Resumen Emails y Frases Útiles

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-Tenemos 3 tipos de emails:


-Podemos dirigirnos de tres formas:

1.-Dear Mr Brown/Mrs Smith/Ms Carter (si sabemos que no está casada)

Y nos despedimos con una frase típica:

I look forward to hearing from you

-Después la despedida:

Kind regards, or Best regards,/ Sincerely,/ Yours sincerely,

2.-Dear Sir/Madam, (si no conocemos a la persona de nada). Entonces

finalizamos con:

Yours faithfully,

3)TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: cuando no sabemos a quién dirigirnos.

La despedida ha de ser tan formal como el primero: Yours faithfully or Sincerely.


-The opening and closing structures should reflect the register, for example:
Comenzamos con: Dear Tom, Hi Tom, Hi friend, etc.
-Nos despedimos con:

Bye, See you soon, Kisses, etc

3)NEUTRAL EMAIL: Se utiliza para hablar con alguien que se conoce pero con el que no
parece apropiado usar un lenguaje informal: ejemplo: profesor, tutor, etc.)

-Comenzamos con :
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms, Dear Tom,
Nos despedimos con:

 Thank you, Bye, Kind regards, Best wishes

Genre Target reader Organisation/format Type of language
Formal email The reader is likely The following opening and closing Formal register is used.
to be either format should be used: This includes using
someone in a Dear Mr Brown/Mrs Smith/Ms Carter, appropriate grammar
higher position of (eg no contractions such
Dear Kate, (it is the generally the
authority to the as I’m or doesn’t),
accepted practice in British companies
writer or someone vocabulary (eg
to use only the first name of colleagues,
who the writer dissatisfied with and not
while still using a formal register for the
does not know. fed up with).
Register and tone must
be consistent.
Kind regards,
Best regards,
Dear Sir/Madam, is not often used in
an email as writers generally know the
person to whom they are writing.
As in a formal letter, a final sentence such
I look forward to hearing from you,
is often used to conclude the email.

Informal email The reader is likely The opening and closing structures Informal register is used.
to be a friend or a should reflect the register, for This means colloquial
peer. example: language and
Dear Tom, Hi Tom, contractions can be used
and formal language is
Bye, See you soon,
Note that abbreviations
such as those used in
texting are not
appropriate, eg ‘Thanx’ or
‘R U going?’
Register and tone must
be consistent.
Neutral email The reader is likely The opening and closing structures A neutral register is
to be someone should reflect the register, for used. Contractions can
the writer knows example: be used but
but where very Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms, Dear Tom, colloquialisms and very
informal language informal or very formal
would be language would be
inappropriate (eg Thank you, Bye, inappropriate.
a teacher or




It’s important to think about the correct way to address the person you are emailing.

The following phrases are suitable for addressing someone formally:

 Dear Sir/Madam
 Dear Mr/Ms Jones
 To whom it may concern


It’s important to get your message across properly. Think about your reader and how
you would like them to respond to what you are writing.

Use the following phrases to formally illustrate the reason you’re writing:

 I am writing to ask for further information about…

 I am writing regarding the meeting we have arranged…
 I am writing with regard to the complaint you made…
 With reference to our conversation this morning, I would like to let you know…


Most of the time, especially in a business context, you’ll need to make requests or ask
for information in your emails.

It is important to be polite when you’re emailing to ask for a request formally:

 Could you please let me know if you are available?

 I would appreciate it if you could send me the document…
 Could we arrange a meeting later?
 Please let me know if this will be possible… 


To end an email properly you need to finish with the appropriate sign off.

These closing phrases are suitable for ending formal emails:

 Yours sincerely,
 Yours faithfully,
 Kind regards,
 Best wishes, 

Useful phrases (Writing formal letters or emails)

a) Writing formal letters generally:
Greetings: 5

 Dear Sir
 Dear Madam
 Dear Sir/Madam
 Dear Mr Brown
 Dear Ms Jones etc.

Reason for writing:

 I am writing in response to your article/advertisement/letter

 I am writing with regard to your article/advertisement/letter
 I am writing regarding your article/advertisement/letter
 I am writing on behalf of

Ending the letter:

 I look forward to receiving your reply

 I look forward to your reply
 I look forward to hearing from you
 I am, yours faithfully (if you don't know the name of the person you are writing to)
 I am, yours sincerely (if you know the name of the person you arewriting to)
 Yours faithfully
 Yours sincerely

b) Writing formal letters to complain

Reason for writing:

 I am writing in order to complain about

 I am writing to complain about

Introducing the complaint:

 Firstly
 In the first place
 First of all
 My first complaint is
 The first problem is
 The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is
 My first concern is

Introducing further complaints:

 Secondly
 In the second place
 Not only …….but also
 In addition
 In addition to this
 Added to this
 …….was also unacceptable

Demanding action:

 I suggest that you replace the item

 I therefore suggest that I be given a full refund
 I would be grateful if my money was refunded
 I would be grateful if you could give me a full refund

Ending the letter:

 I look forward to hearing from you

 I look forward to receiving a full refund
 I look forward to receiving a replacement
 I look forward to receiving your explanation

c) Writing formal letters to make suggestions

Reason for writing:

 I am writing to suggest
 I am writing to arrange
 I am writing to offer suggestions
 I am writing make arrangements

Making first suggestion:

 My first suggestion is
 First of all I suggest
 I would like to suggest

Making further suggestions:

 Another possibility is
 A further possibility is
 I further suggest
 I would further suggest
 Secondly

Offering a choice:

 Would you therefore mind choosing between ….?

 Either……or
 You might choose either ……. Or

d) Writing formal letters to request information

Reason for writing:

 I am writing to receive further information about

 I am writing to enquire about
 I am writing to receive more detailed information about
 I am writing to receive further details about

Requesting first piece of information:

 The first thing I would like to know is

 First of all I would like to know
 I wonder if you would mind telling me first of all ….?

Requesting further information: Could you also tell me….?

 Could you also inform me ….?

 Would you also mind informing me ….?
 Would you also mind telling me ….?
 Do you know ….?
 I would also like to know if
 I would also like to know whether
 I hope you might also let me know about …

Thanking for information:

 I would like to thank you in advance for this information

 Thanking you in advance for this information
 Thanking you in advance

e) Writing formal letters to give information

Reason for writing:

 I am writing to inform you about

 I am writing to provide you with information about
 I am writing to let you know that

Providing first point:

 The first thing I would like to tell you is
 The first thing I wish to inform you of is
 I would like to begin by informing you

Providing further points:

 I would also like to let you know that

 I would also like to inform you that
 You might also find the following information useful
 It might also be useful for you to know that
 Another piece of information that might be useful

Ending the letter:

 If you require further information, please do not hesitate to as

 If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask
 I will willingly provide further information on request
 I am at your disposal should you require further information
 I am at your disposal should you need further assistance
 Please do not hesitate to ask should you require further information

f) Writing formal letters to request permission

Reason for writing:

 I am writing to ask permission to

 I am writing to ask permission for
 I am writing to request permission to
 I am writing to request permission for
 I am writing to ask if I might

Making first request:

 Firstly I wonder if you would

 First of all I wonder whether you would mind
 The first request I would like you to consider is

Making further requests:

 I would be grateful if you would also consider

 I wonder if it might be possible for me to
 I would also like to request permission for
 I would also like to request permission to

Thanking for permission

 Many thanks for kindly considering my requests

 Thank you for considering my request

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