Safety in Coal Mines

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Annual Report | 2019-20

Ministry of Coal


Coal mining poses several inherent, operational and occupational Sl. No. Statute
hazards and associated risks to the work persons. Hence, safety
3 The Coal Mines Regulations, 2017
is always an utmost priority for Coal Companies and is one of the
main ingredients of their mission statements. Coal companies 4 The Mines Rescue Rules, 1985
have adopted a well-defined safety policy, which is the core of 5 The Electricity Act, 2003
all safety initiatives. There are well designed Safety Management
Plans in place for all mines to ensure safety with an aim to 6 The Central Electricity Authority (measures related
to safety & supply) Regulations, 2010
achieve “Zero Harm Potential (ZHP)”.
7 The Mines Vocational Training Rules, 1966
Statutory Frame Work for Coal Mine Safety: 8 The Mines Crèche Rules, 1966
Coal mining, world over, is highly regulated industry due to 9 The Indian Explosive Act, 1884
presence of many inherent, operational and Occupational
Hazards. Coal Mine Safety Legislation in India is one of the most 10 The Explosive Rules, 2008
comprehensive and extensive statutory framework for ensuring 11 The Indian Boiler Act, 1923
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). Compliance of these
12 The Mines Maternity Benefit Act & Rules, 1963
safety statutes is mandatory. The operations in coal mines are
regulated by the Mines Act, 1952, the Mine Rules, 1955, the 13 The Workmen Compensation Act, 2010
Coal Mine Regulation, 2017 and several other statutes framed
14 The Factories Act, 1948, Chapter -III & IV
thereunder. Some of the important statutes related to coal mine
safety are as follows:
Safety Monitoring by Statutory Regulator: The Directorate
Sl. No. Statute General of Mine Safety (DGMS) is vested with the responsibility
1 The Mines Act, 1952 to ensure compliance of provisions under the Mines Act, 1952
and Rules & Regulations made there under for improvement in
2 The Mines Rules, 1955
standard of safety in mines. The structure of DGMS is as follows:

Annual Report | 2019-20

Safety in mines of Coal India Limited implementation of which is closely monitored at several levels.
Details of Safety Policy of CIL are as under:
Safety is ingrained in mission statement of CIL and is one of the
most important components in overall business strategy. CIL • Operations and systems will be planned and designed to
has framed a well-defined safety policy to ensure safety in all eliminate or materially reduce mining hazards;
mines and establishments. CIL has already established a multi-
• Implement Statutory Rules and Regulations and
disciplinary Internal Safety Organization (ISO) in all subsidiaries
strenuous efforts made for achieving superior standards
for the implementation of CIL Safety Policy. All operations,
of safety;
systems and processes of CIL are meticulously planned and
designed with due regard to safety, conservation, sustainable • To bring about improvement in working conditions by
development and clean environment. Work place hazards and suitable changes in technology;
associated risksof mining operationsare identified and Safety
• Provide material and monetary resources needed for the
Management Plan is prepared for each mine. CIL always
smooth and efficient execution of Safety Plans;
encourages employees’ participations in safety management
so as to promote a proactive safety culture and improve safety • Deploy safety personnel wholly for accidents for accident
awareness amongst all concerned. Various initiatives are being prevention work;
taken to achieve “Zero Harm Potential (ZHP)” in mines.
• Organize appropriate forums with employees’
Safety Policy of CIL: Safety is always given prime importance representatives for Joint consultations on safety matters
in the operations of CIL as embodied in the mission. CIL has and secure their motivation and commitment in Safety
formulated a Safety Policy for ensuring safety in mines and Management;


• Prepare annual Safety Plan and long term Safety Plan at company headquarters and Area Safety Officers at area
beginning of every calendar year, unit-wise and for the level;
company, to effect improved safety in operations as per
• All senior executives at all levels of management, will
respective geo-mining needs to prepare the units for
continue to inculcate a safety consciousness and develop
onset of monsoon, to fulfill implementation of decisions
involvement in practicing safety towards accident
by Committee on Safety in Mines and Safety Conferences
prevention in their functioning;
and to take measures for overcoming accident proneness
as may be reflected through study of accident analysis, • Institute continuous education, training and retraining
keeping priority in sensitive areas of roof-falls, haulage, all employees with the accent placed on development of
explosives, machinery etc. safety oriented skills;

• Set up a frame work for execution of the Safety Policy and • Continue efforts to better the living conditions and help
Plans through the General Managers of Areas, Agents, of all the employees both in and outside the mines.
Managers and other safety personnel of the Mines;
Safety Monitoring in CIL: Besides monitoring by statutory
• Multi-level monitoring of the implementation of the regulators, safety in CIL mines is being monitored at various
Safety Plans through Internal Safety Organization at the levels:

Annual Report | 2019-20

Safety Implementation in CIL: Organizational hierarchy for implementation of Safety Policy in mines of CIL is as under:

Analysis of Accident Statistics in CIL

Accidents statistics is the relative indicator for safety status in mining methods, machineries and safety monitoring
mines. Over the years the safety performance of CIL has improved mechanism.
• Constant vigil, round the clock supervision and assistances
This improvement in safety is attributed to the following factors: from all concerned quarters.

• Collective commitment and synergetic collaboration of • Continuous improvement in knowledge, skill and
the management and employees. awareness of workforce through imparting quality
training and relentless safety awareness drives.
• Use of state-of-the-art technology in the field of


Salient features of continuous and sustained improvement in CIL’s safety performance:

Table: 1 - Comparative Accidents Statistics of CIL (5 Yearly Average) since 1975

Av. Fatal Accidents Av. Serious Accidents Av. Fatality Rate Av. Serious Injury Rate
Per Per 3 Lac Per Per 3 Lac
frame Accident Fatalities Accident Injuries
Mill. Te Manshifts Mill. Te Manshifts

1975-79 157 196 1224 1278 2.18 0.44 14.24 2.89

1980-84 122 143 1018 1065 1.29 0.30 9.75 2.26

1985-89 133 150 550 571 0.98 0.30 3.70 1.15

1990-94 120 145 525 558 0.694 0.30 2.70 1.19

1995-99 98 124 481 513 0.50 0.29 2.06 1.14

2000-04 68 82 499 526 0.28 0.22 1.80 1.47

2005-09 60 80 328 339 0.22 0.25 0.92 1.04

2010-14 56 62 219 228 0.138 0.23 0.49 0.80

2015-19 33 43 107 112 0.08 0.18 0.19 0.47

Note:Subject to reconciliation with DGMS&Accident Statistics are maintained calendar year-wise in conformity with DGMS practice

Graph -1 – Trend of 5 Yearly Average Fatalities in CIL since 1975

Annual Report | 2019-20

Graph: 2 – Trend of 5 Yearly Average of Serious Injuries since 1975

Graph-3: Trend of Fatalities& Serious Injuries for last 5 years in CIL


Table – 2: Overall Accident Statistics in 2019 vis-a-vis 2018 in CIL

Sl. Reduction in % of
Parameters 2018 2019
No. absolute nos. Reduction
1 Number of fatal accidents 33 30 3 9.09
2 Number of fatalities 43 34 9 20.93

3 Number of serious Accidents 87 86 1 1.15

4 Number of serious injuries 96 90 6 6.25

5 Fatality Rate per Mte. of coal production 0.07 0.06 0.01 14.29

6 Fatality Rate per 3 lakhs manshift deployed 0.18 0.15 0.03 16.67

7 Serious injury Rate per Mte.of coal production 0.16 0.15 0.01 6.25

8 Serious injury Rate per 3 lakhs man-shift deployed 0.41 0.40 0.01 2.44

Note: Accident Statistics are maintained calendar year wise in conformity with DGMS practice & figures subject to reconciliation with DGMS

Table -3: Company-wise Accident Statistics of CIL for the year 2019

Fatality Rate Serious Injury Rate

Fatal Serious Serious
Company Fatalities Per Per 3 lac Per Per 3 lac
Accidents Accidents Injuries
Mill. Te manshifts Mill. Te manshifts

ECL 7 7 18 18 0.14 0.16 0.35 0.40

BCCL 6 6 10 12 0.21 0.20 0.43 0.41

CCL 2 2 4 4 0.03 0.08 0.06 0.15

NCL 2 2 12 12 0.02 0.18 0.11 1.09

WCL 2 2 16 17 0.04 0.04 0.31 0.31

SECL 6 7 22 23 0.05 0.17 0.16 0.56

MCL 5 8 4 4 0.06 0.49 0.03 0.25

NEC 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

CIL 30 34 86 90 0.06 0.15 0.15 0.40

Note: Accident Statistics are maintained calendar year wise in conformity with DGMS practice & figures subject to reconciliation with DGMS

Annual Report | 2019-20

Table - 4: Company-wise Accident Statistics during the period 2017 to 2019

Fatal Accidents Fatalities Serious Accidents Serious injuries

2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019

ECL 9 1 7 9 2 7 20 24 18 20 25 18

BCCL 2 2 6 2 2 6 13 7 10 13 7 12

CCL 5 5 2 6 8 2 5 9 4 5 16 4

NCL 3 3 2 3 3 2 10 8 12 10 8 12

WCL 3 2 2 3 5 2 18 17 16 18 17 17

SECL 7 12 6 9 15 7 36 18 22 36 19 23

MCL 5 8 5 5 8 8 6 4 4 6 4 4

NEC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CIL 34 33 30 37 43 34 108 87 86 108 96 90

Table – 5: Company-wise Fatality& Serious Injury Rateduring the period 2017 to 2019

Fatality Rate Per MT of Fatality Rate Per 3 Serious Injury Rate Per Serious Injury per Rate 3
coal production lac manshifts MT of coal production lac manshifts
2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019

ECL 0.22 0.04 0.14 0.18 0.04 0.16 0.50 0.52 0.35 0.41 0.53 0.40

BCCL 0.06 0.06 0.21 0.06 0.06 0.20 0.39 0.22 0.43 0.39 0.22 0.41

CCL 0.09 0.12 0.03 0.20 0.29 0.08 0.08 0.24 0.06 0.17 0.58 0.15

NCL 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.24 0.26 0.18 0.11 0.08 0.11 0.81 0.69 1.09

WCL 0.06 0.10 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.04 0.39 0.34 0.31 0.36 0.30 0.31

SECL 0.06 0.10 0.05 0.20 0.34 0.17 0.25 0.12 0.16 0.80 0.43 0.56

MCL 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.32 0.50 0.49 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.38 0.25 0.25

NEC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

CIL 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.16 0.18 0.15 0.19 0.16 0.15 0.46 0.41 0.40


Major Activities for Safety & Rescue Division of CIL Measures taken for improvement of safety in 2019
Apart from compliance of statutory requirements and on-
• Inspection of mines to review safety status of mine going safety related initiatives, CIL and its Subsidiaries have
& follow up action thereof to improve safety status of pursuedseveral measures in the year 2019 for enhancing safety
mine. standard in mines, which are given below:
• Fact finding into fatal accidents and major incidences. i. Conducting Safety Audit: Safety Audit of producing
• Imparting specialized training by SIMTARS accredited mines of CIL has been conducted through multi-
trainers to unit level and Area level executives, mine disciplinary Inter-Area Safety Audit teams of respective
officials and members of Safety Committee. subsidiaries in 2019 for assessing safety status of mines
and deficiencies pointed out during the said safety audits
• Framing of internal Technical Circulars / Management are being rectified.
Guidelines / Advisory related to safety issues and
monitoring implementation thereof. ii. Safety Management Plans (SMPs) – Site-specific
risk assessment based SMPs have been prepared for each
• Maintenance of accidents / major incidents database. mine of CIL by involving mine officials and workmen
• Analysis of mine accident statistics. and the same are being reviewed on regular basis.
Implementation of SMPs is being monitored through
• Monitoring safety related R&D activities in CIL. Internal Safety Organization (ISO) of each subsidiary. The
• Organizing meeting of CIL Safety Board and process of Safety Management in mines is continuous
monitoring recommendations / suggestions made during and on-going for improving safety standards of mines.
meeting. iii. Principal Hazards Management Plans (PHMPs):
• Monitoring mine rescue preparedness at different mine Principal Hazards Management Plans (PHMP) are
rescue establishments. formulated as a part of Safety Management Plan (SMP)
to avert any mine disaster or major mine accident. Trigger
• Publication of Safety Bulletin for disseminating and Action Response Plan (TARP) are prepared to deal with
sharing of knowledge in order to promote safety emergency situations effectively.
awareness and inculcate better safety culture.
iv. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Site-
• Actively participated in organizing the meeting of specific, Risk Assessment based Standard Operating
Standing Committee on safety in coal mines and Procedures (SOPs) for all Mining and Allied operations are
monitoring recommendations / suggestions made during framed and implemented. The SOPs are being updated on
meeting. regular basis to cater to the changing mine conditions.
• Liasioning with various agencies on the matter of mine v. Special Safety Drives on different Safety Issues:
safety and ISOs of various subsidiaries. Special Safety drives on various safety issues were
• Monitoring of CIL Safety Information System (CSIS) organized to improve standard of mines safety and
database and ensuring updation. enhance safety awareness amongst employees.

• Responseto parliamentary questions related to mine vi. Safety Training Programme in China: 2nd
safety including queries raised by different standing educational training program on “Coal Mine Safety
committees such as standing committee on Steel & Coal, Management for CIL Executives and Exposure to Best
standing committee on labour, as well as questions raised Practices in China ” from 01.11.2019 to 11.11.2019 was
by COPU, MOC, CA&G and VIPs and information sought organized at School of Safety Science and Technology,
under the Right to Information (RTI)- 2005. Henan Polytechnic University (HPU), Jiaozuo, Henan,
China with collaboration of IIT , which was attended by
10 executives.

Annual Report | 2019-20

vii. Regular co-ordination with ISOs: Several meetings xi. Emphasis on adoption of the state-of-the art
were held under the Chairmanship of the Director technology in suitable geo-mining locales.
(Technical), CIL for assessing the safety status of mines
and other establishments for enhancing safety. a. Adoption of Mass Production Technology (MPT) in
more number of UG mines.
viii. 56th Meeting of CIL Safety Board: 56th meeting of
apex level tripartite CIL Safety Board was held on 24th June, b. Deployment of more nos. of Surface Miners to
2019 in Kolkata under the Chairmanship of Chairman, CIL eliminate blasting operation in OCPs.
for assessing the mine safety status and implementation c. Deployment of relatively higher capacity HEMM in
of recommendations of previous meeting. more number of OCPs.
ix. National Dust Prevention Committee meeting: The d. Mechanization of UG drilling operation for roof
18th meeting of the National Dust Prevention Committee bolting.
(NDPC) was held on 20th September, 2019 in Kolkata
under the Chairmanship of the Director (Technical), CIL xii. Adoption of the state-of-the art mechanism for
for assessing the status of dust suppression arrangement Strata Management
and measures taken to reduce adverse effects of dust a. Scientifically determined Rock Mass Rating (RMR)
related problem in mines of CIL and other coal producing based Strata Support System.
b. Mechanized Drilling for Roof bolting.
x. Observation of “ILO’s World Day for Safety and
Health at Work”in CIL (HQ) as well as all subsidiary c. Use of Resin Capsules in place of Cement capsules.
HQs, Areas and mines on 28th April, 2019 to promote the d. Use of modern Strata Monitoring Instruments.
preventive Safety culture.
e. Strata Control Cell for monitoring efficacy of
Apart from the above specific actions, the following measures strata support system. An in-house Rock Testing
are continued for improving safety standards: Laboratory established in Nagpur, WCL for


determination of Rock Mass Rating (RMR) of f. Construction of Embankments against water

strata was accredited with NABL certificate. bodies.

f. Imparting quality training to support crews & g. Inter-mine joint survey between adjoining mines
front-line mine officials, supervisors & grass root to prove inter-mine barriers.
level workmen.
xv. Training on Mine Safety:
xiii. Mechanism for monitoring of mine environment:
a. Initial and Refresher training & On-the-Job Training
a. Detection of mine gases by Multigas detector, as per statute.
Methanometer, CO-detector etc.
b. Training on Simulators to HEMM operators.
b. Continuous monitoring of mine environment by
c. Skill up-gradation of frontline mine officials on
installing Environmental Tele Monitoring System
continual basis on various topics.
(ETMS) & Local Methane Detectors (LMD) etc.
d. Sensitization of all employees including Members
c. Regular Mine Air Sampling and Analysis by using
of Safety Committees and contractual workmen
Gas Chromatograph.
on regular basis.
d. Personal Dust Sampler (PDS) for detecting dust
e. Various training programme for enhancement of
knowledge of mine executives.
e. Use of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
XVI. Mine Safety Inspection:
System (CAAQMS) in large OCPs to assess the
ambient dust concentration. a. Round-the-clock Supervision of all mining
operations by adequate number of competent &
xiv. Strengthening Water Danger Management:
statutory Supervisors and mine Officials.
a. Conducting Check Survey & Joint Survey to
b. Regular Inspection by Workmen Inspectors
eliminate errors in mine survey.
appointed in each mine.
b. Preparation and maintenance of seam-wise Water
c. Surprise back shift mine Inspections by mine and
Danger Plan.
area level officials.
c. Preparation and implementation of Monsoon
d. Regular mine Inspection by officials of Internal
Action Plan.
Safety Organization of respective subsidiary and
d. Adequate Pumping Facilities with adequate CIL.
capacity of Sumps.
e. Periodic mine Inspections by senior officials of CIL
e. Liaison with the State Meteorological Dept. & & Subsidiaries, Trade union representatives and
Dam Authorities. officials of MOC.

Annual Report | 2019-20


Steps for prevention accidents in OCPs: c. Sensitization training of Contractor’s Workmen

involved in contractual jobs.
a. Formulation and Implementation of Mine-specific
Traffic Rules. d. Installed a ‘Universal Equipment Simulator’
at Central Excavation Training Institute (CETI) in
b. Code of Practice for HEMM Operators, NCL, Singrauli to impart simulation training to
Maintenance staff & others. Dragline, Shovel and Dozer Operators. Simulator
allows operator to hone their skills.

Annual Report | 2019-20

e. Lighting arrangement by using high mast towers are provided for enhancement of standard of illumination.

f. Eco-friendly Surface Miners for blast free mining and avoidance of associated risks.

g. Dumpers fitted with Proximity Warning Devices, Rear view mirrors and camera, Audio-Visual Alarm (AVA), Automatic Fire
Detection & Suppression System (AFDSS) etc.

h. Ergonomically designed seats & AC Cabins for operators’ comfort.

i. Indigenous built solar powered based real time dump monitoring device has been installed in OC mine of WCL. This
device is designed for givingearly warning in case of movement in OB dump.


j. Automatic pressure water spraying system for cleaning vehicle introduced in WCL.

k. Apart from system of wet drilling and water Sprinklers for dust suppression, mist type fixed as well as trucks mounted
water cannons have been introduced in OC mines.

l. GPS based Operator Independent Truck Dispatch System (OITDS) in large OCPs for tracking movement of HEMMs inside
OC mine.E-surveillance unit has been installed in mines for monitoring operations 24X7 in real time by using GPS/GPRS-
based vehicle tracking, and geo-fencing system.

Annual Report | 2019-20

Mine Emergency Response System: Rescue Services for Emergency Response System
 Emergency Action Plans prepared as per statute for each
in CIL:
mine.  CIL is maintaining a well establishment Rescue
Organization comprising of 6 Mine Rescue Stations
 Mock Rehearsals for examining the efficacy of Emergency
(MRS), 13 Rescue Rooms-with-Refresher Training facilities
Action Plan.
(RRRT) and 17 Rescue Rooms (RR).
 Demarcating Emergency Escape Routes in below ground.
 All Rescue Stations / Rescue Rooms are fully equipped
 Check list prepared for dealing with an emergency in with adequate numbers of rescue apparatus as per the
mine. Mine Rescue Rules (MRR), 1985.
 Flow Chart prepared for transmission of information  This Rescue Organization is staffed by adequate numbers
regarding crisis / disaster in mines from site of accident to of Rescue Trained Personnel (RTP) as per the MRR, 1985.
the Ministry of Coal, New Delhi.


 All RTP are being periodically re-trained to conduct rescue operations in hot, humid and irrespirable atmospheres in modern
training galleries as well as in mines.

 CIL employs Permanent Brigade Members and RTPs who are available on call 24x7.

Annual Report | 2019-20

The Mine Rescue Station and Rescue Rooms are established at strategic locations spreading across different Subsidiaries to cater to
the emergencies in their command area.

The details are as under:

Rescue establishment presently operating

Company Mine Rescue Rescue room with Refreshers
Rescue Room (RR)
Station (MRS) Training (RRRT)
ECL Sitarampur Kenda Jhanjra ,Kalidaspur,Mugma
BCCL Dhansar Moonidih, Madhuband, Sudamdih
CCL Ramgarh Kathara&Churi Dhori, Kedla&Urimari
Sohagpur, Kusmunda, Johilla, Bisrampur, Chirimiri, Raigarh, Bhatgaon, Jamuna & Kotma,
SECL Manindragarh
Baikunthpur Korba
WCL Nagpur Parasia, Pathakhera,Tadali Damua , New Majri&Sasti
MCL Brajraj Nagar Talcher, -
NEC - Tipong -
Total 6 13 17

Neyveli Lignite Corporation India Ltd 4. NLCIL has well established Group Vestibule Training
Centre, Unit Level Training centres and Learning and
Accident Statistics of NLCIL - (for last five years): Development Centre to impart training and retraining.

Year Fatalities Serious Injuries 5. Risk assessment based Safety Management Plans
have been prepared for all the divisions and are under
2014-15 1 1
2015-16 3 2
6. Standard operating procedures have been established for
2016-17 Nil 1
all the activities of the mines and are strictly implemented.
2017-18 2 0
7. Internal Safety Organization is functioning, headed by
2018-19 1 Nil Chief General Manager / Mining.
2019-20 (Apr- Nov) 2 Nil 8. Illumination, dust, noise and vibration studies are
conducted once in six months and all the parameters are
1. Neyveli Mines are being operated with State of The Art
maintained as the norms.
Technology i.e. Specialized Mining Equipment’s Bucket
Wheel Excavators having inbuilt safety features. 9. All accidents and near miss incidents are thoroughly
analyzed and investigated for corrective measures.
2. Safety and Health policy is being implemented in its true
spirit. Safety Audits
3. Mines are having organizational set up of various divisions 1. Mines are inspected everyday by Unit Statutory officials
and equipped with sufficient number of statutory officials and ISO officials.
and other required engineers, supervisors, technicians
2. Workmen Inspectors are inspect various parts of the
Mines twice in a week and maintain the records as per


3. Pit Safety Committee (PSC) Members inspec the Mines once in a month and observations are deliberated in the monthly PSC

4. Inter-Unit Safety Assessment (IUSA) team members inspect the mines once in three months.

5. Central Safety Council Members inspect the mines once in six months.

6. Division –wise Safety Audits are conducted with the co-ordination of ISO officials.

The audit recommendations are implemented and compliance reports are furnished regularly.

Accident Statistics

Sl. No Particulars
April’ 19 to November ‘19 Mines
1 Numbers of Fatal Accidents 2
2 Numbers of Fatalities 2
3 Numbers of Serious Accidents -
4 Numbers of Serious injuries -
5 Numbers of Reportable Accidents -
6 Total man days worked -
7 Total Production in Million Tonnes -
8 Fatality rate per Million Tonnes of Lignite Production -
9 Fatality rate per 3 lakh man shifts deployed -
10 Serious injury rate per Million Tonnes of Lignite production -
11 Serious injury rate per 3 lakh manshifts deployed -

Safety Budget & Actual Expenditure

Safety Budget
Allocated Actual 2019-20 upto Nov
2018-19 ` 230.00 Lakhs About ` 97.13 Lakhs

Safety Trainings
Training given at GVTC April 2019 to Nov 2019

Basic training Refresher training Specific job training Orientation Total no.
training to Of persons
Contract Contract Contract
Employees Employees Employees executives trained
workers workers workers
28 725 650 1189 693 905 132 4322

First aid training given April 2019 to Nov 2019


2019-20 upto Nov 125 69 107 53 354

Annual Report | 2019-20

Safety Workshops 15. Conduction of safety talks

• Safety workshop of Mine-1A conducted on 16.02.2019. 16. LOCK OUT TAG OUT arrangement, various SOP/COP,
flag poles are done/developed/streamlined as per DGMS
• Safety workshop of Mine-II conducted in February 2019.
Details of Safety initiatives/activities carried out 17. Special one day First Aid class was arranged for 53
during the year 2019-20 persons and theoretical training.
1. Refilling of fire extinguisher is under process. Occupational Health services
2. Monthly safety committee meeting conducted as per • All mines have been equipped with sufficient number of
schedule. first aid rooms and stations to ensure timely rendering of
3. Mock drill conducted as per schedule. First Aid Services to the injured.

4. Organized special training by Volvo Engineer for Dumper • A 340 bedded Hospital with state of art infrastructure as
Operator. well as sufficient number of medical and para-medical
staff is maintained in the vicinity of Mines.
5. Bipartite safety meeting conducted on 9th August 2019.
• IME/PME Details from 01.04.2019 to 30.11.2019
6. Illumination survey as per schedule.
Type of Medical Number of persons
7. Initial/ basic training, refresher training, special training
Examination Target Actual
given as per schedule
Initial Medical Examination
479 618
8. Special awareness drive on SOP & safe working organized (IME)
for operators &workmen Periodical Medical
3881 4086
9. SOP for water tanker operation distributed to all the Examination (PME)
Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL):
10. Launch of a massive Safety Awareness campaign
SCCL has a planned and systematic approach to implement the
11. Renovation of old safety board/ poster during Mine Safety safety policy of the organisation through an effective safety
Week-2019 management system. SCCL is strictly implementing all statutory
provisions related to mining operations.Safety measures are
12. Safety Management plan-2020 prepared and
being monitored at minelevel, Area level, Company level and
National level. The deficiencies observed are being entered
13. Pocket dairy of SOP/COP in Hindi languages-2020 into web site and their rectifications are being monitored
prepared and distributed to all BLM workmen (contractual from time to time. SCCL aims to minimize risks in mine, bring
&Dept.) during Mine Safety Week-2019. safety awareness amongst its employees and thereby aims for
achieving zero accident potential in the mines. SCCL uses Risk
14. Renovation of Haul road, LMV mine road, benches, view
Assessment methods to determine priorities and set objectives
point and mine buildings
for eliminating hazards and reducing risks.


Accident Statistics of SCCL

i. Details of fatal and serious accidents and rate of fatality and serious injury during 2014-15 to 2019-20 (up to
Dec, 2019) is given in the table below.

Fatality Rate Serious Injury Rate

Fatal Serious Serious
Year Fatalities Per Per 3 lakh Per 3 lakh
Accidents Accidents Injuries Per MT
MT man-shifts man-shifts
2014-15 7 7 271 271 0.13 0.15 5.16 5.64
2015-16 7 7 225 225 0.12 0.14 3.73 4.51
2016-17 10 12 220 224 0.20 0.25 3.65 4.66
2017-18 11 12 210 215 0.19 0.24 3.47 4.32
2018-19 7 7 187 187 0.11 0.16 2.90 4.17
2019-20 (up to
6 6 95 95 0.13 0.20 2.05 3.14
Dec, 2019)

ii. Details of fatal and serious accidents and rate of fatality and serious injury during 2014 to 2019 is given in
the table below.

Fatality Rate Serious Injury Rate

Fatal Serious Serious
Year Fatalities Per 3 lakh Per Per 3 lakh
Accidents Accidents Injuries Per MT
man-shifts MT man-shifts
2014 8 9 270 271 0.17 0.18 5.25 5.52
2015 7 7 245 245 0.12 0.14 4.05 4.98
2016 10 12 216 218 0.20 0.25 3.66 4.54
2017 11 12 213 219 0.20 0.24 3.60 4.39
2018 7 7 190 191 0.11 0.15 2.91 4.10
2019 8 8 138 138 0.12 0.20 2.10 3.38

Safety Measures in SCCL: NGRI are being taken up for scientific investigation and
studies in different mines on strata management.
• Phased out conventional mining in UG mines by
introducing semi-mechanisation, Continuous Miners and • To monitor strata control & mine environment activities,
long wall. each region is provided with strata monitoring cells.
LIDAR (Light detection and scanning terrestrial scanner)
• Roof/Sides support is being done based on geo-tech
has been procured recently and installed for monitoring
studies by Resin capsules with roof bolters.
the dump slope and pit slope on real time basis.
• Quad bolters and jumbo drills were provided in continuous
• Men transport systems have been introduced in all
miner panels to meet demand of support as per extraction
underground mines.
• Replaced haulages with belt conveyors for coal
• Strata monitoring with TEL- TALES, Roof Extensometers,
evacuation, wherever possible.
Load cells and Stress capsules are in use for monitoring
strata behavior. • Monitoring of High wall benches (slopes) and dump
slopes for early detection of slope failures.
• Services of Scientific Institutions like NIRM, CIMFR &

Annual Report | 2019-20

• Use of Rear-view Cameras and proximity-warning devices participated five times in International Mines Rescue
in Dumpers in Open cast mines. Competitions conducted once in two years.

• Guidelines on precautions to be taken during summer are • The Rescue services of SCCL are extended to civil
circulated every year. calamities also such as road/train accidents, vehicle
collisions, drowning, fire incidents in villages, and fire
• Pre-Monsoon audit of the precautionary measures taken/
accidents in thermal power plants.
to be taken against danger of inundation is carried out
every year. Mine Safety Inspections:
• Provided Nitrogen Injection Fire Prevention and • Every Mine has been provided with statutory man
extinguishing system at transformers in all 132 KV sub- power to supervise/inspect the mining activities for safe
stations. operations.
• SCCL has utilised the expertise of the Australian • Area level senior officers will made inspections/surprise
mining industry for development, implementation and inspections to ensure implementation of SOPs, provisions
monitoring of SMP in SCCL mines by Training a team of of act, regulations.
10 executives at SIMTARS, Australia on Risk assessment
based Safety Management System, under the program • Regular and surprise inspections of the mines and
“Train the Trainers”. departments by GM (S) of the region and corporate ISO
officers to ensure safe operations and implementation of
• Safety Management Plans of all operating mines are SOPs, provisions of Act, Regulations.
prepared and submitted.
• Periodical inspections of Workmen inspectors.
• Training on development and implementation of SMP
is being imparted to the Safety Management Team of • Monthly inspections/follow-up inspections by Pit Safety
the concerned mines by the SIMTAR accredited trainers. Committee members at Mine level.
Presently, training in 16 mines is completed. • Special drive for accident prevention in OCPs:

Rescue Services in SCCL: • Conducting special awareness classes to all the employees
including contract workmen.
• A Central monitoring mechanism with Department of
Rescue headed by a General Manager has been established • Conducting Safety audits to ensure implementation of all
at Ramagundam. In addition to this, three Rescue Room statutory provisions.
for Refresher Training (RRRT) centers were established at
• Conducting Safety audit on HEMM and their movement.
Kothagudem, Mandamari and Bhoopalapalli Areas.

• Rescue services in SCCL were modernized in the year Emergency response system:
2002 to be the best in India and on par with those in • Emergency response plan prepared and submitted to the
developed countries meeting International Standards. Directorate of Mines Safety.
• Apart from the basic rescue equipment required as per • Mock rehearsals are being conducted at all mines to
the statute, SCCL has procured state of the art Hydraulic examine the efficacy of the emergency response system.
Rescue Tools consisting of Hydraulic Cutters, Spreaders,
Combi-Tools, Rescue Rams and Lifting Jacks. Pneumatic • Displayed emergency response flow chart at conspicuous
High Pressure Lifting bags, Concrete Cutters and Wood places at the mines.
Cutters to deal with various types of disasters. • Escape routes are prepared and being inspected and
• SCCL Rescue Team led by Directors and GMs attended maintained for availability in emergencies.
International Mines Rescue Conference thrice and


Safety and R&D Initiatives: for continuous automated mine gas monitoring,
interpretation and decision support system. The system
• Introduction of LiDAR equipment for slope
will measure very accurately Carbon Monoxide, Methane,
monitoring in OC mines:
Carbon dioxide and Oxygen components of the coal mine
LiDAR is introduced recently in SCCL for Slope Stability atmosphere and give the user essential information on
Monitoring. The equipment Continuously measure (24x7) the status of the underground atmosphere.
mine wall movements with sub-millimetric accuracy at
long distance (up to 2.0 km) and Provide reliable early
warning for progressive slope movements potentially
leading to failures Scientific studies are conducted for Pit
slope and dump slope stabilities in all Opencast mines as
per statute by IIT (BHU), NITK, CIMFR etc.Strata Control
and Management Plan studies are being conducted for
all Underground Mines by NIT, CIMFR, SIMTARS etc.,Wi-fi
communication for Underground communication system
is in process of procurement.

Tube Bundle System in operation at Adriyala Longwal Project

Occupational Health Services and Initial Medical

• In SCCL, all Periodical Medical Examination (PME) Centers
have been equipped with required medical appliances
and personnel.

• 23 Doctors were trained in Occupational health services

training centre to serve in all 11 IME/PMEcenters.

• Due importance is being given for detection of
• Tube Bundle Gas Monitoring System (TBGMS)
occupational diseases at early stages and all the workers
TBGMS was procured from M/s. SIMTARS, Australia and are undergoing PME.
installed at AdriyalaLongwallProject during 2017 for the
• Notified occupational diseases, if any, are being reported
first time in SCCL mines. It is capable of monitoring 20
locations continuously. Tube Bundle Gas Monitoring
Systems are used to monitor the atmosphere at relevant • Occupational Diseases Board was constituted, regular
locations in underground. They sample from return meetings are being held and its recommendations are
airways to detect the onset of spontaneous combustion followed/ implemented.
and to determine gas generation rates, as well as from
sealed and active goafs to determine explosibility, air • IME is being done to all departmental and contract
ingress and potential spontaneous combustion activity. workmen before deploying them for duty, PME is being
done to the employees below 45 years of age once in
System consists of supervisory, control and data acquisition every 5 years and once in 2 1/2 years to all those employees
(SCADA) software and hardware developed specifically above 45 years of age.


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