Aw E-book - คู่มือการใช้งาน SOLIDWORKS

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ตั ว ช่ ว ยการสร้ า งงานออกแบบ
ได้ อ ย่ า งมื อ อาชี พ !
เมนูคําสั่ง SOLIDWORKS

View Shortcuts
Shortcut Keys Commands
Arrow keys Rotates Model
Shift + Arrow keys Rotates Model 90 ํ
Alt + Arrow keys Rotates Model CW or CCW
Ctrl + Arrow keys Pans Model
Ctrl + R Redraws the Screen
Spacebar Orientation
F Zooms to Fit
Ctrl +Shift + Z Undo view Change
Ctrl + F1 View Task Pane
F3 View Quick Snaps
Shift + Z Zooms in
Z Zooms out
File Shortcuts
Shortcut Keys Commands
Ctrl + N New
Ctrl + O Open
Ctrl + W Open from Web Folder
Makes New Drawing
Ctrl + D
from Part or Assembly
Makes New Assembly
Ctrl + A from Part or Assembly
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + P Print

Edit Shortcuts
Shortcut Keys Commands
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Enter Repeats last Command
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Delete Delete
Ctrl + B Rebuilds
Ctrl + Q Forced Rebuild
Ctrl + R Redraws Screen
S Opens Shortcut Bar
Ctrl + click items Selects Multiple Items
Shift + drag Moves Item
Other Shortcuts 1.1
Shortcut Keys Commands
Ctrl + 1 Font
Ctrl + 2 back
Ctrl + 3 Left
Ctrl + 4 Right
Ctrl + 5 Top
Ctrl + 6 Bottom
Ctrl + 7 Iso
Ctrl + 8 Normal to
A Command option Toggle
C Expand / Collapse Tree
V Filter Edges
E Filter Vertices
X Filter Faces
N Next Edges
Y Accept Edges
F1 Help
F2 Name edit mode
Ctrl + Tab + Cycle between Document - Forward
Ctrl + Shift + Tab + Cycle between Document - Backwards
Ctrl + F6 Next Window
Ctrl + F4 Close Window
F5 Toggle Selection Filter Toolbar
F6 Toggle Selection Filter
Ctrl + Q Force Regen to Top Level of Assy
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H Make Horizontal
Alt + R Edit Dimension properties

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