Complaint To Durham Regional Police
Complaint To Durham Regional Police
Complaint To Durham Regional Police
Please, I need your kind words. Words do matter. I had been involved with a very criminal
insurer for the past 7 years, TD Insurance, and I need help getting true justice.
Sometime after my Car Crash (Claim: 018133598-3) of October 29th, 2014, I was assigned an
adjuster by the name of Delia Ravindran from TD Insurance Meloche Monnex's Security
National Insurance at 3650 Victoria Park Avenue, 9th Floor, North York, Ontario, M2H 3P7;
Tel.: 1-866-681-6081, (416) 790-3338.
On September 22nd, 2020 a lot of us experienced the Mediation 2: Internet Zoomed with Trish
Mongeon, Tech Manager - lawyer Todd McCarthy - lawyer Joseph Griffiths - Meagan Whittaker
- Lynn Parker - lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki - Giovanna Toscano-Roccamo, Mediator - former and
now retired judicator. Much time was waisted on Zoom at Mikolaj Grodzki's office with Syrmo
Yerou, my three boys, and I. All that those people completed was an increase of their own
wages and not mine. Every time they would shut down Zoom or break apart to huddle in
Chambers as it were, they'd come back all together online and nothing would be increased
concerning my lost wages. I was a single-man with my boys in front of them? They burnt my
jib. So, I got up and told Syrmo Yerou to gather her things, for we were about to exit a
conspired, planned "Mediation 2" for lawyers and insurers and not for a victim and his family.
Thank goodness I recorded it.
But, why was Todd McCarthy present. I never did authorised Todd McCarthy to be
involved with my case. This is criminal unprofessional conduct as well as malfeasance.
Please read the Criminal Code of Canada.
On December 21st, 2020: DECISION with judicator Adriana Doyle of the Superior Court of
Justice of Ontario. She never clarified a trial date, for she only stated that trial commence in
March of 2021 because there was no court order by former judicator Giovanna Toscano-
Roccamo. There was no beacon for judicator Adriana Doyle. I never was requested to be
present either. Did it take place in Ajax, Ontario or Whitby, Ontario? Was lawyer Todd
McCarthy practising law without me? Was it over Zoom? If it were via Zoom, then, why
was I not invited? Transparency is the root of austerity. I would have had the right to demand
that judicator Adriana Doyle not infringe upon my fundamental human right by "compelling" me
to associate with other health practitioners, especially psychos et al. because the Prima Facie
Existe a Hopital. The entire file exists at the Ottawa Hospital. OHIP supplies a synopsis of my
medical record to all doctors who access my OHIP via my ID card. OHIP does not supply my
complete medical file from hospital that will include, x-rays, cat-scans, graphs, or nurses' notes.
Only I have them. I was the only one who ordered it from hospital. Only my name will appear
on the Request for File - Prima Facie. I was not given the Equal Opportunity to Justice - to
make my case or defend my rights. That's a bad practice of law, Todd McCarthy of Flaherty
McCarthy, 132 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario, Canada - disbarment allegations here. He
was not willing to have me present. Conspiracy!
On December 21st, 2020: Melissa Chowns of AssessMed from Airport Road, Mississauga. She
wrote that I had to associate with neuropsychologist Paul Duhamel. An appointment had been
made by McCague Borlack. I do not know these people nor do I care. Yet, I had to be at Pro
Physio and Sports Medicine Centre Parkdale, Ottawa at 09:30 to 17:30 hundred hours. Fine
imposition of $2,500.00 for missed appointment. No transportation information for me, none
written by Melissa Chowns, Referral Department Manager of AssessMed, 5945 Airport Road,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Did she not think of a pick up or drop off for a victim to get at an
assessment in the dead of winter? No. But, her company was willing to fly medical doctors?
Crime Is Rooted in Greed. Follow the Money to Find the Crime.
On January 28th, 2021: As ordered Psychiatric Examination at ProPhysio with psychiatrist Sujay
Patel at 15:30 to 16:45 hundred hours. This was expected by Melissa Chowns again and
McCague Borlack. Transportation was not organised by AssessMed et al. I went to Pro Physio
again by foot. I had to readjust on the doctor's table; however, Sujay Patel took a fit when I
asked him to take his coat off the doctor's table. He refused. I was in pain. I put it on the floor
myself and began to readjust. He told me that he would call the police. I told him to go ahead.
As if he could not see that I was in extreme pain readjusting my spine on his doctor's table. Go
ahead with your psychotic abuse of power. He is unprofessional and needs to have his license
removed. And to top things off, Mikolaj Grodzki was not allowed to witness all that when I had
demanded that he be present in the first place just like with Una Wallace. I demanded Mikolaj
Grodzki witness the harassment and abuse, despite being isolated to the lobby, yet hopeful
maybe with any luck witness the psych-interrogation itself. No luck. All of that was because I
was not given the chance to be present with judicator Adriana Doyle. This was criminal
harassment what they put me through just so that I can get help. Then, oh my goodness, Mikolaj
Grodzki does nothing about it. He does not inform the police. I froze that day. I was so sick.
My scoliosis inflamed. My whole body was torn. They photographed me as well. My privacy
raped. Why was I not invited to tell a judicator that I demanded no longer to associate with
psychos et al.? Who is this Todd McCarthy guy in Whitby, Ontario, Canada? He was never my
On March 1st, 2021: Supposedly, there was a Pre-Trial with judicator Robert Beaudoin. It was
held at lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki's office over Zoom's Internet Video-Conferencing Services,
which was not decoded either, thus available for anyone to download. It was not being recorded
by a stenographer or Crown Clerk for transcript purposes, so I told Robert Beaudoin. (It may
had been recorded like a YouTube video but not for transcript.) He asked me why I wanted it to
be recorded. I demanded it to be recorded in case I needed a copy in writ. This was the same
discrimination that medical doctors embraced when I demanded my medical files. What is
wrong with this country? Secrecy! That's what. And I knew it long ago. So, thank goodness
that I did record everything myself. I walked out. That was not a "Pre-Trial." It was a make-
shift mediation. Transparency is austere, Robert Beaudoin. There was never an order for a Pre-
Trial for March 1st, 2021 in the first place by Giovanna Toscano-Roccamo on March 29th, 2019.
I'm slow but not stupid. Another crime. Others that were present were Wayne Nunes of TD
Insurance, Insurer Kevin Temple, Alice as Clerk, Mikolaj Grodzki, Joseph Griffiths, and Todd
McCarthy - of course, I.
In the end, I am forced to be presented with a Settlement that is unconstitutional. Yes, I need
help; however, I must not relinquish my fundamental human rights. I would not have taught this
to my pupils in Iraq, sorry. Thus, please help me, my kind ladies and gentle men. We must stop
this form of criminal harassment perpetually placed upon victims of car crashes. More people's
lives are destroyed by a tin-can on wheels than by a gun in Canada. Trust me, I've seen a lot of
guns in Iraq. So, let's work together and safe guard our people from corporate dereliction of
duty. I now owe money to my chiro - no teeth yet, too. Please help by also demanding that they
at least help me with those two things. Thanks. I trust further that you will take matters in
appropriate, legal fashion. Thank you in advance, sir. I feel that your words and actions will
touch people as they had touched me when I read about my little buddy, Clinton. Thank you.
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
You can also call Trevor Watson at (613) 236-1222, ext. 4539 to verify.