General Instructions:: Sample Question Paper - 38 Science (086) Class-X, Session: 2021-22

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Sample Question Paper - 38

Science (086)
Class- X, Session: 2021-22
Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum marks : 40

General Instructions :
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper has three sections and 15 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Section–A has 7 questions of 2 marks each; Section–B has 6 questions of 3 marks each; and Section–C has
2 case based questions of 4 marks each.
(iv) Internal choices have been provided in some questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in
such questions.

1. Name two elements you would expect to show chemical reactions similar to magnesium. What is the basis
for your choice?
2. What would be the electron dot structure of a molecule of sulphur which is made up of eight atoms of
sulphur? (Hint : The eight atoms of sulphur are joined together in the form of a ring).
3. (a) On which date World AIDS Day is celebrated every year?
(b) Name two sexually transmitted bacterial diseases and their pathogens.
4. State the basic requirement for sexual reproduction. Write the importance of such reproductions in nature.
5. Only variations that confer an advantage to an individual organism will survive in a population. Do you
agree with this statement? Why or why not?
Explain the law of purity of gametes.
6. For a heater rated at 4 kW and 220 V, calculate (a) the current and the resistance of the heater, (b) the
energy consumed in 2 hours and the cost, if 1 kWh is priced at 50 paise.
The resistivity of the material of a wire is 44 × 10–8 W m. If the resistance of the wire is 14 W and its diameter
is 1 mm, calculate the length of the wire.
7. In natural conditions food chains never operate as an isolated sequence, but are interconnected with each
other. In other words, when different types of organisms at different trophic levels, instead of forming a
linear chain, remain interconnected with each other, it forms a complex pathway rather than a simple chain.
(a) Draw any food chain operating in grassland ecosystem.
(b) Why decomposers are also called reducers and micro-consumers?
How does the use of recycled paper help in protecting the environment?
8. Compare and contrast three differences on the arrangement of elements in Mendeleev’s periodic table and
the modern periodic table.
9. Elements forming ionic compounds attain noble gas electronic configuration by either gaining or losing
electrons from their valence shells. Explain giving reason why carbon cannot attain such a configuration
in this manner to form its compounds. Name the type of bonds formed in ionic compounds and in the
compounds formed by carbon. Also explain with reason why carbon compounds are generally poor
conductors of electricity.
Explain isomerism. State any four characteristics of isomers. Draw the structures of possible isomers of
butane, C4H10.
10. Mendel crossed homozygous round and yellow seeded pea plant with homozygous wrinkled and green
seeded pea plants for two generations. Name this cross and identify the Mendel's postulate that is proved by
this cross.
11. (a) What is electromagnetic induction?
(b) State the rule which gives the direction of induced current.
12. Why does a current-carrying conductor kept in a magnetic field experience force ? On what factors does
the direction of this force depend ?
Name and state the rule used for determination of direction of magnetic force.
13. Name any one greenhouse gas and its possible source of production on a large scale. What are the harmful
effects of it?

This section has 02 case-based questions (14 and 15). Each case is followed by 03 sub-questions (a, b and c). Parts
a and b are compulsory. However, an internal choice has been provided in part c.
14. All flowering plants show sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction is the process of development of new
organisms through the formation and fusion of gametes. The diversity of structures of the flowers and floral
parts shows an amazing range of adaptation to ensure formation of the end products of sexual reproduction,
the fruits and seeds.
(a) What happens to the zygote after fertilization in flowering plants?
(b) What is germination?
(c) Identify the labelled parts A, B and C of the given figure.


Identify the labelled parts that develop into stem and root respectively.
15. You are given following current-time graphs (a) and (b) from two different sources. Give the following

(a) (b)
(a) Identify any one source for each type of these currents.
(b) What is the frequency of current in case (b) in India?
(c) Use graphs to write two differences between the currents in two cases.
Name the type of current in two cases. After what interval of time current in the case (b) changes its


Class 10 - Science

1. Magnesium (Mg) belongs to group 2 known the changing environment, resulting in the survival of
as alkaline earth metals. The two other elements the species.
belonging to the same group are calcium (Ca) and
5. It is not always true. The variations that confer
strontium (Sr). The basis of choice is the electronic
an advantage to an individual organism are definitely
distribution in the valence shell of these elements.
of more survival value because natural selection
All of them have two electrons each in the outermost
prefers these variations. But there are several other
shell. For example :
variations which though do not provide advantage
to the organism in the present condition, but survive
Mg (Z = 12) 2 8 2 – – and are inherited to the next generations. Such non-
Ca (Z = 20) 2 8 8 2 – advantageous variations may become advantageous in
Sr (Z = 38) 2 8 18 8 2 future when the environmental conditions change.
2. The atomic number (Z) of sulphur is OR
sixteen and its electronic configuration is 2, 8, 6.
Principle of purity of gametes is also known as principle
The sulphur atom has six valence electrons. The
or law of segregation. According to this law, the two
chemical formula of sulphur molecule is S8. Each
unit factors of a character which remain together in an
sulphur atom is linked to similar atoms on either sides
individual do not get mixed up and keep their distinct
by single covalent bonds and thus, completes its octet.
identity. They separate during gamete formation so
The molecule is in the form of a ring also represented
that each gamete receives only one factor or gene for
by crown shape.
each character and is always pure.
S 6. Power, P = 4 kW = 4000 W
S Voltage, V = 220 V
S Time, t = 2 h

Ring structure of S8 molecule P 4000 W

(a) Current, I = = = 18.2 A
3. (a) December 1 is celebrated every year as the V 220 V
world AIDS day to spread information about AIDS V 220 V
Resistance, R = = = 12.1 Ω
among the public. I 18.2 A
(b) Two sexually transmitted bacterial diseases are
syphilis and gonorrhoea and their pathogens are (b) Energy consumed = Pt
Treponema pallidum and Neisseria gonorrhoeae = 4000 W × 2 h
respectively. = 8000 Wh = 8 kWh
Cost = 8 kWh × ` 0.50/kWh = ` 4.00
4. The basic requirement for sexual reproduction
is involvement of both sexes, i.e., male and female, to –8
Given : r = 44 × 10 W m
produce an offspring. It takes place by the combination
R = 14 W
of gametes which come from two different parents.
Diameter (D) = 1 mm = 10–3 m
The importance of sexual reproduction in nature are : πD 2 π π
(i) Fusion of male and female gametes coming from Area, A = = × (10−3 )2 m2 = × 10−6 m2
4 4 4
two different and sexually distinct individuals, exhibit
diversity of characters in offspring. We know, R = ρ
(ii) Meiosis during gametogenesis provides
RA π 1
opportunities for new combination of genes, which ∴ l= = 14 × × (10−6 ) ×
ρ 4 44 × 10−8
leads to variation required for evolution and plays a
prominent role in the origin of new species. Variations 22 1 100
= 14 × × (10−6 ) × −8
= = 25 m
lead to the appearance of such characters, which fit to 7×4 44 × 10 4
7. (a) Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Modern Periodic Table explains this logically. (any
Eagle three)
(b) Decomposers are also called as reducers because 9. Ionic compounds are formed either by gaining or
they are able to remove or degrade the dead bodies of losing electrons from the outermost shells, but carbon,
organisms and due to their small size they are known which has four electrons in its outermost shell, cannot
as micro-consumers. form ionic bonds because :
OR – If carbon forms ionic bonds by gaining four
Recycling is the process of converting waste materials electrons to attain a noble gas configuration then it
into reusable objects to prevent waste of potentially would be difficult for six protons in the nucleus to
useful materials. Thus, it reduces the consumption of hold ten electrons.
fresh raw materials, energy, air and water pollution. – If carbon forms ionic bonds by loss of four
E.g., recycling of paper, glass, plastic, etc. electrons then it would require a lot of energy to
Paper recycling is done at industry level, school and at remove these electrons from outermost shell.
home also. Recycled paper is developed by processing Due to these reasons, carbon forms covalent bonds by
of all the waste paper materials collected from different sharing the valence electrons.
places. Some advantages are : Type of bonds formed in ionic compounds are called
electrovalent bonds and the type of bonds formed in
(i) If we recycle paper, we can reduce the number of
carbon compounds are called covalent bonds.
trees that are cut to produce papers.
Covalent bonds are those bonds
(ii) The garbage constituted by paper can be reduced
which are formed by sharing the
to a considerable amount.
valence electrons between two
(iii) Level of pollution can be decreased as papers are
atoms. Electron dot structure of
biodegradable and there will be less accumulation if
methane is shown in the figure.
papers are recycled.
Covalent compounds are generally
8. (i) In Mendeleev’s periodic table the elements are poor conductors of electricity
arranged in the increasing order of atomic masses. because they do not have free electrons or ions.
On the other hand, in the Modern Periodic Table
the elements are arranged in the increasing order of
Isomers are those compounds which have same
atomic numbers which is more fundamental property
molecular formula but different structures i.e., show
than the atomic mass.
different physical properties. The phenomenon of
(ii) In the Mendeleev’s periodic table, the position of the
existing into isomers is called isomerism.
elements was in accordance with atomic mass. In the
Modern Periodic Table the position of the elements Four characteristics of isomers are :
is governed by electronic configurations, which (i) They have same molecular formula but different
determine their properties. structures.
(iii) In Mendeleev’s periodic table, the position of (ii) Isomers are possible only for those hydrocarbons
isotopes was not justified. In Modern Periodic Table, which have four or more carbon atoms.
the classification is based on the atomic number and (iii) Due to isomerism, a given molecular formula can
not atomic mass and hence the position of isotopes is represent two or more different compounds.
fully justified. (iv) Due to isomerism, the different compounds have
(iv) Mendeleev’s periodic table had some anomalies different properties.
on the basis of atomic mass. In Modern Periodic The structures of possible isomers of butane (C4H10)
Table, there are no misfits in terms of atomic number. are :
For example, in Mendeleev’s periodic table, potassium
was having position lower than argon. But in Modern
Periodic Table, this has been solved. Argon precedes
potassium because argon has atomic number 18 and
potassium has 19.
(v) The Mendeleev’s periodic table does not explain
satisfactorily as to why the properties of the elements
are repeated at regular intervals of 2, 8, 18 and 32. The
10. The given cross represents the dihybrid cross. OR
Parents: RRYY × rryy The direction of the force acting on the current
Round yellow Wrinkled green carrying conductor placed in the magnetic field is
determined by using Fleming’s left hand rule.
Gametes: RY ry According to this rule, stretch the thumb, forefinger
and middle finger of your left hand such that they
are mutually perpendicular. If the fore finger in the
direction of magnetic field and the middle finger in
F1 generation : RrYy the direction of current, then the thumb will point
Round yellow in the direction of motion or force acting on the
selfing conductor.
F2 generation : RY rY Ry ry 13. Major greenhouse gases are CO2-60%, CH4-20%,
CFCs-14% and N2O-6%. Out of which CO2 is present
in maximum amount. Source of CO2 is burning of
rY RrYY rrYY RrYy rrYy fossil fuels, volcanic eruptions and respiration process.
Due to increased level of CO2 in the atmosphere, global
Ry RRYy RrYy RRyy Rryy
atmospheric temperature during the past century has
ry RrYy rrYy Rryy rryy increased to 0.6%. It is called global warming, which
results in melting of polar ice caps and rise in sea level,
Round yellow : Wrinkled yellow : Round green : Wrinkled green
9 : 3 : 3 : 1
14. (a) After fertilization, the zygote divides several
Dihybrid cross proves Mendel's second law' "law of
times to form an embryo within the ovule. The ovule
independent assortment". According to this law, genes
develops a tough coat and is gradually converted into
of different characters located on different pairs of
a seed. The ovary grows rapidly and ripens to form a
chromosomes segregate independently of one another
fruit. Meanwhile, the petals, sepals, stamens, style and
during gamete formation.
stigma may shrivel and fall off.
11. (a) Electromagnetic induction is the phenomenon (b) Germination is the process involving all changes
in which an electric current is induced in a circuit that take place from the time when a dry, viable seed
because of a changing magnetic field. starts to grow when placed under suitable condition of
(b) Direction of induced current is given by Fleming’s germination to the time when the seedling becomes
right-hand rule. If the forefinger, middle finger and established on the substratum.
thumb of the right hand are stretched at right angles (c) A – Plumule, B – Radicle, C – Cotyledon
to each other, with the forefinger in the direction of OR
the field and the thumb in the direction of the motion
Labelled parts A and B represent plumule and radicle
of the wire then the induced current in the wire is in
that develop into stem and root respectively.
the direction of the middle finger.
12. The force on a current-carrying conductor in a
15. (a) Cell or a battery – Source of DC.
magnetic field is due to interaction between magnetic Generator – Source of AC.
field due to current carrying conductor and the (b) Frequency of AC is 50 Hz in India while DC has
external magnetic field in which the conductor is zero frequency.
placed. (c) In case (a), current remains constant and
The direction of the force acting on the current frequency is zero whereas in case (b). In case (a),
carrying conductor placed in the magnetic field direction of current not change from negative to
depends upon positive.
(i) direction of the current through the conductor OR
and DC in case (a) and AC in the case (b). From graph,
(ii) direction of the magnetic field in which the the time interval after which AC current changes its
conductor is placed. direction is 0.01 second.

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