Column Design Calculations

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Definitions Of Terms:
All forces in units 'kN' and 'm'
All reinforcement details like area, spacing in 'mm'
Neutral axis angle for resultant design moment is with respect to local major axis.

1 βdns = Ratio to account for reduction of stiffness of

columns due to sustained axial loads

2 δns = Moment magnification factor for frames not

braced against sidesway
3 Δo = First-order relative deflection between the top
and bottom of the story due to Vu in 'kN'
4 ∑Pu = Total factored vertical load in 'kN'. (Clause 406.6.4.4)
5 δu = Design displacement in 'mm'
6 λ = Modification factor reflecting the reduced
mechanical properties Of concrete
7 ac = Coefficient defining the relative contribution Of
concrete strength To nominal wall shear strength
Cross-sectional area of a structural member measured
8 Ach = to the outside edges of transverse
reinforcement in 'sqmm'
Gross area of concrete section bounded by web
9 Acv = thickness And length of section in the
direction Of shear force considered in 'sqmm'
Effective cross-sectional area within a joint In a plane
10 Aj = parallel To plane Of reinforcement generating
shear In the joint in 'sqmm'

11 As = Area Of non-prestressed longitudinal

tension reinforcement in 'sqmm'
12 Avmin = Minimum area Of shear reinforcement within
spacing 's' in 'sqmm'
13 B = Width of column/ wall in 'mm'
Cross-sectional dimension of member core measured
14 bc1 and dc1 = to the outside edges of the transverse
reinforcement composing area Ash in 'mm'
15 c = Distance from extreme compression fiber to
neutral axis in 'mm'
16 Cc = Clear cover to longitudinal reinforcement in 'mm'
17 Cm = Factor relating actual moment diagram to
an equivalent uniform moment diagram
18 D = Depth / diameter of column in 'mm'
19 d = Distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid
of longitudinal tension reinforcement in 'mm'

20 d' = Distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid

of longitudinal compression reinforcement,'mm'
21 Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete in 'N/sqmm'
22 EI = Flexural stiffness of compression member in 'Nsqmm'

23 f'c = Specified compressive strength of concrete cylinder

in 'N/sqmm'

24 fy = Specified yield strength of reinforcement

in 'N/sqmm'
25 fyt = Specified yield strength fy of
transverse reinforcement in 'N/sqmm'
26 hw = Height of entire wall from base to top of wall
segment considered in 'mm'
27 Icr = Moment of Inertia of concrete crack section
28 k = Effective length factor for compression member
29 lc
= Length of compression member in a frame, measured
center-to-center of the joints in the frame in 'mm'
30 lg Moment of inertia of gross concrete section about
= 4
centroidal axis neglecting reinforcement in 'mm '
31 lw = Length of entire wall in 'mm'

32 lux = Un-supported length for compression member

along D in 'mm'
33 luy = Un-supported length for compression member
along B in 'mm'
34 MCap = Moment capacity of section for a given NA angle
at design Pu in 'kNm '
35 Mcr = Cracking Moment
36 MRes
= Resultant design moment at a given load angle
to local major axis in 'kNm '
Factored moment amplified for the effects of member
37 Mc = curvature used for design of compression
member in 'kNm'
38 Mm
= Factored moment modified to account for effect
of axial compression in 'kNm'
39 Mmx
= Factored moment along D of column modified to
account for effect of axial compression in 'kNm'
40 Mmy
= Factored moment along D of column modified to
account for effect of axial compression in 'kNm'
41 Mur
= Sqrt (Mmy^2 + Mmx^2) for circular column in 'kNm'
42 Mux
= Factored moment acting on a section along D in
'kNm' from Analysis (Momemt About Major Axis)
43 Muy
= Factored moment acting on a section along B in
'kNm' from Analysis (Momemt About Minor Axis)
44 M1
= Smaller factored end moment on a
compression member in 'kNm'
45 M1ns
= Factored end moment on a compression member at
the end at which M1 acts, due to loads that cause no
appreciable sidesway in 'kNm'
Factored end moment on compression member at the
46 M1s = end at which M1 acts, due to loads that
cause appreciable sidesway in 'kNm'

47 M1sldr = Smaller factored end moment on a compression

member due to slenderness effect in 'kNm'

48 M2 = Larger factored end moment on compression

member in 'kNm'

49 M2min = Minimum value of moment M2 as per minimum

eccentricity of column
Factored end moment on compression member at the
50 M2ns = end at which M2 acts, due to loads that
cause no appreciable sidesway in 'kNm'
Factored end moment on compression member at the
51 M2s = end at which M2 acts, due to loads that
cause appreciable sidesway in 'kNm'

52 M2sldr = Largest factored end moment on a compression

member due to slenderness effect in 'kNm'
53 Mnb = Flexure Capacity for Beam
54 Mnc = Flexure Capacity for Column

55 Mnty = Nominal Flexure strength of column at top

along depth in 'kNm'
56 Mnby = Nominal Flexure strength of column at bottom
along depth in 'kNm'
57 Mntx = Nominal Flexure strength of column at top
along width in 'kNm'
58 Mnbx
= Nominal Flexure strength of column at bottom
along width in 'kNm'
59 Nu
= Factored axial force normal to cross section
occurring simultaneously with Vu in 'kN'
60 Pc
= Critical buckling load in 'kN'
Ratio of area of distributed transverse reinforcement
61 pt
= to gross concrete area perpendicular to
that reinforcement
62 Pω
= Ratio of As to B x d
63 Q
= Stability index for storey
64 r
= Radius of gyration of cross section of a
compression member in 'mm'
65 Vc
= Nominal shear strength provided by concrete in 'kN'
66 Vj
= Shear Force acting at the joint in 'kN'
67 Vn
= Nominal shear strength in 'kN'
68 Vn'
= Nominal shear strength at joint in 'kN'
69 Vs
= nominal shear strength provided by
shear reinforcement in 'kN'
70 Vs permissible
= Maximum nominal shear strength provided by
shear reinforcement in 'kN'
71 Vur
= Factored resultant shear force acting on the column
in 'kN'
72 Vus = Factored horizontal shear in a storey in 'kN'

73 Vux = Factored shear at section along B in 'kN'

(From Analysis)

74 Vux1 = Shear induced due to column flexural capacity

along width,'kN'
75 Vux2 = Shear due to enhanced earthquake factor
along width, 'kN'
76 Vuy = Factored shear at section along D in 'kN'
(From Analysis)
77 Vuy1 = Shear induced due to column flexural capacity
along depth, 'kN'
78 Vuy2 = Shear due to enhanced earthquake factor along
depth, 'kN'
79 y = Neutral axis depth.
80 β
= It is a Neutral Axis angle corresponding to load
angle to find out MCap

Code References:

NSCP - 2015
Sr.No Element Clause / table
Minimum area of longitudinal :
1 418.7.4
reinforcement for column
Maximum area of longitudinal :
2 418.7.4
reinforcement for column
Minimum longitudinal and :
3 418.10.2.1
transverse reinforcement for wall
4 Minimum diameter of transverse ties :
Minimum spacing of transverse ties :
5 425.7.2
Maximum spacing of longitudinal and :
6 418.10.2.1
transverse reinforcement for wall
7 Applicability of boundary element 418.10.6
Area and spacing of special :
8 418.7.5
confining reinforcement
9 Slenderness Moments :
Shear Strength provided by concrete :
10 422.5.5
for column
11 Design of shear for non-ductile wall :
12 Design of shear for ductile wall :
13 Minimum Flexural Strength of :
14 Columns Shear Check at Column Joint :
15 Shear Strength of 418.3.3, 418.4 & 418.6.5
16 Column fs,perm 424.3.2.1
17 fc,perm : A.3.1 (ACI 318-99)
18 Wcr : Eq 1-2 ( ACI 224R-01)
Lateral Load case is not been considered in analysis

General Data
Column No. : C1
Level : 0 m To 2 m
Frame Type = Non-Ductile
Response Modification Coefficient = 3
Design Code = NSCP - 2015
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy227 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 40 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Flexural Design (Analysis Forces)

Analysis Reference No. = 28
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 6
Load Combination = [4] : 1.2 (LOAD 1: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 2: LL)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 157.89 kN
Muxt = -1.78 kNm
Muyt = -3.82 kNm
Vuxt = -3.18 kN
Vuyt = 1.59 kN
Pub = 162.98 kN
Muxb = 1.4 kNm
Muyb = 2.54 kNm
Vuxb = -3.18 kN
Vuyb = 1.59 kN

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.01
0.01< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway
frame (Braced)

Along B
Q = 0.01
0.01< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 19.63
M1 = 1.4 kNm
M2 = -1.78 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.63 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 19.63
M1 = 2.54 kNm
M2 = -3.82 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.63 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -1.78 - -1.78
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 1.4 - 1.4
Minor Axis Muy (top) -3.82 - -3.82
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 2.54 - 2.54

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 157.89 kN
Mux = -1.78 kNm
Muy = -3.82 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 174.47 kN
Mux = 1.34 kNm
Muy = 2.7 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.4
φ Pn, Max = 959.5 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Pu = 174.47 kN
φ Pn = 959.5 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.4
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#12

Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)

= 65.04 deg
MRes = 4.21 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 46.24 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.091 < 1

Shear Design (Analysis Forces)

Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 6
Critical Load Combination = [4] : 1.2 (LOAD 1: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 2:
Nu = 157.89 kN
Muy = 1.78 kNm
Vuy = 1.59 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
Deff = 252 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.017
Mm = -16.93 kNm
φVcy = 91.85 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Critical Load Combination =
Nu = 168.44 kN
Mux = 4.04 kNm
Vux = -3.37 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 252 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.017
Mm = -15.92 kNm
φVcx = 92.88 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Link Rebar Number = 10
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 192 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 175 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Rebar
10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 175 --- --- 175 ---

General Data
Column No. : C1
Level : 2 m To 5.5 m
Frame Type = Non-Ductile
Response Modification Coefficient = 3
Design Code = NSCP - 2015
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy227 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 40 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 3200 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 3200 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Flexural Design (Analysis Forces)

Analysis Reference No. = 29
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 7
Load Combination = [5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2: LL)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 148.24 kN
Muxt = 13.12 kNm
Muyt = 26.07 kNm
Vuxt = 9.96 kN
Vuyt = -5.16 kN
Pub = 158.79 kN
Muxb = -4.94 kNm
Muyb = -8.78 kNm
Vuxb = 9.96 kN
Vuyb = -5.16 kN
Check For Stability Index
Along D
Q = 0.01
0.01< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.01
0.01< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 36.95
M1 = -4.94 kNm
M2 = 13.12 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.51
36.95 < 38.51, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 36.95
M1 = -8.78 kNm
M2 = 26.07 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.04
36.95 < 38.04, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 13.12 - 13.12
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -4.94 - -4.94
Minor Axis Muy (top) 26.07 - 26.07
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -8.78 - -8.78

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))
Final Critical Design Forces
Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 148.24 kN
Mux = 13.12 kNm
Muy = 26.07 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 158.79 kN
Mux = -4.94 kNm
Muy = -8.78 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.4
φ Pn, Max = 959.5 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Pu = 158.79 kN
φ Pn = 959.5 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.4
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#12
Load Angle = Tan (Muy/Mux)
= 63.28 deg
MRes = 29.19 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 45.52 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.641 < 1

Shear Design (Analysis Forces)

Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Critical Load Combination =
Nu = 148.24 kN
Muy = 13.12 kNm
Vuy = -5.16 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
Deff = 252 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.017
Mm = -4.45 kNm
φVcy = 90.9 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Critical Load Combination =
Nu = 148.24 kN
Mux = 26.07 kNm
Vux = 9.96 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 252 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.017
Mm = 8.5 kNm
φVcx = 45.98 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Link Rebar Number = 10
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 192 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 175 mm
Table For Links
Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Rebar
10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 175 --- --- 175 ---

General Data
Column No. : C1
Level : 5.5 m To 8.5 m
Frame Type = Non-Ductile
Response Modification Coefficient = 3
Design Code = NSCP - 2015
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy227 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 40 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2700 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2700 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Flexural Design (Analysis Forces)

Analysis Reference No. = 30
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 7
Load Combination = [5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2: LL)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 17.12 kN
Muxt = 6.57 kNm
Muyt = 9.98 kNm
Vuxt = 13.35 kN
Vuyt = -7.6 kN
Pub = 26.16 kN
Muxb = -16.24 kNm
Muyb = -30.06 kNm
Vuxb = 13.35 kN
Vuyb = -7.6 kN

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.01
0.01< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.01
0.01< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 31.18
M1 = 6.57 kNm
M2 = -16.24 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.86
31.18 < 38.86, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 31.18
M1 = 9.98 kNm
M2 = -30.06 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 37.98
31.18 < 37.98, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 6.57 - 6.57
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -16.24 - -16.24
Minor Axis Muy (top) 9.98 - 9.98
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -30.06 - -30.06

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 26.16 kN
Mux = -16.24 kNm
Muy = -30.06 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 26.16 kN
Mux = -16.24 kNm
Muy = -30.06 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.4
φ Pn, Max = 959.5 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Load Combination =
Pu = 26.16 kN
φ Pn = 959.5 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.4
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#16 + 4-#12

Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)

= 61.63 deg
MRes = 34.17 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 37.44 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.913 < 1

Shear Design (Analysis Forces)

Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Critical Load Combination =
Nu = 26.16 kN
Muy = 16.24 kNm
Vuy = -7.6 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
Deff = 252 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.017
Mm = 13.14 kNm
φVcy = 43.59 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 7
[5] : 1.42 (LOAD 1: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 2:
Critical Load Combination =
Nu = 26.16 kN
Mux = 30.06 kNm
Vux = 13.35 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 252 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.017
Mm = 26.96 kNm
φVcx = 43.25 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Link Rebar Number = 10
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 192 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 175 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Rebar
10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 175 --- --- 175 ---

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