Amcat Practice Questions Based On Previous Years

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Q1.Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error , if any,
will be in part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. Ignore the error of
punctuation, if any
(A)   Shalini win the race (B) as she practised too (C) hard for the tournament
1.       A
2.       B
3.       C
4.       No error

Q2.In this ques, a part of the sentence is italicised. Alternatives to the italicised part are given
which may improve the construction of the sentence. Select the correct alternative.
Munnar is the most refreshing and tranquil  hill station in the state of Kerala.
1.       Is the most refreshing and tranquillity
2.       Is the most refresh and tranquil
3.       Is a most refreshing and tranquil
4.       No improvement needed

Q3.Select the correct option that fills the blank(s) to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
Scientists believe that during initial years of the ________ of the earth, water bodies increased in
size due to continuous rainfall.
1.       Formative
2.       Formations
3.       Formation
4.       Formed

Q4.Select the correct option that fills the blank(s) to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
Residents of North Pole have different lifestyles and requirements than _____ living in other
parts of the world.
1.       Their
2.       Them
3.       Those
4.       Residents

Q5.Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error , if any,
will be in part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. Ignore the error of
punctuation, if any.
(A)It have been/ (B) ages since I/(C) played the guitar/ (D) no error
1.       A
2.       B
3.       C
4.       D
Q6.Select the correct option that fills the blank(s) to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
The teacher stopped teaching Class VII as there were many ______ students in this class.
1.       Indisciplined
2.       Undisciplined
3.       Misdisciplined
4.       Nondisciplined

Q7.Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
1.       Rules
2.       Law
3.       Rights
4.       Introduction
Ans: Introduction

Q8. Select the correct option that fills the blank(s) to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
The petrol price has been rising for the past 5 years. It is highly ______ that it will decrease in
the near future.
1.       Unrealistic
2.       Unlikely
3.       Unnatural
4.       Unacceptable

Q9.Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in the meaning to the given word.
1.       Inferior
2.       Credited
3.       Prestigious
4.       Important

Ans: Inferior

1.       Unerring
2.       Unending
3.       Settled
4.       Permanent

Ans: Settled

Q11. Select the word or phrase which is nearly opposite in meaning to the given word.
1.       Short
2.       Lack
3.       Cheap
4.       Interested

Ans: Short
Q12. In the question each passage consists of six sentences. The first and sixth sentences are
given in the beginning. The middle four sentences have been removed and jumbled up. These are
labelled P, Q,R and S. Select the paper order for the four sentences.
S1: Rajeev and his friends went for river rafting.
S6: Later they all came to know that he is aqua phobic.
P: Rajeev forced him to have some medicine.
Q: They tried persuading him to join them for rafting, but he had severe stomach ache.
R: Which he refused adamantly.
S: Among all his friends, Kunal backed out at the last moment.
1.       PSQR
2.       QPRS
3.       RQSP
4.       SQPR

Q13. Select the correct answer option based on the passage.

The unique Iron Age Experimental Centre at Lejre, about 40km west of Copenhagen, serves as a
museum, a classroom and a place to get away from it all. How did people live during the Iron
Age? How did they support themselves? What did they eat and how did they cultivate the land?
These and a myriad of other questions prodded the pioneers of the Lejre experiment.
Living in the open and working 10hours a day, volunteers from all over Scandinavia led by 30
experts, built the first village in the ancient encampment in a matter of months. The house walls
were of clay, the roofs of hay – all based on original designs. Then came the second stage –
getting back to the basics of living. Families were invited to stay in the “prehistoric village” for a
week or two at a time and rough it Iron Age-Style.
Initially, this experiment proved none too easy for modern Danes accustomed to central heating,
but it convinced the centre that there was something to the Lejre  project. Little by Little, the
modern iron Agers learnt that their huts were, after all, habitable. The problems were numerous-
smoke belching out from the rough-and-ready fireplaces into the rooms and so on. These
problems, however have led to some discoveries. Domed smoke ovens made of clay, for
example, give out more heat and consume less fuel than an open fire, and when correctly stoked,
they are practically smokeless.
By contacting other museums, the Lejre team has been able to reconstruct ancient weaving
looms and pottery kilns. Iron Age dyeing techniques, using local natural vegetation, have also
been revived, as have ancient baking and cooking methods.

What is the main purpose of building the Iron Age experimental center?
1.       Prehistoric village where people can stay for a week or two to get away from modern
2.       Replicate the iron Age to get a better understanding of the time and people of that era
3.       To discover the differences between a doomed smoke oven and an open fire to identity the
more efficient of the two
4.       Revive activities of ancient women such as weaving, pottery, dyeing, cooking and baking.

From the passage what can be inferred to be the centre’s initial outlook towards the Lejre
1.       It initiated the project
2.       It eagerly supported it
3.       It felt the project was very unique
4.       It was apprehensive about it

What is the meaning of the sentence “Initially, this experiment proved none to easy for modern
Danes accustomed to central heating, but it convinced the centre that there was something to the
Lejre  project.”?
1.       Even though staying  in the huts was not easy for the modern people, the centre saw merit
in the simple living within huts compared to expensive apartments
2.       Staying in the huts was quite easy for the modern people and the centre also saw merit in
the sample living within huts compared to expensive apartments.
3.       The way of living of the Iron Age proved difficult for the people of the modern age who
are used to living in luxury
4.       The way of living of the Iron Age proved very easy for the people of the modern age since
it was hot inside the huts, and they were anyway used to heated rooms.

What can be the title of the passage?

1.       Modern techniques find their way into pre-historic villages
2.       Co-existence of ancient and modern times
3.       Glad to be living in the 21st century
4.       Turning back time

Q14.Passage :
“Leave it”
Anjali could not begin to fathom what she was hearing.
Event the contractor appeared flabbergasted. His mouth stayed in a half-open position, like a
guitar waiting for its strings to be tugged.
“Yes. Leave it” , varun said again. He was speaking to the notion that someone in the room had
asked him to clarify his words.
What were the chances that an Indian burial ground would be found on the bucolic site where
varun and Anjali had chosen to build their dream home? Why in the world would varun not want
to have the remains carted away, thought Anjali. The last thing they needed were Indian
poltergeists meandering around their home while the two of them were trying to renovate their
Anjali, usually deferential to her husband, knew that now was the time to make her position
She tried to cajole varun from the direction he was heading, “sweetheart, we don’t want to build
on a site with human remains, it would be irreverent to the dead”.
Immediately, she saw contempt in varun’s eyes; it was a subtle reminder of how he often viewed
her as superficial and self-absorbed.
“What would be irreverent”, said varun, his voice dripping with condescension, “would be to
desecrate these native graves and move them from their final resting place. Remember the
No, Anjali did not “remember the culture”. She could care less about the culture. However,
varun, the history professor, was obviously enthralled by the contractor’s findings. He had an
innate way of understanding other cultures and other people that amazed anajali. He did not have
that goft with her.
But something inside Anjali said this was too much. She believed wholeheartedly in ghosts and
could not imagine a life of them haunting her, rattling her cupboards, and shaking her
Anjali had an unnerving sensations that big problems were ahead.

Why can’t Anjali fathom what her husband says at the beginning of the passage?
1.       She could not hear what he said
2.       She could not believe what he said
3.       She had not yet seen the remains
4.       She could not think of a retort to his comment

“She tried to cajole varun from the direction he was heading” choose the best way to rewrite the
above sentence.
1.       She tried to compromise with varun
2.       She tried to force varun from the direction he was heading
3.       She tried to gently prod varun from the direction he was heading
4.       She tried to give varun veiled threats about the direction he was heading

What is the term given to the comparison of the contractor to a guitar?

1.       An allusion, meaning a figure of speech making casual reference to a literary figure
2.       An analogy, meaning an extended comparison showing the similarities between two things
3.       A denotation, meaning the literal definition of a word
4.       A hyperbole, meaning a gross exaggeration

Q15. Passage:
Since the late 1970s when the technology of sex determination first came into being, sex
selective abortion has unleashed a saga of horror. Experts are calling it “sanitised barbarism”.
Demographic trends indicate the country is fast heading towards a million female foetuses
aborted each year.
Although foetal sex determination and sex selection is a criminal offence in India, the practice is
rampant. Private clinics with ultrasound machines are doing brisk business. Everywhere , people
are playing to know the sex of an unborn child. And paying more to abort the female child. The
technology has even reached remote areas through mobile clinics. Dr. Puneet Bedi, obstetrician
and specialist in foetal medicine , says these days he hardly sees a family with two daughters.
People are getting sex determination done even for the first child, he says.
If the 1991 Census showed that two districts had a child sex ratio (number of girls per thousand
boys) less that 850; by 2001 it was 51 districts. Child rights activist Dr. Sabu George says
foeticide is the most extreme form of violence against women. “today a girl is several times more
likely to be eliminated before a birth than die of various causes in the first year. Nature intended
the womb to be safe space. Today, doctors have made it the most unsafe space for the female
child”, he says. He believes that doctors must be held responsible- “they have aggressively
promoted the misuse of technology and legitimised foeticide”.

Which of the following will Dr. George agree to?

1.       The girl child is as safe in the mother’s womb as after birth
2.       The girl child is safe in the mother’s womb in comparison to after birth
3.       The girl child is safer after birth as compared to mother’s womb
4.       None of these

What is the solution to the problem of female foeticide as envisioned by Dr. Bedi?
1.       Effective use of law
2.       Mass public outrage
3.       Comparison with Nithari killing
4.       Contempt towards doctors

What is the tone of the passage?

1.       Factual
2.       Biased
3.       Aggressive
4.       Sad

What is Akhila Sivadas’s opinion on the PCPNDT act?

1. The act is inconsistent
2. The act needs reform
3. The act encourages demand for foeticide
4. The act is sound, but needs enforcement

Q16. Fill in the blank with correct verb tense

I______ just one proper meal since yesterday morning.

a) had
b) ate
c )have had
d) would have eaten
c) have had
answer- “Have had” is using the verb have in the present perfect tense.

Q17. Select the word or phrase which fits each definition. : A person who readily believes others.
Op 1: Creditable
Op 2: Credible
Op 3: Credulous
Op 4: Sensitive
Op 5: Sensible
Correct Op : 3

Q18. Films are becoming a medium of cultural contacts, good relations and _______ among
different countries.

1. Wars
2. Love
3. Harmony
4. Comformity
Answer- harmony as it is about strengthening relations among different countries

Q19.  Nothing ____________ convinced her to cancel her trip to goa

a. Was going to
b. Could have
c. Could
d. Will have

Q20. He had no interest in _________________ obligatory dinners and social events

a. Attend
b. Attending
c. Attends
d. Attend to

Q21. Salim could not make it to the party as he ___________to finish his assignment

a. Had
b. Has
c. Have
d. Want

Q22. The leaves _______________ yellow and dry

a. Were
b. Had
c. Being
d. Was

Q23. Choose the correct synonym of confused?

a) Redundant
b) Eloquent
c) Baffled
d) Hilarious

Q24. Choose the correct synonym of blend?

a) Feign
b) Amalgam
c) Abandon
d) Berate

Q25. Choose the correct synonym of Banal?

a) Ordinary
b) Special
c) Exclusive
d) Reprimand

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