G9G No.1 - 2122

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Ngày thi: Tháng 8.2021
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(65 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm, 60 câu hỏi tự luận)
(Đề thi có 6 trang)
Mã đề thi 001

Họ và tên: ……............................................ Học sinh lớp: ………. Trường: ……………………..........

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions. (5pts)
Question 1: A. technology B. acknowledge C. commodity D. ecotourism
Question 2: A. nourish B. flourish C. courageous D. southern
Question 3: A. switch B. stomach C. match D. catch
Question 4: A. curriculum B. coincide C. currency D. conception
Question 5: A. fiancé B. finance C. distance D. ignorance
Question 6: A. theoretical B. therefore C. neither D. weather
Question 7: A. shoot B. mood C. poor D. smooth
Question 8: A. naked B. sacred C. needed D. walked
Question 9: A. course B. court C. courteous D. courtly
Question 10: A. generation B. garage C. margarine D. gibbet

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the
position of the main stress in each of the following questions. (5pts)
Question 11: A. prerequisite B. effortlessness C. necessity D. synonymous
Question 12: A. memory B. typical C. rewarding D. marketing
Question 13: A. invent B. torture C. enter D. order
Question 14: A. attitude B. recover C. comedy D. library
Question 15: A. metropolis B. vermicelli C. perpetuate D. comparison
Question 16: A. education B. normality C. horizontal D. independent
Question 17: A. subsequent B. undergo C. government D. enterprise
Question 18: A. enable B. capable C. marathon D. confident
Question 19: A. infamous B. scandalous C. vigorous D. contemptuous
Question 20: A. guarantee B. recommend C. represent D. illustrate

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
sentences. (10pts)
Question 21: ______ thinner she’s been looking ever since she joined that new gym! I may have to start going
A. How much B. How long C. What D. What on earth
Question 22: He works hard, but ______ of his health.
A. at the expense B. at the limit C. at a cost D. at a loss
Question 23: We cannot play football here. The sign says, “Keep ______ the grass.”
A. on B. with C. off D. out
Question 24: Jasmine: “I really love Avril Lavigne’s songs.”
Aladin: “______. I can’t wait to get her new album.”
A. Neither do I B. Me, either C. Same here D. Similar us

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Question 25: I love chips, but the doctor advised me not to eat ______ food.
A. baked B. fried C. grilled D. roasted
Question 26: ______ the lack of interest in her paintings in Canada, Emily Carr had to abandon art for a while
in order to make a living.
A. Seeing that B. Despite C. Since D. Owing to
Question 27: Closure of schools took place ______ falling numbers of pupils.
A. in the context of B. with regard to C. with a concern for D. in consideration for
Question 28: ______ is an important quality of a teacher.
A. The patience B. A patience C. To patience D. Patience
Question 29: When Rose spoke over the telephone, her voice was so ______ that I could hardly hear her.
A. faint B. dim C. dull D. unnoticeable
Question 30: My sister has just adopted a ______ Samoyed and named him after her favorite singer, Daniel.
A. beautiful big white B. beautiful white big
C. big beautiful white D. white beautiful big
Question 31: My boyfriend was late, so I decided to ______ time by window shopping.
A. kill B. miss C. take D. waste
Question 32: After a lot of difficulty, he ______ to open the door.
A. managed B. succeeded C. obtained D. realized
Question 33: The purpose of the examination was to ______ the students’ knowledge of the subject.
A. try B. inspect C. prove D. test
Question 34: After closing the envelope, the secretary ______ the stamps on firmly.
A. licked B. sucked C. stuck D. struck
Question 35: Do you know he’s bought curtain material exactly the same as ours? Such a dreadful ______.
A. parrot B. ape C. copycat D. dog in the manger
Question 36: I was woken up by the sound of sheep ______ in the meadows.
A. neighing B. crowing C. bleating D. croaking
Question 37: I can hardly concentrate. I could really ______ a break.
A. do with B. do without C. play with D. play without
Question 38: I’m told that my ex-husband is ______ a lot of money in his new job.
A. having B. earning C. gaining D. profiting
Question 39: They only have ______ money, so their daughter cannot pay her tuition.
A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
Question 40: The nervous young man felt like a fish out of ______ when he met his girlfriend’s parents.
A. ocean B. current C. water D. river

Fill in each gap with the correct form of the words given IN CAPITAL at the end of each line. (10pts)
Question 51: It is reported in the news today that a UK company plans to build one of the SUN
world’s largest ______ power farms in Iran.
Question 52: They are currently negotiating the ______ of one of their subsidiary companies. SELL
Question 53: We now recognize the ______ of reducing the amount of electricity used every NECESSARY
Question 54: Don’t wipe your ______ fingers on the table cloth. JAM
Question 55: Almost every ______ in my neighborhood now owns an air-conditioner. The HOUSE
cost of installation is not too high.
Question 56: Are you ______ of the dangers of your position? SENSE
Question 57: Congratulations! You’ve made ______ progress in your study so far. REMARK
Question 58: The ______ was so absorbing that she could not put the book down. THRILL
Question 59: I watch the news every day because it’s very ______. INFORM
Question 60: Dr. Pepper usually does her ______ research in the laboratory. SCIENCE

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Put the verbs given IN CAPITAL at the end of each line in their correct forms to complete the following
sentences. (5pts)
Question 41: I never ______ him. I don’t know what he looks like. MEET
Question 42: Is this offer even worth ______? Look how unfair the terms are. CONSIDER
Question 43: I can’t help but ______ that the teachers are lying to us about the cheating THINK
Question 44: My friend, Darren ______ in Amsterdam now, but he says he’ll move soon. LIVE
Question 45: By the time I graduate from school next year, I ______ here for five years. BE
Question 46: She always ______ me with my brother. It is more than annoying! CONFUSE
Question 47: Ever since I got a credit card, I ______ a lot of money on many unnecessary SPEND
Question 48: You ______ any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. NEED
Question 49: How do you stand your boyfriend ______ all the time about your diet? COMPLAIN
Question 50: By the eighteenth century, English shipping ______ as efficient as the Dutch. BECOME

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable preposition or particle to complete the following sentences. (10pts)
Question 61: It’s impossible ______ parents to protect their children ______ every danger.
Question 62: They talked ______ three days before coming ______ a decision.
Question 63: Please put ______ your cigarette. I’m allergic ______ smoke.
Question 64: If man continue cutting ______ forests, the life ______ the earth will be negatively affected.
Question 65: Having filled ______ the form, he handed it ______ to the invigilator.
Question 66: ______ now, no cure ______ AIDS has been found.
Question 67: I cut the pizza ______ six equal parts ______ a knife.
Question 68: First ______ all, I think you should explain your idea ______ the director.
Question 69: You shouldn’t look ______ ______ people who are not as well ______ as you.
Question 70: Be calm and don’t make a fuss ______ such trivial things.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following sentences, then correct the mistakes. (10pts)
Question 71: She had a three-weeks holiday in the Philippines last summer.
A. a B. three-weeks C. the Philippines D. last
Question 72: However cheap it is, the poor quality products cannot always appeal to customers.
A. cheap it is B. poor quality C. appeal to D. customers
Question 73: Linda has two aunts, both of whom lived in Paris since 2000 and 2008.
A. has B. both of whom C. lived D. since
Question 72: The choice of which restaurant to go to for tonight’s meal is entirely your.
A. of which restaurant B. to C. tonight’s D. your
Question 75: I wonder whether you know the woman lives next door.
A. whether B. know C. lives D. next door
Question 76: The more carefully you drive, the less accidents you will have.
A. more carefully B. the less C. accidents D. will have
Question 77: In the race some days ago, Jack ran much slowlier than I did.
A. some days B. ago C. slowlier D. I did
Question 78: Cinderella was made doing all the cleaning in the house.
A. was B. doing C. all the D. in
Question 79: It is not longer necessary for all citizens to get a visa in order to travel.
A. not longer B. for C. to get a visa D. in order to travel
Question 80: The interviewer asked me how did I go to work every day.
A. asked B. did I go C. to work D. every day

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer that BEST fits the blank
space in the following passage. (10pts)
Mr. Alex Fraser lived his entire life in a small town in the north of England. He never left the house (81)
______ he had been born, never married, never went on holiday and had no friends. He worked in a local factory
for (82) ______ forty years but even the people who had worked with him for years (83) ______ very little about
him. He wore the same old clothes year in and year out, and (84) ______ he shopped regularly at the local store,
he bought only the most basic foodstuffs, never changing his purchases from one week to the next. So (85)
______ he died last month, neighbours and local people were astonished to learn that Mr. Fraser was not just a
rich man, he was in fact (86) ______ millionaire!
He had no bank account or money invested anywhere. In the various drawers, cupboards and boxes in
his house there were hundreds and thousands of bank (87) ______ and coins. It took police over two weeks to
clear the house and the bank clerks took just as long to (88) ______ all the money. “We had absolutely no idea
that he had been hiding his money over the years’, one of his neighbours (89) ______. ‘In fact we used to feel
sorry for him, we thought he was a poor old man unable to (90) ______ anything better for himself.’

Question 81: A. which B. where C. who D. what

Question 82: A. until B. above C. over D. across
Question 83: A. held B. reminded C. had D. knew
Question 84: A. although B. however C. because D. but
Question 85: A. while B. when C. during D. that
Question 86: A. the B. this C. a D. one
Question 87: A. papers B. money C. letters D. notes
Question 88: A. number B. count C. guess D. make
Question 89: A. said B. spoke C. mentioned D. told
Question 90: A. pay B. spend C. afford D. give

Read the following passage and fill in each of the numbered blanks with ONE suitable word. (10pts)
In the world of electrical appliances, the invention of ceiling fan was a major milestone. Yet, when it (91)
______ to innovation, this is one appliance that has been overlooked by (92) ______ everyone. Ceiling fans may
have even become obsolete in a few places with the advancement in air conditioning and home temperature
control devices. But they still are a simple and affordable source of respite from torrid climates in tropical
When we try and delve (93) ______ the history of ceiling fans, we find that it is (94) ______ but fascinating.
The concept of ceiling fan (95) ______ back to as (96) ______ as the time of the Roman Empire, where human-
powered palm frond ceiling fans were present. A similar type of fan was the ‘punkah’ that originated in the early
17th century in India, a palm frond or cloth-covered frame hung from the ceiling that moved when a servant
pulled a cord. The next stage was the advent of ceiling fans powered (97) ______ steam and a turbine. (98)
______ systems were belt driven and could serve a whole (99) ______ of fans, such as in restaurants, large
offices, and department (100) ______. These fans were most popular in the southern and southwestern states
like Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, and this was even before the widespread use of electricity.

Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions followed. (5 points)
If you buy things that can be used over and over instead of buying disposable items that are used once
and then thrown away, you will save precious natural resources. You’ll also save energy used to make them,
and you’ll reduce the amount of landfill space we need when they are thrown away. Those same savings happen
you buy things that will last instead of breaking right away. Well-made items may cost a little more to begin with,
but they are usually worth the money because they last for a long time, and you don’t have to replace them.

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When your family goes shopping, think about taking bags with you. Only about seven hundred paper
bags can be made from one 15-year-old tree. A large grocery store can use that many bags before lunch! Plastic
bags start out as either oil or natural gas. Oil and natural gases are non-renewable resources. This means they
can’t be reused, and when they are all gone, they are gone forever. And throw-away bags add a lot of pollution
to the environment. If plastic and paper bags are used once and go to landfills, they stay there for hundreds of
years. Some stores offer discounts for people who use their own bags. For every bag reused, they give money
back – usually about five cents for each bag. With your parents, pick a spot in your house to store bags that you
get from the grocery store. These bags can be used to carry things to friends’ houses or for trash linings.

Question 101: According to the passage, we should buy things ______.

A. that don’t last long B. that are used once and then thrown away
C. that last long D. that are easy to break
Question 102: When you go shopping, ______.
A. take bags with you B. take $700 with you
C. take $15 with you D. use your own cars
Question 103: ‘Landfills’ in the passage means areas of land where ______.
A. houses are built B. waste materials are buried
C. you go shopping for trash bags D. trash bags are manufactured
Question 104: How many paper bags can be made from a 15-year-old tree?
A. 7,000 B. 170 C. 70,000 D. 700
Question 105: According to the passage, which of the followings are not true?
A. Stores won’t sell goods to those who use their own bags.
B. Stores give some money back to each bag reused.
C. You should recycle bags you get from grocery stores.
D. Prices are reduced for those who use their own bags.

Rewrite the sentences, using the word given IN CAPITAL. You can’t change the word under any
circumstances. (10 points)
Question 106: I thought that Jenna was a professional scuba diver, but she isn’t. IMPRESSION
Question 107: Zack bumped into Cody this afternoon at the railway station. CHANCE
Question 108: My grandfather doesn’t remember how he survived the attack on September RECOLLECTION
11, 2001.
Question 109: Their son is bound to be accused of high treason. CHARGED
Question 110: They arrived at the airport with only a few minutes to spare. NICK
Question 111: I’m sure that it was Carla who turned this room into a mess. MUST
Question 112: I don’t know when Philips is going to accept that his wife has walked out on TERMS
Question 113: It’s likely that my girlfriend will offer to pay. CHANCES
Question 114: I was in no mood to go to the party. LIKE
Question 115: You will be expelled from school if you don’t stop behaving like that. UNLESS

Finish the second sentence in a way that it means the same as the original one. (10 points)
Question 116: There is grave concern about confirmed cases of cholera that originated in the makeshift shelters.
→ Of ______________________________________________________________________
Question 117: No, please don’t tell my boss.
→ I’d rather you _____________________________________________________________
Question 118: “Where did you go last Monday afternoon?” the police officer said to me.
→ The police officer asked me __________________________________________________

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Question 119: If only I brought my camera with me.

→ I regret __________________________________________________________________
Question 120: Why don’t you go ask the teacher yourself?
→ I suggest ________________________________________________________________
Question 121: We should leave this building immediately.
→ It’s high time ______________________________________________________________
Question 122: People say that she was murdered by her niece.
→ Rumor has _______________________________________________________________
Question 123: Somebody repaired her car yesterday.
→ She ____________________________________________________________________
Question 124: We must think about ways of improving the transport system in this city.
→ Thought must _____________________________________________________________
Question 125: It is Dr. Stephen Strange’s job to organize orientation workshops.
→ Dr. Stephen Strange is responsible ____________________________________________


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