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Assignment on

Implication of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence In

Content: -

• Introduction
• Objective of the study
• Implication of machine learning and artificial intelligence in C.A.E
• How Can AI be merged with Artificial Intelligence?
• Components of Artificial Intelligence
• What is Artificial Intelligence
• Applications of A.I
• Methods of machine learning
• Generations of AI
• Automation and Artificial Intelligence
• CAD Software with Artificial Intelligence
• Applications of CAE
• Benefits of C.A.E
• Implications of Machine Learning And A.I in CAE
• Benefits of A.I in CAE
• . Real-world AI/ML Implementations
• Benefits of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Industrial Contexts
• The future of AI-related CAD technologies?
• Conclusions
• References

List of figures:

Figure 1( research &classification, analysis & discussion on AI&ML) ....................................... 8

Figure 2(Artificial components).................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3(Problem Solving in AI) ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 4(machine learning) ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5(behind the scene how ML works) ................................................................................ 13
Figure 6 (Generations of AI) ....................................................................................................... 16
Figure 7 (The graph is showing the AI and ML of year record count in worldwide) ............. 18

Abstract: -

Adaptation and innovation are extremely important to the manufacturing industry. This
development should lead to sustainable manufacturing using new technologies. To promote
sustainability, smart production requires global perspectives of smart production application
technology. In this regard, thanks to intensive research efforts in the field of artificial intelligence
(AI), several AI-based techniques, such as machine learning, have already been established in
the industry to achieve sustainable manufacturing. Thus, the aim of the present research was to
analyse, systematically, the scientific literature relating to the application of artificial intelligence
and machine learning (ML) in industry. In fact, with the introduction of the Industry 4.0, artificial
intelligence and machine learning are considered the driving force of smart factory revolution. A
literature review on ML and AI empirical studies published in the last century was carried out to
highlight the evolution of the topic before and after Industry 4.0 introduction, from 1999 to now.

Introduction: -

A very recent research study indicates that businesses that deploy Artificial Intelligence and its
other related technologies are likely to earn better revenues in comparison to those who fail to
use them. The near future seems to be a profit-making era for organizations that are deploying
Artificial Intelligence. AI is applied in several products today, and we see a burgeoning
integration of artificial intelligence with 3D CAD software. This increasing collaboration is no
doubt providing ample opportunities for companies to improve their customer base & Integration
of AI and CAD can accelerate product development.

What is CAD?

Any product that involves designing by and large relies on CAD (Computer-aided design) today.
This is a technology which uses computer systems to design any product models via geometrical
parameters and helps in achieving your engineering goal. CAD increases productivity by
improving the design quality in all working environment. The 3D images and motions created
by CAD offer a better approach to every design requirement and offer the best of connection
with the customers.

Artificial Intelligence is a technique of getting machines to work and behave like human,
while machine learning is based on the idea that machines should be able to learn and adapt
through experience, AI refers to a broader idea where machines can execute tasks "smartly."
Artificial Intelligence applies machine learning, deep learning and other techniques to solve
actual problems. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can
access data and use it learn for themselves.

• Nearly half of the companies in a recent survey said they are exploring machine learning use
cases, and more than a third are at the pilot or production stage.

• The benefits of AI and ML include increased flexibility, speed, scale, personalization, and
improved decision making.

• Organizations are reaping the rewards of AI and ML, in business functions such as customer
service, product innovation, and internal IT operations. Artificial intelligence and machine
learning Driving Tangible Value for Business Interest in AI/ML is soaring, but confusion and
hype can mask the real benefits of these technologies.

Organizations need to identify use cases that will produce value for them, especially in the areas
of enhancing processes, detecting anomalies and enabling predictive analytics. Long the subject
of debate—not to mention sci-fi movies—artificial intelligence (AI) is finally beginning to
deliver real value for organizations.

Many in the business world concur with MIT professors Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee,
who argue that AI has become a “general-purpose” technology, as significant as electricity or the
internal combustion engine and will power the next wave of economic growth.

Virtually every organization in every industry will see its operating model and core processes
transformed by some form of AI, the umbrella term for technologies that aim to imitate intelligent
human behavior. One of these technologies—machine learning—is particularly in the spotlight,
accounting for 60% of all investments made in AI-focused companies, according to McKinsey.

ML involves the use of self-learning algorithms that, fed with data, progressively improve
performance on a specific task—such as diagnosing disease, recognizing a cybersecurity threat,
predicting an IT systems outage, or detecting fraud—without having to be explicitly programmed
to solve this task. The shift from conceptual to concrete use of machine learning is already
underway. Nearly half of the companies that participated in a 2017 Harvard Business Review
Analytic Services survey said they are exploring ML use cases, with more than one- third already
at the pilot or production stage.

Objective of the study: -

• Machine learning in business and other areas such as healthcare and governmental
departments is not simply another term for AI (Artificial Intelligence). While AI is the
umbrella term given for machines emulating human abilities, machine learning is a
specific branch of AI where machines are trained to learn how to process and make use
of data; another description often used is ‘machine intelligence.

• The objective of machine learning in business is not only for effective data collection, but
to make use of the ever-increasing amounts being gathered by manipulating and analysing
it without heavy human input.

• Machine intelligence enables complex and larger data to be processed and analysed along
with the desired results being achieved such as determining customer trends, detecting
fraud, spotting buying trends and other primary objectives.

• The basic objective of AI is to enable computers to perform such intellectual tasks as

decision making, problem solving, perception, understanding human communication in
any language, and translate among them.
• To have a basic proficiency in a traditional AI language including an ability to write
simple to intermediate programs and an ability to understand code written in that
• To understand the basic issues of knowledge representation and blind and heuristic
search, as well as an understanding of other topics such as minimax, resolution, etc. that
play an important role in AI programs.
• To have a basic understanding of some of the more advanced topics of AI such as
learning, natural language processing, agents and robotics, expert systems, and planning.
• The purpose of machine learning is to discover patterns in your data and then make
predictions based on often complex patterns to answer business questions, detect and
analyse trends and help solve problems.

Implication of machine learning and artificial intelligence in C.A.E.

How AI Trends Affect the CAD/CAM

CAD systems have been undergoing major changes in recent days due to the need to incorporate
intelligence in them. With the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI), the design lead time is
cut drastically. It helps in building a practical knowledge-based design system.

The effects are:

• CAD today covers several engineering functions ranging from simple drawings to 3D
models. With the incorporation of AI, the process of designing becomes a bit easier with
AI taking the lead to integrate the manufacturing aspects or the engineering aspects,
predict and perform the tasks with its own intelligence. This suits all types of design,
whether it is a new design, or an innovative design, or a routine design.

• AI can store knowledge, and this knowledge-based information, when incorporated with
CAD/CAM procedure, automates several functions.

• The AI algorithm can itself make the required changes in the design without the
intervention of the humans.

• The testing and simulations process can be completed with the help AI, which majorly
cuts down the design time.

• The implementation of CAD with AI technology can deliver ergonomic engineering.

How Can AI be merged with Artificial Intelligence?

The process by which CAD can be merged with AI is known as MBR (Model-Based Reasoning).
It uses qualitative and quantitative analysis to predict the interaction between the designed
components. It is purely model-based, and it is purely extracting knowledge from past behaviour.

The essential features of AI & CAD merger are:

• The components of the products should be stored in the hierarchical form to obtain the
relationship between the components.
• The knowledge-based reasoning and decision-making procedures are obtained from the
product designing experts.
• Links or connections between the product's structures are determined by the rules-based
reasoning and methodology.
• The efficiency of the products is analyzed by the combined analysis of quantitative and
qualitative simulation.
• There should be easy installation procedures of components in the database, including the
addition of new rule in the knowledge-based reasoning in the AI framework.

Figure 1( research &classification, analysis & discussion on AI&ML)

Components of Artificial Intelligence:

Figure 2(Artificial components)

Artificial Intelligence mainly focuses on certain components to make the best decision. Research
in Artificial Intelligence is revolved around the learning, problem-solving, perception, reasoning,
and understanding the language


An intelligent system is designed to learn based on the hit & trial methods. The system may use
multiple algorithms to achieve the best result. For example, a simple program might try multiple
or a random move to achieve the checkmate, and once it gets succeeded, it saves the data for
future use and implements if a similar situation occurs.


Reasoning helps the system to generate the conclusion from the knowledge using logical
techniques and plays an important factor in the knowledge-based systems. The system can use
multiple types of reasoning to generate the result, such as Rule engine, Logic Programs,
Constraints Solver, Machine Learning System. The hardest problem in the AI is to give the ability
to distinguish between the relevant & irrelevant.

Problem Solving:

Any system can encounter the problem due to bugs or due to an unknown request. The huge and
multiple varieties of problems are addressed to the AI. The problem solving can be categorized
in the two segment special purposes and general purposes.

Figure 3(Problem Solving in AI)

The general purposes of problem-solving are applicable for the wide variety of problems whereas
special purposes are tailor made and developed for the problems.

Language Learning

It is the ability of the machine to understand and interpret the human language. The objective is
to make the AI understand human language. Tools like Google Assistance, Siri, Chatbots uses
these components effectively to provide a better user experience.

What is Artificial Intelligence:

In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is

intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by
humans and animals. Artificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in 1955,
and in the years since has experienced several waves of optimism.

The traditional problems (or goals) of AI research include reasoning, knowledge representation,
planning, learning, natural language processing, perception and the ability to move and
manipulate objects. Approaches include statistical methods, computational intelligence, and
traditional symbolic AI. Many tools are used in AI, including versions of search and
mathematical optimization, artificial neural networks, and methods based on statistics,
probability and economics. The AI field draws upon computer science, information engineering,
mathematics, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and many other fields.

Applications of A.I: -

• Healthcare
• Automotive
• Finance and economics
• Cybersecurity
• Law-related professions
• Video games


Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (A.I) that provides systems ability to
automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. machine
learning focuses on development of computer programmes that can access data and use to learn

Figure 4(machine learning)

The process of learning begins with observations or data such as examples and direct experiences
or instruction, in order to look for patterns in data and make better decisions in the future based
on the examples that we provide. The primary aim is to allow computers learn automatically
without human intervention or assistance and adjust actions accordingly.

Figure 5(behind the scene how ML works)

Methods of machine learning:

Supervised machine learning algorithms

This method applies what has been learned in the past to new data using labelled examples to
predict future events starting from the analysis of a known training data set.it can also find errors
to modify the model accordingly.

Unsupervised machine learning:

Algorithms are used when the information used to trainees neither classified nor label.
unsupervised learning studies how system can infer a function to describe a hidden structure from
unlabelled data. The system does not figure out the right output, but it explores the data and can
draw inferences from datasets to describe hidden structures from unlabelled data.

Reinforced machine learning:

It is a learning method that interacts with its environment by producing actions and discovers
errors or rewards. Trial and error search and delayed reward are the most relevant characteristics
of reinforcement learning. This method allows machines and software agents to automatically
determine the ideal behaviour within a specific context in order to maximize its performance.
Simple reward feedback is required for the agent to learn which action is best; this is known as
the reinforcement signal.

Semi-supervised machine learning:

Algorithms fall somewhere in between supervised and unsupervised learning, since they use both
labelled and unlabelled data for training – typically a small amount of labelled data and a large
amount of unlabelled data. The systems that use this method can considerably improve learning
accuracy. Usually, semi-supervised learning is chosen when the acquired labelled data requires
skilled and relevant resources in order to train it / learn from it. Otherwise, acquiring unlabelled
data generally doesn’t require additional resources.

Machine learning enables analysis of massive quantities of data. While it generally delivers
faster, more accurate results in order to identify profitable opportunities or dangerous risks, it
may also require additional time and resources to train it properly. Combining machine learning
with AI and cognitive technologies can make it even more effective in processing large volumes
of information.

How Can Machine Learning Help CAD Software:

In the present scenario, the primary function of the CAD is to automate the analytical steps of
designs. The experts or designers analyze the design steps by steps. The incorporation of AI
allows the designers to skip these time-consuming steps allowing the task to get over quickly and

In the Medical & Healthcare Industry:

The new AI assistance, when combined with CAD proves to be more efficient compared to the
traditional CAD system. The increased adoption of deep learning in medical research along with
the Big data, has improved the AI system accuracy and algorithms. For example, a Radiologist
can detect the minute aspects with the new generation of AI with advanced Computer Aided

In the Manufacturing Process:

Although the design process and manufacturing are two separate entities, there is a need to bring
them together in order to optimize the design process and to eradicate any discrepancies.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows merging the process with great intelligence. The AI algorithm
notifies the designing and manufacturing units about any defect.

The Adoption of AI in the Construction & Engineering sector solutions, data, and tools when
combined with algorithms, can be the right way to gain market traction. AI is limitless. The
construction and engineering sector are now investing hugely in this combination to reap the
benefits. The BIM (Building Information Modelling) has changed a lot after the introduction of
AI algorithm, and it is finding more utility in the construction.

The researchers and architectural experts can use AI to design the ideal building that meets the
respective needs in the best manner. The generative designs also add efficiency to the overall
development of the process. The improved workflows enable good coordination between the

Risk evaluation and mitigation are two factors that can affect the construction sector when not
handled properly. The AI algorithm can analyze the complexity of the structure, which cannot
be addressed easily. The system can also calculate the “Risk Score” on the responsible contractor
based on the past records, workloads, etc. AI also helps in safety management. The AI system
ensures the safety of the teams over more the 30+ potential hazardous factors.

The Ongoing Trends in AI Technologies

In the future, companies that invest in AI are likely to benefit the more in the short term. The
future of the design, automotive, engineering & manufacturing industries are majorly going to
rely on AI technologies. Currently, the trend in the manufacturing industry is the fourth industrial
revolution termed as Industry 4.0 wherein we experience the automation and data exchange
happening in a big way bringing together humans, systems, the Internet of things, artificial
intelligence and cloud computing.

It is all about unifying data, applying deep learning, analysing, creating different patterns, and
identifying the best way to create future aspects. All these are possible by AI. Let us see how we
moved to the fourth industrial revolution.

Generations of AI:


Figure 6 (Generations of AI)

• First Generation was the mechanization of production through extracting data,

transforming them and loading them for a purpose. This boosted industrial activities and
formed the base of several production lines.

• Second Generation was the adoption of rule-based systems with the help of master data

• The Third Generation was the use of machine learning.

• Now coming back to Industry 4.0:

Industries 4.0 has the capabilities to connect the multiple devices and channels like Big data
Analytics, AI, Internet of things and allows them to share the data in real time. This revolution
is transforming the way goods are manufactured. Designing is getting extremely optimized,
thereby saving time and resource.

AI will be the root cause for better productivity and efficiency. AI technologies can analyze the
available data to identify patterns, create models and insights that are not possible by humans in
each timeframe.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence

We can see the Artificial Intelligence is spreading its wings aggressively in various sector. So,
CAD is not exempted too. Many of the CAD software solutions are empowered with 3D
modelling feature, which allows users to create error-free designs.

Implementation of AI in CAD tools is making them smarter and intelligent. It will help to create
new control features and various other related products. It can help design products with basics
to complex symmetric for multiple business niches without any complication.

CAD Software with Artificial Intelligence

Advanced & dedicated CAD software solutions are playing a prominent role in product design.
Almost all the CAD software systems available in the market are customizable, and users can
take complete advantage of the more advanced features and control panel offered by such
software solutions. If you are looking for a solution with minimal investment, then try accessing
the free and open source cad software solutions.


Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is the use of computer software to simulate performance in

order to improve product designs or assist in the resolution of engineering problems for a wide
range of industries. This includes simulation, validation and optimization of products, processes,
and manufacturing tools.

A typical CAE process comprises of pre-processing, solving, and postprocessing steps. In the
pre-processing phase, engineers model the geometry (or a system representation) and the physical
properties of the design, as well as the environment in the form of applied loads or constraints.
Next, the model is solved using an appropriate mathematical formulation of the underlying
physics. In the postprocessing phase, the results are presented to the engineer for review.

Figure 7 (The graph is showing the AI and ML of year record count in worldwide)

Applications of CAE:

• CAE applications support a wide range of engineering disciplines or phenomena.

• Stress and dynamics analysis on components and assemblies using finite element analysis
• Thermal and fluid analysis using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Kinematics and
dynamic analysis of mechanisms (multibody dynamics)
• Acoustics analysis using FEA or a boundary element method (BEM)
• 1D CAE, or mechatronic system simulation, for multi-domain mechatronics system
• Mechanical event simulation (MES)
• Control systems analysis
• Simulation of manufacturing processes like casting, moulding and die press forming
• Optimization of the product or process.

Benefits of C.A.E:

• The benefits of CAE include reduced product development cost and time, with improved
product quality and durability.
• Design decisions can be made based on their impact on performance.
• Designs can be evaluated and refined using computer simulations rather than physical
prototype testing, saving money and time.
• CAE can provide performance insights earlier in the development process, when design
changes are less expensive to make.
• CAE helps engineering teams manage risk and understand the performance implications
of their designs.
• Integrated CAE data and process management extends the ability to effectively leverage
performance insights and improve designs to a broader community.
• Warranty exposure is reduced by identifying and eliminating potential problems. When
properly integrated into product and manufacturing development, CAE can enable earlier
problem resolution, which can dramatically reduce the costs associated with the product

Implications of Machine Learning And A.I in CAE:

Democratization of HPC Resources Through Cloud and Containers. Once accessible only
through large upfront investments, HPC and simulation resources are now much more readily
available to engineers. Cloud technology is playing an important role in the democratization of
simulation software because it enables remote access to such robust computing power. Cloud-
based HPC resources also eliminate the need for investment in expensive hardware and software,
while offering more flexible pricing models than, for example, the conventional (and often
expensive) software licensing.

Cloud computing might get all the attention, but the introduction of software containers has also
driven the democratization and wider acceptance of HPC. Fully production-ready, Uber Cloud’s
containers bundle OS, libraries and tools, along with application codes and the user’s data. They
can even hold tools to support whole complex engineering and scientific workflows. Designed
to be deployed either on-premises or in the cloud, these containers dramatically reduce
deployment times.

The next phase of democratization will likely bring streamlined user interfaces and integrated
simulation workflows to make the software more user-friendly. It’s also likely that as software
companies move further from conventional pricing models, they will offer open access to
resources like training and templates.

A Move Beyond Physics-based Simulations with Machine Learning:

Traditional physics-based simulation models are based on present rules. But access to Big Data
(generated by IoT devices, for instance) means the potential to train artificial neural networks,
yielding predictive simulation models. This application of machine learning to the simulation
environment will help drastically decrease time-to-solution, while preserving much of the
accuracy of a traditional solver.

In the coming years, we will undoubtedly see deep learning components integrated into
simulations, both to model a real system, and to train additional AI-powered components.
Meanwhile, because machine learning requires so much data, it’s also likely that organizations
will grapple with issues related to the generation and management of that data.

A recent UberCloud case study explored the implications of using deep learning to predict steady-
state fluid flow. The study confirmed that larger data sets result in faster training of the neural
network and improve accuracy of the artificial neural network’s prediction capability. While
generating such high volumes of data requires significant overhead, that could be offset by
running many HPC simulations in parallel in the cloud.

Proliferation of Digital Twins for Objects and Processes:

The concept of digital twins has been around since the 1960’s; NASA even used a rudimentary
digital twin to simulate and evaluate conditions on Apollo 13. But digital twins have received
much more attention in the past decade thanks to the emergence of the industrial Internet of
Things (IoT). And as the cost of sensors and other IoT enabled technology continues to drop, it
will be possible to build more sophisticated simulations across processes and systems.

Today digital twins of critical physical assets are already all but ubiquitous in manufacturing, and
more powerful simulation technology has resulted in an expanded definition and role for digital
twinning, which includes the creation of twins for not only physical objects, but also the systems
in which those objects are designed, tested, and produced.

Some aspects of creating digital twins remain challenging. For example, because each digital
twin is unique, there are no “off-the-shelf” solutions for building them efficiently. Much of their
construction is still done ad hoc, although software providers like ANSYS are increasingly
incorporating tools specifically for creating these complex simulations interacting with sensors
in real time. That trend is likely to continue and even accelerate in the coming years, as digital
twins grow popular across industries.

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Benefits of A.I in CAE:

• Simplicity - No expert knowledge required for conducting optimizations through a high

user-focused software design
• Automated Design - Almost automatically generate multiple
• smoothed design candidates that all satisfy the design criteria while minimizing the
• Import and Validation - Import existing geometries or mesh, find optimized design
candidates, and perform design validation - all inside a single CAE environment.
• Direct Output - Export geometry that can be directly manufactured and used immediately
without manual re-work.
• One Process - Import the resulting geometries in Simu fact
• Additive or Digi mat AM to achieve cost-efficient first time-right result for every part

. Real-world AI/ML Implementations:

Organizations of all types and sizes are reaping the rewards of AI and ML, across many
functional areas of the business, such as: • Customer service/customer experience. A global
hospitality company needed a centralized solution to monitor and surface server issues and
improve network reliability. Since deploying ML, the company has not only improved the
reliability of its network to the benefit of internal users, but it has also greatly improved its
hotel guests’ experience by providing better Wi-Fi uptime—a significant aspect of their stay.

Product/service innovation. A large university embarked on an ML and analytics initiative to

troubleshoot and manage the operational efficiency of its IT networks. With the success of
that project, the university has now expanded its use of ML to identify at-risk students, using
data from its learning management system (LMS). Being able to provide personalized
feedback and earlier intervention to struggling students helps the university rapidly improve
their performance—an unexpected but welcome boost to learner experience.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Industrial Contexts:

From the analysis of the research carried out, the first information that emerged is that there is a
growing importance of innovation and digitalization in products, services, and processes.
Consequently, it means that the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies, such AI and
ML, is an emerging issue. In other words, AI/ML algorithms represent an opportunity to handle
high dimensional problems and data. The interest in the subject is extended to all scientific
sectors, but with a focus on computer science and engineering.

The most significant benefits of using AI and ML in industrial sectors include:

• Greater innovation
• Process optimization
• Resources optimization
• Improved quality. After all, AI with ML is one of the most important technologies
today and is transforming the economy and society, as demonstrated by the over
340,000 patent applications filed since the 1950s.

Other information that emerged is about the authors and affiliation. Many of these are in a 1:1
ratio compared to the selected documents and this supports the fact that there is no interest in
technological applications in one direction, but that, once again, the interest is very wide in the
scientific community. Furthermore, it can be said that the countries most interested in scientific
research are the USA, China and European countries. This result is not a surprise. In terms of
investment, the effort currently being deployed by the United States and China to acquire
dominance in the AI sector is far superior to that of other countries. More specifically, China has
clearly stated its ambition to become a world leader in AI by 2030 [31]. Among the Chinese
plans, of absolute interest is the “Made in China 2025” plan, dedicated to the manufacturing
sector; the “Internet +” plan is also dedicated to smart manufacturing and innovation. A direct
consequence of the above considerations could be having new generations of researchers who
will contribute to future comparisons, accompanied by new questions for investigations.

Emerging Trends of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Sustainable Manufacturing

From the perspective of sustainability, the analysis highlighted that the new paradigm of smart
manufacturing has the potential to bring fundamental improvements in the industry by addressing
the issue of scarce resources and improving productivity. In fact, the survey pointed out a
growing interest on applications related to green manufacturing and sustainable development,
proving that AI/ML play an important role in increasing sustainability through the intelligent
utilization of materials and energy consumption (i.e., reduction of energy consumption and
pollutant emissions, environmental footprint monitoring and evaluation, etc.). Furthermore, it
emerged that AI/ML algorithms present a wide array of applications that provide an opportunity
for sustainable development, which will involve several stakeholders from different countries
and sectors, including inventory and supply chain management, predictive maintenance, and
production. Pérez-Ortiz, Jiménez-Fernández, Gutiérrez et al. [32] reviewed the most important
classification algorithms applied to renewable energy (RE) problems.

The main use of algorithms is as a tool for predictive analysis and consequently for data pre-
processing, result interpretation, or evaluation in order to improve energy and resource
management. In this context, it also emerged that AI/ML have been successfully utilized in
various processes’ optimization, applications in manufacturing, and predictive maintenance in
different industries. The work published by Lieber, Stole, Konrad et al. [33] represents a good
research within steel industry production. It proposes an approach for automatically pre-
processing value series data to improve the quality of the process and products. It means that
AI/ML techniques were found to provide promising potential for improved quality control
optimization in manufacturing systems. Appropriate adoption of AI/ML technologies will
promote sustainable manufacturing and the formation of a new generation of intelligent
manufacturing, including all areas that characterize a sustainable process, ranging from the
supply chain management to quality control, to predictive maintenance, to energy consumption.
Table 5 summarizes the main areas in sustainable manufacturing, their respective key objectives,
and the main AI/ML applications. However, the relationship between I.4 technologies, AI/ML,
and sustainability demands a more conceptual and empirical investigation. This is corroborated
by an article recently published in Nature Sustainability by the director of the Earth Institute at
Columbia University, Jeffrey Sachs, and other experts, and the so-called Fourth Industrial
Revolution (made of artificial intelligence and other digital technologies) is even cited as one of
the six transformations necessary to achieve the sustainable development goals.

The future of AI-related CAD technologies?

Cloud computing, and the ability of systems to share and learn from data that is available from
previous instances of (say) design iterations, are key factors that will drive this change. Real time
projections of the life and performance of a physical machine is possible now with these
technologies tied together, like the digital twin concept developed by GE (Search for operations
technology (OT) to learn more).

This does not however, mean that human intervention is completely unnecessary in this
foreseeable future - as a human being our capability for intuition, emotion and decision making
are still not completely replaced by any artificial intelligence system. (For all those who are
skeptical about David from Alien: Covenant). Let’s all collectively see the bright side of things,
and as John Connor's bots aren't still here to warn us, let’s believe things are going to get better!


This research focused on the study of the state of the art of AI and ML applications, selecting
literature on what has now become a particularly hot topic in scientific research. The literature
available on any subject is now wide and a complete coverage of all the documents published
with respect to a topic can be challenging or even impossible. Therefore, a systematic selection
of the most relevant literature was implemented. This document provides a systematic review of
applications in various scientific fields using ML techniques. For the selection of documents,
objective and clear methods of investigation were used, independent of the experience of the
researchers. Among the objectives of the document, it aimed to not only provide a comprehensive
framework on the literature on the research of AI and ML but also a starting point for integrating
knowledge through research in this area and to suggest future research paths. It is important to
underline that this document was produced using only two databases, i.e., WoS and Scopus, in
which only documents with open access were included. There are, therefore, many other
documents with restricted access and other indexing databases, such as Google Scholar, that
could be integrated for future research.

The Integration of AI and CAD can boost product development & designing procedure with
powered knowledge and reasoning capabilities. It has fundamentally impacted the usage and
utility of CAD system. While the best CAD software solutions started as a simple tool, it is now
incredibly advanced with complex features allowing the users to perform various tasks that are
otherwise not possible via a conventional method. AI is one trend that is pushing the power of
CAD further. Some of the best CAD Software solutions have included Artificial Intelligence.
In the future, the influences of AI-related CAD technologies are going to flare up further.


1. https://www.goodfirms.co/blog/importance-artificial-intelligence-computer-aided-
2. https://www.slideshare.net/Goodbuzz/artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-
3. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/2/492/pdf
4. Gupta, N.A. Literature Survey on Artificial Intelligence. 2017. Available online:
IJERTCONV5IS19015.pdf (accessed on 7 January 2020).
5. https://www.slideshare.net/sujitpal/artificial-intelligence-machine-learning-and-deep-
6. https://youtu.be/oV74Najm6Nc
7. https://www.engineering.com/DesignerEdge/DesignerEdgeArticles/ArticleID/14723/Art
8. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/thoughts-ai-automation-future-caed-deepak-sreedhar-k/


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