Grade-6, English, LPs

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Academic Year





Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Rationale for the 'COVID-19 Accelerated Response for Education':

The world has faced an unprecedented grim situation (COVID-19) starting from the end of 2019,
continuing in 2020, that has played havoc and has left bitter marks which will be etched on the memory of
mankind for centuries to come.
The repercussions of this pandemic have been felt in all disciplines of life including economy, education,
habits, cultural norms, health care services, etc. so severely that the world finds itself helpless. Institutes
imparting education had to modify and adapt their educational services strategies to cope with the new
challenges after the closure of these institutes for about 6 months in Pakistan. Under the directions of the
Government of Punjab, the Curriculum & Textbook Board of the province decided to initiate an
'Accelerated Learning Program' to speed up the teaching and learning activities and to make up for the
time lapse the education field has had to face due to (COVID-19).
Journey from ALP to the need-based and time-bound COVID -19 Accelerated Response for Education:
The first step in responding to the challenge of school closure due to COVID 19 was to devise an
Accelerated Learning Programme for grades 1 to 8. It was deemed important to select three major subjects
of study vis a vis English, Mathematics and Science and address all major and important skills and concepts
within these areas of study in the most effective manner. Subsequently, it was the Herculean task to
squeeze a nine-month syllabus of study into a five-month period, keeping in view skills development,
conceptual understanding, horizontal and vertical alignment of the Student Learning Outcomes and a
gradual but logical progression of concepts for all grade levels.
Lesson Plans as a manifestation of the Accelerated Learning Programme:
In the next step, SLOs were aligned with the material and exercises of the textbooks which ultimately
culminated into the development of Lesson Plans. These lesson plans will be shared with you on a rolling
basis. It is expected that these plans will act as a ready resource for teachers to achieve learning outcomes
in an efficient and effective way. Along with the Lesson Plans, it was decided to develop age-appropriate
and engaging worksheets that would benefit students and act as a reservoir for reinforcement of skills and
concepts taught in class. Therefore, subject experts were engaged to undertake the daunting task of
reshaping and reconfiguring the syllabuses for Mathematics, Science and English.
It has been ensured that the lesson plans are aligned with the level of students and the demand of the
Student Learning Outcome. The focus, during this entire exercise, has also been to oversee that classroom
instruction is aligned with the goals and objectives of curriculum. Every effort has been made to help foster
positive attitudes among students towards learning. Yet another purpose of this exercise is to help
teachers create a healthy learning environment in classrooms that is lacking due to the pandemic.
It is a known fact that proper and well thought out lesson planning serves as a checklist that guides
teachers to be systematic in the effective delivery of their lessons. Equipping teachers with a systematic,
cohesive and an organized breakdown of the syllabus and providing them with well-planned lessons is in a
bid to help them be prepared to take on any unforeseen challenges during the process of teaching and
learning. Notwithstanding, lesson plans serve as historical documents of teaching practices whereby
teachers have a point of reference to look back, reorganize and update their lesson for future usage.
Moreover, well thought out lesson plans help teachers to address challenges during lessons and employ
pedagogies that enhance and consolidate learning. Not only this, but a good lesson plan minimizes the
negative effects of learning on students, in case of teacher absence, as a cover teacher can deliver the
lesson using the guidelines elaborated upon in the plan. Just like every good game needs a plan to win,
similarly, every teacher needs a good plan to achieve lesson objectives. Last but not the least lesson
planning prevents the over-reliance on textbooks, as direct and the only material for teaching.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

The newly developed lesson plans are a highly effective, contextualised and easy to use resource that will
serve as a practical tool for public sector teachers. It is hoped that teachers find the lesson plans highly
useful, productive and that they are able to experience visible outcome-oriented learning that is concrete
and enduring. Also, these plans are based on collaborative, interactive, and inquiry-based methodologies
and approaches to make the classroom learning more effective, vibrant and engaging. Based on low cost,
no cost material, these lesson plans can be applied with little effort and gain a lot of benefit for both
teachers and students in terms of learning and conceptual understanding.

The primary focus of the 'COVID-19 Accelerated Response for Education' has not only been on developing
lesson plans that address Student Learning Outcomes and allow teachers to help students discover
concepts, it has been ensured that plans are sequentially sub-divided in three major domains:
Ÿ Teaching
Ÿ Assessment
Ÿ Reinforcement
To ensure that the plan is executed in the best possible manner and that both teachers and learners get the
most out of the plans, it is suggested that time to each domain is allocated in the following percentage
while delivering them:
Ÿ Teaching 75%
Ÿ Assessment 15%
Ÿ Reinforcement 10%
An emphasis on bolstering concepts and skills through Worksheets:
Further to the above, worksheets have also been prepared to supplement and complement all SLOs
mentioned in the textbook. Like the lesson plans, the worksheets will also be shared with you on a rolling
basis. Each worksheet provides practice and strengthens conceptual clarity. Moreover, these worksheets
are aimed at keeping the students engaged in positive and productive activities while at home.
Gaining the most out of the Worksheets:
As mentioned above, the purpose of the worksheets is to consolidate and clarify concepts, but they can
also be used as:
Ÿ Assessment for learning
Ÿ Additional resource to be used in class
Ÿ Sample activities for teachers to replicate and devise their own worksheets on similar line.
Tips for Teachers:
To optimize these developed lesson plans, it is advisable for teachers to:
Ø go through and comprehend the relevant lesson plan well (Read and understand the text at least
Ø keep the relevant textbook with you when going through the plan
Ø read and comprehend the relevant chapter
Ø make notes if required
Ø ensure the availability of mentioned resources
Ø highlight the SLO's, progression of activities, stages, transitions, and key points
Ø visualize your actual classroom, space, seating plan and challenges
Ø foresee the organization of group, pair or individual work
Ø play the role of facilitator, leader and manager
Ø try your best to execute the lesson plan in its true spirit
Ø ensure proper time management
Ø adapt activity, if it is unavoidable
Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Ø Use teacher's discretion in implementation of the lesson i.e if you feel that a concept needs more
time, you may extend the lesson to the next period
Ø Wrap up the lesson with good spirit leaving a positive message.

Components of Lesson Plans:

Common elements in plans for lessons or units of study are a title/topic/problem, identification of Student
Learning Outcomes (SLOs), a sequence of learning activities including introductory, developmental and
concluding activities, a list of materials to be used and assessment strategies.
Choosing the Topic:. You can choose a topic from the textbook, a skill such as information gathering, a
value such as peace, a current affair topic or an area of special concern such as the environment.
Identifying Student learning Outcomes (SLOs) from the Curriculum. The national curriculum has
identified the Student Learning Outcomes to be achieved for each topic (if you do not have access to the
National Curriculum document for the subject you are teaching you could develop SLOs yourself).
Identifying the Student Learning Outcomes helps you to clarify the knowledge, skills and attitudes/values
to be developed. Choose only one to three SLOs to develop your lesson (many more for a unit plan).
Development: Learning Activities:
Introductory Activities:
Introductory activities are designed to introduce the topic, a sub-topic or to establish connection with the
previous lesson. They are designed to build readiness, create interest, raise questions and explore what
children already know about the topic, recall relevant information, motivate students and focus their
attention on the topic/theme/problem to be studied. Introductory activities include arrangement of
pictures and other times that stimulate interest and questions. It may be based on the teacher posing
questions, stating a problem or a dilemma, reading a poem or story, or inviting a guest speaker.
Developmental Activities:
Developmental activities should grow out of the introductory activities. There should be smooth
transitions between the activities to provide a smooth learning sequence. These activities are designed to
realize the Student Learning Outcomes. They introduce new concepts, skills and values or build on past
learning and should be linked with each other. They should flow from data gathering or intake activities to
data organizing activities, to demonstrative or applicative activities, and move on to creative and
expressive activities. Data gathering or intake activities provide the needed input to handle questions and
hypotheses. Organizing activities helps structure and summarize information. Applicative or
demonstrative activities extend learning and develop the ability to use concepts and skills. Creative and
expressive activities enrich learning and develop the ability to improvise and apply learning in original
Concluding Activities:
Concluding activities are activities that serve to consolidate, summarize, or facilitate students' application
of knowledge and skills to a new situation. They are generally related to the main idea of the lesson.
Material Resources:
A key part of planning is to ensure the resources required to impart the lesson effectively. Resources are
planned, identified, developed, or adapted for both teachers and students
Assessment of Learning: Assessment strategies tell us how well or to what extent the student learning
outcomes have been achieved. Assessment of learning is important in all phases of the lesson/unit from
introduction to conclusion. A variety of tools can be used to assess the realization of the chosen Learning
Outcomes. Some of these will be prepared as part of the learning activities, for example, the drawing and
labelling of a map, the checklist for evaluating a discussion, the final written report. Other tools such as
tests can be prepared ahead of time as well.
Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans


This section focuses on ensuring that your students have arrived at their intended destination. Teachers
need to gather some evidence that they did.

A teacher, at this stage, should ask herself/himself:

Ÿ 'How will I evaluate Student Learning Outcomes that were identified?'

Ÿ 'What mode of assessment will give me the most accurate and clear picture of my students' learning
and progress?
Ÿ 'What gaps have I identified in learning that need to be rethought, and reassessed?'
Ÿ 'How can I make my assessment of students reliable and valid?'

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Table of Contents

Lesson Plan No. Topic Page No.

Unit 5: Travelling Etiquettes

3 Reading & Comprehension (Post-Reading Strategy) 1

4 Reading & Thinking Skills 5

Dictionary to Choose Appropriate Word Definition 5

Words Similar and Opposite in Meaning 11

5 Writing Skills 15

Paragraph Writing 15

6 Oral Communication Skills 19

7 Formal & Lexical Aspects of Languages 26

Subjective and Objective Pronouns 26

Possessive Pronouns 33

Reflexive Pronouns 40

Indefinite Pronouns 46

Prepositions of Time, Place and Direction 53

Simple Past Tense 58

Simple Present Tense 64

Present Continuous Tense 70

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Table of Contents

Lesson Plan No. Topic Page No.

Unit 7: Sports and Sportsmanship
1 Reading & Comprehension (Pre-Reading Strategy) 76

2 Reading & Comprehension (While-Reading Strategy) 82

3 Reading & Comprehension (Post-Reading Strategy) 86

4 Reading & Thinking Skills 90

Dictionary to Choose Appropriate Word Definition 90

Words Similar and Opposite in Meaning 96

5 Writing Skills 100

Essay Writting 100

6 Oral Communication Skills 104

7 Formal & Lexical Aspects of Languages 110

Common and Proper Nouns 110

Countable and Uncountable Nouns 116

Collective Nouns 121

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 3

Reading & Comprehension (Post-Reading Strategy)

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Use critical thinking to respond to the text (post reading) to:

¦ apply world knowledge and own feelings/opinions to the text read.
¦ relate what is read to their own feelings and experiences.
¦ respond orally or in writing.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes / 1 Period/s

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Please carefully read the explanation of 'reading & thinking strategies,' given on page vii in the
chapter titled 'Introduction,' given on page 53 of the Grade 6 Textbook.

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 3

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ ask them to recall the pre and while reading exercise done on 'Travelling Etiquettes'.
Ÿ invite 2-3 students to share their homework i.e make a plan of visit to Islamabad. Write 10 things
they will do or avoid on the road.
Ÿ make a list of Do's and Don'ts on the whiteboard.
Ÿ involve the whole class to read the Do's and Don'ts and reiterate their importance.
Ÿ add any example of bad event/accident that occurred due to violation of travelling norms.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ write the first question “What are the Travelling Etiquettes?' taken from exercise 'A' of 'Reading
for Comprehension' page 53 on the whiteboard.
Ÿ involve the whole class to give their input i.e key words to answer this question.
Ÿ help the class to frame an agreed answer to the question No. 1.
Ÿ let the students copy it.
Ÿ write question No. 2 “What things you should do while waiting for the bus or van?''
Ÿ get individual responses/views from students.
Ÿ consolidate the answer with the help of students.
Ÿ let them note it down and give proper feedback.
Ÿ ask students to open their books at page 53 and go to exercise B.
Ÿ assign the task 'Look at the given road signs and write the correct message under each sign from
the given list at Page 53-54'.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 3
Ÿ share one correct answer by yourself and let the students solve the remaining one.
Ÿ invite 8 students to share one point each about these road signs.
Ÿ involve the whole class to verify and explain these road signs and their messages.
Ÿ generate a proper response with the help of these points.
Ÿ ask students if they have ever visited big cities like Lahore, Islamabad etc.
Ÿ if yes, ask them to share how traffic is controlled in these big cities.
Ÿ if the response is no, share yourself the ways how the traffic is controlled in these cities e.g
Traffic police, Traffic/Road signs, Traffic lights etc.
Ÿ ask, “what should the driver do when there are road signs?”
Ÿ the response should be “The driver must follow these signs.''

Activity 2 10 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ select two students from the class.
Ÿ give them the following situation “Suppose you are the owner and driver of a car. You are to
travel from Lahore to Islamabad on Motorway. What care would you take while you are driving
on Motorway (Do’s). What would you not do (Don'ts) while you are driving on Motorway?”
Ÿ assign Do's to one driver and Don'ts to the other one.
Ÿ ask them to make a list on the whiteboard.
Ÿ now involve the whole class to add/delete or clarify any point/ rule.
Ÿ ask a writer to write all these rules on the chart paper with a board marker.
Ÿ ask all students to make strong commitment to follow all these rules when they will be on roads.
(as a token of commitment, they are to put their signatures (All students) on the chart of rules.)
Ÿ paste the chart in the classroom.
Ÿ have a big applause for all students.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 3

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ sum up the lesson with your own sharing regarding the value of travelling etiquettes and the
behaviour of civilized nations regarding this.

Assessment 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ select 7 students and ask to describe one travelling etiquette each.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to write ten (10) travelling etiquettes they would like to follow while on road.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 1, Unit # 4, Lesson Plan # 2 and
Period # 1). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class
and every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 4

Reading & Thinking Skills

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Build and use appropriate vocabulary and correct spelling for effective communication to illustrate
the use of dictionary for finding appropriate meaning and correct spellings.
Ÿ Locate, provide, connect and use words similar and opposite in meaning.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

80 minutes / 2 Period/s

Period 1: 40 minutes

Ÿ Build and use appropriate vocabulary and correct spelling for effective communication:
¦ illustrate the use of dictionary for finding appropriate meaning and correct spellings.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Definitions/meanings of words enable us to have a common understanding of a word or subject;

they allow us all to be on the same page when discussing or reading an issue.
Ÿ Alphabetical order comes in handy for dictionary skills and also for making sequential order on
list/items as in attendance register.
Ÿ The selection of words for the use of dictionary should be from the students' reading range of
familiar words.
Ÿ Guide word is a word printed at the top of a dictionary page indicating the first or last word entry on
that page. Guide words help to find the word one wants to look up in the dictionary. The guide word

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 4
on the right shows the last entry on that page and the guide word on the left shows the first entry on
the page.
Ÿ An entry word is a word that you look up in the dictionary. Entry words are printed in bold and they
are listed in alphabetical order.
Ÿ Scanning: running eyes quickly from top to bottom to find out required information that is mostly
written in bold or its first letter is capital.
Ÿ While teaching the lesson teacher should consult the textbook at all steps where and when

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook, dictionary if available

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa-Alaikumussalam / Good morning”.
Ÿ ask the students, what kind of information they can find in a dictionary.
Ÿ tell students how a dictionary can help to improve our vocabulary.
Ÿ tell students that today they are going to learn how to find definitions/meanings of words in the

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1
The teacher will:
Ÿ write following words on the board.
Ÿ ask students to arrange the words alphabetically.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 4
1. offer 2. expose 3. safely 4. responsible

5. danger 6. edge 7. follow 8. behaviour

Expected answers:

1. behaviour 2. danger 3. edge 4. expose

5. follow 6. offer 7. responsible 8. safely

Ÿ now draw another table on the board and ask the students to copy the table in their notebooks.

Entry word Meaning Parts of Speech

Ÿ ask students to take out dictionaries of their own if they have any.
Ÿ provide dictionary in the class in case students don't have any.
Ÿ write the entry word behaviour in the table and ask students to look up the word behaviour in the
Ÿ ask students to check guide words first since they tell you the first word and last word on the page.
The other words on the page come between the guide words in alphabetical order.
Ÿ ask students to look up definition/meaning and check part of speech of the word behaviour.
Ÿ ask students to look if the word has more than one meaning.
Ÿ take students' responses and note their responses in the table on the board.

Entry word Meaning Parts of Speech

behaviour 1. the way that somebody behaves, especially towards noun

other people

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 4
Ÿ write the entry word danger and ask students to look up the word danger in the dictionary.
Ÿ ask students to look up the definition/meaning and check of the parts of speech of the word danger.
Ÿ take students' responses and note their responses in the table on the board.

Entry word Meaning Parts of Speech

behaviour 1. the way that somebody behaves, especially towards noun

other people

danger 1. the possibility of something happening that will noun

injure, harm or kill somebody, or damage or destroy

Ÿ write the entry word edge and ask students to look up the word edge in the dictionary.
Ÿ ask students to look up the definition/meaning and part of speech of the word edge.
Ÿ move around the classroom to monitor how the students are working.
Ÿ support the students who need help to motivate them.
Ÿ appreciate those students who answer correctly.
Ÿ take students' responses and note their responses in the table on the board.

Entry word Meaning Parts of Speech

behaviour 1. the way that somebody behaves, especially towards noun

other people

danger 1. the possibility of something happening that will noun

injure, harm or kill somebody, or damage or destroy

edge 3. the outside limit of an object, a surface or an area; noun

the part furthest from the centre
2. the sharp part of a knife, blade or sword that is used
for cu ng

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 4
Ÿ write the entry word expose and ask students to look up the word expose in the dictionary.
Ÿ ask students to look up the definition/meaning and part of speech of the word expose.
Ÿ move around the classroom to monitor how the students are working.
Ÿ show support to the students who need help to motivate them.
Ÿ appreciate those students who answer correctly.
Ÿ take students' responses and note those responses in the table on the board.

Entry word Meaning Parts of Speech

behaviour 1. the way that somebody behaves, especially towards noun

other people

danger 1. the possibility of something happening that will noun

injure, harm or kill somebody, or damage or destroy

edge 3. the outside limit of an object, a surface or an area; noun

the part furthest from the centre
2. the sharp part of a knife, blade or sword that is used
for cu ng

expose 1. to show something that is usually hidden verb

2. to tell the true facts about a person or a situa on,
and show them/it to be dishonest, illegal
3. to put somebody/something in a place or situa on
where they are not protected from something harmful
or unpleasant
4. to let somebody find out about something by giving
them experience of it or showing them what it is like

Ÿ ask students to copy meanings of all the words from the table in their notebooks.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 4

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students, “Today we have learnt that no one is expected to know the meaning, parts of
speech and pronunciation of every word; and to find the meaning, parts of speech and pronunciation
we consult dictionary when required”.


The teacher will:

Ÿ assess students' responses during activities to know how much they have learnt.

Homework 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students to look up the definition/meaning and check parts of speech of the remaining four
words (follow, offer, responsible, safely) in the dictionary.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 1, Unit # 5, Lesson Plan # 4 and
Period # 1). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class
and every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 4

Period 2: 40 minutes

Ÿ Locate, provide, connect and use words similar and opposite in meaning

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Synonyms are words that are similar, or have a related meaning, to another word.
Examples: start – begin, back– behind
Ÿ A word that has exact opposite meaning of another word is its antonym.
Examples: start – stop, back– front
Ÿ Synonyms and antonyms enhance our vocabulary of English language.
Ÿ The more the vocabulary, the more the confidence.
Ÿ Knowledge of synonyms and antonyms makes us good speakers and writers.

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook, dictionary if available

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ ask students to get in pairs and think of five adjectives, then ask them to write those adjectives in
their notebooks.
Expected Answers:
¦ pretty, wise, foolish, fat, smart.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 4
Ÿ assess the students by moving around the classroom to ensure participation of each student.
Ÿ assess how well the students communicate with their partner and how well they follow directions.
Ÿ tell students that there are many words that mean the same to these adjectives.
Ÿ ask students that thesaurus is used to locate synonyms.

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ write some sentences on the writing board.
Ÿ ask students to underline adjective given in each sentence.
o It is a good idea.
o It is a dark place.
o You should be careful.
o It is very hard job.
o You should be helpful.
Expected Answers:
¦ It is a good idea.
¦ It is a dark place.
¦ You should be careful.
¦ It is very hard job.
¦ You should be helpful.
Ÿ ask students to change underlined words with words having similar meanings / synonyms.
¦ It is a nice idea.
¦ It is a gloomy place.
¦ You should be cautious.
¦ It is very difficult job.
¦ You should be handy.
Ÿ remind students that words that have similar meanings are called synonyms.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 4
Ÿ write definition of synonym on the board. (Synonyms are words that are similar, or have a related
meaning to another word.)
Ÿ explain that synonyms and antonyms can help us build our vocabulary.
Ÿ tell that they can help us understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
Ÿ For example, if we know that "friend" is synonym of "companion" then we understand what
"companion" means.
Ÿ say that similarly if we know that "enemy" is antonym for “companion", we understand that it must
mean "rival".

Activity 2 15 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ point out at the underlined words.
¦ It is a good idea.
¦ It is a dark place.
¦ You should be careful.
¦ It is very hard job.
¦ You should be helpful.
Ÿ ask students to change underlined words with opposite words.
Expected Answers:
¦ It is a bad idea.
¦ It is a lighted place.
¦ You should be careless.
¦ It is very easy job.
¦ You should be non-cooperative.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 4

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that today they have learnt that synonyms are words that are similar, or have a
related meaning, to another word. For example: Industrious – hardworking
Ÿ tell that they have also learnt that a word that has the exact opposite meaning of another word is its
antonym. For example: solid – soft


The teacher will:

Ÿ assess students' learning and understanding through activities during development stage of the
lesson as how much they have learnt.

Homework 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ Look up the synonyms and antonyms of the following five words in the dictionary and write them in
the tables: alert, destination, sensible, transport, vehicle.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 2, Unit # 5, Lesson Plan # 4 and
Period # 2). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class
and every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 5

Writing Skills

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Write a simple unified paragraph on a given topic:

¦ add adequate supporting detail (example, definition or evidence) to develop the main idea.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes / 1 Period/s

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ There are two main types of questions: Yes/No questions and Wh- question. Wh-questions are
questions starting with Wh- words including what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why
and how.
Ÿ Question words are used to ask about specific qualities, times, places, people and so on. Below is a
list of question words and example sentences:

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 5
What Used to ask about things - What are you doing?
- What do you think about the travel?

When Used to ask about me - When did you go on your last trip?
- When are you planning a trip again?

Where Used to ask about places - Where's the most beau ful travelling des na on
in Pakistan?
- Where do you live?

Who Used to ask about people - Who do you like to travel with?
- Who told you about the places to visit?

Whom Used to ask about people - Whom did you see in the morning? I saw Mr.
(Object of verb) Tariq, my English teacher.
- Whom was Babar talking to? He was talking to
the travel guide.

Which Used to ask about choices - Which one do you choose? The North of Pakistan
or the South?
- Of all the hill sta ons, which one would you like
to visit?

Whose Used to ask about - Whose pencil is this? Is it yours?

possession - Whose books are these?

Why Used to ask about - Why did it happen? I didn't understand.

reasons/causes - Why is he crying?

How Used to ask about - How can you explain this problem? Please tell us.
manner/process - How can you get here?

Ÿ The five 'Ws' and an 'H' are who, what, when, where, why and how. These question words allow
students, writers, and researchers to understand the full scope of the topic being discussed. Many
of these words can be used in questions to tease out the information. In this lesson, you'll go over
the five Ws, and an 'H,' question and learn how they're used to write a paragraph about the farthest
place travelled.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 5

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 10 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ write in the middle of the writing board 'My favourite travelling destination.'
Ÿ ask students to provide responses and write them down on the white board.
Ÿ accept five to six responses.
Ÿ write the 5 Ws and an 'H' (who, what, where, when, why, how).
Ÿ select any one destination shared by the students that you have elicited on the white board and ask
one student, “Whom did they travel with?, What did he/she take with them?, What mode of
transport did he/she adopt?, Where was the most interesting place on their trip?”
Ÿ tell them that, in class today, they will be writing about 'The farthest place they have visited'.

Development 20 minutes

Activity 1
The teacher will:
Ÿ ask them to open their textbooks at page 60, exercise A.
Ÿ instruct them to look at the exercise and be prepared to answer the questions in the mind map.
Ÿ tell them, as they begin, to write, organize their responses to the questions in their notebooks.
Ÿ ask them to think of the beginning sentence for their paragraph very carefully.
Ÿ allow them 10 minutes to write the paragraph using the responses to the questions they have noted
down earlier.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 5
Ÿ once they are done, tell them to go over the paragraph they have written making corrections and
self-checking for errors in grammar and punctuation etc.
Ÿ take five or six responses.
Ÿ make corrections where needed
Ÿ applaud their effort.

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ sum up the lesson emphasizing upon the importance of the five ‘Ws’ and an ‘H’ questions to steer
their thinking and organize their thoughts.

Assessment 6 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students the importance of 'Wh' questions and how they found these helpful in formulating
their paragraph. Get at least five to six students to respond.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell them to write a paragraph on the importance of 'Travelling Etiquettes' they have learned in the
lesson, so far, using the 5 'Ws' and an 'H' question to guide their writing.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 6

Oral Communication Skills

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Use conventions and dynamics of group discussion and interaction to ask and restate directions.
Ÿ Use various functions to give and follow directions/ instructions.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes / 1 Period/s

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ In our daily/routine life, we have to use verbal and nonverbal language to pass on some directions /
instructions or convey our message.
Ÿ In this process of two-way conversation, both the speaker and the listener play vital role to acquire
or produce desired results.
Ÿ At times, one character (speaker) delivers some instructions/directions to be carried out or to be
fulfilled to infer or acquire the appropriate or proper outcomes.
Ÿ On the other hand, the listener has to be very attentive, alert, careful and responsible to follow and
derive the ultimate possible conclusions or results.
Ÿ Our instructions should be based on very clear and easily understandable directions, so that the
listener may follow without any problem to produce the ultimately required and desired results.
Ÿ Make sure that if the listener is failed to respond correctly, please restate the directions or

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 6
Ÿ Some social settings require more formal ways to communicate and pass on instructions/directions
with elders, teachers, family friends and strangers.
Ÿ We have to come across different situations daily and have to take into account different viewpoints
of different people.
Ÿ Some situations require or demand to extend the ideas in the light of the discussion on some certain
Ÿ We have to opine and to give reason for that situation as well as accept reasons from others for their
opinion and actions against a certain direction/ situation or instruction.
Ÿ This lesson ''Travelling Etiquettes'' is very specific to convey the directions and instructions for safe
Ÿ If you provide a safe environment to the students and enforce the rules of group discussion to
interact with one another, they may learn the travelling norms very easily.
Ÿ And for this, a role play activity may be arranged so that students do not make fun or fight with one
another, they will then have opportunity to express themselves in the class regarding the said topic
in a very organized and systematic way.
Ÿ Provide relevant knowledge, vocabulary and phrases to students to learn, practice and reproduce
appropriately while teaching them how to help and keep safe not only ourselves but the rest of the
people also while travelling.
Ÿ People may argue with you to be very vigilant, give reasons for your opinion of being very watchful.
Ÿ Create opportunities for students to have real conversation with each other rather than just role
plays in class. This will help to develop students' interpersonal skills.
Ÿ Give your students vocabulary to show their identity and use previously learnt formulaic
expressions for greetings and routine social courtesies, different viewpoints, discussion, expressing
ideas/ manners according to age, gender and status of the addressee.
Ÿ Give your students vocabulary to show their identity and use previously learnt formulaic
expressions especially they have learnt previously for safe trafficking.
Ÿ Since these are not tasks that will be done only once rather, we are calling them “routines” and not
Ÿ It is extremely important that you model the rules/directions or courtesies of travelling that you are
teaching to the students:
Ÿ Remember to say “I feel sorry for the lost bag of yours while travelling in the bus.''
Ÿ “I should have told you to be very alert and vigilant''

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 6

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 10 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam / Good morning”.
Ÿ tell the students that there are some expressions that we use to show ourselves very cautious.
However, give them multiple options to respond.
Ÿ Example: what do you think that…
¦ To be alert/vigilant and honest while travelling is…………
¦ Should we be helpful to others?
Ÿ tell them never to get engaged in petty disputes while getting off or on the bus or any other vehicle.
Ÿ direct the students to keep in mind the safety rules of travelling.
Ÿ instruct them to follow the bus hostess' instructions very wisely.
Ÿ direct the students to ask or request the driver/conductor or bus hostess to restate if any
instruction is missed in a polite manner.
Ÿ tell the students that there is a wide range of formulaic expressions to express opinion/ reason and
to show action against a certain direction/instruction or situation.
Ÿ give students a situation by drawing a mind map on the board and brainstorm, asking them as how
they will give a direction and how they will follow the direction/instruction or give reason for their
direction or instruction to produce an action or to react in the given situation.
Ÿ give students ideas on a situation by drawing a mind map on the board and brainstorm, asking them
as how they will react against the direction / instruction or accept others' instructions or directions
against a statement or an action.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 6


Yeah! its very good We should be Definitely

very helpful while

No, Not at all Sure/yes, of course

Ÿ tell the students that today they will learn how to give or follow certain directions or instructions
while travelling or for finding some places in a certain situation.
Ÿ train the students to share and follow instructions and directions to avoid any haphazard situation
while travelling or for finding some places in a certain situation.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 8 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ call a student to come in front of the class for a role-play.
Ÿ say “Good morning” to the student.
Ÿ ensure that the student responds by saying “Good morning”.
Ÿ say to the student “Do you think we should abide by the rules of travelling”? The student responds
by saying “Yes of course, we should be well aware and follow the rules, it is very necessary for our and
others' safety. Further, it is our moral duty.”
Ÿ say to the student “Excellent! Very nice. I am proud of you to think wisely or for reasonable answer, or

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 6
to behave nicely”.
Ÿ guide to make eye contact with the people while greeting and encourage the student to look at the
teacher directly while replying.
Ÿ tell the students when you talk to someone it is good to pay full attention and make eye contact with
Ÿ explain the following table to the students. Divide the class into groups of five. Each student must
get a turn to pick any one way of giving or following the direction.
Ÿ Provide an opportunity that all the students should get a chance to ask and answer in the group for
imparting and following the instructions or directions.

Direc ons or instruc ons while travelling Different ways or expressions to follow the
Direc ons or instruc ons while travelling

Please fasten your seat belts. Sure! Here it is.

Book the cket or seat well in me. Yes, of course.
Stay well back un l the bus or van has All right / certainly/ surely

Get on / off sensibly without pushing Absolutely okay.

Put school bags in your laps. Definitely fine.

Ÿ emphasize that we need to respect each other's opinion and way of giving or following directions.
Ÿ reinforce that we should give clear, complete instructions.
Ÿ explicate that if the listener is failed to respond correctly, please restate the directions or
Ÿ highlight to listen carefully and keenly to follow the given directions or instructions.

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 6
Activity 2 8 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ call another student to come in front of the class for a role-play.
Ÿ say “Good morning” to the student.
Ÿ ensure that the student responds by saying “Good morning”.
Ÿ say to the student “You should never ignore to keep your school bag in your lap to avoid danger to
others. Are you clear about it?” The student responds by saying “I am extremely clear and sure,
Ÿ say to the student “Well done! All right! I am sure, you will follow my instructions”.
Ÿ emphasize on paying full attention and making eye contact with the person you talk to.
Ÿ practice the same conversation with a few more students.

Activity 3 9 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ ask the students to turn to page 61 of their textbooks.
Ÿ read the dialogue twice in front of the class and ask the students to focus.
Ÿ invite a pair of students in front of the class for a role-play.
Ÿ direct the students to follow the situation shown in the text book, where one student needs his/ her
class mates' directions to find out some places in the school.
Ÿ ask one student to play the role of Ali and the other of Saeed.
Ÿ allow the students to read from the textbook by taking turns.
Ali: Excuse me. Could you help me to find a few places in the school?
Saeed: Sure!
Ali: Where's the library?
Saeed: it's next to the staff room.
Ali: And, is that the staff room?
Saeed: No, it isn't. It's the principal's office. Are you a new student?
Ali: yes, I'm. My name is Ali. What's yours?
Saeed: I'm Saeed. Nice to meet you, Ali.
Ali: Same here!

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 6

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that today they have learnt how to give and follow certain directions and
instructions by taking turns.
Ÿ remind the students that when you talk to someone, it is good to pay full attention/ to listen
carefully and to make eye contact with him/her to understand clearly and easily his/her directions
or instructions.


The teacher will:

Ÿ assess informally student's ability and understanding during activities.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to practice dialogue on page 61 of the textbook with their siblings/friends at home.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Formal & Lexical Aspects of Language

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Demonstrate use of pronouns as subject and object. Recognize function of, and use possessive
and reflexive pronouns.
Ÿ Use few indefinite pronouns.
Ÿ Illustrate use of prepositions of position, time, movement and direction.
Ÿ Recognize the form and various functions; and illustrate use of Simple Present, Present Continuous,
Simple Past, Past Continuous and Future Simple tenses.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

320 minutes/ 8 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Ÿ Demonstrate use of pronouns as subject and object. Recognize function of, and use possessive
and reflexive pronouns.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ A subjective pronoun acts as subject of a sentence because it always comes in the beginning of a
sentence and it performs action.
Ÿ Subjective pronouns are seven in number i.e. I, we, you, they, he, she and it.
Ÿ In some sentences there are only subjective pronouns but in many sentences there come both
subject and object pronouns.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ He offers prayers regularly.
¦ They help the poor.

¦ You take exercise in the morning.

¦ We get admission in a school.

¦ She bought apples from the market.

Ÿ An objective pronoun acts as the object of a sentence because it receives action on it.
Ÿ These objective pronouns are me, us, you, them, him, her, it.
Ÿ These are also seven in number.
Ÿ The objective pronouns always come at the end of a sentence, sometimes alone and sometimes
with an object (noun)
¦ She wished me best of luck.

¦ We helped them during flood.

¦ He plucked flowers for you.

¦ We bought a doll and looked after it.

¦ He offered us a cup of tea.

Types of Pronouns

Subjec ve Pronouns Objec ve Pronouns

I me
you you

Singular he him
she her
it it
we us

Plural you you

they them

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Material/Resources Required

Chalk, marker, white/black board, textbook, chart of subjective and objective pronouns.

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ ask students, "What is a pronoun?"
Ÿ ask students to give examples of pronoun.
Expected answer:
¦ A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun.
¦ I, he, she, it, they, we, you
Ÿ tell students that today they will learn two specific types of pronoun called objective pronoun and
subjective pronoun.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 13 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ write a sentence with subjective pronoun on the board.
¦ She goes to office at 7:00 am.
Ÿ ask students where is the subject of the sentence and what is it.
Expected answer:
¦ The subject of the sentence is she and it is in the beginning of the sentence.
Ÿ call another student to the board and ask why it is called subject pronoun.
Expected answer:
¦ The objective pronoun is us and it is called objective pronoun because it comes near the object

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Ÿ explain:
¦ A subjective pronoun acts as the subject of a sentence. It performs action of the verb.
¦ The subjective pronouns are: I, we, you, they, he, she, it.
¦ An objective pronoun acts as the object of a sentence. It receives action of the verb. The
objective pronouns are her: him, it, me, them, us and you.
Ÿ write some more sentences on the board.
¦ They are swimming with me.
¦ She taught me a lesson.
¦ They gave her a precious gift.
¦ We told him a news.
¦ You could write me a letter.
¦ She is preparing lunch for them.
¦ They were telling him a story.
¦ She knitted gloves for me.
¦ We gave them a book.
¦ You are walking with me.
Ÿ underline all the subjective and objective pronouns with the help of students.
Expected answers:
¦ They are swimming with me.
¦ She taught me a lesson.
¦ They gave her a precious gift.
¦ We told him a news.
¦ You could write me a letter.
¦ She is preparing lunch for them.
¦ They were telling him a story.
¦ She knitted gloves for me.
¦ We gave them a book.
¦ You are walking with me.
Ÿ make a table on the board with column A (subjective pronouns) and column B (objective pronouns).
Ÿ ask students to write all the subject pronouns in column A (subjective pronouns) and all the object
pronouns in column B (objective pronouns).

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Column A (subjec ve Column B (objec ve
Pronouns) Pronouns)

They are swimming with me. they me

She taught me a lesson. she me

They gave her a precious gi . they her

We told him a news. we him
You could write me a le er. you me

She is preparing lunch for them. she them

They were telling him a story. they him
She kni ed gloves for me. she me

We gave them a book. we them

You are walking with me. you me

Ÿ ask students to work in pairs to finish this activity well in time.

Activity 2 12 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ write some sentence on the board with missing subjective and objective pronouns.
Ÿ ask students to copy these sentences in their notebooks and fill in the blanks with suitable
subjective and objective pronouns.
¦ _________ is playing with a ball.
¦ _______ are not reading a book.
¦ I was giving __________ his bottle.
¦ She is sewing _________ dress.
¦ _______ are catching a fish.
¦ _________ is waiting for her bus.
¦ _________ are not learning their lesson.
¦ I am not giving __________ his pen.
¦ She is on _______ way to home.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ __________ are buying a cup of tea.
¦ _______ is writing with his father's pen.
¦ You gave ______ a pen.
¦ She washed ________ clothes.
¦ ________ showed ________ her photos.
¦ Ali is working with _______.
¦ They have given ______ their book.
Expected answers:
¦ She/he is playing with a ball.
¦ You are not reading a book.
¦ I was giving him his bottle.
¦ She is sewing her dress.
¦ We/you/they are catching a fish.
¦ She is waiting for her bus.
¦ They are not learning their lesson.
¦ I am not giving him his pen.
¦ She is on her way to home.
¦ We/you/they are buying a cup of tea.
¦ He is writing with his father's pen.
¦ You gave me a pen.
¦ She washed her clothes.
¦ She showed them her photos.
¦ Ali is working with me/her/him/us/them.
¦ They have given us their book.
Ÿ take a few responses and fill in the blanks on the board.

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ say the students “Today we have learnt about subjective and objective pronouns”.
Ÿ revise the lesson quickly by telling students difference between subjective and objective pronouns
and their place and function in a sentence.
Ÿ ask students to tell some sentences with subjective and objective pronouns.

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Assessment 5 minutes

The teacher will:

• assess students' learning and understanding through different activities performed in class,
during development stage of the lesson.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students to select some subjective and objective pronouns used in lesson “Travelling
Etiquettes” of their textbook at page 48.
Ÿ ask the students to write sentences in their notebook using subjective and objective pronouns
selected from the lesson “Travelling Etiquettes”.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 3, Unit # 5, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 1). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Period 2: 40 minutes

Ÿ Demonstrate use of pronouns as subject and object. Recognize function of, and use possessive
and reflexive pronouns.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Possessive pronouns in English are used to avoid repetition of common or proper nouns in some
written or oral text.
Ÿ There are seven subjective pronouns in English. These seven subjective pronouns have 12
possessive pronouns.

Types of Pronouns

Subjec ve Pronouns Objec ve Pronouns Possessive Pronouns

I me my mine
you you your yours

Singular he him his his

she her her hers

it it its its

we us our ours

Plural you you your yours

they them their theirs

Ÿ The first category of possessive pronouns (my, our, your, their, his, her, its) shows simple possessive

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ This is my bag.
¦ That is your cat.
¦ That is her cat.
¦ This is his pen.
¦ That is your table.
¦ It is their house.
¦ That is our ball.
Ÿ Simple possession always takes a noun after it.
¦ It is her home.
¦ That is their table.
¦ He is my cousin.
Ÿ The second category of possessive pronouns (mine, ours, yours, theirs and hers) shows emphasis in
possession or strong possession.
¦ This is your ball. This is yours.
¦ That is my eraser. That is mine.
¦ That is her purse. That is hers.
¦ This is his pencil. This is his.
¦ That is your desk. That is yours.
¦ That is our house. That is ours.

Ÿ Strong or emphatic possession doesn't take a noun after it rather it takes a noun before it
¦ This chair is his.
¦ That computer is yours.
¦ Those pencils are ours.
¦ This fan is hers.
Ÿ “his” and “its” are used both for simple and strong possession. They don't take another “s” with
them as in theirs, ours, yours and hers.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Material/Resources Required

Chalk, marker, white/black board, textbook, chart of possessive pronouns.

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ display a chart with subjective, objective and possessive pronouns written on it.
Ÿ say, “Today we are going to reinforce our learning of possessive pronouns through some interesting

Types of Pronouns

Subjec ve Pronouns Objec ve Pronouns Possessive Pronouns

I me my mine
you you your yours

Singular he him his his

she her her hers

it it its its

we us our ours

Plural you you your yours

they them their theirs

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 13 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ explain that possessive pronouns in English are used to avoid repetition of common or proper
nouns in some written or oral text.
Ÿ tell that there are seven subjective pronouns in English and these seven subjective pronouns
have 12 possessive pronouns.
Ÿ point at the chart of pronouns and explain the seven objective pronouns and 12 possessive
Ÿ write some sentences with possessive pronouns on the board.
Ÿ ask students to copy the sentences in their notebooks and underline possessive pronouns.
¦ It is his bat.
¦ That is your glass.
¦ Those are their dogs.
¦ She is my sister.
¦ He is our teacher.
Expected answers:
¦ It is his bat.
¦ That is your glass.
¦ Those are their dogs.
¦ She is my sister.
¦ He is our teacher.
Ÿ explain that strong or emphatic possession is used for confirmation of some information or
statement and it does not take a noun after it, like simple possession does.
Ÿ write some sentences with strong possession on the board and ask the students underline
strong/emphatic pronouns.
¦ It is your plough. It is yours.
¦ That is my pen. That is mine.
¦ It is his cow. It is his.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ Those are their bags. Those are theirs.
¦ These are our kites. These are ours.
¦ It is your purse. It is yours.
¦ That is my home. That is mine.
¦ It is his parrot. It is his.
¦ Those are their chairs. Those are theirs.
¦ These are our boxes. These are ours.

Ÿ ask the students to underline strong/emphatic pronouns.

Expected answers:
¦ It is your plough. It is yours.
¦ That is my pen. That is mine.
¦ It is his cow. It is his.
¦ Those are their bags. Those are theirs.
¦ These are our kites. These are ours.
¦ It is your purse. It is yours.
¦ That is my home. That is mine.
¦ It is his parrot. It is his.
¦ Those are their chairs. Those are theirs.
¦ These are our boxes. These are ours.

Activity 2 12 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ write following sentences on the board and ask students to note down those sentences in their
Ÿ ask students to fill in the blanks with suitable possessive pronouns: mine, ours, his, hers, yours,
¦ I bought this book so it is_______________.
¦ She made this tea so it is _______________.
¦ We brought this chair so it is_______________.
¦ You won this prize so it is___________.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ He found this shell so it is_______________.
¦ They drive this car so it is _____________.
¦ I paid for my scarf so it is _______________.
¦ Pick any one of these desserts, the choice is _______________.
¦ The Mathematics book belongs to Rabia, it is _______________.
Expected answers:
¦ I bought this book so it is mine.
¦ She made this tea so it is hers.
¦ We brought this chair so it is ours.
¦ You won this prize so it is yours.
¦ He found this shell so it is his.
¦ They drive this car so it is theirs.
¦ I paid for my scarf so it is mine.
¦ Pick any one of these desserts. The choice is yours.
¦ The Mathematics book belongs to Rabia, it is hers.

Ÿ move in the class to help students.

Ÿ write following sentences on the board and ask students to note down those sentences in their
Ÿ ask students to remove simple possession from the sentences and make sentences with strong
¦ It is your coat.
¦ That is our football.
¦ Those are their video games.
¦ These are her photographs.
¦ This is his shop.
Expected answers:
¦ It is yours.
¦ That is ours.
¦ Those are theirs.
¦ These are hers.
¦ This is his.

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ say the students “Today we have learnt possessive pronouns with simple and strong possession”.
Ÿ revise the lesson quickly by saying that a simple possessive pronoun always takes a noun after it
whereas strong possessive pronoun does not do so.

Assessment 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ assess students' learning and understanding through different activities performed in class,
during development stage of the lesson.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to write fifteen (15) sentences showing simple and strong possession.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 4, Unit # 5, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 2). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Period 3: 40 minutes

Ÿ Demonstrate use of pronouns as subject and object. Recognize function of, and use possessive
and reflexive pronouns.

Information for Teachers

· Pronouns are words that are used both for common and proper nouns.
· A reflexive pronoun is usually used when the object of a sentence is the same as the subject.
· We use reflexive pronoun when the subject and object of a sentence are the same person or non-
· The reflexive pronouns can also be used to emphasize action of the subject.
¦ I saved myself against danger.
¦ He injured himself.
¦ She washed clothes herself.
¦ They looked at themselves in the mirror.
· Each personal pronoun such as I, we, they, you, he, she, it has its own reflexive pronoun. Reflexive
pronouns end on "self" when they are singular.
· They end on -selves" when they are plural. There are eight reflexive pronouns:

Personal Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns

I myself – first person singular

we ourselves – first person plural
you (singular) yourself – second person singular
you (plural) yourselves – second person plural
he himself – third person singular
she herself – third person singular
It Itself – third person singular
they themselves – third person plural

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Material/Resources Required

Board, chalk/marker, textbook, duster.

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ ask the students:
¦ What is a pronoun?
¦ What is subjective pronoun?
¦ What is objective pronoun?
¦ What is possessive pronoun?
¦ Give examples of possessive pronoun.
Expected answers:
¦ A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun.
¦ A pronoun that comes in the beginning of sentence and performs the action is called a
subjective pronoun.
¦ A pronouns that acts as the object of a sentence and receives the action of the verb is called an
objective pronoun.
¦ Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone.
¦ The possessive pronouns are my, our, your, his, her, its, and their. There's also an “independent”
form of each of these pronouns: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs.
Ÿ say, “Today we are going to learn reflexive pronouns through some interesting activities”.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 13 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ write the topic 'Reflexive Pronouns' on the board.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
· write definition of reflexive pronouns on the board, “Reflexive pronoun is used when the subject
and object of a sentence refer the same person or thing”.
· tell the students that there are eight reflexive pronouns.

Personal Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns

I myself – first person singular

we ourselves – first person plural
you (singular) yourself – second person singular
you (plural) yourselves – second person plural
he himself – third person singular
she herself – third person singular
it Itself – third person singular
they themselves – third person plural

· write a few sentences on the board.

¦ I wash my hands.
¦ You check your accounts.
¦ He reads his book.
¦ She knits her gloves.
¦ Cat catches its prey.
· ask students to underline possessive pronouns in those sentences.
Expected answers:
¦ I wash my hands.
¦ You check your accounts.
¦ He reads his book.
¦ She knits her gloves.
¦ Cat catches its prey.
· tell students that these possessive pronouns can be used to make reflexive pronouns.
· tell students reflexives pronouns are the words which end on -self/-selves
· explain, reflexive pronouns are used, when the subject and the object of the sentence are the

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ I prepare food myself.
¦ You wash clothes yourself/yourselves.
· tell students that I, we, they, you, he, she, it are personal pronouns.
· explain that each personal pronoun such as I, we, they, you, he, she, it has its own reflexive
· tell, reflexive pronouns end on "self" when they are singular and they end on -selves" when they
are plural.
· tell students that there are eight reflexive pronouns:
myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves
· write some sentences on the board.
¦ We save ourselves against dangers.
¦ You take care of your luggage yourself.
¦ She learnt traffic rules herself.
¦ They made food themselves.
¦ You will write an essay on traffic rules yourselves.
· ask students to underline reflexive pronouns in the sentence.
Expected answers:
¦ We save ourselves against dangers.
¦ You take care of your luggage yourself.
¦ She learnt traffic rules herself.
¦ They made food themselves.
¦ You will write an essay on traffic rules yourselves.
· help students where necessary.

Activity 2 12 minutes

The teacher will:

· write some sentences on the board.
· ask students to copy the sentences in their notebooks.
· ask students to fill in the blanks with correct reflexive pronoun according to subject of each

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ Ali made this table ___________.
¦ Salma cooked chicken __________.
¦ I composed this essay _____________.
¦ She injured ___________with a knife.
¦ They collected all the coins ___________.
¦ A tiger can defend ______________.
¦ Has Naz written this poem ____________?
¦ We enjoyed ___________ a lot.
¦ Ali and Adnan you should look after your bags _________.
¦ Did they stitch clothes _______________?
Expected answers:
¦ Ali made this table himself.
¦ Salma cooked chicken herself.
¦ I composed this essay myself.
¦ She injured herself with a knife.
¦ They collected all the coins themselves.
¦ A tiger can defend itself.
¦ Has Naz written this poem herself?
¦ We enjoyed ourselves a lot.
¦ Ali and Adnan, you should look after your bags yourselves.
¦ Did they stitch clothes themselves?

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

· give students a quick recap by reinforcing the definition of reflexive pronouns.
· ask how many reflexive pronouns are there?

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Assessment 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ assess students' learning and understanding through different activities performed in class,
during development stage of the lesson.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

· ask students to attempt exercise A on page 55 of their textbook.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 5, Unit # 5, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Period 4: 40 minutes

· Use few indefinite pronouns.

Information for Teachers

· A pronoun that does not refer to any specific person, place, amount or thing is called indefinite
pronoun. We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things without saying exactly who or
what they are. We use pronouns ending in -body or -one for people, and pronouns ending in -thing
for things:
¦ Everybody enjoyed the match.
¦ I opened the door but there was no one at home.
¦ It was a very clear day. We could see everything.
¦ The mouse went somewhere behind the food cartons.
¦ Somebody came to meet me but I was not at home.
¦ Nothing was there to eat in the kitchen.
· Most indefinite pronouns are either singular or plural. However, some of them can be

Indefinite Pronouns Chart

Singular Plural Singular OR Plural

everybody another both all
everyone each few most
everything either many any
anybody neither several none
anything nobody some
somebody no one
someone nothing
something one

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Ÿ singular in one context and plural in another.
Ÿ We use a singular verb after an indefinite pronoun:
¦ Everybody loves seema.
¦ Everything was ready for the party.
Ÿ Indefinite pronouns can represent either count nouns or non-count nouns.
¦ I would like to go to Murree this Summer.
I would like to go somewhere this Summer.
¦ Ali gave me this pen.
Someone gave me this pen.
¦ I will not tell your story to Hassan.
I will not tell your story to anyone.
¦ I bought mangoes from the market.
I bought something from the market.
¦ I took two milk packs from the refrigerator.
I took some milk from the refrigerator.

Material/Resources Required

Board, chalk/marker, textbook, duster.

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ ask the students:
¦ What is a pronoun?
¦ What is subjective pronoun?
¦ What is objective pronoun?

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ What is possessive pronoun?
¦ Give examples of possessive pronoun.
¦ What is a reflexive pronoun?
Expected answers:
¦ A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun.
¦ A pronoun that comes in the beginning of sentence and performs the action is called a
subjective pronoun.
¦ A pronouns that acts as the object of a sentence and receives the action of the verb is called an
objective pronoun.
¦ Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone.
¦ The possessive pronouns are my, our, your, his, her, its, and their. There's also an “independent”
form of each of these pronouns: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs.
¦ A reflexive pronoun is usually used when the object of a sentence is the same as the subject.
Ÿ say, “Today we are going to learn indefinite pronouns through some interesting activities”.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes

Ÿ write the topic 'Indefinite Pronoun' on the board.

Ÿ write definition of indefinite pronouns on the board, “Indefinite pronouns are those referring to
one or more unspecified objects, beings, or places”.
Ÿ explain by pointing at the topic written on board, “they are called “indefinite pronouns” simply
because they do not indicate the exact object, being, or place to which they refer. Pronouns
ending in -body or -one are used for people, and pronouns ending in -thing for things”.

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

some no any every


thing Indefinite Pronouns


some no any every

Ÿ explain that indefinite pronouns can either be singular or plural, depending on how they are
used in a sentence.
Ÿ write indefinite pronouns on board and tell the students that some of the indefinite pronouns in
English are:


anybody/ somebody/
another anything each other
anyone someone
everybody/ one
either enough everything something
less li le much neither nothing
no one

both few fewer many others several


all any more/most none such some

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Ÿ explain, “If you use an indefinite pronoun as a subject, then your verb must agree to it”.

Everybody thinks about the story.

singular indefinite pronoun singular verb

Everything was for the party.

singular indefinite pronoun singular verb

Several people were wai ng for the bus.

plural indefinite pronoun plural verb

Some of the money is needed by Asif.

Singular and plural both singular singular verb

(depending upon usage) uncountable noun

Some of the children are crea ng loud noise.

Singular and plural both plural countable plural verb

(depending upon usage) noun

Ÿ explain, “we can add 's to an indefinite pronoun to make a possessive”.
¦ They were staying in somebody's house.
¦ Is this anybody's coat?

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Activity 2 10 minutes

Ÿ write some sentences on the board.

Ÿ ask students to copy the sentences in their notebooks.
Ÿ ask students to fill in the blanks with correct indefinite pronoun according to subject of the each

¦ I pressed the call bell several times but ___________ answered.

¦ You look tired and hungry. Would you have ___________ to eat?
¦ If there is ___________ you need, please let me know.
¦ ___________ saw him entering the bank.
¦ It is a huge loss and ___________ must share it.
¦ I don't think ___________ has the courage to condemn him openly.
¦ Could ___________ of you accompany me to the market?
¦ ___________ could have answered these questions .they are so easy.
¦ These facts are known to ______________. There is nothing secret at all.
¦ All the doors were closed. So I heard absolutely _____________.
¦ _____________ has left a mobile phone on the table.
¦ _____________ has been eaten. All the dishes were empty.
Expected answers:
¦ I pressed the call bell several times but nobody answered.
¦ You look tired and hungry. Would you have anything to eat?
¦ If there is anything you need, please let me know.
¦ Nobody saw him entering the bank.
¦ It is a huge loss and someone must share it.
¦ I don't think anyone has the courage to condemn him openly.
¦ Could anyone of you accompany me to the market?
¦ Anyone could have answered these questions .they are so easy.
¦ These facts are known to everyone. There is nothing secret at all.
¦ All the doors were closed. So I heard absolutely nothing.
¦ Someone has left a mobile phone on the table.
¦ Everything has been eaten. All the dishes were empty.
Ÿ help students where necessary.

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

· give students a quick recap by reinforcing the definition of indefinite pronouns.
· ask to give examples of singular and plural indefinite pronouns.


The teacher will:

· assess students' learning and understanding through different activities performed in class,
during development stage of the lesson.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

· ask students to attempt exercise B and C on page 56 of textbook.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 6, Unit # 5, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 4). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Period 5: 40 minutes

Ÿ Illustrate use of prepositions of position, time, movement and direction.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Preposition tells the position of a noun.

Ÿ It shows relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words within a sentence.
Examples: in, on, at, with, for, from, of, into, under, behind, between, after, among, above, up,
down etc.
¦ I have a book in my bag.
¦ I write with a pen.
¦ A cat is sitting under a table.
¦ I reach school on time.
Ÿ Preposition tells us more about its relationship between a noun or pronoun by showing position,
time, movement and direction of a noun or pronoun.
Ÿ Preposition of time may indicate timing by using definite or indefinite states of time in a sentence.
¦ I was born in Lahore.
¦ I will see you on Sunday.
¦ We drink milk at night.
¦ See me at 8:00 pm.
Ÿ Prepositions of place describe the position of a person or thing in relation to another person or
¦ There is a cup on the table.
¦ The cat is under the table.
¦ He lives in Australia.
Ÿ Prepositions of movement show movement of a person/thing from one place to another. These
prepositions always describe movement and we usually use them with verbs of motion. The most

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
common preposition of movement is the preposition to, which describes movement in the
direction of something.
¦ How do you go to work?
¦ He went to college.
¦ We are going to Murree.
¦ We walked from the farm to the beach.
Ÿ Prepositions of direction are used to indicate direction. Direction prepositions are special because
they show some type of movement.
¦ Send this letter to my home address.
Ÿ In this unit students will learn about prepositions of place and direction.

Material/Resources Required

Chalk, marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 10 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ recall the usage of prepositions of time, direction and place through brainstorming.
Expected answers:
¦ Preposition of time may indicate timing by using definite or indefinite states of time in a
¦ Prepositions of place describe the position of a person or thing in relation to another person
or thing.
¦ Prepositions of direction are used to indicate direction. Direction prepositions are special
because they show some type of movement.
Ÿ write a few sentences and ask students to add prepositions of time to it.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ We take rest________ noon _________ summer.
¦ They go to school early _________ the morning.
¦ He will come here _____________ Friday.
¦ The school starts _______________ 8 o'clock.
¦ They will play a match _________ the morning.
Expected answer:
¦ We take rest at noon in summer.
¦ They go to school early in the morning.
¦ He will come here on Friday.
¦ The school starts at 8 o'clock.
¦ They will play a match in the morning.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ tell students, “Today we will learn more about prepositions of place and direction”.
Ÿ revise:
¦ Prepositions of place show the relationship of place between the nouns to the other parts of a
sentence. Common prepositions of places & direction are on, at, in, by, from, to, towards, up,
down, across, between, among, through, in front of, behind, above, over, under, below, etc.
¦ write the following examples on the board and reinforce the usage of prepositions of place and
¦ I go to school by bus.
¦ The phone is on the table.
¦ The sky is above my head.
¦ They came into the house.
¦ There are clouds over the hills.
¦ I have a scar just below my right eye.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ He met me at the doorstep.
¦ He came from Faisalabad.
¦ He parked his car in front of my house.
¦ Saleem is sitting between Asfand and Israr.
¦ He passed through a forest.
Ÿ ask students to copy the sentences in their notebooks.

Activity 2 15 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ write some sentences on the board.
Ÿ ask students to underline prepositions of place and direction given in sentences.
¦ There are clouds over the hills.
¦ Take the bridge across the river and then turn left.
¦ The policeman was running after the thief.
¦ The teacher is walking around the classroom.
¦ Two friends are waiting at the front door.
¦ Do not write below this line.
¦ His uncle is standing beside that big tree.
¦ They built a fence between their gardens.
¦ Her parents came from Karachi.
¦ The vases are in the cupboard below the glasses.
Ÿ ask students to copy the sentences in their notebooks.
Ÿ ask students to underline prepositions of place and direction given in sentences.
Expected answers:
¦ There are clouds over the hills.
¦ Take the bridge across the river and then turn left.
¦ The policeman was running after the thief.
¦ The teacher is walking around the classroom.
¦ Two friends are waiting at the front door.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ Do not write below this line.
¦ His uncle is standing beside that big tree.
¦ They built a fence between their gardens.
¦ Her parents came from Karachi.
¦ The vases are in the cupboard below the glasses.

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ sum up by asking the students about the prepositions of place and direction.
Ÿ ask the students to give some examples.


The teacher will:

Ÿ assess students' learning and understanding through different activities performed in class, during
development stage of the lesson.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to attempt exercise D on page 57 of textbook.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 7, Unit # 5, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 5). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Period 6: 40 minutes

Ÿ Recognize the form and various functions; and illustrate use of Simple Present, Present Continuous,
Simple Past, Past Continuous and Future Simple tenses.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Simple past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed before now.
¦ I visited Saudi Arabia last year.
¦ Our team won the match yesterday.
¦ She got the first position.
¦ He did not tell a lie.
¦ Did you pass your test?
Ÿ Past tense is used for describing complete activity in the near past.
Ÿ Formula in affirmative sentence:
Subject + second form of the verb + object
Example: He passed his test.
Ÿ Formula in negative sentence:
Subject + did not + first form of the verb + object
Example: He did not pass his test.
Ÿ Formula in interrogative sentence:
Did + subject + first form of the verb + object+?
Example: Did he pass his test?
Ÿ Formula in negative interrogative sentence:
Did + Subject + not + first form of the verb + object+?
Example: Did he not pass his test?
Ÿ The teacher should refer to some common and familiar objects to make this lesson more interesting
and realistic.
Ÿ To ensure maximum participation of students, they should not be discouraged if they answer or

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
name the things in Urdu.
Ÿ While teaching lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when
applicable (taking examples of simple past).

Material/Resources Required

Chalk, marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 10 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ say, “I went to the park yesterday. I saw many beautiful birds.”
Ÿ ask the students, “What did you do after school yesterday?”
Ÿ write students' responses on the board.
Ÿ write some sentences on the board.
¦ The birds flew in the air.
¦ The hunter caught a deer.
¦ I went to Lahore yesterday.
¦ We helped the needy.
Ÿ underline the verbs and tell the students that past form (2nd form) of the verb is used in simple past
tense e.g. went, saw.
¦ The birds flew in the air.
¦ The hunter caught a deer.
¦ I went to Lahore yesterday.
¦ We helped the needy.
Ÿ tell the students “Today we are going to learn simple past tense”.

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1
The teacher will:
Ÿ explain that the simple past tense is used to tell or talk about things that happened or existed in the
near past.

¦ I see a match ¦ I saw a match

¦ We eat bananas ¦ We ate bananas
¦ She sings a song. ¦ She sang a song.
¦ I say my prayer. ¦ I said my prayer.

Ÿ explain that we follow certain patterns for forming affirmative, negative, interrogative and negative
interrogative sentences of simple past tense for regular and irregular verbs.

Affirma ve

Subject + verb + ed

We Jumped.

Nega ve

Subject + did not + verb

We didn't Jump.

Interroga ve

Did + subject + verb + ?

Did we jump?

Interroga ve nega ve

Did + subject + not + verb + ?

Didn't we not jump?

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Ÿ explain that an affirmative sentence in past simple is usually formed by adding -d, -ed, or -ied to the
base form of the verb e.g. attacked, listened, dried, heard.
Ÿ explain, to create a negative sentence in the past simple, use didn't (did not) + the base form of the
Ÿ explain, to create an interrogative sentence in the past simple, start the question with did, then add a
subject (the person or thing that does the action) followed by the base form of the verb and a
question mark at the end.
Ÿ explain, to create a negative interrogative sentence in the past simple, start the question with did,
then add a subject (the person or thing that does the action) followed by not and the base form of
the verb and question mark at the end.
Ÿ explain simple past tense.
Ÿ ask the students to take out their notebooks and write an affirmative sentence with the help of the
pattern explained..
Ÿ take a few responses from students and write on the board.
Expected Answers:
¦ I washed the clothes.
¦ He wrote a novel.
Ÿ ask students to write a negative sentence with the help of the pattern explained..
Ÿ take a few responses from students and write on the board.
Expected Answers:
¦ I did not wash the clothes.
¦ He did not write a novel.
Ÿ now ask the students to write an interrogative and a negative interrogative sentence with the help of
the pattern explained.
Ÿ take a few responses from students and write on the board.
Expected Answers:
¦ Did I wash the clothes?
¦ Did I not wash the clothes?
Ÿ move around the class and make sure that students are responding correctly. In case of any difficulty,
help students until they understand and complete the activity.

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Conclusion 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students “Today we have learnt about simple past tense and the patterns for forming simple
past tense with regular and irregular verbs”.


The teacher will:

Ÿ write some sentences on the board and ask students to change them into simple past tense.
¦ We play Tennis.
¦ A lion catches a deer.
¦ She reads the newspaper.
¦ I do not tell a lie.
¦ She speaks truth.
¦ She does not cheat anyone.
Expected Answers:
¦ We played Tennis.
¦ A lion caught a deer.
¦ She read the newspaper.
¦ I did not tell a lie.
¦ he spoke truth.
¦ She did not cheat anyone.

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to write fifteen sentences (five affirmative, five negative, five interrogative) in simple
past tense in their notebooks.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 8, Unit # 5, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 6). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Period 7: 40 minutes

Ÿ Recognize the form and various functions; and illustrate use of Simple Present, Present Continuous,
Simple Past, Past Continuous and Future Simple tenses.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Simple present is a verb tense that is used to express a habitual action or routine work.
¦ We run a race daily.
¦ Do you know me?
¦ She drives her car.
¦ He does not buy a new bike?
Ÿ Present tense is used for describing complete activity at present.
Ÿ Formula in affirmative sentence:
Subject + 1st form of the verb + object
Example: He writes a letter.
Subject + 1st form of Verb + s/es + object
Example: She likes bananas.
Ÿ Formula in negative sentence:
Subject + do/does not + first form of the verb + object
Example: I do not write a letter.
She does not like bananas.
Ÿ Formula in interrogative sentence:
Do/Does + subject + first form of the verb + ?
Ÿ Example: Do I write a letter?
Does she like bananas?
Ÿ The teacher should refer to some common and familiar objects to make this lesson more interesting
and realistic.
Ÿ Ensure maximum participation of students, they should not be discouraged if they answer or name

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
the things in Urdu.
Ÿ While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when

Material/Resources Required

Chalk, marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 10 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ say, “I go to the park daily. I see many beautiful birds there.”
Ÿ ask the students, “What do you do after school every day?”
Ÿ write students' responses on the board.
Ÿ ask students to underline the verbs and tell students that present form of the verb is used in present
tense e.g. play, teach, make, visit, help etc.
Ÿ I go to school daily.
Ÿ We see stars at night.
Ÿ He reads a story book.
Ÿ She writes an interesting story.
Ÿ The Muslims recite the Holy Quran everyday.
Expected answers:
¦ I go to school daily.
¦ We see stars at night.
¦ He reads a story book.
¦ She writes an interesting story.
¦ The Muslims recite the Holy Quran everyday.
Ÿ tell the students “Today we are going to learn simple present tense”.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1
The teacher will:
Ÿ explain that the simple present tense is used to tell or talk about things that happen or exist in the
present situation or in routine.
¦ I take exercise in the evening.
¦ I eat fruits daily.
Ÿ explain that we follow certain patterns for forming affirmative, negative, interrogative and negative
interrogative sentences of simple present tense for regular and irregular verbs.

Affirma ve Sentences

Subject + verb ( 1st form)

We run.

Subject + verb + s/es

He/ She/It/ singular name runs.

Nega ve Sentences

Subject + do not + verb

I/We/You/They do not run.

He/She/It/singular name does not go

Interroga ve Sentences

Do + subject + verb

Do they/I/we/you + verb

Does he/she/it/singular name run?

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Nega ve Interroga ve Sentences

Do + subject + not + verb + ?

Do I/we/you/they not run?

Does +subject + not +verb + ?

Does he/she/it/singular name + run?


Ÿ explain, to create a negative sentence in the present simple, use don't/ does not + base form of the
Ÿ explain, to create an interrogative sentence in the present simple, start the question with do/does,
then add a subject (the person or thing that does the action) followed by the base form of the verb
and question mark at the end.
Ÿ now explain, to create a negative interrogative sentence in the present simple, start the sentence
with do/does, then add a subject (the person or thing that does the action) then add “not” followed
by the base form of the verb and put question mark at the end.
Ÿ ask students to take out their notebooks and write an affirmative sentence with the help of pattern
Ÿ take a few responses from students and write on the board.
Expected answers:
¦ I like flowers.
¦ We cook food.
¦ She sweeps the floor.
Ÿ ask students to write a negative sentence with the help of the pattern explained..
Ÿ take a few responses from students and write on the board.
Expected answers:
¦ I do not like flowers.
¦ We do not cook food.
¦ She does not sweep the floor.
Ÿ now ask the students to write an interrogative and a negative interrogative sentence with the help of
the pattern explained.
Ÿ take a few responses from students and write on the board.

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Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Expected answers:
¦ Do l like flowers?
¦ Do I not like flowers?
¦ Does she sweep the floor?
¦ Does she not sweep the floor?
Ÿ move around the class and make sure that students are responding correctly. In case of any
difficulty, help students until they understand and complete the activity.

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell students “Today we have learnt about simple present tense and its negative and interrogative
sentences following the formulas given above/told before”.


The teacher will:

Ÿ write some sentences on the board and ask them to change the sentences into negative and
interrogative sentences.
¦ I help my friends.
¦ The farmer ploughs in the fields.
¦ She waters the plants.
¦ I give him my book.
¦ She gets good marks.
¦ He loves his parents.
Expected answers:

Nega ve Sentences Interroga ve Sentences

¦ I do not help my friends ¦ Do I help my friends?
¦ The farmer does not plough in the field. ¦ Does the farmer plough in the field?
¦ She does not water the plant. ¦ Does She water the plant?
¦ I do not give him my book. ¦ Do I give him my book?

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ She does not get good marks. ¦ Does she get good marks?
¦ He does not love his parents. ¦ Does he love his parents?

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students to write fifteen sentences (five affirmative, five negative, five interrogative) in
simple present tense in their notebooks.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 9, Unit # 5, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 7). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Period 8: 40 minutes

Ÿ Recognize the form and various functions; and illustrate use of Simple Present, Present Continuous,
Simple Past, Past Continuous and Future Simple tenses.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ The present continuous tense is used for describing actions and activities being done/taking place
at the time of speaking.
Ÿ 1st form of verb adding ''ing'' to it makes progressive form of the tense that is used to express an
action or routine work being done at the time of information or statement being given.
Ÿ To show the work or action happening at the moment, some auxiliary/helping verbs are used to
perform their role along with the main verb.
Ÿ Auxiliaries or helping verbs are used keeping in mind the subject and auxiliary verb agreement e.g.
singular or plural form of the subject or doer.
is He, she, it or any singular name

are We, you /anything/name that is plural in form

am I only being the indefinite subject

Ÿ Simple formula to make sentences for this progressive form of tense is as follows:
Subject + is/am/are + 1st form of the verb/main verb +ing + object.
¦ The players are playing in the ground.
¦ Am I singing a sweet song?
¦ She is knitting a sweater.
¦ You are helping the poor.
Ÿ Present continuous tense is used for describing the activity being performed at present.
Ÿ Formula for affirmative sentence:
Subject + 1st form of the verb + ing+ object

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ She is reading a novel.
Ÿ Formula for negative sentence:
Subject + is not/am not/are not+ first form of the verb with ''íng'' + object
¦ She is not reading a novel.
Ÿ Formula for interrogative sentence:
Is/am/are + subject + first form of the verb with íng + object + ?
¦ Is she reading a novel?
Ÿ The teacher should refer to some common and familiar activities happening in class routine during
teaching/learning process to make this lesson more interesting and realistic.
Ÿ To ensure maximum participation of students, they should not be discouraged if they try to answer
or make the sentences in Urdu.
Ÿ While teaching the lesson, teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when

Material/Resources Required

Chalk, marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 10 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ say, “I am talking to the whole class. I am noticing many beautiful faces here.”
Ÿ ask the students, “What are you doing at the moment?”
Ÿ write students' responses on the board, that may be '' we are listening to you / we are looking at you.
Ÿ tell students that present continuous tense is used to describe the actions that are happening or
taking place when a speaker is speaking/stating or informing about the current action or situation

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Ÿ ask students that the teacher and the students will be acting/expressing an action without speaking
by taking turns and both the teacher and students(randomly) will response using the
progressive/continuous tense.
Ÿ write some of the actions/doing words on the board showing different situations. (write, read, teach,
Expected answers:
¦ I am writing a letter.
¦ She is reading newspaper.
¦ You are teaching your brother.
¦ He is studying his books.
Ÿ ask students to underline the auxiliary and main verbs from the given sentences.
¦ I am writing a letter.
¦ She is reading newspaper.
¦ You are teaching your brother.
¦ He is studying his books.
Ÿ tell students that today we are going to learn about present continuous tense.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1
The teacher will:
Ÿ explain that as the present continuous tense is used to tell or talk about things that are happening or
existing in the present situation, therefore the formation requires the use of ''ing'' with the 1st form
of main verb
Ÿ ask the students to fill in the gaps after writing the following sentences on the board.
¦ Sania is _________ tea.. (take)
¦ I am not _________ food. (eat)
¦ Are we _________ a lie? (tell)
¦ Is he not _________ a song? (sing)
¦ Our teacher is ----------- us. (teach)
Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Expected answers:
¦ Sania is taking tea.
¦ I am not eating food.
¦ Are we telling a lie?
¦ Is he not singing a song?
¦ Our teacher is teaching us.
Ÿ explain that we follow certain patterns for forming affirmative, negative, interrogative and negative
interrogative sentences of present continuous tense.

Sentence forma on pa ern for present con nuous tense Model sentences

Affirma ve Subject + helping/auxiliary verb + 1st She is cooking food.

form of main verb with ''ing'' + object

Nega ve subject, is not/ am not/ are not + 1st I am not cooking food.
form of main verb with ''ing'' + object He /She is not cooking food.
You/they/We are not
cooking food.

Interroga ve Is/am/are in the start of the sentence, Are we/they/you cooking

subject + 1st form of main verb with food?
‘'ing'' + object + ? Is he/she cooking food?

Nega ve Is /am /are in the start of the sentence + Are we not cooking food?
Interroga ve subject+ not+ 1st form of main verb with
‘'ing'' + object + ?

Ÿ ask students to take out their notebooks and write an affirmative sentence with the help of the
pattern explained using the action word ''write''.
Ÿ take a few responses from students and write on the board.
Expected Answers:
¦ I am writing a letter.
¦ He is writing a letter.
¦ We are writing a letter.
Ÿ ask the students to write a negative sentence with the help of the pattern explained.
Ÿ take a few responses from students and write on the board.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Expected Answers:
¦ I am not writing a letter
¦ He is not writing a letter
¦ We are not writing a letter
Ÿ now ask the students to write an interrogative and negative interrogative sentences with the help of
the pattern explained.
Ÿ take a few responses from students and write on the board.
Expected Answers:
¦ Am I writing a letter?
¦ Am I not writing a letter?
¦ Is he writing a letter?
¦ Is he not writing a letter?
¦ Are we writing a letter?
¦ Are we not writing a letter?
Ÿ move around the class and make sure that students are responding correctly. In case of any
difficulty, help students until they understand and complete the activity.

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that today they have learnt present continuous tense and its negative and
interrogative sentences following the respective formulas.


The teacher will:

Ÿ model the definition statement given on page 41 of the textbook to reinforce the function of the
present continuous tense.
Ÿ get students to read out the definition statement to make them learn and recall what they have been
taught during the period about present continuous tense and its usage.
Ÿ write some sentences on the board and ask them to change the sentences into negative and
interrogative sentences.
Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ I am looking at the board.
¦ A dog is chasing a cat.
¦ She is reading a book.
¦ We are taking exercise in the park.
¦ The students are working hard.
¦ My mother is praying for me.
Expected answers:

Nega ve Sentences Interroga ve Sentences

¦ I am not looking at the board. ¦ Am I looking at the board?
¦ A dog is not chasing a cat. ¦ Is a dog chasing a cat?
¦ She is not reading a book. ¦ Is She reading a book?
¦ We are not taking exercise in the park. ¦ Are we taking exercise in the park?
¦ The students are not working hard. ¦ Are the students working hard?
¦ My mother is not praying for me. ¦ Is my mother praying for me?

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to write 15 sentences (five affirmative, five negative, five interrogative) in present
continuous tense.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 10, Unit # 5, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 8). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 1


Reading & Comprehension (Pre-Reading Strategy)

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Use pre-reading strategies to

¦ predict the content of a text from topic / picture, title / headings etc. by using prior knowledge,
asking questions and contextual clues
¦ guess the meaning of difficult words through contextual clues.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes / 1 Period/s

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ There are three stages in reading skills:

¦ Pre-reading
¦ While-reading
¦ Post-reading
Ÿ Pre-reading section introduces students to the subject matter under discussion and gives them an
opportunity to express their own experiences, views and understanding of it. This activity
centralizes language as a vehicle for communication, prompting students to share their opinions
with others, leading them to accept and understand different points of view. It also allows students
to explore the topic further by getting new information or to consolidate established information.
Ÿ This activity will also help the teacher to evaluate the level of oral competency each student has
Ÿ At pre-reading stage, students try to guess the actual text. It sparks students' interest and gives

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 1
students an opportunity to begin thinking about or anticipating the story while making
Ÿ Pre-reading strategy sets the purpose for reading and enable students to make predictions about
what might happen in the story/poem/text. As students make predictions, make connections, and
set purpose, comprehension of the story/poem/text is increased.
Ÿ Context clues are words in the same sentence or passage that give you clues to what an unfamiliar
word means. These clues will help you understand the meaning of the unknown word in a story or
Ÿ There are Seven types of context clues:
¦ Definition context clues
¦ Synonym context clues
¦ Antonym context clues
¦ Comparison context clues
¦ Contrast context clues
¦ Description or Example context clues
¦ Visual context clues

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Alaikum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply as “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ instruct the students to open their books at page 75.
Ÿ ask the students to look at the pictures given on page 75.
Ÿ ask, “Can you identify the sports items?”

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 1
Expected answers:

racket and hockey and ball bat and ball football racket and ball
shu ercock

carrom-board ludo-board baseball bat and golf club and golf ball
so ball

Ÿ ask, “Which game the above mentioned sports items relate to?”

badminton Hockey Cricket Football Tennis

Carrom Ludo Baseball Golf

Ÿ get the individual responses.

Ÿ ask students, “Which game they like to play?”
Expected answers:
badminton Hockey Cricket Football Hopscotch
Carrom Ludo Gilli Danda Kabaddi Dots and Boxes
Tag (Touch and Run...statue Cat and Mouse Pile the 7 Tiles (hi er Hide and Seek
Go) Chase and seekers)
Tug of war Table Tennis Checkers Marble game Kho-Kho

Note: If students name the games in Urdu or in local language, don't snub them, give them the English
name for the game.

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ ask the students to read only the title of the lesson.
Ÿ write the title of the story on the board.

Sports and Sportsmanship

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 1
Ÿ ask the students to tell what is meant by “sportsmanship”.
Ÿ brainstorm and build a concept map on the board.

no chea ng
accept a loss
without whining don’t be qui er

prac ce self-
control have a posi ve
a tude


fair play respect for game


no yelling at team give your best


Ÿ ask the students 'Have you ever shown yourself sportsmanship?'

Ÿ if the response is yes' ask the student/s to share which trait of sportsmanship has/have been
displayed by him/her.
Ÿ appreciate the trait shared.
Ÿ ask students 'What is the importance of Sportsmanship?’
Expected answers:
¦ sportsmanship develops courage, open heartedness, harmony, peace and acceptability.
Ÿ point at the pictures of the lesson and will say that by looking at the pictures of the lesson we can
predict that the lesson is about sports.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 1
Activity 2 15 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ read the lesson “Sports and Sportsmanship” on pages 76 and 77 of the textbook.
Ÿ ask a few students to read.
Ÿ help students with pronunciation of difficult words.
Ÿ ask the students to underline the words they are not familar with.
Ÿ write a few difficult words from the lesson (identified by students) on the board.

cheat nurture par cipate permission

qui er striving yelling sense

Ÿ let the students predict and guess the meanings of these words from contextual clues.
Ÿ ask students to share their guessed meaning with their class fellows.
Ÿ write predicted answers on the board.

word predicted meanings

cheat to deceive, to trick, to betray

nurture to develop, to support, to cherish, to encourage

par cipate to take part

permission ask for approval, ask for agreement

qui er someone who gives up, someone who leaves off

striving struggling, trying, making every effort, doing all you can, try hard

yelling to shout, to scream

sense to make judgement

Ÿ ask the students to tally their meanings to the glossary on page 84 of the textbook or a dictionary.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 1

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ sum up the session by saying, “Today we learnt to predict the content of a lesson from title, pictures
and contextual clues”.
Ÿ say, “We also learnt that context clues are words in the same sentence or passage that give you
clues about what an unfamiliar word means. These clues will help you to understand the meaning of
the unknown word in a story or passage”.


The teacher will:

Ÿ assess informally students' ability and understanding during activities while/through the
development stage of lesson.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to discuss their favourite sports with their siblings.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 2


Reading & Comprehension (While-Reading Strategy)

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Apply critical thinking to interact with text and use intensive reading strategies (while-reading):
¦ scan to answer short questions
¦ locate specific information to answer short questions.
¦ use context to infer missing words
¦ comprehend / interpret text by applying critical thinking

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes / 1 Period/s

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Being an active reader is a crucial part of being a lifelong learner; therefore, a number of active
reading strategies through while reading activities are designed. This section helps in recognizing
the pattern of text organization through skimming, scanning, making inferences, deducing meaning
from context, inferring meaning, and generating questions to understand text. While reading
questions are designed to predict, connect, visualize, evaluate, respond and interact with the text.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 2

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ invite 3 students to share their homework assigned the previous day (write one paragraph on 'My
favourite Sports').
Ÿ announce the title of the lesson No 7 “Sports and Sportsmanship” and ask the students to open
their textbooks at page 76.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes
The teacher will:
l allot 5 minutes for silent reading of complete lesson (Sports and Sportsmanship) Page 76-77.
l monitor the class to ensure students are on task.
l ask students to encircle/highlight these words: cheat, finalize, nurture, official, participate, quitter,
striving, yelling, permission, sense.
l pronounce these words and ask students to follow him/her.
l Invite 5 volunteers for role play with supposed names (Riaz, Qasim, Jamila, Faheem, Muneeba).
l direct the remaining students to play their roles given in the lesson with the title (Students).
l ask these students to play their roles uttering the dialogue included in the lesson.
l direct these students to read their relevant portion/s for two minutes to be familiarized with the
l direct the whole class to be attentive and observe the dialogue delivery keenly.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 2
Activity 2 10 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ instruct the selected students to stand up with their books opened.
Ÿ start delivery of his/her own part in proper dialogue form (Teacher: Do you know………preparation
for it?).
Ÿ let the students utter their part of the delivery.
Ÿ utter the next part of the dialogue.
Ÿ let Riaz speak his part.
Ÿ ”ask Qasim to play his part and after Qasim, Jamal will perform his part”.
Ÿ teacher will utter his third delivery (That's nice………what is sportsmanship?).
Ÿ let this process resume.
Ÿ make sure, it is an active and lively lesson delivery involving the whole class actively.
Ÿ After the 5th delivery by the teacher, take a short pause, after the 5th delivery and put this question
(What is your idea of sportsmanship?).
Ÿ let at least 5-6 students to share one to two-word responses.
Ÿ consolidate this discussion.
Ÿ carry on the process of reading by letting the students play their relevant roles.
Ÿ discuss and explain the chart of sports week with the whole class at the end of the lesson.
Ÿ develop interest among students for this topic by modifying the sports week chart according to their
own school situation.
Ÿ wind up the lesson by emphasizing the need and importance of sportsmanship during sports.
Ÿ appreciate students' participation.
Ÿ ask the students to form a circle.
Ÿ ask students to respond the question “Which sports will you like to play in the sports week?”

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 2

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ sum up the lesson by sharing examples of sports being played and promoted at national and
international level.

Assessment 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to write 10 points on “Qualities of a Good Sportsman”.

Homework 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ select 8 students to name 4 indoor games and 4 outdoor games.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 3


Reading & Comprehension (Post-Reading Strategy)

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Use critical thinking to respond to the text ( Post-reading):

¦ apply world knowledge and own opinion to the text read
¦ relate what is read to their own feelings and experiences
¦ apply strategies to comprehend questions by marking key words, verbs and tenses in a variety of
question types
¦ reply orally or in writing

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes / 1 Period/s

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Please carefully read the explanation of 'reading & thinking strategies,' given below:
¦ If students are to become independent learners, they need to acquire thinking skills to enhance
their study skills. Thinking creatively, sorting fact and opinion, recognizing consequences,
defining alternative viewpoints, comprehending and interpreting texts by applying critical
thinking or thinking strategies which will help students significantly in their schoolwork. In
addition, students answer literal, factual, interpretive/inferential, evaluative/personal response
and open- ended questions. Within these set of questions, a variety of learning opportunities is
offered, including individual and group work”.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 3

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ ask them to recall the pre and while reading activities done on 'Sports and Sportsmanship'.
Ÿ ask three to four students to share their homework (Write10 points on Qualities of a Good
Ÿ provide proper feedback and focus on the need of good traits of a good sportsman.
Ÿ tell them that they will do more work on the Chapter 'Sports and Sportsmanship'.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ draw the following mind map on the whiteboard.
Ÿ summarize the idea of 'Sportsmanship'

Respect for

Games Sportsmanship Players


Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 3
Ÿ divide the class in 5 groups.
Ÿ allot them 5 minutes to compose a paragraph based on the above given mind map.
Ÿ let them select a presenter to share their composition (2 minutes each group).
Ÿ appreciate their efforts.

Activity 2 15 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ divide the whole class in groups, comprising of four students.
Ÿ further divide each group in pairs (2 pairs in each group).
Ÿ instruct all the pairs to go to page 79 of the textbook.
Ÿ allow 10 minutes to each pair to read the questions given at page 79 (exercise B) to finalize their
answers(Help can be taken from textbook).
Ÿ monitor and facilitate the class.
Ÿ ask all the pairs to show their responses to the other pair of their group, after the lapse of 10
Ÿ allow 5 minutes for this process of pair checking.
Ÿ direct each group to consolidate and develop consensus for the final answers (let them correct all
kind of errors).
Ÿ write all questions (turn wise) on the whiteboard and invite groups to share their finalized answers.
Ÿ bring out the final answers of all five questions.
Ÿ include their input, clarify the point/s if any.
Ÿ wind up the session with the positive note on the value of sportsmanship.

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask a few students to share reading strategies they learnt in the first, second and third lessons.
Ÿ emphasize the important features of pre reading, while reading and post reading.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 3

Assessment 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ draw a table and ask students to provide the required information.

Name of Game Indoor/Outdoor Number of Players






Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to prepare a poster/ notice of proposed sports week that will be held in their school.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 4


Reading & Thinking Skills

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Build and use appropriate vocabulary and correct spelling for effective communication to illustrate
the use of dictionary for finding appropriate meaning and correct spellings.
Ÿ Locate, provide, connect and use words similar and opposite in meaning.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

80 minutes / 2 Period/s

Period 1: 40 minutes

Ÿ Build and use appropriate vocabulary and correct spelling for effective communication:
¦ llustrate the use of dictionary for finding appropriate meaning and correct spellings.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Definitions/meanings of words enable us to have a common understanding of a word or subject;

they allow us all to be on the same page when discussing or reading about an issue.
Ÿ Alphabetical order comes in handy for dictionary skills and also for making sequential order on
list/items as in attendance register.
Ÿ The selection of words for the use of dictionary should be from the students' reading range of
familiar words.
Ÿ Guide word is a word printed at the top of a dictionary page indicating the first or last word entry on
that page. Guide words help to find the word one wants to look up in the dictionary. The guide word
on the right shows the last entry on that page and the guide word on the left shows the first entry on

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 4
the page.
Ÿ An entry word is a word that you look up in the dictionary.
Ÿ Entry words are printed in bold and they are listed in alphabetical order.
Ÿ Scanning: running eyes quickly from top to bottom of the page to find out required word that is
mostly written in bold or its first letter is capital.
Ÿ While teaching the lesson teacher should consult the textbook at all steps where and when
applicable (for difficult vocabulary).

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook, dictionary if available

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa-Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ ask the students, what kind of information they can find in a dictionary.
Ÿ tell students how a dictionary can help to improve our vocabulary.
Ÿ tell students, “Today we are going to learn how to find definitions/meanings of words in the

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1
The teacher will:
Ÿ write following sentences with underlined words on the white board.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 4
1. Are you making any prepara ons for it?
2. That's nice.
3. Do you remember what sportsmanship is?
4. It includes respect for everyone.
5. Were you afraid of losing?
6. Try to improve yourself.
7. We should have sense of fair play.
8. We should understand it.

Ÿ ask students to arrange the underlined words alphabetically.

Expected answers:
1. afraid
2. fair
3. improve
4. include
5. nice
6. preparation
7. remember
8. understand
Ÿ draw another table on the board and ask the students to copy the table in their notebooks.
Words Meanings Parts of Speech

Ÿ ask students to take out dictionaries of their own if they have any.
Ÿ provide dictionary in the class in case students don't have any.
Ÿ write the entry word afraid in the table and ask students to look up the word afraid in the dictionary.
Ÿ ask students to check guide words first since they tell you the first word and last word on the page. The
other words on the page come between the guide words in alphabetical order.
Ÿ ask students to look up definition/meaning and check part of speech of the word afraid.
Ÿ ask students to look if the word has more than one meaning.
Ÿ take students' responses and note the responses in the table on the board.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 4
Entry words Meanings Parts of speech

afraid 1. feeling fear; frightened because you think that adjec ve

you might be hurt or suffer
2. worried about what might happen
3. worried or frightened that something
unpleasant, dangerous, etc. will happen to a
par cular person or thing

Ÿ write the entry word fair and ask students to look up the word fair in the dictionary.
Ÿ ask students to look up the definition/meaning and check of the parts of speech of the word fair.
Ÿ take students' responses and note the responses in the table on the board.

Entry words Meanings Parts of speech

afraid 1. feeling fear; frightened because you think that adjec ve

you might be hurt or suffer
2. worried about what might happen
3. worried or frightened that something
unpleasant, dangerous, etc. will happen to a
par cular person or thing

fair 1. acceptable and appropriate in a par cular adjec ve

situa on
2. trea ng everyone equally and according to the
rules or law

Ÿ write the entry word improve and ask students to look up the word improve in the dictionary.
Ÿ ask students to look up the definition/meaning and part of speech of the word improve.
Ÿ move around the classroom to monitor how the students are working.
Ÿ support the students who need help to motivate them.
Ÿ appreciate those students who answer correctly.
Ÿ take students' responses and note the responses in the table on the board.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 4
Entry words Meanings Parts of speech

afraid 1. feeling fear; frightened because you think that adjec ve

you might be hurt or suffer
2. worried about what might happen
3. worried or frightened that something
unpleasant, dangerous, etc. will happen to a
par cular person or thing

fair 1. acceptable and appropriate in a par cular adjec ve

situa on
2. trea ng everyone equally and according to the
rules or law

improve 1. to become be er than before; to make verb

something/somebody be er than before

Ÿ write the entry word include and ask students to look up the word include in the dictionary.
Ÿ ask students to look up the definition/meaning and part of speech of the word include.
Ÿ move around the classroom to monitor how the students are working.
Ÿ support the students who need help to motivate them.
Ÿ appreciate those students who answer correctly.
Ÿ take students' responses and note those responses in the table on the board.

Entry words Meanings Parts of speech

afraid 1. feeling fear; frightened because you think that adjec ve

you might be hurt or suffer
2. worried about what might happen
3. worried or frightened that something
unpleasant, dangerous, etc. will happen to a
par cular person or thing

fair 1. acceptable and appropriate in a par cular adjec ve

situa on
2. trea ng everyone equally and according to the
rules or law

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 4
improve 1. to become be er than before; to make verb
something/somebody be er than before
include 2. to make somebody/something part of verb

Ÿ ask students to copy meanings of all the words from the table in their notebooks.

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students, “Today we have learnt that no one is supposed to know the meanings, parts of
speech and pronunciation of every word; and to find the meaning, parts of speech and
pronunciation we consult dictionary when required”.


The teacher will:

Ÿ assess students' responses during activities to know how much they have learnt.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students to look up the definitions/meanings and check parts of speech of the remaining
four words (nice, preparation, remember, understand) in the dictionary.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 11, Unit # 7, Lesson Plan # 4 and
Period # 1). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class
and every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 4

Period 2: 40 minutes

Ÿ Locate, provide, connect and use words similar and opposite in meaning.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Synonyms are words that are similar, or have a related meaning, to another word.
Example: struggle – effort, sound– voice
Ÿ A word that has exact opposite meaning of another word, is its antonym.
Example: win– lose, include– exclude
Ÿ Synonyms and antonyms enhance our vocabulary of English language.
Ÿ The more the vocabulary, the more the confidence.
Ÿ Knowledge of synonyms and antonyms makes us good speakers and writers.

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook, dictionary if available

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ ask students to get in pairs and think of five adjectives, then ask them to write those adjectives in
their notebooks.
Expected answers:
¦ strict, slow, fast, delicious, yummy.
Ÿ assess the students by moving around the classroom to ensure participation of each student.
Ÿ assess how well the students communicate with their partners and how well they follow directions.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 4
Ÿ tell students that there are many words that mean the same to these adjectives.
Ÿ ask students that dictionary is used to locate synonyms.

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ write five sentences on the board.
¦ That's very good.
¦ It is very important question.
¦ We are participating in different games.
¦ You should play fair.
¦ He is very famous.
Ÿ ask students to underline adjectives given in each sentence.
¦ That's very good.
¦ It is very important question.
¦ We are participating in different games.
¦ You should play fair.
¦ He is very famous.
Ÿ ask students to change underlined words with words having similar meanings / synonyms.
Expected Answers:
¦ That's very nice.
¦ It is very significant question.
¦ We are participating in various games.
¦ You should play honestly.
¦ He is very popular.
Ÿ remind students that words that have similar meanings are called synonyms.
Ÿ write the definition of synonym on the board.( Synonyms are words that are similar, or have a related

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 4
meaning, to another word.)
Ÿ explain that synonyms and antonyms can help us build our vocabulary.
Ÿ tell that they can help us understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
Ÿ For example, if we know that "friend" is a synonym of "companion" then we understand what
"companion" means.
Ÿ say that similarly if we know that "enemy" is an antonym for “companion", we understand that it
must mean "rival".

Activity 2 15 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ point out the underlined words.
¦ That's very good.
¦ It is very important question.
¦ We are participating in different games.
¦ You should play fair.
¦ He is very famous.
Ÿ ask students to change underlined words with opposite words/antonyms.
Expected answers:
¦ That's very bad.
¦ It is very common question.
¦ We are participating in same games.
¦ You should play foul.
¦ He is very notorious.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 4

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that today they have learnt that synonyms are words that are similar, or have a
related meaning, to another word. For example: respect – honour
Ÿ tell that we have also learnt that a word that has the exact opposite meaning of another word is its
antonym. For example: respect – disgrace


The teacher will:

Ÿ assess students' learning and understanding through activities during development stage, as how
much they have learnt.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students to look up synonyms and antonyms of the following five words in the dictionary.
cheat, finalize, mistake, nurture, striving


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 12, Unit # 7, Lesson Plan # 4 and
Period # 2). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class
and every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 5


Writing Skills

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Analyze information in a flow chart or diagram to describe a process through guided writing tasks
Ÿ Use summary skills to extract salient points and develop a mind map to summarize a text

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes / 1 Period/s

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Please read carefully the explanation of 'Writing Skills' given at page vii of the portion entitled
'Introduction' of the textbook grade 6:
Ÿ Please consult 'Guidelines for the Teacher' portion given at page 82 of the textbook grade 6

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 5

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa-Alaikumussalam/ Good morning”.
Ÿ ask students (3-4) at a time to come at the whiteboard and write their names and their favourite
game like: Hamza…Football, Umair…Hockey, Munir… Volleyball etc.
Ÿ let all students time to write their names and favourite games on the board.
Ÿ tell them to write an essay on their favourite game (individual task).

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 13 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ draw the following flow chart on the whiteboard.

Introductory Paragraph What is your favourite game?

Describe the game and how it is played.

Body Paragraph 1 Explain the rules so that someone could

learn how to play it

Body Paragraph 2 Dura on of the game and number of players

par cipa ng in this game

Concluding Paragraph How is the game good for your physical

and mental health? What good things
do you learn from your favourite game?

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 5
Ÿ direct the students to jot down this flow chart.
Ÿ explain all the components of this flow chart.
Ÿ write at least one to two sentences about each component on the whiteboard as sample sentences.
Ÿ explain that this type of essay is mostly written in Present/ Future Tense.
Ÿ give a quick and short flash back of these tenses.
Ÿ share the salient rules to write sentences, length of paragraphs including parts of paragraph.
Ÿ divide the class in groups (4 members each).
Ÿ allot them 5 minutes to make clues/hints or chunks based on the above given chart .
Ÿ monitor the whole activity.
Activity 2 12 minutes
The teacher will:
Ÿ make all the students sit separately with their writing material.
Ÿ divide the writing time into ( 2 minutes for Introductory paragraph, 3 minutes for Body Paragraph 1,
3 minutes for Body Paragraph 2 and 2 minutes for Concluding Paragraph.
Ÿ divide each group in pairs.
Ÿ write this time division on the whiteboard in bold font.
Ÿ instruct the class to start writing using their pre-written clues/hints or chunks .
Ÿ monitor and assist the class during this activity.
Ÿ ensure to avoid any disturbance / noise or unnecessary conversation during this writing activity.
Ÿ ask all students to drop their pens after the lapse of 10 minutes.
Ÿ collect their written work and read out 3-4 best written essays.
Ÿ instruct the students to take their written work home and write it neatly with some modification if
Ÿ have a big hand for the whole class.

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ wind up the session by sharing some good tips, rules and approach on good creative writing

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 5

Assessment 6 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students to tell the main parts of a paragraph.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ re-write and extend the essay on 'My Favourite Game' to 90-100 words.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 13, Unit # 7, Lesson Plan # 5 and
Period # 1). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class
and every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 6


Oral Communication Skills

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Use conventions and dynamics of group discussion and interaction to:

m take turns
m engage in conversation

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes / 1 Period/s

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Oral communication has two parts: use of language and interpersonal skills.
Ÿ If you provide a safe environment to the students and enforce rules of turn taking in group
discussion and for different patterns of interaction, you may consume students' energy in a very
constructive and positive way.
Ÿ It is so that students do not make fun of one another or fight with one another, they will then have
the time, courage and better source to express themselves in the class.
Ÿ Provide phrases for students to learn, practice and reproduce appropriately while teaching them to
use various functions to ask and respond to questions of personal interest and general everyday
aspects. However, give them multiple options to respond.
¦ What is your plan to spend leisure time?
¦ To be honest, I like enjoying with my family.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 6

Ÿ Give your students vocabulary to express likes, dislikes, express needs and feelings and express joy
in a natural and polite manner to teach them to be engaged in group discussion or any casual
/routine-based conversation by taking turns and by applying different patterns of interaction.
Ÿ Create opportunities for students to have real conversation with one another rather than just
role plays in class. This will help to develop students' interpersonal skills.
Ÿ Give your students vocabulary to show their identity and use previously learnt formulaic
expressions for greetings and routine social courtesies/manners according to age, gender and
status of the addressee.
Ÿ Since these are not tasks that will be done only once rather we are calling them “routines” and
not “activities”.
Ÿ It is extremely important that you model the questions and responses of your personal interest
and everyday aspects that you are teaching to the students.
Ÿ Remember to say “I feel pleasure to have fun with my kids” “Do you like to do the same with
your friends/siblings?”
Ÿ Tell the class that when such expressions are used in routine life, they make our language livelier
to emphasize the importance of such formulaic expressions.

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam / Good morning”.
Ÿ tell the students that there are some phrases/styles for different interaction patterns to ask and
respond to questions of personal interest and general everyday aspects to get engaged ourselves in
a general everyday conversation or group discussion which make our conversation more polite,
enjoyable and livelier for example:
¦ I like…….
¦ We considered it good….
¦ I want to…
¦ I really don't like to……
Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 6

Ÿ Give students a situation by drawing a mind map on the board and brainstorm, asking them as how
they will ask and respond to as this lesson is based on previously learnt concepts of formulaic
expression/oral communication.

It makes me unhappy
when I...

I like it but I need... I think it is good because...

Visi ng a play sta on /

enjoying a hockey match

It looks to be tough.... My favorite part is when...

Ÿ tell the students that today they will learn how to ask and respond to questions of personal interest
and general everyday aspects to get someone engaged in a conversation or group discussion.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 8 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ call a student to come in front of the class for a role-play.
Ÿ say “Good morning” to the student.
Ÿ ensure that the student responds by saying “Good morning”.
Ÿ encourage students to express their personal interest on a given topic. This topic could be a
food item, sportsmanship, any game or a season.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 6

Ÿ use the phrases: I like it when, I like to, I love to, My favourite part is when…
¦ I don't like it, I don't like to, It makes me very unhappy when I have to…
Ÿ teach the students to make eye contact with the students while expressing personal interest and
encourage the students to look at the teacher directly.
Ÿ tell the students that when they talk to someone it is good to pay full attention and make eye
contact with him/her.
Ÿ emphasize that we need to respect other's style of interacting or giving opinion.

Activity 2 8 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ emphasize that we need to respect other's point of view while expressing his/her general
viewpoint and giving opinion or reason for something/someone.
Ÿ ask the students to volunteer to speak some of the sentences to show their
agreement/disagreement to something or with someone.
Ÿ For example:
¦ Cricket is a boring / time taking sport?
Expected Answer:
¦ No, I don't think so.
Ÿ ask to the student “what is your idea/ opinion of sportsmanship?”. The student responds by
saying “I think it is to respect all the players, not to get emotional and follow the game rules.”
Ÿ appreciate the student “It's wonderful / that's nice/ okay thanks. Hope you will prove yourself
a committed player on coming Annual Sports Day”.
Ÿ Say to the student “Do you think we should be fair in our dealings only while playing or in all
matters of everyday life?” The student responds by saying “Yes, of course we should be, it is
our moral duty.”
Ÿ say to the student “It's nice to know that you believe in sportsmanship for all fields of routine
life. Thanks, with great pleasure”.
Ÿ emphasize on paying full attention and making eye contact with the person you talk to.
Ÿ practice the same conversation with a few more students.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 6

Activity 3 9 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students to turn page 83 of their textbooks.
Ÿ read the dialogue twice in front of the class and ask students to focus.
Ÿ invite two of the students at random in front of the class for a role-play.
Ÿ ask one student to play the role of Aamir and to another of Tahir.
Ÿ allow students to read from the textbook by following the rule of turn taking.

Tahir: How do you spend your Sunday, Aamir?

Aamir: Well, on Sunday I wake up around eight in the morning, then I do my homework and go
to the playground.
Tahir: Really! Which game do you play?
Aamir: I play different games like hockey, football and cricket.
Tahir: Do you also play any indoor game?
Aamir: Yes, when it rains, I don't play outdoor games. Then I play badminton or carrom-board
with my sister.
Ÿ ask students to practice the dialogue in pairs.
Ÿ keep on moving around the students and make sure that students are responding correctly. In
case of any difficulty, help students until they understand and complete the activity.

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that today they have learnt how to express personal interests, likes/dislikes and to
respond to others' personal interests, likes/dislikes and feelings.
Ÿ tell the students that today they have learnt how to behave while playing any outdoor game by turn
Ÿ ask the students to tell how to use polite tone if they do not agree with or like something.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 6

Ÿ tell the students that today they have learnt how to spend their leisure time by getting engaged
themselves in outdoor/indoor games, general conversation and group discussion.
Ÿ remind the students that when you talk to someone, it is good to pay full attention and make eye
contact with him/her.

Assessment 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ analyze students' understanding of sports and sportsmanship by asking names of some indoor and
outdoor games along with their rules to be observed while playing
Ÿ assess informally students' ability and understanding during activities.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to practice dialogue on page 83 of the textbook with their siblings/friends at home.
Ÿ ask students to practice the dialogue with their sports teacher the next day.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 7


Formal & Lexical Aspects of Languages

Student Learning Outcomes

• Demonstrate use of common and proper nouns. Differentiate between collective, countable and
uncountable nouns.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

120 minutes / 3 Period(s)

Period 1: 40 minutes

Ÿ Demonstrate use of common and proper nouns. Differentiate between collective, countable and
uncountable nouns.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Common nouns are general names of persons, places, animals and things. They are not capitalized
unless they begin a sentence.
Examples: game, ball, table, school, student etc.
Ÿ Proper nouns are special names of persons, places and things. Proper nouns always start with
capital letter.
Examples: Pakistan, Ali, Lahore, March, Friday, Holy Quran etc.
Ÿ The teacher should refer to some common and familiar objects to make this lesson more
interesting and realistic.
Ÿ To ensure maximum participation of students, they should not be discouraged even they answer or
name the things in Urdu.
Ÿ While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam / Good morning”.
Ÿ write following questions on the board.
¦ What is a noun?
¦ Can you give examples of nouns from your classroom?
Ÿ write students' responses on the board.
Expected answer:
¦ Noun is a name of person, place, animal or thing.
¦ charts, chair, table, book, room, uniform etc.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ write following sentences on the board.
¦ I live in Pakistan.
¦ Saleem is my younger brother.
¦ It is a fridge.
¦ He brought a milk-pack.
¦ Ali has won the first prize.
¦ You recite the Holy Quran daily.
¦ I offer prayers regularly.
¦ The schools reopened in September.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Ÿ ask students to copy the given sentences in their notebooks.
Ÿ ask students to identify nouns in sentences.
Expected answers:
¦ I live in Pakistan.
¦ Saleem is my younger brother.
¦ It is a fridge.
¦ He brought a milk-pack.
¦ Ali has won the first prize.
¦ You recite the Holy Quran daily.
¦ I offer prayers regularly.
¦ The schools reopened in September.
· move around the class and make sure that students are responding correctly. In case of any
difficulty, help students until they understand and complete the activity.
Ÿ take a few responses from students.

Activity 2 10 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ explain the students that noun has different types, two of them are common and proper nouns.
Ÿ explain that common nouns are general names of persons, places, animals and things.
Examples: pencil, bag, ball, player, team, game etc.
Ÿ explain that proper nouns are special names of persons, animals, places and things.
Examples: Pakistan, Nazia, Sialkot, January, Friday, Indus etc.
Ÿ explain that common nouns are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence whereas proper
nouns always start with capital letter whether they come inside a sentence.
Ÿ write following sentences from the text on the board.
¦ Let me ask you a question.
¦ I'll play badminton.
¦ Raise your hands and tell me about sports.
¦ We are having sports week from Monday.
¦ My name is Muneeb.
Ÿ ask the students to identify the nouns in these sentence.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Expected answer:
¦ Let me ask you a question.
¦ I'll play badminton.
¦ Raise your hands and tell me about sports.
¦ We are having sports week from Monday.
¦ My name is Muneeb.
Ÿ explain that country is a common noun because it is a general name whereas Pakistan is a proper
noun because it is a specific name.

proper noun common noun

first le er capitalized first le er not capitalized

Pakistan is an agricultural country.

proper noun-Specific name common noun-General name

Ÿ write more sentences on the board and ask students to copy the sentences in their notebooks and
identify common and proper nouns in each sentence.
¦ Games and sports are very important for our health.
¦ We play Cricket and Football.
¦ We should have sense of fair play in sports.
¦ Parents can play games with their children.
¦ Take part in Volley ball match.
Expected answer:
¦ Games and sports are very important for our health.
¦ We play Cricket and Football.
¦ We should have sense of fair play in sports.
¦ Parents can play games with their children.
¦ Take part in Volley ball match.
Ÿ move around the class and make sure that students are responding correctly. In case of any
difficulty, help students until they understand and complete the activity.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students, “Today we have learnt about common and proper nouns”.
Ÿ ask students to give a few examples.
Ÿ remind students that common nouns are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence and proper
nouns are always capitalized.

Assessment 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ write following sentences on the board and ask a few students to identify proper nouns and apply
capitalization in the sentences.
¦ students went to lahore to play a match.
¦ games and sports made usman a healthy boy
¦ we can make pakistan a strong state.
¦ ali plays video games.
¦ don't miss your fajar and asar prayers.
Expected answer:
¦ Students went to Lahore to play a match.
¦ Games and sports made Usman a healthy boy
¦ We can make Pakistan a strong state.
¦ Ali plays video games.
¦ Don't miss your Fajar and Asar prayers.
Ÿ emphasize that common nouns don't need to be capitalized unless they begin a sentence, but
proper nouns always do, whether come in the beginning, middle or end of the sentence.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to search both common and proper nouns from the lesson at page 76-77.
Ÿ ask students to use the identified common and proper nouns in their their sentences.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 14, Unit # 7, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 1). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class
and every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 7

Period 2: 40 minutes

Ÿ Demonstrate use of common and proper nouns. Differentiate between collective, countable and
uncountable nouns.

Information for Teachers

· A noun is countable when the article in it can be counted

Examples: book, chair, computer, bottle etc.
· Uncountable nouns can't be counted or made plural
Examples: sand, soil, water, air, coil, milk etc.
· Uncountable nouns usually don't have a plural form. They take a singular helping verb as:
¦ Sugar is not enough.

¦ Butter is delicious.

¦ This information is correct.

· “a” and “an” cannot be used with uncountable nouns but we can use these articles with countable
Example: a pencil, a butterfly, a school, an egg, an apple, an ox etc..
· The teacher should refer to some common and familiar objects to make this lesson more
interesting and realistic.
· To ensure maximum participation of students, they should not be discouraged even they answer or
name the things in Urdu.
· While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when
· While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam / Good morning”.
Ÿ write following questions on the board.
¦ What is a noun?
¦ What are common and proper nouns?
¦ What are countable and uncountable nouns?
Ÿ write students' responses on the board.
Expected answer:
¦ Noun is a name of person, place, animal or thing.
¦ Common nouns are general names of persons, places, animals and things and proper nouns
are specific names of persons, places and things.
¦ Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers and uncountable nouns are
for things we cannot count using numbers.

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ explain to the students that noun has different types, we have common and proper nouns, singular
and plural nouns.
Ÿ say that today they will learn countable and uncountable nouns.
Ÿ explain that countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. They have a singular and a
plural form. The singular form can use the determiner "a" or "an". If you want to ask about the
quantity of a countable noun, you ask "How many?" combined with the plural countable noun.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ She has three dogs.
¦ I own a house.

¦ I would like to buy two books please.

¦ How many friends do you have?

· explain that uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They may be
the names for abstract ideas or qualities or for physical objects that are too small or too amorphous
to be counted (liquids, powders, gases, etc.). Uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb.
They usually do not have a plural form.
tea, sugar, water, air, rice, knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love, money etc.
· explain that we cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of an uncountable noun,
use a word or expression like some, a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal of , or else use an exact
measurement like a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of, an hour of, a day of. If you
want to ask about the quantity of an uncountable noun, you ask "How much?"
¦ There has been a lot of research into the causes of this disease.
¦ He gave me a great deal of advice before my interview.
¦ Can you give me some information about uncountable nouns?
¦ He did not have much sugar left.
¦ Measure 1 cup of water, 300g of flour, and 1 teaspoon of salt.
¦ How much rice do you want?

Activity 2 15 minutes

The teacher will:

· write following sentence on the board.
1. The children fell asleep quickly after a busy day of fun.
2. Be careful! The water is deep.
3. The parade included fire trucks and police cars.
4. We like the large bottles of mineral water.
5. My mother uses real butter in the cakes she bakes.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
6. He/she is my favourite politicians.
7. Most kids like milk, but Jamila hates it.
8. Most pottery is made of clay.
9. Mateen can play several different musical instruments.
10. I ate an entire box of cookies.
Ÿ ask students to copy the sentences in their notebooks.
Ÿ ask the students to identify whether the underlined nouns are countable or uncountable.
Expected answers:
1 – countable, 2 – uncountable, 3 – countable, 4 – countable, 5 – uncountable, 6 – countable, 7 –
uncountable, 8 – uncountable, 9 – countable, 10 – countable
Ÿ move around the class and make sure that students are responding correctly. In case of any
difficulty, help students until they understand and complete the activity.

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that today they have learnt about countable and uncountable nouns.
Ÿ ask students to give a few examples.
Ÿ remind students that we cannot use a/an with uncountable nouns but we can use "a" or "an" with
singular countable nouns.


The teacher will:

Ÿ assess informally students' ability and understanding during activities.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask students to search both countable and uncountable nouns from the lesson at page 76-77.
Ÿ ask students to use the identified countable and uncountable nouns in their own sentences.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 15, Unit # 7, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 2). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class
and every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 7 Lesson 7

Period 3: 40 minutes

Ÿ Demonstrate use of common and proper nouns. Differentiate between collective, countable and
uncountable nouns.

Information for Teachers

Ÿ A collective noun is a noun that represents a collection of individuals, usually people, such as:
¦ a team (for example: eleven football players)

¦ a family (for example: mother, father and two children)

¦ a crew (for example: 100 sailors)

Ÿ Collective nouns can consist of a few people or tens, hundreds or thousands of people.
Examples: committee, jury, senate, company, audience, police, army etc.
Ÿ Each of the collective nouns above is a single "unit". But it consists of more than one individual.
Ÿ The teacher should refer to some common and familiar nouns to make this lesson more interesting
and realistic.
Ÿ To ensure maximum participation of students, they should not be discouraged even they answer or
name the things in Urdu.
Ÿ While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when

Material/Resources Required

Chalk/marker, white/black board, textbook, chart/poster

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ begin the class by greeting the students with “Assalam-o-Aliakum/Good morning”.
Ÿ wait for students to reply with “Wa Alaikumussalam / Good morning”.
Ÿ write following questions on the board.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
o What is a noun?
o What are common and proper nouns?
o What are countable and uncountable nouns?
Ÿ write students' responses on the board.
Expected answer:
o Noun is a name of person, place, animal or thing.
o Common nouns are general names of persons, places, animals and things and proper nouns are
specific names of persons, places, animals and things.
o Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers and uncountable nouns are for
things we cannot count using numbers.

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 13 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ show the students a chart/poster of a farm.
Sample poster/chart

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Ÿ ask the students to name some of the animals in the picture.
Expected answers: duck, chicks, dog, cat, horse, sheep, hen, donkey, cock, goat, cow, squirrel etc.
Ÿ write names of the animals on the board.
Ÿ ask students if they notice anything about how the animals are placed in the farm.
Expected answer:
¦ The animals are placed in groups.

¦ The animals are placed in sets.

¦ The animals are placed in cluster.

Ÿ write down the word “group” on the board.

Ÿ make sentences with the word “group” with animals seen in the poster.
¦ There is a group of horses in the stable.

¦ A group of sheep is in the farm.

Ÿ tell the students that when a group of people, animals or things is taken together and spoken as a
whole, we can use the collective noun.
Ÿ point to the groups of horse and sheep in the poster separately.
Ÿ refer the students to the sentences written earlier on the board.
Ÿ show the students how the collective nouns are used.
¦ There is a group of horses in the stable. There is a team of horses in the stable.
¦ A group of sheep is in the farm. A flock of sheep is in the farm.

Ÿ underline the collective nouns.

¦ A group of horses is in the stable. A team of horses is in the stable.
¦ A group of sheep is in the farm. A flock of sheep is in the farm.

Ÿ explain that the word group has been replaced by collective nouns “team” and “flock”.
Ÿ refer the students to the other groups of people, animals or things in the poster.
Ÿ get them to guess what their collective nouns are.
Ÿ provide them with collective nouns if the students are unable to guess.
Ÿ write the collective nouns on the board.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
¦ a clutch of eggs
¦ a kennel of dogs
¦ a clutter of cats
¦ a flock of chicks
¦ a flock of chickens
¦ a flock of ducks
· explain that while talking about a group of people, animals or things, collective noun in the singular
form is used and its verb is also singular.
· refer the students to the sentences written earlier on the board.
· underline the words “team” and “is” in the first sentence.
· explain, “team” is a singular collective noun and “is” is a singular verb in the sentence.
· underline the words “flock” and “is” in the second sentence.
· explain, “flock” is a singular collective noun and “is” is a singular verb in the sentence.
¦ A team of horses is there in the stable.
¦ A flock of sheep is there in the farm.

Activity 2 12 minutes

The teacher will:

· write a few collective nouns on the board.
team army fleet flock ca le bunch crowd

· write some sentences on the board.

¦ I saw a _________________ in the market on Sunday.
¦ Many ______________ were grazing in the field.
¦ Our _____________ won the match yesterday.
¦ I saw a _______________ of grapes.
¦ Pakistani __________________ is parading on the road.
¦ A _____________ was making voyage in the sea.
¦ He has a _______________ of sheep.
· ask the students to copy the sentences in their notebooks and fill in the blanks with suitable
collective nouns given above.

Teachers’ Guide (English) Lesson Plans

Grade 6
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Expected answers:
¦ I saw a crowd in the market on Sunday.
¦ Many cattle were grazing in the field.
¦ Our team won the match yesterday.
¦ I saw a bunch of grapes.
¦ Pakistani army is parading on the road.
¦ A fleet was making voyage in the sea.
¦ He has a flock of sheep.

Conclusion/Sum Up 3 minutes

The teacher will:

· tell the students that today they have learnt about collective nouns.
· ask students to give a few examples.

Assessment 5 minutes

The teacher will:

· assess informally students' ability and understanding during activities.

Homework 2 minutes

The teacher will:

· ask students to attempt exercise A on page 80 of their textbook.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 6, English, WORKSHEET # 16, Unit # 7, Lesson Plan # 7 and
Period # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class
and every student is given a worksheet before you finish lecture. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the work sheet to the student.


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