A. 10 Minutes

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1. Your vessel have been in collision with another vessel.

You are taking in water and you have to

prepare for leavingthe vessel. How will you act.

a. just jump over board and be ready

b. collect your own personal belongings

c. assist your friend to collect their personal belongings

d. Send a distress message and collect survival suits / thermal bags

2. Life boats must be stowed in such a way so that they are capable of being launched _______
a. 10 minutes

b. 5 minutes

c. 15 minutes

d. 25 minutes

3. Fire protected lifeboats when water borne should be capable of protecting its full complement
when subjected to a continous of fire that envelopes the boat for a period of not less than how
many minutes ?

a. 10 minutes

b. 15 minutes

c. 8 minutes

d. 20 minutes

4. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft corresponce to
present SOLAS regulations ? each survival craft shall be stowed
a. wherever space is available

b. In a state of readiness so that two crew-members can prepare for embarkation and launching in
less than 5 minutes

c. on the starboard side of the ship.

d. in a secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire or explosion

5. After the abadon ship the survivors in a life boat must be given

a. One ltr of the water each

b. Two liter water each

c. No water for first 24 hrs

d. Half a liter water each

6. Below is concidered as a general emergncy onboard

a. Steering Failure

b. Pirate Attack

c. Power Failure

d. All the above

7. EPIRB Emergency Position lnforming Radar Beacon

a. True

b. False

8. During test and / or maintenance work of the C02 system affecting the reals system, precautions to
ensure that the gas is not releasd into the engine room due to a mistake are to be ensured . What
precautions should be taken ?

a. No special precautions necessary

b. The main supply line to be blanked off prior to the work

c. Check the main valve for a pontential leakage

d. Arrange a watchman in the C02 cntral

9. What is a fire wire ?

a. Wire for pulling buring ships of the pier-

b. Wire for handling fire buckets

c. Wire for pulling fire-hoses up to top bridge

d. Wire for securing smoke divers

10. Man over board alrm is

a. Continuous ringing of the bell

b. Seven or more short blasts followed by one long blast

c. Master verbal order

d. There long blast on Siren/Hooter/Whistle

11. Which of the following actions should be done before throwing this type of inflatable liferati over
the side?

a. Inflate it on deck and then launch it if clear below

b. Take the top of the continer to enable raft to inflate once in the water. If all clear, throw rafty
over side

c. Disconnect the painter and launch it, checking that all is clear below

d. Check that the painter is made fast to a secure point and that the sea below is clear

12. Man over board alarm is

a. Continuous ringing of the call

b. Seven or more shot blasts followed by one long blast

c. Master verbal order

d. Three long blast on siren/Hooter/Whistle

13. Which one of the listed requirements regarding life saving appliances do not correspond to present

a. All prescribed life saving appliances shall be resistant to deterioration whereexposed to sunlight

b. All prescribed life saving appliances shall be made of non combustible or fire retardant material

c. All prescribed life saving appliances shall be of a highly visible color on parts where this will assist


d. All prescribed life saving appliances shall be fitted with retro reflective material which will assist
in detection

14. LSA stands for

a. Line saving appliance

b. Life saving appliance

c. Line safety apparatus

d. Life safety apparatus

15. During the test and/or maintenancework of the CO2 system afeecting the release
system,precautions to ensure that that the gas is not released into the engine room due to a
mistake are to be ensured What precautions should be taken?
a. No special precautions necessary

b. The main supply line to be blanked off prior to the work

c. Check the main valve for a potential leakage

d. Arrange a watchman in the CO2 central

16. Posters or signs shall be provided on nor in the vicinity of survival craft and their launching
controls.Which of the following requirements do not have to be included according to present

a. Use recommended symbols

b. Give relevant instructions and warnings

c. Give information on survival craft capacity

d. Illustrate the purpose of controls and the procedures of operating the appliance

17. At least how often shall rescue boats be launched with their assigned crew and maneuvered in the

a. Every two weeks

b. Every one month

c. Every three months

d. Every week

18. Fire protected lifeboats when water borne should be caSpable of protecting its full Complement
when subjected to a continuous oil fire that envelops the boat for a period of not less than how
many minutes?
a. 10 minutes

b. 15 minutes

c. 8 minutes

d. 20 minutes

19. Onboard training manual is required as per


b. ISM code

c. MLC

20. Which one of the listed requirements of lifeboat equipment is not normally include?

a. Two hatches

b. Survival manual

c. One copy of prescribed lifesaving signals

d. Sea charts and navigating equipment

21.The master is responsible that all crew participate in monthly emergency drills. If 25% crew or more
has not participated in such drill during the last month, what is the time line conduct such a drill
after the vessel has left a port?

a. Within 12 hours

b. Within 24 hours

c. Within 36 hours

d. Within 06 hours

22. Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat propulsion do not correspond to present
a. The engine shall be provided with an electric power starting system with rechargeable energy

b. Every life boat shall be powered by a compression ignition engine using fuel with the flame
point of not less than 44°C

c. Means shall be provided for recharging all engine starting radio and searchlight batteries.

d. Water resistant instruction for starting and operating the engine shall be provided

23. Life boats must capable of being launched in when the ships speed of

a. When the ship is heading with a speed of 5 knots

b. When the ship is heading with a speed of 9 knots

c. When the ship is heading with a speed of 7 knots

d. When the ship is heading with a speed of 10 knots

24. After 24 hours in life raft ___________liter of water per person per day

a. Half

b. One

c. Two

d. Three
25. A life raft should inflate in:

a. 3 to 4 minutes

b. 30 to 60 seconds

c. 1 to 2 minutes

d. thirty minutes

26. Life jackets have the following attached to it

a. Whistle and retro reflective tape

b. Light and whistle

c. SI light, whistle and retro reflective tape

d. None of the above

27. What is the minimum number of channels required for the portable two-way VHF’S for survival

a. Channel 6, 12 & 16

b. Channels 6, 13 & 16

c. Channels 16 & 12

d. Channels 16 only

28. Which on of the listed requirements regarding buoyant smoke signals do not correspond to
present regulations? The buoyant smoke signal shall

a. Emit smoke for at least 3 minutes when floating in calm water

b. Continue to emit smoke when submerged in water for a period of 10 seconds under 10 cm of

c. not be swamped in a seaway

d. Give a bright red light during the entire emission time

29. EPIRB Emergency Position informing Radar Beacon

a. True

b. False
30. SART stands for

a. Search and Rescue, Radar Transponder

b. Search and Rescue Transponder

c. Search and Rescue Team

d. None of the above

31. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the launching and recovery arrangements for
survival crafts corresponds to present SOLAS regulations?

a. Different type of launching and recovery arrangements shall be used for similar survival crafts
on board the ship
b. Each life boat shall be provided with separate appliances which is capable of launching and
recovering the lifeboat
c. Launching and recovering arrangements shall be such that the operator at all times can
observe the survival craft and lifeboats.
d. Means shall be available to prevent any discharge of water on to survival crafts during

32. Life jacket have the following attached to it

a. Whistle and retro reflective tape

b. Light and whistle

c. SI Light, Whistle and retro reflective tape

d. None of the above

33. If the ships sink, the water pressures will, within _________m, activates the shape knife which cuts
the white strong rope and the life raft will float free

a. 3




34. The duration of the rocket parachute is

a. 40 sec

b. 60 sec

c. 30 sec

d. None of the above

35. What method shall be used when hauling survivors out of the sea (state of survivors is critical)?

a. Using lifebuoy

b. Using heaving line

c. Using painter

d. Using nets

36. When a person floating in the water alone, he should be

a. HUDDLE position

b. Help position

c. YOGA position

d. None of the above

37. After 24 hours in life raft _____________liter of water per person per day

a. Half

b. one

c. Two

d. Three

38. Which one of the listed requirements regarding rescue boat equipment do not correspond to
present regulations? The normal equipment of every rescue boat shall include:

a. a first aid outfit in watertight case

b. two buoyant rescue quoits attached to not less than 30m of line

c. immersion suits for the number of persons the boat is permitted to accommodate

d. An efficient radar reflector

39. The smoke detector (fire indicator) indicates fire in a cargo hold loaded by general cargo, what first
action should be taken?

a. Use the ship’s gas extinguishing central system to put out the fire

b. Inspect the scene before deciding the method to be used for fire fighting

c. Start the fire pumps, open the hatches and start fighting the fire by fire hoses

d. Close the ventilation system and other openings to the hold in order to choke the fire
40. Life boat must capable of being launched in when the ships speed of

a. When the ship is heading with a speed of 5 knots

b. When the ship is heading with the speed of 9 knots

c. When the ship is heading with the speed of 7 knots

d. When the ship is heading with the speed of 10 knots

41. A life raft should be inflate in:

a. 3 to 4 minutes

b. 30 to 60 seconds

c. 1 to 12 minutes

d. Thirty minutes

42. Abandon ship drill and fire drill must be held with __________hours of leaving port if more than
25% of the crew have not taken part in drills on board the ship in the previous month

a. 12 hours

b. 24 hours

c. 48 hours

d. 96 hours

43. Life boats must be stowed in such a way so that they are capable of being launched in __________
a. 10 minutes

b. 05 minutes

c. 15 minutes

d. 25 minutes

44. Your vessel has been in collision and you are not sure if your vessel is sinking or not, how will you
handle this situation?

a.Make sure that the lifeboat has as much bunker as possible and make you course for
nearest land

b. Wait and see how the situation is developi

c. Search for missing persons. Continue to monitor situation and prepare for abandonment in
case it become necessary

d. Leave the vessel and stay not closer than 5 nautical miles.
45. What equipment is provided in a life raft to help you keep warm in cold weather?

a. The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to give addition from the cold
b. The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help. In addition to the
thermal protective aids (10 of Complement, minimum 2)
c. At least 10 % of the rafts complement with a minimum 2 thermal protective aids are
d. Thermal protective aids for each person

46. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of lifeboats and life rafts do not
correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS II/13.3-13.6)

a. Davit launched life rafts shall be stowed within reach of the lifting hooks unless adequate
means of transport is provided

b. Life raft intended for throw –overboard launching shall be stowed amidships secured to means
for transfer to either side

c. Life rafts shall be stowed as to permit manual release from their securing arrangements

d. Lifeboats shall be stowed attached to launching appliances

47. For how long and what speed is a fully loaded lifeboat designed to operate in calm weather?

a. 6 knots for 24 hours

b. 4 knots for 48 hours

c. 3 knots for 24 hours

d. 10 knots for 24 hours

48. How much fresh water available in life boat per person

a. 3 Ltr

b.1.5 Ltr

c. 2 Ltr

d. 500 m
49. Which one of the listed routine test and inspections of life-saving appliances is not required by the

a. Inspection of life saving appliances including life boat equipment shall be carried out monthly
to ensure they are complete and in good order

b. General eme rgency alarm to be tested daily

c. Survival crafts and rescue boats with launching appliances shall be visually inspected weekly to
ensure they are ready for use

d. Life boat engines to be run for at least 3 minutes every week

50. Inspections of LSA items onboard shall be carried out

a. Weekly

b. Monthly

c. Yearly

d. Half yearly

51. Which one of the following is not a survival craft?

a. Life boat

b. Rescue boat

c. Life raft

d. Free fall lie boat

52. Sea anchor is used to reduce the ___________ of survival craft

a. Fuel consumption

b. ETA

c. Drift rate

d. Reduce rolling

53. Vessel 200 meters and over in length should have

a. 18 life buoy

b. 16 life buoy

c. 8 life buoy

d. 14 life buoy
54. Which one of listed requirements regarding lifeboat fitting do not correspond to present
regulations? All life boats shall be fitted with
a. release device to enable forward painter to be released under tension

b. A buoyant lifeline bucketed around the outside of the lifeboat

c. A remotely operated steering arrangement

d. Effective means for bailing or have self bailing arrangement

55. What is the minimum number of channels required for the portable two-way VHF’S for survival

a. Channel 6, 12 & 16

b. Channels 6, 13 & 16

c. Channels 16 & 12

d. Channels 16 only

56. Which one of the listed requirements regarding enclosures of totally enclosed lifeboats do not
corresponds to present regulation? The enclosures shall be provided with

a. arrangements for rowing

b. Access hatches which can be closed watertight

c. Windows on both sides which can be closed water tight and opened for ventilation

d. Access hatches capable of being opened and closed from both sides

57. EPIRB Emergency Position informing Radar Beacon

a. True

b. False

58. SART stands for

a. Search and Rescue, Radar Transponder

b. Search and Rescue Transponder

c. Search and Rescue Team

d. None of the above

59. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the launching and recovery arrangements for
survival crafts corresponds to present SOLAS regulations?

a. Different type of launching and recovery arrangements shall be used for similar survival crafts
on board the ship
b. Each life boat shall be provided with separate appliances which is capable of launching and
recovering the lifeboat
c. Launching and recovering arrangements shall be such that the operator at all times can observe
the survival craft and lifeboats.
d. Means shall be available to prevent any discharge of water on to survival crafts during

60. Life jacket have the following attached to it

a. Whistle and retro reflective tape

b. Light and whistle

c. SI Light, Whistle and retro reflective tape

d. None of the above

61. If the ships sink, the water pressures will, within _________m, activates the shape knife which cuts
the white strong rope and the life raft will float free

a. 3




62. The duration of the rocket parachute is

a. 40 sec

b. 60 sec

c. 30 sec

d. None of the above

63. What method shall be used when hauling survivors out of the sea (state of survivors is critical)?

a. Using lifebuoy

b. Using heaving line

c. Using painter

d. Using nets
64. When a person floating in the water alone, he should be

a. HUDDLE position

b. Help position

c. YOGA position

d. None of the above

65. After 24 hours in life raft _____________liter of water per person per day

a. Half

b. one

c. Two

d. Three

66. Which one of the listed requirements regarding rescue boat equipment do not correspond to
present regulations? The normal equipment of every rescue boat shall include:
a. a first aid outfit in watertight case

b. two buoyant rescue quoits attached to not less than 30m of line

c. immersion suits for the number of persons the boat is permitted to accommodate

d. An efficient radar reflector

67. The smoke detector (fire indicator) indicates fire in a cargo hold loaded by general cargo, what first
action should be taken?

a. Use the ship’s gas extinguishing central system to put out the fire

b. Inspect the scene before deciding the method to be used for fire fighting

c. Start the fire pumps, open the hatches and start fighting the fire by fire hoses

d. Close the ventilation system and other openings to the hold in order to choke the fire

68. Life boat must capable of being launched in when the ships speed of

a. When the ship is heading with a speed of 5 knots

b. When the ship is heading with the speed of 9 knots

c. When the ship is heading with the speed of 7 knots

d. When the ship is heading with the speed of 10 knots

69. A life raft should be inflate in:

a. 3 to 4 minutes

b. 30 to 60 seconds

c. 1 to 12 minutes

d. Thirty minutes

70. Abandon ship drill and fire drill must be held with __________hours of leaving port if more than
25% of the crew have not taken part in drills on board the ship in the previous month
a. 12 hours

b. 24 hours

c. 48 hours

d. 96 hours

71. Life boats must be stowed in such a way so that they are capable of being launched in __________
a. 10 minutes

b. 05 minutes

c. 15 minutes

d. 25 minutes

72. Your vessel has been in collision and you are not sure if your vessel is sinking or not, how will you
handle this situation?
a.Make sure that the lifeboat has as much bunker as possible and make you course for
nearest land

b. Wait and see how the situation is developing

c. Search for missing persons. Continue to monitor situation and prepare for abandonment in
case it become necessary

d. Leave the vessel and stay not closer than 5 nautical miles.

73. What equipment is provided in a life raft to help you keep warm in cold weather?

a. The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to give addition from the cold
b. The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help. In addition to the thermal
protective aids (10 of Complement, minimum 2)
c. At least 10 % of the rafts complement with a minimum 2 thermal protective aids are
d. Thermal protective aids for each person
74. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of lifeboats and life rafts do not
correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS II/13.3-13.6)
a. Davit launched life rafts shall be stowed within reach of the lifting hooks unless adequate
means of transport is provided

b. Life raft intended for throw –overboard launching shall be stowed amidships secured to
means for transfer to either side

c. Life rafts shall be stowed as to permit manual release from their securing arrangements

d. Lifeboats shall be stowed attached to launching appliances

75. For how long and what speed is a fully loaded lifeboat designed to operate in calm weather?

a. 6 knots for 24 hours

b. 4 knots for 48 hours

c. 3 knots for 24 hours

d. 10 knots for 24 hours

76. How much fresh water available in life boat per person

a. 3 Ltr

b.1.5 Ltr

c. 2 Ltr

d. 500 m

77. Which one of the listed routine test and inspections of life-saving appliances is not required by the
a. Inspection of life saving appliances including life boat equipment shall be carried out monthly to
ensure they are complete and in good order

b. General emergency alarm to be tested daily

c. Survival crafts and rescue boats with launching appliances shall be visually inspected weekly to
ensure they are ready for use
d. Life boat engines to be run for at least 3 minutes every week

78. Inspections of LSA items onboard shall be carried out

a. Weekly

b. Monthly

c. Yearly

d. Half yearly
79. Which one of the following is not a survival craft?

a. Life boat

b. Rescue boat

c. Life raft

d. Free fall lie boat

80. Sea anchor is used to reduce the ___________ of survival craft

a. Fuel consumption

b. ETA

c. Drift rate

d. Reduce rolling

81. Vessel 200 meters and over in length should have

a. 18 life buoy

b. 16 life buoy

c. 8 life buoy

d. 14 life buoy

82. Which one of listed requirements regarding lifeboat fitting do not correspond to present
regulations? All life boats shall be fitted with

a. release device to enable forward painter to be released under tension

b. A buoyant lifeline bucketed around the outside of the lifeboat

c. A remotely operated steering arrangement

d. Effective means for bailing or have self bailing arrangement

83. What is the minimum number of channels required for the portable two-way VHF’S for survival

a. Channel 6, 12 & 16

b. Channels 6, 13 & 16

c. Channels 16 & 12

d. Channels 16 only
84. Which one of the listed requirements regarding enclosures of totally enclosed lifeboats do not
corresponds to present regulation? The enclosures shall be provided with
a. arrangements for rowing

b. Access hatches which can be closed watertight

c. Windows on both sides which can be closed water tight and opened for ventilation

d. Access hatches capable of being opened and closed from both sides

85. Life boats must be stowed in such a way so that they are capable of being launched in ------
a. 10 minutes
b. 05 minutes
c. 15 minutes

86. Which one of the listed requirements regarding partially enclosed lifeboats do not correspond to
present regulations? The canopy between rigid covers shall be
a. It can easily be erected by two persons
b. The occupants can escape in case of capsizing
c. It is insulated to protect occupants against heat and cold
d. It has windows to admit sufficient daylight inside the lifeboat with the canopy closed

87. Which one of the listed requirements regarding hydrostatic release unit for float free
arrangements for life rafts does not correspond to present regulations? hydrostatic release units
a. Be permanently marked with type and serial number
b. Be constructed as to prevent release by seas washing over the unit
c. Be constructed of compatible material to prevent malfunction
d. Be provided with a painter system with a breaking strength of not more than 2.2

88. Your vessel have been in collision with another vessel. You are taking in water and you have to
prepare for leaving the vessel. How will you act
a. Just jump over board and be ready
b. Collect your own personal belongings
c. Assist your friends to collect their personal belongings
d. Send a distress message and collect survival suit/thermal bags

89. Match the term LTA with suitable answers given below
a. Messenger Line
b. Four projects
c. 230 m
d. All the above

90. Vessel 100 meters and over in length should have

a. 18 lifebuoy
b. 16 lifebuoy
c. 10 lifebuoy
d. 14 life buoy
91. During Test and /or maintenance work of the CO2 system affecting the release system precautions
to ensure that the gas is not released into the engine room due to a mistake or to be ensured.
What precautions should be taken?
a. No special precautions necessary
b. The main supply line to be blanked off prior to the work
c. Check the main valve for a potential leakage
d. Arrange a watchman in the CO2 central

92. Which one of the following is not a survival craft

a. Life boat
b. Rescue boat
c. Life raft
d. Free fall life boat

93. What maneuver should be carried out in case of a fire on board a ship?
a. Let the ship follow the wind in order to reduce the oxygen supply
b. Keep the stem up against the wind if possible
c. Continue on course and speed
d. Reduce speed and, If possible, keep the fire zone

94. Life boat service have to be done by the personnel trained and authorised by the manufacturer for
every __________years

95. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of lifeboats and life rafts do not
correspond to present regulations??(SOLAS II/13.3-13.6)
a. Davit-launched life rafts shall be stowed within reach of the lifting hooks unless adequate
means of transport is provided
b. Life rafts intended for throw over board launching shall be stowed amidships secured to means
for transfer to either side

c. Life rafts shall be so stowed as to permit manual release from their securing arrangements

d. Lifeboats shall be stowed attached to launching appliances

96. Which of the following items shall be included in each fire drill?

a. Checking the operation of fire doors

b. Checking the fire wires

c. Checking the operation of watertight doors, fire doors, fire dampers and relevant
communication equipment.

d. Checking closure mechanism for all ventilators and other openings to accommodation, engine
rooms and cargo spaces
97. Which one of the listed requirements regarding immersion suits do not correspond to present
regulations? The immersion suit shall be made of water proof materials and constructed such
a. It will have sufficient built in buoyancy to avoid the use of a lifejacket

b. It will cover the whole body with the exception of the face

c. It can be unpacked and donned without assistance within 2 minutes

d. It is provided with the arrangements to reduce free air in the legs of the suit

98. Your vessel has been in collision and you are not sure if your vessel is sinking or not. How will you
handle this situation?
a. Make sure that the lifeboat has as much bunker as possible and make you course nearest

b. Wait and see how the situation is developing

c. Search for missing persons. Continue to monitor situation and prepare for abandonment in
case it become necessary

d. Lave the vessel and not closer than 5 nautical miles.

99. What method shall be used when hauling survivors out of the sea (state of survivors is critical)

a. Using lifebuoy

b. Using heaving line

c. Using painter

d. Using nets

100. A life raft is stabilized by:

a. Sitting on its edge

b. The water filled pockets underneath it

c. Being square in shape

d. Padding it into the wind

101. Radar reflector is provided in

a. Life boat

b. Rescue boat

c. Life raft

d. Life raft and Life boat

102. The main safety features on a life raft are:

a. Pressure relief valve

b. Stabilizing pocket

c. Insulated canopy with two layers for protection against heat and cold

d. All the above

103. Match the term IMMERSION SUIT with most suitable answers given below

a. Davit launch

b. Navigation Bridge

c. Protection against cold

d. HRU

104. Falls used in launching shall be renewed not later than how many years

a. 2.5 years

b. 5 years

c. 3 years

d. 1 year

105. Match the term LTA with suitable answer given below

a. Messenger line

b. Four projectiles

c. 230 m

d. All the above

106. Man overboard alarm is

a. Continuous ringing of the bell

b. Seven or more short blasts followed by one long blast

c. Master verbal order

d. Three long blast on Siren/Hooter/Whistle

107. Which of the requirements regarding to the number of lifejackets provided do not correspond to
present regulations?(SOLASII/7.2)

a. A number of life jackets suitable for children equal to at least 10% of the number of
passenger on board or a greater number as may be required to provide a lifejacket for each

b. A number of life jackets equal to at least 10% of the total number of passengers and crew to
be placed in the vicinity of the muster stations

c. A sufficient number of life jackets shall be carried for persons on watch

d. A sufficient number of lifejackets for use at remotely located survival craft station

108. When reasonable and practicable, How often and rescue boats be launched with their assigned
crew aboard and maneuverer in the water?

a. Every month

b. Every week

c. Every three months

d. Every two weeks

109. The responsibility for safety and security rests with everybody on board the vessel General house-
keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important?

a) Do not use dangerous liquid detergents in closed spaces

b) Do not wear work clothes in mess rooms recreation rooms or cabins

c) Do not walk ladders without using handralis

d) Do not sleep on open deck

110. Which one of the given requirements regarding manning and supervision of survival craft
corresponds to the SOLAS regulation?

a) There shall be at least 5 trained persons on board, mustering and assisting untrained persons

b) Every lifeboat required to carry radio telegraph installation shall have a deck officer capable of
operating the equipment assigned
c) A deck officer or certificated person shall be placed in charge of each survival craft to be used

d) Every motorized survival craft shall have a certificated engineer assigned

111. What equipment is provided in a liferaft to help you keep warm in cold weather?

a) The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to give additional insulation from
the cold water

b) The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help insulation, in addition to
the thermal protective aids (10% of complement, minimum 2)

c) At least 10% of the rafts complement with a minimum of 2 thermal protective aids are

d) Thermal protective aids for each person

112. A distress signal On deck

a) Pyro techniques

b) Open fire

c) Flag NC

d) All the above

113. Which of the listed requirements cargo ships regarding personal life-saving appliances does not
correspond to present regulations?

a) Ships with a length of 100 metros or less shall carry minimum 8 lifebuoys

b) Ships fitted with free-fall life-boats may carry thermal protective aids instead of immersion
c) Cargo ships of less than 85 metros in length shall, as a general rule, carry immersion suits for
every person onboard

d) Self-igniting lights for lifebuoys required on tankers shall be of an electric battery type
114. Which one of the listed routine test and inspections of life-saving appliances is not required by
the regulations?
a) al inspection of life saving appliances, including lifeboat equipment shall be carried out
monthly to ensure they are complete and in good order
b) General emergency alarm to be tested daily
c) Survival crafts and rescue boats with launching appliances shall be visually inspected weekly
to ensure they are ready for use
d) Lifeboat engines to be run for at least 3 minutes every week

115. Where will you find the emergency instructions?

a) Muster station.

b) Muster List

c) Standing Orders

d) Article of agreement

116. A SOLAS lifejacket shall be designed so that it will allow the wearer to jump from a vertical
distance of
a) 12 meters without injury or dislodgement

b) 9 meters without injury or dislodgement

c) 30 meters without injury or dislodgement

d) 6 meters without injury or dislodgement

117. Match the term "IMMERSION SUIT" with the most suitable answers given below
a) Navigation bridge
b) Donning in One minutes

c) Donning in three minutes

d) Donning in two minutes a

118. How would you know how many people a lifeboat is supposed to hold?

a) Ask one of the deck officers

b) Fill the boat up until no more space is left

c) The number of persons should be clearly stated on the outside of the boats bow

e) No fixed number as it depends on the people's size

119. After the Abandon ship the survivors in a life boat must be given

a) One Itr of water each

b) Two liter water each

c) No water for first 24 hrs.

d) Half a liter water each

120. The additional lifejackets are kept in

a) conspicuous places on deck or at muster stations

b) Inside the bridge

c) On the bridge wings

d) In engine room

121. Life Boats must capable of being launched in when the ships speed of
a) when the ship is heading with a speed of 5 knots

b) when the ship is heading with a speed of 9 knots

c) when the ship is heading with a speed of 7 knots

d) when the ship is heading with a speed of 10 knots

122. After the Abandon ship the survivors in a life boat must be given

a) One Itr of water each

b) Two liter water each

c) No water for first 24 hrs.

Od) Half a liter water each

123. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the launching and recovery arrangements for
rescue boats do not correspond to present regulations?

a) Rapid recovery shall be possible with the boats full compliment of persons and equipment

b) Launching shall be possible at ship's headway speed up to 5 knots in calm weather

c) The release mechanism shall be of an automatic type approved by the Administration

d) Embarkation and launching arrangements shall be such that the rescue boat can be boarded
and launched in the shortest possible time

124. Which one of the listed requirements regarding rescue boats do not correspond to present
regulations? Rescue boats shall

a) be capable of maneuvering at speeds up to 6 knots

b) have permanent arrangement for towing

c) have self-bailing arrangements

d) be capable of carrying at least 5 persons seated and one person lying down

125. What is a hydrostatic release unit?

a) An important part connected to the sea-anchor

b) A unit for inflating the liferaft

c) A unit which automatically releases the liferaft at a depth of approx 4 metres

d) A unit which automatically release all securing when abandon the vessel

126. Before LIFTING a lifeboat from the water, it must be ensured that

a) Bottom plug is shipped tight

b) Fall wires are clear and hooked securely

c) Engine is going astern

d) Sea anchor is streamed

127. A life raft should inflate in:

a) 3 to 4 minutes

b) 30 to 60 seconds

c) 1 to 2 minutes

d) thirty minutes
128. Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat propulsion do not correspond to present

a) The engine shall be provided with an electric power starting system with rechargeable energy
b) Every lifeboat shall be powered by a compression ignition engine using fuel with a flame point
of not less than 44 degC

c) Means shall be provided for recharging all engine-starting radio and searchlight batteries

d) Water resistant instruction for starting and operating the engine shall be provided

129. Which one of the listed requirements regarding life-saving appliances do not correspond to
present regulations?

a) All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be made of non-combustible or fire retardant

b) All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be of a highly visible colour on parts where this will
assist detection
c) All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be fitted with retro-reflective material which will
assist in detection
d) All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be resistant to deterioration where exposed to

130. A distress signal On deck

a) Pyro techniques

b) Open fire

c) Flag NC

d) All the above

131. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the general emergency alarm system do not
correspond to present regulations? The general emergency alarm system shall:

a) Have electric alarm bells (or claxons) powered from the ship's main and emergency sources of
electric power

b) Be audible through all accommodation and crew working spaces

c) Be capable of operation from fire stations aboard the ship

d) be able of sounding the emergency alarm signal by the ships whistle or siren, and additionally

on electrically operated bells or claxonS

132. Your vessel have been in collision with another vessel. You are taking in water and you have to
prepare for leaving the vessel. How will you act

a) Just jump over board and be ready

b) Collect your own personal belongings

c) Assist your friends to collect their personal belongings

d) Send a distress message and collect survival suits/thermal bags

133. How would you know how many people a lifeboat is supposed to hold?

a) Ask one of the deck officers

b) Fill the boat up until no more space is left

c) The number of persons should be clearly stated on the outside of the boats bow

d) No fixed number as it depends on the people's size

134. What is the Important SOLAS requirements for Life Rafts

a) All life raft provided on ships should be bestowed with its painter permanently attached to the

b) Each life raft or group of life raft should be stowed with float-free arrangement complying with
the requirements so that each floats free. If it is an inflatable raft, it should inflate
automatically when the ship sinks

c) Liferafts should be stowed in such so as to permit the manual release of one raft or container
at a time from the securing arrangements

d) d) All of the above

135. SART stands for

a) Search and Rescue, Radar Transponder

b) Search and Rescue Transporter

c) Search and Rescue Team

e) None of the above

136. The function of hydrostatic release unit (HRU) is

a) Substitute for limit switch of gravity davits

b) To automatically unhook the lashing and release the life raft when the ship sinks

c) For releasing a life raft in bad weather

d) For releasing the lifeboat from the sinking vessel

137. Which one of the listed requirements regarding abandon ship and fire drills do not
correspond to present regulations?

a) On all international voyages, except short voyages, muster of passengers shall take place
within 24 hours after embarkation

b) On all short international voyages, muster of passengers shall take place as soon as possible
after departure

c) Each member of the crew shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill
every month

d) A training manual shall be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room or in each
crew cabin

138. MOB marker buoy is used in case:

a) The ship is on fire

b) When some crew member fall into the sea

c) When the ship is sinking

e) When some crew has an injury

139. How is the painter attached to the lifeboat released once the boat is waterborne and ready to

a) Cut it with the knife contained in the equipment locker

b) The painter will automatically part by the weak link when the boat goes astern to clear the ship

c) Cut it with the axe provided

d) Remove the toggle which will release the painter

140. A life raft should inflate in:

a) 3 to 4 minutes

b) 30 to 60 seconds

c) 1 to 2 minutes

d) thirty minutes

141. The Duration of the Rocket parachute is

a) 40 sec

b) 60 sec

c) 30 sec

d) None of the above

142. When a person floating in the water alone, he should be

a) HUDDLE position

b) HELP position

c) Yoga position

d) None of the above

143. Match the term TPA with most suitable answers given below

a) Davit launch

b) Whistle

c) Protection against cold

d) HRU

144. The Master is responsible that all crew participate in monthly emergency drills. If 25% of the

crew-or more-has not participated in such drill during the last

month, what is the time limit to conduct such a drill after the vessel has left a port?

a) Within 12 hrs

b) Within 24 hrs

c) Within 36 hrs

d) Within 06 hrs
145. Which one of the listed requirements regarding partially enclosed lifeboats do not correspond to
present regulations? The canopy between rigid covers shall be:

a) it can easily be erected by two persons

b) the occupants can escape in case of capsizing

c) it is insulated to protect occupants against heat and cold

d) it has windows to admit sufficient daylight Inside the lifeboat with the canopy closed

146. If the ship sinks, the water pressure will, within _________m, activates the sharp knife which cuts
the white strong rope and the life raft will float free


b) 5


d) 4

147. Every Lifeboat is required to be launched and maneuvered in the water at least once in
_______ months

a) Every month

b) Every 2 month

c) Every 3 month

d) None of the above

148. Match the term "IMMERSION SUIT" with the most suitable answers given below

a) Navigation bridge

b) Donning in One minutes

c) Donning in three minutes

d) Donning in two minutes

149. What signal, if any, is specified in SOLAS as the 'Abandon ship' signal?

a) Seven short blasts followed by one long blast

b) Six short blasts followed by one long blast

c) The 'Abandon ship' signal is not specified, only the general emergency alarm signal is stated

d) Four long blasts

150. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of lifeboats and liferafts do not
correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS 11/133-13.6)

a) Davit-launched liferafts shall be stowed within reach of the lifting hooks unless adequate
means of transport is provided

b) Liferafts intended for throw-overboard launching shall be stowed amidships secured to means
for transfer to either side

c) Liferafts shall be so stowed as to permit manual release from their securing arrangements

d) Lifeboats shall be stowed attached to launching appliances

151. Which one of the listed requirements regarding rescue boats do not correspond to present
regulations? Rescue boats shall

a) be capable of maneuvering at speeds up to 6 knots

b) have permanent arrangement for towing

c) have self-bailing arrangements

d) be capable of carrying at least 5 persons seated and one person lying down

152. Below is considered as a general emergency onboard

a) Steering Failure

b) Pirate Attack

c) Power Failure

d) All the above

153. What maneuver should be carried out in case of a fire onboard a ship?

a) Let the ship follow the wind in order to reduce the oxygen supply

b) Keep the stem up against the wind if possible

c) Continue on course and speed

d) Reduce speed and, if possible, keep the fire zone to the leeward of the ship
154. The thermal protective aids shall be as per SOLAS

a) Cover the whole body of a person wearing a lifejacket with the exception of the face. Hands
shall also be covered unless permanently attached gloves are provided:

b) Be capable of being unpacked and easily donned without assistance in a survival craft or
rescue boat;

c) Permit the wearer to remove it in the water in not more than 2 minutes if it impairs ability
to swim

e) All of the above

155. Below is considered as a general emergency onboard

a) Accidents involving Dangerous Goods

b) Heavy Weather Damage

c) Main Engine Failure

d) All the above

156. How much fresh water available in life boat per person

a) 3 Ltr

b) 1.5 Ltr

c) 2 Ltr

d) 500 ml

157. Which of the following items shall be included in each fire drill?

a) Checking the operation of fire doors

b) Checking the fire wires

c) Checking the operation of watertight doors, fire doors, fire dampers and relevant
communication equipment

d) Checking closure mechanism for all air ventilators and other openings to accommodation,
engine rooms and cargo spaces

158. The Duration of the Buoyant smoke Marker is

a) 1 min

b) 10 min

c) 15 Min

d) 3 min
159. Which one of the listed requirements regarding hydrostatic release unit for float free
arrangements for liferafts does not correspond to present regulations? Hydrostatic release units

a) be permanently marked with type and serial number

b) be constructed as to prevent release by seas washing over the unit

c) be constructed of compatible material to prevent malfunction

dj be provided with a painter system with a breaking strength of not more than 2:2 KN

160. Match the term LIFE JACKET with most suitable answers given below

a) Davit launch

b) Whistle and Sl Light

c) Protection against cold

d) HRU

161. What maneuver should be carried out in case of a fire onboard a ship?

a) Let the ship follow the wind in order to reduce the oxygen supply

b) Keep the stem up against the wind if possible

c) Continue on course and speed

d) Reduce speed and, if possible, keep the fire zone to the leeward of the ship

162. Below is considered as a general emergency onboard

a) Steering Failure

b) Pirate Attack

c) Power Failures

d) All the above

163. Which one of the listed requirements regarding rescue boats do not correspond to present
regulations? Rescue boats shall

a) be capable of maneuvering at speeds up to 6 knots

b) have permanent arrangement for towing

c) have self-bailing arrangements

d) be capable of carrying at least 5 persons seated and one person lying down

164. Your vessel have been in collision and you are not sure if your vessel is sinking or not. How will
you handle this situation?

a) Leave the vessel and stay not closer than 5 nautical miles

b) Search for missing persons. Continue to monitor situation and prepare for abandonment in
case it become necessary

c) Make sure that the life boat has as much bunker as possible and make you course for nearest

d) Wait and see how the situation is developing

165. The visible range of a parachute flare at night is approximately

a) 8 nautical miles

b) 10 nautical miles

c) 15 nautical miles

d) 25 nautical miles

166. Match the term TPA with most suitable answers given below

a) Davit launch

b) Whistle

c) Protection against cold

d) HRU
167. LSA stands for

a) Line Saving Appliance

b) Life Saving Appliance

c) Line Safety Apparatus

d) Life Safety Apparatus

168. You have abandoned ship in a liferaft. Which of the following actions should you take?

a) Organize a lookout system

b) Join up with any other survival craft and stream the sea anchor

c) Organize a lookout system and join up with other survival craft if possible. You should also
stream the sea anchor

d) Start paddling in the direction of the nearest land

170. How many Radar Transponders (SART) are required to be carried onboard a ship for use in
survival crafts?

a) One on each side of the ship

b) One in each lifeboat

c) 2 on new-builds only. Old ships have to comply by August -95

d) Two on each side of the ship

171. A distress signal On deck

a) Pyro techniques

b) Open fire

c) Flag N C

d) All the above

172. The EPIRB transmitted distress signal shall be received by

a) Nearby ships

b) RCC


d) Nearest Port

173. A ship in distress should transmit the appropriate alarm signal followed by the distress call and
message on one or all of the international distress frequencies. Which of frequencies is in
accordance with the present recommendations?

a) 550 kHz, 2367 kHz and 121.5 MHz

b) 500 kHz, 2182 kHz and 156.8 MHz

c) 550 kHz, 2182 Hz and 121 5 MHz

d) 500 kHz, 2367 kHz and 243 MHz

174. What equipment is provided in a liferaft to help you keep warm in cold weather?

a) The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to give additional insulation
from the cold water

b) The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help insulation, in addition to
the thermal protective aids (10% of complement, minimum 2)

c) At least 10% of the rafts complement with a minimum of 2 thermal protective aids are

d) Thermal protective aids for each person

175. During test and/or maintenance work of the CO2 system affecting the release system,
precautions to ensure that the gas is not released into the engine room due to a mistake are to
be ensured. What precautions should be taken?

a) No special precautions necessary

b) The main supply line to be blanked off prior to the work

c) Check the main valve for a potential leakage

e) Arrange a watchman in the CO2 central

176. Which one of the listed requirements regarding rescue boat equipment do not correspond to
present regulations? The normal equipment of every rescue boat shall include:

a) a first-aid outfit in a watertight case

b) two buoyant rescue quoits attached to not less than 30m of line

c) immersion suits for the number of persons the boat is permitted to accommodate

d) an efficient radar reflector

177. Lifeboat should have

a) Two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30 m of buoyant line

b) Two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 15 m of buoyant line

c) One buoyant rescue quoit, attached to not less than 30 m of buoyant line

d) One buoyant rescue quoit, attached to not less than 15 m of buoyant line

178.Posters or signs shall be provided on or in the vicinity of survival craft and their launching controls.
Which of the following requirements do not have to be included according to present regulations?
(SOLAS 11/9)

a) Use recommended symbols

b) Give relevant instructions and warnings

c) Give information on survival craft capacity

d) Illustrate the purpose of controls and the procedures of operating the appliance

179. lifeboats must be stowed in such a way so that they are capable of being launched in

a) Fire

b) Collision/grounding

c) Man overboard

d) All of the above

180. Below is considered as a general emergency onboard

a) Hull failure

b) Uncontrolled Venting or Cargo Jettisoning on Gas Tankers

c) Loss of Stability during Cargo Operations

e) All the above

f) 178. The Duration of the MOB Marker self lighting is
g) a) 2 hrs
h) b) 10 min
i) c) 15 Min
j) d) 3 Min
k) 179. Survival craft WALKIE TALKIE-Enduance - _________hours continuous operation
l) a) 6 hrs
m) b) 8 hrs
n) c) 12 hrs
o) d) 24 hrs
p) 180. Battery used for EPIRB have very long shelf life of
q) a) 2 years or more
r) b) 3 years or more
s) c) 4 years of more
t) d) 5 years or more

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