A Detailed Lesson Plan in English For Grade 11 Students I. Objectives

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I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Identify the features of an impromptu speech;

b. Write topics appropriate for an impromptu speech;
c. Appreciate and deliver an effective impromptu speech.

II. Contents

A. Topic: Organizing and Delivering an Impromptu Speech

B. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, pen and paper
C. Reference: Oral Communication in Context
Philippe John Fresnillio Sipacio, pp. 116-125
D. English Process: Observing, Communicating, Comparing, Classifying

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities Greeting

Good afternoon, class! How is your day so far? Good afternoon, Sir! We are fine.

That’s good to hear! So can I expect a full blast of Yes, Sir.

energy and active participation from you?

Before we begin the lesson this afternoon, let us ask the (Student lead the prayer)
guidance of almighty God and let us enlighten our mind
to completely understand the lesson this afternoon.
Would you please lead the prayer Emmanuel?

(Checking of Attendance) (Students say present as the teacher calls in their

…say present… name)

Last time we discussed about what? Organizing and Delivering a Memorized Speech.

Is there any question about our past lesson? None, Sir.

IV. Motivation

Individual Activity

Alright let us do simple a Warm Up. I will read and all

of you do follow each direction flashed on your screen.

1. Think of one thing that makes you happy. Write 1. Think of one thing that makes you happy. Write it
it in any sheet of paper. in any sheet of paper.
2. Type your answer below the comment box. 2. Type your answer below the comment box.
3. Your teacher will call a volunteer.
3. Your teacher will call a volunteer.
4. He/She will then be given 30 seconds to say
something about the word or phrase on that 4. He/She will then be given 30 seconds to say
paper. something about the word or phrase on that paper.


After completing Let’s Warm Up, tick the column that

determines how often you practice what the statements (Students right their task in piece of paper)
say. Do this as objectively as possible. Bear in mind that
there are no wrong answers. You can use your
performance in Let’s Warm Up as a basis in completing
this task.

Class you did a marvelous job, keep doing it! Who can
Organizing and Delivering an Impromptu Speech.
figure out what’s our topic for today?

Very good, class please gives her/him a virtual clap!


Isabel, please read what is Impromptu Speech?

Impromptu speeches are delivered with little or no
Impromptu speeches are delivered with little or no time time for preparation. In most instances, you are called
for preparation. In most instances, you are called to to speak at the spur of the moment because you are
speak at the spur of the moment because you are expected to be knowledgeable about the subject.
expected to be knowledgeable about the subject.
For example, your teacher assigned you to read an
article before the class starts. Then, during the class
For example, your teacher assigned you to read an
you were asked to deliver an impromptu speech
article before the class starts. Then, during the class you
about what you have learned from the article.
were asked to deliver an impromptu speech about what
Another instance to illustrate an impromptu situation
you have learned from the article. Another instance to
is when you are asked by a friend or a relative about
illustrate an impromptu situation is when you are asked
your current or planned vacation trip or when you are
by a friend or a relative about your current or planned
campaigning for a position in school and you are
vacation trip or when you are campaigning for a
asked by your fellow students to respond to their
position in school and you are asked by your fellow
students to respond to their questions.
(Teacher Explanation)

Now, we’re going to discuss the Strategies in

Organizing and Delivering an Impromptu Speech
Below are some of the strategies that you can follow
when you organize and deliver an
Impromptu speech.

Aiden, may you please read the first one?

1. Past, Present, Future

1. Past, Present, Future
Example: In the past, I was not comfortable in
Example: In the past, I was not comfortable in making
making impromptu speeches because I could not
impromptu speeches because I could not think right
think right away of what to say; maybe it was
away of what to say; maybe it was because of
because of nervousness and lack of time to prepare.
nervousness and lack of time to prepare. At present,
At present, however, I am enjoying it because I
however, I am enjoying it because I constantly practice
constantly practice and keep on exposing myself to
and keep on exposing myself to any speaking situation.
any speaking situation. In the future, I look forward
In the future, I look forward to teaching others how to
to teaching others how to survive impromptu speech
survive impromptu speech situations.
(Teacher Explanation)

Fae, Please read the number three and the example of it.

2. Point-Reason-Example/Explanation-Point 2. Point-Reason-Example/Explanation-Point

Example: Point - I love Facebook.

Example: Point - I love Facebook.
Reason - I have two reasons for this: one, it helps me
Reason - I have two reasons for this: one, it helps me
easily reconnect with old friends; and, two, I am
easily reconnect with old friends; and, two, I am
updated on the happenings around me.
updated on the happenings around me.
Example/Explanation -
Example/Explanation -
Through Facebook, I am able to contact my old
Through Facebook, I am able to contact my old friends
friends from other countries and reminisce about
from other countries and reminisce about wonderful
wonderful memories. I am glad to be able to
memories. I am glad to be able to reconnect with friends
reconnect with friends even if it’s only through
even if it’s only through online means. Also, through
online means. Also, through posts on Facebook, I
posts on Facebook, I learn about the current events in
learn about the current events in the country—a fact
the country—a fact which has a bearing on my role as a
which has a bearing on my role as a citizen of this
citizen of this nation.
Point - Facebook, indeed, is a useful social network site.
Point - Facebook, indeed, is a useful social network
That is why I love it. site. That is why I love it.

(Teacher Explanation)

Adelyn, please read the next one.

3. Opening, Rule of Three, Clincher 3. Opening, Rule of Three, Clincher

Example: Example:
Opening Every time I see homeless families, it breaks Opening Every time I see homeless families, it
my heart. That is why I try to do at least three little breaks my heart. That is why I try to do at least three
things to help them. Rule of Three little things to help them. Rule of Three
• First, I feature them in my writings which I submit to • First, I feature them in my writings which I submit
editors for publication. I highlight their sad and bad to editors for publication. I highlight their sad and
experiences living in the streets and their dreams and bad experiences living in the streets and their dreams
aspirations in life. and aspirations in life.
• Second, I actively participate in organizing and • Second, I actively participate in organizing and
facilitating livelihood programs for these families. facilitating livelihood programs for these families.
• Finally, I join different nonprofit organizations in • Finally, I join different nonprofit organizations in
campaigns and awareness activities against poverty. campaigns and awareness activities against poverty.
Clincher These three are my baby steps toward Clincher These three are my baby steps toward
achieving my vision of helping homeless people and achieving my vision of helping homeless people and
freeing this nation from the bondage of poverty. freeing this nation from the bondage of poverty.

(Teacher Explanation)

However, class in doing Impromptu Speech there are

instances that you may encounter that will be cause a
problem but there are solution to it.

What do you think are the problems you usually may Lack of ideas
encounter in doing an Impromptu Speech? Lack of time
No idea in given topic
Very good, so that are the things we usually encounter
in doing an Impromptu Speech.

Sanaiata, can you please read the statement on your


In some cases, you may find yourself unaware of or In some cases, you may find yourself unaware of or
uninterested in the topic. This usually happens and it is uninterested in the topic. This usually happens and it
inevitable. Distinguished Toastmaster Craig Harrison is inevitable. Distinguished Toastmaster Craig
(2010) shares the following strategies that can help you Harrison (2010) shares the following strategies that
address the problem. can help you address the problem.

(Teacher Explanation)

Saniata, please continue reading.

A. Bridging This entails building a connection between A. Bridging This entails building a connection
what you do know and what you do not know. between what you do know and what you do not
Example: Example:
Topic You are asked about your reaction on the conflict Topic You are asked about your reaction on the
in Russia. conflict in Russia.
Problem You have no knowledge about the existing Problem You have no knowledge about the existing
conflict in Russia because you do not follow it. conflict in Russia because you do not follow it.
Solution Find a way to bridge what you don’t know and Solution Find a way to bridge what you don’t know
what you do know. and what you do know.
Response Response
“I would imagine the conflict in Russia to be like a “I would imagine the conflict in Russia to be like a
conflict in my own family. The following are some steps conflict in my own family. The following are some
that I observed in patching up the conflict, which, in a steps that I observed in patching up the conflict,
micro level, may be considered by the Russian which, in a micro level, may be considered by the
government…” Russian government…”

(Teacher Explanation)

Isabel, please read the next one.

B. Reframing. This means rephrasing or redefining
B. Reframing. This means rephrasing or redefining the the topic into something that you want to talk about.
topic into something that you want to talk about. This This usually occurs if you think the topic is
usually occurs if you think the topic is inappropriate or inappropriate or it is not meant for you.
it is not meant for you.
Topic You are asked to compare two forms of
Topic You are asked to compare two forms of government: democratic and parliamentary
government: democratic and parliamentary Problem You think that it is not right for you
Problem You think that it is not right for you because because you are a science major.
you are a science major. Solution
Solution Find a pair of anything that you think is worth
Find a pair of anything that you think is worth comparing. You can compare natural science and
comparing. You can compare natural science and social social science in terms of concepts and processes, or
science in terms of concepts and processes, or computers and humans in terms of capacity and
computers and humans in terms of capacity and efficiency.
efficiency. Response
Response “This question reminds me of the complexities in
“This question reminds me of the complexities in differentiating two concepts in science. These are
differentiating two concepts in science. These are natural science and social science. Just like
natural science and social science. Just like democratic democratic and parliamentary, these two differ in
and parliamentary, these two differ in terms of concepts terms of concepts and processes…”
and processes…”

(Teacher Explanation)

Adelyn, please read the next one.

C. Playing Devil’s Advocate. This refers to you C. Playing Devil’s Advocate. This refers to you
standing on the opposite side. standing on the opposite side.
Example: Example:
Topic You are asked whether or not the government Topic You are asked whether or not the government
should allocate a bigger budget for national defense. should allocate a bigger budget for national defense.
Problem You have no idea about the defense system Problem You have no idea about the defense system
and you are more knowledgeable with education. and you are more knowledgeable with education.
Solution Say no to defense and yes to education. Solution Say no to defense and yes to education.
Response “Instead of allocating more money to national Response “Instead of allocating more money to
defense, why not allot it to education? Let me tell you national defense, why not allot it to education? Let
why education should be prioritized…” me tell you why education should be prioritized…”

(Teacher Explanation)

Now, class we are going to tackle important things to do

in doing an Impromptu speech.

Rovelyn, please read.

Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech
Delivery Delivery

Before the Speech Before the Speech

1. Smile. 1. Smile.
2. Relax by thinking about positive things. Keep telling 2. Relax by thinking about positive things. Keep
yourself, “I am a brilliant speaker. I will nail this telling yourself, “I am a brilliant speaker. I will nail
presentation.” this presentation.”
3. Identify your purpose. Is it to inform, to entertain, to 3. Identify your purpose. Is it to inform, to entertain,
welcome, to congratulate, to apologize, or to give to welcome, to congratulate, to apologize, or to give
birthday greetings? birthday greetings?
4. Think of one big word that can serve as your main 4. Think of one big word that can serve as your main
point. If you think you have enough, think of the rule of point. If you think you have enough, think of the rule
three. of three.
5. Start outlining in your head. Focus on what to say 5. Start outlining in your head. Focus on what to say
first. Be reminded that your first few words are crucial, first. Be reminded that your first few words are
so make them strong, powerful and catchy. crucial, so make them strong, powerful and catchy.

(Teacher Explanation each stage) (Teacher Explanation each stage)

Emmanuel, please continue reading. Emmanuel, please continue reading.

During the Speech During the Speech

1. When you are called, keep composed. Walk slowly to 1. When you are called, keep composed. Walk slowly
the lectern or the center stage. to the lectern or the center stage.
2. Shake hands with the one who introduced you, if 2. Shake hands with the one who introduced you, if
necessary. necessary.
3. As you stand to deliver, establish eye contact, and 3. As you stand to deliver, establish eye contact, and
begin right away with your opening statements. Part of begin right away with your opening statements. Part
your opening is greeting your audience. of your opening is greeting your audience.
4. From your initial idea to the next, use appropriate 4. From your initial idea to the next, use appropriate
transitional devices. transitional devices.
5. Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues. 5. Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues.
6. Observe time limit. Remember, you barely have five 6. Observe time limit. Remember, you barely have
minutes to say something. five minutes to say something.

(Teacher Explanation each stage) (Teacher Explanation each stage)

Katrine, Please read the last statement Katrine, Please read the last statement

After the Speech After the Speech

1. Say thank you. 1. Say thank you.

2. Return to your place comfortably. 2. Return to your place comfortably.

(Teacher Explanation each stage) (Teacher Explanation each stage)

4.3 Evaluation


Is there any question class before we proceed? None, Sir.

Is our discussion for today is all clear to you? Yes, Sir.

If none I hope you learn something for today that you

Thank you, Sir.
may use in your better future.

V. Application

I. Individual Activity. Write the name of one local or international personality. Make sure
that the personality is still alive. Examples can be world leaders, scholars, show hosts,
writers, educators, medical practitioners, lawyers, fashion designers, and others.

Your dean assigns you to represent your school in a summit. There, you meet a local or
international personality. You realized that you had the perfect opportunity to talk to that
person. What would you say?

Video tape your answer. Make sure you apply the strategies learned from this lesson. You
have two minutes to prepare and two minutes to speak. Your teacher will signal once you
have reached the time limit. Please be guided by the rubrics below.
VI. Evaluation

Write T before each number if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

1. After your speech, it is appropriate to say “Thank you” to the organizer for the
speaking opportunity.
2. If you find the topic uninteresting, you say, “I don’t think the topic is stimulating
enough. I don’t like to say something about it.”
3. Impromptu is definitely different from other forms of speeches.
4. Impromptu speaking challenges the speaker’s ability to organize ideas and deliver
effectively in a very short period.
5. One way to relax is to over-think.
6. Saying sorry because you did not prepare is appropriate in an impromptu speech.
7. In an impromptu speech, there is no need for nonverbal cues.
8. There are strategies that can help in verbalizing thoughts.
9. Warming up before the speech can ease your tensed nerves.
10. In impromptu speaking, your audiences don’t care about your transitions anymore.

VVI. Assignment

On Monday prepare yourself one by one will be given a topic and will share your ideas and
knowledge. It will test your skill in doing an impromptu speech. Please be guided by the

Prepared by:

Emmanuel R. Dalere B.S.Ed.-English 3A

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