Applied Sciences: Design and Test of Load-Lifting Performance For Hydraulic Linkage of The High-Medium Horsepower Tractor

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Design and Test of Load-Lifting Performance for Hydraulic
Linkage of the High-Medium Horsepower Tractor
Qian Cong 1,2 , Zhengwen Yang 2 , Jin Xu 2 , Boshuai Ma 2 , Tingkun Chen 2,3, *, Xiaochao Zhang 4 , Lin Wang 4
and Shaofeng Ru 5

1 State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China;
[email protected]
2 Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China;
[email protected] (Z.Y.); [email protected] (J.X.); [email protected] (B.M.)
3 College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China
4 Luoyang Tractor Research Institute Co., Ltd., Luoyang 471039, China; [email protected] (X.Z.);
[email protected] (L.W.)
5 Mechanical and Electrical College, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-0431-85095253

Featured Application: The present study could provide a reference for the loading and lifting
apparatus design to test the hydraulic lifting device for the large-medium horsepower tractor.

Abstract: To improve the detection efficiency and safety of the tractor, the research proposed a
device for detecting the loading–lifting performance of the lower link of the tractor based on the
 four-bar mechanism. According to the actual use requirements and the testing standards, the critical

components in the device were designed. The dynamic analysis of the load-lifting device was carried
Citation: Cong, Q.; Yang, Z.; Xu, J.; out by dynamic simulation, and the component strength in the machine was checked by the finite
Ma, B.; Chen, T.; Zhang, X.; Wang, L.; element simulation method. The results showed that the designed device could realize the hooking
Ru, S. Design and Test of Load-Lifting and connection of the lower link without an artificial method. The average cost of the device was
Performance for Hydraulic Linkage
5.13 s to realize the connection with the lower link, and it took 7.30 s to raise the lower hitch point to
of the High-Medium Horsepower
a set height, about 750 mm. The loading test showed that the device could keep the loading force of
Tractor. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9758.
the lower link stable during the lifting process. The designed device could shorten the detection time
of the tractor hydraulic linkage and improve the cost, safety, and efficiency of detection. The research
Academic Editor: José Miguel Molina
could provide a reference for the design of hydraulic linkage detection devices for the large-medium
Martínez horsepower tractors and help realize the intelligent detection of tractors.

Received: 25 August 2021 Keywords: agricultural engineering; tractor; hydraulic linkage; hooking; loading–lifting; simulation
Accepted: 11 October 2021
Published: 19 October 2021

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral 1. Introduction

with regard to jurisdictional claims in China is a large agricultural country. According to the reference [1] statistics, China’s
published maps and institutional affil-
agricultural planting area reached 1.167 × 108 hectares in 2020. Tractors are one of the
critical equipment types in the process of crop planting, harvesting, spraying, etc. The
number of tractors held and sold gradually increases with the increase of the planting area.
With the increasing agricultural area circulation in China, more and more small farms have
been established. The demand for large and medium horsepower tractors is increasing.
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. For example, China’s production of large and medium horsepower tractors was 3.46 ×
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. 105 units, an increase of 23% compared to the previous year [1]. Additionally, the Chinese
This article is an open access article government formulated a special law to promote agricultural mechanization.
distributed under the terms and In China, the hydraulic linkage is widely used in large and medium-sized tractors,
conditions of the Creative Commons
connected with rotary tiller, riding machine, seeder, and other agricultural machinery
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
through the lower link [2–5]. The performance of hydraulic linkage directly affects the
working quality and efficiency of the tractor in the field, such as depth of the rotary blade,

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9758.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9758 2 of 13

sowing depth, etc. [4,6,7]. With the promotion of precision agriculture, the loading–lifting
performance of the hydraulic linkage also affects the operation accuracy of agricultural
machinery. Hence, it is required to test the load-bearing and lifting performance of the
hydraulic linkage during the production process of the tractor [8–10]. Many methods
have been developed to test the loading and lifting performance of tractor hydraulic
linkages, such as the weight loading method, orifice loading method, and hydraulic loading
method [11–13]. As the lower link in the hydraulic linkage system can swing horizontally in
the horizontal direction, the existing test method requires an artificial connection between
the test mechanism and the hydraulic linkage. This will reduce the test efficiency, precision,
and safety factor, and easily cause casualties and other shortcomings [11,14]. Additionally,
these methods cannot achieve continuous loading of the hydraulic linkage. The research
team investigated some tractor manufacturers (for example, Yto Group Corporation, which
has a complete tractor product series in China), and found that it takes 10 to 15 min to
test the hydraulic linkage. Meanwhile, these methods also need to dig trenches on the
test site, which further decreases the safety of the tractor test. In recent years, with the
introduction of “Made in China 2025” and some key science and technology plans in China,
intelligent agricultural machinery equipment is one of the key development areas in these
plans [15]. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a new method in the engineering field
to actively connect the tractor lower link to improve the test efficiency and safety of the
tractor hydraulic linkage.
In order to realize the intelligent test of the hydraulic linkage of the tractor before
leaving the factory, the study proposed an automatic test device for the load-bearing and
lifting performance of the hydraulic linkage. The designed tractor hydraulic linkage hook
test device was analyzed from the kinematics and mechanics. Based on the analysis results,
the automatic test device for load-bearing and lifting performance of the hydraulic linkage
was optimized and developed. Additionally, a test of the hooking, loading, and lifting
performance was carried out. The research can provide a reference for the tractor to develop
a hydraulic linkage hooking test device, realize the unmanned hooking during the test
process. Additionally, the safety and efficiency of the tractor hydraulic linkage test are
improved, and the detection cost is reduced. The present study can provide a reference for
the design of lifting devices of other types of tractors.

2. Device Design
The hydraulic linkage (model SZ804-55E-010, purchased from Yto Group Corporation)
widely used in large and medium horsepower tractors is adopted during the present study.
The lifting force range of the hydraulic linkage device used in the test is 17~36 kN. Based
on the actual use requirements and the [16,17], the test indexes for the adopted hydraulic
linkage are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Test indexes of hydraulic linkage for large and medium horsepower tractors.

Test Requirements Indexes

Maximum lifting force 40 kN
Number of lifts 10
Lifting height 750 ± 10 mm
Lifting time 15 s

2.1. Principle of Design

Combined with the investigation and published literature [2,11–14], the test process of
the load-lifting capacity of the tractor hydraulic linkage can be divided into the connection
stage of hydraulic linkage and test device, and the load-lifting stage. The hooking stage
includes two processes: the limit of the lower link and the connection between the load-
lifting device and the lower link. Meanwhile, the movement track of the lower link point is
arc-shaped during the lifting process (as shown in Figure 1), so the hydraulic linkage lifting
device is designed based on a four-bar mechanism. Meanwhile, the hydraulic linkage
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point is arc-shaped during the lifting process (as shown in Figure 1), so the hydraulic link-
age lifting device is designed based on a four-bar mechanism. Meanwhile, the hydraulic
lifting device
linkage designed
lifting device in the in
designed present studystudy
the present would not dig
would not trenches on the
dig trenches testtest
on the sitesite
increase test safety.
to increase test safety.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of load-lifting test of tractor hydraulic linkage. α1 is the angle between the ab rod and the bc
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of load-lifting test of tractor hydraulic linkage. α1 is the angle between the ab rod and the bc
rod; α is the transmission angle; α2 is the angle between the loading rod of the hydraulic cylinder and the vertical direction.
rod; α is the transmission angle; α2 is the angle between the loading rod of the hydraulic cylinder and the vertical direction.
F represents the loading force of the hydraulic cylinder; F1 is the actual loading force on the steering rod; F2 is the theoretical
F represents
loading the
force, loading
which forcebe
should of athe hydraulic
constant cylinder;
value F1 according
of 40 kN is the actual
toloading on the steering rod; F2 is the theoretical
the design
loading force, which should be a constant value of 40 kN according to the design requirements.
The load-lifting device for testing hydraulic linkage was designed based on the four-
The load-lifting device for testing hydraulic linkage was designed based on the four-
bar mechanism and took hydraulic to load the lower link, as shown in Figure 1. The link-
bar mechanism and took hydraulic to load the lower link, as shown in Figure 1. The linkage
age (ab rod in Figure 1) was the lower link connected to the tractor and rotated with point
(ab rod in Figure 1) was the lower link connected to the tractor and rotated with point a
a as the center of the circle during the lifting process. Due to the large lifting stroke of the
as the center of the circle during the lifting process. Due to the large lifting stroke of the
lower link of the large and medium-sized tractors and the high position of point a, a ce
lower link of the large and medium-sized tractors and the high position of point a, a ce
lever was
was added
added into
into the
the four-bar
four-bar mechanism
mechanism to to change
change the the lifting
lifting direction
direction during
during the
operation process
process andand improve
improve the the safety
safety factor.
factor. The
The bc
bc rod
rod played
played thethe role
role of
of steering
steering and
connecting the the ab
ab rod
rod and
and the
the ce
ce rod
rod during
during the
the lifting
lifting process.
process. During
During the the rotation
rotation of
of the
lower link, the steering rod bc was driven, and a hydraulic loading cylinder was used to
link, the steering rod bc was driven, and a hydraulic loading cylinder was used to
load the
the ee end
end ofof the
the lever.
The load-lifting
load-lifting device
device waswas designed
designed according
according to to Figure
Figure 1, 1, as
as shown
shown in in Figure
Figure 2.2.
According to to the
the lifting
lifting process
process of of the
the tractor
tractor hydraulic
hydraulic linkage,
linkage, the
the device
device was
was composed
of the
the lower
lower link
link catching
catching system,
system, aa connection
connection system
system between
between the the lifting
lifting device
device and
and the
lower link, and a load-lifting system. The ce lever was loaded by
lower link, and a load-lifting system. The ce lever was loaded by the hydraulic pump the hydraulic pump sta-
tion connected
station connected with the the
with hydraulic
hydraulicloading cylinder,
loading andand
cylinder, thenthen
the the
applied to the
applied to
the lower link. Meanwhile, the displacement sensor was added to the device to record the
link. Meanwhile, the displacement sensor was added to the device to record the
height of
of the
the lifting
lifting position
position of of the
the lower
lower link
link during
during the
the lifting
lifting process.

2.2. Hooking Structure

Since the lower link could swing laterally on the axle, the lower link could first be
caught and limited during the lifting process. The “∩” structure was adopted in the device
to capture the lower link, as shown in Figure 3. To restrict the lower link, L2 should meet
the following requirements: 
L2 ' 2L1 + L0
L1 ' L0 + ∆
where L0 was the width of the lower link, and L1 and L2 were the widths of the upper and
lower grooves of the limiting component, respectively. ∆ was the fit clearance between
the lower link and the upper groove, and the range was 3~5 mm. When the lower link
moved to the upper groove on the “∩” part, the movement of the lower link was limited to
facilitate the connection between the lower link and the load-lifting device.
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Figure 2. Load-lifting device model for tractor hydraulic linkage.

2.2. Hooking Structure

Since the lower link could swing laterally on the axle, the lower link could first be
caught and limited during the lifting process. The “∩” structure was adopted in the device
to capture the lower link, as shown in Figure 3. To restrict the lower link, L2 should meet
the following requirements:
 L2 2 L1  L0
 (1)
 L1 L0  
where L0 was the width of the lower link, and L1 and L2 were the widths of the upper and
lower grooves of the limiting component, respectively. Δ was the fit clearance between
the lower link and the upper groove, and the range was 3~5 mm. When the lower link
moved to the upper groove on the “∩” part, the movement of the lower link was limited
Figure 2. Load-lifting device model for tractor hydraulic linkage.
to facilitate the connection
Figure between
2. Load-lifting the lower
device linktractor
model for and the load-lifting
hydraulic device.

2.2. Hooking Structure

Since the lower link could swing laterally on the axle, the lower link could first be
caught and limited during the lifting process. The “∩” structure was adopted in the device
to capture the lower link, as shown in Figure 3. To restrict the lower link, L2 should meet
the following requirements:
 L2 2 L1  L0
 (1)
 L1 L0  
where L0 was the width of the lower link, and L1 and L2 were the widths of the upper and
lower grooves of the limiting component, respectively. Δ was the fit clearance between
the lower link and the upper groove, and the range was 3~5 mm. When the lower link
moved to the upper groove on the “∩” part, the movement of the lower link was limited
to facilitate the connection between the lower link and the load-lifting device.

Figure 3. Catching mechanism of the lower link.

Figure 3. Catching mechanism of the lower link.

2.3. Connecting Structure

The test process of the load-lifting capacity of the tractor hydraulic linkage could be
divided into the connection stage of hydraulic linkage and test device, and the load-lifting
stage. To avoid the influence of the manual connection between the lower link and loading
device on staff safety, Figure 4 showed the mechanism to realize the unmanned connection
between the tractor and the loading device. Two connecting pins and a hydraulic cylinder
were built in the loading link, and the connecting pin was driven to realize the connection
between the device and the lower link under the action of the hydraulic cylinder. Whether
the connection is successful can be confirmed by the color change of the sensor indicator.

Figure 3. Catching mechanism of the lower link.

stage. To avoid the influence of the manual connection between the lower link and loading
device on staff safety, Figure 4 showed the mechanism to realize the unmanned connec-
tion between the tractor and the loading device. Two connecting pins and a hydraulic
cylinder were built in the loading link, and the connecting pin was driven to realize the
connection between the device and the lower link under the action of the hydraulic cylin-
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der. Whether the connection is successful can be confirmed by the color change of the
sensor indicator.

Figure 4. Connection mechanism mechanism

Figure 4. Connection of the loweroflink
theand thelink
lower lifting
the lifting device.

The spherical The hinge of the lower

spherical hingelink used
of the to connect
lower link usedagricultural
to connectequipment
agricultural is equipment
prone is prone
to tilt, and thetoaxis
tilt,of thethe
and spherical hinge
axis of the is not parallel
spherical hinge istonot
axis of to
of the hole. Therefore,
the manual way theismanual
often used
wayto is level
used tothe previous
level duringtest. The shape
the previous of the
test. Theconnecting
shape of the connecting
pin in the device would affect whether the lower link could
pin in the device would affect whether the lower link could be be connected to connected
the device to the device
under this condition.
under this condition.
During the movement
During theofmovement
the connecting
of thepin throughpin
connecting thethrough
sphericalthehinge, it is hinge,
spherical neces-it is necessary
sary to overcome the frictional
to overcome force of the
the frictional rotation
force of the of the spherical
rotation hinge. Additionally,
of the spherical hinge. Additionally, the
the load torque is required
load torque istorequired
be less than
to bethe
than thetorque of the
driving spherical
torque of thehinge. Hence,
spherical hinge. Hence, to
to ensure thatensure
the spherical
that thehinge can hinge
spherical rotate can
during theduring
rotate connection process, the
the connection shapethe
process, of shape of the
the connecting connecting
pin should pin should
meet meet the following
the following conditions: conditions:
  Fm  f v F
    q Fm = f v · Fq
q  F  tan Fq = F · tan λ
 F


 Ft  F  sin Ft = F · sin λ
 
 Ft · r > Fm · r (2)
 t r  F  r λ > F · tan λ · f v
 

Fm· sin

 F  sin   F  tan cos

 f vλ > f v
 
where F is the thrust cos   f v pin during the move process; Ft is the positive
of the connecting
where F is the pressure
thrust on the spherical
of the connecting pin Fduring
hinge; m is thethefriction
the spherical hinge;
Ft is the f v is the equivalent
friction coefficient with a value of 0.2; F q is the vertical component of
pressure on the spherical hinge; Fm is the friction of the spherical hinge; fv is the equivalent the positive pressure
of the spherical hinge; and λ and r are the taper angle and the radius
friction coefficient with a value of 0.2; Fq is the vertical component of the positive pressure of the connecting pin,
of the spherical hinge; and λ and r are the taper angle and the radius of the connecting
pin, respectively. Meanwhile, the connecting pin could also bear the test load. The radius of the
Meanwhile, pin should
the connecting pin conform
could alsoto Equation
bear the test(3): load. The radius of the con-
nection pin should conform to Equation (3): 

 τ = AF = π ·rF2 ≤ [τ ]
 min
σ = Iz = MWmax z
≤ [σ] (3)

 3
π ·rmin
Wz = 4

where [τ] and [σ] are the characteristic strength parameters of 45# steel, and the safety
factor was 1.5. rmin is the minimum radius of the connection pin. Iz is the inertial moment
of the cross-section of the connection pin to the neutral axis; Wz is the bending section
coefficient of the connection pin; Mmax is the maximum bending moment borne by the
connecting pin. The tensile strength of 45# steel with a hardness of 197 HB is 600 MPa [18].
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9758 6 of 13

Therefore, the taper angle λ ranged from 0◦ to 78◦ , and the minimum radius of
the connection pin was 7.8 mm. To facilitate penetration of the connection pin into the
spherical hinge and meet the safety of the connection pin, the taper angle and diameter of
the connection pin were 39◦ and 16 mm, respectively.

2.4. Load-Lifting Structure

The tractor lifting and loading device was composed of a ce lever rod, hydraulic
loading cylinder, and other parts, as shown in Figure 1. The lever rod was 2700 mm, and
the ratio of cd rod and de rod was 1:1. The hydraulic loading cylinder was connected with
the hydraulic station, and the changes of the loading oil pressured during the load-lifting
process are recorded in real-time.
According to Equation (4), the rectangular section parameters of the lever in the
loading mechanism were determined.

Mzmax F · lde
δmax = = B · H 3 − b · h3
≤ [δ] (4)

where h and H are the inner and outer heights of the rectangular section, respectively. b
and B are the inner and outer widths of the rectangular section, respectively. [δ] is the
permissible stress of the 45# steel.

3. Simulation and Experiment

According to design requirements and the actual working conditions of the tractor,
the initial hook position of the lower link was set at an angle of 20◦ with the horizontal
direction. The height of the support point of the lever and the hydraulic cylinder from the
ground was 650 mm and 1750 mm, respectively. When the vertical load of 40 kN (accuracy
of 1% full scale) was applied to the lower link point, the height range that the lower link
should lift was 750 mm (accuracy of 10 mm). The simulation analysis method could be
used to analyze the kinematics and strength check of the device to help the design and
optimization of the designed device [5,19]. Hence, the simulation method analyzed the
kinematics and mechanical properties of the structure shown in Figure 2.

3.1. Kinematics Simulation

The transmission angle would affect the transmission efficiency, and the extrusion
force on the lever shaft would increase. The model of the load-lifting device shown in
Figure 2 was established and imported into Adams software. After simplifying the model,
constraints and loads were applied to analyze the kinematics. When the angle between the
initial position of the steering rod and the lever was at an ideal value of 90◦ , the lever rod
rotated more than 44.3◦ , and the transmission angle α was too large. Therefore, the initial
transmission angle needed to be optimized.
The initial hook transmission angle was, respectively, set at 60◦ , 65◦ , 70◦ , 75◦ , 80◦ , and

85 , and the analysis model was adjusted. The transmission angle during the lifting process
was analyzed by using the software, and the variance of the transmission angle during the
lifting process corresponding to different initial hook transmission angles was calculated,
as shown in Figure 5. Based on the analysis results, it could be known that when the initial
transmission angle between the bc rod and the cd rod was 80◦ , the variance was the smallest.
It showed that the change of the transmission angle α in the lifting process was smaller than
that in the lifting operation of other initial positions. When the initial hook transmission
angle α was 80◦ , the range of α1 and α2 were 66.7◦ ~109.65◦ and −1.25◦ ~10.3◦ , respectively.
culated, as shown in Figure 5. Based on the analysis results, it could be known that when
the initial transmission angle between the bc rod and the cd rod was 80°, the variance was
the smallest. It showed that the change of the transmission angle α in the lifting process
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9758
was smaller than that in the lifting operation of other initial positions. When 7the
of 13
hook transmission angle α was 80°, the range of α1 and α2 were 66.7°~109.65° and
−1.25°~10.3°, respectively.

Figure 5. 5.The
Figure Thechanges
of angle duringthe
angle during thelifting
lifting process.

ToTo maintainaaconstant
maintain constant load
load force
lower link,link,
lower a hydraulic loading
a hydraulic loading
cylinder was used for loading with variable force. The Adams software wasused
cylinder was used for loading with variable force. The Adams software was usedtoto cal-
culate the load
the load F applied
F applied by by
thethe hydraulicloading
hydraulic loadingcylinder
cylinder and
andthe loadF1Ftransmitted
theload 1 transmitted by
by the steering rod during the lifting process. The rotation angle of the lower link during
the steering rod during the lifting process. The rotation angle of the lower link during the
the dynamic simulation analysis was one degree per second. The results were shown
dynamic simulation analysis was one degree per second. The results were shown in Fig-
in Figure 6. F and F1 varied from 44,948~55,265 N and 40,001~43,554 N, respectively.
6. F and F1 varied
parameters from
could be44,948~55,265 N and
used as the design 40,001~43,554
basis for component N,strength
respectively. These pa-
used as the design
process couldbasis for component
be carried strength
out according to the calibration.
parameters toMean-
load-lifting process
the load force could
of the lowerbe carried
link outataccording
was kept 40 kN. to the parameters to ensure
that theAccording
load forcetoofthethe lower link
dynamic was kept
simulation at 40 results,
analysis kN. the function equation of the
loading force of the hydraulic cylinder during the loading and lifting process was fitted
to check the strength of the design device. The fitting equation was shown in Equation
(5), the fitting coefficient was high. Hence, the fitting equation could be used as one of the
boundary conditions of the finite element simulation analysis.

F = 0.0388 · t4 − 3.3115 · t3 + 94.692 · t2 − 994.47 · t + 45612, R2 = 0.9919 (5)

where F is the loading force of the hydraulic cylinder, N; t is the time for the lower to rise
to the set height, s. The range of t varies from 0 s to 47.6 s.
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Figure 6. Kinematics analysis

Figure 6.ofKinematics
the load-lifting device.
analysis of the load-lifting device.

According to 3.2.the
dynamic Simulation
simulation analysis results, the function equation of the
The model cylinder
loading force of the hydraulic shown in during
Figure 2thewasloading
andin lifting
processto analyze the transient
was fitted
to check the strength of the design device. The fitting equation was shown in Equation (5),transient-
stress–strain characteristics of the components during the load-lifting process. The
structural module in Workbench was used for analysis, and the boundary conditions were
the fitting coefficient was high. Hence, the fitting equation could be◦ used as one of the
as follows: (1) the rotation speed of the lower link was 1 /s, and the rotation time was
boundary conditions
47.6 s;of
the finite
force of simulation
the hydraulicanalysis.
cylinder was applied to the device according to
F  0.0388  t 4  3.3115
the Equation  t(3)
(5); and  94.692  t 2 process
3 the analysis
 t divided
994.47was  0.9919
R 2 100
45612, into substeps. 45#
(5)steel was
used as the component material. The transient analysis results of the critical components
where F is the loading forceinofFigure
were shown the hydraulic
7. cylinder, N; t is the time for the lower to rise
to the set height, s. The range of t varies from 0 s toresults
It could be seen from the analysis 47.6 s.that the equivalent stress of the components
changed significantly during the end stage of the lifting and loading process. In particular,
the equivalent stresses of the connecting pin, bearing rod, steering rod, and lever connecting
3.2. Mechanical Simulation
pin were close to the tensile strength of 45# steel. It was necessary to adopt the materials
The model with
shown in Figure
better 2 was than
performance simplified in to
45# steel Workbench
make the keyto analyze the transient
components of the device. To
stress–strain characteristics
improve the use safety factor of the lifting and loading device, 40 The
of the components during the load-lifting process. transi-
Cr was used as the
ent-structural module
materialinofWorkbench was in
key components used for analysis,
the device, such asand the boundary
the connecting conditions
pin, lever connecting pin,
were as follows:and
(1) steering
the rotation speed
rod. The of strength
tensile the lower link
of 40 Crwas
with1°/s, and the
a hardness rotation
of 207 timeMPa [18].
HB is 980
was 47.6 s; (2) the driving force of the hydraulic cylinder was applied to the device accord-
ing to the Equation (5); and (3) the analysis process was divided into 100 substeps. 45#
steel was used as the component material. The transient analysis results of the critical
components were shown in Figure 7.
1, x FOR Appl.
2021, 11, 9758 9 of
9 of13

Figure 7. Equivalent
Figure 7. Equivalent stress
stress of the of the device
device component
component during
during thethe liftingprocess.
lifting process.

3.3. Loading and Lifting Test

It could be seenThefrom the analysis
load-lifting deviceresults thatthethe
for testing equivalent
hydraulic stress
linkage of the
of large and components
medium horse-
changed significantly during the end stage of the lifting and loading process.
power power tractors was assembled, as shown in Figure 8. The hydraulic pump In particular,
station in
the equivalent stresses of the
the designed connecting
device pin, bearing
was purchased rod, steering
from Shenyang rod, andand
Boxroth hydraulic, lever connect-
the control box
was designed by Jilin Province Zhongyan Testing Equipment Co.,
ing pin were close to the tensile strength of 45# steel. It was necessary to adopt the mate- Ltd (Changchun, China).
The purchased hydraulic structure was placed at the same height as the tractor to leave the
rials with betterfactory.
performance than 45# steel to make the key components of the device. To
The load-lifting device was connected with the control box and hydraulic station
improve the usetosafety
monitor factor of theoflifting
the change height and loading
and loading device,
force during40 Crlifting
the wasprocess.
used asMeanwhile,
the ma-
terial of key components
the movement in of
the device, pin
connecting suchandasthe
the connecting
loading pin, lever
of the hydraulic connecting
cylinder pin,In
was control.
and steering rod. theThe the “∩” strength
test,tensile part moved ofdownward
40 Cr with driven by the hydraulic
a hardness of 207 loading
HB is 980cylinder,
MPaand the
lower link slid into the groove on the “∩” part. The connection pin realized the connection
between the lower link and the load-lifting device under the action of hydraulic drive. The
3.3. Loading and hydraulic
Lifting Test
loading cylinder loaded the lever to realize the loading of the lower link.
The load-lifting device for testing the hydraulic linkage of large and medium horse-
power power tractors was assembled, as shown in Figure 8. The hydraulic pump station
in the designed device was purchased from Shenyang Boxroth hydraulic, and the control
box was designed by Jilin Province Zhongyan Testing Equipment Co., Ltd (Changchun,
China). The purchased hydraulic structure was placed at the same height as the tractor to
leave the factory. The load-lifting device was connected with the control box and hydrau-
lic station to monitor the change of height and loading force during the lifting process.
Meanwhile, the movement of connecting pin and the loading of the hydraulic cylinder
was control. In the test, the “∩” part moved downward driven by the hydraulic loading
cylinder, and the lower link slid into the groove on the “∩” part. The connection pin real-
ized the connection between the lower link and the load-lifting device under the action of
hydraulic drive. The hydraulic loading cylinder loaded the lever to realize the loading of
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9758 10 of 13
ci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 13

Figure 8. The load-lifting device

Figure 8. of
lower link.device of the lower link.

3.3.1. Hooking3.3.1. Hooking

and Lifting and Lifting Test
In the
In the lifting test, thelifting test, the
automatic automatic
hooking successhooking
rate β,success rate β,time
the hooking the thooking time t1 , the lifting
1, the lifting

time t2, and thetime t2 , and

lifting the hlifting
height used ash the
were height were used as the
evaluation evaluation
indicators indicators
of the of the load-lifting
device. The testdevice. The test was
was repeated repeated
20 times. The 20 times.
results Theshown
were resultsinwere
Table shown in Table
2. It could be 2. It could be
concluded that the hydraulic linkage has good connecting
concluded that the hydraulic linkage has good connecting and lifting performance, and and lifting performance, and the
hooking success rate was 100%. The average hooking
the hooking success rate was 100%. The average hooking time of the device was 5.15 s, time of the device was 5.15 s, and the
average lifting time was 7.30 s. The lifting height of the
and the average lifting time was 7.30 s. The lifting height of the lower hitch point was lower hitch point was greater than
greater than 750750mm,
mm,whichwhichmet met the
the testing
testing requirements.
requirements. Compared
Compared withwith thethe average
average 10~15 min of
10~15 min of thethemanual
shorten the hooking
time, improve check efficiency and automation. Meanwhile,
the hooking time, improve check efficiency and automation. Meanwhile, the device could the device could realize the
unmanned connection with the lower
realize the unmanned connection with the lower link of the tractor. link of the tractor.

Table 2. Hitch and lifting test.

Table 2. Hitch and lifting test.
No β (%)
No t1 (s)
β (%)H (mm)
t1 (s) t2 (s) No
t2 (s) β (%)
No t1 (s) H (mm)
β (%) t1 (s) t2 (s) t2 (s)
(mm) (mm)
1 100 5 760 7 11 100 4 760 6
1 100 5 760 7 11 100 4 760 6
2 1002 6 100 762 6 8 762 12 8 10012 7 100 760 7 7 760 7
3 1003 4 100 761 4 8 761 13 8 10013 5 100 760 5 6 760 6
4 1004 6 100 760 6 9 760 14 9 10014 5 100 759 5 7 759 7
5 1005 6 100 759 6 8 759 15 8 10015 5 100 758 5 7 758 7
6 100 4 759 7 16 100 7 756 8
6 100 4 759 7 16 100 7 756 8
7 100 4 761 6 17 100 6 761 6
7 1008 4 100 761 5 6 760 17 9 10018 6 100 761 4 6 761 7
8 1009 5 100 760 5 9 760 18 8 10019 4 100 761 5 7 761 7
9 10010 5 100 760 6 8 760 19 7 10020 5 100 761 4 7 760 8
10 100 6 760 7 20 100 4 760 8
3.3.2. Loading Test
3.3.2. Loading Test After the lower link was connected to the device at the initial position, the hydraulic
After the loading
lower linkcylinder was applied
was connected todevice
to the the lower link
at the to perform
initial position,athe
load test. The actual load-
loading cylinderbearing performance
was applied to theoflower
the designed device was
link to perform tested
a load at the
test. Theparticular locations during
actual load-
the lifting process. The loading force of the lower link was increased
bearing performance of the designed device was tested at the particular locations during by 5 kN. The initial
the lifting process. The loading force of the lower link was increased by 5 kN. The initial
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Appl. Sci. 2021, 11,
11, 9758
11 of
of 13

value of the loading force of the lower link was was 55 kN,
kN, and
and the
the maximum
maximum value value was
was 40
40 kN.
The loading test was repeated five times under under thethe test
test conditions
conditions of of different
different load
load forces.
During the lifting process, the particular positions were as follows: initial position of
the lower link, thethe horizontal
horizontal position of the lower
lower link and
and the
the lever,
lever, the maximum height
of the lower link. The four special positions were defined
of the lower link. The four special positions were defined as Ι, II, as I, II,III,
When the
When thecomponents
componentswere wereinin different
different special
special positions
positions during
during the loading
the loading test,load-
test, the the
ing forceforce
of theoflower
the lower link was
link was collected
collected byforce
by the the force sensor.
sensor. The force
The force sensor sensor
was pur-was
chased fromfrom Shenzhen
Shenzhen Gensun
Gensun Technology
Technology Co.,Co.,
Ltd.Ltd. (China),
(China), withwith a capacity
a capacity loadload
of 100of
100 kN and an error of ± 0.05% of the full scale. The experimental results
kN and an error of ±0.05% of the full scale. The experimental results were shown in Figure were shown in
9. 9.

Figure 9.
Figure 9. Loading
Loading test.

According to to the
the test
test results,
results, when
when thethe initial
initial loading
loading force
force was
was 55 kN
kN and
and 10
10 kN,
kN, the
loading force
loading force of the lower rod could not be well maintained, and the loading force was
increased with
with the
the continuous
couldbebe solved
solved byby increas-
ing the hydraulic
the hydraulic pipepipe diameter
diameter and and increasing
increasing the return
the return oil speed.
oil speed. WhenWhen the loading
the loading force
of theoflower
the lower link exceeded
link exceeded 15 kN,15the
the variation
of theofloading
the loading
forceforce onlower
on the the lower link
link was
was small,
small, andload
and the the load
couldcould be kept
be kept stable.

4. Discussion
The study
The study designed
designed aa device
device based
based onon the
the four-bar
four-bar mechanism
mechanism to to test
test the
the lifting
lifting and
loading performance
loading performance of of the
the hydraulic
horsepower tractor.
tor. According to kinetic analysis,
to kinetic strength
analysis, check,
strength and and
check, experimental results,
experimental it was
results, shown
it was shownthat
the designed device could meet the actual use requirements. Compared
that the designed device could meet the actual use requirements. Compared with the pre- with the previous
test methods,
vious the designed
test methods, devicedevice
the designed significantly shortened
significantly the detection
shortened time. time.
the detection ComparedCom-
with the time consumed by the previous detection methods, the
pared with the time consumed by the previous detection methods, the average hooking average hooking time
between the device proposed by the present study and the lower link
time between the device proposed by the present study and the lower link was 5.15 s. It was 5.15 s. It could
could the way ofway
the connecting with a tractor
of connecting with aby manual
tractor by method
manual andmethodimprove
and the detection
improve the
safety of the large and medium horsepower tractor. Additionally, the
detection safety of the large and medium horsepower tractor. Additionally, the average average lifting time of
the device
lifting timewas 7.30device
of the s to raise
wasthe lower
7.30 s to link
a height
750tomm to 760 of
a height mm. 750Themmtest to cost
was reduced. Meanwhile, the device could avoid artificially connecting
mm. The test cost was reduced. Meanwhile, the device could avoid artificially connecting the loading device
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9758 12 of 13

and the lower link during the test, which could improve the safety factor of the tractor
test. The present study could provide a reference for the design of the loading–lifting
performance test device of the large and medium horsepower tractor. Additionally, it could
improve the intelligence and automation of tractor detection.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Q.C., Z.Y., J.X., B.M. and T.C.; methodology, Q.C., Z.Y.,
J.X., B.M., T.C., X.Z., L.W. and S.R.; validation, Q.C., Z.Y., J.X. and T.C.; literature search, Z.Y., J.X., B.M.
and T.C.; figures, Z.Y., J.X. and T.C.; formal analysis, Q.C., Z.Y., J.X., B.M. and T.C.; investigation., Q.C.,
X.Z. and L.W.; resources, Q.C.; data curation, Z.Y., J.X., T.C., X.Z., L.W. and S.R.; writing—original
draft, Z.Y., J.X. and T.C.; writing—review and editing, Q.C. and T.C.; visualization, Z.Y., J.X. and B.M.;
supervision, Q.C. and T.C.; project administration, Q.C. and T.C. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research has been supported by the National Key R&D Program during the 13th
Five-year Plan Period, China, grant number 2017YFD0700202; and the State Key Laboratory of
Automotive Simulation and Control, China, grant number 20171115.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data supporting the findings of this study are available in the article.
Conflicts of Interest: On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no
conflict of interest. The funder had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or
interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.

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