Manufacturing Processes Clo

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Training cum workshop

Outcome based Education (OBE) Accreditation system
IMD, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi


Exercise No. 1

Q. Develop Vision and Mission of IM Department.

Vision To be the leader in the field of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, to

Statement produce high quality leaders and managers for the industry.

Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IMD) aims to be

the leading entity in the relevant filed by high quality research, education
and innovation to produce competent human resource, capable of
performing complex task in an environment friendly and socio-economic

Q. Develop Program Education Objectives for your respective programs (not more than 4).

Sr.No PEOS Narration

To provide students with strong knowledge in industrial and
1 PEO 1 manufacturing engineering and design methodology based on analytical,
scientific and engineering principles.
Prepare students for technical and management careers with qualities of;
2 PEO 2
critical thinking, problem solving and effective communication.
Provide the understanding of gained knowledge on society, national
3 PEO 3 economy and global environment, and contribute in a well-informed
ethical and responsible manner of society.
To enable student to work independently as well in diverse teams for
4 PEO 4
continual professional growth.

Q. Map PEO’s with vision and mission of the University and IM department.

Mapping of University’s Vision and Mission and IMD Vision and Mission
1 O2 3 4
1 University  NED University of Engineering and X X X X
Vision and Technology believes in establishing
Mission environment conducive to
continual improvement in its
efforts for providing the highest
level of quality education.
 This University is making all out
efforts to raise its standards
through teaching excellence and
quality research. These efforts are
carried out with involvement of
the entire University work force to
obtain utmost possible satisfaction
of its customers.
 Our endeavors are to make our
students useful to society in
particular and to humanity in
general. In dealings with industry
and utilities, attempts are made to
maintain standards of integrity as
well as quality.

To be the leader in the field of

Industrial and Manufacturing
2 IMD Vision X X X X
Engineering, to produce high quality
leaders and managers for the industry.
Department of Industrial and
Manufacturing Engineering (IMD) aims
to be the leading entity in the relevant
filed by high quality research,
3 education and innovation to produce X X X X
competent human resource, capable of
performing complex task in an
environment friendly and socio-
economic manner.
Exercise No. 2

Q. Discuss on the different PEC Program Outcomes, and briefly explain how they can be measured.

No PLO Mechanism 1 Mechanism 2 Mechanism 3
1 Engineering Knowledge
2 Problem Analysis
3 Design/Development of Solutions
4 Investigation
5 Modern Tool Usage
6 The Engineer and Society
7 Environment and Sustainability
8 Ethics
9 Individual and Team Work
10 Communication
11 Project Management
12 Lifelong Learning

Q. Establish mapping of the PEOs developed in Exercise 1 with the PLOs adopted from PEC

Sr. No. PLO PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3 PEO 4

1 Engineering Knowledge
2 Problem Analysis
3 Design/Development of Solutions
4 Investigation
5 Modern Tool Usage
6 The Engineer and Society
7 Environment and Sustainability
8 Ethics
9 Individual and Team Work
10 Communication
11 Project Management
12 Lifelong Learning
Exercise No. 3

Q. CLO Development and Mapping for your course

Sr. Programme
Taxonomy Assessment Record/
No CLOs learning outcome
level Tool Evidence
. (PLO)
Able to Understand Mid
1 various C2 1 term/Final
manufacturing processes exam
Able to Select the right
type of operation and its
Parameters for
2 C4 3 Assignment
manufacturing processes

Able to perform
machining and welding
3 P3 4 Lab work
experiment as per

Note: A course file will be maintained with each subject teacher for the evidence

Q. Rubric (Psychomotor) for lab work of your course

Sr. Skill Set 1 2 3 4 Total

1  Set-up of  Set-up of  Set-up of  All
Set-up and equipment is equipment equipment is equipment
Equipment Care not accurate, is generally generally accurately
help is workable accurate with placed
required with 1 or 2 small  All
with several several details that necessary
major details details that need supplies on
 Many need refinement hand
necessary refinement  All necessary
supplies  Some supplies on
must found necessary hand
in mid-lab supplies
must be
2  Lacks the  Demonstrat  Demonstrates  Demonstrat
Following appropriate es general good es sound
Procedure knowledge knowledge knowledge of knowledge
of the lab of lab the lab of lab
procedures procedures procedures procedures
 Often  Requires  Will ask peers  Will discuss
requires help from for help with with peers
help from teacher problems in to solve
the teacher with some lab problems
to even steps in procedures in
complete procedures  Works to procedures
basic follow each  Carefully
procedures step before follows
moving on to each step
the next step
3 Response to The purpose The purpose The purpose of The purpose
questions of the lab or of the lab or the lab or the of the lab or
the question the question question to be the question
to be to be answered to be
answered answered during the lab answered
during the lab during the is identified, during the
is erroneous lab is but is stated in lab is clearly
or irrelevant partially a somewhat identified
identified, unclear and stated.
and is stated manner.
in a
4 Safety  Proper safety  Proper  Proper safety  Proper
precautions safety precautions safety
are precautions are generally procedures
consistently are often used are
missed missed  May need to consistentl
 Needs to be  Needs to be be reminded y used
reminded reminded once during  Uses
often during more than the lab general
the lab once reminders
during the of safe
lab practices

Q. Final Year Project Rubric

Final year project

Extent of Achievement
Skill Set 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total

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