Overdrive Verdrive: 2 Solo Scenarios

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The document discusses an optional rules fanzine called Overdrive for Gaslands: Refuelled with house rules, scenarios and tips. It provides some solo scenarios and optional rules for death races.

Some optional rules proposed for death races include Speed Carnage where all weapons activate when passing the first gate, Wait For Your Turn where vehicles must activate one by one, and Confusion Mode where teams pass gates in opposite directions.

Two solo scenarios are proposed: Time Trials and Cargo Heist. Time Trials involves racing against the clock while Cargo Heist tasks retrieving crates from automated towers.

over d r i v e HO US E RU LE S FO R GA



Greeting asphalt lovers to the first implement of Overdrive, a fanzine
dedicated to Gaslands: Refuelled!
The Astrolabe’s team decided to put together a virtual magazine to promote
the amazing creativity of Gaslands fans. Overdrive is a non-periodical
publication of house rules, scenarios and customization tips made by the
players for the players.
Entirely free and created under the “Friends of Gaslands” structure, the
content presented in Overdrive is fanmade, non-official additional content
for Gaslands: Refuelled.
If you want to contribute to Overdrive send your ideas and photos to
[email protected]. Everybody will be given credits for their
contribution, but Astrolabe is keeping the right to adapt your content in
the edition process.
You might find in this issue some referals to page numbers. In which case,
refer to the original book of Gaslands: Refuelled.

Cover image by ©James Hall

Since we are almost all stuck at home, we propose you two solo scenarios.
Follow a compilation of optional rules to try during your Death Race. We
hope you like this first shot. Have a good read!
Wish you were wreck!
FX Grass & Manu

© Philippe Avril

Based on the ideas of Michael Obadye, Kevin A Thompson & Rory Klawien.
Edited by FX Grass & Manuel Bergeron.

Ha...the joy of a Death Race, the main event of a Gaslands Show! Who never
tasted the joy of a nitro boost that gives you the victory? Or the ineffable joy of
getting stuck in a mess of cars just in front of the first gate? This legendary race
has a lot of regional variants, here is a few.
Nothing clean the way like a good rocket!
In this variant, the weapons of all the vehicle activate when one vehicle
passes the first Gate! Makes for interesting strategy and early carnage!
Some producers try to minimize the number of collisions on the starting line to
make the fun last longer.
Each team MUST activate one of his vehicles who are on the front line of
the Starting Line. This should create less collision on Turn one, Gear one.
Unless some car driver starts in reverse, of course!

This variant work with a even number of teams. One team must pass by
the gate 1, 2, 3 and 4. The other team goes in the opposite direction, they
must pass the Gate 3, 2, 1, 4!
Confusion and turnaround guarantee !

Warming up their engines with dark fumes of gas, each row of vehicles sets off
into the race wave after wave!
On your first turn of a Death Race, follow the activation order as follow :
Gear phase 1: only Activate the vehicle on the front line.
Gear phase 2: you can now also activate vehicle on the second line. They
start the race in Gear 2 with no Hazard. The vehicle activated in Gear 1
can activate normally in Gear 2.
And so on for the remaining lines of cars.

Time trials
By Judd Fetters.
Edited by FX Grass & Manuel Bergeron

Smiley Larsen grinned like a madman into the camera, his hair so shiny it
looked plastic, his teeth literally painted white to hide the rot beneath. The too
tan concealer on his face already beginning to run under the heat of the lights
and the scorching wasteland air. Even at night the wastelands felt like an oven.

“Heeeelloooo Gaslands fans! Who’s ready for some Caaaaarrrrnage!!” he roared

into his mic, the bleachers erupting in blood thirsty applause. He waited just
long enough that he could be heard again then continued, “In that case, have
we got a treat for you this evening! A real crowd pleaser! Each team versus the
arena itself. A test of skill! cunning! bravery! Carnage on a personal scale!

Finish under time and you might have just earned yourself a place in the main
line up.” he paused, then smirked into the camera lens before chuckling meanly
and adding, “That is...“ Smiley’s mean chuckle turned to maniacally laughter
as he gestured, arms out on either side of him, palms up, raising upward, the
lights coming on one at a time over the arena behind him. Then he brought
his fist down to smash a large red button, the camera following his hand all
the way down before cutting to arena turrets whirling to life as Smiley Larsen
roared with crazed glee, “IF YOU FINISH AT ALL!”

Set up 3 or more gates as per the Death Race Scenario in Gaslands:Refuelled
along with plenty of obstacles and terrain to make it challenging.
Keep the Pole Position for the whole game.
Place your team on the Starting Line as per the Death Race Scenario (p.
124). Since this is a solo scenario, place all vehicles in the same row one
finger width apart.
Place a barrier of some sort blocking access to each gate and the Finish
Line. These barriers count as Heavyweight Volatile Obstacles (p. 87).
Roll 1D6 per 25 cans in your team (i.e. for a 50 can team roll 2D6). The
result is the number of gun turrets to be deployed. Each turret should be
placed no further than a Long Straight from any gate post and no closer to
any other turret than a Short Straight.
Place 1 Gate Trigger randomly between each set of gates for every vehicle
on your team per gate in play (i.e. a 2 vehicle team on a table with 3 gates
would have 2 Gate Triggers between the Starting Line and Gate 1, 2 more
between Gates 2 and 3 and another 2 between Gate 3 and the Finish Line)

7 © Sylvain casas
• Gate triggers: Gate Triggers are markers no larger than a U.S. penny
(roughly 20mm) and designated to a corresponding gate or the finish
line (numbered, color coded, etc.) There should be 1 Gate Trigger for
each vehicle at the start of the game per gate. If your vehicle’s Movement
Template or Final Positon touches the Gate Trigger, removed the Gate
Trigger from play. Once all Gate Triggers for a corresponding gate have
been removed from play, remove the barrier blocking that gate.
• Gun turrets: Note: these are deadlier than the Gun Turrets used in the
Arena of Death scenario. Gun Turrets count as Middleweight Volatile
Obstacles. They may be targeted with shooting attacks, and have 4 Hull
Points if shot at. Gun Turrets automatically make a 2D6 shooting attack
targeting ANY vehicle that ends their Movement Step within Medium
range of the turret. Multiple turrets may fire at a vehicle during its
activation. The target may Evade as normal.
• RC Car Bombs: Once the last Gate is crossed, and/or should all Gun
Turrets in play be destroyed, begin deploying RC Car Bombs (p. 79)
from the Finish Line. Deploy 1 RC Car per vehicle in play as soon as
the last Gate is crossed or the last Gun Turret is destroyed. RC Car
Bombs will always head toward the closest vehicle, avoiding obstacles if
at all possible, and shooting once in range. When one becomes Wrecked
immediately deploy a replacement at the the Finish Line.
Gate Triggers do NOT need to be activated in order to cross a Gate, they
simply remove the barrier blocking the Gate. If you believe you can survive
simply driving through the barriers, you’re free to try.
Victory is achieved should any vehicle cross the Finish Line after passing
through all Gates in order.
Rather than use turrets, try using Caltrops, Mines, and Napalm Dropped
Weapon templates. If using this alternate rule, roll 2D6 per 25 cans,
rounded up. (i.e 2D6 for 25 cans, 4D6 for 50 cans, etc)
If you find the scenario too deadly and difficult to complete, try removing
some obstacles, halving the number of turrets and/or eliminating the RC

Fight against yourself by beating your own best score. Challenge your various
teams and explore new tactics !
Do not change the layout of the board between subsequent timed runs.
However, teams may change as long as the team can value remains the
There should be 1 Gate Trigger for each vehicle in play at the start of the
game per each gate regardless of how many were deployed on the previous
run. Gate Triggers do not need to placed in the same spot as they were on
previous runs. Always deploy them randomly between their corresponding
Set a timer at the start of Round 1. The timer runs until the game ends.
Pauses are only allowed if you step away from the table (bathroom breaks,
When playing multiple games in a row, each subsequent successful run
must also be take less time than the previous, fastest successful run in order
to achieve victory.

9 © Bobscene
Night shift
Un scénario de FX Grass

“I’ve gathered everything you asked. No, the boss of the Junkyard didn’t notice
shit. Pass grabs them tonight. What? For sure, you will have to be smarter than
the automated security system. Good luck and good riddance!”
This scenario is for two teams. One team plays the security agent. His role
is to prevent the thief from taking two of the three crates. On top of the
Junkyard defence, the security agent has 30 cans to build his vehicle .The
other team plays the thief, their goal is to get out of the Junkyard with 2
crate. The thief has 70 cans to build his team.
Install a game area that represents a junkyard or a post-apocalyptic
wasteland.The security agent place three automated tower. These towers
must be at Long range from the edge of the table and from one another.
The thief begins with the Pole position. Pole position change hand, rotating
clockwise at the beginning of each Gear phase.

10 © alexandre fournelle
• Table edge: The security agent choose two table edges. These edges
are considered like indestructible walls. Count them as heavyweight
obstacles. The thief cannot deploy his vehicles on these edges of the
• Automated tower: These towers are heavyweight indestructible
obstacles. They have 8 Hull points each. They can be targeted by shooting
attacks. Automated towers automatically make a 4D6 shooting attack
targeting the first vehicle to end their Movement Step within Long
range of the tower each Gear Phase. The target may Evade as normal.
Automated towers never attack the Security agent.
• Crates: Crates are represented by some small token (the size
of a penny). During the game set up the thief player place
one crate token at Short range of each automated tower.
One crate near each tower, for a total of three crates.

The Security agent cannot interact in any way with them. The thief
player takes a crate if his Movement template or his final position
comes in contact with it. He then takes the crate token and put it on
his Dashboard. If a vehicle carrying a crate is wrecked, the Thief player
place the crate token anywhere around the wreck at a maximum of
Short range.
• Intelligent minefield: The Security agent deploy one minefield (Small
burst templates) at Short range from each Crate token. The mine field
doesn’t detonate if they come in contact with the vehicles of the Security
The game end when the thief exits the table with two crate token or at the
end of Round 3.
The thief player wins if he gets out of the table with two crates tokens. The
Security agent win the game if the thief player has no active vehicle at the
start of any gear phase.

Build a 40 cans team to play this scenario. There is no security agent in the
solo variant.
• Automated towers : Each Automated towers can fire any number of
vehicle per movement phase.
• Colis : When deploying crates, place one crate token near each tower
for a total of three crates. To know where to deploy a Crate token throw
1D8 and follow the results (1= North, 2= North East, 3 =East, etc.).

12 © Philippe Avril
Mesh fences
How to make wire mesh fences to delimit your Gaslands games.
By Sébastien Blain.

A. For the base, use 1/8’’ thick MDF cut to 3’’ long by ½’’ wide .
B. Chamfer the outline. Afterwards, make three holes for 3/16’’ diameter
dowels previously cut at 1 ¼’’ high which will act as posts.
C. Put some glue and insert the dowel in the holes.

A. Use a plastic mesh cut 3’’ long by 1 ¼’’ high and damage it with scissors.
(Bought at the dollar stores).
B. Cut pieces of metal wire and form a ‘U’ with it that will be used to
attach the mesh to the post.

A. Thread the metal wire through the

mesh and through each side of the
B. Wrap together ‘twist’ with pliers.
C. Cut the excess wire.
Otherwise you can glue the mesh to the
post with hot glue but this is aesthetically
less beautiful.

A. Apply glue to the base.
B. Sprinkle sand, gravel and
small rocks to texture your
soil. Leave to dry.
C. This step is very important!
Mix some glue with some
black paint in a pot. Apply
the mix on your base
and posts. This will fix
the gravel and give you
your background color to
receive the paint.

A. Paint the mesh and posts with a silver color.

B. Dilute rust coloured paint and apply to areas that are subject to rust.
Then drybrush with an orange colour to accentuate the rust effect in
the most damaged areas.
C. For the base paint your primary color (in this case brown to represent
mud). Finish with a ‘drybrush’ of a lighter colour to bring out the
details of the ground.

By Sébastien Blain

Would you like to support the coming of Gaslands to the French community?
Check the crowdfundy campaign of Gaslands: Refuelled French version!
About the new cover, we hesitated a lot between keeping the original
illustration and creating something new. We wanted something with a
strong visual identity, but that still created a sense of continuity with the
Refuelled edition. The mustang is now a wreck and the fluffy red dices
changed owners.
We hope you like it, in any case now there will be no confusion about the
two books!

© Martin Pique

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