and calculated values. That by
propagate the error from the output to input nods. During this process and determine a
new set of weights which makes the error become small. The general learning
procedure in backpropagation algorithm is by following the steps and equations below:
Calculate the summation of the node in the hidden layer of network as following:
1 (𝟑. 𝟏𝟖)
𝑣𝑗 = 𝑓(ℎ𝑗 ) = −ℎ𝑗
𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑠𝑜 ) = (𝟑. 𝟐𝟎)
1 − 𝑒 −𝑠𝑜
Then compute the cost function which is the mean square error in the
1 (𝟑. 𝟐𝟏)
𝐸= ∑ (𝑦ᵈ − 𝑦)2
𝑊(𝑗,𝑦)(𝑘+1) = 𝑊(𝑗,𝑦)(𝑘) + ʆ ∗ 𝜕𝑊
(𝑗,𝑦) (𝟑. 𝟐𝟐)
𝜕𝐸 (𝟑. 𝟐𝟑)
𝑊(𝑖,𝑗)(𝑘+1) = 𝑊(𝑖,𝑗)(𝑘) + ʆ ∗ 𝜕𝑊
ʆ : learning rate or correction factor constant effects on the step size of the
minimizing the square error and it determine the speed learning if it is small the
network learns slow.
Calculate the propagation error between hidden and output layer by finding the
derivative of the error respect to the weights. Solve the partial derivatives of the error
can be gotten using chain rule.
𝜕𝐸 𝜕𝐸 𝜕𝑦
= ∗ , equation's derivative (3.21) respect to weight 𝑊(𝑗,𝑦)
𝜕𝑊(𝑗,𝑦) 𝜕𝑦 𝑊(𝑗,𝑦)
𝜕𝐸 𝑑𝑦
= −(𝑦ᵈ − 𝑦) ∗
𝜕𝑊(𝑗,𝑦) 𝜕𝑊(𝑗,𝑦)
𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦 𝜕 𝑠𝑜
= ∗ , equation's derivative (3.20) respect to weight 𝑊(𝑗,𝑦) .
𝜕 𝑊(𝑗,𝑦) 𝜕 𝑠𝑜 𝜕 𝑊(𝑗,𝑦)
= 𝑦(1 − 𝑦) , equation's derivative (3.20) respect to So equation (3.18)
𝜕 𝑠𝑜
= 𝑣𝑗 , equation's derivative (3.19) respect to weight 𝑊(𝑗,𝑦)
𝜕 𝑊(𝑗,𝑦)
= 𝑦(1 − 𝑦) ∗ 𝑣𝑗 , equation's derivative (3.21) respect to weight 𝑊(𝑗,𝑦)
𝜕 𝑊(𝑗,𝑦)
where: 𝛿𝑗 = −𝑦 ∗ (1 − 𝑦) ∗ (𝑦ᵈ − 𝑦)
Now calculate the propagation error to update 𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) by calculate the derivative of the
error respect to weights.
𝜕𝐸 𝜕 1
= ( ∑(𝑦ᵈ − 𝑦)2 ), equation's derivative (3.21) respect to the weight
𝜕𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) 𝜕𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) 2
𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) .
𝜕𝐸 𝜕𝑦
= -(𝑦ᵈ − 𝑦)*
𝜕𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) 𝜕𝑊(𝑖,𝑗)
𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑆𝑜
= ∗ , equation's derivative (3.20) respect to the weight 𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) .
𝜕𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) 𝜕𝑆𝑜 𝜕𝑊(𝑖,𝑗)
𝜕𝑆𝑜 𝜕𝑆𝑜 𝜕 ℎ𝑖
= ∗ , equation's derivative (3.19) respect to the weight 𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) .
𝜕𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) 𝜕 ℎ𝑖 𝜕𝑊(𝑖,𝑗)
𝜕𝑆𝑜 𝜕𝑆𝑜 𝑑 𝑣𝑗
= ∗ , equation's derivative (3.19) respect to hi equation (3.16)
𝜕 ℎ𝑖 𝜕 𝑣𝑗 𝜕 ℎ𝑖
𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦 𝜕 ℎ𝑖 𝜕𝑆𝑜 𝜕 𝑣𝑗
= ∗ ∗ ∗ = 𝑥𝑖 ∗ 𝑊(𝑖,𝑦) ∗ 𝑣𝑗 ∗ (1 − 𝑣𝑗 ) ∗ 𝑦(𝑦ᵈ − 𝑦)
𝜕𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) 𝜕𝑆𝑜 𝜕𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) 𝜕 𝑣𝑗 𝜕 ℎ𝑖
Finally find the new 𝑊(𝑖,𝑗) using equation:
𝛿𝑖 = −𝛿𝑗 ∗ 𝑣𝑗 ∗ (1 − 𝑣𝑗 ) ∗ 𝑦(𝑦ᵈ − 𝑦)
These steps should be done for one samples from the training data. Firstly, all weights
are selected randomly and select the minimum error that is allowable. Then feed the
network forward to calculate the actual output. If the result is not same to the desired
output that means the mean square error is bigger than the allowable error [30]. In this
case, the previous steps are followed to adjust the weights to minimize the error and
done continuously until error becomes small. So, algorithm learn through iterations.
Number of iterations in typical network can be any number from five to ten thousand.
So, learning it can be done by hand for very small amount of training data, but for large
training date computer is used to train the network. MATLAB program has neural
network tools which make it easily to build the network and train it, using any training
Neural network will be built in this study and trained in the next chapter using data
contains all possible operation temperature and solar irradiation and their best decision
of D to work as MPPT controller to control D% signal that goes to the switch of the
boost converter for guiding the system to work at MPP state (figure 3.15). Well trained
network gives superior performance of the ANN based MPPT controller.
3.3.4 Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Based MPPT
Another MPPT algorithm used artificial intelligence technique called ANFIS which is
efficient algorithm to work with MPPT concept, and has been applied and proved its
efficient [35,38].
Fuzzy logic system is useful tool for building system based human thinking and doesn't
need to model the system mathematically. Output decision of FLC is based on written
rules and making defuzzification on the output membership functions parameters.
these parameters are designed by an expert or by experiences and adjusting many time
to improve the performance of the controller for approximating nonlinear functions.
Artificial neural network system has capabilities of learning from examples or learning
from data using training algorithm as it seen in the previous section.
Figure 3.16: Architecture of ANFIS with four rules and two membership function.
ANFIS in figure has two inputs x and y and one output z. the fuzzy if-then rules can
be expressed as:
where A𝑖 and B𝑖 are the fuzzy sets in the antecedent, and p𝑖 , q 𝑖 , and r𝑖 are parameters
which are determined during the training process.
ANFIS consists five layers. There are nodes in each layer depends on number of
inputs, membership function and rules and usually, one output as it is seen in figure
µAi(𝑥) and µB𝑖(𝑥) are Membership functions. They can be obtained by fuzzification
process for example Triangular membership function mostly used has equation of:
0 , 𝑥 ≤ 𝑎
𝑥 −𝑎
, 0≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑏
Triangle(x; a, b, c) = 𝑐−𝑥 (𝟑. 𝟐𝟖)
, 𝑏 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑐
{ 0, 𝑏 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑐
where {a, b, c} are the parameters set that changes the shapes of the MFs and
Parameters in this layer are called premise parameters
• Layer 2: each node in this layer receives the linguistic variables with MF
degrees and calculates the firing strength of a rule via multiplication and sent
it to next layer send the firing. or T-norm operators can be used as AND
function to rule firing [32].
• Layer 3: Outputs are called normalized firing strengths that by calculate the
ratio of firing strength rule in the i node that comes from previous node to the
sum of all rule's firing strengths.
𝑂(3,𝑖) = 𝜔𝑖 = 𝜔₁+𝜔₂+𝜔₃+𝜔₄ , i=1,2,3,4 (𝟑. 𝟑𝟎)
• Layer 5: The output node in this layer computes the overall output as the
summation of all incoming signals divided summation of all weights or all
rule's firing strengths from layer 2. expressed as:
4 4
𝜔₁𝑧₁ + 𝜔₂𝑧₂ + 𝜔₃𝑧₃ + 𝜔₃𝑧₃
𝑂5 = = ∑ 𝜔𝑖 z𝑖 = ∑ 𝜔𝑖 (𝑝𝑖 𝑥 + 𝑞𝑖 𝑦 + 𝑟𝑖 ) (𝟑. 𝟑𝟐)
𝜔₁ + 𝜔₂ + 𝜔₃ + 𝜔₄
𝑖=4 𝑖=4
The structure of a ANFIS is like a multi-layer neural network. The square nodes in
figure 3.14 have adjustable parameters and the circle nodes has fixed parameters. The
basic learning algorithm to optimize ANFIS parameters are backpropagation gradient
descant algorithm which has been used to learn the multi-layer ANN (see section [37]. During the learning process, the premise parameters (a, b,c) in the layer
2 and the consequent parameter (𝑝𝑖 , 𝑞𝑖 ,𝑟𝑖 ) in the layer4 are updated based to training
data and trained until the desired output is gotten.
first things, the training data set should be available to feed the inputs. ANFIS network
mostly has two inputs. Second thing, is selecting the number of the MFs for each input
that define the kind of functions. The triangular MFs are selected in this study which
has parameter (a, b, c) see equation (3.27). These parameters are named premise
parameters. number of rules can be determined by multiplication of number of sets of
each inputs with number of set in the input 2. Then it calculates the final output and
total square error by:
𝐸= ∑(𝑂ᵈ − 𝑂𝑎 )2 (3.32)
The general equation of backpropagation for updating both the premise and
consequent parameters is:
𝛼(k + 1) = 𝛼(k ) + ʆ * 𝜕𝛼 (3.33)
ʆ: learning rate
k: iteration number.
There is another learning algorithm called the hybrid learning algorithm, which uses
the least square method and the backpropagation algorithm. This algorithm has a
twostep process.
1. Forward pass: the consequent parameters are updated by least square method
which assume the parameters in equation (3.31) as linear combination.
From training data, which is contains vector of inputs represent the operation
temperature, operation solar irradiation and vector represent the best decision of duty
cycle that will be given to the system to run at MPP. MPPT based ANFIS have been
seen the literatures [35,34]. MATLAB program has ANFIS tool which will be used to
build ANFIS controller and will learned. The proposed ANFIS controller based MPPT
black diagram is shown in figure below.
Figure 3.17: Black diagram of ANFIS based MPPT
The tracking efficiency of the MPPT algorithm can be calculated by the following:
Pout: the power extracted from the PV that work with MPPT algorithm [39].
Next section will be implementation all presented MPPT algorithms in this chapter
using MATLAB program. In addition, will be run each algorithm with PV system in
Simulink environment to analyze the performance of each case.
This section shows all systems simulations: The Photovoltaic PV model, boost
converter, MPPT controller based P&O, FLC, ANN, and the proposed ANFIS. All the
circuit simulations are made using MATLAB/Simulink Program. In this chapter; The
case studies and simulation results for the complete system is discussed. Next section
contains modeling a general PV panel and shows some of results about effects of T
and G on PV output power and MPP operation. Figure 4.1 shows the block diagram
connections of purposed MPPT controllers with PV system.
PV Model Simulation
The first objectives of this study, is to simulate a PV model and to estimate the I-V
characteristic curves of PV under different operation of T and G, and to use simulated
model for testing the dynamic performance of MPPT later.
The simulation is done by MATLAB Simulink and by modeling the equations (2.1),
(2.2), (2.3) and (2.4). Using subsystem blocks and building general system that can
model any PV system contained one model or more than one model as array (figure
4.2). For more information subsystem blocks see Appendix A.
The previous subsystems are shortened in one blaok ( Figure 4.3 (a)). There are some
parameters is designed to be adjastable (Figure 4.3 (b)) by using mask parameter
property. The PV model contins temperature (T) and solar irradiance (G) input which
will use as adjatable values for testing and analysis the performance of the PV model
(figurre 4.3 (a)). For more details see appendixes A.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.3: The main model of the PV. (a) PV model block. (b) Subsystem mask
parameters of the PV model.
Photovoltaic PV cell has nonlinear characteristics as the I-V curve profs that, and
output power are affected with the change of the operating conditions (T and solar G),
(figure 2.6), [9, 8].
Note: The electrical data are STC when G equal to of 1 kW/m2, and T equal to 25 C°.
see appendix A for more information.
Table 4.1: Electrical Data of PPS130W AS8118 PV Module
The first test was done by Appling Constant G 1000 kw/m² with the changing in T
from 5 C °to 40 C ° with step of 5 C °. The results in figure 4.6 show that Whenever
the temperature increases, the voltage and power output decreases and vice versa.
The second simulation test is done by applying constant T 25° with changing in G
from 650 kw/m² to 700 kw/m² with increasing step of 50 kw/m². The results in the
figure 4.7 show that whenever the solar radiation increases, the short current operation
and power output increase. And vice versa with small changing in voltage.
Figure 4.7: Influence of the solar radiation on 𝑉-𝐼 and P-V curves.
Figure 4.8: Influence of solar radiation and tempreture on Pmpp .
From figure 4.8, when the radiation increases the Pmpp operation increase and vice
versa with the temperature increase. and when the temperature decreases the Vmpp
increases and approximately be constant when the radiation change (figure 4.9).
These results prove that operation point and MPP in the V-I curve and P-V curve are
changing with any change in solar irradiation and temperature. As it known, these
factors vary with time and the weather situation and the seasons of the year. For more
information see Table B.1 and B.2 in appendix B.
Boost Convertor Model
The parameters for the DC-DC boost converter are shown in table 4.2. The switching
frequency (fs) is selected as 200KHz. The inductor value (L1) were selected greater
then L min in equation (3.6). Also, the capacitor values (C1, C2) was chosen in order
to obtain a fast response for the MPPT algorithms. The simulation circuit of the
convertor is shown in figure 4.10.
Parameter Value
Inductance L₁ 1 mH
Capacitor C₁ 1𝛍F
Capacitor C₂ 200𝛍F
Load resistor R 10𝛀
Switching Frequency Fѕ 200kH
Switching Type MOSFET
The first system is containing PV system and controlled based P&O MPPT method.
P&O is made using MATLAB function and programed using MATLAB M-file based
on flowchart in figure 3.4. The programed code is in appendix B.3.
The initial value of ΔD is selected as 0.001and the time sample of given decathlon is
selected as 0.02 ms.
∓ΔD %D
Fuzzy controller based MPPT is designed using MATLAB Fuzzy logic designer tool
(figure 4.13). Based the concepts which is explained in chapter 3, the controller has
two inputs. First one represents the calculated input error E(k) value and second input
represents delay of error E(k). One output represents the ΔD decision and MFs for
inputs and output is selected as shown figure 4.13.
Figure 4.13: Memprship functions of FLC based MPPT. (a) MFs of input error
E(k). (b) MFs of input delta E(k). (c) MFs of output decition delta D .
The rule base is designed based on Table 3.2 and the inference rule serfce is shown
below .
The designed fuzzy logic controller shoud be imported to work space to use it in
simolink using fuzzy contrloller block . And the controller takes samples of calculated
E(k) and E(k-1). The time sample of given decision is selected as 0.08 ms to get
efficient performance.
E(k) ∓ΔD
The ANN controller based MPPT is designed using MATLAB M-file code. It has
trained by backpropagation learning algorithm that uses training data which is in table
C.1 in appendix C. The training points are obtained as it stated in appendix C1. the
programmed code is in appendix C.2. The ANN which is shown in figure 4.16 is
designed with ten hidden layers with two inputs and one output (figure 4.16).
The proposed ANN controller has two inputs: solar irradiance and temperature. one
output that represents D that is operate at MPP. Between network and inputs there is
MATLAB function used to arrange the value of the G and T as vector 2 x 1 (figure
Input D%
[T; G]
Seguno FLC is gotten from training the ANFIS, which is trained using training data
that is used to train the ANN controller see appendix C. Backpropagation training
algorithm is used to optimize the FLC parameters.
The structure of the FLC controller has two inputs representing T, G and one output
represents the decision of the duty cycle D. MATLAB Neuro-Fuzzy designer tool is
used to train the ANFIS and generate the system (figure 4.18), (appendix C).
Figure 4.18: structure of generated Sugeno FLC system after training by ANFIS.
Four MFs is selected for each input and their parameters are selected during training
process. The output MFs are is optimized as constant samples during the training
process. Figure 4.19 shows the MFs membership functions of the input and outputs.
The inference rule bases are optimized during ANFIS training process (figure 4.20).
and the inference rules surface is shown in figure 4.21.
Figure 4.21: inference rule surface of FLC generated by ANFIS.
The previous generated FLC should be imported in MATLAB work space to use it
as controller in Simulink environment. Simulated FLC controller is shown below. The
Simulation circuit connections of PV system with FLC will be presented in next
Figure 4.22: Purposed FLC controller based MPPT whose parameters generated by
ANFIS training.
In next chapter, each internal system in the blocks (figure 4.23) will be presented. In
addition, the all system will be run at same time with same signal value of temperature
and solar irradiation.
Figure 4.23: Simulation circuit of all PV systems for evaluating the performance of
each MPPT.
Each system will be running with variation in T and G to see the affections on the
output power of each system, to analyze the performance of each MPPT controller,
and to see what happen to the output power of the PV system work without MPPT
controlling algorithm. Figure 4.24 shown the variation signal value of G and T that is
used evaluate the five PV systems figure 4.25.
Solar radiation Kw/m2
Figure 4.24: Variation value of slow and sudden changing on the operation Soler
Temperature Cº
Figure 4.25: Variation value of slow and sudden changing on the operation
The simulation result of each system is presented in next section. The last section will
be conclusion and compering the performance of results of all PV systems to see how
the performance of each PV system is different from the other.
Simulation Results
The simulation is done by operate the five PV systems, which are shown in previous
section (figure 4.24). Each system has same PV model and boost converter parameters,
but each one has different MPPT mechanism for controlling the duty cycle with each
• The first PV system operates without any controlling for tracking the MPP
(block 1 in figure 4.24). The duty cycle is selected for operate at MPP with
only case of solar irradiation equal 1000 Kw/m^² and with temperate of 25
Cº. Note that D is constant does not change with changing in value of G and T
• Second PV system works with MPPT of P&O algorithm to guide PV system
to possible MPP operation (block 2 in the figure 4.24).
• Third PV system works with FLC controller based MPPT (block 3 in the
• Fourth PV system works with ANN controller based MPPT (block 4 in the
figure 4.24).
• Fifth PV system works with FLC controller which is designed by ANFIS
training based MPPT (block 5 in the figure 4.24).
The next sections present the subsystem simulation circuits of each purposed system
with their results. They are presented as five cases.
The duty is selected as 0.503 to operate PV system at its MPP in case of T=25Cº and
G=1000KW/m². Figure 5.1 show the simulation circuit of PV system of case 1 which
is internal subsystem of block 1 in figure 4.24.
Figure 5.1: Connection simulation circuit of PV system without MPPT control.
Simulation results for this case are shown in figure 5.2 when operation solar radiation
is varied and for varied operation temperature value results is shown in figure 5.3.
Figure 5.2: Case 1 simulation results with variation in G. (a) Output load power. (b)
Output load voltage(c)Operation Solar Radiation Power. (d) Operation temperature.
Figure 5.3: Case 1 simulation results with variation in T. (a) Output load power. (b)
Output load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (d) Operation
5.1.2 CASE 2: PV System with P&O MPPT algorithm
The simulation circuit in figure 5.4 represents the internal subsystem for block 2
(figure 4.24) that represents the case 2. The time sample of increasing and decreasing
the duty cycle is selected as 0.02 m Sec.
Figure 5.4: Connection simulation circuit of PV system with P&O MPPT controller.
Simulation results for this case are shown in figure 5.5 for varying in operation solar
radiation value, and for varying in operation temperature value results is shown in
figure 5.6.
Figure 5.5: Case2 simulation results with variation in G. (a) Output load power. (b)
Output load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (d) Operation
Figure 5.6: Case 2 simulation results with variation in T. (a) Output load power. (b)
Output load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (d) Operation
5.1.3 CASE 3: PV System with MPPT using the proposed FLC method
The simulation circuit in figure 5.7 represent the internal subsystem for block (figure
4.24) that represents the case 3. The time sample of increasing and decreasing the duty
cycle is selected as 0.08 m Sec.
Figure 5.7: Connection simulation circuit of PV system with FLC based MPPT
Simulation results for this case are shown in figure 5.8 for varying in operation solar
radiation value, and for varying in operation temperature value results is shown in
figure 5.9.
Figure 5.8: Case 3 simulation results with variation in G. (a) Output load power. (b)
Output load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (d) Operation
Figure 5.9: Case 3 simulation results with variation in T. (a) Output load power. (b)
Output load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (d) Operation
5.1.4 CASE 4: PV System with MPPT using the proposed ANN method
The simulation circuit in figure 5.10 represent the internal subsystem for block 4
(figure 4.24) that represents the case 4. No need for time sample for increasing and
decreasing the duty cycle because ANN give right decision for value for any vale of T
and G, as it learnt from the training process.
Figure 5.10: Simulation connection circuit of PV system with ANN based MPPT
Simulation results for this case are shown in figure 5.11 for varying in operation solar
radiation value, and for varying in operation temperature value results is shown in
figure 5.12.
Figure 5.11: Case 4 simulation results with variation in G. (a) Output load power.
(b) Output load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (d) Operation
Figure 5.12: Case 4 simulation results with variation in T. (a) Output load power. (b)
Output load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (d) Operation
5.1.5 CASE 5: System with MPPT using the proposed AFNIS method
The simulation circuit in figure 5.13 represents the internal subsystem for block 5
(figure 4.24) that represents the case 5. The time sample is not important for increasing
and decreasing the duty cycle, because FLC controller has optimized their parameters
by ANFIS training process to give right decision for value for any vale of T and G, as
it learnt from the training process.
Figure 5.13: Simulation connection circuit of PV system with FLC based ANFIS
training based MPPT.
Simulation results for this case are shown in figure 5.14. For varying in operation solar
radiation value, and for varying in operation temperature value results is shown in
figure 5.15.
Figure 5.14: Case 5 simulation results with variation in G. (a) Output load power. (b)
Output load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (d) Operation
Figure 5.15: Case 5 simulation results with variation in T. (a) Output load power. (b)
Output load voltage. (c) Operation Solar Radiation Power. (d) Operation
In this chapter, all simulations are done using MATLAB/SIMULINK software for
evaluating the performance of the PV system work with four different MPPT. The
purposed MPPT based ANFIS technique is hybrid of artificial neural network and
fuzzy logic control system. The others are MPPT based FLC, MPPT based ANN, and
the conventional P&O MPPT algorithm. To Compere the tracking of MPP when the
operation solar radiation and temperature value is changing.
As it is seen in literatures and from the simulation results, we conclude that the output
power of the PV system which does not work with MPPT is smaller than the other PV
systems those work with MPPT technique. About 25% from the expected power lose
(figure 5.16).
For system work with conventional P&O MPPT, we conclude that the time response
for tracking MPP is slow and the MPP operation is has efficiency less than the other
MPPT systems. For system work with MPPT based FLC, the time response for
tracking the MPP is faster than P&O MPPT method and more efficient for tracing
Figure 5.16: Output power of all simulations results for variation in G in one plot.
For the MPPT based ANN and ANFIS, these techniques have the fastest time response
for tracking the MPP and have high efficiency for delivering the maximum power to
the load. See table 5.1 summarizing the performance of five PV systems.
Table 5.1: Comparing results of purposed MPPT algorithms.
From the previous figure we noted that, the output power between time 0.05 Sec and
0.06 Sec where the solar radiation is equal to 1200 Kw/m². The efficient MPPT is
MPPT base FLC, then MPPT based P&O then MPPT based ANFIS than the less one
is MPPT based ANN. The reasons which make the MPPT based ANN and MPPT
based on ANFIS are not efficient in this position, those two methods are indirect MPPT
algorithm which make decision of duty cycle based given values of G and T and
because the ANN and ANFIS have been learning from date contains situation of
system work from range of G between 600 Kw/m² to 1100 Kw/m². so, the ANN and
ANFS does not give right decision for a situation haven’t learnt before. To overcome
this problem the training process should be repeated with training data that contains
the new situations of T and G.
PV model is used for build PV system with resistive load and with boost converter to
evaluate the performance of the system with the purposed MPPT algorithms.
Moreover, several MPPT techniques have been presented in this study and their
Principe work have explained the Perturb and Observe (P&O), the Artificial Neural
Network method based MPPT, the Fuzzy Logic method based on MPPT, and MPPT
based Neuro Fuzzy inference technique. Also, the simulations of these methods with
PV system have implemented in MATLAB Simulink for evaluation the performance
of each MPPT method. The results are discussed in the previous section and showed
the performance of MPPT based ANFIS that has fast response and high efficiency
tracking the MPP compering with other MPPT methods.
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Figure A.2.3: Simolation circuit of the reverse saturation current (𝐼𝑟𝑠 )
Simulation circuit for collecting data and for analyze the effecting of changing
operation temperature and solar irradiation on the PMPP and VMPP is shown in Figure
B.1. Data results is imported to MATLAB work space to work on it to plot these
affections on figures as it showed in the results.
Data sheet of PPS130W AS8118 PV model in appendix A are used to model the PV
model in MATLAB Simulink
Eight PV model with same characteristic data is run at same time to generate the power
and voltage data each PV model in figure B.1 has different constant operation
temperature. And same operation solar radiation.
Figure B.1: Simulation circuits for analyzing the effect of varying G and T on the
𝑃𝑚𝑝𝑝 and 𝑉𝑚𝑝𝑝 .
%in these code shows how to find Impp, Vmpp, Pmpp from the simulation data result
% and plot the result in figures
%data is imported to work space to work on it
% for varying G from 600 kw/m2 to 1500kw/m2 and varying T from 2 to 40
%and we are going to arrange the results as matrix
k1= find(PVDATA1(:,5)==max(PVDATA1(:,5)));
k2= find(PVDATA2(:,5)==max(PVDATA2(:,5)));
k3= find(PVDATA3(:,5)==max(PVDATA3(:,5)));
k4= find(PVDATA4(:,5)==max(PVDATA4(:,5)));
k5= find(PVDATA5(:,5)==max(PVDATA5(:,5)));
k6= find(PVDATA6(:,5)==max(PVDATA6(:,5)));
k7= find(PVDATA7(:,5)==max(PVDATA7(:,5)));
k8= find(PVDATA8(:,5)==max(PVDATA8(:,5)));
plot(PVDATA4(:,4),PVDATA4(:,5))% plot test result at T=20
hold on
plot(PVDATA5(:,4),PVDATA5(:,5))% plot test result at T=25
hold on
plot(PVDATA6(:,4),PVDATA6(:,5))% plot test result at T=30
hold on
plot(PVDATA7(:,4),PVDATA7(:,5))% plot test result at T=35
hold on
plot(PVDATA8(:,4),PVDATA8(:,5))% plot test result at T=40
xlabel('Output Voltage (C?)','FontSize',12,...
ylabel('Output Power (W)','FontSize',12,...
figure(2)% plotting P-V curves in one figure
hold on
plot(PVDATA1(:,4),PVDATA1(:,3))% plot test result at G=600KW/M2
hold on
plot(PVDATA2(:,4),PVDATA2(:,3))% plot test result at G=600KW/M2
hold on
plot(PVDATA3(:,4),PVDATA3(:,3))% plot test result at G=600KW/M2
hold on
plot(PVDATA4(:,4),PVDATA4(:,3))% plot test result at G=600KW/M2
hold on
plot(PVDATA5(:,4),PVDATA5(:,3))% plot test result at G=600KW/M2
hold on
plot(PVDATA6(:,4),PVDATA6(:,3))% plot test result at G=600KW/M2
hold on
plot(PVDATA7(:,4),PVDATA7(:,3))% plot test result at G=600KW/M2
hold on
plot(PVDATA8(:,4),PVDATA8(:,3))% plot test result at G=600KW/M2
xlabel('Output Voltage (V)','FontSize',12,...
ylabel('Output Current (A)','FontSize',12,...
% after finishing writing the Pmpp data and Vmpp data matrixes now print it
% to see the affection of changing in G and T on the Pmpp AND Vmpp
figure(3) % Represents Affection of temperature on Pmpp
hold on
hold on
figure(5) %Represents Affection of solar radiation on Pmpp
hold on
hold on
hold on
hold on
ylabel('Voltage at MPP(w)','FontSize',12,...
xlabel('Solar Iradiation(G) (A)','FontSize',12,...
The voltage data and power data at MPP which is generated by previous code below:
T 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
1200 23.58 22.29 20.91 19.54 18.21 16.96 15.51 14.31
1150 23.58 22.13 20.83 19.54 18.21 16.80 15.51 14.21
1100 23.58 22.13 20.83 19.54 18.09 16.80 15.50 14.21
1050 23.42 22.13 20.83 19.41 18.09 16.80 15.50 14.21
1000 23.42 22.11 20.67 19.41 18.09 16.71 15.50 14.05
950 23.42 22.11 20.67 19.38 18.09 16.71 15.34 14.05
900 23.42 21.96 20.67 19.38 17.93 16.63 15.34 14.01
850 23.31 21.96 20.61 19.22 17.93 16.63 15.34 14.01
800 23.31 21.96 20.61 19.22 17.91 16.47 15.21 13.89
750 23.26 21.81 20.51 19.11 17.76 16.47 15.18 13.89
700 23.10 21.80 20.51 19.11 17.76 16.41 15.02 13.73
650 23.10 21.80 20.35 19.06 17.61 16.31 15.02 13.71
600 23.01 21.64 20.31 18.90 17.60 16.3 14.91 13.56
The algorithm is implemented using MATLAB function block and programmed using
MATLAB M-file see the block function below
function O_delta_D = fcn (previous_P,curent_P,current_V,previous_V, dELTA_D)
for i= 1:2
if (curent_P>previous_P) && (current_V>previous_V)
elseif(curent_P>previous_P) && (current_V<previous_V)
elseif(curent_P<previous_P) && (current_V>previous_V)
elseif(curent_P<previous_P) && (current_V<previous_V)
elseif(curent_P==previous_P) && (current_V>previous_V)
end ,O_delta_D = x
The training data is used to train ANN & ANFIS controlers and it is generated by
operate the two PV systems. The first one work with P&O MPPT with smaller constant
value just to knew the rang of the duty cycle. than copy it to the second system that
running the with adjustable duty cycle for increasing and decreasing the duty cycle
to get the accurate and reliable result. See Table C.1
Temperature Solar Duty cycle at MPP Temperature Solar Duty cycle at MPP
Cº Irradiation Operation Cº Irradiation Operation
𝑲𝑾/𝒎𝟐 𝑲𝑾/𝒎𝟐
10 600 0.31200000000000; 10 925 0.44010000000000;
15 600 0.34070000000000; 15 925 0.46510000000000;
20 600 0.36190000000000; 20 925 0.48241000000000;
25 600 0.38490000000000; 25 925 0.49940000000000;
30 600 0.40740000000000; 30 925 0.51720000000000;
35 600 0.43030000000000; 35 925 0.53470000000000;
10 625 0.33270000000000; 10 950 0.43700000000000;
15 625 0.35350000000000; 15 950 0.44950000000000;
20 625 0.37500000000000; 20 950 0.46510000000000;
25 625 0.39660000000000; 25 950 0.47990000000000;
30 625 0.41850000000000; 30 950 0.50710000000000;
35 625 0.44070000000000; 35 950 0.52510000000000;
10 650 0.34550000000000; 10 975 0.43950000000000;
15 650 0.36600000000000; 15 975 0.45950000000000;
20 650 0.38670000000000; 20 975 0.48100000000000;
25 650 0.40780000000000; 25 975 0.49200000000000;
30 650 0.42920000000000; 30 975 0.51110000000000;
35 650 0.45100000000000; 35 975 0.53110000000000;
10 675 0.35720000000000; 10 1000 0.44910000000000;
15 675 0.37760000000000; 15 1000 0.46910000000000;
20 675 0.39790000000000; 20 1000 0.48511000000000;
25 675 0.41850000000000; 25 1000 0.50110000000000;
30 675 0.43960000000000; 30 1000 0.5211000000000;
35 675 0.46070000000000; 35 1000 0.53790000000000;
10 700 0.36870000000000; 10 1025 0.45510000000000;
15 700 0.38880000000000; 15 1025 0.46910000000000;
20 700 0.40830000000000; 20 1025 0.48910000000000;
25 700 0.42860000000000; 25 1025 0.50110000000000;
30 700 0.44920000000000; 30 1025 0.52110000000000;
35 700 0.46980000000000; 35 1025 0.54110000000000;
10 725 0.37980000000000; 10 1050 0.45950000000000;
15 725 0.39880000000000; 15 1050 0.47980000000000;
20 725 0.41760000000000; 20 1050 0.49290000000000;
25 725 0.437800000000000; 25 1050 0.511900000000000;
30 725 0.457600000000000; 30 1050 0.529900000000000;
35 725 0.478300000000000; 35 1050 0.549900000000000;
Temperature Solar Duty cycle at MPP Temperature Solar Duty cycle at MPP
Cº Irradiation Operation Cº Irradiation Operation
𝑲𝑾/𝒎𝟐 𝑲𝑾/𝒎𝟐
10 750 0.390400000000000; 10 1075 0.471100000000000;
15 750 0.408600000000000; 15 1075 0.492100000000000;
20 750 0.427900000000000; 20 1075 0.506100000000000;
25 750 0.447300000000000; 25 1075 0.516100000000000;
30 750 0.466800000000000; 30 1075 0.536100000000000;
35 750 0.486800000000000; 35 1075 0.555200000000000;
10 775 0.399800000000000; 10 1100 0.475900000000000;
15 775 0.417800000000000; 15 1100 0.485900000000000;
20 775 0.436700000000000; 20 1100 0.511100000000000;
25 775 0.455200000000000; 25 1100 0.522200000000000;
30 775 0.474700000000000; 30 1100 0.539800000000000;
35 775 0.494400000000000; 35 1100 0.555000000000000]
10 800 0.408800000000000; 10 925 0.440100000000000;
15 800 0.426800000000000; 15 925 0.465100000000000;
20 800 0.445200000000000; 20 925 0.482410000000000;
25 800 0.463800000000000; 25 925 0.499450000000000;
30 800 0.482800000000000; 30 925 0.517200000000000;
35 800 0.502200000000000; 35 925 0.534700000000000;
10 825 0.417800000000000; 10 950 0.437000000000000;
15 825 0.435400000000000; 15 950 0.449500000000000;
20 825 0.453200000000000; 20 950 0.465100000000000;
25 825 0.471300000000000; 25 950 0.479900000000000;
30 825 0.4972; 30 950 0.507100000000000;
35 825 0.529200000000000; 35 950 0.525100000000000;
10 825 0.426200000000000; 10 975 0.439500000000000;
15 850 0.443400000000000; 15 975 0.459500000000000;
20 850 0.461100000000000; 20 975 0.481000000000000;
25 850 0.479100000000000; 25 975 0.492000000000000;
30 850 0.497200000000000; 30 975 0.511100000000000;
35 850 0.516100000000000; 35 975 0.531100000000000;
10 875 0.434200000000000; 10 1000 0.449100000000000;
15 875 0.451100000000000; 15 1000 0.469100000000000;
20 875 0.468300000000000; 20 1000 0.485110000000000;
25 875 0.486200000000000; 25 1000 0.501100000000000;
30 875 0.503800000000000; 30 1000 0.521100000000000;
35 875 0.522400000000000; 35 1000 0.537900000000000;
10 900 0.441800000000000; 10 1025 0.455100000000000;
15 900 0.458600000000000; 15 1025 0.469100000000000;
20 900 0.475300000000000; 20 1025 0.489100000000000;
25 900 0.493100000000000; 25 1025 0.501100000000000;
30 900 0.550800000000000; 30 1025 0.521100000000000;
35 900 0.528700000000000; 35 1025 0.541100000000000;
ANFIS controller is built using MATLAB Neuro-Fuzzy Designer tool first load
training data to MATLAB work space and open Neuro-Fuzzy Designer tool as seen in
figure C.3.1 below and load training date using button and the FIS membership
function for inputs is selected as triangular MFs and the training algorithm is selected
as backpropagation the trainee the ANFIS network. Loaded data is shown in circus
samples in the figure below:
ANFIS structure:
Training process reaches minimum error of 0.0065 in Epoch 68. see figure below:
Figure C.3.4: Mean square error of the output during the ANFIS training process.
Testing trainig data seen in figure below get avrage error of 0.0065155 .
Figure C.3.5: Comparing output of trained ANFIS with training data.
C.4 Testing ANN and FLC Controllers based MPPT with the training data
Figure C.4: Simulation circuit for testing ANN and FLC based ANFIS
Table C.4: Testing result of ANN and FLC based ANFIS duye cycle decition.
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