Materi Faizal

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1. What do you know about Marpol and what is the purpose of Marpol ?

Jawab :

Marpol is marine pollution, the purpose of the marpol is an internasional convention for
prevention about pollution from ship.

In Marpol there is 7 annex :

1. Annex 1 is about prevention pollution by oil

2. Annex 2 is about control of pollution by nixius liquid substance in bulk
3. Annex 3 is about prevention of pollution by harmfull substance in package
4. Annex 4 is about prevention of pollution by sewage
5. Annex 5 is about prevention of pullution by garbage
6. Annex 6 is prevention about air pollution
7. Annex 7 is about pollution by water ballast from ship

Annex 1 : prevention by oil

All Vessel must be equipped

1. Oil Filtering equipment for vessel 400 gt vessel tanker gt 150

2. 15 PPM Alaram Arrangements
3. Standar discharge connection

Special For tankers

1. Oil/water interface detector

2. Crude oil washing system, if fitted
3. Oil discharge monitoring and control
4. Cargo N ballast pumping, piping n discharge
5. Engine room/bilge holding tank to slop tank pumping n piping arrangement

Special area under marpol annex 1

1. The Mediterranean sea

2. Baltic sea
3. The balck sea
4. The red sea
5. Gulfs area
6. The gulf aden
7. Antarctic sea

Slop tank

Tanker GT 150 must be equippend slop tanks to accommodate residual oil, dirty
ballast and tank washing water containing oil, minimum capacity 3% from cargo


All vessel GT 400 above must have Soppep On Board

For tanker vessel GT 150 Above must have sopep on board

The equipment in the sopep

1. Scenario and aech crew’s duties when oil spill occurs

2. Teplephon number and name of the authority who needs to be contacted in
the event of an oil spill such as : syabandar and company
3. Pipe diagram on the vessel
4. Sawdust
5. Broom
6. Oil spill dispersant
7. Sand
8. Scoop
9. Oil bom


Vessel GT 400 Above must have ORB Part 1 on board

Tanker vessel GT 150 must have ORB Part I & II on board

Function ORB as to record activity about oil and water ballast

Like as : cargo Loading/discharge, diposal Bilge, bunker,tank cleaning and total, also
record the date when doing the activity, the time start & finis of the activity and position
at where the vessel made is activity

INERT GAS system on tankers is to prevent a fire in the cargo tank, by forcing air,
especially O2 out to the tank, therefore reducing the possibility of a fire or explosion
inside cargo tanks
Disposal form engine room

2. What the purpose of ISM Code and what do you know about element in ISM code


ISM code is internasional safety managemen code, purpose of ISM code is provide
internasional standar safe management anf operational of the ship to prevention
pollution at sea by the ship

There is 16 elemen in ISM code :

1. General
2. Safety and environment
3. Responsibility and authority of company
4. Designated person ashore or DPA
5. Responsibility and authority of the Master or Captain
6. Resource and personal
7. Plan for ship operation
8. Emeregency preparing
9. Report and analysis of accidents
10. Maintenance and equipment on the ship
11. Documents
12. Verification and evaluation by company
13. Certification
14. Inter of certification
15. About Verification
16. Certificates foam

3. What is a DPA, and what is a responsibility of DPA ?


DPA or Designated Person Ashore is a person has chosen by company to be link or

connector between crew ship and company.

Resnposibility of DPA (Designated Person Ashore) is :

1. To be link and connector betwen company and crew ship

2. To monitor about prevention pollution equipment on board, also to ensure that
planing prevention pollution on board is operating correctly
4. What do you know about SOLAS and what's purpose of SOLAS. Can you explain
about chapters in SOLAS ?

Jawab :

SOLAS or Safety of Life at Sea is internasional maritime safety. The purpose

of SOLAS to ensure all the ship that the ship comply with minimum standard safety
equipment like Fire fighting appliances, life saving appliance, navigation equipment and
more the other.

There are 12 chapter in SOLAS is :

1. Chapter I is about construction of ship

2. Chapter II is about fire equipment (fire protection), fire detection and other
3. Chapter III is about Life saving appliances
4. Chapter IV is about Radio comunication on board
5. Chapter V is about Safety navigations
6. Chapter VI is about Cargoes carry
7. Chapter VII is about dangerous cargoes
8. Chapter VIII is about Ship's nuclear
9. Chapter IX is about safe management operation of ship
10. Chapter X is about safety measure for hight speed of craft
11. Chapter XI is spesial measure about enhance maritim safety and maritim
12. Chapter XII is about additional safety measures for bulk carriers

5. Explain detail about passage planning ?

Jawab :

There is a 4 stages of passage planning is :

Stage 1 : Appraisal

1. Find more information about port departure and port arrival

2. Prepare all equipment needs like chart publication book, NTM (notice to marine),
3. Ensure the all chart will be is up to date
4. Prepare admiralty list and radio signal, tide tabel, sailing direction, acean
passage, Navtex and weather information, and more according what think we
need in voyage
5. Determine about ETD (Enstimate Time Departure) and ETA (Enstimate Time
6. Check master standing information

Stage 2 : Planning

1. Stuck and decide all the chart will be use in voyage

2. Decide all publication book will be use
3. Mark course and decide waypionts
4. Determine distance total
5. Upload waypoint to GPS and prepare all navigations equipment
6. Mark no go area and paralel index
7. Mark reporting point
8. Speed information

Stage 3 : Execution

1. ETD changes
2. Wheather changes
3. Captain's instructure changes

Stage 4 : Monitoring 

1. It's all about progress a long voyage

2. Take position anually by GPS RADAR and other
3. Monitoring around ship and wheather by navigation equipment
4. RPM and heading monitoring

6. What the signal sound of vessel underway in "POOR VISIBILITY" ? Explain in detail !

Jawab :
According by Colreg rule 35 said :

1. Vessel with making way through the water shall be sound - (one long blast) with
interval not more than 2 minutes
2. Vessel has power driven but stopped and making no way through the water shall
sound - - (two long blasts) with interval not more than 2 minutes
3. Vessel not undercommand or vessel restricted in her ability to manuver or vessel
constrained by her draft, etc. In poor visibility shall sound - • • (one long blast
and two short blasts), with interval not more than 2 minutes.
7. What the signal sound of vessel underway in normal situation, according colreg rule
34 ?

Jawab :

According by colreg rule 34 said :

1. • (one short blast) when the vessel alter course to starboard side
2. • • (two short blasts) when the vessel alter course to port side
3. • • • (three short blasts) when the vessel operating astern

8. Explain, What do you do first if you will do "Hot Work" and "High Work" ?


Hot Work :

1. Must use comply person protective equipment before do hot work

2. If enclosed room, test gas first before and during the hot work in progress
3. If enclosed room must report to chiff officer to get permition
4. Ensure the space room is free from combustibles
5. Check neighbouring (connected areas) that may be heat affected to ensure that
are free from flammables and combustables
6. Ensure the welding or burning equipment is working correctly before using.

High Work :

1. Must use comply person protective equipment

2. Must using safety bell and safety harness
3. Report to chif officer or master before go to work
4. Ensure the safety equipment is working correctly and service and maintained

9. Explain about types stability of the ship ?


Thera a 3 types stability of the ship :

1. Stable Equilibrium, when the vertical position the point of gravity (G) is lower
than the postion of transverse metacenter point (M)
2. Netral Equilibrium, when the vertical position the point of gravity
(G) consides with the transverse metacenter (M)
3. Unstable EQuilibrium, when the vertical position the point of grafity (G) is higher
than position of transverse metacenter (M)

10. What the different beetwen accident and near miss ?


Accident is an unexpected event which result in seriusly injury, illness and property

Near miss is an unplaned event which result doesn't serius injury, doesn't illness but has
the potential for injury and property damaged with big level.

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