Lack of Sustainability in Appointment of Faculty in Higher Educational Institutions and Colleges

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Lack of sustainability in appointment of Faculty in Higher Educational Institutions and Colleges


PS Number : DR712
Topic : Lack of sustainability in appointment of Faculty in Higher Educational Institutions
and Colleges.
Domain : Smart Education
Organization : All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

Description :

"Background: Retirement of faculties and appointment of faculties in colleges is not

standardised in our country. While retirements are mandatory on superannuation, steps to fill
up the vacancy that arises immediately is lacking. When a vacancy arises in the middle of the
academic year on account of the superannuation of a faculty, the students are the victims.
There should be state or National registry or databank to assess the actual faculty requirement
college-wise keeping in view the date of retirement and number of teachers who retire, so that
recruitment process can start well in advance and the faculty is readily available as soon as a
faculty retires. Standard of education in India cannot be improved unless we fill all the
vacancies every year selecting suitable candidates. Summary: Faculty’s appointment in
colleges tend to be slow in our country when there is an immediate need of faculty. This
happens because in so short notice it is impossible to get a faculty for the college. This
problem makes the students victim where they lack behind in their academics. Addressing
this problem can help in appointing faculties in a very roburst process. Objective: : We need
you to create an app which will indicate the future vacancies and positions so that proper
planning of recruitment is possible. All the data of faculties who are retiring or leaving the
institute should be updated in the app and simultaneously find out faculties for that position
who are ready to join. This would help to decrease in manually searching for faculties and
automatically find and contact the faculties who are interested to join."
Lack of sustainability in appointment of Faculty in Higher Educational Institutions and Colleges


Hardware Requirements:
 System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
 Hard Disk : 40 GB.
 Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
 Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
 Mouse : Logitech.
 Ram : 1 GB.

Software Requirements:

 Operating system : Windows XP.

 IDE : Android Studio
 Language : Java
 Tool : XAMPP
 Server : Apache
 Database : MySql

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