EIT DEng Brochure

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Doctor of Engineering

A note regarding recognition of these programs in the Australian education system: EIT is the owner of these programs.
These qualifications are officially accredited by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). EIT delivers
these programs to students worldwide.
Introduction Program Structure
Graduates of the Professional Doctor of Engineering The third year of the Doctorate of Engineering is the YEAR 1 Units Research or Credit
(DEng) will be able to make original and significant dissertation year. Here the candidate will be expected to Coursework Points
contributions to the development, application and extend their work on the project that they have developed
evaluation of professional knowledge by engaging with over the first and second year. The candidate will draw Terms 1 & 2 • DEng601 - Engineering Practise and Key Research Methodology Coursework 4
practical problems of demonstrated importance to their upon the research training, course learning, and research (1 semester) • DEng602 - Technology Evaluation and Intellectual Property Coursework 4
employment context and the wider body of engineering undertaken during the second year, to support this • DEng603 - Applied Mathematical Modelling and Simulation Coursework 4
and technical knowledge. substantive body of work at AQF Level 10. This must • *DEng604 - Data Acquisition Coursework 4
make a significant and original contribution to knowledge
Successful completion of the course will equip the in the context of professional practice. In other words Terms 3 & 4 • DEng700 - Research Project Proposal (over 2 terms) Research 12
graduate to take a leading role in the development of the doctoral candidate must create new knowledge (1 semester)
research investigations into current and future problems which can be applied in an industrial context. Academic
of industrial and community concern within their area of supervision coupled with guidance from an industry YEAR 2
expertise. The program will give candidates the skills and advisor will be an integral part of this part of the program. Terms 1 & 2 • *DEng801 - Advanced Data Analysis Coursework 8
experience to act as independent researchers or group (1 semester) • DEng802 - Doctoral Dissertation Research Paper 1 Research 14
leaders for investigations of practical importance in their
professional area over their professional life. Terms 3 & 4 • *DEng803 - Big Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition Coursework 8

Why EIT?
(1 semester) • DEng804 - Doctoral Dissertation Research Paper 2 Research 14
The doctorate will run over three years (with four 12-
week terms per year). The first year consists of four YEAR 3
academic coursework units and a research project
proposal which allows candidates to demonstrate their Terms 1 - 4 • DEng900 - Doctoral Dissertation (over 4 terms) Research 48
aptitude for research by undertaking a state-of-the-art Engineering Specialist (2 semesters)
literature review, which extends knowledge and skills We are one of the only institutes in the world
attained in their undergraduate program and the four specializing in engineering. Total Coursework Units (equivalent to 2 semesters) 32
foundation doctoral units.
Industry-Oriented Programs Total Research Units (equivalent to 4 semesters) 88
The second year of the DEng will require the candidate Our programs are designed by an international body
to successfully complete a further four units (two course of industry experts, ensuring you graduate with TOTAL CREDIT POINTS (equivalent to 6 semesters or 3 years) 120
work and two research units) that will address deeper cutting-edge skills that are valued by employers
concepts in their discipline area. Each of these units around the world. Our program content will remain * Elective units - Other approved postgraduate unit/s as appropriate to the relevant field of study (Master- year 2 level unit)
will have a significant research component as required current with rapidly changing technology and industry can be taken on by the student in consultation with their supervisor. These alternative unit/s, endorsed by the supervisor,
by AQF Level 9/10. Complex theory will be applied to developments. must be approved by the ACC/Deputy Dean. DEng801 & DEng803 units need to be substituted with 2 MEng elective units for
current industry problems. The synergies and importance credit equivalence.
of theoretical constructs to professional practice will be Industry Experienced Lecturers
explored in detail. The second year has the important Our lecturers and supervisors include highly
objective of providing the candidate with appropriate experienced engineers and academics with high
skills and expert knowledge to undertake a doctoral level standing in their field of expertise. › Formulate a significant problem to engineering What you will gain
dissertation in the final year with the requisite rigour; practitioners in their field, which can be addressed 1. Skills and knowledge to perform detailed technical
this includes identifying a suitable research problem and World-Class Australian Accredited Education with new knowledge created through original investigation, applied research and development to
undertaking introductory literature review relative to the Like all Australian higher education providers and research, innovation and entrepreneurial approach; provide innovative solutions
chosen topic. universities, EIT programs are accredited by the 2. Acquire deep technical knowledge and research
exacting standards of the Australian Government’s › Using intellectual independence, performa complex management skills
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency investigation, critically review literature, and 3. Ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and
(TEQSA). Many of our degrees are also recognized present the problem and argue its significance to accurately
under international engineering accords. professional, and lay audiences 4. Contribute to the profession through original body of

Unique Delivery Model › Plan an approach to undertake original research to

knowledge and work
5. A valuable and accredited Doctor of Engineering
Our unique online delivery methodology makes use of provide realisable solutions to unpredictable and
live and interactive tutorials, an international pool of complex problem, considering previous work;
6. Global networking contacts in academia and industry
expert lecturers, dedicated learning support officers,
and state-of-the-art technologies such as hands- › Justify the contribution of knowledge, method,
7. Improved career options

on workshops, remote laboratories, and simulation schedule , risk management plan and required
software. Our supportive blended learning model resources
and small class sizes encourage you to advance your
Who will benefit
technical knowledge and remain engaged in your › Obtain relevant ethical or other expert approvals to This program is highly recommended for engineering
undertake and manage the research in a rigorous professionals who have a passion for engineering and want
studies while forming global networks and balancing
and ethical manner to contribute to the profession through original contribution of
life and work commitments.
knowledge within the context of professional practice. It can
› Critically analyze data and report using various include engineering professionals from any engineering field.
tools and media to practitioners and researchers
in the candidate’ field, and to lay people: results,
methods and analysis, comparison with previous
› Mechanical Engineering › Mechatronics Engineering
work; originality and significance of the research; › Electrical Engineering › Industrial Automation
limitations; implications for theory, practice, and › Civil Engineering › Process Engineering
society; and recommendations for further research.
CRICOS Provider Number: 03567C • Higher Education Provider Number: 14008 • RTO Provider Number: 51971 • ABN: 39 135 762 426 • v07 › Electronic Engineering › Robotics Engineering
Why Online?
EIT recognizes that many students have work and family commitments that make pursuing
further study very challenging. Our online programs have been specifically designed to reduce
the significant financial, time and travel commitments often required by on-campus programs.

Entry Requirements Accreditation

To gain entry into this program, you need to meet EIT’s entry The Professional Doctor of Engineering accredited by the
requirements. All program entry requirements are available exacting standards of the Australian Government’s Tertiary
on the Doctor of Engineering program page on our website. Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).

Time Commitment Library Resources

Successful students will spend approximately 20 hours per In addition to academic resources delivered via our learning
week for coursework units in order to cover the material management system, Moodle, we provide access to an
adequately. extensive online eLibrary and a wide range of engineering-
focused library collections including over 160 technical
This includes the preparatory readings, attendance at each engineering manuals.
tutorial and the time required to complete the assignments
and laboratory work. The research component of the course IEEE Xplore STEM45 Journal
will require a larger time commitment from students. Unlimited full text access to 45 selected IEEE Journals.
Elsevier Knovel® for Academia
Delivery A cloud-based service that offers students and faculty 24x7
Our unique online delivery methodology makes use of live access to relevant and reliable technical information they
and interactive tutorials, an international pool of expert need wherever they are.
lecturers, dedicated learning support officers, and state-of- IDC Technical Manuals
the-art technologies such as hands-on workshops, remote Access to over 160 technical engineering manuals
laboratories, and simulation software. published by our sister company IDC Technologies.

How to Apply
Visit the EIT website and fill in the contact a course advisor form on the Doctor of Engineering program page
to receive program information and an application link.

Hardware Requirements
Component Minimum Supported Requirements

Operating Windows 7 or higher (Windows 10 recommended); or macOS 10.12 or higher (recommended)


Storage A minimum of 4GB memory (RAM), and a minimum of 20GB of spare disk space is recommended

Processor 1.5Ghz or higher, 2 cores or higher

Screen An 11” Monitor with at least 1024x768 screen resolution

Internet Internet access with at least 5Mbps download and upload speeds

Email A valid personal email address

Software Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) or similar software

Browser An up-to-date web browser

Equipment Speakers, microphone/headset (can be built-in) and a webcam that can recognize your face for
invigilated (online) exams


The information contained in this publication is accurate and current at the date of publishing. For up-to-date information,
please visit our website: www.eit.edu.au.
CRICOS Provider Number: 03567C • Higher Education Provider Number: 14008 • RTO Provider Number: 51971 • ABN: 39 135 762 426 • v07

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