EY My Day: User Guide & Frequently Asked Questions
EY My Day: User Guide & Frequently Asked Questions
EY My Day: User Guide & Frequently Asked Questions
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 3
2 FAQS.................................................................................................................................... 21
EY My Day
Welcome to the EY My Day App. The EY My Day App delivers a digitally interactive workplace
experience to EY staff, contractors, vendors and staff visitors working in an EY building.
The app uses smart technology installed throughout the building to enable employees to closely
interact with their working environment, utilise building & FM services with ease and view the
environment conditions in various parts of the building.
Many features within the EY My Day app deliver an enhanced experienced by being location aware.
By knowing exactly where somebody is in the building, the app can deliver contextual based services
and notifications to employees even if the app is running in the background. For example, if an
employee walks into a meeting room that they have booked, the app will detect this and
automatically prompt the user to check-in. However, if the employee doesn’t have the room
booked, the app can prompt the user to book it if available.
To take advantage of these features, Location Services, Bluetooth and Notifications need to be
enabled on the user’s device. When you first start using EY My Day you will be asked to “Allow”
access to these services. For Location Services it is important to select “Always” when prompted as
this enables the app to provide these features even when it’s minimised and running in the
background. On iPhones running iOS13 or later, you will be asked every few days if you wish to
continue allowing this access. When you see this message, please select the option to continue
allowing access.
It’s important to note that your location is only used to provide location-based features. Your
location is not being stored indefinitely or tracked as you travel around the building.
The Indoor Positioning Solution installed in each EY building works using Bluetooth so it’s also
important to ensure Bluetooth is turned on and any request for access is accepted.
Finally, the EY My Day App will raise notifications to advise you of available services in your area or
notify you if a colleague is trying to connect with you. Please ensure you turn on notifications for the
app so that you don’t miss an important notification.
As a user your first point of call for help is a local Workplace Coordinator in the building who has
been trained to provide you with app support and guidance.
EY My Day
If an issue cannot be resolved locally the Workplace Coordinator, they will be able to raise the issue
on your behalf with the app’s technical support team.
If you wish to provide feedback for the App please write to the following email address:
EY My Day
1 User Guide
The EY My Day app has been designed to be user friendly and easy to use. You’ll find that accessing
the different modules and features within the app is intuitive and straightforward. The following
navigation tree provides a simple overview of the general navigation within the app:
Each module has its own navigation. An illustration for each one is as follows:
Book a desk
details and
desk location
booking & way
EY My Day
EY My Day
EY My Day
EY My Day
The app is available on the Apple App Store for iOS users and the Google Play Store for Android
users. Please navigate to the relevant app store on your device and search for ‘EY My Day’ then
select the option to download:
iOS Android
When you open the app for the first time, you’ll see the following Login screen:
EY My Day
The app will ask you if you’d like to enable finger print or facial recognition authentication (where
available). Agreeing to this will avoid you having to login using your email and password every time
and is therefore recommended for all users.
When you enter the app for the first time you’ll be asked to give permission to enable Bluetooth and
Location services ion your device. This is needed to
The next time you open the app the app will either display the login screen and require you to enter
your username and password, trigger the facial recognition check and automatically log you in or
prompt for finger print authentication. This will be dependent on how you configured your app
when you registered and the features available on your device.
If you’re having problems registering or logging in then please check the FAQs section at
the end of this document.
When you access the Home Dashboard, the app will try to
determine if you are currently within an EY building. This is
done using an indoor positioning system that has been
installed in all EY sites. If the app is able to detect your
location, the main dashboard image at the top of the screen
and the name of the building will automatically change to
reflect the building you’re in. If you’re outside of a building,
don’t have location services enabled and/or have Bluetooth
disabled, the app will not place you in a building and
therefore a default building and dashboard image will be
EY My Day
EY My Day
You can use the Way Finder module to search and navigate to
the following points of interest:
• Break area
• Restaurant
• Collaboration space
• Colleague
• Female washroom
• Male washroom
• Inclusive washroom
• Meeting room
• Office service centre
• Workplace
• User selects the ‘Colleague’ icon in the Way Finder module (note that you must select the
Colleague option for this feature to work).
• User searches for a colleague by entering at least 4 characters of their name (note the
search will not initiate until at least 4 characters have been entered). Only employees who
are currently in the building or were detected as being in the building that day are displayed
in the list.
• User selects the colleague they want to connect with a sends them a request to share their
• Colleague receives a push notification informing them of the request and taps on it.
• App opens and displays a screen asking the colleague to approve the request.
• Colleague approves the request and another push notification is sent to the requestor’s
• Requestor receives the push notification and taps on it.
• The app opens up, automatically takes the user to the Way Finder module and displays the
location of the colleague together with a route from the user’s current location.
Important: The Find a Colleague feature only works if both users have enabled location
services and push notifications for the app.
Important: The EY My Day app does not track your location or store this indefinitely.
Your last known location is stored for the current day only to support the ‘Find a
Colleague’ feature and is cleared at the end of every day.
EY My Day
If you’re having problems using the Way Finder module then please check the FAQs
section at the end of this document.
The Find a Workspace module is used to help you find the perfect desk for you. If
bookability is applicable to your building then you’ll be able to book a work station. You
start your search for an available desk by selecting the building and floor, the indoor
positioning should automatically populate this for you.
The app will use your search criteria to find matching desks and present these on a floor
plan using the following colours:
• Red: Occupied
• Green: Vacant
EY My Day
• Orange: Potentially Vacant (i.e. the desk is currently free but motion was
detected recently)
You have the option to show bookability, occupancy status or both depending on your
needs. You can tap on any desk to see the details on whether it’s bookable and how long
for, its current occupancy status as well as its current environment conditions
(temperature, noise level and busyness).
Upon selecting a bookable desk, you can choose the start and end date and time, you
then can proceed to book it providing it’s vacant. You will receive confirmation and your
booking will automatically appear in ‘My bookings’.
If you’re having problems using the Find a Workspace module then please
check the FAQs section at the end of this document.
• Edit Booking
• Cancel Booking
EY My Day
• Building
• Floor
• Room type
• Meeting length
• Date
• Start/end time
• Number of attendees
The meeting room module has a number of intelligent features to maximise meeting room
utilisation. The ‘Find a Room Now’ feature uses sensors in the meeting rooms to detect occupancy
and the app will display rooms that are booked but unoccupied giving users with the option to
occupy these when no other rooms are available. Rooms are displayed based on how close they are
to your proximity reducing the amount of time you spend walking around the building.
Using location services, the app will detect if you walk into a meeting room that you’ve booked and
will automatically prompt you to check-in helping you avoid the risk of the room being automatically
released. If you walk into a meeting room that you don’t have booked but it is free, the app will
automatically notify you that the room is available and give the option to book it.
If you’re having problems using the Meeting Room module then please check the FAQs
section at the end of this document.
EY My Day
Once you’ve successfully created an account in the catering system, this will be automatically linked
to your user profile and you can start placing orders. The process of creating a new order is as
1. Select the restaurant that you want to collect your order from and the collection time.
2. Select a menu and add items to your shopping cart.
3. When you’ve finished selecting your items, click on the cart option to review the contents.
4. Once you’ve verified the contents of your cart, select the option to complete payment.
5. Select the payment card you linked to your catering account and select the option to place
your order.
6. Await confirmation that your order has been successfully placed.
EY My Day
If you’re having problems using the Food & Beverage module then please check the
FAQs section at the end of this document.
EY My Day
The Environment module provides a
real-time view of the environmental
conditions in the building. Sensors
installed throughout the building
are constantly monitoring the
internal environment enabling users
to see:
• Temperature
• Humidity
• Noise
• Occupancy
If you’re having problems using the Environment module then please check the FAQs
section at the end of this document.
EY My Day
The Requests module is used to raise FM requests relating the building and your working
environment. This module provides the following key features:
The Nearby Requests feature is useful for checking if an issue you’ve identified has already been
reported by another employee to avoid you creating a duplicate request.
Because the app is location aware, it will automatically select the location closest to you when
raising a request to avoid you having to set this manually.
If you’re having problems using the Requests module then please check the FAQs
section at the end of this document.
EY My Day
The My Feeds module provides a summary of all open and future activities that you’ve completed in
the app:
This is a useful module for seeing what things are coming up soon.
EY My Day
2 FAQs
Module Question Answer
Registration & Can I register using any email address? Only your EY email address can be used
Authentication to register for the app.
I’ve started the registration process Please make sure you’ve used a valid
but why haven’t I received the EY email address and you work for EY.
registration email?
I’ve forgotten my password, how do I Use the ‘Forgotten password?’ link on
reset it? the login screen. This will send you a
forgotten password email with a new
verification code.
Can I login using Face Id or Touch Id? Yes – both are supported. You will be
given the option to enable this when
you successfully login for the first time.
What does the ‘Authenticate with This triggers the Touch Id/Face Id check
Touch Id/Face Id’ option on the login to automatically log you in so that you
screen do? don’t have to enter your login
credentials manually. This only works if
you’ve previously logged in successfully
and activated the Touch Id/Face Id
option when prompted.
Why does the app sometimes open When you put the app into the
without logging in and other times background it remains fully open for 15
triggers the Touch Id/Face Id check to minutes after which time it
open? automatically logs out for security
Why am I sometimes asked to login The app stores a refresh token that is
manually when I’ve already activated valid for 3 days to avoid you having to
Face Id/Touch Id? login manually every time you open the
app. If you don’t log into the app within
3 days, this refresh token expires and
you’re forced to reauthenticate.
Home How do I log out of the application? Tap on the hamburger menu in the top
Dashboard left-hand corner of the screen and
select the ‘Log out’ option.
How do I get back to the main Use the ‘Home’ option at the bottom of
dashboard once I’ve accessed a the screen or the ‘Dashboard’ option in
module? the hamburger menu.
Why can’t I see my building? Ensure that you’re inside an EY
building, you’ve enabled location
services for the app in your device
settings and you have Bluetooth
Where can I see a summary of Select the ‘My Feeds’ option at the
activities I’ve completed in the app? bottom of the screen to see a summary
of your activities.
Where can I find the Privacy Select the hamburger menu in the top
Statement and End User Licence left of the screen and select the ‘About’
Agreement? option. Both policies can be accessed
from there.
EY My Day
How do I submit feedback for the Select the hamburger menu in the top
app? left of the screen and select the ‘About’
option. The email address to send
feedback to can be accessed from here.
How do I access the different modules You can access the modules from the
available in the app? Home Dashboard or from within the
hamburger menu in the top left of the
Way Finding Why can’t I see my current location on Ensure that you’re inside an EY
the floor plan image? building, you’ve enabled location
services for the app in your device
settings and you have Bluetooth
How do I make the floor plan image Tap and hold the small grey bar above
full screen? the search field and drag this
downwards towards the bottom of the
screen. Drag upwards to bring the
search and filter options back into
How do I interact with the floor plan? You can either pinch or double tap on
the floor plan image to zoom in. You
can pan and scan by holding your finger
down on the floorplan image and
dragging it around.
How do I find my location on the Select the orientation icon in the top
floorplan and change the orientation? right-hand corner of the floor plan
Why can I not see all floors for a Not all floors in every building are be
building in the app? added to the app. Please contact your
Workplace Coordinator if you believe a
floor should be added.
Why is a point of interest I know exists Not all points of interest within the
in the building not displayed? building have been added to the app.
Please contact your Workplace
Coordinator if you believe an important
or useful point of interest should be
How do I quickly find a point of Enter the name of the place you’re
interest within the building? trying to find in the search field or
select one of the quick filters below the
search bar to see only points of interest
relating to these categories.
Why is a point of interest I’ve • Take care with how you phrase a
searched for not displayed in the point of interest in the search field.
results? • Check if any of the search filters
are turned on as these overlay
anything you search for.
• The point of interest hasn’t been
added to the app (please contact
EY My Day
How do I cancel the navigation feature Select the ‘Cancel’ option in the top left
once I’ve started it? of the screen.
Why do some routes go through The floor layout may have changed
desks, walls and other fixtures? recently or the paths haven’t been
drawn correctly when the app was
configured for the building. Either way
this is an issue that should be raised
with a Workplace Coordinator so that
we can get it resolved as quickly as
Why is one of the floors in the floor The highlighted floor indicates your
indicator highlighted and one current floor and the outlined one
outlined? represents the floor your chosen point
of interest is located on.
Why am I not receiving ‘Find a Make sure that push notifications for
Colleague’ requests? the app is enabled in your device
Why am I not receiving confirmation Make sure that push notifications for
that a colleague has accepted my the app is enabled in your device
request? settings.
Why when I enter my colleague name There could be a number of reasons for
do they not appear in the list? this:
Why does my blue dot jump around or There could be a couple of reasons for
not accurately display my location? this:
EY My Day
Find a Why isn’t my location prefilled in the Ensure that you’re inside an EY
Workspace search form? building, you’ve enabled location
services for the app in your device
settings and you have Bluetooth
Why can’t I select a specific EY The building may not have been
building in the search from? configured for the app.
Howe do I search for all workspaces in Select the value ‘Any’ in the floor
a building instead of a specific floor? picker.
What do the coloured markers on the Red: Occupied
floor plan indicate? Green: Vacant
Orange: Potentially Vacant (i.e. the
desk is currently free but motion was
detected recently)
Grey: Unknown as there is no data for
that desk.
Yellow: Bookable
White: Non bookable
How can I see the environmental Select a workspace on the floor plan
conditions of a workspace? and the environmental data relating to
this will be displayed automatically.
Meeting Room Why can’t I access the Meeting Room You may not have an ERS account.
module? Please contact your Workplace
Coordinator for support.
Why isn’t my location prefilled in the Ensure that you’re inside an EY
search form? building, you’ve enabled location
services for the app in your device
settings and you have Bluetooth
Howe do I search for all meeting Select the value ‘Any’ in the floor
rooms in a building instead of a picker.
specific floor?
What is a room profile? The room profile is the type of meeting
room you are searching for. The
EY My Day
EY My Day
Why can’t I start a new order? You do not have a catering system
account. Select the link provided in the
app and follow the on-screen
instructions to create an account.
EY My Day
Miscellaneous Who do I contact if I have issues Please contact your local Workplace
accessing or using the app that I Coordinator in the first instance. If they
haven’t been able to solve using the can’t resolve the issue for you, they will
guidance in this document? raise the problem with the technical
helpdesk on your behalf. Please ensure
you provide them with the following
information to speed up resolution: