Construction Stage Analysis of Three-Dimensional Cable-Stayed Bridges

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Construction stage analysis of three-dimensional cable-stayed


Article  in  Steel and Composite Structures · May 2012

DOI: 10.12989/scs.2012.12.5.413

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2 authors:

Barbaros Atmaca Şevket Ateş

Karadeniz Technical University Karadeniz Technical University


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Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 12, No. 5 (2012) 413-426 413

Construction stage analysis of three-dimensional

cable-stayed bridges
Barbaros Atmaca and Sevket Ates*
Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, 61080, Trabzon, Turkey
(Received December 11, 2011, Revised March 20, 2012, Accepted March 22, 2012)

Abstract. In this paper, nonlinear static analysis of three-dimensional cable stayed bridges is performed for
the time dependent materials properties such as creep, shrinkage and aging of concrete and relaxation of cable.
Manavgat Cable-Stayed Bridge is selected as an application. The bridge located in Antalya, Turkey, was
constructed with balanced cantilever construction method. Total length of the bridge is 202 m. The bridge
consists of one ë shape steel tower. The tower is at the middle of the bridge span. The construction stages and
3D finite element model of bridge are modeled with SAP2000. Large displacement occurs in these types of
bridges so geometric nonlinearity is taken into consideration in the analysis by using P-Delta plus large
displacement criterion. The time dependent material strength and geometric variations are included in the
analysis. Two different finite element analyses carried out which are evaluated with and without construction
stages and results are compared with each other. As a result of these analyses, variation of internal forces such
as bending moment, axial forces and shear forces for bridge tower and displacement and bending moment for
bridge deck are given with detailed. It is seen that construction stage analysis has a remarkable effect on the
structural behavior of the bridge.
Keywords: manavgat cable-stayed bridge; construction stage analysis; time dependent material
properties; 3d finite element model; balanced cantilever method.

1. Introduction

Structures are primarily used for the purpose of protection, and later building of different structures
came into existence due to the different needs of human. One of the most attractive structures of these is
bridges. In general bridges consist of towers, supports and deck. The bridges are used since the
existence of human for beings to overcome obstacles such as rivers and deep valleys. Different types of
bridges occurred after human knowledge has increased. These types of bridges can be grouped with the
five main categories like girder, arch, truss, suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges. The basic
components of the cable-stayed bridges are deck, towers, main beams and cables. Unlike the suspended
bridge and cable-stayed bridge’s deck are directly connected to the tower with cable. Especially the
number of cable-stayed bridges, increased rapidly after World War II. Cable-stayed bridges appear
aesthetically pleasing, economical and easy construction that increased the area of application.
The constructions of large engineering structures such as bridges take a long time. During the
construction of bridge, loads which structure is exposed continuously vary with time. But analysis of
* Corresponding author, Assistant Professor, E-mail: [email protected]
414 Barbaros Atmaca and Sevket Ates

structure with traditional method is considered structure constructed and loaded in a moment. But this
situation does not reflect the actual behavior of structure because the properties of materials which used
in structure changes with time. It could not be possible obtaining realistic results from non-anticipating
real construction behavior settlement. The analysis of large engineering structures according to
construction process like in the field will provide more realistic results to be obtained. Therefore,
bridges and structure such as long-term building process, during the analysis of these structures time
dependent material properties and construction stages must be taken into account. In the literature,
some papers exist about the construction stage analysis of the bridges considering time dependent
material properties. Nazmy (1987) studied on cable-stayed bridges and emphasized cable-stayed
bridges required a non-linear analysis due to major changes in bridge geometry. In that study, it was
reported that two-dimensional model of cable-stayed bridge could not reflect real behavior of bridges
because two-dimensional model does not show the effects of the third dimension. Cluyet and Shepherd
(1990) researched the effects of the time and external influences on the cable-stayed bridges. Abbas
(1993) focused on the analysis of cable-stayed bridges built with balanced cantilever method by
considering time-dependent effects such as shrinkage creep and relaxation while taking account of the
bridge modeled as a two-dimensional. Somja and Goyet (2008) came up with an efficient numerical
procedure for materially and geometrically nonlinear finite element analysis of segmentally erected
structures including time dependent effects due to load history, creep, shrinkage and aging of concrete.
In that study, it was observed that time have a strong influence, especially, on concrete type structures.
Therefore, it was emphasized that these effects must be taken into account in the design process. Cho
and Kim (2008) evaluated the risks in a suspension bridge by considering an ultimate limit state for the
fracture of main cable wires. They examined the results compared with the conventional safety indices
and allowable error for the control of deformations during construction. Altunisik et al. (2010) carried
out the construction stage analysis of highway bridges constructed with balanced cantilever method
using time dependent material properties. Ates (2010) examined the finite element analysis of long-
span, concrete box girder highway bridges by balanced cantilever method. The time dependent material
properties are also considered. Soyluk et al. (2010) studied non-linear analysis of cable bridges using
balanced cantilever method. Malm and Sundquist (2010) studied the time-dependent analyses of
segmentally constructed balanced cantilever bridges.
As seen in literature, studies on construction stage analysis of three dimensional cable-stayed bridges
not enough and need to be enlarged by inserting new studies. So, in this paper, Manavgat Cable-Stayed
Bridge which constructed with balanced cantilever method is selected as an application. Construction
stage analysis of three dimensional model of the bridge is performed with using time dependent
material properties.

2. Description of manavgat cable-stayed bridge

In this study, Manavgat Cable-Stayed Bridge is preferred for a numerical application. The bridge is
first example of the cable-stayed bridge of Turkey. The bridge, shown in Fig. 1, is 202 m long and
13.7 m in width, with equal spans of 101 m; and designed for two lanes of road traffic. The bridge have
approximately 42 m λ shape steel pylon; which is 40 m in height above the steel deck. The pylon has a
hollow hexagonal cross-section. The deck of bridge is composite and consists of 25 cm thick concrete,
10 cm thick asphalt and steel profiles. The main I cross section steel profiles which is used in the deck
extends continuously from one end to the other end of the bridge.
Construction stage analysis of three-dimensional cable-stayed bridges 415

Fig. 1 Manavgat Cable-Stayed Bridge

Fig. 2 The schematic form of Manavgat Cable-Stayed Bridge

Deck of the bridge is supported with 28 steel cables which is a link to tower. The distance between the
pylon and the closest cable to the pylon is 19.6 m while the distance between cables is 12 m. Distance
between supports which are on shore and last cable connection point on the deck is 9.4 m, as well. The
schematic form of Manavgat Cable-Stayed Bridge is shown in Fig. 2 and stay cable properties are given
in Table 1.

3. Finite element model of the bridge

Three-dimensional finite element model is formed in SAP2000 (2008) in order to determine the
structural behavior of Manavgat Cable-Stayed Bridge. The bridge model consist of 2257 nodal points,
28 truss elements, 1102 beam elements and 1980 area elements. The deck and tower are represented
with beam elements while cables are described by using truss elements. The computer model of the
bridge is given in Fig. 3.
416 Barbaros Atmaca and Sevket Ates

Table 1 Stay cable properties

Number of Diameter of Total area of
Cable No
strands strands (mm) cable (mm2)
A1 15 15,2 2722
A2 16 15,2 2903
A3 19 15,2 3448
A4 19 15,2 3448
A5 22 15,2 3992
A6 19 15,2 3448
A7 24 15,2 4355
B1 15 15,2 2722
B2 16 15,2 2903
B3 19 15,2 3448
B4 19 15,2 3448
B4 22 15,2 3992
B6 19 15,2 3448
B7 24 15,2 4355

Fig. 3 Three-dimensional finite element model of the Bridge

4. The construction stages

The structural analysis methods excluding are assumed that the structures are built and loaded at one
time. In addition, time dependent material properties are not taken into account in these methods. On
the contrary, the constructions of large engineering structures take a long time and major changes in the
properties of the material occur during this time. In construction stage analysis of the structure time-
dependent material changes taken into accounting and construction stage of structure modelling same
way in the computer how structure building in the field. The construction of Manavgat Cable-Stayed
Bridge has 13 stages. The total construction period is taken as 243 days. Some of the stages are given in
Fig. 4. The schedule related to the construction stages are shown in Table 2.
Construction stage analysis of three-dimensional cable-stayed bridges 417

Fig. 4 Some construction stages of the bridge

418 Barbaros Atmaca and Sevket Ates

Table 2 Construction schedule of Manavgat Cable-Stayed Bridge

Stage Number Construction phase Time (Day)
1 Completion of the concrete pylon base 30
2 The construction of the steel pylon base 20
3 Completion of the construction of the tower 20
4 The construction of the first deck segment 30
5 to 11 The construction of steel deck segments 7×20
12 The construction of reinforced concrete slab 3
13 Completion of the asphalt layer 1
Total 243

5. Time dependent material properties

In order to determine the effect of material properties for structural behavior of Manavgat Cable-
Stayed Bridge, relaxation of steel material, creep, shrinkage and aging of concrete are taken into
account. Selected analysis parameters to consider time dependent material properties are given in Table

5.1 Time dependent properties for concrete

5.1.1 Compressive strength

The compressive strength of concrete at an age t depends on the type of cement, temperature and
curing conditions. The relative compressive strength of concrete at various ages may be estimated by
the following formula (CEB-FIP 1990)

Table 3 Selected parameters for time dependent material properties

Concrete Prestress steel
Nonlinear material Hysteresis type Kinematic Kinematic
data Stress-Strain diagram User defined User defined
Elasticity modulus Yes YES
Creep Yes N/A
Shrinkage Yes N/A
Creep analysis type Full N/A
Cement type coefficient 0.25 N/A
Time dependent Relative humidity % 50 N/A
properties Notional size 0.1 N/A
Shrinkage coefficient 5 N/A
Shrinkage start age 0 N/A
Steel relaxation N/A Yes
Relaxation analysis type N/A Full integration
CEB-FIP class N/A 1
Construction stage analysis of three-dimensional cable-stayed bridges 419

f cm ( t ) = β cc ( t )f cm (1)

in which βcc(t) is a coefficient with depends on the age of concrete and is calculated by
⎧ 28-⎞ 1 ⁄ 2 ⎫
β cc ( t ) = exp ⎨ s 1 – ⎛ -------- ⎬ (2)
⎝ t ⁄ t 1⎠
⎩ ⎭
fcm(t) is the mean concrete compressive strength at an age of t days, fcm is the mean compressive
strength after 28 days, t is the age of concrete in days and s is a cement type coefficient. The mean
concrete compressive strength is given in Fig. 5

5.1.2 Aging of concrete

The modulus of elasticity of concrete changes with time. For this reason, the modulus at an age t ≠ 28
days may be estimated as below equation

E ci ( t ) = E ci β cc ( t ) (3)

where Eci(t) is the modulus of elasticity at age of t days; Eci is the modulus of elasticity at an age of 28
days; βcc(t) is a coefficient which depends on the age of concrete. For the deck and the piers of the
example bridge, the aging of concrete is plotted in Fig. 6

5.1.3 Shrinkage of concrete

The CEB-FIP Model Code (1990) gives the following equation of total shrinkage strain of concrete

ε cs ( t, t s ) = ε cso β s ( t – t s ) (4)

where εcso is notional shrinkage coefficient; βs is the coefficient to describe the development of
shrinkage with time; t is the age of concrete in days and ts is the age of concrete in days at the beginning
of shrinkage. The notional shrinkage coefficient may be obtained from

Fig. 5 Variation of the mean concrete compressive Fig. 6 Aging of concrete in days
strength with days
420 Barbaros Atmaca and Sevket Ates

ε cso = ε s ( f cm )β RH (5a)
f cm ⎞
ε s ( f cm ) = 160 + 10β sc ⎛ 9 – -------- (5b)
⎝ f cmo⎠
where fcm is the mean compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days in MPa; fcmo is taken as
10 MPa; βsc is a coefficient ranging from 4 to 8 which depends on the type of cement.
β RH = – 1.55β sRH 40% ≤ RH < 99%
β RH = 0.25 RH ≥ 99%
RH-⎞ 3
β sRH = 1 – ⎛ --------- (7)
⎝ RH o⎠
with RH is the relative humidity of the ambient atmosphere (%) and RHo is 100%. The development
of shrinkage with time is given by
( t – ts ) ⁄ t1
βs ( t – ts ) = -------------------------------------------------------
- (8)
350 ( h ⁄ h o ) + ( t – t s ) ⁄ t 1
where h is the notional size of member (mm) and is calculated by h = 2Ac / u in which Ac is the cross-
section and u is the perimeter of the member in contact with the atmosphere; ho = 100 mm and t1 =
1 day. For the deck and the piers of the example bridge, the shrinkage strain of concrete depending on
relative humidity, notional size and shrinkage coefficient is depicted in Fig. 7.

5.1.4 Creep
The effect is calculated using creep model [17]. For a constant stress applied at time to, this leads to
σc ( to )
ε cc ( t, t o ) = -------------
- φ ( t, t o ) (9)
E ci
in which σc(to) is the stress at an age of loading to; φ(t, to) is the creep coefficient and is calculated

Fig. 7 Time dependent shrinkage strain of concrete

Construction stage analysis of three-dimensional cable-stayed bridges 421


φ ( t, t o ) = β c ( t – t o )φ o (10)

where βc is the coefficient to describe the development of creep with time after loading; t is the age of
concrete in days at the moment considered; to is the age of concrete at loading in days. The creep
coefficient is explained by

φ o = φ RH β ( f cm )β ( t o ) (11a)

1 – ⎛ ---------
⎝ RH 0⎠
φ RH = 1 + ---------------------------
- (11b)
h 1⁄3
0.46 ⎛ -----⎞
⎝ h o⎠

β ( f cm ) = ------------- (11c)
f cm
f cmo
β ( t o ) = ---------------------------
- (11d)
t 0.2
0.1 + ⎛ ---o⎞
⎝ t 1⎠

All parameter is defined above. The development of creep with time is given by
( t – to ) ⁄ t1
β c ( t – t o ) = ------------------------------------ (12a)
βH + ( t – to ) ⁄ t1

⎧ RH 18 ⎫ h
β H = 150 ⎨ 1 + ⎛ 1.2 ----------⎞ ⎬ ----- + 250 ≤ 1500 (12b)
⎝ RH o⎠ h o
⎩ ⎭
where t1 = 1 day; RHo = 100 and ho = 100 mm. In the analysis, the creep coefficient of concrete is
given in Fig. 8 for the deck and the piers having different notional size

5.2 Time dependent properties for steel

According to CEB-FIP Model Code, relaxation classes referring to the relaxation at 1000 hours are
divided into three groups for prestressing steels. The first relaxation class is defined as the normal
relaxation characteristics for wires and strands, the second class is defined as improved relaxation
characteristics for wires and strands, and the last one is defined as relaxation characteristics for bars.
For an estimate of relaxation up to 30 years the following formula may be applied
t -⎞
ρ t = ρ 1000 ⎛ ----------- (13)
⎝ 1000⎠
where ρt is the relaxation after t hours; ρ1000 is the relaxation after 1000 hours; k ≈ log(ρ1000/ρ100) in
422 Barbaros Atmaca and Sevket Ates

Fig. 8 Time dependent creep coefficient Fig. 9 Time dependent relaxation coefficient of pre-
stressing steel

which k to be 0.12 for relaxation class 1, and 0.19 relaxation class 2; ρ100 is the relaxation after 100
hours. Normally, the long-term values of the relaxation are taken from long-term tests. However, it may
be assumed that the relaxation after 50 years and more is three times the relaxation after 1000 hours. In
the example bridge, all tendons compose of 19 strands with φ15.2 mm ant they are categorized as the
normal relaxation characteristics for wires and strands, so the relaxation class is taken as class1. The
relaxation coefficient as per mentioned properties is given in Fig. 9.

6. Numerical results

The construction stage analysis is performed using SAP2000 (2008) program. P-Delta plus large
displacements and geometric nonlinearity options are considered due to large displacements occurred
in the bridge body and this cause geometric nonlinearity, such as cable sag, axial force-bending moment
interaction in the bridge deck and tower, and change of the bridge geometry. Dead and additional loads
are taken due to weight of all elements and 10 cm thickness asphalt on the deck.

6.1 Deck response

Distribution of bending moments and vertical displacements along the deck obtained from the
analysis with and without construction stage are given in Figs. 10 and 11. The maximum values of
bending moment are reached to at the junction of tower and deck. The maximum values of bending
moment achieve 6105 kNm and 5295 kNm for the analysis with and without construction stages,
The maximum value of vertical displacement occurs at the far from the pylon and close to the anchors
on shore. The maximum vertical displacement occurs 33 cm and 21.4 cm for the analysis with and
without construction stages, respectively.
Construction stage analysis of three-dimensional cable-stayed bridges 423

Fig. 10 Variation of deck bending moments

Fig. 11 Variation of vertical deck displacements

Fig. 12 Vertical displacements along the height of Fig. 13 Horizontal displacements along the height
the bridge tower of the bridge tower
424 Barbaros Atmaca and Sevket Ates

6.2 Tower response

The vertical and horizontal displacements shown in Figs. 12 and 13 on the pylon are very small. The
maximum vertical displacement is 0.09 cm while the maximum horizontal displacement was 0.13 cm
when the construction stage analysis is not considered. However, the construction stage analysis is
considered, the maximum vertical displacement is 0.25 cm while the maximum horizontal displacement
is 0.22 cm.
Axial force and shear forces that occurred along the height of the pylon are presented in Figs. 14 and
15. The result of both analyses show that the axial forces increase from top to bottom of the pylon. The
maximum value of the axial force is obtained as 28512 kN and 25483 kN from the analysis with and
without construction stage, respectively.
The bending moment along the height of the tower is given in Fig. 16. The bending moment reached
maximum value at the junction point of the pylon.

Fig. 14 Axial force along the height of the tower Fig. 15 Shear force along the height of the tower

Fig. 16 Changing of bending moment along the height of the tower

Construction stage analysis of three-dimensional cable-stayed bridges 425

7. Conclusions

The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the construction stages and time-dependent material
properties on structural behavior of cable-stayed bridges. Manavgat Cable-Stayed Bridge was selected
as an example. The assumed material and cross sectional properties are taken from a real bridge. The
maximum and minimum response values of the bridges are compared with each other. From the point
of view of the investigation carried out, the following conclusions are reached:
The bending moments, while the construction stage is considered, are significantly greater than those
of inconsideration of the construction stage. The deck bending moments are increased around 15% in
case of consideration of construction stages in the analysis. Similarly, the deck displacements are also
increased around 54% in case of consideration of construction stages in the analysis. The results clearly
show that consideration of construction stage in the analysis increases the deck bending moments and
When the results of the construction stage analysis are compared to inconsideration of the
construction stage analysis, it is seen that there are differences between internal forces and
displacements for the deck and the pylon. It means that the analysis in case of inconsideration of
construction stages may not give the reliable solution.
Large differences observed between the results with and without considering construction stages. It
can be stated that the analysis with construction stages may give more reliable solutions.
Construction stage analysis using time dependent material properties and geometric nonlinearity
should be considered. It specifically is very important for bridges, because construction period continue
along time and loads may change during the construction period and after.


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