Athlete Meet Guide

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The Athlete Meet Guide AGM) objective is to provide an android
application which manages the activity of an Athlete Meet of College
Students. It also manages the selection activity of students to college and to
state level. The users will consume less amount of time when compared to
manual paper work through the automated system. The system will take care
of all the servicing activity in a quick manner. Data storing is easier. It will be
able to check any report at any time. Paper work and manual work is
reduced. The system is user friendly and easy to use.

This application can be used by two users, one is the Admin (Staffs or
Selection panel) and the other is the student (Participants of sports meet).
There are 5 different sports. A list of players will be displayed and also the
upcoming tournaments will be shown according to the particular sport. This
system also does the selection procedure to the college level and the state level
competition. To the college level all the players are allowed to play. Whereas
to the state level, the best players will be selected from the college level list
which will be also saved in the database.


1. REGISTRATION: The first procedure is the student registration.

Here the employee enters all the details of a student including the
sport they like to participate. All these information will be stored
in the database.
2. FIXTURES: Here depending on the sport, the tournament date
and the venue is saved in the database for further confirmation.
3. PLAYERS: A list of players will be displayed and also the
upcoming tournaments will be shown according to the particular
4. SELECTION PROCEDURE: The system also does the selection
procedure to the college level and the state level competition. To
the college level all the players are allowed to play. Where to the
state level, the best players will be selected from the college level
list which will be also saved in the database.


In this existing system, normally in school/college they announce games

tournament schedule in notice board. Every report based on hard copy. When
we see the notice board students can’t apply directly. They need to inform to
higher officials. If the hard copy might be missing we can’t get further


1. Waste of time

2. Apply Procedure Are Complicated


In this proposed system, everything is android based. Student or staff

any one can update sports details, retrieve the details, send application,
receive confirmation via mail.

1. Less time consume.

2. Apply procedure is very easy.
3. We can easily retrieve and update data.


Hardware Requirements:

• System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

• Hard Disk : 40 GB.
• Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
• Monitor : 14’ Colour Monitor.
• Mouse : Optical Mouse.
• Ram : 512 Mb.

Software Requirements:

• Operating system : Windows 7 Ultimate.

• Coding Language : JAVA
• Front-End : Eclipse
• Data Base : SQLite Manager

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